The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 27.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The sun had moved from high noon. As Avery trekked through the woods and returned to the shade of the valley, walking down the paths of the village district…he could see the city sprawled before him. Columns of smoke from chimneys dotted the expanse of white and red roofs that filled the bottom of the Arceali valley.


    In a twisted way…it had its own beauty, blemishes and all.


    As he reached the farming district, passing wood houses and rolling fields of crops the sun had transitioned to midday. The day was still fairly young. No doubt Sarfallinus, Estaloni, Loshjno and Kipuuna were finished shopping. Vizon was…wherever he was. Same with Ganisus and Lahnae, no doubt. Perhaps, Kellixaw was at the bank, or even at her other job. Perhaps Sekura was at the book store. Jolvia with Rikzyod doing something or another. Nivanee resting soundly in her bed.


    Amid the sounds of voices and the rumble of the presence of others…the peace may have been missed but it certainly wasn’t lonely.


    Avery tried to keep to his own thoughts, thinking of how else he could spend this day off. So far…it hadn’t been very relaxing at all.


    Maybe…buying a book from Sekura and checking up on her could be nice. Out of everyone he’d really come to know so far, Kellixae and Sekura were probably…the least agenda-heavy. Plus, Avery wanted to check up on her after the disaster. He knew that Olistia said she was going to get a new home built for her…he just hoped that was something she wanted.


    So…first stop – the bookstore.


    At last, Avery crossed the North gate, back to the city proper. He passed by those grey buildings again, seeing windmills turning on some of them, many gruff Poke’mon returning inside, some others stomping out, looking furious or miserable. Massive carts carrying brick and metal, pulled by Tauros and Stantlers, crossed Avery’s path every few moments.


    For a moment, he lingered by the grey buildings, just…people-watching. Avery wondered why they seemed so sad. Was it just because of work? He had a sort of idea that generally a lot of Poke’mon didn’t enjoy work. So maybe it was that. But maybe it was something deeper-


    ‘No. No thinking about that. No digging deeper. Every time I do it just ends up horrible for me and everyone around me. Keep things light. Airy. Surface-level.’


    The stretch of industry is brief, before leading to an archway where the cobblestone became messy smooth stone, gradually becoming cleaner and cleaner as he walked further into the pristine white marble world of the Market District.


    It really was like a whole other world.


    He was down in a lower square. High above he could see the towering One Truth statue peeking over a sheer cliff of pure white stone and brick. To the right was a steep ramp with stairs on the side, which he followed to get up higher in the district.


    Even here in the glamour of the Market District, even now, there was a sense of something going on here below the surface that Avery couldn’t shake. Seeing everything so nice and clean…it left a sour taste in his mouth, no matter how much he tried to banish it.


    But there, after a few more bends, just down the road from a beautiful fountain, was a familiar looking stand nestled in the side of a building not a stone’s throw from the One Truth Square. Briefly, just barley, Avery could see the head of a Mawile peeking out, leaning on the counter, eying the Poke’mon on the street.


    Seeing Sekura here, set up in her shop, that gave Avery a thought that…maybe everything wasn’t so bad. She was able to make it after all.


    After only a moment’s hesitation, Avery finally stepped forward towards the shop, looking up at the Mawile.


    Sekura looked…






    She turned her head to Avery, perking up as she saw him approach. Behind the Mawile, her parents worked sorting books and taking inventory.


    “Good afternoon, Sekura,” Avery said, jumping and pulling himself up to look over the counter. “How, uh…how are you doing?”


    “Oh my goodness, Averry! Hello once again!” She called excitedly, almost bouncing. She looked back behind her. “Nenne! Qeqe! Haesfe djo i wipavu e vsuwesdo!”


    Sekura excitedly stepped aside, the Simisear and Mega Mawile looking over merrily to see Avery.


    “Raimme i Averini? Om putvsu isui fimme homfe?” The Mega Mawile woman mused, leaning on the counter by Sekura with a wry smile on her face. The Simisear laughed, equally happy to see the Plusle.


    “Aha, Afterrnon, Avery!” He spoke in a joyous tone, taking his place on Sekura’s other side. “How good it is to finally come face to face with the Hero of that drreadful night. I did not even get the chance to shake your hand! Kiss yourr cheek!”


    “Oop, now, Qeqe, there’s no need…” Sekura giggled, nudging him. He waved his hand dismissively, shaking his head. The Mawile turned back to Avery, smiling wide. “How have you been? I have scarcely seen you since last we saw each other in the Illamini District…though Kellixae tells me you had visited her whilst gallivanting to another daring quest~!”


    She shook with excitement.


    “Eeeee, how very…cool!!”


    As soon as she spoke up, Avery’s shoulders relaxed a little.


    Hearing this…it was nice. Almost a break from all the thinking he’d had to do.


    “I can’t believe I haven’t been here since one of my first few days in the city when a friend owns the shop,” Avery said with a slightly guilty smile. “I hope you guys are doing well…! I just…wanted to pick up a bit on culture and such, so…I thought I’d stop by to get a book or brochure or something…!”


    Avery turned to…’Qeqe’. Was that his name or some Illaminian word…?


    “I’m just glad that I was able to bring the people that did that to justice.” The Plusle sighed. “And…I did speak to the Conduit this morning – if it’s agreeable with you three, she’s said that she’d be happy to commission another house for you in the Lower Market District, without debt.”


    Like a jolt being shot through them, Sekura and the Simisear went dead silent. Wide-eyed.


    The silence cut through the conversation like a sword.


    “H…house?” The Simisear stammered.


    “Dji dute? Dute je fivvu?” The Megamawile asked the Simisear, curiously.


    “Ape dete! Je fivvu dji om Dupfuvvu op qistupe fitofise dutvsaosdo ape dete!” The Simisear replied, shaking in disbelief. “Tipbe ficovo! Muxis Nesliv Fotvsodv!”


    The Megamawile’s mouth hung open…her brow furrowing almost as though she we in disbelief.


    “Pittap ficovu?” The Megamawile repeated, higher pitched. “Raitvu pup qau ittisi wisu. Do fiwi ittisi ap tidupfu gopi.”


    The Simisear pushed Sekura aside, the Mawile yelping, looking Avery in the eye.


    “What is the catch?? Is there  a catch?” He asked, a spark of hope in his eye. “Tell me this is no sick joke. Please let me hear the sweet music of those words that this is not a joke.”


    Qeqe..!” Sekura shoved back, half annoyed, half amused. “Do not badger the one fixing our problems.”


    “No debt…no debt!” The Simisear ran his fingers through his hair, staring up in disbelief. “Impossible…impossible…no debt!”


    “I do believe…he just may accept, Avery.” Sekura laughed, stepping back as the Simisear babbled incoherently in joyous disbelief. “And I imagine my mother would as well…!”


    Sekura looked back at the Mega Mawile, a hopeful look in her eye. The older woman looked between Avery and Sekura…then folded her arms with a sigh.


    “Djo tupu ou qis sogoavesi ap sihemu fem Dupfuvvu?” The Older woman said, a smile spreading across her face. It looked almost…cocky. “Ti waumi Ommenopo pim tau Muxis Nesliv Fotvsodv, emmuse mo ewse!”


    “Oh, Nene…” Sekura sighed, shaking her head with a small laugh.


    “H…hah…” Avery laughed a little, in deep relief that this went as well as it did. He was worried they’d have a grudge against Olistia or something, but…


    “She said that your debt was rescinded, and…that she could work with someone to build you a new house. He said it’d happen in the next few days.” Avery explained.


    The Simisear LEAPT up, laying over the counter, GRABBING Avery’s cheeks kissing each over and over!


    “Oh, my hero! Hero hero hero!” He shouted, Sekura laughing heartily as passerby stared curiously at the shouting Illaminian man kissing the Plusle’s cheeks. “First you avenge us and now save us!”


    Avery let out a surprised squeak, taken very aback by the show of affection – his face went a little red from it, but he didn’t struggle.


    Avery knew that he was happy. That all three of them were.


    And that felt…really nice.


    “Thank goodness for this…I’d not wish to make Kellixae’s home any more cramped than it is, poor woman…” Sekura shook her head, smiling.


    “Bless my brethren, they’ve been taking care of us…” The Simisear sighed, pushing back up. “But…! We need to have a family meeting! Tonight! Tvetise opdupvsu fo genohmoe! Fuwi wuhmoenu dete putvse!”


    The Megamawile nodded softly, a thoughtful look in her eye. She did, if nothing else, seem to bask in her husband’s happiness.


    “The Lower Market district…what a spot for…our new home, Arceus…” The Simisear sighed. Sekura pat him on the shoulder, looking back to Avery.


    “After all of what you’ve done…Avery surely there’s something we can do for you? Do not make moochers of us!” She laughed.


    “I-I can’t ask for much…! This has to be close to the bare minimum that I could have asked to be done for you after losing your home. But…” Avery thought about it. That last thing Sekura had said made him pause in his ‘it’s nothing’ speech – he didn’t want them to feel like they were taking advantage of him.


    “…I’ve been looking to learn Illaminian…?”




    Sekura smiled, leaning forward with a curious look on her face. The Simisear laughed hearing that.


    “Nothing easier!” The Simisear shouted, throwing his arms up. “You stay right there! I will get you some books! Children books, ah, dictionary…oh, and…!”


    As he rambled to himself, shuffling through his supply, Sekura flashed you a warm smile.


    “If that is all you wish, I’d be happy to be your tutor in Illamini, Avery.” She offered softly, hands folded together.


    “I don’t really know when I’d have time, with…the way the guild is working me,” Avery said with a sad laugh. “But…I think I’d really like that.”


    “Well, let’s find some time together…” Sekura suggested. “I am sure you are only available at night, yes? If ever you have time you may visit me at Kellixae’s home. I’m sure she would be most pleased to see you as well.”


    Sekura gave a soft and mirth giggle. Behind her, her parents both rummaged through their supply with all gusto.


    “…Oh! But, that wasn’t the reason I came here today-” Avery continued, going into his bag. “I wanted to ask if you had any book recommendations. I’m…not from Arceali, see, so…I don’t really know if there are any ‘must-reads’ that I’ve been missing out on.”


    She hummed looking back as the Simisear set down some books…a dictionary in Illaminian…and a stack of children books.


    “Here! To start you off! If you study with Sekura I am sure she shan’t steer you wrong!”


    Sekura giggled, pushing the stack towards Avery.


    “All free of charge. But, now, as for recommendations…” She mused, glancing back. “That all depends on what you are looking for. Some reference? Periodicals are quite popular, though they are only bi-monthly. The…brochures, of course. And, of course…fiction~!”


    “Maybe something fictional,” Avery said, another wry chuckle escaping him. “I’ve…had my fill of non-fiction for now.”


    “Ooo…a fiction lover, hm hm?” Sekura cooed merrily. “Well, then, I just have to know your fancy…high adventure? Cunning mystery? Oh…romance~?”


    She giggled.


    “I admit…I am a fan of stories with adventure…and romance.:” Sekura explained. “Gushy romance. Snuggly stuff!”


    Avery just gave a shrug.


    “I’m open to anything.” He said. “Though having something I could talk about with people could be nice. Is there a book that a lot of people have read? Or at least know the story to…?”


    “Ohhh, something a lot of people have read, hm?” Sekura clicked her tongue, looking back at the books on the back shelf. “What of…’Team Moonlight’? Surely you’ve heard of that one, it’s an international bestseller….thought I think it a little hokey. But it seems everyone has read it at least once…”


    The Mawile produced a thick book, titled “TEAM MOONLIGHT, PART 1”



    “It comes in small parts, so you need not spend thousands of coins upfront for the full story. Just see if it is to your interest…”


    Avery nodded, taking the book and leafing through it, his eyes tracing through the foreword. A foreword…


    Forward from the translator, Junadai Vonzi

    You hold in your hand the third edition of part one of TEAM MOONLIGHT, the best selling international story of swashbuckling high adventure, loving romance, friendship and mystery. It’s the tale that has dazzled and amazed readers across Tulaan. If this is your first time leafing through the pages of this tale, then I quite welcome you to the world of Ceralyn and wish you a wild ride.

    When I first worked with Nocadux on this story, on the original translation, I was unsure as to whether or not this story would be a success or if it would simply be a forgotten tale left to rot in the bowels of obscurity. When the first reviews came in, we were crushed. But then the fan letters flooded in, burying the scathing criticism. The public spoke their true want, and I’m honored to have been a part of this journey.

    Please turn the next page and let yourself slip somewhere else, into another world far away from this one. Let your worries wash away, and delve into the world of TEAM MOONLIGHT

    ~The Translator and Editor, Junadai Vonzi


    ‘Dang. It must be a classic if it had one of those.’


    “I’ll take it…!”


    Sekura giggled lightly, setting a scale upon the counter and humming.


    “Alright, very good. What say you to…” She hummed, setting some coins upon the scale, along with a block on the other end. She set another, smaller block on top of the larger block, and balanced the scales by adding more coins. “…120 coins…and for a part one it’s reduced to…70 coins, how’s that?”


    Avery tilted his head in curiosity, looking at the scale.


    “…What’s, uh… What’s the scale there…?” He asked as he went into his bag to give the money over. “…And does this shop accept tips, or is 70 a flat rate?”


    “We barter books by availability…they are not so easy to come by as crops, you understand?” Sekura chuckled, putting the scale away. “You may barter, of course, but I think the price rather fair, lower than most others in truth. But would you really wish to barter for a higher price?”


    She laughed again, shaking her head.


    Avery shrugged, putting some coins on the table.


    “I can pay seventy if you want…! I don’t want to insult you or anything, hah.”


    “Hah, no insult. You’ve merely done enough for me, you silly Plusle~” Sekura chuckled, sliding the book over to him and setting the Illaminian learning books atop it. “Odd to see you so late in the day. Are you not on a mission, Avery? Or is it a guild’s day off today, hm? What have you been up to all day?”


    “Hah, we did get a day off today,” Avery laughed, scratching the back of his head. “First day off I’ve had since I joined, actually…!”


    “Oh, is that true? How rigorous…high adventure and action fighting endlessly, day after day…!” She shuddered with a laugh. “I could never imagine fighting like that for so many days straight, when even just staying here in the city working stand jobs feels so difficult!”


    She looked to the side thoughtfully as a group approached, her mother coming to greet them as though she recognized them. Sekura scooched over to the other end of the stand to talk to Avery while the other group of customers spoke the the Megamawile.


    “Well, then, what will you be doing with your day off? Reading and studying?” She giggled. “I imagine not…I’d think it’d be some fun with the fantastic members of the guild. Ah, but to be amid their company…I am already quite living the dream being friends with an all-star guild member, am I not?”


    “Oh, well, I-“


    Avery paused.


    ‘I’m…not allowed to say Nivanee is in the hospital. Right. Because of that public veneer thing.’


    “I just went on a walk by myself, up towards Windscorch Mountain, actually. I’m going to be spending some time with the guild later tonight, but…having some time to myself was nice.” Avery said, beaming. “I would like to go have dinner with some friends at the fire bar sometime soon, though…!”


    “Time to yourself? Oh but that sounds so lovely! Everyone else too busy, I suppose?” Sekura asked curiously, though stopped herself. “Ah, but, I should not pry so much, yes? I am so very curious about many things going on in that famous guild, who wouldn’t??”


    She laughed heartily, nodding to herself.


    “I am sure Kellixae would love to take us to the fire grill again…” At once, the Mawile perked up. “Oh! Would you want to bring any of your guild friends, perhaps??”


    She certainly…trusted the guild a lot more than her Illamini brethren. From the way Poke’mon acted that night, it was easy to imagine any Illamini Op Arceali balking at the idea for bringing Arceali guild to a secluded bar like that.


    Avery’s mind went to Lahnae. Kellixae had already met her.


    ‘If I’d be comfortable bringing anyone to the fire bar, it’d be Lahnae. Maybe some of the others, but…


    …Not Azure. Nobody from Azure. Vizon and Nivanee….neither of them could go.’


    “Lahnae would love to, I think,” Avery said. “I’d have to bring it up with Kellixae, but if everything works out I’d love to show her the place.”


    “Oh LAHNAE!” Sekura squealed, delighted. “She always seemed such a friendly soul…is she? I hope I am not getting the wrong impression of her. Oh, you know what they say about meeting your heroes…though Kellixae may have mentioned something about meeting ‘a friend of Avery’s’ over our evening tea…was that you and Lahnae?!”


    She looked positively ecstatic at the prospect of meeting another guild member. All the while, however, the megamawile and the group of men on the other side of the stand talked in hushed voices.


    “…Qesvoenu tvetise. Do tveo…?”


    “To, fe fuwi opoboe?”


    “Nesdoenu wistu maggodou onnohseboupi, vsetgisipfudo emme dete fimme homfe NAMini.”


    One of the men tapped the other in the arm, glancing over in Avery’s direction.


    “Shsh…Dusquseboupi Arceali…”




    Avery looked over to the other pair of Poke’mon standing at the stall, shifting a bit.


    ‘Are they talking about me…? They said ‘Arceali’, I know that generally means me, but…’


    Sekura huffed a sigh, rolling her eyes, leaning over. Her voice immediately snapped Avery’s attention away from the whispering Poke’mon.


    “I do hope you enjoy your book…and do introduce me to Lahnae sometime. I’d love to have her over for tea at least~!” She cooed merrily. “And let us find time for tutoring soon, yes?”


    The two nodded to the Megamawile, making haste at once away from the stand. The Megamawile only looked off to the side, humming. Avery glanced over in time to see the Poke’mon vanish before looking back to Sekura.


    “Oh…yes, that was Lahnae,” Avery said, feeling odd. “I think she’d love to meet you…! And she’d be all over the food, too. Hopefully we can do that soon…!”


    Sekura glanced down the road, watching the two leave for a while before bringing her attention back to you with a sunny smile.


    Avery sighed quietly, taking the books. Maybe he could just…put that little odd encounter out of his mind.


    “…Hopefully we can do tutoring soon, though, I’d love to learn.” Avery said. “Where can I find you before the house is built…? “


    “Well, if not here, then Kellixae’s home! My parents are being housed with other Illamini Op Arceali…everyone there has taken such good care of us.” Sekura sighed softly. “They always have, ever since we first came here…how long ago was that…?”


    The Simisear smiled, perking up as he carried a crate in the back.


    “Six years and counting!” He called out merrily.


    “Thank you, Qeqe!” She called. “Ah, but, I perhaps shouldn’t keep you any longer, yes? Go on, go on! Even with a day off you’ve sure to have many adventures in the guild!”


    Avery nodded, smiling softly.


    “…Thanks, Sekura,” He said. “It really means a lot to have a friend like you around. I’ve…”


    ‘No. No. No sharing. Don’t make things more complicated. Don’t drive her away, too.’


    “Just…thank you so much.” Avery put the books into his bag. “I’ll see you later…! And I really hope that everything with the construction goes well…!”


    “Of course, Avery…and…ahhhh, thank you so much…!” She squealed again, holding Avery’s cheeks and kissing them as her father had, bouncing excitedly. “I will see you soon!”


    With a hearty wave, the family at the bookstore bid the Plusle farewell. His satchel sagged with the new acquisitions, merrily swaying to the Plusle’s step.


    One. One good thing today. Nothing gone wrong. Nothing awkward. Something nice.


    The sun was moving along, moving further towards the west. The sky was slowly transitioning into a yellowish blue hue, the air so much more warm than from this morning. Yet nighttime was still a ways off.


    …Avery let out another sigh.


    He knew he’d have to do this at some point.


    ‘So I might as well get it done now.’


    It was time for the visit with Janus and Jolvia.


    Avery looked down at his bag, the books packed into it. He was almost tempted to just read Team Moonlight. But… It’d be best to get his obligation over with now.


    He began to look for Jolvia. Same place as last time, just as she had said.


    He made his way across the Market District, much of the work winding down for many Poke’mon, crowds now in their rush to finish the last of their errands or simply weave their way home.


    Even now, though he tried to ignore it surely, Avery saw Poke’mon trading coin on the street. Noble looking Poke’mon whispering to Poke’mon with matted fur and strong bodies.


    Then, as he passed a row of trees growing in a small median in the stone path, the road turned to cobblestone, that familiar feeling.


    There was shouting here and there, the rumble of voices. Avery had to stop to let by iron carriages pulled by powerful looking Poke’mon. The open doors of a warehouse on the other side of a spiked fence showed the skeleton of another iron carriage. And another.


    Guards stood on every street corner here, eying the large seized buildings being expanded upon.


    Avery stepped in a NAM flyer, discarded on the ground and submerged in a puddle.


    And all the while, he could smell the sharp scent of rain in the air. The cloud from the west loomed ever closer to Arceliaze.


    Same place as before, same street…turn the corner and there it was. That familiar street stood before him, a pocket of what the Lower Market district must have been a long time ago. A small, local Eksai bar by some pretty fixtures, like a mini Market District. Jolvia was surely inside.


    Here Avery could see some Poke’mon, talking to one another, looking over a ‘Brighter Arceliaze Weekly’ brochure together. A stand stood, proclaiming them free to all, a small tip jar to the local chapter of The Nationalist Arcean’s movement sitting beside the free pamphlets.


    ‘Just… Ignore them. Don’t involve yourself. You don’t have to involve yourself please just keep your head down and don’t say a word. Meet with Jolvia, meet with Janus, and that’s it, that’s all you have to do today. No NAM, no Poke’mon conflict, no guild flaws, no horrors beyond comprehension.’


    Avery was digging his head in the sand, he knew that. But it was all just so much. Too much. Way too much.


    ‘Head down. Don’t engage. Go into the bar. No eye contact.’


    Avery pulled his bag a little closer to his chest, almost like it was an item of comfort.


    He opened the door and saw her immediately.


    Standing amid the crowd, once again.


    The Nidorina stood with her back to him. There were far less people in the bar this time, only a handful milling about on the center floor, watching a similar auction from the night before, only with different Poke’mon presenting.


    She seemed to only be half paying attention, her ears swiveled toward the door.


    Avery saw her turn her head, glancing back towards him, her crimson eye locking with his own.


    “… Hey,” Avery said, waving a bit from the door. He approached her slowly, feeling a sort of apprehension that wasn’t there from this morning when they’d first talked. “… You ready?”


    Jolvia smiled at first at the sight of Avery..a smile that immediately fell as she eyed him over. Her gaze traced over the Plusle’s features and it was easy to feel as though he was being thoroughly examined.


    She was silent in that way she always was, carefully considering him.


    Then, without a word, she beckoned Avery follow, stepping around him. She took a long drink of the glass in her hand, setting it upon a table by the door as she walked out.


    …Avery couldn’t help but feel as if he had disappointed her as he followed.


    ‘There it was… That funny feeling. Her smile disappearing, her expression solidifying, studying me. There it was, that heavy subject matter once again ripping at a relationship.’


    Avery looked up and could see that Jolvia turned…away from the direction they both needed to go…as she exited the bar.


    Avery’s brow furrowed at the direction.


    “The, uh… The prison is the other direction,” Avery said, though he was pretty sure Jolvia knew that well enough.


    She still said nothing, only moving to the bar patio, sitting upon one of the wood seats at a corner table overlooking a small canal. The Nidorina waved Avery over silently, glancing up at the sun briefly, watching as the yellowish sky began to take its first orange hues.


    “Sit down.” She said. It was a command…though there was a softer inflection.


    ‘… Why do I feel like I’m in trouble? I’m supposed to be her superior.


    But she and I both know that isn’t the case. At best we’re coworkers.’


    Avery grunted and took a seat, taking a lot of willpower not to look down at his lap like a scolded schoolchild.


    Another modicum of willpower spent not to apologize without cause.


    “…It’s been a long day.”


    Jolvia scooted away, trying to not crowd the Plusle. A sympathetic look crossed her crimson eyes, a deep sigh huffed.


    “What’s wrong, Avery…?” She asked plainly. “You look…miserable.”


    She had seen right through him. That worry she had this morning had ballooned now into…well, this. But after everything that happened today…


    “…I had a fight with Vizon today, after visiting Nivanee,” Avery said, slumping. “Just…Kind of came to a realization of how little I actually understand I guess. And…”


    His paw fell onto the surface of the table, drumming it idly. Jolvia looked at Avery expectantly, absorbing every word he said. She spoke much, sure, but listened just as much. With no interruptiuon, Avery continued.


    “… I think I hate that I can’t talk about anything else. I don’t know pop culture. I can’t do small talk. And I think it’s…it’s driving Vizon and I apart.” He said at last.


    Jolvia looked…almost sad hearing that. She leaned on the table, just listening and nodding.


    “I understand, somewhat…it’s annoying. It seems to be all that’s talked about sometimes…” Jolvia sighed, reaching over and tracing a claw on a clay ashtray. “I imagine with the position you are in you’re always embroiled in the middle of this conflict and that conflict, both on a global and a personal scale, hm…?”


    She sighed, shaking her head softly.


    “It’s not fair, huh? I doubt you ever asked to be the center of so much. I’m sure nobody informed you beforehand of what you were getting into. You were…just a lost poke’mon looking for someone to help…maybe some friends…a lost little…”


    She paused.


    “Human…a lost boy dumped in a world, scared and confused but with everyone insisting they’re the most important person in the world, everyone converging, everyone wanting you on their side, whether for political or personal reasons…”


    She was quiet again, only scratching at the ash in the tray.


    “…none of it was fair.” She muttered. “Seeing you fight with your best friend breaks my heart…you were both so close when we first met. You both seemed so close when we worked together…but I suppose I only know what I see.”


    It was hard for Avery to keep his composure with someone echoing his worries back at him. The Plusle’s idle drumming turned to a paw clenching the side of the table – but otherwise his outward mannerisms didn’t change. He tried to stay stoic. Or… As stoic as he could.


    “We were close,” Avery said. “… Back when he was the only person I had. He treated some people differently than others, for reasons I still don’t really get or like, but… It’s gotten to the point where I’m nervous to work with him now. And it’s not like I haven’t pushed him away, too. Hiding things. Keeping quiet. And when I do speak it’s scolding him. How is he supposed to be friends with someone like that?


    Avery’s head came to rest on the table.


    “…It was kind of naïve of me, I think. To believe I knew more than him. To think I knew more than anyone, just because… What, I talked to a few people from the other side? Because I have Kellixae as a friend? I-“






    Fuck, Avery, you’re doing it again.


    Stop it. Stop sharing. Stop talking about this. You’re either going to drive her away or let her know more than she needs. Just stop.’


    “… We… We should get you to Janus. I agreed to do that this morning, I wouldn’t want to fail to deliver.”




    Jolvia stopped him, shaking her head. She scooted a little closer, holding a claw to his hand.


    “Don’t run off. Janus will still be there, of that I’m sure…” She said, a worried frown on her face. “Let’s just talk for now, ok? I know that we’re perhaps not the closest right now, but…”


    She paused.


    “I’ll admit to you now: I’m taking a leap of faith with you.” She said, something under her voice. “Talking to you, I’ve come trust you a lot, in many aspects. It’s hard. It’s frightening to me. I stood at this bar deep in worry if I should be trusting you, if I’m being foolish or naive, myself. Wondering if I’ve been duped or had or betrayed but…”


    She took a deep breath.


    “I trust in you, Avery. I will reveal everything to you. As much as I am allowed. May I ask you trust in me, too?”


    She smiled softly.


    “Tell me what’s eating you…spare no details.” Jolvia insisted. “I’m here for you. I promise very little in my life because my line of work requires me to go back on my word often…but this? This I will promise. I am here for you.”


    “… Spare no details,” Avery mumbled, a wry smile on his face.


    ‘That’s a bit rich, coming from you. I’ve known since the day I met you that you haven’t been telling me much about yourself.


    And I had been fine with that. I didn’t need to know. I was… Relatively sure that she wouldn’t hurt us. I still am. Because here Jolvia is, trying to support me.


    Most likely, that’s what she’s doing, anyway.’


    “… You already know the details, Jolvia,” Avery said, not looking up. “You just said every single one to me. You’ve got me all figured out. I think everyone does. Once you know my biggest secret, there…there really isn’t much to me. I’m not… I’m not from here. But I’m not from where I’m from, either. I’ve got nothing.”


    Jolvia sighed and nodded, tapping on the table…


    Then…she did something surprising.


    She leaned forward…and hugged Avery. Arms wrapped around him snugly and warmly, head rested upon his shoulder. Avery froze up from her embrace. He was still trying his absolute best to remain stoic, but… But…


    He melted in her grip, sinking into her. His face screwed up…But he wouldn’t cry. He couldn’t. He wasn’t going to.


    She held him for a while, silent, clearly deep in thought…and squeezed Avery as though he were a security plush.


    “Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked, her voice warm. No mysteries or lies behind it. Just genuine warmth.


    Avery could have asked Jolvia anything. ‘Who do you work for?’ ‘Why did you join this team?’ ‘What’s your line of work?’ ‘Why haven’t you told me?’


    … But those weren’t even on his mind.


    He didn’t care. He never cared. If Jolvia wanted to tell him she’d tell him. As long as she wasn’t hurting anyone…Avery didn’t need to know.


    ‘…So what can she do to help?’


    “I just…I-I want to have conversations with people where nothing is at stake. Where I don’t… I-I don’t have to worry about their team’s reputation, or how they feel about certain Poke’mon or rulers, I don’t have to question their upbringing, or feel for the millionth time that I have no idea what they’re talking about…”


    Avery squirmed…and held Jolvia a little tighter.


    “I’m tired of feeling like an outsider. I’m tired of having my only anchor points be world-scale conflicts and prophecies, I just…”


    His breath hitched. But he wouldn’t cry.


    “…I want to talk about food and music and trashy romance novels that are so infamous that everyone at least knows about them, I-I want to talk about hobbies and what people do for fun, I want to be able to invite my friends to a restaurant and not have it be some f-fucking issue about one country or another-“


    He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t cry.


    “…But everything is so complicated. And everyone’s grown up in it. T-they all know…know what’s up, and I don’t, so the surface level digging just…Leads to all these conflicts, and…and I just push everyone away. I push everyone away.”


    “Avery…” Jolvia’s voice soothed.


    He felt it, her claws gently stroking his head as she squeezed him. She could hear it in his voice, no doubt, the cracks.


    “You don’t need to be strong right now…” she assured. “you’re not my co-worker or my boss or anything right now…you’re just my friend. A boy named Avery that needs a friend.”


    She squeezed Avery softly, sighing.


    “I’m your friend for now. Just your friend.”


    No words to sway him somewhere. No statement. No work.


    At last, at last


    It was just




    Avery squeezed his eyes shut.


    He wouldn’t cry. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.


    “…l…let’s not kid ourselves,” Avery struggled to get out of the hug which she released, sad laughter shaking his little body. “…I’ve never been your boss, Jolvia.”


    A soft laugh was his reply.


    “Perhaps not…” Jolvia whispered with a sigh. “Yet you inspired me all the same. I’ve told my lies, but this is truth…you filled me with hope. When I met you, you filled me with hope.”


    Her fists clenched…but she gave him a warm smile.


    “I needed hope so much.” The Nidorina whispered. “Now, I give my friendship. A warm place to go for tongight.”


    She huffed another breath…sounding both soothing…and scared at the same time.


    “I’ll be that for you…because I trust you. I truly trust you.”


    That… Almost irked him.


    ‘Trust me…? I give her hope? What have I done to do that? When I met her I was this naïve kid with this other naïve kid trying to take down a kingdom. We were basically led by the nose the whole way…!


    … I’d been led by the nose this entire time.


    “… Can… I ask why…?” Avery said, distilling his thoughts into a less confrontational-sounding phrase. He didn’t hate her. On the contrary. He just…didn’t understand.


    He was used to that feeling, at least.


    Jolvia chuckled, patting Avery’s back, leaning back with her hands in her lap.


    “Because you were strong. You were brave. I watched you take part in a rise against Emperor and Empress. You were scared, confused, but only focused upon one thing: helping Taeriana…and more importantly? Helping the Nidos who themselves were victims under the Nido Empire.”


    She smiled.


    “Isn’t that amazing? Were they not evil? Criminals one and all? Nooo, not to Avery they weren’t. You were the boy that gave an attacking army aid and food where anyone else would fight to their last and perish on their moral high ground.”


    She was silent again, a thumb tracing over her hand…her eyes sparkled with…something.


    “You did that as guild. You did that as a ‘Hero of Arceus’ deployed by the Conduit. You did that as…an outsider knowing nothing of the world.” Jolvia sighed softly as she spoke. “When you see so much of Arcea…of Quayoff…of Illaminamo…you begin to wonder if being so base and horrible is the true nature of all living creatures…”


    Her smiled widened. The sparkle Avery saw in her eye…he realized now it was…tears. Just barely formed.


    “…then…you meet someone like Avery. A clean slate. And he shows you how good and brave and loving others are at their core and it just…” She paused. “…gives you hope for everyone else, too.”


    Avery was silent…thinking to himself.


    ‘… And then you see him beaten down by this town and the people in it. Stressed, so much on his shoulders. Given weight that he can’t carry.’


    …And the way Jolvia had been treating him began to make a lot more sense.


    “…I wanted to learn Illaminian today,” Avery said quietly. Jolvia nodded with a warm smile as he talked about learning Illaminian. Her expression seemed…very approving, actually. “I went to a bookstore to pick some up, but…”


    He paused a moemnt and pulled out Team Moonlight.


    “… Sekura warned me that the book was kind of schmultzy, but…She told me it was pretty common knowledge. I picked it up just… So that I’d have something to talk about. It…” Avery laughed, looking at the cover. “It has ‘team’ in the title so it seems like the sort of thing Vizon might like. Have…You read it?”


    Jolvia’s expression shifted the moment Avery pulled out the larger book.


    All at once, as he told her the title, everything about her shifted. The change was so utterly drastic that she…didn’t even see like the same woman.



    “OooooAAAAWWWW! I love Team Moonlight!!!!” She practically screamed.




    Avery was… Very taken aback. He’d never seen her react so strongly to…anything.


    “…you do?”


    “Yes?!” Jolvia desperately tried to contain herself but was like a popping grease fire gone mad. “The world of Ceralyn has been with me since I was a little nido! It comforts me even today. I love everything about it! The lore, I love Rexi so much, he’s such a sweet guy, one of my oldest crushes…”


    She stopped herself, coughing into her fist, face flushing.


    “Er…well…I mean, I admit, I was even reading this just last night and the night before. It always helps when I feel so stressed. For a long time I stopped reading it because I felt too…I guess…jaded? Grown up? But then I just slipped back into it a year ago and just…”


    A wide smile crossed Jolvia’s lips as she traced a hand over the cover.


    “…it’s just a comfort story to me. Seeing Ruxi and Vexa together just…”


    She paused, making a face as though her heart were melting at something cute.


    “It’s just so heartwarming…”


    “I admit I’ve… Only read the foreword so far,” Avery said, looking down at the book. “I haven’t even read the back of the book yet, so…I’m going to be going into it blind. But… If you enjoy it it should be good…!”


    “Well! We could always read a little bit together! The prologue is pretty short and…” Jolvia glanced up at the sky, seeing the slowly deepening orange. “…we’ve got time. Let’s do something…anything else besides talk of conflicts and conspiracy and such. Let’s just…be friends.”


    She smiled softly, perking up as she put her hand on the edge of the book’s cover.


    ‘…Could we? Would that be alright…? I have something with the guild soon, we might not have time to visit Janus…’


    “…I’d like that.”


    With that, he opened the book.


    Chapter 27.1





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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