The account update is here, check out the patch notes!



    This part of the X-Eye district was always cold.


    Lahnae didn’t know why. Despite the fact it was the middle of summer and the rest of Arceliaze was struggling to keep cool, it seemed like a cold wind always blew through this square no matter what time of year it was.


    Lahnae’s feathers fluttered in the cold breeze. There was a deep pit in her stomach. She’d come to the X-Eye District to visit her family during down time from the Arceali Guild.


    She stood in front of an apartment building. It was old, made of darkened brick and cobble with wood framing. One or two windows had been smashed and boarded up a long time ago. The previous owner had wanted to fix the place up and give it a new coat of paint years ago. However, he was never able to secure the funds from the bank, and before long he had to sell the apartments to a Market District realtor.


    The cold wind blew harder. Lahnae shuddered at the scene.


    A bright, colorful sign posted at the front of the complex read, in the friendliest lettering the printer could manage:



    Beat the heat for a low price of 2,000p/mo!





    …quadruple what it’d been last time she came by here.


    Many doors of the apartment were open, workers gutting empty flats to renovate them. Only now were new glass panes being brought in to replace the windows. From down here Lahnae could see the new owner, a tall Pokemon in fine vestments giving other Pokemon in equally fine vestments tours of the building. She couldn’t hear the new owner’s voice, but she could already assume what was being said, for she had heard it a hundred times growing up:


    “They say this side of Arceliaze is going to get a lot better! Cleaner, less crime, it’s the prime time to invest!”


    From down here, Lahnae could see a dozen notices on a dozen doors fluttering in the cold wind.


    She’d seen it before. A hundred times, a hundred moves, a hundred roofs over her head.


    Once again…her family had moved somewhere else.


    Lahnae turned her head, watching a passing Charmeleon man as he walked from the apartment, burlap sack in one hand and map of Arceliaze in the other.


    “Oi, oi-” Lahnae addressed the man, putting on her native X-Eye accent. “Spare a min’ fer a fellow district’er?”


    The Charmeleon perked up, looking her way. The expression on his face showed his immediate trust, even if Lahnae could tell he was broiling with so much fury he was about ready to explode.


    “Wassat? Speak y’need quick–!” He barked hurriedly. “I gots t’get a roof over me head a’fore a shower comes.”


    “Get ta’ Vurla’s.” Lahnae said.


    “What now?”


    “Yannow Vurla? Lady what owns the fight club on eeyyy…Old 40th?” Lahnae flicked a wing southward. “Tell ‘er ya got the boot from ‘ere. She’ll sort ye with a coin-a-day room a‘til y’ can find another place.”


    The Charmeleon huffed in relief, his shoulders relaxing at once. His clawed hand wiped down his face like an enormous weight had been lifted off his shoulders.


    Arceus almighty…cheers, miss.” The Charmeleon sighed, taking a moment to compose himself before continuing. “…so, what’dya need?”


    “Did’ya know a Combusken woman what lived ’round here?” Lahnae asked. “Novitiary teacher. Married to a Braixen, livin’ with family?”


    Ohhh, oh, yeah, right! That’s, eyyy…what’s ‘er name…Shalta?” The Charmeleon recalled, nodding. “I talked ‘wit her once’n twice. She an’ hers were the first to leg ’bout a month ago – packed a ways faster than the rest a’ us, she did. Ohhh, wait, you her kid?”


    “Aye, s’me! Lahnae!” The Torchic gave a quick half-bow which the Charmeleon returned. “I was gun’ ask – didja know where they’ve bounced to?”


    The Charmander didn’t respond immediately. Lahnae knew that meant bad news.


    “Mmmh…sorry, lass, I’d love ta help ye but I din’ talk ‘em up much. But I knows they’d go to that, like, district potluck some folks ‘round here do. They’s have to have told someone? Ask ’round the North end, someone’s had to’a seen em.”


    Lahnae heaved a deep sigh. Yet again a visit to her parents meant a wild goose chase through the X-Eye District.


    With a quick thank-you to the Charmeleon, the Torchic turned, heading northward, deeper in.



    The north end of the X-Eye District…didn’t look right at all.


    Lahnae remembered the northern X-Eye District. It contained some of the more dilapidated buildings, a whole section of Arceliaze practically abandoned by the banks and realtors. It was cared for only by those that lived there, though there was hardly anything they could do without funds. When Poke’mon thought of the X-Eye district being nothing but drinking, gambling, thugs, crooks and the homeless they were usually talking about the northern X-Eye District.


    But as Lahnae walked through the Northern X-Eye district now…she started to realize how long she’d been gone.


    The dirt road turned to white brick. The building murals painted by locals on the walls of broken down buildings had been painted over in…pure white. The old wood beams now were steel beams. Signs did not hang over the road but were now flat and flush against the buildings.


    Lahnae looked to the right. There, an old empty lot had been torn up and now exploded with flowers and bushes.


    Lahnae looked to the left. There she saw a building with a bricked-up entrance and a sign reading:


    Coming Soon~!


    Quayoffi-Style Chesto Café’




    Lahnae looked ahead. Every alleyway between buildings now had a white-painted iron fence restricting access with an armored Escavelier guard standing in front. There had never been this many guards in the X-Eye District in her life.


    Lahnae passed a bustling restaurant, which seemed to grow like a tumor of fresh and new brick out of an ailing, old building. The large bricks were painted with a cobblestone texture, and a sign with old Archian patterns read:


    Taste Traditional Archian food and eat like an old Baron!


    Bread Bowls and a mug of Totter for 300p!


    Lahnae winced at it all.


    She winced at the sign. She winced at the hiked up price of something she’d usually get for 10 coins max. She winced at the costumed waiters and well-dressed clients. She winced at the role-play of a cleaned up caricature of the restaurants she’d visit all the time as a kid.


    She felt a cold wind blow through the district. She picked up the pace, jogging as fast as she could down the street, trying to find where the smooth stone became dirt again.


    Lahnae had hoped she’d be able to do what she always did when her parents moved: hit up a bar or fight club and ask. But she hadn’t seen one for a while. She hadn’t seen anyone from the X-Eye District around.


    She shook her head.


    She was worrying about nothing. So what if a section of the district was bought up and turned all ‘Market District’-ish. There was still plenty of X-Eye District for her parents to live in. She just had to find them.






    As she left the bleached white buildings behind, she started to notice how hungry she was. Lahnae sighed, partly with relief.


    “Maybe I’m just hungry…” She muttered to herself, trying to grasp onto hope. “Gotta stay positive and it’s harder to do that when hungry. Yeah…-!”


    Of course, there was no way she was going to go back for a 300p bread bowl. She was going to get some cheap, deep fried stuff! Like she used to all the time as a kid!


    The Torchic smiled just thinking about it – hours hopping from one street snack bar to another with her cousin Arnayo. Maybe she’d buy some extra for him – she knew he’d get a kick out of that!


    Only question was where she’d find a street snack bar.


    She remembered street snack bars used to be these short little brick or wood structures, sometimes on wheels. They’d be parked on the side of the road, up against buildings – you could tell they were open for business if there was plumes of delicious-smelling smoke billowing out it.


    She frowned. There were a few of those small buildings…but not nearly as many as she remembered, and those she did find looked abandoned and gutted.


    Where was everybody?


    Why was the street so empty…?


    Lahnae’s gaze darted to the side.




    There – a plume of thick smoke rose from behind a tall, closed down building, deep in the alleyway and far away from any of the glittery new stuff. She swung around, stepping into the darkened alleyway. Even here, the narrow gap between the buildings allowed for a rushing cold, damp wind that made her feathers bristle.


    “Oi oi – who’s cooking? I’m payin’!” Lahnae shouted, her voice echoing through the alleyway.


    “Oh-!! Aye!! Aye, here!!” The response was immediate. The Torchic smiled, hearing that. The voice that responded was gruff, raspy and, above all, familiar – the voice of a smoke-cooker of the X-Eye District.


    Stepping further into the alley she found what she was looking for: a small building on wheels with a long open bar on the side, constructed of stained brick and mossy wood. She even saw where some local kid had painted their name on the door, and another left a hand-painted night scene – both untouched by the owner. In front of the small mobile building, barely visible amid the smokey haze pouring from inside, were seven old and rickety stools sat right on the ground in front of the bar. It was as much of a stand-up establishment as a Pokemon could get away with opening in Arceliaze.


    There was only one thing that was strange.


    Places like this were usually surrounded by hungry Pokemon and others just hanging out. Adults, kids, teens, everyone.


    Why was she the only one here?


    She shook her head, trying to banish the worry. She was here now. It was GRUB time!


    Lahnae leapt up onto one of the stools, taking a deep breath of the suffocating smoke. Just how she liked it.


    “‘Eeeey, good smellin’, yeah!?” Lahnae called, slamming a wing on the counter. Despite her time away her X-Eye District mannerisms spilled out naturally. “Whatev’ ye be cooking it ought be FRIED. I wanna be seein’ chars an’ cinders, y’hearin’? What’s up fer eats??”


    There was a cough from across the counter. Lahnae could vaguely make out the silhouette of the proprietor, a Magmortar, as he fanned the air to get a good look at Lahnae.


    The Torchic squirmed.


    He didn’t look all that happy, despite his friendly smile.


    “Whasfer eats? Tell ya true: fried anything! Potatoes, carrots, berries, I’ll fry anything fer cheap!” The Magmortar laughed.


    “How cheap’s cheap, mate?”


    “Half-a-Penny a’pound.”


    Lahnae paused, a look of surprise crossing her face.


    “Half-a-Penny?” She repeated, cocking her head. “Generous, aye – you keeping that roof well, lad?”


    The cook sighed, his smile slowly fading. He let out a friendly laugh.


    “Ahah…Nai, ain’t.” He said. “Cuttin’ the losses – takin’ what I can get! Y’know how’s be.”


    “What say ye?? Speak!”


    “Yer the first I seen in days.” The Magmortar said with a chuckle. A bitter chuckle.


    “Days?? Days?? What sense is that, days??” Lahnae demanded, her voice raising. “This shop’s COZE max, ’tis!! Any districter’d be chompin’ at the bits t’be here! Where they??”






    Lahnae’s words died in her throat.


    She sat, frozen. That cold wind blew, carrying away the smoke.


    “…gone…?” She whispered.


    “Flats’re empty. More guards on th’ roads. And I don’ think the Market Districters waddlin’ about find me lil grease-trap shop savory.”


    “Oh, plague on the Market Districters!! What ’bout us?! Yer folks, ain’ we?!”


    “Market Districters’re bout all that’s left, lass…all that’s left.”


    Lahnae was huffing. Puffing. She didn’t even notice she’d stood up in her seat, her face twisted into a furious expression…as she stared into the Magmortar’s defeated expression.


    She couldn’t muster any more words.


    Her breathing slowed…and she plopped back down onto the stool.


    Neither she nor the cook spoke for a long time.


    All was cold and silent between them. Not a sound…not a voice.


    Then, the cook simply took a deep breath, looking back towards an icebox behind the counter.


    “…M’sellin’ this lot next week. Only one wot’s buying is Hushanii Arceliaze Realtors…” The Magmortar sighed, stepping back and opening the icebox. “…might make a fine Chesto Cafe, I s’pose…”


    “…I don’t want a Chesto Cafe.”


    “But it’ll be here all the same. Shiny an’ sparkling…and I’ll be shocked if’n I’ll be able t’ even afford a cup of water from it.” He chuckled.


    From the icebox, the Magmortar produced a bottle…of Eksai.


    Fine Eksai – it was in a colorful, beautifully crafted and decorated glass bottle that spiraled from its base to its neck. Lahnae’s eyebrows lifted seeing it.


    “That…I seen that…” She whispered, amazed. She didn’t even wonder why he had it out – just the fact he had it at all was shocking. “That’s, like, ey…one-a them real fancy bottles-o Eksai. Don’t…they go for two thousand coins?”


    Four thousand these days.” The Magmortar corrected, setting the bottle on the counter.


    “Arceus sake, lad – how’d you possibly buy that-?!” She balked.


    “T’was a gift from a friend that worked at an Eksai garden in Mal.”


    Ai, true?? Mal’s…that’s where all the real famous Eksai gardens and bottling companies are, ain’t it…?”


    “Aye…” The Magmortar said, leaning on the counter. All the while, he never took his eyes off the ornate bottle. Lahnae could feel the pit in her stomach returning. “…y’ know what me friend told when he handed me that bottle?”


    There was a pause.


    Lahnae’s gaze slowly fell to the Eksai.


    She slowly shook her head.


    “What’d he tell…?” She asked, her voice low.


    “They gots these big barrels they hold the Eksai in. Oak, pine, all kindsa wood. An’ they keeps ’em there fer years, aging ’em.” The Magmortar explained as he traced a claw along the grooves of the bottle. “When time’s right, they pop open the barrel. Half the barrel’s used t’ fill simple jars an’ bottles, sold fer 12 coins each. The other half? Used t’ fill fancy bottles theys sell for 4,000 coins each.”


    A hush fell between the both of them. The words hung in the cold air.


    The Magmortar gently tapped his claw on the bottle…slowly sliding it towards Lahnae.


    “…When me friend gave me that bottle, he said ‘take this…and go sell it. Get yerself some rent’.”


    The bottle sat between the both of them. Chilled so much it’d hurt to hold.


    Lahnae couldn’t take her eyes off it. Couldn’t stop staring into the twisted reflection in the glass.


    Without a word, she leaned over, uncorked the bottle…


    …and poured a glass for the Magmortar first.











    The roars and whooping echoed over the street as a rowdy crowd of drunken Pokemon jeered and sang from a dingy open bar. They hurled their song at a passing pair well-dressed Market District Pokemon, both of whom were flushed and most embarrassed under the barrage of insults. Across the road, rich-looking Pokemon sneered from a fancy restaurant balcony at the top of what used to be an inn.


    And all of them were made the target of ribbing from the loud X-Eye District Pokemon who all roared and sang from the bar on the other side of the street:










    Bellowing laughter and half-hearted calls to stop rippled from the crowd. A round of drink swallowed as all the rich Pokemon across the street went beet-red with indignation.


    Lahnae, for the first time all day, felt at peace. For once, things felt somewhat familiar. Somewhat like home.


    The Torchic bobbed and weaved between the larger Poke’mon, deftly avoiding waitresses and Pokemon loudly betting on the fighting match that raged on in the center of the bar. No doubt the screams and visceral sights were a disruption to the fancy restaurant across the street.


    The Torchic smirked.


    That was just a bonus.


    She finally made her way to the back of the bar, to the counter, where the bartender was merrily filling cups from a line of barrels. Lahnae could smell the cooks in the back making all manner of food for the patrons. She quickly clambered up onto the stool, slamming a wing on the counter to grab the barkeep’s attention over the thunderous noise.










    The bartender, a Rampardos, stomped over to Lahnae quickly, leaning down to hear her.


    “Oi oi!” Lahnae called, barely able to hear herself over the crowd. “You Caupius?”


    “Aye, I am!” He shouted, barely heard.


    “I’m looking fer totter and info – I gots recommended t’ you by the street snack bar guy a few blocks down, y’know ‘im?”


    “Shuvo?? ‘Course I know ‘im! The X-Eye Coalition’s been tryin’ to buy ‘is debt fer years!” The Rampardos shouted back. “Bank ain’t budging, they’re gunna demand him close down! Figures, if’n Hushanii Arceliaze owners got a commanding investment-“


    “X-Eye Coalition??” Lahnae called. “What’s that?!”


    “What else??!” The barkeeper grinned wildly, nodding at the cheering, singing crowd. “Landlordin’ company owned by us X-Eye districters! Buyin’ up buildings, keeps th’ rent low an’ refuses to sell to a Market Districter! Simple as! S’why WE’RE still here! And we’re gunna REMAIN here a while yet, see if we ain’t!”


    Lahnae smiled, the warmth of the bar, all the Pokemon surrounding her and shouting noisily, all of it swirled around her as she heard that. The Rampardos laughed, waving a hand.


    “Never fear ol’ Shuvo -” He promised. “We’ll see to it he gets back on his feet. He’ll be serving grease-coated food again in no time!”


    “Good!! Because it was delicious!”


    “Aw, y’ate already?!” The Rampardos laughed. “We got a few local fryers in the lot out back if’n y’want any more!”


    “Arceus, no, I’m stuffed! Besides, I ain’t even asked what I wanted yet!” Lahnae called.


    “Oh aye?”


    “I was lookin’ fer my parents! Shalta, Novitiary teacher! Combusken! Y’know her?” Lahnae asked. “Lives with me dad, Tuxio, Braixen?? Wit’ me Auntie and Uncle an’ Cousin all together.”




    “Aye, Arnayo, y’know ‘im?” Lahnae called.


    “Arnayo…aye, yeah! I remember, he’d swing by a few times. He was living a few blocks down, on North 19th Road, building #34. Big ‘ol apartment complex. Y’can’t miss it!”


    “How long ago was that?”


    There was a roar from the crowd. The Rampardos’s face twisted in confusion.


    “What now? Say again?!” The bartender shouted, though his voice was getting drowned out by the noise.


    “I said-“


    Lahnae was shoved from behind. The noise became uncoordinated. She could hear jeering and shouting…but no more punching. The match had stopped. The Rampardos’s attention was snapped up.




    “Oi!! OI!!” A voice gruffly roared at the front of the bar, near the street. “What’s going on here?!”


    “Feck off, guardie!!” A voice slurred.


    Lahnae’s eyes widened. She cocked her head, looking back.


    “We’re gettin’ noise complaints! Public indecency!!” The gruff voice roared. “Are we or are we NOT a civilized society?!”




    Twenty guards standing on the street. Escavelier javelins sharpened, eyes locked onto the crowd threateningly.


    She’d never seen this many guards in one place in the X-Eye District. Not once. Not ever.


    Lahnae lifted her head.


    Across the road…the rich Pokemon sitting at the restaurant balconies were looking much more smug.


    “OI!” The Rampardos behind her shouted. “This is private property! What we do is our business!”


    “What you’re doing is hurtin’ DECENT Pokemon’s business!” The guard shouted! “You! You the owner?! Come forward, NOW!”


    “HE AIN’T GOIN’ NOWHERE!” A voice shouted down the guard. A glass bottle broke.


    “US hurting?! What ’bout THEM!? They’s the one driving off Pokemon what live here-!!!”


    Whoever was shouting was jumped. Three guards SURGED into the crowd! The scene descended into chaos at once as all the guards rushed intackling Pokemon. Dragging them off. Bodies clashed! Metal clanged and tables split and splintered!


    “Break it up! Break it up!” The guards demanded as they struck and FOUGHT the screaming, panicking crowd, swarming and invading the bar. Lahnae yelped, a Pokemon in front of her SHOVED back, knocking her over! Her stool toppled, clattering to the ground as she SLAMMED down! Rolled! Her talons flailed and scraped and scrabbled for footing as Poke’mon SCATTERED in all directions! The Rampardos FLUNG himself over the counter! Guards SHOVED Pokemon out of the bar!!


    The guards shouted and sang as the bar cleared out.


    “X-Eye Rotter! Chokin’ on Totter!


    Coughin’ on Yaja! Contributin’ Nada!


    Here shortly they’re gunna see!


    Lock em up! Lock em up!


    By the Conduit Lock ’em up!


    Nice ‘n clean streets there’ll be!”



    It was dark.


    It was freezing.


    Lahnae was stumbling through the streets. Body bruised from the scuffle.


    All the Pokemon that had escaped with her had long scurried off to whatever dark corner or alleyway would hide them from the gaze of the guard.


    She was alone again.


    Rushing forward, forward toward North 19th Road.


    She tried to keep hope. Her wobbling smile felt heavy on her face as her talons clacked on smooth white stone. Every step sent a chill as fierce as the dead of winter up her body. The cold wind swirled around her as she stumbled and ran.


    She just wanted to see her family.


    She just wanted to go home. Just for a day. Just for a night.


    Freshly painted buildings loomed around her. She was swallowed by their shadows.


    She turned a corner.


    Gardens. Vines, spreading, constricting. Flowers that swayed and drained life from all they touched.


    White walls. White walls.


    She swung around another corner.


    White walls. White ground.


    She skidded as she turned another.


    Sensory deprivation.


    A void of white, blinding her in the dark.


    Her lungs burned. Where was she?


    She stumbled and ran through alien streets, otherworldly locations a million miles from home


    closing in on North 19th Road.






    She turned-


    and she had to stop herself from falling.


    Falling to her knees.


    She had to stop herself from screaming.


    From crying.








    She turned the corner and there was only rubble. Red bricks bled onto pure white, clean stone. Rotting wood lie like corpses in rubble. Torn down forever.


    Coming Soon~!


    Eksai Tasting Bar!




    “Mhm. I’m thinking…egg-white with red awning. Do you think we can do two sets of double doors?”


    Lahnae’s breath caught. A voice pierced the silence of the graveyard.


    “Yeah, I could see it. I got a buyer lined up – they’ve got Eksai coming in from Mal. Decorating the space should be pretty easy.”


    The Torchic turned her head.


    There, behind her…


    Them again.


    Pokemon in Quayoffi style robes. Glittering and shining in the light of dusk.


    “We’ll start with about 30,000p a month then see if we can’t bump that to 60,000p after a bit.” One of them said. “He’s going to be selling the Eksai about 5,000p a bottle, so that should still let him profit.”


    Lahnae could only stare.


    Standing there, staring at them. The rubble at her back. She could feel the dust of the building settle upon her feathers, she’d swear it.


    Standing there.




    Lost in her own home.


    What was this place?


    This wasn’t her home.


    Everyone was gone.


    Where was she anymore…?


    A cough.


    Lahnae’s blurring gaze focused. The vague shapes of the Market District Pokemon came into view. The both of them stared at her, bodies turned slightly away.


    “Hey, yeah, we’re going to need you to move. This is private property.” One of them said. “Shoo. Go on. No loitering, please.”


    Shoo…?” She whispered.


    “Yes. Shoo. Go away, please. Unless you’re looking to buy? Which, sorry, I’m not putting it up for sale currently.”


    Buy…?” Lahnae whispered. Her throat felt dry. “Buy…buy?!”


    She could feel ice in her bones.


    Buy?! Buy what?! Buy my own home back?!” She shouted. “My friends?! My family?! Where are they?!”


    “Okay, I’m feeling threatened right now. I’ll call the guard if you don’t stop.”


    The Torchic huffed. Puffed. Her brow knitted. Her muscles tensed.


    “YOU stop! Stop destroying my home-!!”


    “Uh, hey, no no – we’re fixing this place!” One of the Pokemon scoffed. “The poor district has been nothing but run-down buildings and underdeveloped streets for generations – it’s a waste, you know? All these pretty historical buildings deserve better.”


    They sounded…chipper, almost.




    “A few Cafes, some Eksai bars. I mean, this old place could really become a nice little cultural hub, don’t you think?”


    Lahnae’s breath stopped.


    Her heart hung heavy.


    The shadows of the buildings swallowed her.


    The wind froze her to the bone.


    The guards lining the street stared at her.


    The dust of the rubble weighed on her feathers. Heavy. Crushing. Smothered. She could feel herself sinking. Sinking under the smooth stone. Stone laid on top of her, crushing her, casting her in darkness.


    Paved over. Painted over.


    Snuffed out.


    And the scream that came from her throat broke her voice. Deafened her. The cold banished by an explosion of heat.


    The distance was closed in a moment.


    Wings upon the Pokemon in blinding, golden robes.


    SLAMMING them into the wall!


    They screamed!


    Their companion fell back! Crawled away!


    Lahnae reared back, her wings grabbing the Pokemon’s head and SLAMMING it into the wall again!


    “Stop!! Stop!!! STO-O-OP!!”


    Their scream was like a wailing, begging cry. Lahane SLAMMED her head into them. KICKED into them.




    Her words were her own.


    They were everyone’s.


    Her wings POUNDED into the Pokemon again. THRASHED them against filthy brick walls and rotten wood! TORE their gown! Shreds and tatters on a bloody white stone!




    The thunder of footsteps were all around her. She SWUNG a fist back, SLAMMING it into a guard’s jaw! Then SWINGING back into the Pokemon’s lip!


    Another guard was on her shoulders! Another!


    Lahnae ROARED as she was THROWN to the ground! Another guard JUMPED her! Another! She thrashed and struggled but was pinned. Her fire was blocked, she could barely choke out desperate wheezes as more guards rushed her down.


    The Market District Pokemon spat, sobbing and wailing and rolling on the ground as one final guard rushed for a clinic pick-up.


    Lahnae was restrained, a muzzle locked onto her beak and a rope binding her wings and legs. The fight hadn’t left her, but she knew it was over. The guards lifted her up, dragging back, towards the nearest holding cell center.


    Lahnae huffed. Breathed hard, nostrils flaring, breaths dying in her closed beak. Fire broiling inside her, warming her, yet unable to be released.


    Far from that place she was dragged. Past white walls. White ground. Flowery gardens. Cafes.


    Far from that place.


    Like all the rest. Displaced. Removed.


    From the place that was not home.



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