The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Nivanee did not wake up to the sounds of a gong.


    She woke up to shouting.


    It was a nice and sunny morning. Nivanee, curled up all snug in bed, fluttered her eyes open. The room was bathed in a lovely golden light from the window. All along the walls mementos and awards were hung and proudly displayed – many of them were for heroism, public service and other exceptional qualities.


    And on each glimmering plaque were the words: “TEAM DUSKWALKER”.


    For that’s who Nivanee was.


    At only the young age of fourteen, the Eevee had managed to become leader of the most prominent all-star team in the Arceali Guild! The young girl couldn’t help but be proud!


    Of course, she didn’t do it alone – who could forget her sister and partner, Janus?


    Nivanee sat up in the team bed, arching her back to stretch then leaping down onto the tile to begin her morning exercises. She always liked to do them while looking out the window – facing the sun made her feel ready for anything!


    “C’mon, Janus!” She called, already starting her high-steps in place. “Let’s get moving! You ready for another super-duper day?”


    Silence was her reply.


    The Eevee huffed, puffing her cheeks as she looked over at the bed.


    The bed was empty. Her sister’s side of the covers and 3 stuffed Pokemon hadn’t been disturbed at all, not even by a single wrinkle.


    “Gosh, is she still goofing off?” Nivanee tsked, facing the window again to resume her exercises. The pitter patter of her paws against the tile helped to drown out the shouting from down the hall.


    Janus was quite the lax Pokemon compared to Nivanee. The younger of the Duskwalker sisters would often stay out late. Sometimes Janus wouldn’t make roll call on time. Other times Janus would hardly sleep at all. But this recent bout of tardiness was worse than ever!


    Three whole days! Nivanee was sure to catch trouble from the guild master this time!


    Nivanee giggled to herself, finishing her exercises with a few jumps in place.


    Despite Janus’s lack of punctuality there was no Pokemon in the world Nivanee would rather be on a team with. The Pikachu was powerful, strong-willed and always did the right thing! She was, to Nivanee, just about the best definition of a hero there was! She was exceptional for a girl only twelve years of age!


    With one last big jump the Eevee merrily bounded to the side table and hoisted her item satchel up over her neck. All set for the day!


    The gong should have rung by now. But there was instead just more arguing. Nivanee figured it must have been another ‘break’ day. But even so, the Eevee couldn’t just slack off for three days! There was work to be done!


    Unfortunately, before any work could be done, Nivanee first had to fetch Janus. Whenever Janus was out late Nivanee would just track her down to one of the restaurants or shops Janus frequented and drag her to work from there.


    Of course, Janus wasn’t at any of her usual shops or restaurants.


    Or anywhere in Arceliaze.


    But Nivanee had heard a tip that there was a ‘Janus’ in Souljraan. Silly Janus, running all the way to Souljraan – that girl was so impulsive sometimes!


    The Eevee pushed open the dorm room door, stepping out into the hall. The sounds of arguing was louder out here so Nivanee hummed a merry tune to herself. A little music before work always helped put a bit more pep in her step!


    Just ahead Nivanee could see the guild hall filled with a beautiful spread of colors as the sun shone through the stain glass window of Paradise. It was one of the reasons she loved this time of day and never fussed or complained when she had to get up early.


    Sauntering down the hall, Nivanee could see Team Aquashock’s door was open today. With a smile, she decided to take a peek inside to check on her two very good friends.


    Team Aquashock’s room was rather sparse – there were no plaques or trophies here. But of course, Team Aquashock was the newest team in the Guild, and both members were younger than Nivanee by a few years. They were a ‘slow to start’ sort of team, unfortunately. The two Aquashock members preferred taking easy jobs, but Nivanee always did her best to try and encourage the two to work harder!


    And indeed there the two were, sitting together by the window. Kipuuna, the Piplup leader of Team Aquashock, was never far from his partner, a Shinx named Ganisus. Even today Kipuuna was tightly hugging Ganisus and looking over at the bed.


    And there on the bed was another surprise! Vinae, the Whimsicott leader of the senior team of the Arceali Guild Team Ganusi, was sitting on Aquashock’s bed. She looked to be saying something to Kipuuna and Ganisus.


    Nivanee didn’t pay any mind to what was being said.


    “Good morning, Vinae!!” Nivanee cheered merrily, waving a paw. The Whimsicott lifted her head, looking up at Nivanee. The kindly team captain had a smile of her own.


    “Heya, early-riser~!” Vinae replied. “Golly, up and at-em’ before the gong again?”


    “Yup! I guess it’s another no-work day but I’m not gunna let that stop me!” Nivanee replied with a swish of her tail. Vinae’s face brightened at that.


    “That’s the spirit! Don’t let anything keep you down.” The Whimsicott complimented. She gestured lightly to the Aquashock pair by the window. “I hope you’ll be willing to share your gumption with your family?”


    Nivanee looked over to Kipuuna and Ganisus.


    The Piplup shrank back when the Eevee looked at him. Nivanee might have almost thought that Kipuuna looked scared (but, of course, that was silly! They were such close friends, after all).


    “Hey, what’s up, Kipuuna? Ganisus?” Nivanee asked. The Piplup held the Shinx tighter. Ganisus’s gaze, meanwhile, wandered around the room as though he weren’t paying attention. “Do you guys want to do some missions with me?”


    “N…Nivanee…why are you acting like nothing-“


    “Ah, ah, ah-“ Vinae tsked, shaking her head. “Kipuuna you’ve really got to get out of that slump! Equiros, Shantai and I are all going to be out doing missions today! Some bandits and bad guys! Wanna shadow?”


    “I…I don’t-“


    “Yeah, c’mon, Kip!!” Nivanee cheered with a little bounce. “I know it’s scary, but you can do it! Think of all the lives you could be saving! You don’t wanna just stay cooped up in here, do you?”


    “…s-save…?” Kipuuna stammered. He hugged Ganisus closer.


    Vinae smiled encouragingly, scooting closer.


    “Now, c’mon! I know it’s been a rough few days, but us Guildies can tough it out, can’t we?” The Whimsicott asked. “So long as we do it together~!”


    Kipuuna didn’t look convinced.


    “Don’t worry.” Vinae soothed, hopping down. “Nothing’s going to come of it. We did good~! And we’ll keep doing good today, too!”


    The poor Piplup was doing his best to hold back tears.


    “Y-you promise?” Kipuuna stammered.


    “Promise.” Vinae said, holding out a hand.


    Slowly, Kipuuna unlatched from Ganisus, taking the Whimsicott adult’s hand. Ganisus simply tailed behind the Piplup.


    Nivanee beamed, watching the Piplup be so brave. She knew he’d be a fantastic Arceali Guild member yet!


    “Okie dokie! I’m gunna head out to find Janus, okay?” Nivanee said with a wave of her paw. Vinae perked up, looking the Eevee’s way with a resigned expression.


    “Well, suit yourself! Try to do a lil’ work in the area, too, if you can!” Vinae said.


    “I will!”


    “Oh, and Nivanee?”


    “Mhm? Mhm?”


    Vinae paused a moment, clicking her tongue.


    “Don’t go near the Ivory wall today, alright?”


    “Aw, geez, you say that every time I go out these days!” Nivanee pouted jokingly. “Don’t worry, I won’t!”


    Without any time to waste, Nivanee turned and bounded out the room. In only a hop, skip and jump she was in the Guild Hall, basking in the beautiful colors from the stain glass window.


    It would have been very peaceful, but unfortunately there was still so much shouting coming from the Guildmaster’s Office. Such a noise!


    Nivanee decided to quickly check her satchel to make sure she had enough for today. Opening it up she could see she had three apples. For a trip to Souljraan that was probably enough-


    “You’ve been cagey and evasive this whole time! Totally silent! This isn’t some big mystery, you know exactly why she left!”


    Nivanee hummed loudly to herself, seeing how much money she had. A few hundred worth of coins!


    “Keshiano, you and Team Slime have no right to talk to me that way. The orders came from up the chain! They did! But you’re shouting at me like I was the one-“


    The Eevee hummed a little louder, hurrying along towards the stairs up out of the Guild hall. She was late enough already!


    “How is does the operation of the Guild not fall on you?? Shifting blame – you’re as bad as she is-!”


    “Keshiano, you watch your-“


    “Naw, you know what? I’m done. Team Slime is done. We’re all done here. This whole thing is gone, man. It’s GONE. Arceus, they’re CHILDREN-“


    Nivanee hummed even louder. That did it, now she could focus. She bounded up the steps quickly, leaving the Arceali Guild behind. Things were a little sad today but she knew in her heart everything would be okay! She just had to have faith!


    At last she was outside. She liked being outside – the indoors were too stuffy for her tastes!


    The Eevee took a deep breath of the crisp, smoky air. There was a breeze and a bit of a haze in the atmosphere, but it didn’t feel humid like fog. Nivanee decided it was probably best if she hopped onto a carriage going out to Souljraan.


    She coughed. Someone must have been doing a bonfire.


    She felt uneasy.


    She decided she’d buy her items at Souljraan. Right now she just wanted to get on a carriage.


    Quickly, the Eevee made her way down the opulent Market District roads. Even after living in Arceliaze for so long she was still amazed by the sights and sounds of the big city, though it was hard to see in all the haze right now.


    She especially loved the marble statues! They stood proudly in the center of squares, inside fountains, and even mounted on the sides of buildings. They were carved with such immaculate detail. Even the eyes looked quite realistic as they stared down at her.




    Stared emptily.


    Nivanee shook her head, rushing down the road quicker. The roads were quite empty right now, which was probably because it was so early in the morning. There wasn’t even any couriers or mail Pokemon out and about – it must have been a rest day for everyone!


    The only ones outside were the guard and some army Pokemon, each of them wearing scarves pulled up over their mouths. Nivanee could hear them occasionally cough, too. Nivanee liked the kindly guardsmen and they liked seeing her as well, and every day when they passed one another they would exchange hellos.


    Nivanee wanted to do the same with the army Pokemon but she knew they were likely too busy today to take notice – they only came to the city for important jobs, after all!


    There was still shouting, even out here.


    Nivanee hummed even louder and quickly weaved through the streets. She was trying to find her way to The One Truth Square. The carriage depot would just be south from there-




    Nivanee squealed, recoiling and stumbling. Her head was pounding. A rock clattered to the ground.




    Nivanee coughed. The air was so stuffy in the city. The shouts turned to screams, the guard thundering off the road and into an alleyway.


    The Eevee lifted a shaking paw to her forehead. It felt a little damp.


    That was okay – nothing an Oran Berry couldn’t fix. Nivanee opened her satchel, feeling dizzy but eating the restoring berry and crushing another onto her forehead. She took a breath, feeling better already!


    Being in the Guild unfortunately meant you weren’t friends with everyone. Least of all bad guys that were sour about getting arrested. But that was fine. So long as the innocent were protected!


    She preferred being out of the city anyway.


    Arceliaze was too stuffy for her tastes.


    She took wobbling steps, steadying herself, continuing south towards the depot. She tried to resume humming her song. It had to be loud enough to drown out all the shouting and pounding footsteps and rumble of distant fires. And every elite she saw on the side of the road she made sure to give a friendly wave to, and they returned her waves today! Years ago she would have been most embarrassed to greet respectable elites like that. But now Nivanee practically knew all their names by heart!


    Nivanee finally reached the carriage depot – if she took a ride out she wouldn’t be tempted to go towards that Ivory wall and so she wouldn’t disobey Vinae! Self-Discipline like that was one of the reasons Team Duskwalker was such a renown team, after all! The carriages were all empty and the depot was locked down but when Nivanee showed her guild badge they promised to make a special trip to Souljraan just for her!


    Everyone was always so nice to her! Because everyone recognized Nivanee of Duskwalker!


    The Eevee boarded the carriage when it was brought out. She folded her ears down and kept humming. Humming. Humming.


    The carriage rattled. The haze outside got thicker. And thicker. Nivanee coughed between notes but still kept humming and humming. She remembered she used to hum this tune to Janus all the time when they were kids!


    She had to hope Janus was having fun in Souljraan. Nivanee almost felt bad to be cutting her fun short but there was work to do!


    She was happy when the carriage tilted up – she was out of Arceliaze.


    She could finally stop humming so loudly.


    The carriage rattled on and on, bouncing up and down on the uneven roads. Nivanee had to steady herself or else she’d fall over and bump her still-sore head again.


    In no time at all the carriage reached the forest and crossed the Souljreini Valley, traveling up the hill where Souljraan was. By afternoon the carriage had pulled up by the Souljraan depot to allow Nivanee to hop off. The carriage puller said his farewells and hurried down the road to return to Arceliaze at once.


    Nivanee lingered a moment, taking in the mountain air of Souljraan. The Rocky Hills were so nice this time of year, much better than stuffy ol’ Arceliaze. Heck, was it any wonder Janus was around here? She probably just needed time away from the city and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, silly little sister!


    Better yet, Nivanee knew exactly where to go: North Brick RD Building #02! It must have been some kind of store.


    The Eevee began walking down the road into town. The road was partially cobblestone, sporting multiple potholes – Nivanee liked making a game of trying to leap from one stone to another without hitting any potholes. Of course, sometimes it was impossible and she’d have to walk a stretch of dirt before being able to resume her game.


    Going deeper into town she found it much easier to get to the north side than usual. All the other times she walked this road there were always tons of big carriages stuffed with Pokemon heading for Arceliaze. But today there were none – totally clear! The other Pokemon of Souljraan must have noticed, too, because there were quite a few on the road!


    Nivanee couldn’t help but giggle at some of them – there were tents set up on the side of the road, sometimes many, many tents all set up together in a massive lot. That was quite silly – tents were for camping in the woods! Nivanee imagined all these Pokemon just didn’t wanna go out in the wilderness and would prefer just sleeping in town. That was such a pity, as you could hardly see the stars at night when in town!


    Many of the Pokemon by the tents were talking together – it was a great cacophony of voices.


    “E Arceliazini i taddittu raemdute, jeo tipvovu?”


    “I qis raitvu dji jeppu djoatu o vsetqusvo?”


    “Me noe genohmoe pup qau dupvopaesi e wowisi op ape vipfe! Pup di poipvi e Souljreini! Eccoenu cotuhpu fo docu! Mewusu!”


    “Ju tipvovu fe raemdapu dji ise mo op wotove  i csavvu. I fewwisu csavvu. Qiptu dji fuwsinnu wifisi ti di mewusu pim qusvu fo Yahnerini.”


    “Tupu ap dupvefopu, pup ap nesopeou! Nusosio!!!”


    Nivanee giggled. It seemed some Pokemon didn’t camp for the peace and quiet. She hoped they at least had marshmallows to roast!


    Janus liked roasting marshmallows. She always made marshmallow and chocolate treats for Nivanee whenever they went on long cross-country journeys for Guild work. Then Janus would tell stories based on the constellations in the sky – she was quite creative. Nivanee hoped she could listen to another story soon.


    The Eevee picked up her pace. She was hurrying down the uneven road now, trying to get to where Janus was already.


    At last, she could see Building #2 on North Brick RD. She was thankful it’d been such an easy trip – the past few days had been a sight more difficult!


    The building itself was rather large with two stories to it, constructed from brick and with a playing field situated across the street. Despite it being called Building #02 there were no other buildings, for this building was large enough to span the whole road. There sure were a lot of wings on it!


    A swinging wood sign posted by the road read:


    Brick Road – Souljraan Intermediary Facility


    Nivanee paused, staring at that sign. She frowned, confused.


    What was Janus doing at an Intermediary school?


    Her smile returned as she began to bounce excitedly. Of course! Of course! How could she forget? She and Janus would visit schools all the time to talk about their experiences and encourage kids to keep to their studies!


    Nivanee loved being an inspiration to others, and she knew Janus did, too! It was no wonder she was here!


    Nivanee was confused why her information had said Janus was in room ‘44’ – now it made sense! It all made sense!


    In a rush, Nivanee bolted towards the doors, throwing them open to reveal a large entry hall, with stairs leading to the upper floors and a vacant reception desk.


    Room 44, that’d be the bottom floor, west side.


    She bounded, speeding up as she hurried along. She wasn’t rushing for any particular reason – she’d just find Janus and make sure she was okay. Just in and out. But Nivanee just needed to make sure she didn’t miss Janus by dawdling around, not that it was a concern.


    Nivanee’s paws beat upon the hard wood. She was panting. For fun. She and Janus raced each other all the time – this was another race! Her lungs were burning, she was so tired. How long had she been running? Since the carriage? Since the guild? From her room? Always in a rush, Janus was always so much faster.


    There was a clanging that filled the air.


    Nivanee froze. Skidding along the ground.


    She heard a gong. A gong!


    Morning time!


    She could feel her muscles tense, posture straightening. She had to line up she couldn’t be late she couldn’t dawdle she had to be on time she


    Felt a bump.




    A Pokemon walked past her. A Paras.


    Another bump.


    To her left was a Pawmo walking past. Then a Vulpix.


    A towering Milotic, a staff member, moved along the crowd of kids that walked around Nivanee. The Milotic didn’t even seem to notice that Nivanee of Duskwalker stood amid the swarm of students.


    The Eevee turned her head to the sound of a wood door creaking open. Above the door was painted:




    Her eyes widened. All at once a crowd of chattering Pokemon began to pour from the classroom.


    They all looked about Nivanee’s age.


    “H-…” Nivanee felt a lump in her throat as the crowd spilled out, flowing around her. “J-Janus…??”


    There was no response.


    “Janus??” Nivanee repeated, louder. The Pokemon coming out of the classroom all perked up, looking her way. “Janus! Is Janus in there?”


    “Janus…?” A voice repeated, looking back.


    “Hey-! Is that a Guild badge??”


    “Oh wow, Arceali Guild!! It’s Nivanee!”


    A smile spread over Nivanee’s face. She hadn’t even realized how uncomfortable she was feeling, but all of it melted away as she was recognized.


    “Yes, yes!!” Nivanee said with a bounce. A group of Intermediary students stopped to look at and greet her, even as others quickly moved on to their next class. “Yes, hi! Hello!! Sorry, I’m looking for Janus, is she in there??”


    “Oh my gosh? You wanna talk to Jani?!” A voice called. “Jan! Jan! Nivanee of Duskwalker is here!! She wants to talk to you!”


    Nivanee could feel a pit in her stomach.


    It was fine, though! Because the Pokemon she’d see coming out…


    …was a little Mudkip girl.


    Nivanee’s face fell.


    The Mudkip waddled between the other, larger Pokemon who all made way for their friend that Nivanee of Duskwalker apparently wanted to meet. Nivanee felt a sense of deep dread as the Mudkip looked up at her.


    “Uh…hi? I’m Janus.” The Mudkip said, half timid and half annoyed. “Who are you…?”


    “Don’t you know??” A voice in the crowd balked. “That’s Nivanee! You know, from the Arceali Guild?”


    “Ohhh…that’s…nice?” The Mudkip who was not Janus gave an awkward smile. “Sorry, I’m not really into that whole Guild thing, I dunno who’s who.”


    “Aha, that’s…that’s okay.” Nivanee swallowed, taking a step back. “I, uh…seem to have made a mistake.”


    “Oh, what, did you think it was, like…Janus of Duskwalker?” A voice said.


    “Oh no way, there’s a Janus in the Arceali Guild??” The Mudkip asked, looking back at whoever it was that spoke.


    “This is why I kept trying to get you into it!!”


    Nivanee could only listen to the group as they all talked to one another. She watched them, classroom friends in school together, chattering together.


    And she stood silent.


    Until another gong rang out across the hall. Nivanee felt herself instinctively freeze up, straightening her posture. The Mudkip in front of her perked up.


    “Oh shoot! I don’t wanna be late for my next class!” The girl stammered. The others nodded, shuffling quickly away from the Eevee.


    “Yeah! You should get back to school, too, you know!” Someone called back to Nivanee.


    “Oh, no, I…” Nivanee trailed off, watching the group as they pushed, shoved and quickly ran down the hall. “I don’t go to…”


    Nivanee watched the group, students, teachers and all, vanish around the corner one by one. Doors creaked and shut.


    In a mere matter of moments the voices had turned from a clamor into complete silence.


    There was a final gong.


    Its noise rattled the wood floor and shuddered the walls. It crept up Nivanee’s spine and dropped into the pit in her stomach.


    The Eevee stood. Unblinking. Staring down the empty hallway.


    The air in Souljraan always felt so stuffy.


    But there was hardly anywhere else to go.

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    1. May 24, '24 at 7:40 pm

      Just plaster the bad feels over with smiles, a good morning makes all of the bad thoughts go away~