The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 30.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The journey to Yahneri Port was a nice change of pace from the dreary trudge from Lightning Wastes. It was a march in the sunlight, across the cool air of Arcea in spring.


    Through the East gate, up the Arceali valley, past wind-swept villages built on those steep hills. As the sun continued across the sky the Team eventually reached the treeline, the dirt roads turning rocky as a path of forest was flanked by towering, spiky mountains and a distant massive pillar of smoke from a far-off volcano.


    Vizon kept a cheery demeanor, clearly happy to be making the trek with Avery, even with Jolvia and Rikzyod there. He didn’t seem to mind them at all, or at least did a good job of pretending he didn’t. All over again, it felt like Windscorch mountain. Just Avery and the friend he chose a long time ago.


    Over an old stone bridge crossing a wide and rushing river. The forest around here was fairly thin due to the rocky soil from the mountains. But as they began to climb another hill, Vizon looked back.


    “Okay, so I know there’s a really dense forest between here and Yahneri Port.” Vizon said. “Periodicals used to call it a hot bed of banditry that’d keep the guild and elites super busy.”


    “I remember. I’ve traveled through the Yahneri woods many times.” Jolvia said, trudging up the hill, brushing away a stay branch in her path. “Woods thicker than Tall Woods, with a winding path that only lets you see so far ahead. We may have to keep on our toes.”


    “Yeesh, never a dull moment, huh?” Avery said. “Well…I picked up a new move at the general store, so…if we go up against anybody, we’ll be able to try that out…!”


    ‘…Saying ‘new’ still feels wrong. I’ve always known it. Except I didn’t. Except- I hate memory things.’


    “We’ve been through Tall Woods before, and we faced ‘bandits’ there, didn’t we?” Avery gave Vizon a little punch on the arm. “This is just…Tall-er Woods. With bandits…er.”


    “That’s the spirit, buddy!” Vizon said, picking up the pace. “C’mon, the Yahneri woods should be just up here. We’ll get through it no problem.”


    They all made the final push, going up, up, up the tall hill through what seemed like increasingly thickening bramble.


    And at last Vizon crested the hill first.


    And he stopped.


    Jolvia was next…then Rikzyod.


    “I…” Vizon said, his voice trailing off. Jolvia put a hand to her mouth, eyebrows furrowed.


    “…by Arceus…” she muttered. “…she’s really serious about this, huh?”


    ‘…Those…aren’t good remarks. Is our Team Azure twist really going to happen this soon…?’


    Avery quickly jogged up the hill, standing beside Vizon to look out at what everyone else saw. As the Plusle crested the top of the hill…the sun kissed his face, warm and bright.


    The salty air of the sea already burned his nostrils.


    Spread before them was no forest. No underbrush. Nothing.


    All they saw…



    Was Olistia’s superhighway.


    A path hundreds of meters wide spread before the team, a path that was only widening as swaths of army Poke’mon tore a gash in the once dense forest. The sound of chopping wood and falling trees echoed over now barren hills, hundreds of Poke’mon hastily cutting trees and destroying foliage indiscriminately.


    A superhighway to let a massive army move unimpeded, allowing for no forest ambushes nor surprises.


    All to transport the Water Pearl to Arceliaze.


    Avery couldn’t…entirely conceptualize what he was seeing. On either side, he saw forest. Real, proper forest. Tall-er Woods, he’d said. That was where they were supposed to go.


    …This was desolation.


    Avery felt bile rise up in his throat at the sight. Swallowing it down hurt. He moved closer to Vizon, clutching his arm with his own.


    Somehow…the sight of this felt some kind of familiar. Some kind of…lost, sickening nostalgia that Avery had only felt a few times before.


    A Super Highway.


    “…Let’s…let’s go, everyone.” Avery’s voice wavered. “…Let’s go to Yahneri Port.”


    Vizon looked down at the Plusle, nodding softly. Everyone was quiet, a discomfort in the air as the power and desperation of the Arcean Conduicy was laid bare. The overwhelming force of the Arcean military was made clear, carrying the implication of what would happen should anyone try to interfere with the Water Pearl.


    It was both a strategic move against…and a powerful message to the Thieves Guild.


    They all moved forward, paws crunching in the path. It was all dried mud, cracked and broken from having the environment so wholly uprooted. The grass was small, dead in multiple patches. Sticks and bramble lied like debris across the rolling hills of stumps.


    Carriages and wagons of lumber were loaded by armored Poke’mon, officers barking orders from atop crates.


    As the Team continued, they passed makeshift watchtowers crudely constructed from the lumber of the destroyed forest. Here and there, powerful looking Poke’mon in white and red cloaks dotted the scene, monitoring the construction.




    Jolvia kept her head forward whilst Vizon could only take it all in. Rikzyod didn’t seem to pay any of it much mind.


    Soon, as they crested another hill, a voice called.


    “OI, YOU LOT”


    “Ah-!!” Avery yelped, jolting towards the source of the voice. “T-Team Azure! Representatives of the Arceali Guild, sent by Conduit Olistia to lend aid-!”


    He blurted that a little too quickly.


    …The soldiers hadn’t even asked.


    The voice had come from above from one of the watchtower guards. Up there, a Bisharp was looking down at them, his eyes narrowed.


    “Team Azure? Arceali Guild?” He shouted back, turning his head to his companions. “We expecting Team Azure today??”


    “Aye, sir, missive came in yesterday, per morning’s briefing.” Another voice called behind him. The Bisharp nodded.


    “You three stay right there. Team Clockwork is t’fetch you.”


    Avery could see a Taillow flap away from the tower, soaring in the sky toward Yahneri port. The Bisharp turned back to your team.


    “Need names, roles, occupations, nicknames, all that. Nobody in or out of Yahneri port without bein’ put on the audit.”


    “…Um…there’s…four of us,” Avery called up. “Not three.”


    The Plusle shifted uncomfortably. This made sense, that they were going this hard, after what happened with the Lightning Pearl. But…still.


    Avery cast his teammates an uneasy look, before returning his gaze back up to the Bisharp.


    “…Do…do we give those to you, or…to Team Clockwork?”


    “Out with it already, pipsqueak!” The Bisharp barked, aggravated. “Don’t even think of slippin’ in here if you’re Dittos! We know how to sniff out you lot!”


    Vizon huffed at the officer’s rude tone, stepping up.


    “Fine! Vizon, Riolu, age…23…uhhh…Primary…Team Member to Team Azure. No other occupations? And…nicknames include ‘Viz’.”


    Jolvia stepped up next.


    “Jolvia, Nidorina, age 35. Loan Manager and Auditor for One Truth Square bank, West Lower Market Branch. 2nd Subordinate to Team Azure. No nicknames.”


    Rikzyod floated up next, the Bisharp looking surprised.


    “Oh…so there are four of you.” The Bisharp grunted, motioning to another soldier on the watchtower to make an edit. “Right, then, Geodude. Sound off!”


    “Rikzyod! Cannot remember my age! Geodude, fighter-for-fun and…working for Team Azure, also!” The Geodude laughed. The Bisharp became annoyed.


    “Oi, take this seriously or I’ll knock you upside the ‘ead!”


    “Do not threaten someone with a good time! Or, indeed, make promises you cannot keep!” The Geodude laughed again, the soldier bristling at once.


    “Don’t make me come down there-!”


    “A-ah, uh-!!” Avery stepped forwards quickly, interrupting the the two from fighting. “…Avery, Plusle, age twenty…uh…t…twenty-something-“


    The Bisharp paused his aggressive jeers at Rikzyod when Avery spoke. A few of the other guards up on the tower stepped up to look down.


    “What’s that you say?” The Bisharp called down. “How old?”


    “Uhm…twenty…something. And I-“


    The soldiers above erupted into laughter before he could even finish. That wasn’t good. Avery gave Vizon a helpless stare, before looking back up at the Bisharp that looked at him with a mocking glare.


    “Twenty-something! Twenty-something, he says!” The Bisharp slammed a fist on the edge of the watchtower looking back. “Y’hear that, boys?! The ‘leader’ of good ol’ Azure thinks he’s ‘twenty-something!”


    There’s another laugh from behind him, Vizon furrowing his brow as he held Avery’s paw. The Bisharp turned back to the Plusle, a fire in his eyes.


    “You playin’ me stupid? Who are you, really? Some Thieves Guild mooks who ain’t even done the research on who they’re impersonating?!”


    Avery could heard the creak of a ladder as a Pidgeot and another Bisharp walked out from behind the tower threateningly.


    A shadow passed over the team. Bird Poke’mon, presumably more army, swirled overhead at the commotion being raised.


    “W…wh…n-no! I’m…I don’t know exactly how old I am! I don’t have my mem…I have amnesia!” Avery tried to explain.


    ‘God that just sounds worse-‘


    The laughter roared, the soldiers full-on mocking Avery.


    Avery was starting to get nervous. Panic. He desperately hoped Team Clockwork was actually briefed on who he was. Because everything that was streaming out of his mouth really sounded like utter lies.


    “I-If you know how old I am you’d know more than I do…!” Avery stammered.


    “Oi oi, I should try that! I could get more leave time from me general if I said I have ‘amnesia’ and didn’t remember me shift!” The Bisharp guffawed, the speed of the birds overhead increasing.


    Jolvia took a step back, furrowing her brow.


    “If you want to call your men on us, go ahead. But it’ll be you that’ll be in deep trouble if we are who we say we are once Team Clockwork gets here.” She called in a measured voice.


    “I knows when I bagged a spook!” The Bisharp officer yelled back.


    Right then, Avery saw a Poke’mon tap the Bisharp above on the shoulder, the soldier looking back and staring out into the horizon.


    With a smirk, the Bisharp looked down at the four again.


    “But hey, why not let the elites be the ones to pound your face?”


    The soldiers snickered.


    “Oh this is gonna be good. Shaking in your boots yet? We won’t let you run, you’re gunna have to face ’em.”


    “Lucky that we’re not running, then.” Jolvia replied.


    There, in the distance, cresting over the next hill, they could see a pair of Poke’mon. Both of them were massive, their white cloaks glimmering in the bright sun.


    ‘…Please let them know. Please let them be briefed.


    “Here lies Avery, the very first two-dimensional Plusle.”‘


    Avery was telling the truth. He didn’t know how old he was. He could try and give the Soliders a smart-ass response of however many days he’d been here, but his mind wasn’t working fast enough to even remember how many days that had been.


    Avery’s eyes were trained on the cloaks. He felt sick.


    As the soldiers laughed, the elites came into clearer view. A massive Scilopede walking with a fierce looking Mightyeana, their cloaks billowing in the strong winds foreign to this area, sweeping over the new gap in the forest. Woodshavings and dust swirled, the scent of cut wood choking as they approached.


    As they got closer, they shot glares up to the snickering soldiers.


    The Soldiers hushed at once.


    The Mightyeana waved a paw, signaling the swirling birds to disperse which they did at once without delay.


    Finally, the pair’s eyes fell on the four.


    “Kahrei.” The Scilopede spoke.


    “Aye, Euno.” The Mightyeana replied, putting her muzzle into an ornate satchel hanging off her side. She extracted a capsule, one familiar to Avery as the same one used by the elites at the hospital. She popped it open, letting a foul stench spill at once that again made Avery want to gag.


    The both of them stared at the four intently.


    Then, after a moment, the Scilopede nodded, Kahrei closing the capsule and putting it back in her pack. The Scilopede sighed, looking down at them…his expression softening.


    “Sorry. You gotta forgive the officers. They shoot their mouths off when they really shouldn’t.” Euno spoke, nodding. “It’s really nice to meet you, Team Azure! Avery! We’ve been hearing a lot about your adventures…!”


    Vizon relaxed with a sigh of his own, the Mightyeana, Kahrei, smiling, too.


    “…Sorry about my age thing,” Avery apologized straight away, his ears drooping a bit. Even with their comfort after…Avery figured it was them making sure they weren’t shape-shifters…


    but even after that, he still…


    “I know how all of that sounds.” Avery squirmed. “So I can’t really blame Bisharp too much for being skeptical.”


    “No need to be sorry, Avery! We know of your ‘special condition’, everyone’s looked at your file.” Euno assured with a nod with a wink. “That’s the kind of info you’re clued in on when you’re a graduated Elite like us!”


    Kahrei laughed softly, stepping aside to let the team through.


    “The Elites mostly have this covered. Olistia just wanting to get you all something lighter, huh?” She said, nodding her head towards the city in the distance. “We heard about your injuries. Best to have an easy job so as not to aggravate them and make it worse. So! We’ll have you just patrol a bit, maybe do some lifting work later today and send you kids back to Arceliaze with some good food and a smoothie. Does that sound nice?”


    Vizon frowned, clearly not appreciating being so talked down to.


    “Alriiight! Let’s get outta here and do some good today.” Euno encouraged with a smile. “No need to fear, the Water Pearl is as good as ours!”


    Avery’s brow furrowed. The Mightyena had him until the word ‘smoothie’. He thought she was just being nice, but…


    ‘No, no, talking about snacks during a mission where a Water Pearl is at stake certainly seems like a bit of a…tonal mismatch. Ma’am, we defeated a holo-god…why do I get the feeling she’s talking to me and Vizon specifically?’


    “…Sorry, Rikzyod, seems like there won’t be much cracking heads after all, heh…” Avery sighed.


    “Bah!” The Geodude spat, shaking his head. “Fine then. It has been a while since I last came by the port. I hope it is just as lively as it was a few years ago, uh?”


    “Oh that and so much more!” Kahrei assured, she and the Scilopede walking down the path for the team to follow. “It’s always nice to visit Yahneri port!”


    The two Elites were definitely talking to them like they were dumb kids. It seemed that the ‘killing holo god’ part of Team Azure’s last mission wasn’t as important as ‘failed to secure Lightning Pear’. And likely that’s all anyone bothered take note of.


    Avery turned his questioning gaze from Vizon to Rikzyod and Jolvia.


    ‘Ma’am I’m pretty sure Rikzyod is older than you. Ugh …poor Lahnae…this must be what it’s like for her and Loshjno every day…’


    As they all continued down the path, the buildings in the distance grew closer, and they could see more details and smell the salty air of the sea even more than up in the hills. The architecture of this place looked unique from both Arceliaze and Souljraan.


    “Alrighty, everybody!” Euno said with a smile as they all reached the edge of town. “Here we are, Yahneri Port!”



    Under their feet, here at the outskirts, the roads were still dirt and sand. Square buildings made up the majority of the port city, with murals and unique patterns decorating their trimmings. The sky was mostly clear, letting the sun shine bright upon the colorful buildings, the city line like a rainbow of painted bricks.


    It looked so full of history, full of life…


    …or the buildings did.


    For, besides the large patrols of foot soldiers and occasional Elite…nobody walked the streets. No merchants sat at the abandoned stands. Every door and window was shut. Carriages and wagons left on the side of the road, still full of goods with notes stating who the items belonged to and a manifest of what was on the cart.


    All of it hastily left behind.


    A port city quickly made into a ghost town.


    It was less of a stark impact than seeing the desolation of the super highway, but…Avery had a feeling that this wasn’t the way the city was supposed to be.


    “…Lively and so much more, huh?” Avery said, crossing his arms.


    “Yeah!” the Mightyeana said with a little cheer, looking back at the Plusle. “Even if everyone’s inside, all of us make it party enough, right?”


    She struck a cheery little pose.




    Vizon frowned at all this but impressively bit his tongue. Jolvia’s expression was unreadable but certainly not amused.


    Rikzyod seemed to be barely paying attention. The Scilopede stepped up again.


    “Alriiight! Why don’t we set you guys up with your first task today!” He said. “First thing we’re gunna get up to is a little fun-tivity I like to call ‘Security Detail’!”


    “Alright!” Kahrei cheered.


    “Follow us down to where the Pearl’s being held and we can get started!” Euno said, him and his partner moving along.




    They all walked deeper betwixt the colorful buildings and it was clear to Avery that this was a wealthy city. The dirt roads didn’t last long, changing to patterned stone quickly as the buildings sat closer together.



    Flags flapped gently in the wind. Every brick was painted with different colors and beautiful murals upon the sides of buildings showing waves, the moon, the sun, glimmering in the sun…


    Yet even here, people were scarce. Even the bars seemed quiet. Occasionally Avery would see a Poke’mon peeking down at their group from a window only to hide and close the shutters as soon as they passed.


    Doors slightly ajar closed as they approached.


    Any non soldier Poke’mon Avery saw approached quickly crossed the street to avoid the group. Others ducking into alleys.


    For such a bright city…


    …it was eerily silent.


    Avery rubbed his arm, looking around the streets uncomfortably. Being avoided like this… It was an odd feeling. A bad one. Did these two Elites not notice? Or did they just not care that they were being treated like they were contagious or something?


    “…I’m…Getting a very bad vibe from this place,” Avery mumbled, moving a little closer to Vizon. He didn’t think he could talk much about Team Clockwork, of course. They were right there.


    ‘…Gossip will have to wait for after the mission …when we’ve had our smoothies. Apparently.’


    The white cloaks Kahrei and Euno wore…carried a lot of weight, it was clear to see. Just from the way voices stopped as the group passed. How bars seemed to quiet down the moment they drew near. How open-air bars saw every patron hunching over to hide their face.


    And Avery could see it in Vizon’s face…he wasn’t too fond of the treatment, either.


    The group passed under an archway, going down some stairs to reach a path nearer to the water. Just a ways up ahead Avery could see more of the port. Massive sails stood bright and proud over the tops of the buildings.


    Just over the railing, they could see the water of the ocean, waves crashing into the rocks the stone pathway sat upon. Kahrei turned her head towards the open sea, lifting a paw.


    “Take a look out there, gang!” She encouraged, looking back to see their expressions.



    There, way off in the distance in the water Avery could see…something. A line of glimmering shapes stretched across the bay, from one beach to another.


    “That’s our blockade! A whole fleet of Arcean iron ships joined by steel ropes!” Kahrei explained. “Absolutely nothing is coming in or out of this port while we have anything to say about it!”


    “That’s right, Kahrei!” Euno followed-up, as though this were all just a lesson. “A full quarantine requires every exit and entrance covered so we don’t get any nasty surprises or unsavory saboteurs!.”


    Jolvia’s brow furrowed, staring out at the impressive and glimmering line of iron ships. She seemed to mutter something under her breath. Avery, meanwhile, was lost in thought at that.


    ‘…This is a harbor town, right? Don’t they need shipments and stuff? Jeez, I understand how important the pearls are, but…this could be killer on businesses that relied on cargo.


    …this almost seems like another flex.’


    “It’s…impressive,” Avery said, trying to find the words. And it was. Avery wanted to say more, but…he figured if he pointed out ‘that’s a lot of ships’ he’d just get some patronizing ‘It sure is!’ or something.


    “It sure is!” Kahrei cheered.


    Oh, he got it anyway.


    Vizon grimaced at the treatment. Avery could feel the Riolu’s hand on his shoulder as they all continued, no doubt the Riolu could detect, or even see, Avery’s discomfort in his aura.


    As they all continued to walk along the stone path by the sea, they passed the fleet of docked ships. They had all different shapes and sizes, all with different colors and makes and clearly with different owners.


    All of them left moored, with only a scant few workers maintaining them. No cargo. Several elites patrolled up and down the wharf, staring harshly at the workers, documenting every person going on and off boats. The port was totally frozen. It was no doubt costing everyone involved a lot of money.


    But the message was clear.


    The security of the Water Pearl trumped all.


    The Elites took a left onto a wide road, gesturing to a massive white stone and marble building. It looked much more at home in Arceliaze than with the rest of these buildings. From here they could see above the door, etched in golden letters:




    “There it is! The resting place of the Water Pearl!” Euno said, looking back at the group. “What’s say we have you guys make sure it’s safe to start off? I know you guys can handle it!”


    Vizon’s cheeks puffed.


    Astonishingly, he still remained silent.


    Avery hoped they’d have some time away from the tour guides to talk. He’d like to have a few words about this, and…he was pretty sure that Vizon was about to blow up like an over inflated balloon for how much he was holding in. Avery squeezed Vizon’s paw in solidarity.


    ‘Heck I don’t even know how Rikzyod and Jolvia feel about this but…It can’t be good, right?’


    “Sure,” Avery said. “Standing guard definitely sounds easier than our time going through the Deep Dimension, that’s for sure.”


    Maybe namedropping was a little immature. But the Deep Dimension had a reputation. Avery wanted to leverage at least a little bit of that.


    “Alriiight, cool, guys!” Kahrei said, an encouraging smile on her face as they all approached the museum. “Don’t worry a bit, this won’t be anything like the spooky ol’ Deep Dimension!”


    What an amazing counter. Avery’s frown deepened ever so slightly more.


    As they all approached, they saw absolutely no Poke’mon other than white-coat clad elites here in the square in front of the Museum. Nobody else was allowed within spitting distance of the building.


    The large coated Poke’mon barely acknowledged Euno and Kahrei as they all ascended the stairs to the entrance, almost flat-out ignoring them. The pair seemed to pay no mind…or perhaps didn’t bother to notice.


    Already the scent hit Avery, that foul stench meant to smoke out dittos and the like wafted from a pair of stands set up on either side of the locked entrance. The elites guarding the massive wood doors perked up, narrowing their eyes at the elites that escorted Avery and team.


    “Clockwork? What’re you both doing here?” One of the Elite guards, a Scyther, said at once. “We thought you two were doing babysitting work…away from the Museum.”


    The other Elite guarding, a Scizor, snickered to himself.


    “We’re here with Team Azure!” Euno said in a chipper voice. “We’re gunna let them do special security detail!”


    “You mean guard duty?”


    “Sure, you can call it that!”


    “Uh-huh.” The Scyther shook his head, the Scizor rolling his eyes.


    Euno and Kahrei kept their smiles firm, even as Avery saw them slouch ever so slightly.


    “Fine, go in. And mind the guild kids don’t deliver Xamao the pearl this time.” The Scyther grunted, undoing the heavy steel latch and pushing the doors open for them all. The Scizor looked like he was holding in another laugh.


    Avery bristled at that, the insult both sending a wave of anger through him and a pang of sadness through his heart.


    ‘Vizon was right…this really is just a sugar job. They don’t trust us at all.’


    The Plusle sighed quietly.


    “Alright, thanks! Come on, gang! Let’s have some fun guarding!” Euno cheered. Avery wasn’t sure if their escorts were still just being patronizing or if they were actually just like that. Though considering what the other elites seemed to think of Team Azure…Avery just assumed Team Clockwork thought they were just a bunch of useless kids, too…


    He tried to choke down how miserable that made him feel.


    As the group made their was through the doors, the Scizor whispered something to the Scyther, glancing at Euno and Kahrie, the guards snickering to one another.


    Once again, Clockwork paid them no mind.


    “Okaaay! Here we are!” Kahrei cheered once inside, her and Euno stepping to let the team pass. “Now, you guys just take position around the Water Pearl and stay there, making sure nooobody comes close to it! If anyone does, you just start a-yelling and hollering and we’ll be there lickity-split!”


    Didn’t even say to actually fight an intruder. Just…sound the alarm.


    “Kahrei and I will be back in, oh, let’s say, four hours and we’ll give you your next assignment.” Euno said with a smile. “Then, smoothies!”


    “Yaaay!” Kahrei said, leaning in. “Okay! One, two, threee, teeeammm…break!”


    “Break…” Vizon muttered.


    “…Break.” Jolvia sighed.


    “Break!” Rikzyod repeated.


    “…team?” Avery finished quietly.


    ‘Go on, go do your very important things and leave us amateurs right next to the Pearl.


    This…is going to be a long day.’


    “Alright, gang! See you later today!” Euno said, he and Kahrei giving a wave goodbye as Team Azure turned toward the rest of the Museum, the door shutting behind them with an echoing thud.



    There, just ahead of the doors and up some stairs, Avery saw it immediately: a square display with thick glass stood. Inside was a familiar sight…a round, blue orb with what looked to be a black water droplet inside. It shimmered and glowed with a soft light, the droplet symbol inside seeming to…glitter with yellow arcs.


    The air inside the museum was cold. There were no Elites here in the main lobby, though Avery saw one or two cross in front of the archways in the other exhibits, combing the building for entry points or incursions. None of them batted an eye at the four guild Poke’mon, clearly expecting them.


    There were no other staff in the building right now. The sounds of the ocean outside were totally silenced. Just they four and the quiet museum, essentially by themselves.




    “How much do you guys want to bet that isn’t even the real Pearl?” Avery mumbled once he’d waited for Clockwork to be gone. “The vibes they gave us make me think we’re here to give the appearance of this being important.”


    Everyone immediately looked over at Avery, eyebrows raised.


    “Oh for-!” Vizon’s face scrunched up in anger. “No, no, no!! I can’t believe that, Avery! I mean, being treated like a lil forest scout or…ugh, like I’m in daycare is bad enough! But I can’t believe they’d actually have us standing guard at a decoy.”


    Jolvia shook her head, folding her arms.


    “It’d make sense…” She mused. “…but equally likely, Olistia is dead serious. A big show of military force as a deterrent while keeping the Pearl in its already secure location in the center of port…neither is outside the realm of possibility.”


    “And look how it glows.” Rikzyod mused, floating up the stairs toward the stand. “Surely looks real enough to me.”


    “Oh well that’s not hard to fake, I’m sure.” Jolvia said.


    “Oh, don’t get me wrong…I think the Water Pearl is here,” Avery said with a sigh. “In the museum somewhere. I just don’t think it’s here,” he finished, jerking his head to the case. “We’re standing guard to make it look that way.”


    Avery sighed, leaning up against the wall to stare up at the ceiling.


    “…Four hours of this…Hoo boy. Our first easy mission, huh, bud?” Avery gave Vizon a wry smile. “And smoothies afterwards too.”


    Vizon stared at the Plusle.


    Then folded his arms and plopped down on the floor, legs cross.


    Man…” Vizon grumbled, leaning against the stand. “No job’s too big or small…I just hate being so looked down on like this…getting shunted off onto easy stuff not because it’s what’s needed but because…they want us out of the way…”


    He sighed, aggravated.


    Everyone else was quiet, stepping up to take their positions around the display case.


    And they all…




    …stood guard.


    Standing there…or sitting in Vizon’s case. The only sounds in the museum the occasional cough and the footsteps of the Elites in the other exhibits.


    Vizon turned his head towards Avery after a bit, trying to make conversation.


    “…sssssooo…where’ya think the Water Pearl actually is if not here?”


    “…I dunno…I mean maybe they do need us here,” Avery said, shrugging. “Like, again, if this isn’t the actual Water Pearl they need someone here. And Team Azure’s met Xamao twice and took down a holo-god. We have a presence with the Thieves Guild. So it’d make sense to send a team that tried for the first Pearl to guard the second.”


    Vizon slowly nodded, staring at the Plusle very intently…likely trying to follow Avery’s logic. The Plusle sighed.


    “I just…hahhh, I think the medicine would go down better if they didn’t talk down to us.” Avery huffed, crossing his arms. “I really feel like we should be at least two prong by now…!”




    “…Whatever that means.”


    By this point though, the initial indignation had worn off. It was just…them, in a room, for four hours. Rikzyod took the risk of coming with them on a so-called boring mission. It seemed like it wouldn’t pay off this time.


    Avery decided to fill the silence with more musings.


    “… I mean…say it with me, ‘I’m not from here’, so I don’t know if my general knowledge of museums is…from where I’m from, or manufactured, but…”


    Avery lowered his voice.


    “If I had to guess, if it’s in the museum it’s probably in storage in an unmarked crate.” Avery suggested with a shrug. “If we’re here to make this thing look real, it wouldn’t make sense to make where it actually is conspicuous too. That’s probably also part of why Clockwork didn’t tell us if this is a fake. Us believing it’s real would make for a more convincing act if we do get attacked.”


    ‘Maybe if we weren’t treated like kids I would have believed they’d give us that responsibility.’


    “I guess.” Vizon sighed, drumming his fingers on his shoulders.


    “Of course, if it was in an unmarked crate, I wonder if they’d have an obscene number of guards there, too.” Jolvia sighed, looking around. “Look at this port. Deserted streets and a population hiding from soldiers and elites…if all that was just to flex with a fake pearl…”


    She paused, shaking her head.


    “…I guess I wouldn’t be surprised.”


    Rikzyod groaned, a frown crossing his usually jovial face.


    “…getting bored…” The Geodude said.


    “You said it…” Vizon replied, propping his head on his hands.


    Everyone was quiet another moment. Then another. The silence was deafening.


    Vizon smacked his lips.




    Jolvia cleared her throat with a sigh.


    “… Okay.” Avery stood up straighter, clapping his paws together. “We have to do something otherwise I’m going to drive myself mad with my own thoughts.”


    Avery looked around the room. This was a museum, so sparring was most likely a no go.


    “…I wish we’d brought like…A deck of cards or something,” Avery huffed. “I don’t know if anyone here knows how to play ‘Texas Hold’ Em’ or whatever.”


    “Texas Hold ’em?” Vizon asked, looking back. “What’s a ‘Texas’?”


    “Oh, uh…” Avery blinked, scratching his head. “…I don’t remember, it just kind of slipped out. Nevermind…”


    Jolvia said nothing, just looking around herself. Rikzyod huffed a gutteral breath.


    This museum was like a sensory deprivation chamber.


    Vizon sniffed…then swallowed.


    He shifted, looking back at the pearl case, seeing a button. With a sigh, he curiously lifted a finger to press it. The button gave off a purple glow, radiating some weak psychic energy.


    “The Water Pearl.” A cheery woman’s voice spoke. “Discovered in 6th Turn, 30, this artifact of the ancient world is said to have been one of three gifts from Arceus to the ancient Conduit V’vosnoreia, 27,000 years ago, only to be scattered and hidden by her successor, Jos’kirnoveitia. An intrepid team of sailors hand-picked by Yahneri Port High Captain Olkus plundered the treasure trove of Yahneri Cave. After much hard sailing, they were able to secure this fascinating and important piece of Arcean history!”


    The voice died off, Vizon leaning back into the display.


    “…nnnnnneat…” He muttered.


    Silence permeated between them again.


    …It felt like it had been half an hour already. Probably closer to five minutes.


    ‘How is this the most agonizing mission we’ve been on so far??’


    “We need to find something to do. Something to talk about.” Avery looked over to Rikzyod. “You’ve been here before, right? I know Nivanee’s from here…are you a Yahneri native too? What was it like?”


    “Uh? Native? No, not I, I only visit from time to time.” Rikzyod shrugged. “The sailors here…by and large many water types. Very strong and hardy, uh? I used to visit the fight clubs here to feel the burn of…”


    He grumbled, clenching his fists.


    “…Augghhh, Avery, I cannot stand this a second more…!”


    “No kidding, Avery…” Vizon said. “I think the only time I’ve been to Yahneri is when, like…I was a kid? I always wanted to go back, but…”


    “I’ve been here a few times.” Jolvia put in, looking back at the others. “My usual work brings me here, but they have a lot of exotic Quayoffi fruits, nectars…drinks.”


    “Bwah, a Haven’s Hammer sounds great, right now…” Vizon muttered.


    Anything sounds great.” Rikzyod rumbled, looking to the Riolu. “Stupid blue one.”




    “You know who it is I refer to! I wish you to hit me.”


    “What? No, dude.”


    “Come now, hit me! One clean shot to the jaw!”


    “Dude, no, get away-“


    “Come! Come!” Rikzyod got closer, hassling Vizon, the Riolu scooting and scrambling back a bit. “I have seen you strike gods in the face and yet my own mug is off-limits?”


    “Rikzyod, cut it out!”


    “Guys.” Jolvia cut in, Vizon scrambling to put the Nidorina between himself and Rikzyod. “Do we have to do this?”


    Avery chuckled lightly. At the same time, he was scrambling in his mind to come up with something to say. Talking about past visits – better visits – obviously hadn’t worked. He wasn’t sure why he thought it would…Avery was being given a reminder that he was awful with small talk.


    As Rikzyod and Vizon lightly chased one another…after no doubt a long period of standing and being bored…Avery’s ear twitched.


    He noticed the sound of the entrance doors unlatching.


    Frankly, considering the sensory deprivation he was going through it was impossible NOT to notice.


    Everything in the room froze at the sound..


    “…Hello? Who’s there?” the Plusle called.


    Everyone froze with Avery, heads perked up. Had it really been four hours already? Were Euno and Kahrei back for their next assignment?


    Vizon quickly scrambled to attention, nudging Rikzyod to do the same. The Geodude, with a huff, complied, standing in place with an aggravated expression.


    But, instead of Team Clockwork, a new Poke’mon entered: A Pinsir with a white cloak, yet another Elite. He stepped through the doors, waving in another that accompanied him.


    From the door, someone peeked in cautiously, clearly taking things slow so as not to make anyone angry. It was a woman, a Mandibuzz, gingerly stepping inside. She wore a little blue hat with a letter badge pinned on the side and a satchel around her body. Her eyes scanned the inside of the Museum, though the grunt of the Pinsir made her panic and hurry inside.


    At last, the Mandibuzz’s eyes met Avery’s. Her eyes sparkled a moment as she quickly began to shuffle over. Vizon and Jolvia both looked over curiously at the approaching woman.


    “Ah…hello, my sweets…” The Mandibuzz said, her voice kindly. “I have something…for…you!”


    ‘…Huh. A mail woman?’


    Avery looked at Vizon in confusion, before returning his gaze to the door. It looked like she recognized them, though…he couldn’t tell if she was being patronizing like the elites were, or if…that was what she was like. She seemed nervous around the Pinsir, anyway, which…made sense.


    “Oh, um… For Team Azure?” Avery said, stepping backwards a bit to rejoin his team. The Plusle didn’t like that the Pinsir probably saw the team so disorganized, but what did it matter? The Elites were going to see Team Azure as juvenile either way. “Sure, uh… Thank you. What is it?”


    “…oh! Yes, forr Team Azurre…oh…” The Mandibuzz stopped herself. A thick Illaminian accent had slipped out…she had been trying to hide it. She took a moment to regroup herself and continued. “It is a letter to Azure, from High Captain Olkus! I think he has been expecting you…!”


    She glanced back at the Pinsir nervously, taking a blue envelope from her satchel.


    “Shall I…read…it to you?” She said, pausing on words so as to avoid rolling her rs.


    Avery noticed the rs, and gave her a small smile. He knew why she was hiding it, but…


    “Oh, only if you’re comfortable,” Avery said, stepping forward. “We can read it no problem if you’re busy, but… If you want to, sure…!”


    ‘Was she told to read it? She doesn’t seem confident in not rolling her rs…’


    The Mandibuzz nodded softly, opening the letter. Vizon and Jolvia stepped up beside Avery to listen.


    “It is quite alrright…” The Mandibuzz said, clearing her throat. “It is my job to rread to rrecipients.”


    She took a deep breath…and began to read…


    “Dearr most esteemed Avery and Vizon and otherrs of Azurre,


    I wish to corrdially welcome you, esteemed members of the Arrceali Guild, to my humble town of Yahnerri Porrt. I hope you will find yourr stay herre most enjoyable.


    Furtherr, I wish to extend a morre perrsonal welcome to such a famous and v…v…”


    The Mandibuzz squinted. Jolvia sighed softly, stepping up behind her.


    “…venerable.” Jolvia whispered.


    “Thank you.” The Manibuzz said with a nod. “Venerrable all-star team. Please come to my office acrross frrom the Museum so that I may shake yourr hand.


    With many rregarrds,


    Yahnerri Port High Captain, Olkus.”


    The Mandibuzz nodded, folding the letter back up with a smile.


    “…Huh,” Avery mumbled, looking to Vizon and Rikzyod. “High Captain Olkus, huh….? Well, uh!”


    The Plusle offered the Mandibuzz another smile.


    “Thank you very much for the delivery and reading! We’re…Supposed to be on guard, I think, but…”


    Avery looked back to the Pearl…and their mind-numbing post.


    “…I don’t think we can turn down an offer from the High Captain…Right?”


    “Huh…wow…!” Vizon said with a smile. “He really wants to meet with us? Man…being famous is so weird…but so cool…!”


    He chuckled to himself, looking excited.


    “Finally, a little bit of respect, sheesh…” The Riolu muttered, smiling.


    The Pinsir that had led the Mandibuzz in grunted, nodding his head towards the door. He then looked to the four…and did the same.


    Likely that meant ‘yes, go’. And, hey, they were an Elite. Likely that meant this position really was unimportant.


    “I suppose being gone a moment wouldn’t hurt…”Jolvia sighed, stepping away from the display. “We should be back before Team Clockwork comes to check up on us.”


    She nodded to the Pinsir, the Elite waving his hand for them all to follow. As he walked, he let out a cough, sounding wet. Was he…sick…? The Mandibuzz followed as the elite unlatched the door, grunting for Team Azure to leave and get it over with.


    Vizon looked giddy at the chance to get out of the stuffy museum, taking Avery’s hand and practically bounding for the door, Rikzyod and Jolvia not far behind. The Geodude looked equally excited to be anywhere else.


    ‘…something about this is weird. Something is…off. And a part of me is telling me not to go.’


    “Could, uh, I see the letter for a second?” Avery said, looking over to the Mandibuzz. Maybe there was a signature, or a stamp, or something.


    The Mandibuzz perked up, Vizon stopped in his tracks as he looked back at Avery. The Mandibuzz nodded, lifting up the letter and handing it to Avery.


    It was a hand-written letter. Signed, at the bottom, even with an ink stamp over the signature, bearing the Arcean sigil. The words morphed and shifted and…it said exactly what the Mandibuzz had read.


    Vizon tilted his head, as did Jolvia. Rikzyod only looked annoyed at the stall.


    Avery looked it over it, scrutinizing it.


    “Looks official to me,” Avery said, showing the sigil to Vizon. “You’re the expert with guild stuff though.”


    Avery quickly gave the Mandibuzz an apologetic smile as Vizon took the letter in hand.


    “Sorry, it’s just… We’re guarding something important, you know? I don’t want to leave it unattended lightly-“


    ‘…something still feels off. But…this building is crawling with elites. And there was still that sour smell in the air, right? All over…?? That meant there couldn’t be any disguised Dittos or anything…right?’


    “Yes I have noticed…” The Mandibuzz meekly said, shrinking under the Pinsir’s gaze he stared daggers at her. “Everryone in the porrt has been made verry awarre of this fact…”


    The Pinsir grunted, shutting the Mandibuzz up at once. He reached in his satchel, taking a handkerchief and coughing into it, sniffing and sighing in aggravation.


    Vizon hummed as he looked over the letter, puckering his lips…sticking his tongue out.


    “Well it…I mean…er…”


    Jolvia rolled her eyes, leaning forward.


    “It’s real, Vizon.” She said, frowning. Vizon looked back at her indignantly.


    “What makes you so sure??”


    “Being the woman to manage a few of High Captain Olkus’s loan accounts I think I’d know his signature.” Jolvia said, tapping the letter.


    Avery turned his head, looking at the Nidorina. Just to be sure…


    ‘…Jolvia. She has a good reason to tell the truth, sure. But…At the same time, she…


    No. I won’t doubt her. She said she’d do everything in her power to help us get the Water Pearl. She’d told me that. I choose to trust her.’


    “…Alright,” Avery said, admitting defeat. “We’ll be in and out. Can’t refuse the High Captain.”


    Jolvia’s crimson eyes lifted and locked with Avery’s as he spoke.


    Truthful…or wearing her best poker face. One could never tell with her.


    Vizon nodded, folding the letter back up as the Pinsir opened the door to let them all out.


    The Mandibuzz left first, the Pinsir grunting for her to follow, no doubt to be escorted out. As the team left the Museum, the guards eying them as they left their post, the Pinsir nodded his head toward the other end of the street.


    There, they could see another squarish building with a large plaza in front of it. A stone monument of a frigate ship glowed in the sunlight, serving as a landmark to the High Captain’s Office.


    Noticeably, neither elite nor guard stood in front of the building. Everyone just left it be.


    “Alright, Avery, lead the way!” Vizon said.


    “And make it quick. We don’t want to catch Team Clockwork’s ire.” Jolvia noted once again as the Mandibuzz departed. The Pinsir seemed to have already left.


    Avery hesitated, watching the mail woman depart.


    “…Something feels wrong about this,” Avery said, once the Pinsir was gone. “Doesn’t something feel wrong about this?”


    Vizon’s brow furrowed, looking at the Plusle. He hummed, following Avery’s gaze toward the departing Mandibuzz.


    “…okay…maybe…” Vizon said quietly, gripping the Plusle’s hand. Jolvia and Rikzyod stood quietly behind the two, nobody taking even one step toward the High Captain’s Office yet.


    Vizon was quiet a moment, clearly deep in thought.


    “…maybe I was too eager to get out of there…” Vizon muttered, glancing back at the museum. “But suddenly getting jerked around…”


    “From a letter from the High Captain.” Jolvia mused. “You’d think if Team Clockwork was so intent on babysitting us then they’d bring or know of any correspondence the High Captain would have.”


    Everyone was silent a moment…and Jolvia spoke again.


    “So how about this, if we’re unsure on it…” the Nidorina suggested. “…let’s split the team. Some of us stay with the Pearl, some or one of us go to the High Captain and see if everything checks out. Thoughts, Avery?”


    “I was going to suggest that,” Avery said with a nod. “I’m glad someone else said it, too, hah…so who wants to go meet the captain, and who wants to go back to the Pearl and guard it?”


    Vizon hummed, thinking on it for a moment. He squeezed Avery’s hand, looking between the office and the Museum.


    Jolvia stepped in first, looking to Avery.


    “I can do either. Where would you prefer me, Avery?” Jolvia asked, looking directly in the Plusle’s eye. Her crimson eyes…her tone…


    …she knew Avery didn’t trust her…or at least felt his trust in her shake. That glance he had given earlier her told all. So she gave him this choice for her.


    Rikzyod shrugged.


    “Bah, talking to old men or standing in Museums.” He said, shaking his head. “Either will be painful, no doubt. And not in the fun way.”


    “Well I think I wanna go and see what all the hubbub at the High Captain’s Office is…!” Vizon said at last, gripping Avery’s hand.


    …a little…tight.


    Avery squeaked a bit from the sudden pressure on his paw. Vizon jumped, easing the pressure at one, an apologetic look in his eye.


    “…Viz, don’t, uh…” Avery’s grip on Vizon’s paw loosened a little, an uncomfortable look on his face. “Do you think it’d be best if we had one subordinate and one main in each place? If you don’t think that’s necessary, then you and I can go. I just… They’re already looking down on us. If we do something that they think is a blunder we’ll never hear the end of it, you know…? “




    Vizon frowned and…stood there, squirming…looking unsure.


    “But…” The Riolu squeaked, trying to find the words. “But…like…”


    His words died in his throat. Jolvia’s eyebrows raised, ears perked to listen. Vizon furrowed his brow, looking…frustrated.


     A look Avery nearly mirrored.


    ‘Why is he making this so difficult…?’


    Vizon only continued to hem and haw.


    “But…what if High Captain says…and I’m…”


    Vizon words trailed off again. He was silent for another moment, head turned from Avery, eyes slowly closing.


    He snorted…and let go of the Plusle’s hand.


    “…alright, I’ll stay at the Museum.” Vizon said, resigned. Jolvia patted him on the shoulder, looking to the Plusle expectantly.


    But Avery paused. Slowly, he took Vizon’s paw again. Avery knew they had to be quick. But he didn’t want to leave his buddy…his boyfriend…hanging like this.


    “…Viz…are you sure? If you’re sure we’ll be fine, then…then you and I can go. But it’s okay.” Avery tilted his head, trying to look the Riolu in the eye. “We’ll be okay…right?”


    Avery squeezed Vizon’s paw a little, trying to be comforting.


    “Team Azure’s fame isn’t going to begin and end with a meeting with High Captain Olkus.” Avery continued. “We’re a great team. And we’re going to keep being a great team…Will you be okay? What do you want to do?”


    “Fame…?” Vizon looked down at Avery, a strange expression on his face. Like…confusion?




    …the Riolu softly tugged his hand away with a sigh.


    “I’ll be fine, Avery. Go on and meet the captain and learn about what’s going on.” Vizon said, shaking his head. “I’ll stay behind. Watching the Pearl.”


    Jolvia frowned, but said nothing, only glancing back to the Plusle.


    Avery bit his lip, feeling a pang in his chest.


    ‘…Shoot. I flubbed it again.’


    Instinctively, Avery reached out for Vizon’s hand, but…he stopped himself.


    He wanted to ask again. Avery wanted to ask if Vizon was sure he didn’t want to go with Rikzyod or Jolvia or something. But Avery had already asked so much.


    He didn’t want to put his foot in his mouth again.


    “… Sorry, I…” Avery broke his gaze with Vizon, looking down. “…Alright. We’ll be back as quick as we can.”


    The Plusle looked to Jolvia for a moment…and sighed.


    ‘You can’t talk to Vizon. You always screw things up. You underestimated him. Fame? Really? You think he cares about fame??


    …Well…Yeah. I did. I thought he wanted people to look up to him as a hero, and to help those in need. And he’d seemed excited by the celebrity treatment of a High Captain wanting to see him.


    But maybe that was the room talking.’


    “I love you, Vizon. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Jolvia, do you want to come to this…meeting?”


    Vizon glanced at Avery, a sad look in his eye…but he still gave the Plusle a smile and thumbs-up.


    “I love you too, Avery.” Vizon said, keeping cheery. “Don’t keep ya buddy waiting!”


    “…alright.” Avery said at last, trying his best to hide the dejection in his voice. “Jolvia are…you ready to go?”


    “Aye, I am, Avery.” She said, stepping up beside him. “Rikzyod, would you mind staying with Vizon?”


    Gaaah, back to the Museum?!” Rikzyod practically whined. “The ‘Team Azure twist’ must come faster! I am beleaguered with all this BUSY WORK.”


    “I’ll be fine with it so long as you don’t beg me to hit you again.” Vizon huffed, patting the Geodude on the shoulder.


    Bah, fine, if that is how it must be. I will wile away the time by eating blast seeds.”


    Wh-…! Those cost a lot of money!”


    “And punches are free!!”


    Jolvia cleared her throat, putting her hand on Avery’s shoulder.


    “What’s say we make tracks, hm, Avery?” the Nidorina asked, subtly guiding the Plusle towards the High Captain’s Office Building while Rikzyod and Vizon argued.


    Avery almost thought of suggesting Rikzyod punch himself. But that…


    An image of Rikzyod smashing himself in the face, laughing loudly, to the horror of onlookers, manifested in Avery’s head.


    ‘…maybe best not to say that.’


    “Wait, Jolvia…” Avery said softly, putting a hand to her chest and looking Vizon’s way.


    “What…?” Jolvia asked. Avery didn’t reply, only lifting his voice to say something else, anything else, to his partner.


    “Vizon…! Maybe…You and I can go out when we get home this evening or something, Viz?” Avery spoke up, stepping away from Jolvia. Some part of him wanted to recover this, salvage it. “It’s been a while since we’ve done something, just you and I. Huh, Viz? Viz…?”


    Vizon didn’t verbally reply, only walking off with Rikzyod in tow, still bantering with the Geodude. Though the Riolu left Avery with a small wave.


    And that was all. Leaving him behind at the Museum.


    Avery’s ears folded back sadly, watching the Riolu leave. His chest was tightening…


    …why did this keep happening? Why was it that every word that Avery said either did nothing or just made things worse? Avery just…didn’t know what he was even supposed to do to make him happy anymore.


    His thoughts were broken by Jolvia’s touch, a pat on the shoulder to turn him back towards the High Captain’s office without a word.


    Chapter 30.1





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