The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 7.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The mountain air of Souljraan was dry, a warm scent of rock and gravel and dust filled the afternoon air. Carriages of passengers and goods rattled over roads of pebbles and wood planks, serving as the only noise in the otherwise sleepy town.


    A pair of Poke’mon sat, resting on a bench across from a cargo depot, the smaller of the two. Avery, kicking his legs idly as they both waited for the third of their trio. Vizon, meanwhile, kept his head perked, watching for Nivanee as she asked directions.


    Avery took a little deep breath, remembering the adventure in Tall Woods.


    “…That was pretty cool, huh?” He asked with a little pause. “…could do without the moral stress, though.”


    Vizon chuckled awkwardly, lifting his hand to wave to Nivanee who now approached, her tail swishing behind her.


    “Alright, gang! The Duke’s office moved since last I came here, so you can follow me!” She said with a cheer, a paw to her fluffy chest. “Now I know we hit a little rough patch back there in the woods but hey! The main mission we have here should be much easier on us! After all, we’ve finally going after that nasty Thieves’ Guild!


    Vizon’s brow furrowed.


    “Yeah…is Xamao going to be there?” the Riolu asked, his voice laced both with trepidation…and excitement.


    “The request didn’t say. It only said that traffic from Illaminamo has been halted by their attacks.” Nivanee took the request sheet out, setting it on the ground to review. “Though the notice didn’t specify if it was robbery…but I guess that doesn’t matter…”


    Vizon nodded, Avery hopping off the bench to join them.


    “Whether it’s a robbery or not, yeah, they’re stopping shipments from coming in,” Avery said, tapping his foot in thought. “There’s got to be quite a bit of action there if they can stop caravans. Do we know why they’d be doing it, other than a robbery?”


    “Who knows, but I do know they’re outlaws! Not…kids this time, I can assure you.” Nivanee smiled sheepishly. “I’ve fought with Thieves Guild before. It’s, as far as I can tell, some organized crime group. I’m usually busting, like…kidnapping rings and heists on banks and stores, even in Arceliaze itself if you can believe it!”


    Vizon nodded again. Avery was suddenly feeling a little more nervous hearing that.


    “Kidnapping? Heists?” Vizon’s eyes went wide. “I mean, I heard of the guild taking care of stuff like that but I didn’t know that was all the Thieves’ Guild. Arceus, wasn’t there even an assassination attempt?”


    “Aye, sort of.” Nivanaee confirmed, nodding. “On Olistia, back in 6th Turn, 59, but gosh what a sloppy attempt it was…! The Thieves’ Guild had been aorund for a while before then but that’s when we really started paying attention. I was there when the would-be assassin was stopped, when we chased him all the way across the country, me, Kipuuna, Ganisus and Sarfallinus, for days.”


    “Did you catch him? I don’t think I ever saw news of it in the pamphlets.”


    “We didn’t, the culprit’s been in hiding until recently.”


    “You don’t mean…”


    Nivanaee nodded.




    Avery and Vizon both shuddered at that.


    “Why were they trying to assassinate Olistia…?” Avery asked in a quiet voice, as though the Dragonite was listening. “Is she a government official or something…? What would killing someone in direct contact with Arceus achieve…?”


    “I can’t imagine. She’s the head of the Conduicy, but she’s got plenty of advisors and guild councilmembers governing with her…” She shook her head, frowning. “…I don’t know why anyone would want to hurt Olistia. She’s kindly to us…the thought of them wanting to do that to her for…for what…? Money? It just makes me…”




    “Yeah…sick.” Nivanee finished. “I don’t know the full scope, only what I see and what’s reported by the Bureau of Arcean Law and Sarfallinus…but I frankly don’t care. They’re hurting others, consistently, constantly. To me that’s reason enough to want to take down the Thieves’ Guild. And especially Xamao, whatever it is he’s scheming with that map he stole.”


    “I don’t know what’s on that map, but…I don’t like that he was after it.” Avery frowned as he spoke, remembering the visage of that terrifying, towering Dragonite. “I don’t like Xamao. And I don’t like that he was…ready to kill someone that close to Arceus.”


    Vizon rubbed his head.


    “I don’t need to tell you I don’t exactly like Xamao, either.” the Riolu replied. “I wanna take down that jerk. And these jerks harassing people, too.”


    Avery nodded.


    “…Have to pay him back for that concussion he gave you,” The Plusle tried to make a little joke to Vizon, looking up at him. Though even as he joked, small anxieties were creeping on him. Avery had been pretty vocal about the whole hero thing. Now he worried that he should have kept it under better wraps.


    ‘…Though…Lahnae knows it now, too. I don’t know if she’ll be good at keeping a secret…’


    “Should we walk and talk at least…?” Avery suggested.


    “Aye, daylight’s burning!” Nivanee exclaimed, trotting off with Vizon following closely behind. “We’ll meet up with the Duke…which is a very aggrandizing title, considering he’s more like…a mayor, but we’ll see what he says.”


    “…Who’s the Duke?”


    “Jarnigo. An earnest fellow, much sweeter than the previous ‘duke’.” Vizon explained, making Nivanee look back.


    “Oh? Native to Souljraan?” Nivanee asked, Vizon nodding with a laugh.


    “Yup, born and raised. Arceliaze was kind of a new thing for me, I’ve only lived there, like…what? Four years?” Vizon explained.


    “Oh, huh…!” Avery looked up at Vizon. “Is that why you were on that carriage…?”


    “Yeah…I was…” Vizon stopped himself, side-eyeing Nivanee as he leaned closer to him to whisper. “…visiting mom and dad…”


    “Ohhh…well, let’s hope they don’t see you in town,” Avery whispered back with a little chuckle. “…Or maybe we do hope.”


    Definitely not…I mean, they’d be happy to see me but…” Vizon chuckled lightly, looking away. The pair was quiet a moment, following after Nivanee. The Eevee had pulled ahead a listen to respectfully put herself just out of earshot. Avery decided now would be a good time to change the subject, pointing up toward the tower that loomed over them all like a colossus on the horizon.


    “…well, maybe you could tell me what that is then! The big tower!”


    Vizon’s ears flicked, looking down at Avery then up the tower. He smiled, clearly appreciating getting to talk about anything else.


    “What, the Souljreini tower?” Vizon snickered. “An eyesore, that’s what it is. At least’s that’s the joke everyone tells. The grandest eyesore this side of the Rocky Hills. I think the history was something like…it was a massive vanity project by the merchants here like…a thousand years ago that got put on hold for hundreds of years before they finally completed it only 200 or so years ago.”


    He snickered.


    “It’s a quaint, small hamlet but the Illaminian crops that come through here make a lot of money. And where there’s money…there’s vanity, am I right?”


    Avery shrugged, unsure what to say. Thankfully, Nivanee cut through the gap in their conversation, coming to a halt and turning to them.


    “Here we go! The Duke’s office!” Nivanee hummed, gesturing towards a multistory with a large gravel plaza in front of it. Nivanee, having not paid attention to Vizon’s history lesson, walked up to the front entrance and cracked open the large, thick wood door.


    “Do you both want to come inside or would you rather stay out here and chat?” She asked. “This part is usually pretty dull, it’s just asking after the mission and asking for more details.”


    Avery looked up at the tower for a moment, then turned to the office building.


    “Well, we’re shadowing to learn, right…?” He said, turning back to Nivanee. The Eevee perked up at the response, a small smile forming on her face as she listened. “It wouldn’t make sense if we opted out of part of a mission because it was dull.”


    “Yes!” Nivanee cheered merrily, pushing the door open for him and Vizon. “That’s the spirit, Avery! C’mon!”


    Ever the example, the Eeevee quickly bounded inside, with Avery stepping in behind her. Inside there was a quaint lobby with wood paneling and soft carpet. Doors sat on either side of the entryway to various city offices, the entryway leading up to the front desk. Like the rest of the town, is was very rustic and modest. At the reception desk there sat a Sentret woman, and she saw the three approach. A smile spread across the Sentret’s face as she waved to the approaching team…or, rather, just the Eeevee.


    “Nivanee! Good to see you agaiiin!” The Sentret spoke excitedly, pulling a lever behind her desk. “Have you been well since your last visit? Who’s this you’ve brought?”


    Nivanee hung back to let Avery and Vizon step up beside her. She stepped aside, lifting a paw as though she were presenting them.


    “New recruits to the guild! Meet the latest team at the Arceali guild: Team Azure!


    “Ohohooo, how sweet~!” The woman cooed. She didn’t really seem to take either of them seriously, as though Nivanee were just babysitting the pair. “Are you here for the notice the Duke sent a few days ago? Pleeeaase say yes.”


    “That we are!” Nivanee replied with a nod. “Is he coming?”


    “Just ooone moment, dear.”


    They didn’t have to wait long. From the side door, a Dusklops emerged, wringing his hands together. Immediately, Nivanee put on a warm, if professional, smile.


    “Good afternoon, your grace~!” The Eevee greeted him. “Apologies for any delays, we set out as soon as we received your message!”


    “It’s been three days since we’ve close down the road to Illaminamo!” The Dusklops blurted, making Nivanee wince. “Travel can’t possibly take that long, where have you been? I’m getting no support here!”


    “Ah, now, duke, it’s ok! We’re here now and-“


    “The state of things! We’ve got a logistical nightmare at our doorstep! 2,000 waiting to cross! I’m getting questioned about people breaking off to take the north passage! Just walk right in! Arceus above this has been-!”


    “Duke, duke…” Nivanee soothed, handling the panicking Dusklops with tact and patience. Vizon leaned over to Avery.


    “Huh…he was always seemed a lot nicer in his addresses when I was a kid…” He whispered quietly as Nivanee continued to try and placate the unhappy Duke.


    “…putting aside the issue of the wait time, we’re here to ensure it’s not going to get any worse.” Nivanee explained, the Dusklops calming down, nodding. “Now them, if you could give me everything you know then we’ll be on our way.”


    “I only have the report from the Arceali guard that were watching the road.” Dusklops admitted, pulling some papers from a satchel to read them off. “And quote, ‘a group of nere-do-well poke’mon have taken a position above the narrow pass across the Arcean-Illaminian border, tossing boulders and attacking caravans and causing general mayhem. The guard of Souljraan and provisional Illamini guard have coordinated a shutdown of the pass until the situation is resolved’, endquote.”


    He took another sheet, clearing his throat.


    “And here, quote, ‘The poke’mon were three Onyxes, matching the description of the Onix brothers, notorious Thieves’ Guild associated outlaws, accompanied by a contingent of Poke’mon of unknown association but presumed to also be under the Thieves’ Guild banner’, end quote.”


    He set the papers down, picking up a final slip.


    “The only other update came just before you arrived, the watch sent this in and I, once again, quote, ‘A second group of Poke’mon, not associated with the Arceali guard or provisional Illamini guard, was spotted entering the caves of the Rocky Hills in the dark morning hours today, a few recognized as known and documented Thieves’ Guild members. Guard is holding back until arrival of Arceali guild member’, end final quote.”


    “Onyx brothers…” Nivanee mused, thinking to herself. “…not a terribly active outlaw group…I’m surprised to see them making a move as bold as this. And you say they’re just attacking caravans and travelers?”


    “Yes, nothing serious, mostly destroyed carts and ruined good, but Arceus knows is costing the city a fortune to lose all that merchandise! The shutdown wasn’t even on my command! The guard just decided on it themselves!” He shook his head, the Duskclops looking ready to pull this wraps off his body. “They aren’t waiting, you know, the Illaminians. They moving in droves to alternate borders! You’d think someone was spurring them to it, and it’s got Arceliaze breathing down my neck! I beg of you get this situation resolved!”


    Nivanee hummed, looking back at the other two.


    “Well? What do you think, Avery?”


    The Plusle’s face went dark, thinking about it. He had been trying to absorb everything that had been told to him, yet so much of it was completely flying over his head.


    “So…from the sounds of the it, there are three separate groups of Pokémon allied by the Thieves’ Guild blocking off the pass…? The only one whose species we know is that three of them are Onix, and we don’t know how many there are in total, or what the non-Onix Pokémon are. Vizon might be good against one Onix, but three of them might prove tough…”


    “Yeah…” Vizon said, nodding. “And they’re not even stealing stuff? What kind of ‘Thieves Guild’ is that, huh? Does that seem kind of weird?”


    “Maybe, but that’s not really in of itself unusual for the Thieves’ Guild I don’t think.” Nivanee explained. “From what I’ve seen, this isn’t some group of highway bandits. I think they’re something bigger, like the artifact-stealing Treasure Guild. They could be playing some larger game, with this being a small piece…but what that game is…I can’t say yet.”


    “Uhh…related to Xamao maybe?” Vizon offered, to which Nivanee nodded.


    “Could be…if only we knew what it is he planned to do.”


    Nivanee’s tone was so…professional as she spoke, different from her sunny disposition. She turned back to the Duke.


    “Is the way cleared? Will the guard let us through to Rocky Hills?”


    “Aye, I sent the courier this morning.” The Duke replied. “They’ll let you through and will secure rooms behind you as you clear them out. Hopefully we can get their backs to a wall…”


    “Excellent.” Nivanee replied, lifting a paw on Avery’s shoulder. The Plusle was doing his best to also look knowledgeable and professional, even if he was lost. “We’ll return by evening with good news. Do you mind having a carriage to Arceliaze ready?”


    “Oh no, not at all. Please do hurry!”


    “Absolutely, Duke!” She assured, turning around and stepping between Avery and Vizon. “Let’s go, team! Rocky Hills await!”


    That was that. Quick and to the point, done and over with. With that final word Nivanee led Vizon and Avery out, nodding to the Sentret receptionist as they returned to the street. Even now, the Eevee wasted little time, turning immediately down a path due north of Souljraan that traveled out the town, stretching toward the rolling hills and the jagged mountains just beyond.


    The way to the Rocky Hills was a wide path gravel, one that could clearly accommodate four carriages side by side. Despite that, it was empty. No carriages traveled it. And no crowd, either. The 2000 queued must have all been on the other side of the border. There was something disquieting about traveling on foot down such a massive road with no other traffic whatsoever.


    It seemed strange, too, that there was no queue going out to the border.


    “Hey Vizon…” Avery began, getting the Riolu’s attention. “…Why do you suppose everyone is on the other side? Shouldn’t there be people here waiting to get to Illaminamo as well…? “


    Vizon stroked his chin, considering.


    “I mean, even when I left Souljraan back in…what was it…6T58? We were getting lots of Poke’mon coming in, nobody going out.” Vizon explained. “Everyone wants to get away from Illaminamo right now, after the droughts, you know.”


    “… 6T…5…” Avery screwed his face up in confusion. “Is it a bad time to ask…?”


    “Yup!” Nivanee giggled, gesturing her head up the path where there seemed to be a few structures, no doubt where the guard had set up by the border. Vizon stood at attention, looking at Avery apologetically.


    “S-sorry, Promise I’ll say more later, ok?” Vizon muttered to Avery, the Plusle nodding.


    The path was short, the rocky hills closer than expected. The trees and grass gave way to smooth and sharp grey stones, perfectly cut by the howling, whistling wind that buffeted the three Guild Poke’mon as they approached the large hill range.


    And all the while as they silently traveled, Avery was trying to suppress doubts and fears welling up inside of him. He hated to admit it, but so soon after their encounter with Xamao…he didn’t feel ready to tussle with the Thieves Guild. Now that they were alone, Avery looked over at Nivanee with an uncomfortable expression.


    “… Do you really think we can take on that many Poke’mon with just the three of us…?” The Plusle chanced voicing another thought. “Vizon and I were barely able to take on five, I got KO’d from it.”


    “Well of course we can do it! We’re guild!” Nivanee cheered, her professionalism melting so her sunny disposition could return. “You shouldn’t doubt yourself so much, Avery. Succeed or not we have to always try!”


    That was the end of that. It always seemed so easy for her. Avery sighed and dropped it for now, only following after.


    At last, the trio approached what seemed to be the end of the massive road as it led into a wide and rocky canyon. The wind mournfully howled here as it billowed between the rocks. Here, a group of Bisharp guards stood at the ready, stopping their group as they approached.


    “Hold. State your business.” One of them commanded once they got near.


    “Nivanee of Team Duskwalker with Team Azure of the Arceali Guild. We’re here to conduct our sweep and subjugation.”


    The Bisharp nodded, the professional tone of Nivanee’s ‘business voice’ gaining his trust at once. He motioned for them to follow as he led them off the road, near another group of guards.


    “Narrow pass’s too dangerous, no way up to where the Thieves Guild are.” The Bisharp explained. “Last group of lads we sent in were thrown down at us instead of the rocks, so we’re relying on the guild for this one.”


    Nivanee nodded seriously.


    The stone was smooth as they walked, footsteps clomping against the surface. Soon, the three of them were brought to a secluded area, just at the foot of a hill, several paces from the canyon. Here, another group of guards milled about, keeping a close watch. The Bisharp pointed down at what they were all staring at: a small cave down the hill and going into the side of the mountain.


    “We’ve seen outlaws enter through there and end up where they’re perched.” The Bisharp continued. The other Bisharps in the group noticed the guild members as he spoke, backing off to give them room. It was odd, seeing these tall and dangerous Poke’mon look on the small Eevee with silent respect. Her reputation at the guild proceeded her, and it was clear they all now thought the situation was as good as handled.


    Nivanee nodded at the information, looking back to Avery and Vizon.


    “C’mon, let’s clear them out.” She said, taking the first steps down toward the cave with the pair in tow, swiftly coming up to the mouth of the cave.



    In this small alcove, the Rocky Hills loomed all around. The lands beyond seemed vast and impossible to cross. They certainly earned that name. But meanwhile, Unlike the Windscorch mountain caves, the Rocky Hill caves were unremarkable. Stone tunnels clearly dug hastily by hand, though Avery could hear what sounded like water and rushing, rumbling sounds deep within.


    “Look alive, everyone! And do your best!” Nivanee encouraged, marching forward with confidence.


    Avery was nervous. If there were Poke’mon with rock or ground typing then he knew he might not be able to do much at all with his electricity. Likely normal punches might not do much either.


    ‘I’ll do my best, but… I’m just not sure exactly how far my ‘best’ will get me.’


    As Avery and Vizon followed Nivanee into the dark cave, the atmosphere became immediately more oppressive. This was hardly a homey cave like Windscorch Mountain. It was cramped and uncomfortable to walk through, with sharp rocks dotting the ground.


    Then, there was a sound.


    Voices. Echoing.


    Nivanee halted, ears perked, pointing down the rocky corridor.


    A chill wind blew through the caves, the old stone howling.


    “Out of the way!”


    The voices were angry…some, anyway. Others sounded as though they were…laughing.


    “Client gets what client wants.” a deep voice drawled.


    Avery froze up.


    ‘That seems…bad. Client? Who’s the ‘client’?’


    He and Vizon held still, trying to see if listening further would get them any clues, following Nivanee’s lead on what to do. The Eevee glanced back, gesturing to follow as she continued her march.


    A rumbling BOOM vibrated through the stone. Avery shuddered at the sound but kept pace.


    “Onyx bruvvas says uhhh…nobody gets up.”


    “Call it off! This is too much!”


    The three of them rounded a bend, peeking into a larger chamber.


    Immediately, a Zubat slammed into the nearest wall, falling to the ground. Something clattered when the Zubat fell, a bit of gold colored jewelry resembling a coffin-shaped plate attached to its head. A flying symbol with a lighting bolt cutting through it adorned the piece.



    “That earring…” Nivanee muttered, looking down at it. She didn’t get a chance to elaborate as another Zubat crashed into the wall, slumping atop the first. An earring of its own clattered to the ground. Avery flinched, watching.


    ‘That… Looked painful. This must be serious stuff…’


    “Aaaand STAY OUT!” a deep voice bellowed. Avery wanted to move to help the Zubats but Nivanee stopped him with an outstretched paw. She looked back at him, pointing at the gold earrings on the ground.


    “Look, Avery…that’s The Schism Sigil…” Nivanee muttered, Vizon looking confused as she rattled off words. Avery stared at her in confusion…but saw that she had an equally confused look on her face.


    “That coffin-shaped earring, ‘the schism sigil’…it’s something everyone who’s a member of the Thieves Guild wears.”


    “What? But wait…” Vizon said thoughtfully. “I thought the Thieves Guild were the one up causing trouble? Are they attacking their own…?”


    Nivanee pursed her lips in thought, peeking around the corner.


    “Two Geodudes. Facing each other. They’d spot us quick.” She whispered, glancing back. “Alright…Vizon.”


    The Riolu stood at the ready.


    “We’ll go together. Avery, hang back, you’re on Oran berry duty.”


    Vizon nodded, taking his place by her. Avery hiked his bag up against his back, paw dipping into it to find an Oran Berry. He knew he wouldn’t be helpful against these guys…so he nodded. Nivanee nodded back.


    “Ready?” She asked the both of them.


    “Give ’em hell.” Avery responded.


    Nivanee immediately shot out. Vizon followed!


    “Hold!” Nivanee roared, professional tone returning. “This is a sweep and subjugation!”


    Nivanee fanned out away from Vizon, the Riolu mirroring her movements. Avery couldn’t see who she was shouting at.


    “Stand down, state your business!” Nivanee barked.


    Avery stepped up slowly, peeking around the corner, staying unseen. There, across from Nivanee and Vizon, two gruff looking Geodudes were laughing.


    “HAW! Look uhhhh hey look!” One said.


    “Awwww she’s SO CUTE” the other taunted.


    “Uhhh tiny fluffy things go SMASH.”


    “Final warning!” Nivanee shouted again. Avery never heard her speak like this before. “State your business!”


    Nivanee’s tailed glowed. She whipped it forward, slicing something in midair that had been tossed at her. Two halves of a large stone smashed on the ground.


    “HEY, NO FAIR!” The Geodude yelled.


    Nivanee whistled, Vizon taking the signal to rush. Nivanee bolted forward!


    Vizon threw a wild punch. The Geodude dodged, laughing. Vizon let fly another. The Geodude flung his hand out, grabbing the Riolu’s fist and flinging him aside.




    Sparks and energy crackled. A ball of shadow struck the other Geodude, Nivanee rushed to follow up with a headbutt!


    Vizon jumped back up to his feet. Sidestep, sidestep! The Geodude in front of him threw a flurry of punches, each one dodged!




    Nivanee was thrown back, slamming onto the stone, bouncing, and back onto her feet with a skid.


    “Avery!” She roared, Vizon getting thrown back as well. Avery was still taking cover, desperately trying to follow the chaos, but he quickly dashed out to hand Nivanee one of the berries. He tossed one to Vizon while he had an opening.




    Vizon jumped, catching the berry in his mouth, Nivanee similarly chewing. Even though he wasn’t supposed to fight these two Geodudes, Avery couldn’t help but look – this was going to be the first real look he’d get. Even if he was playing medic, he’d have to be on his guard.


    “Haugh!” Vizon slammed his fists together, pumping himself, shooting forward. Nivanee bolted next! A quick attack! Slammed into the Geodude, the gap closed!


    She spun, tail glowing, striking him across the face!




    Her tail connected! Vizon’s fist connected!


    Both Geodudes yelped. Rocks flew, exposing the shimmering geode under their grey rocky skin.


    One Geodude crashed to the ground. The other circled Vizon, battered but undeterred. The last Geodude slung his fist forward, a wild a powerful jab! Vizon gasped, crossing his arms and barely blocking, his paws skidding as he was pushed backwards by the impact.


    The Geodude backed off, turning, locking eyes with Avery! The Plusle’s eyes went wide! With a shout, the Geodude threw a rock just as Nivanee tackled him! Avery quickly dove to the side, rolling away as the shrapnel from the rock crashed against the ground. He stood back up, brushing some of the rock bits off his fur, wincing just a bit from the minor scrapes he got from the roll. His ears were pricked.


    There was no way the rest of the Thieves Guild didn’t know they were in here now.




    Nivanee slammed the Geodude’s face into the rock. He bounced backward, collapsing onto the stone ground, out cold. With a heaving breath, she tapped the Geodudes with her badge, motioning Avery to do the same on the Zubats. Avery nodded, hastily plucking off his badge and tapping it on the fallen criminal Poke’mon, all of them vanishing in a flash of light as they were sent to prison.


    “Alright, the place is a full combat area.” Nivanee said at once, regrouping. Avery and Vizon moved to join her in the center of the room. “We rescue beam out any Poke’mon that stands down, assume hostile of any that don’t, agree?”


    “Aye” Vizon nodded, looking back to Avery.


    “Aye,” Avery said as well, gripping the strap of his satchel tightly. “Are you two alright…? Vizon?”


    “Cuts and bruises, nothing new.” Nivanee replied encouragingly.


    “Yeah…I feel GREAT, actually!” Vizon said in return. “Second day and we’re fighting notorious outlaws and like…just DOING it!”


    “That’s the spirit! Overconfidence is a killer, though! Stay careful!” Even Nivanee’s advice was a cheer. Vizon nodded, waving Avery to follow.


    “I’ll try and help where I can,” The Plusle said, looking further down the path. “These battles seem out of my depth, but I’ll be able to support you from here.”


    Avery looked into his satchel and saw those red seeds that Nivanee had bought.


    “…How do we use these blast seeds…?”


    “Throw it for an explosion…eat it to let out a fireball.” Nivanee explained quickly, taking point as the group began to move further into the cave. “It’s very volatile…and will no doubt save us in a tight pinch. Save it for now.”


    Avery nodded, heading up the rear behind Vizon. Already the group could hear yet more voices echoing from down the stone halls.


    “We have to GUIDE them away! Be SECRET!” A voice called out. “We’ve got a platoon of guards RIGHT OUTSIDE! A request has been sent to THE GUILD. Are you telling me these morons want to tussle with the Arceali Guild?!”


    “Onyx Brothers r’ paying me 400 poke to keep them AND you out, not ask questions. Why don’t you cry back to Deshuuna and see if SHE cares!”


    There was another crash and shudder. Yelling and shouting!


    “Back down, you lot!”


    The sounds of battle and yelling continued, thundering throughout the cave. This in-fighting was getting worse and worse. Vizon slowed down, whispering.


    “Wait…why didn’t those Geodudes have those sigil things on them?” He asked.


    “I thought it was because they didn’t have ears for the earrings,” Avery replied with a shrug. “But…maybe they’re a separate group?”


    “We’re getting closer. This is going to get very chaotic.” Nivanee whispered back to the pair. “Avery’s right, we’re pretty much caught in the crossfire of something going on here…sounds like the Thieves’ Guild isn’t happy with what the Onyx Brothers are doing.”


    She shook her head, eyebrows furrowed.


    “The Onyx brothers are mostly just muscle…someone had to have put them up to this.”


    The walls vibrated violently, making the trio stumble. Nivanee braced herself.


    “Alright, all together…” She called, “Move, quickly!”


    Nivanee bolted, Vizon and Avery running after her. As they ran further in, the hall turned to an enormous rock chamber. The cave glistened brightly with geodes and sparkling gems shimmering light from above onto the rock. Water-cut pathways dotted every wall and an underground river rushed below, filling the air with a roaring noise.


    Avery’s eyes sparkled as they turned the corner. It was beautiful. If he wasn’t here on mission he might have wanted to take one of those gems just as a souvenir, but-


    A screech split the air!


    Rocks pelted the ground.


    Zubats flew in circles, ramming Geodudes and Diglets on the ground. The Geodudes threw stones. The Diglets peppered the air with sand. It was a grand, messy, chaotic battle with no less than 15, no, 20 pokemon!


    “Duck!” Nivanee shouted.


    Avery yelped, hitting the dirt and folding his ears over his head.


    Crossfire. Sand and rocks. Iron needles thrown. Stones ricocheted off the ground.


    “I didn’t think the infighting would be this bad-!” Avery hissed, projectiles shooting over him.


    “What’s going on?!” Vizon screamed, leaping out of the way of a hailstorm. Rocks peppered the ground like bullets! Supersonics and dust flew!



    GET ‘IM! GET ‘IM!” a Zubat screeched, swooping for a Diglett.


    A Geodude’s throw was wide, a rock zipping by Avery!


    Zubats fell into the rushing river rapids, screeching as they were carried off. Geodudes followed after, knocked aside!


    “Move! Move!” Nivanee bellowed, bounding forward, slicing a thrown rock with iron tail!


    “WHO’RE THEY?!”


    Vizon hissed, looking back. Two Zubats were swooping from above! Nivanee spun, firing a shadow ball at them! The Zubats spun as it streaked past them, exploding on a far-off wall!


    “ARCEALI GUILD!” One of them yelled! Avery could see the sparkling schism sigil jewelry on their ears as they dove and soared around the cave. They both tucked in their wings and rocketed toward him and Vizon!


    “Shoot-!!” Avery’s heart leapt into his chest, and he jumped back. He squared his feet on the rocky floor. The strap of his bag was tight on his shoulders.


    So these were Thieves’ Guild members. At last.


    Avery shook his head, trying to not get distracted. He leapt aside, narrowly dodged a divebombing bat, spinning to kick! The charged attack whiffed, only barely nicking a wing.




    “Circle ’round! Back, back!”


    The Zubats soared in a wide arc. Nivanee peppered the air with shadow ball after shadow ball, a line of blasts slamming the wall as the zubats swooped and dove, dodging-


    Until one hit.


    The other Zubat swung, diving for Avery again! His partner plummeted into the river, arcing with dark energy.


    “Avery!” Nivanee yelled, readying another volley.


    Suddenly, sand.


    Nivanee yelped, blinded by a Diglet, dust and sand kicked into the air! She stumbled, the first Shadow Ball firing prematurely, the projectile spinning wildly in the air before popping mid-trajectory!


    Avery yelped, feeling teeth sink into his side! On reflex he smashed it over the head with a fist, dislodging it!


    But…Avery felt weaker. Weaker than a little bite like that should have made him feel. Almost like he’d leeched-


    ‘Nope. Not thinking of that.’


    Avery tried to shake off the pain and quickly charged another electrified kick to the bat’s gut!


    It connected!


    The bat whipped violently in the air at the force and SLAMMED into the rock!


    From every side, every angle, the trio was beset by enemies. Vizon smashed a Geodude into the water. Nivanee cut through the defenses of a Diglet with her tail. Avery was getting fatigued. They seemed surrounded!


    But then, something changed.


    A bellowing laugh shuddered the rock.


    “Now this!” A gutteral voice bellowed. “This I like!”


    The remaining Geodudes turned toward the exit of the room, above the roaring river. There a larger, bulkier Geodude floated, weilding a Zubat like a bludgeon and slamming it into another group of Zubat, sending the lot of them into the river.


    The screeching…was silent.


    Looking upon this new Geodude, avery could see he was different. A long, jagged scar ran from the top of the Geodude’s head and down his eye, another around his forearm. The scars each sparkled with blue colored geode underneath.


    Nivanee regrouped, skidding beside Avery, taking defense.


    The other Geodudes laughed with the scarred one as he cracked his knuckles.


    “Are there no more? Have I been deprived of my own fun?” He bellowed, a wild look on his face.


    “Just three guild kiddies, ‘ere!” Another Geodude shouted as the three were surrounded.


    The leader’s eyes seemed to…sparkle, his crazed smile widening at the sight of the three.


    “Oh…guild, now?” He rumbled.


    “… Well shoot-” Avery tensed. This guy…he seemed tough. He seemed really tough. And had type advantage on Avery.


     If Vizon and Nivanee ran into difficulty…what would Avery even be able to do?


    ‘Could…I fight him?’


    ‘No. Definitely not.’


    “Oh I needed this! I grow tired of these Thievery Guild pushovers! I crave for more! The scarred Geodude SLAMMED his fists together!


    “…Oran duty?” Avery asked, tossing a glance to Nivanee.


    “Oran duty!” Nivanee hissed.


    The surrounding Geodudes launched a volley of rocks! Nivanee spun and sliced through them deftly. Vizon shot out, buffing away the projectiles with a flurry of punches, SLAMMING his fist into a Geodude!


    The Riolu stepped back to dodge a punch only to be hit on his head with a stone!


    Nivanee missed a rock, one striking her in the face! She slammed a paw down, catching herself from falling, firing a shadow ball at the attacker!


    “Aiii, lookit ’em struggle!”


    Dust was kicking up. The room obfuscated.


    “Y’aint making it out!”


    A flash in the dust. A strike. A hit.


    Chaos, all around. A hailfire of rocks and shadow balls and punches and dust criss-crossing until Avery could see nothing but the haze of smoke, sounds of fighting rattling his ears.


    Then, in that thick cloud…something politely tapped Avery’s shoulder.


    “Having fun?” The deep drawl of the scarred Geodude rumbled from behind.


    Avery let out a sudden scream from the voice, throwing a punch behind-




    It was, unsurprisingly, like punching a freaking rock.


    Avery doubled over, barely getting the mind to try and back up since there was still a giant Geodude in front of him.


    Haw! That is the spirit!” The scarred Geodude cheered, arms out, openly exposing himself! “A punch at once! These are the times Poke’mon show their true nature!


    He reared back.


    “LET ME SHOW YOU MINE!” The Geodude laughed joyously.


    His fist hooked. It SCRAPED against the stone. Sparks flew. Gut punch SCREAMING toward Avery with ALARMING POWER!


    Avery was in the air before he even felt any pain.


    For a moment, he was just looking at the cave through some ersatz angle, spinning in a slow graceful arc through the breeze as the hard stony floor screamed towards him.


    Everything came back at once. His voice, the impact that launched Avery through the air like an over enthusiastic volleyball, and dear god the fiery sensation of pain in his chest and neck from a megaton punch.


    Avery was collapsed on the floor, still conscious, still kicking…but for a moment, to give himself time to recover, to stop the bell tower in his head from ringing for a few precious seconds, he played dead.


    “Avery!!” Vizon voice cried from afar. “Oran berry! Avery? Avery?!


    There was a strike. A CRACK in the air. Vizon grunted. An explosion.


    “Avery! Answer us! ” Nivanee’s voice called over the ringing in Avery’s ear, even but concerned.


    A Geodude crashed into the stone floor in front of the Plusle, tossed by Vizon. Avery could still see the scarred boss Geodude’s silhouette in the billowing dust, looming, fist smoking.


    Then he laughed.


    The dust swirled and spun, his guffaws cascading across the chamber.


    “Come! It is your turn to hit me, tiny one!” The scarred Geodude called out.


    “Avery?!” Vizon cried.


    Avery let out a quiet wheeze.


    Everything stung.


    But if he wanted to be useful Ithen he’d have to power through it.


    With shaking hands, Avery reached in his satchel and took an Oran Berry for himself – he was sure he’d probably need something better than a Berry soon, but his team needed his help.


    Avery got to his feet, facing dead-on to where the big guy was. He knew he wouldn’t be able to withstand another hit like that from the burly Poke’mon.


    …And from the sound of things, neither would Vizon or Nivanee.


    ‘Oran Berry duty. I have to be fast. And I can’t get hit.’


    Avery tried to spot Vizon and Nivanee. Vizon had needed healing. Avery’s paw found another Oran Berry in the dwindling supply, palming it for quick administration once he got to him.


    “Bah, what is this?!” The scarred Geodude’s voice rumbled as his visage disappeared into the dust. “I offer sport and yet you run?! Is this your true nature?”


    Avery could hear shuffling ahead. Moaning.


    Through the dust Avery could see Nivanee, panting hard, grunting as she fired shadow balls into the thick dust.


    She looked bruised and battered, only one eye open as she tried to hit her mark.


    “Ooo, ya swinging wide, kiddie wink~!” A voice called out, taunting her.


    “Y’mate is much worse for wear.”


    Nivanee coughed against the billowing dust, turning her head to Avery as he ran up.


    “What happened, are you ok?” She spoke quickly.


    “Kinda got launched like a ballistic missile-” The Plusle coughed, looking back into the dust. He quickly slipped her an Oran Berry to help out, but tried to peer into the darkness. “Where’s Vizon…?”


    “I lost him and I don’t hear his voice…!” Nivanee grunted, swinging her head around, tail whipping to clear the smoke.


    The dust began to settle. Avery could make out three figures, three Geodudes, the scarred one in the center.


    The rightmost Geodude held Vizon aloft by his face, the Riolu struggling desperately but to no avail. Avery’s heart dropped. Nivanee grit her teeth.


    “Look at this…this cannot be the guild.” The scarred Geodude rumbled. “Weak punches and Plusles that run? That is not the Arceali Guild of old. Oh, to crush my dreams.”


    The dusted finally vanished, the visage cleared. The scarred Geodude was holding out his arms, sticking out his body.


    “I will say once more.” The scarred Geodude spoke, staring right at Avery. Vizon squirmed, grunted, trying to get away from the lackey’s grip.


    “Hit me!!”


    “…shoot-” Avery grimaced. “… No way around it then.”


    Nivanee looked at Avery, worried. It was clear she knew it as well as Avery did: the Plusle wasn’t going to be able to fight this Geodude head-on. Avery was pretty sure the Geodude knew it, too. The Plusle’s punches and kicks wouldn’t do much against him, and electricity would do even less. If Avery was going to play his game…aybe there was something around here that would let him switch up the rules.


    “…alright.” Avery began. “Coward to coward. If that’s what you want.”


    “Coward…?” The scarred Geodude came closer, a serious look on his face, even as his lackeys smirked. “Call it motivation! If you cannot feel the burn of combat for the sake of it…then you fight for something else!”


    Nivanee sneered.


    “You had better let him go.” She said, lifting her head. “You’re already in violation of assaulting a Guild-“


    “Is it for the Riolu?” The scarred Geodude interrogated with a shout, barreling over Nivanee. “Is that why you fight? If so, then show me!


    Avery’s expression darkened, a deep frown forming on his face.


    “You heard what I said…I said coward,” Avery spat, cycling his arm. “We both know I’m at a disadvantage against both you and your lackeys. You’re hiding in dust clouds. Only came out when your associates and the Zubats softened us up. Using my teammate as a hostage and as a meatshield.”


    Avery took a step forward, plan forming in his head.


    “If you want combat, then let’s stop taking pot shots with your friends and fight one on one.” Avery challenged. As a show of sportsmanship the Plusle slipped the bag off, pushing it towards Nivanee. Avery wasn’t strong. But he knew he was fast. This Geodude seemed prideful. Avery reasoned that if he could keep him busy long enough to figure something out, figure out something he could do…


    Feet squared. Fists up.


    “Put the Riolu and your posse aside and fight me.” Avery said at last. “No tricks.”


    The scarred Geodude’s eyes…sparkled.


    His fists clenched.


    His smile widened.


    “You…you! Your eyes!” He said, almost giddy. “There…there…! THERE!!”


    “Pfff, what’s this kid on about?” One of the other Geodudes said, crossing his arm.


    “Howsabout instead we twist your friend like a knot and finish you two off and get our money!” The other Geodude lackey said.


    “Yeah, right, innthat right, Rik? Rik?”


    The scarred Geodude’s eyes were sharp, glancing at his cohorts.


    “…Rik…?” The lackey muttered.


    The scarred Geodude’s fist streaked, striking the lackey holding Vizon! The Riolu tumbled weakly, the underling sailing into the river.


    “RIK, WHAT-?!”


    The scarred Geodude’s fist CRASHED into the other one, putting him into the wall, cratering.


    The dust cleared…and he stood alone.


    The scarred Geodude, Rik, stretched his fingers, letting the rocky joints pop and loosen…before pulling out an Oran berry, tossing it to Vizon. The Riolu’s eyes widened as strength returned to him and he scrambled back towards Avery and Nivanee.


    “No…” Rik rumbled, a smile spreading wide over his face. “…nobody will take this from me.”


    His fists tightened.


    He stuck his chest out again.


    His smile. Manic. Overjoyed.


    He laughed enthusiastically!


    “Let us have our fun, Arceali guild!” He roared with ecstasy. “HIT ME!”


    Avery looked in disbelief. This was a trap, it had to be, surely. Even if there were no tricks, even if it was just the two of them. The Scarred Geodude, this ‘Rik’, had trashed his friends to make it an even fight. His commitment was clear.


    But if Avery approached him like this, he’d hit back…and hit harder.


    Rik saw this as a fight. Avery saw it as a game, a game where he was flying blind, trying to figure out the rules as he went.


    ‘How am I going to beat him…? Simple punches and kicks won’t work. I’ll only be able to avoid him for so long.’


    Slowly at first, but picking up speed, Avery began to run towards him.


    ‘If I can’t hurt him with what I can do… What can…?’


    His mind went to the river. Was that it? Was that the key?


    In a blind rush Avery could only run forward for now.


    And Rik did not move. He kept his chest exposed. Eyes wild, staring Avery down.


    A game of chicken. He was not budging.


    Nivanee’s voice cried out.


    “Avery, what are you doing-!?”


    Avery could see Rik watching him. They both knew the same thing. Rik knew that Avery couldn’t beat him through punches alone, he just had to. And he knew that Avery was waiting for him to make a strike so he could counteract.


    To Avery, this guy was smart. And that was terrifying.


    But if Avery’s electricity couldn’t hurt him… Maybe it could do something else.


    Avery’s fists crackled with energy. Each thud of his feet on the cave floor agitating his nerves, channeling energy through them in a closed electrical loop. If Avery could amplify it enough, maybe…


    The electricity built. It was getting brighter. Brighter.


    Five feet to Rik. Three feet.


    Avery closed his eyes, and with a quick prayer to fate, he let the blinding light loose!


    A thunderous CRACK quaked!


    Smoke billowed.


    Rocks flew! Fell! The wall behind Rik cracked and splintered.


    The river bowed.


    Avery’s first connected on Rik’s body. He felt rock on his fist. White hot. The rocks crumbled.


    A thunderclap. Deafening!


    Rik’s head flew back. Rocks from his body clattered on the wall, the floor. The spot on his body Avery had struck was blindingly bright, molten, smoking. The sparkling geode underneath was exposed.


    And for a while…he only floated there. Completely still.


    ‘…. Oh shit-


    ‘It was just supposed to blind him! I didn’t-‘


    ‘Was… Was that me? Was that… Really…’


    Avery couldn’t feel that electrical buzz in his body. It had all come out in that singular punch, it…


    ‘…he’s a ground type, isn’t he?! It shouldn’t have done anything to him! So… So why did…???’


    A sound shattered Avery’s thoughts.


    More pebbles fell from Rik’s face.


    He was laughing.


    He slowly turned, eyes wide and sparkling. Almost…proud. His smile was wide even as there was now a fresh gap. An entire section of his rocky surface had been blown away.


    “YYYEESSS!” He bellowed, voice echoing across the caverns. He lifted a hand to the ring of bright molten rock that surrounded the enormous wound, running his fingers across the sparkling stone around his eye. “I feel it! Every fiber of it! This is your true essence!”


    ‘He’s still up!?’ Avery thought in terror…and amazement.


    “God even your injuries look cool that’s unfair-” the Plusle panted, clutching his fist. Despite the light show and undeniable power of the punch…Avery had still punched a rock. So there was some notable recoil from that. He shook his steaming fist off. He couldn’t afford to check back on Vizon and Nivanee right now. An eye off of Rik gave him an opportunity.


    But now Avery had to build his electricity back up. He simply couldn’t afford to do that again right now.


    “Alright… I hit you.” Avery breathed.


    Squared feet. Fists up. The river.


    “… Your turn.”


    The Geodude’s smile widened.


    “This pain we feel…” Rik lowered his hands. “…how else can we know we’re alive?!”


    “Avery, move!!” Nivanee cried. “What are you doing?!


    Rik’s fingers twitched, snaking and sliding and cracking into a perfect fist. Clenched. Vizon stepped back, eyes affixed to an invisible aura, a look of horror on his face.


    Rik radiated with energy. His fists glowed, the sheer pressure of his clenched fists making the rock of his hands turn red.


    “Fighting to an inch from death…!” Rik yelled, rearing back. “This is how we truly know life’s sweet kiss! Appreciate it! Love it! Let it flow through us!”


    He shot forward! His red hot fist CUT the air toward Avery as the Plusle braced himself.


    The fist connected. It slammed into Avery’s shoulder. His arm screamed in pain and Avery’s hands were seared from the red hot touch of his fist.


    But Avery caught him. He put them both into a flying spin backwards.


    His force, charged forwards at Avery, overclocked. Avery’s heels dug into the cave, anchored them during their pirouette until the Plusle couldn’t hold on any more and Rik was launched towards the river! tumbled on the ground close to the bank, his left hand dunked into the water.


    Rik tumbled, slamming into a pillar by the river, cracking it, the roof of the cave shuddering.


    Avery had to recover, quickly. He got up, grunting from the effort. He…was in pain. But he knew this wasn’t over yet.


    Rik roared a laugh, slowly getting up, swaying. His fist steamed, fingers fused together. He slammed his fists together, the congealed rock around his clenched fist CRUNCHING into individual fingers again.


    “Finally!” He roared. “No more patsies! No more thieves or robbers! No more tottering sloshes at the bar! No more wannabes and could-have-beens littering the street!”


    He cracked the knuckles of his fist, joints crunching and popping like stone, his limbs shaking.


    “Even the job from these Onyx brothers. So much disappointment! Weakness. Even they cower at the top of these hills like soft pencil pushing nobles sending for their guard.”


    Rik gestured to Avery, a sparkle in his eyes.


    “And here you come! To give me the pain I crave!” He roared mirthfully. “I will not cower! Hit me! SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE!”


    Avery wobbled on his feet, but did everything he could to stand tall, staring the Geodude down. The Plusle panted, dusting himself off. Little hints of crackling appeared at his fists. They were quiet, small…but adrenaline was pumping them back. He looked back at his friends, giving them a tired smile.


    “Apparently, Rik, you’re…not the thief I thought you were. You’re…you’re a lot more noble than that.” Avery pushed at his head. “…Dare I say that…Team Azure could stand to have someone like you to call on. But…”


    A single step forward.


    “You, apparently, are someone who craves power. Both for yourself… And for the people you fight.”


    Avery began to run again. His hand trickled against the water of the river, sending sparks of electricity coursing up the rapids.


    “And I… I am a Hero of Arceus!


    He didn’t know where this courage had come from. Avery knew he was just some guy. But he was here. Now. And he was facing off against someone so far above his pay grade that it was uncanny.


    But as his fists crackled, as his nerves danced, as he approached… he was glad he had that courage.


    Avery jumped! He grabbed Rik’s arms tightly! With that vice grip he flipped, letting out a roaring yell to release tension as he used the momentum and his own weight to try and drive Rik into the ground in an electrically hypercharged throw!


    Rik’s smile was beyond manic. Avery knew he could feel the WEIGHT the POWER of the throw. The heat of electricity.


    The water steamed on Avery’s arm steamed. It burned him.


    His smile widened more, more! Flipped! Rik watched the sparkling ceiling of the cave soar by as if in slow motion.


    “Hm…Hero, eh?” The Geodude mused quietly, smiling as he was sent careening back down to Earth.


    The air exploded.


    Vizon and Nivanee shielded themselves from the billowing dust and hot air.


    Rik cratered. The impact burned a white-hot pothole of pure electricity into the stone ground. Seared. Smoking. Stones and pebbles flew from he impact sight, smoking and peppering the surrounding area.


    Ash flew. Vizon and Nivanee coughed.


    And as the dust cleared…there lie Rik in the crater.


    The shuddering of the cave silenced. Even the river seemed to calm.


    Avery slumped down, and then fell onto his back, staring at the ceiling, absolutely exhausted.


    “I… Have… no idea how I did that-” the Plusle wheezed in exasperation.


    “Avery…!” Vizon found his voice finally, running over to check his partner’s wounds, Nivanee rushing over with her own bag.


    “Burned. Here, take this Rawst berry.” She offered, setting it onto Avery’s chest as Vizon fished an Oran berry.


    “That was nuts!!” Vizon was agape. “That’s not normal…who are you, Avery? How did you…?”


    “It was reckless, no doubt…” Nivanee only half scolded out of mentor obligation, the admiration clear in her voice. “You really wanted to fight an outlaw honorably, huh?”


    “I…” Avery munched on the berries, still catching his breath. “… I saw… I saw Vizon there… And… I didn’t know what I could do. I wasn’t going to be able to stand up to him by running away. I wouldn’t have been able to save Vizon by running away.”


    He looked himself over.


    “… The other stuff… None of that was planned. I didn’t…i didn’t even know I could do that. It shouldn’t have worked.”


    Vizon and Nivanee nodded, the Riolu patting Avery on the back. They continued checking for wounds, applying anything needed on Avery’s body. But, as they worked…something stirred, just to their side.


    And when the cave shook, they all froze.




    The voice roared.


    Vizon and Nivanee jumped! They spun around in fear!


    Already out of the crater, Rik was there. No longer floating. Now he only held himself up with his arms.


    His eyes burned into Avery. His face no longer jovial. Only a dead serious expression.


    “What…” Nivanee whispered, standing at the ready.


    Rik stood.


    Only stood.


    His voice echoed across the empty tunnels, reverberating.


    But dying off.


    Still Rik only stood there. Not moving. Just staring directly at Avery, focused, predatory. But unmoving.


    Vizon slowly stood. Nivanee slowly sidestepped, circling.


    Rik didn’t react.


    Vizon approached from the side, at the ready. Him and Nivanee stood at Rik’s flanks for a while. He didn’t move an inch.


    Vizon slowly…slowly…move in from of Rik, waving his hand. The Geodude didn’t even blink.


    “He’s out cold.”


    Chapter 7.1





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