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    Warning: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    Warning Notes

    Warning for major character death

    Chapter 46





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The announcer came to the podium, announcing the presence of Olistia at the party. The Gardevoir took a deep breath…and silently walked without a word towards the back stage. 


    As Olisita left…Jolvia let out a breath of her own. 


    Avery cast a furtive look towards Deshuuna once Olistia was gone, but didn’t say a word. He wanted to speak with Jolvia again – he was confused. She was always so good at sorting things out in his head. And even during this talk with her superior, Jolvia had seemed to want to commentate, but wasn’t allowed. 


    ‘What am I missing…? Why can I never see the subtext…? ‘


    Jolvia took a step towards Avery, the both of them watching the stage. 


    The lights dimmed a little, with a flickering spot-torch being shone down onto the podium at the center of the stage. The Poke’mon there, an Audino, spoke with a regal pomp. 


    “To all in attendance, hearken to these words – We of Deshuuna and Sons Southwestern Arcean Commercial are most honored to have here joining us today: She of the One Truth, Conduit Arceali. 


    The Mouth of Arceus presiding over Arceliaze and her districts. 


    The Mistress of Souljraan. 


    The holder of the blue waters of Yahneri. 


    The envoy supreme to Quayoff over Taeriana. 


    And may the centuries bear milk and honey.” 




    He stood aside, gesturing to the side of the stage as a hush fell over the nobles of Arcea. All eyes turned to the podium as the Gardevoir appeared at last, hands locked behind her back, expression fixed into one of stoicism. 


    The crowd was silent. None clapped, instead watching the Conduit Arceali with rapt interest.


    She approached the podium slowly, standing before it. Her hands did not move, and for a moment…she only swept her burning crimson eyes over the crowd. 


    Over the Conveytion stood before her. 


    That silence hung in the air… 


    Jolvia gripped Avery’s shoulder. He hadn’t even realized she had moved so close.


    And at last…Olistia’s voice came.








    “Yahneri Port lies in ruins.” She began. “The damage to many ships is total. The damage to much of the northern port infrastructure is total. The damage to the estate holdings of many standing here today is…total.” 


    She paused. 


    “And as has been made clear to me…the value of what is left has dropped. And the value of what was lost is in the millions of coins.” 


    She was silent again. Her crimson eyes tracing over the crowd. 


    “Conveytion of Arcea. Zu’Conveytion and Selveytion. Tradesmon and foreign delegates.” She addressed. “I know the question on everyone’s mind that stands here tonight is two-fold, and it’s the question asked whenever damage to value occurs: How and Why?” 


    Her head tilted.


    “How? Simple. A beast unlike anything seen in Arcea or anywhere in Tulaan set upon the port, assaulting and hammering it with a god’s fury, as though sent by Arceus himself. The army was unprepared and was unable to launch a counterattack in time due to misinformation by the High Captain making us believe the pearl was stored on-site at the Museum when in fact it was miles out in another location altogether.” 


    Olistia furrowed her brow, her frown deepening. 


    “But then…why? Why then did the beast descend upon Yahneri port and unleash havoc? This, too, is simple: The Beast was a beast of security, created by Arceus, to protect a treasure. Of this I’ve been informed by Arceus himself, as per my position of Conduit Arceali.”


    The Gardevoir’s hands lifted from behind her back, folding upon the podium.


    “Thus did the questions come: What treasure? Why was this treasure disturbed to allow a beast to awaken and destroy our properties? This treasure is now brought to the attention of the Conveytion by way of the destruction of Yahneri Port…but before them it had been discovered by the group considered the greatest threat to the Conduicy. The very same group that had stolen a map in order to seek this dangerous treasure now: The Thieves Guild.”


    Avery pondered as the Gardevoir paused.


    ‘…The treasure. 


    The treasure that she had commissioned a map for. The treasure that would have remained buried if she hadn’t done anything about it. 


    …Right? ‘


    “Thus…” Olistia continued. “The question has now been posed by the Arcean Conveytion: why? Why was there a map for the Thieves Guild to steal? Why are we now under siege by a band of renegades that can, at any time, find one of these treasures and let destruction fall upon our cities and towns? Why did the Conduicy commission the map from the Board of Historical Research?” 


    Jolvia’s ears perked, the Nidorina cocking her head curiously at another pause. 


    Olistia slid forward, her eyes burrowing into the crowd. 


    “Make no mistake, these pearls were built by Arceus thousands of years ago for use by any Conduit that would find herself in dire need of them.” Olistia said. “And in the face of a crumbling Arcea…I can see no more desperate situation for us than the one we find ourselves in right now.” 


    Immediately, whispers began to erupt from the crowd. 


    A jeering noise began to slowly rise. 


    “I am here to tell you that yes, the Conduicy sought the pearls for itself in an undercover initiative. The Conduicy sought to secure the dangerous pearls of the three legendary birds from their resting place – both in order to keep the pearls out of the hands of the very forces that now hunt for them…” 


    She paused. 


    “…and for the pearls to be used as we pull Arcea from the black age it has descended into.” 


    The objecting noises rumbled up louder and louder from the Conveytion. 


    A voice rose above the crowd. Avery perked his ears up. He’d heard these tones all party. Pompous. Uppity. But never had he heard them so…impassioned. 


    “Conveytion Revillus of the Leaf Guild-” the voice said. “I’d like to comment that – yes, I concur, we’ve entered quite the black age. The entire strip of forest between here and Yahneri Port’s been razed to the ground! Hundreds of years’ worth of old growth demolished in a matter of weeks for some highway of ‘defense’. And the defense didn’t even work!” 


    A murmur rippled among the crowd, but the voice wasn’t finished. 


    “Not only that, but the Leaf Guild hasn’t seen hide nor hair of the lumber that – I remind you – was under Leaf Guild jurisdiction. It’s simply vanished into the Conduicy’s coffers! What’s your comment on that, hm?” 


    “The Conduicy does acknowledge Revillus of the Leaf Guild and their comment.” Olistia called, her voice projecting over the agitated murmuring. “I must remind that, by ancient law, all land belongs first and foremost to the Conduicy until leased or sold unto Conveytion religious delegates.” 


    The firm answer erupted another dissatisfied rumble. 


    “The Yahneri forest has remained under Conduicy jurisdiction and remained unclaimed land.” Olistia continued. “The superhighway was built well within the Conduicy’s legal bounds up to the municipal border of Yahneri Port. The superhighway, of course, is built for the purpose of fully preventing forest banditry of goods and persons of highest importance to Arcea and her people, in this case the Water Pearl, in its transport from Yahneri Port to Castle Arceali.” 


    “But we were not consulted!” A Poke’mon by Revillus bellowed! “Surely you must understand that, whether it was in the Conduicy’s right or not, the Leaf Guild exists for consultation on safe non-disruptive practices of constructions! This superhighway was negligent and ill-advised and will cause untold ecological damage!” 


    “The Conduicy acknowledges the risks and has made its choice.” Olistia countered. “Consultation from the Leaf Guild would have yielded the same result as, it should be reminded, the recommendations of the board of advisors are to be carried out at the discretion…of the Conduit.” 


    Every noble in the audience was most displeased at that. Jolvia narrowed her eyes as she listened. Deshuuna, meanwhile, only watched with her ever unreadable expression. 


    A voice grumbled nearby enough that Avery could hear: “Seems we aren’t getting a cent of anything that came from that-” 


    The Plusle gave Jolvia a look somewhere between nerves and…well, surprise. Nobody in this room was happy. 


    “And what say you on the Conduicy’s discretion concerning the disgrace over the Taeriana Delta, eh?” another voice came, not bothering to introduce themselves. “Leaving that job to some children, nearly a full year after the request for intervention was sent in! That village is supposed to be a symbol of goodwill! We’ll be lucky if Quayoff isn’t breathing down our necks later this week!” 


    Olistia pounced on the question at once. Her sharp red eyes darted to where the voice came from. 


    “The Conduicy acknowledges the question – and shall answer.” Olistia spoke, voice raised to match the rumbling of the crowd. “The honorable Conveytion is likely to remember the staffing shortages that are facing the elites and Arceali Guild, with regular soldiers being spread to their normal stations across the country. While triage was part of it, the throughput of staffing has been hindered – elite teams now retire with nobody behind them to take their place.” 


    Jolvia glanced at Avery. It was obvious what Olistia was getting at: Taeriana was Sarfallinus’s fault. He was the bottleneck. 


    Another voice piped up at once, this time from a thick-accented Poke’mon in strange, angular robes. 


    “Conduit Arceali, dis is Urazen of th’ Quayoffi Delegates.” The voice called. Olistia turned to him, nodding. 


    “The Conduicy acknowledges and graciously welcomes our visitors from esteemed Quayoff.” 


    “On our commute to d’Capital we passed through Taeriana, our symbol o’ unity between Arcea and Quayoff – why is it in such a state?” The voice asked, calm in tone but dripping with accusation. “It’s been forced t’enact a contract wit d’independant City-State o’ Dovve’ Fo Uddjo just to keep up with its due payments to the Conduicy. All the while, Taeriana has an emergency to its food supply ignored? Surely ya ain’t gon to tell us that your Pearl project took priority over an ancient symbol as Taeriana?” 


    “It did.” Olisita answered with no hesitation. A jeering shout exploded from the crowd, the nobles looking to each other, arguing. 


    Olistia, all the while, coldly stared down the crowd. 


    “Taeriana be a deeply-rooted symbol. Why’s it’s tax zone so expensive?” The voice called. 


    “I put little stock in symbols. The Conduicy prefers practical action.” Olistia replied, her tone cold. “Taeriana pays its dues equal to the rest of Arcea, and its importance will be considered equally as well. Thus, was Team Azure dispatched, when resources allowed.” 


    “Right, these ‘Azure’ fellows have been doing most of your dirty work for these pearls – they certainly did good job wrapping up the whole incident at Yahneri Port well and fast-” another voice said, closer to the front of the crowd. 


    Avery felt a flare of anger, but tried to calm himself. He didn’t want to draw attention. 


    “When can we expect to get dividends from this Pearl project of yours to rebuild our town, hm?” Another voice shouted. “Poke’mon are without homes, Conduit!” 


    Olistia sharp eyes moved again towards the voice… 




    …but this time, she paused. 


    The angry voices kept rumbling for a while, hissing protests and angry words… 


    …and Olistia said nothing. 


    Avery could see it, though, the subtle motion…where Olistia…gripped the podium hard. 


    Her silence slowly…slowly…sliced through the rumbling noise, until all eyes were on her, all ears trained on her. 


    The Gardevoir remained silent…only leaning forward…then speaking. 


    “…dividends, you ask…?” Olistia said. Her tone had shifted to something more…chilling. “The buildings are being reconstructed right now.” 


    “Under what authority?!” Another voice shouted. “Yuvus from the Architecture Guild, here; we didn’t authorize any building projects!” 


    “Poke’mon are without homes, Conveytion.” Olistia turned the objector’s words back on them. “And yet I’ve been asked about…dividends…” 


    Another silence pierced the audience. Olistia’s gripping hands now folded onto the podium as she leaned deep into it, eying the crowd like a mother did a lot of spoiled children. 


    “Allow me to answer the question with a question: what good will dividends do for those without homes?” 


    “The Poke’mon are starving! Businesses have been uprooted, Poke’mon are losing money! This is going to be weeks, months without revenue! If we don’t stimulate the local economy when things come back the entire town’s going to go under! And I won’t have yet another project lining the Conduicy’s pockets when we’ve been giving your little project our support for years!!” 


    Avery stiffened. Things…were starting to get hot in the room- 


    Poke’mon are not losing money, honorable Conveytion.” Olistia fired back, her voice still cold. “Businesses are losing money. The goods lost at Yahneri port will be compensated, but for the moment the bottom line of the Houses will, indeed, be affected. But Yahneri will not go under, even if businesses must be culled.” 


    “You say it so easily!” A jeering voice shouted. “We’ve given tribute, had our funding lessened and have had years of resource-intensive orders from the Conduicy, all of it funneled into this Pearls Business and…and your military, whom you’ve become so enamored with. That echo chamber you retreat to! And now we’re meant to accept our businesses taking a hit like this?” 


    “Conduit!” Another voice bellowed. “We Conveytion, our Houses and the businesses under them have been the backbone of this country for well over 400 years since the reconstruction and I believe you would do quite well to remember it!!” 


    “Once.” Olistia replied. “The backbone once.” 


    “Once?!” A voice screamed, going hoarse, the roar of anger rolling over the crowd. 


    The Nidorina next to Avery shuffled closer, whispering. 


    “What’s going on…?” Jolvia said to herself. “…something’s not right. She’s acting different. She usually crumples and capitulates quickly…why is she…antagonizing them?” 


    The jeering roar of the crowd hit a lull, whereby Olistia began to speak again.


    “In the 4th Turn, Conduit Uarinia lifted the Illaminian embargo and began to relax restrictions on the noble guilds to allow them to operate independently in order to enrich the country.” Olistia called, straightening, her red eyes practically glowing in the darkened room. “My mother, Conduit Lippi, fool the poor woman was, allowed this to fester and grow until it broke poor Arcea and left its people scattered and confused.” 


    There was a sharp gasp in the audience. 


    “Once long ago, every path was guarded and paved. Once, cities from Maesan to Kollovan to Laesi decorated the landscape in a beautiful tapestry of culture and commerce. 


    “Once long ago, the Lower Market and Market Districts were one, bustling center for commerce. Souljraan was a shining gate of international business. Yahneri was a booming industry of luxury, working alongside the ports of Maesan and Kollovan and Mal. 


    “Once long ago, Arcea had an economy so thriving that a common worker could be paid in company shares, so numerous and varied were the businesses, and so powerful was the Arcean coin.” 


    Olistia’s expression turned furious.


    “But now?” She began.


    “Now the roads that were once cobblestone have now turned to dirt. 


    “Now prestigious cities and villages across Arcea have become empty and crumbled and forgotten. 


    “Now the Lower Market district crawls with the homeless in filthy gutters. Now Souljraan sits overcrowded with refugees. Now Yahneri desperately tries to keep afloat as now our ONLY port! 


    “Now Poke’mon struggle to hold jobs, are paid minuscule wages and all the while 100 coins scarcely buys them a single apple


    “And what has the nobility done, from their gilded estates in districts with boxed-in by gardens and parks so they don’t have to see the filth of Arceliaze? 


    “Property in the Farming the and Lower Market District and the X-Eye District have sat abandoned and rotting, eternally up for sale, changing hands for bloated prices that no business owner can hope to pay. Land has become another token of the hoard of treasure vaults. Workers have been culled and run ragged and wages slashed. Poke’mon across the country are priced out of a roof over their head, pushed out of any stable living, forced to jump from apartment to apartment within the cities like urban nomads.” 


    Her eyes narrowed as the nobles began to explode, the room becoming a powder keg. 


    “Thus I agree. Poke’mon are starving. Poke’mon are homeless. Poke’mon are losing money.” Olistia said. “And I am the sole one that has made moves to correct it.” 


    Avery jolted. This had taken an… Unexpected turn. Was Olistia not on these nobles’ side? Didn’t she… 


    “Doesn’t she want their support?” Avery muttered to Jolvia as the shouts of the nobles rumbled over the building. “She only has one Pearl. What’s she going to do if these guys pull their funding and refuse to give her any more money…?” 


    …he hesitated. 


    “…can they do that….?” 


    “Absolutely they can.” Jolvia said with her eyebrows furrowed. She lifted her head… 


    …and pointed a finger to a pair of smartly dressed nobles in green. From here, Avery could see the two had growing smiles on their faces. They were the smug looks of Poke’mon eager to take a stubborn mule down a peg. 


    “Like clockwork, it always starts with the Agriculture guild.” Jolvia sighed, shaking her head. “They’ll make the usual threats and all this…strange bravado will evaporate and things will get back on track.” 


    “Sad, isn’t it?” Deshuuna mused to the pair, swirling her glass. “This public temper tantrum of Olistia’s is rather embarrassing. They’ll be laughing behind her back for the rest of the night after this.” 


    As the jeers died down again, Avery thought Olistia was going to speak again…but she paused. Her eyes fell towards the center of the crowd, as though expecting what was coming next. 


    The Poke’mon dressed in green pounced. 


    “Honorable Conduit!” The Agriculture Guild Poke’mon, an Inteleon, said, grinning. 


    “The Conduicy recognized Fultus and Mala of the Agriculture Guild.” Olistia replied quickly, as though this were rehearsed. 


    “I believe you already know where we’re going with this, I shan’t waste your time.” The Inteleon spoke confidently. “In times of rowdy and ill-tempered governance, it falls to the nobles to correct things as they should be. We of the Agriculture guild cannot abide to stand by and watch Arcea’s precious resources be squandered on a pet project anymore.” 


    There was a pause. Olistia said nothing. 


    “Therefore…” The Inteleon continued. “The nobles of the Agriculture guild thusly remind the Conduicy of our positions as food providers – This is our tool and leverage to course-correct and, as in times past, can and may even have to be used.” 


    “Indeed!” Another voice called. “The Architecture guild will refuse housing project requests!” 


    “The Ironworking guild shall halt our steel production until this is remedied!” 


    “The threat to our assets is too great – The Machine guild will not honor these requests for war machines if we must continue the present course!” 


    The smiles in the audience spread. Like a crowd of onlookers, they were watching a spectacle…and this was their favorite part. The moment they crushed the Conduicy. The speed and coordination with which they made the tangible threat to Arcea… 


    …they had done this before. Probably hundreds of times. Stopping Olistia time and time again. They all knew the routine. 


    Olistia, for all her power, was trapped in her box. 


    And it was time for her to play her assigned role. 


    Every noble had now gone silent, staring at Olistia, waiting for her to crumple under the pressure. 




    …Olistia stood. Silent. 




    And the Gardevoir’s voice returned to the room at last.


    “I would assume, Fultus, that your method would be the same as 40 years ago?” She began, loud enough to be heard by all. “Crop shipments shut down and foreign mercenaries hired to block any attempt to get the crops as they rot in your fields?” 


    “I would never confirm nor deny anything, only that I believe in what works, whatever it may be.” Fulturs replied, a roll of laughter among the nobles. 


    Olistia was quiet again.


    Jolvia leaned forward. Deshuuna watched closely, waiting.


    Time seemed to freeze. 


    Avery didn’t know what to say. He was just…waiting. Waiting for her. 


    But something seemed different this time. Something…she had something up her sleeve. 


    He just had to see what it would be. Dread filled his stomach. 


    Olistia’s red eyes, unblinking, stared at the crowd. 


    Her gaze shifted, falling to a specific Conveytion standing before her. 


    “Conveytion Zarus…” She began. “…you have recently been pressuring me for less restrictions on Illaminian Debt workers. Thus far I have granted your request thrice, allowing more refugees turned debt workers to pour in from Souljraan into Arceliaze. All of it on the threat of the Merchants halting all shipping, domestic and foreign, if it was not done.”


    “Correct, Conduit, and business has been good to our House ever since.” The Quaquaval spoke with a chuckle. 


    “From what I recall you had full staffing of unpaid Illaminian debt workers. Tell me, what became of the old, Arcean workers that ran your carts and wagons and worked your warehouses of goods?” Olistia asked. 


    “I…hardly see the connection but I simply made the wisest business decision.” The Quaquaval laughed again, earning him another roll of laughter from the other nobles as they happily ganged up on Olistia. 


    “Replaced, then. All replaced by free Illaminian Debt Workers, only paying a small fee out to The Office of Immigration.” Olistia said, folding her hands together. 


    Her eyes scanned over all the nobles in attendance. 


    “Just as all of you have. From the construction workers in the Architecture Guild to the farmers in the Agriculture Guild to the sewer workers of the Water Guild to the forge-workers of the Ironworking Guild…” Olistia frowned. “Every guild, true to the old NAM roots of their members, has taken to using the Illaminian debt workers to replace the ranks of regular employees…and business has been good.” 


    “And do you expect this to win you favor?” A voice laughed mockingly. 


    Olistia did not respond.


    Her voice grew icier…icier.


    “Where is it you think those old Arcean employees ended up?” She asked. 


    “What should we care?” Someone in the back called, barely audible. 


    “Do you believe the common Arcean simply…crawled into the first ditch they could find, with spouse and child in tow, to peacefully die, out of sight and easily forgotten?” 


    The Gardevoir’s face seemed to twist into one of hate. 


    “No…they all came to me.” Olistia said. “Into my military.” 


    Jolvia’s ears perked. Her pupils seemed to shrink. 


    “Nearly all of the abandoned Arcean workforce has entered my ranks, clad in armor, with several new divisions made, and as much funding as I can spare put into it – these Arcean soldiers are now cared for.” 


    There was a shift. Something changed. 


    The box broke. 


    “Conveytion Fultus…” Olistia spoke venomously. “Should you close your farms from Arcea…then the Conduicy shall take them.” 


    You’ll-? I beg your pardon?” 


    “The armies shall barrel over your farms…and use your foreign mercenaries as fertilizer.” 


    Her eyes moved. 


    “The infantry shall cross the country and deliver the food and supplies.” 


    Her eyes shot to the side. 


    “The Military Arceali Works Division shall repair the Viaducts and build the homes.” 


    Her eyes pierced the center of the Audience as a rumbling…fearful noise began to erupt. 


    “The Arceali Armor engineers shall forge the steel and create the war machines. The Officers shall run the treasuries.” 


    Her red eyes seemed to burn the nobles. 


    “The Common Arcean’s children will be fed.


    Their spouses will be housed.


    They shall see to it themselves, by their own hand.


    And none of you will obstruct it.” 


    Avery’s heart turned to ice. He looked to Jolvia. To Deshuuna. 


    “W…what is-” He whispered. “What’s…she saying?” 


    He knew the answer already. He knew what she was saying.


    She was saying that these nobles had no power with which to fight her. She would wage a civil war and take power back for the Conduicy. But…Avery didn’t know what that meant. He didn’t know what that spelled….what would change. 


    “It means…” Jolvia began, but her voice tapered off… 


    …but Deshuuna spoke in her stead. 


    “She’s unchained.” The Sceptile said. Though her face didn’t change…Avery could see her hand grip the cup in her hand. “She’s dangerous, claiming the ability to assume complete control of Arcea – from food to logistics, all of it handed over to the military.” 


    Olistia now stood at the podium, towering over the nobles that babbled at one another. The script was ruined, they’d been countered. Their smug confidence melted all at once, their weak cowardice showing in full force as they impotently screamed objections.


    “Here now, the Pearls, sole sovereign property of the Arcean Conduicy, shall serve as the backbone of this restructuring’s legitimacy.” Olistia spoke over the voices, her eyes looking toward the Quayoffi nobles in the center. “I trust Quayoff to respect Arcea’s self-interests and rights over the Pearls, as ordained by Arceus. Thus shall the Pearls only be for the purpose of deterrence from intervention. 


    The Quayoffi delegates looked fearfully to one another. Tapping each other on the shoulder, they turned to try and leave at once…but found the entrance blocked by a line of white-coated elites.


    Objections erupted. Cries rang out. The elites, the BAL officers, the Protection Guild representatives, all those scribbling notes and looked to Olistia in awe as she cut down the threats of the nobles. 


    They were going to get the word out. 


    The wheels of public support were already turning in one swift motion in Olistia’s favor. 


    Until…something happened. A voice pierced the chaos of uncertainly. 


    “Well…” The voice said, almost like a resigned, if impressed, sigh. 


    It was Deshuuna’s voice. 


    Olistia’s crimson eyes came Avery’s way, burrowing into the Sceptile. Deshuuna swirled her drink, frowning. 


    “Honorable Conduit Arceali you do know how to make a stir at my parties.” Deshuuna said, almost as though it were a joke. “However, I must point out an unfortunate shortcoming.”


    Olistia’s face remained neutral.


    “If the plan with the pearls was to solidify and internationally legitimize this absolute rule you seem to aim for…I would think Quayoff would not need to honor such.” 


    The Quayoffi Delegates perked up, looking Deshuuna’s way. The Sceptile cast them a glance. 


    “If memory serves…you have only one pearl of three, unless I am forgetting.” Deshuuna said. “And though you know the location of one of the missing pearls…the other is long gone and hidden.” 


    She took a sip of her drink.


    “And these pearls are rather useless without all three of them. Their only danger is their security system but…after that? No more than a shiny rock.” 


    Deshuuna looked over to the Quayoffi delegates. 


    “If you really want to make such brazen assertions against the most powerful military of all Tulaan such as Quayoff…perhaps you should have done it after you had all three pearls.” Deshuuna said. “Perhaps now might be a good time to make a redaction to your statements.” 


    At first the room seemed still. Silent. Everyone drank in the words that Deshuuna had said, including Avery. His head was spinning from all of this…political drama. It wasn’t his strong suit. That was what Jolvia was for. 


    Was, past tense after tonight, he supposed. 


    But slowly, like a pot of water beginning to simmer, whispers around the room turned to nods of agreement. 


    “You’re really going to burn all these bridges for this, eh?” a voice jeered. “The populace are going to hear about this…this…coup!” 


    “Of course they’ll hear about this coup.” Olistia replied to the voice that had swelled like a unified cry of the nobility against her. “And the populace shall cheer for it.”


    The rumbling continued. The Quayoffi delegates whipped around, a flash of anger in their eyes as they began to shout. 


    “Y’gone too far dis time, Conduit!” One of them shouted. “Th’ Quayoffi Prezhden has tolerated yer antics, allowed yer military build up an’ has even supported you while yer economy’s gone in freefall-!” 


    “In the hopes Arcea would become more subservient – undermining me and tightening a leash for Quayoff’s own ends.” Olistia replied. 


    “The nerve! Th’ bond our countries share be older than even th’ stones of this city!!” 


    “Olistia, for the love of Arceus-!!” A noble voice pleaded. “Do not antagonize Quayoff!!” 


    “I’m-! I’m not affiliated with her! I’m not!” 


    The roar of the crowd turned from hostile to fearful and chaotic as the voices scrabbled to save face whilst the Quayoffi delegates attempted to retake control. 


    Olistia only watched the chaos. Her eyes moved over, looking to a group of Poke’mon in white cloaks – her elites. 


    She flicked her hand – a signal. The cloaked Poke’mon began moving, surrounding the crowd, betwixt them. 


    Deshuuna’s grip on her drink tightened. Jolvia’s eyes flicked to the side…and she stepped nearer to Avery. 


    “Conduit.” Deshuuna called once more, her voice projecting over the crowd. “Enlighten us before you go ahead with your…civil war? I assume that’s your goal here?” 


    Olistia remained silent. 


    “What’s to stop Quayoff from simply rushing the south border and leveling Arceliaze?” Deshuuna said, her voice firm…but it was a clear threat. Her connections to the Quayoffi nobility could not be understated. 


    There was a desperate and fearful cry among the erupting and panicking nobles. Avery was getting more and more worried – not just at the thought of civil war but…they all seemed terrified of Quayoff and the delegates here. The nobles started shushing one another, trying to listen for Olistia’s response, trying to make any sense of this. 


    Yet Olistia said nothing to the question. 


    A harsh silence began to fall over the restaurant. 


    A group this large should never be this silent. 


    At last…Olistia, who had been still as a statue…finally let her gaze fall…


    …in Avery’s direction.


    “Your mistake, Deshuuna, is assuming I’ve lost the pearls.” Olistia’s voice finally came, breaking the silence like a hammer through glass. 


    The Gardevoir’s eyes began to glow. A FLASH of purple fire erupted from her pupils. 


    “You’ve assumed that a band of renegades were all it took to end this campaign.” 


    Avery could hear a shuffling from behind. Someone was approaching. 


    Olistia lifted her head. Her eyebrows were knitted hatefully. 


    “Team Ganusi.” Olistia called powerfully. “From the testimony you gathered today what is your field sentence?” 


    Jolvia gasped. Avery could see a pair of hands…a Whimsicott’s hands…grip the Nidorina’s shoulders. 


    Then…Vinae’s voice crept behind Avery. A chill ran down his spine. 


    “Guilty, my Conduit.”


    Avery whipped around, looking behind in shock, seeing Vinae there with a wide smile on her face. Avery was brought back from politics, from subterfuge, from coups, to the present.


    And he was brought back screaming. 


    “What?!” He yelled before he could even control his voice. Something inside him scolded himself for opening his mouth. Anything he said might endanger him. But- 


    ‘…they knew? No. No, there’s no way they did. Even if it was true, this…this can’t be a fair trial. A fair investigation!


    The woman at the head of this room is judge, jury, and- 


    …and… ‘


    A flash in his mind. 


    Bodies hanging in the wind. 




    And a body did hang in the wind. 




    Jolvia was enveloped in a purple glow, JERKED into the air! 


    Her feet 


    s w u n g 


    She struggled, unable to fight the telekinetic hold on her as she 


    h u n g 


    in the air. 


    Olistia’s hand was raised. The Gardevoir tightly gripped the air before her, eyes billowing psychic energy. 


    Vinae stood just behind. At her sides were the Chandelure, Shantai, and the Archeops, Equiros. The Whimsicott leader smiled, a satisfied look on her face as she watched Jolvia get hoisted above. 


    The crowd roared. The elites shoved back at the crowd, backing them off from the stage. 


    Slowly, Jolvia began to float toward the stage, closer and closer to the Conduit. 


    “Ghhnnn! C-Conduit!” Jolvia called. Avery had never heard her voice like that. Jolvia…stripped of control. “What is this?! I fought on your side in this conflict thus far-!!!” 


    Jolvia gasped as the grip tightened. Avery could hear the way her body compressed as Olistia’s hand clenched. 


    “Yes, as did you fight on the side of the Conduit’s enemies. Olistia said, her voice icy. 


    “This is obscene! Not here!” A voice cried from the crowd, immediately silenced by an elite. 


    Deshuuna watched as Jolvia was pulled along…and made no move to stop Olistia. She, too, said nothing.


    “Conduit, this was already cleared – the B.A.L wiped my charges!!” Jolvia strained, kicking her legs desperately. “The testimonies of the guild -” 


    “Were rendered inadmissible…” Olistia interrupted as Jolvia finally joined her at the stage. “…all except one. One who refused to sign to waive his testimony.” 


    Jolvia’s pupils shrank. 


    “Do you know why?” Olistia asked, her eyes narrowing. Jolvia paused…then reluctantly shook her head. “Because he had the misfortune of ever trusting you.”


    Vinae’s smile…widened. The white cloaked elites surrounded the stage like vultures.


    ‘…no. No, no, no, no-‘


    Avery’s throat caught. His eyes stung. This image, Jolvia writhing in the air, suspended in front of a crowd, elites frothing at the mouth for…for justice. 


    For violence.


    Avery was not stoic. He was not like Deshuuna. He stumbled forward, trying to protest, and yet no words came. What could he say in her defense? 


    Avery knew Jolvia was guilty. And if he spoke up… he very well might be up there with her. 


    ‘But I can’t just let her- 


    I can’t let her-‘


    Avery’s approach did not go unnoticed. Olistia’s gaze broke from Jolvia as the Plusle stepped forward. Vinae’s sharp eyes were on him at once – the Whimsicott’s hands gripped Avery, holding him back. 


    Olistia’s frown deepened. Something crossed her eyes. A pained look, as those purple eyes stared down at Avery. The Gardevoir’s hand trembled. 


    “Avery-!” Jolvia gasped, struggling. “P-Please-!!” 


    The Nidorina choked as Olistia’s gripped TIGHTENED again. 


    “LOOK AWAY.” Olistia demanded, half commanding, half pleading. “Don’t look, Avery!” 


    [CW START]


    Her hand pulsed.


    Jolvia screamed. Her eyes shimmered with psychic energy. 


    “Close your eyes, Avery-!” Olistia shouted over Jolvia’s howls. 


    “O-Olistia-!!” Avery called, wrestling against Vinae’s grip. “Olistia please- don’t!!” 


    There was no logic behind his plea. No rational reason why he could ask and expect it to be honored. 


    It was pure emotion. It was watching someone he thought he could trust crush the life out of one of his only friends. 


    “Please!! Nobody has to die-!!!” 


    Olistia grit her teeth. Her eyes squinted. The fist at her side clenched as Avery screamed his heart out. His voice mixed with Jolvia’s pained screeches


    Someone in the crowd vomited. 


    “It’ll be okay, Avery!!” Olistia shouted. Her words were drowned out by Jolvia. “Just look away! Pretend it isn’t happening!!” 


    The hands Avery wrestled against pulled him back. He could hear Vinae shushing him as she tried to avert his gaze. 


    Jolvia’s mouth stretched open, wailing. Her eyes rolled up, up, into her skull, eyelids fluttering as psychic energy seemed to leak from her.



    Olistia’s eyes flashed. Her teeth grit as a look of realization came over her. 


    Olistia’s hand opened its grasp. 


    Jolvia dropped with a dull thump onto the stage. Limp. 


    The thud Jolvia’s corpse made on the stage punched through Avery harder than anything he’d ever felt before.


    Avery fell to his knees. He clutched his chest. He didn’t look away. He couldn’t have. 


    Somewhere along the way someone screamed. And kept screaming, bawling, sobbing – it took some time before Avery realized it was coming from himself. 


    …along with the uncontrollable surges of white hot electricity that fired and crackled from his body in perfect rhythm with the pained sobs that wracked through his chest. 


    ‘Nobody has to die. Nobody has to die. 


    ….Nobody had to die.’


    Olistia hesitated for a moment. Only a moment, staring down at the Nidorina… 


    …then whipped her head up. 


    “AI, AI.” 


    The elites shoved the crowd, heel-turning at once to face their Conduit.


    “ELITES. Immediate deploy! Arceali dead east! Ninety miles! 40 degrees from sunrise! A O – Crumbling ruins! 40 Poke’mon strong, 20 on out, 20 on in!” 


    “AYE” A unanimous shout came from the elites. 


    “Secure the Lightning Pearl at Once! Immediately and without delay! All targets on-site…at your discretion!” 


    The hands fell away from Avery’s shoulders. The guard was filing in to replace the elites in maintaining order. Angry shouting roared all around as the nobles shrieked in horror. 


    The elites were moving out. Though Vinae, Equiros and Shantai stayed behind. 


    Olistia’s gaze fell down from the elites…then down to Avery, watching as he screamed. The Gardevoir looked up to Vinae…and whistled. 


    The Whimsicott responded at once, reaching in her bag and taking out a reviver seed, throwing it at once to Olistia who caught it in her psychic hold. 


    With a…disgusted look she looked down at the lifeless body of Jolvia. The Nidorina was curled up and still. Olistia approached, her brow furrowed. 


    “Now you know the price of betrayal, don’t you?” Olistia said hatefully. “But you’ve your merits and I promised you a debt. Here it is.”


    [CW SUMMARY] – Olistia does something to Jolvia which kills the Nidorina. After the gruesome act, Olistia suddenly knows the location of the Lightning Pearl and deploys her elites to get it immediately while assigning Team Ganusi to lead the Arceali Guild to Ember Summit for the Fire Pearl. Finally, Olistia takes a reviver seed from Vinae…

    [CW END]

    The Gardevoir crouched, laying the seed on Jolvia.


    A flash.


    A screaming gasp as the Nidorina jolted back to life. Her voice warbled…sobbed. In a pained anguish. 


    Jolvia…was chewing her tongue, every muscle tensed up as she was suddenly brought back from the dead. Dazed.


    Avery didn’t see what happened with Jolvia. He didn’t see her alive. Not at first. He was still sobbing, eyes squeezed shut, stating at the tear-soaked, electrified floor below him.


    Olistia stood back up, watching as the Nidorina wretched and writhed back in the world of the living. The Gardevoir’s gaze looked to Deshuuna. 


    The Sceptile, meanwhile…kept a straight face. 


    “You look as though you wish to say something, Deshuuna.” Olistia scowled. 


    “…I suppose I only wish you good luck on your hunt.” Deshuuna replied with a small smile. 


    “Mm. And the arrest and imprisonment of Jolvia – Will there be any objections?” 


    “None, naturally. Imprison, execute…” Deshuuna’s grip on her glass…tightened ever so slightly. “I know nothing of this woman. I’m glad you’ve managed to root out your spy.”




    The talking, the talking, all the talking, so much talking- 


    … And Avery heard Jolvia.


    At first Avery thought it was a dream. Or a trick. Some sort of coping mechanism in his head, denial that she had died. 


    But he kept hearing it. 


    And so he looked up, saw her gasping, alive – not well at all. 


    But the wave of relief that washed over him was quickly overshadowed by another one. One much darker. 


    Olistia had seen his reaction to her execution.


    Perhaps she’d even – accurately – extrapolate his reaction to any execution. 


    …Avery knew Olistia had a bargaining chip against him now. 


    Olistia looked back down at Jolvia whose pained noises had turned into garbled moans and hyperventilated breathing.


    “Team Ganusi?” Olistia spoke as she watched Jolvia writhe.


    “Aye!” Vinae spoke for her team behind Avery. 


    “I have a commands to relay – General Army, Aerial Force and Arceali Armor: 3rd, 4th, 6th GA Batallions redeployed to Steeljag region. 1st armored vehicle brigade to Steeljag region. Aerial Brigades 2A, 3B and 4C to Steeljag Region…all supplies and messages in and out of Steeljag village are to be intercepted and detained…and yourselves…” 


    She turned to face Team Ganusi…and Avery.


    “Team Ganusi shall head the Arceali Guild out to Steeljag Region the day after tomorrow to retrieve the Fire Pearl. Standby for operating orders.” 


    Deshuuna’s face did not change. 


    “Conduit-” Deshuuna chimed in. “Why so much of the Army surrounding Steeljag? You realize I have many-” 


    “I don’t care what businesses you have set up there, Deshuuna.” Olistia snapped sharply. “They are going to converge on that city, on my mark, get my pearl and destroy whatever security system lies in wait. Steeljag shall remain unharmed.” 


    She paused. 


    “But…I’m sure you won’t mind a thorough investigation of the village as well?” 


    Deshunna frowned. 


    “As always, Conduit…I will comply with any and all audits.” 


    A thick silence hung in the air, deepening as Jolvia’s pained breaths slowly silenced into quiet sobs.


    “Vinae.” Olistia’s voice came again. “Take the mole to the castle dungeon, on full watch…and as thanks for saving Nivanee, give her similar accommodations to ‘The Old Wanderer’. We have all that we need from her – for now.”


    “Aye, Conduit.” The Whimsicott said, stepping forward to the stage to hoist Jolvia over her shoulder. The guards were already beginning to lead the nobles out of the restaurant.


    “The Arcean nobility shall be confined to their homes for three days. The Quayoffi delegation may go. – do not detain them.” Olistia called out to the guard and soldiers that led the nobles by force. “Protection Guild – I need a missive to the Office of Finance and Treasury for a three-day bank freeze. Three days will be all we need.”


    The Gardevoir put her hands behind her back, watching the screeching, impotent nobles as they were escorted out.


    “This nightmare will be behind us soon.” Olistia growled. 


    The place was emptying out. Even Deshuuna was soon being escorted out by an armed trio of soldiers… 


    …and slowly…the great hall quieted…until it was only Olistia there, upon the stage. 




    …and Avery.


    Chapter 46





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================


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    1. Feb 14, '24 at 9:11 pm

      Oh my god oh my god oh my god