The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 45





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The sun was setting on the day. Setting on the camping trip, the Illaminian lesson, the Hatchday Party…


    Arceliaze slowly darkened with every moment that passed.


    The torches began to light. The crowds were clearing, darting back into their homes and villas in the Market District.


    Escavelier Guards stood in groups of three around the One Truth Square, protecting it as the citizens poured out of the shadowed streets. The rumble of the crowd began to silence.


    Towards the archway signalling the entrance to the Lower Market district, when the buildings became darker and smaller, the alleyways narrower. Where the shops were closed and boarded. Where soldiers guarded the seized property.


    Where the bar doors remained closed.


    Where homeless Poke’mon milled in the shadows, gaunt and hungry, sat in muddy pathways that were once cobblestone. But now only the main road of the Lower Market district was cobblestone. A messy, dirty cobblestone.


    Avery’s foot stepped upon an old NAM flyer, soaked in water and unreadable.


    The sky darkened more, the stars twinkling above. Not a cloud in the sky, but the air smelled of rain.


    And there…Avery remembered where she told him to come if he ever needed help.


    The Eksai bar stood, the only building with an open door in the Lower Market district, even as the streets remained empty.


    There was no wind. The air felt still.


    Avery took a breath of the cold air, hesitating for only a moment. It’d only been a few days since he’d last seen her, but it felt like years. Nonetheless…he knew what he was here for.


    And…she was still a friend, after it all.


    Avery stepped through the open door and into the bar, eyes sweeping for the familiar blue Pokémon.


    The place had a few patrons, all of them silently sitting at the bar. No auction today, just quiet wine tasting.


    A few of them looked back at Avery and huffed, returning to their drinks. He felt a little less welcome from the looks, but tried to steel himself.


    And as he scanned the group…he could find no Nidorina. Not even a Poke’mon in a black cloak.


    But he did see a Rock Poke’mon. One with a sparkling geode scar upon his head. And four empty glasses in front of him. He did recognize that one – and Avery approached, sitting beside him.


    “Hey, Rikzyod-” Avery said, in a little lower of a voice. “How’s your evening been?”


    The Geodude perked up immediately, turning to the Plusle with a surprised and joyous look, knocking a glass off the counter.


    “Ah-HAH, it is you!!” The Geodude shouted with no air of subtly. The patrons groaned at the outburst, turning away from him. “At last, I have been idle for too long. Look at me!”


    Rikzyod gestured to himself.


    “My scars are healing! This will not do, Boss, it will not!!” He harrumphed, leaning over to chug a glass of Eksai and putting down another satchel of coins.


    “Sir,” I barkeeper grumbled. “If you’re going to be loud I’m going to have to ask you to l-“


    “So! Let us abscond from this disgusting hovel of weak drinks and glass-Pokemon!” Rikzyod said at once, interrupting the meek bartender. “Were it not a favor for a friend…Ah! But such is life, a mix of what we love and what we hate! Come, come, no delay!!”


    …A favor for a friend-


    ‘So he’s here to bring me to Jolvia, then, huh? I hope she isn’t in some kind of trouble so she can’t be seen in public.’


    Avery slid off of the stool, nodding to him.


    “Alright, then let’s get going.” The Plusle said. “And…don’t worry, we only have one day off left, and then we can go back to bashing heads.”


    “I should hope so!” Rikzyod laughed, roughly SLAMMING a hand into Avery’s back as he led him out, much to the collective relieved sigh of the patrons. “I will have to make due at the X-Eye district…at whatever bars I am still permitted entry!”


    Another laugh as they exited out into the street. As the pair stepped out, Avery noticed Rikzyod looking up and down the street, a little more cautious that he would expect from the Geodude. Rikzyod glanced down at Avery as he led the Plusle southward.


    “Of course…if we are followed, I may get to bash heads even sooner…” Rikzyod mused with an excited glint in his eye. “But please, tell me, for it’s been nearly two whole days. I must know what adventures you’ve been up to in the meantime, Boss!”


    “Most of it’s been taken up by the camping trip Lahnae and I went on,” Avery said, looking around the same as him. What was he looking for…? “We saw some crazy stuff there, but I can’t get into that yet. Other than that- oh, well, there was that fight that broke out in front of Sekurae’s house that I had to quiet down…”


    “Gah! And to think I was only milling about an Eksai bar while you got into a street fight?” Rikzyod huffed. The Geodude took a turn down the road, entering into a dark alleyway. Avery could only barely see the walls as the light from the street lanterns struggled to pierce this deep in. “Did they put up a fight? Did they battle until the last? I don’t see any bruises on you…”


    “Oh, they were civilians,” Avery said, shaking his head. “NAM members, the two that attacked me. I don’t think they would have been able to do much to me at all, given what we’ve gone up against, but I didn’t exactly want to put people in hospitals.”


    He huffed.


    “…At least not until they show up with gasoline and matches. Bets are off then.”


    “Hm!! Then may they come in hundreds with their matches!!” Rikzyod said with a laugh that echoed off the stones of the alleyway. “That you and they may show each other who you truly are, for the whole world to see!!”


    There was a pause in the conversation as the pair walked down through the shadows of this dingy Alleyway Rikzyod had turned into. The ground under Avery was muddy and filled with puddles, worsening as they moved off the main road.


    Rikzyod slowed briefly, glancing at a pair of Poke’mon that idly milled in a dark corner of the alley. He and Avery had come to a three-way intersection where two ditto were waiting. The two other Poke’mon nodded to Rikzyod as he and Avery passed.


    And before Avery’s eyes, the Dittos’ bodies warbled and hardened. Bone congealed and snapped and crackled into place. Organs and muscles and skin formed from their gelatinous bodies, eyes widening out, each of the ditto taking different shapes…


    …and before him were another Plusle and a Geodude, the pair quickly walking in the other direction out of the alley and back onto the street. Rikzyod huffed.


    “I confess, I have never been a fan of Jolvia’s ways of beguiling trickery. I would much rather let my fists drive away any that might follow.” He said with a shrug. “But, if it is what she wants, I will oblige. She suggested we keep quiet from this point until we get to her.”


    “…Uh-” Avery looked to the two Ditto clones as they walked past. “What…what was that about-?”


    The Plusle whispered, lowering his voice.


    “Do we have to worry about those guys, or…?”


    “Decoys, Jolvia calls them. Hm! I do not think the left one quite captured my scar but, ah, it should be close enough from a distance I suppose.” The Geodude mused.


    Decoys…they were thieves guild members.


    “Come, it was not much farther.” Rikzyod said with a smile. “Just a few bends and down some steps…”


    Indeed, Avery and Rikzyod continued to follow the alleyway, hidden in the darkness. The path snaking between buildings split off into multiple directions, like a labyrinth in Arceliaze’s shadow.


    In time, the ground went from stone to dirt, and Avery recognized the buildings around them turning to a more darkened brick with wood supports…the X-Eye district.


    The alley led out into a small loading bay area behind what seemed to be a closed-down warehouse, with a building off to the side sporting a flight of stairs downward to a basement door. The stairs were obscured by old cargo boxes and building materials that looked as though they hadn’t been touched in a long time. Avery and Rikzyod had to squeeze between two rotten wood crates to reach the stairs down…


    …to an iron door.


    …Avery’s nerves were building.


    All of this, just to see Jolvia?


    ‘It’d be okay. It’d all be okay, I’m sure- Just…don’t panic-‘


    Rikzyod smiled, floating down the stairs, beckoning Avery.


    “Haugh, worry not, Boss. You know how Jolvia is with her secrecy.” The Geodude chuckled, rapping on the door, pausing…then knocking again.


    There was a pause. A long pause.


    Rikzyod knocked again.


    “Password.” A gruff voice on the other side said.


    “Hrmgh…” The Geodude rumbled. “Shoot, tell you what. Let me leave and I’ll come back tomorrow and tell you then.”


    “What are you on about?” The voice came again.


    “Oh nothing. Was just touring the city and heard about this place.”


    “You don’t just hear about this place.” The voice said again. It didn’t sound angry…it sounded like it were reading a script.


    “Right, sorry. I’ll come back when I’ve learned it.” Rikzyod said with a sigh.


    There was a long silence. Rikzyod only stood there, his arms folded.


    There was a sound of rock grinding, like a brick had been moved.


    There, on the wall by the door, a compartment had opened, and someone on the other side pushed a bit of rope out.


    Rikzyod leaned over, tugging the rope once, twice, three times.




    The door jutted open, as if a switch were released. Flakes of rust fluttered from the hinges as Rikzyod put his hand on the door, opening it up. It scraped against the stone, leaving a trail of rust in front of the opening.


    A smoky smell wafted out from the entryway, and a dull light came from within. Rikzyod gestured for Avery to enter quickly.


    Inside, the Plusle could see…another bar. Poke’mon sat wearing fancy clothes. The decoration was a sight better than than anything else in the X-Eye district, sporting paintings and gold trimmings that shimmered in dull candlelight…


    …a secret bar…


    Rikzyod leaned over, whispering to Avery.


    “Go in the back, find an out-of-place red-covered table, move it, and enter the trap door.”


    So much secrecy…Avery would have almost thought of this as a speakeasy if it weren’t for the doubles of Rikzyod and himself walking around. That alone made Avery nervous, but…he gave the Geodude a nod, and walked into the bar.


    Everyone in the bar…simply ignored Avery. The inside was narrow and he walked across a plush carpet under an ornate ceiling.


    When he looked…the patrons did not drink. They simply sat with their drinks. The bartender pretended to wipe the same glass. Another front.


    Thus, nobody minded him making his way to the back, to a dark corner obscured from the door.


    Avery felt so out of place here, scanning each of the tables for one covered in red. It took a bit to find it, but eventually he did – there in the back. The red tablecloth reached the floor, further hiding the small section of the carpeted floor cut out with a single divot to let one pull it up.


    He cast a few furtive looks to see if he was being watched, and slowly pushed the table aside, to enter the trap door beneath it. Hinged, the trap door creaked, revealing a ladder going down into what looked from here to be a bedroom.


    “Ah, is that you already?” A familiar voice called from within. “Come in.”


    …Another front. Yet another one. So much secrecy-


    Avery climbed down the ladder carefully, looking inside.


    “…Hello?” He called nervously. “…Jolvia?”


    The Plusle could hear a shuffling deep within. The walls flickered with the light of a candle as he descended down. The ladder creaked and groaned with every movement but eventually his feet landed on another carpeted surface, cold to the touch.


    As he turned…he saw a figure within. Hunched over a desk, writing something on paper. Crimson eyes lifted up from the work.




    There was a pause. A moment passed. The figure pushed from the desk, slowly turning to face him.


    …and a warm smile was on her face.



    “…I’m really happy to see you again.”


    Avery had so many questions. He wanted to ask what all this was. What she was doing here. Why there was all this secrecy.


    …But for now, he just ran forwards to hug her. The Nidorina practically dropped the pen on the floor, wrapping her arms around Avery, too, squeezing tight.


    “…Feels like it’s been ages-” He huffed.


    “Days feel pretty long when cooped up in a safehouse.” Jolvia sighed, lifting Avery up slightly just to hold him tighter.


    It was a few moments before she let go and set him down again.


    “Funny. Poke’mon usually aren’t so happy to see the one that’d been spying on them…” Jolvia mused with a smile. A little joke. “How do you like the living quarters I’ve been using in my brief time with Azure?”


    This is where you’ve been staying?” He sounded almost horrified. “Couldn’t you have bought someplace in Arceliaze? This…it seems…it seems so lonely.”


    “I could have. But this place has no money trail, just the way I like it.” Jolvia sighed, her cheek resting on her fist. “Of course, it was only temporary living. I also had a few things to wrap up in the city before leaving. I was planning on dismantling the place soon – gunna cover my tracks. Otherwise I’d have all my copies of Team Moonlight in here…~”


    She chuckled softly, shaking her head.


    “I knew what I was getting myself into, even this. Things are starting to get hot in Arceliaze. I might need to lay low for a year or two in Illaminamo before the elites catch my scent.” The Nidorina sighed, shaking her head.


    “…I see,” Avery said, a little glumly. “Still, this is kind of a dismal place to spend so much time.”


    He shook his head.


    “I’d…probably visit more often if I could.” Avery turned to take in the rest of the room as I continued. “…There’s so many things I want to talk to you about – the camping trip, how nice that was and…the, uh…other stuff I found out about it- the things happening in the Illaminian District, but-“


    He turned back to Jolvia.


    “…I have a party to go to. And…I have a plus one. If you’d like to go.” Avery laughed a bit. “…I think you were the one the hostess had in mind, anyway.”


    “Hm, I might’ve guessed Deshuuna would send you an invite to her Bi-Annual Banquet.” Jolvia laughed, rolling her eyes. “You’ve certainly caught her interest, both as a new guild member and from the description of my reports. I think she just wants to see if you’re a potential ally.”


    She thought a moment, glancing at the letter she was writing…then rolled it up and put it in her satchel.


    “I think I wouldn’t mind going.” Jolvia said with a smile. “From what we understand…I don’t think Olistia nor any of her elites would make a move against me with you around, neither on the streets nor the party. This will be a good chance to link up with Deshuuna in person to hopefully secure a caravan out of the country. Perhaps tonight, even.”


    She hopped off the stool…and paused her business-voice and ramblings…looking at Avery with a sad smile.


    “…but, still…” The Nidorina said, softer now. “…I’d still love to hear about everything, Avery. I’ve always time for my friend.”


    “…possibly leaving tonight, then,” Avery said, looking down. “…Rikzyod’s going to miss you.”


    “And…” Jolvia paused, taking a deep breath. “…I’ll miss him and you, Avery…”


    She stood there quietly. Despite all her planning and thinking, it seemed now she was hitting the emotional side of this like a brick wall. Her fingers rubbed together anxiously.


    “…oh, Avery…” The Nidorina said, her ears folding back. Her sad smile deepened. “Were it we only had a professional relationship this would be so much easier. It’s not the first time I’ve run for Illaminamo after spying or doing some job but…”


    She let out a long sigh.


    “…it’s hardly ever been this hard. I’m sure my Commander would laugh at me, being so sentimental about my ‘target’…” Jolvia stepped forward, tucking a finger under Avery’s chin to lift his head to look at her. “It’s a bit of a first for me, too…if they knew just how bad it was they’d probably demote me from Bloc 8 I.O.”


    “…I think people would have a lot to say about me being on these kinds of terms with one of the higher ranking Santurini Guild- Thieves’ Guild members,” Avery said, his anguish not hidden behind a smile. “…on some level it’s probably good we aren’t ever going to see each other again. But I’m still…”


    He shook his head, trying to clear it out of his mind as he moved back to the entrance. Jolvia followed behind as the Plusle looked up the trap door above.


    “…Let’s get going to the party for now.” Avery said. “We’ll have time to talk on the way.”


    With one hand on the ladder, Avery paused.


    “I…I did want to ask something, though.”


    He had the question on his lips, but asking it…once again. It felt like a can of worms he wouldn’t be able to close.


    The Plusle took a deep breath.


    “You said you did a lot of research on me before you came here. My family, my origin, all of that. Did you…”


    ‘Deep breaths.’


    “Did you happen to do that with Vizon, too?”


    “Of course we did.” Jolvia said, blinking, looking confused. “We didn’t really find anything special. Why do you ask?”


    “I was wondering about…what you got from his family. What they did. Careers. How long they’ve been living in Souljraan. Address. Extended family, siblings, anything like that.”


    Avery’s grip on the rung tightened.


    ‘Please be nothing special.’


    “Parents, huh…?” Jolvia hummed, her finger touching her chin. “Well I suppose the Souljreini AYA headmistress and counselors may count.”


    She shrugged, shaking her head.


    “Vizon seems to have lived a pretty normal life for an orphan…no parents on record, he was a drop-off egg at the Souljreini Arcean Youth Association House, which is, sadly pretty common among orphans. That was back in 6th Turn 32, so that’s his hatch year. Apparently he was diagnosed with ‘OSD’ at an early age…that’s ‘Orphan Social Degeneration’, a very rare condition that makes some orphans abnormally antisocial.”


    She folded her arms, her eyes trailing up.


    “Didn’t really make any connections, had zero attachment to any caregivers, according to the headmistress report, very typical of kids with OSD. Average grades in Novitiary, Intermediary and Adeptiary…didn’t express many interests as a kid, according to the report we were able to pull. Again, very typical of kids with OSD. Would just go to school, eat, go to bed, all the way until graduation where he then lived in a public boarding house and took a job briefly.”


    Jolvia shrugged, shaking her head.


    “Only oddity was that his paper trail ran a little dry around four years ago, back in 6T58, but that really only seems to be because nobody knew or associated with him after he left the AYA House, so nobody kept tabs on him.”


    She frowned a little, cocking an eyebrow.


    “But…I’m assuming none of this is new information to you. Sorry I can’t be more help.”




    Avery didn’t move.


    Instead, he began to tremble.


    There was no way he could pass on this information to him. There was no legal way he’d be able to explain it to him. But-


    “A…are…are you sure?” Avery said quietly. “Are you…sure that’s true. All of that.”


    Jolvia’s face twisted into one of surprise as she looked him over.


    “Avery…? Avery, you’re shaking, what’s wrong?” She asked, stepping closer. “Are you okay?”


    “…I-” I swallowed. “W…would you be able to tell me where you found that out?”


    His voice was getting high pitched. Choked.


    “L…like is that…knowledge that’s public to access, o-or-“


    Jolvia’s crimson eyes darted all over him, confused, like she were searching for the words that would alleviate whatever anxiety that had suddenly come over him.


    “Admittedly, no, except for the orphanage records and employment records. We had to pull strings for the behavioral report and school grades-” Jolvia blinked, leaning in closer. “Avery, I don’t understand. Why are you shaking? I don’t know how it is for humans but all that is perfectly normal…!”


    “…The orphanage records. Tha-that’d be fine, just…just the name of the orphanage he stayed at is all I need-“


    Avery looked at her, hand still on the ladder.


    “…his name was Vizon back then too, right? It wasn’t changed at all…? Nothing about his name, or species or anything changed. Just…just an orphan, at an orphanage, until the last four years-“


    His grip tightened on the rung.


    “…The last four years where he’d lived in Souljraan all his life with a Lucario and Absol for birth parents.”


    “What are you talking about…?” Jolvia’s brow furrowed. “He left the orphanage at 18, like any other orphan. He was living in a public boarding for the homeless at 19, working a job, I-“


    She paused, stepping around.


    “Avery.” Jolvia said seriously. “…did Vizon tell you something different?”


    “…Vizon told me something different. Vizon believes something different.”


    Avery looked to her.


    “…When I went on the camping trip to Souljraan, I figured I could pass a message to Vizon’s parents. Catch up with them. Vizon hadn’t spoken with them in a while, after all. Just staying in their old house they used to have in Arceliaze before moving into the guild. Team Ganusi kept cutting him off when he tried to tell me the address, but I got it.


    “And when I got there…the house was fake. Everything in it was fake. It was only decorated from what you could see in the window. All the neighbors were watching me, speaking loudly about how ‘they were on a trip’, and how they’d ‘pass the message on’. Speaking very loudly. Lahnae and I had to go around to the back- the entire thing was a facade. A literal facade. A front, a-a front-“


    Avery tried to calm himself down.


    “…Jolvia. Before I came here, in that inky blackness, I was asked…I was asked what partner I wanted.” He whispered. “And…and for some reason, I said I wanted a Riolu.”


    Jolvia mouthed the words he told her. The Nidorina’s crimson eyes burrowed into him as he recounted every word and detail of what happened.


    “He…believes he had parents?” She repeated back. “Team Ganusi was there…interrupting him…and a fake house was waiting for you, and everyone insisting the parents were merely gone…”


    Slowly…her mouth turned into a snarl as she looked up and out the trap door.


    “I’m sure she thought you’d be too kindly to investigate further.”


    Jolvia was quiet a moment. The wood of the old building creaked.


    “I…” She began…but faltered.


    A moment passed.


    Two moments.


    “…I don’t know what to make of this.” Jolvia said, her voice defeated. “And you’re sure he wasn’t merely lying…?”


    She turned back to Avery, her face like a bunch of cogs turning.


    “I admit, I was surprised to learn he was diagnosed with OSD…all the reports from his childhood were textbook, but talking to him now…” Jolvia frowned. “He’s close with you, Nivanee, everyone. Has a keen interest in the guild, heroism…OSD doesn’t just vanish like that and the report was perplexing me, but this…”


    She bit her lip. Her fists clenched. Her brow knitted.


    “…I think we know who the source of our confusion is, either way.”


    “…I’m going to talk to him about his house later tonight.” Avery said, trying to stabilize his own voice. “I was…I was hoping against hope that he’d have some simple, easy to digest explanation for why his house was like that. But…I don’t think that’s going to happen.”


    His heart felt heavy.


    “…What…what did I do to him…?”


    “Nothing.” Jolvia said at once, her hand waving away the thought. “As far as I’m aware, have investigated and have been told by you…you’ve done nothing. And as your friend, being with you, Arceus, spying on you…I believe in that fully.”


    She looked up, putting a hand on the rung of the ladder to climb.


    “All you did was meet a friend. None of this…none of this can merely be one confused Poke’mon’s fault.” Jolvia said with force, glancing back at Avery. “But the more I learn…the more it becomes clear you’ve come into this world and have been immediately tossed in the thick of it, human. In the thick of it with me. With Xamao. With Janus. With Vizon. All unbeknownst.”


    She pulled herself up the ladder, the old wood creaking.


    “Come. We’ve got to get to this party.” She said seriously.


    “…You’re right.” Avery took another few breaths, following up after her. “…I…I’d like to learn the name of the orphanage before I go. Just so I can look into it myself.”


    “The Souljreini Arcean Youth Association House, there’s one in every city. Though Arceliaze has one for each District.” Jolvia said, climbing up and reaching a hand down to hoist Avery up into the fake bar.


    The Nidorina reached into her satchel, pulling out a black cloak. Its sleeves draped over her feet and hands, with a loose-fitting hood pulled over her ears and head, fully obscuring her species.


    It looked exactly like the one Quayslaan had.


    “The party’s being held at the Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort.” Jolvia said, adjusting her cloak. “Let’s go. And talk on the way…something tells me we won’t have much time for it in the midst of a party full of Arcean nobility.”


    “…Okay,” Avery said, sighing a little. He had to move on from this topic. There were better things to talk about. “…Vizon had a really nice idea earlier today.”


    ‘…I know her last impression of Vizon wasn’t the best. But…I have to talk about the party. About Pitchi. And how nice it was to see Vizon like that.’


    For a while, that’s how Avery passed the time – warding away his broiling anxiety by just…talking about that party as the pair walked through the chilled evening air.


    The explanation of the party and Pitchi took him and Jolvia through the X-Eye District, through the alleyways Avery had traversed already.


    Jolvia listened with a smile…an almost sad smile.


    “…and…it kind of got me thinking.” Avery said, continuing his story as the pair rounded another bend. “Pitchi, I mean. It’s going to be a while before he’s old enough to join the guild, but…he still wants to do stuff. Right…?”


    “Well, no, he can technically join the guild whenever he likes, and if he makes it then he wouldn’t even need to finish his schooling.” Jolvia huffed with a roll of her eyes. “But, I’m glad you talked down that idea. Best to let that little tradition fall out of vogue sooner rather than later; no more ‘child prodigies’ in the guild.”


    “Well, that got me thinking-” Avery said, looking towards her. “…What if there was something he could join? Not a guild. Nothing to prime him for that. But like…something where kids could get together, learn life skills, improve their community? Like…I dunno. Learning to tie knots. Camping skills. Taking care of the elderly. Basic combat. Learning languages and different traditions. Like an after school club thing. I…I dunno. Just, something positive that kids who might want to join the guild could do instead.”


    “Hm…you seem to have a very different view of the guild compared to what it really is…” Jolvia mused with a smile as they both weaved betwixt Lower Market District buildings. “Some would say you’re just describing the Youngster NAM’s Club…so I’m guessing you’re wanting something like that but perhaps without all the nationalistic grooming?”


    She let out a chuckle at her dark joke, taking a moment to peek out of the Alleyway down the lower market street, back to the Eksai bar. The woman swiftly made her way into the flow of Poke’mon traveling for the night, turning into another body in the traffic at once.


    “…Man, that’s already been done?” Avery’s face fell a little. “…I mean. If it’s them doing it I’m sure I could pull it off better.”


    He crossed his arms as he walked.


    “…Was just hoping that I wouldn’t have to worry about competition.” He huffed.


    “Well, if the Santurini Guild were to have its way…I suppose there wouldn’t be.” Jolvia smirked, holding her hands behind her back. “The dissolution of NAM has been one of the primary objectives for years. Of course, the Conduicy is already well aware, so don’t think I’ve let slip some amazing tidbit. Of course, you-know-who would think it’s just us trying to get at major political players that are part of that little club…”


    She chuckled, looking up at the sky. It was darkened now. Sanshiyad and its asteroids were high in the sky, casting its magenta glow over the world. For a while she only stared up at it, as though mystified by the expanse of the night sky, all the way into the smooth stones of the Market District.


    “…It’s…a little scary, thinking about doing all this,” Avery said quietly. “…I don’t want the world to fall into turmoil. I don’t want to help enforce a police state. I don’t…want the Illamini op Arceali to suffer anymore. I think we agree on that. But…”


    He bit his lip.


    “…Allying with the others would possibly mean everyone else…cutting ties with me. I don’t know if I could swallow that. I meant what I said earlier. Nobody’s going to die if I have anything to say about it. But…that doesn’t mean that I won’t have a lot of people at my throat.”


    “A little animosity today for a little good tomorrow.” Jolvia said, still staring at Sanshiyad. “It’s no surprise that such a deeply-rooted problem that causes so much suffering and is perpetuated indefinitely by those that profit from it…would have those who defend it and defend it jealously and violently…and then convince others to defend it with them.”


    Her crimson eyes glanced in Avery’s direction briefly…before lifting back up.


    “It is scary. It’s facing down a behemoth hundreds of times larger, more powerful and more ingrained than any desert god or sea monster…and it can’t be fought only with force. The gains are always minimal, the losses always catastrophic…and the risk ever present.”


    She lowered her head, giving Avery a warm smile.


    “Yet here I am.”


    “…Yet here you are,” Avery echoed, “…a completely impartial party with absolutely no feelings whatsoever.”


    Another little joke.


    …he was really going to miss her.


    She chuckled lightly, facing forward as they both continued in the soft light of the Market District.


    “If the time ever did come that you had to risk those connections being severed…just know it may not need be forever.” Jolvia sighed. “Maybe it’s foolish for an I.O like me that’s seen all she’s seen…seen the worst of Poke’mon, seen the worst of what we can do to one another, to see what we have done to one another…and think anything of the sort…”


    She glanced Avery’s way one last time.


    “I just know that, whatever happens…you’ll do the right thing when it’s needed, whatever that may be.” She said. “And though it may be hard…I can hold out a little hope we can make it right.”


    “…I’ve seen some pretty bad stuff, too,” Avery said. “Probably not as bad as you have. But…bad stuff. But I’ve seen people everywhere working to try and make it better. Some of them might be misguided. Some of them…misguided from the very start. But…but I believe in them. I believe that they’ll find a way to make the world a better place for everyone in it. Because…”


    I put a hand to my chest.


    “Because I believe that’s what they really want, at the heart of things.” He said. “They aren’t selfish people. They aren’t in it for power. Or for fame, or for greed. Not like some other people. They have altruism in their hearts. They want to make the world better. They just…need a push in the right direction. They need to know who to fight for. And I believe in them. I believe they’ll find that.”


    “Perhaps…” Jolvia said, her smile slowly vanishing. “But it’s not Poke’mon fueled by greed that I worry about…”


    She looked down toward the ground.


    “It’s the Poke’mon who are fueled by altruism. The ones who don’t fight for themselves, but fight for others. A Poke’mon who would burn the world down to save their friend…”


    She paused. The shade of her hood blotted out her face.


    “…They can be the most dangerous of all.”




    Avery’s heart sank.


    ‘Is that true…? Is that really true?


    Surely that’s just…if they don’t know. If someone’s tricking them. If they misunderstand things. Like the NAM, they believe they’re fighting for a better future, but they believe that the Illaminians are the enemy. Is that what she means…?


    …But they only believe they’re the enemy because of the Conduit, right? And…and she fights for power. For dominion. Right?


    …I hate this world.’


    Jolvia lifted her head as the pair passed under a wide tunnel running under a viaduct. Just ahead, a massive square stood, split by a thin path of black marble. And the centerpiece of that square stood at the far end. A building lit up by powerful lanterns that projected beams of light onto the surface, making it glow in a way Avery had never seen from a Market District building before.


    It was an odd U-Shaped building, with an enormous statue of a Gardevoir with the Arceus ring behind her sat atop.


    A swarm of Poke’mon stood at the front of the open archways at the front.


    “Alright…we’re here.” Jolvia said quietly, lowering her hood.



    “…Looks opulent,” Avery said, his eyes taking in the sight.


    “Arcean nobility wouldn’t settle for anything less.” Jolvia said, not taking her eyes off the building. “Not even while the Lower Market district is crumbling to pieces.”


    She glanced at him, her eyes wandering, watching a few passing Poke’mon. The Poke’mon who approached the Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort held their noses high, wearing fine silk scarfs and loose robes embroidered with gold. They walked in such a way that it was if they fancied themselves animate sculptures, mobile works of art on display.


    The Nidorina rolled her eyes.


    “Do you have the tickets?”


    Avery nodded digging into his bag to fetch the envelope with the two tickets inside. He handed her one, and they walked alongside one another toward the front entrance, entering into the mingling crowd outside. Despite the large number of Poke’mon the voices were quiet and hushed as they talked to one another.


    The Nidorina’s eyes darted left and right, drinking in the face and details of every Poke’mon here, all the way up to the front where a podium was sat in front of the archway.


    An Armarouge stood at attention at the podium. This close up, Avery could see floral arrangements festooning the outside entrance of the restaurant, marking the special event going on.




    A pair of well-dressed Poke’mon ahead presented their invitations as passed by without a word. Avery and Jolvia approached next, the Nidorina holding up her invitation.


    “Ah, Master Avery. And Miss Jolvia.” The Armarouge spoke in a deep, professional voice. “How good it is to see you. Miss Deshuuna will be most please you’ve both decided to arrive.”


    Avery bowed his head respectfully.


    ‘Miss Jolvia.


    Seems I chose the right Plus One after all.’


    The pair slowly and casually made their way in, being sure to keep a wide berth from the nobles that decorated the long and wide entry hall.


    It was hardly surprising to see so much gold trimming on the inside. Same for the red carpet that stretched from the entrance all the way up a wide set of stairs, across a tile floor polished to a mirror sheen that was almost blinding to look at.


    Jolvia sighed, removing her cloak and settling it back into her satchel. Such obfuscating clothing would draw unwanted attention here, no doubt.


    A set of signs by the carpet guided the guests along.




















    7 – ….


    The list simply seemed to go on and on…and all of a similar beat.


    Behind Avery, Jolvia grunted as she eyed the list.


    Nobles…” She grumbled, looking down the way, as though just wanting to take her eyes off the schedule.


    Avery was already on edge about the fact that Olistia was going to be here in person – the first time he’d seen her in a while. She was fifth on the docket.


    But he was here to meet with Deshuuna, wasn’t he?


    ‘…what could Deshuuna possibly want with me? Just…thanks for sheltering a Santurini spy? A recruitment opportunity, like one Janus might have gotten?


    …I couldn’t accept that, right?’


    “… Looks… To be a riveting evening.” Avery’s eyes glazed over each of the names, trying to pick out if there was really anything he should be paying attention to.


    “Mmm, no doubt. Horrifying in that mundane way the Arcean Conveytion always manage to be.” Jolvia mused. Already her crimson eyes were darting around the scene as they both moved up the stairs and toward the main ball room.


    The Nidorina glanced towards a stand holding a few pamphlets and quickly snatched two, handing one off to Avery.


    “Here, we may as well try and blend in as best we can whilst we try to look for Deshuuna.” Jolvia sighed. “Quite a full house tonight…I’ve only been to these parties once or twice, but it seems to be all the usual suspects present, nearly every Conveytion and Zu’Conveytion of Arcea.”


    Avery’s eyes trained themselves down on the pamphlet in front of him…


    The Science of Maximizing Profits By Minimizing Workforce
    A Business Seminar By Merchant Guild Conveytion Salus

    The classical methodology of high returns on business ventures came down to an immutable set of principles: Better Products/Services, less costly sources, creating as much…


    …and almost immediately glazed over.


    “…There’s absolutely no doubt about it that I’m out of my depth here,” Avery mumbled, almost to himself. “I never really considered myself the ‘meathead’ type but- I’m…starting to really get an appreciation for Rik’s way of life, looking at this.”


    Jolvia chuckled, hearing that.


    “You’re not much one for the life of immersing yourself in high politics of Arcea, are you Avery?” Jolvia mused with a small grin. “Which is rather funny, considering you are something of a political figure, yourself, at this point.”


    She stepped back to the edge of the ball room, her eyes looking over toward the entrance of the restaurant as guests continued to file in. All the while, a speaker up at the front of the establishment gave a seminar in a booming voice.


    Jolvia leaned closer, tapping Avery’s shoulder with her pamphlet.


    “Look, there…” Jolvia whispered, subtly pointing to a Poke’mon in the crowd. “That man, there, the Quaquaval in the purple robes…do you see him?”


    Indeed, standing amid the crowd Avery could pick out the purple robes draped loosely over a Quaquaval across the ball room as he talked to a group of similarly dressed Poke’mon amicably.


    Avery furrowed his brows. It was hard to see, exactly, with all the garish clothing everyone was wearing. He was starting to feel like he was severely under dressed for the occasion. And there were so many cyan and blue robes ar-


    “Oh, yeah. What…what about him?” Avery whispered.


    “That’s Conveytion Zarus, council member on behalf of the Merchant Guild. He was elected to his position by his fellow guild members thanks to his aggressive stance on wanting to loosen restrictions on Illaminian debt workers. This is something he is pursuing in tandem with…”


    Jolvia moved her pamphlet, pointing to the Poke’mon the Quaquaval was talking to, an Oranguru.


    “…Conveytion Tosinus of the Architecture Guild, who has been badgering Conduit Olistia to reduce housing projects so that Illaminian debt workers may be put to work building vanity projects…and factories for…”


    She moved her pamphlet again, to a Milotic that sat proudly beside the Oranguru.


    “…Conveytion Ersha of the Ironworking Guild, who works with our Quaquaval friend, Conveytion Zarus, to lessen restrictions of Caravan ride time limits so that shipments can run the carriage-pullers ragged long into the night, all to deliver cheap iron to refine property in the X-Eye District owned by…”


    Her pamphlet moved once more towards a Greedent in a white robe.


    “…Conveytion Yuvaria, who seeks to improve her empty buildings in the Lower Market and X-Eye district so that the building prices may go up, poor Poke’mon get shut out. There there will be incentive to up the tax rate for those zones, all to crush the ever-rebellious X-Eye district and retake property…from a bunch of blight-kissers.




    The Nidorina’s pamphlet returned to her palm.


    “For you see, Avery…nearly every Conveytion here is a member of NAM…but not the NAM you’ve dealt with. Not the Common Arcean’s NAM handing out flyers and meeting in convention centers to decry the evils of Illaminian culture.” Jolvia said, her brow knitted in an almost hateful stare. “No, the Conveytion of Arcea swear by the tenants of Old NAM. Cowardly, short-sighted opportunists that can hardly see two feet in front of their noses, let alone the revolutionary atmosphere of the X-Eye District or the violence broiling over in the very city they live in and are meant to lead.”


    The pamphlet slowly…crushed in her grip.


    With each link in the chain Jolvia named, Avery felt a dull broiling fire rise up in him. This wasn’t a powerful fire of passion, though. This wasn’t a righteous anger that he’d be able to wield against them like when he was out on the job.


    This was something more acidic. More sickening. Like a venom that rose up from his stomach and stung his throat like bile.


    These weren’t people he’d be able to deal with traditionally. These weren’t people he’d be able to change the minds of, to respect the Illaminian people.


    Because these didn’t see the Illaminians as people.


    Avery felt a flashback to his first mission. Hit with a Poison Sting, feeling those waves of nausea wash over him with each Conveytion named.


    And above them all was Olistia. She couldn’t have been blind to this.


    She couldn’t have been blind to everything going on.


    Jolvia’s frown deepened as she looked across the congregation of rich Poke’mon. Avery and Jolvia were quiet for a long, tense moment.




    A single word in reply. But there was no mistaking it. Avery held contempt for these people.


    Jolvia glanced over to the Plusle, seeming to read his expression. She let out a sigh, her eyes returning to the crowd.


    “Let us see…that covers our neutral parties, all here entirely for their own gains.” Jolvia clicked her tongue. “Now then…considering the nature of this party, I have to assume Olistia and Deshuuna have brought players of their own from their sides of the field…now where…”


    The Nidorina perked up, nudging Avery.


    “There, look.”


    Entering the Arkinon Vo Cenur Vort was a group of five Poke’mon: A Froslass, a Meditite, a Chansey, a Staravia, and a Ampharos. Their clothes were far and away different from the Conveytion nobles that decorated the Ball Room.


    These five Poke’mon wore what seemed to be angular dresses, jagged at the bottom and raised just above the ground. Their dresses seemed to be constructed of colorful triangular fabric, and each one sported a cap with a tassel out the back.


    “The Quayoffi Delegates.” Jolvia said with a grin. “It seems Deshuuna’s decided to bring her friends from the southern country. That’s her greatest defense. Olistia will have to watch herself around Deshuuna, lest she spark international incident.”


    The five delegates greeted the Conveytion with a raised hand each to which the Conveytion responded with half-bows.


    “They’re going to be pressuring Olistia about the pearls after what happened at Yahneri Port. Several ships and warehouses being blown to smithereens by a beast conjured by the water pearl has certainly turned heads abroad.” Jolvia’s eyes flicked to the other end of the room. “And…Deshuuna’s friends from the Banking and Finance Guild, Merchant Guild and Ironworking Guilds. Make no mistake, Avery…Dushunna’s got fingers in just about every pie of the Arcean economy. Olistia can’t afford to go after her.”


    “…The pearls,” Avery muttered under his breath. “Well, this is what you and I wanted, right? A stalemate. Neither government can use them while one has each. And I guess the halfway destruction of Yahneri Port’s made this a much less covert mission than before.”


    He frowned.


    “…Though I have to imagine this might be what happens to the third pearl. The map’s made, so as far as the two powers are concerned its location is public. And if they just let one power have it, they’re only one heist away from having all three.”


    Turning to Jolvia, Avery crossed his arms.


    “…Almost thinking Quayoff should get the third.”


    “And Deshuuna would agree.” Jolvia said, smiling at him. “The Quayoffi Delegates will likely be advocating for all three pearls to go to themselves, naturally. Quayoff always prefers to be the one with the biggest toys, but…”


    Her eyes wandered…her face almost getting a cheeky look.


    “…it seems one of the Pearls isn’t accounted for anymore, in the hands of a rogue element. What a shame.”


    Her eyes traced over the rest of the ball room.


    “Now then…Olistia’s players. Pay close attention, Avery…” The Nidorina whispered, lifting her pamphlet once more.


    She pointed toward a group of Bisharp and Escaveleir guards. They didn’t look like average guards, as the garbs they wore were of a similar caliber to the nobles.


    “BAL Officers…they’re here with the Protection Guild, who represent the interests of the guard and army. Note, Avery, that none of the council members of the Protection Guild are nobles nor Conveytion, simply high-ranking officials.” Jolvia huffed, frowning again. “It’s a brand new guild with full representation amongst the Conduicy Advisors…formed by Olistia herself.”


    She moved her pamphlet over…to a sight a bit more dire.


    A Tropius in a white cloak.


    An elite.


    “She’s brought the elites, too, in tandem with the Protection Guild…” Jolvia sneered. “If there’s one thing Olistia has that’s dangerously powerful it’s respect, loyalty and full control over the Arcean armed forces, something’s she’s only strengthened by granting them their own guild to protect the interests of guards and soldiers.”


    Jolvia held the pamphlet tight in both hands.


    “The only thing Olistia lacks is stronger connection with the common Arcean, but we fear she may be making moves to rectify this soon…perhaps she’s begun already.”


    “…A stronger connection with the common Arcean?” Avery repeated, looking her over. “…What do you mean? She’s been doing those appearances in the One Truth Square every month or something, right…? Isn’t that making a strong connection with the common Arcean…?”


    “That’s one step, but the other step is to fully and wholly present yourself as aligned with the goals of your people. To both come down to their level and also take position as their leader. Both companion and master in their strife…”


    She side-eyed Avery.


    “…I’m sure you’re well familiar with her methodology there. Am I correct?”


    Avery put a hand to his chest.




    Jolvia was silent for a moment after that, just letting her words sink in as she continued to survey the attendants of the party.


    It was a tense silence. The only sounds were the quiet chattering of the noble Conveytions and the voice of the speaker at the front that continued giving pointers on how best to run workers into the ground so that fewer would be needed. Avery felt out of place, and not just because of his lack of clothes. If he’d worn vestments as beautiful as the Conveytion it wouldn’t have mattered.


    For these Poke’mon…were alien to all sensibilities. Worlds and worlds apart from himself.


    And Avery stood amidst them.


    The rulers of the world.


    Jolvia kept close to Avery. He could feel her body warmth banishing the cold of the ball room, as though she was trying to let her presence ground him.


    However, the tense silence was shattered by a voice.


    An eerily cheery voice.


    “Heya, Avery!!” Someone called beside him.


    The voice was…familiar.



    Avery jolted a bit, not expecting someone other than Olistia to say his name. He looked up, and-


    “Oh! Vinae!”


    ‘Banish everything else you suspect, Avery. She’s an elite. She’s been spending time with Vizon. Of course she’d say hello.’


    “I didn’t expect you to be at a place like this. How are you doing?”


    “Oh just swell, just swell! But whatcha mean you wouldn’t expect me here, goofball?” The Whimsicott giggled. “Olistia’s gunna be here! Of course there’s gunna be a bunch of elites here to keep things on the up and up. After all, you and I both know stuff about this Deshuuna character is miiiighty shifty.”


    She gave a sunny smile. Jolvia looked away and tried to not make eye contact.


    “But really, I should be asking you what you’re doing here, bud!” Vinae said with a giggle. “You seem kinda out of place here. You sure got a knack for getting yourself tangled up in places you’re not supposed to, huh? Yahneri Port all over again, haha!”


    “No kidding,” Avery sighed. “I was invited personally, actually. I thought it’d be rude to turn down, and…I mean I’ve never really seen this side of Arceliaze before, except…y’know, for the times that Olistia’s invited me to tea or something like that.”


    “Invited personally, now? Golly! I gotta wonder what for…keep your eyes peeled, Avery! There’s bad guys at every corner…!”


    Avery decided to change the subject – besides, he was curious…


    “How’s things with Vizon?” Avery asked. “I noticed he’s spending a lot of time with you and your team. Doing some shadowing, or…are you guys just hanging out and doing stuff together?”


    The Whimsicott elite giggled at that.


    Ohhhh, Vizon’s okay! We linked up with him a little while ago, had a nice long chat~! He talked about all kinds of stuff, liiiike…going to a birthday party, apparently~?”


    “Oh! Yeah, he actually took me with him to that!” Avery said. “There was a Mimikyu who was having a birthday today, and we just…decided to drop in. Vizon had the idea to give him our old bag. It was really nice…!”


    “Awww, that’s so cute!” Vinae cooed, squishing her cheeks, eyes sparkling. “Vizon’s such a sweetheart, huh? A real upstanding guy. I bet you’re real proud to have him as a best friend, huh?”


    The Whimsicott’s wool swayed and swished behind her…as she leaned over, that friendly smile unbroken.


    Sooooo…who’s your friend?”


    Jolvia’s ears flicked.


    “She’s a friend of the person who invited me,” Avery said, not missing a beat. “I don’t know if it’s like, a privacy thing? But I figured if I was going to come here I wouldn’t want to be alone in a high-society setting. It’s, uh…”


    He leaned in. Hopefully playing off his anxiety as social anxiety would work. Especially considering he was feeling social anxiety.


    “…I’m kind of out of my element here. I’m barely dressed, for crying out loud-“


    “Oh, a friend of a friend, is she?” Vinae’s eyes sparkled as Avery said that. “A direct friend of Deshuuna?”


    He could hear Jolvia sigh. The Whimsicott giggled.


    “C’mooon, I recognize the coolest Nidorina for the Team Azure Reports!” Vinae said merrily, swishing her wool. “Good to meet you, Jolvia.”


    The Nidorina was silent for a moment…before glancing back at the Whimsicott.


    “Likewise.” Jolvia said, curtly. Avery felt something tighten in his chest, though he wasn’t sure why.


    ‘Ah, course she knows Jolvia. I wanted to have some sort of privacy buffer, but since they already know-




    Vinae’s smile seemed to widen ever so slightly. She turned her attention back to Avery.


    “But, hey hey, don’t worry so much about being under dressed!” Vinae said. “You’re the Hero of Arceus, practically Olistia’s chosen! That’s a dress all in of itself! “


    “I mean, you say that, but…” Avery looked around furtively. “Still, I’m just…I mean I barely know what they’re talking about. My mind glazes over with policy talk, heh…”


    “Oh it’s no trouble, no trouble at all! May I tell a secret~?” Vinae giggled. The Whimsicott leaned in with a cheeky smile. “I hardly understand any of it myself! But, then, I guess that’s okay. It’s not my job, not my business! I take care of my part and the rest I can leave to others!”


    She gave a merry little sway, looking out at the crowd of Conveytion as the speaker changed.


    “Olistia will be here soon.” Vinae said, side-eying Avery. Jolvia looked back and met the elite’s gaze. “Have you met Deshuuna yet? Vizon said in her invitation she was specifically wanting to meet you.”


    “Yeah, I know,” Avery said, furrowing his brow. “I don’t know who she is, so I don’t know who to look for or anything. So, uh…no, not yet. I only got here a few minutes ago.”


    “You’re looking for a Sceptile. Tall, really serious and scary looking face.” Vinae replied, her eyes glancing around. “Dunno what she wants from you so make sure to pay special attention. You don’t know what kind of tricks or traps someone like her might have set up for you…”


    Jolvia furrowed her brow but said nothing. The Whimsicott’s smile only grew.


    “If you want to find her she’s been over by the open bar near the stage.” Vinae said, gesturing towards where another speaker was setting up a keynote for a conference ‘regarding using art projects to inflate retail prices to push out ‘undesirable residents”.


    Indeed, over by the stage Avery could see a bar and a group of nobles all gathered around, holding drinks. The Whimsicott looked back down at the Plusle.


    “The elites are mostly here to protect Olistia, so we can’t do anything to Deshuuna for right now, but we’ll be able to jump in if she tries anything with you.” She promised. “We’re always at your back, Hero!”


    “I mean, I can probably hold my own – maybe not beat if it comes down to it, but- it’s good to know that there’s backup.” Avery gave her a little smile. “Alright, see you around, then-!”


    With that, Avery turned to leave. Jolvia followed him without hesitation, trying not to look back at the Whimsicott as she gave a smile and a wave. The Plusle moved closer to the table, looking back to Jolvia until they were far enough that he knew Vinae wouldn’t be listening in.


    “…I’m…still trying to figure out ‘ignorant or malicious’ with her,” Avery whispered to Jolvia. “…Clockwork was easy to suss out. But…I’m not wholly sure on Ganusi.”


    The Nidorina let out a shaking breath the moment they were out of earshot.


    “Frankly, Avery, even Clockwork is an Elite team. Cute as they are, they still have connections to dangerous Poke’mon.” Jolvia whispered. “And Team Ganusi…they’re fresh to the Elites so we don’t have a complete picture on their operations…”


    She cast a glance backwards, quickly averting her eyes seeing Vinae still watching them both.


    “…but we do know they’re tenacious and determined…and we’ve lost many operatives to the bowels of Dungeon Arceali thanks to them.” Jolvia continued. “Vinae has…always been a hard read, even in her Arceali Guild days. Is she like Nivanee or more malicious than that? We can’t really tell…”


    She gave Avery a furtive glance.


    “Do you understand? Even I do not know what to make of her, and that is my job.”


    “…All I know…” Avery mumbled, looking to her. “…is that when I was talking to Vizon about visiting his parents, before I knew anything was up with them…”


    Avery shook his head.


    “They kept interrupting him. Trying to change the subject. Keep him from telling me where they lived.”


    Jolvia eyes locked with the Plusle, her brow tightening more and more as he spoke.


    For the first time…Avery saw an almost fearful uncertainty as her crimson eyes wandered.


    White cloaked Poke’mon. Elites standing before every pillar.


    All of them watching the both of them close.


    Jolvia swallowed lightly, keeping her gaze forward.


    “I will be happy to be rid of this city for a year or two.” The Nidorina said, voice hushed. “And you say that Vizon has been ‘hanging out’ with Ganusi? An elite team? By himself? Coupled with what we’ve learned…”


    She took another breath, keeping her face strong as she and Avery weaved betwixt the nobles.


    “All of this gives me a horrible feeling, Avery. Secure as it may be, Deshuuna’s good graces still feel like an thin layer of armor against a deadly weapon ready to strike.” The Nidorina said.


    “Hey…Vizon’s a good person,” Avery said, almost to himself. “…He is a good person. He’s just confused. I…I need to help him.”


    But for now, he banished that from his head. He couldn’t afford to think about that right now.


    Not when he was about to meet Deshuuna herself.


    Up ahead, in the crowd of robe-clad Poke’mon, Avery could hear several voices talking…laughing. Every word was spoken lightly.


    But one voice towered over them all.


    Deep, guttural, authoritative, but still matching the volume of its peers. It cut through the noise like a knife as they both got closer to the bar.


    The powerful voice was clearer now. As the pair reached the edge of the crowd, Avery could hear it:


    “Pardon the sudden cutoff. I must connect with you another time; I’ve a personal guest that has arrived. Send me the points by post and we shall arrange some one-on-ones at once.”


    Jolvia’s ears perked.


    Many of the robe-clad Poke’mon gave half-bows, silently backing off to attend to other conversations to have with other nobles.


    A sea of bodies parted before Avery.


    The ball room seemed to become quieter as a path was laid betwixt the nobles.


    And at last, the final wall parted. At the end of the path…


    …was her.



    A great behemoth of the earth and green stood before Avery.


    A single, sharp eye connected with him at once. Slammed into him. Burrowed straight through him and drank all of him in.


    She stared for a moment. Silent.


    Silent for another moment. Unmoving.


    A single swirl of her glass. She did not blink. Like a predator she held Avery transfixed in a trance on her and her alone.


    For another moment she was as though a statue.


    Until she moved. Precisely. Every muscle and movement shifted into its perfect place. Head turned slightly. Shoulder relaxed. Drink dropped.


    And she held that position.


    Then Deshuuna spoke.




    He felt faint.


    This was her. The leader Xamao defected from. The one who coordinated with Jolvia – and to some extent, Avery – to create this stalemate they currently found themselves in.


    The one whose name Avery had heard so many times before, whispered in contempt and fear by nobles, mentioned by outlaws from Rocky Hills to the Arceli dungeons.


    “…Deshuuna.” He nodded slowly. “…Thank you for the invitation. It’s an honor to finally meet you face to face.”


    “Likewise, Azure Captain.” The Sceptile replied. “I am pleased to see you honored my invitation with your presence.”


    Her eyes snapped to Jolvia.


    “Jolvia. I see the Western Lower Market Branch’s general invitation was deferred to you once again?” Deshuuna asked.


    “No, Selveytion Deshuuna, I did not receive any invitation due to circumstances beyond my control. I am Avery’s plus one for tonight.” The Nidorina replied.


    “Interesting. I am happy you could be here to represent your branch all the same.” Deshuuna said, every word carefully chosen yet spoken as naturally as a casual sentence.


    The Sceptile’s eyes shot back to Avery without delay.


    “May I interest you in a drink? Non-tottered, if you prefer. We are, for all intents and purposes, open to talk freely in this place.”


    The silence was deafening. Though Avery could see nobles in the Ball Room, a perfect bubble in the crowd surrounded him, Jolvia and Deshuuna, all just out of earshot.


    Alone with her in a crowd.


    “A drink would be nice,” Avery said, trying to keep himself equally measured. Even so, he already felt like he’d said something wrong, even though he’d barely said anything so far. “I…have something I need my wits for later tonight, so something non-tottered would be preferred. But thank you.”


    Avery looked again to the crowd one more time, fidgeting with his fingers.


    “May I ask though, uh…why you invited…me specifically to speak with you?”


    “Simply to congratulate you.” Deshuuna replied. Her drink switched hands, an empty glass in the now-empty hand, filled already with a frothy, chilled berry mixture.


    She handed the drink to Avery. It was very well-prepared. A salted rim and a lemon settled inside. The aroma was almost tart and inviting.


    “The part you played at Yahneri was exceptionally well-executed, even in the face of a near loss.” The Sceptile continued. “And now both Xamao and Olistia may enjoy their sparkling paper-weights as their hearts see fit.”


    Her face did not twitch nor move. No smile graced her face. Her tone was flat and professional.


    “Of course, there are other matters to discuss, but we have plenty of time.”


    Avery held the drink for a moment and studied it before taking a sip. Something told his that this might be too high-society for him, but he figured he’d try it.


    “…There is the third orb,” Avery said, looking back to the Quayoffi delegates. “Among people like this, where it is has to be more or less common knowledge, let alone its existence. And either side having that would…w-well, I was just saying – they’d be one caper away from having that ultimate power for themselves. I’m worried about that.”


    “At present my mind is only on the supposed ‘security system’ housed within.” Deshuuna said. “The final pearl rests on Ember Summit, at the foot of which is the village of Steeljag. A few distant subsidiaries of mine have investments in that area, particularly with the Steeljag Money Market Trading Company and Garrius Molaene Holdings and Investments. A branch of the Cross-Country Runners Arcea holdings company even opened its doors there recently, and all have expressed concerns of damages should the fire pearl be disturbed, like in the case of Yahneri Port.”


    Deshuuna lifted her drink, sipping it slowly. A single swallow and her attention returned to Avery.


    “I have already expressed this concern to the Quayoffi Delegates. On my behalf they will be requesting to handle extraction of the Fire Pearl independent of Conduicy Operations.”


    She was silent for a moment, only staring at Avery for a long while.


    “I expect Olistia to refuse to relinquish the Water Pearl, as I expect Xamao to refuse to turn himself in and relinquish the Thunder Pearl.” Deshuuna continued, looking out towards the attending Conveytion. “This matter is settled. Everyone’s hands are tied and the matter will be shelved. The noble Guilds of Arcea have grown tired of Olistia’s little pet-project, as well as her vendetta against the, cursed be its name, Thieves Guild. The enormous and wasteful expense of the Yahneri Port operation has become the final straw.”


    “…On a lot of levels, I’m…ashamed that we couldn’t stop that beast sooner,” Avery said quietly. “There was a lot of time spent on that island alone, and if I’d been more vigilant maybe Yahneri Port would have been spared. But…”


    A wry smile crossed the Plusle’s lips.


    “At the very least, the disaster has a use.” He sighed. “It’s preventing any further fights. I…I can only hope the motion goes through. Plenty of Pokemon have already gotten hurt just in the search for these pearls. I don’t like thinking about what could have happened if someone managed to get them all.”


    “Nor need you think of it.” Deshuuna said. “Every piece has fallen where it may and we need only let the inevitable take its course. Trouble yourself no more with thoughts of the Pearls.”


    “If I may…”


    Jolvia’s voice came next. Deshuuna’s eyes snapped to her.


    “Proceed.” The Sceptile said.


    “How certain are you? There was no determination what Olistia’s plan for the pearls ultimately was.” The Nidorina asked. “Can we be certain she would just give up the pearls so easily?”


    “To say it is ‘so easily’ is a poor choice of words, but I understand the concern.” Deshuuna gave a single, sharp nod. “We’ve been unable to determine exactly how desperate Olistia may be but there is no reason to believe she would risk the already weakened economy for a treasure hunt. If any more funds were to be allocated to the search, Noble Guilds would begin to withold their business and lay the blame squarely at her feet.”


    The Sceptile took another sip of her drink.


    “While there’s no confirmation, the strong loyalty she’s accrued with the Arcean Military suggests she would simply hold the pearls to further augment the armed force’s power to further gain their favor.” Deshuuna contined. “And considering Olistia’s want for the common Arcean’s favor as well, she can’t risk the Noble Guilds tarnishing her reputation with further economic turmoil simply to chase clout with the military.”


    ‘So…I was Olistia’s last gambit to get all of the pearls,’ Avery thought to himself. ‘It failed, and Olistia has to give it up.’


    “That’s good, then,” Avery said, sighing in relief. “There’s still a lot of work to do in the city, especially…”


    He glanced around the room.


    “Especially given what I can parse from what all these speakers are talking about.” He said. “But the fact that we don’t have a nuclear warhead hanging over all of us now is a comforting thought.”


    For the first time, Avery’s comment gave Deshuuna…pause.


    “…whatever a ‘nuclear warhead’ may be the sentiment is clear, and I agree on both counts.” The Sceptile said with a sip.


    There was another pause as her eyes burrowed into him.


    “On the note of the city, that brings me to the other reason I wished to speak with you in person. Periodicals and news and hearsay and reports may give a decent picture of someone but all of it pales in comparison to hearing it from the source themselves, seeing it in their eyes.”


    Another pause. Her face did not move.


    “You may have surmised but I am a patron to several charitable causes. A part of my revenue I invest back into Arcea. Steel Mills under my umbrella employ Arceans exclusively and we pride ourselves on better wages for those that work under us…and better lives for those who do not.”


    Another pause. The words sank in.


    “Thus I wished to gauge the extent to which you might be a similar patron to these charities. Your positions in interviews piqued my interest, coupled with your background.” Deshuuna said. “Thus, I’d like to hear more on your viewpoints…and action items in regards said charities.”


    Every word was precise. Every word flowed naturally.


    She waited for Avery’s reply with a neutral expression, sharp eyes watching his every motion.




    Avery swallowed.


    “…I’m…in a bit of a precarious position about that sort of thing,” He said, looking off to the side. “I want to do as much as I can to help, but…if I attract too much of an eye to myself in doing that, then I could lose the position that lets me do things to begin with.”


    Avery frowned.


    “…That being said – I want to help. I-“


    His mind flashed back to the meeting at Sekura’s house.


    Lahnae was asked to stay behind.


    He was told to go.


    ‘…I wasn’t useful to them.’


    “I try and advocate for them when I can. I don’t know if you read the papers, but…apparently the periodical’s recorded my stance. I’m trying to learn the language. I…don’t know how much I can do, though.”


    Deshuuna’s eyes traced Avery up and down as he spoke, watching his facial expressions change and his body shift. Avery could tell she heard every hesitation.


    At last, she spoke.


    “I assume the retention of that position is not as important as the help itself, correct?” The Sceptile asked, pointedly.


    “Deshuuna…-” Jolvia began with a small grimmace. “Avery’s already expressed a lack of interest in the nonprofits.


    “I’m aware, and I expect him to uphold that.” The Sceptile replied. “And I understand the concern; his present position grants him the most authority over guards and soldiers and citizens. It’s the best position one can have and make use of.”


    The Sceptile’s eyes burrowed deeper and deeper into Avery.


    “But even a powerful box is still a box. Olistia is trapped in hers, you in yours, Avery.”


    Jolvia frowned, fidgeting as a silence rolled over the three. Deshuuna relieved Avery of her gaze for a moment to take a sip of her drink, staring at a painting on the wall.


    It was an image Avery had seen a hundred times across Arcea: Arceus tearing through a grassy field, flames and fire in his wake, turning the land into one of smoulder and ash, all the Poke’mon in his path begging for mercy as they were purged.


    “Disappointing. But unsurprising. We’re all only Poke’mon, after all.” Deshuuna said at last.


    Avery deflated.


    ‘Maybe that was why they – Kannae and Kellixae and everyone – excluded me. Maybe that was why Lahnae was welcome where I wasn’t. Maybe that meant I’d never be able to do what I felt needed to be done for them.’


    “Man, I never-” Avery bit his tongue.


    This was not the time to be venting, nor was it the person to be venting to.


    ‘But…I should at least finish the sentence, right?’


    “I-I never…got to study for this.” He continued. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I wasn’t prepared to fight a…a…a social war when I got dropped here, but because of this stupid country, the ‘do nothing’ option leaves people free to burn their houses down.”


    Avery frowned, trying to find the words. Any words.


    “And I’m scared to lose my position at the guild because I can hear what they think of the guild. They hate the guild, and there’s probably a good reason for it-! So…so what happens if I get kicked out? If I’m not there to try and counterbalance whatever they got up to when I wasn’t there?? I-“


    That…was more than he was planning to say. Deshuuna didn’t look Avery’s way as he vented. Though he felt the warmth of Jolvia’s hand rest on his shoulder as he spoke, the Nidorina giving a quiet sigh.




    “Let him finish.” Deshuuna commanded, halting Jolvia’s words.


    Avery grunted, trying to continue.


    “I…I’m trying my best out there,” Avery said finally, putting a hand to his head as he cast his eyes down. “But half the time I don’t even know what I’m doing, and…and it’s obviously not good enough for-“


    ‘For them. It’s not good enough for them. They don’t trust me.’


    “It’s not good enough.”


    The Sceptile waited a moment…an agonizing moment after Avery finished, as though to confirm he was finished.


    She swirled the glass, plucking the berry out with a toothpick and setting the glass down.


    “What happens if you get kicked out? What would happen if you were to be kicked out?” The Sceptile’s voice came at last, both a contemplative thought and commanding statement. “And who’s to say Olistia would ever let her pet human be cast from the guild, out of her organization?”


    Jolvia perked up, her brow furrowed.


    “Deshuuna…” The Nidorina hissed quietly. The Sceptile only responded with a look, turning back to the both of them.


    “If the ‘do nothing’ option has left people with houses burnt, then I would simply refrain from taking it.” Deshuuna shut down Jolvia. “If, in my own time of running an empire of businesses, I had remained with every sinking ship I’d hardly have been in the strong position I am now. But alas.”


    Another pause. There was a rumble at the front of the restaurant as the speaker at the stage finished his speech. Jolvia’s hand on Avery’s shoulder squeezed supportively.


    “Well.” Deshuuna concluded. “I’m happy I was able to talk to you in person, Avery. It’s provided quite the clearer picture.”


    ‘I haven’t done nothing, Avery thought bitterly to himself. ‘I’ve done close to it but I haven’t done nothing.’


    He don’t reply right away. But he didn’t feel despondent. Or depressed. Or anything like that.


    Instead he just feel angry. Whether it’s at Deshuuna, Olistia, Arcea itself, or just himself and his own actions, Avery wasn’t sure.


    But he felt this low broiling anger within him.


    “…You’re welcome, Deshuuna,” Avery said finally, through half gritted teeth. “…It was nice to meet you, too.”


    “Well then. I suppose we may enjoy the rest of the party.” Deshuuna said at last. The Sceptile’s head lifted as the rumbling up at the front increased in volume. Many of the surrounding nobles turned their attention to the entrance.


    There, Avery could see guards beginning to file in. The white-cloaked elites began to converge on the entrance, giving half-bows to the figure who was now entering.


    Deshuuna’s eyebrows lifted.


    “Well, it seems our most esteemed guest has arrived at last.” Deshuuna said.


    Avery could hear Jolvia let out a breath next to him.


    There, at the front…Avery saw her.


    Sharp red eyes cast about the restaurant. Hands firmly behind her back as she stepped between the path of nobles with a crushing power.




    The Gardevoir woman stood at the front, surveying the party and giving cursory greetings to the well-dressed Conveytion that surrounded her. She gave a respectful bow to the Quayoffi delegates that approached, accepting a return gesture from them, putting her forehead to theirs.


    And amid the many greetings that surrounded her, Avery saw a few elites approach. The Gardevoir seemed much more visibly comfortable with them as they spoke to her. Different elite teams amicably spoke to the Conduit, Olistia smiling back at them warmly.


    Until one elite approached Olistia…one that Avery recognized.


    A white-cloaked Whimsicott approached her, speaking merrily to Olistia…


    …before making a subtle gesture Avery’s way.


    Olistia’s smile vanished as she looked up…and saw the Plusle immediately.


    A moment passed.


    And at once the Conduit began to approach. Her stride was graceful but…somewhat hurried.


    ‘…the hell was that-?’


    Avery separated from Jolvia just in case, but wasn’t…really expecting Olistia to come look at him. What was she doing? What did she want-?


    Avery didn’t try to avoid her though. He wasn’t sure he wanted to speak with her – this evening was going to be hard enough already on that front – but it didn’t seem that he’d get much choice.


    Olistia waved away an elite that followed her, trying to clear herself of guards. Deshuuna only stood aside as the Conduit approached. Jolvia understood Avery’s separation, backing off quickly to disassociate herself with the Plusle at once, for his sake.


    At last the Gardevoir came. Behind her, the guards and elites returned the atmosphere to normal as best they could while Olistia…


    …only looked at Avery…


    Her eyes lifted, her expression hardening somewhat.


    “…good evening, Selveytion Deshuuna.” Olistia said.


    “Good evening, She of the One Truth, Conduit Arceali, Mouth of Arceus presiding over etcetera etcetera.” Deshuuna replied, voice laced with respect, even as the atmosphere seemed to grow heavy. “I do hope the trip here from the castle was pleasant?”


    “Most pleasant, thank you.” Olistia replied. Avery could hear her hands tighten around one another behind her back.


    There was a pause between the two…until at last Olistia’s eyes came to Avery.


    “…Avery…” The Gardevoir…sighed. She sounded exhausted, exasperated, voice laced both with knowing and worry. “…what are you doing here?”


    The Plusle flinched a bit from the phrasing.


    “…I was invited,” He said simply. “After I got back from the Yahneri Port mission, there was an invitation in the mail. I…didn’t know this was a place I wasn’t supposed to be. I, uh…should I leave-?”


    ‘Deshuuna wanted to speak to me personally, right? That’s why she invited me here. And I’ve done that now, so…do I even have to stick around?


    Though if Olistia does want me to leave right away, maybe that’s a cue to stay.’


    Olistia’s eyes…narrowed as Avery spoke, her gaze lifting up to Deshuuna almost hatefully.


    Deshuuna’s gaze didn’t change.


    “What is this, Selveytion?” Olistia demanded quietly. “I can’t imagine you’ve brought Avery of all people here simply to shake his hand.”


    “Conduit Arceali, you should know I’m a woman that values her connections.”


    This…” Olistia hesitated, glancing back at Avery…that worried tone crossing her voice again. “This seems more like using him.”


    “Whatever do you mean?”


    Olistia’s gaze at Avery could only be described as mournful before hardening once more to look to the Sceptile.


    “Look here now, Avery, how Deshuuna hopes that by bringing you – someone I care for – to this party that I might be…” Olistia spoke to Avery even as her gaze locked with the Sceptile. “Shall I use the word ‘tamed’?”


    “You may use whichever word suits her Conduicy.” Deshuuna replied.


    “And might I also assume, Avery, that you’ve spent the night with whispers in your ear about my character?” Olistia asked, her gaze softening as it fell to Avery.


    “…not much,” Avery said, frowning a bit. “She spoke about some of the missions I’d been put on recently, what happened in Yahneri, how that business seems over, but….I-I wouldn’t say that she’s been…whispering about your character?”


    “Paranoia does not befit her graceful Conduicy.” Deshuuna chimed in. “Might I interest you in a drink, Olistia, before you’re to go up to perform you conference? I would loathe to see my Conduit so tense.”


    Olistia said nothing a moment.


    “Fine Eksai.” The Conduit spoke, giving an approving gesture. “Water it down, if you would.”


    “Of course, Conduit.” Deshuuna complied, gesturing to the smartly dressed bar worker that began preparing the drink at once. The Sceptile looked back once more to Olistia. “Did you say hello to your advisors that are in attendance? I saw you give warm greeting to Conveytion Zarus when you entered. Is he continuing his request for loosening Illaminian debt worker hiring caps? I should think the man will never employ an Arcean again at this rate, should he be continued to be capitulated to.”


    “Indeed he did. As did Conveytion Tosinus once again ask for another factory for Conveytion Ersha. As did Conveytion Dellarus ask for yet another new tax zone to isolate and strangle a few citizens making too much money too quickly.” Olistia replied without hesitation, taking the goblet of Eksai in hand as the bar worker gave it to her. She didn’t even check it for poison before taking a drink.


    Well…” Deshuuna mused, her voice rumbling. “Busy as ever with the future of Arcea aren’t we, Conduit Arceali?”


    Avery shifted in place, looking between the two of them, lost already. All these names and…business terms.


    Maybe that was on purpose to shunt him out.


    There was another gap in the conversation. Though the discussion was so formal, the tension between Olistia and Deshuuna was palpable as they stared at one another in an unblinking, silent war.


    Olistia broke first, taking a drink of her glass, stepping around the Plusle.


    “Tell me, Avery, as a member of the Arceali Guild, what do you make of dear Selveytion Deshuuna?” Olistia paused. “…and her friend, Jolvia?”


    “I would describe the relationship more of an acquaintance on behalf the bank branch under investment of a distant subsidiary.” Deshuuna corrected at once. “Hardly a friend.”


    “She certainly wasted no time scurrying to your side.” Olistia countered as she came to Avery’s other side. Indeed, Jolvia had subtly moved closer to Deshuuna to distance herself from the Plusle. “But, it’s Avery’s turn. I wish to hear his thoughts.”


    “…Jolvia’s a friend of mine,” Avery said, looking up to the Gardevoir. “She’s been on every mission since the Delta with me, and she’s been invaluable in each and every one. I…”


    Avery looked off to one side, grimacing.


    “…I wouldn’t have made it out of Qease Ruins alive if it wasn’t for her.” He continued. “Everyone present there had a part to play in everyone making it out safely, even the Thieves Guild members. If any one of the people I worked with there hadn’t been there, I don’t-“


    He shook his head.


    “…I’m sad to see her leave the team, but…I hope she does well wherever she ends up.”


    Olistia nodded warmly as Avery talked of Jolvia. He felt the Gardevoir’s hand on his shoulder as she let out a very small sigh.


    She lifted her head, eyes locking with the Nidorina who did her best to meet her gaze.


    “Then from the bottom of my heart I thank you for keeping Avery safe.” Olistia said. Jolvia’s brow furrowed, looking slightly taken aback. “After tonight’s events I will be sure to repay the favor for all you’ve done.”


    “That is…certainly a surprising offer, considering it was your elites that had pounced upon me not but a week ago.” Jolvia said, seemingly not even realizing she took another step towards Deshuuna.


    Olistia smiled again, folding her hands in front of her.


    “We take the steps we deem necessary at the time, always.” Olistia replied. “Though I can only apologize for the inconvenience I cannot apologize for doing what, at the time, felt to be the right move to serve Arcea as its Conduit. I’m sure you understand.”


    Jolvia looked unsure. Some part of Avery felt relieved hearing that…yet at the same time something still didn’t feel right.


    “As for Deshuuna…” Avery continued.


    There was a bit of a flare of that indignation from before. Still baseless. Still not directed at anybody. But it was clear to Avery that the Sceptile’s words had caused it.


    “She seems very intelligent.” Avery said, looking up at the Gardevoir. Olistia returned his gaze warmly, a look on her face as though trying to reassure him. “But a lot of what she deals with goes over my head.”


    There was another pause.


    Olistia turned to Avery.


    “Indeed, Deshuuna is quite intelligent. Very savvy and has a sharp wit I could only wish I had. Her business sense is impeccible, and her penchant for making funds simply appear has been noteworthy for a very long time.” Olistia said, her voice dripping with venom.


    “I am honored by all compliments from her Conduicy, of course.” Deshuuna said.


    Olistia looked up at Deshuuna…then back at the nobles.


    The same that wished to increase debt workers.


    The same that wished to reduce housing.


    The same that wished to run carriage runners ragged.


    The same that wished to crush the X-Eye district financially for supporting Illaminians.


    The Gardevoir hummed quietly.


    “Selveytion Deshuuna also has a talent for making connections and friends.” Olistia pointed out. “This party speaks volumes to the constituents of Deshuuna, and the manner of Poke’mon she works with to achieve her goals and raise her funds.”


    The Conduit turned again to Deshuuna, her brow furrowed.


    “I agree, I do prefer to have close ties to the members of the Conduicy’s office.” Deshuuna said, countering the point Olistia was alluding to. “A noble so close to the Conduit Arceali is a good friend to have indeed, I should think.”


    “Ah, and here, Avery, we see: She has been speaking to my character.” Olistia said to Avery, gesturing her glass of Eksai towards the Sceptile. “Did she or, perhaps, Jolvia speak to my proximity to the Arcean Conveytion?”


    “…Maybe,” Avery said, furrowing his brow. “I honestly don’t remember, all these names mix together in my head. I…I’m not used to words and practices like this. I…think she mentioned something along those lines, maybe – but then, you’re a featured speaker here, too. Wouldn’t that alone mean you’re close to them in one way or another…?”


    “Close indeed.” Deshuuna chimed in, swirling her glass. “Certainly enough to sign off their proposed policies which have, in no small part, led to the erosion of much of Arcea. What was it just a week ago? I believe I heard whispers of money now being directed from the Arcean Youth Association and the Clever Poke’mon’s Group to…what was it? Hand over some free, untracked funding to the Architecture guild?”


    Deshuuna raised her eyebrows.


    “Did you see the statue of Jianguo they were wheeling around with the parade yesterday? I believe some of the money went there. But, then, a few more marble statues for a noble’s front lawn will always be more important than schools and orphanages, naturally.”


    “The Architecture Guild was working in tandem with the Agriculture Guild to siphon that funding.” Olistia…almost snapped. “The Agriculture Guild immediately threatened to halt its food production if the demands were not met. It’s the cudgel they wield, again and again, for every little thing when they wish to get their way.”


    The Conduit’s gaze turned fiery.


    “You tell me, Selveytion: Between a child going to a well-funded school and a child eating at all, which should I have chosen?” Olistia’s voice was sharp. “My mother, love and miss her though I do…Lippi was a fool to let the Conveytion become so out of control, so able to freely leverage life itself to bleed the country dry.”


    “I can only imagine the woes of a Conduit, a woman with supreme, final power, presumably.” Deshuuna sighed, holding her hands behind her back. “I can only give my sincerely condolences that your box has begun to constrain.”


    Olistia was quiet a moment.


    She lifted her drink, finishing the glass in a single swallow and dropping it to the bar.


    “And soon to break.” Olistia said with a fierce expression.


    “…So these Conveytions,” Avery said, trying to follow along. He was starting to get angry again, but he figured that it was probably best to keep himself subdued. “They’re just…they’re all holding their goods over your head? What kind of…what kind of goon stops making food en masse-? I thought strikes were for…I dunno, entertainment – performers, the like. Not things people need to survive. They’re…they’re allowed to do that sort of thing…?”


    ‘She mentioned someone named Lippi. Was it her fault that things got this bad…? And then- then wouldn’t it fall on her to regultae them? But then if they throw fits that starve people every time they’re constrained-


    Jeez. This city is a powderkeg.


    “Exactly right, Avery.” Olistia said plainly. “Oh but any Conveytion of noble Guilds would never starve, of course – they’d hardly miss a meal.”


    The Gardevoir’s frown deepened.


    “I remember well a famine, 6T15, only 26 years into my own Conduicy. The Conveytion of the Agriculture guild let the food in the fields of all their farms rot, hired foreign private armies to guard and kill the stock, whilst the Conveytion themselves sat and merrily feasted on the finest roasted Rhozleena Mesa, simply enjoying the hiked up prices of food. All the while restaurants closed, grocers shuttered, the poor homes filled with bodies, living and dead…and Illaminians blamed, of course.”


    Olistia tilted her head.


    “Simply because a single Agriculture Guild Conveytion was not allowed another exemption in taxation on a handfull of her companies.”


    The Gardvoir turned her head towards Deshuuna, her gaze filled with hate.


    “And those are exactly the Poke’mon our dear Selveytion Deshuuna cozies up with, lines the pockets of, to achieve her goals.” Olistia finished. “Deshuuna finds them a very effective leash for me.”


    The Sceptile smiled, looking undeterred.


    “The Conveytion seemed to have latched onto a winning strategy.” Deshuuna said. “And it’s a shame it continues to win, as there seems to be so little pushback when it’s employed.”


    Deshuuna folded her hands behind her back once more.


    “Of course, to not make constituents of these Conveytion would be foolish.” The Sceptile Continued. “I require my funds and access…and I prefer to not use Illaminian Debt workers, who seem to have become the backbone of your country, Olistia. So unlike many of my noble constituents, my costs tend to be higher for my better wages to Arcean workers.”


    The Sceptile glanced down at the Plusle.


    “For it seems, Avery, Olistia much prefers Arceans to take up arms in her beloved military than to work in factories and smitheries like they had in centuries past.” Deshuuna finished.


    The Conduit took a deep breath, letting the words hang in the air. The Gardevoir looked to Avery…almost longingly.


    “Avery…” The Gardevoir said, voice softer. “You see now the world I toil in? You see now the walls I face when I try to do even an ounce of good? Do you see the traps and pitfalls every one of my plans to make life better in Arcea falls upon? For over 70 years have I been stymied and held back.”


    “And I am sorry your latest caper has met such an anticlimatic end.” Deshuuna chimed in, making that fire flare in Olistia’s eyes for a moment longer. “It seems things shall remain the same a while yet.”


    The Conduit lifted herself as she looked towards the stage.


    The conference would begin soon.


    …Avery was getting lost again.


    If Olistia was good at one thing, it was…garnering sympathy from him. Making him feel like she was on his side.


    Maybe she was trapped. Maybe the evils of this country really were despite her efforts. She’d done things to hurt Avery personally – lied about his memories, for one…but this business with Vizon, with all that…


    …could she really be in charge?


    Or was she just a figurehead trying to get control back from it?


    Would things be better if she just…controlled everything herself?



    ‘Wake up, Avery, you’re thinking too far.’


    “I don’t envy your position,” Avery said finally – not really sure which one of the two he was talking about. “Not at all.”


    “Nor mine yours, Avery.” Olistia conceded with a soft sigh. “For what it’s worth…I’m so very sorry.”


    “Well, the pleasantries were certainly nice, Conduit Arceali.” Deshuuna cut in with a sharp look. “But I would loathe to keep you waiting. I’m sure Quayoff is eager to hear your statement on all this pearl business.”


    Olistia said nothing, only returning Deshuuna’s gaze.


    But the atmosphere said it all.


    Once again, Olistia…you are trapped. Now play your role, as Avery has played his.




    Chapter 45





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