The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 5.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The moon was high in the sky.


    Down the streets of Arceliaze, Lahnae and Avery now walked with much heavier coin purses. Of course, they didn’t  quit while they were ahead. No, no, of course not, they simply left after the Jackpot because, according to Lahnae, they won and won hard. Already, Avery felt a massive range of possibilities opened up to him with the extra cash.


    As Avery followed Lahnae down the gently lit streets the Torchic stared up at the celestial bodies hanging in the sky above.


    “Hm. You know what?”


    Avery looked up at the sky, in the quiet night. He let out a deep breath.


    “What’s that?”


    “…let’s forget about bugging Kipuuna and Ganisus tonight.” She said, looking at Avery with a warm smile. “I think I’m fine with it just being us two.”


    “…” Avery’s smile softened, and he looked at her. “…Me too.”




    “Okay, so!” Avery said, clapping his hands together. Lahnae’s energy was nothing if not infectious. “We’re filthy stinkin’ rich. What do we do now, rival?~”


    “Dude what ELSE?” She asked, snickering, a spring in her step as she walked. “Going to get something to EAT. Or, maybe, like, stuff that makes us STRONGER. Or uhhh..chuckle bars if we wanna see some goofball ham it up on stage. Or an AUCTION HALL if you wanna get real hoity-toity!


    She stumbled a bit, the X-Eye smoothie from the Raffle House still in effect, making her dizzy. She snickered, clearly enjoying the intoxication.


    “What do you think?”


    Avery took another sip of his, having taken it with him. He was trying to keep it slow and steady since he didn’t want to lose himself.


    “Well, I’m pretty hungry. Let’s get something hearty, and end the night off with a dojo training session, yeah?” He suggested, Lahnae nodding emphatically.


    “Absolutely! I wouldn’t miss that for NOTHING.” Lahnae cheered, swaying. She continued on, guiding Avery to the northern part of the Market District. She was having the time of her life. Just having someone else here was making her ecstatic. The streets narrowed. Streets turned to alleyways, the both of them flanked by sheer brick walls, the path poorly lit.


    “It’s just this way…”



    Soon, they both rounded a narrow bend, seeing an open door nestled in a lonely, forgotten corner of the alley: The door was open, a brick set to hold it in place. It shone a warm yellow light on the dark stones of the alley, like a pocket of happiness in a dreary night. Open hours and menu items hung on the doorframe by a wall-mounted glass lantern, a plushy and ornate rug laid on the ground before the door. Even this small pocket of the city was so beautiful, in many ways. Avery, meanwhile, looked around at the alleys, keeping close to Lahnae just in case there was…something or someone there waiting.


    As the pair approached that restaurant the Plusle looked up…and inhaled through his nose. Hazelnut…bread…warm scents of baked goods and cheese poured from the doorway. The light from inside shone brightly on the dark alleyway, inviting them both inside.


    “There it is…Old Banitus’s Hazelnut…” Lahnae sighed wistfully. “My other escape. I’m not going to lie, you’re probably the only other person I’ve shown this to. Can’t have my happy place overrun with a bunch of people…is that selfish? Saying it out loud it sounds selfish.”


    “Nah, it’s not selfish,” Avery said with a shake of his head. “I won’t tell a soul. Promise. I’d probably get lost on my way here, heh…”


    Lahnae snickered, taking Avery’s hand firmly and leading him inside.


    Banitus!” She called out. “It’s Lahnae! Table for two?”


    “Two???” A voice, muffled, called from the back. “Two with who!”


    She smirked, glancing back at Avery, the Plusle speaking up at once.


    “Uh, hi! I’m Avery, I’m…a new recruit to the guild…! Lahnae’s rival!”


    The space inside the restaurant was very limited. The space between the counter and stools and the booths was only wide enough for one Poke’mon to walk. The walls were packed with decorations and souvenirs and trinkets, all of them looking, style wise, a far cry from anything Avery had seen in Arceliaze so far.


    Behind the counter, an Electabuzz emerged from the kitchen, coming to greet the pair.


    “Ah, Lahnae, good Lahnae, I am so verry happy to see you again!” His voice was deeply accented, much like the banker from that morning. Lahnae smiled warmly.


    “Aw, Banitus, I’m so happy to see you again, too!” She replied, keeping hold of Avery’s hand.


    “And Avery, too! A new frriend for Lahnae?” He didn’t seem to catch on to the ‘rival’ part. Funnily enough, Lahnae didn’t correct him. “I am verry surrprrised to hearr the guild has new memberrs! I had hearrd they accepted nobody these days!”


    “Nobody LAME, obviously!” Lahnae confirmed, squeezing Avery’s hand again. “But that’s where Vizon and Avery came in!”


    Avery looked up at Banitus…and couldn’t help but pale a little. He was so big in comparison. But he seemed nice, at least. Lahnae seemed to like him well enough.


    “I’m really new to the city, so…I’m lucky to have someone like Lahnae showing me around and stuff. We’ve had a good night so far, and…I’m excited to try the food at her favorite place…!”


    “Ah, perrfect! Qisgivvu! Were it I could discover beautiful Arceliaze for the first time all over again~!” Banitus patted his belly, looking positively nostalgic. “Back in the good days beforre the nonsense of the moderrn day. But ah! You starrve! What may I get you?”


    Lahnae plucked up a bit of parchment from the counter, sliding it over to Avery. He looked it over, discovering it to be a menu. He had to very meticulously look over the options, each world morphing into readable text one at a time.


    “We’ll start with baked cheese platter.” Lahnae gave her order. “An Oran Juice for me, I had some X-Eye at the Raffle house and need to get rid of this buzz before I spar with my Rival!


    Avery hummed. The menu was very simple and hand-written, clearly meant to be shared, most likely one of only a very few. On it he could see Oran Juice, Pecha Juice, South Illaminian X-Eye, Walnut Juice…that was only the drinks. Below he could see an assortment of sandwiches on short, thick bread, each prepared with vegetables and some ingredient called a ‘Rozhleena Mesa’, grown in Arcea and apparently, according to the menu, seared to a fine, smoky flavor. Alternatively, there were grilled mushroom sandwiches aplenty.


    “For the entree…mind if I get the Souljreini Half-Pounder? Extra Rozhleena Mesa, please.” Lahnae continued as Banitus wrote in a pad. Meanwhile, Avery was a bit hung-up on one of the menu items, squinting at it in confusion.


    “South Illaminian…?” Avery looked up at Banitus. “Where’s ‘Illaminian’…? Is that a different country from Arcea?”


    “Aha, Illaminamo, dete fumdi dete, ey? But do you really not know?” Banitus chuckled softly, lowering his notepad. Lahnae raised her eyebrow but quickly recovered.


    “Oh, do pardon the poor guy, he’s got amnesia!” She put in for Avery. “Please be nice.”


    “Ah, of courrse~!” Banitus shifted gears, continuing his happy tone as he turned back to Avery to explain. “Illaminamo is my home, way out west. I learrned all my rrecipes I cook herre while living in Duphimevu…and a brrief time in Dsitdove. Ah, beautiful cities, bless but I hope all is well back in old Illamini.”


    Avery sat back in the chair, absorbing what Banitus was saying.


    ‘Of course there’d be other countries. That’d only make sense, wouldn’t it…? This is a big world…and I’m only in a small part of it. It’s…intimidating, in a way.’


    Avery nodded, looking back down at the menu.


    “I might just have this one, the grilled mushroom? I’m curious about that, if that’s okay! Oh, and a Pecha Juice, I’ve seen the berry and it looks pretty good…!”


    Banitus chuckled heartily, jotting down Avery’s order, giving a nod.


    “Mannn, were it I had room for more I’d totally take grilled mushrooms right now. Banitus gives it juuust that bit of singe, the searing like WOW.” Lahnae kissed the air, clearly enraptured by thoughts of the food. Avery laughed and pushed the menu back to the end of the table, being careful so that the menu wouldn’t wear.


    “The mushroom sounds great, Lahnae’s sold me on it. Is that alright?”


    Banitus nodded, finishing his notes.


    “More than alright, Cencopi~!” He replied. “I’ll get those drinks out to you. Just one moment.”


    He disappeared back into the kitchen, taking the menu with him, leaving Avery and Lahnae alone for a bit. The Plusle sighed, leaning back a bit. Even just ordering food felt like a miniature ordeal when he was so ignorant about the basics of the world. It was, frankly, already getting a little exhausting.


    “Boy there’s a lot of places in the world when you don’t remember anything,” He whispered, tired but amazed. “Illaminamo, Duphimevu…Dsitdove…”


    He shook his head, smiling warmly.


    “It’s amazing. I…I really want to see more of the world someday. See Illaminamo, and other places.”


    Lahnae perked up excitedly.


    “Yeah, me too! I’ve always wanted to visit Illaminamo!” Lahnae whispered. “Probably just, like…Ushuhmou, though. I could take a boat if I ever found time to travel…”


    The Torchic was silent for a moment, just grinning from ear to ear, lost in thought at the idea of travel. With a sigh, her face fell, and she leaned over the counter, head turned towards the kitchen, to make sure they were out of earshot, then turned back to look at Avery.


    “Hey, can I ask something?” She began. “What’s with the amnesia thing? I dunno, I never thought of it much at first but…every so often you ask questions like ‘what is Illaminamo’ and I remember…do you, like, wanna ask anything? Maybe help jog your memory?”


    “Oh boy, that’s a question,” Avery sighed, resting his chin in his hands. “What is with my amnesia…? I wish I knew. A couple of days ago, I had…this dream, that I was in this dark space. I heard voices, and then…Arceus spoke to me. I knew I existed before then, but…this was the first time I was…awake. They asked me some questions…and then I like…fell from the sky, into some fields. Mountains to the north, tower nearby, a forest…”


    Avery made a face, remembering that day.


    “I spent the day aimlessly wandering through the fields, going towards the tower, and then a wagon found me after it got dark and I was alone. Vizon was in that wagon. He brought me to his house, I had another dream that night telling me that I was a ‘Hero of Arceus’ and to seek out Olistia…and…the rest, you know.”


    “Yeah…I remember the ‘hero of Arceus’ thing…but wow, I didn’t know he spoke to you!”


    Lahnae leaned over, listening with great interest as the Plusle told his story. Avery traced his finger in a circle on the table. He was following Vizon’s recommendation not to tell her about him being human…though he was a little worried about if she did find out.


    “But yeah…I don’t know…anything, really. I know that Arcea’s the country, Arcelaize is the city…there’s a guild that does things for people…and now, there’s another country somewhere, called Illaminamo. So…anything else worth knowing would be good, heh…”


    She stroked her chin, deep in thought, thanking Banitus as he set their drinks down.


    “Hmmm…if I were a blank slate amnesiac what would I want to know….hhhrrrnnmm…that’s hard.” She huffed, folding her wings across her chest. She was silent, deep in thought again. At last, she piped up with only a question.


    “What was Arceus like?” She asked. Avery tilted his head.


    “…A golden, glowing orb. Asked a lot of questions, but was really gentle and encouraging.”


    Lahnae smiled warmly at that.


    “Phew…just how I imagined him…warm, comforting, loving…I was kinda worried Arceus would be kinda…scary?”


    Avery frowned in thought, taking a sip from his cup. The juice was good.


    “Yeah…though…there was a lot of other voices, too. Even another voice coming from the orb.”


    “Other voices? Like what?”


    Avery rubbed his head, trying to recall the hazy dreamlike memory. It was like the details faded with every moment.


    “The one I can hear is…kind of cold. Clinical. Says stuff like…’eject’ and ‘administer’. Almost like he’s talking more about me than to me. I can’t really make it out. And then…”


    His face darkened.


    “There’s other voices. Lots of them. But they don’t come from the orb. They’re just…around me, in the darkness. I don’t know who they are or what they’re saying, but when Arceus isn’t speaking to me…I can hear them.”


    The Torchic looked confused, scrunching up her beak.


    “That…” she began. “…sounds really freaky…? You think it was, like…ghosts? Dead Poke’mon or something?”


    “Maybe…?” Avery sighed, massaging his forehead with his hand. “I don’t really know what they’re saying. I want to say it’s just a dream, but…the dream told me about Olistia when I had no idea who she was. So…it has to be real…right?”


    “Has to be, no way it isn’t.” Lahnae affirmed. “Hmm…eject…administer…uhhh…maybe that’s, like…prophecy stuff! You know, like in old legends. That’d fit in with being a hero right?”


    Their food came, hot on the plate as Lahnae continued.


    “And maaaybe…” Lahnae bit into her sandwich, talking freely with her mouth full. “…those voices…will get clearer and become a full prophecy! Mmh-! Lemme try!


    She swallowed, clearing her mouth.


    “Um…eject….villains from…administer..ation?”


    She smiled at her attempt, looking to Avery. He shook his head, taking a bite of his own and swallowing before continuing.


    “I think…they were like, trying to administer something. Like, give something to someone. But then…I don’t even really know what I’m doing here yet.”


    He took another bite of his own sandwich…


    ‘Wow. The mushrooms really were good grilled.’


    “…You heard of any ‘grave danger’  or anything?” Avery asked, looking over at Lahnae quizzically. “That’s all I’ve got to go off of.”


    “Grave danger? Did Arceus mention that?” Lahnae blew a raspberry. “Ughhh that’s so vaaague. Mystical quests always skip the important details. Hrmmm…let’s see…uuhhh…there’s the pickpocket gang…they’re all over Arcea causing a nuisance. The treasure guild keeps stealing historical artifacts and…hmm…”


    “Treasure guild?” Avery asked. “Are we not a guild too?”


    He took another bite, letting Lahnae continue her train of thought. Out of nowhere, she perked up, a glimmer of realization flashing in her eye. Lahnae’s face darkened, eyebrows raised.


    “Waait, wait wait…you don’t think it’s…Xamao, do you?”


    Avery stopped at the utterance of Xamao’s name. He took a moment to swallow.


    “I don’t know…maybe…Maybe the map has something to do with it too…These sorts of quest things always have an inciting incident, you know? And Xamao’s apparently second in command to someone, right?”


    “Yeah, Xamao’s second in command to Dushuuna of the Thieves’ guild…a bunch of outlaws, all of them. But way worse than the pickpocket gang.” Lahnae’s brow furrowed. “I’ve never gone against them…but I’D LIKE TO!


    She leaned closer, emphasizing her words, voice low and secretive.


    “From what I hear? They’re a group dedicated solely to evil and debauchery…Sarfallinus’s words, not mine. Who even SAYS ‘debauchery’??” She snickered for a second before putting her serious face back on. “But, they’re a big organization of bad news Pokémon, always looking to cause trouble, havoc and panic among the Pokémon of Arcea…s’what Sarfallinus says. Oh what I’d give to tussle against one of them. I’d LIKE to see em’ try to face off with ME!


    “Jeez…if there’s a grave danger, it might as well be them, huh?” Avery grimaced. “That’s why it’d be all the more important for us to train, then. So we can actually stand up to those guys. I, uh…”


    He tapped the table, the vision replaying in his mind.


    “I saw what Xamao did to Vizon, y’know? I…thought he was…for a moment, I thought-” Avery shook his head free of the memory. “What I’m saying is I think I’ve got a long way to go, heh…”


    “Ugh, Xamao…I dunno what it is but just seeing the poster made me MAD. I HATE that guy! Then after seeing what he did to Vizon…my GUILDMATE.”


    Lahnae snorted, taking a BIG BITE out of her sandwich, swallowing without chewing.


    “It gets me FIRED UP.” She said, forcefully, looking at Avery. “We’re gunna BULK UP tonight until we can WRING HIS SCRAWNY NECK!!!


    Avery laughed a little. The determination helped lighten the mood as he finished off the sandwich.


    “Alright…okay! How much do we owe for the sandwiches…?” Avery asked, looking over at the Electabuzz.


    “50 p norrmally but, ah, what is the harrm in 30p for tonight? You kids seem like you have a long night ahead!” Banitus replied, Lahnae promptly slamming down 100p on the table, paying for both of them.


    “You know me, Banitus. Team Spade NEVER does discounts!” She punctuated this by shoving the bag forward, making clear she’d accept no protests, which Banitus offered none, only thanking the pair and being on his way.


    NOW” Lahnae shouted, hopping from the stool, cracking her neck. “It’s getting late. And we have a SPARRING MATCH to get to, Avery!”


    She looked back to him, offering her wing.


    “Let’s not waste a single moment, Rival!”


    He took the wing and nodded, following after her. She flashed a smile and a wave to Banitus as the pair rushed out the door, the cool night air slamming into them both as they ran out into the slowly emptying streets of the city.


    “So we’re going to the, uh…Throh-Sawk Dojo, right? Is that just a training grounds?”


    “Just for us guildmembers, yeah!” Lahnae confirmed, rushing through the streets excitedly. “I doubt the dojo masters are in but we’re still free to use it!”


    She held tight to Avery’s hand, never letting go as they both flew across the streets, the stone pathways empty at this time of night. In no time, they both came to the guild hall, Lahnae throwing the doors open.


    “We’re HOME!” She shouted!


    Aughghuh!! Not so loud!” A familiar, nasally voice shouted back. Lahnae closed her beak, looking down the main lobby to see Kipuuna looking annoying at her. Conspicuously…no Ganisus.


    “Oh great, I thought the night would be quiet.”


    “Feh…” Lahnae huffed, deflating. Avery frowned a little.


    ‘He’s…being a little rude to Lahnae. I know they don’t get along, but after tonight…it kind of rubs me the wrong way, a little. I don’t…like this much.’


    “You’re back so soon?” The Plusle asked, walking inside while staying near Lahnae. “What happened to your night with Ganisus…? Did you finish already?”


    “Ah, well…he packed it in early tonight.” Kipuuna admitted. “We should probably follow suit, right? Early to bed and all that.”


    “NOT US!” Lahnae called excitedly, making Kipuuna wince. “Avery and I had fun ALL NIGHT and now we’re-“


    “Oh yeah…” Kipuuna sighed, Lahnae trailing off as she was interrupted. The piplup chuckled, leaning in to Avery and whispering so she couldn’t hear. “Thanks for babysitting her. Love her to death but the girl gets on my nerves…”


    “AND NOOOOW…” Lahnae cut in.


    “Stop being so loooouuud…” Kipuuna whined, covering the sides of his head.


    “Avery and I are going to SPAR and TRAIN so that we can TAKE OUT XAMAO ONE DAY.”


    Kipuuna groaned.


    “Arceus, I knew it. I knew you’d get something like that in your head. Knew it the MOMENT I heard the name ‘Xamao’ spoken by Sarfallinus.” Kipuuna grumbled, standing close to Avery, as if making it two on one against Lahnae. The Plusle shifted uncomfortably at the move. “What’d you go and do tonight? The raffle house I be-“


    THE RAFFLE HOUSE!” Lahnae replied, trying to keep her excited air.


    “Oh for-…Is that really the only way you’re going to make money? Lahnae, it won’t kill you to do a simple mission every so often!” Kipuuna snapped. “Build your finances Quit putting you and your teammate in such unnecessary danger.”




    “Before you regret it!” Kipuuna cut Lahnae off, the Torchic snorting in frustration. “C’mon…you need to go to sleep and tomorrow I really want you taking something more in your league…okay? Maybe shadow Ganisus and I again?”


    “I don’t…want to shadow again…” Lahnae muttered, kicking at the floor. Avery finally piped up.


    “…I did have a fun time with Lahnae today,” Avery said quietly, stepping back a bit from Kipuuna so he was more between the two of them instead of two-on-one. “…And I do need to train. I don’t…know the entire story about what’s going on, but…”


    He squirmed, feeling uncomfortable. He didn’t exactly consider himself good at mediating like this.


    “I think…I don’t really know everything that’s going on. But making Lahnae feel small or inadequate isn’t going to be a good way to encourage her, right…? Lahnae has a lot of will, and doesn’t want to do things that…feel too easy. Shadowing is…I-I mean isn’t shadowing just…standing back and watching a job?”


    “Well yeah it’s standing back and watching a job. We all had to shadow in our early days!” Kipuuna explained, Lahnae furrowing her brow.


    “Early…? Kipuuna, I’ve been in this guild for, like…3 years now. I’m not green…”


    “Then why do you keep acting like it?” Kipuuna prodded, almost fiercely. Lahnae sneered. “Look, challenging yourself is one thing but every time you fail a mission that is time wasted. It’s work simply not being done. Your finances are tight with no money and if you really want to be one of those idealist types dreaming of heroism then you’re not helping anyone by operating like this! You’re just being…”


    Kipuuna grunted.


    “You’re just being selfish! Putting Loshjno at risk, and for what? No, tell me, for what?”


    “Arceus, Kipuuna, I just got back from one good night, just one good night and you managed to ruin it all it in less that five minutes and tank my good mood, I just…-” Lahnae’s voice wavered, the torchic stiffening, shaking. “Just shut up…!


    She pushed past Kipuuna quickly, keeping her head down.


    “T-t-t…team spade…n-never gives up…!” She stammered, stamping a talon.


    “Will you be sensible?” Kipuuna pleaded, taking a step forward, putting his flippers together as though to bargain with the Torchic. “Come on, Ganisus and I are going to be doing some inventory and box lifting in Souljraan tomorrow, you can come and-“


    “And do what, Kipuuna?!” Lahnae shouted, whipping around. Tears were forming in her eyes. “Do menial tasks while kids are lost in the forest? Bandits hold hostages? Poke’mon get robbed? All the while the guild that used to be a shining beacon of justice can’t bother to lift a finger, what, because it’d be too hard?”


    Lahnae sniffed, Kipuuna’s eyes flaring.


    “It’s not all about glory, you silly girl! It’s not about fame or popularity it’s about helping people!


    “Call me everything that’s wrong with this guild, huh?? No, that’s YOU. YOU’RE why nobody believes in this guild anymore! Just-!” Lahnae cried out, running off. “WHATEVER. FINE. DO YOUR STUPID ERRAND BOY JOBS, LAME-O.”


    With that, Lahnae disappeared out of the lobby, leaving Avery and Kipuuna in silence. Avery was stunned, even after Kipunna’s comment. The Plusle awkwardly rubbed his arm while the Piplup only grumbled, shaking his head.


    “Sorry you had to deal with that all night.” Kipuuna said, rubbing his temples. “One of these days she’ll learn proper responsibility like the rest of us…”


    “I…didn’t have to deal with her, Kipunna. She’s loud, yeah, but…she’s my guildmate. And she obviously cares a lot about helping people.”


    Avery lowered his gaze.


    ‘Breathe In…out. In…out.’


    “She told me that people are on her case, all the time, every day. There’s pamphlets and tabloids talking about how she’s the worst member of the guild. That’s…I don’t know about you but that’d kill me, that kind of pressure.” Avery fidgeted. “She’s…she’s trying really hard to be the kind of person she wants to be, and I respect that.”


    Another sigh escaped him as he turned to face Kipunna.


    “I know I’m new here, and…I don’t know a lot, about anything. I know you’re trying to help, with the offers to shadow, and you care about her and her partner. But…this is a sore spot, I think. She’s hurt. If she doesn’t want to shadow, there’s got to be other options, right…? Like…I haven’t fought much at all before yesterday, and I was able to do a mission where I rescued-“


    He stopped.


    “Well…I was almost able to do a mission where I rescued a hostage and get a map. Aren’t there missions like that? Not…too hard, but still enough that she feels like she’s…making a difference in the way she wants to?”


    He broke his gaze with Kipunna.


    “…Sorry. You’ve probably been dealing with this a lot longer than I have. I just…I saw the determination in her tonight. She…really…I dunno.”


    “I…” Kipuuna tried to start, trying to find the words. “I admire her bravado, I really do. I won’t lie, I had it, too, when I first started. But guild life isn’t like what you read about in books and news. It’s not…the swashbuckling life of high adventure the Souljreini Printing Company makes it out to be, you know?”


    He sighed, shaking his head.


    “Frankly, the mission Sarfallinus put you on was very dangerous, blowhard gang members or not. You got knocked around, had close-calls…and that was before Xamao appeared.” He huffed. “Lahnae does try missions like that with Loshjno and just…simply can’t pull them off. Not now, not yet. And going out and getting knocked out only teaches you so much before you just start sustaining permanent damage.”


    He turned back to Avery, a pleading look in his eye.


    “You can understand that, right? I don’t want anything happening to her. I’d rather see her dejected and taking those ‘errand boy’ jobs than see her…crushed…you know?” Kipuuna’s voice had an edge to it, betraying something deep within that was hard to pinpoint. “The tabloids will write what they may. They call me a wheedling coward that shames the legacy of the guide and they say it every week. I’m not putting anyone, especially not my guildmates, in harms way to please a bunch of sniveling journalists.


    Kipuuna paused, steadying his voice, realizing it was beginning to rise.


    “I’m sorry…Avery, you seem a sensible sort, I don’t doubt you’ll know how best to keep Vizon safe. Please promise me you won’t take any unnecessary risks. We may not have known each other long but…you’re still a guildmate. To me, that counts for everything. Nivanee taught me that.”


    Avery gave him a sad smile.


    “I don’t think you’re a villain to her or anything. I don’t think you’re being evil. You obviously care about her, and you don’t want to see her or Loshjno getting hurt. I don’t-“


    His sentence died in his mouth as he realized something Kipuuna said.


    “W…wait, the tabloids write about you, too? Do…do they write stuff about everyone in the guild??”


    ‘Were they going to write stuff about me??’


    “Unfortunately, yes.” Kipuuna sighed, shaking his head. “The guild used to be a hot topic to write about in decades past. Now interest has waned but many pieces are still written about us. No doubt you’ll be on next week’s front page…”


    Kipuuna smiled encouragingly, patting the Plusle on the shoulder. Avery huffed, trying to take his mind off it, speaking again…almost venting now.


    “Gah, I just…I see that passion in her, and I don’t want it to die. I don’t disagree that she shouldn’t put herself into too much danger. But…I think some jobs are going to have an element of danger, and someone has to do them, you know…? So if that’s the sort of thing she wants to specialize in, she’s not going to get experience in that by stacking boxes.”


    Kipuuna looked worried, furrowing his brow as Avery continues.


    “I’m…I’m going to be honest, Kipunna, I don’t even know what guilds do. I have amnesia, that’s what I was…alluding to during roll call this morning. My memory goes back to a few days ago when I woke up in a field all alone, and nothing before that. I don’t…really know anything. Vizon really looks up to you guys, all of you, but…I have no idea who any of you are. Maybe that’s good, maybe that’s bad, but…I guess what I’m getting at is…I haven’t read the tabloids or the pamphlets. I’ve never met you or Lahnae before in my life.


    “And what I see is someone who cares deeply about his friends and doesn’t want to see them hurting themselves or putting others in danger…” Avery turned to where Lahnae had disappeared. “And someone with a fiery will to prove herself, and a determination to push through adversity that…frankly, intimidates me. I-in the good way.”


    “..memory loss?” Kipuuna muttered in thought. “Is that what you meant this morning…?”


    He tilted his head…then chuckled lightly.


    “Alright then…do you want to know what this guild is?”


    He took a deep breath.


    “The guild…our guild…is a training ground to become an Areali elite. We do the work they don’t tend to so that we may one day become one of them ourselves.” Kipuuna explained. “The Arceali elites, meanwhile? They just…do everything. From law enforcement to just help in small places, the elites are meant to be the arm of the Conduicy to keep things running. Keep outlaws down. Boost and help those who need it. We’re here to make Arcea a better place, in ways big and small.”


    He paused, his explanation finished.


    “And that is my priority above all else. Maybe Lahnae and I simply won’t see eye to eye on this…I can respect a need to prove oneself…but more than that I always feel like it’s better to do what you can instead of fail to do what you want.”


    He patted Avery’s shoulder again, leading him toward the stairs.


    “Take Nivanee. She’s strong. Incredibly so. Capable and fiercely intelligent. She can gallivant off to fight hoards of bandits and robbers and what have you by herself without even remotely posing a threat to herself or others. To me, that is the level one should be at to do what she does. And she started with, what else? Lifting boxes. Building muscles.”


    Kipuuna chuckled to himself.


    “Maybe I’m not making sense. I feel for Lahanae…but what of you, Avery? What sort of team will you and Vizon be? What is Team Azure to you?”


    Avery shifted at the question, looking away.


    “I mean..I don’t know what the Conduicy is either, but I think I get your point. We’re just…sort of people-for-hire? To do jobs that people can’t do themselves? Whether that’s helping someone move, rescuing hostages, stuff like that…” He nodded a bit to himself. “That makes a bit of sense. Though that still doesn’t answer why I was-“


    He bit his tongue.


    ‘Right. I hadn’t told him yet.’


    “Uh…yeah, about that…See, that was part of why I wanted to go with you, Lahnae already knows, but…I haven’t really…told you yet. I’m…a bit of a special case. I’m…a-and don’t laugh, give me a chance to explain myself…”


    Avery took a breath, trying to find the words. At least find a way that didn’t make him seem totally crazy.


    “Arceus brought me here. Arceus, in the form of a dream, told me to seek out Olistia – a name I’d never heard before – and when I did, she was having that meeting in the square. She talked with us, and gave us letters of recommendation to this guild. That’s…that’s the only reason I’m here. Because Arceus and Olistia thought it’d be a good idea.”


    Kipuuna stopped dead in his tracks, slowly turning to look at the Plusle. Avery scuffed his feet awkwardly.


    “That’s absurd.” Kipuuna said simply. “You got in with a letter of recommendation from Olistia because…and let me see if I’m getting this…you think you were commanded to join by Arceus??”


    Kipuuna cocked an eyebrow, the disbelief all over his face.


    “And now you’re a special ‘chosen one’?” Kipuuna continued. “Avery…come on, now, you seemed like a rational Poke’mon. That’s fairy tale stuff. You don’t actually believe that, do you…? Did you hit the X-Eye when out rabble-rousing with Lahnae?”


    Avery sighed, shaking his head.


    “I know it’s hard to believe…and frankly, I don’t entirely know what I’m doing. Or who Arceus is. But there’s something talking to me that’s in common with Olistia.” Avery’s shoulders slumped. “I’m not trying to say I’m some big hero or…self-important or something. I honestly just…I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what Team Azure is…or going to be.


    “And that’s precisely what I mean…I’d never want you thinking you’re a big hero or self-important thing. It’s dangerous to think that way…it’s how people get hurt.” Kipuuna explained. “Hero or not you’re always fallible, you’re never invincible…if you keep that in mind then you’ll be ok.”


    He paused, taking a breath. It was clear he didn’t want to be aggressive about this, even if he had strong opinions about it.


    “If Vizon and Olistia of all Poke’mon corroborate that story…fine. So then…you’ve not joined the guild with any aspirations or goals or…anything. You’re simply here because it was the only thing to do, hm? Just thrust into this guild by someone else and just going with it, hoping for the best…no knowing what this guild even is…”


    Kipuuna sighed softly, looking Avery up and down, a hint of worry in his gaze.


    “Then…I hope you can learn for yourself what your purpose is here. If I’m honest…I still don’t believe in any ‘great danger’ or prophecy, that’s just silly…but what matters is you’re here. You’re one of us, whatever the reason.”


    Kipuuna smiled at last, walking toward the dorms. Avery relaxed, feeling the tension drop. He hadn’t even realized they had reached the hall.


    “Heh…sorry for screwing up your sparring match with Lahnae tonight.” He said, opening his dorm door. “I hope you get a good night’s sleep. See you tomorrow, ok? We’re all here for you if ever you need backup.”


    “It’s alright,” Avery said, resigned. “…Sorry that your, uh, date night…? Outing with Ganisus didn’t work out. I, uh…did try and bail you out a little earlier, heh…but…good night, Kipunna. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


    Kipuuna nodded, giving a small wave as he closed the door behind himself, a soft click leaving Avery all alone in the quiet and dark dorm hall. For a while, the Plusle just stood there, absorbing everything that had happened…processing it. Without another sound he walked off into his own room. He hoped that this would be the last night with the ratty bed, but on the other hand he was so drained he didn’t even care what state the bed was in.


    He opened his dorm room, trudging forward, ready to flop face first onto the mattress. In the room…he saw Vizon, fast asleep…wrapped in a new bright red blanket with a red pillow that hadn’t been there before.


    And there on the bed, neatly folded and waiting for Avery, was a matching orange blanket and orange pillow.


    It was easy to tell where these had come from. Avery stood and stared at the blankets, a fuzzy feeling in his chest and a happy smile spreading on his face.


    ‘…Thanks, Lahnae.’


    He moved up, settling down on the mattress and unfurling the blankets. He pulled them over his body, cuddling close next to Vizon. The room felt warm tonight as Avery drifted to sleep, wrapped in the honey-scented blanket.


    Things may have been difficult…but more than anything…Avery at least didn’t feel alone.


    Chapter 5.2





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