The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    ISSUE #1041



    In this month’s issue: Witness the Danger and Excitement of Escapades of TEAM GANUSI as they take on the BANDITS OF STEAM PLAINS!


    Team Ganusi, registered under Karniqus’s Guild in 6th Turn, 34, has reached its 4th year anniversary of excitement, drama and do-gooding! A team of 3, the members of Team Ganusi come from similar backgrounds –


    First is Shantai (Lampent), a girl from Taeriana that was cast out from her home and thusly joined a local gang in Shallow Marsh (The ‘Mud Boys’). After being apprehended and brought to justice by Arceali Guild Team To The Stars, Shantai was inducted into an Arcean Youth Association House for boarding and rehabilitation. It was here she was often visited by Team To The Stars who became like close friends. Through them, Shantai was inspired to join the Arceali Guild herself in order to become the same kind of hero as they.


    Her friend, Equiros (Archen) was met in Novitiary. Shantai was one of the oldest children in her class as she’d gone a few years without any formal education. According to the two of them, Equiros had been the only one in class to try and make friends with the stand-offish Litwick. The pair stayed together in their classes as Equiros kept falling behind in his studies, him and Shantai getting into trouble around the city.  Still, even as they stole and fought to protect each other, Shantai relayed her dream of joining the Arceali Guild one day to her friend Equiros.


    Their opportunity came in the form of a fellow orphan that was working part-time at an Arceliaze candy store owner named Vinae (Whimsicott). Vinae was well-known in the orphanage as a hard worker and had always been a huge fan of the exploits of the Arceali Guild under Guildmaster Karniqus and always sought to do her best to help around her community. When she caught a young Equiros and Shantai stealing candy from the candy store, Vinae leapt into action and soundly defeated the thieves in her own daring act of guild-like heroism. When the three were arrested by Team Homefront for disturbance of the peace and battling in public, they got to know one another while in Guild captivity.


    Against all odds, Shantai, Equiros and Vinae all bonded over their shared love for the guild, as well as shared embarrassment at getting arrested. Vinae, herself, was illegally uneducated, having skipped years of lessons in order to work at the store, and was always something of a work-first lone wolf. The girl had few friends…except for the two thieves she had just caught.


    With new resolve in their heart, the three friends started their guild careers as subordinates under Team Homefront to work off their crime, later transitioning to subordinates under Team To The Stars (much to Shantai’s excitement) until the three friends finally formed their own team: Team Ganusi, named after the candy that Shantai and Equiros had attempted to steal which led to their fateful meeting.


    Now going 4 years strong, TEAM GANUSI have set their sights on following Team To The Stars into ELITE GRADUATION! And their newest mission shall be one of many more on that long road!




    We find Team Ganusi on the eastern edge of BEACHSIDE CLIFF (That’s ‘Y’ on your map, kids!) overlooking the vast STEAM PLAINS (AM). Towering, red and brown bluffs and plateaus loom and twist. Underground rivers heated by volcanoes under the surfaces billow steam out of cracks and geysers on the surface. Geysers drop their water that trickles down into flowing, rushing, ankle-high streams and rivers that snake around the bluffs and plateaus to create a nexus of dangerous maze-like canyons, with steep climbs, dangerous drop-offs, wide gaps and chasms abounds.


    It’s the perfect hiding place for a criminal overlord like JONI TWO-STEP (M, 34, Emboar), the leader of the rising northern gang: “DRAGON DEMONS”. They have gained infamy for petty theft and robbery of many unfortunate Pokemon traveling in the north. A known bully and coward, JONI TWO-STEP is nonetheless dangerous…but he is also very well hidden.


    “Golly…” Vinae says, surveying the landscape. “Steam Plains sure is a lot bigger in person than it is on the map.”


    “So…what?” Shantai says, pouring over a local map of the area. “Do we just pick a canyon and start scouring? How many caves are in these bluffs?!”


    “5 major, 47 minor.” Equiros drawls, flipping through his geography almanac and comparing to Shantai’s Map. “Says here the minor caves are clustered around the center but the major caves are scattered around.”


    “That’s insane!” Shantai complains, looking up to her Whimsicott leader. “How are we supposed to scour 52 caves and catch this guy?”


    “Whatcha mean?” Vinae asks, looking back down at her teammate with a confident smile. “We can do it in at least a week, tops! What’s the matter, don’t feel like camping out here? I’ve heard the stars get really really bright out in Steam Plains!”


    “That’s not the problem-!!” Shantai retorted. “Joni Two-Step is going to have goons and mooks patrolling the canyons. If one of them spots us they can just run off to Joni and have him move to another cave! Or leave Steam Plains altogether!”


    “You worry too much, Shantai~!” Vinae assures, stepping over to the map. “Look, the way I see it is this: Joni’s a real coward, right? So that means he wants to be as safe as possible. So that means he’d be…”


    Vinae lifts a finger and puts it in the center of the map.

    “Riiiight here, with the 47 small caves, right~?” She says. “And if we see more mooks as we go in, then we know we’re going the right way! After all, Joni’s going to have the biggest collection of guards right next to him!”


    “Uh…Vinae, that still presents us with a problem.” Equiros says, his tongue sticking out in thought as his head swivels from the almanac to the map. “Shantai’s right – If we approach then Joni can just run off in the other direction. Might even hide out in Squirtle Lake or something.”


    Vinae giggles, folding her arms as her gaze returns to the visage of the Steam Plains below.


    “Then here’s what we need to do.” Vinae begins, grabbing the attention of her teammates at once. They know what that tone of voice means: The Whimsicott has formed a strategy and they know from experience to listen carefully and follow it to the letter. “Joni doesn’t exactly have overwhelming forces, and they’ll be spread thin over this wide area. So what we need to do is split up from here – Equiros goes to the Jolt Mines and assaults from the south. Shantai goes to Squirtle Lake to assault from the east.”


    The Whimsicott looks back down at Shantai.


    “On top of that…let’s disguise ourselves as simple, lone travelers.” Vinae says. “A few rags and a visible fat satchel – we’ll each look like an easy mark. On the outer edges there’ll likely only be one or two bandits, easy for any one of us to take down solo. They’ll come to us, try to rob us, then be out cold before they can get the word out and the others won’t be any the wiser. Push deeper and deeper in, picking them off as we close in…then we all regroup at the center, surrounding Joni AND we’ll have the element of surprise!”


    The Archen and the Lampent look at one another with a bit of wary concern. Equiros and Shantai are always on the same page and have been ever since they were kids, but Vinae is always something of a wildcard between the three of them. It’s perhaps what makes her the best fit to be a leader, but oftentimes the pair find themselves not quite being on the Whimsicott’s level when it comes to her ideas and strategies.


    This time is no different, and the Archen and Lampent are thinking the same thing.


    “Uh…nice plan, Vin, but…” Shantai scoffs quietly. “That’s a pretty long way for us to go. And how will you know when we’re ready? How are we supposed to coordinate an assault??”


    “Smoke signals aren’t going to work.” The Archen says, closing the almanac. “Even with a spyglass you can’t see Squirtle Lake from here.”


    Vinae’s frown falters briefly as a hole is punched through her plan. Or at least, that’s what it seems to Equiros and Shantai. Quietly, the Whimsicott looks out towards the setting sun as it moves over the high cliffs on the shore of the Arcean north.


    There’s a long silence. Equiros and Shantai briefly wonder if they’ve somehow upset their usually chipper team leader.


    But at last, Vinae gives a sigh, her arms folded over her chest.


    “Isn’t it obvious?” She asks, almost sounding offended. Equiros winces at Vinae’s tone, a pang of guilt filling his heart whilst Shantai only rolls her eyes.


    “No, it’s not obvious, that’s why we asked you.” The Lampent huffs, which only makes Equiros cringe more. The Whimsicott turns to face her team…


    …and Vinae is smiling warmly.


    “I’ll just trust you guys!”


    “What?” Shantai questions.


    “Two days from now. You both can take all day tomorrow to travel where you need to be. Then, come the next morning…we go for it!”


    “And…you’re saying we go in, possibly towards an encampment of several dangerous bandits AND their kingpin…?” Shantai says. “Possibly alone? Like, if I get up there and you and Equiros got beaten up or captured or something, then what? Am I just outta luck?!”


    Vinae lets the Lampent finish…before softly putting her hands upon Shantai’s metal arms.


    “You won’t be alone.” Vinae’s voice is soft and reassuring. Her smile is warm and confident. “Because we won’t fail you.”




    “Trust your friends.” Vinae says. “The same way I’ll trust you and Equiros.”


    The Archen squirms lightly at that. Shantai looks as though she wants to protest more, say something, try to get another plan of action on the table, until-


    “I trust you, Vinae.” Equiros’s voice comes first.


    “Wha-?!” Shantai’s voice is next, the Lampent turning towards Equiros.


    “I trust my team leader…!” Equiros blurts out, swinging around to face Shantai. “Isn’t that what being in the Arceali Guild is all about?? Helping others and trusting your friends?”


    Shantai isn’t sure how to respond at first. She looks down, deep in thought, the words of her compatriot swirling in her head as she begins to doubt herself. What is a team without trust? How can a mission be successful without the undying certainty in those you’ve considered your partners?


    During Shantai’s long silence, Vinae smiles at Shantai and gives the Lampent’s arms a reassuring squeeze. With a warm, kindly smile she says:


    “We’ve always been like family here in the Guild. Even if it’s hard to be apart…when you have family you have nothing to fear.”


    It’s now time for them to go.


    Shantai still feels fearful. Though some part of her is realizing it’s not from fear of the plan…but simply a longing in her heart to not be separated from Equiros and Vinae.


    They always make her feel safe when she feels insecure. The idea of having to do so much on her own makes her apprehensive…


    …but looking in Vinae’s eyes…she decides she will trust her family.



    We now find ourselves ahead in time, the day after next. The weather is quite foggy with an overcast sky. The humidity is thick in the air and visibility is low here on the eastern side of the Steam Plains.


    Through the haze Shantai, now wrapped in a raggy shawl all by herself, can still see the towering plateaus and misting waterfalls of the land as she walks through wide canyons.


    Per her instructions Shantai is pushing on towards the center of the steam plains. She is continually reminding herself to trust in her team to have her back. However, the deep silence of the fog is intimidating to the little Lampent. She can feel herself shuddering as she braves onward.


    She almost feels disgusted in her own doubt.


    “They wouldn’t ditch me…right…?” She wonders aloud. “They wouldn’t just make me bait or something…”


    Despite her doubts she keeps herself moving forward. Somehow, against the raging storm of insecurity broiling in her head.


    But her thoughts freeze when she catches a sound in the air. It has to be them, the Dragon Demons. The Lampent takes a deep bread, her metal arms tightening the shawl around her.


    “Vinae…Equiros…I hope you’ll be there for me…”


    We move from the courageous Lampent now to the southern side of the Steam Plains, where Equiros, also in a ratty shawl, is being accosted by two ruffians.


    “Gwa ha ha…you’re a long way from Arceliaze…” Guffaws one of the ne’re-do-wells.


    “You’ll be wise to drop your coin-purse and head the other way!” Sneers the other evil-doer.


    Equiros’s head is down, face obscured by the shawl pulled over his head. Hearing the intimidating voices of these cruel bandits, Equiros’s thoughts go to Shantai at once. The Lampent is always so stand-offish yet it comes from a place of fear. Ever since they were kids, Equiros has worried for Shantai…


    The thought of Shantai being attacked by bandits like this…fills him with a protective fury!!


    With a roar, Equiros throws off the shawl! The cloth goes fluttering in the wind! The two evil bandits stumble back, their smug faces turning to one of realization!


    “Oh no!!” Says one! “It’s Equiros of Team Ganusi!!”


    “We have to warn the boss! They’ll ruin all our schemes!”


    “Oh no you don’t!” Equiros shouts, flapping his wings and rushing forward to slam into one of the evildoers! With a spin, the Archen is able to hit the other with a wing, sending them both tumbling!


    The two evil Pokemon scramble to their feet, readying attacks. Equiros stares at them, eyes sharp. Still yet his mind is flashing with thoughts of Shantai!


    “You cowards and thieves! Not so eager to attack when it’s an even fight, are you?!” Equiros shouts! His wings glow as he prepares to give the final strike to knock out the bandits once and for all – off to Prison Arceali where they belong!


    With a rush forward it’s all over! Two strikes clothes-lining the bandits, sending them into a spin in the air and a crash back to the ground! Equiros is victorious!


    But the battle isn’t over! For at once, Equiros turns to the north. Without a single hesitation he pulls the Shawl back over himself and rushes into the fog.


    “Shantai…” Equiros whipsers to himself as he plunges into the smokey void! “…I won’t leave you! I WILL be there!! I promise!!”


    Finally we bring ourselves to the Western side of the Steam Plains. There we see the intrepid team captain, Vinae, trudging on through rushing ankle-deep water spilling from rushing rapids high above. Her bandana is pulled over her face to protect it from speeding water droplets that pelt her body like hail or bullet seeds!


    She’s been traveling all morning, just as she knows Equiros and Shantai have. The Whimsicott has surged on, fighting bandits of all shapes, sizes and species. A burn decorates her arm from a fire type and her cotton fluff is all a frazzled mess from the many attacks that have cut through her.


    Yet despite the pain and the hardship she displays the iron will of all Poke’mon in full as she dauntlessly moves forward, a smile on her face.


    For she’s most excited to see her family once more! That will make the hardship all worth it!


    She’s coming upon the center of the Steam Plains soon. Clambering up rocks, wet with mist and trickling water, she manages to come to the highest point of the central plateau.


    There, now, she can see the center-most cave, opening up like a black maw in the void of fog. What an intimidating sight! But where other Pokemon would turn and run in fear, Vinae, alone, continues forward.


    She can’t see Shantai or Equiros yet.


    But Vinae has no fear! She trusts her friends to be there! She plunges into the dark knowing she won’t be alone!



    Down in the depths of the Steam Plains cave it’s hard to see anything in the all-consuming darkness. In the distance, there is the sound of water droplets hitting the stone. Flickers of light from torches flutter in the distance.


    And there, Vinae bravely continues onward, seemingly without a care in the world. The sunny smile on her face and confident poise in her gait stops bad guys in their tracks, sending them scurrying away to warn their boss. But Vinae knows Shantai and Equiros have to be here too – warnings will be coming from all directions.


    And indeed, there’s a shout! Vinae stops in her tracks, taking a moment to take in the situation. She can hear the distant call to arms by a bellowing, guttural voice.


    That’s him! That must be the voice of Joni Two-Step!


    She can hear his power – the way his voice shakes the very stone of the cave. It shudders the loose rocks and creates blasts of hot wind that makes the poor Whimsicott wince and fear for her fluff and vines. But she knows she must push on, even when scared, when in the pursuit of justice! The evil Emboar shant pluck one more coin from anyone’s satchel ever again!


    At once, Vinae comes across a massive dome-like room. Judging by the many torches lining the walls, the Team Captain ascertains that this must be the hideout of the Emboar.


    Just then, movement! A fireball appears as if from nowhere and cuts through the air! Vinae gasps, leaping to the side just as the fire slices across her cheek. She stumbles into a roll, just barely getting back onto her feet.


    “So!!” Calls that bellowing voice that shakes Vinae to her very soul. “The Arceali Guild is here at last! And who do they send but the ORPHAN RUNTS, Team Ganusi!”


    Vinae grunts, wiping at her now bleeding cheek as she looks up. In the center of the room is a massive wood platform cobbled together from the oak trees in the area. Upon that platform she sees him: portly and with blazing, dangerous flames rising from his fur. His fists are clenched as his beady, evil eyes gaze down at Vinae with malicious intent.


    “Joni Two-Step…” Vinae begins, standing straight up. With a determined expression, she puts one hand upon her hip and points a finger up at the perpetrator. “I’ve come for you! Give yourself up peacefully or face the wrath of your misdeeds brought back upon you!”


    “Haw! This is rich!!” The Emboar shouts, folding his arms. “You alone?? Where’s your team, Miss Hero?”


    Vinae says nothing, only keeping her steely gaze on Joni Two-Step. Even as many, many more bandits began to surround her, from above and below, all of them staring at the Whimsicott. They are hungry to rob her, kill her, throw her off a cliff. As they had so many other Pokemon.


    But Vinae shows no fear. Only staring as Joni-Two Step continues his taunting.


    “Could it be the oh-so-mighty Team Ganusi has been…bested?? By none other than me and my cronies?” The Emboar laughs. “How pathetic! You weaklings really were small-time all along!”


    Vinae readied a fighting pose.


    “Now you’re all alone! Alone with nobody else, surrounded by hundreds of my men!” Joni shouts, his expression growing more furious. “How does it make you feel? Huh? Huh? Do you wish to cower? Beg for my mercy? If you cry loud enough I might let you off with a warning!”


    “I feel…” Vinae sighs, gathering her courage and redoubling her faith. “…excited! Exhilarated!”


    “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Joni shouts, stamping a foot in frustration, making the platform under him rattle. The mooks that stand on it with him throw themselves down, trying to hold on to the shuddering structure in the midst of their boss’s temper tantrum. “How hard is it to get you guildies to play along?! Will you cut the act and just beg already?!”


    “No, Joni Two-Step!” Vinae shouts.


    Her echoing voice is punctuated with another shout, from deeper in.


    “Huh-?!” The Emboar looks back, confused as more shouts ring out.


    “It’s YOU who should be begging!”


    Vinae’s smile returns, seeing blue flames erupting from the far end of the chamber! There! A pair of glowing wings shines through the darkness as more goons are knocked aside!


    “Boss!!” A crony shouts. “We’re surrounded!”


    “You idiots! Attack! Attack!” Joni shouts, turning to face the new attackers. “And somebody help me off this thing! I gotta make my escape!”


    “No you don’t!!” Vinae shouts, a pair of vines erupting from her cotton fluff. She rushes forward, quickly knocking aside the villains that try to jump her from all sides! Another explosion of blue flames rocks the cavern!


    “Vinae!!” Shantai shouts, unseen.


    “Shantai!!” Vinae shouts back, twisting and slamming a vine into a crook! “I’m here! We’re both here!! We kept our promise!!”


    A streak of light flies over hear. Equiros’s voice bellows from it:


    “We’ll never leave you, Shantai!”


    Another blast of blue flames!


    “And I’ll never leave you both, either! I promise!”


    Vinae smiles, sweeping down and knocking over multiple bandits. Her hand crosses her chest deftly, badge plucked and into her palm! In a single swift motion she slams it upon the prone body of a crook! Another! Another!


    Pillars of light begin erupting from all sides! Flashing, lighting up the cavern like strikes of lightning! Criminals vanish one by one! Attacks fling back and forth in the dark!


    “You idiots!” Joni shouts from above, jumping up and down, the high wooden platform shaking and buckling. “Imbeciles! Fools! Why can’t you hit them?! They’re just three guild kids?! What’s wrong with you???”


    “You forget one thing, Joni!!” Vinae shouts back, flipping forward over a sailing rock and slamming a vine down upon a crook, vanishing them to Dungeon Arceali all in one motion! “We three have something you and your band of bad guys never will!”


    “We!” Shantai shouts!


    “ARE!” Equiros shouts!”


    “FAMILY!” Vinae bellows, her vines whipping around, knocking multiple bandits off their feet all around her, each of them vanishing off and away from the cave, casting the Whimsicott and her team in a golden glow as they regroup at last!


    Shantai takes her position at Vinae’s left. Equiros touches down at Vinae’s right.


    “Vinae…!” Shantai huffs, looking at her team captain sorrowfully. “I’m so sorry I ever doubted you two!”


    “No need to ever fear when your team is here!” Vinae assures, patting the Lampent on the shoulder.


    “We got your back, always, Shantai!!” Equiros promised. The Lampent huffed, shuddering.


    “You guys…”


    “But first…” Vinae begins, looking back up.


    Up above, the Emboar’s temper tantrum is growing in intensity. Joni Two-Step is now stomping violently, his feet slamming into the weak wood as he continues to hurl insults at the bandits who aren’t even there anymore!


    “Joni Two-Step! This is it!” Vinae says, striking an action pose, her fists raised against the fire-type. Even as a grass-type herself she’ll not back down.


    “No it’s not! It’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not!!!” Joni Two-Step complains, his stomps getting stronger.


    “Hey! Come off it, man!!” Shantai shouts up at him. “Just come quietly!”


    “No! No! No! No! No!” The Emboar shouts, his tantrum growing in feverishness!


    “Hey!! Watch it!!” Equiros yells, flapping his wings. “That platform doesn’t look sturdy!”


    “If you’d quit it and just come with us the easy way you’ll make it out okay!!” Vinae yells, watching the platform the Emboar is on as it sways from side to side. “But what you’re doing now is stupid!! If something happens it’ll be on you!”


    “Curse you, Team Ganusi!!” The Emboar shouts, jumping up and slamming his feet on the platform. “Curse you for everything you’ve done to me!!”


    “That’s done it!!” Equiros shouts fearfully, pressing closer into Vinae.


    “Watch it!!” Shantai shouts.


    The platform Joni Two-Step stands upon begins to snap! A crack rings through the cave! The Emboar shouts indignantly as the shoddy craftsmanship begins to bite back and the platform buckles! Shifts!


    And all at once collapses!


    Joni Two-Step yells and curses Team Ganusi all the way down!!

    “I swear I will haunt you forever, accursed Team Ganusi!!!”


    The Team gasps! They shield their eyes as Joni Two-Step comes down and meets the demise of his own making!


    “That idiot…!!” Shantai gasps sorrowfully. “If he had just listened…!”


    “He did it to himself…” Equiros says, shaking his head.


    “I guess, in the end, bad deeds are paid for…” Vinae huffs sadly. “Bad guys get what’s coming, one way or the other…”


    The three take a moment of silence…then look to one another.


    They can all feel it in the air: there’s a sense of renewed trust and purpose. They all came to each other’s aide when they needed it most, and true to their word they didn’t abandon each other and did their best even when things got scary.


    As the sun sets on the Steam Plains and Team Ganusi leave the scene, all three of them, Vinae, Shantai and Equiros all know that it’s just been another day in the exciting life of work under the Arceali Guild!




    [ This work is sponsored by The Office of Conduit Olistia and the Guild of Arceliaze under Karniqus. This work is to be considered a work of reality-based fiction and details can be or have been embellished or have had details omitted/altered/reduced in length/paraphrased for the purpose of readability. This work has been certified as fit for consumption based on a measurement of acceptable accuracy to the true events but requires this message as part of Conduicy Law ~994.A]



    A message from the Guild of Arceliaze:

    What you have just read are all the facts of what happened. Stories like this occur every day, right under the nose of the common Arcean. Think of that – the roads are safe to travel with a full coin pouch. A trip to Souljraan or Yahneri Port can be made in comfort and ease. This is all thanks to the tireless work of the Arceali Guild, with teams made up of your friends, neighbors and countrymen.


    When you don’t notice the work of the Arceali Guild that means we’re doing it well. But never forget the old days, when every road across the country, paved or not, was overrun with bandits and marauding evildoers waiting on the chance to pounce upon the innocent Pokemon with ill-intent! Think back to when all Pokemon were trapped forevermore in their towns and villages and even their own homes, for stepping outside was sure to result in becoming a victim.


    So next time you make a trip to Souljraan or Yahneri Port and you’re kicking your feet up in the carriage ready to take a nap, whisper a thank you to those Guild Heroes that make it so safe for you, the Arcean Public. And if you see a Guild Hero or Elite Hero out on the job, shout a hello and thanks! For that’s your neighbor doing their part for you.


    Now, everyone has their job to tend to. Do you want to be a good neighbor yourself? Applying to the Arceali Guild is easy! We take applicants of all ages (minimum age is 6, 8 for select species) and skill levels! We’ll train to help you become your best self, helping to save Arcea one job at a time, big or small. Kids will be able to go through our Junior Hero program before moving on to the proper status of a full-fledged Arceali Guild member!


    Do good for Arcea, meet new friends, find that special someone, and perhaps even develop a connection with your guild mates even deeper than anything you’ve felt before. At this guild we’re a family to each other and we take care of each other like one.


    Hope to see you soon, future heroes!




    6th Turn 47







    “That was SO SICK! Does teacher have any other issues with Team Ganusi?? Vinae was SO COOL.”


    “Gosh, I dunno, I’d have to ask…”


    “Maaan…could you imagine it, Niv? Going on adventures out in the wilderness like that?”


    “I guess…?”


    “Fighting bad guys! Bringing justice to evil-doers?!”


    “That…sounds kinda scary.”


    “Of COURSE it’s scary!! But we’d just be brave, you know? Never backing down and stuff! I mean, I’D never be scared of nothing!”


    “Hehe, I know you wouldn’t, Janjan…”


    “Hey…when did that page say we can join? Uh…6?? And I’m…”


    “You’re 9, Jan. Did you forget?”


    “I don’t really keep track, hehe. BUT! That means WE’RE TOTALLY old enough!!”


    “…we are?”


    “Yeah! We could do this stuff, couldn’t we??”


    “…do you think dad would let us?”


    “Hey…who said we gotta tell dad…? S’not like he’s ever around anyway, always off sailing, so…”


    “Oh Arceus…hehe…”




    “You in…?”


    “Yeah…that sounds really fun.”






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