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    Chapter 7.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Avery sighed a little bit, letting the last of the tension leave his body. The Oran and Rawst Berries helped. Finally, he was able to stand on his feet without his legs shaking.


    Avery stood in front of Rik, crossing his arms as he looked over the Geodude’s unconscious body.


    “…This guy’s too good for either of these groups. Am…am I crazy for saying that?” Avery looked at his team. “Am I just…going full-on battle-worn warrior or something…?”


    “Too good…?” Vizon asked, puzzled. “He just tried to kill you! The guy seems…crazy! Don’t you think he fits right in…?”


    Nivanee hummed, seeming to understand.


    “Any reviver seeds left?” Nivanee asked, Vizon immediately balking.


    “What do you mean…?”


    “…We have two,” Avery replied, looking back at Nivanee. “…Why?”


    She only smiled cryptically, turning to the exit.


    “Well, he can’t be left here. You can use your badge to detain and arrest him, since his complicity in this scheme implicates him by law.” Nivanee informed, humming thoughtfully. “I’ll go scout ahead, do what you need to do!”


    With that, Nivanee ran ahead, leaving the two, or rather the three, of them behind. Vizon was already plucking the badge from his chest.


    “Well, Avery?” He said, turning to his partner.


    Avery was…silence, contemplating.


    ‘Hoo boy.’


    “You think we could recruit him?” Avery asked at last.


    Vizon stopped, the badge slipping from his hand, clattering on the stone ground.




    “I-I mean-!” Avery gestured to Rik. “He decked his guys in the face! He talked about how weak both of these teams are in terms of morals! He’s clearly got a code that he follows…! And we’ve heard from multiple people now that they think the Arceali Guild is just a bunch of yellowbellies…! If that’s the perception, then…then isn’t someone like this guy the perfect remedy to that view we keep getting-??”


    “Feh! People calling the Arceali Guild ‘yellowbellies’ are a bunch of stupid naysayers!” Vizon huffed, folding his arms. “They only care about all star teams and never care about the little work. Who needs the peanut gallery??”


    He sighed, turning his head to stare at Rik…hard…lost in thought until he finally looked back to Avery.


    “You seriously…would trust him?”


    “…I dunno.” Avery sighed, glancing at the still unconscious Geodude, seeing him still stood, eyes wild…even as they were glazed over. “At the risk of sounding really…weird…Battling him…I feel like…his potential’s wasted being a common thief, you know…?”


    “Potential…?” Vizon shook his head, walking around the Geodude, getting ready. “I mean, crazy Poke’mon can have a moral code, too…what if he does to us what he did to his buddies just a moment ago?”


    He clenched his fists, taking in a deep, heaving breath…and exhaled.


    “…but alright…I’ll trust you, Avery. If he tries anything, I’m knocking him back out.”




    Avery took the reviver seed in hand, cautiously approaching the Geodude. He begged for this to be a good idea. As he lifted the seed, anxiety nearly stayed his hand, but he made himself push past it. He pressed the seed to Rik’s forehead.


    The reviver seed glowed.


    Slowly, the chunks of Rik’s face that had been blown away reformed, leaving only his initial scar. His eyes sprang back to life, the serious look melting away.


    Then he roared, sucking in a deep breath of air, falling over.


    And he was…laughing.


    Giggling like a child.


    Vizon took a step back from the giggling Geodude as he lie on the ground.


    “A lapse…what happened? I only remember telling you…something.” Rik laughed again, rolling on the stone, looking radiant. “Could it be? Was I…knocked out?!”


    He lifted himself up, looking ecstatic.


    “I was! I really was!”


    Avery panted, brushing himself off.


    “You were, yeah,” Avery said with a little laugh. “I…I wanted to ask…I wanted to ask if you wanted to join me.”


    Rik paused at that, face falling. He cocked his head.


    “Huagh…” he let out a guttural breath, thoughtful. “…join you…? In what way?”


    Vizon glanced at Avery, unsure. Avery, however, didn’t falter at the question, instead waiting for the realization to dawn on the Geodude’s face.


    “Surely you do not mean…” Rik’s eyes sparkled as he spoke. “…working with the Arceali guild, do you? To be wrapped in their exploits and battles and missions, traveling the world high and low and getting into danger routinely etched into pages of history, surely? That sort of joining?”


    “…That’s exactly what I mean,” Avery said with a nod. “Joining Team Azure. Showing Pokémon…showing Pokémon the world over what it…what it truly means to have grit and courage…!”


    “To perhaps even…” Rik paused, his smile wavered, deep in thought, as if recalling a lost memory. “…be a hero. Is that not right, Avery?”


    Vizon seemed to relax, the Geodude laughing heartily at the idea.


    “What a fool would I be to deny the one Pokémon to bring me joy in years! To have a child’s dream fulfilled as an old adult!”


    He pumped his fists, smiling wide.


    “Then there is hardly anything else to do! I, Rikzyod of who-knows-where will be at your side and battle with you!”


    He laughed, the laughter echoing through the hallow halls, the cave laughing with him. Avery couldn’t help but laugh along with the bellow.


    “Auuugh, yes!” Rikzyod bellowed. “This is it! I’M ALIVE AGAIN!”


    “Then…then welcome to Team Azure, Rickzyod…!” Avery said, offering a hand for him to shake. “Let’s be heroes together…!”


    “Heroes to the end!” Rikzyod cried, grabbing Avery’s hand and giving a hearty, friendly HEADBUTT, knocking Avery over and leaving him daze. “Whatever dark pit you go to, I shant be far behind!”


    Vizon’s shoulders relaxed, a deep sigh escaping his lips. Avery held his spinning head.


    “Whoo…alright…” The Plusle huffed, regaining his smile. “Let’s dethrone these Onyx brothers…yeah??”


    “Of course! I’ve yet to officially sever my contract with them!” Rikzyod joked, turning to Vizon as he approached.


    “Then you’re with us?” VIzon asked.


    “And without a doubt in my mind, mysterious Riolu!” Rikzyod affirmed, slamming a hand on Vizon’s back, which thankfully barely staggered the strong Riolu.


    “If Avery trusts you…” he took in a breath, closing his eyes. “It’s like the other guildmates say…you’re one of us…so I’ll trust you no matter what!”


    Vizon lifted his paw, right in the center of the now-trio.


    “Go go! Triple Trouble Team Azure!” The Riolu bellowed, Rikzyod responding with a guttural cheer, placing his hand in the center. Avery put his in, laughing a bit at the name, and cheered alongside the two of them.


    “Alright…alright! Let’s go and sever that contract!” Avery spun and pointed forward, running forwards to catch up with Nivanee. With the new recruit in tow, the trio ran ahead, exiting the large chamber, entering the narrow passage. A light was ahead, Nivanee’s standing silhouetted against the end of the cave.


    She looked back, smirking, seeing Rikzyod.


    “Just what I’d expect from you two.” She said, snickering, turning to Rikzyod. “Can I assume we’re allies now?”


    “Of course! You’ve earned it!” Rikzyod nodded. “I saw you fight, too, Nivanee. You’re well deserving of the title of guildmember! You do the Arceali Guild proud.”


    “Well, let’s earn your place next.” She glanced down at Avery. “You ready?”


    Avery clenched his fists.



    “… Alright. I’m ready. Let’s free up this pass.”


    Crackling. Flashing. He could do this.


    “That’s the spirit, Avery. Vizon.” Nivanee smiled warmly to the both of them, encouragingly. “Throughout this entire trip, you’ve taught me as much as I’ve taught you…and I can say without a doubt I’m proud of you. It’s been wonderful being able to work together.”


    Vizon beamed widely, the praise from his hero bubbling inside him.


    With nothing else to say, Nivanee nodded, stepping out into the light, soon followed by Vizon, Rikzyod taking up position behind Avery.


    Ahead, Avery could hear it. The sound of something big moving, like an avalanche that snaked and coiled. As he stepped forward, the light of the sun hit his face, warming him.


    The sound of something cutting the air, thrown, rang out as he stood in the light.


    As the blinding light died, the sight awed Avery. The grand, imposing sight…


    Three monolithic serpents of stone, each one dwarfing the four guild members, loomed like a hydra with no body. Though the space outside the cave was enormous, the size of these Poke’mon made it still yet feel too small.


    Avery could see one holding a boulder in its tail, chucking off the cliff ahead, the sound of smashing stone echoing through the canyon below.


    “Leave!” One the serpents bellowed down the chasm! “None must pass through here! Neither cart nor Poke’mon! Get the hint!”


    “Ah, Rikzyod!” Another serpent spoke, still staring down the chasm and lifting another boulder. You could hear panicked shouting from down below as Poke’mon ran from the rocks being tossed down at them by the Onyxes. “Has the Santurini Guild finally decided to mind its own business? For a bunch of mercenaries, you Geodudes work wonders.


    Rikzyod snickered, finding the situation a great joke. From here, Avery could see the glimmer of Schism Sigils attached to the headspikes of each of the Onyxes. No doubt about it, they were the Thieves Guild Onyx Brothers.


    “Indeed, your ‘guildmates’ will bother you no longer, nor will the guard, just as you hired us for.” Rikzyod confirmed.


    “Ah, good, Xamao will be most pleased-” The Onyx turned to look at Rikzyod, pausing when he saw the rest of the group. His tail struck the other two, getting their attention. The Onyxes turned at once and stared at the four in confusion.


    “But you said nothing of this lot~!” Rikzyod finished.


    “Arceali guild? Sarfallinus’s guild?” The middle Onyx squinted his eyes, rumbling. “You fool! You brought Nivanee of Duskwalker right to our doorstep!? And what of these other pipsqueaks?!”


    “Team Azure, the Arceali guild team to whom I now…” Rikzyod grinned, cracking his knuckles. “…owe my affiliation.”


    “You back-stabbing-! How dare you!” The rightmost Onyx seethed, straightening up threateningly, towering. “We paid you to keep everyone out, not invite them in for tea!”


    Rikyzod shrugged, retrieving a satchel of money, heavy, no less that thousands of coins within.


    “Too right…” The Geodude said, staring at the bag. “…then I suppose you’d be wanting a refund?”


    The air whistled. Whipped. The coin satchel flew from Rikzyod’s hand, thrown with amazing force! It struck the middle Onyx in the face, the bag exploding! Gold coins showered out. The high wind whipped the pieces around as they cascaded through the air, fluttering down like a rain of golden snow.


    The Onyx recovered, slowly turning to face the group group, a wild look in his eye.


    “Alright, boys…” The Onyx began, the other two fanning out to encircle. “You know what to do!


    Avery was scared. Absolutely, he was scared. These things, especially to someone like himself, were huge. But notably…they weren’t strong against Avery. And he certainly wasn’t weak against them.


    This was a battle that, especially with his friends at his back, Avery felt like he could handle.


    “Alright…! Team Duskwalker Captain!” Avery looked to Nivanee. “Let’s do this-!!”


    Nivanee grinned, feeling the courage radiate off him. Vizon and Rikzyod, Avery’s team, likewise smiled, feeling the confidence and letting it become their own.


    “Onyx brothers!” Nivanee called out, facing the trio of behemoths and projecting her professional voice. “This is a sweep and subjugation! By order of the Souljreini Bureau of Arcean Law and mandate by the Arceliaze Conduicy you are under arrest for conspiracy against Arcea. You will have one chance to come peacefully!”


    The Onyx near her angrily swiped his tail. Nivanee swung out an iron tail, parrying it. Rocks flew! Sparks shot out!


    “You are the last poke’mon we’d surrender to, Nivanee of Duskwalker!”


    Nivanee grunted, shaking her head.


    “ATTACK!” The Onyxes cried, the three of them converging on Avery as Rikzyod and Vizon got at the ready!


    Avery’s fists sparked, and as he advanced on the Onyx in front of him, he traced the giant’s body for some sort of weakness. Something he could use. This thing was a rock snake, some force had to be holding all these segments together.


    The Onyxes slammed their tails down all at once!


    Vizon dodged, rolling to the side.


    Nivanee parried the tail aimed at her again, firing a shadow ball that struck the attacker in the face.


    Rikzyod shot out a hand, catching another Onyx’s tail aimed at him, even as his stone arm cracked and fractured from the impact of the catch!


    “Do not pull your punches!” Rikzyod demanded to the Onyx. “Fight like you mean it!”


    “Nivanee!” Vizon called out, running to dodge rocks pelted by the nearest Onyx. “What’s the plan?!”


    “We are long past the window to strategize!” Nivanee called back, swiping at and dueling the Onyx by her with tails alone. “Nothing to do but give it your all!”


    “Anything you think of’s gotta be put to use on the fly, Viz-!” Avery shouted, sweeping up onto the tail that thudded down in front of him, jamming his fizzling hand into a crack between two segments in a chop! The electricity from his fist arced, slicing through the joint, making the Onyx recoil and roar, shaking his tail to get the Plusle off!


    Nivanee threw out a quick shadow ball, striking the Onyx she fought in the face, making him back up!


    The third Onyx struck at Vizon, wrapping around him, binding him. Vizon clenched his fists, slamming again and again them onto the Onyx’s bindings. The rock cracked. The Onyx yelled out, unfurling his tail from the Riolu.


    “WEAK!” Rikzyod roared, squeezing the middle Onyx’s tail until the rock turned red hot. With a growl, the Onyx tossed a rock into Rikzyod’s face, throwing him off balance, dropping the tail.


    ‘Okay. Okay, we’re holding our own. Even against three titans this big, we’re holding our own…!’


    “T-the joints-!!” Avery yelled, holding onto his Onyx for dear life like he was up against a bucking bronco! “T-the joints are weak-!”


    The Plusle’s fists, already dug into the crags of the rock, pumped more volts of electricity through. If he was going to be holding on, he’d try to damage the joint as much as possible.


    ‘…Though being thrown off from all the way up here could be…very dangerous.’


    The Onyx roared, electricity firing off into him as he trashed wildly. The swing of his tail was dizzying. The world around Avery rushed back and forth chaotically.


    “Avery! Hold on! Hold on!” Nivanee yelled out. He could see shadow balls whizzing past.


    Hah! Got you now!”


    Nivanee yelped. A slam rang out.


    Vizon watched Avery get thrown around, gritting his teeth. He ducked under a swiping tail then dodged and rolled from a pelting of rocks from another Onyx.


    “Did you hear?!” Vizon yelled to the others. “The joints! Avery says hit the joints!”


    Rikzyod’s voice bellowed another laugh as he struck into the midsection of an Onyx.


    “Augh, you two-faced-!” The Onyx yelled out, opening his mouth, firing another volley of rocks. They peppered Rikzyod, smashing him into the stone ground. Every thrown rock blew chunks from the ground, smoke billowing.


    But the assault was stopped with a deafening crash! The Onyx’s jaw was slammed closed by a swift uppercut by Vizon!


    “Just a little more, Avery!” Nivanee’s voice called as Avery’s Onyx began to slam its tail against the side of the mountain to shake the Plusle off. “Don’t let go!!”


    Avery’s arms screamed, burning from the strain he was putting them through. The Onyx’s frantic, frenzied tail smashes against the wall didn’t help, rattling Avery’s bones with each slam.


    He knew he’s at least not be thrown from the Mountain…but he could get higher. The midsection didn’t have as much leverage, being closer to the fulcrum. It’d be easier to hang on there! With static helping to keep him stuck to the snake, Avery began clawing his way forward on the rock body, towards the middle.


    “I- I’m… Trying-!” He cried, body flopping this way and that.


    The thrashing. The flailing. It made it hard to hold. Avery’s feet slipped! Now only his hands kept him barely latched as he desperately tried to regain a foothold!


    Rikzyod struggled to stand back up, brushing the rock throw off. But now the Geodude stood covered in glistening nicks and cracks.


    THIS is the life! Where have you all been my whole life?!” He bellowed, tossing himself back up. Vizon quickly threw Rikzyod an Oran berry, the item making the Geodude’s pain subside immediately.


    “Hey!” Rikzyod protested.


    “Time and place!” Vizon cried, jumping to attack the Onyx again. Another came from behind, Nivanee now wrapped in his tail. She twisted, trying to get a shot off on the Onyx, only to be harshly squeezed.


    Rikzyod cracked his knuckles at the approaching Onyx. The horn on the Onyx’s head glowed, shining bright across the Poke’mon fighting.


    “Let’s see how cocky you are against my ROCK TOMB, traitor.”


    Stones broke from the ground, floating, surrounding Rikzyod. The Geodude did not flinch. Instead…he seemed to sparkle. His rocky body now glistened in the sunlight, shimmering.


    “Your Rock Tomb will have to catch me then.” Rikzyod replied, performing a rock polish. With that, he darted away, the Rock Tomb crunching closed and capturing only empty space!


    Avery could only see glimpses of all this. Brief flashes. The Onyx he was latched to swung him with such force that one false move meant he’d be launched like a volleyball.


    One more segment. The rocks were big enough that the space between them was bigger than he was. Avery had to hope this was a sensitive spot, because he was acting like a leech and hunkering down, latching onto this Onyx’s joints.


    ‘Deep breath… And…. PUSH-‘


    A roaring jolt of electricity coursed through the snake!


    “WHAT THE-“


    The light was brilliant!


    “EYES CLOSED” Nivanee commanded.


    The Onyxes were all blinded at once, roaring! The one Avery held to thrashed. The rock around the Plusle’s hands glowed. SURGED. Slowly it melted, the sheer magnitude of the electrical heat overwhelming the Onyx.


    The shock CRACKED through the joint.


    The Onyx thrashed wildly, JOLTED.


    “Auuugh!” Another Onyx shouted, unable to see. “The Blight upon you, Arceali guild! Nivanee!”


    Nivanee’s eyes opened, the light dying down, but the three Onyxes were still dazed. The Onyx Avery latched to crumpled, slamming down onto the stone ground with an earth-shattering quake.


    “Avery! Are you okay?!” Vizon yelled, laying another punch on his Onyx. Nivanee, finally dropped by the blinded Onyx, ran to Avery’s side as the Riolu and Rikzyod continued to duel the last two Onyxes.


    Avery was panting, paws smoking, eyes still shut until all went still. He looked up at the now slumped titan…and laughed.


    “W…Won’t be able to do that again for a bit but- come on, there’s… H-hah…still two left!”


    Avery got up, shaking on his legs, wincing and hissing.


    “My paws feel like they’re on fire-“


    “They are, look at them!” Nivanee hissed, nudging his side. Avery looked down at them, eyes wide, and saw his own hands were black with ash and soot. Nothing extremely serious, but a burn nonetheless. “I don’t have any more Rawst Berries. You can’t keep supercharging, Avery, you’ll kill yourself!”


     “… Well shoot I thought the pain was from hanging on that long-“


    Nivanee gasped, tackling Avery to the ground as more heavy rocks sailed by.


    “You’re gunna get yours, Arceali Guild!” The attacking Onyx yelled, summoning his rock tomb again. Massive boulders surrounded both Avery and Nivanee.


    Before they could even move the rocks all converged on the pair, pinning them, the light blocked by the countless boulders! Avery felt like he was being crushed-he couldn’t move! Nivanee grunted at the pressure, straining to lift her head.


    “Avery…it can’t hold both of us…!” She shouted, struggling. “Go…go!”


    “I can’t… Use my hands-” Avery grunted, still trying to scramble out. Even if he disagreed, now wasn’t the time to argue with her. But even as he struggled, the boulders still held him. “I can’t…!”


    Nivanee said nothing, only opening her mouth. Avery’s eyes went wide as he saw a dark ball of shadow energy forming in front of his face.


    “W-w-wait, Ni-“


    An explosion blasted out, rocks and gravel and dust flying as Avery sailed away from the Rock Tomb. He struck the ground, tumbling and rolling, finally coming to a skidding halt a ways from the Rock Tomb. His hands burned. His face and body stung.


    Yet still he rose to his feet, just barely. He had to be fast. He squint his eyes, the bright light blurring his vision as he tried to survey the situation.


    ‘Okay…okay, um…I won’t be able to get Nivanee out myself, not with these hands… But my paws can still fight. No more supercharging, but…’


    “Vizon! Rickzyod! Can either of you get Niv out of that Rock Tomb?” Avery shouted, turning to face the Onyx maintaining it. “I’ll cover you!”


    Avery bolted towards the other two Onyx, his footsteps leaving crackling blue on the ground before the electricity was absorbed, seeping into the mountain.


    “I can-!”


    Vizon was interrupted. Jumping! A tail sailed past him!


    “I would-!”


    He ducked, stumbling, rolling away as the tail slammed down.


    “I can’t!!!” He cried, punching away a tail as it sailed for him. A desperate parry!


    “That’s fine, focus on yourself-!” Avery shouted, turning. “Rikzyod, can you-“


    Akready, Rikzyod, under rock polish, zipped past Avery, cutting through the air, the Onyx holding the Rock Tomb unable to keep up. All rock throws and tail swipes missed the Geodude.


    “Do not worry, small fluffy one!” Rikzyod assured, slamming a fist onto the rock tomb, breaking away the rocks as he zipped past. He double-backed, chipping away at the prison with every pass. The Rock Tomb Onyx saw this, moving to stop the Geodude but was immediately faced by Avery who now stood in the way of the looming titan!


    “Alright bud-” Avery growled, looking up at him. The Onyx grit his teeth, rising up taller and taller, poising to strike. Avery’s fists were charred black…but he put them up for intimidation. “Are you going to stand down all nice or am I gonna have to give you ‘shock therapy’ too?”


    ‘Shock therapy. That was good, I’d have to write that down-‘


    “Shock me! Break my bones if you animals must!” The Onyx roared, rearing his tail. “Do you honestly think any of us would capitulate to you?! To betray the trust of Xamao?”


    The Onyx dove for Avery! His massive body eclipsed the sun!


    “You know NOTHING!”


    Behind, Vizon punched and kicked at the tail swipes of his own Onyx, quickly losing stamina. His hands were beginning to shimmer with every punch her let off.


    Rikzyod pried a heavy stone from the tomb, Nivanee taking a sharp breath of fresh air even as she couldn’t move still.


    Avery was on his own. He was barely able to react in time, jumping out of the way so he wasn’t crushed beneath the Onyx’s tail…but I was knocked off balance. The Onyx’s tail CRASHED to the ground. He slithered to turn again to face Avery.


    “Xamao’s such a jerk, though-!” Avery yelled back, pushing himself to his feet and whirling around to keep himself in position. He’d need to find a good opening to strike…he knew he couldn’t be careless with half of his attack opportunities out of commission.


    The Onyx’s eyes went wild. His tail swiped for Avery again! He was trying to give him no recovery time!


    “That is my captain you’re talking about!” He roared, slowly opening his mouth, preparing another, devastating rock throw!


    “Avery!” Vizon screamed, his arm alight with a blue energy, He parried again. And again. “We got!” He grunted, punching at a swipe. “One last chance!” He spun and kicked another strike. “Do we have anything for a pinch?!”


    The Onyx in front of Avery has his mouth fully open. The Plusle could see Rocks forming, ready to shoot out and pelt Avery into the ground.


    “Avery!! M-Move!!” Nivanee yelled, struggling out from the rock tomb.


    Avery was wearing down. Getting to his last legs. If he didn’t wrap this up quickly…bad things would happen.


    A premonition of his little body being thrown over the cliff like those boulders before…flashed through his mind.


    Avery’s eyes looked down at his satchel. Black and charred and frayed from all the struggling, shocking, burning. His hand dug into it. No more Oran Berries. No more reviver seeds. He felt only one thing.


    One, tiny little seed. Purchased at the suggestion of their mentor, Nivanee.


    “God I hope this works…” Avery stood tall, popped the blast seed into his mouth…and bit down.








    All at once the blast seed EXPLODED in Avery’s mouth. PUFFED his cheeks! Every fiber of his body was aflame as though, for a brief moment, he were now a fire type.


    He couldn’t hold his mouth closed! TOO MUCH PRESSURE. The fire BILLOWED OUT. It FLASHED forward. It burned like an inferno between Avery and the Onyx!


    The Inferno rushed and slammed straight into the Onyx’s mouth!


    The rocks forming in his mouth MELTED at once! His eyes shot open! A fiery scream erupted from him! A smoke plume billowed like a grand volcano as the Onyx was turned black with ash!


    It’s TOO MUCH! The fire CASCADED through his body! The joints were ALIGHT as he crashed to the ground! The mountain shuddered. Rocks began plummeting from the top. The ground CRACKED.


    “THAT’S THE WAY!” Rikzyod’s voice shouted from the black smoke.


    YAAAHAAHAAA-AAAUGH-” Avery’s reply was garbled through the literal actual flames shooting out of his mouth! His feet, still charged with an electric energy, jogged rapidly in place as his charred hands covered his mouth the instant the flames stopped!


    An almost pitiful whimper escaped Avery for a moment, as he looked back in Nivanee in horror.




    Nivanee was beaming pridefully. Smoke coiled around her as she shouted in excitement!


    “A HYPERFIRE ASTEROID SMASH!” She shouted, tippy tapping her paws in excitement as Rikzyod lifted the last few boulders. “Or, what a blast seed does! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU, AVERY!”


    ‘…I can’t feel my tongue…’




    The last Onyx roared, his voice BLASTING the smoke away! There, Vizon has caught the Onyx’s tail! He held it tight, the Onyx unable to pull it free, and held his ground. Beats of sweat formed on Vizon’s forehead as he struggled but held firm.


    Rikzyod grabbed Nivanee, ZIPPING back to Avery’s side. Vizon planted his paws, the stone underneath him CRACKING. The Onyx fired volley after volley of rocks, nicking Vizon’s face, the Riolu’s right eye shut tight in agony as he held.


    “AVERY! NIVANEE! RIKZYOD!” Vizon yelled!


    The Eevee, the Plusle and Geoedude stood at the ready.




    Nivanee Charged a Shadow Ball!


    Rikzyod prepared a red-hot rock throw!


    Avery let the pent-up electricity flow into his legs!


    With the three ready, Vizon HOISTED the Onyx’s tail. The sheer FORCE making the rock crater under his feet as he LIFTED the Onyx over himself! He SWUNG him down SCREAMING, HEAD-FIRST TOWARDS THE READIED TRIO!


    THIS WAS IT!!!


    Nivanee let loose the Shadow Ball!


    Rikzyod’s rock throws FLEW at the Onyx!


    Avery’s paws charged…and with one final attack, he leapt up…and-




    Slammed his foot into the Onyx’s face with the force of a thunderstorm!


    The shadow ball! The fire rocks! The LIGHTNING KICK! They all CONNECTED into a SYMPHONY of RAW POWER.


    Purple and red and yellow mix and swirl and CASCADE, EXPLODING atop the rock hills! A brilliant flash of energy lit like a star, spreading shadows for a hundred miles!


    The Onyx bellowed! He SHOT UP with the SHEER FORCE, FALLING DOWN like a TUMBLING MONOLITH.


    “Move! Run run!” Nivanee yanked Avery away, the Onyx SLAMMING down!


    Dust everywhere! Stones clatter!


    The mountain seems to SWAY.


    Nivanee and Avery stumbled and rolled, rocks clattering around them.


    The lights died off. The sky was dark before returning to its orange glow of approaching dusk.


    The smoke BILLOWED…


    And there…three titans lay on the ground.




    For a while, Nivanee and Avery could only stare. Dust swirled around them slowly, their eyes affixed on the slumped titan lying before them. Avery flopped back on the craggy ground…and put his hands up to his mouth….


    …and he let out a pitiful whine.


    “… Owwwwww…”




    Nivanee immediately pressed up to the Plusle joyously, curled around him, dancing around him with an excitement almost comparable to Vizon. The Riolu stumbled from the other side of the fallen final Onyx, absentmindedly pressing his badge to the fallen Poke’mon, making the titan disappear in a brilliant flash of light.


    “Yeah s’what you get…jerk.” Vizon mumbled, pain laced in his voice as he trudged to meet with the other three.


    Rikzyod, as well, shook the heat from his smoking hands, chuckling to himself.


    “This was amazing…more than amazing!” He spoke merrily. “Are there more? More fun to be had with this guild?”


    Avery’s eyes only followed Nivanee’s excited bouncing, his hands still pressed to his mouth.


    “… I hhink my ‘ongue ish va’orized…” He slurred.


    “Oh don’t worry, that’s just the entire moisture layer in every part of your mouth and esophagus being vaporized instantly! It’s normal!” Nivanee assured, reaching in her pack. “You just need something to drink. Here, take my canteen!”


    Avery took the canteen, hungrily guzzling down the drink like an animal, falling backwards as he chugged.


    “Bwaaah-” He gasped, sitting back up. “… Still can’t feel my paw tips…but yeesh that was something huh??”


    “That was…” Vizon swayed, delirious. Nivanee helpfully fetched an Oran berry from her own supply, holding in her mouth to give it to Vizon. The Riolu no longer flinched or was flustered around the Eevee. All of that seemed to have long melted away. He popped the berry in his mouth, the healing of the berry letting him finally open his swollen eye again.


    “That was much more intense that what we faced at Windscorch mountain.” Vizon sighed, scratching the back of his head.


    “Buuuut…?” Nivanee prodded. Vizon took a deep breath, smiling wide.


    “But…we still did it!” He cheered, popping into the air to celebrate! “Because Team Azure never gives up!”


    “No foe shall stand in the way of Team Azzy!” Rikzyod cheered in return.




    “Ah, what is the difference?”


    “… We… We actually did it…” Avery laughed weakly. “… Team Azure and Team Duskwalker freed up the pass…! Take…that you dang tabloids!!”


    “Let the pencil-necks of Arceliaze write about THAT one!” Vizon cheered. “Let them write about ‘new upstarts! Team Azure rising to be the new All Star team of Sarfallinus’s guild’!”


    Nivanee laughed, perking her ears as the sound of pounding feet came from the cave.


    “Ah, here they are!”


    At once, Bisharp guardsmen from Souljraan entered, sweeping in and securing the area, setting down some makeshift tools for what looked to be a quick guard station to keep the pass secure.


    “We saw that bright light from below! Was that you all?”


    Nivanee smiled, looking over at Avery and Vizon. The Plusle stood at attention as he answered, trying to be as professional as Nivanee had been.


    “The, uh… Yeah, that was us…!” Avery said with a nod, turning to the guards. He took another quick swig of water. “The thieves’ guild and Onyx Brothers have been dispatched. The caravans shouldn’t have any trouble coming through the mountain pass from here on out.”


    “And what a sweep! Not a one Poke’mon left! It’s like nobody was there at all!” A bisharp guard praised excitedly.


    “Oh, well, that’s those Arceali Guild Poke’mon for you, ey? Fighters! Efficient.” Another replied. “Especially Miss Nivanee here. It’s no wonder she was called for this job!”


    “Well now, you can’t forget the ones who pulled the greatest effort of all here…!” Nivanee gestured toward Team Azure.


    “Who’re they? I don’t recognize them.” The Bisharp replied. Nivanee laughed as though it were a silly joke.


    “Who else, don’t you know? It’s the brightest upstarts in the Arceali Guild…!” She  replied, the Bisharps now looking at Avery and Vizon with rising admiration. “Team Azure, Vizon and Avery. And you shouldn’t forget it!”


    “Arceus, that takes me back…” One of the Bisharp spoke in awe, nostalgia in his eyes. “It really is like the old days.”


    Vizon tried to look stoic and cool, but Avery knew him better. He could see the bubbling, childlike excitement flashing in Vizon’s eyes as he tried to not squeal.


    “Alright, well, we’ve work to do.” The bisharp said at last. “Someone’s gotta let the Provisional Guard ‘cross the border know all’s well now. Wendus, if you would? Alert the Souljreini processing so they’ll be ready. I reckon we’ll have a big influx coming.”


    He turned back to the guild Poke’mon as the two guardsmen made tracks back into the cave.


    “As for you, Nivanee and Team Azure. Here’s your promised money: 11,000p” He laughed, handing a satchel sealed with a wax sigil from the Duke to assure it wasn’t tampered with. “Maybe I should get in this business with money like that.”


    Nivanee smiled, taking the coin bag and pulling some coins out.


    “Here we are…split the budget…split the stipend. That’s 5,000 and 500. Between our teams that’s 2,500p each, stipend paid out to subordinates…”


    Nivanee slid 500 coins to Rikzyod who happily took the cut with an impressed look on his face.


    “And that’s 5,000 p to the guild itself. Sound fair?”


    Avery’s heart leapt.


    “… That’s… That’s a lot of money…” He whispered, looking at the satchel. “Is it really okay that we take this, Nivanee…? We were just shadowing you after all-!”


    “I’m no cheat, Avery. This was dangerous work. Were it you went alone you’d have had a bigger payout!” Nivanee nodded, sliding the money bag toward Avery. “It’s yours. You earned it Avery. And…”


    She paused a moment, as though unsure how to phrase the next part. She smiled, only stepping forward to rest her head lightly on Avery’s shoulder, hugging him with a paw.


    “I’m so proud of you. You’ve become so much stronger and wiser. I couldn’t be happier to call you both my guildmates.”


    She reached over to let Vizon join the hug, squeezing them both lovingly, nuzzling into them as the warm moment was shared between guildmates.


    Between friends.


    Between family.



    Results: Team Azure Successfully Cleared Rocky Hills!

    Recruits: Rikzyod [Geodude]

    Rewards: 2,500 p


    ‘….Between family.’


    Avery felt…


    He felt so warm.


    This was it. This was what being a guild member was about, right?


    In this moment it was clear. This is what it was about.


    Not money or adventure.


    But this warmth Avery felt.


    The press of a loved one.


    The unbreakable bonds they formed.

    Chapter 7.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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