The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Warning: HEAVY DRINKING, DRUNKENESS, SLIGHT ABUSE, VOMITI! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    Warning Notes

    This chapter contains scene of alcohol abuse and emotional abuse in a relationship + vomiting due to alcohol.

    Chapter 28.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================





    A voice cut through the rain as the Plusle stood in the bar. He wiped his eyes one last time…to his left…that’s where it came from.


    And there…stood Vizon, holding a wood cup.


    Behind him…Lahnae…Ganisus…Loshjno…Kipuuna…all around a bunch of tables brought together, each of them glancing at the entrance towards Avery…


    And Vizon…


    …looked worried. Ears folded back. He set his cup down on a nearby booth, look at Avery with a soft expression.


    Avery caught his breath…and fell backwards to a sit from his legs drained of adrenaline all at once.


    They were here. They were here, he was…they were fine. Everyone was fine. He could still save them.



    ‘Save them from what? They’re socializing at a bar,’ said Avery’s voice of reason.


    He sucked in a breath.


    ‘…Shit. I’m…going to have to socialize. While I’m like…this…’


    Vizon approached cautiously, coming up closer to Avery and kneeling to come to eye level. He lifted a hand, brushing the Plusle’s shoulders, Lahnae and Kipuuna hopping from their seats to approach as well.


    “Avery…?” Vizon sighed with a soft frown, wiping rainwater from Avery’s fur. “You look…”


    “Vizon…” Kipuuna piped up, in a reminding tone. The Riolu glanced back…and nodded with a huff.


    “I was worried I wouldn’t see you here, Avery…” Vizon muttered.


    “…” Avery looked up at him, trepidation laced in his heart as he took the Riolu’s hand as he offered it.


    ‘Is this a test? Is he…no. No, he’s just concerned.’


    “…You aren’t mad at me?” Avery mumbled to Vizon…before realizing what he said. “I…no, no I wanted…I wanted to come. I-I’m sorry I’m late.”


    “I…” Vizon began, stopping short. He heaved another sigh, furrowing his brow…and leaned forward to wrap his arms around Avery’s tiny body, hugging him close and tight, cradling the back of his head.


    “…I missed you…” He muttered, nuzzling into Avery’s cheek. “I lost my temper and I hate that I did…”


    He squeezed tighter, warmer.


    “…I love you, Avery…”


    Avery could feel a bump, Lahnae nudging Vizon with a talon, a frown on her beak.


    “…and…I’m sorry…”


    “…I’m sorry too, Viz,” Avery said quietly. “…I’ve…I’ve just had a lot on my mind, and…I shouldn’t be bringing you down with me. I…I wasn’t being fair.”


    The Plusle hugged back, around Vizon’s waist.


    “But…but everything will be okay. I…I’ll make sure of it. I’ll…I’ll do everything I can to make sure that nobody ha-“


    ‘Eight silhouettes. Guild Arceliaze. Hung by the neck.’


    “…Nobody has to get hurt anymore.”


    Vizon sighed again, Lahnae and Kipuuna looking at Avery with concern. The Torchic cocked her head to the side.


    “Uhhhh…you okay? Whattya mean ‘nobody has to get hurt anymore’?” She asked. Kipuuna put his flippers on his hips.


    “What kind of fight did you two even have?” Kipuuna asked as Vizon pulled away, the Riolu rubbing the back of his neck.


    “I don’t know he…” Vizon muttered. “…gets weird ideas sometimes…”


    Being back among the guild…it was like stepping into a different world. Like Avery had crossed some…veil between the real world of doom and horror into some alternate reality that only the guild knew…and that they lived within exclusively.


    The atmosphere was…jokey…almost jovial, despite the feelings plaguing his heart.


    Again…that dissonance…that whiplash…it was hard not to notice.


    …Avery…felt out of place.


    He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to just goof off with everyone, not after that talk he had with Janus and Jolvia. They didn’t know what was at stake. They didn’t even know what would have happened with Nivanee if she hadn’t made it back from the Lightning Wastes. What Team Spade and he and Vizon would have had to-


    A lump formed in Avery’s throat. Even now. Even here, he was plagued with those thoughts.


    But…he would make sure that nothing like that would ever happen again. To them, or those that come after. He was…he was going to change the world.


    He had to.


    Even so. How was he going to do that on a night out with his friends? That wasn’t realistic, right? Avery couldn’t be changing the world with every single action he took. So…


    ‘…what do I do instead?’


    Everyone was looking at Avery…




    Vizon stepped back, a worried look on his face. Lahnae frowned, her brow furrowed.


    At last, it was Kipuuna who spoke.


    “…Avery…?” His voice was careful.


    Another hush fell over the group. Now Loshjno and Ganisus approached from the table, Lahnae giving a quiet huff.


    “Dude, you’re kinda freaking me out…” She said, stepping forward, past Vizon who only stood by. “What’s wrong, man? Talk to me.”


    “I think he’s just-“


    “Something’s wrong, Vizon.” Lahnae interrupted. “Man, aren’t you supposed to be his boyfriend? You’ve known him longer than any of us, right?”


    “Yeah, so-“


    “So you’d be able to tell if something’s wrong. Use your…aura thing!”


    “I am!! And…what I can tell…” Vizon said at last, stepping towards Avery, as though to keep the Plusle from Lahnae. “Is that he needs some time with family to clear his head. Ain’t that right, buddy? Ready to have some fun?”


    Nivanee really did rub off on him.


    Lahnae, for her part, looked unconvinced, almost annoyed, but looked to Avery for his reply.


    The Plusle shifted a little in his place.


    It was…tough. What was he supposed to do? Just… Relax? Have some fun? With…family? These weren’t his family. These were his friends. They were close to his family. But all the same he felt the need to be doing…something to help them save them…


    But he couldn’t do that right now. He couldn’t shove action and purpose into every part of his life. That…wouldn’t work.


    But they were worried. Of course they were worried. Avery knew he probably looked a mess. He didn’t want them fighting in the meantime. They didn’t need to get involved in this. Not yet.


    “…R…Right. I do need to relax,” Avery relented. “I’ve been really high strung recently. There’s been a lot on my mind, and I just…”


    Everyone was so worried.


    He was so worried.


    “…I think I’m starting to burn out.”


    “Oh…” Lahnae sighed. It was hard to tell if she was convinced but she nodded all the same, stepping forward. But Vizon stepped around, a friendly smile on his face as he practically body-blocked the Torchic and led Avery along to the tables at the back of the bar.


    “Ex-actly! C’mon, buddy!” He said happily, Lahnae and Kipuuna watching as he nearly dragged you over. “Ganisus and Lahnae and Kipuuna were playing war over here and I’ve been getting all into it!”


    For his part, Vizon seemed to at least try and patch things up with his boyfriend…in his own sort of way.


    Kipuuna murmured but relented as well, following after Vizon, along with Ganisus and Loshjno. Lahnae was last to follow, eying Avery the whole time.


    “After all the hard times and battles won, we deserve to relax, right guys?” Vizon asked aloud, lifting his head to the others.


    “Yeah, we do deserve to relax…” Lahnae said, her voice holding…something else. Kipuuna, for his part, tried to banish the negative atmosphere.


    “Right right, where were we?”


    “Garlic bread round 3’s on Ganisus.” Loshjno said, pulling his chair back up by the table, the boy bouncing off of Kipuuna’s attempt to regain the jovial atmosphere.


    “What…? I just ordered…” Ganisus muttered.


    “That…that was an hour ago.” Kipuuna corrected. The Shinx turned his head, looking blankly at the Piplup for a while.




    “Dang, an hour?” Avery scratched the back of his head guiltily, trying to ride off the atmosphere that Kipuuna and Loshjno were setting. “I must have been making you guys wait a while, sorry…! But garlic bread does sound good…”


    The Plusle sat down at the table with the rest of them, trying to figure out exactly what they were doing whilst they waited.


    “…What’s war?” He asked.


    “It’s just kind of a large-scale make-believe game. They have whole tournaments for this in Quayoff.” Kipuuna said, stepping over to show Avery the table. Ganisus, meanwhile, hopped down from his seat to place an order at the counter.


    Vizon pulled a chair from another table for Avery, then hopped back up on his own chair, taking his drink from the table.


    Here, Avery could see the guildmates had moved about four tables together, end-to-end in a line. There was a whole mess of little wood figures, cards with bizarre patterns and symbols and chunks of square wood blocks in different shapes…like dice.


    “I was actually just finishing up my turn, then it goes to Lahnae.” Kipuuna said, grabbing a napkin to wipe his flippers before he touched any of the pieces. He glanced over behind Avery. “Lahnae…you coming?”


    “Huh?” Lahnae said, broken from her thoughts. Behind Avery, she had just been awkwardly standing, absentmindedly. Now it was her turn to act different, but she tried to recover. “Uhhh, yeah! Totally…!”


    She stepped forward, hopping back up onto her chair while Vizon scooted in closer to watch Kipuuna. The Piplup sniffed, taking a measuring rod and placing it between two sets of wood figures, drawing a card from one of several decks, counting the number of dice to roll, then writing down on a notepad before doing the same to another group.


    Ganisus didn’t seem to pay attention, his gaze wandering around the bar while Lahnae just tapped her wings on the edge of the table, kicking her legs…she seemed a little more impatient. Or maybe it was something else.


    Avery…was trying to distract himself. From war. With war.




    “…This looks really complex,” Avery mumbled, eyes flitting from the pieces to the dice to the cards. “I don’t even know where to look. Who’s winning…? The person with the most pieces?”


    …Part of him was wondering if there was some inherent problem in this too. Was there systematic-


    ‘No. no no stop stop this is a nice night out with friends. You have to relax, Avery. You have to take deep breaths, and relax.


    Deep…breaths. They aren’t hanging tonight.’


    Avery flinched again from the thought.


    ‘Damn it, I can’t help it- Distract yourself distract yourself…’


    “Everything okay, Lahnae?”


    ‘That’s it. Help someone else. That way you can take your mind off your own problems.’




    Lahnae perked up, looking back at Avery.


    “Yeah…I’m fine…what’s with the heavy breathing, though? Did you run all the way here?” She asked, her voice still worried.


    ‘Maybe too deep of breaths.’


    Vizon leaned over, swirling his drink to answer Avery’s question.


    “I dunno who’s winning either.” Vizon snickered, sipping his…


    …totter juice. Was he tipsy? Lahnae glanced at him with a furrowed brow as her check-in was barreled over but she otherwise kept quiet and returned her focus to the board. Avery had noticed the topic change…but there was nothing he could do now. For now, he only tried to figure out how this game worked.


    ‘It couldn’t be that complicated.’


    “I currently have advantage.” Kipuuna said, scribbling down more numbers on his notepad. “More supply chains, more available buffs…”


    He leaned over, looking at some face-down cards the others weren’t allowed to see. Lahnae turned from Vizon, looking at her own hand.


    ‘It…couldn’t be that complicated.’


    “Yeah, don’t bet on it!!” Lahnae retorted as Kipuuna slid her the notepad. “Because you might be playing that STUPID long-con but, oh gee, I don’t think it’ll matter if-!”


    Loshjno coughed, softly shaking his head.




    Loshjno shook his head again. Lahnae stopped, subtly moving her hand over to another piece. Another headshake. She reached over to another piece of hers. He subtly nodded.


    “I thought we agreed Loshjno doesn’t get to backseat anyone.” Ganisus huffed, staring at the ceiling.


    “I can’t help it.” Loshjno said, backing off with a chuckle.




    Oh god it was complicated.’


    He shot Loshjno a helpless look. The Plusle was as lost as Vizon, and he was already one sheet to the wind.


    Avery couldn’t blame him for having Totter juice…they’d had a rough day. Avery was sure that having some himself could take the edge off…but that wasn’t healthy, right? That wasn’t something a hero would do, right? Drink away his problems?


    ‘…not that Vizon is doing that. Shoot. I’m doing it again.’


    “Oi oi, Harus! Mind pouring me another? And one for Avery!” Vizon called to the barkeeper, a Pidgeot, while Ganisus put in the order for garlic bread. Avery also heard the Shinx add in an order for cheese fried mushrooms.


    The Plusle shook his head, trying to refocus. Just…focus on the game.


    “Supply chains?? Available buffs…?” Avery mumbled, raking a paw through his hair. “So…they aren’t buffs you have on right now, just…ones you could have?”


    “That’s right, Avery.” Kipuuna replied, taking a sip of his drink. “It’s all about planning around probability. I know what I might get and I need to increase my odds of getting it.”


    “Oooooor!!” Lahnae said, tapping the measuring stick to the table, and measuring the distance between one group of her wood figures and what looked like the carved facsimile of a building. “You TOTALLY OVERRUN THEM with A MILLION DUDES.”


    “Seriously? The trebuchets are going to knock them over like Rockle pins.” Kipuuna huffed.


    “Uh YEAH, I guess they would…UNLESS.”


    Lahnae flipped a card on her end with a weird symbol on it.




    “Oh what…” Kipuuna leaned in, squinting in aggravation. Lahnae snickered, grabbing two of her soldier pieces.


    “Ohh yo, Empress Lahnae, that was such a wicked strategy, the Red Army is unstoppable~!” She said, making tiny voices for the soldiers like they were talking. “Oh please, any other god-empress-almighty would’ve done the same thing! HEHEHEHEHEH.”


    Kipuuna furrowed his brow, staring at the Ballista piece, one flipper over his beak, the other nearly tearing out his head fluff, his mind going a million miles a second as Lahnae proceeded with her rolls. Ganisus returned, a plate of steaming garlic bread and cheesy mushrooms on his head. The food smelled delicious, tantalizing. Avery could practically dig in as soon as the Shinx set it down.



    “Whatever.” Ganisus shrugged, still looking at the ceiling. “I’m staying out of it. If either of you wanna barter, let me know.”


    “Arceus did you sell her that?!” Kipuuna blustered.






    “Uh…cuz I’m an oligarch, not an autocrat. Duh.” Ganisus sniffed. “Mercantile Yellow Army forever.”


    Vizon snickered again as the drinks were brought for him and Avery both. Even if it was late…this was, perhaps…at least somewhat nice.


    Somewhat distracting.


    “…So…Iron ballista iiiiiiis gooooood?” Avery drawled, squinting between the three of them. It was mostly a joke – he was pretty sure from both Lahnae’s and Kipuuna’s reactions that she’d just gotten a leg up on him.


    Avery took a little sip of his drink. It was nice.


    “I mean, when someone’s doing trading stuff, you always have to be careful,” Avery said, leaning back in the chair. “Nobody makes a deal in games like these unless they think it benefits them. You have to think about what they’re getting out of it, y’know? Merchants can be dangerous if they’re left unchecked!”


    Avery took another sip…and paused.


    “…Wait Ganisus are you playing or is it just Kip and Lahnae…?”


    “Yeah I’m playing.” Ganisus said, taking a slice of garlic bread from the plate. “And I currently have the most money so I can draw the most out of anyone on a given turn.”


    “Won’t matter if I surround you!!”


    “With…a bunch of soldiers wielding sticks and rocks?”


    “Sticks and rocks work just fine if the army using ’em is BIG and ANGRY enough!!”




    Lahnae stuck her tongue out at Ganisus, going back to her calculations. She rolled some dice, making notes.


    Kipuuna, meanwhile, shook his head, taking a skewer and helping himself to some cheese fried mushrooms.


    “I mean, you could play, too, Avery. But you’d need a set of dice, figures, the cards to start a deck. I could help you build your own army but it takes a lot of time and, more importantly, money.” Kipuuna huffed, biting into the mushroom. “It took the three of us at least a year and a half of saving to get enough pieces to qualify for a ‘large scale battle’ instead of just a quick skirmish.”


    “It’s half the reason I’m BROKE!” Lahnae snickered at her joke, leaning way into the table to do some more measurements.


    Avery laughed quietly, though Kipuuna couldn’t help but tsk. For a moment, Vizon and Avery simply sat together and watched, sipping their totter juice and occasionally taking some Garlic bread.


    “What’re you making that face for?” Kipuuna asked Lahnae, the Torchic looking like she was in deep concentration.


    “Hey Avery?” Lahnae called, looking over her shoulder. “What’s…37 times 3??”


    “Uhh… Ninety plus twenty one. A hundred and eleven,” Avery called after a few seconds. “…Yeah, all the figures look handmade…do you make them yourselves? The cards, too? And the dice?”


    He leaned forward, studying the pieces in curiosity.


    “I guess it’d make sense if they’re expensive… You’d have to get the raw materials and then carve them out… Though if you could make your own cards I guess there’s nothing stopping you from making an ‘I win’ card other than that being lame.”


    “Stuff like this flies over my head.” Vizon snickered, taking another long sip of his Totter juice. The Riolu…seemed a lot calmer. More comfortable now, even as he sat extra close to Avery, an arm around the Plusle’s shoulder. “But it’s a blast to watch. I used to go to this one place where some of the poke’mon would have, like…sixteen tables set up and I’d just watch ’em after work, mesmerized!”


    Avery…instinctively squirmed.


    Vizon’s touch… It felt weird tonight. It didn’t…comfort Avery like normal.


    He knew he needed to get over that fight. Vizon did, after all…


    Avery took another drink, letting Kipuuna continue his explaination.


    “Nah, see, there’s three places in Arceliaze you can buy tournament-regulation pieces. Aaand…about four places where you can get cheaper, casual stuff that you couldn’t bring to a Tournament.” Kipuuna explained, watching as Lahnae finished her calculations, thanks to Avery’s help. “Me? I get tournament-regulation stuff because I wanna try playing this for real sometime. Couple of years ago I used to go to local Lower-Market District tournaments. I even got runner-up once.”


    “And then you slept through the gong.” Ganisus noted.


    “Well…War Tournaments can go on for almost a whole day, dawn to midnight, if the brackets are big enough.”


    “Carry the…ok!” Lahnae said with a laugh, sliding the notepad over to Ganisus who brought his gaze down from the ceiling, clicking his tongue while Lahnae continued to talk. “Yeah, not me. I just get cheap figures from a Quayoffi imports store in the X-Eye District.”


    Indeed, looking closely, Avery could see that Kipuuna’s pieces were very professionally carved with finely sanded-down edges and detailed paintwork festooning his otherwise blue-colored pieces. Lahnae’s on the other had, were sawed from raw wood with rough and harsh edges and looked as though they’d just been dipped in Red paint. Every other detail on her pieces looked hand-painted…by her.


    “Yo, Aves, you want some of this garlic bread?” Lahnae said, lifting the plate towards the Plusle.


    “Oh, sure, I’d love some if that’s-” Avery stopped for a moment as Vizon reached out to grab one first with a laugh. A little squeak escaped Avery’s lips as he was squeezed against the Riolu’s side in a stronger hug.




    …was almost a little…




    A little more awkwardly, the Plusle reached out and got his own piece, just listening to the others talk.


    “Hey Loshjno, you keeping track in case we gotta pack this up soon?” Kipuuna asked, taking another mushroom. “I can’t believe this one is going to go on to a part 4.”


    “Yeah, Part 4: Empress Lahnae SMOKES the Blue Republic!!!”


    Kipuuna smiled wryly.


    “Ohhh I’m sure…” He said, confidently, making Lahnae squint.


    Any other night would have had Avery flustered and blushing from all of Vizon’s squeezing hugs. Any other night would have made Avery putty in his paws.


    …But it felt weird tonight.


    Still. It was good seeing Kipuuna and Lahnae getting along, especially given their relationship for years prior. It can’t have been easy going that long as they had, but…things were looking up for them! Things were looking up for the guild! Everyone was becoming friends again!


    ‘Just in time for Janus to see them from the gallows-‘


    Avery took a longer drink. Two gulps. Drink’s empty. Head hurts a bit.


    Something felt weird tonight. But it was good they were getting along, Kipuuna and Lahnae. Everyone was becoming friends again! Things were looking up.


    ‘…Drink’s empty.’


    “Aw, buddy, out of juice?” Vizon slurred, leaning on Avery a bit, his own glass empty. “Need another? Actually, does anyone need another?”


    “Mm, no more for me.” Kipuuna said, finishing his drink. “I’ve had plenty. I only want enough to relax but not to impair my ability to think.”


    “Half a glass.” Loshjno said, setting his cup down and biting into a piece of garlic bread. Lahnae kicked her feet up on the table, lazily chugging her totter while Ganisus only drew a few cards.


    “‘Kay, Warlords.” Ganisus began, setting some cards on the table. “Got a armored carriage, some spears and….catapults for sale.”


    “Armored carriage.” Kipuuna said at once, putting out three cards. “You want gold cards?”


    “Nah, swords.”


    “Mmmhh…” Kipuuna bit his flipper in thought. Meanwhile, Ganisus looked at Lahnae.


    “You?” The Shinx said, eying her. “Also, can you, like…not?”


    “Huh??? Oh, yeah, sure.” Lahnae said, getting her feet off the table at once and leaning in to look at Ganisus’s cards. “Uhhhh…!! CATAPULTS.”


    “Kay. Pay in gold cards.”


    “Wha-?! Hang on, why am I paying in swords for an armored carriage and she’s paying gold for a catapult?!” Kipuuna asked. Ganisus shrugged, biting into his garlic bread.


    “Market value.” Ganisus replied. “….or something.”


    The waiter came by with more totter juice, pouring Avery, Vizon and Loshjno more at once, without even waiting for Avery’s input.


    Avery was still trying to follow the game. Gold cards. Did that mean…The cards were gold? Or the cards were gold… Err…the cards represented gold? Catapults, carriages, trebuchets…it was all blending together. Avery took another sip- Drink’s empty.


    ‘Wait, no it’s not. There’s more now. That’s good. Right, that’s right, Vizon had mentioned I was out of juice and got me more. That was nice of him.


    I think.’


    Vizon was…


    …really taking charge tonight. He put a hand on top of Avery’s head, ruffling the Plusle’s head fluff.


    “Love yoooouuuu, Averyyy~” He cooed, clearly upgrading from tipsy and getting closer to…drunk. “Betcha feelin’ better already, huh?? Told you time with family would fix it, didn’t I…? Toooold yooouuu. Score one for Vizooon, he’s right agaaaaiiiin, hehehheh…”


    He wobbled, taking a sip of his drink, squeezing Avery tighter…not letting him go anywhere else but by his side.


    Avery squirmed a bit in his grip – his hand was kind of getting tight. It stung at the Plusle’s side.


    But Avery felt better. But this was weird.


    So Vizon was right, but weird about it. That sounded correct to Avery.


    ‘…Maybe I’m being weird too.’


    Avery carefully put his drink down – he was wobbling a little. Probably from how tight Vizon was holding him. Avery didn’t want to spill on the game after all…!


    ‘…This is a fun night. This is supposed to…This is going to be a fun night.’


    Vizon’s strength control seemed to wane with every sip of totter juice he took. Kipuuna and Lahnae exchanged their cards with Ganisus who gave them cards in return, finishing off his turn with a few scratches to his notepad and passing it back to Kipuuna.


    “Shame the ‘United Cities of Fluffy Friends’ had to abstain from the battle, huh?” Lahnae sighed, flopping her head on the table. “Maaan…I miss Nivanee already…”


    “She shouldn’t be gone for more than a few days.” Kipuuna said, sitting up to begin moving his pieces and drawing his cards. “Sounds like things got really bad over at Lightning Wastes…”


    “Yeah…it’s like that for all our missions it feels like.” Lahnae huffed. “Sucks we still lost the pearl even after everything.”


    Kipuuna paused, silent for a moment before he leaned forward to continue taking measurements.


    “I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Lahnae.” Kipuuna chuckled, shaking his head. “Were it the guild had just a few more Lahnaes and Loshjnos it’d be a different organization.”


    “Louder, too…” Ganisus muttered. Everyone giggled, except Ganisus of course, who only continued his staring contest with the ceiling.


    Kipuuna looked over at Avery and Vizon.


    “Ganisus and I visited Nivanee a while ago…but I think you two were the last in to see her.” the Piplup said, picking up his dice. “Is Nivanee doing ok? She tends to say what we want to hear at times like this…so I just want to be sure she’s actually okay. At least get a second opinion from you.”


    Avery opened his mouth to speak as Kipuuna turned to him. To both he and Vizon.


    ‘Did you know she got really really badly hurt? Did you know she was sent back because she could barely walk?


    Hey Kipuuna did you know that if she died I would be brainwashed into not being able to tell you???’


    A flash of fear in Avery’s eyes.


    Hesitation. Anxiety.


    The Plusle shrunk back into his chair – backwards momentum jolted sideways as Vizon squeezed him. The Plusle let out a little gasp of pain as he pressed against Avery’s still-somewhat-tender ribs.


    Vizon shrugged, holding onto Avery tighter. Tighter.


    “She seemed fine. Perky as ever.” The Riolu replied first, taking control of the conversation. Making sure he was first.


    Question answered.


    Avery deflated. All that steam whistling through the pipes without a spigot. All that pressure without a release.


    ‘It’s fine. This is a fun night with friends. This is a nice night.’


    Avery’s hand clumsily wandered for the drink- he stopped himself. He knew he was getting fuzzy. He wasn’t supposed to do that.


    “Perky as ever,” Avery echoed quietly, a full four seconds after Vizon’s answer. Too long for a genuine response. Too long for even a sarcastic restatement.


    It was just weird.


    ‘Or maybe that’s just me.’


    “Huh…good.” Kipuuna said, returning to his calculations. Lahnae sighed in relief.


    “I’m glad to hear…when Loshjno and I went up there they didn’t even let us in…!”


    “They didn’t?” Kipuuna perked up in confusion. Vizon took a deep breath, swaying a little. Squeezing Avery tighter. “Why not? They let Ganisus and I in no problem.”


    “I dunno. Something about ‘discretionary permissions’, yadda yadda, stupid stuff…” Lahnae muttered. “I just wanted to see my friend again…”


    “Huh…I mean, maybe she was asleep?” Kipuuna offered. “They kept her behind a curtain when we visited so we didn’t see how she was. It’s why I needed to ask, Avery. You’ve been doing missions with her for a bit, I was hoping you’d pick up if anything was wrong-“


    “There wasn’t, thankfully.” Vizon said, a little too quickly. He turned his head to Lahnae. “But, hey! They’re running a tight ship to make sure our friend is okay! If they think it’s best then that’s that! It’s all part of the job.”


    Lahnae blew a raspberry, dissatisfied but offering no reply.


    Vizon…seemed to be acting strange. Surely…he knew what was going on. He stared it in the face with Avery when discussing Team Infinity.


    …why, then…?


    “V…Vizon…my chest… Still kind of hurts-” Avery wheezed out. “…She’s pretty injured. Worse than me. Still happy.”


    ‘Why was Vizon not saying the important part?’


    “…I don’t think she’ll be going on the next mission.” Avery said, voice weakening in Vizon’s grip. “So she can recover.”


    Another pause. The Plusle stared down at the pieces on the table.


    “…Did…Lahnae tell you two the story…?” Avery asked. “It’s a pretty good story. Scary when it was happening. But a good story.”


    Vizon only laughed, seemingly only half cognizant of what Avery was saying…and squeezed again.


    “I mean, I sort of gathered bits and pieces from Nivanee and what Sarfallinus was saying. A big thunder god and a hard battle only for some Thieve’s Guild goons to swoop in and steal the victory.” Kipuuna said, shaking his head. “Frankly, I’m shocked only Nivanee, of all Poke’mon,  got a trip to the infirmary with a battle like that.


    “Yeah…battle…” Lahnae clicked her tongue. “No, see, what actually happened-“




    Vizon’s voice cut in.


    The Torchic perked up, looking up at his bright face.


    “You really sure you want to do that?”




    “The game. You sure you want to attack Kipuuna’s trebuchets now?”


    The Riolu pointed to the table, just as Kipuuna set down iron carriages and knocked over several…several little red pieces over.




    “Aww man! You killed ’em all!” Lahnae pouted. Vizon sat back, taking a sip of his drink.


    [CW START]


    And squeezed Avery. Hard.


    “O-ow!” Avery jolted away, trying to pull himself from Vizon’s grip. “My rib, V-Viz, it’s still broken I think-! Careful!”


    The sudden shock of pain had sobered the Plusle up. Something was weird.


    Something was wrong.


    ‘Why was I surprised? Something was always wrong. Something would always be wrong.


    We worked so hard to help the guild. Aquashock. Spade. Both teams had a rift that were mended when we worked together.


    But that wasn’t good enough. Because now we have one. And I’m not sure we have the luxury of waiting a decade to fix it before we all hanged-‘


    “… It’s still broken…” Avery whimpered, holding his side.


    “Woah, woah, broken??” Kipuuna said, pushing from the table. “Avery are you okay?”


    Loshjno and Ganisus perked up. Lahnae turned, seeing Vizon practically squeezing the Plusle in a drunken vice grip.


    “Hey, Viz, ease up will you??” Lahnae said, her face worried. “You look like you’re about to snap Avery in half…!”


    “You can’t hold someone like that when their ribs are broken.”


    Avery could see Vizon’s face fall, the Riolu drunkenly swaying. He didn’t let go, only taking another sip of his totter juice. The atmosphere was slowly darkening.


    His grip loosened…but he didn’t want to let Avery go.


    “Viz? Dude are you hearing me?”


    “Yeah I heard you.”


    “Why’re you latched on to Avery so tight?”


    “We…” Vizon slurred, swaying. He squeezed his glass harder. “We’re just bonding. We needed some bonding time after all the fights we been having.”


    “Vizon, Avery looks kind of uncomfortable…!”


    Vizon’s eyes flared. Avery squirmed.


    “What would YOU know about Avery, Huh?! He’s MY buddy, you BACK OFF!” Vizon shouted, haphazardly throwing his cup at Lahnae, the girl shouting, along with Kipuuna. The cup tumbled, knocking over wood game pieces.


    “Woah, woah woah!” Kipuuna said.


    “Kay…too much totter.” Ganisus huffed. Vizon’s eyes seemed to flare.


    “What’s gotten into you, jerkwad??” Lahnae spat. Vizon only replied by gripping Avery HARDER. “STOP THAT.”


    “V-Viz, please, at least loosen-agh-” Avery crumpled in the sudden crush like origami beneath a steel-toed boot. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes that he had to blink away.


    He didn’t try to speak. Avery’s eyes were squeezed shut. His mouth was screwed up in an expression of pain. His rib felt like it was on fire.


    That was weird. This was weird.


    Everyone was together again…! But something was weird, Vizon was weird, Vizon was drunk, Vizon was hurting him and everyone could see it-


    Everyone could see Vizon hurting him. Why was Vizon hurting him? Was it from the fight? Unless…


    This wasn’t Vizon. Yeah, that had to be it…! Vizon was… Vizon would never do any of this stuff, right? Avery knew Vizon, top to bottom! He… Maybe Vizon got replaced! Maybe he got replaced in Dove Fo Uddjo with some evil…


    Who would do that? Xonitas? The Dean? No, they were done screwing with them. But…


    ‘Then what happened to my Vizon?’


    The Plusle was kicking at his seat now, trying to squirm away. Avery’s movements were weak – the pain from his chest and the fact that this was his boyfriend was making it hard to put his strength into it.


    Vizon only held tighter at Avery’s struggles. Like a python, slowly crushing him. The more the Plusle struggled the more Vizon’s powerful arm constricted possessively.


    “VIZON, STOP.”


    Lahnae’s voice punched a hole through the atmosphere of the bar, patrons and workers alike lifting their heads to stare.


    “NOTHING IS WRONG!” Vizon slurred, swaying, the grip loosening only briefly. “This is what a team is! We’re close! We’re close!! We’ve ALWAYS been close!”


    Lahnae pounced! She lunged forward and SHOVED Vizon. The Riolu yelped! TUMBLED out of his seat and SLAMMED into the tile floor, his arm FLINGING Avery away as Kipuuna tried to help the Plusle. Lahnae THREW Vizon’s chair aside, rushing to the fallen Riolu, Loshjno jumping to help, followed by Ganisus.


    “What’s WRONG with you, huh????” Lahnae shouted.


    “Avery, are you okay?” Kipuuna said to the Plusle.


    Avery was trembling as Kipuuna helped him up. The Plusle put his weight on Kipuuna, though his eyes stayed very trained downwards. Avery’s mouth opened to speak, but words past vowel sounds wouldn’t come.


    Avery didn’t know what was weird but something was weird, everything was weird.


    “It…still hurts…” Avery mumbled after a few seconds, lifting his head to look up at Vizon. “…I’m sorry. This…this wasn’t…this was supposed to be a good night-“


    ‘I made it about myself again. Why am I being so selfish? Everyone was being so nice before I got here. Everyone was having fun before I got here.


    I just…ruined it. I ruined war, I ruined their night out. I shouldn’t have even come.’


    Vizon crawled away, letting out whining moans, disoriented from all the totter. Lahnae stood over, leaning over to grab his arm.


    “Get up, Arceus!! All that totter went to your HEAD, man!!” Lahnae spat, trying to lift him up. With a grunt he shoved Lahnae away. “Will you stop?? Augh!”


    “Lahnae, that’s not how you talk to a drunk-” Loshjno soothed. Avery could barely hear Vizon sobbing…before he threw up onto the floor.


    “Ugh!!” Lahnae jumped back, furious.


    Kipuuna grunted, trying to prop Avery up, holding him softly, Ganisus sauntering up behind them both.


    “Do you need any numbing medicine?” Kipuuna said quietly, Ganisus helping to prop the Plusel up.


    Loshjno came over, trying to gently help Vizon while Lahnae stood by, talking quietly to Vizon while the Riolu sobbed incoherently. Avery could see Lahnae shake her head at the display, her brow furrowed.


    How lucky it was none of them were wearing their badges…


    Avery cringed from the sounds around him. Lahnae yelling, Vizon…throwing up on the floor. Avery didn’t feel good.


    “…I just…I…I must have done something wrong.” Avery stammered. “I-I must have done something wrong. I…I made him sad, I…I had to have, right?”


    Avery tried to stand up straighter, but…his chest didn’t like that.


    ‘How am I going to fix this…? How could I even try to make things better?’


    Lahnae perked up, looking back at Avery as Loshjno tried leading Vizon off, the Riolu still crying.


    “Awful friend. I’m a…” Vizon coughed, Loshjno sighing as he grabbed a rain coat for them both. Vizon’s voice trailed off, the deeply uncomfortable atmosphere cutting through the group like a knife.


    “Why do you think you did something wrong, Avery…?” Kipuuna asked, tilting his head. “Vizon only told us you two got in another fight…we tried to get him to apologize but…”


    “Psshh, what’s his deal…??” Lahnae scoffed, shooting a glare at the Riolu. “You didn’t do ANYTHING wrong. He just had a bunch of totter then got CLINGY and WEIRD. How’s that your fault???”


    Kipuuna grunted with a sigh, Ganisus barely paying attention.


    “I’M SORRY!!” Avery could hear Vizon shout drunkenly from the other end of the bar as Loshjno slowly led him out. “I’M SO SORRYYYY!! I CAN DO BETTERRRR!!!”


    “SHUT UP!!” Lahnae shot back. Kipuuna roughly bat her on the wing with a glare, Lahnae returning the look. “What??? Look I’m STEAMED, okay?”


    “He’s still your guildmates-“


    “Yeah, and I’m MAD at him, so what???” Lahnae huffed, looking back towards the exit as Vizon and Loshjno disappeared.


    It was true.


    Something was still broken. All of the guild was fixed…except Avery’s own team. Something was still so deeply, deeply wrong.


    Lahnae grunted, stepping by Avery and Kipuuna, looking at the Plusle worriedly.


    “Does it hurt, Avery? You okay?”


    “…It…” Avery looked down, the tears welling at the corners of his eyes getting…just a bit bigger. “It hurts. It all…it all hurts…I don’t know what’s happening. I-I don’t…I’m trying…I-I’m trying not to overwhelm him, I-I’m trying to be good, I-I am. I am-! There’s a lot going on and I don’t want to leave him behind but I don’t want to confuse him and I don’t…I-I don’t…he and Nivanee are…”


    Avery’s trembling got worse. His eyes stung.


    [CW SUMMARY] – Vizon, under the influence, hurts Avery by hugging too hard and shows an ugly, possessive side while Avery becomes more scared that he and Vizon are drifting. The other guild members come to Avery’s defense and drive Vizon off.

    [CW END]


    “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” Avery’s voice was crushed, high-pitched, forced through an incredibly tight throat. It hurt to speak.


    Something pushed into him. Something warm and soft, holding him fast and secure.


    “You. Are doing. Fine.”


    Lahnae’s voice was firm but caring as her wings wrapped around Avery, hugging him cautiously to not hurt him further. Kipuuna eased off, letting her hold Avery, him and Ganisus looking to one another as Vizon and Loshjno finally disappeared outside.


    “None of this was your fault, dude.” Lahnae continued, not a drop of hesitation in her voice while Aquashock watched, worried. “None of it, okay???  I just…! I don’t know what’s going on between you two but…but I don’t want you BEATING YOURSELF UP for TRYING YOUR BEST! You…”


    There was something in her voice, unshaken determination. The voice of someone fresh from rock bottom herself.


    “…you’re doing just fine, Avery. I promise. I know it. I know you.”


    “Lahnae…” Kipuuna said softly, tilting his head.


    Avery shook his head, leaning into her hug.


    “…It’s not good enough. I…I-I’m not doing good enough, if I was doing good enough this wouldn’t be happening-” Avery wiped at his eyes. “If I was doing good enough then we’d all be friends and Vizon and I would like each other and I wouldn’t be torn in four different directions every time I have a conversation with anyone-“


    Avery hiccupped. He was saying too much. But he couldn’t stop.


    “There’s…there’s things that I can’t say but if I was doing my best and everything was perfect I could say them and everyone would be okay- But they wouldn’t be. They won’t be. N-nobody is, we’re all…we’re all going to-“


    ‘We’re all going to hang. We’re all going to hang. We’re all going to hang unless I can do something about it.’




    Lahnae didn’t give up, didn’t collapse at Avery’s parry. She only shook her head against his shoulder.


    “No! No! No!!” She said again. “It’s not just you!! It’s not all on you! I’m tired of all these years of none of us doing anything to help all this BROKEN STUFF!! Having to wait for someone like you to bail us all out…!!”


    She pressed her cheek into Avery’s. Her grip was firm, unwavering. Determined and unflinching.


    “If we’re a family we should ACT like it…and do it TOGETHER!!” Her voice was forceful. “You…! You’ve done enough! You’ve done so much for everyone!!! You’ve done ENOUGH!!!”


    She didn’t even seem to be thinking. Just…


    …rambling. Letting her heart spill out, unfiltered. Kipuuna tapped his flippers together, whispering something to Ganisus, the two moving back over to the tables, leaving the two alone.


    Avery’s eyes flitted to Kipuuna and Ganisus for a moment. Had he done something wrong? Was he putting them off? Did he do it again? Oh god what was he-


    Back to Lahnae. She was…making it kind of hard to even pay attention to anything else. Maybe that was the point. They were still in public…


    “…I…I can’t say everything. There’s…there’s secrets, I…I want to say them but I can’t and I-I hate it. It’s…it’s driving Vizon and I apart. The…these secrets and these views and these…e-everything…” Avery sniffed again, holding his side. “It’s tearing us apart.”


    Lahnae brought the Plusle back to just them two, nowhere else. She cradled Avery’s head, doing everything she could to be there.


    “I’ll help. I’ll do anything I can to help, I promise. I was strong with you before I’ll DO IT AGAIN.”


    She pressed Avery lightly into herself, her voice never wavering.


    “Whatever…these stupid ‘secrets’ are…” Lahnae paused a moment, pulling back just a bit, looking serious. “What’s the worst that could happen if you said??? Compared to losing Vizon?”


    There was a look in her eye.


    How…? Did she…suspect the answer already?


    Perhaps she was dense…but…three years at the guild still no doubt must have let her catch on to some things…


    “I just…I…I don’t know what to do anymore. Everything I do makes things worse, for…for everyone.” Avery sagged in her wings, resting his head on her body. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”


    Avery’s heart felt heavy as he said the words, admitting them out loud. He knew them for a while. But saying them to another person…hearing the desperation in Vizon’s voice.


    …They were drifting apart. Avery didn’t want them to. But they were. And he hated it.


    “I’m supposed to be a hero. But I’m just…I’m just hurting him.”


    “What’s being a hero got to do with whether Vizon acts like a jerk to you or not??”


    Lahnae-!” Kipuuna cut in from across the room as he and Ganisus packed up the game. “He’s still guild, isn’t he?”


    “Well YEAH…but…!” Lahnae lifted Avery as he sagged in her grasp. “Family can be jerks, too…”


    Kipuuna sighed, rubbing his forehead with his flipper…but nodded quietly. Ganisus sighed, finishing up with bagging the pieces and the leftover food.


    “…Nivanee needs to get out of that hospital already.” The Shinx muttered, Kipuuna cringing when he heard it…even if he knew it was true. Lahnae grunted.


    “Sorry…” She muttered. “I’m not that great with words. Uhm…I didn’t mean to insult Vizon, I know he’s a good guy, just-“


    “C’mon…” Kipuuna said, hoisting a leather satchel over his shoulder, clinking with wood pieces inside. “Let’s go home…it’s late enough, yeah?”




    “And not a word to the guildmaster, alright?” Kipuuna said, leaning in. Lahnae perked up, furrowing her brow. “…alright? Please?”


    Lahnae was silent a moment, glancing down at Avery…then back to Kipuuna.


    “Alright, fine. I’m no snitch.” Lahnae said, Kipuuna nodding.


    “This is just something we need to take care of ourselves. And I know we can…!” Kipuuna offered warmly, stepping up beside them both, Ganisus following behind. “If we can work through years worth of baggage…surely we can take care of this, too? I know that’s what Nivanee would say.”


    “Is it?” Ganisus asked, his eyes wandering up to the ceiling. Kipuuna…only shrugged with a sheepish smile.


    “I sounds like the kind of thing she would tell us. To not lose hope, to always stick together…”


    “Yeah…!” Lahnae said, squeezing Avery. “…together!”


    Ganisus sniffed but said no more. With a nod, Kipuuna walked forward to lead the group back to the guild. The rain had slowly begun to die off, now little more than a mist and sprinkle, an electrifying scent in the air.


    “…I’m sorry, guys.” Avery’s tone was glum. He hadn’t done much to help them in the slightest, and now their evening was just…awkward and bad.


    Though the Plusle cast his eyes up, looking for the glow of Sanshiyad. The magenta glow of the night…maybe it’d calm him. Maybe it’d help him feel better, maybe it’d make him find the words to say. Or the words to not.


    Up in the sky…through thin rain clouds he could only see a faint magenta glow…but it was there. In small breaks in the cloud line Avery caught glimpses of the magnificent planet.


    As his friends led him along, it almost felt like not all was lost.


    Chapter 28.2





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================



    [CW SUMMARY] – Vizon, under the influence, hurts Avery by hugging too hard and shows an ugly, possessive side while Avery becomes more scared that he and Vizon are drifting. The other guild members come to Avery’s defense.


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