The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 37.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================







    The sharp voices of the guildmates thrummed over the stones of the guild hall. Tall torches burned brilliantly, each with a different color, from purple to black to green and cyan, each for the Poke’mon types.


    There, before the three at the front, stood Sarfallinus, a stoic look on his face, hands behind his back as he looked down at them. Beside him, Olistia stood tall. Despite the events that morning days ago, the two maintained professionalism during the ceremony.


    Present, betwixt the torches, were Kipuuna, Loshjno, Lahnae and Ganisus. There with them stood several elites, white coats fluttering in the soft breeze blowing through the hall.


    Conspicuously, none of the elites that had interrogated the guild were present. Instead, Avery could see Team Clockwork, the Mightyena and Scolipede both looking like they might break down and cry with joy at any moment. Across from them stood another elite team; a Whimsicott, an Archeops and a Chandelure, along with another team, a Floragato, a Hatterene and a Skarmory.


    At Avery’s sides were his partners. Vizon to his left and Nivanee to his right, both of them standing at attention.


    “Team Azure!” Sarfallinus called in a booming voice that shook the flames. “Your service to the guild, the Conduicy, Arcea and her Poke’mon has been recognized.”


    He lifted a hand to the team, beckoning the Plusle.


    “Approach, Avery of Azure.”


    Avery raised his head high. He was still…nervous. He was still apprehensive about all of this. But he knew this was a big deal. With elites present, he couldn’t be weird.


    And…they’d done something huge. With everything that happened, everything that Vizon and Nivanee and he had been through, they’d gotten a Pearl. The Thieves Guild…or ‘Santurini Guild’ was stopped from whatever plan it had.


    For now…for now, they were safe.


    He gave his teammates on either side of him a smile, tired, but satisfied…and stepped forwards, to stand in front of Guildmaster Sarfallinus.


    Ai, ai, Avery of Azure. Vizon of Azure. Nivanee of Azure.” Olistia spoke first. “For the defense of the cartographer and protection of the Kessi Ruins, the Arceali Board of Historical Research wishes to present you accolades: ‘High Defender of Golden Truth’.”


    Sarfallinus produced a thick box, opening it. Olistia reached within, producing a medal to place upon Avery’s chest. Then Vizon’s. Then Nivanee’s.


    “The Bureau of Arcean Law recognizes your dedication against those that have fallen from the light of Arceus, upon Windscorch Mountain, across the mountains of Rocky Hills, through the southern Marsh and over the delta, over Breezy Plain and Lightning Wastes and beyond, you are awarded the Iron Bisharp Award of Steel Justice.”


    She produced another medal to place upon Avery’s chest. Then Vizon’s. Then Nivanee’s.


    “The Duke of Souljraan has presented his highest honor, the High Honor of Souljraan, for service to him and his citizens.”


    A third medal was placed upon Avery’s chest. Then Vizon’s. Then Nivanee’s.


    “The Village Master of Taeriana has bestowed upon you his highest honor, the High Honor of Taeriana, for service to him and his citizens.”


    There, a fourth medal on Avery’s chest. Then Vizon’s. Then Nivanee’s.


    “And it is with great pleasure that today I give you the Conduicy’s greatest accolade, for venturing down into the cloying, screaming dark with naught to shine you forth but love for your fellow Arcean and want to see them safe. To plunge to horrors unknown or unthought of. To see what none others have and stand above it victorious. You, and all of Team Azure, are hereby honored as Svygunn Arkenali, Paragons of Arceus.”


    She then lifted three wreaths of gold, placing them around each of their necks.


    The torches flared. The elites and guildmates clapped heartily for the three of them.


    “It is now, with these honors, we have our final accolade to give.”


    Olistia lifted her head and raised a hand out toward the crowd.


    “Presenting to Team Azure, I summon Team Ganusi, Elite Team of old to welcome the upcoming team of elites to the next rank.”


    There was a shuffling behind them.


    The medals had weight to them on Avery’s chest. The wreaths of gold sparkled and shined in the torchlight.


    In the back of his mind, he felt it. He felt that nagging voice, that all of this was wrong, to look for some angle for everything to be horrible. That these awards were insular, only Arcean, they sought to divide them from Illaminians and others.


    …But there were two sides to everything, too. And…they had done hard work. They’d done good work.


    They’d protected the cartographer. They’d opened the border at Souljraan. They’d saved the Delta from a regime that should have been taken care of years ago. They vanquished a beast that took the lives of sailors for decades.


    …Theyd brought the guild together. Kipuuna, Ganisus, Lahnae, Loshjno, Rikzyod, Nivanee…they’d done good work.


    And ulterior motives of Avery’s superiors or not, nothing could get in the way of that.


    Team Azure turned to face Team Ganusi.


    Behind stood the Whimsicott, the Archeops and the Chandelure. Avery saw Nivanee’s eyes sparkle at the sight of them. Vizon, too, perked up at the team’s name.


    The three larger Poke’mon stepped up to the front. Sarfallinus and Olistia backed away to let them stand before the honored Team Azure. The Whimsicott looked upon Avery, Nivanee and Vizon with a warm smile, an excited twinkle in her eye.


    The Whimsicott hesitated, as if unsure where to begin. She held a hand to her chest, trying to calm herself. The Archeops pet her on the back, to which she gave a thankful nod.


    “Team Azure…you may not know me but I certainly know of you.” She said. It was clearly a rehearsed line. Thoroughly rehearsed, from the way she practically took and anxious breath between every word. “I am Vinae of Team Ganusi, and we of the Team…Elites Commission…”


    She paused at her flub. The Archeops softly held her hand.


    “…elites commission would like to present you with your next step towards graduation. Team Azure…!”


    Avery could hear Kahrei blow her nose tearfully.


    “You are now rank 2, Sophomore Elite, Double Prong…!” Vinae said at last. She lifted with both her hands three badges, golden and shimmering with ‘TZ’ on them. On the bottom of the circular badges, where once there was only one spike now there were two.


    Prong…two prongs.


    Carefully, Avery took his badge and looked down at it. He didn’t entirely know the consequences of this. But…this was what Team Aquashock was when they’d first joined.


    The Plusle’s thumb brushed against the two prongs on the badge, and he became acutely aware of how hard his heart was beating. This was huge. He knew this was huge.


    Avery looked to Team Clockwork. To his guildmates.


    To his team.


    “Thank you, Vinae. Thank you, Team Ganusi.” Avery looked back. “…Thank you, Guildmaster.”


    Vinae bounced a little, looking relieved to not be talking anymore. She immediately began clapping for the three, which the Archeops followed up with as well as the Chandelure (who, while not clapping, gave a happy sway). Kahrei and Euno clapped and whispered a cheer, mimicked by all the other guild.


    In so short of time…Team Azure had ascended to the 2nd rank.


     Team Ganusi took a step back as Sarfallinus and Olistia stepped forward.


    “The report, teams.” Sarfallinus said, standing up straight. “It is with great pleasure I now announce the safety of Arcea from the Pearls crisis.”


    Another applause followed.


    “With the Water Pearl safe and secured from what was a near loss, the legendary birds have been rendered forever dormant.” The Infernape continued. “Just as they belong. Xamao will find no use in his Thunder Pearl, and we can all finally breathe easy as we continue our search for the ones that initiated this attack on the peace of this land.”


    There was an affirming murmur and clapping. Olistia, herself, clapped politely…though her gaze had a hint of…




    “Guild.” Olistia continued from there. “With this crisis averted we can now flex back regular time off lost due to the crisis. Three uninterrupted days of rest are being imposed as of tomorrow, with resumed regular time off.”


    Avery could hear the guildmates sigh with relief. Even Kahrei and Euno sighed.


    “I thank everyone here for their service.” Olistia said, clasping her hands together. “And I look forward to continue working with everyone here.”


    There was one final round of clapping as Sarfallinus stepped forth.


    “GUILD.” He bellowed. “DISMISSED”




    The torches blew out.


    With that, the multicolor lights fell, leaving the guild to its normal lighting. The stain glass window was dark, nighttime having long overtaken the city.


    The mood immediately relaxed, somewhat, among the guild members. However, it was a different story for Sarfallinus and Olistia. The Gardevoir gave her earnest regards to the guildmaster and moved to a pair of Bisharp that had accompanied her, preparing the return to the castle. No more teases or jabs, she was strictly business with Sarfallinus. The guildmaster frowned but made no move of his own, simply standing, Estaloni fluttering at his side.


    The guildmembers broke from the line, coming up to Avery, Vizon and Nivanee with warm looks of their faces.


    “Excellent job, you three!” Kipuuna said, hugging around Vizon who returned the gesture. “Though I suppose it’s your second time around, huh, Nivanee?”


    “As Team Duskwalker, maybe! But Team Azure is different for me.” Nivanee said, beaming. “I’m…really proud of us, how far we’ve all come.”


    “YEAH, DUDE.” Lahnae shouted, nudging into Avery with a cheeky smirk. “Loshjno n’ me have been here three years and the only award I ever got as a golden thimble for worst team leader!”


    “But if I remember correctly you still proudly displayed it on the nightstand.” Loshjno said with a smile.


    “Well yeah! It’s my award for being the #1 guild try-harder!” She said, almost like she was fiercely encouraging herself! Loshjno laughed, patting her on the back good-naturedly.


    Vizon, meanwhile, only stared down at his two-prong badge in amazement. Nivanee sidled up close to Avery, looking at each of their chests to look at the glimmer of the golden 2-prong badges.


    Avery nudged Nivanee back, pinning the badge to his chest. His heart was starting to speed up.


    “Honestly, after all these medals and everything I’m mostly psyched about the days off. Like… We did it. We did it!”


    He brought his hands up, looking at his guildmates.


    “We were all there! Even though… Even though Xamao showed up, even though he tried, we got it. We won!”


    Avery gave Vizon another look – despite everything else that happened during that event…


    “…You stood up to Xamao.”


    And that was amazing.


    “I did.” Vizon said. With a smile, he pat his chest proudly, puffing it out. “And I…we…sent that bad guy packing.”


    “Yeah!! I totally saw!” Lahnae cheered, bouncing around the three. “That punch you SLAMMED into him was SICK! Guess that big bad loser’s just a big bad WIMP!”


    “At the very least…he sure won’t be causing us any more trouble, I’m sure!” Nivanee giggled, swaying side to side. “More than anything…I’m glad I found you guys. I’ve been worried sick for days.”


    “No doubt, ugh…” Kipuuna shivered. “Here I thought that debacle on the River Delta was your most dangerous escapade. Now it probably doesn’t even break the top three…”


    Everyone perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. Nivanee’s ears lifted, a wide smile on her face.


    “Vinae…!” She cried, stepping forward to hug into the Whimsicott. The elite, Vinae, merrily snuggled the Eevee, giving a high-pitched squeal!


    “Nini!! Aw, I’m sorry I haven’t been around! ” The Whimsicott cried as the Chandelure and Archeops walked around.


    “Heya, Kip.” The Archeops said, nudging the Piplup’s shoulder. “Heard you dropped back down to one-prong.”


    “Yeah…we’re wanting to get it the old-fashioned way.” Kipuuna replied, glancing at Avery. “We had sort of a…team reinvention.”


    “Awww that’s adorable, Kip-squeak.” The Chandelure said, almost joke-mockingly. “You might actually apply all that bulk you built moving crates around, huh?”


    Kipuuna blew a raspberry, but Ganisus gave an tiny amused smile and the ribbing. Vizon was just amazed seeing the elite team, while Lahnae looked on in confusion.


    Avery chuckled – he was about to reply to Kipuuna’s remark about the danger of the mission, but…


    “…Kip-squeak, huh~?”


    “Gh-!” Kipuuna flushed, his feathers bristling. “Avery, you had better not use Shantai’s crude nicknames against me, I’m warning you…!”


    “Ehh calm down, Kip-Squeak.” The Chandelure bopped the Piplup on the head, making the Piplup go even redder.


    Nivanee pulled from her hug with the Whimsicott to look back at Avery.


    “Avery, Vizon! Do you know Team Ganusi?” She asked, bouncing. “They were at the guild when Janus and I first joined! They were our senior guild members next to Infinity!”


    The Whimsicott, Vinae, giggled softly, lifting and fluffing the Eevee’s fur.


    “Mhm! We only graduated what…Equiros, was it 5 years?”


    4 years ago.” The Archeops replied back.


    “Awww, Vinae, some team leader! You’re forgetting our anniversaries!!” The Chandelure playfully jabbed.


    “I, hah, I’ve heard the name,” Avery said with a mildly uneasy grin. “But I’m really bad with current events so don’t take that as a slight.”


    “Aw, that’s okay. Avery, right?” Vinae gave a warm smile, waving away your remark. “We’re still kind of the fresh faces at the elites! Actually, I think we’re still the youngest elites. Nobody’s graduated after us yet!”


    “Nini sure was close though.” Equiros the Archeops said, his voice a long drawl. “Was kind of a shame to hear about what happened. You both would’ve made great elites.”


    “Yeah and we need someone to boss around already!” Shantai joked. “C’mon, don’t leave us on the bottom rung forever!”


    Nivanee giggled at that, snuggling back into Vinae who hugged back.The Plusle snickered and elbowed Vizon.


    “Well, even if I’m not familiar…This guy can fanboy for the both of us, right?”


    “Yeah!! Team Ganusi was an old guild team, even older than I am!” The Riolu said. “They joined back when Karniqus was still guild master back in 6th Turn, 34.”


    “Ah, Karniqus…he was an amazing leader…” Vinae sighed wistfully. “A silent, imposing Conkeldurr that always knew just how to whip any rag-tag group of street urchins into the finest elites of Arcea…”


    “And boy were we a bunch of street urchins!” Shantai snickered. “Heck, I was only going into the guild for fun when we started!”


    “Oh, if it makes you feel any better, the only elites I know of by heart are Kahrei and Euno,” Avery said, putting a paw on his chest and raising the other. “And that’s only because we were working with them for the first half-“


    He paused.


    “First…fourteenth…of the mission at Yahneri Port. My pop culture knowledge is that bad. I only just found out about Team Moonlight.”


    Avery looked down at his badge again.


    ‘Two prongs. Three prongs, and we graduate, right? And…and join the elites.’


    “What do you guys do that’s different from us here, anyway?” Avery asked, looking over at the Whimsicott. “The first time I saw elites really on active duty was at the port.”


    A lie. But Avery figured it was probably best not to bring up the interrogation.


    “Ohhh, you’re interested?” Vinae said with a sparkle in her eye. “Well, not a whole lot is different, I suppose. We’re afforded a lot more autonomy as elites, taking whatever work and requests are available. We maintain our own records and files on ongoing issues and collaborate with other elites as needed.”


    “And take the commission money directly.” Equiros put in.


    “Well! That’s more just a big tip to incentivize us.” Vinae added after that. “Really, all the work we do is, by all accounts, a free service the Conduicy provides to Arcea and her Poke’mon. Stopping outlaws that have run beyond Arceliaze jurisdiction, big threats, and sometimes even small jobs!”


    “Then dumb stuff like this Pearl stuff happens and the commissioner starts getting all uppity.” Shantai huffed. “Bossing us around and telling us what jobs to do like we’re guildies again. Direct command periods are SO LAME. We don’t even get paid for it! Well, not extra, we only get the standard castle salary!”


    “Oh well…bigger projects are sometimes dropped in our to-do box by the commissioner, if it’s urgent.” Vinae said. “But those also tend to have no added stipend…”


    Vizon clicked his tongue, looking impressed. A base salary was certainly an improvement from the nothing Azure was typically raking in with all these emergency missions.


    “But, honestly, don’t worry about not knowing us.” Vinae assured softly. “Elite activities are usually a little more…hush-hush than the grand, extravagant and exciting adventures of young and spunky Arceali guildmembers like yourselves! Enjoy the spotlight while you can, you know! Once your an elite, you can’t as much afford to broadcast your every move to the enemy, right?”


    Vinae laughed softly, releasing Nivanee, whom she had been lovingly squeezing like a plush toy.


    “Still, it’s a massively increased workload…which is why we haven’t been able to visit hardly at all.” Vinae sighed.


    “An increased workload?” Avery asked, tilting his head. “But you just said you set your own hours…unless you’ve been under like, direct orders for a while now. I know the map we got had something to do with that…?”


    “Weeell, you know how it is! We dictate our own hours but you gotta put in some justification for your share of the castle budget~!” Vinae giggled softly.


    “Yuck, don’t even mention that.” Shantai gagged. “Last performance eval gave me so much anxiety I thought I’d hurl on the commissioner’s desk.”


    “Hurl what? You have no mouth!”


    “We both would have found out!”


    Everyone laughed lightly at that, especially Vizon, who seemed to be really cozying up to the senior team.


    Avery shook his head.


    “I don’t know whether I’m interested or not yet,” He clarified firstly. “I was just under the impression that it was the only option after going three-pronged, you know? It’s like…what’s expected. Everyone’s talking about graduates from what I’m hearing so I’m thinking ‘hey, I should probably do that at some point, right?”


    ‘At the very least, these guys seem more human than most of the elites at the port were.


    …bad word choice.’


    “But I’m really glad that we’re going to get some actual, real time off.” Avery said. “We got some pretty nasty injuries from last time, and we only got a day off. Guess it takes being stranded for two weeks emaciated on an island to get some PTO, huh…?”


    “Well, as it just so happens, a lot of elite teams have been awarded the same PTO!” Vinae said with a smile and a little twirl of her poofy cotton. “Clockwork got some, Team Dust…and yours truly~!”


    “Oh, excellent!!” Kipuuna said with a perk. “That’d give us lots of time to catch up, huh?”


    “Of course!” Vinae said with a smile. “Plus, I really wanna get to know the new guildies! I’ve seen how earnest Team Spade is!”


    The Torchic beamed proudly while Loshjno only nonchalantly put his hands behind his back. The Whimsicott turned her attention to Vizon.


    “And you, Vizon!” The Whimsicott said with a sunny smile. “From what’s being said, you’re a real spitting image of the classic guild!”


    “…I am…?”


    “Sure! Steadfast, strong, brave, and unflinching!” Vinae nodded. “When they say Team Azure sets the example, they certainly aren’t kidding…but, of course, we all know the reality: it’s a team effort! You’ve learned from your guildmates just as much as they have from you!”


    Vizon’s eyes sparkled at the compliment, looking up at the elite as she pat him softly on the shoulder.


    “You’re doing great, Vizon! I’ll be happy to get to know you!”


    …Once again a little voice spoke in Avery’s mind. Faint and small.


    Something was wrong.


    Avery knew the thought that was creeping in his mind, that of…persuasion. Suggestion.




    The Plusle took a breath, trying to banish the thoughts. He surely couldn’t think that of every Elite. No, perhaps…these elites were just workers. Just some Poke’mon wanting to do good for their country, their fellow citizens.


    Yet even as he calmed, the voice remained, quiet and teasing in the far back of his mind.


    “It feels good that all of this is finally over,” Avery agreed, speaking at last. “I think…yeah, I think we’ve only done, uh, three missions that didn’t have to do with this Pearl business? It’ll be nice to do stuff like move boxes-“


    He cleared his throat.


    “-like Kip-squeak recommended all those days ago…!”


    Kipuuna shoved Avery’s shoulder, redder than ever, the Chandelure elite giggling at his expense. Vinae bounced again, nodding to the Plusle.


    “Believe me, you both have earned some easy jobs as much as anybody could have!” She said, patting Avery’s head. “Once work starts back up, we’ll have to be sure to do our best and be at our most efficient, even for small jobs nobody thinks about!”


    “Yeah!” Vizon concurred with a fist pump. “We learned that from Nivanee! 100%, no matter what!”


    “That’s the spirit!” Vinae giggled with a soft swish of her cotton. She looked up, seeing Kahrei and Euno across the room looking hopefully at her and the Ganusi team members. With a laugh, Vinae rose to her feet. “Okay, well, we should get going soon. Clockwork probably wants another game night and it’s hard to say no to Kahrei.”


    “Don’t give me puppy-eyes, girl, you’re supposed to be an elite!” Shantai snapped at Kahrei who was doing her best to look pathetic.


    “Guuuuyssss, you promised!!” The Mightyena whined.


    Vinae hopped up, gently floating over the heads of the guildmembers. Vizon looked up in awe.


    “We’ll see you soon! Hey, if you wanna do anything together, we’ll be around the castle, ok?” Vinae offered, giving a friendly wave as she made her way over to Clockwork, followed by Equiros and Shantai.


    Vizon’s eyes sparkled.


    “Yeah!! Er, I mean…!!” The Riolu recovered, smoothing back his hair. “We’ll think about it…!”


    Nivanee sighed wistfully, watching the team go.


    “Gosh, that was nice. It’s been so long…Janus and I always looked up to them so much. Clockwork, too, a bit, but they graduated years before we joined.” Nivanee’s tail was swishing as the other guild members dispersed amongst themselves. “Vinae was practically a mentor. Besides Sarfallinus, of course!”


    “It’s nice to know that they’re still doing well,” Avery said, a little absently. “They’re not nearly as…stuffy? As a lot of the other elites seem to be.”


    “Mhm! Some part of me always worried that graduating would change you.” Nivanee said. “Like you’d get all serious and stuff…but that’s really only the older teams in the elites. Vinae and Shantai seem perfectly happy and haven’t changed a bit! Equiros is…well, a little closed-off, just as he ever was.”


    “That’s about how they seemed in the periodicals.” Vizon added, still watching the elites as they climb the stairs and vanish. “Between them and Clockwork, though, I’m wondering if they’re less professional than they’re written about.”


    “Well, they’re still just regular Poke’mon, you know! Just like us!” Nivanee giggled, eliciting a nod from Vizon. “Guild work would be a lot easier if we were the perfectly oiled machines the Souljreini Printing company portrays us as!”


    There’s a laugh between the three.


    Avery felt a bit like a fish out of water, being the only one that didn’t know who Team Ganusi were. But the elite team was friendly. It was really easy to think of all the elites as faceless enforcers. And they probably played a part in razing that forest and bringing down the port’s people.


    …But they were people too. And they were friends of his friends.


    ‘Because we’re all mini-enforcers at the end of the day.


    Shh. Just…just for now.’


    “In any case…” Avery mumbled, stretching, “Is there anything else to do tonight…? Vizon and I had a lot of food when we got back, but we’re supposed to pace out how much we eat overtime and my belly’s telling me it’s time for round two, heh. What’re you all going to be up to…?”


    Loshjno and Kipuuna broke off from the others, approaching the three, hearing that last question.


    “Well, actually, there is one thing!” Kipuuna said, almost looking…excited. Loshjno gave a broad smile to match.


    “We’ve fixed up Aquashock’s room into something of a meeting room.” The Squirtle said, looking back at Lahnae and Ganisus. “We’ve been taking a few nights to do some guild meetings. Or…maybe more group therapy sessions. Just communication time to help iron out any issues that crop up or give life updates.”


    “It’s been years since I’ve felt like this…” Kipuuna put in. “I never realized how much Janus held us together until now…looking back we were downright dysfunctional for seven straight years.”


    Nivanee’s ears folded back.


    “That’s certainly an understatement…but, we pulled through, right? And now we’re closer than ever!” Nivanee took a deep breath, her ears lifting again. “No matter what happens…we’ll always have each other at the very least.”


    “A group therapy room?” Avery repeated. “…Oh. Oh! So that’s what you were doing when you were getting furniture all those days ago!” He clapped his fist into his other hand, connecting the thoughts. “… Jeez, yeah, therapy sounds nice after everything I’ve seen…”


    Avery looked down the hall.


    “Plus, y’know. It’ll…just be nice to do things as a guild together. I want to learn how to play that war game. Or even like…” Avery furrowed his brow. “…Does Arcea have a 52-card deck?”


    “52 cards?” Vizon mused. “No it’s more of a 60 card deck, isn’t it…?”


    “The point being, Avery…” Loshjno continued. “We were just about to have our session before splitting off for the night.”


    Nivanee’s tail swished excitedly. It was obvious she was already in love with these sessions.


    “Yeah, considering how long you’ve been away we’ve got to catch you up.” Kipuuna concurred. “…and I’m just…really happy you’re okay, guys.”


    Vizon gave a smile at that.


    “… O-oh-” Avery brought a paw to his chest. “…Yeah. Yeah I… I’d love to come.”


    ‘They’d started while Vizon and I were…




    We’d been gone for two weeks. They didn’t know whether we were alive or not. What had those first sessions been like..?’


    Avery looked to Vizon.


    “… Shall we, then?”


    “Sure enough, partner.” Vizon concurred, looking back and gesturing Avery to go first.


    Just partner. Guess that clinched what happened on the island.


    “Hey, Lahnae!” Kipuuna called back, grabbing her attention. “Grab some chairs from the storage room, we got a guild meeting tonight!”


    “Sure, dude!”


    “Here, follow me.” Loshjno offered, waving them all along. Ahead, Ganisus was down the hall, unlocking the door to Aquashock’s room.


    ‘…Hoo boy. Yeah.’


    Hopefully this would be good. It was odd for Avery to think…him and Vizon might have been brought up in previous meetings.


    But…Hopefully everything would be fine. Hopefully everything would be better.


    As they followed after Loshjno he led them into Aquashock’s room where Ganisus was already getting set up.


    The inside of Aquashock’s room was certainly…stuffy. Clean white sheets, polished floor, an organized desk and bookcase with storage box. An Arcean patterned rug lay spread on the floor, looking like it was cleaned regularly. Picture frames showing maps and awards hung on the wall, perfectly lined up.


    It was funny. Despite her being a year Aquashock’s senior, Nivanee’s room was so much more simplistic.


    On the large rug sat a circle of cushioned seats which Ganisus was pushing into place. Loshjno stepped out of the way of the door to let Lahnae and Kipuuna through as they carried in two extra chairs, for Avery and Vizon.


    “Yo, who’s got snacks this week?” Lahnae asked, dropping the chair on the carpet.


    “Ganisus should have it covered.”




    “The…the snacks, Ganisus.”


    The Shinx lifted his head, squinting in thought for a second.




    Without another word he reached in his satchel. To the relief of everyone Ganisus pulled out some boxes, jars and liquid containers, enough for everyone, setting them out in the center of the circle. Avery could see glazed sweet treats, wheat chips, cheese, what looked like a sauce and steaming sweet smelling drink from a thermos, with wood cups being laid out on the floor.


    “Woah, hey hey, Ganisus…!” Kipuuna stammered, waddling over. “Table! Put it on the table, not the fine Arcean…!”


    “…why did you even shell out so much money on something you step all over.”


    “Because it looks nice! Sure paid off now that we’re all gathering in our room, huh?”


    “I guess so.”


    “You guess so? Loshjno, C’mon, tell him!”


    “I was unaware I was considered the carpet aficionado.” Loshjno smirked with a laugh. “Perhaps I just didn’t want the meetings in my room…”




    “I’m just messing with you.” Loshjno nudged the Piplup before hopping up onto a seat, Vizon and Nivanee following suit.


    Avery took a few sweets from the center before stepping up into his own seat, finding himself between Nivanee and Loshjno.


    Subconsciously, he curled his knees up onto the chair, making himself a little smaller.


    He knew these were his friends, but…he hadn’t been here for the first meetings. He didn’t even know how many there had been. They were going to catch him up, but…


    All seven of them were together. The Arceali guild, just like we had been in the bar, right before he and Vizon had left. That was the night they-


    ‘…eight silhouettes, swaying in the wind.’


    Avery shut his eyes. He was done with that, that wasn’t happening- He couldn’t even talk about that…!


    “Oooohhh…kay, everyone.” Kipuuna said, scooting his chair forward. A nice wood table now sat in the center with all the snacks placed on it, making the Piplup much more comfortable. “I appreciate everyone coming again to this to help make this a more regular thing.”


    “Honestly, this is more like our first real one now that Avery n’ Vizon are here!” Lahnae cut in, beaming at the Plusle.


    “Ahem, remember we take turns to speak.” Kipuuna said, making Lahnae cover her beak. She gave a quick nod and let the Piplup continue. “Anyway, Loshjno, could you recall what we talked of our last meeting?”


    “Yes, yes I believe that was…two night ago, being out at sea looking for Azure as we were last night.” Loshjno said, leaning on the table. “Let’s see…well, we mostly expressed worry for Avery and Vizon and Subordinates, venting our concerns…”


    He nodded to Nivanee to which she gave a quiet ‘thank you’ before letting the Squirtle Continue.


    “We also expressed a few thoughts on the wave of new applicants…then a heated debate about the riots and an even more heated debate about Janus.”


    Kipuuna and Lahnae winced. It was easy to imagine what a ‘debate’ between them would look like.


    “After that was resolution to form a search party for Team Azure and here we are.”


    “Sound about right to everyone?” Kipuuna asked.


    “Yup!” Nivanee said.






    Vizon gave a thoughtful nod, paying close attention to what was being said. At last, Loshjno cast a glance around the whole table.


    Avery raised a hand carefully. It felt…odd to do, but he didn’t want to speak out of turn..




    “Ah, right, I almost forgot.” Loshjno chuckled. “No worries, Avery. It was apparently just some street scuffles that happened a few days ago while you were out.”


    “Street scuffles? What about the house that caught fire in the Lower Market District?” Kipuuna asked.


    “Yeah, and I heard a rumor while we were riding back into Arceliaze that things got a little more serious while we were out looking for Avery and Vizon!” Lahnae chimed in. Loshjno shrugged.


    “All I know is we’re not being involved yet.” The Squirtle said.


    “Yeah.” Kipuuna concurred. “The only reason we’d have anything to do with it is if it got especially out of control. Until then, the guard is handling it. I don’t think it’s anything besides smashed windows and looted shops right now. And a bit of vandalism.”


    They seemed to tactfully avoid the question of who it was that was rioting.


    Avery guessed he’d see what that was tonight. At the very least, he was glad that they were being tactful about it. He didn’t have the energy to start a fight over it all.


    “… So then… How do these work?” Avery asked, shifting in his chair. “What do we…do?”


    “Well, Avery…we just try to talk.” Kipuuna said with a shrug. “And if we get into an argument we try to just…talk more instead of storming off like we usually do.”


    “It’s proven helpful so far.” Loshjno said with a grin. He glanced to Nivanee, nodding his head. “Nivanee, why don’t you lead us off?”



    “Oh! Ok!” The Eevee said, nestling in her chair to get comfy. Lahnae took a chip with some cheese, prompting the others to start their grazing of the food. “Why don’t we begin our updates with Lahnae?”


    “Yessss!!” The Torchic pumped a wing, sitting up. “So, good news, everyone! While out doing our missions about three days ago, Losh and I met this Skitty girl, Cashavae, who wanted to join our team! So we got a NEW SUBORDINATE FINALLY!”


    “Heyy, good job, you two!” Kipuuna said, clapping his flippers. “It’s been a while, huh?”


    “Since the last one bailed.” Ganisus drawled, earning him a nudge from Kipuuna. “…what?”


    “Wait, really??” Avery perked up. “That’s cool! Where’s she from? What’s she like?” He leaned forward excitedly. “Tell me about her.”


    ‘Pleeeease don’t be a child-‘


    “She’s this girl I met while going to my favorite bar down in the X-Eye district!” Lahnae said, excitedly. “She like…just came from Illaminamo a few days ago, by boat! She was visiting family and looking for work so I just OFFERED.”


    “Yeesh, just like that? Is she even able to fight?” Vizon piped up.


    “Dunno!! We’ll teach her either way!”


    “And aren’t they gunna be busy with that extra job thing they do?”


    “Well no, she doesn’t live in Arceliaze!” Lahnae said with a smile. “She opted to take daily carriages to and from Yahneri port. It’s just with the Water Pearl lockdown she’d been unable to go home.”


    “Poor thing…” Nivanee huffed while Vizon only crossed his arms. “But you haven’t said what she’s like yet!”


    “Oh! Well she’s super TOUGH. Like I swear I think she could BENCH ME or something but she acts like she’s fragile???” Lahnae cocked her head to the side. “She’s really sweet and we kinda hit it off well! She even helped my Illaminian a little!”


    “Wh-…you know Illaminian??” Vizon asked, almost aghast.


    Lahnae snickered.


    “Foewumu to, mu geddou!! Am qu…!” Lahnae said. Far, far less gracefully than Kellixae or Sekura…but still Illaminian.


    Vizon shrugged.


    “Cool I guess.” He said.


    “Oh…!” Avery perked up, in contrast to Vizon. “Well, hey, I’ve been wanting to get some actual training done on a day I’m not busy or injured, so…maybe I could get Rikzyod or Niv or-“


    He looked over to Vizon for a minute.


    “…Or someone to come by the dojo with you guys to train together.” Avery recovered from the pause. “Like…believe it or not, before we joined this guild, Vizon and I had…no battle experience. So for all I know I might be screwing myself over by getting basic fundamentals wrong.”


    “Well, you guys have fun with that!” Vizon said merrily. It was, at the very least, polite. He was clearly done being antagonistic about it. “I’m sure you guys will get them up to being a great teammate!”


    “Actually, Avery, I’ve got a few slots free that I was going to use to train Cashavae.” Loshjno piped up with an offer. “Why don’t you bring one of your subordinates, like you said? I’d be happy to go up against Rikzyod or even…Jolvia, was it?”


    Vizon sighed.




    “We’ll tell you when our turn comes up.” Vizon said with a shrug. Nivanee gave a sigh of her own, which seemed to make the rest of the guild squirm.


    “Oh no no, she’s ok!” Nivanee assured, making everyone but Vizon relax. “Just going in a different direction.”


    “Oh…well that’s a shame.”


    Avery shrugged, his mood fallen a little when remembering Jolvia.




    “It’s okay,” Avery said, a little more sullenly. “She helped us get the Water Pearl back, and vanquish the Beast of Yahneri Cave, so…it’s a good way to go out, right?” He paused, seeing the looks of horror flashing across everyone’s face. “…not ‘go out’…She’s. Uh. Still alive. She’s gone back to being an accountant.”


    “Oh, PHEW. Don’t scare me like that, man!!” Lahnae huffed with a smile. “I’d feel like TRASH if anything happened to the girl that saved Niv!”


    Vizon’s gaze hardened more and more the more Jolvia was talked about.


    “Come ooon, let’s move on!” The Riolu insisted. “What’ve we missed? You guys complete any missions yet?”


    “Ah…well…” Loshjno rubbed two fingers together, looking a little sheepish. “In truth…nnnno. We haven’t. Not solo missions.”


    “I’ve never seen lightning strike twice in the same place…” Lahnae muttered. “Especially not TWENTY times in the same place.”


    Loshjno shrugged with a smile and a sigh.


    “It just means electricity defense and rubber raincoats for next time.” He said, Lahnae giving a nod.


    “Next time!!”


    Kipuuna winced, shaking his head.


    “At this point I’m wondering if there’d be more success in manipulating the system,” Avery said with a chuckle. “Making your ‘official’ goal something lofty, and then a subgoal something you actually want to get done.”


    He sighed.


    “But I’m thinking you’ve probably already thought of doing something like that, Losh.”


    “Bad luck always finds a way.” Loshjno replied with a chuckle, folding his hands together on the table. “But I’ll simply be equally tenacious.”


    “ATTA BOY, LOSH!!!” Lahnae yelled, making Kipuuna jump in his chair…and grabbing Ganisus’s attention for a whole half second.


    Avery, in truth, wasn’t looking forward to their turn. Vizon was…going to make it unpleasant. But at least Niv would be here.


    Nivanee. Who didn’t know yet. Nobody knew here but Vizon and Avery.


    With a smile, the Squirtle turned his head to the Piplup.


    “Other than that, nothing much else from us.” Loshjno concluded, gesturing to Aquashock. “Kipuuna, why don’t you take the floor?”


    “Guh…right…” Kipuuna…squirmed a little, taking a cracker but only fiddling with it, not actually biting into it.


    He was silent, glancing at Ganisus…then to Avery.


    “I just need to vent my anxiety a bit.”


    “Go ahead.”


    Kipuuna took a deep breath.


    “I feel like I’ve crawled a little bit more into my shell, so to speak.” Kipuuna said, sheepishly smiling at Loshjno who only nodded. “The double whammy of Nivanee being injured and Avery and Vizon going missing has been…”


    He swallowed, the cracker snapping in his grip


    “Kinda…hard.” Kipuuna admitted.


    “….yeah…we got in a fight last mission…” Ganisus drawled bluntly, looking at the ceiling, making Kipuuna flush.


    “I was trying to ignore the bubbling worry and tried to go for a treasure guild mission but I…locked up.” Kipuuna let out a shuddering breath.


    “…you really wanted all your buffs back.”


    “I…I just think that even if we’re going somewhere dangerous preparedness doesn’t…hurt, right?”


    “…but we couldn’t go back when we were already there, Kip.” Ganisus’s yellow eyes fell on the Piplup.


    “And I know that…!” Kipuuna huffed. “And I know we did the job okay…lots a few of the guys.”


    “Most of them…” Ganisus sighed.


    “But it’s just…it’s hard.” Kipuuna twiddles his flippers. “Between worry for us, worry for Vizon and Avery, worry for Nivanee, it was just a lot and I was feeling scared and overwhelmed…and you weren’t being there for me…”


    Ganisus’s eyes flicked away…Avery could see the pang of guilt in the Shinx’s eyes.


    “Sorry…” Ganisus said. He looked like he wantes to say more, so much more, only the words never came.


    “I know we couldn’t have controlled it, but…I’m sorry we made you worry, Kipuuna,” Avery said. “If…you want, I could go over some exercises I know to calm my nerves and center myself. It…mostly involves deep breathing. Sometimes I assign numbers to breathing in, holding, and letting out. Concentrating on something like that can help me…not concentrate on things that don’t need concentrating on. But…I know you said you just want to vent, so-“


    Avery put his hands up, chuckling awkwardly.


    “If you don’t want my advice, I won’t take any offense to it. There’s…something to just venting, too.”


    Kipuuna looked like he was holding his breath. He let the breath out at the Plusle’s kind words, as though relieved he wasn’t in trouble.


    “Okay…” Kipuuna said. “I’d like that, Avery…I really would love to learn sometime.”


    Ganisus took a sigh of his own, leaning in to nuzzle Kipuuna.


    “I’m sorry…” he repeated again. Kipuuna returned the nuzzle with a nod.


    “It’s fine. We just gotta remember next time…”




    Loshjno and Lahnae nodded. Nivanee looked like she was going to cry and turned away to wipe her eyes.


    The Piplup heaved a sigh.


    “Other than that…nothing new.” Kipuuna said. “We just managed through that mission and we’re going to try and take another…maybe with just a few buffs?”


    “…fine, I can sprig for a few.” Ganisus conceded with a miniscule smile, one that Kipuuna returned. The Piplup now…turned to Avery, Vizon and Nivanee.


    “How about you guys?” Kipuuna asked. “Nivanee are your…night terrors getting any better?”


    Avery turned to Nivanee. He vaguely recalled her mentioning night terrors, back they visitied her at the hospital…he thought he was the only one plagued by bad dreams. But…he guessed that made sense. Considering everything they’d seen in a month and a bit, and how long she’d been serving here, there’d be a lot to live in the girl’s mind to torment her.


    “Um…” Nivanee fidgeted, her tail drooping. “…no, actually…they’re getting kinda worse.”


    “Is it the same dream?’ Loshjno asked.


    “Y-yeah…lots of fire…lots of screaming…I assume it’s that place way down below Lightning Wastes.” She said, looking back at you. “Avery, you…mentioned you were down in a fiery pit of lava right? I don’t remember a whole lot from when I was down there, basically my memory kind of starts with us climbing the stairs out, but…I guess I’m dreaming about the fire pit I was stuck in until you found me.”


    Vizon stared at her…as did Lahnae. The Riolu glanced at Avery.


    ‘…fire pit?’


    “…You were stuck in a fire pit?” Avery mumbled, frowning in thought. “I…I guess it’s not important to think about the details of where you were, since…you got injured either way.”


    ‘We didn’t find her in a fire pit…we found her in a dark sand cave. But…I shouldn’t try to correct her, right? That wouldn’t be good manners when she’s talking about her night terrors.’


    Nivanee tilted her head curiously at that, ears folded back.


    “Not important? I mean, I guess not.” She said, eyes wandering away.


    “Yeah, all that matters is that you’re okay now.” Vizon assured with a soft pat on her back. “I really hope you can recover from this.”


    Nivanee was quiet, her tail unmoving.


    “It just…feels like there’s more to it.”


    “Sounds like cut and dry trauma. Fire and us screaming, like when we fell, right?” Vizon asked.


    “No…” Nivanee muttered. “It’s not any of you that’s screaming…”


    A hush fell over the group.


    “Well, Nivanee…” Kipuuna began. “You know we’re always here for you.”


    “If…you want, I can tell you what I remember,” The Plusle said gently. “I just didn’t want to interrupt or tell you you’re wrong if that wasn’t something that would help.”


    Avery looked down.


    “But I’m glad you’re here. We found each other down there, and… And all of us got out.”


    “Yeah, I…” Nivanee hesitated, her voice going soft as the sound died. She leaned over, softly pressing her cheek into Avery, lifting her tail around both him and Vizon. “I think…just losing you both like that…put a lot of strain on me and that’s why it was getting so bad…”


    She huffed out a little breath, as if thinking.


    “May I ask…? Who was screaming, Avery?” Nivanee asked quietly. Lahnae and Loshjno leaned in, Kipuuna looking to the both of them, confused. “When you found me, I mean. No…gross details just…maybe if I just got some clarity, that’d help, too.”


    Vizon frowned deeply, looking as though he wanted to…lie.


    “…It was you, if I remember,” Avery said quietly. “After Lahnae and I found Vizon in a river room, we went back to the nexus, and then found Jolvia, Starly, and you. It wasn’t the fire pit. It was…this pitch black room filled with sand. You were…you were in a really bad way. Starly, Jolvia, Lahnae, everyone who was there helped. Except…I couldn’t. But you had…broken bones to be set. A wound to be cauterized. And…and I didn’t see, but…it sounded painful.”


    His eyes stung a little, remembering it. Remembering how…useless he’d felt.


    “…I’m just glad that everyone there helped you come out of it alright.” He finished. “I was…I was really scared.”


    Nivanee frowned listening to Avery, hearing the fine details she had forgotten.


    Listened to how none of it lined up with her dream.


    She glanced up at Lahnae who nodded then up at Vizon who…grimaced but nodded as well. She pulled away from Avery slowly, shifting in her seat again.


    “But that…” She muttered. “That doesn’t…”


    Silence fell onto the conversation. A deep contemplative silence.


    “Well…maybe it’s metaphorical?” Vizon offered right away.


    Nivanee said nothing. She only shook her head slowly, looking down at the table. Avery could see the look in her eyes, as though she were recalling a memory.


    A vivid memory. A detailed memory.


    She lifted her head, ears perking up.


    “Oh! I’m sorry, I spaced out a little!” She said, putting on a perky voice. “I think this might be…a mystery for another time!”


    “Are you sure, Nivanee…?” Loshjno offered.


    “Yeah…you’re guild, we can talk about this more if you need.” Kipuuna jumped in as well. But Nivanee shook her head again.


    “Next time. I need a day or two to think, maybe…” She said with a wobbly smile. Her tail slowly swayed behind her…but it looked a deliberate motion, putting on the appearance of perkiness. “We should let Vizon and Avery have their turn, too, after all!”


    Avery put a hand on her back.


    “…We’ll be here when you’re ready,” He said gently.




    Avery turned to Vizon.


    “…I’m pretty sure I know what you’re going to talk about, so…is it okay if I go first…?”


    Vizon took a deep breath…and nodded, crossing his arms and sitting back. Everyone turned their attention to the Plusle fully, leaning in slightly.


    “…Vizon and I had a falling out on the island,” Avery said, looking down. “We’re still a team, but…we re-evaluated…who we are to each other.”


    He looked up to everyone else.


    “…We, uh…we broke up. Romantically speaking.”


    A wave of sympathetic looks spread over the guild members. Nivanee put a paw over her mouth in worry. Lahnae and Kipuuna both looked heartbroken. Even Ganisus broke his gaze from the ceiling.


    Avery’s gaze returned to his lap.


    “Ever since first coming here, I’ve felt…like I’ve been rushing. The last time I felt like I could take my time with something was…well, when I was getting to know Vizon on the carriage into town. He gave me a place to stay, and…and then ever since Olistia gave me the letter of recommendation, everything’s gone…so fast. So fast. And…”


    He turned to Vizon for just a moment.


    “…I think that…us being together, that was something I rushed into, too.” Avery continued. “I didn’t know you well enough, but I pushed you into that relationship. And that wasn’t fair.”


    Vizon kept his arms crossed, eyes closed.


    “And…” Vizon began, as though letting out a long exhale. “I didn’t treat the relationship…with the respect it deserved…and regarded it like a prop for our team.”


    He shrugged, shaking his head.


    “Maybe I was too quick to call you buddy and boyfriend…maybe even…I guess…manipulative of me to strongly imprint on someone because they were getting me in the guild.”


    Everyone was quiet.


    Vizon’s eyes opened.


    “That’s why…we’re keeping things strictly professional between us for now.” Vizon said.


    “Professional…?” Nivanee said in a low voice.


    “What like…just…co-workers??” Lahnae muttered. Kipuuna frowned.


    “Yeah…basically.” Vizon confirmed. “We…had to be honest. We didn’t know each other and still don’t really. If we become friends that’s great but…”


    Vizon looked down at Avery, a look in the Riolu’s eye as though he were staring at a faraway speck at the other end of a gulf.


    “…if we don’t…that’s that. That’s just who we are.”


    Everyone glanced at Avery to confirm if that…was really true. Nivanee’s ears drooped even more, the Eevee biting her lip.


    It was clear what she thought of the news.


    Avery brought his head down. The two of them already weren’t friends. And he could feel that gulf growing bigger every minute.


    ‘He’s disgusted with me.’


    “…Yeah. We’re…starting from scratch. Just, people who work with each other. Being friends would…would be nice-” Avery went to look at Vizon again, but stopped himself. “…But…if not, then…not. I guess.”




    Nivanee’s voice died in her throat. Everyone else was silent, watching as the Eevee only lowered her head silently.


    Nobody said a word for a while. Vizon’s grip on his folded arms tightened.


    “Ok…” Nivanee whispered.


    “…ok…” Lahnae nodded, sighing. She looked down at the table…almost guiltily. As though she knew how she factored into this.


    Loshjno had a contemplative look on his face, then leaned forward, propping his head on his chin.


    “Well…it sounds like a new beginning for you both.” He said with a smile. “Either which way it goes…I think it’ll be healthier for you two. No more twisting and forcing to be something you’re not, no more stressing…”


    Kipuuna looked uncomfortable.


    “If anything…I hope this brings you to those that truly make you happy.” Loshjno continued, leaning back. “…this will be for the best, ultimately, whatever bumps and bruises we sustain along the way.”


    “…are you sure?” Kipuuna muttered. “Does family just…quit each other?”


    Nivanee looked away. Loshjno shrugged.


    “Who am I to say?” The Squirtle replied with a smirk. “A family forced to be family is hardly family at all.”


    Lahnae and Kipuuna nodded though still looked unsure. But they, at the least, opted to not comment on the decision any more, leaving it up to Avery and Vizon.


    Perhaps they figured it wasn’t their place to judge.


    “…sorry that happened, man…” Ganisus drawled, his gaze lifting up. “…wish it could have worked out…”


    Like it did for all of them.


    “Thanks, guys.”




    Avery looked up again.


    To Lahnae and Loshjno. Failing more missions but determined to succeed. To Kipuuna and Ganisus, struggling with anxieties but learning to understand each other. To Nivanee, doing her best to forge a new path forward.


    ‘…Why couldn’t we have that? Why couldn’t Vizon and I have something like that? Why couldn’t we be better?


    Did I screw up the recovery process?


    Or were we just that broken from the start?’


    “…You can go, Vizon. I’m finished.”


    Vizon was quiet for a moment before leaning on the table.


    “Alright…” He began with a deep breath. “More…bad news, I guess. Jolvia is no longer with us. She…”


    His brow furrowed.


    His hand twitched.


    The look in his eye…flared


    But he shut his eyes and took a deep breath.


    “…she…can’t quite reconcile her…real job…and her job with us.” He said, gripping the table. “…so she’s…returned…to her work and has dropped being with us.”


    Nivanee lifted her head, trying to brush off the bad news of Avery’s break-up with Vizon.


    Everyone else around the table nodded solemnly.


    “Dude…that island sounds like it sucked…” Lahnae huffed, slumping in her chair.


    “…m’agreeing with what you said, man…” Ganisus spoke up. “…you need some easy missions…no more of this crazy stuff.”


    “I’d offer to take you box-moving…” Kipuuna suggested. “But, uh…”


    “…nah, I’d take ’em, no big deal…” Ganisus shrugged.


    Avery was…shocked. Really shocked. Very shocked.


    ‘He isn’t going to say?


    I…don’t know what to make of the guy. I feel like we should tell everyone eventually, I don’t want to leave them in the dark, but…


    …I was expecting him to let it loose now. He’s not bottling, is he?’


    “…Jolvia was a good teammate,” Avery said. “She helped us out a lot. We…we wouldn’t be here talking to you if she wasn’t part of our team. But…”


    He began to wring his hands.


    “…I don’t know if you felt this, Nivanee, but…”  Avery heaved a long breath. “I always got the feeling that…Jolvia wasn’t a subordinate. That we weren’t her bosses. She wasn’t…loyal, first and foremost to the team. That’s why she decided to leave.”


    Hearing Avery say it in so many measured words helped Vizon calm down a little. Avery could see the Riolu’s grip on the side of the table relax.


    “No, no…I admit I did feel it, a little. But I’ve felt it before.” Nivanee said with a shrug. “Sometimes my subordinates would just be in it for the money or serving time to keep out of prison. Though…I admit I always found it odd why Jolvia bothered joining when she already had what seems like kind of a busy job.”


    “Yeah…I guess Jolvia finally felt the same way.” Vizon huffed, trying to say less to not let it slip.


    It was hard to tell why…why he’d bother preserving her image to the guild after all the distress she’d caused him.


    Why he refused to tell them she was the mole.


    Maybe now that she was gone it just…


    …didn’t matter anymore. He’d promised to let her go.


    So he let her go.


    Clean slate.


    Maybe. Avery admired that effort. He admired that Vizon was trying. But Avery could also see it was hard for him, and he didn’t want to leave Vizon in the lurch.


    Avery lifted his head and connected eyes with the Riolu. He knew Vizon couldn’t read his thoughts…but he could come close.


    ‘I won’t leave you alone in this.’


    “So it’s back down to me, Vizon, Nivanee, and Rikzyod,” Avery said. “In terms of Team Azure, anyway.”


    “Hah…well I’m glad Rik is still around. I like that guy.” Lahnae laughed softly.


    “Well. hopefully we can still visit Jolvia sometime.” Loshjno offered, but Vizon shook his head.


    “Don’t count on it. If she’s smart she’ll get a transfer from her bank.”


    Nobody pointed out his slip-up.


    “Well, would there be anything else to add?” Kipuuna asked, looking to Avery.


    “Well…on…a lighter note,” Avery said, looking away, “You guys know up and down how often I say ‘I’m not from here’, right? I’ve been wanting to learn how to write Arcean, speak Illaminian…I started reading Team Moonlight. I’ve just been trying to get into pop culture. I want to…know things, you know?”


    Avery looked up.


    “It’s a little weird to ask for pop culture classes, but…any way that I can stand out less on what I don’t know, the better.”


    “Oh yooo, Team Moonlight!” Lahnae perked up. “I know that one!”


    “Oh jeez, that story…” Kipuuna laughed, looking over at Ganisus who only stuck out his tongue slightly. “Yeah, I’ve read it. Not exactly a fan.”


    “Aw, why not?” Nivanee said, pouting. “Actually…why did you read it? I remember seeing you had a stack of all the parts and were spending a week reading it.”


    “Why else? It’s because it was the popular thing. But man…it’s just really corny.” Kipuuna waved a flipper with a smirk.


    “Gee…I wonder if he gets the girl…” Ganisus drawled, leaning forward to nibble one of the sweet treats.


    “Actually…” Lahnae said, frowning. “Oh SHOOT yeah, I guess you wouldn’t know about, like…stuff, huh, Avery?? Like the popular plays and books and stuff!!”


    “Oh…you don’t, Avery?” Kipuuna asked with a raised eyebrow. “…I guess you did mention the amnesia thing a way long time ago…”


    Everyone hummed, thinking.


    “Penny theatre…” Ganisus muttered to himself.


    “Huh? What’re you…oh!” Kipuuna smiled, standing up in his chair excitedly. “That’s right! Maybe you can come out with me and Ganisus to see a play or something! Maybe the Court of Fiction…or just go to another chuckle bar, I dunno!”


    Nivanee perked up excitedly.


    “Ohhh…it’s been a while since I sat down for a play! Or a battle tournament! Heck, when’s the last time I took a night class at the education center…”


    “Oo-oo! The Eye Tournaments! I love watching tournament-league games of Arbok eye!” Lahnae said.


    “Your gambling with the raffle house is enough, Lahnae.” Kipuuna laughed.


    “I’m not PLAYING, I’d just be WATCHING, SHEESH.”


    “I could pass off watching battles as work for training too,” Avery said with a little laugh. “Like a business expense. There’s little bits and pieces I remember from where I’m from I could try to give in recompense?”


    Avery looked to Kipuuna.


    “Like, I know how to play a few games with a fifty two card deck. We might have to make it ourselves, but there’s lots you can play with them. We always used to bring a deck camping because it’s just that versatile.”


    “52 card deck?” Kipuuna shrugged with a smile. “Sure we can give it a try!”


    “Oh oh, Avery, you’d love the battle tournaments!” Nivanee said. “It’s an old sport, nothing like real fighting. Like, the opponents sort of take turns and it’s just as much about strategy as it is any kind of raw strength!”


    “Huh…never been to one of those…” Vizon said, shrugging. “Guess I never had time with my job back before the guild.”


    “Yeah! And we can still totally go to an auction or, or, the raffle house or gamble parlor or something!!” Lahnae said.


    “Ah, ah, gambling again?”


    “It’s FUN!!”


    “…we can do a play or something.” Ganisus offered.


    “Ah, but, we should remember our training in the dojo, too.” Loshjno reminded with a smile. “Hm…sounds like it’s fortunate we have three whole days. We’ve already about filled them.”


    “I’d be down for all of those things,” Avery said, giving Lahnae a little grin. “After all, last time we went to the raffle house, I got…well, basically most of the money that we’ve been using, considering our jobs haven’t been…paying much. That was a stroke of good luck for the both of us, huh?


    “But plays would be fun! Or auctions, or battling, or even just like, a book club or something. I know the Mawile who runs the bookstore downtown offered to teach me Illaminian, but multiple sources never hurt. I just…if I’m going to be living here, I ought to know all about the culture, right?”


    Loshjno’s words rang true. Three full days of nothing to do became three full days of lots to do pretty quick.


    “Well, I have to say…” Loshjno stood, giving the guild members a warm smile. “This certainly did feel like the first real meeting. Now that we’re all here, we can start really coming together as guild.”


    “Like we always should have…” Kipuuna sighed with his own smile.


    As the others nodded, Vizon only looked down, taking a cracker nonchalantly, seeming to only half pay attention.


    “Well, if there’s nothing else, the night’s still pretty young.” Loshjno clapped his hands together. “We can go ahead and break and get on with our vacations.”


    “Phew…what a relief.” Lahnae leaned back. “FINALLY some days off.”


    “Oh, and gang!” Loshjno began as everyone started getting up and collecting their satchels. “Let’s be sure to block out some time together these next three days. We can try a get-together at one of the bars again or such. Shall we reconvene tomorrow or day after for suggestions?”


    “Sure, sure!” Nivanee cheered. “I’m available whenever!”


    “I might be out one of these nights but DEFINITELY I’ll be around for one of them!!” Lahnae said, taking a few extra crackers and shoving them in her satchel.


    “Same here,” Avery said, getting up after taking a cookie and downing the rest of his drink. “I’ve got some people to inform my return to tonight, but… Thank you all.” He smiled a little. “… Thanks to everyone, I’m really looking forward to our days off. And…”


    The Plusle raised his empty glass.


    “… We did it. Here’s to ending the terror of the Pearls-! “


    “AYE!” Was the unanimous cheer that answered the toast, every guildmember raising their glasses with Avery and taking a sip (or a full chug in Lahnae’s case).

    Chapter 37.1





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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