The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 4.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The darkness of sleep…


    It overtook Avery again. The rumble of the empty room faded.


    Slowly, nothing was left but the dark.


    And a lightweight feeling.


    Something deep in Avery’s heart knew what was coming.


    At last, he was proven right. The orb, that familiar orb appeared, blinding him. He flinched, shielding his eyes as he looked.


    “…Arceus…?” he asked slowly. He was starting to get familiar with this. “Arceus, I spoke with Olistia. I…I joined a guild.”


    The orb sat in the darkness…but there was no reply.


    There was a faint buzzing. But everything was otherwise silent. Arceus’s voice did not come.


    “…hello?” Avery called. “Are you there? I’m…I’m here. I’m back.”


    He looked around in the darkness. Listening for Arceus’s voice…gave wind to that buzzing noise. And that came with…memories.


    Other voices. Ones he couldn’t make out, from the other dreams he’d had. Other voices from the orb itself, other voices from…elsewhere.


    Even in that first darkness, as faint a memory as it was now, Avery heard voices that weren’t Arceus.


    ‘But…this was all a half dream, right?’


    Avery strained his ears…he could hear voices. Distant…faint…but not coming from the orb.


    “…many are out at once?”


    “…or take 12, but this is a special case.”


    There was a shuffling.


    “…I just…hope he doesn’t forget he’s human.”


    “…one last change. Open it.”


    Avery was confused.


    “Is anyone there?” Avery called out.


    ‘Were…were they talking about me?’ He thought to himself. ‘Who were they? Open what? What was that noise? Where was I…?’


    The voices continued, though their words became nigh impossible to understand, so faint were they. The orb brightened, overtaking Avery’s vision once again, blinding him.


    [[ EJECT ]]


    ‘Eject?? Eject what-‘




    Avery woke up with a yelp. There was a terrible, crashing metallic trill! He grabbed his ears and folded them down across his face to try and mute the sound.


    “W-what the f-?!”


    Vizon yelped, popping up into the air with a start, tumbling down onto the floor with a loud thud.






    The Riolu rubbed his head in pain, blinking bleary-eyed toward the window. A faint blue light hung over the world outside as dawn just barely began to break.




    Vizon groaned, standing up, walking back toward the bed to lean over Avery.


    “Wake up call…” He muttered hazily. “You up?”


    Avery’s eyes stung. He pulled his ears down over his face tighter, groaning to himself, and rolled back onto the mattress with his eyes squeezed shut.


    “‘Mm…not a fan of that…” Avery grumbled. The mattress wasn’t the most comfortable bed. But even then, sleep was sleep, and Avery could feel it calling to him again…




    The inclination to return to sleep was beaten out of the both of them, the shrill sound of a powerful gong shuddering both their skulls.


    “C’mon…” Vizon yawned, picking up his satchel, proudly putting his badge on his chest. “…it’s our first! Team Azure’s first day of guild work!”


    “How many times are they going to sound that thing-” Avery groaned, finally rolling off the mattress and flopping onto the floor. He’d neglected to take the badge off last night, so…it was still there on his chest. The plusle rubbed at his eyes, face screwed up. At least the room was relatively dark since it was dawn, so the light didn’t sting.


    “Can’t be late on the first day….!” Vizon squealed, rubbing his paws together, his sleepy expression replaced with one of true glee. “Oh boy oh boy, it’s happening. This is really happening!”


    “Alright…alright, I’m up. Let’s…” Avery yawned, stretching himself out as best as he could. “Let’s get to roll call.”


    With nary any hesitation, Vizon flung the door open, stepping into the hall and beckoning Avery to follow. Outside, the Riolu immediately spotted figures exiting their rooms, walking toward the guild hall.


    “Alright…here we go!”


    ‘…Deep breaths in, deep breaths out.’ Avery’s mind buzzed with inner thoughts while Vizon tried to psyche himself up. ‘…I really hope that nobody out there is as tall as the Guildmaster…I already feel short.’


    Rubbing at his eyes, Avery trudged after Vizon with much less energy than the Riolu was showing, with Avery shuffling his feet as he moved out into the hallway for their first day as part of the guild.


    Avery could hear the guild master’s voice coming from the Main Hall as Poke’mon filed into it from the dorms.


    “Good morning, Nivanee.”


    “Good morning!”


    “Good morning, Aquashock.” 






    Avery could make out other voices in the main hall, replying to the gruff infernape.


    “Good morning, Spade.”




    “To you as well, Guild Master.”


    At last the pair stepped out into the Main Hall, seeing a group of Pokemon standing at attention before the Guild Master’s office.


    Sarfallinus pounced.




    Avery yelped from the sudden volume of the yell, clinging to Vizon.


    The infernape’s voice and disposition changed as he leaned in with exaggerated attention and a peppy voice drenched in maliciously cheery venom. A wide faux friendly smile spread from ear to ear on Sarfallinus’s face as he stared at the pair dead-on, being sure every ounce of attention in the room was draw directly onto Avery and Vizon.


    Vizon’s face went flush. Avery quickly separated himself from Vizon, and just began rubbing his thumb against his side to try and self soothe.


    “Why don’t you stand up here by me so e’ryone can meet the new teeeaaam~


    ‘What’s this guy’s problem…?’ Avery thought. ‘Didn’t know your idol guild’s leader was such an asshole, Vizon…’


    Embarrassed, the pair shuffled up next to the Infernape , and the two could see the rest of the guild mates. Avery gave a furtive glance around the room to try and gauge how everyone else was taking this. Despite it being such a large guildhall that could obviously accommodate dozens of Poke’mon standing, the space was strangely empty with only five other Pokemon there. Among them was a Torchic and a Squirtle standing by one another, a Piplup and a Shinx also grouped and finally an Eevee standing by herself.


    All of them smiled politely, though Avery could see the sympathy in their eyes as the Guild Master singled them both out.


    “Go on, then~!” Sarfallinus encouraged, he pat Avery and Vizon both on the back…forcefully. Avery yelped, stumbling forward from the force of a hand two thirds his size slamming into his back. The plusle picked himself up and looked out at everyone. “Introduce yourselves.”


    ‘At least nobody out there is as antagonistic as Sarfallinus seems to be.’


    “… I… I’m Avery,” He said, still fighting some sleepiness his his voice. “This is Vizon. We’re… The newest recruits. Team Azure. It’s…nice to meet you all.”


    Vizon looks completely paralyzed, his eyes wide and staring at the group of Poke’mon before him.


    The Guild Master pushed the pair forward, clearly encouraging them to talk to each one individually. Vizon was shuddering as they were ‘guided’ in front of the Torchic and the Squirtle…and couldn’t say a word.


    ‘…Great. Vizon is starstruck.’ Avery thought, huffing to himself as he stood before the Torchic.


    The Torchic eyed them both, sizing them up, while the Squirtle only politely stared, hands behind his back. It seemed like he was waiting for someone else to speak.


    Indeed, the Torchic broke the silence.


    YEEEESSSS!!! We’re not the newbies anymore! Yes yes yes!” She cheered, the Squirtle laughing quietly as she pulled him into a hug. “Ok, ok, AS YOUR SENIOR you’re now MY RIVAL!!”


    She pointed a wing directly at Avery, like it was a challenge.


    “I’m LAHNAE!” The Torchic said forcefully, leaning close. “And you’re AVERY? Avery versus Lahnae…an epic battle awaits us….”


    Avery flinched each time Lahnae raised her voice, The Squirtle laughed again, a soft and mirthful laugh, covering his mouth,


    “Well…” the Squirtle smiled, his voice tapering off as he eyed Lahnae. “…I don’t wanna rob Lahnae of all the fun. Lahnae…?”


    He seemed kind of…shy in an odd kind of way. The Torchic patted the Squirtle on the shoulder, taking that as her cue.


    “This is Loshjno.” She said, introducing the Squirtle on his behalf before getting serious, shouting. “BE NICE TO HIM!!!!!


    Avery gave a little nod, but felt a bit…worried.


    “I’m… Not really looking to make any enemies,” The plusle said, rubbing at the back of his head.


    “Enemies??? Whaaaat?? No we’re gunna be BEST FRIENDS that get in SCUFFS AND FIGHTS ALL THE TIME but always MAKE UP IN THE END!” Lahnae protested. “LIKE CMOOON I ALWAYS WANTED A RIVAL!! PLEEEAAASE???


    “I…! I don’t know if I’d make a good rival right now, since… I’m pretty new to…” Avery shot a furtive glance over his shoulder to Sarfallinus, before leaning in to whisper. “…everything. But I’m…hoping that being here will be good for improving, and not just…being mercilessly bullied by authority figures…”


    “Yeah, what’s Guildmaster got it out for you for, huh??”  Lahnae prodded, whispering back, although her whisper was still somewhat above inside-voice. “I didn’t see you yesterday, didn’t you just join?”


    Avery could hear the Infernape snort behind him and shook his head, deciding to drop it. Lahnae didn’t seem to catch on but Avery quickly changed the subject anyway.


    “Are you and Loshjno a team…?” He asked, trying to make at least some sort of conversation. “Vizon’s told me about this guild, he’s…inspired by the teams in it. Aren’t you, Vizon…?”


    Avery turned to him, elbowing the Riolu’s side, desperately trying to involve him in the conversation.


    ‘I’m an amnesiac, man, come on, you can’t leave me like this!’


    Vizon, in response to Avery’s elbowing…babbles.


    “Tuh…tuh…team spade….” he stammered, referring to Lahnae and Loshjno.


    “Yeah, we’re a team! Team Spade! Right Loshjno?”


    “Mhm…” Loshjno replied, a soft smile on his face as he spoke little. Lahnae leaned over, patting him on the back as if to reaffirm their partnership.


    “You can tell we’re a team from our handkerchiefs! Check’em out!”


    Lahnae stuck her chest out, showing a handkerchief with a spade symbol, Loshjno wore a matching one around his own neck. Avery looked down at the spade buffs, and smiled a little.


    “It’s a good name. Really catchy.” The plusle looked back up to Lahnae.


    An attention-grabbing cough sounded off down the line, the other three guild Poke’mon staring expectantly at Team Spade.


    ‘… Oh wait was-…Was this a procession? I thought that I was…’


    “Uh, I’ll… update you on that later, it’s a whole thing-” Avery whispered. He took Vizon’s hand and tugged him further down the line. “Vizon, uh… Who are… The other three here..?”


    ‘…Was it just me, or was a guild with only five members kind of… Odd? Or was I missing something here…?’


    “They…they are…” Vizon clammed up, shrinking back. The Piplup was next in line along with the Shinx, the latter staring up at the ceiling absentmindedly.


    “Hello there.” The Piplup spoke, his voice somewhat nasally but no less kind. “I would be Kipuuna, team captain of two-prong Arceali Guild Team Aquashock.”


    “Y-yeah…” Vizon stammered, pressing against Avery. The Piplup smiled warmly.


    “No need to be so shy, friend, we’re all guildmates here! We’re the second oldest team here registered under Sarfallinus.” Kipuuna glanced at the Shinx, gesturing toward him. “And this is my friend…”


    The Shinx said nothing. Kipuuna sighed quietly.


    “This…is my friend. My best friend…” He prodded, nudging the Shinx. “….my frriiiiiiieeeend….?”


    “Huh…?” The Shinx’s voice was deep, laced with inattentiveness.


    “My friend’s name iiiis….?” Kipuuna prodded, egging his partner on.


    “I dunno…you got lots of friends, don’t you?” The Shinx replied, not paying attention. Kipuuna grunted.


    “Ganisus. His name is Ganisus.”


    “Ohhh, me. Okay.”


    ‘…Very eccentric members so far…’ Avery noted.


    “Kipunna and Ganisus, it’s nice to meet you,” The Plusle said with a little nod, chuckling as he looked to the Riolu. “Sorry about Vizon, he’s, uh… I think he’s a little starstruck. I’m kind of working off of a day and a half of memories myself, otherwise I’d probably be in a similar situation to him. It’s really nice to meet you both…!”


    Avery glanced over at Vizon again and tugged his hand. “… Come on, snap out of it…we’re working with these guys now, Vizon…! Don’t gawk…!”


    Vizon jump, standing straight as a board at  attention.


    “I-it’s really!! Really good to work with you, Kipuuna and Ganisus!” He blurted. Ganisus didn’t seem to notice and Kipuuna didn’t even chuckle at his expense.


    “It’s going to be really good working with you, too, Vizon. You as well, Avery.” Kipuuna replied. “We’ll keep safe, keep smart and then do our best! I’ll teach you everything I know, just like the senior guild members did for Ganisus and I when we were the new ones.”


    “Yeah me too.” Ganisus spoke plainly. He didn’t seem unenthused, just barely cognizant of what was going on. Kipuuna sighed with a smile, glancing over at the end of the line to the last guild member. Vizon didn’t follow his gaze. In fact, Avery could almost see him subtly turn his head away from that last guild member, the Eevee.


    “Actually…wait…what was that about memory…?” Kipuuna’s voice broke the brief silence. Avery bit his lip.


    “Uh… Later, when the guildmaster isn’t breathing down my neck,” Avery whispered. “I hope he wasn’t like this to Team Spade when they joined….”


    The plusle sighed. He felt a little rushed, but…these were guildmates. He was going to get more time later to meet them.


    ‘Also? Plus side: none of them are absurdly tall. Most of them are around my height! I’m even taller than the eevee! Or… At least eye level.’


    With that, Avery pulled Vizon further down, to the end of the line. There waiting for them was the friendly looking Eevee, her eyes sparkling and tail swishing behind her as they stood to meet her.


    “Uh…hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Avery said, bowing a little as he looked at the Eevee, trying to tug Vizon towards her.


    ‘Why is he looking away? Is this like… The star or something? Or is he afraid…?’


    “Hello! Avery and Vizon, yes? Team Azure?” The Eevee began, her face warm and sunny, a soft bounce to her with every word spoken. “Oh gosh, I’m so glad to meet new members of the guild! It’s been so long since anyone new joined us. I remember I was so happy seeing Team Spade…”


    Avery could hear Lahnae cheer from behind. Vizon was still looking away, shuddering.


    “It’s really good to meet you, Nivanee….” Vizon began, not even waiting for her to introduce herself first. She giggled softly, nodding.


    “Yep yep, that’s me! Nivanee, team captain for Team Duskwalker! I made the team with my little sister, Janus!” She introduced herself, ears flicking. “I’m the senior guild member! We’re three-pronged and everything, near to graduation! I love helping new guild members…wheeenever we get them!”


    ‘…what was going on with Vizon?? Nivanee seemed perfectly friendly…!’


    “Three pronged…Ganisus said Aquashock was two pronged…Does three pronged mean you have three members? Or does that have…” Avery took off the badge on his chest and looked at it. “Does it have to do with the little spikes on this? Is that how we keep track of rank…?”


    “You got it! It’s guild rank based on performance and Accolades! Four prongs and you graduate, so we’re really close!” Nivanee spoke merrily, showing her gleaming badge, ‘TD’ on the front with three spikes on the bottom.


    “Wow…sorry for the questions, but it’s nice to meet you…!” Avery nodded, quickly reattaching the badge. He looked around, tilting his head a little. Only five guild members were here. “Is…your sister busy at the moment…?”


    “Oh, yes! Apologies about my lil’ sister. Janus is kind of a super hard worker and hasn’t been around much lately, but she’ll be back soon!” Nivanee assured in her sunny voice. “I can’t wait for you to meet her, too!”


    There was a brief hush before Sarfallinus broke the silence.


    “Well, I think that covers everyone.” The Guild Master spoke, gesturing beside Nivanee. “Team Azure, fall in line!”


    Vizon yelped, stumbling forward to stand uncomfortably at attention in the line, dragging Avery along with him. The Plusle stood next to him, letting go of his paw – he felt that holding onto him during roll call would just give Sarfallinus more ammo to make fun of them.


    “Now, guild! Today there are no special requests for any of you…” Sarfallinus’s eyes rolled over towards Avery and Vizon. “…save for Team Azure, obviously, as their missions shall be hand-picked to start. Everyone else has the posted mission board today. We got a big stack of runoff requests from the Arceali Elites, so we’ll need to work hard to clean up.”


    AYE.” All the guildmates said in unision.


    “Oh-! Uh, Aye!” Vizon spoke late.


    Aye..!” Avery said, also late – more following their lead.


    ‘…right. Hand-picked missions. By the guy who seemed hell bent on humiliating us.’


    Avery balled his fists a little, steeling himself. Sarfallinus had already tried to do that once with the initiation, and they’d passed with flying colors. If the Guild Master was going to keep on trying, then Avery decided that their team was going to have to keep on trying too. He refused to let Sarfallinus get to them.


    ‘This would be our first mission, and we would succeed. Whatever kind of mission that would be!’


    Avery furrowed his brow.


    ‘….what… Kind of mission did guild people even do?’




    With that word, the guild members all broke the line, all of them giving extra bits of encouragement as they passed Vizon and Avery.


    “Don’t give up~!” Nivanee whispered.


    “Let me know if you need anything, ok?” Kipuuna said, patting Avery’s shoulder. Ganisus almost ran into the Plusle, distracted as he was.


    “See you around, RIVAL.” Lahnae laughed, bumping her body against Avery encouragingly. “I GOT YOUR BACK, RIGHT LOSHJNO?”


    “No doubt.” Loshjno spoke with a warm smile as he passed. Each of the guild members either exited or went to a pair of desks on the other side of the room where two other guild faculty waited. Meanwhile, Sarfallinus gestured the pair over with a finger, Estaloni buzzing quietly behind him.


    ‘…hoo boy. I was eager to talk more with these guys, but…later. When I wasn’t under the watchful eye.’


    “Alright, Vizon… It’s our first mission,” Avery said, taking the Riolu’s hand again and pulling him forward to stand in front of the Guild Master. “Let’s put our all into it, okay?”’


    “Yeah…” He said, shaking his head, breaking himself out of his star-struck stupor. “Yeah…we’ll do it, no matter what.”


    Soon, they both stood before the Guild Master. He stared down at the pair with a furrowed brow, taking the both of them in.


    “I thought for a while what your first mission should be.” He said, voice low. “I’ll be frank, you’re inclusion in this guild makes things difficult…but whatever I feel, you’re in it. The conduit has a vested interest in you. So I’ll give you something…easy. Easy enough, something that’d be fair to new members of the Arceali Guild. Something we do all the time.”


    His eyes traced between Avery and Vizon.


    “Search and rescue.” Sarfallinus smirked. “Striking into the heart of a camp of bandits and thieves and cutthroats, arresting the lot of them and saving their prisoner.”


    He leaned down, hands behind his back.


    Just the two of you. That’s a pretty standard mission for one of us.”


    Vizon sucked in his breath…but didn’t look surprised. It was clear that he knew this was coming. Avery gave Vizon another glance, trying to hide a grimace at his reaction.


    “Surely shouldn’t be too much…for a hero now, don’t you think?””


    ‘….that’s worrying. That’s what guilds did?? We were… What, law enforcement??’


    Avery took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and think rationally. He didn’t want to be psyched out in front of Sarfallinus.


    ‘Okay. Think this through. He doesn’t want us dead. But he does hate us. In all honesty he’s probably playing this up to scare me. I doubt that he’d send us out to people who would try to kill us for our first mission, after his only evaluation of us was a sparring match. If he was a great Guild Master he wouldn’t let his pride stain his hands with blood… Right?’


    “… Yes sir.” Avery said at last.


    “Atta boy, good to hear.” Sarfallinus said, gesturing to Estaloni. “They’re a bunch of small-timers. Dangerous as any bandit but nothing you both can’t handle. Aquashock’s doing something similar up on Mist Island today I hear. Heck, Lahnae’s gone and taken another mission all the way in Steeljag Bluff, battling and fighting…you wanna pull your weight around here, right?”


    Estaloni handed the Infernape a parchment which Sarfallinus unfurled and handed to Vizon.


    “But we’ll have you do this for now.”


    The document was written very formally, even though Avery couldn’t read a word of it. The plusle squinted down at the paper, screwing his mouth up. No idea what that said. He figured he’d have to wait for Vizon to point out anything interesting about it, or at least brief him on it later. He certainly wasn’t about to admit to either of the two that he wasn’t able to read. Because…one, that was embarrassing. Two, that…


    ‘…wait. What? ‘


    Avery’s thoughts began to melt away as something bizarre happened. Although the parchment had illegible script…when next Avery looked at the parchment the letters seemed to…morph into place, changing from illegible…to legible all at once. It was as though the old script were a haze he simply needed to blink from his eyes.


    “What…?” Avery mumbled to himself, now able to read the parchment in full:


    DATE: NAHSTEMPNYE, 6T62, VIOSNA 11th (NA/6T62/V11)










    POSTED BUDGET: 2,000 P


    TOTAL: 2,500 P




    ‘What the heck was that…? How can I read this now? Is this magic?? I…have questions. But…later. All of it later.’


    There were a lot of numbers that Avery didn’t recognize, but he could figure out some things. The words that followed after the date were similarly foreign…though the ‘P’ at the bottom was…probably currency. Something else jumped out at him though.


    “It…says near the bottom that it’s priority,” Avery said, “But near the top it says that the notice has expired. Does that mean the extra five hundred is null…? And, uh…how long has this cartographer been held by them?”


    Avery realized while the question was coming out of his mouth that this was another suspicious question – if Sarfallinus thought about why he was asking then the Guild Master might be able to surmise that he didn’t know what any of the dates meant.


    “Oh, it’s still urgent.” Sarfallinus explained. “The 500 goes to us now, along with the 2,000. The Arceali Elites must have bigger fish to fry. Even this runoff notice, their way of shunting work off to us, is a few days old. It only hit my desk yesterday.”


    He shook his head, grunting.


    “So it falls to us now. This should be good work for new recruits like you. Something challenging but not so much so that it’s impossible.”


    He huffed, steam pouring from his nostrils.


    “You want in my good graces, to really earn your place in the guild? Then do the tasks laid out for you and do ’em well.”


    “…Yes sir,” Avery said again. “…Let’s go prepare, Vizon. Right…?”


    Avery looked up at the Riolu, trying to keep his upper lip stiff. He didn’t want to show any weakness in front of the guy.


    “Right!” Vizon replied, almost shouted, trying to psyche himself up! “Let’s go!! Team Azure!!!


    Sarfallinus snorted.


    “Right. Now them, Estaloni…”


    The Ledian approached the pair, handing some papers to them.


    “These…” Estaloni began, letting Vizon take the papers from him. “…are your new guild-sponsored bank accounts with One Truth Bank. We’ve put in 500p of starting funds for you, you’ll need to withdraw it yourself.”


    Vizon whistled, eyebrows raised, seeing the gold embroidered paper with their accounts. He eyed a small slip under the paper.


    “What’s this?” He asked.


    “That’s your branch you’ll be using. The address is on the bottom.” Estaloni replied.


    Vizon looked over the slip, muttered to himself. His ears folded back in disappointment.


    “The farming district.”


    “More prongs means a better branch, you know.” The Ledian replied. “Everyone started at that little branch in the farming district.”


    “Right…ok!” Vizon regained his confidence as Estaloni handed off another slip, like a ticket.


    “Here’s your item shop pass. We have a guild-sponsored item shop in the One Truth Square where you can buy whatever it is you think you’ll need.”


    Estaloni gestured across the guild hall.


    “Over there you’ll find our item check and team management faculty. Though you may not need them now I’d suggest you still get acquainted.”


    Vizon nodded, putting the papers in his satchel.


    “Well…” Sarfallinus said, leaning in and smirking. “…good luck…Team Azure. I do hope you’ll do your guild very proud.”


    With one last snort, he opened the door to his office, Estaloni following close behind, leaving the pair alone at last in the guild hall.


    Once the two of them were gone Avery sagged, his energy of holding up the façade drained all at once. Vizon sighed deeply, shaking his head.


     “…He hates us,” Avery whispered. “Was it…was it like this for the others…? Like, Team Spade, did they go through this….this animosity too?”


    He turned his gaze up to his partner.


    “If he’s a Guild Master of the best guild or whatever I can understand him being tough…but where does he get off being downright antagonistic…?!” Avery’s energy dissipated after the one quiet outburst as he tried to quell his anxieties and keep himself under control. “I’m just glad that the actual guildmates are nice people and not a bunch of miniature Sarfallinuses…”


    “I never heard of it being like this for the others…but then we don’t hear much of anything.” Vizon said, shaking his head. “I try to keep up with these teams in periodicals. They always described Sarfallinus as upstanding, respected, supportive if no-nonsense, but…”


    He huffed, shaking his head.


    “…maybe something’s changed. Oh boy, here I go meeting my heroes, huh…? I knew this would be hard…but I didn’t think Sarfallinus would make it actively difficult…”


    “…I don’t think he’s been supportive at all,” Avery said, frowning. “Did we get off on the wrong foot with the whole…acceptance letter thing…?”


    Vizon offered no reply at first, only looking to the ground. Then, he stiffened his back, trying to not look discouraged. With a smile, the Riolu tried to change the subject at once, putting on a more hopeful look to brighten the mood. “Alright, Team Captain Avery. Where to first?”


    Avery looked over the paper.


    “I guess… Let’s go to the bank and get some money to prepare. It’s a bandit camp, even if it’s easy, so…we shouldn’t take it lightly. He’s…he’s probably waiting for us to fail.”


    With a nod, Vizon patted Avery on the back.


    “If he wants us to fail then he’ll be SORELY disappointed! Let’s prove him wrong, Avery!”


    Avery sighed and began to walk. Part of him wanted to catch a guild member before they left, if only to ask about the whole…way Sarfallinus acted. And the Piplup was curious about the memory, too.


    ‘Maybe Torchic shouldn’t know about it – I ‘m not sure how well she can keep a secret with vocal chords like hers – but I’d like to become a better battler if she’d help me.’


    “By the way…why were you so avoidant about Navinee…?” Avery asked, lowering his voice in case she was nearby. “She seemed nice…has she been rude to you in the past or something…? Or is it that she’s about ready to graduate?”


    “O-oh…I mean, uh…!” Vizon looked away, demeanor shattering as his face turned red immediately at the question. “C…c’mon, Avery, you don’t just ask someone something like that…”


    Avery frowned, tilting his head as Vizon just clammed up. There was a silence between the two, Avery’s eyes burrowing into the Riolu until he finally relented.


    “…alright…keep a secret?” Vizon asked.


    Avery nodded, following him out of the guild. “You’re keeping my secrets. I’ll keep yours. What is it…? Did she…”


    He paused.




    “…Do you have a crush on her?”


    Vizon’s breath caught in his throat, eyes wide, body bunched up like a turtle, his face going beet red, sweat forming on his forehead as he squirmed and shifted and looked around, shivering at the suggestion.


    “N…n…nooooo…” He lied, badly. “…no never, whaaat I…erf…”


    He pulled his ears over his face.




    Avery laughed a little bit.


    “I barely even said anything, dork. So…how bad is it? Because you weren’t even able to look her in the eye. What do you like…?”


    Vizon poked his fingers together, his normally peppy and energetic voice now more like a small squeak with every word.


    “What do I like…?” He asked, lost in thought. “I just…read about her and think she’s really cool. And strong. Very noble and selfless while always being kind and warm to everyone even as she saves their life…or even as she just does some menial task like helping them move heavy boxes. She even just babysat someone’s kid. No job has ever been too small for her…everyone calls her the last all-star of the guild and I agree I just…”


    He paused.


    “I want to be like her and…yeah I crush on her because of that.” He took a deep breath. “I always told myself that I’d be like that if I ever joined this guild. And I’m going to be.”


    The pair approached the exit, Vizon opening the door, the light of the sun shining on them both.


    The sun had just risen enough for there to be a soft morning’s glow on the land, the sky a bright blue. A soft mist rolled over the streets, everything covered in dew. A slight chill hung in the air, nothing that would make one freeze, very mild, the breaths of early spring.


    Outside the guild, they could see Lahnae and Loshjno milling by the railing overlooking the canal, fussing over a map. Avery moved a little closer, though still walked along the path, just in case Team Spade didn’t want to engage in too much of a conversation right now.


    “Oh, uh, hey, Lahnae, Loshjno…!” Avery called at once, waving over at them for a moment. “Sorry if the, uh…roll call was awkward at all…!”


    Lahnae perked up, looking behind her and brightening up at the sight of the pair. Loshjno beside gave a gentle wave.


    “HEEEEY there you two ARE. I was wondering when GM would let you two go!” Lahnae shouted, her projecting voice echoing across the buildings. “Nahhh, don’t worry about roll call! I think you both made a GREAT IMPRESSION.”


    Vizon looked considerably more relaxed, the ice broken…or maybe it was because Nivanee wasn’t there.


    “Yeah, I…” Avery grimaced, worried her assurance was just sarcasm. “…was he like that for you guys too? All…demeaning and having it out for you…? Because it really felt like he was just, going out of his way to try and embarrass us.”


    “Not really…when we got in it was by the skin of our teeth…or beak??” Lahnae explained. “He acted more like he felt sorry for us but admired my GUSTO, his words!”


    Loshjno nodded sagely.


    “Like, did you do something?? I don’t hardly ever see him so ticked off, not even when we screw up our missions…or wAIT NO I MEAN, when we TACTFULLY…um…PUT THEM OFF FOR LATER.”


    Avery smiled a little at that,


    “…Maybe we did. I, uh…we were recommended by Olistia,” Avery said. “…Truth is, I’m…”


    He looked off to the side, then leaned in.


    “…Apparently I’m a hero of Arceus or something. I woke up in the fields…east, I think? Of here? No memory before that. But…Olistia wanted to see me, and when we talked to her yesterday she said I was…that, and gave us letters of recommendation to the guild. Sarfallinus didn’t seem to like that we had those.”


    A hush fell between the two teams.


    Lahnae stared at Avery blankly for a moment. Vizon sucked in his breath. He glanced at Avery, hearing his ‘revelation’ he was a ‘hero of Arceus’ with amnesia.


    At once, Vizon blurted out babbles to try and recover.


    “AHA well what HE MEANT TO SAY W-“


    “Oh mY GOSH??? MY RIVAL??? IS A HERO OF ARCEUS???” Lahnae cut him off with a squeak, jumping up, getting right in Avery’s face. “Aw COOOOOL, I wanna be a hero of Arceus too! Where do I sign up? C’mon I CAN’T LET YOU OUTSHINE ME!!


    Loshjno laughed softly behind her. Lahnae’s eyes flared in an excited, competitive spirit.


    “Aw MAN, AND recommended by OLISTIA HERSELF?” Lahnae cried out. “How did you get that?? You must be, like…SUPER POWERFUL. HEY, DO YOU WANT A FIGHT RIGHT NOW???”


    Loshjno’s smile vanished as he firmly tugged on Lahnae’s wing, softly shaking his head.


    “OR, uh…ok maybe ANOTHER time. We’re kinda busy but SOON.”


    Vizon let out a sigh of relief at Lahnae’s reaction.


    “Does Sarfallinus really think us getting in will sully his reputation?” Avery asked, rubbing his arm now that Lahnae had been reeled back. The girl was certainly a handful to hold a conversation with.


    “His reputation?” Lahnae blinked, then her mood immediately shifted to a sour one. “Oh THAT. Pfff WHO CARES what people think!! I think he shouldn’t worry so much what people say about his ability as Guild Master!!! He’s a GREAT Guild Master! I’d go to the ends of the Earth for Sarfallinus! I would!!”


    She huffed, a puff of ember escaping her beak.


    “People are dumb…” She grumbled. “I’m sorry he’s being sour to you. He’ll come around, trust me!”


    “I…I mean about that,” Avery said with an awkward chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. “The, uh…the entrance exam, the one where Vizon and I fought a Mudkip and Rattata…that was the first battle I’ve been in. Ever. Kind of…comes with the amnesia thing, heh…so I don’t actually know if I’m that strong.”


    “YOU WON YOUR FIRST EVER BATTLE???” Lahnae shouted, eyes twinkling. “Wow!! My strength test was just lifting stuff and hitting targets, I didn’t win a single battle until MONTHS after I joined!!”


    Loshjno snickered, letting Lahnae take control of the conversation while he stood by.


    “Come to think of it…I don’t think we’ve completed a mission…kinda ever?? BUT WE’RE NOT GUNNA GIVE UP!” Lahnae shouted, pumped. “I don’t care how many times bad guys knock me down, beat me up, toss me around, I’m ALWAYS gunna get up!”


    Loshjno’s look of pride in Lahnae was radiant. He patted a hand on her shoulder. It was clear who bailed who out in a pinch. Avery wrung his hands, and looked at Lahnae with a hopeful smile.


    “Actually…on that note, I was hoping that sometime later we could train together.” Avery asked. “You could show me the ropes and stuff. I want to be a good rival for you, after all…!”


    Lahnae’s face lit up like a firework.


    “OH??? MY GOSH??? YES, I’d ABSOLUTELY love to teach you guys how to fight! The LAHNAE AND LOSHJNO WAY!” The Torchic spoke with such excitement that more and more fire spilled from her beak. “You are TOTALLY gunna be the BEST RIVALS EVER! BEST RIVALS FOREVER HUG!


    With that she slammed into Avery, hugging tight. Avery squeaked from the hug, his face going…a little red. He gave her a little hug back when she did, but pulled away.


    “I, uh, we shouldn’t keep you for too long! I don’t want to keep the guildmaster waiting, either. I swear, he’s going to be looking for any old reason to kick us out…”


    “Kick you out? Nah, he’d never. I mean, I don’t think???” Lahnae pondered, squinting at the both of them. “But, hey! We’ll see you tonight when everyone gets back, ok?”


    Vizon nodded to both Avery and Lahnae. “Alright…we’ll look forward to it!”


    “GOOD.” Lahnae shouted merrily, Loshjno giving his own nod goodbye as the two returned to their map. Avery turned to Vizon.


    “Should we go?”


    Vizon nodded in reply, a thoughtful look on his face.


    “I know a way to the farmer’s district from here. Well, ok, I know a short way to where we need to get to, but…” He trailed off, coughing. “We’re going to have to take the long way to avoid the real bad part of town. I know that no place in Arceliaze is perfect but…we really don’t need to be going to the center of the city. Shall I lead?”


    “Yeah, I’ll follow you,” Avery said with a little nod, looking up at Vizon with a smile. “…Should I…”


    Avery looked at his hand, a slightly hopeful look on his face. “Or…should I just…follow you like a normal person-?”


    Vizon looked back at Avery with a small smile.


    “Do you prefer holding my hand?” He asked, kindly.




    Avery’s cheeks flushed, just a little…and he nodded meekly. Vizon gave him a warm look, reaching his paw out to hold Avery’s in his firm grasp.


    “C’mon, let’s go!” Vizon said, excitement laced in his voice. “First day on the job as a guild member…like, wow, think of that! I feel like a kid playing pretend but this is the real deal!”


    Chapter 4.1





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