The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 41





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    There was a warm feeling in the air as Avery and Lahnae trekked down the path deep in the Tall Woods.


    The ascent brought them to an old stone bridge crossing over a rushing river that cut through the thick forest. The fast-moving water sprayed mist in the air as it struck the stones on the bank, wetting the stones they walked on. As the pair crossed Avery could see steam rolling off Lahnae’s body, her face scrunched in pain but her smile still ever-present as she took the pain head on.


    ‘Something refreshing like water spray to me is painful to Lahnae. Jeez, being a Fire Type must suck.’ Avery quietly thought.


    Soon, their climb up the hill finished. As the canopy broke and they crested the top they looked out and saw a very familiar visage:



    There, spread before them, was the fertile lands of the Souljreini valley. Hills of farmland and forests rolled between Tall woods and the Rocky Hills far beyond.


    Lahnae stepped up beside Avery, beaming as the two looked out towards the goal far off on the horizon.


    “There is it! It’s a heck of a climb around up there. Especially since I assume we’re not going for any of the caves, right? Just hoofing it around the mountains themselves!”


    The view gave Avery pause. There was still a good ways to go, but… Enjoying the vista would be nice for a bit.


    “Yeah, that’s right. Generally you don’t want to camp in caves that you haven’t mapped out before.” The Plusle said. “Plus, unlike camping out in woods, you want to be quiet instead of loud, so you don’t wake up hibernating species. That can actually harm them if they wake up too early and there isn’t enough food around to sustain ’em.”


    Avery paused for a moment, and laughed.


    “Sorry, didn’t mean to lecture when you agreed with me to begin with…!”


    “Well, frankly, hibernators shouldn’t be in caves, either!!” Lahnae laughed. “They should be in, uhhh…one of those places that house Hibernators every Zshima! I was thinking it’d be cold, dark, damp and GROSS! Plus, there’s no stars in caves, so no-go!”


    The Torchic paused with Avery, scanning the vista of the valley. The trail they stood on continued down the hill a ways and seemed to snake around until reaching a farm. Lahnae squinted down at the end of the path.


    “Ohhh, shoot. Avery, you see that?” Lahnae said, nudging him.


    She lifted a wing, pointing at the farm house the trail lead to. Or, rather, lead from, for near the farm house it was clear the path was fenced and gated, with posted signs no doubt telling trespassers to keep off.


    “I think this is a private trail.” Lahnae said…a cheeky grin spreading on her face. “Cooool! I love trespassing!!”


    Avery hesitated a moment, looking the sign over.


    “I mean it leads right to the farmhouse. If we weren’t careful we’d definitely be caught….! Are you sure you wanna take that risk?”


    He looked over at her with a little smile, already knowing the answer.


    She looked back at him with her own smile, wild and ready for the trouble.


    “I mean c’mooon, it’s a big wide open space and the path’s barely maintained! We probably make better use of it than this guy!” Lahnae gestured over at the farm below. “Aaaand, hey…we can run circles around this guy, can’t we?”


    She giggled excitedly, prepping herself to continue down. Thankfully, right now there didn’t seem to be any Poke’mon outside in the field, so maybe, Avery reasoned, they would get lucky and not run into anybody…?


    “If this blows up in our face I’m absolutely making you the scapegoat,” Avery said with a little chuckle, settling down on the path past the sign.


    “Oh psssh, that’s the EASY way out! If we get busted I AM MY OWN SCAPEGOAT!” Lahnae proclaimed, puffing her chest out proudly as they passed another sign.


    It was hard to tell what this path was for, but Avery could make out a few footsteps and carriage wheel tracks in the dried mud of the path. On either side there was now barbed wire fencing, almost closing in on them as they were funneled down toward the farm.


    “Okay, so, as soon as we get over there, we hop the fence and leg it across and into the tall grass.” Lahnae said, her eyes fixed on the farmhouse to make sure nobody was there. “Then, it’s just a quick jog over to the base of Rocky Hills!”


    “Hop the fence? The barbed fence??” Avery looked at the wire, and the fabric of the tent on his back. “Sure! Yeah, sure, we took on a thunder god, I’m not getting conquered by some twisted metal. Sure!”


    Avery’s heart was somehow racing just from this elevated pace in this place they weren’t supposed to be. He’d done way more stressful things than this before – why was something like this exhilarating him??


    “Hop the fence, jog to Rocky Hills.” Avery huffed.


    Lahnae slowed down as they came to the end of the trail, the barbed fence even clearer. It was a standard fence, with knotted metal making up the barbs.


    “Wait, hang on-” She said.


    The Torchic leaned back, dropping the large backpack, lifting it and throwing it over the other side of the fence. She then turned to face Avery, lowering herself a little and holding her wings out.


    “Give you a boost?”


    “What about you?” Avery asked, taking a moment to hoist his own backpack over, looking back at her. “I could just as easily give you a boost…!”


    “Naww, looking at these legs!!” Lahnae lifted one to show, extending and bending it. “These were MADE for popping up into the air! It’s like built-in springs, seriously!”


    With both their bags over the fence, Lahnae cast a look over her shoulder to make sure nobody was coming out the farm house, then looked back to the Plusle, beckoning.


    “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!! Before someone sees us and sics the Souljreini guard on us!” Lahnae snickered.


    “Alright alriiiight– but if you get cut up I’m going to sit us down and put some bandages on, and that’s going to eat daylight…!”


    Avery took a running start, and jumped up, giving Lahnae the opportunity to boost!




    Lahnae HEAVED, throwing Avery up into the air! The Plusle soared upward, maybe a little higher than necessary, but all the same came rushing back down towards the backpacks on the other side.


    Avery extended his arms, bringing them down and somersaulting on the ground to cushion his fall.


    “Alright…” Lahnae said, turning around and backing up, fluttering her wings to get ready. “It’s gunna be a sprint, so get ready!!”


    She took a breath then RUSHED forward! Her legs bent, a pause, then a LEAP! Dust billowed out! Avery managed to pick himself up to a seated position just in time to see her clear the fence, and-


    Lahnae sailed high into the air over the fence!




    “Wh-too hIGH TOO HIGH UH OH-“


    Lahnae spun in the air, uncoordinated, yelping as she face-planted into the soil next to Avery, slumping. Dirt sprayed the Plusle’s side as the Torchic slammed into the ground with the grace of a banana cream pie.




    “…Well. You didn’t get cut up.” Avery pushed himself to a stand, and scooped his arms beneath her wings to help her up out of the crater she made.


    “Pah!!” Lahnae lifted herself up, spitting out dirt that got in her mouth. “Maaan, why didn’t Loshjno catch that one?”


    She pushed herself up, stumbling, flicking a wing over her forehead to make sure she wasn’t actually hurt. She fell back into Avery as he helped hoist her up onto her feet, the Torchic whispering a thank-you.


    Shaking her head, she looking westward, across the farm, scanning over the field and, most importantly, the house.


    “Okay, next fence is across there, about 600 feet ahead. D’you see anyone?” Lahnae asked. “Did, uh…anyone hear me?”


    Avery stood up a little taller, piquing his ears as he did. If anything could hear someone coming, he had to hope these satellite dishes could.


    His ears swiveled, from the farm, then to the house, and back again.


    Rustle rustle, in the farm.


    Creaking footsteps, in the house.


    Faintly, distantly…


    “Who was screaming, Jurzus?” a woman said.


    Avery let out a quiet hiss.


    “…Well, they heard you,” He said, hiking his pack up. His heart rate quickened. “We’d better hightail it before ‘Jurzus’ decides to look for screaming wheat-“


    “Oh, shoot. They heard me? They, plural?” Lahnae hissed, snapping her head left and right as she scrabbled for her pack. “Which way? Which way did the voices come from, can you tell?”


    She pushed at Avery, urging they both go quickly.


    “Should we hide in the wheat?” The Torchic asked, looking at the farm crops. “It’s pretty tall but our packs might poke out the top.”


    Creak creak creak from the house.


    Rustle rustle from the field.


    Crunch crunch crunch from the house…behind it??


    “…They’re out the front door,” Avery whispered, hunkering down as he slipped my pack on. “I think we just have to book it. They’re a good ways away, we might be able to get out if we hurry-!”


    “Oh shoot shoot shoot” Lahnae babbled, ducking down with Avery. She kept an eye on the house. “Go, go…!”


    The house was still obscured by a stretch of land and some untended grass, keeping them just out of sight for now. Lahnae pushed at Avery’s back while trying to run forward, her pack swinging and swaying to and fro as she tried to run.


    Avery looked over at her as they ran with their packs hunched. Reaching a hand out, he held her pack steady, to help her run better. She was more topheavy than he was-!


    “I gotcha, I gotcha-!”


    She hissed, nearly tipping over into the Plusle, skidding on one foot as he held and pushed her back to balance.


    Their paws pounded the ground, splashing muddy puddles scattered across the land, flecks of water and dirt getting up in their fur. Steam rolled off Lahnae as she nearly tripped with her enormous pack.


    600 feet.


    500 feet.


    Their packs swayed violently, wind whipping in their ears.


    400 feet.


    “OI, WHO’S THAT?! WHO THE-!?”


    “FECK.” Lahnae shouted, an X-Eye district accent starting to slip out. “AVE, Y’GOTTA BOOK IT, LIKE, MATE!!”




    “WHAT, WHERE?!”


    “Shhh shhhhh-“ Avery wheezed, his lungs burning. He grabbed the top of her pack in his hand, charging his legs, sprinting across the field to the other gate. “Screaming-?! R-really!?”


    “I PANICK’D!!” Lahnae wheezed back, picking up the pace as their feet sunk into the muddy ground, their run turned into a fast-paced trudge.


    The breath escaping Avery’s lips was red-hot. He was already starting to get dizzy from exertion and nerves. Trespassing- but if they got caught now they’d never hear the end of it!


    Shouting voices surrounded both sides. Just two Poke’mon. Sloshing splashing footsteps surrounded, but they couldn’t tell how close in their panic!!




    “COME AN’ GEDDIT, THEN, Y’ RUDDY FIELD SLICKER!!” Lahnae shouted back, almost on instinct. Almost just to make it more dangerous.


    300 feet.


    Their lungs burned. Lahnae’s pack swayed more and more.


    The Torchic took a deep breath and BILLOWED FIRE ahead! A concentrated stream!


    The mud DRIED and CRACKED in a flash! Sloshing turned to steaming CRUNCHES! Their footing suddenly returned! The run was easier, but no less TERRIFYING.




    Crunch crunch crunch crUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH.


    200 FEET!!!


    “We didn’t take anything-!!” Avery tried to yell backwards, stumbling forwards and threatening to trip into the mud until it baked under Lahnae’s attack. “Scout’s honour!!”


    He wheezed desperately, HIKING up his pack!


    “Lahnae you really gotta stop antagonizing them!” Avery called, just a hint of a smile poking through his exhausted panting.


    “M’…! Only…! Doin’ what…! Comes na’ural!!!” Lahnae panted between puffing firesteams to dry out the mud. Steam rolled all around the two, kicking up a massive white cloud of vapor.


    “OI, DO YOU SEE ‘EM?!”




    Lahnae laughed at the sheer luck of her idea making a smokescreen. The mud cracked and shattered under the pair as they cleared the final 100 feet.


    “A’ight, Ave, get ready…HUCK ‘EM!” Lahnae shouted, grabbing her pack by the straps, spinning and TOSSING it in an arc over the barbed wire fence far ahead!


    She turned to Avery as they both ran forward, cupping her wings.


    “C’mon! Quick-like!!”


    Avery nodded, tossing his own over the fence. He followed suit, jumping into her wings, the boost flinging him into the air over it the barbs!


    He landed with unexpected force, rolling once – twicethree times on the ground! He tumbled, splayed onto his back. He scrambled, looking back at the cloud of smoke, trying to find any motion from Lahane-




    The Torchic SPRUNG from the massive cloud of steam, a trail of vapor following her as she sailed over the fence!


    She slammed into the ground, rolling, stumbling, bouncing, then throwing herself back onto her feet! She desperately SLUNG her pack back onto her.


    “Leg it leg it leg it leg it leg it leG IT LEG IT LEG IT!!!”


    Avery pulled himself forwards, throwing his pack on! Avery GRIPPED Lahane’s wings, tugging her forwards the moment she reached him, trailing her behind like a streamer.


    His lungs ached. He could taste metal in his mouth. He panted and wheezed to keep going, running from fence as fast as he could before the smoke disappeared!




    Stones flew out the cloud vapor, hitting the grass around and behind the fleeing pair!




    Lahnae panted but pumped her legs as fast she could to keep up with Avery. She coughed but still kept right up.


    MAN this is so much easier with just a satchel…!!” She hissed as they vanished into the tall grass, deeper into the Souljreini valley.


    They kept running, long after the shouts of the farmers had vanished.


    Long after they’d crossed several hills of open field, passing old fences and abandoned shacks and crossing rushing streams and passing still ponds and lakes.


    “Hold up hold up, I…hold up…” Lahnae wheezed, her face twisted in pain and exhaustion as she looked back.


    The farm house was long gone. The two were coming up to a small patch of thin woods, in the shade of an overgrown and abandoned wood silo by a small stream with a covered bridge running over it.


    Their run slowed…and slowed…


    …finally coming to a stop next to that old silo.


    “I think…we’re…good.” Lahnae huffed, her steps devolving into fumbling trudging.


    The moment she said something, Avery collapsed face-first into the cool grass of the shade, feeling the even (if lumpy) weight of his pack push down on him. He let out a long, low breath into the grass below him.


    “Haaaaaaah I’m a criiiiminaaaaaal-” Avery whined somewhat sarcastically, kicking his legs beneath the bag. “Lahnaaaae you implicated me-“


    “Nah, nah, see, thass…”


    She heaved, trying to bury her X-Eye accent.


    “That’s…why I…called you Ave, cuz it’s like…a codename…!” The Torchic huffed a laugh, smiling at Avery. “Like…c’mon, it ain’t my first time getting into trouble, even…in the guild!!”


    Lahnae dropped her pack on the ground, stumbling forward and slumping against a tree, its leaves rustling in the rumbling valley wind, mixing with the sound of the babbling stream.


    There, as they both sat, the rolling hills of the Souljreini fertile valley was their vista as they rested.



    Lahnae let out a breath, just…nestling down, her head resting against the tree. Avery slumped alongside her at the Torchic tried to continue talking.


    “Like…I used…to be a serial shoplifter…when I was a kid…!” Lahnae panted, laying her wings over her body. “I like…cut it out when I got in the guild. Partly cuz being in the guild meant being a good person no matter what…but also…I had enough money t’where I didn’t…need to shoplift anymore…!”


    She looked up at the leaves of the tree she sat under.


    “Not that it stopped me from a little exploring in Arceliaze~! That’s all it is! Unauthorized exploring, riiiight~?”


    Avery slowly rolled over, slipping the pack off as he let out another wheeze. “… Un… Unauthorized exploring-“


    He laughed again. “Sure, that’s… That’s one way to put it.”


    Gliding a paw through his fur to try and soothe himself, Avery allowed himself to take deeper breaths, that metallic taste lingering across his tongue in the saliva he was gulping down just to be able to speak.


    “You…nailed that second landing from jumping the fence,” He said, pointing aimlessly towards her legs. “You were right, those things are…pistons!”


    “Yeah, like…! It’s like I always work better under pressure.” Lahnae huffed, shaking her head. “If I get time to think…I just overthink and mess up.”


    She nestled into the shade, just feeling the cold, rushing wind of the valley, and the deep and rumbling sound it made.


    “Second-guesses don’t do anything for anybody!!” She said, letting her old vigor come back. “It’s just a matter of…being right on the first guess as much as you can!”


    The Torchic lifted herself up, glancing over at Avery.


    “And you!! That throw with the backpack was amazing! And you did the boost so FAST and flawless, dude!! That was awesome!!”


    “I had no right running that fast with these stubby things,” Avery said, rubbing his legs down. “God they’re sore- might have to rest a little longer before we continue.”


    He sat himself back, taking a few breaths in and out.


    “… Had to learn to be tough and work with bad situations, heh….thinking on my feet, all that.”


    My legs are fine, it’s my chest that’s aching like a son of a-oop, nope, there go my legs-!” Lahnae frowned, then grimmaced. “I think half of that’s all the water and mud, like…ow.”


    She took a deep breath, her feathers beginning to ripple and flutter. Even from here Avery could feel the ambient temperature of the air increase as Lahnae heated up, steam rolling off her body, cleaning herself. Lahnae huffed, fluttering her feathers again to get the last of the water off.


    “You got any ointment or something? You didn’t pull anything, did you, Aves?” She asked, glancing at the Plusle as she concentrated.


    “I might have some in my first aid kit, lessee….”


    Avery slid his bag off and began rifling through it for the inviting red pack. Though he paused to look at her.


    “Oh. No, I didn’t pull anything.” He assured. “It’s just sore and tingly from running so much. That’ll go with time. Happens when your circulation spikes.”


    He pull out a little tube and squint at it.


    “… Well. There’s ointment but it isn’t for soothing. This is antibacterial.” He look over at Lahnae and laugh a bit. “Loshjno helped you pack, right? Maybe he thought ahead.”


    Lahnae looked at Avery thoughtfully, then over at her backpack that sat by the dirt path. With a grunt, she lifted herself and stepped over, opening up the flap.


    She didn’t even need to dig, instead pulling out the first object at the top of the tightly packed arrangement of objects inside. Waiting for her.


    Waterburn Ointment – Fire Type First Aide


    “Ah! That’s it, perfect.” Lahnae sighed in relief, popping open the tube. “I mean, it’s not AWFUL pain, it just kinda stings is all. May as well not let it get worse.”


    She looked up toward the massive hill to the west that towered over the pair as she applied the ointment to little orange-brown splotches that were growing on her legs.


    “So, Rocky hills is just up there. Bet we can find a real nice place super fast up there!” She looked excited, trying to keep herself from bouncing as she spread the medicine. “It’s really weird, being out here for fun and not work. Like really weird…!”


    “You’ve never vacationed before?” Avery asked, leaning back on the grass. “I mean I’ve been working for two months tops and even I got some leisure time at Dove Fo Uddjo.”


    “Nnnnot really. I’ve had days OFF before but not really vacation time up until now…”


    Avery’s eyes rolled upwards. “Really? Well, then again, to be fair…the ‘vacation’ I had before the Deep Dimension ended up being ruined but that was our fault not the city’s. Kip and I nearly cracked each others’ heads open.”


    Lahnae perked up at that.


    “Oh Arceus, Ganisus told me about that!” She scooted closer. “He said that they all scrambled over and just found the both of you, bruised and bloodied and unconscious with each other’s fur in your fists!!”


    Lahnae paused, a small smile cracking over her beak.


    “Between you and me, I was giddy hearing that my rival THRASHED the know-it-all.” She admitted. “Uh-! That was before I learned Kip had become cool overnight, so-!! Don’t hold it against me! I’d just been so annoyed at the guy that some part of me kinda? Sorta?? Always wanted to clean his clock??”


    She was quiet for a sec.


    “Just a little bit, honest…!”


    “Yeah, he and I woke up tied to chairs with Niv at the head of the table. Poor girl had lost her marbles.” Avery shook his head. “She’s grown a lot since then too, now that I think about it. She always used to go on about family, family, the guild is her family…”


    The Plusle paused, considering.


    “I mean I get why.” He sighed. “What happened to her sister was…messed up. But we met her, and then we met their dad…I dunno. Sometimes she still talks about how we’re family, but…”


    He slowly zipped up his backpack.


    “It feels different when she talks about it now.” He said. “Less like she’s trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.”


    The Torchic tilted her head.


    “Huh…Nivanee lost her marbles? Man…that just sounds creepy, though kiiiinda unsurprising??” Lahnae shrugged, closing her own pack back up. “Even I notice how different that girl is, dude. You only saw it a little bit when you got into the guild, but I’d been working with her the past few years.”


    She walked back over, slumping down against the tree.


    “Nivanee was, like, always that nice senior guild member guild who mentored Loshjno and I when we were brand new. You know, how to fight, how to spend money…all that kind of stuff, but more than anything she was also protective of us. Not, like, in the Kipuuna way, but more like…in a clingy way.”


    She sighed, looking up at the sky.


    “When I heard from Kipuuna what happened with whats-her-name, the Pikachu…it made more sense.” Lahnae furrowed her brow. “…and even moreso when we all learned what really happened to that jerk.”


    She looked to Avery, her face taking a serious look.


    “Like…at first I was all cautiously loving and appreciative of Nivanee…but now I feel horrible for her. I get it now. Just like how I now get why Kipuuna’s the way he is…heck, why Loshjno was acting how he was.”


    She giggled.


    “Why you’re the way you are…like…everything about this guild’s all weird. Especially that whole ‘family’ thing. That was even more prevalent when Nivanee was still lookin’ for her sister….I guess…”


    The Torchic huffed.


    “We were all Nivanee had left. Maybe she saw a little sister in me, too, I dunno…”


    There was a pause between the two. Lahnae’s feathers rippled in the cold spring wind. Avery hugged his legs to his chest, looking to the Torchic.


    “I’m glad that we were able to let her reunite with her dad,” Avery said, a little softer. “I think that did something for her, too. She has family. Not just us, but…Janus is still around. And there’s Captain Manikas, too.”


    He squeezed his knees up closer to his chest.


    “…I had a weird dream, a while ago.” He said. “I mean, I have a lot of dreams. The only time I remember I didn’t was on the island. But…I was spending time with my friends – my, uh, old friends. Luke, Addison – but…they like…morphed into Nivanee and Vizon. And they were like ‘We’re your best friends now’ all scary-like.”


    ‘…I hadn’t even thought about the family I left behind. Did I have parents? Siblings? A grandma who used to be an actress? A grandpa who cobbles boots? Family pet?’


    “What’s your family like, Lahnae?”


    Lahnae was quiet. She didn’t seem upset, but the gears in her head were obviously turning as Avery asked that specific question.


    A sympathetic look crossed her face but she said nothing.


    Avery smiled. Lahnae was always more perceptive that others gave her credit for.


    For now, she answered his question.


    “My family’s great. I love them to pieces.” She said with a smile, a genuine smile. “I was born and raised in the X-Eye district, yeah? Loshjno lived in one of the apartment complexes my parents lived in while they were bouncing from place to place.”


    She seemed to get a nostalgic gaze on her face as she leaned back.


    “I lived with Mom…Pop…uhhh, my Aunt, my Uncle and my Cousin, all from Mom’s side, cuz Pop was an only child. I’m named after my grandmother, Lahnae of Duphimevu! So I guess I’m technically a 2nd generation Illaminian? Sorta? Even though my Mom and her parents are Arcean…”


    She snorted, shaking her head.


    “But, wait, wait, you were askin’ what they’re like. Yeah, they’re cool! Mom’s real sweet and teaches young Poke’mon in Novitiary and Dad works a little flower bar. Uncle works at a warehouse, Aunt works as a clerk, Cousin’s getting into catering, and even I occasionally send them some money…if I ever have any.” Lahnae chuckled awkwardly. “They were all for me going into the guild, especially goin’ in with Loshjno since we’d known each other from Novitiary all the way to the end of Adeptiary! Honestly…they were always super supportive…heck…it was Uncle that taught me the best way to shoplift.”


    She smirked.


    “He’d say to only steal from Market District stores…and only when it’s for someone else, never yourself.” She flashed Avery a cheeky grin. “Soooo a lot of the kids around my apartment complex got stolen toys for their birthday! I mean it was CHEAP JUNK that’d cost a coin or two but those were coins I plain didn’t have at the time!”


    “That’s a big family,” Avery said, looking over at her. “Was that tough to bounce from place to place with that many people in one house?”


    “I mean soooorta? There wasn’t much to move besides beds and toys and junk like that, y’know, we never planted roots too deep. Heck! One time, I remember this, we moved in one place and had to move again before we finished unpacking so a bunch of stuff was already in boxes, ready to go!”


    She snickered at that, shaking her head.


    “Meh, it wasn’t a big deal, honestly. Any set of four walls was home so long as my family was there. I still make sure to swing by when I can to visit!”


    “But you always stayed within the city?” Avery asked. “You were friends with Loshjno that long, right? So…what made you have to keep moving? If…that’s okay to ask-“


    “Uhhh, dunno! I think it was just, like, rent prices or someone’s job shutting down or someone getting fired or the apartment plain going under and getting bought by the Conduicy. Yannow, just…lots of reasons.” Lahnae shrugged. “Heck, we even stayed with a family friend once, just sleeping wherever we’d fit! They were an old Illaminian couple that eventually moved out of the X-Eye district…I went to Intermediatiary with their daughter when I was 11 but didn’t really see her any after that.”


    Avery nodded again, thinking quietly to himself.


    “…Still, it sounds like you love them a lot. That’s good.” He offered her a small smile. “That’s good.”


    “Yeah, I do love them.” Lahnae replied, looking back to Avery. “Hey, we’re going to meet up with Vizon’s parents, right? Why don’t you meet mine one of these days! I know for a FACT they’d get a kick outta you, dude!”


    She stood up, dusting herself off, making motion to pick up her backpack.


    “You’d always be welcome ’round my house, Aves!” The Torchic said in a warm voice, as though she anticipated another spiral and was trying to head it off once more.


    “I miiiight just have to take you up on that,” Avery said, recognizing the effort. He knew he had to help her out in that sort of thing, too. Couldn’t just leave it up to her. “Maybe we could even do that sometime during the break?”


    She smiled wide, offering a wing to help Avery on his feet so they could continue on.


    “Yeah TOTALLY! If you have time we can swing ’round where they’re at!” Lahnae cheered. “Heck, if they’ve moved again someone at the flat’ll tell me where they got off to.”


    She looked back towards the covered bridge that crossed the river, towards the old trails leading up towards Rocky Hills.


    “You ready to hit it up, dude? I’m guessing we ain’t making a stop at Souljraan, huh~?” She flashed a smirk at Avery.


    “…Maybe on the way back,” He said, pulling his bag up. “It’s going to be dark by the time we set up if we spend too much time there. We’ll definitely have more time tomorrow on the way back. Plus, if we get set up right, we might be able to watch the sunset…!”


    “Oh yeah! Heck, maybe we can do breakfast at Souljraan or something! Depending on how we’re feeling!” She said, helping the Plusle up and adjusting her pack. “I wanna get out to where we can’t see smokestack nor farm! I’m talking proper nowhere!”


    Lahnae looked back, waving a wing towards the nearby path.


    “If I remember right, last time Loshjno and I did an S&S of Rocky Hills for some crooks hiding out here, one of these paths went, like, waaay far out.” She said. “There’s all kinds of streams and valleys deep in the rocky hills, yannow, cuz it’s got all those underground rivers running.”


    The Torchic stepped back, a giddy smile on her face.


    “Lead on, camp master!! I’m totes down for a sunset at Rocky Hills!”


    “Sounds good to me…!” Avery set off again, making sure that Lahnae was following right behind. His paws tightened on the straps of the backpack as he teetered a bit, regaining his balance. “You might have to lead me once we get closer to those trails, but I’m totally down…! Let’s get to that sunset-!”


    And so, they set off again, closer to the mountains…further from civilization.


    Lahnae couldn’t have looked more happy, quickly and closely following behind Avery. It was funny, seeing her observing the surroundings. It was no doubt she’d seen them a million times on her missions.


    But…Avery could tell: everything looked different when it was for fun.


    The trail snaked to the west, going into the treeline and climbing upwards. The trail thinned here, only becoming a faint line of dirt amongst bramble and foliage. It was clear very few others actually went this way.


    Soon, even the trees began to spread, and the forest floor was a mostly bare carpet of leaves and grey colored soil that was dry to the touch. A cold wind blew through the trees.


    The climb went on like this until it dipped down then back up again, slowly becoming less even with every step. They could see valleys of grey and red stone decorating their path, pine trees towering above as more cliffs began to present themselves along the uneven terrain.


    And more than anything…it was so…




    The further along the two went the more and more quiet it became. Truly listening to their surroundings showed how different this was from Arcealize. How different it was from the noisy, talk-filled march to a new adventure.


    Even Lahnae, the boisterous and energetic girl…was peacefully silent…simply taking it in.


    Eventually, they both crested a hill, hearing the gentle rumble of a stream and waterfall…



    Avery…remembered this feeling, somewhat.


    This feeling of not wanting to talk to break the silence and nature around them.


    The clanging of pots and pans on their bags, the chiming of the bells, normally so loud and unassuming, seemed to fade into the background, almost becoming a silence unto themselves. A soundtrack – a little bit of percussive evidence that they were there in nature, experiencing it along with everything else.


    Closing his eyes and holding onto a rock outcropping, Avery steadied himself and just…stopped.


    A deep breath of cool crisp air stung delightfully down his throat, and an open-mouthed sigh of relief let Lahnae know he’d slowed down for a moment. Non-verbal communication, but communication nonetheless.


    Avery’s eyes traced the water’s path as it babbled over grasses, pebbles, rocks, tracing through it. He wondered if there were fish here, too – if any migratory species swam upstream to their mating grounds.


    The sky was open above them – he felt exposed…but hidden at the same time. The guild knew they were camping. But…not exactly where. He and Lahnae were, for the moment, alone with each other.


    Lahnae responded to Avery’s silence with silence of her own. She was simply…there with him. Perhaps she was just open to trying to get into this, the quiet of nature over the bombastic and loud activities she enjoyed…


    …perhaps she was craving this silence, herself. Avery couldn’t really be sure.


    The scent of pine nettles and cooled fresh air mixed with dust and the scent of water as it lightly splashed against the smooth rocks below. The wind was still in this small valley, so far from civilization. Even the path they walked on seemed to be less a path and more just a small floral deadzone, like another stream had recently dried up.


    How long had it been since anyone came across this place? How much longer had it been since anyone stopped and drank it in?


    Lahnae’s eyes swept over the area before the two, towards the hills both rolling and jagged across the river, thick clouds hanging overhead.


    The Torchic let out a quiet, relaxed sigh of her own.


    They were deep in the Rocky Hills.


    It was a good five minutes of just standing here, and enjoying the crisp air.


    …Avery finally broke the silence.


    “…How is it?”


    His question was met with contemplative silence. Lahnae took another moment just staring out towards the hills, watching the limbs sway and creak in the wind.


    “…it feels like I’ve been here before…” Lahnae whispered. “…and yet, it feels like the first I’ve ever seen this.”


    She was quiet a moment. Standing. Out here alone with him.


    “Like…was I out here when I was a kid? I don’t think so…but the feeling is so familiar.” Lahnae took a breath. “It looks so…different…when I’m just here to be here. When I’m just…outside to live. Not to work, not to catch a criminal, not for a goal so I can make money or impress the papers or try and earn a rank but just…”


    She paused.


    “…just be. Out here. For no reason other than just, like…doing it.”


    Avery ruminated on that a little. Not…too much. He didn’t really need to think too much about it after all, it was…just true.


    It was nice. It was really nice.


    “Yeah,” Avery said simply. No need to think. Just…they could be. And just keep going.


    “Let’s keep going, yeah?” The Plusle’s smile was wide, and yet still…relaxed.


    “…yeah.” Lahnae replied, her voice soft, as she looked back to Avery, stepping up to follow.


    No more words said, she simply followed behind Avery as they continued down the hill, following along the stream as it snaked deeper into the hills.


    The grass was low here, the air chilled. Avery could see the shadow of clouds as they passed over the land on the horizon.


    The trail narrowed and vanished near a patch of rocks. A nearby rock cliff was near, with a few trees and shrubs in the area. The place really did live up to its name.



    And all the while…it was so peaceful.


    So beautiful.


    And every so often, Lahnae would look back at Avery, smiling warmly. As though he were part of the scenery to enjoy.


    ‘…She is, too, to be honest.


    Everyone back at the guild had been talking about this like it’s…well, a romantic outing. And I hadn’t meant for it to be like that, but…


    …maybe it is.


    Maybe a little.


    Maybe just a little bit.’


    “How far are we from that spot you and Losh’d seen earlier?”


    “To be honest?”


    Lahnae looked back at Avery, her smile…sheepish.


    “I have no clue.” She admitted. “I got so wrapped up in the scenery that, uh…none of this looks familiar.”


    She snickered a little, as if to dispel the air.


    “No big deal. We just gotta head east if we’re lost. That’ll bring us back to the Souljreini valley.” She said. “In the meantime…screw it, why don’t we just find our own place, huh?”


    Avery put a hand to his forehead, laughing a little.


    “…Well, being lost while camping isn’t great, but-!” He laughed. “Nothing we haven’t gone through before, right?”


    He looked up towards the sky.


    “We’re on a bit more of a time crunch now, but…we should still be able to make it!”


    “Eh, no big deal. This whole thing’s been worth it just for this alone!” Lahnae hummed, hopping down a few stones to a small valley with lots of shrubbery. “C’mon! Let’s just keep goin’ until we find a good spot! Heck, we know where water is now, yeah?”


    She nodded her head towards the stream, which had forked away from their trail and back underground. Avery could feel it, the rumble of underground rivers just under his feet. There was plenty of water to go around. Heck, if they found another cave they might find a stream easily.


    Still, while Rocky Hills and its uneven terrain made for interesting and exciting hiking…most of the areas they’d crossed weren’t very conducive to camping. Not unless they wanted to pitch a tent on a rocky slant.


    Still, they both trudged on as late afternoon turned to early evening. A distant low howl of wind could be heard as the breeze whistled betwixt the angular rock formations, their footsteps crunching in the low bramble and small foliage and gravel.


    Eventually, they met back up with the stream as it exited the caves again, the ground around them now much more soft thanks to the erosion. Small tufts of grass were around as they came down upon a low area.


    It looked like the basin of a giant river, now reduced to only the stream. The area was relatively flat, with a view of a line of distant, jagged hills.


    Lahnae paused, taking a moment to survey the area.


    “This seems good,” Avery said, testing the ground. “Firm enough to support us, hard enough to hold the tent down. Good view of the mountains, close to flowing water…seems good to me!”


    He took a moment just to make sure, and slipped the bag off. He scanned the horizon, juuuust in case there were any unsavory silhouettes…


    It was a fair concern. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that all seemed well one moment and then the next he was staring down the abyss of the horrors of Arcea.


    Yet…scanning the horizon…it was only open mountain ranges.


    Total solitude.


    All the troubles of Arcea, the swirling noisy horror of Arceliaze, the fighting and warring for hearts and minds of the guilds…


    …it was all so far, far away out here. Even Lahnae made no more mention of it as she slipped her pack off, taking in the cool air of the surrounding hills.


    For once…in perhaps the first time since Avery fell from the sky…


    …things were at peace.


    He could take all of this at his own pace. He was the master of what happened out here.


    Nearby, he could hear Lahnae give a content sigh, nearly missed when mixed with the rustle of a nearby pine tree and the far-off slosh of the stream.


    They were here. And everything was well.


    …Even just thinking about how far away he was from Arceliaze felt like thinking about Arceliaze.


    None of that.


    He pulled the tent out of the bag, and took a contented breath.


    No more of that!


    “Alright, let’s set this baby up.”




    Lahnae turned to Avery, bouncing over and taking a few poles in each wing, getting a little bit in the Plusle’s way.


    “I lost the race in Tall Woods, remember?” She said with a smirk, nudging Avery away. “So you sit down and just tell me what to do!”


    Avery let out a little snort. He’d forgotten about that.


    ‘But…alright, if she wants that…~’


    “Oh, no need!” Avery said with a slowly widening smile, full of mischief. “Tents usually have a manual right in there that gives a super clear, step-by-step process. You took down a god, you should be able to put it together with a manual, riiiight?”


    He sat back in the grass, propping himself up on my elbows.


    “Of course…if you need to tap me in, just say the word~”


    Avery knew tents. He remembered tents. The deceptively simple puzzle boxes. Either they were going to find Lahnae’s hidden Arceus-given gift of assembling tents flawlessly…or they’d do it together.


    Lahnae’s eyes widened.


    Her feathers bristled.


    Her beak turned up into a wicked grin.


    At this point, a thought slowly came to Avery…


    …the third option:


    Avery sleeps under the stars as Lahnae endlessly tries to put this together.


    But it was too late now.


    Lahnae dove into the pack, tossing out poles and cloths and spokes and thin white ropes onto the ground. The ground here had a few patches of grass but also gave some even dirt to work off of.




    The Torchic triumphantly lifted a little pamphlet of thick papyrus, reading: ASSEMBLY – The Mysterious Assembly of the Tent and YOU.


    “Hehehe…this tent is as good as SET UP.” She snickered, turning on her heel, waving the instructions in the air. “No tent is a match for LAHNAE!!”







    The lump of cloth and poles writhed and wriggled defiantly, a cloud of dust swirling. A rut was beginning to form in the spot where the tent was meant to go.


    Aha! I’ve almost got-“


    Another bent pole flung out from the ground.




    OW!!! Huh, I wonder why this page is in Quayoffi???”


    It’d been a solid hour. She didn’t even seem winded or annoyed yet


    Avery had gone from lounging on the grass to giving out bits of advice every so often, to coming over to quietly help out.


    “Here, you wanna make sure the pegs are angled away from the tent.” Avery said, taking one. “- secure the rope under a rock or something heavy to keep it steady.”


    “Ohhh, I see!”


    A few ropes secured.


    “Yeah, that works!!”


    Pegs and stakes firmly in the ground, poles staying in place.


    “Oh yo is it that easy??”


    The two had moved the ‘project’ over to a nearby tree, using its sturdy trunk and roots to help brace one side of the tent while using heavy stones on the other side. Lahnae was deep in concentration, taking this as seriously as she likely would a guild mission.


    After all, this was a PERSONAL mission: getting the tent set up in time for the sunset.


    The clock was ticking. The rays of the sun warmed their backs as the sky slowly lost its blue coloring.


    “Hey, Aves, grab…that…okay…” Lahnae fluttered a wing to one of the stakes as she tried to slip the tent down onto the metal.


    As it turned out…the instructions called for two to work together to set this up anyway. It assumed that if one had bought a two-person tent they’d have someone to help.


    A fair assumption, though a little silly Lahnae had skipped the very first line of the instructions calling for that…


    Even with a one person tent, having two worked better anyway, Avery figured.


    ‘It’s…nice, working together like this.’


    But soon enough, the last rope was tightened – the last stake was driven into the ground – the last zipper was zipped.


    The tent was done.


    Avery stepped back, wiped a bit of sweat off his brow and put his hands on his hips.


    “…Alright…! There we go…! Tent ready to go.”


    Lahnae fell back, failing to hide how relieved she was that it was finally done. She turned her head to let out a sigh, a few ember puffs escaping her beak as she did so.


    “Yeah…! That wasn’t so bad!” Lahnae…lied, flapping her wings with a smile. “I can totally see why, like, soldiers use these since they’re so easy to set up and stuff!”


    It was the strangest mix of boasting and sarcasm Avery may have ever heard.


    Even so, it was hard not to just stand back at marvel at it.


    It was a tiny thing, though at the pair’s sizes it’d be a decent fit, but it might have seemed like a grand castle for all the effort that had gone into it.


    Lahnae hoisted herself up, grabbing her pack to toss it in, looking back at Avery.


    “You know…screw it, I’ll say it: that was fun!” The Torchic said with a smile. “What’s next? Firepit? I’m kinda into this so far! Can’t take anything for granted. You gotta fight to even have a PLACE TO SLEEP!!”


    “Firepit sounds good,” Avery said, looking up at the sky as it began to turn amber. “That just involves digging a hole and lining it with rocks, then putting some kindling and logs in the middle. That isn’t going to be too hard, just…find a patch of dirt away from dry grass and trees, protect it from wind, dig a small pit, and line it with rocks. That’s all…!”


    “NICE.” Lahnae cheered, turning back and flicking a wing to the spot right by the tent. “Nice, flat dirt! Lots of rocks! Heck, even I can dig a friggin’ HOLE.”


    A confident smile spread over her face as she took a step forward, talons ready to tear the earth apart for a fire pit.


    But she stopped. Her smile vanished, replaced with a thoughtful look.




    A smile. A devious smile crossed her face as she sloooowly turned toward Avery, her tongue stuck out, as though she were reveling in her nasty, evil idea.


    “…bet I’m a better dirt digger than you.”


    “…Oh, I bet you are,” Avery said, stepping a little towards his pack.


    As sneakily as he could manage, he unfastened his spade from it, and held his paws behind his back – orbiting around Lahnae as he sauntered oh-so-casually towards the perfect pit area.


    “As a matter of fact, I’m so sure that you’re a better digger than me…that you’ll be able to do more for it even with this ten second head start I’m getting-“


    Immediately Avery shot down into a crouch, sweeping to mark the area for the pit in a kick. In a flash he was in it, digging hard and fast-!


    Lahnae POPPED into the air!!


    “YOU AIN’T EVER SEEN A PROFESSIONAL EXCAVATOR LIKE ME!!” Lahnae shouted, THROWING herself to the dirt pit.


    The noise was immediate. At no time at all they both were away at the dirt. Clouds of dust flew! Particles sailed upward into the air, slowly creating a ring around them as they laid into the earth!


    Lahnae didn’t even mind Avery’s spade. For her claws were like dual spades. Sharp talons ripped at the soil as though she were Arceus himself, tearing Paradise from the surface of the planet. A look of determined joy froze to her face as she dug and dug and dug.


    And by some miracle…she was winning. Deeper she went, deeper and-


    “OW. Is that a rock?!”




    A large stone flew from the hole she was digging, thick and heavy. Without missing a beat, she was back to digging and-


    “OW! Is that ANOTHER rock?!”




    Yet another stone, larger and pointier, flew from the hole. Yet again, Lahnae-






    Avery let out a loud laugh at that. As unfortunate as it was…he stopped each time and laid each rock at the perimeter of the hole. With how many she was finding – even in places Avery was pretty sure he’d already dug to the four inches they needed – they had the whole thing lined with stones by the end of it all.


    …Avery was pretty sure she won on that respect alone.


    “W…well, look at that,” Avery panted, looking down at the hole. “Safe as anything.”


    “Pah…yeah.” Lahnae panted, hobbling and hopping over the ring of stones. Avery could see a little bruise on the side of her foot, no doubt from one of the stones that lined the fire pit. But, then, compared to Lightning Wastes…


    …well, no need repeating the obvious.


    Lahnae glanced up towards the mountains. Already an orange hue was taking up the western sky as the sun approached the range of jagged hills.



    “You got kindling, Aves?” Lahnae asked, glancing at the Plusle and puffing a small flame to drive home her point. “We almost got this. Sunset’s almost here…!!”


    “Yeah, I got some from the outdoor shop.” Avery began rifling through his bag, taking out some kindling and a couple of longer burn logs. “I was going to get a lighter, but then… Remembered who I was camping with, heh.”


    “Well…” Lahnae leaned in, taking a log of her own. “Even if I didn’t have fire-breathing on my side, you know you still have all that electricity stuff.”


    She tossed the log in the air a little, catching it.


    “I bet you could could just…” She paused, grabbing both ends of the log and straining, giving the wood a look like she was trying to blow it up with her mind. “…and ZAP! Log on fire almost instantly!!!”


    “Well, that’s actually not good for using kindling.” Avery kneeled down and started arranging the logs in a pyramid formation, putting the kindling beneath it. “Logs don’t catch fire as easy as kindling does. And electricity would vaporize the stuff before it gave the fire a chance to grow.”


    Avery stepped aside and gestured for her.


    “Here, just a little puff on the kindling beneath it. We can feed it twigs from the tree until the logs catch. Then it should last until bedtime.”


    “Ohh…okay, I think I get it…”


    She shuffled forward, puffing a few shots of flame into the kindling, watching as it lit up brilliantly, heating up the space around the logs, the lot of it slowly growing red-hot. A quiet pop and crackle signaled the success of their fire as a plume of smoke began rising up towards the evening sky.


    Lahnae stared up at the wispy, white smoke, then down at the firepit, then over to the purple tent…


    …then right over towards Avery.


    Without a word, only an excited look on her face, she plopped down into the dirt, looking out towards the setting sun as the shadows of the mountains slowly stretched across the expanse towards them both.


    “Made it.”


    Avery sat himself down beside her, letting out a quiet, satisfied sigh.


    “It’s a nice feeling, when all the work’s done. And you can just…sit back. Enjoy the air.”


    Avery reached down, massaging his ankles. It was quite a way to walk, after all-


    Lahnae roosted where she sat, nestled in. Her feathers were coated in dirt from digging, soot from the fire, bruises and nicks from the tent building, grass stains and mud flecks from the running, pine nettles and small cuts from the forest.


    And she couldn’t have possibly looked happier.


    There was a breeze again. The spring air held a crispness that now mixed with the smokey scent of the fire as the pair looked to the west, seeing the sky take on a purple and red hue. Sunbeams shone through the humidity beyond the mountains, painting the clouds in a beautiful light. Already, Sanshiyad and its ring of asteroids could faintly be seen behind the veil of the evening sky.


    Lahnae glanced away from it, looking at Avery…and scooting closer.


    “…This is a nice feeling.” She said, her energetic voice a little raspy and soft, as though it were tiring from the day’s cheering. “…but man…the struggles themselves…getting over here…that was some of the best parts of this whole thing. This…?”


    The Torchic smiled, nestling into her fluff.


    “…this is just the payoff. The part where all the hard stuff, all the bumps and bruises and long journey made it all work out in the end.”


    “No kidding.” Another deep breath of the crisp mountain air filled Avery’s lungs, now with an extra warmth to it.


    His eyes gazed upwards to the red orb hanging above them in the sky. He looked to Lahnae for a moment, bathed in its red light – for a moment, he couldn’t contain a laugh.


    From the crimson moon of sorts, this almost seems like it should be something to be feared, or dreaded.


    But…here it was almost soothing.


    “You know…I’m pretty sure, back where I’m from…we didn’t have another planet above our heads.”


    Lahnae looked surprised, turning her head again towards Avery. The magenta light mixed with the firelight, casting a fiery red on her feathers that matched the red tint on Avery’s own fur.


    “No way…what is the human world???” She asked, scooching closer. “Is it, like…a completely different magical plane or, like…”


    She paused, a realizing look on her face as she turned her gaze back up at Sanshiyad, and all the millions of glimmering stars beyond.


    “…you think it’s up there somewhere?” She asked. “Loshjno told me once that there’s hundreds and thousands of Sanshiyads and stuff with the stars, gleaming in the sunlight…some even too far away to see just by looking up.”


    She shifted. The fire crackled softly, the smoke lifting far and away from them both.


    “Man…to think…looking up at the sky…maybe someone from your home is looking right back.”


    “Maybe,” Avery said, resting his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. “…Though…do you think there’s anyone up there? I asked Vizon if he thought there was anyone on Sanshiyad a long time ago, and he said no. But…I dunno, has anyone ever been up there?”


    He was silent a moment.


    “I wonder what Sanshiyad’s like. What kind of planet it is.”


    Lahnae didn’t miss a beat.


    “LET’S FIND OUT!!”


    Lahnae’s voice bellowed and echoed over the hills, the valley of rock bouncing her voice as though it were magnifying the declaration to Sanshiyad.


    “Real Guild members never back down from an exploration!” Lahnae said, turning back to Avery and thumping her chest. “And I don’t wanna hear NOTHING about it being impossible! In fact, I’d RACE YA UP THERE! Who cares if anyone is there, because if there isn’t then it’s gunna have US before you know it!!”


    Was she joking or was she being serious? It was kind of hard to tell.


    But she let that energy radiate out either way.


    “And maybe we’ll go camping there, too~! Hehehe!”


    A burst of a laugh bubbled up out of Avery at that. He hadn’t been expecting that from her, for sure, but…at the same time he couldn’t have thought of anything different for her to say.


    “You sure?” He chuckled. “A space program seems pretty above our paygrade, god-face-smashing included.”


    “Hey! I’m always up to see what I can and can’t do! Betcha once upon a time I’d tell you ‘oh I could NEVER beat a god’!! So, heck, maybe we’ll just always be doing stuff we thought was impossible!!”


    Avery laughed again, though this time the laugh slowly quieted as he looked up at the stars.


    “…Maybe if we went far enough we could find the place I came from. I wonder if I’d recognize it.”


    Lahnae quieted, too, looking back up at the stars.


    She shifted again.


    “I think I’d like to see your home, too, Avery.” The Torchic said, voice softer. “…you really wanna go back, huh?”


    “… Can’t answer that for sure,” Avery said with a shrug. “… I only remember my friends, Amber, and camping anywhere near clearly. Everything else is just a weird blur. I don’t really know if it’s much to go back to. And…even if I did, my life would be pretty different like this. Considering I can’t really…speak my old language anymore, I think.”


    Avery leaned forwards, eyes tracing the belt of stones orbiting their planets.


    “This place is a bit of a hellhole, but… It’s got good parts too.” He said, voice soft. “And even if I did have the option…I think it’d be too hard to leave everything I’ve got here behind. It’d…it’d feel like running away. And I don’t want to do that. I never want to do that.”


    Avery could hear Lahnae try her best to not sigh with relief. Try and fail.


    “Right…no running away…! Not us! Never!!” She said, words punctuated with a puff of flame.


    She let that hang in the air a moment, that excited statement shouted to Arceus himself. It was hard to tell if she really grasped what Avery said how he intended…


    …maybe it didn’t matter.


    …Avery’s mind turned to Vizon again. It had felt like ages since he and Avery had broken up. Their interactions were so…odd. It was clear that he was trying to start on a new leaf with Avery, but…there was something else there.


    Or, moreover, there wasn’t.


    Maybe he was just missing being close with him in any capacity. Maybe he was worried about Vizon.


    But they’d made an agreement not to tell the other person how to live their life.


    And Vizon knew about Lahnae. He knew how Lahnae felt about Avery. And he knew how…Avery might feel about Lahnae.


    ‘How do I feel about Lahnae…?’


    At last, after a pause, Lahnae spoke again.


    “I want you to at least see your friends again.” Lahnae said. “I’d never want to be separated from my guild. Not from Sarfallinus, nor Nivanee, nor Kip or Ganisus or Loshjno…”


    She shifted.


    “Or, ya’know…you, Aves.”


    “Yeah, I got that much from that wave of relief that washed over you, you dork,” Avery chuckled, nudging her with an arm. “You’re a lot of things, Lahnae, but subtle isn’t one of them!”


    “Pfff, yeah, I guess I’m not!” The girl bristled her feathers with a grin. “Meh, subtly is just, like…quiet lying or something! Who even needs lies!!”


    The Torchic snickered to herself.


    Another gust of wind blew over the came, whipping up ashes and sparks from the camp fire that swirled around Avery and Lahnae. The glow from the fire intensified, shining its light on the both of them together.


    ‘Who even needs lies…’


    Everything from today, from the mountains, to the valley, the chase in the farm, the race in the woods…


    …no…everything since they talked last night…


    …no…everything since the night she comforted him…


    …no, everything since Lightning Wastes…


    …no, even before then…


    …everything since that night when Avery and Lahnae sat at a table at the raffle house, cheering as the wheel spun…


    …everything since he took that leap of faith with her and she took it with him.


    It’d been a long journey. And as she turned her gaze up to Sanshiyad, as she nestled in closer and banished away the cold of the mountain air…


    …Avery knew he was at the destination at last.


    ‘…It’s just quiet lying.’


    “…Lahnae,” Avery said quietly, leaning into her a little. “… You… like me, right? Like… Relationship-wise.”


    Lahnae didn’t miss a beat.





    Avery smiled, nestling in closer.


    “…I like you, too.”


    And that was that.


    Chapter 41





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