The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 12.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Avery squeezed his arms tightly around himself as the gong shook him awake. Distantly, his mind remembered how chipper Nivanee was about that thing. He had no idea how she did that.


    “Nmgh… Good morning, Viz…”


    Once again, Avery found himself in the middle of the floor, Vizon wrapped in the blanket by himself. The Riolu grunted, looking as though he wanted to shove a pillow over his head…but seemed to realize this would do no good. He’d have to face the day eventually.


    Vizon took a breath and JUMPED from the bed, throwing the blanket aside.


    “Good morning, Avery!” Vizon said, trying to psyche himself up.




    “What’s say to another GLORIOUS day?”


    Avery rolled onto his back, looking up at Vizon as he jumped out of bed.


    “Okay, Nivanee~” Avery teased, slowly sitting up myself.


    Vizon gasped excitedly.


    “You noticed!” He said, bouncing. “I’m going try to be more like her today! Peppy! Professional! Cool!”


    “Niv is cool,” Avery said, standing up shakily. “But… I think Vizon’s pretty cool too, y’know.”




    Vizon smiled back at the Plusle’s compliment. Hammy perhaps, but appreciated. Over the gong, Avery could hear the sound of doors opening outside as the guild rose from their slumber, Vizon throwing their door open as well.


    “C’mon, Avery! Seize the day!”


    Avery gave a little smile, rubbing at his eyes as he stumbled after Vizon into the hallway for the morning address. They both exited the dorms, following after Lahnae and Loshjno, the latter looking much better than last night. In front of them was Aquashock, then Nivanee. The Eevee lookee back, waving at everyone before taking her place.


    Everyone filed in as Sarfallinus set down the gong ringer. Off to the side, Olistia sat, leafing through reports, reading with interest.


    Avery gave Kipunna a quick look as he got in line but… Broke his gaze pretty quickly. He felt a sort of pang.


    ‘… Right. I’m not on good terms with him. I don’t really get why…’


    “Good morning, guild.” Sarfallinus spoke just as Vizon stood at the ready. “Hope everyone slept well, recovered from a hard day’s work? And what a day of hard work it was…”


    Olistia hummed, taking a few papers from a folder.


    ‘Oh, Olistia is here again…? I thought her visit yesterday was a one time thing…’


    “Overall, for our first day, I’m very happy.” Olistia smiled, standing up. “The elites have been making inquiries and arrests, and even our missteps have proven helpful!”


    She gave Spade a comforting glance, the pair beaming.


    “Now then…going over the results from yesterday if I might just review, Sarfi?”


    “Of course, Conduit.”


    Olistia smirked, turning to the paper in hand.


    “Team Aquashock successfully swept east Arcea, reporting Thieves’ Guild movement going north from Steeljag bluff…”


    She traced a finger down.


    “Team Duskwalker conducted a successful security audit and oversaw required fortifications in Yahneri port. Thank you, Nivanee.”


    Nivanee weakly nodded.


    “Team Azure has successfully retrieved a set of ten Dovve Fo Uddjo vouchers…” she flipped the page. “…aaand unearthed and subdued a flash army-based micronation posing a major threat to the civil populace and domestic stability…”


    Her eyebrows raised, looking impressed.




    Avery coughed a little, looking down bashfully. He… Didn’t want to dwell on that too much.


    Olistia thankfully switched to another page, taking a breath.


    “Finally, the western sweep was unsuccessful but contact with notorious Thieves’ Guild member nicknamed ‘The Old Wanderer’ was confirmed, with movement recorded for heading due east.”


    “Thus, today’s assignments.” Sarfallinus began, Olistia handing him the larger file. “We’re going to have Aquashock handle the west side sweep while Team Spade performs a southern sweep to ensure the way to Dovve Fo Uddjo is clear.”


    Kipuuna nodded without hesitation…while Lahnae rolled her eyes…but nodded all the same.


    “As for Team Azure, I’m tasking you with something more specific.”


    He approached Vizon and Avery, taking a file from his folder.






    REWARD: 90,000 POKE


    “You’re going after the Old Wanderer, the bandit that attacked Lahnae and Loshjno.”


    “That’s an old flyer.” Olistia put in. “The Old Wanderer is wanted for even more now. Grand Conspiracy, Assault on Public Officials, Assault on Legal Personnel, like guild members…this Poke’mon is considered a top agent of the Thieves’ Guild. Ruthless and Dangerous.”


    “According to Team Spade, their movement suggests they couldn’t have gone far.” Sarfallinus continued. “In fact…they may be reconvening at Breezy Plain.”


    Avery’s face paled. This…


    ‘This is a joke, right? This is some kind of joke?’


    Avery looked up at him, Olistia, and the rest of the guild, waiting for them to burst out into laughter before giving them their real assignment.


    But… That didn’t seem to be happening.


    “I… Sir, are we… Are we qualified for this…?” Avery stammered, unsure. “This is a huge bounty, a-and… This guy has a grocery list of… Of many, many different crimes…! This seems like something… V-very serious, doesn’t it?”


    “It does, but this suggestion comes straight from Olistia herself, after reviewing the results of yesterday’s mission.” Sarfallinus explained, the Gardevoir looking hopefully at Avery. “But even given your track record, we’re not going to risk just sending two of anyone out there to handle a criminal like this, comperable to Xamao as they are.”


    He handed Vizon the wanted poster.


    “This mission I’m mandating all your subordinates be dispatched with you…as well as teaming you up with Ni…mh…” He paused, stopping himself. “…Team Duskwalker. You two seemed to work well back on Rocky Hills, yes?”


    Nivanee perked up, smiling at the news.


    Avery let out a sigh of relief.


    ‘So we aren’t going to go at it alone, that’s a relief. Though…’


    One of the wanderer’s crimes worried Avery. Kidnapping. The Thieves’ Guild, if Olistia was to be believed, knew about Avery and his whole thing with Arceus. They were already trying to interfere with Avery’s dreams.


    ‘That…wouldn’t happen to me, right?’


    “All subordinates…? So everyone we’ve recruited, then,” Avery said. “Is there an easy way to get in contact with them, or will we just go out into the city to get them?”


    “They’ve been notified by courier. They should be waiting for you outside.” Sarfallinus explained. He leafed through the rest of the folder, taking out a smaller folder. “Here, take this. You’re gunna need it. It’s a dossier on The Old Wanderer  based on information gathered by elites and guild members over the years.”


    Nivanee took to folder.


    “It’s a lot of ground to cover,” Sarfallinus explained. “Breezy Plain is a big, wide place. But we’ve got a good feeling they’ll be there somewhere. We have to catch them today or else they’ll slip away from us again.”


    “I remember The Old Wanderer…” Nivanee grumbled, putting the folder in her satchel. “That guy and his team have fought and gotten away from me…Kipuuna…now Lahnae. They’re slippery. Tricky, too…really tricky…but I’ll be ready this time!”


    Avery’s brow furrowed.


    “So…how are we going to catch him if he’s this slippery?” Avery asked. “We’re going to have to try something different if the same thing hasn’t worked…right?”


    “Exactly. No running at this guy like any other outlaw, he has his way of getting away.” Nivanee mused. “Let’s see…you, Vizon, me…you had two subordinates, yet? That’s 5…that should be enough.”


    “Enough? For what?” Vizon asked. Nivanee brought herself back to attention.


    “I’ll explain once we break.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, gesturing to Team Spade.


    “Once you read the dossier be sure to talk to Team Spade about what happened. The information might be crucial.”


    Vizon and Nivanee nodded as Sarfallinus stepped back to Olistia’s side.


    “Now, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. The days off are probably going to be delayed due to everything that’s going on, at least until we have more ground against Xamao and whatever his Thieves’ Guild cronies are cookin’ up.” Sarfallinus put his hands behind his back. “With that, let’s get to work, guild. Dismissed!”


    “AYE” The guild, Avery included, replied.


    With that, the line broke, each of the teams forming up to conduct their individual business. Avery sighed, turning to Vizon and Nivanee.


    “…There’s barely any time to train…” Avery sagged. “A lot of the Pokemon I’ve been going up against…electricity hasn’t been enough. I need some more avenues, but I don’t have time.”


    “Aw, chin up, Avery!” Nivanee’s voice was ever mirthful as she shuffled up to him and Vizon, the rest of the guild members dispersing to their tasks for the day. “There’s no training like experience, right?”


    “None!” Vizon cheered, almost too quickly, though he backed off a little. “I mean…so long as we’re not almost dying.”


    “Oh no, nothing like that. Worst The Old Wanderer does is knock you upside the head and flee like a coward.” Nivanee shook her head. “It was two or so years ago, but I still remember how much of an idiot I felt like when I lost him. All of them.”


    “Hey yeah, about that…” Avery commented, looking up. “Why do you keep referring to the Old Wanderer as one Poke’mon some times and then as several Poke’mon other times?”


    “Oh!” Nivanee snickered, realizing her communication failure. “The Old Wanderer has a whole team. He travels in a group of about five poke’mon, each of them with the same kind of colorful scarves around their heads, like those ‘wanderers’ in Illaminamo, you heard of them?”


    Vizon nodded. Avery didn’t but decided not to interrupt.


    “Anyway, the issue is that The Old Wanderer always attacks from the shadows” Nivanee continued. “…and business deals are conducted as a team, obfuscating which one the leader is. It’s indeed a single Poke’mon, but…nobody knows which of the five Poke’mon in the team is the actual Old Wanderer.”


    “So…the optimal outcome is to capture multiple of them…?” Avery said, frowning. “How are we going to do that…? If there’s five of them, and they’re in the shadows…”


    Avery looked at his bag, and sighed.


    “Gah, that job drained us dry…and I don’t think we even got a reward for it. We, uh…don’t have a lot of money, heh…”


    Nivanee frowned, looking in Avery’s bag.


    “Oh…I guess your reward was only those Dovve Fo Uddjo vouchers, huh?” Nivanee giggled, beaming. “That’s ok! I’ll cover your costs today, no worries!”


    “Wow are…are you sure?”


    “Of course! Why not? We’re all in this together, after all!” Nivanee smiled again. “Now, as for catching multiple of them…it’s unlikely. They tend to keep spread out and are each powerful on their own….we’ll be focused on finding the one true Old Wanderer. Here, what don’t weeee…”


    Nivanee opened her satchel, placing the dossier in Vizon’s hands.


    “…study our target~?”


    Avery nodded, looking over the dossier in Vizon’s hands. The Plusle did have to get up on his tip-toes to see it, which was…a little embarrassing. But it was fine! Thankfully, Vizon helpfully sat down onto the ground, letting both they and Nivanee peer over to look.


    ~ CASTLE ARCEALI – 6T61/L35~


    File Designation: The Old Wanderer

    Filed Under: Criminal Investigation


    Real Name: Unknown

    Family: Unknown

    Age: Unknown

    Date of Birth: Unknown

    Gender: Unknown

    Description: Unknown

    Species: Unknown



    The Old Wanderer is a high-profile criminal lord of the Thieves’ Guild operating under the suspected guild boss, Deshuuna (evidence pending). The Old Wanderer came into notice by local and state authorities in 6T58 when a new Thieves Guild team was seen operating in the Steeljag/Yahneri region. Operations began with high-profile heists on ships from Quayoff-based bank “Well of Gold”, a sum of 40,000P taken. On this first officially documented sighting of The Old Wanderer, their modern-day team tactics were already in place.


    Crimes have escalated to taking money from merchant shops and construction companies as well as alleged kidnapping and trafficking of Arcean citizens, primarily from the Illaminian-national population. The kidnapped victims whereabouts are still unknown.


    No contacts or personal information has been extrapolated, neither for The Old Wanderer or the members of their team.


    Psyche Profile:

    The Old Wanderer has been described as cocky and bull-headed, with a penchant for grandstanding when species is obscured. The other teammates do not share this behavior.


    Team is confirmed to consist of:

    One (1) Nidorina

    One (1) Emolga

    One (1) Pikachu

    One (1) Pachirisu

    One (1) Rattata


    Names and identities unknown. It is assumed one of these members is the Old Wanderer.


    All team members are described as obscuring their faces with multicolor scarves, along with wearing their Schism Sigil earrings to signify their affiliation with the Thieves’ Guild.



    The Old Wanderer has made it a point to obscure which of the team is the real Old Wanderer. They conduct business deals together and attack from the shadows to obscure which member is giving the orders. (Reminder from above, when all teammates are obscured, the Old Wanderer indulges in show-boating, to date the only defining feature of the Old Wanderer to differentiate them from their teammates).


    At rest, the Old Wanderer has been observed keeping their team camping in relative isolation to one another, camping together in one area but maintaining distance from one another. Each poke’mon is strong enough to win and one-on-one duel with most poke’mon. When one is attacked, they send a flare to signal the other members to scatter, the one left behind staying to stall the attackers before attempting escape, typically using a Flash Seed or Fog Orb. Because of this, thorough investigation is REQUIRED before selecting a member to attack.


    Avery thought for a moment, looking up and down the dossier. A Nidorina…could…?


    He shook his head, banishing the thought.


    “Alright…so from this…what’s the plan?”  He asked. “I…I’m not sure what I could do here with all this.”


    “Just that, right at the end.” Nivanee said, pointing at the bottom of the page. “Thorough investigation. If and when we find them, we have to know beforehand who The Old Wanderer is before we make our move. Otherwise he’ll slip away again while we end up fighting one of his cronies.”


    Vizon nodded…then tilted his head.


    Able to take on any poke’mon one on one…they sound extremely tough.”


    “They were, when I fought them.” Nivanee shook her head. “When I went after the Old Wanderer down in Apple Woods I ran for the Nidorina and fought them while the others ran. Just before I got a clean shot, I got blinded…I don’t even know if they were the right one…”


    She folded her ears back.


    “…very embarrassing.”


    “…So how would we figure it out beforehand?” Avery asked, looking at her. “If nobody’s figured it out so far…what’s the clue that we’re missing?”


    “No clue…he’s kept his tracks clean. But…” Nivanee paused, smiling and turning toward the guild hall exit. “…if we’re lucky then he’s made mistakes this time. You keep doing this kind of thing long enough and eventually you mess up. And it only takes once.”


    Vizon stuffed everything back in the folder, nodding emphatically.


    “Only once…yeah…we’ll get him!” He cheered. “Well, guess we know what to do. Get our teammates, restock, talk to Team Spade then start our hunt in Breezy Plain. And that’s practically a stone’s throw away from Arceliaze.”


    Vizon turned to Nivanee, cocking an eyebrow.


    “Though…seems kinda reckless on The Old Wanderer’s part to camp so close to the capital city.”


    “The dossier must be right. The Old Wanderer is bull-headed.” Nivanee replied with a giggle.


    Vizon looked to Avery, ready at last.


    “We’re right behind you, Team Leader. Where to first?”


    Avery paused, thinking about it.


    “We should probably get our teammates first, then stock up to see what they might need.”


    Though as he said this, Avery thought to himself.


    ‘This Old Wanderer guy…he’s a showboat. If he’s a showboat, how can we use that…? What sort of trap can we lay that uses that…?’


    Vizon nodded in agreement, opening up the front doors to the guild. The three of them stepped out into Arceliaze. The sun was bright, nary any clouds in the sky. The air was still with barely any wind.


    And there, by the entrance plaque stood a familiar Nidorina and Geodude. Jolvia looked back, hearing them approach first.


    “Things just move a mile a minute at the guild, hm?” The Nidorina asked, chuckling. “First day a member and I’m already receiving messages by courier to come immediately.”


    “He caught me in the middle of my second to last bout at the fight club!” Rikzyod folded his arms. “No matter, they were like paper, whatever this is will be much more worth my time, surely.”


    Nivanee giggled.


    “Nice to see you again, Rikzyod. Been busy with Avery?”


    “No indeed, not yet! Apparently last mission was far too boring.” He replied before flashing the girl a smile. “It is good to see you, too, Nivanee.”


    Jolvia’s eyebrows raised, looking to Rikzyod.


    “Oh, Avery, I didn’t realize he was with you.” Jolvia said with a small grin. “I figured he was just loitering.”


    “Oh Rikzyod…I had no idea how not-boring the mission was going to be,” Avery said with a little laugh, looking at Rikzyod apologetically. “Hindsight is twenty-twenty, if I knew what was going to happen even on the way there, I could have definitely used your help. But, uh, how much do you two know about what we’re doing? We’ve got the dossier if you want to give it a look-over.”


    “The courier didn’t give any specifics on what we’d be doing…very hush-hush.” Jolvia noted, pushing her glasses up, leaning over to look at the dossier. “…from the looks of it, perhaps a bit of a secret mission? High profile?”


    “A little bit.” Nivanee admitted. “Oh, Avery, is this woman also your subordinate?”


    Jolvia lifted her eyes, looking at Nivanee. Her brow knitted somewhat but she otherwise looked happy enough to see the Eevee.


    “Ah, famous Nivanee of Duskwalker…It’s a pleasure.” Jolvia was kindly and polite as ever. Nivanee nodded to the Nidorina as Avery replied.


    “Yeah, Jolvia’s a subordinate of a sort,” Avery said, looking between Nivanee and Jolvia. “She’s…a loan manager of the One Truth Bank. We met her during the coup, she was a huge help. Really good under pressure, too…!”


    “Well well, we’re going to need it, I imagine!” Nivanee said. “Do you know how to fight?”


    “Yes.” Jolvia said simply. Nivanee nodded, opening the dossier.


    “Then take a look: we’re going after The Old Wanderer and his team, last seen heading for Breezy Plains.” Nivanee said. Jolvia raised her eyebrows.


    “The Old Wanderer, hm.” Jolvia mused, looking over the page, pointing to the date on the header. “The report is from last year it looks. Some of this might be outdated.”


    “What, do you, like…know something?” Vizon asked. Rikzyod only started between Avery and Jolvia as the Nidrorina clicked her tongue.


    “A rumor among bankers…The Old Wanderer may be working close with Xamao these days. Moreso than they are with the Thieves Guild Master…which I see is suspected to be Deshuuna of all Poke’mon…”


    Avery gave Nivanee a quick look. This was normal. Jolvia seemed…to know a lot. But at least, if she was giving us this information, that helped corroborate that the Nidorina most likely wasn’t her.


    ‘Though…at the same time, Spade was attacked by the Old Wanderer while Jolvia was with us in the lowlands. So that should have been my first hint.’


    “Xamao…” Avery mumbled again, clenching his fists. “He’s been really active from the sounds of it. I haven’t heard hide nor hair of Deshuuna compared to the guy. Is that normal…?”


    “Uh…” Nivanee thought to herself before Jolvia cut in.


    “Not normally, no. Thieves’ Guild, as I understand it, typically work from the shadows. They don’t like their names plastered on wanted posters like it’s the early days of Arcean expansion.” Jolvia smiled mysteriously, Nivanee giving her a sideways glance. “Xamao, however, seems to operate differently, I imagine much to the chagrin of the guild master. But…that was years ago, back when he tried that assassination on Olistia…is he active again?”


    Vizon hummed to himself, whilst RIkzyod tried (and failed) to read the hard words on the dossier.


    Avery looked at Nivanee, trying to gauge how much they should say to their subordinates. It was top secret info, so…Avery figured he’d err on the side of caution.


    Turning back to Jolvia, he nodded.


    “Yeah. On our first mission, our hostage rescue was intercepted by Xamao. He took one of our bounties, and has been…pretty busy since. Vizon and I have been working in the shadow of his influence since we started off, actually. I think the coup was the first time one of our missions didn’t involve him in some way…”


    “Mmm…” Jolvia hummed to herself, hearing that, but said no more, only nodding. “So, in that case, this Old Wanderer is related, then? What of them?”


    “Only that they attacked poor Team Spade and gave Loshjno a nasty bump on the head.” Nivanee replied, closing the dossier back up. “The Old Wanderer attacked them up in Tall Woods and scattered from there, like his team usually does.”


    “Mm, directly attacking guild?” Jolvia mused…with a sigh. “How bold, rather cocky I’d say. I should think few criminals would actively pursue the guild for any reason. You get nothing out of it except maybe a few items and a whole country furious at you.”


    “Who cares! If they have the stones to attack guild out of the blue, then that means only one thing…” Rikzyod’s look betrayed his excitement, which Nivanee tempered.


    “Stones?” Nivanee shook her head with a grumble. “No, no, cowardice more like. Recall the dossier. They’ve in their ranks a Pachirisu, an Emolga and a Pikachu, along with a Nidorina. Paired up against a fire type and, poor Loshjno, a water type, the pair were easy picking. We’ll show they what a real fight is like.”


    Nivanee seemed a tad more…gung-ho. Perhaps, Avery reasoned, that pervious failure to capture the Old Wanderer left a score to settle…?


    “Well, no use delaying in that case.” Vizon said, turning to Avery. “Alright, Team captain. We’ve got items to buy, maybe a withdrawal to make, Team Spade to talk to…a full plate before heading out to Breezy Plain.”


    “Well…normally I’d make a deposit to the bank for our surplus, but, uh…” Avery looked at his pouch, feeling how light it was. “Niv, are you still okay with spotting us for items for today? I’ll pay you back.”


    “Sure, Avery! Anything specific you need from Zwangai’s shop?” Nivanee asked, pulling out an envelope. Clearly some mail she got just today.


    “Okay, uh…uh, some Cheri Berries might be smart, considering we’re going up against a lot of electric types. A good few Oran Berries. I should still have a Rawst in my bag for the Nidorina in their group, and Jolvia can’t get poisoned. Maybe…one or two Reviver Seeds…” Avery frowned. “I…really like the way Flash looks, but I don’t want to ask for too much since you’re spotting us, Niv.”


    “Pshh, 1000p? That’s nothing, Avery. I got you~!” Nivanee assured, taking down the list. “So so…how about 3 cheri berries…10 oran….2 reviver seeds and 1 TM70.”


    Avery nodded in confirmation, Nivanee giving a nod of her own as she made the last few marks on her list.


    “Say, Avery?” Jolvia piped up, leaning over. Avery glanced at her. “I see Vizon and Nivanee are splitting up to go to the item shop. Is there anything you need from Rikzyod and I? Would you like us to accompany you?”


    “Blech, money counting, penciling pushing…” Rikzyod shook his head. “I understand it’s preamble to the real fun, but…”


    “Well, I was just going to be making a withdrawal from the bank,” Avery said, looking back at them. “I’m not sure if that’s something either of you would want to accompany me on though…! It’s on the other side of town, in the Farming District, so it’s going to be a bit of a walk in any case.”


    “That’s fine. We may as well get acquainted with the guild facilities, right…Rikzyod, is it?” Jolvia asked. The geodude slouched, rolling his eyes.


    “Bahhh, ‘may as well see guild facilities’. Dry, dry, dry, are you sure this woman is up for fighting and not managing the team finances?” Rikzyod huffed, smirking a cheeky smirk. Jolvia, for her part, looked more amused than anything, a little glint in her eye.


    “It’ll do you good, too, Rikzyod.” She replied. “Take things slow…let it all build up.”


    ‘Well, at least the two of them are getting along….I think.’


    Avery smiled a little.


    “Let the tension build in your body as you wait in anticipation, before…snap.” Avery snapped his paw to illustrate. “Like a steel trap, primed, lying in wait. It’ll just be a half hour or something to get there, do the thing, and get back, and then we’ll meet up with Vizon and Nivanee.”


    With that, they set off on our way back to the bank. Avery was feeling a lot more optimistic about this, with a plan brewing in his head.


    ‘A showoff, huh? Someone with pride…someone who enjoys making a scene. Maybe we could work with that.’


    Jolvia followed him, Rikzyod lazily swaying in the back, staring off and looking at the sights as they passed by. Avery followed his normal route…the fantastic statues and fountains of the market district were soon replaced with smaller, more practical brick and stone buildings, now in the lower market district. Poke’mon were few today, many milling about at bars or some of the restaurant stands in the buildings, several others grouped together and handing flyers out to a few of the passerby. Closed down buildings sat abandoned here and there between the quaint businesses, boards covering several doorways.


    Soon, on the cobblestone pathways, Avery saw it, as he always did: rising over the more modest buildings stood that ivory wall, blinding in the direct morning sunlight, Arcean flags fluttering on the buttresses of the high wall.


    To Avery’s left was his normal path, leading away from the wall as Vizon suggested. Safe. The Plusle looked up at the wall, brow furrowed.


    “…Jolvia, what’s…on the other side of that wall?” He asked. “Vizon told me to stay away from it, but…I don’t know what’s actually on the other side.”


    “What…that?” Jolvia asked, already walking towards it. Rikzyod followed Jolvia, the both of them looking back at you. “Why stay away from it? It’s just the Illaminian district…didn’t you know?”


    “I go through it plenty.” Rikzyod said, cocking an eyebrow. “What is Vizon so scared of? I’ve seen the boy fight.”


    Avery’s brow furrowed more.


    “…That’s it? It’s just…”


    His fists clenched for just a moment.


    “…Is it a shorter route to get to the Farming District through there?” Avery asked Jolvia.


    “Yes, much.” Jolvia replied, blinking. “Oh don’t tell me you’re one of those kind of poke’mon…”


    She chuckled…though her eyes were searching Avery. Investigating him. Sizing up his every move and reaction to the question. Rikzyod, however, just looked confused, clearly not understanding the question.


    “…I don’t know what ‘those’ means,” Avery said slowly, “…but I don’t have anything against Illaminian Poke’mon at all. I’m not from Arcea either, I have no room to judge.”


    He huffed, walking towards the wall.


    “…I just don’t get why so many people here seem to be so cagey around them.”


    Jolvia was quiet a moment, soaking in Avery’s answer. Then she nodded with a smile, seemingly…satisfied.


    “Oh what else? Bit of bad history both ways hundreds of years ago and now it’s just practically tradition to hate one another.” Jolvia said, though her voice was still cryptic. “Illaminians are hardly fond of Arceans, you know. Bless you for not knowing a thing about it, but you must have no idea what you’ve dropped into here.”


    “I don’t get it.” Rikzyod said. “Who has an issue with the Poke’mon from the west? You two are having your own conversation, I am very lost.”


    “Well, perhaps we can talk along the way…Avery…?” Jolvia stepped aside, the path toward the Ivory wall clear. Avery, without hesitation, decided to walk down the path through the Illaminian district.


    Vizon was good. Avery liked him a lot. But…


    ‘This. This specifically, rubs me the wrong way.’


    “I’m…not from here. I don’t have any memory of my life past maybe a week back, and nobody that I’ve seen has any idea who I am. I don’t remember the calendar system, geography, names, places, faces, anything. But…” Avery looked around at the buildings. “From what I’ve seen…a lot of Poke’mon here don’t like Poke’mon from Illaminamo, despite two Illaminian folks I’ve met being nice, if maybe a bit reserved.”


    Avery looked back at Rikyzod.


    “There’s just people that…I otherwise look up to that…I don’t know.” Avery sighed. “They’re made uncomfortable. And I don’t…I don’t know what to make of that.”


    “Mmm” Jolvia mused, walking by Avery’s side, Rikzyod at his other side. “You sound a clean slate, Avery. And not a few days into your life as a clean slate and you’re already assaulted with all the subtle ways the biases creep in, hm? Avoiding the ivory wall, the discomfort around poke’mon the moment that accent is heard. You sound as though you’ve see it a lot.”


    She paused a moment…the mysterious look in her eye deepened.


    “I have, too.”


    She was quiet as they walked the cobblestone paths. The path became more and more narrow, the buildings closed off, many more boarded up and in disrepair, dilapidated. Scant few Poke’mon were here, milling about in alleyways, staring at them as they passed.


    But the glint of their badges kept them away.


    At last, the wall towered over them. It cut through a line of buildings like a knife dropped from the sky, splitting the city between where they were…and what was beyond. The cobblestone path turned immediately to dirt. Through a tall arch, under the opened gate doors…Avery looked upon the Illaminian district…



    …Avery felt an ache. He was greet with dirt roads. Wood cabins that had begun to rot. Doors hanging from their hinges. Collapsed roofing. Even from just the entrance Avery could see the blackened remains of a burnt down home, its blackened wood old and wet.


    This was…


    ‘This is where the Illaminians live? Arceans live in veritable luxury compared to this…! Stone paved paths, mosiac art installations, statues, brick housing…’


    Avery hadn’t realized he’d stopped walking until he saw Jolvia pass him in his peripheral vision. The Plusle jumped and began to walk again.


    “… I don’t… I don’t like that they seem nervous around me either,” Avery said quietly. “… I mean… I get it. I understand why. But… I hate that it has to be this way.”


    ‘…Why is it like this? Was… Why do I want to fix this so bad? I’m just one Pokemon. Hero of Arceus or no, this… This isn’t what I’m here for, right?’


    Jolvia smiled a sad smile, trudging forward on the dirt path with Avery. Rikzyod, on the other hand, looked as though this were perfectly normal.


    They passed the small log cabins. Yet more old and rotten wood surrounded them. Unkempt roads, high grass. Many lots were empty…many houses were left forgotten and unkempt, never rebuilt after falling apart.


    In the houses Avery could see flickers of movement. Between houses Poke’mon milled, muttering to one another in their native tongue. A few larger buildings dotted the innermost part of the district, with a few more Poke’mon loitering outside.


    All around, the ivory wall loomed. It surrounded the district. Only this district.


    “It’s a fact of life, and it has been for hundreds of years.” Jolvia said, glancing down at Avery. “I’m glad you’re cut from a different cloth, Avery. I really am.”


    Soon, the three slowly approached the south end of the district, the wall getting closer again, exiting out into a small strip of Lower Market District before leading straight to the farming district, right on the path they needed to be on.


    Much faster. Much faster.


    “… I don’t like it,” Avery said quietly, fists clenched. “I don’t…like it. I don’t like this. I wish these Poke’mon didn’t have to live like…”


    He stared at the wall in distaste. The ivory wall. Not a lick of ivory in here, no, it’s all to keep them inside.


    ‘…I’d hate ivory if I had to live here.’


    “Like prisoners.”


    “Prisoners?” Rikzyod questioned, eyebrows raised. “The gates are wide open. And who would stop them if they left?”


    Jolvia patted Rikzyod on the arm, smirking. Rikzyod had no maliciousness or double meaning in his words that Avery could tell, simply obliviousness.


    Soon, the three traveled the road in record time, seeing the bank stand in the distance. And there, once again, the Flaaffy woman stood, sleepily looking down at a ledger and writing. Avery approached quickly, happy for the distraction.


    “Good morning, Kellixae…!” Avery said, his mood brightening a bit as he saw her. He was glad that the last meeting went well – it felt nice seeing her as part of the morning routine. “How was your day yesterday…?”


    Kellixae blinked, looking over to Avery and yawning, a small smile spreading across her muzzle at the sight of him.


    “Mh…well. Busy, as everr, but I have weatherred worse.” She chuckled, leaning on the counter, looking to Jolvia and Rikzyod. “Mmm…more frriends, Averry?”


    “Teammates…and perhaps friends, depending.” Jolvia affirmed, giving a respectful half-bow. There was no hesitancy in her voice as she spoke, a far cry from Vizon’s awkward shuffling. “You sound as though you know Avery well.”


    “I do.” Kellixae replied, stretching. “Though ourr firrst meeting was trroubled…we have since made up.”


    She chuckled, looking back to the Plusle.


    “And what of you, Avery? Was yourr day well yesterrday?”


    Avery let out a sigh, looking off to the side.


    “Well, our mission was…a lot more high-octane than I’d have ever expected from a simple fetch quest.” He explained. “I was hoping today would be a day to rest, but…It seems our guild has a lot going on and nobody can afford to rest on their laurels for even a day…!”


    He turned to the others to introduce them.


    “This is Jolvia and Rikzyod, two friends I made on two separate missions.” Avery said, presenting them. “Jolvia, Rikzyod, this is Kellixae.”


    “Jolvia…Rrikzyod. It’s nice to meet you both.” Kellixae said. Rikzyod smiled, giving a polite half-bow as Jolvia did.


    “Of course, I am happy to meet you as well.” He said, rather cordially. The Geodude seemed at least willing to put on a face around company.


    “As am I.” Jolvia put in, smiling. “It’s not often I get enough time to come this far out in the farming district. I’m usually only passing. Tell me, Kellixae, is this your main job or…?”


    “Debt job. It is quieterr than most otherrs. I mostly smile and look prretty for the bank. Seen more, hearrd less.” The Flaaffy nodded, a quiet yawn escaping her lips. “Now, then. How might I help you, frriends?”


    “…Debt job…?” Avery muttered, tilting his head, a motion the Flaaffy mimiced.


    “Yes, of courrse. My debt job.” Kellixae repeated as thought it were obvious, closing her ledger book. Jolvia snickered.


    “He might need a proper explanation. He’s none too familiar with how things work in Arcea.” Jolvia said, Kellixae letting out a chuckle.


    “Nor do most Arceans when it comes to our matters.” Kellixae laughed, setting her books aside and sorting her papers.


    “You live in the Illaminian district, right?” Jolvia asked.


    “Corrrect.” Kellixae affirmed. “I was given a home like everryone else when we fled old Illamini.”


    “The expense of which is paid for in a small morning job, like Kellixae’s work here at the bank. It’s her debt job.” Jolvia explained, glancing at Avery. Kellixae rolled her eyes, looking a little uncomfortable being used as an example of the concept. “Tell me, Kellixae, what would your main job be?”


    “The one that actually earrns me money? Nothing special, a small inventorry and clerrk job at a no-name item shop in the Lowerr Bazaarr.” Kellixae replied.


    Avery’s eyes went wide.


    “You have two jobs…? Just to pay off a debt…?” Avery looked back towards the Illaminian District, shifting a little.


    ‘She lives in one of those…? And has to pay it off…?’


    “Yes, two jobs. All Illamini op Arceali do. My frriend worrks a bookstorre as herr main job and does a morning job farrming out in the village distrrict.” Kellixae explained. She didn’t seem content moreso accepting. Working this job was like rain or gravity. Just life.


    Avery sighed a bit, his ears drooping. At least she didn’t seem to mind it too much…as far as he could tell. She kept these things close to her chest, he knew that.


    “Maybe I could stop by there sometime one of these evenings,” Avery said, looking up at Kellixae. “Give you some patronage that’ll actually support you in a more…direct way, I guess…!”


    “Hm, funny you should mention..” Kellixae replied with a chuckle. “I was meaning to ask if you would like to come to dinnerr with me and a frriend a few days frrom now, Avery. I do hope that is not too forrwarrd forr Arrceans? We sharre meals often in old Illamini.”


    That made Avery’s ears perk up.


    And…just a little, a bit more rosiness than usual coming to his cheeks.


    “Oh! I’d love to! I don’t know if…I’d be back from whatever mission I’m on a few days from now, since…I’m starting to doubt I’m ever going to get a day off for the near future,” Avery said, scratching the back of his head. “But if you’d have me, I’d love to come have dinner with you. Would you rather I come alone, or would you want me to bring someone as well?”


    Kellixae smiled.


    “You can brring a frriend or two if you like, I should think I would love to meet morre of your frriends if they arre like Jolvia and Rrikzyod here.”


    Rikzyod smiled warmly at that, along with Jolvia.


    “And not to worrry, Avery. We typically don’t go out until late at night. You should get back from yourr work at about the perrfect time to stop by my home.” Kellixae took a slip of paper, writing her address down onto it and sliding it to him. It was an address in the heart of the Illaminian district. “We plan to meet…not tonight but…the night after next. I will be happy to see you therre.”


    “It’s a promise!” Avery said. With all that set, the Plusle quickly conducted his business, taking out 500 p of coin from the bank and bidding the woman a hearty farewell, the address clutched in hand with the money. As he left, the Flaaffy gave a warm wave. With the initial awkwardness gone, she seemed in so much higher spirits, so much happier to see Avery and talk. Jolvia chuckled at the display.


    “Not an Arcean indeed…” the Nidorina mused quietly to herself.


    Now no longer fearing the ivory wall, the three walked through the Illaminian district once more. Nobody bothered or even looked at them as they passed the roughshod buildings.


    Of course…the second time through Avery noticed the glimmers of warmth in the district.


    Between burned and broken buildings there were lovingly painted and redecorated homes. Gardens well kept. Ornaments and flags. Simple houses made into pretty homes.


    A hardy district for a hardy bunch of Poke’mon.


    Avery took a deep breath – they were Poke’mon in a shitty situation, but doing the best that they could. They deserved better, absolutely…but they were doing well for themselves.


    The trio crossed the ivory wall again, returning to the Lower Market district, heading for the One Truth Square.


    The morning was waning, approaching noon, and the crowds were thinning as more and more Poke’mon tended their jobs, most of the Poke’mon out being couriers and delivery Poke’mon.


    There, by the One Truth Square monument, was Nivanee and Vizon. The Riolu looked up and happily waved, running over.


    “Heya, Avery! We got everything you needed!” He said, Nivanee padding up behind him.


    “Hey, that’s great-!” Avery said, jogging over to him. “So are we all ready to go?”


    “Just about…” Nivanee said. She reached back and popped open her satchel with her nose, extracting a small spyglass to show to Avery. “Aside from everything we need to do beforehand we need to keep in mind this guy is, by himself, a very competent fight, and so is the rest of his team.”


    “Beforehand…?” Vizon asked, tilting his head.


    “Yeah! We’re going to need to do a thorough investigation. Once we have everything figured out, we can use this to select our target and move in for the arrest.”


    “Should we do a sneak attack?” Avery asked, eying the spyglass as Nivanee replaced it in her satchel.


    “It’s worth a try…though if he spots us we might be the ones getting ambushed…” Nivanee shook her head. “In any case, what’s say we catch up with Team Spade and get their testimony before heading out for Breezy Plain?”


    Vizon nodded, patting Avery on the shoulder.


    “They should be out by the north gate, as usually.” The Riolu said, unfurling the map, pointing to Breezy Plain on the map. There, just sound of the city of Arceliaze, was a massive expanse of grass surrounded by forests in the dead center of the country. Avery looked down at the map…and his eyes widened in recognition.


    “Oh! Oh, I…that’s where I…that’s where I woke up!”


    “Yeah, exactly!” Vizon said, smiling. “It’s a wide, wide expanse. Lots of ground to cover…here’s hoping that they’ve left a trail to follow.”


    Nivanee stepped forward, Vizon and Jolvia following. Rikzyod slapped Avery on the back encouragingly as the group moved south toward south gate to meet up with Team Spade.


    “Come, Avery. Let us have some fun today!” The Geodude cheered, Avery laughing with him.


    With a pep in the team’s step, they all moved through the streets of Arceliaze, soon getting back out into the farming district, following the dirt pathways past plots of farmland, coming to the stone archway signaling the start of the massive Village district.


    And there, leaning against the archway and talking to one another, was Lahnae and Loshjno. The Torchic perked up, noticing the approaching team and waving.


    “Avery!” She blurted, Loshjno looking their way as well.


    “Hey, guys!” Avery called, waving to them as he picked up the pace towards them. They were nearly off. They were nearly there to try and capture the Old Wanderer! “We’re just here to collect intel on the Old Wanderer before we go. Your talk about the swamp really helped us last time, heh…”


    Lahnae bounced over excitedly, Loshjno coming up from behind. Nivanee handed Vizon a pen and paper, which the Riolu took immediately, understanding.


    “Oh  yeah yeah, totally! We were just waiting for you guys!” She eyed over the group, looking to Avery, Vizon, Nivanee, Jolvia and Rikzyod. “…Cool team by the way!”


    “Thank you!” Rikzyod rumbled, pointing to her and Loshjno. “Cool you! And you, too!”


    Lahnae giggled proudly, looking to Avery.


    “So, you wanna know how it all went down, huh?” She asked, rubbing the back of her head. “I can try to be as specific as possible.


    “Yes, as must detail as you can spare.” Nivanee urged, nodding to Vizon who got ready to jot down notes.


    “Alright…” Lahnae leaned close, voice going quiet. “Listen real carefully. This is how it all went down…:


    “Here’s how I remember it: Loshjno and I were tasked with sweeping Tall Woods and asking after the Thieves’ Guild in Souljraan right? We do it sometimes when some big name criminal is on the loose, sweeping around, trying to look for clues…


    “So while walking through the woods we get to this real dark spot…it’s a patch of tall woods where the ground flattens out on the hill and the canopy is super thick. Basically zero sunlight…Loshjno stops and starts getting a bad feeling…”


    “It’s because I heard voices.” Loshjno said.


    “Yeah, Loshjno heard ’em first. He whispers to me that he heard voices and I strain to listen…I don’t think I heard what he was hearing.”


    “It was like a crowd.” Loshjno said, shaking his head. “…you know…that rumble where you can’t pick out too many individual voices. I’d guess around…20 or 30 individuals.”


    “In the middle of the woods.” Lahnae shuddered. “Like an idiot I tell him to lead us towards the voices cuz, like, during a sweep you HAVE to be brave and look into stuff like this.


    “But then, get this: not a few more steps in we both nearly have a HEART ATTACK when someone shouts at us to stop. I puff out some embers to try and see someone and I see the Pachirisu first, in the thicket, like, just WATCHING us, SUPER freaky!


    “Loshjno shouts, we drop down to avoid a lightning bolt. I puff another ember and see some more shapes in the forest but can’t make anyone out specifically. After some shuffling and running the Poke’mon are surrounding us and changing position rapidly, some of them even go up in the trees and I can’t get a good sight on any of them…


    “Until at last, more attacks come. Loshjno and I try to blast where they’re coming from but one hits Loshjno square in the head…then from the trees, get this, that Old Wanderer creep announces themselves!!


    “They say ‘You won’t go another step in these woods! The Old Wanderer opposes you at every step!’, like it’s some lame-o scare tactic.”


    “That must be the ‘showboating’…” Nivanee noted, Vizon scribbling in his notes. “That confirms the one in the tree was the real one.”


    “Before they attacked again I uh…” Lahnae stopped.


    “Lahnae tearfully begged them to stop and leave us alone…” Loshjno smiled, shrugging. “She didn’t want me hurt any more.”


    Lahnae huffed, flushing.


    “I didn’t cry…” Lahnae muttered, Loshjno just laughing.


    “But the point is, and my head was swimming at this point but…they all just kind of stopped.” Loshjno raised his eyebrows, a curious look on his face. “And with that, the one in the tree called off the attack, saying ‘they had enough, let the kids go. Turn back now, you guild kids won’t catch us!’.”


    Lahnae blew a raspberry.


    “The members all scattered in different directions. But…” Lahnae smirked. “Here’s the important part…the only one to head directly east from Tall Woods was the one in the tree, the Old Wanderer! And the best part? It was raining when it all happened. So more than likely…The Old Wanderer has got to have left a trail you can find.”


    Avery nodded, Looking to Vizon as he jotted that down.


    “Okay, gotcha…! That really helps…! Do you know where exactly in the woods they were when they fled? If not that’s fine, it’ll just narrow the area we have to search for a trail to track the guy down.”


    Lahnae hummed, pulling out her own map of Arcea and drawing on it. She circled a bit of forest on the westernmost edge of Breezy Plain, deep in Tall Woods, with an arrow pointing directly east.



    “Here. The dotted line is the carriage trail from Arceliaze to Souljraan.” Lahnae explained, tracing the line that went along the west edge of the surrounding forest. “I think we were ambushed somewhere around the ‘X’ in Tall Woods, so the clue may be on the dirt path in the circle there. I assume the Old Wanderer had to cross that path if they were running eastward.”


    “If I remember Sarfallinus correctly…” Nivanee began. “The Old Wanderer’s team should be regrouping by now, and may have already done so, mostly likely they’re all somewhere out in Breezy Plains. If we follow a trail, it could lead us straight to their encampment.”


    Avery nodded, looking down at the map. “Alright. I think we’ve got it. Is there anything else to do? Because…if not, I think we’re ready to go!”


    Nivanee shook her head.


    “We’re ready.” The Eevee said, looking up the side of valley Arceali, her brow knitted in determination. “We’ll get them this time, there’s no way they’ll escape.”


    “Not from Team Azure!” Vizon nudged Avery happily. Jolvia snickered, simply watching the three work. Lahnae nodded as well.


    “Well, I guess we better head off south and get the way to Dovve Fo Uddjo ready!” She said, gleefully flashing one of the vouchers. She grabbed Loshjno’s hand, the Squirtle yelping as she dragged him away excitedly. “Kick that Old Wanderer jerk’s BUTT for us, Avery! We’re counting on you!”


    “We’re counting on you two, too!” Avery said as they ran off. “Come back victorious!”


    Vizon nodded, putting the notepad away, patting Avery on the back.


    With that, the group set out, crossing the archway into the village district, clambering up the steep slopes of the Arceali Valley.


    Chapter 12.1





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