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    Chapter 27.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Jolvia let out a gasp that was laced in joy as Avery turned the page, the woman scooching closer to look down, eyes sparkling.


    “Oh, hey…” Jolvia said as she leaned in. “When I read this this a…close friend of mine a while back, she and I did voices for each of the characters. Do you want to do that? You might make a good Rexi I think!”


    She chuckled, looking down at the page.


    “Why don’t you start us off, Avery? Shouldn’t take too long…”


    “…Hah, I could try,” Avery said, wiping at his own eyes. There was still a frog in his throat from earlier, but…maybe this would be nice.


    Upon starting the reading, Avery quickly realized that ‘Rexi’ was the narrator, which meant…he was doing a lot of reading. But that was fine.


    …It felt nice just to do something like this.




    Vexa was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.


    Here she stood before me. A strong and proud Ninetales whom I had adventured with and fought beside since she was a Vulpix. Here I stood as a Raichu. I was her husband and she was my wife, as of today.


    We stood next to one another on the beach, the waves of the beautiful blue ocean lapping around our legs. The wedding crowns upon our heads sat light on our heads, my Dusch Jyahguud glowing a bright yellow that mixed with the red of Vexa’s. She was the passionate fire, the unstoppable flame. I was the spontaneous bolt, full of life.


    Together, I would light the passion of my beloved. She would be the warmth to keep me going.



    “Awwhh, Rexi…” Jolvia cooed, holding a hand to her heart. Sekura wasn’t kidding when she said it was, perhaps, a bit hokey. Starting off with a wedding of all things. “…Quayoffi weddings are so pretty…so much poetry to them…”


    “What are they like…?” Avery asked, looking up at Jolvia. “I don’t really know how much of this is the wedding and how much is prose…”


    “Oh it’s quite beautiful…imagine this: a grand and ornate building. Two lovers kept together at all times, their families intermingled  and split to make a path for them both, decorating the path with a combination of the two elements they represent…oh and the wedding headpieces, these flowing vine-like marble pieces that go over the ears and hang down with the Dusch Jyahguud inserted at the tips…”


    “What are the… Uh… Dusch Jyahguud…?”


    Jolvia coughed, smiling.


    “Sorry, that means ‘spirit berries’. They’re inedible berries that you can infused with an element…like electricity or fire or psychic…and it glows beautifully when you do so. They’re common in Quayoff. The scholar that weds the couple always comes up with…just the most beautiful speeches regarding the couple’s elements and how it ties to their personality…”


    She sighed wistfully, resting her head in her hand.


    “Hm…‘Find peace and prosperity in unity, forever and always, until the passing breath’…that’s how they always cap it off.” Jolvia mused, drumming her fingers on her cheek.


    She glanced back down at the page.


    It’s as it always was.


    It made me think of her. Us. All we’d been through.


    I thought of when we first met, as children. When my parents, my siblings were taken in a storm. She found me and housed me, all alone herself, in a village in which she was an outcast. I thought of when I fought off her debt collectors, when we joined the guild to make money. When we found a family amongst our comrades. When we became loved, and she was accepted back into the village.


    I thought of the hurt and betrayal from friends. The patches of rough emotional turmoil. The times I’d thought I’d never see her again. The night we fell in love.


    The day we saved the world from a demon of fire, together.


    In the aftermath of all of this, we now stood together, in love. I loved her so much, so deeply.


    Vexa was my beloved. And I was hers. And I wouldn’t trade my life for anything.


    It was…very sappy. But Jolvia seemed positively enraptured by it, even as she tried to keep her composure. She was clearly trying to not let loose another outburst like before. Though she couldn’t help but quietly coo at the words on the page.


    “Bless, Rexi…” She muttered.


    “… So the passionate flame and spontaneous bolt really are part of the wedding,” Avery murmured, looking back at the book. A small smile crossed his face.


    ‘It’s schmaltzy, yeah, but… It’s kinda nice.’


    “It really sounds like…this is the end of the story, though,” Avery said, tapping the bit about the demon of fire. “This part here, you’d really think this was what the story was about…Is this like, the end, and we get a flashback to the start?”


    Jolvia’s smile spread wide. Wider and wider as she nestled in close.


    “Well…you are right…this is the end of the story…” Jolvia said, a giddy twinge to her words, as though she were bursting at the seams to say more. “But a story never really ends…you know? But yes, they defeated the fire demon and saved the day…! But what of after?”


    She…giggled. Giggled? Jolvia? She giggled and turned the page, putting a claw to the words.


    When the wedding was over, the years rolled on. I became guild master for a time before we retired and lived together on the high cliffs far inland, in the same village that had so long ago ostracized Vexa.


    As the years went on and on…I had to eventually say goodbye to Vexa.


    I felt no sadness the day I found her in our bed, passed on. Only happy we were together when it happened, that it had been painless. I only thought of the adventures, the lives we had led. She had led a full life. She always told me how much fun she had, how she’d not do a thing different. Neither would I.


    Now I sat in this quiet house. I don’t feel lonely. I feel as though I’ll meet her soon. I sit in this chair and think of Vexa, that beautiful ninetails. My wedding feels as thought it were happening before my eyes.


    My memories are scrambled these days.


    But these moments I relive these events of my life are nothing but pure bliss. And I sit here, in this chair, eyes closed…


    …and I see her face again.


    Jolvia sighed deeply, holding a hand to her mouth, as though trying to hide the ever growing smile on her face, despite the words on the page.


    The main character was so sentimental, clearly. And it really seemed like the story was just…over before the first chapter.


    Avery was glad Jolvia was enjoying herself, but…As he read Rexi’s words, he was left confused.


    “…I…Don’t understand, quite…Where does the story go from here…?”


    The Nidorina was practically vibrating in her chair as Avery turned the page.


    “You’ll seeee~!


    Chapter 1


    I awoke from my nap with a start, jolted by some manner of bad dream or another. I couldn’t remember what it was I had been dreaming but it gave me such a start…but not a fright. I felt happy, even though my lungs burned like I hadn’t taken a breath in years.


    But my happiness subsided at once, it was only confusion now.


    I wasn’t in my home anymore. It was nighttime and I was outside. All at once I felt a rush of distant familiarity, the vague feeling of having no immediate memories of something but knowing that I remembered it.


    There was nothing around me but grass and one large cherry tree. The clouds above hung low, rolling, with the far-off rumble of thunder vibrating the ground. It was now I found my fur wet as I lie in the mud.


    What a coincidence it would start in such a…familiar manner. Maybe this was why some Poke’mon took to the idea of Avery falling from the sky so quickly? Because they read it in a book?


    Perhaps Jolvia saw a little Rexi in him.


    A waiter came by, stopping at their table.


    “Would you both like anything to drink?” She asked in a quiet voice.


    “Oh I’ll just take a glass of something sweet. Like Grepa Eksai.” Jolvia replied in an equally quiet voice, glancing at Avery. “Would you like anything, Avery? My treat.”


    Avery’s narration had slowed down when he’d read words familiar to him. Brow furrowing. But he was snapped out of it by the waiter.


    “Oh, er… Sure, I’ll have what she’s having-” Avery said quickly, looking back at the book. And then again up, to Jolvia. “Oh, uh… Thank you-“


    Jolvia smiled. He could see the knowing look but she mostly looked…happy to be sharing this with him. Perhaps, Avery thought, there was a little therapy in seeing himself in Rexi.


    I was terrified. Someone had dragged me outside, surely. This had to be some sick joke by the village children, having a laugh on the old widower ex-guild master. They were always so sweet to me, it seemed strange they would suddenly be so horrid.


    I had to mind my weak legs and my bad back. I was vulnerable as I could not stand up easily if at all. A Raichu my age was lucky just to walk, let alone move around like the glory days of my youth. Slowly, fearfully, trying to brace for the aches and sharp pains, I lifted my head.


    I found it light and easy to move. No pain came.


    I let out a sharp breath, eyes widening. I slid my arms down to lift myself. My joints did not creak or send waves of pain through me. I felt almost dizzy at how bizarre I felt…how strong I felt. My breathing came easy, my movements were fluid and snappy. I rolled over, finding it easy. The feeling of unhindered movement disoriented me, but I managed to get myself to my feet, even as I swayed and stumbled, all the pains and aches I expected just…gone.


    I was able to straighten my back, stand tall. My hands were free of any wood staff to balance myself, my own two feet were enough.


    I was so confused, looking down upon my old Riachu body.


    Yet what I found was no body of a Raichu…but the yellow and glistening fur of a young Pikachu.


    I gasped in shock, stumbling back, catching my footing easily. Not a day ago such a stumble would have sent me to the ground, killed me. Now I caught myself easily, on instinct, by reflex.


    I could feel the swish of my tail, the grass upon my young fur.


    I realized where I was. I was at the old crossroads near Culpa village, a place I’d not seen in years. But it was so much more barren. Where was Qixi’s smoothie shop? Where was a little garment store set up beside the sign post? For that matter, where was the brick paths and square? Why was it all dirt roads again?




    I found myself thinking of a far-flung memory. The ruins of my parent’s home miles behind me, standing at a crossroads in a place I’d never seen before, a sign I couldn’t read. Picking a random direction.


    But that couldn’t be…


    The narration might have been described as…overwrought, perhaps? Avery was certainly having to put in legwork narrating with all of Rexi’s pontificating. Jolvia, for her part, simply sat, enraptured by the story, the knowing smile directed only toward the book.


    She knew this story front to back.


    But even so…Avery found it nice to just…put himself somewhere else.


    Somewhere better. Warmer. More simple.


    And to share it with someone else who only wanted him to have fun with it.


    Avery kept reading. He got a little more into it, no small thanks to Jolvia’s unexpected burst of enthusiasm. He was thinking, of course, but… It was about the story. About what happened to Rexi, how it happened, what it might mean. Low stakes.


    It was nice.


    They both turned the page together, the Nidorina nestling in closer…


    I looked up at the sign now and could read it clear as day: WEST TO CULPA VILLAGE, then SOUTH TO THE ADVENTURE GUILD, then EAST TO KINDIN VILLAGE and finally…




    I felt a pang in my heart. Lookout point, the place where she had lived, hidden away from Culpa village. I’d not seen it in years and years. I could never bring myself to go back. It was always so tempting to wallow, and even as I tried to avoid it I still indulged in it so often even as I knew she would never want me to.


    Even as I knew she wanted me to move on to new adventures, I simply couldn’t help it. Those long nights just sat alone in a quiet house, thinking. Thinking long about her.


    Was any of this even real? Was I so lost in a fantasy of old that I now wallowed in every detail of the past?


    I shook my head. My thoughts were rambling. I had to get home to Culpa village. I didn’t want to be lost any further in my thoughts for her. I wanted the peace that I had made to be the final word, not to relapse into a hurt heart that pined for a woman who was no more.


    My legs, strong and young, carried me down the long path to Culpa village. I needed help, to find out how this happened or what was going on.


    “He’s such a sad character. This part always breaks my heart, especially re-reading it…” Jolvia shook her head. “Just knowing how much he loves Vexa. How much he loves everyone. He has so much room in his heart for the world. Why else would he save it?”


    “…It’s funny,” Avery said, finger tracing on the page. “…The book opens with how he wasn’t sad to see her passed on. But seeing this, the way he’s acting now…It’s almost like he’d been lying to himself. But…Was he like, given a younger body, or something? Or sent back in time?”


    Avery cringed.


    “… Oh no, if he was sent back in time…”


    “What’s that you’re saying?” Jolvia smirked cheekily, hearing the Plusle’s commentary. He’d never seen the Nidorina so happy…or open with him. For the first time it felt as though all her cards really were on the table. “But, yeah…he learned to be strong…when inside he’s so weak. But that’s ok, to be weak. To be warm and loving at your core. That’s what a good person is.”


    She turned the page.


    As I walked, I saw more and more missing. There were no torches. There were no homes. It all really looked like that night so very long ago. Even the thick forest I once had been so scared of as a child was here, looming branches and bark looking like faces in the pale moonlight. Of course, I remembered every nook of the forest this time. I even saw the hole in the oak where I used to stash money before it was stolen.


    But that oak had been cut down decades ago. Why was I hallucinating so much?


    Between the trees I could see the glow of lights, Culpa village. There, surely, someone could help explain what was happening. Was everyone else here and decades younger as well? Were they stumbling around, confused as I was? As I reached those old gates of the village entrance…I was perplexed by my answer.


    Everyone was walking about, business as usual. But, again, so many of the buildings were smaller. The food storage shop didn’t have its second story anymore. The item store was back to just being a small stand. The treasure opening shop…simply wasn’t there anymore.


    I walked the streets, taking careful steps, looking in awe, as though I were taking in a vivid dream. The Poke’mon I passed, many I didn’t even recognize somehow, eyed me curiously as I walked slow down the dirt pathways.


    No…I recognized these Poke’mon! But so many of them had left Culpa village! So many had…passed on. I shook my head, seeing Tuvux the old Typhlosion walking about as though there was nothing to it. My jaw dropped as Ruxli passed me by, still alive and well from the fire demon attack, not a care in the world.


    I felt overwhelmed, watching friends and rivals, gone and passed, simply walking…and not even batting an eye towards me.


    “Oi, you lost, pipsqueak?”


    “Oh! I can read this guy’s lines!” Jolvia said, clearing her throat to get ready. She puffed up her chest, speaking in a low, manly voice. “Oi, you lost, pipsqueak?”


    It was a little funny to hear.


    The waiter approached again, a tray in hand with two tall glasses of bright orange drinks, Jolvia quietly thanking her as she passed Avery’s Eksai over to him, taking a sip from her own.


    Avery looked at the drinks for a few moments – he thought something with ‘grepa’ in it would be purple, but…he nodded his thanks and took a sip, laughing a bit at Jolvia’s deep delivery of the line.



    “Gosh, if he really is back in time…Didn’t he mention Vexa was ‘finally accepted’ after a while? Wouldn’t that mean she was ostracized before…?” Avery sucked in a breath. “…Plus with him being so desperate to see her again… If she doesn’t remember him…”


    “I love hearing you talk about this, Avery.” Jolvia laughed. “But one moment, someone else is about to enter the picture…”


    That voice…


    I turned, my eyes wide, looking up at a Garchomp. There was his red bandanna, the scar on his arm, that totter smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall of the bar down at me.


    It was Oluz, the man who taught me to fight, to be brave. My confidant, my bastion of safety, my wall to make me strong when the going got tough.


    He was the first man I ever had to say goodbye to after losing my parents.


    “Oi, pipsqueak, what’re you blubbering for…?” Jolvia spoke in a deep voice again. “His voice rumbled. I didn’t even realize I was crying. ‘Do you need something? Where’s your parents…?'”


    Jolvia’s voicework was…earnest at least. She sipped her drink again as Avery continued.


    I could only stammer, hands over my mouth, staring at him.


    “Oluz…” my voice rasped. The Garchomp looked shocked.


    “Woah woah, how do you know my name, Pipsqueak? Have we met?” Jolvia voiced.


    “Have we met?” I choked, standing up straight, trying to not look so pathetic in front of my mentor. “You don’t remember me? Rexi! It’s…it’s been years, how…how are you alive?!”


    “What…do you mean by ‘alive’?” Jolvia continued. “The Garchomp asked in disbelief. ‘Kid, you’re saying some weird stuff. What are you doing out here?'”


    “I…should ask the same of you!” I stammered. This wasn’t real. It was my fatigued and old brain playing tricks on me. More visions. I only hoped I was talking to this phantom in the comfort of my home, not in the middle of Culpa village, with onlookers watching the old and senile Raichu rambling and crying to nothing.


    “It’s my time off, kid, and you’re bothering me.” Jolvia said very gruffly, pausing to take another sip of her drink. “Oluz huffed. ‘More like freaking me out. Ai, I’m no good with kids…'”


    “Oh, now, Oluz, I’ve not been a ‘kid’ in a long, long time. I’ve not been ‘young’ in a long time, frankly!” I chuckled through my tears, sniffing. The Garchomp huffed, leaning over.


    “Ohh, think you’re mature for your age, ey?” Jolvia added a laugh to her line. She had a very clear voice in her head for this character. “He snickered. I couldn’t even care that he talked down to me. Just talking to him at all was a miracle.”


    “Nevermind, Oluz…I just…” I paused, looking behind myself at the strange world around me, the world of days long gone. Then I looked back to Oluz, my mentor, my confidant.


    I stepped beside him, leaning on the wall, side-by-side, just as we used to.


    “Just tell me…I need you to be straight with me…”


    “Er…ok, kid.” Jolvia drawled, clearly getting into this.


    Avery was getting more into the reading, himself. He didn’t even waste any time – another sip of the drink to wet his whistle, and he turned the page to continue.


    I took a deep breath. Thoughts began swirling in my head. Thoughts that I knew we dangerous. Yet I didn’t care. More and more, I began to home beyond hopes this was real, that none of this was a dream or an illusion.


    I shouted.


    “If anyone can hear me!” I yelled, making Oluz jump. “Hit me and knock me out of this dream! Don’t let me be tormented by visions disappearing just…get it over with! Someone hit me! I’m having visions!”


    “Oi, kid, what are you-?!” Jolvia stammered, holding a hand to her chest, acting the part.


    Poke’mon on the street stared at Oluz and I, bewildered. The Garchomp stood from the wall, looking panicked.


    “I’m waiting! Someone hit me! Shake me awake! I’m dreaming!”


    “Look, everyone, I-!” Jolvia huffed, looking play-distressed. “The Garchomp recoiled, looking from me then to the gathering crowd. ‘He just came up to me! I don’t know this brat at all!'”


    “Come on! Someone! Anyone! I just need one potshot!” I shouted. The crowd looked over at Oluz as though he were going to do it. I could see the color drain from his face.


    “Look, I’d never!!” Jolvia was gesticulating now. “Oluz insisted, trying to raise his voice over mine. ‘He-‘”


    “Now!” I shouted! The crowd was grow incredulous.


    “Will you get your kid under control?!” One of the villagers shouted.


    “Oi, he’s not-“ Jolvia cut herself off.


    “Oluz! I din’ know you were a pa!”


    “I’m ruddy well not!!” Jolvia near shouted.


    Nobody was hitting me. None of this could have been real. Even as a saw a rock hurtling towards me, I was sure I would feel no pain from the phantom images.


    Until I did.


    “Ha! Beaned him!”


    I yelped, stumbling back, hitting against the wall. There was a shout, Oluz yelling out at whoever threw that rock at me. I held my face in my hand.


    There was blood on my paw.


    “What kind of-?! Where do you get off throwing rocks at kids?!” Jolvia raised her voice as she read, putting her hands on her hips. “Oluz shouted, stomping forward towards the crowd, many of them backing off.”


    “Oluz, he was literally asking for it…”


    “’You gunna hit me with one next?!’ Oluz shouted.”


    “Are you askin’ for it?”


    The commotion continued as I held my hand on my face, feeling dizzy. I could feel the warm, wet liquid on my hand, trickling down my face. It was too specific. I was too aware and cognizant to be in a dream. My face hurt, stung, burned. But the pain in my joints was gone.


    It was real.


    It was all real.


    Jolvia took another excited sip of her drink, her grin wide and ecstatic.


    “Ooohhh here we go…!” She cooed.


    Keep going. Avery didn’t even stop to comment.


    He knew what was coming next.


    “…Oh, no, Vexa…” Avery huffed, wide-eyed.


    Jolvia’s fingers were drumming excitedly on the table as she flipped the page again.


    Here I stood, in the Culpa village of old, talking to Oluz, seeing old friends and rivals as though I were a child again. I was a child again. Years in the past. No vision. No illusion.


    I was simply here.


    As I held my bleeding face, my breath caught in my throat. I felt suffocated. My heart stopped.


    She was there. She had to be still there.


    “Hey, where’s the kid going?!”


    “What do you mean?!” Jolvia called out, taking another sip of her drink. “Oluz’s voice shouted. ‘Hey, wait, kid! Where are you hobbling off to?!'”


    The shouting voices became more faint as I bolted off, towards the village entrance, drops of blood falling from my face. I could hear Oluz behind me but I paid him no mind as I stumbled forward. Back through the forest, back to the crossroads.


    The crossroads. I was such a fool. An idiot. She was there. All along she was there, waiting, and I’d kept her waiting. My beloved.


    I shambled down the North dirt path, to the lookout point. I could smell it, the salty air of the sea. The cliff overlooked the crashing waves, right at the point where the Wingulls would cross the dusk sun.


    I could see it, there! Peeking over the treeline. A smile spread over my face, even as more blood trickled down my cheek. The rising sharp bluff of lookout point. My feet pounded the dirt. I burst through a bush that I swear wasn’t there before.


    There, on the cliff face…a door. Red painted wood serving as the entrance to a dugout on the cliff. A hermit’s home far away from the rest of the village.


    It’s where she lived.


    “Vexa!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. I waited, looking at the dark windows of the Cliffside hermitage.


    I gasped, seeing a light come to life on the other side of the windows. My breaths were heavy, ragged. I stumbled forward, towards that door, pounding upon it.


    “Vexa!” I shouted again. Desperation laced my voice. I wanted this to be real. I wanted it all to be real. My heart was filled with terror that I might find a stranger or find the home empty again, that my joy would be ripped from me at the last possible moment. But I kept hope. I kept that hope Oluz taught me so long again and pounded the door again, wishing for her bright and shining face, wishing for it to greet me and tell me she loved me and we would be together again.


    I heard it.


    The creak of the door as it opened slightly.


    My eyes stung, blood mixing with tears as I saw it.


    A vulpix’s face slowly emerged from behind the door. Radiant and beautiful, glimmering with an otherworldly sheen upon her perfect coat. Those deep, warm eyes peeked and looked out to me. The curls upon her head swayed in the ocean breeze, her coat softly rippling.


    She was gorgeous. Just as when I first met her.


    My heart stopped. Time had frozen in that moment. After so long, I was looking upon her again, and she looked upon me.


    “Vexa…” A whispered, choking back a sob.


    She said nothing.


    “Vexa!” I shouted in rapturous joy. “I finally found you, my love!”


    The vulpix yelped in horror, an arrow going through my heart as she vanished behind the door, slamming it shut. I heard the click of a lock. Another. Another.


    My breath stopped. My joy crashed to the ground.


    “No…no no no!” I shouted, pounding on the door again, blood smearing on the surface.


    “Go away!!” Jolvia shouted in a girly voice, taking the role of Vexa. “A shout came from within.”


    “No! Vexa! Vexa come out! Don’t leave me out here!” I shouted in utter desperation.


    A scream came from inside. I could hear the clatter of objects knocked over. No, this was all wrong. She had taken me in! I remembered! She nursed me when I was tired, comforted me in that warm way she always had. Fed me and gave me water! We explored the village together incognito! Searched for berries together! Joined the guild together!


    What happened? What was happening to us?


    Jolvia sighed, shaking her head. Another sip.


    “…Ah jeez,” Avery whispered. “Poor guy…Poor Vexa, ostracized girl having some crazed Pikachu screaming your name, huff…”


    He turned the page, brow furrowed.


    “…rough stuff.” He muttered.


    “It’s such a conundrum, isn’t it? To be so in love with someone when they don’t even know your name…like…” Jolvia paused to mused to herself. “…reverse amnesia, where the whole world has forgotten you and only you remember. Vexa is no doubt the hardest on him, but it’s a wholly alienating feeling, no doubt…”


    She took a sip, scooching closer again as the page turned.


    I pounded on the door. I missed her. I missed her so much.


    “’Stop! Go away!’ The voice inside shouted.” Jolvia squealed in her girly voice.


    What was happening to me?


    My fist pressed against the door, bloodied tears streaking down my face. I backed off, feeling haggard. Here I was, pounding upon the door of my beloved like a man possessed, exhausted and bloody.


    What was wrong with me?


    I was so…desperate.


    I stumbled back, watching as the lights cut off from the bedroom. My keen ears could hear her whimpering in fear upstairs, no doubt with the covers over her head. It’s what she always did when she was stressed.


    I had…stressed her. Terrified her.


    I only stared at those dark windows, hearing footsteps thump behind me slowly.


    “Kid, what are you doing running off to a place like this?” Jolvia returned to her gruff voice.


    My ears perked up, hearing Oluz’s voice. I turned to face the Garchomp, the man staring down at me…then looking up at the Cliffside.


    “Guh, we need to get you away from here. You’ve got no idea who lives here, do you?” Jolvia huffed in Oluz’s voice, leaning on the table.




    “’Oh so you do know, ey?’ Oluz leaned over, eyebrows raised.” Jolvia laughed in his voice. “So what’re you doing hanging around the cursed girl, then?”


    The cursed girl…I remembered that. The one destined by the stars to have a cursed fate for herself, the world, and all who were close to her. On top of being a vulpix, one day a ninetales, an omen of misfourtune.


    I remembered how angry it made me that everyone treated her so badly. How long it took for everyone to accept her. To see that reversed…


    I furrowed my brow, looking up at the Garchomp.


    “Woah, kid, it’s alright, no need for the stink eye, now…” Jolvia leaned back, making a calming motion with her hands, pantomiming the garchomp’s actions.


    “Don’t…talk about Vexa like that…please…” I muttered. Oluz shook his head, putting a heavy hand on my shoulder, just as he used to.


    “’Nevermind, kid, enough of that.’ He sighed, leading me from the lookout point.” Jolvia mimiced his sigh. “You’re lost, confused and nary a parent in sight…against me better judgement, I suppose that makes you my responsibility, ey?”


    “But…Oluz…” I said, struggling slightly. “I’m not…”


    “’Oh I’m sure, I’m sure you’re mature for yer age, now.’ Oluz said, guiding me away.” Jolvia read.


    I looked over my shoulder longingly as the visage of the lookout point slowly slipped away from me, vanishing behind the line of trees.


    I could feel another wave of tears escaping me.


    “’Let ol’ Oluz take you home and we’ll tend to that cut of yours…’ The garchomp’s voice soothed as Vexa disappeared again. ‘I’m worried it’s going to scar…’”





    The end of the book reached. A heavy cliffhanger, in which Rexi had already changed the story that had happened long ago, driven it off course. Where his desperation to make Vexa love him again only drove her away.



    Slowly, Jolvia closed the book with a deep sigh and a smile on her face.


    “… That’s the end of that-?” Avery gaped, staring at the back cover of the book. “That’s… That’s the shortest book I’ve ever seen- Sekura wasn’t kidding when she said it was in parts, hah…!”


    “That’s right. It came out monthly in these short little parts, always ending on a cliffhanger to entice you toward the next chapter.” Jolvia said, tapping the book. “It first came out when that format was new, years before I was born. Gosh I must have first had a…second edition. This says it’s a third?”


    Avery huffed.


    “What was all that about-??” The Plusle asked. “Time travel?? That’s… Okay, well…I need Part Two now-“


    Jolvia chuckled, shaking her head.


    “Now you get it..! He’s traveled back in time in his young body. But I wonder…what is he going to do with that?” The Nidorina snickered, clearly knowing the answer…but not telling. “Will he win Vexa’s heart again? Relive the days of old? Or is everything doomed to be thrown off course…? I really love the message of the story…at the very end…”


    Jolvia leaned back, hands folded across her stomach.


    “…that life…with all of its quirks, all of its troubles and drama and terror and anger…mixed with its love and triumph and adventure and excitement…is as much paradise as any floating rock in the sky.”


    She smiled…to herself, staring down at the book. Her face looked deep in thought as she sat silently for a long moment, staring at the book, grinning from ear to ear.


    “…He was staring the end of his life in the face, and then… He was just brought back to where it really started.” Avery looked back at it, and slid it into his bag. “If it’s a romance I can’t imagine he won’t end up with Vexa in the end, but…I have a feeling it’s going to be a very different journey getting there the second time around.”


    Avery smiled a bit, finishing off his drink.


    “… It was fun reading it like that though…!” Avery said. “Maybe we could do that again, for the second book? If you aren’t opposed. “


    “Oh please, let’s, Avery.” Jolvia laughed, finishing hers as well and dropping a handfull of Poke’ into the payment tray. “If you’re getting into Team Moonlight for your very first time I absolutely must be there to see!”


    She was quiet for a bit, smiling at him.


    “You know…this was fun…” She said. “I never realized I was craving this, myself. Less work, less scramble, less worry…just a night to be friendly. Do something…innocuous. Meaningless…but so meaningful.”


    Her smile widened.


    “Thanks, Avery…I appreciate this…funny what comforting you turned into, huh?”


    She glanced up at the sky. The orange had begun to darken, the hue of the sky turning a more dark blue as nighttime approached.


    “Oh boy, I had only said we’d read the prologue, didn’t I?” Jolvia laughed, shaking her head. “We went a bit overboard, hm?”


    “Ah, I’ve got that gathering with the guild to get to-” Avery said, quickly standing up. “…Do you still want to see Janus tonight…? If you do, we should probably do that sooner rather than later so I don’t stand the others up-“


    Jolvia was quiet a moment, as though she didn’t want to let this moment go. But, at last, she dropped from the chair, onto the wood of the patio, looking back at the Plusle.


    “Of course, Avery.” She said, her demeanor slowly resetting. “This shouldn’t take long…I just…”


    She took a breath.


    “…I’m scared, I admit.”


    It was said with a chuckle, but it was laced with genuine fear. She turned, walking down the road, back through the Lower Market District, to make her way toward the castle.


    “…Scared?” Avery said, slowly running up to follow her. “…We don’t have to do it now, if you don’t want to. Like you said, she…she isn’t going anywhere.”


    ‘Why is she scared? Why is-


    …I don’t need to think about that.’


    “We could just…go to the bookstore, pick up the second part, leave it at that tonight, if you want…?” Avery looked up at the sky. “I…maybe I can even miss the outing with the guild, we don’t have to leave right just now…right?”


    He didn’t even notice the desperation creeping into his voice.


    Jolvia looked back, smiling a sad smile.


    “Secrets are comforting to keep. There’s a safety in obscurity. You know that a little bit yourself, don’t you, human?”


    She laughed softly, looking apologetic.


    “I’m sorry…I know this is the last thing you want to return back to…and I admit, I’d love to go to the bookstore, grab Team Moonlight part 2 and just wile the night away reading with my friend…but…”


    She bit her lip.


    “It wouldn’t feel right. Not right now. Not until we do this.”


    Her pace slowed and the Nidorina began to hang back…clearly letting Avery take the lead on the route to the castle.


    The Plusle’s ears drooped. Just a bit.


    That sentence…with that sentence, they were back in the real world.




    He turned, and began walking to the castle. His expression fell now that he was in front and unable to see her face.


    ‘I know that a little bit myself…? About keeping secrets?


    It’s only because of everyone else that I’m even keeping this secret. I’d been told not to tell everyone. By Vizon, by Olistia…because they’d assume I was some warmongering monster, or eldritch abomination, shoved into the body of a Plusle. I didn’t want to keep it secret. It’d be so much easier if everyone knew.


    But if people like the NAM knew that I was even more of an outsider than Illaminian folk…I’d probably have a hit on me every other day.


    She was the one keeping secrets. She was the one who’d said she’d be open with me, tell me whatever she could, and then proceeded to say nothing.


    Not like I’d asked.


    Not that I cared.


    Though Avery couldn’t see her as she walked behind he could feel Jolvia’s gaze on him. He glanced over his shoulder, looking into her crimson gasze.


    Jolvia looked as though she wanted to say something.


    Anything. Pull them both back into the world of fantasy. No more harshness tonight.


    But she held her tongue. She only took a deep breath and followed Avery toward the castle.


    ‘…She’s just doing her job. Maybe she’s even in cahoots with Janus and the Thieves’ Guild. Going to say some code words or something. Not that it matters. I’m not going to listen. I’m not going to think about it.’


    They both crossed the bridge, passing the dark guild hall. The torches were lit as the last remaining bit of sunlight vanished from the world.


    A cold wind blew again. The smell of rain was more intense than ever. Avery swore he heard a distant, rumbling thunder. Multiple far-off rumbles. Avery’s ears twitched. That storm front he’d seen from the mountain…seemed they weren’t going to be lucky enough to skirt past it after all.


    The pair came upon the front guard.


    “Hello hello again, Master Avery.” He yawned, popping his neck. “Y’caught me just before me shift ended. Who’s the lass?”


    “I’m here to visit a prisoner, Janus.” Avery said. “This is a member of Team Azure, Jolvia. She’s coming with me…if that’s alright.”


    The guard glanced over, eying Jolvia up and down, humming in thought.


    “…aye, fine. That’ll do.” the Escavalier said, the Nidorina letting out a breath as they both were waved forward. Jolvia kept her own stoic look now, standing straight, eyes half-lidded, a frown on her face. She walked at Avery’s side as they both passed under the portcullis and into the hall.


    There, on the side, was the door down to the dungeon. Jolvia let Avery go ahead to open the door, the old wood creaking, revealing the stairs down once again.


    Jolvia sighed. It wasn’t a scared sigh, it was a gruff one. A reserved, strong one.


    “Let’s go.”





    Down the stairs. One at a time. Slowly. Back in duty. Back as the captain of Team Azure, meeting another criminal in the Prison Arceali.


    Back to talk with Janus. Back to shine more horrid truths upon the Arceliaze Guild. To drive a wedge further into Avery.


    ‘…It’s funny. Janus didn’t even seem to have much affiliation with the Thieves’ Guild when I had first asked. Just that it was where she had ended up. But here she is, in prison, turning down a pardon from her own sister.


    I’m thinking again. I’m thinking and disguising it as sour reflection. I have to stop. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about anything. Leave it.’


    “…Do I get to ask why you want to talk to her?” Avery said, his voice slower. Quieter.


    “You do.” Jolvia said, as they passed the on-duty guard sleeping at the front. “And you’ll have your answer.”


    She was being quiet, up here at the front of the dungeon, stepping forward, keeping stoic, saying little.


    After tonight, it seemed less of who she was and more like…a defense.


    There, they could see it, just ahead. The familiar cell Avery had been to before to see her.


    Within…Janus of Duskwalker.


    Jolvia seemed to steel herself. They both moved forward, stepping before the bars. The inside was barely lit by the torchlight of the hall.


    Inside, Avery saw her. Sitting on the floor, her eyes closed, a half-eaten bowl of porridge beside her. Her feet were together, hands upon her knees.


    Once again…Janus.


    ‘…Shoot, I was going to bring her something. I’d forgotten…’


    “Uh…hey, Janus,” Avery said, hanging away from the door. Not to crowd. “…It’s Avery again.”


    He didn’t want to ask how she was doing. He was pretty sure he knew the answer anyhow.


    He could hear the Pikachu take a sharp breath, the quiet disturbed. She cracked open an eye, the black pool glistening in the orange torchlight.


    “Avery…hey.” She said, closing the eye again, taking a deep breath. “Caught me in the middle of my breathing exercise. Can’t be having panic attacks in my indefinite internment, yeah?”


    Still so distant. She sat not a few feet away but felt a mile off.


    She held her breath in a moment…then slowly let it out, frowning.


    “So…” She spoke. “…what brings you here again? More interrogation?”


    A sigh.


    “…Not me, no. Makes me feel like I should visit just to visit. But I’m not sure if you really want much to do with me.” Avery shrugged a bit, looking back towards the entrance. “…Though, uh…I met Starly and Snivy on our last outing, if you know them. They were…Starly’s poetry was really good.”


    There it was. That feeling in his heart.


    The sinking, everything feeling heavier, worse.


    Like he was doing something wrong, always doing something wrong. Avery hadn’t expected it to come on as fast as it did, but everyone who was involved with a conflict like this seemed to always make him feel this way.


    A tired sigh escaped Avery.


    “…There’s someone else who wanted to see you. But she couldn’t get in without me. Janus, this, uh…this is Jolvia. Jolvia…Janus.”


    He stepped back. He was, of course, wondering what Jolvia even wanted with all this. He had an idea. But he wouldn’t know for sure until the two started talking.


    Or not talking.


    Janus’s eyes opened at the name, her brow furrowed, staring out of the cell.


    Jolvia put her hands behind her back, looking down at Janus. Her eyes weren’t those of sadness or an adoring fan, though Avery…expected that. It was only laced with disappointment.


    Janus said nothing, only looking from Jolvia, to Avery then back to Jolvia.


    “Janus…” Jolvia said slowly. The Pikachu still said nothing, but slowly rose to her feet, walking over to the bars.


    “…I vaguely remember a Nidorina when I was arrested…was that?”


    “The same.”


    Janus snorted, shaking her head, looking back at Avery with a furrowed brow.


    “So what? You brought me some subordinate of yours?” Janus asked the Plusle with a shrug. “Can’t say I know her.”


    Jolvia narrowed her eyes, stepping over closer to Avery…and heaving a sigh.


    “Avery…you realize that Janus gets this cozy cell and naught to do with the guards but occasional porridge…because she’s ex-guild…correct?” Jolvia asked. Avery could see her mouth wavering. “Others caught for the same crimes face much…much worse punishments until they’re begging for the hangman’s noose.”


    Janus’s eyebrows furrowed as Jolvia continued.


    “So…here is my leap of faith in you, Avery.”


    Jolvia looked over to Janus, a deep breath huffing.


    “Janus is lying.” Jolvia said at last. “She knows me quite well.


    “Wh-what?!” Janus stammered, throwing her hands on the bar. “W-wait, no I don’t-!”


    Avery’s head went right into his hands. He taken aback.


    “…Of course you do.”


    Taken aback…but not surprised.


    He’d had guesses. Just in the back of his mind. But the moment Janus reacted to the name, he was sure. And then she reacted.


    Olisti’a voice range in his head.


    “So they were there. The map was accurate…once. But it was as though…they knew we were coming. I wonder…how does that happen…? I don’t know the answer…but perhaps-“


    ‘…No. Stop thinking. Stop it. Stop it. You promised yourself you wouldn’t think. Just stop. No more. Please, stop it.’


    He was tired. Emotionally exhausted. Given that brief stint of relief with Team Moonlight before being sent crashing back down into reality. He looked between the two of them, lowering his paws down to his sides.


    “…Do you want me to be here for this?” Avery asked. He didn’t know who the question was directed at.


    Maybe at Janus, since she didn’t trust him.


    Maybe at Jolvia, because she did.


    …Maybe even just…at himself. To check whether he wanted to involve himself further into something like this.


    “I do.” Jolvia said, keeping her composure, looking back at him. “Avery, I am Jolvia, Bloc 8 intelligence officer for the Santurini Guild.”


    She nodded to Janus, the Pikachu looking shocked. Horrified as she spoke.


    Janus…was essentially my subordinate.” Jolvia continued.


    Janus gripped the bars, looking away, screwing her eyes shut. Her breathing was speeding up, sweat forming on her forehead.


    “No…no no no no….” Janus muttered, shaking. “Why…don’t…don’t out yourself, what are you doing…?!”


    Jolvia was quiet a moment, taking a deep breath. She was clearly trying to calm herself, as well.


    “…I trust Avery.” Jolvia said, firmly. “And I don’t think you need to be so stand-offish with him anymore.”


    Janus’s eyes cracked open, lifting her head up. No longer did she look the part of the all-knowing mentor from the outside. Now she looked scared, frightened. Jolvia had to stand tall and be strong for her.


    “If you can’t trust him yet, trust in me for now.” Jolvia said. Janus groaned, wiping a paw down her face.


    …And there it was.


    Avery pressed himself up against the wall, and slid down, putting his paw against his head.


    He knew she didn’t work for him. He knew that they seriously couldn’t have called themselves ‘The Thieves’ Guild’.


    But Jolvia being…being a spy…


    And him knowing that?


    It just made everything so much more complicated.


    Jolvia, his friend, who had echoed his concerns, his thoughts about everyone pulling him in their own directions, trying to push him to their side, pull him to their morality…Jolvia, his friend, who had been unaligned. Someone who obviously wasn’t with Arcea. Someone who wasn’t actually part of his own team. Someone who was maybe as unaligned as he was…


    …she had shared her side. Jolvia had shared her secret. And there wasn’t any going back from that.


    Immediately thoughts flooded into his head, thoughts he began trying to quash and crush with a vindictive anger.


    He’d gone so long today trying not to think about anything, to lose himself, lose who he was, lose what he was avoiding…but it came back. Right at the end, it came back.


    …He hadn’t asked. He hadn’t cared. Those were…kind of true.


    “…Nice to meet you, Jolvia.”


    But the truest way to put it…was that he just didn’t want to know.


    Chapter 27.2





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