The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 26.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    A cool breeze rolled over the gently lapping water of the canal as Avery went down the short walk from the castle back to the guild. He wanted to reunite with Vizon…


    ‘…and pay Nivanee a visit, too…see how she’s holding up.’


    In the back of his mind too, was Jolvia’s warning. That today would be the only day off they’d get.


    Across the bridge, back to the guild. As Avery approached the large building, he could see the door was open, a few figures standing in the open doorway. Getting closer, the plusle could see Estaloni the Ledian holding the door open for Sarfallinus with Kipuuna and Loshjno trailing behind.


    The Poke’mon noticed Avery approaching, the Infernape smiling as soo as he saw him.


    “Well now, Avery. You’re rather up early.” Sarfallinus noted as he stepped out into the street. “Some of the guild members were wondering where you were.”


    Kipuuna gave a wave, glancing over at the castle.


    “Were you…visiting Janus again?” The Piplup asked.


    Avery blinked.


    ‘What are they doing together…? They seem to be in a good mood, at least.’


    “Oh, uh…I was visiting Olistia for a talk.” Avery said. “What are you four up to…?”


    “Oh, Olistia…?” Sarfallinus perked up, hearing that. “I didn’t know you were summoned…”


    He seemed…oddly curious.


    Kipuuna and Loshjno walked around him, approaching Avery.


    “We’re doing some furniture shopping.” Kipuuna answered. “Ganisus and I were thinking of adding a little furniture for guildmate meetings in our room…you know, if we need to talk about anything together.”


    Loshjno chuckled to himself.


    “Strange we never thought of it before…considering all the ‘quirks’ we’ve had in our relationships.” The Squirtle mused. “Though Lahnae and I had a different idea for it.”


    “Bah…” Kipuuna rolled his eyes and looked away. Loshjno paid him little mind besides another chuckle.


    “We’re thinking of putting our heads together to find new candidates for the guild.” Loshjno continued. “Friends, family, previously contracted subordinates…y’know. I think it’d be fun having more guildmates.”


    “It’d improve the image problem the guild has, not that it really matters to me one way or the other.” Kipuuna huffed. “Besides…I’ve gotten kind of…used to our close-knit guild here…”


    “Is that practical when we’re on a mad-scramble for pearls, Kipuuna?” Loshjno asked, smiling.


    “…no, it’s not.” Kipuuna conceded. “We need the fresh members.”


    Sarfallinus pretended to ignore the conversation.


    Avery’s eyes brightened suddenly.


    “Oh! Furniture shopping…! Ah, that sounds like it’d be fun…I’d come with you guys if you’d have me, but I was going to go meet up with Vizon to visit Nivanee.” The Plusle huffed. “We’re still working off the furniture that Nivanee had in her old room. Redecorating sounds like it’d be fun…and new guild members would be good too! Get the blood flowing, y’know…?”


    ‘…Man now I want to go with them. But I know it wouldn’t be practical. Plus…I’ve already waited long enough to visit Nivanee.’


    “I hope I can come with you guys another time, though.” Avery added. “Maybe I could meet up with you later today, depending on how long you’re planning on being out.”


    “We might be out a while yet…” Kipuuna said, looking at the other three for confirmation, seeing their nods.


    “And hey, give Nivanee my best.” Loshjno said, nodding to Avery. “Lahnae and I are probably going to visit her as soon as we get the new furniture in. I think I saw Vizon heading out that way just a moment ago…I hope she’s ok. I can’t help but feel bad about how I acted during that mission, considering the state she ended up in.”


    Kipuuna shuddered.


    “She was fine last I saw her…” Kipuuna sighed sadly. “Just a real nasty injury and unprofessional field work on the wound. Still…seeing your senior in a bed like that…”


    Kipuuna was quiet.


    “Reminds me of you-know-who.” Kipuuna took a deep breath through his nose, furrowing his brow. “But…I’ll trust her to make a full recovery…Avery, I know we had our whole stint back at Dovve Fo Uddjo…and I get that what happened was kind of impossible to really predict but just let me say it for my sake: Be careful out there, ok? I don’t want to lose any of you.”


    “No need to fear, Kipuuna.” Loshjno chuckled. “Avery and team are a hardy bunch. I’ve seen for myself. How’s your ribs, Avery?”


    Kipuuna grimaced at the question.


    “Ha, it’s my leg that’s giving me more trouble,” Avery said, patting his right leg. “I’ve had a bit of a limp all yesterday, but…it doesn’t really hurt much anymore. It should be good by end of day! Ribs have healed nicely, I think, Snivy’s medical supplies really helped speed that up.”


    The Plusle gave Kipuuna a little thumbs up.


    “And…yeah, I know we had that…spat, but…you be careful too. I care about you, y’know?”


    He sighed, looking back at Avery.


    “Thanks, Avery.” Kipuuna replied, Loshjno nodding. “If you need anything, I’ve got your back.”


    Kipuuna sighed, his smile returning.


    “Is there anything you want in particular?” The Piplup asked. “We could try getting it for you if you’re willing to chip in for some of what we’re getting?”


    Avery thought for a bit.


    “…A bedframe would be nice. Better bed, maybe a place to sleep and-slash-or store our stuff?” The Plusle suggested, taking out a fistfull of coins and handing to Kipuuna. “Not all of those, but…if you find something standout, I can pay you back. Just one thing though for me, don’t go overboard I think…!”


    “That sounds good. They’ll probably have a chest up there.” Kipuuna agreed, looking up at Sarfallinus. “We’ll get it into your room once we get back, alright?”


    “Well, in that case…I guess we’re heading off.” Loshjno said wistfully, patting Kipuuna on the shoulder nonchalantly. “Avery, you should probably go after Vizon to the clinic, up in the north end of the market district. Can’t miss it. Might even catch him before he reaches it.”


    “See you around Avery.” Kipuuna said, giving a small smile.


    “And hey!” Loshjno put in. “You should talk to Lahnae soon, she was looking for you. What else, what else…feel up for a little fun tonight? We might go to a market bar for a game or two.”


    “Oh, yeah…!” Kipuuna lit up, looking excited. “We were planning on playing tonight!”


    “A game?” Avery tilted his head, making a mental note to meet with Lahnae – if she was up for such high-octane activity maybe they could go to the library together. “What kind of games are there? I mean I’d be down either way, but-!”


    “A little game of war Lahnae, Ganisus and Kipuuna liked playing. Nivanee usually joins in but since she’s not available Ganisus will probably take over her units. I like watching…and giving advice.” Loshjno explained cryptically. Kipuuna quietly cooed hearing that, eyebrows raised. “We’ve not gotten together for a game in a while…actually well over a month. Last time we played was…early last Yeshinye…”


    “Yeah…” Kipuuna huffed, rubbing the back of his head. “Everything was getting so…”


    “Strained?” Loshjno chuckled. Kipuuna sighed, almost ashamed.


    “Point is, you’ll see when we get there.” Kipuuna promised, a wide smile on his face.


    “You two, we shouldn’t hold up burning daylight talkin’.” Sarfallinus cut in, stepping up to put his hands of Kipuuna and Loshjno’s shoulders. The pair straightened up, nodding, Sarfallinus giving you a nod as well. “Give Nivanee my regards, Avery. Tell her I’ll be around tonight, ok?”


    “Will do,” The Plusle said with a little nod. “See you guys later tonight! Hope you find some good stuff…!”


    With that, hearing that Vizon was already headed to Nivanee, the Plusle turned to begin heading towards the infirmary, hoping to catch him there.


    Sarfallinus patted the Squirtle and Piplup along for them to move ahead. Before following them, though, the guildmaster cast Avery one last look as the Plusle left toward the infirmary.


    “Oh and Avery?” Sarfallinus added. There was a tinge of…something behind his words. “Do try to be discreet about what happened to Nivanee while in public, if you don’t mind. I don’t want to…embarrass her, you understand?”


    With that last word, Sarfallinus vanished into the alleyway, following after the other two.


    Avery frowned a little at that when he left.


    ‘Odd. And…


    Fitting. Just like the coverups…’


    Avery’s ears folded against his head at that last sour note.


    Still, he went on his way north through the market district. Past statues and towers, past fountains with shimmering, crystal water, past spiral pattern poles and large, impressive open-air establishments. Guards stood upon every corner, alert and at the ready, as much decoration here as they were in the castle.


    Avery passed through the One Truth square, a few temporary stands set up by merchants from abroad, a sign reading FARMING DISTRICT SURPLUS BAZAAR amid the shops.


    Moving further north across wide roads he passed a large, ornate building, the roads here lined with well-kept trees in bloom, petals laying lightly on the street. There was even a park nearby, with swaying, tall conifers and spruces amid beautiful topiary. Avery could even see a gathering betwixt the bars, like a wedding of some sort.


    The world seemed so…beautiful here in the market district. Idealistic. Like nothing could ever be wrong.


    He was almost taken in again by the atmosphere. It was all so nice. All so wonderful. Beautiful.


    ‘…I just wished everyone could enjoy it.’


    Avery let out a low huff to himself, putting his face in his hands.


    ‘Why can’t I just enjoy things?? Jolvia went to all those lengths to prove to me that I can’t and shouldn’t feel like I should change everything  on my own – it’s a nice city! It is! I can appreciate that without feeling guilt!…Right?


    …Why do I have to make things so difficult for myself?’



    Soon, the clinic came into view, a building adorned with red flags betwixt two larger buildings, the entrance wide and welcoming to the inside reception. Even from the street Avery could see the rows of benches sat between two long stretches of teller booths within the clinic, receiving patients and visitors.


    Yet, Avery’s sour thoughts continued as he came to the clinic, looking for his partner – or someone to talk to to get to Nivanee.


    But as the Plusle stepped into the clinic, his ears twitched. He heard a familiar voice.


    “I, uh…” The voice said. “…need to see Patient Black.”


    Looking amid the Poke’mon stood at the various teller windows Avery spotted a little Riolu tail sticking out of the line.


    “I need confirmation, sir…” Another voice answered.


    Avery stood up straight, and began jogging towards the voice.


    “Vizon?” the Plusle called. “Vizon, s’at you?”


    The Riolu jumped, looking back at the Plusle. Immediately, the light of familiarity crossed his face, Vizon looking relieved to see Avery.


    “Oh man, there you are…sorry I got a little, uhm…impatient?” Vizon rubbed his shoulder. “I figured you’d get here eventually! Did your meeting with Olistia go-“


    Sir.” The voice curtly spoke from the teller window, the receptionist Leavanny peering down at the both of them with a patient but clearly exasperated expression. She tapped lightly on the form, grabbing Vizon’s attention back on it.


    “Oh, sorry…” He said, stepping back up to the counter. The paper on the counter was…blank. He only wrote his name, Avery’s name and the phrase ‘Cracked Roppi in Lower Void’.


    Vizon slid the paper forward, the receptionist nodding.


    “Someone will come and fetch you both.” She said, standing up with the paper and walking off. Vizon let out a sigh of relief, waving Avery to follow him to the benches in the middle where some other Poke’mon sat, some looking worse for wear than others.


    “Geez…this is nothing like the hospital visits I’m used to…” Vizon muttered as he plopped on the wooden bench.


    “…Cracked Roppi in Lower Void?” Avery asked once they’d sat down. “What’s that all about…?”


    “It’s uh…well I guess there’s no better way to put it but a passcode.” Vizon said. “Sarfallinus told me I have to refer to….hhhher as ‘Patient Black’ and had to give that passcode to see her.”


    Vizon eyed Avery’s chest. Avery noticed that Vizon’s badge absent.


    “Sarfallinus also said ‘no badges’ while visiting…elites orders.” Vizon sighed, a clearly…uncomfortable look in his eye. All the same, he nonchalantly swayed his paws under the bench, trying to look casual.


    “…Yeah, that…tracks with something I found out,” Avery said with a little sigh. “But. We don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to. I don’t have to tell you everything, but…”


    Vizon lifted his head towards the Plusle, looking surprised.


    “Tracks…?” Vizon asked curiously, tilting his head. But he shook his head. “What did you even talk to the Conduit for?”


    “…A lot of things,” Avery said with a sigh. “I had a lot of…doubts, suspicions, that sort of thing. She invited me to talk to her to clear some of that up. I like…talked about my past, everything going on…” 


    Avery shrugged a bit.


    “There’s a lot of things we talked about, but I won’t…y’know, overload you with all that if you don’t want to.” Avery explained.


    “Hrrrmm…” Vizon folded his arms. “Ugh, I always feel behind on this stuff. Bleh, whatever.”


    The Plusle looked back at the hospital for a moment. The conversation was already taking a serious turn, he didn’t want that, not again. Vizon must have been sick of all these dour topics by now. It was no wonder they felt like they were drifting…!


    The Plusle turned his head back to Vizon and smilked, nudging him playfully as he tried to pivot the subject.


    “But I did learn something pretty cool, though. If you want to hear that…!” Avery suggested.


    Vizon’s ears perked up. He looked interested!


    “Yeah, yeah, tell me!” Vizon said, his eyes almost sparkling excitedly. “What’s cool??”


    Avery’s smile widened hopefully.


    “Okay, so…first off, I was totally right that Adelaide was human,” Avery said, giving a little bounce. “But! She’s not the only one! There’s apparently been a bunch! There might even be other ones besides me! But, there were like…other humans back then. A Sneasel and a Houndour? Started with…J and Q? They’re names in languages I don’t speak. Chinese, and…Aztec, I think. But they were humans, too!”




    Vizon’s face fell at the sudden rush of information.


    Ancient heroes being humans, two words he didn’t know. His brow furrowed, scratching his head.


    “Avery…how do you just say all this stuff??” the Riolu sighed, leaning back on the bench, a paw on his forehead.


    Vizon was silently a moment, shaking his head without  a word as he stared at the ceiling.


    “Like…Arceus…how much is a bunch??” The Riolu asked. “How much more besides…the legendary poke’mon that like…EVERYONE knows? This…”


    He was quiet a moment.


    “I though all this was just a me thing.” Vizon muttered. “That I was the only one to ever talk to a human…”


    His eyes lowered, scanning the waiting area of the clinic.


    “…How many humans are in here right now…?”


    The Riolu shuddered.


    “I know it doesn’t mean much to you but this…this is a bit much for me. How??”


    Avery’s face fell a little.


    He thought Vizon would find this exciting, but…even this was overwhelming.


    ‘Sorry, bud…’


    Avery put a hand on his shoulder.


    “I dunno, really…” The Plusle sighed. “Sorry, I thought it’d be interesting, hah…I know that you really like those legends and stuff. I just…saw those names in the book, and recognized two of them from stuff you’d said earlier, you know?”


    Avery sat there for a moment beside him. Olive branch failed.


    “…Hah, sorry. I just…read words I kind of recognized and got excited.” Avery continued his string of justifications and clarifications. “I guess I didn’t really think about how they’d affect you, I just…kind of thought…”


    Avery went silent, trailing off.


    Man…” Vizon sighed, pulling his legs up to his chest. “That almost feels a little…”


    He was quiet again, looking away.


    “…disappointing…?” He muttered. “I always thought they were just…cool stories about Poke’mon doing extraordinary things. Not that they were all special humans-turned-poke’mon…what’s next? Is Nivanee a human? Lahnae? All my heroes? When I’m…not?”


    The Riolu blew a raspberry, shaking his head.


    “Well, I guess we can’t all be born special, nor born heroes…” Vizon said, letting his legs drop again, trying to regain his composure. “No, no I’ll be ok, Avery. It just tells me I have to try harder, that’s all…!”


    Vizon sat there a moment as well, staring at the Plusle. Awkwardly.


    “I…guess thanks for sharing, though.” Vizon continued, a sheepish smile crossing his face as a group of Poke’mon passed at the call of an Audino medic. “It’s…certainly interesting!”


    Avery looked down at his own paws, kicking idly on the bench as he spoke. And then Avery’s brow furrowed.


    “…Yeah…no, yeah. Yeah…! Yeah, I mean…” Avery was babbling, trying desperately to recover. “…why are we here though…? You guys seem capable…! I…we kind of talked about that? A little? She pointed out how I got a lot stronger a lot faster than a Pokémon normally would be, but…”


    Avery looked up at Vizon with a pout. He wanted to be encouraging, something, anything other than just a bearer of bad news.


    “So have you. You said yourself, you hadn’t done any fighting before you joined the guild.” The Plusle pointed out. “You went into that fight, same as me, and every fight afterwards, and you held up. It’s not like I’m…outpacing you or anything.”


    Avery crossed his arms.


    “…If anything I’d think a Poke’mon would be better at being a Poke’mon than a human would.” He continued. “And…if it’s any consolation, my name, and the four others I mentioned, are the only ones I really recognize. Maybe the others are just kind of…living life…? Maybe most of the time them coming here is an accident.”


    That last part…wasn’t true. He knew it wasn’t, at least as far as his knowledge went. Turning Avery into a Pokémon was a long, grisly process – that wouldn’t happen by accident.


    But Avery had just…said it. And for right now…he didn’t want to overwhelm Vizon more by pointing that out. In front of a hospital, no less.


    …Even after last night…Avery still felt like he was drifting away from him. Just when Vizon was starting to try harder, just when he was trying to pull Avery back…Avery just felt…further.


    Avery didn’t like that…


    The little Plusle leaned his head against Vizon’s side.


    “…For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cool…” Avery assured.


    “Hah…” Vizon sighed, leaning his head on Avery’s, though his voice was quiet. Distant. “Thanks, Buddy…:


    Just buddy.


    Vizon was quiet a moment, but the Plusle could hear him speak again as they leaned against one another.


    “Hey…whatcha gunna get up to tonight?” Vizon asked. “Anything with…y’know, the guild…? Maybe with…me?”


    There was something in the way he said that, but perhaps it was just Avery’s imagination.


    The door at the far end of the room opened, the Audino coming out again.


    ‘…I don’t want him to go. I don’t want him to leave.’


    Avery put a hand to the Riolu’s leg, his other hand scrunching up against the edge of the bench.


    ‘Please don’t leave.’


    “…I was going to do something in the early evening, but…” Avery squirmed a little, looking up at Vizon. “…after that, Kipuuna and Loshjno were planning on going to the bars to watch…a game, or something. Maybe we could go to that? Or…”


    He paused, briefly. He was picking his words so carefully, tactfully, his mind racing with possible double meanings or unintended extrapolations, so much that he felt he might go crazy with every delicately laid out sentence he spoke.


    “Do you want to do something…with just us?”


    Vizon seemed to perk up, hearing that.


    “I’d love to take you out with Kipuuna and Loshjno.” The Riolu said, putting a paw on Avery’s head, stroking. “Maybe we can get away later or something, keep to the market district for a bit…”


    Vizon took a breath, his petting pausing.


    “But…what’s that something you got going on…?”


    Another group of Poke’mon passed by.


    Avery deflated a little at the question. Every time he brought this stuff up Vizon got sad again.


    But…he wanted to be honest with him when he could. Avery wanted to trust Vizon.


    “Jolvia wanted to see Janus, but she needs a team captain to go down with her. Apparently she was a fan.” Avery sighed. “It was a favour she wanted to ask of me.”


    Avery closed his eyes a bit. He’d enjoyed the strokes…but Vizon had stopped.


    ‘Maybe…I can just change the subject.’


    “…Um…Vizon,” Avery said slowly. “Who’s…who’s your favourite team from the guild?”


    The Plusle just…wanted to hear Vizon talk about something he liked. Vizon liked the guild. He liked talking about it. Avery needed to do something to not just have their conversation bottom-out again.


    Vizon was quiet.


    “Duskwalker.” he replied.


    Avery flinched as soon as Vizon said it.


    ‘Shit. This backfired. Again.


    The Riolu was quiet for another moment, idly petting Avery’s head once more, sighing softly.


    “Having Nivanee, a childhood hero, as my partner and close friend is nothing short of a dream come true…” Vizon said, now scritching the Plusle’s fur. “…but I really liked Janus, too. A lot, actually. Her hardy, never-say-die attitude…how she’d never give up, never back down, never capitulate to…”


    His brow furrowed, his petting pausing.


    “…to bad guys.” Vizon said, firmly. “She was always the definition of a hero. I wanted Nivanee’s leadership…but Janus’s bravery. And now seeing the sorry state Janus is in, the dark road she’s gone down…”


    The Riolu paused, sighed.


    “Pah! I’m being too sentimental today, what’s wrong with me?!” He laughed, patting Avery’s head. “I’ll just have to be a better Janus than Janus was, at the very least for Nivanee.”


    Avery listened close to every word  the Riolu spoke. Leaned against him, rubbing the top of his head up against Vizon’s fingers as they scritched through the Plusle’s fur.


    ‘…I still love him. Even through all this. I don’t want to lose him. Please don’t let me lose him.’


    Vizon chuckled lightly, going silent again.


    “Just…don’t let Janus put stupid thoughts in your head again, Avery.” Vizon continued. “Every time you come out of that dungeon it’s like you change for the worse…”


    Avery thought about those last words a bit.


    ‘Maybe he’s right. At least a little bit. I’ve seen the bad things the guild did. I know that Janus and Q are smart people. But…


    …the guild isn’t stupid either. I can’t just trust everything that comes out of the mouths of anyone. I haven’t been trusting Olistia. Why should I trust anyone wholesale?’


    An icy cold gripped at Avery’s heart for just a moment.


    ‘Why should I fully trust anyone?


    A voice called from the other end of the waiting area.


    “Visitors for Miss Black? Patient Black?” An Audino called out in moderately loud voice, making Vizon’s ears perk. Avery was snapped out of his thoughts by the call.


    “That’s…that’s us, right?” The Plusle asked.


    “Yup, that’s us…” Vizon said, standing up, holding out his paw for Avery to hold. Vizon still seemed to love…guiding Avery. Holding his paw. Maybe it was as much therapeutic for him as it was for the Plusle. Avery took his paw, gripping it tightly, and followed after him. It was just like the first few days in Arceliaze.


    The hospital Audino waved them both along, leading the pair toward the open door at the back. She held it open, closing and locking it behind her once they both were through.


    In the marble painted halls, they could see two tall Poke’mon, a Rhydon and a Garchomp. The both of them wore white cloaks with red fabric inside, held by an Arcean brooch upon their chest.


    Vizon gave a shaky sigh.


    “Password.” The Rhydon spoke gruffly, his very voice shaking Avery.


    “C-Cracked Roppi in Lower Void…sir.” Vizon huffed, looking up at the looming Poke’mon.


    ‘Deep breaths.’


    Avery didn’t like that everything was covered up. But…he wanted to see Nivanee.


    The two larger Poke’mon eyed the both of them up and down.


    “Elite Team Crossblade.” The Rhydon said, hands behind his back, under his cloak. “You are Avery and Vizon of Junior Team Azure?”


    “Aye, sir.”


    “Your badges.”


    Vizon huffed, reaching in his satchel to pull out his to hand it over, nudging Avery to do the same, which the Plusle did so. The Garchomp took them in hand roughly, eying them over, squeezing them, looking for any falsehood or imperfection.




    The Rhydon nodded, taking out a small brown wooden object. He pulled it open, a foul smell immediately overtaking Avery and Vizon. The Riolu grimaced as the elites stared them down. After a moment, the Rhydon closed the wooden object, the bad smell vanishing.


    “Clean, no dittos.” The Rhydon concluded.


    “Follow. Stay close. Say nothing until you are in the hospital room.” The Garchomp commanded. “When you are finished, knock thrice, pause, then twice to be let out.”


    Vizon nodded silently. With that, the elites turned, marching down the hall quickly.


    ‘…Jeez. Even the elites are in on this. This was the first elite team I’ve ever seen. How about that? The first Elites I ever see, and they’re enforcing the immortality of guild members in the hospital.’


    Avery and Vizon were escorted down the hall. No doctors nor nurses followed. Few even looked up from their desks or clipboards as they passed, the elites seeming to cast and aura of intimidation amongst the staff.


    They walked for a long time down a narrow hall, past multiple empty rooms, all locked, coming at last one a room at the very end of the hall where two more Poke’mon, a Slowking and a Tyranitar, stood at attention. The Rhydon took a clipboard from the wall by the door, penciling in the two and the current time. Avery lifted his gaaze up toward a sign on the corkboard by the door:



    -> PHYS. HULON




    ‘…Capital punishment???


    What the fuck.


    The Slowking stepped aside, pushing the door open, the Rhydon looking back at the two.


    In.” He said, gesturing to the door. “Quickly.”


    Vizon nodded, shuffling through without delay, holding fast to Avery’s paw. The Plusle swallowed, gripping Vizon’s paw tighter.


    ‘Hospitals aren’t supposed to be like this…’


    The door closed behind them with a click, the sounds of the hospital outside silencing all at once, leaving the pair in the quiet of the hospital room.


    The white painted area was certainly clean, from top to bottom. A chair sat across from a bed, with some wood and metal apparatus set beside the bed, complete with food and water.


    From here Avery could see a little brown mass in the bed softly stir.


    “Hello…?” They could hear Nivanee’s voice, gentle and small. “Who’s that…?”


    Vizon sighed with relief seeing her, or perhaps it was just good to be out of the sight of those elites. He immediately began walking over.


    “It’s Vizon again, Nivanee. And I brought someone wiiiith meeee~!”


    Avery could hear the Eevee take a deep breath, the girl rolling over so they could see her face.


    She looked…awful. Her face looked tired and drained, bags under her eyes. But the moment she saw Avery and Vizon it all seemed to melt away, a sunny smile spreading across her face.


    “Avery…! Avery!” She said excitedly, looking as though she was trying to not bounce in bed. Avery could see new bandages on her midsection and casts upon two of her legs.


    The Plusle flinched a bit upon seeing her like that. Tired. Bandaged. Hurt. If they were really going to be back to work tomorrow…Nivanee certainly wouldn’t be joining. Avery hoped they’d have more time to rest…he didn’t want to have to go out without her.


    “Jeez, if I knew that this place was so…stark I would have come way sooner,” Avery said, giving a little smile as he walked up to the bed, placing his hands on the side of it. “Hey, Niv. It’s good to see you.”


    “Hah…yeah, it’s…” Nivanee huffed, squirming a little. “…it’s lonely. I mean, it’s not my first time here, but…it doesn’t get easier…”


    She yawned a bit, trying to adjust to get more comfortable.


    “Sleepy?” Avery asked.


    “A bit…mostly just…bad dreams.” She said with a shivver. “I think I keep dreaming about lightning wastes, all the fire and stuff down there…”


    Avery grimmaced at that, to which Nivanee gave a reassuring smile. Vizon stepped up to the other side, his own hands on the bed. She glanced over at him, too, looking relieved that both of her teammates were here.


    “It’s really nice to see you both again…” She sighed with a gentle smile. “I’m…so sorry I wasn’t there for the final battle. I’m…so sorry about what happened, you two. I wish I had been there to help…”


    Vizon sighed, shaking his head.


    “No, it-…” Vizon huffed, gripping the bed while keeping his smile. “It’s fine.”


    “And soon… Soon you’ll be back at it. We can work together again! As a full team.” Avery gave her another smile. “As scary as this place looks, it’s still a hospital. You’re getting better every day. You definitely look a lot better now…!”


    The Plusle gently placed a hand on her side.


    “We’re… Still a team.”


    “Always…” Nivanee smiled at Avery, nuzzling into his hand. “…Always a team…”


    She sighed softly. Hurt as she looked, she displayed such strength that seemed only magnified by the presence of her team.


    “You guys…are my everything. My family. I’ll get out of here as soon as I can and won’t let you down again.”


    “Niv, you didn’t…” Vizon shook his head, furrowing his brow. “…you didn’t let us down. It’s just one mission.”


    “Aha, sorry…! Just a gut reaction…” Nivanee admitted. “It’s just…it was so important and…”


    “It wasn’t you…” Vizon assured, looking to Avery. “…we were duped by those Thieves Guild cads, right Avery?”


    Vizon gave a nod, as though that were that. But something about that statement…it was something the Plusle couldn’t help but comment on.


    “…They didn’t dupe us,” Avery puffed, crossing his arms. Vizon’s ear twitched as he glanced down at the Plusle. “That would require both there being trickery, and us being tricked. Which…there wasn’t, and we weren’t. They helped us out of the ruins and beat the bad guy…and then one-winged jerk swooped down and sniped us right at the end.”


    Avery crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue.


    “No duping. Just assholery.”


    “That…!” Vizon huffed, brow furrowed. Nivanee stepped in, though.


    “That’s fine…” Nivanee sighed with a smile. “Xamao playing dirty, just like Windscorch, what else is new? It was…nice, I suppose, seeing Quayslaan again. A bit sad he was working for the Thieves Guild after all this time but…I guess Janus has made me somewhat numb to the idea.”


    “That shouldn’t be the case…” Vizon muttered. “It’s horrible either of them would go down that road.”


    His crimson eyes looked down at Avery…a bit more sharply than before.


    “…Besides which, Avery…really? It…doesn’t matter. We let them get close, got all buddy-buddy…and they stabbed us in the back. Now the pearl is gone and…”


    Vizon looked down at Nivanee, the Eevee looking back at him.


    “…after everything that’s happened, I can’t accept that. Never again.” Vizon said, putting a paw on Nivanee’s side. “We’ll do better for you, Nivanee. Promise.”


    “I’m not worried even a bit.” She laughed lightly, nuzzling Vizon’s paw. “Don’t…worry so much. I admit, perhaps it’s the sedatives or maybe this injury has put some things into perspective but…what’s done is done. We have another chance…”


    ‘…I guess that’s true. It doesn’t really matter whether they stabbed us in the back or not. Xamao has the pearl now. And…I agree. We shouldn’t let him get the other two. I’m with him on that. If he didn’t have those…if he was missing even one, then nobody could wake the birds.



    Whether or not I’m a fan of Quayslaan or not, though, I maintain that, objectively speaking, we weren’t tricked.’


    Nivanee sighed sadly. Vizon’s grip on the bed sheets tightened. Avery squirmed.


    “Hah…I suppose there’s nothing to do but look forward for now.” Nivanee said in a deep sigh. “No worries…we’ll get the next one…well…”


    Nivanee squirmed, glancing at her bandages.


    “…maybe you guys will…”


    That confirmed Avery’s fears.


    “… Yeah, hah…” He sighed. “You might need to rest up a little longer… But hey, it’ll all be okay!”


    He tilted his head.


    “You’ve… Been here before though?”


    She turned looking at you, smiling.


    “Mhm…” Nivanee hummed warmly. “I certainly have, even back when Janus was still here. Though I’ve only had a handfull of injuries this bad…not that Janus ever let me give up. Jobs had been so easy lately, I had forgotten what this place looked like.”


    She giggled, wincing only a little. A small, light joke.


    “I’m just glad you’re better off, you two. Did Lahnae take the loss well?” She asked, almost as though she were helping to change the subject. Possibly sensing a fight.


    “She…took it hard at first. But…I think that she and Loshjno have…turned a new chapter.” Avery said. “I think this…this loss felt different for them, you know?”


    Nivanee sighed again, sounding relieved to hear that.


    “I’m…glad…” Nivanee said. “Worked your magic on them, huh?”


    She giggled, Vizon smiling with her, the bad air slowly clearing. Fight averted.


    “Yeah. Lahnae and Kipuuna are even getting along.” Vizon told her, merrily. “They…even said they want to do get-togethers.”


    Nivanee looked at him…eyes sparkling.


    “They are…?”


    “Yeah…!” Vizon said, nuzzling in. “Everything is getting better…”


    “My family…”




    Nivanee smiled wide, almost as though she could cry.


    “I need to get out of here as soon as I can…I’d hate to miss any more of it than I have to.” She said softly.


    “We’ll be thinking of you, Niv,” Avery said. “I don’t know if we’d be allowed, but…maybe we could bring you some food or something the next time we visit? I don’t know what you eat here, hah…”


    “Ugh, slop and such…” Nivanee shook her head, giggling. “Honestly, it’s as dreary as the rest of the room…a little extra food would be lovely.”


    Vizon nodded, making a silent promise. Nivanee adjusted, looking over at Avery, fluttering her eyes…looking very thoughtfully.


    “Avery…I’ve been thinking…may I tell you something…?” She asked in a long breath.


    “Oh, uh…yeah, sure, what’s up…?”


    “It’s just…” She cast a look towards Vizon…then back to Avery, pulling the covers up closer to her chin. “With all the time I’ve had alone up here I’ve thought about…me…Janus…and you…”


    Vizon blinked…stepping back.


    “I dunno what it’s been…something about this room…maybe the nightmare…”


    “The dreams?” Avery asked. Nivanee nodded.


    “Whenever I wake from them I feel such a strange feeling of…sadness. Regret.” She says. “The fire and lava and stuff make me think…”


    She trailed off, but Avery urged her on silently.


    “For some reason…those nightmares…get me thinking about how I’ve been treating you, I guess?” Nivanee said at last, her voice small and sheepish. “Patronizing…distrustful…and I wonder if these things drove Janus away…”


    “Nivanee…” Vizon began, but Nivanee held up her paw.


    “No…it’s true.” Nivanee cut the Riolu off. “…and…”


    She squirmed again, looking sad.


    “I think back to that night before Lightning Wastes, the way I treated you and your friend with so much distrust…” She sighed. “And I spent all night wondering if I just drove you off like I did Janus and…”


    She paused. Vizon looked like he wanted to cut in but Nivanee stopped him.


    “I’m sorry, Avery…to you…” She pawed at the blankets. “…and your friend, the banker…what was her name?”


    Vizon stared silently.


    ‘…Another one. Another…Reproach from Vizon.’


    Avery’s shoulders sagged a bit.


    “… Kellixae,” the Plusle said quietly. “She used to be a farmer before she had to move here because of the droughts.”


    Avery rubbed his arm, looking away for a moment.


    “…I understand why you guys both were worried.” He said, quietly. “Why you treated me that way. There’s parts of history between Arcea and Illaminamo that I wasn’t here for. And…I felt that, even when I was there. Even before the…t-the arson. I had to pretend to be Arcean in some places so we wouldn’t be bothered, and pretend to be Illaminian in others so that I wouldn’t be scrutinized. And I don’t understand all of it.”


    Nivanee nodded softly, letting Avery continue with a wave of her paw, cutting off Vizon again.


    “And that kind of extends to a lot of things.” Avery gripped his arm a little tighter. “There’s good Poke’mon and bad Poke’mon. And good Poke’mon doing bad things, and bad Poke’mon doing good things. Poke’mon doing bad things to try to be good. And every time I think I finally get it, something else gets thrown in the ring and I’m just confused again.”


    He squirmed softly. He could feel Vizon’s burning gaze on him, even has he kept his own eyes on Nivanee.


    “…You’re all trying to help me make the best decision. Keep me safe. Because I don’t understand. And I can’t be mad at you for wanting to protect me.” Avery’s ears flopped down against his head. “…Everything is just so big. There’s so much. And I’m left thinking, constantly, all of the time, maybe forever. But…”


    ‘Deep breath.’


    “I’m not going to leave you. Not like Janus did.” Avery said, his voice more firm. “No matter what I think of her, that was an awful thing to do. I don’t want to hurt you like that, any of you. Because… I know you guys don’t want to hurt me either. I love you guys, I just…I want to make sure I’m making the right choices. It’s just hard when there’s so many…”


    “Well…” Nivanee began, taking a deep breath. “…you have your own thoughts, don’t you? The way you feel…even if it comes from not knowing anything…I don’t know, just…”


    Nivanee sighed, smiling at Avery.


    “I’m going to…try to listen to you a little more, Avery.” Nivanee said at last. “To understand where you come from, how you feel. Guiding, sure, but…also trusting you and what you think. Like I should have that night.”


    “Nivanee I…” Vizon muttered. “…I thought we were in agreement about Avery going out there…”


    “And maybe I was wrong…” Nivanee snuggled into the pillow, looking back at Avery. “Because…Avery? I always thought I had all the answers, everything was…fairly neatly laid out. But all this stuff about complexity that you’re saying…you do that to me, too, you know.”


    She giggled softly, mirthfully. Vizon’s brow furrowed.


    “Maybe you can help me make better decisions, myself…” She sighed, closing her eyes.


    “Nivanee, don’t be so hard on yourself…” Vizon said, stroking the Eevee’s fur. “You’re just fine as-is…”


    Avery’s expression darkened. He cast the Riolu a sideways glance.


    ‘…Vizon was…


    That talk last night wasn’t just lip service, right?’


    “…The food I had was really good,” Avery said with a little laugh. “…Maybe I could get Lahnae to give me directions to this little sandwich shop she brought me to. It’s run by an Electabuzz. Really good stuff. We could…Go as a team.”


    Nivanee smiled softly.


    “I’d like that.” Nivanee said, a mirthful spark in her eye. “You should take me sometime. I really…want to be closer to you all. I’m sorry I’ve not done enough in that regard.”


    Whatever…” Vizon’s voice was almost silent. It was likely only Avery heard it.


    The Riolu took a deep breath, and continued in a clearer voice.


    “I tell you what, though.” Vizon began. “I’m real excited to hang out with Loshjno and Kipuuna at that bar tonight. I think I even might know the one. Tulaan Genuine Smoothie Bar! Kipuuna told me last night it was you guys’ old haunt!”


    “Oh…yes…!” Nivanee said, going into the topic change. “The one run by Wivus…or maybe his sons.”


    “I hear he came from Yahneri Port, just like you, Nivanee.” Vizon laughed, eying up Avery. “Sounds like a real good guy. We’ll take you out there again first thing once you’re out! We have a lot of family time to make up for, after all!”


    “Yes…yes!” Nivanee said, excitedly, the idea sending happy sparks in her eyes as she clapped her paws together. “Thank you both so much!”


    ‘There was…


    something in his voice.’


    The first mumbled reply had hit Avery like a dagger in his back.


    Then each emphasized word felt like a knee to the gut.


    Avery’s sandwich bar idea was completely overridden.


    …the Plusle stayed silent.


    A hush fell over the three, Nivanee glancing back over at Avery, her eyebrows raised with a smile on her face.


    “Well, Avery…we have a lot to do together, huh?” She giggled. “Maybe you can bring me back one of those sandwiches? I’d love to see you again. Friends are always a sight for sore eyes in this dreary place.”


    She shook her head with a sigh, Vizon smiling, looking content again. She rolled over to look at Vizon.


    “You guys do good out there while I’m gone, ok?” Nivanee said. “I know I probably won’t come with you to get the next Pearl but…do your best okay…?”


    Vizon took a breath, looking at her. He reached a paw out to squeeze her own, the Eevee beaming warmly.


    “We’ll do it this time.” He said, nodding. “I promise we will, for you. They won’t get us this time. We’ll get them all from Xamao.”


    He paused, squeezing Nivanee’s paw harder, glancing down at her midsection.


    “After everything…” Vizon said, voice turning more solemn. “…this will all be worth it, I promise.”


    “I’m sure it will be, Vizon.” She said warmly. “…I trust you.”


    His smile widened at that. She trusted him.








    … Right.


    Of course.’


    “… I-” Avery cut himself off before he could say something that might get either of them mad at him. “… Rest up. Get well soon, okay?”


    “Of course, Avery…” Nivanee said warmly, smiling again. “…I love you, ok? I’m so happy you two are in my life…you’re going to do great things, I just know it.”


    Vizon smiled again, nodding, stroking her fur.


    “Alright…see you around, Niv.” Vizon promised, stepping around the bed.”We’ll bring you back something to eat.”


    Nivanee sighed, seeing her visitors beginning to depart.


    “See you…” she said…visibly deflating. Vizon sighed with her, seeing her like that.


    “I’ll be sure others come in to see you so you’re not lonely.” Vizon promised, the Eevee perking up a little at that, her smile returning. Vizon looked pleased seeing that.


    WIth that, Vizon knocked thrice on the door, paused, then twice.


    But though Vizon looked pleased, Avery felt… Almost defeated. Even with that sunny warmth on Nivanee’s face, it felt…


    Maybe not fake. Maybe not manipulative.




    “Love you, Niv. Get well soon.”


    …Avery stood beside Vizon at the door.


    Chapter 26.1





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