The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 6.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The darkness overtook Avery once again…a warm stillness coiling around him…comforting him…


    But it didn’t last. The warmth slowly faded.


    It got colder.




    Slowly, something came into Avery’s view. As consciousness left him once again, the black void was replaced with a soft blue glow…surrounding him.


    His muscles burned. He felt tired. Panting.


    …this….this was weird. This wasn’t the normal way these went…


    “H…hello?” He asked. He couldn’t see the orb that usually accompanied these dreams. “Hello, is anyone there…?”


    There was a deep, low humming all around him. He couldn’t see a thing around him. He could actually feel his body this time around, felt his feet planted upon a flat, solid surface.


    He was so out of breath. Panting…panting…


    All was silent…silent, until


    “Congratulations, A V E R Y!

    You beat your previous record by








    “…W…what-?” Avery furrowed his brow, looking around in utter confusion. “What are you people talking about…? W-where am I? Who are you…??”


    “State resetting will begin…


    Please do your best on the next difficulty!”


    The blue lights glowed brighter. Brighter. Blinding. The enormous, still and lifeless mound in front of Avery was overtaken by the bright lights.


    Green…he was completely submerged in liquid. He see shadows moving in front of the glass-






    “W…what the-” Avery yelped, sitting up suddenly and folding his ears. “A-agh, wh…who rings that thing-?!”




    Vizon lied on the floor by the matress, sheets scattered, dazed and annoyed by the wall-shuddering sounds of the gong. Across the room, Avery lied, several feet from the bed.


    “Ughhh…heyaa, Avery! Goodmornihg…”






    “It’s so loud…” Avery whined, squirming on the floor. “Don’t half of us have really sensitive hearing or something…?”


    Avery reached for a pillow that sat next to him, pulling it over his head. He was wide awake, but he at least wanted to wait out the gongs!




    Vizon did the same, looking equally as aggravated. Especially when there was a knock at the door.


    “Hey guys?” A familiar voice said on the other side, muffled. Lahnae. “You up? Avery?”


    “… Yeah..” Avery groaned, twice muffled by the door and pillow. “… Yeah, we’re up…can’t imagine how we wouldn’t be…”




    The door creaked open, Lahnae’s face peeking in, brightening up at seeing the Plusle.


    “You gunna let me BEAT you to the lineup?” She snickered. Vizon grit his teeth at the gong as it CLANGED, unmuffled by the door. “C’mon, C’mon! Let’s do our best!”




    Vizon gripped the pillow, getting up on his feet.


    “My head’s ringing…”


    “M…must be nice not having ears bigger than your head…” Avery groaned. He stumbled to his feet, pillow still wrapped around his head. He finally let it drop, replacing his paws where the pillow had been. “A… Alright, Vizon, let’s… Let’s go.”


    Avery risked bringing a paw off his ear to tug Vizon up – or, because of his size, suggest to him that he should let me tug him up. Vizon softly held Avery’s hand. It wasn’t even a conscious thought, he just did it now. Lahnae beamed as they got up to follow her, going down the hall.


    “Man, I have SO MUCH stuff planned today.” Lahnae began, walking backwards down the hall to face the pair. “There’s a bunch of hooligans out by Taeriana apparently and Loshjno and I are TOTALLY-“


    A door beside her creaked open, Kipuuna stepping out. He gasped, stopping just short of running into Lahnae. The Torchic’s voice caught in her throat as she looked at him. Her brow furrowed.




    Lahnae said no more, turning to walk straight to the guildhall. Kipuuna sighed, letting Avery and Vizon pass, he and Ganisus following closely behind. In the guild hall they could see Lahnae taking her place by Loshjno, Kipuuna and Ganisus moving to file in as well. Nivanee was there at the end, once again standing by herself.


    Avery’s eyes traced up and down the line of guildmembers, getting lost in thought as he looked at them in a new light.


    ‘…yesterday this roll call had felt so put together. Everyone had been kind – barring administration – and I’d felt like an outsider. Like we didn’t belong here.




    Lahnae and Loshjno haven’t succeeded in a mission in years. There’s something blocking them from succeeding.


    Kipunna and Ganisus have…something going on. Lahnae seems to know Ganisus better than I do, but…I’ve only ever seen the Shinx spaced out, and Kipunna seemed…upset, last night.


    …and I still haven’t seen Nivanee’s sister.’


    Avery let go of Vizon’s hand and stood at attention.


    ‘…what is this guild…?’


    At the front of the Guild Hall Sarfallinus put down the massive ringer on the wall, the gong hanging over his office door now silent. The Infernape turned to face the Guild, hands behind his back and looking very professional.


    “Guild!” He began in a loud voice.


    All Pokémon in attendance lifting their heads at the ready.


    “I received notice back from Olistia regarding the theft of the mysterious map at the hands of Xamao.” The Infernape’s gaze moved toward Avery and Vizon for a moment. “She extends apologies to our guild and to Team Azure, as the mission to retrieve the map should have been an urgent top priority handled by the elites…but it seems the Arcean Board of Historical Research thought it best to try and handle the kidnapping with an internal request instead of alerting the castle.”


    Avery’s face fell, his hopes that the map wasn’t important dashed. Everyone murmured at the information, Vizon sighing deeply as Sarfallinus continued.


    “Needless to say that Castle Arceali, the Conduicy, and the elites are all on full alert, all hands on deck…though I’ve not had the contents of the map disclosed to me as of yet.” He paused for a moment, his fist clenching behind his back. “The Arceali Guild, all of you, will be involved in this search and investigation, but Olistia and I are pondering our place in it. I’m opting for information gathering for the most part, any confrontations being handled by senior members only, specifically Team Duskwalker.”


    Nivanee nodded.


    “With that in mind, Aquashock and Spade have the job board today, keep cleaning up those runoffs. Meanwhile, Nivanee has an assigned-“


    “Duskwalker, sir.” Nivanee interrupted. Sarfallinus clenched his fist again, frowning.


    “Of course. Team Duskwalker has an assigned mission forwarded from the Duke of Souljraan. As agreed, Team Azure will shadow you on it.”


    Nivanee looked over, flashing Avery and Vizon a smile as Estaloni handed Sarfallinus a parchment.


    “Expect more in the coming days on this situation with Xamao and the Thieves’ Guild.” He spoke. “For now…DISMISSED.


    “AYE” They all shouted in unison, Avery included this time.




    Avery made a mental note not to refer to Nivanee as a solo member. Although he had a feeling her little sister, Janus, wouldn’t be coming with them today, either.


    He was, however, surprised to find they’d be shadowing Team Duskwalker. The way she said it made it sound like she’d be accompanying them. Avery reasoned that perhaps this is what she planned all along.


    “…how’s your head feeling?” Avery asked, looking up at Vizon. “Are you okay…? Did you get patched up alright…?”


    “Oh yeah, no worries!” Vizon assured, patting the spot on his head that had struck the ground yesterday. “Riolus have skulls of pure steel! I think…”


    He laughed softly as Nivanee approached, parchment held in her mouth. From here, Avery could read its contents as she set it at their feet.














    POSTED BUDGET: 10,000 P


    TOTAL: 11,000 P




    Avery’s eyes went wide. That was a lot of reward money…and it seemed like quite a job, too.


    “A border job…? Arresting… All of them??” Avery looked up at Nivanee in disbelief. “If they’re holding up an entire border checkpoint there’s got to be a lot there…! Is that something that four Poke’mon could do…?”


    Vizon pressed closer to Avery as Nivanee stepped closer, clearly in no position to be able to answer. Nivanee, meanwhile, took no notice.


    “Whether we can or can’t, we’ve been asked, so we have to try!” The Eevee said it in such a matter-of-fact way, as if it didn’t even faze her. “I get ones like this all the time, it’s no issue! Some Pokémon just get fed up with being delayed until they become a runoff request that they cut out the middle man and request us directly.”


    She chuckled softly.


    “The elites are so busy, there’s always something bigger going on…” she mused. “But yes! We just have to go to Souljraan, let them know we’re there and get whatever information we can then head to the Rocky hills and go for it! Oh, of course, all that’s after we get out items and finances in place!”


    “Right-” Avery said with a nod, turning to his partner. “Oh! That reminds me! Vizon, I went out with Lahnae last night, and we both won the jackpot…! I got more than double our money back. So we have… I think over a thousand to work with now, which is good. I’m…not going to frequent there too often, though, I don’t want to push my luck too much.”


    Then, he turned to Nivanee.


    “Is Janus going to be joining today…? I’ve been looking f-“


    “WHA-!? How much do you have??” Vizon interrupted, snatching the coin bag from Avery in amazement, laughing. The Plusle huffed as his question was barreled over. “Geez, a few nights in the big city and you’re already hitting raffle houses? You and Lahnae must have gone nuts last night…heck, I should go, next…!”


    Nivanee giggled…seeming to simply ignore Avery’s question about her sister for now as the topic swiftly changed.


    “Tsk…” Nivanee tutted, a polite…perhaps cheeky smile on her face. “Raffle houses? How debaucherous…whatd’ya get~?”


    “Ha, Lahnae told me you’d say that word…!” Avery laughed. “Budget was fifty coins, not a cent more. But, uh… We went from five hundred to a whopping 1750p…! Oh…and I won an Oran Berry, too.”


    “Awww, did Lahni say that?” Nivanee beamed, happy to see Avery so proud of his winnings. “She knows me so well…I’m so proud of her for doing her best every day.”


    Avery smiled a bit, hearing that.


    “I’m proud of her too. She’s got a lot of determination in her, and she really knows where her values lie. She, ah…well, she knows what she’s in the guild for. It’s something I kind of envy, heh…” The Plusle said, scratching the back of his head.


    “Yes, having such a clear goal of who she wants to be, WHERE she wants to be…” Nivanee hummed, giggling. “…I only wish she’d listen to my counsel more often, but she’s a free spirit, I guess!”


    She nodded softly, beginning to walk to the exit. She waved a paw, beckoning Team Azure to follow behind her.


    “C’mon, team! Let’s seize the day and do our best, too! Though, when we get out there I want you to show me your process! I have enough stored in my bank and I only intend to get some items from the Kecleon brothers! You have a bank branch, don’t you? You’ll want to save any money you don’t spend, that way you won’t lose it later!”


    “Y-yes, Nivanee…” Vizon muttered as the pair follow behind her. He took another look at the job notice in his hands, whispering to Avery.


    “Thieves guild…the guys Xamao is with…we’re seriously going to tussle with a group of them up in Rocky Hills so soon?”


    “I mean, we’re just shadowing, right?” Avery whispered back, looking over at Vizon. “So I don’t know exactly how much we’ll be doing. But… Yeah. It’s pretty big, isn’t it…?”


    The Plusle paused, looking down at the coin bag.


    “Oh, do you want to take five hundred and walk through getting some stuff for the mission? I can go and deposit the rest in the bank in the meantime,” Avery offered. He knew Vizon was made nervous by the bank teller, Avery figured this would be better for him. Vizon, hearing this, stopped in his tracks, squirming.


    “Do you know how to get there…?” The Riolu asked. “I don’t want you getting lost, especially if you end up in-“


    “Ah, splitting up tasks is the most efficient!” Nivanee interrupted, making Vizon squeak. “Vizon can come with me! Avery, since you’re the team leader, you should give your partner an itemized list of things to purchase!”


    Vizon was shaken.


    “Y’know what, Avery…you’ll…you’ll figure it out, b-buddy…!” The Riolu gave a weak, wobbling smile, the glint in his eyes both pleading and thankful.


    “Okay, well, uh…” Avery wracked his brain, trying to do a solid of Vizon. “…we used some oran berries yesterday…so maybe get another three orans and an apple. And maybe another Reviver Seed too, since…I used that yesterday. Is there anything else important about the journey that might need anything specific…?”


    “Blast seeds, always. It’s high damage in a pinch that could save your life. I’d recommend budgeting for one.” Nivanee replied.


    “Okay…! I’ll give six hundred just in case, and I’ll deposit the rest. I’ll meet you guys in the square when we’re done?” Avery offered, taking out the money and handing it to his partner.


    “Y-yeah…” Vizon said with a wobbling smile…then leaned in as Nivanee was walking off. “Thanks, buddy…and whatever you do, stay away from the high wall in the city, alright? Stay safe.”


    With that, he bounded after Nivanee, the girl giving him a warm acknowledgment Avery couldn’t hear that made Vizon blush immediately.


    He was now alone in the street with his money to deposit.


    ‘…Stay away from the high wall.’


    ‘…oh…right…I’ll have to go through the city alone. I’m pretty sure I know the way there but… I’m still very short. And there’s a lot of very tall Pokemon.’


    It was…south. He remembered that. Towering Pokémon walked by Avery, paying no mind as he walked across ornate streets…though each was distinct they also…Looked the same. Statues, pillars, archways. It was a maze of beautiful architecture. But still a maze. Avery could only look for distinct landmarks he remembered on the way to the farming branch yesterday.


    Though at the time he’d been staring in awestruck wonder the whole way there. He figured he had to recognize something on the way there, surely. As long as he stayed away from the high wall Vizon mentioned.


    Whatever that was.


    The stone streets turned to cobblestone with more old looking brick buildings, the Pokemon looking more gruff and burly…still thankfully not paying Avery much mind. The Plusle remembered something like this, so he figured he was on the right track. Ahead, the alley seemed to get a bit tighter and dirtier. To the right the street was wide open but…just over the next few buildings he saw…


    …a familiar sight, white stones on a large wall.



    Avery swallowed. He was still on the right side of it, right? He didn’t remember passing under it or anything…it was a long walk to the farming branch, Avery remembered that, and the town got more rural the further out he went. He just had to keep going. He kept going down the street, looking for the branch.


    ‘I could always ask directions… Right?’


    The street became more narrow, getting darker and dingier, with hooks and beams looming overhead. Pokemon walk here as well, and they continued to ignore Avery, busy with whatever it is they were doing and wherever it is they were going. Avery did well to avoid the high white wall, and he could see as it curved away from from, confirming that he was on the correct side of it.


    Likewise the brick buildings began to turn to ones made of wood and the cobblestone path has turned to dirt. Thankfully still on the right track. Avery breathed a sigh of relief.


    ‘I’m fine. This is fine. I’ll have less to worry about on the way back from the bank anyway, since right now I have over one thousand coins weighing me down.’


    At last, the street widened, room made for carriages with cargo and passengers, leading into the wide open area of the farming district. To the right, on another street across a field, Avery could see a tiny stand, his bank. He’d veered a little too far eastward but he could at least see it. Better than that…he made it.


    There, sitting at the stand was the banker from before, the same Flaafy woman. Avery sighed in relief, and quickly picked up the pace, cutting through the field and jogging up to the counter.


    “Hello again, miss…!” Avery said once he got there. “I’d like to make a deposit, please.”


    ‘…Do I need identification? I have the badge, but…’


    The woman wasn’t looking at Avery, not at first. She stared off to the side before realizing the Plusle was standing there. Her sharp gaze fell upon him, that same glint from yesterday in her eye.


    And like yesterday, her small, perhaps forced, smile crossed her face as she stood up straight, eyes occasionally flicking away as she gave Avery her attention.


    “Good morrning. May I have yourr name…” she paused. “…please?”


    “Sure, it’s Avery,” He said. “Team Azure. I, uh…I don’t know if you remember yesterday but…I wanted to apologize, kind of. It was a little awkward, and I’m sorry for that.”


    ‘Was that too forward? Maybe that was too forward. Maybe I shouldn’t talk that much.’


    She stared at him a moment…stared at him a long time. She seemed to be…considering Avery. Sizing him up.


    Yet her faux smile never wavered. Practiced.


    “Whateverr do you mean, young Avery?” She asked, her voice friendly enough but laced with…something else. Distrust? Malice? She was hard to read.


    “I…Sorry, don’t worry about it.” Avery pushed the bag of money over the counter. “One thousand one hundred and fifty coins into the account, please.”


    Avery could tell that she was…uncomfortable. She had a similar accent to that Electabuzz from last night. He debated bringing it up, but decided he didn’t want to come on too strongly.


    She didn’t trust him. And from the way Vizon had acted, she probably had a good reason to.


    ‘…or maybe I should have a reason not to trust her….maybe I’d bring it up next time.’


    “Mm…of courrse, rright away.” She said, carefully taking the money in a deliberately gentle way, her motions fluid and obsessively non-threatening. In silence she put the money away, nothing breaking the silence but the wind and faint voices of the city until at last she turned towards Avery again.


    “Thank you verry much forr yourr desposit. We at the One Trruth Bank arre…” her eyes flicked to the side briefly before returning to the Plusle. “…thrrilled to serrve the Arrceliaze Guild.”


    “…Thank you very much…” Avery returned, staring at her in confusion. Slowly, he glanced behind himself, where the Flaaffy was looking.  “Are…”


    His voice trailed off as he noticed something. An Escavelier guard, common in the market district but rare out here in the farming district. The armored Poke’mon leaned against a wood post fence, staring intensely, unblinkingly, at the banker.


    The Flaaffy lightly coughed to regain Avery’s attention, the Plusle’s head whipping back around to look at her. Avery frowned a bit, deciding not to finish his sentence. Not now.


    ‘The guard…why is he watching her…? What was up with the Poke’mon from Illaminamo…?’


    Avery stood for a moment, feeling awkward, before something crossed his mind. Gingerly, he opened his bag and pulled out an Oran Berry.


    “I, uh…I’m new, so I don’t know if…y’know, tipping is appropriate or not, but…” He reached up and placed the berry on the counter. Avery felt like a child doing this – but…he figured it was fine! She could always just toss it if she didn’t want it. “I hope you have a good day, Miss Banker.”


    The Flaaffy paused again, staring at the berry. She reached over, taking it in her hand, staring at it. Her brow furrowed. There was something behind her gaze. This was clear to see. Anger. Fury.


    Her hand was shaking. But her smile remained stretched on her face, strained.


    “Why thank you, young Avery.” She croaked. “I will be surre to cherrish yourr generrous…”


    She paused, licking her lips, nearly crushing the berry.




    Avery flinched.


    “…Oh, uh…I’m sorry,” He said, lowering his voice. “I didn’t mean to insult you or anything, I just…”


    Avery’s heart sunk like a stone.


    “…I’m sorry. Have a good day.” Avery gave her a quick nod, and turned to leave. She clearly didn’t want him there, so…he didn’t want to inconvenience her any longer.


    “Please do visit us again.”


    That was the final word for the day. All the while, the guard didn’t once take his eyes off her.


    Away from the farming district, back to the embrace of brick and stone, away from the banker and her gaze. Avery quickened his pace, head down, making tracks back through the city. His mind was alight with thoughts as he stewed with his hurt feelings.


    ‘Why was the guard watching her so closely? Why did she seem so…angry with me? Was tipping, were…oran berries really pittance…? Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to reach out. She probably…she probably hates me now.


    More than she already did, anyway.’


    Avery sighed, trudging his way back to the square, the familiar sight of bright white marble bringing some comfort, like coming back to safety.




    Nivanee’s voice rang from the crowd in the square, breaking Avery out of his thoughts. Both she and Vizon ran up to him from the direction of the guild.


    “All done? I went ahead and chipped in for the blast seed, no worry!” the Eevee informed, opening her bag to show everything she had. 3 oran berries, an apple, two reviver seeds and a blast seed. “I worked a bit of bargaining magic…aaand plus I’m a rewards member soooo…it only cost you 700 p total!”


    “She haggled for ten straight minutes…” Vizon sighed. “So cool…”


    Avery stared for a moment, saying nothing, still lost in his head. But, after a moment, he managed to come back to attention. He needed to perk himself back up.


    “Oh, wow, you can…you can haggle with them?? I thought they were like…fixed prices…!”


    “You can haggle anything, whatever the number they put on it.” Nivanee giggled, nestling the items in the team’s satchel. “Now! Do you have your map? Did you remember where we’re going?”


    “Uh…sorry, I’ve been a bit distracted-” Avery began searching through his satchel for the map. “I know…that it’s a border, we’re going to be arresting bandits there that are holding up…market caravans, I think…? Maybe I should…look for the notice too-“


    Nivanee and Vizon stepped up as Avery pulled out the map, showing it to the group. The Eevee lifted a paw, pointing to the picture of mountains on the west side of the map.


    “There it is! Rocky hills!” She moved her paw to down toward what looked like a large tower, one Avery recognized. “…and there’s Souljraan. We can take the long way by path or carriage.”


    “Ok! Let’s do tha-“


    “Buuut….” Nivanee interrupted without skipping a beat as she moved her paw down to the line of trees just east of the tower.. “We can get there faster by cutting through Tall Woods, here. We can even round up the camp of bandits there on the way!”


    “…Hey…” Avery looked at the map, squinting. “That…that place with the Tower, Souljraan…that’s close to where I woke up. That’s where I was trying to head when the carriage you were on found me, Vizon,”


    “Ohh yeeeahh!!” Vizon concurred. “We did stop on the edge of the Tall Woods where we found you…”


    “Found? Got lost out there, Avery? That’s ok! Just follow Windscorch mountain to Arceliaze, you know!” Nivanee offered helpfully as Vizon rolled up the map, rearing to go.


    “Well, ah, it’s…not quite that simple,” Avery said with a little laugh. “I’ll…tell you on the way, I think. We should get going for now.”


    “Yeah…” Vizon agreed, pep entering his voice as he took his partner’s hand. “C’mon, heroes don’t delay!”


    “Right!” Avery nodded, looking ahead. “Let’s go…!”


    With grand confidence, Team Azure began to march, their destination clear! To another day of adventure!


    To Tall Woods!



    Vizon stopped, noticing something was off. He stood still a moment and looked back. Nivanee hadn’t followed either of them on their march. Instead she only stood in the middle of the square, head turned, staring off into the crowd.


    Avery furrowed his brow, a little confused. He turned his head to try and see what or who it was Nivanee was looking at. Carefully, he followed her gaze and saw…





    Nobody. An empty street. Avery glanced back towards the girl.


    “…Nivanee? You alright?”


    Her ear flicked at Avery’s voice. Her sunny expression had fallen. Serious. Focused. Eyes staring deep into that empty road.


    Bags under her eyes. Tired. Wavering.



    For a long time she only stood there in an icy silence, her focused gaze piercing. Dark.


    Then, all at one, it vanished.


    Nivanee smiled warmly, that sunny disposition returning suddenly as she merrily trotted over to join Vizon and Avery.


    “Mhm! I was just giving my silly little sister a sec to join us but she’s probably too busy again. Oh well! I hope it’s ok if it’s just me today!”




    “Alright, let’s head out then.” Avery assured, giving a smile of his own, if only to match Nivanee’s. “It’s alright! I’m sure we’ll be able to meet the other side of Duskwalkers soon…!”


    “Yeah! I can’t wait for you to meet her! She’s super friendly to everyone!” She said, walking with the pair. “But that’ll be then…for now…let’s go! Team Azure! Team Duskwalker! Dual Hearts Intertwined Combo Force!!”


    Vizon’s eyes sparkled. So that’s where that came from.


    Avery felt worried about Nivanee. But he made a decision not to bring up Janus now that she wasn’t…here. He hoped that she was okay. Both Janus…and Nivanee. For now, he just followed along as their team began the first leg of the journey.


    Chapter 6.1





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