The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 5.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Sarfallinus looked horrified. Slowly, he put his hands behind his back, staring down at the Poke’mon very intently.


    “Estaloni…take note.” He said, the Ledian taking a notepad and ink pen. “Now, Team Azure…I want you to be very clear…”


    All around, the Arceali Guild members stood, staring at the Riolu and Plusle that stood before the guild master. Everyone had worried looks on their faces.


    “What happened up on Windscorch Mountain?” Sarfallinus asked at last.


    ‘…Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out. In. Out. In…….out.


    Did he plan this?


    No. Now isn’t the time. Vizon is…Vizon had been…’


    Avery clenched his fist and answered in a loud voice.


    “We found the hideout of the pickpocket gang quickly. Mostly Taillow and Venipede. We worked through the hideout, taking them out, and apprehended their leader. They called him ‘Bossman’, he’s a Hoppip. We sent him to the dungeons, he should be there now. Going through, we got to an outdoor area where we saw Marill, our target. I went to untie her after telling her we were from the guild, she said she had the map…and a Dragonite attacked. If Vizon hadn’t pulled me out of the way I would have been flattened under him. He demanded the map, and Marill gave it to him. I was sure we wouldn’t be able to beat him, and I wanted to at least get Marill back safely, so I refrained from attacking. But Vizon…”


    Avery winced, the cracking sound of the stone under Vizon’s head replaying in his mind over and over.


    “…Vizon tried and failed to retrieve the map. He…he was wiped out with one attack.” Avery lowered his head. “…He told me to deliver the message that ‘Xamao is back’.”


    ‘In. Out. In. Out.’


    “…I apologize for failing the primary objective.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, gritting his teeth as he was told the story.


    “Forget the primary objective, Team leader…Avery.” Sarfallinus huffed. “Anyone would have lost in those circumstances…against Xamao.”


    “The wounded dragon…” Avery heard Nivanee’s voice from behind, the Eevee’s face taking a serious look. Sarfallinus shook his head, taking a piece of parchment from Estaloni and unfurling it, showing it to all the guild members.







    “The Wounded Dragon”




    12,000,000 p REWARD


    For conspiracy with the GUILD OF THEIVES. Crimes against fellow Poke’mon. Thievery. Robbery. Acts of Violence. Destruction of Property. Cause of Fear and Distress. Brother and Co-Conspirator to Suspected Theive’s Guild Operator DESHUUNA (evidence pending)


    “…” Avery stared down at the paper with trembling paws as the words morphed and transformed in front of him. His eyes stung.


    ‘Vizon was…hurt. I don’t even know how badly he was hurt, but he was hurt.’


    “…Did you know…?” Avery mumbled, his voice taking a bite of accusation, glancing up at the Guild Master. “…D…did anyone know that…that he’d be there…?”


    “No, not a clue.” Sarfallinus said seriously. “I was serious when I said this was a softball, Avery. I had wanted to test your spirits with a hard mission. I wanted to make you stronger, not…break you. I put you on a mission with a known blowhard and weakling as the target, to see if you had the resolve to do the work here. On the honor of my father’s grave I’d not knowingly put you two in grave danger by putting you up against a criminal of Xamao’s caliber.”


    Estaloni nodded solemnly. Sarfallinus pinched between his eyes, shaking his head.


    “And now…Xamao is back. All these years of being in hiding and he’s back again.” He grumbled. “Estaloni, we need to get a letter to Olistia immediately. She has to know of this. And that he has the map.”


    Vizon squirmed hearing that last part.


    “…Alright.” Avery lowered his gaze again.


    ‘At least he wouldn’t do that…’


    Avery wanted to ask about the map, ask what was on it, why its retrieval was left up to his team at this guild rather than the elites. But, at the end of the day, Avery knew that they were new recruits. They were one-pronged. ‘Hero of Arceus’ or not, they were at the bottom rung. The guild would tell him and Vizon if the map was important.


    “…What do Vizon and I do now, Guildmaster?” Avery was trying to keep his voice level.


    ‘I’d…I’d felt so confident. Bringing Bossman in made me feel so…so confident.’


    ‘Before, it was ‘Team Azure never loses to bad guys’. And now…’


    The guild members all looked up at Sarfallinus who only crossed his arms, brow furrowed as Avery hung his head low. At last, the Infernape sighed a deep and rumbling sigh.


    “Avery, now, pick your head up. What’s that look for?”


    Vizon’s ears perked, hearing Sarfallinus’s voice. The biting edge had now softened to…something else.


    “…we failed the mission, sir,” Avery said quietly. “…The document was clear. Our primary objective was to bring the map back. The hostage was secondary.”


    Avery hadn’t noticed the tone shift. He was…thinking. Lost in his own head.


    “We failed the primary objective. I was…”


    He bit his tongue.


    ‘I was hoping to get your respect.’


    “And on a personal….” Avery was heaving deep breaths, trying to not fall apart. Keep professional. “…On a personal evaluation, sir, I…didn’t try to retrieve the map when it was stolen. Vizon stood up to an insurmountable threat on behalf of the guild. I did not.”


    With another sigh, Sarfallinus knelt down, his frown lighter than before. He looked into Avery’s eyes, the heat of his flames coiling around the room.


    “Avery. I don’t care what that piece of paper said. Some map can always be retrieved. You saved someone today. They’re safe, thanks to you. The both of you charged into what seemed like great danger where most Poke’mon would turn and flee and cower.”


    He lifted his hands, laying one on each of their shoulders. Vizon lifted his head softly.


    That is what makes you members of this guild. That…that is why…”


    A small smile formed on Sarfallinus’s face.


    “I’m proud of you.”


    “We’re happy to have you, Team Azure.” Someone behind them said.


    Everyone softly laughed, stepping in closer. A warmth filled the guild hall.


    ‘Don’t cry. Don’t break.’


    “…Thank you, sir,” Avery said softly. His voice wasn’t staying as level as he wanted it to. He had to do something to lighten the mood. Otherwise he’d just break down. Think of…something-


    “…Does that mean we can have a better bed?” The Plusle asked, with a little crack in his voice, and an attempt at a joking smile through emotion. Vizon beamed softly, Sarfallinus nodding with a smile of his own as he stood back up.


    “We were caught off-guard by your inclusion, you understand.” Estaloni explained with a smile of his own. “We’ll make some arrangements. After getting this report up to Olistia.”


    “Aye. Until then, guild, ya’ll know when curfew is.” Sarfallinus eyed all the members with a warm glance. “Guild…dismissed.”


    AYE!” They all cheered in unison. WIth that, Sarfallinus and Estaloni returned to the Guild Master’s office, leaving them all alone. Vizon let out a deep sigh of relief as the guildmates began to mingle.


    ‘…Caught off-guard, he says, when they had two other recruits lined up…’ Avery thought wryly. He felt in such better spirits now that he knew that it was over. At least, he hoped it was.


    ‘…Breathe out.’


    Avery slumped to a sitting position on the floor, all the tension let out of his body in one moment. There was…still people he wanted to talk to, to get to know. There were things he could do now that he was off duty.


    But he just…had to calm down. Keep calm. Stay calm.


    He could hear voices around him, guildmates talking to one another…making plans. Vizon sat down with him, leaning against him with a yawn.


    “Oh boy…I thought that’d never end…” The Riolu whined quietly. “I’m just ready to relax. Guild work is fun and all but I’m beat…”


    His ears flicked as the sound of soft, pattering footsteps came up from behind.


    “Hey~!” A familiar, bubbly voice spoke up. Nivanee’s. Avery could see Vizon’s body stiffen to stone. “Really happy to hear how well you did! You’re doing very well for your first day!”


    Avery turned his head, and carefully pushed himself to a stand to greet her.


    “Ah, hey, Nivanee…! I’m still on the boat that I would have preferred our first mission not be crashed by…y’know, a famous criminal, but…everything leading up to that point felt pretty good!” He paused, then frowned. “…Except fainting. And being poisoned. Those weren’t great.”


    “Oh yeah, I remember how many times I’ve fainted! Ohhh and poisoned…” Nivanee shook her head. “And burned and paralyzed, confused, cross-eyed, frenzied, put to sleep and…well a lot happens out there! Oh, actually, here, you can have this!”


    She nosed into a satchel hanging on the side of her body, pulling out a pink Pecha berry in her mouth, depositing it in Avery’s hand. Avery looked down at it, then up at her in surprise.


    “A little ‘good job’ gift from me!” She offered. “If you eat that when poisoned it cures you instantly!”


    “Oh, are you sure-? I really appreciate it…! Thank you!” Avery smiled a little. She’d taken this in her mouth. Avery figured that he could definitely use that to tease Vizon later. “But…jeez, that is a lot…I don’t even- w-wait, paralyzed??”


    Avery stiffened.


    “That…that sounds…that sounds horrible-! You’ve been paralyzed before??”


    “Mhm, paralyzed! Could barely move, most of the feeling in all my limbs completely numb after taking thousands of volts of electricity! It sure hurt! Really bad!” Nivanee laughed sweetly despite what she was describing. “It wasn’t so bad! Even without the right berry I could just walk it off! Fighting when mostly numb feels really weird!”


    Avery’s jaw dropped. He looked down at his hands in abject horror.


    “E-elec…c…can I do that to people??”


    “Mhm! You sure can!” Nivanee confirmed with a nod. “It’s like being set on fire but way worse because it’s all inside your body! But it’s just temporary! Perseverance is always key! Just don’t give up!”


    She giggled again, Vizon just staring at her dreamily.


    “I-” Avery stared at my hands as if they were, currently, now, on fire. “Ah- uh-“


    ‘Oh my God??????????’


    As he stared down at his hands, Avery glanced over at Vizon, who was still seated on the ground, lost in his lovey-dovey world as he stared at the chipper Eevee. In an attempt to change the subject to something less…morbid, Avery stepped over and cheekily nudged the Riolu


    “Hey, come on, Viz. What’re you still sitting around for? It’s rude not to greet someone when they say hello, partner~” Avery’s voice had so much teasing edge to it, he almost broke out into a fit of laughter. Vizon’s body shuddered, his hair standing on end. He looked as though Avery sent a hundred volts through his body. Shaking, he turned his head toward Nivanee, looking into her warm and sunny smile.


    “Guh…goo…good…even…ning.” He stammered.


    “Good evening, Vizon!” Nivanee sang, bouncing softly, tail swishing gracefully. Vizon’s cheeks puffed as he folded his arms, standing up, trying to maintain his composure. Nivanee, for better or worse, seemed to not notice anything amiss. She continued, keeping up the friendly atmosphere. “So! Now that we’re after-hours, are you going to get up to anything tonight? I might pack it in early, I feel tomorrow is a ‘bright and early’ day~!”


    “Oh, uh…no plans but that might change.” Avery replied.


    “Oh, no plans? Well, you know, Kippy and Gani usually go out after work!”


    “Oh, really…? I’ve…been wanting to get to know guild members, so…if they wouldn’t mind tagalongs I might…?” Avery explained. “Though, uh…to be honest, I’m really new to the city. So I don’t really…know what there is to do here, heh…”


    “If you want to learn about the city, Kippy knows a bunch of good places!” Nivanee offered, helpfully. She turned to Vizon, who practically melted under her gaze. “What about you, Vizon? Are you from Arceliaze?”


    “I uh…b-y-yeah…yeah I am.” He was sweating, reeling from the attention. The Eevee nodded encouragingly.


    “Then, yeah! Vizon can help, too! We all always help one another in the guild!” She said, merrily. Avery had to admit, he was already feeling that. Unlike his Riolu partner, he was feeling more and more relaxed around the senior guild member.


    “I think going out might be a good idea to get our mind off of today. Or…mine, at least.” Avery nodded. “So maybe I could ask those two about the city if they don’t mind me going with them tonight.”


    “Oh they surely won’t! Janus and I used to go with them on nights out all the time!” Nivanee said. Then, she got a thoughtful look on her face, changing the subject suddenly. “Say…what are you going to be up to tomorrow? Just doing your mission?”


    Avery blinked, curious where she was going with this.


    “During work? Yeah, I guess it’d just be whatever Sarfallinus says…” Avery said. “…why do you ask, Nivanee?”


    “Oh! Well I was thinking…” The Eevee began, her expression brightening. “…maaaybe I can tag-along with you on your next mission!”


    Vizon wheezed.


    “I always love going with new teams on their missions to show them the ropes!” She continued. “I had a bit of an urgent mission today so I couldn’t today, but maybe tomorrow?”


    “Oh!” Avery stiffened a little, himself. “I mean…what about your sister, Janus? Would she be coming too…? 


    “Oh no worries about lil’ sis Janus! She’s always off doing her own missions, always a bit scarce, I’m sure she won’t mind!” Nivanee assured, nodding. Avery was a bit unsure, but nodded anyway with a smile of his own.


    “Well…If it’s still in the cards for you tomorrow, I think that’d be really helpful, thank you…!” Avery agreed, Vizon giving a shaky nod as well. “We’ll have to make it up to you sometime.”


    “Ah, good! I’m looking forward to it! I’ll be sure to clear it with Sarfallinus first, then our joint operation will be official!”


    “Y-yeah….that sounds fun…” Vizon stammed, crossing his arms, utterly flustered.


    “Well, goodnight!” Nivanee called back to them both as she made her way to the Guild Master’s office. “And see you tomorrow, ok? You did wonderful today!”


    “Bye…” Vizon murmured, weakly waving as the Eevee left. The moment she was out of earshot he relaxed, shoulders sagging. “Hah…that’s never going to be easy…”


    Avery looked up at him…and smirked, waving the pecha berry in his face.


    “…This was in her mooooo-ooouth~


    Vizon furrowed his brow at the berry.


    “Gh…c’mon, Avery, whatdya take me for? Some kind of creep that’d think ‘oohhh I ate a pecha berry she had in her mouth that counts as a kiss oooo’.” Vizon shook his head, though his cheeks were still flushed. “Gimme a break…”


    “I mean, you did go completely catatonic during the conversation there, so you can’t blame me!” Avery said with a little chuckle, putting the berry back in the bag. “Do you want to try going out with those ‘Kippy’ and ‘Gani’ guys? Or are you too tired for that…?”


    “At this point I think I’d fall asleep in the middle of doing anything with anyone else…” Vizon sighed, stretching. “You can hang with them if you want. I’m going to bed. And I’ll dream of a much better bed than what we have.”


    He chuckled, making a move toward the dorm hall.


    ‘Oh, I’d be going alone…?’


    Avery shifted a bit.


    ‘..but…I did want to get to know Kipunna and Ganisus. So… ‘


    “Alright. I’ll see if they’re up to anything, and I’ll join you when I get back. Have a good rest, okay?” The Plusle’s smile softened, and he reached up to put a hand on Vizon’s arm. He tried for his shoulder but the Riolu was too tall and Avery’s arm too stubby. Vizon smiled, wrapping his arms around Avery, snuggling tight and nuzzling into his partner’s neck.


    “G’ngiht, buddy. See you later tonight.”


    Avery hugged him a little harder. A little longer.


    “… See you tonight. Feel better, okay?”


    Avery watched him go as they separated. They’d only been together two days, and one day as a team, but…separating already felt unnatural to the Plusle.


    ‘It’s fine! We’re teammates, but we don’t have to do everything together.’


    ‘In…out. Breathe. Okay.’


    He steeled himself, and began looking through the guild to find Kipunna and Ganisus, hoping to catch them before they leave. As Vizon walked off, Kipuuna and Ganisus stood by the exit. Kipuuna was counting money and making suggestions while Ganisus barely paied attention.


    “Bread shop? Theatre?”


    “Uh huh…”


    “The bar in south market?”




    “Ganisus, hey, stay with me.”




    “Bar on south market?”


    “Oh yeah whatever you say, buddy.”


    Avery furrowed his brow, overhearing the two. Reluctantly, he stepped up, trying to inject himself into their conversation.


    “Uh, hey guys…!” He said, suddenly feeling…a lot more awkward. This seemed to be something they did quite a bit. He felt a pang of worry that he’d be intruding. “Nivanee told me that you’d be going out. I was…wondering if I could join. If not, that’s okay! I just… Want to get more used to my guildmates and the city.”




    The both of them turned to Avery, eyebrows raised. Ganisus seemed to lose interest almost immediately, eyes wandering again while Kipuuna had a thoughtful look on his face.


    “Oh…you want to come with us on our nightly excursion, Avery?” Kipuuna asked, lowering his map. “I admit, ever since Nivanee stopped coming I kinda got used to it being just Ganisus and I so…my itinerary typically accommodates two people and-“


    “Yeah whatever, he can come.”


    Kipuuna jumped at Ganisus’s interjection, staring at him. Avery brought his hands up at once, feeling more and more out of place.


    “Oh, no no, I don’t have to come if it’s better for just the two of you. I don’t want to intrude or anything! I just…”


    ‘Come on, be more confident.’


    “If you can fit me in I’d love to come, but otherwise we can wait for another day…!”


    “Mmhhh…well…” Kipuuna squirmed, looking away while Ganisus only stared at him blankly.


    “Kipuuna…c’mon, man.”


    “Ganisus this…” Kipuuna paused, stepping closer to him. “…our thing???”


    “Since when?” Ganisus asked. Not even huffing or annoyed. The Shinx was simply…monotone.


    Before Kipuuna could answer there was a shout from behind.




    “Oh perfect…”


    Lahnae came bounding up to the three. Excitement filled her eyes. Avery flinched, shooting Kipunna a look of apology. He turned to Lahnae, smiling with a bit of awkwardness to it.


    “Well, Kipunna and Ganisus were going out. I was just… Wondering where they were going. I kind of needed to unwind a bit myself, but I don’t know the city.”


    ‘How can I bail him out of this…?’


    “If you’re busy, Kipunna, I could go with Lahnae, maybe?” Avery offered.  Kipuuna’s face had a deeply pleading look as he pressed up against Ganisus…the Shinx not responding to the gesture.


    “That would be most appreciated.” Kipuuna said, trying to keep his voice measured.


    Ganisus let out a breath.


    “Lahnae’s cool.” The Shinx drawled. Lahnae took no notice, whipping her head around to look at Avery with an excitable smile.


    “Oh yeah we three can show you the city, Avery!”


    You can show him the city!” Kipuuna cried, bailing out hard. “Ganisus and I…are busy!”


    “Tch…alright, your loss.” Lahnae tutted, turning to Avery with a smile. “Soooo, rival, how was the first day on the job?”


    Avery huffed softly. He’d been looking forward to getting to know Kipunna, but…it was probably for the best that it wouldn’t be under…these circumstances. Maybe another day.


    “…I mean…you kinda saw that whole…heartfelt moment I had in front of everyone, heh…” Avery scratched his arm awkwardly. “Mission went pretty well up until a Dragonite dropped out of the sky and took the map. I don’t even know what was on the thing. But beating up a gang of pickpockets felt pretty good! There were a lot of tables and chairs and stuff that got absolutely smashed!”


    Avery paused.


    “…Though I would have liked to take some of that furniture for our room since…we literally have just a ratty ripped mattress in ours and, uh, that’s it.”


    WHHHHAT?? Ratty ripped mattress?? That SUCKS, dude!!” Lahnae was dumbstruck at the idea. “Dude, we should fix you up with at LEAST a blanket and pillows. You want some spares I got? I’d get you a bed but, hehe…no money.”


    “Man, I’d really appreciate that,” Avery said with a little sigh. “Vizon went to bed already. Estaloni said that they were taken off guard by us joining suddenly which is why we have the broken down thing, but…I mean they were preparing that team we fought with the Mudkip and Rattata, so I’m not sure. But thankfully, he said they’re working on getting us a better one, so hopefully we won’t have to stick with the old one for too much longer.”


    “Well, to be honest, Sarfallinus was probably planning on failing those guys you fought in that case.” Lahnae pondered. “Probably didn’t have the ‘touch’ he talks about sometimes…like, me an’ Loshjno scraped by the tests…I think I outright failed the IQ test. But he still let us in!”


    “He did…? But, I dunno…he said they were really promising candidates…!” Avery said with a little laugh. “I felt a little bad, honestly, they seemed like they worked really hard to get where they were, only to be taken out right at the end by some upstarts with letters.”


    Avery straightened up, deciding to pivot the conversation while the night was still young.


    “But-! I’m…y’know, an amnesiac, new to the city, what’s good to do here?”


    Lahnae closed her eyes, clicking her beak. deep in thought. Then she leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye.


    “Weeeell…we could always tail Kipuuna and TOTALLY CRASH what he and Ganisus are doing~!”


    Avery furrowed his brow a little.


    “I mean…Maybe? I dunno, Kipunna really seemed like he wanted to be alone with Ganisus tonight…Don’t you think he’d get mad if we tailed him?”


    “Well duuuuh he’d get mad but he’s ALWAYS hogging Ganisus to himself!! Like he used to go on these nights out with Nivanee and her sister whats-her-name but now it’s just them two! Like c’moooon!!” Lahnae flapped her wings, her face looking some mixture of excited, annoyed and cheeky. “I love the girl but Nivanee’s a draaaag to hang out with and Ganisus is COOL!”


    “…What’s-her-name?” Avery repeated, tilting his head. “You mean Janus, Nivanee’s little sister? And…Ganisus? He seems really spaced out to me. Not a bad thing, just…I didn’t think he’d be your type to hang out with.”


    “Pshhhhh that’s just because he’s stuck with lil’ Mr.’Rules, rules, rules’.” Lahnae laughed to herself. “Anybody would be spaced out when shacked up with a stick in the mud like Kipuuna. Nah, I knows a TROUBLEMAKER when I see em…”


    “…A troublemaker?” Avery said, eyes wide. “Ganisus? Really? I mean I don’t know these guys that well yet, but…really?


    “Oh SUURE! I’d probably have to hold him back like ‘nooooo Ganisus don’t throw rotten fruit at The One Truth we’ll go to jaaaaiiiil!!!’ HEHEHEHE.”


    It was clear Lahnae didn’t really know where she was going with this. She looked at Avery, huffing at his lack of finding this amusing.


    “Alriiiiight, fine. We don’t have to INCITE him or anything! I just know where it is they hang out every night.” She smirked. “You wanted to get to know them better didn’t yooouuu? If you want we don’t have to go right away. We can muck around the city first. Let’s just do SOMETHING. I’m BORED and Loshjno went to the clinic for a checkup tonight and I GOT NOBODY TO DO STUFF WIIIITH.”


    “I mean, yeah! We can go and do stuff in the city! Honestly, I did want to hang out with you since…y’know, we’re rivals and everything. Maybe we could get some training or something in, I dunno! Though I feel like I’d be behind you right now in terms of that, since…y’know. I’m new.”


    “Psssh, naaaw, you’re not behind! Hey, you’re 1 to 0 for mission completion! Or at leadt 0.5 to 0! That’s better than us, BUT WE’RE GUNNA GET BETTER!


    Lahnae excitedly grabbed Avery’s hand with her wing, roughly tugging him forward towards the guild exit.




    “Ohhhmygod-” Avery squeaked, stumbling after her.


    ‘Trouble? We were going to get into trouble??? I mean-‘


    ‘Okay. Okay! Sure!! Hero of Arceus getting into trouble!’


    Avery was quickly led along by Lahnae, out into the city. Lahnae, meanwhile, was giggling like crazy to herself, an excited energy radiating off her as she led him up the stairs, bursting through the doors out of the guild. The night had fallen upon Arceliaze. The sounds of the city were quieter. The city was bathed in a soft magenta light as the blue moon and the massive red planet mixed their colors high in the sky. Torchlight adorned the streets, lighting the beautiful architecture.


    “Alright, so!” Lahnae said, bouncing. “I know of a few places~! I go to a garment shop…a raffle house…uhhhh…abilities shop…oh hey, there’s cute restaurant, suuuper tiny! Uhmmm…”


    She trailed off, thinking hard.


    “That’s kinda all I know! Loshjno is better acquainted with a lot of the little stuff in Arceliaze! He reads brochures and pamphlets all the time so he learns about cool stuff and takes me everywhere! Buuut…what sounds fun to you?”


    “…I mean, I don’t really know how much money will take me anywhere…what can five hundred of these get you?” Avery took a coin out of his bag, showing it to her. “And…also…what…is the currency called? I’ve seen it written as P, but…is that what people say? Like if I go into a shop and say ‘what can I get for five hundred P’ am I gonna look dumb…?”


    “Huuuh?” Lahnae tilted her head, confused. “I just say ‘coins’. I heard some people say ‘P’ and that seems to satisfy everyone but it just makes ME laugh.”


    She snickered immaturely, taking a moment to recover before continuing.


    “But WOW, 500 coins? I’m sitting here scrabbling by on 100! Pshh, you don’t need MONEY to have fun! Just going out and being out and hanging out with friends is enough!” Lahnae nodded to herself, marching forward, no destination. “So where to, Avery? Or…RIVAL!!”


    “Hmm…” He tilted his head with a little grin. “Well, what’s that raffle house you mentioned? Can you get prizes there? Because I don’t know about you but after being surprise attacked today, I’m feeling pretty lucky.”


    Her eyes widened.


    A smile crept across her face. Wider. Wider.


    It was as thought Avery had said some magic activation word.


    “Finally…” she muttered. “You…I like.”


    She quietly squealed.


    “Best. Rival. EVER. LET’S GO!!”


    Without a moment’s hesitation, Lahnae pulled Avery deeper into the beautiful streets. Just before they reached One Truth Square, she pulled off into another, smaller plaza, surrounded on all sides by buildings, with lanterns hanging above. A small noise permeated the area, with a few poke’mon walking to and fro between shops and restaurant stands.


    “This place….” she began. “Feels secret. Like people come here but it still feels like a place special to me. Is that weird? Feels weird. But I stand by it.”



    She lifted her head, looking at a stand nestled right in the corner of two enormous buildings. An iron fence surrounded the area in front of the stand, with multiple tables and a fluttering multicolor awning over the whole space. A Braixen stood there, color signs and spinwheels festooning his counter.


    “I basically NEVER get to show this to anyone.” She admitted. “Everyone is always like ‘buhhh lahnae, you should SAVE your money’, and ‘mnyehhhhh lahnae, raffle houses are a waste of time and money’, and ‘bleeeh, lahnae, I hate fun and guild members should give up their souls and hate living’. Ugggh as if I’m being STUPID…so I usually just only ever come by myself since nobody else…but THAT DOESN’T MATTER cuz my COOL RIVAL wants to come!”


    She bounded toward the stand merrily, Avery in tow. The Plusle, meanwhile, was still looking around at the city as she dragged him along, especially taking in the difference of the nightlife. It was absolutely stunning like this…he’d never seen anywhere like it.


    ‘Well, obviously.’


    He stopped in front of the raffle house…and his eyes went wide. This was a place of betting, a casino…and it looked flashy.


    “…Hoo boy.”


    A few Pokemon milled about the area in front of the stand, sitting at the tables, playing games either with one another or with staff members. Avery could see tickets changing hands and money even more so. Despite it being such a small nook in this Plaza it had a palpable energy of fun and chance. Multi colored Flags fluttered between ornate spiral pattern pillars, lanterns given colored glass to bathe this small area in a brilliant multicolor hue.


    “Howdy, Lahnae!” The Braixen on the other side of the counter cheered, pulling Avery from his thoughts. “Feeling like a winner? Who’s your friend??”


    Avery squirmed.


    ‘This isn’t my money…so I’m going to stick to a budget of fifty. Just a tenth of what I have. That’s reasonable, right?’


    “Hi, uh…I’m Avery! I’m kind of new here, so Lahnae’s showing me around. What is this place…?”


    “S’raffle house! A place of fun and fortune!” The Braixen explained, motioning behind the pair toward the tables. “Take a seat, we’ll have a time! What’s y’alls budget?”


    “I’m feelin LUCKY!” Lahnae shouted with an excited hop. “I’m putting HALF OF WHAT I GOT ON THE LINE.”


    “How much is that?” The Braixen asked.


    “Er…50.” The Torchic admitted quietly.


    “That works! We got low bet games for you.” The Braixen didn’t miss a beat, taking out a stack of thick cards. “How’s about a white card? Only 10p for a spin! Check the prizes!”


    Avery blinked, looking over at one of the signs on the side of the stand. He stared, letting the letters slowly morph and adjust into readable text, eventually finding a wood sign for ‘White Card Prizes’:



    1 – X || 2 – X

    3 – 100p || 4 – 50p

    5 – Apple || 6 – Oran Berry

    7 – 200p || 8 – X

    9 – X || 10 – X

    11 – X || 12 – Reviver Seed

    13 – 300p || 14 – 400p

    15 – X || 16 – X

    17 – X || 18 – X

    19 – X || 20 – 1000p JACKPOT!


    “Hm…well, ‘ve kind of got a pool of my and my partner’s money, so I’m not going to risk too much of his share,” Avery said with a little chuckle. “I’ll take five white cards then, see what I get…!”


    “That’s the spirit! Let’s see how you fare!”


    Lahnae did the same, purchasing five White tickets from the Braixen. With tickets in hand they both sat at the nearest table, the Torchic bouncing with excitement and impatience, a huge smile on her face.


    “Come on…come on mama…” Lahnae chanted to herself. Avery clutched his tickets tight, watching what happened. First came the silver tickets spin. Many Poke’mon at the tables, many dressed in ornate clothing, leaned forward in anticipation as the Giant Wheel was spun. It spun once, then twice, all the Poke’mon holding their breath. On the final spin. A bunch of Poke’mon groaned while others gave an accepting sigh.


    “Green card spin!” The Braixen called, a bunch of lower market Poke’mon shuffling to gather their tickets as the richer Poke’mon had their silver tickets punched. Whilst the spins continued a staff member approached Avery and Lahnae with a tray.


    “Totter pipe? Perhaps an X-Eye smoothie?” The Charmeleon asked, a wood pipe with seeds stuffed in the end on his tray along with a few colorful smoothies.


    “One, please.” Lahnae requested, taking the cup. “Avery, do you drink?”


    Avery blinked, looking at the cup.


    “…Drink? I mean, I don’t…really know. Never have before, as far as I can remember.” He took the X-eye smoothie, and looked at his bag. “Oh, how much is it going to be?”


    “It’s complimentary to raffle players, no extra charge.” The Charmeleon replied happily. A cheer erupted as the final green card spin’s results came up, Poke’mon banging on the tables, spilling their drinks. Lahnae laughed, sipping her smoothie as the Charmeleon moved on.


    “Now THAT’S a payout! Everyone’s a winner!” The Braixen shouted as the staff punched the green cards. “Folks, ready your red cards!”


    Ecstatic Poke’mon, who had just won the green card spin, quickly took out their red cards, along with a few poorer looking Poke’mon. Many of them puffed on pipes, a smoky haze across the area as the wheel spun.


    “Exciting, huh? They sometimes get bands and specialty bars and food out here.” Lahnae said, sipping again. “This is kind of my…escape. Nice, loud, alive…secluded enough to be secret and unseen but alive enough to not be lonely. Absolutely my jam. This is where I go when I need Kipuuna or Nivanee off my back for five seconds.”


    “Are they on you a lot?” Avery asked, taking a little sip of the drink. He didn’t want to go too overboard…but the drink did taste pretty good. “You seem like a real go-getter. Kipunna, I don’t know too well, but…Nivanee’s on you a lot? She seems pretty kipper and laid back to me.”


    Lahnae snorted, taking another sip of her drink.


    “Don’t get me wrong…I love em’ to bits. I know they’re just looking out for me. Nivanee nags me about how to run my team, Kipuuna nags and scolds me for failing missions and pushing my team…I just don’t want to be stuck doing baby jobs all my time here at the guild. Like, sure, do enough baby missions for enough years and you’ll probably still graduate. That’s good enough for Kipuuna but…”


    She shook her head, pausing as a bunch of disappointed shouts erupted from the crowd.


    “It’s the guild. The guild, you know? This isn’t a place of people doing the bare minimum. II’s a place of legends, something Poke’mon across Arcea aspire and look up to!! If the Poke’mon of Arcea look to the guild and see a middle-of-the-road, competent but unadventurous bunch of teams what would they think? That’s not the guild man…”


    She took another sip…a chug. She swallowed hard.


    “Me and Loshjno…we haven’t succeeded at a mission…in forever. Maybe years? I can’t remember…” She grumbled, looking off at the raffle wheel as the blue card raffle was spun. “And I don’t CARE. I see pamphlets and tabloids say I’m an embarrassment and I DON’T CARE. They say…”


    Lahnae grit her teeth, so subtly that Avery almost didn’t notice.


    “…that I’m everything wrong with the modern guild…and I DON’T CARE!! I’d rather fail for a hundred more years than ever quit and take EASY MISSIONS! After all, that’s…”


    She furrowed her brow, looking to Avery with a serious, determined expression. The fire blazed in her eyes.


    “…that’s our dream, me n’ Loshjno’s. I’ll always just try harder, no matter what.”


    She was quiet a moment, smiling when the cheers of the blue card holders erupted.


    “Watch close. We’re up next!”


    Avery was going to respond, scooting a little closer to her as she spoke. But the subject changed so quickly, and he redirected his attention up to the wheel.


    ‘… She hasn’t succeeded in a mission in months…? From the sound of it, it’s because she tales harder missions than she can handle. Having people talk down to her, including tabloids…it must hurt a lot.’


    Avery stared at the wheel, his mind flooding with thoughts.


    ‘We must have a lot of eyes on us at this guild. Lahnae taking missions she knows she’ll probably fail because she doesn’t want to undersell herself…that takes guts.’


    The wheel spun…


    17, nothing


    Lahnae chuckled, shaking her head.


    6, Oran berry


    15, nothing


    1, nothing


    “Well…” Lahnae smirked, watching the wheel do its final spin. “For what it’s worth…an Oran berry is good enough.”


    The wheel spun.




    Slowed. Slowed…


    And landed on…




    200 p reward!


    Avery couldn’t help but let out a cheer on the last spin, pumping his fist up. Lahnae’s eyes widened, a smile spread across her face, a bunch of Poke’mon whooping.


    Eeeey!” Lahnae laughed, waving her tickets. “We came around in the end…!”


    “Y-yeah! One fifty coin profit…!” Avery looked at her with a little grin. “… Okay. I’m not dropping below five hundred again but…if you’re willing to put in another five whites I’ll do the same. Tempting fate, all that.”


    Lahnae’s head whipped around to look at Avery. Stare at him.


    “Tempting fate…?”


    She stared. Then she laughed. Laughed a merry laugh. It wasn’t her normal laugh, it was a genuinely ecstatic and thrilled and overjoyed laugh.


    “We NEVER quit while we’re ahead!” Lahnae cheered, happily bumping against the Plusle. “Arceus those words, those sweet words! Somebody taking a RISK. Somebody saying YES! HAVING FUN! Going for it, bravely! Dauntlessly! Somebody just…just coming with me…!”


    Her voice died off, her smile still wide.


    She sniffed.




    Avery smiled a little at that.


    “I’m not one for getting people mad at me- heck, Vizon’d kill me if I turned up with my five hundred gambled away. But…yeah. We’re ahead.” He elbowed her. “…We’re rivals, right? Can’t have one of us going too soft.”


    Lahnae’s beak wobbled. She closed her eyes and…leaned in to hug him tight.


    “I have…the best rival. Ever.”


    Avery’s eyes went wide, lifting his arms up from the hug…but he hugged her back, patting her a little bit.


    “Hey, takes one to know one, right?”


    With a nod, Lahnae quickly pushed away.


    RAFFLE MAN!” Lahnae roared out raucously, fire of determination in her eyes. “I’LL TAKE TEN ON WHITE!”



    Avery looked back at the wheel, and then to Lahnae as she bet.


    “…Ten on white,” He said, bringing his arm up, with another sip. If they lost completely off this, at least he’d be bringing back fifty.


    Lahnae grinned as Avery took the tickets, having the time of her life, a look in her eye like he was the first friend she’d had in years.


    But not friend, obviously. Rival! But what’s the difference?


    Tickets in hand, they both sat down, watching the other Poke’mon as they took tickets of all sorts of colors.


    “Arceus this is fun. I feel electrified. I feel GREAT.” Lahnae giggled, looking over at Avery.


    The Poke’mon began to clear, the first gold card spin beginning.


    “So, what would you feel like doing after this?” She asked, getting comfy and scooting closer to the Plusle. “The night is young and I feel PUMPED.”


    “I mean…depends on whether we leave here with a profit or not, yeah?” Avery said with a little chuckle. “If I’m out of here with an extra hundred and fifty, then that’s an extra hundred and fifty for us to spend, yeah? We could go shopping for stuff to give us an edge, maybe get something good to eat…”


    He paused, thinking of something else that’d help…and that she’d probably like.


    “Maybe we could even try training a bit!”


    “Oh! Yooo, you still wanna train? We could do the Throh-Sawk dojo at the guild if we’ve got time!” Lahnae was bouncing at the idea, grinning wide. “Heck, if we win this next one we’re GOING to that restaurant and I’LL PAY!


    She bounced again, giddy, watching as the other Poke’mon won or lost their prizes. Eventually, Lahnae gave Avery a sideways glance.


    “And hey…Avery?” She began, pausing at actually saying his name. “I always got your back. If you need anything…I GOT you!”


    Avery grinned a bit, and…tried to flex his arm a little. It was short so…it may not have worked as much as he’d have liked, but the message was clear.


    “Same for you, Rival.”


    At last it was time. The wheel spun for white. Lahnae choked down the last of her smoothie, now swaying from the X-Eye seed. Avery perked up, turning to the stand, watching the big wheel with interest.


    ‘Here we go…putting my faith in this. Ten tickets…At least one of them has to have a prize, right?’


    10, nothing




    15, nothing. 17, nothing. 17, nothing.




    10, nothing. 8, Nothing. Poke’mon all around were squirming, looking uncomfortable or defeated. All except one. Lahnae’s eyebrows were furrowed, concentrating hard. Her look of fiery determination never faltered, not once.


    8, nothing


    She didn’t blink. She didn’t cringe or cry out. She didn’t yell or sigh.


    17, nothing.


    She just stared intensely. And kept determined.


    7…200 p


    Her eyebrows raised. She leaned forward.


    One last spin…

    The wheel spun…


    hypnotically spun…

    until at last…it…finally…slowed down and landed on…


    The crowded erupted into frenzied cheers.


    The Raffle Man rang a bell.


    The stomping feet shuddered the lamps. The chairs.


    Lahnae cheered!




    “JACKPOT!!! That’s 1000p!!!!” The Raffleman shouted!


    Avery’s jaw dropped.


    ‘This…this was…this was…’


    He turned and stared at Lahnae.


    “O…one thousand-?” Avery squeaked. “W…we got…we got the…”


    He stared at the wheel.




    The feeling of elation was immeasurable.


    HAAAAH!!!” Lahnae screamed in joy, shaking Avery like a ragdoll. “That’s it! That’s the one! That’s what I’m talking about!


    She laughed in pure joy, hugging onto Avery TIGHT and POWERFULLY, SQUEEZING.


    “THIS is what I’m talking about!”


    Chapter 5.1





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    1. Mar 13, '24 at 6:56 pm

      Chapter 4.2

      This should be the dungeon crawling, I believe. But before anything like that can happen, they need to hit the bank! Fair enough, it’s important to get their money’s worth before anything else happens. The Flaafy kinda looked sad, or at least it looks like she was sad. She also has an accent, neat. Vizon is… not really talking to her? He’s leaving all the conversation for his friend. His friend, who is an extreme rookie in terms of this place, can’t read, and doesn’t know anything about the economy. Well, it’s a weird thing to do, and it’s weirder once they’re done with this because Vizon starts to act weird and shit. Please grow as a person. Or a dog…? Whatever. At least it seems to be out of concern for Avery? I dunno. I’m trying hard not to ship them, even with… whatever this was. Plus his crush on the Eevee girl. I guess I’m weird. Their next stop is on the Kecleon store, and they also have accents. This one doesn’t seem to set Vizon off, which is good I guess? I have a lot of feelings about this. This dumbass Vizon bought something that will almost leave them broke just because his crush got it. I’m sure I can call him a simp by this point. After all this, they can finaaaaally get to the dungeon. Hm… I wonder how it’ll go? It’s likely going to get to the bulk of the chapter, so I’m expecting a lot of twists and turns.

      …Well, the beginning of the dungeon was fine, I think? But Vizon immediately assumed there were bad guys because of the way they talked. It’s weird, I have to admit, but uuuh, he was right this time, so there’s that. And as such, they immediately get into a fight. In fact Vizon is pretty much in charge of this operation, even going as far as making some random attack that Avery never heard before in his life. Amusing, funny, but wow was it rough. In a good way though. He just kinda yeeted his friend, the one he’s supposedly protecting with his everything. That didn’t seem to be doing anything, and the “bad guys” kinda regrouped. It’s Vizon’s fault, honestly. Maybe he was too excited about working at the guild, and now… now it feels like they’re both going in over their heads in this situation. Everything is falling apart thanks to him. Nice job breaking it, hero. Honestly, I commend that despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, Vizon still thinks they have a shot. I mean, it’s early in the story, I doubt they’d lose badly right in the beginning. In any case, it’s up to Avery to finish off with an attack. Once again, he’s being pressured to do it. Is it gonna work? It kinda worked. Seems like he’s at his best when he’s being pressured. It works for now, but uh, I don’t think Avery is gonna win every fight by using this strategy. I could be wrong, but eh. We’ll just have to see.

      Vizon continues taunting the villains here, despite the fact they can beat both kids up. Hell, Avery is poisoned. They don’t seem to stand much of a chance, but that won’t do well for Vizon’s ego. Oh, and the leader was a Hoppip. I dunno, I felt like I had to point that out. Still, the duo is gonna keep on fighting. Good for them. The fight keeps going, and hm, Avery gets pissed off because these guys did kidnap someone. I honestly kinda forgot about that detail until it was pointed out, so there’s that. In fact Avery still got beaten up. He had to use a reviver seed to get a shot at surviving. Thankfully that seemed to reinvigorate him enough to land an attack(accompanied by a cool picture, too). The fucking boss still tried to do something but wow, that was… a little pathetic, I have to say. All that’s left is to get the cartographer and get outta there. Unfortunately the Marill wasn’t alone. Ah, cool, it was a big dragon with her. And the Dragonite absolutely wasted them. He also knows the guild… interesting. The plot thickens. They managed to escape the dungeon, but at what cost? Damn, that was intense. Good chapter.

      1. @NavarMar 13, '24 at 6:57 pm

        Chapter 5.1

        Ahem, seems like things weren’t going to hell from the start like I suspected, since they didn’t complete the primary objective of this mission. On another note, Avery is of course a little scared about this. After all, he’s… failed, pretty much. But even with that it doesn’t seem all that bad. He described everything that happened in the dungeon, and that does include the (cool) dragon that beat them up without even trying to. That changes things, because he’s a wanted man. And for twelve million?! That just goes to show how dangerous he is, and how outclassed team Azure really was. They had no chance, and to be honest… they’re lucky to be alive, that’s what I’m saying.

        As for Sarfallinus’ reaction to all of this… okay, so he isn’t a massive dick that sent two teenagers to their death. He had no idea that Xamao was there, and he was planning on giving them an easy mission. I have to admit, I wasnt expecting it. He was softer than I took him for. Though… this is probably an outlier situation instead of how he’d usually act with people like team Azure. In any case, he does have the right idea in that, map or not, they saved a life. That’s important, right? I mean… of course it is. And wow. Just wow, Sarfallinus was actually proud to have them around. That… took less time than I thought. Maybe I oughta stop underestimating this guy.

        Next up is Avery meeting with Nivanee and having a long chat about status effects that just leaves the poor guy horrified about what he can do and about what can happen to him. It’s only then that Vizon really… does something. I was expecting his spirit to be crushed after that loss, especially for someone with that kind of bravado. And… well, he’s pretty down. It takes Nivanee to really get him to speak… the guy’s crush is too strong, someone should powerscale her. In fact, Nivanee offers to tag along and that out of everything is what got a reaction from Vizon. He’s… hopeless, pretty much hopeless. What a weirdo(affectionate). After this, Vizon is kinda a little more talkative, but… not by much. He’s just tired. Honestly, buddy, same, same. Avery is going to do this alone, and… yeah he has a point. Just because they’re on the same team and are roommates it doesn’t mean they need to do everything together. In fact I doubt that’s something they expect to do. Still, given Vizon’s state I’m not sure if Avery made the right decision.

        Okay so it didn’t work with the monotone Shinx. I… wonder if they were like on a date or something. I’m sure if I keep shooting I’ll guess someone is queer before it’s confirmed or something like that. Anyway, more people are there to take Avery out(not on a murder) so things solved themselves, right? I don’t see anything wrong with this development, at least. It’s kinda fun, I gotta admit. And well, he’s talking with more guildmates, so it’s an improvement over how awkward things got just a moment before. Hooray? Hooray. Sarfallinus is part of the talk again, which… he’s a complicated character, I’ll give him that much.

        The plan is to tail Ganisus because honestly they seem to not have anything better to do with their lives. And uuuh that was a long, loooong explanation about what Lahnae planned on doing. This is… a really, really hyperactive bird, like holy fuck is she hyper. I still like her though, she brings a lot of energy to the fic.

        And her brilliant idea is to go gamble. Raffle… but it feels like they’re gambling. Uh, this will surely end up well. It does end up surprisingly well and then Avery has kind of a heartfelt moment with Lahnae where she explains a lot about herself. Well, that took no time at all! Alcohol did its job, I guess? I do like learning more about her, and she seems calmer during this explanation. She hasn’t been doing so well in the guild… man, that’s really rough for a recruit. Oh, and they managed to get the 200p reward! Avery got lucky with that, I gotta say. Also got the oran berry so there’s that too. Then Lahnae has the wonderful idea of doing it again. Well, you know what they say about gamblers… I’m not so sure if she’s a good influence for poor old Avery here, but we’ll see about that. Oh well, they did get the maximum prize at the end, so their luck… was very lucky. I think that should be enough for this chapter. Good job with it, it’s fun.

    2. Mar 13, '24 at 6:55 pm

      Chapter 1

      Time to see what this is all about, eh? The story I’ve heard about from a cool gal. Without further ado… time to review this thing. For the first part, a carefully constructed scene where the (I assume) main character of the story is having an out of body experience. He doesn’t seem to know where he is or what’s going on, and the prose helps contribute to that confusion. Actually even the chapter seems to indicate that. It’s just… a void. TM. Nothing’s there, nobody’s there, just this mysterious person. And it does paint the place as this eldritch, otherworldly location. Though… he doesn’t seem to stay there alone for a lot of time.

      As natural as it is in PMD stories, our main character is quickly thrust into the position of meeting whoever brought him to this void. And hm, it’s an unusual transition. He’s slowly hearing things until it reaches the point where he can actually hear a full sentence instead of fractions of one. And uh, it’s through an orb. Also, apparently with no voice, but with him hearing the words anyway? That sounds a little creepy but I’m all for it, sounds fun too. In a creepy way, duh. The scene itself is kinda creepy in general. The main character is saying stuff he shouldn’t know given his situation, and the paradoxical nature of this is really intriguing to me.

      Seems he’s slowly getting parts of his body back that make him able to reply to this orb. I quite like the progression here, the MC is more interested in getting answers than answering the orb’s questions. He doesn’t seem to take shit from that thing, which I find amusing and also kinda cool. Finally, there’s a name for him, Avery. Interesting, he’s also slowly gaining his senses. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before. But as much as I find it cool, it’s also horrifying how he was doing all that… without remembering much. It’s like Avery was some kind of blank slate before this happened. I’m not sure what to think of this.

      So the quiz continues despite how Avery seems to have a hard time processing it. And the questions… are something he cannot seem to get away from. Not without answering, and this funny little orb doesn’t answer any of his. Things continue progressing and Avery continues not wanting to answer any questions… and this orb might be a little sassy because it stopped saying anything. Right, in this void that thing was all that Avery had, and it’s gone. I can see why that could be horrifying to someone.

      A while later and the question continues, and this time they seem a little more… gentle? He has a Riolu friend, so that’s… adorable at least. Finally he’s able to leave whatever plane of existence that place is, and now… fall to his death. Well, isn’t that nifty? He has enough time to react to everything he can feel, which is fascinating. Okay, so he did fall down, but… didn’t die. Well, cool. That should be all for this chapter.

      1. @NavarMar 13, '24 at 6:55 pm

        Chapter 2

        From the looks of it this chapter is bigger than the last, so I should hopefully have more things to talk about. And the first of them is that Avery seems to be doing better. He’s waking up with all of his emotions, his thoughts, his senses, everything seems to be fine. Well, apart from the fact he’s still very much inside a world he knows little to nothing about. He assumes he’s human, so that’s what I’m going to assume as well. He doesn’t seem very interested in returning to that identity, and instead he wants to find civilization. Well, fair goal, I guess. From where he’s standing he can see some places to check. I doubt it’ll take him too long.

        Reading a little more and hm, Avery was having a hard time. He walked for hours without stopping, which is fair, and it let him be alone with his thoughts, like how he’s familiar with walking on two legs, remembering a few things about his conversation in the void during the last chapter, and that he needs to eat and drink. He barely started this journey and he’s already… almost dying from exhaustion. Walking without resting will do that for ya, though he’s not dying just yet, he might have a shot at making it through. The prose certainly helps that aspect by making it seem like he’s going through a really rough time trying to get to another town.

        So he does find someone out there, but that Pokémon isn’t exactly friendly because he thinks Avery is a bandit or something. On the bright side, Avery didn’t get immediately attacked by this Tauros, so that’s a good thing. Also, now I finally know what species Avery is now, a Pusle! That detail aside, seems like his decision to reach the tower was stupid considering what this Tauros has to say. The tower is probably really far away and Avery didn’t exactly go prepared for the trip. Honestly it’s a little miracle that he made it so far before being told this. Well, the Typhlosion nearby does want Avery to join them, despite how suspicious it might be. Good job for him. My other comment is that they are Arceans… which probably involves Arceus in some way(considering the title of the fic, I’d say it’s a given).

        Oh, he finds the Riolu he was looking for! How convenient, and this Riolu seems to be a bit of an introvert, or at least socially anxious. He can keep up a conversation, though, which is a good sign. Avery, on the other hand, can’t fucking read so that’s sure to make things harder for him as the fic goes on. The Riolu also thinks Avery is just crazy, or batshit insane. Probably both. And to be fair, looking at things through his perspective does make Avery come off as a madman. Granted, I don’t know anything about the world either, so I’m very much learning it with Avery. Oh, his name is Vizon. I’m sure they’ll be good friends. Well, Vizon seems to trust Avery a lot and even believes in the amnesia story… cool.

        Okay Vizon is adorable. Like a little beam of excitement. The way he talks about guilds and stuff is really cute. I like him 🙂

        Leaving the carriage and through some conversation Vizon eventually asks Avery to sleep in his house. Well, that’s cute. He’s still a little suspicious, which is fair considering his point of view about Avery. Well, it’s Vizon’s parents’ house, so not him. I wonder how old he is? Riolu makes me think a teenager, but if he’s on his own for this long then he might be like, a young adult.

        Anyway, Avery ends up giving his whole backstory, which… would probably make him look even crazier than before. Honestly I’m surprised Vizon didn’t just kick him out after hearing all about this. I’m… happy, though. I mean, there wouldn’t be much of a story if Avery got homeless right during the second chapter, right? He even got his fur ruffled, which… cute. That should be all for this chapter! I feel like a lot has happened and not much at the same time. Probably the right amount of plot and character fluff for me. I liked it.

        1. @NavarMar 13, '24 at 6:55 pm

          Chapter 3

          Huh. The beginning of this chapter is very… intriguing. The orb that was talking to him, that brought him to that word and asked all those questions is actually Arceus. And it’s no surprise that he wanted Avery there for a reason, to fulfill some kind of great purpose that will change the world. That’s usually how it goes, isn’t it? At least Arceus seems a bit more friendly this time, compared to before, where he wouldn’t even answer anything that Avery threw at him. It’s an improvement. He’s still very ominous and just says Avery needs to be a hero who will protect other Pokémon. That isn’t very… direct. It’s pretty much a trope that these legendaries don’t say anything to all the people they summon. Anyhow, the conversation moves on a bit. Apart from making Avery feel like he… isn’t special by any means, Arceus also mentions he should find someone that Vizon will know about. At the same time this is happening, there’s some broken sentences that kinda give me medical vibes. My working theory is that Avery was dying and Arceus was the one that saved him, and also gave him this mission. I dunno, could be a stretch. It’s not like Avery can do much other than trust Arceus’ words. He sure seems to trust Avery… with a whole mission that will affect the world, neat.

          Ahem, he wakes up and immediately remembers the name, so that must have been one hell of a dream. If it even was a dream in the first place. Well, Vizon was going to let him sleep, but I feel like the Olistia thing is more important. And hm, is Arceus appearing in Avery’s dreams more beliavable than the human thing? Part of me doubts that, but hey, I’m not the Arcean around here. Turns out Arceus was right and there was someone named Olistia in this place, a Conduit, whatever that means. Exploring the city is nice, and that coupled with all the pictures as well as the prose really does make the city feel like a good place to live. I mean, nothing really bad happened so far, so there’s that too. I do find the drawing with Vizon to be adorable, he’s so much taller than Avery… it’s kinda cute. I’m not sure he believes the hero story, but at least finding Olistia seems like it won’t be that hard. So far, anyway.

          Riiiight, Vizon is still treating all of this as if Avery really was part of this world and just has a terrible case of amnesia. I guess it’s more beliavable than him immediately accepting that Avery is (likely) a human all this time. I take it the “Conduit” thing just means she answers directly to Arceus, which makes me wonder how big of an influence he has. Like, if he needs that to talk to the common folk, how strong is Arceus? It popped into my head while I read this. Anyway, Avery has other reasons to see her, and since she talks to Arceus she might have some answers for his state and what he should do. Makes sense.

          Well, since Olistia is highly requested by everyone, there’s a whole audience, which will make getting to her trouble, even if she’s off the castle. Cool that Vizon still wants to try, though. Or not, because Olistia was looking specifically for Avery… and some randos in the audience have the audacity of lying to say they know the guy. The real Avery must be a little embarrassed from hearing all of this. I may have gotten used to Anemone Flowerbeds because I was fully expecting Olistia to be… a dick. Uh, glad to see she seems to be nice.

          She’s very thoughtful in her explanation, and if her saying that Avery is human doesn’t convince Vizon that his friend was telling the truth, I don’t know what would. There’s that idea of trying to make Avery remember since Olistia is a psychic, and apparently a powerful one at that. If there’s anyone that could help him, it’s her. Didn’t work, though, which is more or less what I was expecting. Despite this setback she’s more than willing to hear them out about the dangers and stuff. Oh, and they have recommendation letters for the guild. Honestly Vizon being this shocked made the scene very cool for me. It’s like he got what he wanted after searching for it for a long time. Good for him. I would like to pet Vizon for being a good little pup.

          1. @NavarMar 13, '24 at 6:56 pm

            Chapter 3.2

            It sure didn’t take long before they got to the guild, neat. And… my god Vizon you’re such a huge nerd, lmao. Gushing about everything the guild has sure makes him look adorable. Like, he clearly wanted to be there for a long, looooong time. I imagine Vizon hasn’t even realized that he’s actually there. That after all the dreaming he did, he’s there, in the guild. And it’s all because of Avery, so all the distrust he felt about him is kinda… gone. thrown out of the window because Avery helped him achieve his lifelong dream. Like I thought, he trusts Olistia’s words and now believes that Avery was telling him the truth. Cool.

            There wasn’t any fanfare in the guild, which is fair, and the Ledian that talked with them was… rude, to say the least. No doubt a lot of people wanted to join the guild, and he had to read the letter multiple times just to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong with it. I do kinda wished he showed a little more surprise than he did, but oh well. At least he wasn’t more rude to them, like… ripping the letters or something. I dunno why but I thought he was gonna do that. Feels like the kind of thing that would happen.

            So the guildmaster appears to be a tough guy that rules the guild in a very strict way. Once they gte to his office he just kinda… vibes there, like he doesn’t even care they’re around. It’s not until the two mention the letters that he shows any kind of reaction. What I mean is: this guy is kinda ominous. No, scratch that, he’s ominous as hell and it’s hard to get a read on him. The guy did the thing with the letter and destroyed it, though he burnt it instead of ripping the thing apart. I get it, I get why he’s upset. He’s pretty much getting a bunch of nobodies because a friend of his gave him a favor. And it’s only a recommendation, she’s not asking him to accept it. I get it, he wants the best for the guild, that’s obvious. Does it mean he should be this much of a dick? Probably, probably not. I can’t even tell to be honest. Well, they’re still going to enter the guild through a test, and not just… for free. It makes sense, but I don’t think Avery is gonna be of much use considering he probably doesn’t even know how to fight.

            So everyone including both Avery and Vizon think they’re fated to lose this match here. And Vizon also doesn’t know how to fight… this should be an interesting match, to say the least. At first they kinda… got beaten up pretty badly during the battle. Though, much to my surprise it looks like both Avery and Vizon learned to fight… during it. Like, slowly they began to hit back, and it was the heat of the battle that did it, so maybe it wasn’t that bad after all? The good thing is that they do keep fighting, and in the end, they actually won. I was wrong in thinking they’d lose, but also it wasn’t really easy. The earned it. I’m hoping to see the guildmaster being upset that these nobodies actually won his little test.

            Okay I was right in thinking the guildmaster would be upset about his recruits losing. I’m not gonna lie, I was really hoping he would be proven wrong. I don’t like his smug attitude and seeing him face reality like this was very satisfying to me. Thank you Shanna for giving me this moment. Aaaaaaanyway, the two main characters are in, hooray! Vizon’s celebration about their achievement almost makes me not feel bad about that poor Rattata and Mudkip, because they were actually trying their damn hardest to join the guild… only to get their dreams crushed. It’s the way the world works, but that doesn’t mean it’s fair. And, okay, Vizon is clearly very happy about this, so I guess I can brush this little thing aside.

            Also, they already got a team name. And it’s a cool team name at that, epic, this will affect the trout population. I still think the guildmaster is going to make things unnecessarily hard for them all, so I’m not too excited about what their first day will be. Well, if they didn’t try as hard as that team before joining, they’ll surely work hard now.

            And they were roommates. Oh my god, they were roommates. And there was only one bed. Oh my god, there was only one bed. This should be all for this chapter, was fun as well. Hooray.

            1. @NavarMar 13, '24 at 6:56 pm

              Chapter 4.1

              Another dream sequence this early? For now it doesn’t look like Arceus is showing up. Instead of that, what Avery sees are a weird bunch of people? People that are talking about him and it’s a little freaky. I don’t really know what’s going on with this scene and neither does Avery. Avery just kinda gets yeeted out of his own dream, which does sound funny at least. And now he’s back in his little reality. Like in the games this poor child(teenager? young adult?) is being woken up too early for his own good. And the gong keeps… gonging? Well it certainly isn’t stopping until they get ready and everything.

              Well, the guildmaster wasn’t exactly peppy when it came to greeting every team in the room. But when it came to Azure he was… peppy. Very peppy and excited, to the point that it felt like he was exaggerating. Not only that, but he was drawing it out for so long that the entire attention would fall on the rookies. And for what reason? Because he clearly doesn’t like them being there. Like, he’s going out of his way to make their experience as miserable and embarrassing as possible. See, this guy is an asshole. But Vizon, why the fuck are you not finding a problem with this? On the bright side, the students seem a lot more amicable than the guildmaster is. This Torchic, for example… she’s adorable in a weird way, already wanting to fight them… despite not knowing a single damn thing about these two, and her partner kinda doesn’t wanna stop her. It’s a little funny, I have to admit. Oh wow, Vizon is just… not knowing how the hell to react because he’s meeting his heroes and it’s all overwhelming and he can’t even speak properly and wow. Honestly, it’s a normal reaction considering what’s going on with his life. All his dreams are coming true and it’s… adorable, I have to admit. The guild actually doesn’t have a lot of members, and the whole previous chapter can give a damn good reason for why that is. Almost nobody passes all the tests, so there’s barely anybody new. Like, yeah, Avery and Vizon are the newest recruits, and veeery new. Vizon is still having a hard time processing all of this. I… find it adorable. He needs a hug, possibly from everyone he seems to be fond of.

              Every member of the guild is different. They’re all eccentric little gremlins, but overall I think they’re all… nice. When compared to the dick Guildmaster anyone can be nice, but really, these recruits don’t seem like jerks, and that’s a start already. The Eevee in particular is adorable, she’s joined with her sister! I love siblings in these fics so I am eating this up. I am leaving no crumbs, this is my zone, it’s one of my favorite tropes. Anyway, they’re all talking and huh, the guildmaster let them spend this time talking to the other recruits. Okay I should probably stop assuming he’s gonna make every part of this be miserable for team Azure. I dunno. Well, their mission is just search and rescue. I doubt this is gonna be like, him trying to make them be miserable or anything. After all, they are rescuing someone, so he should at least think they can handle this kind of mission. Also something weird happened and Avery could suddenly read. That is… very convenient, and kinda funny. Hm, so they have everything set to go do this mission? Alright then, should be fun to see. Hopefully not hard.

              Also Vizon has a crush on the Eevee girl. Damn, I was kinda shipping him and Avery, my heart… ahem. So the Torchic girl is quick to trust Avery’s words about being a hero chosen by Arceus. She is… very excited about things. I wondered for a moment if this was to hide some insecurity or something like that, but maybe not? Eh, I don’t know if it matters. She’s cool in my book. Sounds about it for this chapter, I think they’ll be exploring the dungeon next one and hopefully not get beaten to death for taking a job above their level. Hopefully.

    3. Feb 29, '24 at 3:12 am

      I love Lahnae, I’m glad we’re spending more time with her early on, her energy is so much fun to read and she’s getting a lot out of Avery 🙂