The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 6.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Together, Vizon, Avery and Nivanee charged dauntlessly out of the city, following the path up the valley, the trudge, once again, a hardship in of itself. Nivanee pulled ahead, leading the other two to the west, along a familiar dirt path by a familiar tree line. Even if it all looked the same, Avery could tell it was the same place he’d been found all that time ago. They walked on and on, paws splashing in old puddles, crunching in muddy path soil, until at last Nivanee stopped in the middle of the road, turning to face Vizon and Avery.


    “Here we are!” She cheered.


    Vizon and Avery looked around. The location was unremarkable, it was the same as the rest of the path so far: endless expanse of fields to the east, wall of trees to the west with the dirt path bordering the two.


    “…I remember this,” Avery said, staring up at the enormous trees that loomed over the path. “This place is…a lot scarier when things get dark, heh…”


    “Everything is scarier without friends!” Nivanee assured, leaning to talk to him. “But now with us here, this forest can get as dark as it likes and it won’t get scary at all! Just believe in us and you can do anything!”


    The line was corny, like all her platitudes, but sweet nonetheless. Vizon was enraptured with being around her.


    “Vizon! Look sharp!” Nivanee said, the Riolu straightening up immediately. “I got a notice of a group of bandits attacking travelers. They’re apparently hiding out in these woods! I figured we could take care of it on the way! You should never shy away from extra work!”


    Vizon nodded, at attention.


    In front of them, the trees rustled quietly in the spring breeze. The air was crisp with the scent of pine. Faintly, in the dark tree line…Avery’s sensitive ears picked up the creaking of branches, the rush of water, the wind through the nettles and…voices…?


    “Ready to go?” Nivanee asked, breaking his concentration. Avery tilted his head, looking around.


    “I…hear something,” He whispered, creeping forward. He looked back at Nivanee. “Do…you? Is it just me…?”


    Nivanee’s ears flicked and swiveled toward the depths of the forest, Vizon doing the same. The Eevee smiled.


    “Sure do~! That’s them.” Nivanee stated. “Overconfident criminals don’t even try to hide.”


    “Alright, so…do we get the jump on ’em?” Avery asked.


    “Mhm~!” Nivanee whispered, taking a step back. “How about you lead, Avery? Shadowing is all well and good…but I think mentoring is better! Don’t worry, I’ll guide you if you need any help.”


    “…A-are you sure…?” Avery cringed, looking at Nivanee. “I-I can count the amount of battles I’ve been in on both paws…!”


    He held up one paw, then the other.


    “..T…Two. I’ve…Oh, god, I’ve been in only two battles-” Avery stammered. He looked at Vizon, more than a little worried. “H-help me out here-“


    “Then let’s make it three today!” Nivanee encouraged softly. Vizon blinked, looking  between Avery and Nivanee, gritting his teeth in discomfort.


    “I mean…” His eyes flicked to Nivanee. “But he…”


    His eyes flicked to Avery.


    “…well! C’mon, Avery! If the senior guild member believes in you, so do I! Team Azure never gives up!


    ‘….Never loses to never gives up, huh…?’


    “…Alright…” Avery sighed. “I’ll try.”


    Carefully, the Plusle began sneaking forward, checking his steps to make sure he wasn’t going to tread on any errant twigs. He tried his best to use trees as cover, and attempted to see what, and who, he was up against…


    Nivanee and Vizon follow closely behind Avery, the Riolu looking up at the canopy as they walked.



    “Now if I know anything about these Woods it’s going to get really dark up ahead.” Nivanee advised. “The outlaws are at the top of the hill, though there’s always ooone or two milling around.”


    The girl deftly stepped over twigs that Vizon haphazardly snapped. Avery looked back at Vizon, eyes wide.


    “Shh, careful where you step, bud-” The Plusle hissed. “I’m trying to get in quietly…! Remember what happened last time we went in guns blazing…”


    ‘We did end up winning, but… It could have gone a lot smoother if we were quiet.’


    “Eep, sorry…!” Vizon whispered, stepping over a twig carefully onto another, different twig and snapping it. “Erf…!”


    Avery’s heart dropped, his ears swiveling to try and listen into the forest, checking if they’d been heard. Nothing yet, no changes. Vizon breathed a sigh of relief, continuing on carefully, Nivanee trailing up behind him.


    “It’s ok, just keep trying, Vizon…!” Nivanee whispered, making the Riolu lose even more focus before she turned her attention to Avery again, rattling off more advice. “Oh, and Avery, don’t forget to be on the lookout for any potential recruits if someone catches your eye. Lots of criminals with no loyalty would take honest work over banditry. The conduicy pardon for guild labor helps, too~!”


    Avery paused, looking back at her with a quizzical look.


    “… Recruit? What do you mean…? We can… We can just add people to our team? “


    “Yup! They aren’t proper guild members, just subordinates you contract for jobs. Kipuuna has a few…Lahnae wants one or two but can’t get anyone to follow. Me? I don’t really need any other teammates, but you could always get some subordinates, yourself, if you think you need them!”


    “Wait…working with…criminals?” Vizon hissed indignantly. “Bad guys? On Team Azure? In the guild?”


    “Some Pokémon can be reformed, Vizon.” Nivanee softly replied, making the Riolu huff. “Bad Poke’mon don’t have to be bad forever. They can become good guys, too!”


    “Maybe,” Avery said. “I’ll… Be on the lookout. Just in case.”


    He kept moving forward, looking at his paws to make sure he wasn’t stepping on everything. Vizon was a little more unwieldly, but… Avery hoped that’d get better with time. All the while the Plusle tried to keep his ears open, but with his attention split between that and watching his step he became less aware with where it was he was even going. Deeper and deeper they went into the forest, the area steadily growing more dark as the canopy blotted out the sun, broken only by a single clearing where the sunlight was able to shine in.


    Nivanee didn’t seem to be worried at all, as if she already knew exactly where she was going.


    Avery froze. There was a sound. Ahead he heard something like a shuffle, leaves being rustled by something other than the wind.



    Avery whirled his head around, ears twitching – that was a new sensation for him – to look for where it came from. They were out in the open, wandering into a small clearing away from the cover of trees. If there was someone here…Avery knew they could get the drop on them.


    “Up ahead…”


    Nivanee’s voice was serious as she stared over Avery’s shoulder.


    “I see it…” Vizon whispered. “…it’s aura is glowing…neutral. Whatever it is, it doesn’t see us.”


    “Has to be those bandits.” Nivanee patted Avery’s back. “Don’t be scared, I have your back if anything happens. From the sounds of it they’re…”


    Her ears flicked and swiveled.


    “30 paces north, in the dark. 31 paces. 32. We’re behind them. You should strike now.”


    Avery nodded.




    He started to creep forward. Less attention on the twigs, more attention on closing the gap.


    The element of surprise was ours. Just get the visual and it’d be time to strike-!


    “20…” Nivanee breathily whispered, so quiet only they could hear.












    The light of the sun had abandoned them. The canopy hung thick overhead and a dark shadow enveloped them all.










    There’s another shuffle, something ahead of them broke a twig.








    Something moved. A faint shadow writhing on the ground.








    It stopped, starting to notice something.


    The Caterpie fearfully looked behind itself.




    Avery’s heart leapt out of his chest as he jumped out of cover, sparking up his fists, ready to attack! His fists crackled with electricity, jumping from finger to finger!


    The caterpie SHRIEKED, eyes bulging as Avery lunged with an electrical fist!


    Avery stopped himself mid-strike as the Caterpie recoiled in terror. He couldn’t help but hesitate just a bit.


    ‘This little thing? There’s no way it could be a bandit, right? Maybe if it tries something I’ll attack but I wouldn’t want to go after a bystander!’


    Capitalizing on the opening, the Caterpie quickly shot a spool of string at the Plusle. Avery yelped, his left fist getting covered in the stuff.




    Vizon rushed forward as Nivanee backed him up, coming up from behind. Avery still couldn’t tell whether that was self-defense or not.


    “A-are you a bandit-?” Avery said quickly, trying to pry the stuff off. It was so sticky…


    “W-w-who’s asking???” The Caterpie stammered.


    “I didn’t hear ‘no’!” Vizon yelled, bounding over Avery towards the Caterpie.


    “TWO?!” The Caterpie screamed, firing another volley of string, totally encapsulating Vizon, making him tumble to the ground, face in the dirt! The Caterpie lifted its head. Against the light at the far end of the thicket he saw Nivanee’s dark silhouette.


    “H-how many of you are there?!” He yelled fearfully, flopping to turn and skitter off. “I gotta get out of here!!”


    Avery jolted, quickly moving to help Vizon with his free arm.


    “N-Nivanee what do we do-? I don’t want to attack a bystander-!”


    “And good of you to hesitate!” Nivanee encouraged, trotting over, whipping at Avery’s bindings with an iron tail to slice through them. “But go after him! Either he’s a criminal or a nature walker about to run into bandits!”


    “Right-” Avery nodded, dispelling the sparks in his fists. Better to be safe than sorry. He charged forward after the Caterpie, no longer paying attention to stealth. He didn’t want to attract too much attention by yelling, but if he could just catch up to him…! “There’s bandit activity up here, it’s dangerous! W-we’re with the guild-!”


    “I’m sorry I’m sorry!!” The Caterpie squealed, throwing himself to the ground and giving up. “I swear I’m just in over my head! I told them we shouldn’t! I just want my mom!!”


    Nivanee hummed, seeing the surrendering Caterpie.


    “Mid teenager. Guess our ‘bandits’ are a bunch of rowdy kids.” Nivanee mused, running behind Avery. “The reports DID sound odd. Light robbery, never took much, these kids are just experimenting with it but we gotta set them straight…”


    Avery nodded, looking ahead at the Caterpie, approaching slowly.


    “Okay, okay, calm down-” Avery called, raising his arms up. “We don’t have to get into a fight if we don’t have to. But…being a bandit is going to bring you up against me or people like me pretty soon. You know that… Right…?”


    The Caterpie was crying, tears dribbling down its face.


    “Y-yes…” he sniffled, shaking. Nivanee smiled warmly, watching Avery work, holding a paw down on Vizon’s foot to make the Riolu hold his tongue. He looked like he wanted to launch into a speech that’d surely just scare the kid further. “I don’t…I don’t like stealing. It feels gross but but I don’t want to leave my friends to be b-bandits.”


    Nivanee giggled.


    “So you put in the notice, right?” She asked, the Caterpie giving a shaky nod.


    Avery’s expression softened.


    “It’s noble that you don’t want to leave your friends to something like this. It… It can be scary when it feels like you’re the only one who wants to do what’s right. It was good of you to let people know.”


    He looked back at Nivanee, then back at the Caterpie.


    “If we can convince your friends to stand down, there’s a pardon for them if they’d like to work with the guild. They won’t be punished. Is…that how it works, Nivanee?”


    Nivanee nodded, stepping forward. Vizon was speechless.


    “Yup, that’s right! The criminal record wiped clean for a little bit of good under a guild member. And it probably pays better than banditry, too!” Nivanee explained, bouncing softly, her tail swishing. “Though I don’t take permanent employees I absolutely take temporary rehabilitation recruits from time to time!”


    “Y-you promise to go easy on them?” The Caterpie begged. “Lasae, she…it’s not her f-fault, she’s just…”


    “I understand.” Nivanee assured. “If they attack we will have to defend ourselves, but we’ll pull our punches and be sure they’re ok. Riiight, Vizon?”


    Vizon folded his arms, looking away with his cheeks puffed.


    “Bad guys should get jail time…” he muttered to himself, but Caterpie didn’t hear.


    “We might be able to take you in too if you would like,” Avery said. “There’s some more dangerous things happening near the border we’re investigating, and if you get too close to that you could have ended up in a lot of trouble.”


    The Plusle looked back at the other two, then bent down to Caterpie’s level.


    “I’m Avery. This is Vizon, my partner, of Team Azure. And that’s Nivanee from Team Duskwalker. Things will be alright… Okay?”


    “Ok…” the Caterpie sniffed, slowly calming down. “I’m…I’m Salo…”


    “Mmm…” Vizon hummed, hearing the name.


    “It’s very nice to meet you, Salo.” Nivanee offered. “Can you please take us to your friends so we might stop all this?”


    The Caterpie nodded, turning to lead them deeper in.


    “They’re…just ahead…” Salo said, gesturing up the hill.


    Nivanee nodded, letting Avery take the lead. He nodded back and moved forward, following the Caterpie. There was still a chance this was a trick or an ambush, so he kept on my guard. But from Salo’s reaction it seemed like going in guns blazing might scare them off, which would surely just continue the problem later.


    They trudged up the hill, through a thick underbrush before finally cresting the top. The sun shone on their faces as the canopy split, the team standing in a large clearing overlooking a vast valley beyond.



    This must have been where they were hiding.


    ‘…okay how do I say this, what words-‘


    “Attention, bandits – under the jurisdiction of the Arceliaze guild, you are ordered to reveal yourselves…!”


    ‘That… Sounded official, right?’


    There was a shuffle, frantic whispers.


    “We’re not here to hurt you! We offer forgiveness for your crimes but only if you follow our instructions!” Nivanee called out.


    “EPFEVI E DEBBU WOE!” A young voice cried out.


    A Weedle crawled out of the bushes, looking sad.


    “Fiwo atdosi, Lasaeali…” He said in a weak voice.


    The first voice from the bush called again, shrill and angry.




    Salo winced, looking back at Avery, worried, then crawling forward.


    “Lasaeali…” Salo began. “…fiwo essipfisvo…vo addofiseppu…”


    The Weedle and the Caterpie were shaking, the Weedle looking down and crying his eyes out.


    “Okay… A little too strong,” Avery said quietly to himself. “… I’m sorry, I don’t speak that language, but…as long as you don’t attack us, we won’t hurt you or anything, okay? Do you have a name?”


    Avery looked around, up at the trees surrounding them.


    “Is there anyone else?” He asked.


    The Caterpie beckoned the Weedle over who complied at once, running to press into the Salo.


    “Lasae, she’s…” Salo stammered, glancing back at Avery. “…she’s really angry…”


    “PUP NO OPVISITTE TI NO ADDOFUPU!!” The shrill voice from the bush screamed, the Weedle and Salo wincing.


    “No…don’t say that…” Salo pleaded to the voice, apparently Lasae. “Jeppu qsunittu…”


    A Poke’mon shot out of the bush, fluttering in front of the group.


    “I va dsifo e ap Arceali?” The Butterfree growled, a wild look in her eye.


    The Weedle and Caterpie shook in fear. Avery looked back at the other two.


    “D… Do either of you speak this language-” Avery began. The Caterpie backed up, looking up at him.


    “Sh-she doesn’t believe you…” Salo stammered. “S-sorry, I’m the only one of us that speaks Arcean…”


    “They’re Illaminian kids…” Vizon huffed, Nivanee nodding softly. “Probably from Souljraan…”


    “Is there anything you can say?” Nivanee asked Salo. “Anything so she’d believe us? We don’t want to hurt anyon-“


    A shriek pierced the air.


    “GET DOWN.”


    Avery gasped, Vizon slammed him down. Lasae soared past, going right for Nivanee!


    “N-Nivanee look out-!!” Avery shouted! Nivanee simply side stepped the wild charge. Her face was saddened but firm, watching the Butterfree as she double backed, gliding above as she prepared for another strike.


    Avery looked towards Salo, eyes wide.


    “If this keeps up we’re going to need to defend ourselves. I’m…I’m not from here either. I don’t know much about what Illaminamo is going through with Arcea, but…I’m not going to lie to you or your friends. B-but if they don’t listen to us, they might get someone else sent after them, and I don’t know how they’re going to act…!”


    “I…I tried to explain that…!” Salo pleaded. “But she-“


    “NIVANNEEALIIIII” Lasae’s voice roared, practically shaking the trees. Avery winced, hearing the anger, the hate in the young Butterfree’s voice.


    “Stop! Gisnesi!” Salo cried out. “Lasae!”


    “HOASU DJI VO ENNEBBU, NIVANNEALI!!” Lasae bellowed.


    Avery’s eyes widened. That sounded like…


    “N…Nivanee, do you know them-!?” Avery stood up quickly. Nivanee shook her head sadly, her eyes never leaving the Butterfree, watching as Lasae began to swoop.


    Nivanee’s eyes darkened. For a brief moment the soft and warm eevee vanished.


    She opened her mouth, a ball of energy forming.


    No!!” Salo screamed.


    The energy SHOT out. Lasae screamed! The energy slammed into her. Put her in a spin! A spiral!


    The Butterfree crashed into the dirt. Tumbled. Slid and skidded.


    And lied there. Breathing, but haggard.


    Nivanee stared down at the girl, her eyes with that same look before she removed her badge and simply tapped it on the child, Lasae vanishing in a flash.


    The Weedle blubbered and sobbed, the Caterpie pressed into him comfortingly.


    Nivanee replaced the badge on her chest, softly brushing the dust from her fur with a paw.


    Her eyes were normal again. Radiant and sunny.


    “Never met them before in my life!” She answered simply. “Good job team! We did it!”


    ‘I was…’


    Avery stared.




    What is going on with Illaminamo?’


    Avery turned to face Salo and the Weedle, kneeling down, trying to show sympathy. Trying to…save face somehow.


    “I…I’m sorry it came to that. They’re…” Avery hesitated. He was trying to keep himself from shaking. “Lasae is okay, they’re just…warped back to the guild. I…”


    He looked back at Vizon and Nivanee. There was something going unsaid. And it was making Avery nervous. He felt he needed to talk to Salo alone later, if he got the opportunity…though even asking the Caterpie to join Azure’s team at this point felt…almost coercive.


    For a while Avery was unable to say anything. He shifted his kneeling to a seated position, and just sat with the kids for a few moments. The Weedle couldn’t speak…whatever language Avery and his team were was speaking. So anything Avery said to him would mean nothing. He laid a paw close to the Weedle – not touching – and just sat for a while.


    “W…We’ll figure something out, okay?” Avery looked back towards his team. “I know this must be really scary, but…we’ll figure something out. I promise.”


    “No worries!” Nivanee assured. “Lasae should only have a day or two in the local Souljreini prison and be out before you know it!”


    The Weedle and Salo hugged close as Nivanee approached, footsteps crunching down the grass. Avery instinctively shifted closer to the kids.


    “For now, you can join Team Duskwalker as subordinates to absolve yourself of all crimes!” Nivanee offered. Vizon trailed behind her, looking exhausted. “You’ll make lots of money…!”


    The Caterpie whispered to the Weedle, the Weedle shaking his head.


    “We…we don’t want to…” Salo said softly. “…we won’t go…”


    “Nivanee, hold on, just…slow your roll for a second,” Avery said, raising a paw. “They’re scared. Salo told us that he felt in over his head, and he just watched us knock out one of his friends in a single hit. I think…I think right now, talking about money and crimes is…”


    He paused, looking back at the two of them on the ground.


    “I can’t leave you two here alone,” Avery said softly. “I wouldn’t feel good about that. But…I can stay here with you guys, help you calm down. Here, uh-“


    He was about to reach into his bag, but stopped. He remembered the Flaaffy’s reaction to being given a gift. He tried asking first.


    “…Would eating something help?” He offered, trying to take an Oran berry out. But just before he could get a reply, the Eevee stepped in again.


    “Avery, c’mon now…! We’ve got another mission to attend to you know…” Nivanee pursed her lips. “I’m trying to help them here, but if they don’t join the guild then they’re still marked by the guild as crimin-“


    “No.” Avery interrupted. There was a shake in his voice. Both Vizon and Nivanee looked taken aback by the Plusle…standing his ground. “We…Nivanee, we can’t…we…I don’t know what the law says. I know you told us how it works but…this isn’t right, is it? Those…can’t be our only options, right? We’re guild, we…”


    “Catch the criminals.” Nivanee finished.


    “But that can’t be all there is, right?” Avery stammered, looking between Nivanee and Vizon, his frown deepening, heart sinking. “There can’t…we can’t do this, Nivanee. Right? We…we…”


    His voice tapered off. He shrank and recoiled under the gaze of his team. Vizon only stood by, looking almost split between Nivanee and Avery, looking between the both of them slowly.


    A silence now cut through the group of Poke’mon.


    Nivanee stared long at Avery.


    Hard at Avery.


    Before she sighed, defeated.


    “…alright…” She said at last. Avery’s ears perked as the Eevee sighed.


    She was quiet a moment, Avery waiting with bated breath what came next. She looked as though she were choosing her words carefully.


    “…I admit, I’m not very good with children.” She said, stepping forward and walking around the Plusle, making her way down the hill. Vizon sighed, rubbing his neck as she left. “I’ll trust both of you to handle them, I’ll make my way to Souljraan in the meantime…to handle the rest.”


    Avery nodded, feeling unsure, watching the Eevee as she disappeared past the brush. A chilled wind blew through the trees of Tall Woods that made Avery shiver.


    “Hungry…” Salo hiccupped quietly now that Nivanee was gone, bringing Avery’s attention back to the kids. The Plusle nodded, pulling out an apple from his bag. It took a bit of straining, but he was able to pull it into rough halves, giving one to each of them. All the while, Vizon only stood by awkwardly.


    “Tell me if you need more, okay?” He offered, looking back at Vizon, then where Nivanee went.


    The Riolu was quiet, staring down the hill, eyes tracing the valley beyond. Avery lifted his head, staring at the Riolu for a moment.


    “…you didn’t say anything…” Avery sighed, looking up at his partner. “…why?”


    Vizon shuddered, shaking his head.


    “…I was scared. She’s our senior, Avery. What she says…that’s what we should do, isn’t it? She wouldn’t steer us wrong, would she…?” Vizon said, a bit of finality to his voice.


    Avery was quiet, unsure what to say. Salo sniffed as the he and the Weedle finished their food, looking up at Avery. The Plusle turned back to face the kids.


    “C-can we g-go home?” Salo stammered.


    “I-” Avery frowned. “I don’t know. I’m…I’m new to…a lot of things. I’d like to get you two home, though. And your friend, too. Where is home for you two?”


    “Soul…souljrei…ni…” Salo squeaked, pointing to the tower. Vizon’s assumption was right.


    “Can you two, uh…get home by yourself if we take you back to town?” Avery asked.


    Salo nodded softly, whispering to the Weedle in Illaminian, the Weedle nodding.


    “I don’t…really know what the policy is about this sort of thing,” Avery said slowly. “If you just want to go back home, then we can do that, and I’ll try and get your friend back to you as soon as I can.”


    Avery stood up, leaving the kids for a moment to move over to Vizon, whispering closely, trying to keep his voice down.


    “Hey…If these guys go home without being pardoned, what happens?”


    Vizon was sweating, squirming, uncomfortable.


    “They’d still be criminals…”


    He swallowed. Avery wiped his forehead.


    “But Lasae should be jailed in Souljraan right now…” Vizon continued. “They have a local cell…”


    “…This…isn’t great,” Avery huffed quietly. “It…you heard it too, right? Lasae, she…she was saying Nivanee’s name, almost. Right? That wasn’t just me…?”


    “Y-yeah…I heard it.” Vizon admitted, side-eying the kids. There seemed a tinge of…distrust in his eyes. His trust clearly lie solely in Avery. “I think…she was probably just mad. I mean, Nivanee is fairly famous among guildmembers…right?”


    Avery sighed, pinching between his eyes, sadness and aggravation mounting. He looked back at the kids, both of them looking up as he spoke. Options and ways out kept flashing in his head, one by one quashed the more he thought.


    “I don’t think we can trick the guild into thinking we arrested them when we didn’t…If it gets out that we did that, then we all could get into a lot of trouble. It wouldn’t even be that hard to verify. But…what we could do, is…we could get to Souljraan, talk to Lasae without Nivanee there, and…” Avery wilted a bit, biting his lip. The kids squirmed at his hesitation. “…We’ll see what we can do about this.”


    The pair of kids nodded softly, shivering, not letting go from one another.


    “O-okay…” Salo muttered sadly, looking up at Avery. “Just so long as I can go home to mom…”


    Vizon sighed, stepping away.


    “Avery, they’re more comfortable with you, you lead them.” He said, making tracks after Nivanee. “Shall we get to Souljraan?”


    “…Mom…” The Plusle grimaced, waving the children over. “…Oh jeez- Yeah….yeah. We’ll go to Souljraan for now. We don’t need to talk about this any more for now if you don’t want to, okay? Come on, let’s get you home.”


    The two nodded, unfurling from one another, trailing behind as Avery followed Vizon down the hill. The thick foliage changed to high yellowed grass across a sun-bleached valley, strong and cool spring wind rolling over the grass. After passing by a berry farm they found the path leading up to the city itself. All the while, that mind-bogglingly massive tower loomed on the hill above, the same Avery had seen from so far away when he first dropped in.


    Nobody said a word the whole walk.


    As they crossed the valley, the path turned from a dirt color to a greyish color. Gravel and stone adorned the landscape betwixt tree and bush, no doubt the land turning more and more into the “Rocky Hills” with every step.


    And soon…they entered the city.



    Avery looked around at the rustic place, and the tower’s silhouette dominating the horizon in the background. Behind it were jagged hills of rock and stone, rising over the rolling hills of farmland and smaller buildings. It was a lot quieter, a lot more quaint than Arceliaze. It was…a nice contrast. Thinking of these kids in a city like Arceliaze all alone was scary. Really scary.


    But Avery knew what that was like. He was new to Arceliaze too.


    “How are you two doing?” Avery asked, looking back at the two of them. “You been kind of quiet…are you two and Lasae siblings?”


    Salo shook his head.


    “No…Lasae is just a friend…” the Caterpie replied, looking down, clearly still feeling guilty. “…she’s…really nice and she kept us safe from mean Poke’mon but…”


    Vizon pulled ahead, craning his head as if looking at something.


    “She started talking and making new friends and just got…angrier and angrier. Her mom is really nice but Lasae ran away from home and we went after her and…”


    “…I’m sorry,” Avery said softly. “We’ll-“


    “What is that…?” Vizon muttered, making Avery pause. He looked up at Vizon, jogging up to him.


    “What is what…?” Avery asked. Vizon pointed up the road.


    “Who is Nivanee with…?” the Riolu asked, stopping in his tracks to let his partner catch up.


    Just ahead, by a modest wood building with a few carriages beside, Nivanee stood. With her were three other Poke’mon that she seemed to be talking to…they were what looked to be a Shiny Butterfree, a Beedrill and…a very cross looking Jynx.


    Standing by the Jynx, staring at the ground, was…Lasae.


    “Mom…?” Salo whispered. Avery’s eyes widened.


    “…Oh no-” He looked at the two of them. “Come on, let’s go see what’s happening.”


    Avery waved them to follow, keeping close to Vizon as they approached. A pit was forming in the Plusle’s stomach; he was expecting them to be angry with him. As they got closer Nivanee’s ear flicked, looking back at the both of them, a wizened expression on her face as they approached.


    The Butterfree and the Beedrill fluttered up, looking seriously at the kids, the both of them breaking away from Avery and Vizon, jumping at each of their parents. The Beedrill spoke Illaminian to his son, the Jynx following close behind with Lasae in tow.


    The Beedrill and Butterfree hugged their children, even as they spoke firmly in their native tongues, but the kids looked too relieved to see their parents again to care.


    The Jynx, meanwhile, pushed Lasae forward, hissing a command.


    “Tdate.” The Jynx said. Lasae looked away, her brow furrowed.


    “…No Fotqoedi.” Lasae muttered, unenthusiastically. Almost bitterly.


    “And now frrom me.” The Jynx spoke, her Illaminian accent thick. She looked very seriously at Avery and Vizon. “I apologize. Verry much. Forr all this trrouble. Please…please do forgive my daughter, Arceali guild.”


    Avery looked to Vizon, and back to the Jynx.


    “I’m just glad that Lasae is alright, and we were able to get everyone home safe…they’re good kids.” He rubbed his arm awkwardly, looking to the Beedrill and Butterfree. “There’s…some things we might need to discuss, but for now, I’m just glad everyone is…”


    He gave a quick glance to Lasae.


    “…mostly alright.”


    “I assurre this excurrsion will warrrent…much talking to.” The Jynx put in, glancing down at Lasae…the woman seemed to be Lasae’s mother.


    “Thank you for brringing sweet Salo back…” Salo’s mother spoke kindly, hugging her child close. She, too, had a thick accent like the Jynx. “I was terrified…terrified what might happen. When miss Nivanee told me what it was they werre doing…”


    She sighed as the Beedrill scolded the Weedle. Nivanee stepped aside and approached Avery and Vizon, tail swishing merrily.


    “What would you need to discuss, Avery?” Nivanee asked, smiling as she stepped up. The Plusle eyed her suspiciously before he spoke.


    “…It’s…well…I guess I haven’t myself seen the report,” He sighed. “What, uh…penalties are they facing? I’m not sure if they’ve…actually done any bandit stuff themselves.”


    He looked at the two of them, feeling worried. But in response, Nivanee’s smile was…small. Even humble. She looked softly at the parents as they held their children then back to Avery.


    “After a few pulled strings? Scolding and a week’s grounding at most.” the Eevee admitted, shaking her head. “They’re…children, Avery. All the stolen items were on Lasae and have already been put into circulation for returns.”


    Her tail swished again and she shook her head sadly, shamefully.


    “I’m sorry, to the both of you. I didn’t conduct myself like a guild member back there, did I? I was…acting like some kind of mindless zombie or something, thinking more about mentoring you than just…common decency. I wasn’t even considering…” Nivanee’s voice tapered off as she swallowed, looking away. “I’ve…always been bad with children.”


    She laughed.


    “I was meant to be mentoring you, you know. Yet look who’s learning the lesson…to always be mindful, no matter what. I’m sorry. I swear I’ll not let either of you down again.”


    Vizon blinked, disbelief across his face. Nivanee stepped closer, nuzzling softly into the pair.


    “You two…will no doubt be shining paragons for this guild.”


    Avery put his hand on his chest, letting out a deep sigh of relief. He almost didn’t hear her apology from the sheer wave of relief that washed over him. It was strong enough that the nuzzle Nivanee gave him actually tipped him over onto his rump, jolting him out of his daze.


    “Oh thank goodness-” Avery breathed, getting back up to his feet. “It…I was stressed. I didn’t really know whether we were being tricked…and when you got attacked, I was…I hesitated. If they’d been hardened criminals and not kids, all three of us could have gotten really hurt. I don’t…I’m sorry, too.”


    “Don’t apologize. You did the right thing. Throughout the whole thing, you did what was right.” Nivanee smiled. “Not by the letter…but by the spirit. I remember…a certain someone else that was like that…”


    She smiled wistfully…nostalgic…but then frowned at once, realizing she’s slipped up.


    Is. is like that.” She hastily corrected her statement, shaking her head. Vizon could help but glance back at Avery.




    Avery gave Vizon a little shrug, turning his attention back to Nivanee.


    “Just…give me a little bit, and then we can continue the mission,” He said, breaking from the group and walking forward to Salo. The Caterpie softly pulled away from his mom, the Butterfree holding him in her arms so that he could look at Avery as he approached.


    He smiled warmly, which the Caterpie returned.


    “Are you going to be okay? You and your friend?” The Plusle asked.


    “Mhm…thank you so much, A-Avery…” The little Caterpie squeaked. “…T-Team Azure is the coolest…”


    Vizon was beaming.


    “Well…hey,” Avery said, giving the Caterpie a little grin. “When you get older, and you get stronger…and your parents say it’s okay…maybe you could join us sometime for a mission or two. Until then, keep an eye on each other and Lasae for me, alright?”


    Salo’s eyes watered, but the look he gave was joyous…and determined.


    “I’ll keep them safe.” He promised, voice firm and sure. His mother smiled, snuggling him close again as Vizon walked up and put a paw on Avery’s shoulder, watching as the parents took their kids off.


    “…huh…” He mused quietly.


    Avery gave him a little pat on the back, smiling as the trio of families disappeared down the road.


    “…What’s up?” Avery asked, looking over at Vizon. The Riolu was quiet, his red eyes glimmering in the soft afternoon sunlight. The strangest mix of shame for his inaction and inspiration at what he’d seen mixed in his expression.


    “…so that’s what it means to be a guild team.”



    Results: Team Azure Successfully Cleared Tall Woods!

    Recruits: None

    Rewards: 0 p


    Chapter 6.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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