The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 4.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Together, Avery and Vizon headed back into the streets of Arceliaze. The large buildings and ornate statues greeted them once more. Soon, however, as they continued on past the One Truth Square and the beautiful statues, the streets went from smooth stone to cobble stone, the area similar to that outside of Vizon’s own home.


    Off in the distance, Avery could see high stone walls with buttresses and flags that stood tall over the surrounding buildings. Vizon clearly did his best to avoid that area as he navigated all the way around whatever was on the other side of the walls. Those walls…Avery figured those were the ‘bad parts’ that Vizon mentioned.


    Continuing down the longer route Vizon led them on, they eventually came to a section of the city where the buildings were considerably smaller. Stone was replaced by brick which soon became wood houses with wood shingles. In time the wood shingles were joined with hay-thatched shacks and tool sheds. The tightly packed city became more spread out, the streets wider. More stretches of open fields decorated the area around the path they took until it gave way to a sparse rural area, with acres of rolling hills dedicated to crops and farmland, dirt paths snaking by small buildings.


    ‘It’s kind of a ways out to get to this ‘farming branch’. Maybe that’s why people don’t want to come here? Simply because it’s such a long walk?’


    Vizon stared at the slip of paper in his hand as he led Avery.


    “Up there…” He said, pointing ahead at a stand on the side of the dirt path.



    Avery looked up at the stand…and the pokemon handling it. A simple wood box acted as a stand, with a blue and white awning set up over it. The stand was sat on the side of a plain looking brick building on the side of the dirt road. Being so far into the farming district, it was the only structure within 100 meters, surrounded on all sides by rolling hills and tall grass and occasional trees.


    And stood behind the stand was a Flaafy woman, leaning on the stand and looking exhausted as she stared off into the distance.


    Avery lifted his head, looking at the sign sat atop the awning.


    “What…what does the sign say up there?” He mumbled. “I still…can’t exactly read yet, heh…I-I mean I could read the notice, but…not that.”


    But just as he asked for a translation the letters began to morph again. Like blinking away haze from his eyes it read…


    “Oh yeah, it says…” Vizon began.




    “…Bank,” Avery finished slowly before Vizon could, the Riolu looking curiously at him. “Then…I guess we should withdraw some money, huh?”


    Avery stepped up past Vizon to the counter.


    “Uh, hi there…!” the Plusle said, putting his hands on the counter to hoist himself up. “I’d…we’d like to make a withdrawal?”


    The Flaafy on the other side of the counter perked up, giving Avery a sideways glance. Her brow furrowed, a look in her eye like…


    …it vanished, whatever it was. She closed her eyes, sitting up and facing Avery with a small smile, a calm and demure expression on her face.


    “Good morrning.” She spoke. She sounded a bit different, rolling her rs. Was that an accent of some kind? “How is it I may help you today?”


    “Oh, uh…” Avery cleared his throat. He figured that maybe she hadn’t heard. “A withdrawal. We’d like to make a withdrawal, please.”


    “Ah, yes, of courrse.” She replied, hands folded on the wood of the stand, which looked rough and badly kept. As she spoke, her eyes would occasionaly dart away from Avery to look elsewhere, just a glance. Her smile turned to a neutral expression…though non threatening, her energy was heavy.


    “Bank account slip? I see frrom your badges you arre…guild.” She surmised. The final word carried a strange weight.


    Vizon didn’t reply, squirming a bit, standing a bit behind Avery. He fished the information from his satchel, setting it on the desk which the Flaafy slid over to herself wordlessly.




    She made a note of the papers, setting it in a drawer behind her, opening up the safe.


    “Yourr account has five-hundrred. How much will you need?”


    “…How much are we going to need for the mission?” Avery asked, turning to Vizon. Vizon’s gaze was affixed squarely on the Flaafy.


    Avery stared at the Riolu. Vizon didn’t reply.


    “I don’t…really know how much one…P…is worth.” Avery prodded, tapping Vizon’s paw.


    Vizon jumped, Avery’s voice breaking him from his trance.


    “Oh, well…” He said, not averting his gaze from the Flaafy. “…we should probably just take it all out, since we have to stock on stuff at that item shop. We should get as much as we can for our first mission….”


    The Flaafy returned Vizon’s gaze, her face totally neutral, eyes half-lidden. Neither of them seemed to…






    The two of them were starting to weird Avery out.


    “…Alright, so…five hundred,” Avery said, looking between the two of them with a strange expression. He didn’t really like the vibes of what was going on here, but…what was he supposed to do about it? “We’ll take the five hundred, please.”


    “Five hundrred.” The Flaafy repeated, flatly, reaching into the safe and pulling out a small bag of coin, dropping it unceremoniously onto the counter with a heavy thunk.


    Vizon didn’t budge.


    “Mm…therre you arre. Five hundrred poke’.” She said, eyebrows raised, her small smile returning. “Go on…take it.”


    “….Vizon,” Avery whispered, leaning toward the Riolu. “…What’s going on here…? Is…is there something I’m missing?”


    Avery sighed, reaching up to take the bag.




    The Flaafy put on a merry face, tilting her head and bouncing as she spoke…it was almost sarcasm through body and voice.


    “Thank you so verry much for using One Trruth Bank.” She spoke. “I do hope to see you again.”


    “Yeah…” Vizon replied, grabbing Avery’s hand and tugging at it to lead him away. Avery stumbled backwards at the sudden pull, but kind of walked after him, staring…at the Flaaffy with an odd expression.


    “…Okay,” Avery mumbled, once they were out of earshot. “What the heck was going on there…??”


    “She was just kinda freaky, ok?” Vizon huffed, letting go of Avery’s hand once they were far enough. “Man…why’d they have to give us a lady like that for our banker…I’d rather stash our money under the bed…”


    He shuddered, furrowing his brow.


    “Felt like she was about to go nuts on us or something.” He laughed, shaking his head. “You can tell she’s from that side of Arceliaze. Here I was trying to avoid it…that’s kind of ironic.”


    He was quiet for a moment longer as they both walked down the dirt paths of the farmer’s district…before he realized he had let go of Avery’s hand.


    “Oh, sorry…” He said, softly taking it again.


    Avery’s brow furrowed.


    ‘Lady like that…? Was…’


    “D…do you mean her accent?” Avery asked, looking back at the stand. “Or…what? What is that part of Arceliaze, what…I don’t get what was wrong with her, she seemed as put off by you as you did by her…”


    “C’mon, Avery…” Vizon huffed. “You didn’t see in her eyes when we first walked up? Her aura?”


    “…Aura…?” Avery repeated, staring up at him. “What are you talking about…? What’s…like, are you talking about vibes, or something?”


    Avery frowned a little.


    “Honestly this sounds…a little weird to me, is all. She was odd, but-“


    Vizon shook his head, cutting Avery off.


    “Right…I forget that’s a Lucario and Riolu thing…” Vizon laughed. “Sorry…it was just a frightening aura. Violent. Angry. Made me nervous, I’m sorry.”


    He paused again, thinking a moment, then continued.


    “But look…I’ve kept to the lower Market and Market districts my whole time in Arceliaze, only ever leaving by carriage.” Vizon explained, returning to the familiar cobblestone streets. “There’s plenty other districts, much less scrupulous districts with dangerous poke’mon that’d attack just for looking at you funny. Practically happens every day in this pamphlet I used to read…”


    He groaned, tugging Avery along.


    “I just…don’t want anything happening to my buddy, you know…?” Vizon looked back at the Plusle, worry in his eyes. “You’re kind, you have amnesia, you don’t know what life in the big city is like. I’ve seen Poke’mon chewed up and spat out by this city who had more experience in this world than you do…I don’t want that happening to you. Not you…”


    He stopped, fiddling with his paws uncomfortably…before pulling Avery into a soft hug.


    “I’ll keep you safe.”


    Avery stayed stock still. His face flushed a deep red and he let out this tiny, pitiful squeak.




    Vizon smiled softly, pulling away and holding Avery’s hand once again.


    “Now c’mon! We should get to the item! We’re that much closer to our first adventure!”


    “R…right, the..the items,” Avery said, his voice wavering a little bit, still feeling flustered from the warm hug. He tried to focus, returning to the present and the journey ahead. Quickly, the cobblestone streets returned to that familiar, clean smooth stone. The guards doubled in number, the beauty returned to the city. Vizon weaved through the buildings with such experience, knowing every alley to cut through, every path to take to find the most efficient way to the One Truth Square, that opulent and beautiful square shining with the morning sun.


    It was here Vizon checked the slip, looking due west to the edge of the square, at a set of massive three-story buildings.


    “Aha, that must be it!” The Riolu cheered, leading Avery toward the building, pointing to a stand set into the building. Even from here, Avery could see the shop owners working inside. Sorting, moving and working.



    A list of specials, a stand for discounted items on the street, rare item samples to the right…this was a full operation. The stand was built into the side of a building, trimmed with beautifully cut stone and chiseled patterns. Just above the stand was a flower bed festooned with a colorful array of eye-catching flowers.


    Avery squinted at the sign near the top…waiting to see if the letters would transform like the ones before. Indeed, the letters shifted and morphed like before, becoming the word ‘Goods‘. He figured he would have to ask what that was about at some point, but for now…he’d just need to buy some stuff! For the journey to Windscorch Mountain. Since Avery didn’t really know what they’d need when we went out to the mission he was still banking off of Vizon’s expertise here. The both of them stepped up to address the Poke’mon working the stand.


    “Um, hello there…!” Avery said, looking up at the two clerks working the front of the counter.


    “Aha, brutha! Look alive, we gots customers!” The green Kecleon behind the counter called, the purple one nodding, speeding up his work. “Eyy, man, good t’see you. Normally I’da tell’ you this shop be for guild members only but, ah, what’s this I see? Bit o’ glint on ya chest tells me you be guildies! An’ new ones too! Don’ see em’ often!”


    This man’s accent was heavy, voice deep. And Vizon was smiling, clearly comfortable.


    “Ah, yeah! We’re the newest team! Team Azure!” Vizon introduced the both of them. “I’m Vizon, this is my friend Avery! We’re about to go on an adventure to Windscorch Mountain!”


    “Well den, we ’boutta be good partners, aye? Fer a bit’o coin I’ll have ya item bag heavy with whatever you need!” The green Kecleon explained. “Name’s Zwangai, come straight from Taeriana, an’ before that a cozy hamlet in North Quayoff, now makin’ it big in the heart o’ beautiful Arceliaze!”


    He laughed heartily, the purple Kecleon setting a few items on a small stand onto the counter.


    “Why don’tcha take a look at what I got in today? Verified, up t’guild standards, dontcha worry.”


    Apple — Helps with Hunger 10p

    Oran Berry — Heals in a Pinch 30p

    Pecha Berry — Cures Poison 20p

    Blast Seed — Produces a fire-type explosion when thrown, stronger if eaten 100p

    Reviver Seed — Revives after fainting but not after OHKO, 200p

    Stun Seed — Stuns target briefly, 60p




    All-Mach Orb — Raises speed for all team members, 300p

    Totter Orb — Causes confusion for all targets, 500 p

    Shrink Orb — Causes shrink on all targets. High chance of backfiring, 200,000p


    Zwangai’s friendliness was quite a far cry from that Flaaffy. Avery smiled a bit.


    “It’s nice to meet you, Zwangai…! I’m kind of new here myself, actually, so…I’m hoping that an expert to the city like Vizon will be able to help me out…”


    “Ohoho, new to the city?” Zwangai asked, leaning on the counter. “Ayye, I remember when it was me all green, not a clue how anything worked.”


    Avery nodded, then paused to look in the satchel of money in his hand. Budget of 500p. With prices like these, they’d have to make every coin count.


    “What do you think, Vizon? Some…apples and, uh…Oran…berries, would probably be good, huh?”


    Vizon looked over the items, stroking his chin thoughtfully.


    “I remember, the guild periodicals I read always had advice straight from the experts. What’d Vinae of Ganusi always say…?” The Riolu closed his eyes, trying to recall. “You’re more likely to get hit than go hungry. 1 to 3 apple to oran ratio…1 to 4 if you’re quick with your mission.”


    He leaned back, looking at Avery.


    “What do you think?”


    “Sure, one to three sounds good. Should we go with three and nine then? That’d be…” Avery squinted his eyes shut, counting under his breath. “Three hundred even.”


    He grimaced. There went most their money. Avery hoped they could actually keep some of the reward money for the mission.


    “A’ight, three apples, nine oran berries, comin’ up!” Zwangai turned back, snapping his fingers, calling back to his brother. “Vrat! Xaviers teh zovray zh vhylu! Shrob zovray feershvya vraxenye!


    The purple Kecleon nodded, pulling down a box from the back, stuffing apples and oran berries in a bag.


    “Anythin’ else, Avery?” Zwangai asked amiably The Plusle opened the bag as they worked, counting out three hundred and put the coins down on the counter.


    “Here, there’s that. Uh…anything else…should…we use a reviver seed? That’d be the rest of our funds…”


    “Well…” Vizon mused.


    “Oh I’d recommend it. Never know what danger be lurkin’ whereever you go.” Zwangai mused, looking up thoughtfully. “Why, Nivanee was jus’ here and bought about ten of the-“


    WE’LL TAKE ONE.” Vizon blurted, making Zwangai chuckle, motioning for his brother to get it.


    “Wh-” Avery’s eyes went wide, looking up at Vizon. “A-are you sure?? That’s…that’s a lot of money! It’ll make us broke…!”


    “W-well…” Vizon stammered, face going red as he looked away. “B-better safe than sorry…plus we’ll get paid for the mission, right?”


    Zwangai set the bag of items on the table. Avery could only sigh, shaking his head a little. He didn’t bother counting any more money, just dropping the whole satchel on the counter. Zwangai’s eyes twinkled, plucking the bag up from the counter with a little smile.


    “Aw, now, d’look so glum, Avery. Da first stocking is always th’ hardest on the wallet. After that? Y’just be restocking, much cheaper.” Zwangai assured. “Still, I hope t’see you again for ya next mission. Brutha!” He called  back to the purple Kecleon. “Polveiss shen vorec piendiz!


    Avery took the bag of items and slung it over his shoulder, looking back at his partner with a coy grin.


    “You’re such a dork, Vizon,” Avery said with a little chuckle, waving farewell to the Item Shop and moving back out into the street. “I guess that’s everything, then , huh?”


    “Yeah…I guess it is!” Vizon said, smiling wide. Excitement absolutely radiated from his face. He reached into his satchel, checking a map of the country stuffed inside.



    As Vizon held it up, Avery could see the whole of this ‘Arcea’ country. He saw strange landmarks and curious locations aplenty and wasn’t sure what to make of any of it. More than that, he had no clue where ‘Windscorch Mountain’ was supposed to be.


    “Ok…see, we’re here at ‘A’, see?” Vizon said, pointing to the little castle. He moved his finger up a little. “Here…’B’. That’s Windscorch Mountain, just north of Arceliaze, that big dual peak snow-topped mountain you can see from almost anywhere.”


    He looked upwards, just barely able to see the towering mountain up north, at the top of the deep valley the city nestled in. The mountain stood tall behind the rolling hills of trees. Its rocks were almost blue colored…the twin peaks covered in snow. He lifted a hand, pointing upward.


    “That, up there. That’s where we’re going.” He looked down at Avery. The energy was palpable between the both of them. “This is it, Avery. We’re gunna go be a rescue team and save this cartographer from those pickpocket gang bad guys!”


    “Oh boy…” Avery took a deep, long breath. “That…that doesn’t seem too far of a place to go!”


    Avery adjusted the strap on his bag and took Vizon’s hand again. Vizon smiled, feeling Avery’s hand. The Riolu took the firm step, leading them both north through the market district.


    “We’ll have to go on foot.” Vizon explained as he walked. “Carriages only go to Souljraan and Yahneri Port.”


    “Alright. Alright, we…we can do this.” The Plusle said, breathing to calm himself. “Together, we can…alright.”


    The stone roads turned to cobblestone roads…then back to dirt. The dirt paths led out of the city, curving upward as they led out of the valley. The trudge out of the valley was the hardest, the nigh sheer hill occasionally making the team crawl on their hands and knees in the dirt path, passing by small houses and mini villages built into the side of the valley. Finally, after much hard hiking, they both crested the top of the valley, entering the thin strip of forest between them and Windscorch Mountain. Over old wood bridges crossing streams and rivers and unkempt woodland trails, the pair crossed the forest, the mountain looming more and more as they approached. Soon, the trees thinned and the ground became rockier as the trail took the pair right to the base.


    Avery took a heaving breath, squeezing Vizon’s hand again. The walk out here was tough – especially for someone with legs as short as his own. But Avery was here. He was in this world, He was…doing rescue work.


    At the site of their first, real mission.





    Vizon stared up at the mountain, a look of pure determination on his face.


    “So, there’s a bunch of bad guys in there, huh?” He said, his voice taking on a particular edge to it…like he was projecting his heroism. “Are you ready, buddy? Just like we did in the Dojo!”


    Avery took a deep breath. In, and out. In, and out.


    “Just like we did in the dojo.”


    ‘Windscorch Mountain. What a name for a first place to go…’


    Avery fastened his stuff, took Vizon’s hand…and began to walk.


    Vizon nodded, following Avery, the team leader, up the trail. It was narrow and rocky, but not untamed. The path was clearly not natural, cut from the very stone. It was hard to say who could have made it, the edges looked worn like it had been cut a long time ago. The path itself led up into a small thicket of trees growing in the rocky ground of the mountain…which then led to the open mouth of a cave nestled between two thick bushes.


    Vizon tugged Avery’s hand, stopping him.


    “Shh…do you hear that?” Vizon spoke, perking an ear.


    Voices. From within the cave. Jovial and laughing.


    “Bad guys…”


    “…Are you sure…?” Avery whispered, tilting his head. “Good guys can laugh too, y’know.”


    “No listen, that’s not a laugh. That’s a guffaw. Only bad guys guffaw. They do it while declaring how evil they are…”


    Vizon stepped forward, chest puffed out.


    “…Boy you’ve got a looot of assumptions to ya, huh?” Avery said, giving the Riolu a little look.


    “Assumptions-?!” Vizon balked. “What kind of Poke’mon do you take me for?? Here, look, I’ll prove it!”


    Indignantly, Vizon lept forward into the cave, vanishing!


    “HALT, EVILDOERS!” Avery heard Vizon’s voice call out, projecting a super hero voice. “SARFALLINUS’S GUILD HAS COME FOR YOU!”


    “Oh CACK, it’s the guild! RUN!”


    GET ‘IM!!!


    “See, Avery?! I TOLD y-EEP!!!”


    “V-Vizon are you kidding me-?!” Avery yelped in terror, stumbling forward after his reckless partner into the cave. He looked into the room with wide eyes, hackles raised, trying to see what he was up against. It was an unnatural cave, with wood beams and wood chairs decorating the space, lit only by torches.


    Avery ran in just in time to see Vizon CRASH into a bunch of barrels! The barrels shattered. Wood and splinters cascaded. A Venipede stood at the ready, a Taillow off to the side, flapping its wings in a panic.


    GET ‘IM AGAIN! AGAIN!” The Taillow squawked. 


    “Shoot-” Avery grimaced, curling his fist, trying to gather that energy again. He ran around, coming up from behind, jumping to plant another lightning-enhanced punch on the bug!


    OI, WH-


    The punch connected! Avery’s fist SLAMMED into the Venipede. The bug crashed through a table. Dust flew up. The lamps swayed.


    “Och, nope! No no no I ain’t doin’ that!” The Taillow cried out. He flew through a doorway leading deeper in.


    “W-wait!” Vizon weakly shouted, a wobbling arm raising out of the wreckage of barrels. The Riolu stumbled up to his feet, spitting out some blood. “I’m not done with you bad guys yet…!”


    He put his fists up, gritting his teeth.


    “Team Azure don’t run from nobody! We take danger HEAD ON!!”


    The Taillow ignored Vizon’s calls, shouting down the hall as he desperately flew.




    “Shoot. Shoot-!!” Avery grimaced, darting after the Taillow!


    ‘This guy’s like a megaphone or something!’


    He knew they couldn’t let him get the attention…! Avery went as fast as he could, feet pounding on the ground to try and land a hit on that thing so that it wouldn’t alert the entire mountain…!


    “That’s the spirit, Avery!” Vizon yelled. He steadied himself, running forward. His paws pounded the stone, running just behind Avery.




    Vizon pumped his arms, running as fast as he could.


    “AVERY! READY A THUNDERPUNCH!” Vizon called.


    “Y-you really should have kept quiet-” Avery groaned at Vizon, sparking his fist, running in range of the Taillow. He lunged, swinging his arms down to slam the bird.


    The taillow swooped, dodging the slam, soaring back out of range!


    NOPE!” The Taillow laughed. “Been dodgin’ you sparky types me whole life!”


    He beat his wings harder, streaking down the hall. Vizon thundered behind Avery.


    “Avery!” Vizon called between breaths. “I just thought of something! We can do the Electroaura Dual Souls Attack!”


    Avery looked back, a look of utter confusion on his face.


    “W-what are you talking about-?!” He shouted, eyes wide. “I’ve never heard of that-!”


    Vizon lunged forward and grabbed Avery, lifting him with both paws! Avery squeaked, feeling his legs leave the ground! Vizon jumped, spinning, pulling Avery back behind his head.


    JUST HIT HIM!!” Vizon yelled, putting ALL his EFFORT in…!




    and TOSSED Avery!


    The Plusle CAREENED toward the Taillow, spinning. The Wind SCREAMED in his ears.


    “Wh-?!” The Taillow yelped.


    Avery collided with the Taillow! Grabbed onto his body and one of their wings to pull them to the ground. Avery tried to channel that energy through their body-!!




    Electricity EXPLODED from the both of them, the thunderbolt practically FRYING the Taillow as he was knocked out.


    YES!” Vizon cheered!


    But, Avery was still in midair. With the Taillow in his arms he sailed down the hall.




    Avery broke clean through a table! Mugs scattered. Coffee and smoothies flew into the air. Splinters and dust and ash exploded.








    “Oh…” Vizon hissed, running as fast as his legs could carry him.


    Avery hissed in pain from the shattering splinter of going through a table, releasing the Taillow.


    “S-sorry-” he wheezed, dazed from the impact. All that was…tough on him. For the moment, he was still recovering from the force of the throw, unaware of his surroundings.


    “The badge!” A gruff voice yelled!


    Multiple poke’mon jumped back!




    Two more Taillows and another Venipede surrounded Avery at the table, fury in their eyes as they got ready.


    “They here fer that map fella?”


    “Wot, Sarfallinus’s Guide? What’d the guild want with small-time like us??”


    “Who cares! Does Bossman know!?”


    PILE ON HIM-!!


    The Taillow was cut-off. Vizon rocketed in, throwing both legs into a flying kick. The air CRACKED. The Taillow slammed into the wall as Vizon scrambled up to his feet quickly.




    “Avery, get up! Get up!” Vizon screamed, throwing an Oran berry at the Plusle.


    Avery groaned, getting up. The oran berry smacked into his face and rolled onto the splinters of the table. He quickly picked it up and shoved it into his mouth. He felt a little better from that…quite a bit better actually!


    He got up, seeing who he was surrounded by. His heart was roaring in his ears.


    “A…alright, I’m up, I’m up-! I…are we supposed to tear through all these guys-!? C-can’t we come to, I-I dunno, a peaceful resolution-?!”


    The Taillow against the wall recovered, soaring up in the air with his companion.


    “The peaceful resolution’s that you LAY DOWN AN’ DIE.” The Venipede yelled, curling into a ball and rolling out toward Avery!


    Avery yelped, mowed down by the Venipede! He felt a stabbing prick on his lower chest as it tore into him, letting out a yelp of pain! He was able to land a weak slap on it as it went, but a numbing coldness pulsed from the wound. That…couldn’t be good.


    “That or we’s take you hostage, too!”


    “Ohh no, not that, that’ll REALLY put us in hot water! Better we knock’em out and get outta here!”


    Vizon clawed at the Taillow just out of reach, jumping uselessly.


    “You won’t!” The Riolu yelled out. “Bad guys never win!”


    “HAW y’hear this kid? We’re the bad guys!”


    The Taillow laughed cruelly, dive-bombing Vizon and striking him! The hit made him spin right into another strike from another enemy, knocking him down on his back.


    Avery staggered to his feet, a trickle of red staining his fur where he’d been hit. He heard Vizon’s cry of pain, distracted a moment but refocusing on that bug…!


    “I-I mean you’re literally taking someone hostage!” Avery shouted, feeling dizzy. “H-how would you define yourself-!?”


    “Jus’ a couple of lads trying to make an honest enough buck in Arceus’s own country!” A Taillow laughed. He dove for Vizon again. The Riolu narrowly dodged, stumbling.


    The Venipede readied itself for another rollout, revving a spin in place, kicking up dust!


    “Oi! Go tell bossman that Sarfi’s guild is here!”


    The Taillows snickered to one another, one of them swooping away to the next room. Avery could already hear the shuffles of Poke’mon getting ready inside. Avery backed up, whipping his head around, assessing the situation.


    “V…Vizon…?” Avery grimaced, looking over at the Riolu for just a moment. “This is bad, this is really bad-!”


    He squared his feet, sparking his fist again. If the Venipede was going to charge Avery again, he was going to be ready. He’d meet him head on. Vizon grit his teeth, eyes widened. He darted his head between the Taillow, the Venipede, and the other room. The situation was out of control, spiraling out of their favor rapidly, it was plain to see.


    Vizon took a deep breath, closing his eyes.


    Then…he smiled. A warm smile. He looked to Avery, his eyes sparkling encouragingly.


    “Bad? It’s not bad!” Vizon spoke, gusto in his voice. “We’re Team Azure! We never lose!”


    The Taillow dove! Vizon’s brow furrowed. His fist glowed.


    His arm flew forward.


    He roared!


    The Taillow CRASHED into his mach punch! A CRACK shuttered the walls! Vizon slammed forward, the Taillow spun in the air. Crashed to the rock.


    “Never!” Vizon’s voice shook the rock walls!


    The Venipede finished his revving. He rocketed towards Avery.


    “Avery!” Vizon yelled, a grin across his face. “Do your best, hero!”


    Time seemed to slow. Avery could see the remnants of wooden furniture crunch beneath the Venipede as it charged towards him, curled up to use its carapace as a spiky sharp shell. He could see his target. But he knew it’d be hard to hit. The Venipede was curled up, spinning, and charging straight towards him.


    A pulse of numbness shot through Avery’s left side. A jolt of electricity surged through his right.


    Do your best, hero.


    ‘How did I get myself into this…?’


    Things sped up. The Venipede roared towards Avery with the force of a truck. He felt splinters flick up into his face as he sidestepped! He jammed his fist into the side of the rolling Poke’mon, the only weak spot he could see, and discharged!


    A ring of smoke BILLOWED.


    All the static in the room CONVERGED.


    The Venipede YELPED.


    The sheer force TORE through him. All that energy RIPPING through the air.


    Vizon squinted. Splinters and ash exploded outward!


    C R A S H


    The smoke was CUT through by the Venipede as he smashed into the wall! He cratered into it, stuck in the rock, completely dazed.


    The walls SHOOK.


    A lantern fell, SHATTERING.


    “Avery!” Vizon roared with joy, laughing!


    Avery let out a breath, coughing and staggering as he recovered. His right arm was tingling from the sheer force of the blast. His ears rang lightly, but he tried to refocus once more, looking over at the cheering Riolu. The enemies in this room were defeated, but the battle was clearly only just beginning.


    ” Y-you good, Vizon?” Avery called. “We still need to find the map and the hostage!”


    Before Vizon could answer, a voice rang out over the stone walls.


    You’ll do no such thing!


    Avery jumped, looking to the archway ahead. Two more Taillow entered from the next room, rolling their heads to crack their neck joints. Behind them entered two more Venipedes.


    And from the dark of the next room…two eyes glowed threateningly.


    Avery gulped, intimidated. The bandit’s glares burrowed into the pair as both sides stood their ground in that room.


    “Us an’ the Bossman’s gunna give you a proper thrashin’…” One of the Venipedes spoke, voice laced with hate.


    “You kids…think you can flash your little badges and throw your weight around on our turf?” A deep, rumbling voice rolled over the room, the glowing eyes from the dark narrowing.


    Vizon stood his ground.


    We are the kings of this castle, not a bunch of wannabe heroes. Go home back to mommy. A’fore yer milk gets cold.”


    Avery stumbled over to Vizon, standing beside him. The Plusle was a little more shaken than he was – and was starting to feel dizzy.


    “V… Vizon, the uh… I think…one of them got me pretty good,” Avery whispered. Vizon nodded, passing him an Oran Berry.


    “You might be poisoned…” The Riolu whispered. “Just stay awake, whatever you do…it’ll fade if we can hold out long enough.”


    “P-poisoned-?!” Avery sputtered. That was a scary word…!


    His eyes went back to the door, chowing down another oran berry. The energy helped…but he knew he was on borrowed time. They’d have to wrap this up soon. Avery’s pulse picked up as he looked on at the opposing side. Taillow and Venipedes, plus a mystery Poke’mon. Four more enemies they’d seen before. And one they still couldn’t see.


    ‘Alright, Arceus, any help here for your hero…?’


    “We’re…we’re here for the map and the hostage…!” Avery panted. The previous battles had taken much more of a toll on him than I would have liked. “… Look, you’ve got a lot of nice stuff here I really don’t want to see more of it broken…!”


    The deep voice cackled, those glowing eyes in the dark archway flaring. The lackeys cackled with him.


    “Who’re you to make demands?” The mystery Poke’mon roared threateningly. “Two greenhorn nobodies that think they’re special?”


    “Greenhorn or not you’re a bad guy!” Vizon shot back, clenching his fist. “And Team Azure never loses the bad guy! You’re going down and we’re getting that map and hostage! Right, Avery?”


    “R… Right!” The Plusle steadied himself.


    ‘Vizon…really liked saying the term ‘bad guy’. Maybe try ‘bandit’ or ‘brigand’ at some point-‘


    The voice laughed again.


    “The bravado! The sheer GALL of these kids!” It guffawed, making Vizon get at the ready. “Alright, boys, you heard the lil tike! They want to tussle like BIG BOYS!”


    The Poke’mon all laughed. Slowly, the Mystery Poke’mon in the shadows moved forward. The shadows slipped away from its body as it was revealed, crossing into the light, its eyes glowing afire with domination and hate. He floated in the air with a menacing aura, his…pink…body glowing in the torchlight, cat-ears twitching cutely, green leafy tassles upon his head waving in the wind of the cavern.


    Avery was…almost stunned by the appearance of the big boss.


    At last, the Poke’mon, ‘Bossman’, was revealed…a Hoppip?!


    GET ‘IM, BOYS” he squeaked!


    “… Did… Did your voice go up three octaves just now-?”


    Avery shook his head. Vizon had the hardest time with Taillow, and there were two of them here. The Plusle seemed to be able to take them down easiest, so he figured he’d handle them first.


    “Vizon, can you do that… A… Aurashock…thing again??” Avery knew it’d bring him closer to everyone, but he was able to take down a bird in one shot before. If they could do that again, it’d be a four on two, rather than five.


    The Riolu nodded sharply. At Avery’s word, Vizon immediately grabbed the Plusle. Avery squeaked again from being picked up.


    “Yeah that one-!” The Plusle said, bracing himself as Vizon began his throw.


    “AURASHOCK! DUAL! SOULS! ATTAAACK!” He screamed, spinning on his heel, LUGGING Avery at the first Taillow he saw.




    Everyone scattered as Avery careened to the Taillow!


    Once again he collided hard – but this time he was ready! The force slammed the both of them into a wall. Avery was able to drive it just a bit deeper with a thunderous punch. The impact rattled his skull, and the both of them fell once again to the ground, prone.


    The Taillow was out instantly, the walls shuttering again. Dust and debris fell from the ceiling!


    “What’re you doing?!” The Hoppip, Bossman, yelled. “Attack, you morons!”


    The other Taillow double-backed from his retreat, swooping in right for Vizon! But the Riolu was ready. His paws shot out, grabbing the Taillow by the neck and wing!




    Vizon spun! He TOSSED the Taillow into a Venipede as it tried to rev up a rollout. Both pokemon slammed into the wall!


    The second Venipede charged from behind! Vizon looked back, only to get steamrolled by the rollout. The Venipede kept rolling, skidding on the rock, turning, revving for another hit!


    “Avery!” Vizon spluttered, trying to get to his feet as the 2nd Taillow and 1st Venipede recovered. “Are you okay?!”


    “I-I’m fine for now-! Watch yourself-” Avery got to his feet, dusting himself off. He shot a look at the Bossman.


    “Alright…” Avery got into a defensive stance, face hardening. “Are we good…? Or are you just gonna…keep going?”


    “I’m not finished yet, boy!” The Hopip grinned cruelly, taunting Avery in his squeaky voice. “You look pretty sick, hm...? All that poison in your veins…how long do you really think you’re going to-NOW! GET HIM!


    From behind, the second Taillow slammed into the first Venipede, catapulting it straight toward Avery!


    The Plusle was once again mowed over with a yelp! His face drove into the dirt!


    YOU PLAY WITH THE BIG BOYS AND YOU…G-Get the horns??” Bossman laughed with a cough. “You know what I mean!”


    “Avery!” Vizon screamed, running for his partner, only for the 2nd Venipede to slam into him again. The Riolu tumbled onto the ground, the Venipede skidding to turn again.


    Avery grunted. He didn’t feel that same horrible poison prick thankfully, but the added force from the Taillow’s slam made that hurt much more than a normal one would…! He pushed himself up, his arms shaking.


    Avery was scared. This was a real crime gang. They’d kidnapped someone.


    ‘…they’d kidnapped someone.’


    A bolt of adrenaline rushed through Avery, and he pushed himself back up, gritting his teeth.


    “Boy, your gang must be really small time if you need this many people to take down two greenhorns, huh…!?” Avery shouted, trying to force a smile on his face. Vizon struggled to his feet, lifting his head to look at his partner, barely able to move.


    Both Venipedes and the Taillow stopped and stared at Avery with Bossman.


    “Hah! Big words coming from a Poke’mon at the disadvantage!” Bossman taunted.


    The Venipedes revved.


    The Taillow Flapped his wings hard.


    A’ight, boys!” Bossman yelled. “You know what to do!


    All three Poke’mon converged at once on Avery!


    The Plusle’s cheeks sparked. His right hand surged with energy…and he jumped.


    Avery felt his leg catch on one of the Venipede spikes. But he was able to grab the leg of the Taillow, pull, and drive it down into the pile! Avery pushed the bird down, shoving it against the shredding wheel of a Venipede at it SLAMMED into the attack. Avery grunted, his back taking the brunt of the other rollout! But he stood his ground, straining under the pressure of the meatgrinder of rollouts the Venipedes put him and the Taillow between!


    Vizon gaped, watching him.


    The Taillow yelped! The attack broke! Became chaos! The Poke’mon stumbled and all piled into one another haphazardly!




    That did it! The Taillow was out! The electricity surged down through him, cascading into the Venipedes!


    Avery grunted, buckling. The strike to his back was the final nail in the coffin. All at once, he lost his senses…and dropped.


    “Avery! No!” Vizon screamed in terror, watching as the Plusle fell.


    HAW! That’s one!” Bossman yelled, turning his head toward the weakened Vizon who could barely even move, let alone heal himself.


    The last Venipede recovered, the other one out cold.


    “You may have taken out a good chunk of my men…but it’s two on one and things aren’t looking good for you…”


    Vizon huffed in fear. Avery could barely keep his eyes open, consciousness failing him, the world growing hazier…hazier.


    But something in Avery’s satchel…began to glow.


    Both Bossman and the Venipede faced Vizon, leaving Avery for fainted.


    Further and further…Avery drifted off, the inky blackness of unconsciousness finally taking him.


    The world vanished.


    Everything was still…


    Then something happened.


    With a faint flash, that lone reviver seed, bought as a hasty gesture of love toward a certain eevee…turned to a plain seed.


    The black of unconsciousness melted at once. Avery’s eyes shot open. His heart LEAPT from his chest, a burst of energy overtaking him all at once! All the fatigue, the pain, the poisoning numbness, it all vanished!


    In front of him! The last Venipede, its back to Avery, revved, kicking up rocks, dust, the Bossman cackling as Vizon looked on in pure terror!


    Avery took in a sharp breath of air, pushing himself to his feet! The Bossman let loose a roaring command!




    “Shut up!!


    Avery jolted forward! Refreshed, renewed, like he only just woke up! He leapt in the air, fist crackling with electric power! The wind screamed in his ears! He twisted his body sharply! His fist slammed on the back of the Hoppip’s head, a discharge of power exploding from impact!





    Completely caught off guard! A sneak attack! The Hoppip SHOT off like a rocket from the punch, FLYING across the room! Vizon whipped his head to follow it as Bossman slammed into the wall.


    He bounced! Flying to another wall he bounced again! Another wall! Another! Ping-Ponging around the room! The Venipede stumbled, panicking, confused, until the Hoppip streaked into him like a missile!


    The Poke’mon SLAMMED into one another! The explosion of the force shuddered the floor! The walls SHOOK. The rocks and pebbles JUMPED. Dust SCATTERED. SWIRLED.


    Vizon fell to one knee, eyes wide. Wobbling.




    Avery’s eyes went wide.


    “…Like a pinball-” The Plusle muttered, landing, arm tingling and throbbing from the force. He used the opening to quickly run to Vizon’s side, taking an Oran berry from the bag and pushing it into the Riolu’s mouth. “Y…you okay…?”


    Vizon spluttered, trying to answer before chewing the berry, swallowing hard. Feeling the healing overtake his body, he shakily nodded his head.


    “Yeah…Avery that…that was amazing…!” He smiled wide. “Like a true guild member…a hero!


    He was practically bouncing from excitement. But the celebration was short-lived.


    “How DARE you!”


    The voice of Bossman rang at he pushed the Venipede off, the bug Poke’mon rolling away, unconscious. Avery and Vizon jumped, getting back at the ready.


    “You think that’s the end? You still got me to worry about!” The Hoppip bellowed! “I’m the boss for a reason! Now I’m going to show you the depth of my power! I’ll send you crying back to mommy! In a box!


    Vizon clenched his fists, gritting his teeth. Avery turned towards him, fists crackling with a newfound electricity. He was really starting to get the hang of this.


    ‘Or maybe it was just a lucky break.’


    “Alright, Pinball, show us what you’ve got!” Avery laughed a bit, shaking his head to get the jitters out. He taunted to psyche himself up…but in his heart felt genuinely worried what the boss of a criminal gang could be capable of.


    The Bossman prepared, his face twisting into a look of pure focus and hate…and charged the both of them!


    Rocketed towards them!




    …and did a splash.


    “unf…” he squeaked. “Take that…”


    Another splash.


    “and that…”


    Another splash.


    Avery just…watched him. And…watched. And watched.


    The Plusle walked forwards, nudging Bossman with his foot as the Hoppip flopped on the ground.


    “Er…That looks like it’s hurting you more than it’s hurting us, Pinball…”


    “M’not a pinball..” The Hoppip whined, falling over, unable to get up. “I’m gunna…dangit, hang on.”


    Bossman rolled, trying and failing to get back up.


    “Stupid…guild…stupid…” He squeaked indignantly. Vizon snickered, pinching between his eyes.


    “Alright, Avery…I think you earned this one.” The Riolu said, gesturing to Avery’s badge. “You can press that to our ‘outlaw’ and send him straight to the Arceali dungeon.”


    “No wait, hang on, I almost…” The Hopip struggled to get up. “…hang on…no wait…hhh…hang on.”


    Avery wiped his forehead, giving Vizon a little smile. He didn’t want to admit it…but he was extremely relieved the Hoppip was a pushover. He’d been genuinely worried something bad was about to happen.


    “We really pulled through that, huh…?” Avery looked around at the hideout. “…Really would have liked to have some of those tables for our room, to be honest, but…”


    He approached the Hoppip, sighing. Deep breath in…deep breath out.


    “See you in court, Pinball,” Avery huffed, taking his badge off…and pressing it against Bossman’s back. The badge glowed, and the Hoppip disappeared with a bright, blinding flash. Vizon put a hand on Avery’s shoulder, a wide smile on his face…a glint of disbelief in his eye as he looked at the now empty and silent bandit hideout.


    “We did it…we really did it!” He said, overjoyed, bouncing. “Do you know what means? We’re a real team! One with an actual victory under our belt! Arceus above, Avery we’re a bona-fide Arceali Guild team!”


    He laughed, wrapping his arms around the Plusle, pulling him in a tight bear hug, the sheer depth of joy overflowing. Avery squeaked, pulled up into the hug, pressed face-first into Vizon by his arms.


    “We’re HEROES, Avery! Us!” he cried, dancing with his partner in his arms. His joy was contagious, and Avery found himself laughing into him, hugging the Riolu as tightly as he could right back.


    “W-we really did, huh…?”


    Avery perked up his head, remembering something.


    “Oh, w…well, almost.” Avery looked up at his partner. “We haven’t finished the job quite yet, have we…? There’s still two parts left to do…!”


    “Right!” Vizon agreed, gently setting Avery down, still ecstatic. “I have to say…I’m…proud of you, Avery. You exude a lot more confidence…you’re a new Poke’mon, I’d say.”


    He chuckled, squeezing the Plusle’s shoulder in his hand as he turned to face the doorway leading deeper in.


    “C’mon, let’s go rescue the cartographer!” Vizon cheered, running forward, beckoning the Plusle to follow.


    “Wait-” Avery called, holding his hand out. “Wait up-!” He followed after, deeper into the hideout.


    ‘Wait. Don’t put me down yet…


    Avery pushed those thoughts down a little more. Maybe…maybe not now! For the moment, Avery cupped his hands to his mouth, calling out.


    “Hello? Cartographer? Are you here?”


    The next room was empty, save from a chair or two, knocked over from the gang member’s rush to fight him and Vizon. But the pair could see a light up ahead. Vizon excitedly ran for the light, shadow stretching across the room.


    When they both exited, they found themselves at the top of Windscorch mountain. A chill blew across the rock, both of them close to the snowy peak. There, tied by a rope to a post, was a Marill, staring at Vizon and Avery with a terrified expression.


    “What’s going on???” She cried, eyes darting to and fro between them both. “Are you with them?”


    “…Oh my god-” Avery’s eyes went wide. It was cold up here. “They just tied you up like that?? Hold on-“


    Avery moved forwards, standing in front of her, and pointed to his badge.


    “We’re, uh, we’re Team Azure. We’re with the Arceliaze Guild! We’re here to bring you and the map back. Let me, uh…” The Plusle moved around back, looking for the knot to start getting her free. “What’s your name…? Are you hurt?”


    “My name?” She shivered, blinking. “Oh Arceus above, the Arcealize Guild? Thank goodness I thought…I thought nobody was coming, it’s been DAYS I…huff, yes. I have the map. It’s very important I get it back to Castle Arceali. The Arceliaze Board of Historical Research commissioned this map special for…”


    Her eyes widened, looking upward.


    A shadow began to overtake the three of them.


    “L-l-l-look out!” She shrieked, curling in a ball.


    Vizon gasped, looking up, grabbing Avery’s arm and pulling him away. The Plusle yelped, falling against the ground, looking up at the sky.


    Just in time…!


    Something…something big slammed into the ground where Avery once stood. Dust kicked up, blinding all…


    Vizon coughed. “What…what now??”


    “W…we need to get Marill free and get her back into the hideout!” Avery’s heart sped up as he looked up at the silhouette. It was easy for him to say that…but Avery felt almost paralyzed by fear. “G-go! Hurry…!!”


    Avery couldn’t move. He couldn’t move at all.


    ‘What…what is this thing-?!’


    The figure…that thing…stood…


    The mound stood into a grand silhouette in the cascading dust.


    A single wing slowly unfurled from the mound. It glanced back, eyes glowing through the dust…before it turned its attention to the Marill.


    Vizon let Avery go, taking a step forward.


    “The map, if y’please.” The thing spoke, its voice rumbling like an earthquake.


    “I…I…” The Marill stammered.


    “Just…the map.”


    The Silhouette bent down. Avery could hear the sound of a rope snapping…and something being snatched.


    “Thank you.”


    Slowly, the dust began to settle…fall away…until the creature that stood before them was revealed.



    “T…w…w-wait-” Avery tried to step forward. He was under no illusions as to what was letting him stand up to this thing.


    It was adrenaline, that’s it.


    “Wait, we need…we need to turn that map in.” Avery stammered. “You can’t have it-!”


    Vizon, nodded, standing tall with Avery.


    “You…you’re a bad guy…” The Riolu spoke, voice wavering. “…we can’t let you take that map…!”


    The Dragonite squinted his eyes, turning to the team, revealing his full form. An X-shaped scar adorned his face. One wing was missing, along with one of this head tendrils.


    “Badges…” The Dragonite rumbled, his voice deep and heavy. “…Sarfi’s Guild, huh? ‘Fraid I don’t recognize you personally.”


    “We…we’re Team Azure. Avery and Vizon!” The Riolu spoke with as much confidence as he could. “And…we’ll stop you…e-evildoer…!”


    The Dragonite wasn’t fazed.



    “Then stop me.”


    “…” Avery clenched his fist. He…didn’t even come up to this guy’s ankle. Avery knew he couldn’t beat this guy.


    “Why do you need it? We have to bring it back to the guild, it’s…It obviously doesn’t belong to you. Why…why are you stealing it?”


    Avery tried to speak without his voice cracking.


    “I’ve a vested interest.” The Dragonite replied coldly. “Why do you think I’d tell you? So you could report it, tell the whole world?”


    His eyes traced between Avery and Vizon.


    “You can have th’lass. I only need this. Call it a job half-done.” He rumbled.


    “No!” Vizon shouted, fists clench. “Never! Team Azure…Team Azure never gives up!”


    He shot forward, fist reared back, slamming it into the Dragonite’s stomach.


    The Dragonite didn’t flinch. Didn’t budge.




    The Dragonite put a clawed hand to Vizon’s head, SLAMMING it into the rock.


    Dust rocketed out, billowed. The mountain shuddered. A crater formed around Vizon’s head.


    Vizon didn’t move.


    “Sarfi’s guild…M’not a fan o’ these lapdogs lining up with delusions of heroism…” The Dragonite squinted, lifting Vizon’s head. The Riolu’s eyes were wide open, but the boy was out cold. “Arceus above…you’re not but pups. This is what Sarfi’s sending out to me these days?”


    He shook his head, dropping Vizon’s head, standing back up, staring Avery down.


    The ground shook. Avery was…terrified for Vizon. But…he knew that he couldn’t win this. And he had to stay awake and able to bring Vizon back.


    “…I can’t face you.” Avery swallowed. “The map was…t-the main objective. But if I face you now…I-I might not even get Marill back safely.”


    The Plusle was trembling.


    ‘I didn’t…I’m going to get torn into for this…’


    Avery felt he was justifying this more to himself than to the Dragonite.


    “Wise. S’rare to see in the guild these days.” The Dragonite replied. He stepped over Vizon, his heavy footfalls thrumming over the rock as he approached. Closer…closer, looming, casting a shadow over Avery


    …before he walked right past the Plusle, not laying a single finger on him.


    “If y’need report anything…I guess you can tell ol’ Sarfi…” The Dragonite turned his head, a glint in his eye…a smile smile crossing his muzzle. “Xamao’s back. And it’ll take more than his puff and embers to put me down again.”


    With a deep, rumbling chuckle, Xamao left, his thumping footsteps growing more and more faint as he disappeared into the Windscorch Mountain caves.


    The Marill looked terrified, her eyes darting between Avery and the now unconscious Vizon.


    ‘Xamao. Xamao. Xamao. Don’t forget.’


    As soon as the Dragonite left, Avery’s legs let him move. He quickly rushed to Vizon’s side, taking a berry and pushing it against his mouth.


    “Wake up…c-come on, wake…” He took a deep breath.


    ‘Stay calm. Just…stay calm.’


    Avery lifted his head, looking at Marill, trying to quell his fear.


    “Just…give me a moment, and…and we’ll get you back safe…alright?”


    Avery pressed the more berry more and more into Vizon’s mouth. It was ignored…he couldn’t chew it. But as Avery pushed it in Vizon’s mouth, automatic processes took over, the Riolu’s body drawing the berry in and swallowing.


    Vizon’s pupils shrank, a wracking cough escaping his lungs as he pressed up against Avery, dazed and confused.


    “Avery..what…what’s…?” he slurred, punch drunk. The Marill stood up, panicked, running up to the pair.


    “Arceus, oh Arceus get us out of here! If we spend one more moment in this crazy place something else is sure to happen!” She babbled, looking about. “The badge! Get us out of here with the badge…!”


    Avery nodded, looking at the badge.


    ‘How…do I do this…? Was there a switch here? Come on, come on, take us home…’


    The little badge glowed a soft yellow, a glow which grew brighter…brighter, enveloping all three of them in its divine brilliance, whisking them away from the top of Windscorch Mountain all at once.


    Back to Arceliaze.


    Back to the Guild.



    Results: Team Azure Successfully Cleared Windscorch Mountain!

    Recruits: None

    Rewards: 2,500 p


    Chapter 4.2





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