The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 19





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The morning air was cold and humid as the first rays of orange sunlight kissed the city of Arceliaze.


    Avery quickly made his way across the bridge, putting the castle behind him. Janus’s words kept quietly repeating in his mind, in a loop. The harshness of her tone, the distrust in her voice. As he crossed over the sloshing canal his exhausted mind wandered to the NAM officers, Sekura’s burning home, the patrols of Illaminian citizens, the hooded figures.


    The Plusle could feel it, creeping into his heart, that feeling of understanding what Janus meant. Knowing how poisoned the city was.


    He was in a haze as he opened the doors to the guild. The crushing weight of the underbelly of Arceliaze showing itself to him was heavy as he walked across the entry hall, towards the stairs.


    As he finally descended, he could hear the voices of his guild mates.


    And returning there…being at the guild…it was like a…


    …sudden jolt.


    There, the teams were all lined up, Sarfallinus up at the front. No Olistia this time. Nivanee and Vizon looked back at Avery, Nivanee biting her lip in worry.


    “Long night, Avery?” The Guild Master drawled, hands behind his back. He made a motion for the Plusle to get in line with the others.


    Avery swallowed.


    ‘Late, then. I mean…this is my first time…! And…yeah, I did have a long night, so…’


    He rubbed at his eyes.


    “Yeah, I apologize,” Avery said, trudging up next to Vizon and Nivanee. He didn’t say anything more, just, getting in line.


    He was still a little distracted. The talk with Janus. The thoughts in his head. Everything.




    And yet, despite the thoughts, those swirling thoughts, everything around…contradicted it.


    The sun shone merrily through the colorful stain glass window.


    The guildmembers stood tall, smiles on their faces, badges glistening in the light.


    Vizon chuckled, patting Avery on the back as the Plusle stepped to his place. Even Nivanee softly giggled.


    It was a merry atmosphere of adventure.


    “Alright, now, guild!” Sarfallinus spoke clearly at the front. “Olistia had a few things to attend to back at the castle today, so I will be giving the rundown on the assignments. Estaloni, if you would…”


    “Aye, sir.” The Ledian fluttered up beside him, handing over a folder which the Infernape opened.


    “Now then…good news and bad news.” Sarfallinus sighed, shaking his head. “Bad news is the eastern sweep was unsuccessful.”


    Lahnae squirmed but otherwise said nothing.


    “But, good news is it revealed crucial information about the location of the Lightning Pearl. Chiefly, its location in the center of Lightning Wastes…and the fact the Treasure Guild is hot on its trail. Thus, more bad news, we’re on a tight timetable to retrieve the pearl before those greedy poke’-pinchers get their sticky paws on it.”


    Everyone nodded.


    “Thankfully, we have Team Spade and Team Azure to thank for their successful reconnaissance. We now have a heatmap of Xamao’s most traveled locations, revealing no doubt his hidden bases. The elites will be clearing those out while we take care of getting the pearls before he does.”


    Sarfallinus closed the folder, looking seriously at the teams, eying them over.


    “I think it’s obvious, of course, who’s going after the Lightning Pearl.”


    Lahnae perked up slightly. Avery glanced at her briefly.


    “We need experience and knowledge here. So the top performers, Team Azure and Team Aquashock, will once again pair up to secure the pearl.” Sarfallinus said. Lahnae slumped immediately in disappointment. “And Team Spade, you…”


    The Infernape paused, staring at Lahnae and Loshjno. A hush fell over the guild hall.




    Sarfallinus coughed, thinking a moment.


    He opened the folder back up.


    “You can, uh…”


    He flipped a few pages.


    “Ah! You…no, not that…maybe…”


    He flipped another page. Lahnae looked miserable.


    “Mmm…howsabout another sweep across Tall Woods, yeah?”


    “But…we already did that…” Lahnae said softly. Sarfallinus bit his lip, flipping another page.


    Oh, well…my mistake, not Tall Woods, what about…Mist Island, aha, that’s-“


    “Completely uninhabited and out of the way.” Lahnae finished, her voice sounding sadder. Sarfallinus was sweating.


    “Did I say Mist Island? I meant to say, um…Dark Ravine! That’s a-“


    “-Place where Xamao never goes nor are there any pearls or birds and so has nothing to do with anything.” Lahnae finished again. She huffed. “…it’s fine. I get it. Over it. We’ll do our best, guildmaster.”


    Loshjno chuckled quietly. Lahnae…tried to not let it show how dejected she was.


    “I’ve no doubt, Team Spade. Do try your best, now.” Sarfallinus encouraged…as best he could.


    Avery glanced over at Kipuuna who looked back, remembering their plan last night. The Piplup gave a nod to proceed, so Avery cleared his throat and spoke up.


    “…I…if I may, Guildmaster,” Avery said, speaking up. “…If you’re looking for experience and knowledge, why not send the team who did reconnaissance with us to secure the pearl? Like you said, we’re spread pretty thin, so having a team familiar with the sorts of tricks and traps that might be waiting when we go for the pearl could be very useful. It’s just a suggestion, of course. I’ve just never been to that area myself.”


    Avery paused impressively, putting his hands behind his back as Sarfallinus stared at him.


    “So…I think working in tandem with Team Spade could be a good idea to consider.” Avery finished.


    “Are you kidding?!” Sarfallinus began, but quickly shut himself up the moment her saw Lahnae’s hurt look.


    Another hush fell over the guild, Sarfallinus slowly recovering.


    “It’s just…well…direct experience is nice, but…well…” He hissed, rubbing the back of his neck.


    “Guildmaster, let’s think on this. Ganisus and I are experienced senior members.” Kipuuna interjected. “Is there no recon mission you’d rather send us on? Perhaps let Lahnae get some shadowing with a team like Azure-“


    “This…is really not a mission to be doing shadowiing on…!” Sarfallinus said, jabbing a finger forcefully. “This is not a routine sweep and subjugate this…! This is a matter of national security! We have to have only the top members of the guild…frankly, the fact it’s guild and not elites is bad enough. Surely you understand? This isn’t the time to be playing with team-ups!”


    Kipuuna frowned, looking toward Avery. The Plusle thought a moment, trying to formulate the words.


    “…Sir,” Avery began again. “…while it may seem that Team Spade have failed in their past sweeps, they have given us invaluable information on the locales we’ve gone to. We wouldn’t have even made it through the swamp if it wasn’t for their forewarning of the gang lying in wait there.”


    Sarfallinus looked back toward Avery, brow furrowed as the Plusle continued on.


    “But…respectfully,” Avery said. “It sounds like if we go forward with the plan as said, you’ll have two of your three teams on the same mission, while the third stays twiddling their thumbs. I’m not suggesting we play with team-ups, sir, I’m suggesting we spread our resources out to improve our prowess and make sure we’re accomplishing as much simultaneously as we can.”


    Sarfallinus shook his head.


    “I understand that, Avery, but…”


    The Infernape frowned, making vague gestures. It was clear what he was trying to say without outright saying it.


    Lahnae had enough.


    “Guildmaster!!” Lahnae blurted, stepping up and puffing her chest. “We can do it! We just need another chance at it! Just one more chance and we’ll do it right this time!”




    “I promise! I swear we will!” Lahnae was near to pleading. “With Team Azure there’s no way we’re going to lose!”


    “Now see here-“


    “Guild Master, I took the liberty of reviewing some of our notes.” Kipuuna put in. “Ganisus and I are looking to take tougher missions.”


    “What? Now?” Sarfallinus looked dumbfounded at Kipuuna.


    “That’s right. So, what do you think of a Squirtle Lake sweep?” Kipuuna asked.




    “Isn’t that where there were rumors of a trio of Thieves Guild informants laying low?” Kipuuna asked, eying the folder in Sarfallinus’s hand.


    The Infernape gripped it tight.


    “That’s true…” Sarfallinus muttered through clenched teeth.


    “But now, you might argue Team Spade isn’t a fit for Squirtle Lake. But we would be, surely.” Kipuuna said, smiling. Sarfallinus squirmed, looking from Avery to Kipuuna to Lahnae, the Torchic’s eyes sparkling with hope.


    Sarfallinus’s heart visibly melted, a deep and guttural sigh escaping from him.


    “Lahnae…” He muttered. “You got one. Last. Shot at this. We don’t got a second chance at this pearl…”


    Lahnae’s eyes lit up!


    “…I’ll have to tell Olistia about the change of plans…”


    Lahnae POPPED up into the air with a spin and a wall-rattling cheer!!




    She dropped back down, practically shaking with glee. Avery let out a deep sigh, the tension both…disappearing and building in his body. Sarfallinus was right. They only had one shot on this pearl. So they had to make it count.


    No mistakes. No cut corners. But they could do this.


    ‘This isn’t a sweep. This isn’t a scouting mission that Team Spade is going to be doing. This isn’t them going into a place, not knowing what to expect. They know what took them out. They know what’s there. And hopefully, they can learn from their past failures to succeed this time. And we’ll be there to help.’


    Avery gave Lahnae a little smile.


    “Alright. Let’s…” He rubbed at his eyes. “…let’s do our best, yeah?”


    ‘…I’m going to need some coffee.’


    With a deep sigh, Sarfallinus put his hands behind his back, standing tall.


    “Alright then, Guild…Dismissed!”




    At once, Lahnae was all over the Plusle.


    “AVERY!” She squealed. “AVERY AVERY AVERY AVERY! Holy COW we’re going on a MISSION TOGEHTER?! Isn’t that WICKED?!


    Loshjno trailed behind her slowly, watching her gush with great interest.


    “We’re going to BLOW through this mission! We’re going to kick SO MUCH BUTT and SAVE EVERYONE and GET THE PEARL, am I right!?”


    “So long as we’re having fun.” Loshjno chuckled, patting Lahnae on the back. Nivanee had to cover her ears at Lahnae’s sheer volume, Vizon doing the same.


    “Well, it’s not just about having fun,” Avery said, giving the two of them a quick nod. “We have to make sure we get this done. This’ll be our one and only chance, you know? So we have to make sure we’re ready for anything. I think we…we…”


    He stifled a yawn.


    “…Aahh…we’ll have to talk about what you guys saw when you were last there, and prepare for that. Then a bit of more general preparation, just in case they mix things up. And…maybe a coffee or something.” Avery said as he rubbed at his eyes. “We’ll only have one shot at this. So we have to make it count.”


    “Heh…sure, Avery.” Loshjno gently laughed, seeming to just be mirthful at how overjoyed Lahnae was. The Torchic pumped her wings, hyping herself up.


    Yeah! One last shot! We need to give it our all! Our everything! And never stop!” Lahnae nodded empahtically. “We know what to expect this time! No more surprises, they won’t know what hit ’em!!”


    Nivanee couldn’t help but giggle, watching the Torchic practically bounce around Avery.


    “Ah, that reminds me of my early days at the guild…” The Eevee warmly mused to herself.


    Vizon yawned as well, patting Avery on the back.


    “You sleepy, buddy?” He asked. “I could get us some Chesto smoothies to help wake us up.”


    “No need for me! I’m as AMPED AS I CAN BE.” Lahnae said, kicking the air at an invisible enemy. “We’re gunna need TONS of reviver seeds! Like BOATLOADS!”


    “And…” Nivanee gently interjected. “Perhaps some items that would help us…not need reviver seeds~?”


    Lahnae stopped, sheepishly looking over at the Eevee.


    “Uh…s-sure! Yeah! That sounds cool!”


    Avery nodded, stepping up again.


    “I can try and make a quick stop at the bank,” Avery said, “But do you want me to meet you guys back at the market, so we can all work together on what to get? I think coordination’s going to be really important here.”


    He was also…really needing to see whether Kellixae was okay after last night. He wouldn’t have time to check on Sekura, but…that could wait. This mission was important, too.




    There was no way this whole pearl business was a conspiracy, right?’


    Avery felt a presence beside himself, breaking him out of his musing.


    There, Lahnae was glued to his side, eyes sparkling.


    “SUPER BEST RIVALS TRIP TO THE BAAAAANK!” She cried, giddy. Avery had never seen her so excited to go on a mission. Loshjno looked so happy to see it, a big warm smile on his face.


    “I suppose…the team captains should stick together, hm?” The Squirtle said, mirthfully, stepping over toward Vizon. “Well, I can help get the chesto smoothies.”


    “Huh? Really?” Vizon asked, surprised. “You’re coming with me?”


    Loshjno’s warm smile widened at that.


    “Well, sure.” He said with a chuckle and a glance towards the bouncing Torchic. “Let Lahnae have her fun. And let’s give it our all, everyone. Even if it doesn’t work out, we can at least have fun trying, hm?”


    “YEAH!” Lahnae shouted. “I’m FEELING it this time! We GOT THIS. THIS IS THE ONE!”


    Avery patted the Torchic on the shoulder but couldn’t help but glance at her partner. Some part of him appreciated Loshjno’s softening blows, but…


    ‘Our best has to get the pearls. Maybe some confidence would be good…


    …Of course, years of failing might beat the confidence out of me, too. Maybe it’ll be better once we start the mission.’


    “Alright, Lahnae, let’s go to the bank then…!” Avery said. “We’ll be quick, so we can get the supplies fast, regroup, recon, and go.”


    “AWESOME!!” The Torchic shouted, nudging Avery along. Nivanee stepped up before the Plusle was completely pushed out of the guild hall.


    “I’ll just restock some of the regular supplies!” Nivanee laughed, trailing behind the pair of team captains. “Think we’ll bring Jolvia and Rikzyod on this one?”


    “For a handfull of bad guys? The crazy Geodude might think we’re insulting him.” Vizon blew a raspberry. “But if he wants to…We’ll meet up later, Avery!”


    Lahnae waved to the group, continuing to push Avery along toward the stairs. She radiated with such excited energy, like she was a constantly popping firework.


    Yet, deep down, Avery wasn’t sharing the optimism.


    He was nervous about this. Somehow…more nervous than the Deep Dimension. There, at least, the problem was that he didn’t like Kipuuna. But here…Avery didn’t know what they were going up against. And he didn’t know who they were working with.


    He didn’t know why Spade kept failing, whether it was really bad luck or not…and how to mitigate it.


    It was a high stakes game he was playing with Sarfallinus. But Avery knew that he had to have faith in Lahnae and Loshjno. They were still guild. They’d still been here all this time. And Kipuuna believed in them.


    ‘If Kipuuna believes in them…then I can, too.’


    “Alright, let’s get there quickly,” Avery said, moving through Arceliaze with Lahnae to get to the bank. “…Oh, hey, you can meet Kellixae…! She’s been a pretty good friend since the guild stuff started. I…”


    Another yawn.


    “I, uh…actually went out with her and a friend last night.”


    “Oh yeah! Yeah! You mentioned her before!” Lahnae said, merrily, walking with the Plusle, occasionally fluttering her wings as she stepped. “Did I tell you about our old banker?? Back when we still banked in the farming district? They were really nice, I liked them…”


    She giggled, stepping away from Avery.


    “Hehe, sorry. I’m just…! I’m excited.” Lahnae admitted. “Like…it feels like the only time we go on a mission and succeed is when we’re shadowing someone…and they usually have us stand back while they do all the work which is like??? How are we supposed to LEARN anything? But you! The stuff you do is so cool! And after coming back from a mission with Kipuuna…and now he’s all…cool and inspired to do stuff…!”


    She smiled wide.


    “It’s like you’re a miracle worker!” She put in. “Anybody can do anything if they’re with you!”


    As they entered the guild entryway, Avery saw Kipuuna and Ganisus there, getting ready for their mission to Squirtle Lake. Lahnae grinned, seeing them, seeing their brave and electric energy.


    All better.


    Avery could see it. Though she didn’t say it. She was thinking it.


    Lahnae wanted this to be her team’s turn. So badly.


    “It’s…ha, it’s a lot of pressure,” Avery admitted, scratching the back of his head. “I don’t know if I’m a miracle worker, to be honest. And…I’m going to have to fail sometime, everyone does. I just…haven’t really been given many opportunities to fail with low stakes, ha…”


    He raked a paw through his hair.


    “But…! We’re going to plan to win today. We’re going to plan to do well. And if we don’t…then we learn from it, and we do better. This is our only shot to get the Lightning Pearl. So we have to make it count. Right, Lahnae?” Avery gave her a little smile, offering a paw to clasp.


    “WHAAAT, c’mon!!! No quitter talk!” Lahnae said, clasping Avery’s paw and BUTTING his head in oath. “We ARE going to do well! We’ll have as many items as we can buy for all those brainy plans and we’re going to GET that lightning pearl if I have to BURN EVERY REVIVER SEE FROM HERE TO QUAYOFF TO DO IT!!”


    She pumped herself up more and more.


    “After all! We gotta work to outdo each other! Before you know it, me and Loshjno will be doing our OWN River Deltas!!! We’ll BOTH be competing miracle workers!” Lahnae cheered, flinging the doors of the guild open, out into the streets.


    A cold wind BILLOWED into the guild. The decorative curtains swayed and fluttered at the gust.


    The clouds were hanging low overhead, the sunlight vanished.


    The ground vibrated with thunder, rain POUNDING the stone, the wind HOWLING between the buildings.


    Lahnae blinked, looking at the violent storm outside.



    “Huh…it didn’t look like rain this morning…”


    Avery’s smile dampened with the atmosphere.


    “…what the…” He said, his ear twitching as he gave Lahnae a glance. “…where…did this come from?”


    “Uh…dunno…!” Lahnae huffed, squinting as the wind blew, her feathers fluttering violently as she was nearly knocked over by the freak squall. The atmosphere around was slowly darkening as light grey clouds were replaced with darker ones. Poke’mon hurried along to and fro to get out of the rain, many of them without their coats.


    Lahnae sighed, stepping out into the rain. Immediately, tufts of steam began firing off from her feathers.


    “Ow.” She said. “Ow. Ow. Ow. C’mon, ow, Avery, ow, let’s, ow, get, ow, to, ow, the, ow, bank!! Ow.”


    Avery grimaced.


    “Rain hurts you…? Jeez, being a Fire Type must be rough-” Avery shook his head, starting to make a run for the bank. “Let’s get there quickly!”


    That…would mean cutting through the Illaminian District. Not normally a problem, at least. He just…hoped there wouldn’t be any more arson. It was naïve to think it. But…he hoped it.


    “Just think, ow, of it , ow, as a, ow, warmup! Yeah!” Lahnae winced as a puff of steam rolled off her cheek. “Ow…”


    She hurried along, talons splashing in growing puddles and street-bound streams, hissing as her every step left a steam trail. She puffed up, getting hotter, more steam trailing behind.


    Avery could see a few other fire types out here, caught off guard, doing much the same thing. Here and there the street would be covered in steam due to fire types trying to just tend their errands.


    The sky flashed above, the thunder getting louder. The wind whistled a bassy drone as it billowed between the high buildings. Chains and signs clanked and swayed.


    Soon, the market district was left behind, the clouds darkening above. Lahnae huffed, looking back to make sure Avery was still with her. Amid the brick buildings of the lower market district the Plusle could barely see the ivory wall.


    They came to the crossroads. In one direction was the long route to the market district. In the other was the shortcut to ivory wall, towards the Illaminian distri-


    Lahnae turned down the road toward the wall without hesitation.


    “Here- Here, Lahnae hold on-” Avery tried to put an arm over her to at least protect her a little bit from the downpour. He figured that it’d be awkward to drape himself over her, but…he could at least do that. He flinched, feeling something as he looked up at the sky.


    “Wait-!” Lahnae cried as Avery touched her.


    Hot hot hOT HOT HOT.


    The chicken’s feathers were RADIATING heat as her body tried to keep itself comfortable. Steam rolled off of Avery’s arm, so hot even from the brief contact.


    He winced from the steam, breathing through his teeth to get over the initial pain, letting the cold rain cool his paws.


    “S-sorry!!” Lahnae cried, looking the Plusle over. No burns, thankfully, the cold and rain saw to that. But it was a heck of a jolt. She huffed, a trail of steam radiating from her beak as the wind threatened to knock her over.


    “Is this normal?” Avery called over the torrent. “I mean I was outside like thirty minutes ago and I didn’t notice any huge stormfronts rolling in…!”


    “Well! It is spring!!” Lahnae shouted over the wind. “Flash storm season, yeah??? It’s not impossible!!”


    Maybe a bit optimistic.


    Avery didn’t even notice that they’d turned down the Illaminian Route until they were already there – he’d been focused on trying to keep the rain off of Lahnae. He was getting soaked in the meantime, sure, but…it wasn’t steaming him like it was Lahnae.


    The Poke’mon in the Illaminian district wore thick coats, laying sand bags at the foot of each other’s front doors to prevent flooding. No drains here, only gravel roads, thus the Poke’mon had to funnel the water towards the exits.


    That meant waist-high water for Avery and Lahnae, the babbling water boiling around Torchic as the two of them sloshed down the road, passing children merrily playing in the water to the umbrage of their shouting parents.


    Yeah! Nothing like a-!” Lahnae grunted, shoved back by a harsh SPLASH from the current. “-morning walk to the bank, huh, Avery?!”


    ‘Jeez, if just the rain is bad then wading must be tough for Lahnae…’


    “Do, uh…d-do you want me to carry you over the water or something…?” Avery asked, trudging beside her. “I think this must feel pretty bad for you…”


    Lahnae, with a strained, pained, agonized look in her eye…gave him a wide and confident smile.


    “NAH!!!” She said, loudly, a FLASH of bubbles and steam erupting around her. “I’ll be just fine! This is NOTHING!! Team Spade POWERS THROUGH EVERYTHING, NO MATTER HOW TOUGH!!”


    With that renewed vigor and a loud SHOUT of DETERMINATION, Lahnae MARCHED forward. Her pace was faster. She bobbed back and forth, quickly wading through the deep and RUSHING water. The splashing was almost deafening.


    “C’MON, I’LL RACE YA!!” She shouted over the storm, as though it weren’t even there, barreling toward the edge of the Illaminian district toward the bank.


    “…oh boy-” Avery squeaked, and quickly rushed after her through the water. He could almost see the water boiling around her…he’d have to steer clear of that at least-!! But he kept running forwards, trying to get to the bank with her – or before her, who knew…?


    “H-hold on!” Avery panted, swinging his arms as he forced himself onward. “You’re getting…way more water on you by running this fast-! Lahnaaae-!”


    “YEAH! FEEL THE BURN! A little more literal in my case!!!” Lahnae shouted, pumping herself up, heaving another few steps forward a BILLOW of steam trailing behind her. Poke’mon working on sealing houses eyed the both of them, the strange pair of adults gallivanting through the high waters.


    “C’MON! HIGH STEPS! HIGH STEPS!” Lahnae shouted, turning this into a workout. Training. Misfortune made opportunity. “YOU GOT IT, RIVAL, DON’T QUIT!!”


    There was the south gate out of the Illaminian district! Just a little further!!!


    That put a little smile on Avery’s face.



    “A-alright! High steps!” He cheered. “Kind of hard when you don’t have knees but here we go-!”


    Avery hopped back and forth on his feet, splashing through the water. If nothing else it was definitely helping wake him up.


    “Gosh we’re going to be a mess when Kellixae sees us-“


    The rush was exhilarating! The BURN intense!


    Suddenly, the current changed, flowing WITH them! The water SPILLED over their backs, forcing them both forward!


    “WHUP-!!” Lahnae shouted, knocked off her feet, the water pushing them over!


    Lahnae flailed, the both of them CARRIED down the current, HURDLING toward the south gate!


    The stream CASCADED over the street, DUMPING water in crashing waves over the cobble stone. It TOSSED the both of them, Lahnae rolling hard, trying to catch herself, rivulets of water spilling out around her, the rain POURING on the both of them!


    She gasped, sitting up, panting.


    “IT’S A TIE!!!” She shouted excitedly, whipping her head to get her drooping head feathers out of her eyes.


    Avery laughed a bit as they were pushed out of the district, onto the ground in front, near the Farming District Bank. He helped Lahnae up, giggling a little bit, and looked up.


    “Good race, Rival…!” He gasped, brushing away sopping wet bangs of fur from his eyes. “Considering the typing I’m really impressed with how you did…! You…h-ha, really push it through until the end, huh…?”


    “Well yeah!!” Lahnae affirmed, wiping her face with a hand as the excess water on her vaporized. “If the guild doesn’t step up then who the heck will?! It’s not enough to try! We gotta try HARD! Harder than last time! Harder and harder! Eventually, whatever a mission throws at you, it won’t be able to stop us! Because we’ll have the METTLE!!”


    She pumped her wing, waving Avery over to follow her, splashing in the puddles as she bolted toward the farming district.


    Not even at the mission yet and she looked utterly haggard


    The muddy dirty paths of the farming district squelched under their footsteps, a CRACK of lightning firing across the sky, Lahnae cooing in awe at the flash and the following ROAR of thunder. Avery looked up at the sky with a wince.


    “Jeez, how are we even going to get there on time with the weather the way it is…? This is….jeez, this is really going to make things- holy cats Lahnae-” Avery gasped, glancing down at the exhausted Torchic. “D-Don’t you have like a coat or something…?? This looks downright painful for you…!”


    “Hah!! I’ll be fine, Rival! Don’t you worry!”


    A frown crossed Avery’s face.


    ‘Maybe we can get her a coat on the way out. It won’t do to have her beaten down by the weather alone. But…for now…’


    He looked ahead in the pouring rain. Though it was hazy to see, the bank stood in its usual spot, pelted by the rain.


    And sitting under the awning, bundled in a thick rain jacket that fluttered in the strong wind, was Kellixae, arms folded and head down as the weather buffeted her. At once, the pair splashed over.


    “G…good morning, Kellixae!” Avery called above the din. “I, uh…I’m doing a collab with Lahnae today! She’s, uh…she’s the friend I was telling you about last night…!”


    Kellixae peered from under the hood, the Flaaffy woman shivering and looking furious, no doubt because she still had to work in this weather.


    “A-Averry…what a trreat to see you…” Kellixae said, audible enough over the howling wind. She turned towards Lahnae, immediately looking rather suspicious, clamming up.


    Thankfully, Lahnae took initiative.


    “Hi!! I’m Lahnae, Captain of TEAM SPADE and ETERNAL RIVAL TO AVERY!!” She announced, proudly posturing.


    Kellixae snorted, her frown vanishing at once.


    “Grracious…you are the one Banitus speaks of…?” Kellixae said, her voice like a long sigh of relief. Lahnae’s eyes sparkled.


    HEY! You know Banitus?! I love that guy! AND his sandwiches!!” Lahnae blurted out, Kellixae giggling.


    “His sandwiches arre one-of-a-kind.” Kellixae said. “It is no wonder he managed to get a spot in the marrket distrrict of all places, a part of Arrceliaze usually so barred off frrom those such as he.”


    “Yeah yeah!” Lahnae said with a bounce and flap of her wings. “Oh hey, are you cold??? Do you, like, need anything?”


    Kellixae blinked.


    “I…would ask the same of you. Arre you not in pain?”


    Unlike before…there was no tension. No awkwardness. Lahnae seemed to just cut through the trepidation effortlessly.


    ‘Oh thank goodness, they’re getting along.’


    “See, that’s what I’m saying,” Avery sighed, looking at Lahnae and putting his fists on his hips. “I mean being tough is one thing, but being a fire type in the middle of a rainstorm needs at least a windbreaker or something, right? We have a long way to go today, and you look like this after a fifteen minute walk. We should probably get you a coat…!”


    Avery sighed and turned to Kellixae.


    “By the way…is everything okay after last night?” He asked, shifting a little bit in trepidation.


    Kellixae sighed at his question, smiling weakly.


    “I am…sorrry for last night…I hearrd what happened.” Kellixae shook her head, her brow furrowing. “Unsurprrising. I had a feeling they would go forr herr one day…no worrries about Sekirrae. She is staying at my house and others are housing her parrents. Illamini op Arceali pull through tragedy together as ever…”


    Avery put a hand to his chest and sighed in relief upon hearing of Sekura’s safety.


    “Oh, thank goodness…” He said. “I wouldn’t want her and her parents to be without a home, especially in this weather.”


    Lahnae blinked, looking between Avery and Kellixae in confusion.


    “Everryone has also hearrd…of what you did, Avery.” Kellixae continued. “That the guild actually arrrested NAM officerrs on behalf of Illaminian victims…it was surrprrising, to say the least. Many still cannot believe it. But it is a welcome change, I suppose. Hm…finally, a bit of actual justice forr once.”


    “NAM? Avery, you arrested someone last night???” Lahnae said, nudging the Plusle. “Oh that’s SO COOL. BAGGED ‘EM GOOD, HUH?!”


    Avery smiled at that, giving a nod. Putting a hand to his forehead, he peered up at the sky.


    “I wish I could help with the flood efforts in the Illaminian District…” Avery went on. “You guys seem to have it handled pretty well, from what I saw. It was like a river…! So hopefully that means the water’s staying out of peoples’ homes.”


    “Of courrse.” Kellixae said with a smile and a shrug. “It is one of many things the distrrict’s community watch does that the guarrd simply will not. Where guards fail the community picks up the slack, yes?”


    Avery nodded and took a breath.


    “In any case, uh…” Avery frowned.


    ‘…Had I…actually collected any rewards from the last few jobs I’ve done? Am I running out of money?’


    “What’s my balance…?”


    Kellixae sighed, turning to peek into a safe, opening Team Azure’s drawer just enough to check, so as not to let the rain in.


    “Mmm…not much.” The Flaaffy said with a little huff. “500p it looks. Has the guild job been shorrt changing you?”


    “Oh dang! So we’re BOTH broke!!” Lahnae grunted. Avery cringed.


    “…Jeez…I guess they haven’t really been giving out rewards for the jobs that we’ve been doing. They’ve been kind of of an urgent nature recently though…” The Plusle scratched the back of his head. “…But that’s not good. I might need to talk to Sarfallinus about that. I’ll, uh…”


    He looked in my bag.


    “…Huh, I’ve still got the five thousand I took out for the trip to Dove Fo Uddjo. I’ll just hang onto that, and hopefully I’ll be able to make a deposit later. Stay safe in the rain, alright, Kellixae…?” Avery said, giving the Flaaffy a little smile. “Hopefully next time we get together it’ll end as well as it started!”


    Yeah! I should visit more often, too! It was super nice to meet you, Miss Kellixae!” Lahnae cheered, the Flaaffy laughing at her hearty energy with a smile.


    “Of courrse, Lahnae…and same to you, Avery…” Kellixae said, bundling up tight in her coat. “I do hope we may have anotherr dinnerr togetherr with Sekurrae and I. Perrhaps Lahnae would like to join as well?”


    “YEAH, TOTALLY!!!” Lahnae said, immediately. Kellixae nodded, wrapping her arms around herself as the rain finally weakened a little, now down to just a hard rain instead of a downpour.


    “Do stay safe out wherreverr it is you are going, Avery.” The Flaaffy added. “We will do our best herre in the city walls as well.”


    “Alright, stay safe,” Avery said gently. He gave a wave to the banker as the pair began walking back. “Lahnae, let’s see if we can get that coat for you and make tracks. I know you’re tough enough to go back through the rain, but… This is going to be a tough mission. We can’t wear ourselves out even a little just in town…!”


    Lahnae rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry, but ultimately smiled.


    “Ohhhhh FINE.” Lahnae huffed, turning her head to the side, a thoughtful look on her face.


    She lit up, pointing to a clothes shop just nearby as they both re-entered the lower market district.


    “Oh hey!!! There’s a place!! Xandu’s Special Emporium…” she paused…and cringed slightly. “Oh….that’s an artisan clothes shop…”


    She frowned…the puffed out her chest.


    “NO PRICE TAG IS TOO GREAT FOR TEAM SPADE!!!” Lahnae roared, charging forward as if going into battle. “RAAAAAUGGHH!!! I’LL BE RIGHT BACK, AVERYYY!!!”


    She flew into the shop quickly, clearly trying to not hold up the mission any longer. The wind blew and the pattered gently around the Plusle as he waited for her, watching the Torchic vanish inside.


    The rain pattered.


    And dribbled.


    And lightly sprinkled.


    Avery felt a warmth on his back, they grey of clouds cast upon the land abating, color returning. The clouds broke, the rain eking out its last few drops as the sun shone brightly down on the city, a small rainbow cascading over the valley Arceali.



    Avery looked up at the sky as the weather slowly began to clear. At first, a small smile dawned on his face, seeing the sun peek out through the layer of grey.


    The wind was now less than a pleasant breeze.


    Then Avery remembered.


    “ALRIGHT!” Lahnae’s voice CHEERED from the shop as she BURST through the door, adorned in a pretty red and orange coat. “It cost all my money BUT NOW I’M…”


    Lahnae trailed off, her eyes scanning the bright sky above.


    Not a drop of rain.


    “…rain ready.” She huffed, shaking her head at the misfortune. She took the coat off, stuffing it in her satchel. “…s’good to have either way.”


    There had been a point where Avery wondered whether one person could be this unlucky. Whether maybe it was some rashness they were in, perhaps Loshjno’s seeming acceptance of failure had tempered how careful they were in missions.


    ‘…no I’m pretty sure they’re just the unluckiest people on the planet.’


    “I mean… Hey, look at it this way,” Avery said, nudging the Torchic. “…if it is bad luck…you paid to turn the rain off for all of Arceliaze! Look at you, weather girl!”


    Avery began to walk again, giving her a little grin, patting her on the back.


    “Pssshhhh, LUCK??? C’mon, Avery, luck is STUPID.” Lahnae blew a raspberry, bounding forward. “All that matters is SKILL, whatever happens just HAPPENS, it’s not about fairy tale stuff like LUCK-“


    There was a POP.


    Lahnae SCREAMED as her item bag BURST open! Smoking and charred! A blast seed EXPLODED prematurely inside!


    Lahnae slowly opened her eyes and stared down at the items and the tattered bag that lay on the ground in smoke and ash. Oran berries, reviver seeds, a TM, all burnt and ruined.


    “Oh…another ‘item reset day’…” she said, apparently having a term for this brand of misfortune already. “…That’s ok! Can’t ever rely too much on them…!! Gotta remember to not let blast seeds get too old. And to not let the strap break. And to not trip and drop it in a river. Or lava.”


    Lahnae didn’t sound upset, only making legitimate notes to herself. She smiled, keeping perky as she continued towards the market district.


    “Besides, we’re not totally itemless! Losjjno has his, your team has yours! It’s all ok!”


    Avery stood there gobsmacked for a moment, watching as she walked forward.


    ‘…what god did she piss off???  Okay, no. This is fine. Everything will be fine. We just have to prepare.’


    “…I didn’t even know that blast seeds could do that,” Avery said. “That’s a little nerve-wracking. But- uh, yeah! For sure, let’s not take much more time, we’ve got to get going! It’s going to be a journey to get to where we’re headed anyways, so we have to pick up the pace…!”


    Avery began jogging a little faster after her – though his sleepiness was starting to catch up with him again. The bed in the guild wasn’t the best, sure, and he consistently woke up on the floor from the dreams, but…at least he was able to get sleep on it!


    ‘But it’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine.’


    “YEAH! LET’S GO, RIVAL!” Lahnae shouted, bolting ahead. “RACE ROUND TWOOOOO!!!!”


    The both of them made quick time through the streets, dodging through crowds of Poke’mon (most of them happening to cut in Lahnae’s way). The Torchic deftly weaved through every obstacle with impressive dexterity worthy of a guildmember.


    At last, at the grand pillar of the one truth square. Vizon, Nivanee, Rikzyod and Jolvia all stood with Loshjno. The Squirtle and Riolu held disposable trays with paper cups: the chesto smoothies.


    Lahnae waved, approaching to take a cup for herself and one for Avery. The piping hot drink smelled delicious, vaguely like chocolate. Vizon yawned, sipping at his and sniffing.


    “Alright…everything go well?” Vizon asked, grunting to ward away the sleepiness. “Weird weather today, huh?”


    “Yeah! It was the weirdest-“


    Lahnae was cut off by the bottom of her cup falling out! Hot chesto drink splattered on the ground. Vizon gasped, backpedaling from the puddle.


    Lahnae huffed but smiled.


    “Aw…well! I’ll pay you back your money for that one.” the Torchic said with a smile. “Thanks for the drinks, Vizon!”


    “Y-yeah…” Vizon said, cocking an eyebrow. Nivanee sighed, taking a sip at her drink.


    ‘…Oh my God???’


    “Um…” Avery took a little sip of his drink, hoping it would keep him awake. He gave Nivanee a quick look which the Eevee returned with a small, if sad, smile. “Hey Niv…Could I… Have a quick word for just a second?”


    He stepped towards the Eevee and gently eased her away from the others, out of earshot. Nivanee stepped away from the group with him, swiveling her ear toward the Plusle, sipping her chesto drink.


    “…Is… Is luck like… an actual thing here?” Avery whispered. “Because that’s…I think the fifth bad thing that’s happened specifically to Lahnae in the last hour- she didn’t break any mirrors or anything, right…?”


    Nivanee smiled again and gave a small sigh.


    “Some people believe in Luck, especially Quayoffi Pokémon…and though I don’t really believe in it…” Nivanee peered behind herself, looking at Lahnae sadly. “She makes a good case for it…”


    Nivanee shook her head, sipping the drink again.


    “You should have seen it when she and Loshjno shadowed me last year.” Nivanee muttered. “There’d somehow always be a bandit that snuck behind me and would attack them. Even if I listened really hard and tried to keep as perceptive as possible I’d always, miraculously, manage to keep track of only exactly where they weren’t sneaking up from…and that’s not even going over backfired orbs, rotten reviver seeds, oren berries when we thought we had orans…on and on, the whole mission.


    She looked at Avery somewhat grimly.


    “That mission with her was the one that broke my three year streak of no mission failures…”




    “…There has to be something we’re missing.” Avery said, glancing back at the Torchic. “Something deeper going on here, she’s skilled, I’ve seen it. She’s determined, I’ve seen that too. Three years of this would have broken me half a month in.”


    He sighed.


    “I… Just can’t believe that someone as talented as her can be bested by something like dumb luck. It isn’t… It’s not fair to her. Maybe…I dunno, maybe she got cursed or something…? Is there a way to break that…?”


    He took another long sip of his drink.


    ‘Lahnae…You can do this. I know you can. One way or another, this will be a success.’


    “ALRIGHT EVERYONE!!” Lahnae called out, Nivanee turning her head to look at her. “LET’S GET GOING!!”


    “I do feel bad for her…” Nivanee sighed to Avery. “Kipuuna and I hoped doing easier missions would help…but I wonder if that’s just not enough.”


    She squirmed…but smiled.


    “At least she has her iron resolve.” She said, watching Lahnae and Loshjno pair up as the group started to make their way towards the Arceliaze east gate, toward the desert.


    “ALRIGHT! I’M FEELING IT NOW!” Lahnae shouted, stamping her feet, Loshjno only patting her shoulder.


    “Let’s do what we can, like we always do.” the Squirtle said softly, a gentle smile on his face. “Whatever happens-“


    “WE’LL DEAL WITH IT!” Lahnae interrupted.


    “-…happens.” Loshjno finished, which caught Avery’s attention.


    Loshjno seemed…More in line with someone who had seen three years of failure.


    ‘Still incredibly strong willed for what he’s gone through, though! And the fact he stuck with Lahnae this whole time…They must really like each other. That’s good.’


    “Alright, we’ll be walking right into their territory,” Avery said to the two teams, Jolvia and Rikzyod included. “So being completely aware of our surroundings is going to be important. Viz, what did you guys end up getting?”


    “The usual. Blast seeds, reviver seeds…” Vizon smirked, cracking his knuckles. “I even had some money left over to learn ‘Bullet Punch’. Rikzyod insisted on two warp seeds. I dunno how those are supposed to help.”


    The Geodude shrugged.


    “I had thought the more…brain-y sort of Poke’mon might find use from it.” Rikzyod reasoned. “I will leave the plans and strategies to you, only show me who to fight! I expect this to be FUN, UH?!”


    “YEAH!” Lahnae cheered. Jolvia patted Rikzyod’s back, glancing over to Avery.


    “Everything should be set.” the Nidorina said. “Call it a hunch, but considering how high-value our target is we can’t assume this will be as simple as taking on one group of treasure hunters and their contracted bodyguards.”


    Nivanee grimaced, clearly thinking of the potential roadblocks. Before she could even speak, though, Lahnae chimed in.


    “That’s NO BIG DEAL!” Lahnae cheered with an assuring tone, Loshjno chuckling behind her. “Team Spade is USED TO SURPRISES! But what the surprises haven’t counted on IS US RIDING WITH TEAM AZURE!”


    “We’ll see…” Loshjno muttered, seemingly amused. He glanced over to Avery, arms crossed, a smile on his face, as though this were all…


    …a game. Some goofy outing.


    “Ready when you are, Avery.” Loshjno said, Lahnae nodding emphatically. “Just say the word.”


    Avery glanced at the Squirtle, a strange feeling in his chest.


    ‘…Maybe that’s how he copes. Treating it like a game. Like it doesn’t really matter.


    That was one thing, but at the same time…this is really important. Hopefully he’ll shape up once we actually get into the mission. Whether I say it out loud or not…I’ll be watching these two to see how they perform in this next mission. Luck or no luck…feedback will be important.’


    “Alright, then if we’re all ready, let’s get going. We don’t have any more time to waste!” Avery said, shuffling his bag up onto his shoulder. “…Oh. Uh, Viz? Remind me to pick up our reward from the last few missions from Sarfallinus after we get back…we’re, uh…kind of running low on funds.”


    “Wh…didn’t you get any money from the bank?? WAS there any money in the bank…?” A look of horror crossed Vizon’s face as Nivanee giggled.


    “Welcome to crisis mode, you two.” The Eevee said, the group making their way toward the rising sun in the east.


    They all passed the east gate, Lahnae chattering all the while, getting along amicably with Jolvia and Rikzyod, the Geodude most of all. They hadn’t even left the Arceali valley before the two traded a few headbutts, much to Jolvia’s disapproval.


    Loshjno, as ever, only laughed at the display.


    “Alright.” Nivanee said to the group as they all moved. “Remember, the treasure guild is not an organization of fighters, but the thugs they hire are. We might not have the element of surprise if they’ve ramped up fortifications after their run-in with Team Spade.”


    “The Treasure Guild? Ramp up fortifications? Hardly.” Jolvia put in. “Bear in mind they’re as miserly as they are cowardly, the Treasure Guild Master is notoriously strict about cost, always squeezing blood from rocks for the max payout on any job. I’d be surprised if the mooks we face are even being fed.”


    Nivanee eyed Jolvia suspiciously but nodded.


    “Correct as well. We can’t be certain either way. This may be a big enough score for them to spare no expense.” Nivanee countered. “Either way, we’re going to start at the village in the desert, Qease’. The village master should be able to tell us how the situation has progressed since last night.”


    Everyone nodded in agreement. VIzon pulled out his map, pointing to what looked to be a massive desert on the east end of the country, bordering the ocean.


    “There, right on the edge of the desert.” Vizon muttered. He paused, biting his lip. “Desert…oh man a desert…this is not going to be fun.”


    “It’s a far cry from a psychic inn with cooled air, yes.” Nivanee giggled.


    Vizon rolled the map up again, the group at last cresting the Arceali valley and crossing the tree line, following old pathways toward the desert, passing by forks leading to Steeljag bluff and Yahneri port.


    A cold, dry wind billowed across the path as the way towards the desert stretched before them. All the while, Avery kept his eye on Lahnae, watching her pep and enthusiasm.


    Yet all the while…Loshjno, that laid back Squirtle…very closely watched Avery right back.


    Chapter 19





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