The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 37.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The night was quiet during Avery and Nivanee’s walk back to the guild. Poke’mon were nestled in bars, restaurants, stands and apartments alike. Few traversed the street with them. Arceliaze could finally rest.


    Despite the general atmosphere of the city, he was…feeling hopeful. If Nivanee was on his side too…maybe there was hope for others.


    In no time they were passing the guard checkpoints for the One Truth Square, Avery and Nivanee reached the guild again. The torches had not yet gone out, giving the front of the guild the last flickers of life for the night.


    But the pair weren’t alone. Standing in the torchlight by the door were two figures, Lahnae and Loshjno, ice cream cups in hand, looking like they were talking to each other about something.


    “…Oh, hey guys,” Avery called, waving a bit as he and Nivanee approached.


    Lahnae jumped, almost dropping hers as she looked back at Avery in surprise. Odd seeing her so jumpy. Loshjno, meanwhile, just put his hand on her shoulder, patting it.


    “Late night ice cream?” Avery asked.


    “Yeah…! Losh and I were just taking the night to ourselves to…talk about stuff…!!!”


    “Just ‘stuff’, hm?” Loshjno cheekily prodded, making Lahnae squirm with a huff.


    “Yeah. Just stuff.”


    Nivanee nodded thoughtfully, though she seemed to have something of a knowing look on her face, one laced with a bit of worry. The Eevee even glanced back at Avery.


    ‘…Stuff? I’ve never seen Lahnae so…bothered before. That was odd. Should I talk to her about it? But-‘


    There was a gap in the conversation before Lahnae piped up just to fill space.


    “What about you guys?!”


    “Uh.” Avery began. “Well I tried to go see some friends in the Illaminian District, but I wasn’t allowed in, so… I just sent a message instead. Then Niv and I helped clean up part of the square. That’s all.”


    “Ah, yes. I saw the state the square is in.” Loshjno said with a nod. “We missed quite a lot in only a few short days away.”


    “Aw, no, the Illaminian district is closed up???” Lahnae tilt her head. “Man, it MUST have been bad…”


    “Did you see Kipuuna or Ganisus out and about?” Nivanee asked.


    “Nawp, I think they stayed in.” Lahnae said.


    “Everything okay with you guys?” Avery asked, looking between the two of them. “I enjoyed the therapy session for the most part…! Thank you all for setting that up.”


    “Of course, Avery.” Loshjno said with a grin. “But if anything we got the idea from you. If not for you and your, shall we say, one-on-one therapy sessions with us we’d have likely just continued squabbling, taking jabs, making slights, all the things a healthy family loves to do.”


    Nivanee winced…but clearly agreed.


    “But, as for how we are…well, I’m doing fine.” Loshjno said, looking down at his ice cream with a smile. “The treat’s nice, cool spring air…Lahnae, how about you?”


    Lahnae…was quiet.


    Loshjno coughed, making her jump.


    “Uhm…!” Lahnae tried to begin but stopped herself, shifting about, looking away. Her face was screwed into a pained expression of…shame, not embarrassment.


    Loshjno, thusly, pushed the chick out the nest.


    “Well, good, I’m glad to hear.” The Squirtle said with a cheeky grin. “Nivanee, would you mind helping me with Kipuuna?”


    “Kipuuna? What’s wrong with Ki-“






    A clatter, shout and noise came from within the guildhall, making Nivanee perk up with a worried look. Loshjno set the icecream cup down on the railing by the canal while Lahnae looked increasingly anxious.


    “You both don’t mind waiting for us, do you?” The Squirtle asked as Nivanee was already rushing into the guild hall. “Don’t want a bunch of people tripping over themselves to get him an Oran Berry.”


    “Oh it’s just a little cut, let me…oh shoot, I left my items in my room…”


    “Eeeespecially since Nivanee’s locked herself out.”


    “Oh…oh no where’s my key…??”


    Loshjno sighed with a smile and began to stroll towards the guildhall. Lahnae looked fit to run after him,, but one glance back at her told the Torchic to stay put, which she did.


    With a swift motion, the Squirtle was through the door and closed it with a click.


    And like magic…the two were alone.


    Avery stepped a little closer to Lahnae, watching the two of them go off. If he knew Loshjno, the Squirtle was doing this on purpose.


    …And if Avery knew Lahnae, she wasn’t.


    Avery looked toward the guild as Nivanee and Loshjno vanished, just for a bit, but…considering that look the Squirtle had given her, Lahnae wasn’t allowed to leave just yet.


    “…Everything okay, rival?” Avery asked, turning his attention away from the stairway towards her. “You look almost pale. That isn’t normal for you…”




    Lahnae’s eyes screwed shut. Her cheeks puffed. It was like that question was lighting a fuse of anxiety that was primed and ready to go off.


    And Lahnae, bless her heart, was awful at keeping a secret a secret for very long.


    “…NO…!! Everything is NOT OKAY!!” Lahnae blurted, like a sudden exhale, puffs of flame flickering out her beak!


    She heaved a breath, gone cross-eyed, trying to recover.


    With another deep breath, she lifted her eyes and looked at Avery. Best as she could, she dauntlessly kept eye contact, even though it was obvious she was…scared?


    “I mean…things with you and Vizon…are not okay. And that’s not okay…!” She said. “I’m worried about you!! And I’m worried…that…!”


    She squirmed again, swallowed…then said her final words.


    “…that I screwed up things between you both??” Lahnae blurt out again. “Like…! I had tried to be there for you after a bad night but I…went to far and now you two are broken up and I feel HORRIBLE that it happened and I want to be sure you’re okay and…I WANNA FIX IT ANY WAY I CAN?!”


    Her voice was warbling. She was terrified. Guilty. Shameful. Horrified with herself. Miserable for Avery. But even with how wrong it could go she let it spill out in a cacophony of spoken brain dumping chaos.


    Avery flinched from Lahnae’s raised voice, looking about in checking for if anyone else was around. But…nobody was. He just…listened to her for a moment. And his heart sunk.


    She’d been harboring all of this since she found out? It wasn’t that long,, but it must have felt like an age to her.


    But now that she was done, Avery let it hang there for a moment…and he hugged her. Avery could feel the tenseness in her body, feel it all melt away as he hugged her, the Torchic letting out a mournful sigh as she wrapped her wings around him to hug back.


    “…Vizon and I have been broken for a long time.” Avery assured with a pat on the Torchic’s back. “Our time talking together might not have helped with Vizon, sure, but…if it was just our talk, it wouldn’t have done it. Vizon and I, we’ve…there’s been something between us for a long time. You just helped me through a hard night. That’s all. And I needed it.”


    “That just…it sucks, dude.” She muttered, slowly burying her beak more into Avery’s fur, muffling slightly. “Even when you left for Yahneri…heck, even when all that stuff at the bar went down I was getting worried but…I was hoping there was some way to fix it. Like…some magic combination of actions and words or something to make everything better if I could just figure it out…like you always do!!”


    Lahnae squeezed him a little tighter.


    “But it’s already over…like…I think, what if it was me and Loshjno just having a hardcore falling out and I just feel like trash at the thought and I just…” Her breath hitched a little. “…man, I just hope you’re alright. I’m sorry I confessed that night, that was so stupid, made things complicated and harder on you and…!”


    She took a deep breath, shaking her head.


    “No, argh, shoot, sorry. I’m making it all about me, huh? No, you know what, Avery…?” She said, slowly pulling back, trying to regain her own determination. “I…said it once and I’ll say it again: ANYTHING you need…I’m here to help, Rival. You just say the word and I’M THERE, DUDE.”


    “…I’m not really sure what I need is the thing,” Avery sighed, separating from the hug as she pulled back. “…Niv and I had a good talk about a lot of things. But Vizon…I can’t get a read on him. Ever since we’ve gotten back he seems, almost at war with himself. I…”


    His eyes traced his paws.


    “…I don’t think he and I are ever going to be as close as we were. Not that that’s saying much, heh…the whole reason we broke up was because of how…fake we were being to each other.”




    Lahnae mulled on that word sadly. She really didn’t seem to like that idea, Avery’s relationship with Vizon being, of all things…fake.


    “That…sounds really sad, I dunno…” She said, as though trying to grapple with the feelings herself. “I’m like…what’s the word…emulating it in my head, I guess and I…really really hate the feeling…”


    She kicked at a small rock, looking down at the ground. Avery hadn’t seen her this dejected since her scoldings from Kipuuna.


    “I dunno much about Vizon, myself, really…” Lahnae said with a sigh. “I mean, I get he was a fan of us guild members but…we’ve never really talked much. He always seemed glued to you and if not you then…nobody.”


    She frowned softly.


    “Almost feels like yelling at him at the bar was the most I ever talked to the guy…”


    “…I think…I haven’t really felt close to Vizon since…damn, since Rocky Hills. There’s always been something after that.” He looked to Lahnae, smiling sadly. “And that’s the thing too. Before then? I really felt like we were getting close. He took me in when I had nobody…! He taught me a bit about the world, he was…”


    Avery shrugged his shoulders.


    “He was so…excited about doing good. Just for the sake of doing good. But…but now whenever he talks about good guys, or being part of the guild, it just…it feels like there’s so much…animosity behind it. I don’t know if he was always like that, or if…I drove him to be that way because of how I am, always…looking for different angles, and everything-“


    “No…no no no, that’s not your fault!” Lahnae interjected at once, without even a heartbeat of hesitation. “Just being curious or wanting to be sure, that doesn’t make you a bad Poke’mon! And that doesn’t mean Vizon has to…do…whatever it is he’s doing.”


    She furrowed her brow with a huff.


    “So…what, he’s not…into doing good anymore?”


    She paused for a second.


    “…is that why he kept acting weird every time you brought up your Illaminian friends?”


    “That’s the thing,” Avery said, looking about, as if he expected Vizon to pop out from behind a pillar or something and reprimand him for talking behind his back. “I think he is into doing good. Just…for the wrong reasons, maybe?”


    Avery sighed.


    “His family’s got some history with Illaminian people, I think. Both he and Niv were pretty against me going out to see Kellixae the night of the arson attack. Niv’s…changed her mind as of tonight, but…it feels like in turn, Vizon’s doubled down.”




    Lahnae couldn’t help but vocalize her disappointment, even as she proceeded to just…chew on those words, mull over them. She looked as though she were getting more frustrated, just thinking it all over.


    “That’s…hard.” She admitted, squinting her eyes. “I mean…good that he’s doing good I guess but…”


    She looked up at Avery.


    “…if it’s all for the wrong reasons then how long until he’s doing bad??”


    She took a sharp breath, almost as though she didn’t mean to say that part out loud.


    “I mean…like…!! Look, what do you think?” She asked at last. “Do you…really think this is for the best? I’m just asking and making sure because, like, I don’t want it to be like this! Just something that broke and can’t be fixed. I WANT to help! I want to fix this and see you both happy because you’re both my friends and I really care about you, Avery, I…I…”


    She was babbling, and with a grunt she stopped it short of a speech.


    “…just…what now?”


    “…I don’t know, Lahnae,” Avery said finally, shrugging helplessly. His fingers were playing idly with his arms, stroking up and down the fur as he brought his gaze up to the moonlit sky. “…I don’t really know anymore.”


    Avery thought back to the island. To what he’d done to Vizon. To what his duplicitiousness had done to the Riolu.


    “The worst things we did to each other happened because we tried to force each other to think our way. So we just…agreed to stop doing that. But that…I don’t know. Maybe that wasn’t the right move.”


    Lahnae looked at Avery sadly, looking down at his fingers brushing his arms. With a soft sigh, she stepped forward to take Avery’s hands into her wings, if only so they wouldn’t be alone.


    “Probably better than me.” Lahnae laughed. “I’d have just kept trying to convince him until I was blue in the face!!”


    She snickered, bouncing a little, trying to pull back the mood.


    “Like…I know some Poke’mon say that, like…some are just like that. Some Poke’mon are just set in how they think and never budge…” She sighed. “When I first heard that I thought it was just a dumb excuse to not even try. But sometimes I wonder…and I hate that I wonder because I don’t ever want to give up on anyone.”


    She sucked in a sharp breath.


    “…much as he got under my skin…I never gave up on Kipuuna…he never gave up on me, either.” She said. “…but does that work on everyone?? I dunno…I hope so, I really do, I’ll always hope and try, even if it may be they’ll never change. I just want that grapevine out there, until it withers and dies and turns crumbly.”


    She giggled softly.


    “…I bet Loshjno would call that unhealthy or something. He might be right, but that’s just what I do.”


    “…See, you and Vizon have that in common,” Avery said, squeezing her wing a little. “…You’re both stubborn as hell. I just…I hope someday he can be stubborn for the things you are.”


    Avery took a moment to gather himself before continuing.


    “And…Lahnae, I don’t regret talking to you that night. The entire day was…horrible. It was horrible in ways that I told you, in ways that I haven’t told you, and in ways that I can’t tell you. But…just, being in that room with you, telling stories…that was the one thing from that day that wasn’t marred by anything. It was a good thing.”


    Lahnae hesitated…then nodded softly.


    “Alright. I’ll trust you on that, then.” She promised, sighing. “I’m just gunna trust you it was all okay that night.”


    She paused again, squeezing the Plusle’s hands softly in hers.


    “I’m always here for you, Rival. I promise!” She said, staying determined, that flicker still in her eye. “I hope the best for Vizon…but no matter what, I got your back.”


    “I’ve got yours, too,” Avery said, nudging her back. “After all, we took down Thundurus together. Twice! I really feel like friend drama like this shouldn’t be hitting me as hard as it is.”


    He shot her a grin as he began walking into the guild.


    “Though we both know I got the last hit on Thundurus~! So technically the KO’s mine.”


    “Only on the FIRST one!! Wait, shoot, who DID get the last hit??” Lahnae pondered. “I can’t even hardly remember what happened. Just a bunch of mud came crashing into him and…was that Loshjno or the Starly guy, technically??? MANN I have no idea!!!”


    She blew a raspberry, rolling her eyes.


    “And then you go off to fight ANOTHER monster while Loshjno and I were twiddling our thumbs getting search consent forms at Steeljag Village. Boooooriiing!!” Lahnae frowned. “And Sarfallinus didn’t like that we let them use their own courier service instead of taking it ourselves! Yeah as if we’ve EVER get those things to Arceliaze in one peace what with the sudden river flood we got hit with!!”


    More of Lahnae’s bad luck it seemed. The way her mood seemed to just totally flip back to being playfully indignant and annoyed sure was a treat…


    “Sarfallinus got mad at you for that?” Avery said, crossing his arms. “Jeez. You know what I think? I think he needs to accompany you on a mission sometime. See for himself what you guys are constantly going up against. Might show the big lug a thing or two..!”


    “HAH, YEAH!!” Lahnae BOUNCED with a KICK in the air! “See if he can keep up with me!! Or heck, forget that, see if he keeps up with LOSHJNO!! Old Loshy’s been AMAZING ever since Lightning Wastes!! He’s always doing his absolute best, even when we still fail!!”


    She bounced excitedly, her face beaming.


    “ARCUES, it’s so COOL!!! No wins yet but I FEEL like an All-Star team now! YEAH!!!”


    She pressed into Avery softly, as though thanking him for boosting her mood. With a soft nuzzle into the Plusle’s neck, Lahnae spoke again.


    “Oh! Hey hey hey, I was thiiiinking…y’wanna, like, do that camping thing in Souljjraan tomorrow night?!” She asked, her excitement boiling over.


    “Camping in…oh! I’ve got some things I have to do tomorrow, but if the guildmaster’s okay with it, I think I’d really like that…!” Avery nudged her a little. “Gotta make the most of our days off while we have them, right?”


    “The guildmaster? Pfff!” Lahnae stuck her tongue out defiantly, shaking her feathers a little. “As if he’d stop me from hanging out! HEHE.”


    She gave another bounce, looking back toward the guild.


    “Man, I’m excited for that…it’s been FOREVER since I got out of Arceliaze just to…be out of the city. No mission or nuthin, just off work, exploring around!” The Torchic sighed wistfully.


    “Well, first I’m just going to go see Sekurae and Kellixae to talk to them.” The Plusle added. “Hopefully after tonight they’ll know I’m alive, but uh-“


    Avery scratched the back of his head, laughing uneasily.


    “I’d still like to see them face to face. But after that, I don’t have any plans, I think.”


    “Oh shoot, right! Them!” Lahnae said, like she remembered. “Tell me how they are when you do, okay?! I hope they’re alright, especially after this past week…”


    She nodded her head, the sounds inside the guildhall dying down as Kipuuna was finally helped.


    “Gosh, yeah…” Avery sighed. “It’s crazy to think I missed something like that while I was away. I just hope they’re alright.”


    He took a moment to think.


    “Actually, uh, do you know anyone in the Illaminian District? Since I’m going that way anyhow, I could see if I could bring a gift or care package or something their way while I’m inside. It’s tougher to get in there now, what with the militia, but fingers crossed, Sekurae’s going to escort me through, so once I’m in I could check on anyone you’re worried about, too.”


    “Yeah I bet it’s hard to get into…I think the only other time I saw the Illaminian District so closed-off was like…man, I must’ve been 11 or something. No idea what was going on…but a few friends moved away after…” Lahnae mused thoughtfully with a sigh, shaking her head. “But uh! Yeah, there’s a few people I know. Like Banitus, for one. Oh! And our old banker, this Pidgeot named Varlo.”


    She paused, rubbing the back of her head.


    “I…haven’t had a whole lot of time to visit them these past few months. But I still wanna know they’re ok! Heck, I’d go with you, but-!”


    She shrugged sheepishly…and flicked her shining gold badge.


    “…well, you know.”


    The Torchic picked up Loshjno’s cup of ice cream and stepped towards the guild entrance, cracking open the doors and peeking inside. After a moment, she pushed it open fully, letting Avery in.


    “But…all that’s for tomorrow, yeah?” Lahnae stretched with a yawn. “If you need anything tomorrow, let me know. I’m probably going to…I dunno! Maybe getting stuff for the camping trip or seeing who’ll go with me to…I DUNNO, SOMETHING. Anything! I gotta have STUFF TO DO, I ain’t a ‘sit and relax’ kind of Poke’mon!!”


    Avery smiled, pumping an arm at that.


    “For sure…! I’ll be leaving for Sekurae’s stall late in the morning, so if you want me to deliver anything to Banitas or Varlo, just get it to me before then. I can hang around the stall for a bit if you don’t catch me before I leave the guild.”


    At the far end of the entrance hall they could see Loshjno and Ganisus, Nivanee disappearing down the stairs just as the two entered. That loud voice of Lahnae’s made Loshjno perk up, looking back at the both of them. As they approached, Avery looked to Loshjno first.


    “Aha, there you both are.” Loshjno smirked. “At last.”


    “Hey, Loshjno! Lahnae and I are planning on going camping overnight in Souljraan tomorrow, heh.” The Plusle said. A part of him was already so excited for the idea that he couldn’t help but let it spill from him. “I think I used to really like camping, and…this is the first time I’m ever really going to get to do it in memory. Even during work we’ve stayed overnight in hotels and such.”


    “Camping, you say?” Loshjno said with an impressed smile as they both approached. “Funny to ‘rough it’ recreationally when we do it as part of our job so often.”


    “Yeah, but it’s DIFFERENT when it’s for FUN!!” Lahnae cheered as she bounded up to greet him. “I mean I THINK. I dunno! I’ve spent so much of my free time cooped up in Arceliaze that I couldn’t say!”


    Loshjno chuckled which finally got the attention of Ganisus who slowly turned his head to look at Avery and Lahnae, his tail slowly swishing.


    “…staying in this city too long does stuff to you.” He drawled, seemingly jokingly (though it was hard to tell, as usual). “Kipuuna would probably pack our whole room before he took one step into the forest to camp for fun.”


    “Oh?” Loshjno mused, cocking an eyebrow at the Shinx. “So what would you do?”


    Ganisus…gave a very small smile.


    “Help him pack the bed.” The Shinx finished. Lahnae snorted, waving a wing.


    “Pah! City-Poke’mon, one and all! Tenderfoots and silver-spoons!”


    “Lahnae, you’re about as city-girl as they come.”


    “Well yeah but once I go camping then I can TOTALLY look down my nose at all the ‘city slickers’!! HEHEHEHE.”


    “D’you even know how to start a fire?” Avery asked, tilting his head at her. “…Without using a move? Or how to purify water, tie knots, that sort of thing?”


    “Nope! I usually just puff embers and drink whatever Loshjno spits out!”


    “Gross.” Ganisus scrunched his face slightly. The Squirtle snickered.


    “Water type water is about as pure as you can get out in the field!” Lahnae assured.


    “I’m not letting Kipuuna spit in my mouth.” Ganisus said bluntly.


    “Noooo, he’d just put it in a cup!”




    “That makes it better!!”




    Loshjno stepped in at this point, returning to Avery’s question at once.


    “I know basic knots…perhaps one or two advanced ones.” Loshjno put in, eying Lahnae. “But I’m sure she’d be ecstatic to learn from you, Avery.”


    “YEAH I WOULD!” THe Torchic bounced as the group began moving down the stairs. “Oh yo, actually, good point!! I need to get tents! OH, I SHOULD GET COLOR CODED TENTS, a yellow one and a red one!!”


    “Or you both could share a tent.” Ganisus blurted, glancing back blankly.


    Avery almost caught a subtle…extra redness on Lahnae’s cheek. But she wasn’t one to back down.


    “Oh yeah! That could-” Her voice hitched. “-Be a lot cheaper!!”


    Avery tried to keep himself controlled.


    “I mean if the weather’s nice we could sleep under the stars, too,” He suggested. “But camping’s all about being prepared. Plus, tents are heavy – it wouldn’t make sense to carry more than one. We’ll just make sure we get a two person tent!”


    …Avery paused. His composure broke a little.


    “But, y’know. If we can’t afford that, we’re on the smaller side of Pokemon. So. One-person tent could probably fit us both in a pinch.”




    Oop, too fast. Too excited. Lahnae paused…then nodded.


    Yeah-! I think that’d work okay!” Lahnae said, doing an oddly impressive job of masking…even if her feelings were still painfully obvious. “I heard Rocky Hills gets really chilly at night because of the lack of Topsoil in a lot of areas and lack of tree coverage so…”


    It was pretty obvious what she was implying. Loshjno looked back and smirked…oh so knowingly. Ganisus glanced at him, almost seeming as if he didn’t get it…


    …but it was hard to tell with the Shinx, of course.


    “Well, in either case, we’ve a full day tomorrow.” Loshjno said, rolling his shoulders. “I’ve a sparring session with our new subordinate tomorrow to get her up to snuff…Ganisus, would you be free tomorrow?”


    “I dunno. Maybe.” The Shinx replied, not committing. “Kipuuna might wanna do stuff. We’re still trying to…”




    “Uh…bond, I guess.” Ganisus drawled with a sniff. “…guess I want to fix the damage we’ve had to our friendship…or something.”


    “I thought you two hung out all the time?”


    “Kinda…I was always just annoyed to be around him, but…” Ganisus shrugged…though his face was neutral…his eyes sparkled softly. “…now’s just different. If he wants to hang out, I’m gunna do that.”


    Loshjno and Lahnae smiled warmly hearing that.


    Just…hearing the old wounds mending themselves like that felt nice.


    At last, they all stood in the main hall. Down the dorm hall, Nivanee stood outside Aquashock’s door, talking to Kipuuna inside. Ganisus sighed, padding forward quickly to check up on the Piplup. Loshjno chuckled, looking back to Avery as the guild members slowly began to disperse.


    “If you want, Loshjno,” Avery began. “After we’re back from camping, I could bring Rikzyod to the guild and we could spar with your subordinate to help? It’d be good for me to get some battle practice in an environment where it’s not life or death, heh.”


    “Well, hey, I’d actually love to have you and Rikzyod.” Loshjno chuckled lightly. “I’ll do another early-morning sparring session the day after tomorrow and you and he can join in.”


    “Man, I really like Rikzyod! He’s cool!” Lahnae chimed in. “I wonder how he learned to shrug off getting HALF HIS FACE BLOWN OFF like that!!”


    Lots of training, I’m sure.” Loshjno defused that line of thinking at once with a soft pat on Lahnae’s shoulder.


    “I think part of it is that he’s like, a living boulder, too.” Avery chuckled a bit. “Rock types are naturally defensive!”


    The Plusle stretched his arms over his head as he went down the stairs.


    “Actually, it’s…crazy to think about, but…Vizon and I don’t really have any battle experience past what we’ve done as part of the guild.” Avery paused, looking upwards. “Unless he’s lying – or forgetting – and like…I was some big scary warmaster monster or something before landing here, and that knowledge is passing through.”


    Avery snickered a little at that – a joke on the Arcean interpretation of humans.


    Lahnae giggled like mad at the joke, while Loshjno only smiled politely, without a hint of surprise or confusion on his face. Yeah, it’d figure he of all Poke’mon would have already puzzled it out.


    “Heyyy, you’re right! You guys fight crazy good for having just joined the guild!!” Lahnae put in. “Like! When Losh and I first joined we could hardly knock over a training dummy!”


    “Mm…those first few weeks were exhausting.” The Squirtle reminisced, looking upwards. “Both you and Vizon fight…very strangely well…coordinated and powerful. The coordination is the strangest part. Didn’t you say you both had only just met when you joined…?”


    Avery blinked.


    ‘Oh, right, I haven’t…actually told the rest of the guild that I’m human yet. I should probably do that.’


    Avery’s smile faded a bit at that. Coordination.


    “I, uh…I think there might be special circumstances that led to that. That’s actually…something I should talk to you guys about. Lahnae knows a little bit about it, but…if this is going to be a new age for the guild I should probably be completely forthright.”


    Avery laughed again, a little more nervously.


    “I’d like to think you guys know me well enough you won’t write me off as crazy or something by now.”


    “That you’re a human disguised as a Poke’mon, brought down by Arceus at the request of the Conduit for a purpose you have yet to fully divine?” Loshjno asked, eyebrows raised. “I might’ve guessed.”


    Oh that was scary. Even Lahnae jumped at that. Nivanee perked up from down the hall, looking over in…horror? Disbelief?


    “Uh.” Avery blinked. “…Missing a few parts, but you got the gist, yeah-” He said, slowly. “Pretty basic deduction. Kid’s stuff, r-really.”


    “Oh, glad you agree.” Loshjno chuckled, patting Avery on the shoulder. “Never fear, Avery. For all the stories about humans you make an excellent case for the lot of them.”


    He glanced back at Nivanee who only sheepishly smiled back at him. The Squirtle took a step back, giving Avery a wave.


    “But, it’s late. I’m heading off to bed. You have a good night, Avery.”


    “Uh…y-yeah! I’ll come, too!” Lahnae said. Before she ran off, she turned back towards the Plusle…


    …and leaned over to give a warm, soft hug.


    “Night, Rival. See you tomorrow?”


    “Tomorrow,” Avery said, hugging her right back. “And, uh…I’ll probably have a tell-all about the whole…‘everything’ soon. If not with the guildmaster, at least with you all. I think it’s at least important for me to get it all off my chest.”


    “Sure!” Lahnae said, pulling back and smiling. “I know it’ll go just fine! Honestly, what’s even the point in hiding it? You’re a good person either way. And before you express worry about ‘certain Poke’mon’ in Arcea…c’mon, we really gunna scared of those losers?”


    She snickered encouragingly, punching the Plusle’s arm lightly.


    “Alright, Avery! G’NIGHT!!”


    “G’night, Lahnae,” Avery said, giving her a ruffle on the head in return as Lahnae bounded off happily after Loshjno, a little extra spring in her hops as she joined the Squirtle. Avery went back to Team Azure’s room, receiving Nivanee in the hallway. “…Hey, uh…how’s Kip? He okay?”


    Ganisus muttered a ‘good night’ to Nivanee, closing the door. The Eevee sighed in relief, looking back at Avery.


    “Oh yeah, he’s fine. Just went and bumped his head on a wet floor…ceiling looks like it has a leak in the entry hall.” Nivanee sighed, shaking her head with a laugh.


    She was quiet a moment, sort of just…taking in the silence with a warm smile on her face.


    “It’s odd, listening to them now, huh?” Nivanee said. “I still can’t get used to how much everyone…gets along now. After so many years of fights and passive-aggressive slights and…everything it…hardly feels real.”


    She sighed happily, her tail lightly swishing.


    “…if only Janus could see the guild now…” She mused. “…but I guess I can tell her all about it myself…”


    She smiled softly, nuzzling into the Plusle.


    “Ready for bed, Avery?”


    “As I’ll ever be,” He replied, stepping beside her. “…I’m glad I’ve been able to help as much as I have. This place is capable of so much, and…in a world like this, I think it needs to be. It’s just…”


    Avery looked at her. Really looked at Nivanee.


    When he’d first met her, she was someone who was avoiding reality. Lying to herself on where her sister went, who her sister was, only forced down from the sky into the ground when the truth stared her in the face. Someone who had subscribed to an almost toxic form of positivity, keeping her eyes away from anything that was even scarcely negative, pretending it didn’t exist.


    And now, just earlier today, she was beside him, facing down the ugliest part of this society she was in, making a promise with him to help make it all better, a little at a time. Even without her sister at her side, she was still as strong as ever.


    “…I think this guild can make a world both you and Janus can be proud to be a part of. I really believe that.”


    “…and finally…I believe it, too.” Nivanee said, her smile brightening.


    She was quiet another moment. Every pause she took over the course of this night…she had a look in her eyes, like a million thoughts flashing in her mind a second, as though seven years worth of thoughts pushed down and suppressed were uncorked all at once, roaming free, jumbled, sorted and contemplated on in a silent rush.


    “Avery…” She said quietly.


    Her eyes still held the thoughtful look…


    …yet it also held an unwavering bravery.


    Ready to face down the ugliest part of society. Of the world. Of everything.


    “…I want to visit Janus a few days from now.” She said with a sigh. “You don’t have to come with me, of course, but-“


    Avery put a hand on her back.


    “Don’t finish that sentence. I’ll come with you if you need me. Full stop.”


    Nivanee…let out a long sigh of relief.


    “…thank you.” She nearly squeaked, nesting her head on his shoulder. “Everything’s easier with family…”


    She chuckled.


    “…I learned that from mom. Janus and I carried it with us all the way to the guild.”


    With a nod and sniff, Nivanee pulled away, regaining her chipper attitude.


    “Okay…okay…! No dwelling on that for now.” She said, firm smile on her face. “We’ve earned this rest. We should enjoy it!”


    Straightening herself up, regaining the posture of the guild senior, Nivanee nodded her head to the door at the end of the hall. Someplace Avery hadn’t seen in a while.




    “Home sweet home.” Nivanee said happily, pushing the door open to let themselves in.


    “Home sweet home,” Avery whispered, looking at the placard above the door.


    ‘…First night with Vizon after…everything.


    Wonder if I’ll still wake up on the floor.’


    He stepped inside. Nivanee peeked in, grunting a little when she saw Vizon inside already curled in bed and fast asleep. A little snore came from the Riolu.


    No goodnight to Avery…or to anyone for that matter.


    “Hah…” Nivanee sighed, shaking her head. “Must have been exhausted, poor thing…”


    She stepped in, quietly shutting the door behind her. Vizon had, thankfully, taken the far side of the bed, his back to the door, leaving plenty of room for Avery and Nivanee.


    The Eevee paused, glancing at the Plusle…as if to let him pick who he wanted to be beside.


    Avery’s ears drooped a bit. His partner.


    “…Is…it okay if you take the middle of the bed, Niv?”


    Nivanee took a deep breath through her nose…


    “…sure.” She agreed, understanding…even if it was clear she didn’t entirely like it…like what happened.


    But still…she, in some way, tried to accept it. She padded over to the bed, clambering up into it slowly and nestling in, a soft barrier between Avery and Vizon.


    ‘…Trust me, Niv. I didn’t either.’


    “Thanks,” Avery said quietly, holding an arm. He didn’t want to make Vizon uncomfortable. The Plusle climbed into the bed, curling up as well. “…Have a good rest, okay?”


    “Yeah…you too, Avery…” Nivanee whispered, nuzzling into him. “See you tomorrow, okay?”


    With one last encouraging smile…she closed her eyes and curled up tight to go to sleep.


    At the very least…she was on his side.


    As Avery curled up, feeling the warm presence of his team there…the calm and restful feeling of sleep would begin to overtake him.


    Finally…the feeling of his bed…the cozy haze. It was almost missed.


    It was very easy to slip deeper…deeper…into slumber.


    To let the black void of sleep take him…


    …to let the world…






    Chapter 37.3





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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