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    Chapter 12.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Nivanee motioned her head to the side, the rest of the group following her in the tall grass. She moved like a predator through the foliage, Jolvia following close behind, Vizon and Rikzyod right behind Avery.


    In a single file line, they all silently shuffled through the tall grass, slowly circling the camp. In the distance Avery could see the tents of the other members of the Old Wanderer’s team.


    The sun was high in the sky.


    Slowly, they saw her, between the blades of grass. In the open and alone, the Pikachu, the Old Wanderer.


    “On your command, we strike, Avery.” Nivanee whispered.


    Everyone froze.


    Everyone waited for his word


    Deep breath.


    In. Out.


    One more time.




    All at once, all five Poke’mon LEAPT with Avery!


    Nivanee SHOT out with a quick attack! Jolvia sprinted behind Avery! Vizon FIRED an aura sphere! Rocks from Rikzyod SAILED overhead! The Geodude sang and laughed, ROARING as the sneak attack STRUCK!


    The Pikachu yelped, immediately knocked to the ground by the quick attack. Then the aura ball SLAMMED into her! The rocks PELTED her as she was FLOWN back!


    The Pikachu scrabbled to her feet, a look of confusion in her eyes, totally caught off guard! She fumbled for her satchel, desperately taking out a blue blast seed and throwing it down.


    A billow of smoke shot up into the air. A yelp sounded from over the ridge!


    “The others’re scattering!” Vizon yelled, reading another aura sphere. “Let’s hope this Pikachu is the right one!”


    The Pikachu recovered her footing, standing her ground before them, even as a fear crossed her eyes.


    “What, are you scared?” Avery taunted, standing his ground as the others scattered. “I thought you were supposed to be the Old Wanderer, not the Old Coward-! Surely someone like you could hold her own, eh, Wanderer?”


    Avery pushed through, firing a few bolts at the Pikachu! The Pikachu tensed, dodging to the side as the bolts SAILED pasted. She squinted, getting a good look at the team.


    At their badges.


    Avery heard her curse.


    Quickly, she bolted left, DIVING! Spraying multiple energy shots out in a wide arc!


    Vizon DOVE for Jolvia, knocking her down! The energy bolts SAILED into the group, everyone trying to dodge!


    Nivanee ducked, speeding towards the Old Wanderer. Quick attack! Another clean shot! But this time the Pikachu GRABBED Nivanee’s limbs and TOSSED her away in a pirouette!


    Avery heard another curse from the Pikachu. She seemed panicked.


    He looked down into his bag. The TM was there. Flash.


    ‘…That could be useful.’


    “Niv, h-how does this disk thing work-??” Avery looked back at the Pikachu, lobbing another bolt towards her while keeping his distance. Nivanee rolled, recovering and shaking her head.


    “Grab it in both hands and focus!” She yelled, DIVING to dodge another bolt! It SOARED across and SLAMMED into the hill. Dust CASCADED out.


    Vizon and Jolvia ran together, Rikzyod close behind. The pair LEAPT, preparing double kicks!


    “Loyal guild, ever loyal guild!” The Pikachu hissed in a gravelly voice. She raised her arms, TANKING the four kicks delivered by Vizon and Jolvia.


    Behind the two, Rikzyod LEAPT with a laugh, his forehead ROCKETING toward The Pikachu!


    The Pikachu responded in kind!


    A fierce HEADBUTT was Rikzyod’s reward! Rock CRACKED, his skin SPLINTERED. The Geodude tumbled back, hysterical laughter echoing across the plains.


    “Who’re you?!” The Pikachu yelled, looking at all of them. “You’re guild lapdogs, aren’t you?! I don’t recognize your team, though! Ruddy place finally get some new kindle for the pyre?!”


    Avery took the disk out, and focused on it.


    ‘Flash. Flash…trying to learn Flash.’


    He winced at the sound of Rikzyod’s rock cracking – that was familiar. He tried to refocus quickly.


    “We’re Team Azure…!” Avery shouted, gritting his teeth. “Loshjno and Lahnae send their regards-!!”


    The TM glowed in Avery’s hands, the rainbow glow  on its surface slowly dissipating. Build up electricity and…let the light CASCADE into a blinding flash! He always knew that. It was so obvious. The disk turned to stone.


    “Never heard of ’em!” The Pikachu retorted.


    Vizon threw a punch. The Pikachu CAUGHT it in hand! One fist CRACKED Vizon’s side! Then his CHEST.


    Left hook, right hook! SPIT flew! The Pikachu reared back, fist CRACKLING and SLAMMING into Vizon. The air SHUDDERED as he was FLOWN BACK, skidding and tumbling on the ground with a scream!


    The Pikachu didn’t get a second. Jolvia was on her! One punch in the jaw! Another! Nivanee slowly circled a distance from the Pikachu, readying a shadow ball.


    The Piakchu grunted.


    Cheap shot! Feint! She WRAPPED an arm around Jolvia’s neck, swinging behind her. The pikachu hoisted Jolvia in a chokehold, the Nidorina body-blocking Nivanee’s shadow ball! Jolvia screamed!


    The Pikachu threw Jolvia to the ground. Her body CRACKLED with electric energy.


    This…this was no ordinary enemy. She was trained. Intensely powerful.


    She turned to Avery, brow furrowed, fists clenched, her THUNDEROUS footsteps coming near.


    “And I’ve never heard of you.” She growled.


    She stomped closer…




    “I…am Avery. Captain of Team Azure.”


    He rubbed his hands together…and waited for her to get closer.




    He turned his palms outwards! A BLAST of light ROCKETED out of his hands, giving the outlaw a taste of her own medicine!!


    The Pikachu screamed, STAGGERING back! COVERING her eyes! She tumbled, desperately trying to regain he footing!


    A WILD bolt SHOT from her hands. Unfocused and random, striking the dirt. Her eyes were screwed shut.


    Vizon staggered to his feet! Jolvia jumped back up! Nivanee was already RUNNING at the offensive as Rikzyod threw Jolvia an Oran berry!


    The Pikachu growled, fists clenched, eyes closed, totally blinded.


    “D’ya want me so bad, Mr.Do-Gooder?!” The Old Wanderer roared, body crackling. “Come take me!


    “Have it your way-!” Avery retorted.


    With that, he RUSHED forward!


    Her ear twitched.


    Avery threw himself forward, trying to tackle her to the ground!


    She spread her stance.


    Avery SLAMMED into her body! She flung back.


    Put a foot on his chest.


    Rolled backwards.


    And KICKED her foot out, TOSSING the Plusle into Nivanee! They yelped, falling back, Avery barely catching himself on Nivanee and righting himself.


    The Pikachu swept her legs, back onto her feet. Eyes still screwed shut.


    Vizon and Rikzyod flanked her. Vizon’s arm GLOWED with aural energy.


    The Pikachu swept her leg again, ducking under Rikzyod’s punch, TRIPPING Vizon! She spun, tail GLOWING as her iron tail STRUCK across Rikzyod’s body! One more spin, around Jolvia’s poison string, as she SLAMMED her hand into Jolvia’s head! GRIPPED it! A SHOCK exploded around the two, FRYING Jolvia!


    The Nidorina fell, smoking.


    The Pikachu backed off, clenching her fists.


    “I said come take me, guildie! Or has Sarfallinus’s little band of children lost their nerve? It’s all fun and games until you trade blows with someone who fights back!” The Pikachu roared. “If you’re to arrest me, do so quickly but don’t waste my time!”


    Her eyes were still screwed shut, still yet totally blind. Avery panted, a wave of fear gripping him.


    ‘She can still sense us?!’


    “Alright, Niv, we need a plan if we’re going to take her in.” Avery said, gasping for breath. “I don’t think paralysis is going to work on her. So we need to figure something out. And quick.”


    Nivanee clambered back to her feet, helping Avery up. Her eyes were laser-focused on The Old Wanderer.


    The Pikachu’s ear twitched. She turned to face them both.


    “She can hear us…” Nivanee muttered, the Pikachu electrifying her fists again. Nivanee turned her head, seeing Vizon trying another charge.


    “Vizon, stop!”


    The Riolu skidded to a halt, just as a fist whizzed right in front of his face. He backed off before a sweep kick connected.


    The Pikachu’s ears, pointed down, were swiveling in all directions as they all surrounded her. She’d keep her space with volleys of energy SHOT at the ground, kicking up dust.


    “C’mon you guild rats!” The Old Wanderer bellowed, making Nivanee freeze. “C’mere, c’mere, bloody your paws again on me!”


    Nivanee shook her head, whispering to Avery.


    “We gotta deafen her…got blast seeds?”


    Avery looked down at his bag, frowning. He looked to Nivanee, and held up a finger.


    One. One blast seed. If they were going to use it, they had to make it count.


    “Shoot, none?” Nivanee lied aloud, the Pikachu’s ears swiveling. The Eevee nodded to Avery. “Alright, you run to the left…”


    She motioned for him to go right instead.


    “…and I’ll charge her from the right…”


    She motioned that she’d be going left instead. A misdirection she knew the Pikachu could hear.


    Quickly, she BOLTED left, SLAMMING her front paws to sound more like a biped, masking her hind leg footsteps. The Pikachu’s ears swiveled!


    Avery got down on all fours, and began to run, rifling into his bag and palming the blast seed. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He came around to her right!


    Thinking it was Nivanee, the Pikachu LUNGED for Avery, KICKING…but found no purchase! Her leg sailed over the shorter Plusle!


    With a motion practiced from the marsh, Avery took the blast seed and cracked it into the ground beside the Pikachu!!


    She SCREAMED! The Explosion ROCKETED out, blowing her back toward Nivanee. The Eevee spun, tail glowing…!


    and SLICED through the air! STRIKING the Pikachu!


    Orange and Green tatters EVERYWHERE! Blood CASCADED!


    The Pikachu was put into a spin, SLAMMING into the ground, skidding. Dust FLYING. Her headwraps torn to shreds with only the scarf around her neck remaining.


    She lied, face-down, shaking.


    “You got her!” Vizon cheered from behind. Jolvia and Rikzyod recovered, moving to encircle the downed Pikachu. Nivanee nodded to Avery to approach carefully. The Old Wanderer’s ears would surely be ringing now!


    “Okay-” Avery huffed, looking around at everyone. “Strike now! If we get her downed then we’ll have captured the Old Wanderer-!”


    He rushed forward, preparing a thunderous punch! Vizon readied a mach punch! Rikzyod with a SLAM! Jolvia flying in with a double kick! Nivanee sailing forward with iron tail!


    The Old Wanderer hobbled to her feet. Slowly, she opened her eyes, trying to blink away the blurriness.


    Avery could see her face now. Green eyes. An old scar on her lip. Ears folded behind her head. A tuft of messy hair from her head wraps upon her head.


    Avery’s thunder punch CONENCTED, STRIKING across her cheek! She backed up!


    Vizon SCREAMED in, STRIKING the other cheek! She stumbled back again. Blood spat from her lip.


    Rikzyod whiffed his slam but THREW his fits up, uppercutting the Pikachu.


    BOTH of Jolvia’s kicks connected! The Pikachu’s body TWISTED as she was sent skidding to the side.


    One more hit! THIS WAS IT!


    THIS WAS IT!!!





    The Pikachu’s legs wobbled, body shaking, blood dribbling down her chin as she grit her teeth. Bleary eyes drunkenly swayed from side to side, trying to get a look at her opponents.


    Just one…more hit…


    One more hit…


    But it wouldn’t come.


    The Pikachu stepped back, straightening, fists clenched.


    No more hits came.


    Vizon jumped back. Rikzyod moved out the way. Jolvia back-stepped.




    “Nivanee!” Vizon yelled.


    The Eevee was just…standing.


    “Nivanee, attack! What’re you doing?! Nivanee?!”









    Nivanee’s mouth was open, frozen…but she muttered only one thing.




    Avery almost didn’t hear the word for the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He stood ready to go, fists clenched to help deliver the final blow-


    But that word made his blood run cold.




    Everything was still.


    Nobody moved.


    The Pikachu gripped her scarf, brow furrowing.


    “…Janus…?” Nivanee said again. Louder.


    Her voice…was terrifying.






    The Pikachu’s eyes widened for a moment, hearing the name. She grit her teeth harder…and swore under her breath, pulling the scarf over her bleeding lip.


    There was silence…




    A giggle. Mirthful.




    Like this was all a game.


    “Janus…~!” Nivanee said, her bubbly voice cracking. She took a hobbling step forward. The Pikachu stepped back. “What’re you doing over there, huh? It’s…it’s been a while.”


    The Pikachu said nothing, only staring deep at the Eevee.


    “Janus why don’t you say anything. It’s…it’s your big sister…”


    Vizon slowly backed away, Jolvia following suit. Nivanee kept approaching the Pikachu.


    “I’ve…been waiting for you to come home…” Nivanee said, her voice cracking again.


    The Pikachu said nothing…then sighed, her brow heavy.


    “I’m sorry you had to see this, Nivi.” Janus said at last. “I’d hope that if you had to bring me in you could at least think I was just some mook.”


    “Oh no no, I could never think that, Janus, not about you, I swear.” Nivanee assured, choking. “But now I found you and…and you can come home and come back to the guild and…”


    Janus stared hard at her.


    Nivanee gulped.


    “…and everything can be ok again.” Nivanee finished. Janus offered no reply.


    “…Niv,” Avery said carefully. “…This is…this is the person whose….whose gang of thieves attacked Lahnae and Loshjno yesterday. I don’t know much about Janus, but…she wouldn’t do those things. Right?”


    Nivanee’s lip wobbled, hearing him.


    “No, Avery it’s…it’s got to all be a big misunderstanding, it’s…” Nivanee hiccuped. “Janus, tell him. You didn’t really attack Lahnae and Loshjno, right? You’re not with bad guys, you’re just…undercover! Or, or…Janus?”


    Janus stared hard at the both of them.


    “Nivi…what’s happened to you?” Janus said, her voice piercing. “You’re rambling like a mad woman. I expected many things…if this ever happened. But this? This I never expected from you.”


    “What?” Nivanee asked, stepping forward, the Pikachu stepping back. “J-Janus what are you talking about? You don’t have to pretend anymore. You’re safe with your big sis, you can stop all this nonsense!”


    Janus’s eyes flared, an ARC of lighting firing from her hands. Nivanee yelped, backing away at the attack. The Eevee’s face was confused. Hurt. Broken.


    “Grow up, Nivanee!” Janus shot back, shoving an Oran berry in her mouth. She popped her shoulders and knuckles, staring daggers at the group. “I didn’t want you to know, but now that you do-“


    “Know what? What’s there to know?” Nivanee stammered. “What-“


    “I’m not coming back to the guild!” Janus roared, a shock wave CASCASING out from her, knocking Vizon and RIkzyod over, Jolvia barely hopping out of the way! “I’d cut my throat before going back there, do you hear me?!”


    Avery flinched.


    “…If…if you won’t come back as Janus,” Avery said, words measured. “…You’ll have to come back as the Old Wanderer. That’s…that’s the choice you have in front of you. If you don’t want to come back, Janus, if you don’t want to work there…then you’re going to have to come with us as…as an outlaw.”


    It felt wrong saying it. Avery didn’t even know Janus that well, but…


    “Niv…Niv has been looking for you. For…a really long time. You just left. Without a word. T…to your own sister. And then seven years later she finds you as an outlaw? Working with the Thieves’ Guild?? Have you been brainwashed??”


    “Brainwashed?” Janus growled. She eyed Nivanee…then returned to Avery.


    “I should ask the same of you.” She said at last, BOLTING forward.


    Her body ARCED with electricity. SHOCKWAVES spread with every step. Her body lightning fast, zig-zagging to the Plusle!


    She DOVE, teeth BARRED.


    “Then bring me back an outlaw! Whole or in pieces!” Janus STREAKED to you. “My conscious is clear either way!”


    Nivanee sidestepped, unable to retaliate, shaking her head, utterly in shock.


    Avery squared his stance, arms out to receive her. Whoever this was…it was his duty to bring her in.


    Avery let out a yell, falling back along with her tackle, somersaulting backwards! He kicked into her gut as they rolled.


    Janus tumbled back at the kick. She CAUGHT herself on her feet, IMMEDIATELY springing forward again!


    “AVERY!” Jolvia yelled, blind-siding Janus with a kick, veering her off course! She SHOT out toward Vizon who tried to catch her! The Riolu was knocked aside. Janus RICOCHETED from Vizon, SHOOTING to Rikzyod, SLAMMING HIM, and BOUNDING toward Jolvia, PULVERZING her.


    All the while Nivanee watched. Only watched. Shaking her head, mouthing something to herself, tears streaming down her face.


    “Nivanee!” Avery shouted. “Snap out of it!”


    Vizon flipped back up, firing aura sphere after aura sphere at the speeding pikachu.


    “Huh!” Rikzyod shook his head, the electricity barely phasing him. Janus was STREAKING towards him again! The Geodude stuck an arm out, grabbing her and SLAMMING her into the ground.


    ‘She’s fast. She’s really fast. Incredibly fast. What can I do about this-?!’


    She was hurt. But she bounced, ZIPPING up then DOWN, like a meteor, right to Avery!


    “Avery! Watch out!” Vizon yelled!


    The Plusle didn’t had time to react. He only had time to register Vizon’s words before he turned to see Janus screaming towards him like a bullet. Janus TACKLED Avery, rolling with him and pinning him to the ground. She straddled the Plusle, fury in her eyes.


    “You…” she said, striking Avery in the face. “…I don’t recognize you. Another new team…”


    She hit him. Again. Again. Again.


    “I don’t know who you are, or who your friends are…”


    Again. AGAIN.


    Avery coughed, and a metallic taste found its way between his lips. The punches…hurt. They hurt badly.


    Janus grabbed Avery by the scruff of his neck, grabbing his badge. She PULLED it off and TOSSED it away.


    He wasn’t unconscious. But he was close. His badge flew off, landing into the mud with a wet sound as he hung there, struggling weakly in her grasp.


    “…get out before you’re in too deep, kid.”


    His head was spinning – this was something he should have been able to escape! But…Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.


    Then, there was a shout from behind her.


    A shrill scream pierced the air.


    All at once, Janus was off of Avery! CARRIED away by a dark streak!




    Nivanee’s voice echoed across the plains.


    Janus tumbled. Struck. Struck. Nivanee’s iron tail swiped. SLICED. POUNDED her!


    “You-!” Janus was cut off. SLAMMED into the dirt by the iron tail.


    “HOW COULD YOU?!” Nivanee screamed. She SLAMMED her tail down! Janus yelped, trying to get away. Another slam! ANOTHER!






    “TO ME?!”










    Nivanee huffed, breathing shakily. Janus lie crumpled, blood smeared on her face.


    Breathing ragged.


    Janus lifted her head…




    “I did…I did what…” Janus spluttered, a single eye open. “…what I knew was right…”


    “What?” Nivanee growled, eyes flaring as she stared down at the Pikachu, tail glowing.


    Janus lifted her head higher, broken on the ground.


    A small, wavering grin crossed the Pikachu’s bleeding face.




    Nivanee lost it. She SLAMMED her tail into Janus with EARTH SHATTERING FORCE!








    And above the crashing sound of the ground splintering and ripping


    was Nivanee’s wails.


    Until finally…the dust settled…


    All was silent…


    There, silhouetted in the dim light that pierced the swirling dust…Nivanee stood alone.


    Avery was lying there in the dirt, rasping breath through his lungs. He wasn’t out, but…he didn’t feel good at all. His head was throbbing, he could feel blood dripping down his cheek from his mouth. He’d been pummeled, mercilessly, into the dirt.


    Slowly, deliberately, Avery rolled over and tried to push himself back up into a standing position, on trembling arms, trembling legs. He moved to take his badge, but found nothing there.


    His hand fell back to his side. Avery just stood there, swaying on his feet.


    Avery wanted to say something to Nivanee. To…anyone. But none of the words would come. He felt a million miles away from everyone standing here with him.


    All his teammates stood in silence.


    Jolvia. Vizon. Rikzyod.




    Staring toward the crater Nivanee had created. The Eevee was…shuddering. Trying to not break down. Trying to be strong as she stood over the now immobilized Janus, the girl barely conscious anymore.


    Slowly, Nivanee removed her badge.


    “Janus…” Nivanee began. Her voice was…cold. Trying to maintain. But it couldn’t hold. Her next word broke. “…I l-love you.”


    Janus’s eyes weakly rolled toward the Eevee. Her lip trembled.


    “…yeah.” Janus quietly replied.


    In a flash of light, it was over.


    Janus was gone, vanished from the crater. Nivanee replaced the badge.


    “…mission…” She tried to begin. “…m-mission com…c…”


    Her legs wobbled. She collapsed, sobbing. Vizon looked to Avery from across the charred battleground.


    Avery stumbled forwards, legs trembling. He was a mess. His head hurt both inside and out. None of them had gotten out of this unscathed.


    But…he reached Nivanee, and fell to a kneeling position, wrapping his arms around her side.


    Avery’s voice sounded hoarse, like he’d been gargling rocks. But he squeezed.


    “…We found her, Niv. We’ll…we’ll get to the bottom of this.” He rasped. “Vizon and I…we promised we’d help you get your sister back. T…this just means…t-the job isn’t…over yet. The mission isn’t over yet.”


    Nivanee gulped…and let out a cry, pressing into the Plusle, sobbing. She bit her lip, trying to control herself, but only screwed her eyes shut and let her tears flow.


    Slowly, Vizon approached, pressing against her other side, hugging with Avery. Jolvia and Rikzyod stood back respectfully, watching.


    “Everything will be ok eventually.” Vizon assured, his own voice weak. Nivanee rubbed her cheek against Avery, body wracked with every sob.


    “What’s happened to her…? What happened to my little sister?” Nivanee cried. “What happened to our nights in Arceliaze with Kipuuna and Ganisus? What happened to having each other’s backs? What happened to…my best friend? The girl that rode Dad’s boat with me? What happened to Janus, Avery? What…?”


    She hiccuped.


    “Why did this have to happen? Why like this?”


    “…I don’t know,” Avery said, hating the phrase more and more every time he had to say it. “But we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out together, we…we know where she is. She’s in custody. We have…we have all the time in the world now.”


    He let out a long sigh.


    “We’ll be with you every step of the way.” Avery gave her a little smile. “…But…for now…I think we should head home. Janus is…”


    He let out a little laugh, wiping his cheek free of crimson.


    “…well, she’s almost as tough as you.”


    Slowly…Nivanee nodded.


    “Thank you…thank you, Avery…I…” She sniffed softly. “…I love you.”


    She was quiet a moment, staring down at the crater.


    “She…seemed serious, though.” She sighed. “Never coming back to the guild…I hope we can get her to renounce that horrible Thieves’ Guild that’s gone and confused her…”


    Vizon nodded, squeezing them both.


    “I spent 7 years thinking we were still a team. That she’d come back any moment, any second, and everything would be ok…but we…”


    She paused, as if dreading the words.


    “…we disbanded a long time ago.”


    And in the following silence…a wind blew over the tall grass of Breezy Plains.


    The sun slowly beginning to set.



    Results: Team Azure Cleared Tall Woods. Mission completion pending.

    Recruits: None

    Rewards:  90,000 p

    Chapter 12.3





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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