The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 18.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Avery, Sekura and Kellixae continued down the path, a few faces watching them pass from the shadows. Particularly, their eyes trained on Sekura as she walked merrily with Kellixae and Avery. The Flaaffy still had a tinge of worry on her face, trying to pretend to not notice.


    Avery made a note to ask about those hooded figures later.


    ‘Are they brigands or something…?’


    Soon, Kellixae pointed to a lit alley between two wood buildings, a column of light pouring from betwixt them. Following her, the group moved between the buildings. The pathways here were cramped, the buildings a little taller. It was like a maze, this area, the alleys at times only one Poke’mon wide.


    Lanterns hung overhead on cross-beams, lighting a path deeper and deeper into the secretive network of alleys, as though they were plunging down into some secret society or underground club.


    It was hard for Avery to really keep track of where he was here, too – but as long as they went back to Kellixae’s at the end of the night, he’d be able to find his way back out of the district, and back to the wall. Part of him was worried about being attacked, now that he knew that was a real concern – but maybe he could ask Kellixae about that before the night was out. Maybe when Sekura wasn’t here…the Mawile didn’t really seem to want to talk about that stuff.


    They all continued, the open air above replaced with an awning nailed to the sides of the buildings on either side of the alley, as though trying to even further keep secret everything here. Kellixae stepped forward, opening a creaking wooden gate set up in the alley, Sekura stepping forward and holding it for Avery.


    More and more it felt cramped.


    Until at last, there was a sound. Muted. Echoing dully across the wood. A noise…a song. Louder with every corner turned. Sekura chuckled.


    “Not much of prime real estate, is it?” She asked.


    “In this city? It could not be betterr for Illamini op Arceali, hm?” Kellixae replied, laughing.


    Louder…the music was…different from Arcean music. In the market district Avery would hear strings and soft music on the stone. But this, what his heard…


    …it sounded like horns. Bombastic and blaring and fast paced, drums slamming jubilantly, strings plucked with reckless abandon. It was music that was all fun and nothing besides.


    The group rounded a corner, coming upon a BRIGHT light in the alley, leading down to a medium sized court yard betwixt four buildings, an awning tightly affixed above.


    And immediately Avery was BLASTED with the energy.


    A band stood upon a patch of dirt, booming loud, thumping music that rattled the Plusle’s skull. Poke’mon all around them cheered and clapped. Heat BLASTED out over the courtyard as the cook, no doubt Olkae, practically danced around a huge stone grill, an INFERNO blazing under a steel chimmey, smoke and delicious smells rolling over the ground.


    The laughter roared, the singing, too. Poke’mon puffed at rolls of totter in leaves. Wood cups clattered to the dirt ground, empty. Indistinct shouts in native Illamini rocked the courtyard.


    Avery’s jaw dropped. This was…loud. Rambunctious. Almost a party.


    No. No no, not almost. This was a party, through and through. No wonder this was hidden away! It had to be, lest it attracted the guards…! Just look at this place!


    And at once, Kellixae relaxed, her posture straightening with Sekura. The Mawile beamed to them both.


    “Looks packed tonight, just how you like it, huh, Kelly?”


    Love it~!” Kellixae let out a relieved breath, smiling wistfully. She looked more comfortable than Avery had ever seen her before.


    “…Wow,” Avery breathed. He almost felt intimidated to a degree. Being a guild member, he was used to things of this volume being dangerous of some sort – even the raffle house and chuckle bar hadn’t been this raucous. But there was no danger here. So…there was a weird sort of dissonance in his head.


    ‘Nothing I can’t get used to though! After all…everyone here seems to be having a very good time. Kellixae especially.’


    “How do you even approach something like this…??”


    “Apprroach?” Kellixae hummed, smiling. “Just go with it. Ah, but…”


    She tapped a paw to Avery’s chest, gesturing to his badge.


    “I think you may be able to lose the badge now.”


    A suggestion…or maybe a slight bit more. Sekura rolled her eyes with a smile, excitedly bounding towards a table. Immediately the men and women hugged at her, kissing her cheek as she was practically assimilated into their group, offered drinks.


    “DOCU!!!” Olkae’s voice ROARED from the front, the Raichu using a massive iron spatula to doposit smoking, charred mushrooms onto a massive bowl. “HSEPFO GAPHJO GSOVVO!!!!”


    A group of men, not even looking like workers, came and collected the bowl, dropping a MASSIVE mushroom on the big plate on each table, which every group picked at with skewers, filling their mugs with kegs set by each table.


    “Oh, and Avery?” Kellixae continued. “Perrhaps it would be best if you remember your Illamini op Arceali parents, if anyone asks. Illamini born in Arcea are not uncommon.”


    Another suggestion. How to blend in.


    Avery swallowed, taking his badge off as suggested and stowing it. He was…a little more uncomfortable than he’d have liked to admit. He was the leader of Team Azure, he’d conquered dungeons, braved the Deep Dimension! And the place his nerve faltered was a barbecue?


    “I can’t…really understand what anyone’s saying though,” Avery whispered, looking up at Kellixae. “Will I have to speak Illaminian…? Or make up names or something? I’m not from here, but…I’m not really from anywhere.”


    He was out of his element. But he wanted to have fun here, he wanted to try.


    “Oh no no, no need forr that.” Kellixae shook her head. “Avery is fine, so is Arrcean, just do not be put off if we speak ourr comforrtable tongue?”


    “Ijo, tohpusope! Qisdji tveo tumu op qoifo? Woipo, apotdovo e puo!” A voice from the table shouted merrily. Sekura laughed and turned to Kellixae and Avery, waving the both of them over.


    Tdate! I me tae qsone wumve!” Kellixae called back, grabbing Avery’s hand and leading him toward the table Sekura sat at, at least 4 other total strangers all around them, sitting shoulder to shoulder. Totter juice on their breath, smiles about. Avery could feel the music thrumming through the ground. Added to their group suddenly was an older Chatot lady, a Fletchinder woman, an Absol man and a Dewgong girl.


    Each of them swayed in the torchlight.


    “We cipi, vavvo!” A voice from the band roared happily. “Raimmu ise om si fo ‘Swingini’! Qis gewusi, etdumve evvipvenipvi, qsiqese om vau dausi QIS RAITVU!!!”


    Avery gave the others a slightly nervous smile. It…made him a little anxious not to know what they were saying, but…he trusted Kellixae. It’d be fine.


    “Oh, but, do parrdon my frriend. He doesn’t have much in the way of the old tongue.” Kellixae said, switching to Arcean. The Fletchinder woman snickered, whispering to the Chatot.


    “Aww, that is ok! Very ok!” The Chatot cooed. “He is verry cute. Werre you borrn here in Arrcea, cim gehoumu~?”


    Avery jolted a bit, looking up at the Chatot.


    “Ah, uh…yes?” Should he lie? He didn’t know where he was born. “I think so, yes.”


    ‘I think so??? What is that supposed to mean?? Am I really going to just think up a story on the spot??’


    “I’ve been here as long as I can remember, anyway…though I’ve never seen a place like this before…! It’s…it’s so lively…!” The Plusle’s eyes wandered to the flaming grill, then back to his conversation partner, giving her a smile. “My name is Avery, it’s very nice to meet you all…!”


    “Ooooh, Mao i duto desopu~!” The Dewdong girl giggled, Sekura shoving her playfully.


    “Aw, that is okay-dokie. Averry, yes? Did you parrents give an Illamini name, as Sekura here?” The Chatot asked, her Arcean clearly less fluent than Sekura or Kellixae. The Flaaffy stepped in for him.


    “No, no, they just gave the Arrcean name, just to let him be…ah, what is the word…” Kellixae clicked her tongue in though, shaking her head. “You know…opvihsevu?”


    “Ah, integrrated.” The Chatot nodded.


    “Baaahhh.” The Absol cut in, taking a swig of totter juice. “Good of you…to come to this place. Get taste of HOME. Your OLD COUNTRY, yes?”


    Kellixae took a skewering rod, poking into the big steaming mushroom on the big plate. The big plate also had some meat plant roast and berries and bread sticks and sauce all in a big cacophony of food dumped onto a shared plate. Nobody ordered anything, the food simply came.


    “DOCU! GUSNEHHOU GSOVVU!” Olkae’s voice roared again, the Raichu loudly scraping a bunch of fried and breaded cheese into a massive bowl. Sekura perked up excitedly.


    “Oooh, my favorite!” She squealed, clapping her hands together. A wood cup of totter juice was set in front of Avery. “Avery, you must try the fried cheese!”


    The Plusle looked down at his reflection in the totter juice, then turned to face Kellixae, who was…more or less making up a past for him. He was very appreciative of her for helping him blend in…! He wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it himself. Avery took a polite sip of the totter juice, his ears perking when Sekura said his name.


    “Fried cheese…?” Avery asked, trying to follow what was happening. “Okay…! I…hm. Right. My satchel.”


    He bit his lip.


    “…Kellixae, I’m sorry, I didn’t bring my satchel. I can pay you back tomorrow morning, I promise…!”


    “Oh no need, om nou gehoumu~!” The Chatot lady cooed, producing her own satchel. “I get big payout today. I pay forr you, yes!”


    “Aww, that is sweet of you.” Kellixae smiled warmly, leaning over to kiss the Chatot on the cheek, the woman giggling warmly.


    Everyone sat close together, banging on the table as the band SHRILLED the final note. Cheering ERUPTED from the crowd of Poke’mon at the grill. Two men were stood in the middle, singing and dancing with one another, much to everyone’s amusement.



    “So…is little Arrcean-in-trraining enjoying self?” The Absol gruffly spoke, smirking. Sekura scooted over to let a man walk over, leaning over to deposit a glob of fried cheese into the group’s bowl. Kellixae leaned on Avery.


    “Do not crrowd the boy, now.” Sekura giggled, her fake Arcean accent slipping, waving a hand as she rolled some cheese for herself. “Let us talk of you. Was your name, ah, Finae?”


    “To! To!” The Dewdong replied. “Nou nesovu, rao, to djoene Kissini.”


    “Oho, Kisso, good to meet you, yes!” Sekura said, leaning over to hug and deliver a cheek kiss to the Absol, the Absol returning the gesture. The Mawile was, thankfully, helping to take pressure of Avery.


    Kellixae grinned as she leaned into the Plusle. Avery looked down at her as the others continued talking, Kellixae whispering.


    “What do you think…?” Kellixae asked, her voice quiet but audible over the noise.


    “It’s a lot,” Avery whispered, looking back at her. “…But everyone seems really friendly…! I’m going to try and take everything in stride, but…if it’s alright with you, Kellixae, perhaps…”


    Avery took a bit of the cheese, trying to figure out…exactly how to eat it. It smelled good, and looked good, but…was he just meant to skewer it?


    “I think maybe…I’d like to learn a bit of your-er…our native tongue.” Avery said. “After all, if I’m going to be here every so often, I’d like to meet people where they’re at…! And…I think learning new languages to make new friends is always a good thing, right?”


    While he said this, he was trying to keep track of names, and words in his head. Finae was the Dewgong, as far as he could tell – and Kissini, or Kisso, was the Absol. They seemed to kiss on the cheek for greeting, and…he had to assume ‘To’ meant ‘yes’. At least…he thought so.


    Kellixae smiled, leaning over and kissing Avery on the forehead. The table felt so warm with everyone so packed together, especially with the Flaaffy nestled so close to Avery. It seemed like that was a common gesture.


    “Of courrse, Avery, I would be happy to teach when I can.” She said softly, her smile bright and sunny. Kellixae was like a different Poke’mon here. Radiant, welcoming, kind. This must have been the real Kellixae, the woman as she was before she crossed the border, back home in old Illamini.


    “Avery, will you have any?” Sekura called out. The Plusle could see her twisting the skewer in the cheese, tearing a bit off the main glob. A skewer sat by him. “Do trry! Olkae has outdone herrself!”


    Kellixae smiled, taking a bit of mushroom and twirling it in cheese, biting into it.


    “This is how it always was in the old countrry.” Kellixae whispered, glancing around. “None of the awkward distance frrom Poke’mon. Oh-so-rreserved music. And the modesty, always having to hide. Bah, not to my taste, no.”


    ‘…I know it was a gesture. I know it’s common, just a greeting, I know that…But I can’t help but flush a bit from the kiss.’


    Trying to dismiss it quickly, he followed Kellixae’s lead, skewering a mushroom piece, just like she had, and twirling it in the cheese. He had just popped it into his mouth just as the Chatot spoke up again.


    “Qoddumu gehoumu!” The Chatot lady piped up again, addressing the Plusle. “Averry! May I ask place you worrk? I worrk at librrarry! It is easy worrk, so long as only putting books on self.”


    The others laughed, the Fletchinder patting the Chatot on the back.


    “Mmmanagerr call you ‘stupid’?” The Fletchinder scoffed, the Chatot hand-waving her.


    “Not so bad! It is not so bad! Keep quiet and it is verry nice!” The Chatot was kindly speaking in Arcean for Avery’sr sake, even as it was difficult for her. The Fletchinder rolled her eyes, snickering.


    “Mmph-!” Avery pulled the skewer out, quickly trying to chew and swallow so he could answer – but the conversation was already moving on…sort of. “I didn’t know this city had a library, I don’t really get to go out much in the city – I just live a week at a time. I travel quite a bit though, for my job. Went, ah…went to Taeriana recently. And Souljraan before that.”


    He took another bite.


    “Out and into the city a lot, every day.”


    Avery figured that lying as little as possible was probably going to be good for him. He didn’t know enough about this city, Illaminamo, or the culture of either to lie convincingly. He’d just…try and speak vaguely based off what he did know.


    “AAAA SOULJREINI!” The Fletchinder bounced, recognizing the word. “Jeo duputdoavu Paulini?? Mio i ap Pidgeotini!!”


    The Chatot giggled.


    “She say: Did you meet friend ‘Paulae’, she is a Pidgeotto.” The Chatot said, scooting closer.


    “Hmm…I don’t think I met a Pidgeotto there,” Avery said, shaking his head. “I wasn’t there long, just delivering news to the Duke before heading to the Rocky Hills for a spell.”


    He took another little sip from his drink, starting to get a little more into the groove of everything here as the Chatot spoke up again.


    “Ah! Paulae…she is fresh Illamini op Arceali.” The Chatot said merrily. “Ran from Duphimevini.”


    “Oh oh? How is Duphimevu?” Sekura asked, mouth half full, requiring her to take a long swig of totter, something Kellixae matched. Both women were looking more and more inebriated as the night rolled on. “I might have met Paulae. She, too, was a hard working girl, loved seeing her.”


    “Mmm, you and yourr ‘harrd worrk’.” Kellixae giggled, locks swaying, taking another drink.


    “Kellixae, you know what I always say. Nothing in Illamini nor Arcea is out of reach with a little hard work.” Sekura said proudly. “My family had no money for furniture so what do we do? Make it! Our house is in shambles, we fix it! We take our money from Souljreini and get a beautiful stand in the market district. How is that for Illamini op Arceali?”


    “Bah, brag brag brag!” The Absol cut in, dismissive. “Sell books and cook food and make furniture and you thrive! Mm! But we do not. No, we are farmers, yes? Kellixae?”




    “You have a farmer body. I see it. Strong.” Kissus the Absol said, sipping his totter drink and nodding to the Flaaffy.


    “Oh yes. I kept it rrunning a long time. Sucked the grroundwaterr dry and still no rrain.” Kellixae shook her head with a sigh. “All that harrd worrk forr nothing. Now to herre I have rrun, tail between my legs and no plot of land to grrow on. No, now I worrk a bank stand and an item shop, hah!”


    Everyone at the table snickered. Seems they were all in the same boat. That was new information to Avery, Kellixae working farms before coming here. Others had mentioned droughts before…was that why there was so much migration happening, from Illaminamo to Arcea?


    ‘That might make sense…’


    “Oh, but! But! Averry!” The Chatot said. “That sounds good worrk! Like…what is the word…one who deliverrs things.”


    “Courier?” Sekura offered, the Chatot nodding emphatically.


    “To! To!” She affirmed. “I have friend that runs ‘courier’ jobs in Yahneri port!”


    “Courier, yeah,” Avery said with a little smile. “Oh, but, I’ve never actually been to Yahneri Port…! I’ve heard a lot of things about it, I know someone who’s from there. I’d really like to see more of the world – it’s why I think I’m really lucky doing what I’m doing. Maybe someday I’ll get to see Illaminamo…”


    Avery leaned forwards on the table.


    “Though I think I ought to learn some of the words before I visit…! Can’t very well go there if I can’t even ask where the nearest restaurant is without slipping into Engl- Arcean…!”


    “Well, no, you should not be speaking pit pillock in the old country!” Kissus laughed heartily, the others joining in, even Kellixae giggling a little.


    “I do not think I have been to this ‘Yahnerri porrt’, either.” Kellixae said. “Therre is not much time forr trravel these days, hm?”


    “No! Not with the qosunepo wandering around!” The Chatot lady put in with a huff. The Fletchinder grumbled, taking a long swig of her drink. Kellixae’s expression darkened for only a moment, though Sekura looked none the wiser.


    “Bah, no morre.” Kellixae waved away that conversation topic right away. “Let us just eat. Look!”


    At the front, Olkae’s fire FLARED into a massive searing ball of flames, everyone clapping and shouting excitedly.


    “DOCU!” Olkae shouted, dumping a BUNCH of multicolored, cooked berries into a massive saucer. “CEDDJI TEMEVI!”


    “Oooo!” The Chatot clapped her wings together. “I think I am still hungry for that!”


    “Nnnno more for mmmmeeeee…” The Fletchinder huffed, leaning back, rummaging in her satchel. The Absol took another drink of his totter, Sekura leaning on him. The Dewdong finished up her fried cheese.


    Even though he didn’t know much better, Avery found himself laughing along with them. The totter juice, the meals, the camaraderie, it all felt so warm. Or maybe that was the fire.


    “This Olkae really seems to enjoy her job, huh?” Avery laughed a bit. “It’s a wonder she doesn’t yell herself hoarse…! Glad for it though, the food’s delicious so far.”


    The Plusle managed to get a few of the berries, even dipping a few of them in the fried cheese from before, catching a few pieces of the cooked mushroom underneath. A group of 3 walked into the courtyard, cheering loudly, everyone cheering with them as they settled into a table with a group of five strangers.


    Sekura laughed, leaning on the table.


    “Olkae…she has a set of iron lungs, as they say. She can out-shout a thunderstorm.” Sekura said, skewering a few salted berries from the bowl. “Oh, to say nothing of the food. Was she from Ushuhmou originally? Poke’mon from the big city always have loud voices.”


    “Bah, I can not say, no.” The Absol drawled. “But she has Ushuhmou feel to her, yes.”


    The band kept playing loudly, the poke’mon shouting and cheering, the space under the awning feeling so warm as the night went on and on.


    Kellixae was still leaning on Avery, clearly a bit tipsy, swaying a bit to the thrumming music as the others talked. She looked over at Avery with a little smile.


    “I am…verry glad you came, Averry…” She whispered softly. Avery sat up a little, pushing himself up against Kellixae just a bit as the multitude of berries were added to the platter on their table. Avery’s hand found Kellixae’s, helping support the Flaaffy as she leaned on him.


    “I’m glad I came too.” Avery said. “It’s…still a little overwhelming, but…I’m having a lot of fun here…! It’s nice to get out and meet new people.”


    Kellixae smiled softly.


    “That is how it is in the old countrry…” Kellixae whispered, sighing wistfully. “I do wish to rreturrn one day…when things are betterr…if they everr arre.”


    Avery nodded with a sigh and a smile, nestling in and taking a moment to just bask in the atmosphere of the late night grill.


    How late was it, anyway? This place seemed to never sleep. It was only until the Chatot got up with the Fletchinder that Avery noticed how much time had passed.


    “Ok ok, nou fumdi gehoumu!” The Chatot cooed, leaning over and planting a loving kiss on Avery’s cheek. “I must go now. It was so nice meet you, Averry! I hope I will find you at Arceali library!”


    Once again, Avery’s face flushed…and, riding the moment, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on the Chatot’s cheek back. Maybe it was the totter juice making it easier, but…it felt natural, here, like this.


    “…You know…you never did give me your name, miss,” Avery said with a little chuckle. “But yes, if I ever have the free time, I would love to visit you at the library…! Take care, okay…?”


    “Oh oh! You can call me Wilae. My friend is Tikovae, here!” The Chatot said merrily, holding Avery’s shoulder and introducing him to the Fletchinder woman who looked to be about the Chatot’s age.


    “Qoedisi fo duputdisvo.” Tikovae said, stepping up to kiss Avery’s cheek as well. And so he kissed hers. It felt…more natural now. Better. “It hasss been a nnnnice night. Thank you very.”


    Wilae giggled to herself, Kellixae patting the Plusle’s shoulder.


     “Hopefully, next time we meet back here, I’ll be able to speak some Illaminian, ah? Maybe I could find a book on it in the library.” Avery gave the two of them a smile. “Have a nice night, the both of you…!”


    The both of them smiled merrily, waving as they left. The Absol sipped the last from his cup, just as the band started another thrumming tune.


    Kellixae sighed, taking one last roll of mushroom, salted berries and cheese, Sekura doing the same, finishing her drink.


    “Ahhh…it is not often we get to go out like this and so late.” Sekura said, patting Kellixae and the Absol on the shoulders.


    “Mm…the strreets feel saferr in grroups of thrree, yes?” Kellixae cooed, slurring slightly as she nuzzled into Avery. “But we should perhaps think of going soon. Wilae kept herr worrd, she paid for herrself and you, mhmhm…”


    Avery nodded, moving to slip off the stool – though he stopped when he felt Kellixae leaning up against him. Avery gently put a hand on her leg to balance her.


    “I should be getting back soon, too.” Avery sighed. “But… Thank you both. All of you, really, tonight has been… It’s been amazing. I think I needed this more than I realized.”


    He looked up at Kellixae.


    “… Should we head back?”


    Kellixae leaned back, stretching as Sekura gathered her payment for the front.


    “Mmmmhmmm…” Kelly quietly yawned, standing up from the stone table, taking Sekura’s hand.


    “Aw, that is good, Avery.” Sekura laughed, stepping up beside him, waving goodbye to the Dewdong and Absol couple. “Have things been stressful for you…? I can only imagine with the stories you have told.”


    The group walked back out into the alley, Sekura depositing something around 200p into a collections dish, for her and Kellixae. At once, the loud music was behind them again. The three had to side-step another group going the other way towards the grill. Arceliaze sounded alive as ever as the group emerged from the maze of alleyways. The music of the grill was completely muted by the thick labyrinth of buildings and awnings, a well kept secret.


    “… The last mission was… Very tough. Emotionally.” Avery faced Sekura. “… It turned out alright. You might end up seeing stories of Aquashock turning a new leaf…or, more likely, ‘throwing away years of work’ or something soon. But…It was taxing. And… “


    He deflated.


    “…I shouldn’t unload on you both too much, you’ve been so kind to me. I just…I wish that…” He hesitated. Sekura seemed to…deflate a little, hearing that about the guild, but perked up all the same as the Plusle continued. “… My team didn’t want me coming here tonight. They…it seems like they’re like everyone else. I just… I wish I could introduce Vizon and Nivanee to you, that I could show them the wonderful things here. But…not yet-“


    There was faint shouting echoing over the district.


    “No.” Kellixae said at once. Sekura perked up, looking at the Flaaffy. Kellixae stared at Avery with glazed eyes and a hardened expression. The look gave Avery pause but it quickly melted, Kellixae shaking her head with a sigh. “Ah, I mean…that does not surrprrise me, I admit. Such is the way of Arrcea. I apprreciate your company all the same…perrhaps morre than I would with yourr guildmates.”


    A compliment. A suggestion.


    “Aw, but…that is fine! They are smart and kind Poke’mon at the guild, especially Nivanee. She is a long-time idol of mine, you know!” Sekura beamed. Kellixae only huffed silently at the peppy mawile.


    Back outside, Kellixae sighed and hunched her posture again, just as a nearby guard was side-eying her.


    “I do wish yourr optimism was infectious…” Kellixae mused, looking away. “It is harrdly a surrprrise to hearr Vizon and…Nivanee would trry to barr you like a lost child, Avery.”


    Avery nodded a little with a sigh, following between the other two as they weaved their way through the alleys. Banitus’s shop was like this too. He glanced over to Kellixae, feeling a little odd how the Flaaffy seemed to act when his friends were brought up…and feeling even stranger watching Kellixae begin her hunched gait again, especially after seeing her so relaxed at the grill.


    Proud Illaminians had to hide.


    “Mmph…” Sekura squirmed, breaking the awkward silence that fell over the group. “They were…emotionally tough on you, Avery…? Oh dearr…”


    “…It was because of my amnesia,” Avery said. “Or, partially. They were worried I’d be attacked on the way here or back.”


    He decided not to tell them about Nivanee’s threat. Not with Sekura here.


    “From what I’ve heard that’s a danger…does it have to do with the Poke’mon in hoods I keep seeing?” Avery whispered. “I know there’s guards around…”


    “The hooded Pokémon…?” Kellixae asked, glancing around quickly, spotting one as they darted off. “Oh, no, not them. Nothing to fearr therre.”


    “Who…?” Sekura glanced over, trying to see. Kellixae shook her head.


    “Just a few good Pokémon helping us Illamini op Arceali herre…” Kellixae whispered. “But do not tell the guarrd of them. I do not think they even live here in Arrceliaze.”


    Sekura looked completely lost at what the Flaaffy was saying. Kellixae continued.


    “I norr anyone knows where it is they come from, only that they sometimes…keep us safe frrom the Arrceali guard.”


    “Safe…?” Sekura blinked, hands on her hips. “Why would you need be safe frrom guarrd?”


    Kellixae sighed but did not reply.


    Avery nodded a little.


    “Okay. That’s good to know,” He said with a little smile. He quickly changed the subject, turning to the Mawile. “Sorry, Sekura – ah, I should ask…! Do you have two jobs as well…? I know you work at the magazine stand.”


    “The bookstore, yes! That is my patents’ bookstore which I now run. It is just like the one we had in Duphimevu. Some of the books we sell are even from our collection back in the old country, whatever of that collection we could take with us.” Sekura nodded warmly. “As for that ‘service debt job’, of course, proudly! I am a warehouse worker by early morning and running the bookstore about by the time the guild wakes up, yes?”


    “I rrememberr I visited you, once, beforre worrk. Dawn had not even brroken yet and you alrready had your scarf on.” Kellixae softly laughed, keeping close to Avery as the group passed a guard. The Flaaffy only relaxed once they passed another large patrol of citizens. Avery laughed, too, trying to keep the atmosphere warm between them.


    The streets were more narrow here, softly lit by lamps. Another shout sounded off in the distance.


    “Again, thank you for tonight.” Avery sighed. “Maybe we could do it again sometime? I have a friend who I think would love to go to a place like that. She’s all for fire and food and friends – the, uh, Banitus’s regular! Lahnae, she’s great.”


    “Gracious, was it really Lahnae all along that was Banitus’s regular?” Sekura beamed excitedly. “She absolutely struck me as that sort of Pokémon!”


    Kellixae frowned, a gravelly hum escaping her lips.


    “Hmmm…again, I do wish I sharred in yourr optimism, but I suppose meeting herr would not hurrt.” Kellixae whispered quietly as Avery passed another guard. “Perrhaps a visit to the bank? We could…always…”


    Kellixae paused. Sekura stopped with her, looking back.


    “What is that smell?” Kellixae asked, eyes darting upward. Avery saw something in her eyes.






    As though she were seeing something he could not.


    “Kellixae?” Sekura began, looking worried. “What is it? Are you ok…?”


    “Smoke.” Kellixae breathed in terror. “Smoke, again, smoke. Wherre? Wherre?!”


    Sekura’s eyes widened in concern as she stepped forward to hold Kellixae’s shoulders.


    “You are scaring me, Kellixae. Do you smell…”


    Avery could smell it too. Smoke. Wood burning.


    There was a shout in the distance.


    “I must get home!” Kellixae hissed, pushing at Sekura. “Taishavio…Taishavio…!”


    Avery’s heart dropped. It took a moment for him to get its scent. But he nodded, setting himself.


    “Let’s go, quickly-!!”


    He didn’t know where the fire was, but from Kellixae’s urgency….It could be very close to her own home.


    “Now, now, you two…Avery, Kellixae…”


    “I must…! I must…!” Kellixae was hyperventilating, Sekura tried holding her but she was shoved aside, the farmer’s strength barreling over her.


    “It could just be spring kindling! Some twigs and leaves for a pyre, you know this!” Sekura called as the Flaaffy stumbled forward. “You simply had too much Totterr! Please, contrrol yourrself…!”


    Kellixae’s face looked side to side…up. staring at something invisible. Seeing something that terrified her.


    The shouting increased in volume.


    Sekura grunted, running after her, waving Avery along.


    The three made haste through the district, smelling smoke the whole time, following Kellixae as she made a desperate beeline for her house.


    Avery could hear Sekura’s sigh of relief as they all rounded the corner to find Kelluxae’s house. Untouched. Okay.


    The door was wide open, the Flaaffy already inside. Avery looked up at Sekura, panting.


    “What…a…are there… A-are there fires… O-often? S-she…” The Plusle heaved a breath.


    “Plenty during winter…even in spring. To get rid of fallen branches and twigs and warm the streets on occasion!” Sekura replied, huffing as she moved to the house. “I do not know why it makes her panic so…”


    Sekura stepped into the doorway, peering inside. There, in the hammock, Kellixae was already curled and cradling her confused Mareep son who looked at two at the door with a quizzical expression.


    Kellixae said nothing, only burying her face in Taishavio’s fluff, holding him tight.


    Shouts outside still echoed. Sekura sighed deeply, relieved to see them both okay.


    “…I… Would hazard a guess that she’s experienced losing something in a fire before,” Avery whispered. “…I’m glad that the smoke is normal though – hopefully that means everyone is alright.”


    The Plusle stepped up to the door, but didn’t walk inside.


    “… Kellixae…? Would you want me to bring Sekura home…? Or… I could stay here a little longer if you need someone.”


    Kellixae was silent, lost in her own world, shaking her head. It was unclear if she even heard him.


    “Gaudu! I ap gaudu!”


    A voice roared from the street. Sekura turned her head. Kellixae gave a muffled cry, curling tighter. Footsteps thundered past the house, a large group of Poke’mon rushing past.


    “Mjeppu gevvu!” another voice shouted from farther away. “Hmo tvsupbo tupu epfevo i mjeppu gevvu!”


    “Cetvesfo Arceali!”


    Now it was Sekura’s turn to look worried as she stepped back out into the street. Kellixae rocked back and forth with her son, securing him in her arms, the Mareep looking scared, too.


    “… Wh-” Avery almost found himself clinging to Sekura, the unfamiliarity of what was happening frightening him.




    He was a guild member. He had to keep strong.


    “… S… Sekura…?” Avery asked, looking up at the Mawile. “What’s… What’s happening…? What are they saying…?”


    “Fire…” Sekura muttered. “S-something about fire…”


    The voices and yelling reached a fever pitch in the distance. Sekura led Avery into the street, looking toward where the Pokémon ran.


    In the alleyways, hooded Poke’mon ran in the same direction.



    There, over the line of homes…they saw an orange glow. Much too bright for kindling.


    Sekura put a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening.


    “NENNE! QEQE!” She shrieked in her native tongue, stumbling forward with the thundering crowd…toward her own house. Avery gasped, giving Kellixae a quick look behind him, and then ran after Sekura.


    ‘That… That couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. Right?’


    ‘What… Nobody would do that, right? Not to Sekura. People like Sekura! She’s positive, she brought her home culture here, she…’


    ‘No no no-‘


    Sekura ran, never once taking her eyes off the glow in the distance.


    “Sekurini! Sekurini!” voices cried out in fear, rallying others to suddenly break away from their homes, joining the stampede toward the fire.


    Closer and closer.


    The shouts! Yelling! Intensifying! Angry!


    Sekura stumbled, rolling into the dirt, panicked, crawling.


    ‘That… That was her name, wasn’t it….? I-‘


    Avery darted past her when she stumbled, taking a moment to notice that she’d fallen. His paws skidded against the dirt as he stopped, pulling back and offering himself to help her get up.




    ‘That was her name.


    … Please let her house be okay-‘


    “Nenne-!” Sekura choked out, panting, gripping Avery’s hand. She looked at the Plusle pleadingly before letting him pull her up. “Qeqe-!”


    She coughed. Ash billowed around the street. Smoke rolled over the path. The ground shook and tremored with footsteps.


    Sekura held tight to Avery’s hand as the both of them ran forward. They turned a corner.






    One last corner.


    Sekura wailed in horror.


    There, at the center of the road, beyond the crowd, beyond the guard that shoved the angry crowd back, beyond the Simisear holding the sobbing Megamawile…


    Sekura’s once proud home was ablaze, an inferno that kissed the sky, cascading harsh orange light over the street. The fire lit them up from the front, the heat driving over them in waves.


    Avery’s grip on Sekura’s hand tightened. His other paw found her.


    He didn’t make a sound. He was in…complete and utter shock.


    ‘…I knew…I knew, on some level, that something like this could happen. These houses are wood. If the right spark caught in the wrong way…


    But Sekura? Sekura didn’t deserve this’.


    Avery wanted to rush forward, to try and put it out – but there was nothing he could do. He wasn’t equipped for this. He could do nothing but watch helplessly and hold Sekura.


    That house, that colorful, cherry house…it was going up in flames.


    All around Avery, angry voices, Illaminian, shouted and jeered at the guard that kept them from the flame.


    “Stop prrotecting them!”


    “It was a crrime! I saw it!”


    The Escavalier guards roared, striking aa Ursaring back.


    “You lyin’ blighters didn’t see nothing! Just a house fire!” He yelled. The crowd surged, another devasting strike from the guard. “Back to your ruddy homes! I said get back! You lot’ll mind me EVENTUALLY.”


    “Ruddy Arkon! You arre with them?! Huh? Huh?!” A voice shouted. “Say ‘blighterr’ one morre time! I darre y-“


    A shriek. The Escavalier stabbed into the crowd, the hoard backing off. The yelling ERUPTED louder!


    Sekura pushed past the Poke’mon, many of them looking furiously sorry for the Mawile girl as she called for the Simisear and Megamawile, her parents.


    “Let herr thrrough!”


    “Nobody gets through, minmin!”


    The crowd SURGED again.


    Avery’s heart raced.


    ‘There was no way that guards would set fire to a house, right…? That couldn’t…’


    The Plusle found himself stumbling forwards with Sekura, putting his badge back on almost on instinct.


    “Th…this is her house, let her through- please-” Avery said, coughing a little in the smoke. Were they even trying to put it out…!? “Is there a fire brigade…?!”


    ‘What can I do…? What should I do…? Could…could I help with the fire…? I don’t have access to anything water-based. I don’t know if they have equipment to put it out.’


    Avery tried leading her to her parents, his badge on. He knew that it made people in this district nervous – but if he could use it to at least get Sekura to her parents…


    The guard shoved back at the crowd, looking down at Avery.


    “Oi, what-!”


    Another guard stopped him, seeing the Plusle’s badge. The guard stood by only long enough for Avery and Sekura to go through. Another tried to squeeze by only to be THROWN back into the crowd.


    Sekura stumbled away from the Plusle, throwing herself into the Simisear.


    “Qeqe!!” she cried, hugging him tight. The Simisear hugged back tight and firm.


    This close up, the inferno BILLOWED intense heat on all four of them. Sweat formed on Avery’s forhead only to immediately evaporate. Ash stung his body, swirling with a grand display of smoke.


    The roof collapsed with a thunderous crack. And everyone only watched. The guards did nothing. The crowd was held back from helping.


    “Why…why is the guard doing nothing…??” Sekura sobbed, staring at the slowly crumbling ghost of the once colorful house.


    The crowd angrily roared, the guards only pushing back.








    The crowd shouted her name over the roars of the guard, the Mawile sobbing as the Simisear held her.


    “Shh, shh, Sekurini…” the Simisear cooed, squeezing the girl tight. “Pup fotqisevi…we are all safe, we are ok…”




    “SHUT UP!!”




    Sekura looked back at Avery, her eyes both sad…and thankful.


    Yet, there was no question.


    This was no accident.


    Avery stared down at the family, his eyes flicking towards the towering inferno of Sekura’s home, squinting at the bright blaze.


    He..wanted to help. So badly, but…


    “C…can one of you get help?” Avery looked over at one of the guards. “This should be put out before it spreads or does more damage, s-shouldn’t it…? We have to act quickly! I…I can go, I can get someone-“


    He almost didn’t want to believe it. Part of him knew this wasn’t an accident. But…but that couldn’t be true, right? Who would do this? Who would hurt Sekura…?


    “I can get someone to help with the fire. Where do I go-??”


    The guard paid him no mind, only shouting doen the crowd.






    The guard SHOVED someone down.


    The house’s northern wall collapsed, a billow of ash and soot swirling in the air.


    The Megamawile mother’s expression was blank, a hard stare affixed to the crumbling home whilst the Simisear only looked sadly to Avery.


    “It is the way of things…” the Simisear said, stroking Sekura’s head, a sad chuckle crossing his lips. “No firre brrigade forr a few blighters like us, and the culprrits rrunning off scott frree as everr, hm?”


    The Megamawile’s gaze turned to her husband, her brow furrowed. Sekura, meanwhile, curled as the blaze strengthened, demolishing the house. The fire reflected brilliantly in the mawile’s eyes, all her confidence from the night gone.


    Now she hunched.


    She hid.


    “I…I can…” Avery buckled with the wall. It was…it was too late. The house was gone.


    He couldn’t look away. But still, to the Simisear, he spoke.


    “Please, don’t…don’t call yourselves that, you’re…you don’t deserve this,” Avery whispered. “Nobody deserves this…”


    Far beneath him, Avery could feel an…anger bubbling, roiling like a pit of lava, waiting for its time to burst.


    But for now, it lay dormant.


    For now, Avery just felt devastation, a despair that seemed to hollow him out from the inside.


    “…This shouldn’t…be the way of things.”


    Avery snapped out of his trance, at least a little. He couldn’t afford to phase out. The fire, the edges – he tried to squint through the light, to see if it was in danger of spreading.


    The inferno weakened. Slowly dying.


    There, he could see it. Steam. Billowing from the charred wreckage. In secret, as though trying to not be seen, Avery saw them.


    The hooded Pokemon. Spraying small, concentrated bursts of water, trying to not attract the attention of the guard. Sekura nor her parents seem to notice, only that the fire was losing its power.


    The guard was backing up. As the danger vanished, so did their need to hold back the crowd.


    The hooded Pokémon skulked in the shadows between houses, their faces concealed.


    And one, further down the road…seemed to be staring at Avery.


    Avery made eye contact with one of them. He realized quickly that they were trying to remain secret. That the guard might stop them.


    So he just…gave them a quick nod and mouthed ‘thank you’.


    He turned away from them, moving closer to Sekura – though keeping a respectful distance, for her parents’ sake. So not to smother her.


    “…I’m sorry, Sekura,” Avery said softly. “…I’m sorry that this happened. I…I’ll try and find who did this. If I can, I’ll find who did this. Nobody deserves this. Nobody…”


    Even now, Avery’s eyes wandered back to the smoke, billowing up into the night sky. The flames, the flickering embers. Sekura looked up at him as he said this. The Simisear gave a small smile at Avery’s promise.


    “…is that so…?” The Simisear muttered, stroking Sekura’s head.


    The Mawile stared, her expression vacant.


    Before her brow knitted, her teeth gritting.


    “Avery…” she muttered, shaking, tear streaked face both sad…and angry. “Do not…let them get away with this…”


    The crowd made another push towards the smoldering house, shouting at the guard what they’d seen.


    Meanwhile, the hooded Pokémon stared from afar…watching Avery with interest. But Avery wasn’t paying attention to the hooded figure – not right now.


    He just…hugged Sekura. Quickly – not too long, not to overwhelm her.


    “…I won’t. I’ll…I’ll do my very best.”


    Sekura hugged back, softly whispering a thank you…a thank you full of hope. Hope in Avery. Hope in the guild he represented.


    With that, the Plusle backed off.


    “…Someone in the crowd knew who did it, I…I should get to them before it disperses too much. Will you three be okay…?”


    “Yes…we arre all together…” the Simisear said softly, Sekura nodding with him. “We will be ok.”


    The guard line began to slack, Poke’mon coming closer to leer at the wreckage, cursing the city, the people in it.


    Avery nodded…and went into the crowd. Avoiding the guard, keeping his voice low. He knew he’d probably be sneered at. But…he had to prepare for that.


    “…Excuse me…”


    “Who the?”


    Avery moved amongst the crowd, looking up at the different Poke’mon.


    “I’m sorry, did you…”




    “Oh, cack, guild?! Wh-whats he doing here?!”


    Each question was to a different Pokemon.


    “Someone said they saw who did it.”


    But if he could just find someone receptive enough to point him in the right direction…


    “How darre you show yourr face herre?!”


    “Hold, hold, hold, he is asking after those two that burrnt miss Sekura’s home!”


    “Would you know who that was…? I need to know who did it too.”


    Avery kept pressing, grilling all the information he could.


    “Sad he did not get firrst lick on the haughty blighterr’s house?!”


    Accusations were flying from the angry crowd…but none dare make a move nor tussle with Avery. The Plusle was tired. Tonight was taking its toll.


    But he had to at least get a lead tonight. He’d chase more later. But…he couldn’t leave these Poke’mon alone. They were citizens of Arceliaze, just like anyone else. They…they deserved respect.


    From the shadows, the hooded Pokémon watched Avery work, watched him investigate.


    “Shush, shush, you arre not helping.” A Glaceon hissed, swatting at a Golem who only sneered at Avery. The Glaceon glanced back at the Plusle cooperatively. “Yes, I saw it. I was herre when it happened.”


    “Go on, tell him!”


    The crowd of angry Illaminians rumbled, many cursing in their native tongue. Many lamenting the attack on Sekura, someone everyone liked. Avery perked his head, listening close to the Glaceon, trying to pick her voice out amongst the rumbling chaotic mix of voices.


    “A Pignite…and a Charrmeleon came herre, stumbling in, probably on totterr, and set Ms.Sekura’s home on fire.”


    The crowd’s mood flared at the recounting. Many in the crowd shushed one another to let the Glaceon talk.


    “They ran for the west gate. They surely cannot be far.”


    “Rrunning like cowarrds!”


    “It’s that Convention! Everrytime they gatherr therre’s trrouble when they let out!!”


    Raio guvvavo peboupemotvo! Dussisi senqepvo, gesi raimmu dji hmo qesi!”


    Avery nodded. He was so tired. Sleepy.


    ‘But…if they aren’t far…’


    “Thank you.” Avery called to the crowd in a loud voice. “I’ll…I’ll see if I can get them. They won’t get away with this if I can help it.”


    He looked at the others. The people sneering at him. He knew why. They couldn’t expect any different from the guild. From Arceliaze. But Avery was here to protect people. Protect everyone. He was on their side. He was here for Arceliaze. And they were part of that.


    “Stay safe,” Avery called to everyone, even as they jeered in their native tongue. They clearly expected nothing from him, none believed in what he said. None but Sekura, who stared at Avery with the same hope as before.


    Without another word, he turned to run for the west gate. He didn’t even know what he was going to do. He was tired, could he really apprehend them…? Would he have the authority for that? Avery had to be sure that they had done it. But…


    Avery had to at least see them. Just in case…even if he couldn’t do something tonight…he could find them tomorrow. Or another day.


    They wouldn’t get away with it.


    Down the road led to the west gate, back into the lower market district…


    These are the nights our true selves are shown.




    Avery’s gaze fell to the ground, looking for tracks. Most guards and Illaminian Poke’mon would have gone towards the fire. A Pignite and Charmeleon would have distinct footprints heading away from it in this direction.


    The Glaceon said that they were on totter juice. So they’d be inebriated. Uneven steps, probably easy to spot this late. And there they were. The exact tracks. Uneven, staggering. One wide and heavy set, one clawed set. Stuck in the still damp dirt path, leading to the west gate.


    And following the tracks, coming to the west gate…



    The dirt path continued, the dilapidated buildings of the lower market district on either side, a stark contrast to the log cabins that surrounded Avery just a moment ago.


    Poke’mon loomed in the alley. No guards here.


    And the tracks continued down, westward. He tried to not let himself be plagued with doubts, but would anyone else take this seriously? Surely if he told them they’d…see his desperation as something. Even if he didn’t like it, they could listen to Avery more than an Illaminian. But…


    ‘What can I do? Even if I sent them to prison, there’s no warrant out for them. I’m not filling a request. They might just get out scot-free.’


    He knew it. He didn’t have the tools to bring justice now. But he’d have to go to someone he could trust. Someone he hoped would take this seriously, who could do something.


    He couldn’t just get angry and lash out again, like back in Dovve Fo Uddjo.


    He’d struck against Kipuuna and rightly paid the price. He had endangered his entire team, jeopardized the whole mission. That wasn’t the conduct a guild member…a team captain…was supposed to have. No, he had to keep calm. No matter what, keep calm.


    Stifle his feelings.


    Be professional.


    For now, he had to build a profile. A Pignite and Charmeleon. Inebriated last night from totter juice. Exited the Illaminian District through the west gate after suspected arson of a civilian’s home according to eyewitness testimony.


    It was late. Sanshiyad had already peaked long ago and was on track to set a few hours from now. The streets were barren, the torches dimly giving light. The only ones out at this hour were the vagrants, the drunks, the criminals.


    A tottered Marill and Growlithe passed, singing and cheering, their voices echoing over the stone buildings.


    The tracks Avery followed were steadily getting more and more fresh.


    They were going slow, not running. They had a casual gait after their crime.


    After all.


    It was just a few blighters, wasn’t it?


    Avery’s brow furrowed. That anger was coming back. But he had to keep it quelled. Not again.


    ‘Deep breaths. Deep breaths.’


    Avery wouldn’t do anything tonight. He couldn’t do anything tonight. But tomorrow morning…he would wake up, and if Olistia wasn’t in the guild for the briefing…he would go to her about this. Her or Sarfallinus.


    He was only a single prong team. He was still new. He’d barely been here a week. It was out of his jurisdiction.


    But these were people with their home gone. Everyone loved them, and their home burned to the ground on a whim. Even someone like Vizon had to know that…this was bad, right?


    He focused on ‘bad guys’. He was convinced Illaminians were bad guys. But these two…they could have burned down someone’s house. Unprompted.


    The dirt crunched under his feet, the imposing, dark building rising at either side of him.


    they were here, too.


    In the shadows. On the roofs of buildings. Staring at him. Silently watching.


    Those hooded Pokémon.


    They did nothing but watch. Watched as Avery trudged on, only cobblestone paths where the mud was tracked further on.


    Just as Avery nearly lost the trail…


    …he saw them.


    In a small plaza, Avery saw the Pignite and Charmeleon. They were swaying, drinks in hand, looking angry, eyes darting around. Their voices were loud, like all the Totter juice had ruined their ability to talk in a low voice.


    “I knew it I knew it, did you see em?!”


    The Pignite burped, hitting the Charmeleon’s arm, almost like in a panic. The Charmeleon seemed hyped up, shaking, smiling.


    They weaved through a small crowd, a few Pokémon milling about here with sleepy guard. Avery hid, just out of sight of the two of them. Wrote down their physical descriptions. Where they were. Any names he could get. Any implicating words they’d say. Anything that would warrant investigation. He’d do it himself if he had to, he’d get a warrant and do it himself.


    “What’s the panic? What’s the worry??” The Charmeleon slurred, pushing back at the Pignite. “We’re back safe with our folk, we-“


    The Charmeleon was interrupted by sudden sickness, doubling over to upchuck onto the pavement, making the Pignite back up. The guard didn’t even look his way.


    “Armies! Patrols! All those hooded spooks milling around.” The Pignite hiccuped, tossing a wood cup at the ground. “Exactly like Fovius was sayin’ at the convention!!”


    “Right under our noses! Desert dags ready to strike, I know!” The Charmeleon spat out the last giblets of his dinner. “Don’t…don’t you start goin’ yellow on me. A cocky gait like that mawie had today, whole city’s up in flames tomorrow, you know that…!”


    “Aye, as I live and breathe on Arceus’s own land!!” The Pignite replied fearfully. “I was sure I’d die.”


    Avery bit his lip, feeling a heat in his chest, a thrum in his head. This was all but a confession. It took a lot of willpower not to crush his notes in his hand from what they were saying.


    “Yeah, that-…hrk…” the Charmeleon swallowed another vomit. “…group she was with…bodyguards or summat?”


    “They’ve been whisperin’, I know they have.” The Pignite slurred, wringing his hands together. “One stroll through the lower market district and it’s nothing but Illaminian babble that stops the moment you look at ’em. Now important Poke’mon getting escorted around, armies patrolling…! Why’s the guard just…just standin’ around?!”


    “Didn’t I say quit yer panicking?!” The Charmeleon hissed. “Look, hard part’s done, we’re already out of there. Pulius was talking about that one’s bookstore, right in the Market district, not a stone’s throw from the One Truth Square, right?”


    “What…? You and I…we’re going there, too?”


    “On Eunia’s blood you had better believe we are!” The Charmeleon said forcefully, picking up a brick by some construction scaffolding. “Blighters Having a run of the Lower Market District is bad enough, but right in the Market District? No, no no, no sir.”


    The Pignite nodded solemnly, picking up a brick of his own. As Avery followed, the crowd thinned, more and more.


    Nobody watching.


    Nobody but the hooded Pokémon upon the roofs.


    “Haughty rotten blighters…see how tall she’s walkin’ in my city with no store…”


    Avery bristled.


    Maybe he couldn’t arrest them. But…


    “Hey.” Avery spoke, loudly, clearly, stepping out into view.


    The pair stopped, stumbling. The Charmeleon dropped his brick as he tried to turn around. The two looked bleary eyed at Avery, brow knitted as though they couldn’t see him very well.


    Avery steeled him and hardened his expression as he spoke.


    “You two.” The Plusle said. “I hope you’re not planning on going back into the Illaminian district tonight.”


    Avery puffed his chest, clenched his fists, his position on clear display. The Pignite noticed the glint on Avery’s golden badge, brightening up at once.


    “Oh, thank Arceus…it’s a guildie!” the Pignite sighed with relief. “I thought you were one’a them night skulkers.”


    “Well! Pride o’ the Arceans and all that! Oh, sir, out on a late patrol?” The Charmeleon slurred with a smile and a stumble. “Keepin us safe from all those crooks and bad guys, ey?”


    Avery’s expression didn’t change.


    “…It’s late,” the Plusle said. “You two should be getting home. If there’s crooks and bad guys on the street, it’s the guild that protects, yeah? You two shouldn’t be putting yourselves and other people in danger. You should both head home.”


    Avery…tried to keep himself level. He couldn’t lose his cool now. If he got them riled up, then it’d be harder to resolve this part of it without making a scene.


    ‘…If I get in trouble for this it wouldn’t be helping anyone. But Arceus how I want to turn them in early.’


    “Oh pahh, naught wrong here, sir! Just living an’ protecting Arceliaze as Arceus would have us do!” The Charmeleon quipped.


    “Oi…!” The Pignite hissed, batting the Charmeleon on the shoulder.


    “We just got out of a convention with some other boys from NAM.” The Charmeleon said, nudging the Pignite back. “We were a little inspired t’night, yeah?”


    “…I think you two should go home,” Avery said, in a more serious tone. “There was an arson incident just outside the east gates of the Lower Market district. They could still be out and about. A family of three lost their home. There’s dangerous people around this night. You should both go home.”

    “Oh…! Blighter district?” The Charmeleon said, smirking up at the Pignite who just sighed and kept quiet. “We might’ve heard. That rickety shack must’ve lit like a bonfire and by Arceus it’ll smolder like one.”


    The Charmeleon perked up.


    “Hey!” He said, pulling the Pignite close. “You should come with us for a lil’ bit of ‘community correction’ tonight, like Fovius said! Guild goes in for that kinda thing don’t it?”


    Despite it being painfully obvious that Avery knew who the culprits were, it was clear to see…neither of them were at all worried. It was plain to see they assumed the Plusle was on their side.


    Avery’s ear twitched. He balled his fists up.


    ‘Control yourself. Deep breaths.’


    “I’m sorry, what are your names?” Avery asked, fighting to keep his voice level. He couldn’t attack them on the street. He couldn’t do it. He hated to admit it but…


    Avery was scared. Scared of what would happen, what this town would think of him.


    He might be run out. And then what? These people would keep doing this with nobody to stop them.


    “Whhhat, don’t you know us? Gonzus and Yortzi? NAM officers? Inspectors for the Merchant’s Guild? Cmoooon, everyone knows us!” The Charmeleon laughed, swaying into the Pignite.


    “What of your name? Oh no…wait wait, you’re that uhhh…that uh…Avery one, the new one!” The Pignite said with a wide grin.


    “Oh, wow, Avery? Quakin’ Avery?” the Charmeleon laughed. “Awh, I read about you in the pamphlets! Heck, there was talk about you at the convention! All that stuff they’ve been sayin’ ain’t true, is it? You ain’t a capitulator, yeah?”


    All around, the hooded Pokémon watched with interest.


    Avery was quiet a moment, taking a deep breath through his nose.


    “…Gonzus and Yortzi,” Avery said, his expression growing grave. “It is late. You have both been out. I am going to ask once more that you two return home and go to bed. Do you need to be escorted? Or can you make it there yourselves?”


    ‘Deep breaths. Stay calm. Stay controlled.’


    The Pignite made a face, looking back at the Charmeleon who only folded his arms with a hardened expression of his own.


    “Or else…what?” The Charmeleon began. “It ain’t illegal for two NAM Officers to be out and about, doing as they would, whatever that may be.”


    “…Sirs.” Keep level. Keep level. “NAM officers or not. You two do not have legal authority to do as you please. Especially not what’s happened in the Illaminian district. I’m letting you of easy here…but this all ends now. Home, or Prison. Pick one to go to.”


    The pair stepped up, looking more and more angry.


    “Hey…! D-Do you have any idea how many guards in this city I’m friends with? The prison guard in castle Arceali is my direct subordinate in NAM.” The Pignite added, trying to not falter after the Charmeleon’s initiative. “You try anything and we’d walk  before you finished writing our names in the prisoner directory…!”


    “What happened in the Illaminian district was a public service.” The Charmeleon growled back, spitting in Avery’s direction. “Lemme turn it around: Guild or not you better watch your tongue about our business, blight-kisser.


    “Is this what I can expect from Officers of Nam? Call me a blight-kisser if you damn well please, but I’m sworn by this badge to protect the people of this city. And that district is in this city.” Avery said, clenching his fists. For all his bravado, he was swiftly losing his nerve. His desperation to hold back his anger was leaving him terrified inside. “Whatever you both believe, what happens to those Poke’mon isn’t up to you. Especially not when you are drunk.”


    “Oh for Arceus…-just leave ‘im, Yortzi.” The Charmeleon grunted, turning away. “All posturing and guff and naught else. Everyone knows guild’s got no teeth n’more anyway.”


    The Charmeleon snickered, bending down to pick his brick back up and leading his friend. The Pignite grunted, running after him, the pair heading in the direction of the one truth square.


    Towards Sekura’s bookstore.


    “You have a good night, Guildie Avery.” The Charmander called. “And tell yer sand worm girlfriend we’re comin’ for her next!”


    Avery stood and watched them go.




    As their backs turned, a momentary lapse of control sent sparks of electricity dancing down his shoulders.


    But he regained control.


    He kept…control.


    His eyes went up to the rooftops. Where the figures had been.


    This couldn’t wait.


    He began making his way to the guild with haste, having written down the names and profiles of the officers. Maybe they were bluffing about their friends.


    ‘…but if they aren’t…I have to trust that Sarfallinus or Olistia can do something about it. I can’t stand for this.’


    Avery ran quickly, darting down empty streets, darkening as more and more torches went out.


    The hooded Poke’mon no longer followed him, only staring at him from afar as he moved quickly, the figures turning the opposite direction and darting away.


    The torches were now little more than quiet embers. Oil lamps running low. Sanshiyad low in the sky.


    The streets of Arceliaze were dead. Cold.




    The only sounds were a dull wind and the sound of Avery’s own paws.


    “…Please keep them safe where I can’t,” He whispered, looking up at the rooftops. “Please…”


    He was running now. He couldn’t waste time. He just had to hope that someone at the guild would be on his side with this.




    He put his head down and ran, even as his lungs ached. He couldn’t afford to dawdle. Lives were on the line.


    Chapter 18.2





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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