The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 18.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    That was that.


    With this magical map in tow the guild had Xamao’s movements and the location of the pearls and birds.


    Everything seemed brighter, more hopeful. For the first time in what seemed a long time, everything seemed…ok. The Chancellor of Outer affairs offered a carriage back to Arceliaze, and from dusk all the way to deep in the night, Kipuuna, Vizon, Ganisus and Nivanee endlessly chattered about the events, though Rikzyod was more excited for whatever came next.


    Jolvia, meanwhile, only sat politely, smiling at the energy of the group, basking in the high spirits.


    The carriage rocked and swayed, crossing the country north, back to the capital city, down the steep valley, bumping on the hard cobblestone until at last it came to a stop deep in the market district.


    Back home. Safe and sound. And successful.


    “Gyah, finally…!” Vizon huffed, jumping out of the carriage to stretch, Kipuuna behind him, grabbing Nivanee’s paw to help her down. “I was getting all cramped in there.”


    “We gotta get this map to Sarfallinus right away.” Nivanee said at once, the map firmly in her satchel.


    “Yeah, before any Dragonites come swooping down for it…” Vizon muttered, glancing at his partner.


    “Oh please don’t jinx it,” Avery said, pouting at Vizon for a moment. “I’ve still got a dinner to go to tonight, and I can’t very well have dinner from the clutches of a Dragonite!”


    He turned to the others.


    “Buuuut I really want to be here for the debriefing. I’m…” Avery paused and beamed at Ganisus and Kipuuna. “Aaaaahhh!! I’m just…I’m glad that you guys are…y’know!” Avery gestured vaguely at them. “…You know! Aquashock! Aqua! Shock! Together…!” He laced his paws together to illustrate. “Not sure how Sarfallinus will take the one-prong starting over thing exactly but I understand and appreciate the symbolism of it so it’ll probably be fine!”


    Kipuuna seemed uncharacteristically excited. Even Ganisus had a giddy twinkle in his eye, even with his face otherwise neutral.


    “…yeah…I can’t wait.” Ganisus said at last, giving a tiny smile, a smile that Kipuuna mirrored fivefold.


    With that, they began heading back to the guild, and after such a hard mission, a harrowing mission –


    …perhaps a mission that gave Avery more questions about himself than answers-


    They did it. They were back.


    The group continued chattering, returning to the guild hall, the visage of Castle Arceali across the bridge welcoming them into its safe embrace.


    “And here we are!” Nivanee said, flinging the doors open. “Home sweet home…!”


    The entry hall spread before them. Nobody there…but Avery could hear something, far-off, muffled, down the stairs to the right…




    It sounded like Lahnae. Nivanee took a deep breath, her smile wavering as she laughed.


    “Yep…it’s home.”


    “…Oh, Spade…” Avery sighed. “…Hope against hope that those are the ‘ow’s of victory….?”


    The Plusle gave the others an uneasy smile and descended down the steps, everyone following close behind.


    “…We’re back!” Avery called down the stairs. “And we have, uh…Good news! A-a lot of it, actually…!”


    “Well…that’s one of ya’ll…”


    Sarfallinus’s voice came first from the guild hall, exasperated. As everyone reached the bottom of the stairs they could see the Guild master kneeling in front of Team Spade, dabbing a rag on Lahnae’s face as Loshjno watched.


    The Squirtle looked fine, aside from a few cuts. His shell was majorly scuffed but he looked otherwise unharmed. Lahnae, however, looked like a train wreck. Bruises, cuts, a swollen eyebrow. Between the both of them, she looked as though she took the brunt of the damage.


    “Heya Avery!” Lahnae cheered, chipper as ever despite her injuries. “What’s u-OW!”


    “Hold still.” Sarfallinus muttered, dabbing her cheek. She groaned.


    “Guildmaster, I can do it…” Lahnae huffed, Sarfallinus shaking his head.


    “You’ve done enough.” The Infernape said, shushing lightly. Vizon crossed his arms, shaking his head, Nivanee sighing again. Sarfallinus pulled away from Lahnae, putting more medicine on the cloth.


    Lahnae looked back to Avery…then caught Kipuuna’s eye, quickly looking away and back to her rival instead.


    “Aha…yeah, things went…great for us!” She said, sheepishly. Loshjno chuckled to himself.


    Avery’s smile evaporated, and he quickly rushed over to her side.


    The map, for now, was forgotten. Aquashock, for now, was forgotten. He’d…Never seen Team Spade hurt this badly. And even through that they were in high spirits.


    ‘I…have to wonder where they got their soul from…’


    “…Are they both going to be okay…?” Avery looked up at Sarfallinus in concern.


    “Mm…nothing they ain’t had before…” Sarfallinus grunted, standing up, handing the cloth to Loshjno. “Hold that to her cheek ’till I get back, need some more medicine…”


    Loshjno nodded, watching the Guild Master dust himself off and return upstairs, leaving the group alone with Lahnae.


    The Torchic…looked visibly worried. Avery stepped closer, putting a hand on Lahnae’s shoulder and looking over her injuries as Loshjno held the cloth, making her wince.


    “Good God what even happened-??” The Plusle said, looking over the Torchic closely. “Where did…Where did you go?”


    “Oh well…you know…!” Lahnae laughed, puffing her chest. “We did our western sweep like we were asked! We Went through that Oasis Canyon place all the way up to Qease’ and, ah, whatdya’ know, they told us about some trouble they were having with the Treasure Guild…”


    “What…the small-time treasure-stealers?” Kipuuna asked, Lahnae sucking in a breath.


    “Y-yeah…but this time they had a bunch of goons with them! All throughout the lightning wastes, looking for, get this…the Lightning Pearl!” Lahnae said, hissing as Loshjno adjusted the cloth, the Squirtle patting her on the back. “I don’t even think they know what they’re messing with, they’re just going after something rare and valuable…”


    “But…you knew that, right?” Kipuuna asked, Lahnae humming uncomfortably.


    “Yeah…” Lahnae said, looking away. “Of course I did…the Qease’ villagers said as much. A whole squad of dangerous Poke’mon bullying them, threatening them, digging up their precious ruins…”


    “And you…still went for it…” Kipuuna huffed.


    Lahnae furrowed her brow defensively.


    “Look I already know what you’re going to say!” Lahnae fired, eyes starting to water. Loshjno sighed, rolling his eyes but saying nothing. “And you already know what I’m going to say right back, so why don’t you just get it over with already so I can just get to feeling like trash tonight, alright?!”


    Kipuuna frowned, the Torchic huffing and puffing at her outburst, closing her eyes, readying for the shout-down to come.


    The Piplup stepped forward, Nivanee and Ganisus looking on as he only put a flipper on her shoulder next to Avery.


    Lahnae cracked an eye open…to see his beaming face.


    “Don’t give up!” He encouraged warmly. “You’ll get ’em next time!”


    Lahnae blinked at Kipuuna.


    She looked closer to tears than ever, only barely able to blink them away.


    “Uh…?” She was at a loss, looking back at Loshjno, then to the rest of the group, everyone beaming as Kipuuna hugged her softly. “I…o-okay…! Th…thanks…Kip.”


    She was dumbstruck, looking back at Avery.


    ‘…I know Kipuuna is a different person now. But…I almost can’t believe it, myself. After seeing this exchange play out the same way, every single day… And knowing that it had gone a similar way for years prior… To see this now. It feels…monumental.’


    “Yeah, uh… Ha, Team Aquashock kind of went through some, uh…” Avery scratched the back of his head. “…philosophical upheaval. But…jeez, Lahnae, you two really went up against them, huh?”


    “Upheaval…?” She asked, unsure what to make of all this. She glanced back to Aquashock who offered no criticism, no put-downs. Just warm encouragement.


    She sniffled. Loshjno got up to pat her on the back as she tried to recover. Avery sat down beside the two of them as Kipuuna stepped back.


    “I guess it was like…I mean we weren’t here.” Avery said. “We were gone for…Two days. It was you or nobody. So…You did what you had to do.”


    He patted Lahnae’s other shoulder.


    “Your resolve scares me sometimes, rival. In the good way.”


    “Y-yeah…! We were gone for two days, also.” Lahnae sniffed, eyes sparkling with joy. “We were supposed to come right back after Oasis Canyon but…we couldn’t let the Treasure Guild just make off with the Lightning Pearl…”


    “Perhaps we slowed them down, but I wouldn’t bet on it.” Loshjno with a chuckle. A brief look of discouragement flashed in Lahnae’s eye as she sighed, leaning back and sitting down.


    “But I guess that’s it. We botched it, but at least we know where a Pearl is now…kinda.” Lahnae shook her head. “We’ll get shunted somewhere else while you run to Lightning Wastes and get it done right, huh?”


    Lahnae spat out some blood into a rag, wiping her beak.


    “If you think that means I’m gunna give up-“


    “Not likely, we know better by now.” Vizon laughed, Lahnae laughing with him.


    The Plusle nodded…but then had a thought. He stroked his chin as they laughed, piping up at once.


    “… Actually…” Avery said slowly, looking to Nivanee. “…Maybe… We could see if we could go with you,”


    Lahnae’s laughter stopped at once as she perked up.


    “Team Aquashock is probably going to need a mission or two alone to re-find themselves, I think?” Avery continued. “And you guys have gone up against the Treasure Guild once already. We got a map that…Well, you’ll see when Sarfallinus comes back. But knowing that the Treasure Guild is up against it is really important. If everyone says it’s cool, I think having you and Loshjno around for if we go… That could be really helpful!”


    ‘…was part of this because I was hoping that if they came with us they could consider that a victory? Absolutely.’


    ‘But… I’m not wrong, right…? Team Spade is one of the biggest reasons we were able to solve the Old Wanderer mystery. If Lahnae hadn’t seen those tracks in the forest, there’s no way we could have tracked the rest of them down in such a wide area. And if it weren’t for them, Vizon and I would have been ambushed by the Mud Boys and wiped out.’


    “I owe a lot of our victories to you, y’know?”


    Lahnae’s eyes lit up as Avery spoke, sparkling warmly with every word, the Torchic bouncing more and more. Loshjno only gave a small, seemingly patient smile.


    “Oh my gosh…you think-?! I mean…!” Lahnae smiled wide looking to Kipuuna. “You think I-?! With my rival-?!”


    “Go for it!” Kipuuna encouraged, seeming to work off other people’s script, but no less earnest.


    Lahnae was ecstatic.


    She JUMPED in the air!


    Yes! Mission with the rival! Mission with the rival! Mi-“


    “What’s all that ruckus??” Sarfallinus’s voice cut the conversation as he returned to the hall down the stairs, a bottle of medicine in hand.




    Avery stood up suddenly. The rest of the guild got to attention as the infernape approached.


    “We…well, is now a good time for debriefing, sir?” Avery asked. “There’s… A lot to go over.”


    “Debrief…oh of course.” Sarfallinus coughed, setting the medicine by Loshjno to let him apply it to Lahnae, something the Torchic didn’t even mind at this point, bouncing excitedly as she were. “Go ahead, Team Captains, give your report.”


    “Avery, want to start us off?” Kipuuna said, patting the Plusle’s shoulder. The casual tone in his voice made Sarfallinus’s eyebrow raise.


    Avery nodded, stepping forward.


    “The security systems in Dove Fo Uddjo were…still haywire when we went there. Kipuuna helped us last until the…decidedly less than helpful customer service turned them off. We were able to talk to Xonitus, the Chancellor of External Affairs. He set us up in a hotel for the night, and then told us that if we were going to find someone who could track Xamao…we’d find them in the Deep Dimension.”


    He looked to the others for a moment, debating whether they should tell the truth of what went down there. Malzena did say to try and keep it hush-hush…and while this was a debrief to our guildmaster, a small part of him worried that people like Sarfallinus were who the psychics there were worried about.


    “There was…a lot that went on down there,” Avery said with an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his head. “…But we did end up securing a map that has detailed descriptions of the three pearls and how to get them – as well as a psychic heatmap of Xamao’s recent positions, up until the second it was inscribed. We know where he’s been recently.”


    “The pearls? A heatmap?” Sarfallinus looked flabbergasted, Nivanee producing the parchment to his amazement.


    He eyed the map, scanning over it carefully.


    “Look at this…this is amazing…I wonder how far back it goes…” Sarfallinus mused.


    “The psychic we consulted didn’t say…could be anything from a year to only three days? Who knows…” Nivanee sighed. “But it does show the places he lingers most of all.


    “That gives us his bases…Seaking Pennisula, dangerously close to Yahneri Port…some place north of Steeljag Bluff…lots of activity on the western forest.”


    Sarfallinus nodded to himself, rolling up the map.


    “I have to get this to Olistia right away. She’ll know just were to pivot the elites. In the meantime, we can focus our efforts on more direct action.”


    “Direct…? You mean…?” Vizon began, Sarfallinus nodding.


    “This map shows Xamao has been avoiding the pearls for some reason…and shows us where his camps probably are.” The Guild Master began, his hands behind his back. “We can have the elites make arrests and ambushes to draw him away from his mission while we all work on securing the pearls. Even having just one of the Pearls will at least prevent Xamao from awakening the birds. All three of them are required to summon any legendary birds, all or nothing, if Olistia is to be believed.”


    Everyone nodded.


    “Lahnae told me that she and Loshjno went up against the Treasure Guild, who are trying to secure the Lightning Pearl,” Avery said, giving Lahnae beside him a quick glance. “I’ve never gone up against the Treasure Guild before, but…if they know the location of that one, we have to assume they’re working with Xamao, and shouldn’t be underestimated, right?”


    His brow furrowed in thought.


    “Should we focus our efforts on them next, do you think…?” Avery asked at last.


    “That’s what I’m suspecting.” Sarfallinus replied quickly. “They could be getting their security from anywhere, but considering it’s the Lightning Pearl, Xamao no doubt has a high price he’s paying for the Orb…but that’s just a guess. The Thieves Guild and Treasure Guild might not be collaborating at all.


    “Considering we’ve all kept so hush-hush about the Pearls I don’t know who else would buy a thing like that…” Nivanee thought aloud. “…we’ve never pinned down the Treasure Guild’s buyers. Who knows who they sell all their stolen treasures to.”


    They all looked thoughtfully to one another, Sarfallinus nodding slowly to himself. He stood, tightly holding the map as he approached his office. Lahnae popped up excitedly, making noises as though she wanted to speak.


    “Oh, oh, but-!”


    “Sorry to cut this short, guild.” Sarfallinus said, speaking over the Torchic as though he didn’t notice. “Olistia will be drawing up our plans based on this, we’re going to need the night to ourselves.”


    “But, but-!”


    “Avery, be ready tomorrow. I plan on putting you and Aquashock together again for Lightning Wastes.” Sarfallinus said, opening the door in a hurry. “Do good out there, and have a good night.”


    “Sarfi! There you are!” Olistia’s voice came from the office. The Infernape sighed, stepping through the door.


    “But-” Lahnae squeaked.




    The door shut, leaving them all in silence.


    Lahnae stood there, in the center of the hall.


    Her wings dropped, a subtle slouch in her posture.


    ‘…What just-‘


    They all just…kind of stood there numbly for a second or two. It almost felt like Avery had been slapped. Barely a conversation at all.


    “… You… You didn’t… Even let Kipuuna-” he muttered.


    Everyone seemed to slump a little, and Avery even felt a little…miffed. They didn’t get to say a word on what happened in the Deep Dimension. They didn’t even get to ask for Team Spade to go with Azure to Lightning Wastes. Sarfallinus had just automatically assigned the same two teams again,


    Averu’s mouth hung open, head slowly shaking back and forth as his brain struggled to channel his aggravation into words. He began walking towards the door, a hand turning into a wagging finger.


    …But he stopped.


    “…He…he didn’t even let either of you speak.” Avery stood in front of the door, turning back to them, to Kipuuna and Ganisus. “… Did…Did he even notice? Did he notice that you two are…that you’re…? He… He didn’t even let you speak-!”


    Avery felt something on his shoulder, a wing. Turning back, he saw Lahnae. Nivanee and Kipuuna stepping up as he spoke.


    “Hey it’s ok, Rival…!” Lahnae said…quietly. Kipuuna sighed, nodding with her.


    “Maybe we can tell him when he’s less busy?” Kipuuna offered helpfully. Lahnae unconsciously tensed at his voice but immediately relaxed again. Nivanee and Vizon came up, the Riolu looking less sure than the others.


    “Busy…must be, huh?” He huffed, a deep frown on his face. “Oh well…”


    “Aw…don’t worry about Guildmaster…” Nivanee cooed, patting Vizon on the shoulder. “There’s a lot going on right now…you know?”


    “But… But Team Aquashock is going back to one-prong! They can’t-” Avery paused, looking at Team Spade for a moment. “They’re going back to one-prong by the way. They can’t do that without him! It’s big news, and he’s… He’s just… Agh…!”


    Avery sighed a little bit.


    ‘What am I doing? Sarfallinus isn’t a family man. He’s a guildmaster. A boss.’


    ‘… He isn’t our father.’


    “You’re right. We’ll notify him at our next convenience.” Avery said at last. “And… Lahnae? I’m going to ask him if you can come along instead of Aquashock – no offense, guys. I just… Y’know. I think they’d be helpful, and I… Wanna give you guys room to figure yourselves out too, you know…? “


    “I was thinking the same thing.” Kipuuna affirmed, nodding to Lahnae. “We need the time alone…and, heck, Lahnae’s been dying to be on a mission with you, yeah?”




    Ganisus nodded absentmindedly…though it was clear he was still listening as close as he could.


    “You guys…mean it…?” Lahnae squeaked, her bounce returning. Kipuuna and Ganisus nodded again, the Torchic joyously jumping! “Alright! I’ll do my best, Avery! We both will! I promise!”


    “Oh, I have no doubt.” Loshjno chuckled at the Torchic’s energy, a small smile on his face. “But let’s make sure we just have fun with it, too.”


    Nivanee’s tail swished excitedly, watching Lahnae, the mood quickly recovering.


    “But, for now, I’m glad to be home…” Kipuuna yawned, stretching. “My own bed…that’ll be nice…”


    “Yeah, I could use some rest, too…” Vizon muttered as everyone excitedly broke off from the group. “Let’s all figure out something to do tonight!”


    “Yeah!” Lahnae cheered.


    “Mhm!” Kipuuna agreed. “I just need to get settled.”


    “Oh, actually…” Avery grinned sheepishly. “I’m going to be doing something tonight. I’ve got a dinner to get to soon…! But I do want to do something together with you all again. Maybe tomorrow…! And Kipuuna could join us this time, too…!”


    As Kipuuna, Ganisus, Lahnae and Loshjno left the guild hall, Vizon and Nivanee looked back at Avery, the latter also idly rummaging through her satchel.


    “Oh, yeeeah. You keep mentioning that, what’s with that?” Vizon said, smirking. “You got a daaaate?”


    Nivanee snickered, shaking her head.


    “Well, kinda, heh,” Avery said, shifting a bit.


    ‘Should I tell him…? I mean…He won’t like it. He’ll give me a hard time. But…He deserves to know. And maybe this will change his opinion of them, just a little.’


    “It’s with the banker, Kellixae,” Avery said. “She invited me to dinner back when we were preparing for the Breezy Plains mission, and we planned for today. I’m just glad I made it back…! I didn’t want to stand her up.”


    A hush fell over the three immediately.


    “Kellixae, the-…???”


    Vizon stopped himself, eyes widening. Nivanee perked up.




    “The banker. You know, our team’s banker.” Vizon muttered.


    The mood immediately thickened. Nivanee smiled.


    “Oh that’s nice! I don’t think I met her. Is she nice?” Nivanee asked warmly.


    “Well…first time I met her she scared the willies outta me.” Vizon huffed, folding his arms. “Are you…sure, Avery? Like, really, are you for real? Where does she even live?”


    Avery’s smile faded a little.


    “…She scared the willies out of you because she was thinking you were going to treat her like everyone else does,” Avery said, crossing his arms. “We started getting along with the third visit. She’s actually really nice…!”


    The Plusle sighed a little, raking his paw through the fur on top of his head.


    “…She lives in the Illaminian District. I went through there with Jolvia and Rikzyod before, it’s just… I mean it’s run down, but it’s a place. Here, I’ll…” Avery’s eyes flitted to Nivanee for a second once he dropped that Kellixae was Illaminian. “…She’s been really good to me. And I…I think she’s really glad to have a friend.”


    Nivanee’s face fell at once, Vizon looking back at her, gesturing at Avery with a look that screamed ‘can you believe this’.


    “Er…is that so?” Nivanee’s tone changed immediately. “Um…Avery, that’s kind of a shady part of town…”


    “Of all places…!” Vizon rubbed his forehead. “Avery, seriously, this is sketchy, this-“


    “It’s just…oh, Avery, you’re could get in trouble, you know?” Nivanee’s explanation was softer than Vizon’s. “Arceliaze can be a rough place at night out in the less savory districts…”


    What remained of Avery’s smile vanished.


    ‘Her too, huh?’



    “Like, how much do you know this banker lady really? Avery, she’s not trying to sell you anything, is she?” Vizon squinted.


    “I think he just means…” Nivanee sucked in a breath. “Avery, you’ve always been a very trusting Pokémon, you know, and that’s good! Just…you know?”


    The Plusle was quiet a moment, furrowing his brow.



    “…I’m still going,” Avery said, turning from them, his expression firm. “Frankly, I…”


    The Plusle’s gaze flicked between the two of them, trying to figure out something to say.


    But…he couldn’t.


    ‘Nothing I say will convince them, will it? They all just…had their mind made up.’


    “I’m going. I’ll see you later tonight. Or tomorrow. Or something. I dunno.” Avery turned to leave, took a few steps, and stopped. He didn’t turn around to face them. “…I know you guys are just concerned about me. But…they live here, too. The Guild has a duty to Illaminians.”


    Avery looked over his shoulder at the two of them. Once again, he opened his mouth to say something…but thought better of it. He began to walk out of the guild.


    At once, Avery felt a firm paw on his shoulder, pulling him back.


    “Now, hang on, buddy!” Vizon spat, aggravated. Nivanee held a paw to her mouth, bounding over. “That’s enough! Still going, indeed! I can’t just sit and watch you stumble out blindly into the Illaminian district and sleep with a clear conscience. Like…c’mon, man!”


    “Vizon’s right, Avery…” Nivanee affirmed, padding up, ears folded back. She looked around to make sure nobody was listening. “…let’s be honest…a tiny Plusle amnesiac…one that isn’t even from this world…you’d be easy pickings, and that’s assuming this Kellixae woman isn’t tricking you, herself. You haven’t lived in this city long and you can be…a little…”


    “Naive.” Vizon finished. “Look, you understand, right? We can’t just let you go out there.”


    Avery looked at them, narrowing his eyes.


    “You… You guys… I-I’m…”


    Avery wrenched his shoulder away from Vizon, whirling around to look at them.


    “I’m a guild member…! You guys have seen me fight…! I held my own against the Onix Brothers and the psychics! You think I can’t handle my own against some hypothetical muggers?? You guys are- you’re just-“


    Avery fixed Vizon with a hard stare.


    “…Say it. Tell me why you’re suspicious of her. Both of you. There’s a reason you are, and you’re both dancing around it.” His eyes went to Nivanee. “You haven’t even met her. And yet you seem to know her better than I do. Why? What’s the reason? I want to hear you both say it.”


    “Because it’s the Illaminian district, Avery!!” Vizon yelled back, pushing him. “That’s where the bad guys go and hang around! What’re you even associating with Poke’mon like that for, huh? Since when did you suddenly go in for bad guys like that?!”


    “Vizon-!” Nivanee hissed. “Oh, Avery, don’t be impossible…any native Arceliaze resident knows to stay away from areas like that. And if she lives there, what’s that say about her, hm? Don’t tell me you’re wanting a night with drunks, thieves and crooks instead of your friends…”


    Vizon took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Avery stared at them.


    “…You…You don’t…You don’t even know her. Neither of you even know her. What, just because…Because she’s Illaminian? Is that why? Because she rolls her r’s when she speaks?”


    Avery grit his teeth, his face scrunching up, making Nivanee take a step back.


    “…don’t…use our friendship as leverage. Don’t act like I’m choosing her over my team.” Avery growled. “I can…I can handle myself. If they end up trying to attack or mug me or something, then I’ll come back, I’ll admit you’re right, okay? I won’t even bring my bag. Nothing to rob. Because you’re so paranoid about that.”


    Avery lowered his shoulder, and his bag landed on the ground beside him. He reached into it and took an oran berry.


    “… I’m going. If Illaminians are ‘bad guys’, then I’m going to learn that myself.”


    “Avery! No! I…I-!! I refuse you to take another step!!” Vizon shouted, Nivanee putting a paw on his shoulder.


    “Vizon, c’mon, not in the guild hall.. ” Nivanee furrowed her brow. “Avery, stop flinging accusations at us just because you want to visit this ‘friend’ of yours. Because between us saying not to go for your own sake and you steadfast refusing to listen, yeah, it does feel like you’re taking her word over ours…!”


    You don’t even know her…!” Avery hissed, trying to keep his voice down. “I have seen her five days in a row! I’m taking my word over yours right now, because I really feel like I’m better informed about who Kellixae is…! Don’t you…don’t you two trust me…?”


    “Look, I…” Avery put a hand to his face. His eyes were starting to sting. “It’s not a bad place…they’re not bad guys, I just know it. I…just…just…if you don’t trust her…trust me. Just…let me do this.”


    Nivanee squinted her eyes, gritting her teeth.


    “Avery you can’t-” Vizon began, but Nivanee tugged his shoulder.


    “Ngh…fine. Fine, you wanna go off and do something stupid? Fine.” Nivanee hissed. Avery lifted his head, yet felt a pit in his stomach.


    The Eevee lowered her head, eyes burrowing into the Plusle. There was something in her eyes.


    Something dark.




    “If anything happens to you.” Nivanee growled low. “I’ll arrest her myself.”


    That final statement, though quiet, seemed to roll over the old walls, chilling the air.


    Avery shivered.


    ‘I know they care about me. I knew they’re doing this out of concern. But their concern…it’s…’




    With that, Avery turned, and walked out of the guild. His eyes hurt. He could feel stinging at the corner of them.


    ‘Why are…why are they like this…?


    …and further down…are they right? What if they are right? What if…I’m going to be attacked when I go there? What if…Kellixae…


    No. No, she wouldn’t. I’ll be careful. But …I hope I didn’t hurt Vizon and Nivanee. Whether they’re right about this or not…I don’t want to hurt them.


    But…I’m going to enjoy dinner. I have to.’


    The streets of Arceliaze were busy, even tonight, with Pokemon walking to and fro. Shouting, laughter and music rolled over the street, muffled from within the walls as the day’s work was done.


    But as Avery walked, approached the tall ivory wall, the streets grew dingier. Dirtier. Dimmer. Guards were less frequent as he approached the wall, replaced with groups of Poke’mon milling together on the side of the road, in the alley.


    Many of them stared at Avery as he passed but made no move otherwise.


    The guards that did stand at the occasional corner glared at Avery angrily, only averting their eyes when they saw the glint of his guild badge


    Poke’mon in hoods passed through darkened alleyways. Other Poke’mon stood in open doorways on the sides of buildings, talking in hushed tones.


    Everything secret.


    Soon Avery passed the arch, back onto the narrow dirt roads of the Illaminian district. Many of the houses were dark, with nary a torch lighting the path. The only illumination came from the candlelight pouring from occupied houses.


    Poke’mon that passed him always did so in groups, side-eying Avery before continuing. They were almost like…patrols. But they weren’t guards, just normal Poke’mon.


    A Poke’mon talked to a hooded Pokemon between two log cabin homes


    Despite being so dark, so quiet, there was movement all around Avery as he waked through the Illaminian district.


    Something told Avery that walking in groups was safer, late at night. Kellixae said she was bringing a friend to dinner too – someone from the market.


    ‘Maybe…I could get them to walk me to the end, just in case. It was going to be later at night, anyway.’


    Avery gave a couple of the patrols little nods as he walked, heading to Kellixae’s house. If they weren’t guards…well, Avery saw firsthand how the guards treated these Poke’mon. How…the guild treated them.


    Avery looked down at his badge as he walked with a little frown.


    ‘Should I take this off…? I’m nor going to do anything to these Poke’mon…but I might understand how they might want to make a pre-emptive strike, considering my…apparent background.’


    Avery quickened his pace a little. He was already feeling residual stress from Dove Fo Uddjo and his confrontation with his friends. The way that Nivanee looked at him. The way…both of them did. They thought he was doing something stupid.


    ‘But Kellixae wouldn’t hurt me…right?


    Please let this be okay…


    Just…get to Kellixae’s house.’


    “Oi, break it up, on yer way. Back to yer homes.”


    Avery heard a gruff-voiced guard ordering a large group of six break up, the Poke’mon huffing but complying.


    A hooded Pokemon darted away.


    And though many stared at Avery, the glint of his badge kept them away.


    He walked, his paws crunching in the dirt. Little bumps and noises quietly breaking the silence, until at last, Avery came to the address.


    The street was a little wider here, with a scant few more Poke’mon milling in their front lawns. The house…Kellixae’s house, was modest.


    Very modest.


    No decorations at the front, save for a string of wood chimes adoring an awning in front of the door, the wind letting them clack and make a gentle noise.


    The light was on inside. He could hear faint voices inside.


    With a sigh, Avery stepped up to the door, looking up at the wind chimes for a moment. It wasn’t much but it was a bit of personality. He could imagine sitting inside, listening to them as the wind gently blew through the streets.


    He knocked on the door.


    “Kellixae? It’s Avery. I’m, uh…here for dinner, if that’s still alright?”


    The voices hushed immediately. Avery could hear a sigh, a quiet command and a reply.


    One of the voices sounded like a child.


    “Tvu essowepfa!” A muffled voice called out…Kellixae’s.


    The door opened, warm light spilling onto the dark street followed by a gust of smoky hot air from a fireplace.


    There, the Flaaffy, Kellixae, stood. Though her eyes still carried a deep exhaustion, she looked overjoyed to see Avery.


    “Oh grracious, Averry! It is verry good to see you!” Kellixae asked, stelping aside. “Did you trravel safe? Anyone give you trrouble? Please do come in!”


    Avery looked up at her…and immediately deflated in relief at seeing her expression. He hadn’t realized how much stress he had been holding onto until it melted off of his shoulders.


    “A few looks, but that’s it,” Avery said, turning to her after he stepped into the house. “…I think the badge kept people away.”


    Avery’s thumb flicked against the wings of the badge, tracing its edge.


    “…In any case, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to see you yesterday morning. I was actually in Dove Fo Uddjo overnight…! I was worried I wouldn’t make it back here in time for our dinner.”


    Kellixae nodded softly, stepping in with him.


    “Yes, the badge will do that. I should think therre arre few Pokémon that darre to fight a member of the…Arrceliaze Guild.” Kellixae mused, walking around him.


    As Avery stepped inside and let his eyes adjust he saw the inside of her house.



    A simple dirt floor, some hammocks, simple log cabin furnishings. To say there was barely anything to the interior was an understatement.


    “But not to worrry, Avery. We would have delayed forr you.” Kellixae admitted, going to the crate to fetch a satchel with some money inside. “I see you did not brring your satchel? Verry wise, I suppose, be you worried about being robbed.”


    “It was, um…” Avery sighed a bit. “…Vizon and Nivanee, they were worried about me coming here.”


    He decided not to speak too much about…the rest of the conversation. At least for now. Even if it was weighing on him. He glanced up…and noticed something peculiar.


    Kellixae had frozen. She stood, simply holding the crate open and staring inside.


    “Vizon and…Nivanee, hm?” She said quietly. Avery blinked, simply watching her stand there. Then, as though a spell had been broken, the Flaaffy chuckled, shaking her head, continuing to root around in the crate to fetch some extra effects for her satchel. “Well…in any case I have put my son, Taishavio to bed forr the night. He is a good child, verry brright.”


    “Taishavio,” Avery said slowly…and his ears perked. “Right, you have a son…! And…I really like what you’ve done with this place. Believe it or not, it looks leagues homelier than my living quarters in the guild, ha…we haven’t had much chance to go furniture shopping.”


    “Mhm, is that so?” Kellixae giggled, taking a seat at the table. “I do admit, Arcean furrniturre is not much to my taste. I do prreferr the look frrom my old home…but this is all one can buy, at least on what I make.”


    Avery looked down at the rug as he stepped further into the house, and turned around to face Kellixae.


    “Is your friend coming, too…?” He asked. “I hope I’m not too early.”


    She hummed, leaning on the table.


    “Well, no, we arre to fetch her at herr home. I cerrtainly would not have herr walking the strreets. Not these days.”


    “I see,” Avery said with a little nod. “Then we can go whenever you like…! Though I guess I am pretty curious about what Illaminamo furniture is like. Or, really, Illaminamo to begin with. I’d only seen bits of it from atop the Rocky Hills, so I don’t know the first thing about what it’s like.”


    Avery’s eyes traced the door, and he frowned slightly.


    “Are the streets really so dangerous that you could be jumped…? There’s that many muggers in this district…?”


    Kellixae nodded, standing up from the table to let Avery out from her house.


    “Muggerrs? Therre are a few, as any place. Poke’mon desperrate for money…how verry common. But not herre, no. What would any Illamini have to take?” Kellixae shook her head. “None would take like that frrom ourr own. So no, not muggerrs, it is not them that concerrns me…”


    As they both stepped out, Avery could hear distant gruff shouting. A guard down the road glaring at Avery and Kellixae as they began walking the street. Unfriendly eyes peered at them from between buildings.


    Kellixae hunched, looking scared, though her eyes weren’t afraid. All at once she was…putting on an act of scared meekness.


    Like she just flipped a switch.


    “Let us go, I can show you to Sekura’s home.”




    Avery stood up a little straighter, giving the guard a nod. The guard made a noise, as though huffing, but relaxed the moment he saw the Plusle’s badge. A proud guildmember. Kellixae was with Avery.


    ‘…Acting scared. Unable to perpetrate anything. That’s…guh…’


    “Is there any specific way I should be acting?” Avery mumbled to Kellixae, stepping down onto the street.


    “Howeverr you wish, dearr Averry.” Kellixae assured, keeping her eyes to the ground, not even looking at the Plusle. “Only do wearr that badge of yourrs prroudly. It is…verry fetching on you, yes?”


    The pair of them continued down the road, passing candy shops with lights on, locked tight. Windows broken. Deeper into the Illaminian district, Avery saw houses that were little more than charred rubble…but not recently, the burns were clearly wet and dirty and old, the ruins overgrown and silent. Some of the burnt homes seemed to have some words, all in Illaminian, carved onto them.


    Thankfully, the deeper into the district they went, the more torches were present, dimly lit. Flickering shadows bounced at every corner.


    All the while, Avery noticed more hooded Poke’mon. Skulking in the alleys…seeming to stare at him…he could have sworn he caught a glint under the hood in the torchlight. Was that his imagination? Avery was sure those hooded people thought him no different than those guards. But…he hoped that with time he could show them all that he was on their side. Maybe with…drastically more time they could come to trust these badges as a whole again.


    ‘…maybe that’s reaching a little too far.’


    “Ah herre…”


    Kellixae’s voice broke him from his musing, from the uncertain energy of the district, to another, wider street with a small outdoor diner present.



    There, a house stood. Different from the rest Avery had seen. It was still a log cabin, of course, but this one was painted. Decorated with bright and pretty colors. A weathervane spun merrily upon the roof. The grass was trimmed, a stone path laid, a small makeshift fence surrounding the property.


    A small box sat by the lawn gate, books inside, with the words “Mocso Hsevaovo qis Vavvo o’ Cencini~!”


    Wood chimes clacked softly, strung up around the home, flowers swaying in front of it. And there, presented to the pair, was a green door adorned with a pattern much different from that of Arcean design: sharper, wing-like etchings festooned the colorful door.


    The neighboring homes seemed to look similar but not exact. Etchings and chimes and furniture, all in the same style. Perhaps, even donated by the proprietor of whoever lived here.


    “Ah, Sekurrae…” Kellixae smiled warmly, looking up and down the street. It was a pleasant sight compared to the rest of the ruined district.


    “…Oh, what a pretty sight,” Avery breathed, looking up at the house. “It’s a very pretty house. Your friend has nice taste…!”


    “She does. Everryone loves Sekurrae…or Sekurra or whateverr it is she calls herrself.” Kellixae smiled, patting Avery on the shoulder. “A splash of styling from the old countrry, it makes this part of the distrrict feel like a little slice of Duphimevu, and prractically anyone frrom that rregion rremembers herr.”


    There was movement in the window, a flutter of a shadow. Kellixae waved, unlatching the gate and stepping onto the stone path as the home’s door flung open!


    AAAAA~!! I’ dito’ cimmu wifisvo, Kellixini!!!” A peppy voice called from the door, sing-songy in tone. From the bright light that shone on the pair, a Mawile came bounding out, throwing her arms around Kellixae. The Flaaffy laughed, hugging back. “Auughh, No tvewu qsiuddaqepfu…I’ numvu vesfo. Oh…tio ommitu???”


    “To’, tvu cipi…” Kellixae laughed again, patting the Mawile on the shoulder. “Epdj’ou tupu duto’ gimodi fo wifisvo.”


    The two women chuckled to one another before the Mawile looked Avery’s way, pulling from Kellixae and leaning down to greet him with a smile.


    “I djo i’ raitvu~? Ap vau enodu, Kellixini?” The Mawile asked, eyes sparkling. It’s then she noticed the Plusle’s badge, her eyebrows raising. “Um…Kellixini…tio pio haeo…?”


    Avery blinked a bit, shifting on the ground as they spoke. He couldn’t understand a word they were saying…he just had to hope they were good things.


    Kellixae chuckled to herself.


    “It is funny you of all Poke’mon ask that.” Kellixae said, switching to Arcean. The Mawile blushed, smiling as Kellixae continued. “No, this is Avery, my plus one forr the night. Avery, this is Sekurrae.”


    “Oh my goodness, Avery? Frrom the Team Azurre?” Sekura’s eyes widened, putting her hands over her mouth. There was…an excited, almost fangirlish glint in her eye. “It is a pleasurre to meet you. I am, ahem,  Sekura, and I-“


    The Mawile cleared her throat.



    “And I am so very happy to meet you. Are you a friend of Kelly’s?”


    “Oh! You…You work at the magazine stall, don’t you?” Avery asked. “Vizon and I got the tabloids from you, because I was curious about what they’d say about me, heh… It’s nice to meet you formally, Sekurae…!”


    He gave a little bow.


    “I hope that my being guild isn’t…uncomfortable for you.” He continued, looking back up at her. “… Oh, do you prefer Sekura or Sekurrae?”


    “Oh, Sekura, please. It is what my friends call me, yes?” Sekura said, glancing to Kellixae who only chuckled, nodding. “But, no no, hardly uncomfortable! If anything I’m quite honored! I’ve had a love for the stories of the guild even back when I was a small girl in the old country. Those imported periodicals are how I first learned Arcean, you know!”


    Sekura’s voice seemed to…change. She did not roll her r’s, now sounding like an only slightly off-kilter native Arcean. Avery stiffened when Sekura switched. He nodded at her question, smiling brightly.


    “Mhm! And, yes, to answer your question, Kellixae is my banker!” Avery continued. “I get to talk with her every morning while Vizon does the shopping in the Kecleon Brothers’ stall. She’s been wonderful to work with… I’m still hoping I can come across her item stall one of these days though…!”


    “Oh, have you both met beforre?” Kellixae asked, eyebrows raised and looking between he and Sekura. “Though I suppose it is no surrprrise. The bookstorre of hers is only a shorrt distance from the One Trruth square, mm? I do hope that fireplace kindle of a brochure was kind to Team Azure.”


    “Mm…it was as kind as it ever is to the guild, though…” Sekura sighed, smiling sadly. “It seems they’ve taken to making potshots at the new team. Bah, nobody takes those pamphlets seriously, I think. Were it they were not floundering they would have no need of such shocking journalism, yes?”


    “Mmm, I suppose.” Kellixae shrugged, the both of them already walking with Avery from the house and down the road. Where Kellixae kept her head and posture low, Sekura instead stood tall and walked with a confident gait…something that seemed to make Kellixae mildly uncomfortable, though the Flaaffy said nothing. “But yes, Averry has been visiting me every morrning the past few weeks, everr since he joined the guild. And all the while he has been a verry sweet and kindly sorrt.”


    “Oh I am sure…” Sekura said, looking back to Avery. “That adventure at the river delta…oh, so cool…! It made me feel a little girl again, lying upon her bed, reading periodicals. Still, to think you would like to have dinner with us!”


    “Well, of course I would,” Avery said, in almost mock offense. “Why wouldn’t I?”


    It occurred to Avery as he said it that many an Illaminian might have a few ideas as to why he wouldn’t want to. So he decided to continue.


    “Kellixae’s been a good friend to me, and… Well, as I’m sure the periodicals have said, I’m…pretty new to Arcea.” He explained. “A ghost, I think they called me? So I’m really interested to see what kind of food Kellixae makes.”


    “Oh no no, not me.” Kellixae corrected. “I would harrdly trreat a frriend to my own cooking on a firrst visit. We arre going to the firre grrill. I believe Olkae is cooking tonight, yes?”


    “That is what I saw when I was coming home!” Sekura confirmed. “Oh, Olkae…there is a model Illamini op Arceali, ey? Every day, throwing herself to that grill for her parents. And look at the house she has managed to make! Such a pretty thing in such short time. How long has she been here? Three or so years?”


    “Mmm, I could not say…” Kellixae hummed, looking down at Avery.


    “That does remind me though…” Avery began. “I haven’t read the tabloids since that…Interview a couple of days ago. If you say they’re taking potshots at me… I wonder what they’ve honed in on…?”


    She huffed quietly at his question.


    “Ah, yes, theirr ‘potshots’. Hm.” Kellixae sighed. “What else would they say of Team Azure’s team captain other than ‘disloyal capitulator’. A few mildly kind worrds towards blighterrs is all they rrequirre.”


    “Oh, Kellixae, need we talk of nasty things tonight of all nights?” Sekura smiled sadly, to which Kellixae only grunted. “We have a fun dinner at the grill ahead of us, yes?”


    Avery grimaced at the words. Disloyal capitulator.


    ‘I’m not even from here. How can I be loyal to a place I’m not even from? Ugh…’


    “Oh, ha, a grill sounds good…” Avery said with a nod, accepting Sekura’s offer to change the subject. “Olkae…I don’t think I’ve met them… But Lahnae brought me to a sandwich bar the other day, run by an Illaminian Electabuzz. He served amazing stuff there…Lahnae was a regular there, I think…! “


    “Oh, Banitus? Not many Illamini op Arceali keep space in the market district!” Sekura lit up hearing Avery. “He mentioned he had a guild member as a regular.”


    Avery nodded along with the conversation.


    “Yes, Lahnae. She’s the captain of Team Spade…!” Avery said excitedly. “She’s the one who showed me the shop. I’m not sure I’d be able to navigate back to it from how twisty the streets are, but…I’m glad she took me! She and Banitus seemed to be on really good terms.”


    “Banitus is a very sweet man, isn’t he?” Sekura said warmly, clasping her hands together. “He used to come by our bookstore back in Duphimevu before he moved out to Dsitdove. I was so happy to see him again.”


    “Mm, I have only met him in passing.” Kellixae put in. “I took Taishavio to the sandwich shop in Dsitdove when he was but a young boy. That was well in the drroughts, trrying to just give him pleasant meals and fun things durring such harrd times. I had to hope the drroughts would end in time, but frrom what I hearr they’rre still going strrong.”


    “Nevermind, Kellixae.” Sekura said warmly. “Everything will get better, you will see.!”


    Chapter 18.1





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