The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 13.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================




    The castle had always stood proudly across the canal from the guild building. The shining gold dome towering at the center was blinding in the afternoon but now sat dark at night. The detailed and intricate designs in the architecture could only barely be seen in the magenta light of the night. A stone bridge ran across the canal straight to the portcullis at the front of the castle.


    This was the first time Avery had been here. He’d been told by Olistia herself that he was welcome here anytime, but he’d never had a reason to visit before now.


    ‘I can’t lie…I don’t exactly share Nivanee’s optimism. Janus seemed very, very jaded from what I saw. But…if she’s somewhere in there, it’s my responsibility to at least figure out what happened.’


    Avery looked up at the towering parapets, the carved walkways that they passed by.


    “It’s…very majestic here,” he said quietly, squeezing Vizon’s hand back. The beautiful crowd jewel of Arcea, the seat of the Arcean Conduicy government, Olistia included.


    At the front two Escavalier guards standing at the gate saw the three guildmembers approaching and immediately moved their weapons out of the way.


    “Hi! Can we go to the dungeon please?” Nivanee asked.


    “Why miss Nivanee, you haven’t done anything wrong!”


    She and the guards laughed. This was clearly an old and common joke between the both of them.


    The guards didn’t even question Avery and Vizon as they followed behind her. Avery felt something was…off about what they were seeing.


    The entryway was ornate and gorgeous, beautifully trimmed with gold and spiral flowery patterns carved into the very metals lining the pathways.


    The the entry hall split from here, to various rooms and barracks and Chambers. Nivanee, without missing a beat, knew exactly where to go. With only a merry hum she led the other two toward a dingy wooden door, standing a bit in stark contrast to the other doors.


    She pressed her nose on the wood, pushing it open to reveal a flight of stone steps, dimly-lit in torchlight. A musty smell wafted from the dungeon Within, accompanied by a rattle of chains.


    The way that she practically bounced down the steps made one thing clear: she was definitely used to coming down here for one reason or another.


    ‘…That was something I didn’t expect. The jokes, her attitude, the readiness and familiarity with which she transferred from the wonderfully designed hallways to the dark, dank dungeons below…’



    As they reached the bottom of the steps, they saw the dungeon, Prison Arceali. Avery saw the cold and grimy stones, the dim lantern light. The shadows were thick, flickering with what few lanterns lit the cramped, damp hallway lined with cells. Yet despite the dingy environment, Nivanee couldn’t have looked more comfortable.


    “Do you…come here a lot?” Avery said, giving Nivanee an odd look. “Do you visit prisoners often…?”


    “Well…I admit I’m also just in a good mood since the show, the dinner…and it’s just…” Nivanee giggled excitedly. “…getting to talk to her again…I’m over the shock, I think…no more battle, just…we two, finally talking again. Getting my little sister back!”


    Vizon looked unsure but at the same time also looked worried about saying anything. The Eevee continued forward, checking the prisoner manifest at the front desk and making her way towards the cell marked for ‘The Old Wanderer’. Avery and Vizon followed after her, footsteps echoing dully on the old stones, a hollow wind billowing past them, cold and sickening.


    At last, Nivanee stopped, her breath catching, looking into a cell…



    Avery felt his heart catch. A silent fell over the group.


    ‘Let’s keep our heads on. Expectations…tempered.’


    “Janus?” Avery said gently from outside the cell. Avery was trying to be sincere. He didn’t want to jar the Pikachu back into being someone that she wanted to leave behind. “…Or do you prefer Old Wanderer?”


    The Pikachu on the other side of the bars perked her head up in shock, her green eyes falling on Avery.


    They raised for a moment, a silent surprised look on her face. But instead of belligerent words and a flurry of insults…she only sighed sadly, looking away at once.


    For a moment Janus said nothing.


    “Janus is fine.”


    “Janus!!!” Nivanee squealed, her paws tippy tapping on the stone, making Janus wince. “I’m so so sorry…I didn’t hurt you, did I?”


    Janus didn’t reply, only giving Nivanee a sideways glance. Not a cold one…a different look that was hard to place.


    “Okay,” Avery said softly. “…I…we have some questions for you, if that’s alright.”


    Avery knew that Nivanee was…going to be emotional through this. He was a little worried that was going to make parts of this harder.


    ‘The fact that I don’t know her at all, compared to Vizon’s knowledge of Team Duskwalker, and Nivanee being her sister…I think it might help me keep a level head …Hopefully having these two here would help rather than hinder.’


    Janus shrugged, eyes closed.


    “I’ll choose what I answer, if that’s equally alright.” Janus replied. Her voice was gruff and curt but had little bite to it. Nivanee smiled, hearing Janus’s voice.


    “Aw, Janjan, don’t be so rude!” Nivanee said, swaying. “Dontcha remember your big sis?”


    Janus furrowed her eyebrows, looking over at the excited Eevee.  Janus was silent for a long time, her exhausted eyes only staring for a while.


    “You haven’t changed at all in seven years.” Janus said at last. Avery took a step forward after Nivanee, trying to reign back the conversation.


    “That’s okay,” Avery assured, continuing on. “You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to answer. I’m not here to interrogate or anything, I just…want to know what happened.”


    “Any time you ask questions to a prisoner it’s an interrogation, even if you try and be polite.” Janus replied. “And absolutely any answer can be used to extrapolate further answers…and be used against you.”


    “That’s a fair point,” Avery conceded about investigations. “…But for what it’s worth…you’re already in prison. I don’t really know what else I’d want to do. I’m not after a conviction with you, I just want to know what happened.”


    “Want to know what happened?” Janus huffed. “Did Olistia put you up to that? Sarfallinus? Nabbed one fish now it’s time for the rest to be put in their pin, huh?”


    “I’m not doing this on anyone’s behalf but my own,” Avery replied. “…I’m new to this world. New to Sarfallinus’s guild, new to Arcea, new to…everything. Before I met Nivanee I didn’t even have any idea who you were. I don’t have expectations, hopes, or a vendetta against you. I’m asking because I want to understand why someone so many people trusted and loved would do something like that.”


    “‘New to the world’? New to everything? Anybody can say anything.” Janus spat back. “I lied to a drifter about who I am just yesterday. But I have to say you’re real bold to think that speil would be remotely believable enough for me to pour my heart out.”


    Avery winced.


    “…I don’t really have a way to prove what I’m saying to you. I don’t think you’d trust the people who can back me up.” Avery looked to Vizon for a moment. Janus stared at him and Vizon for a bit. Nivanee frowned a bit at the argument’s conclusion.


    At last, Janus sighed and backed off.


    “I’ll only answer what I want to.”


    “Alright…” Avery said. He looked at the others. Thinking about it…there were indeed some questions he wasn’t sure he’d get a straight answer on if Nivanee and Vizon were here. Specifically…questions about the guild.


    “…I’ll start with the obvious. Where have you been?”


    Janus paused, listening to the first question, mulling over it.


    “Where have I been? All this time?” Janus huffed, looking away. “Shall I give you times and dates, too? Maybe some names of collaborators while I’m at it? I wasn’t born yesterday. Next question.”


    Nivanee huffed, tilting her head.


    “Janjaaan, are you seriously protecting those Thieves’ Guild creeps? How’d you fall in with a crowd like that?” Nivanee pressed, almost nagging. “C’mon…you don’t have to ride with those bad guys anymore…”


    Janus clenched a fist but said nothing. Avery’s eyes flitted to her fist, but he didn’t follow up on that.


    Bad guys. Good guys. He was hearing a lot of that recently.


    “Were you with the Thieves’ Guild all this time? Or was that…recent?” Avery asked.


    Janus clicked her tongue, folding her arms. She sighed, a thoughtful look on her face, almost seeming like she wasn’t going to answer.


    “All this time.” Janus wasn’t looking at Avery. “Out one guild and into another.”


    “Just like that?” Nivanee asked, her face falling. “But the Thieves’ guild just…steal and make money, that’s what their report says! And your wanted poster…stealing, robbing…trafficking Poke’mon, why-?”


    “Trafficking?” Janus snorted, a wry smile spreading on her face. “…sure. Guess that’s me.”


    Avery looked to Nivanee for a moment, then back to Janus, thinking a bit.


    “Something doesn’t seem right…you’re not crazy, Janus.” Avery said, folding his arms. “I don’t think it was a psychotic break, those don’t last seven years. Something changed, and that left a sour taste in your mouth about the guild. That’s the only explanation I can think of where it doesn’t discredit your mental state as a factor, and obviously one of the most fearsome bandits in the country has to have her wits about her.”


    Janus eyed Avery up and down, regarding his deductions.


    “See? I’ve said so little…and look how much you know already just from that, huh?” She said, her gravelly voice low.


    Avery stared at her, a frown crossing his face. Everything about her…it was nothing like Nivanee or Lahnae or Kipuuna or anyone at the guild. The thought that this Pikachu came from that guild…


    …something didn’t sit right with Avery.


    He was quiet for a moment. A long moment.


    “…What happened to the guild?” He asked at last.


    Janus considered the final question…she closed her eyes. Briefly, her brow knitted, a deep sigh escaping her lips.


    “Dunno…what did happen at the guild?” Janus asked, her eyes falling towards Nivanee. The Eevee blinked, confused, looking from her to Avery then back to Janus.


    “Seven years ago?”


    “When I left, yeah.”


    Nivanee had a blank look on her face. No recollection in her eyes or signs of knowing, only genuine befuddlement.


    “I…don’t know,” She said, confused. “It was a normal day like any other…you just…vanished in the night…”


    Janus chuckled, shaking her head.


    “You haven’t changed at all in seven years.” Janus said at last. Nivanee but her lip, clearly losing patience.


    Avery opened his mouth to speak, but paused…and turned to Nivanee.


    “Are…you okay?” He asked her. The Eevee ignored him.


    “Janus, C’mon, that’s enough.” Nivanee growled, stepping up to the bars. “We’ve all been worried sick! We miss you! I miss you, Kipuuna misses you…”


    Janus sucked in a breath, sadly looking away at the name ‘Kipuuna’.


    “I just want things to go back to the way things were!” Nivanee cried. “When we were happy, when we were all friends! Why did you have to go and ruin that?”


    Janus didn’t reply, Nivanee’s patience running thinner.



    Nivanee was shouting.


    “Little sis, you GOT to stop being selfish and stop all this stupid Thieves Guild stuff and come back to us! To Olistia! Sarfallinus! Your family!’


    Her voice echoed on the stones. Janus’s eyes flared, her face screwing into a scowl as she stepped up aggressively towards the bars, shouting back.



    Stupid?!” Janus shot back, her green eyes afire. “After seven years and all this you’re seriously thinking I’m just a petulant child having a tantrum? When are you going to grow up and quit acting like a kid yourself? It’s been seven years! You’re, what, 21? You think me so lacking in resolve that by calling me ‘little sister’ I’ll…fling myself into your arms?! Renounce my ways? Huh?!”


    “Why?!” Nivanee screamed, slamming her forehead into the bars. Janus didn’t flinch. “Everyone was happy…everything was ok…and you’re just…throwing it away!


    “Miss them as dearly as I do…it wasn’t worth keeping.” Janus seethed, her own temper flared.


    Avery pulled Vizon back a little as the two of them fought. He didn’t think it was good to engage in this quite  yet. In a matter of seconds, maybe, but…for now, this was something he felt Nivanee at least needed.


    ‘But…this…wouldn’t be able to happen with Niv here.’


    “I am NOT giving you up!” Nivanee promised, her eyes flaring. “I don’t care what I have to do, how many times I have to come in here, you’ll come back to us and everything will be ok! Do you hear me?!”


    Janus’s fists clenched harder than before, but she held her tongue. She quaked and quivered but, somehow, she held her tongue.


    Nivanee huffed, angrily turning, storming past Avery and Vizon, her padding footsteps echoing down the hall.


    From behind…Avery heard Janus let out and long, tired sigh.


    “Nivi…” the Pikachu whispered.


    Avery heaved a sigh of his own, looking to the Riolu.


    “…Um…Vizon, can you…go and check on her?” Avery asked. “…There’s still some stuff I wanted to ask, but…I’m concerned about Niv. You can stay if you want, though.”


    Vizon sighed, nodding and patting Avery on the shoulder.


    “Hope she even wants to talk anymore…” Vizon muttered, though it was hard to tell which sister he spoke of.


    As Vizon ran off Janus leaned upon the bars, resting against them, eyes closed. She…didn’t look pleased, certainly. But neither angry. Avery sat there for a while, in the quiet aftermath of the fight.


    “…I know I can’t really prove it to you,” Avery said quietly, slowly turning to face Janus. “…But I’m new. I woke up in the fields…I want to say a week and a bit ago? No memory of anything.”


    He looked at her sadly. Janus’s expression, meanwhile, was unreadable.


    “…I owe a lot to Sarfallinus’s guild. They…well, Sarfallinus was really rough to me for the first few days, but…they took me in. They gave me a place to stay, and…friends.”


    She let out a light chuckle, staring at the Plusle.


    “…you got a real innocent feel about you.” Janus said. “What did you say your name was?”


    “Avery.” he replied. “…Comes with being an amnesiac, I think.”


    Janus gave a light smile, but it quickly vanished. Avery couldn’t muster a smile of his own in response, his head swimming with different thoughts, and none of them pleasant.


    He felt like he was at the cusp of broaching something he’d rather not know. Yet he spoke anyway.


    “…I don’t know what you felt that made you leave, Janus, but…there’s something broken about that guild.” He said. “Everyone there, everyone has…there’s this miasma of something over it. Everyone keeps talking about how it used to be so great, but…I want to know what happened. I don’t know what the guild was. I only know what it is.”


    “Mm…I wonder how much of it’s my fault…” Janus mused bitterly, pushing from the bars, taking a look at Avery. “…yeah, Sarfallinus’s Guild meant a lot to me, too. All of them…Kipuuna, Keshiano, Ganisus…”


    Avery shrugged.


    “…Maybe it was. The only people who don’t seem…off are the people that joined after you left, and even they have their own host of problems. Kipunna’s…kind of mad Lahnae – the, uh…Torchic you ambushed – a bit of a pet project, but…Kipunna’s been irritable with people, and…Ganisus is…I get the feeling Ganisus doesn’t even want to spend time with him anymore. Sarfallinus hasn’t brought new members on in years, even seemed like he was trying to scare me out of joining. And…”


    Avery looked back down the hall, towards the exit. His partners were long gone.


    “…Well, you saw how Nivanee is.” He finished.


    “Gh…poor Kipuuna…he’s a good guy. Loving and protective, I did everything I could to break him out of his shell.” She laughed, her eyes slowly glimmering with nostalgia. “I guess Sarfallinus hasn’t changed, either…even back then he was hard on recruits, he was hard on us, too, but softened real quick…is that Torchic alright, by the way? I didn’t mean to conk her partner so hard. Was trying to just do a warning shot.”


    “Ha, they’ve…” Avery smiled sadly. “…Team Spade. It’s…it’s odd. Almost seems like fate hates ’em. They take on jobs, any job, and they get ambushed. Jumped. Surprised by something way over their pay grade.”


    He gave Janus a wry smile.


    “…I don’t really blame you for that, I think you were just the hand of fate in that moment. But…they really need a win.” Avery looked up at the ceiling. “…They’re amazing though. So many losses in a row, and even now they never give up. They’re still as fiery and strong as…well, I can only imagine as fiery and strong as the day they joined.”


    “Mmm…I could see it even then…betcha they’ll make a fantastic team yet. Women like Lahnae…gotta respect that.” Janus laughed, smiling as she looked Avery over. She looked as though she were searching for thr right words.


    “What of you, Avery? You know, it’s crazy to think there’s been two new teams…time just keeps on marching. Just…you’re a young team, and I guess nobody else is going to say it to you so just…be careful.”


    “… That’s what I’m here for,” Avery said, looking up at Janus. “… There’s something going on in the guild. I want to know… Why you left. Why you reacted the way you did when Niv used the term ‘bad guys’. You’re not stupid. You’re an accomplished guild member and an accomplished bandit. I’m not going to insult you by…”


    Avery lowered his voice, casting a glance towards the door.


    “I won’t insult you by acting like ‘this isn’t you’ or you’re under some spell or something. I’m not saying I’m going to defect to the Thieves’ Guild or anything but…”


    Avery sighed a deep sigh.


    “…Illaminians are called bad guys too. But I’ve met… I’ve met really good ones. I don’t know the history between you all and them. But if I’ve learned anything it’s that the line isn’t clear cut like that. I’m just trying to figure out the truth, and…and you’re the only person who can give me a perspective from the other side of the river. “


    Janus listened to him…and smiled warmly, genuinely warmly as Avery spoke. For a moment she didn’t look like a bandit, she looked like the guild member he’d been told she was.


    “I hate…that I can’t tell you…” Janus said, chuckling. “You, Avery…I think I like you. You being in the guild gives me some sense of peace…you have love in your heart. Please hold on to that, tightly, never let it go. When the time comes…you’ll do what you think is right. That’s all I did and all you need do. Don’t let me or Sarfallinus or anyone take away your power to do what you think is right…”


    Janus sighed, shaking her head, giving a sideways glance at the moon.


    “How messed up is this, though…? That after all this, all these seven years away, after that day…and I see Nivanee and it all comes rushing back. All the good and bad. That now I stand here remembering how much I love Sarfallinus and Kipuuna and Ganisus and Nivanee even after…everything…”


    She sighed.


    “But the more I think about it, really…maybe the reason I left wasn’t even just one thing…because I miss them, Avery, Arceus, I miss them all so much but…I can’t. I can’t trust it anymore…I can’t trust anything about the guild…”


    Janus looked to Avery, a serious look in her eye.


    “How much do you trust the guild…? How much do you love them?”




    Avery thought about it.


    “… I trust individual people,” He said. “… I trust Vizon. I trust Niv, Lahnae, Loshjno. Even Sarfallinus and Olistia, to a degree. But… The guild, as a whole?”


    Avery shrugged.


    “I love the guild. I want to see it get better. I want it to be a welcoming place that helps people. But… It’s not that right now. Vizon was a huge fan of it, and the picture he painted for me was a far cry from what it is.”


    He looked up at her.


    “… So I don’t distrust it. But…there’s something sick in it. And that needs to be cured.”


    They stared at one another for a while. Avery’s counter-question spilled from his mouth without a second thought.


    “…how much did you trust them? The day you left? How much did you love them? “


    “Dearly…with all my heart, even as it broke into pieces.” Janus said, staring Avery down. “…and…that’s the problem.”


    She paused, clenching her fists.


    “…do you know how old I was when I ran from this guild?”


    “… Well, you’re the younger sister…” Avery said with a shrug. “Nivanee is twenty one now…I don’t really…”


    …It hit him.


    Seven years ago.


    Nivanee had been fourteen when she’d left.


    “12, I’m 19 now.” Janus said, Avery listening in silence. “The ripe age of 12. Team Duskwalker formed in 6T52, 10 years ago. How old does that make us when we joined this guild?”


    “… You… You joined when you were nine?” Avery’s jaw dropped. “Th…That’s way too early! Did the guild always do the kind of work I’ve been doing? B-because that’s… I-isn’t that too early?? I… Is it??”


    Avery was suddenly unsure. Were kids more mature here? He had the distinct impression that nine was very young, but…


    ‘Was that a human thing?’


    “You made the decision to defect and…. And went out on your own…” Avery began, his voice slow. “When you were twelve…?”


    “I remember when Kipuuna and Ganisus joined, 9 and 10 years respectively. Children. Not all of us, but many.” Janus’s brow furrowed, grip on the bars tightening. “A couple of kids with heads full of stories of the fun guild. They saw the potential in us when we ran from home and took us in…


    Her grip on the bars only tightened.


    “…and I know you’ve seen it,” Janus continued. “The way Sarfallinus and Olistia behave around the guild? The words used? Nivanee used them herself here. Do you get it now?”


    Janus leaned in, her gaze intense.


    “Sarfallinus’s Guild…the Guild if Arceliaze is a extra-judicial military organization that accepts Poke’mon of all ages that pass exam, even children as young as us, where they’re then made close and loyal, calling the guild ‘family’, to the point of seeing the Guild Master and, Arceus above, the Conduit Olistia…as mother and father figures.”


    Janus heaved a breath, pulling from the bars.


    “See the problem?” She said, her voice low, gravely. “You’re sweet and loving, Avery. Mind nobody uses that to make you do something you regret. Something that either haunts you…”


    Janus’s eyes slowly looked down the empty hall.


    “…or something you block and just plain refuse to remember.”


    Avery stared at her.


    He wasn’t able to form a response. At least not right away. Everything about being a family…


    It was broken. If this was an act, if it was carefully manufactured, then why would they break it?


    ‘That couldn’t be… Wholly true, right?’


    But this was what he wanted. This was what he needed. Another perspective.


    “…And what about the Thieves’ Guild…?” Avery asked, stepping forward. “You were twelve when you joined them, if you meant what you said about joining them straight away. Was there really nowhere else you could go…? And… Wouldn’t that mean they’re putting kids to work too?”


    Janus chuckled, nodded and looking at the ground.


    “They took a sad, crying girl who had no idea what to do with herself.” Janus replied. “But you know what? You’re right. I was put to work as a twelve year old all the same. But I haven’t stuck with them because they comforted me, or because they called me little sister, or because they engendered a sense of familial trust with Deshunna.”


    Janus straightened, standing tall against the moonlight.


    “I know better now. I stuck with them…because it’s what I think is right. And I’d drop them in a heartbeat if I ever once thought different.”


    Avery nodded, hearing that.


    “…That’s the Janus that makes sense to me,” The Plusle said, looking up at her as she stood to her full height. “…That’s the one that can become something like the Old Wanderer.”


    Avery gave her a little smile, getting up to leave…though he paused.


    “…Is there anything you’d like me to tell anyone at the guild, Janus? Or… Anything you want me to get you next time I visit? “


    Janus smiled warmly, thinking to herself. Slowly, she removed her Schism Sigil from her ear, the small gold coffin shaped earing adorned with a lightning bolt split by a schism. She smiled at it, pressing her lips to the surface, kissing it lovingly, and handing it to Avery.


    “…give that to Kipuuna. Tell him I still think about him.” She smiled again, that warm smile Avery could practically see in the guild hall, at line up, coming home from a hard mission. She’s Janus of Duskwalker in that smile. “Maybe it’d cheer him up?”


    Avery walked forward, taking the sigil from her, and pocketing it carefully.


    “… Will do. I’ll… Let you know how he receives it next time we talk.” He gave her a sad smile. “… Maybe we can talk about something a little lighter next time too. Can’t imagine you’re having many exciting conversations otherwise.”


    “Something lighter would be nice…honestly I hope next I see Nivi it’ll go better…I miss big sis, too, you know…” Janus chuckled sadly, turning to clamber back up into the chained bed. “I think I’d enjoy talking again. You got a real pleasant kind of aura…it’d be nice, chatting like I was a guildy again…but just remember what I said. And remember the kind of power you have as a guild member, alright…? Good luck wherever you’re going next…Avery.”


    She smiled, the bell up at the front of the dungeon ringing, signaling that visiting hours were up and it was time to clear out.


    “.. I don’t know if I’ll run away.” Avery said softly. “But… Thank you for the perspective. I don’t… I don’t think I could have heard that from anyone but you.”


    He gave her a little wave, one she returned.


    “I’ll see you later, Janus.”


    With nothing else to be said, he went to reunite with his team. The pair weren’t present outside the dungeon exit, nor in the castle. Avery passed the guards who only nodded with a grunt in his direction, and still did not see them outside the castle gates. He crossed the stone bridge, wondering where they got off to.


    Finally at the guild, Avery entered and saw Lahnae and Loshjno, the former finally sobering up with many bread stick snacks, provided by Nivanee and Vizon.


    “Ugh god, thanks…I feel like a hammer hit me…” Lahnae whined.


    “Aw, Lani, it’s no problem.” Nivanee cooed softly. “What’s family for, huh?”


    Vizon perked at the sound of the door opening, waving to Avery.


    “Avery! Hey!”


    Avery gave them a little wave. His eyes wandered to Spade.


    ‘How long has Spade been here…? How old were they when they joined?’


    “Hey, guys, sorry I was gone so long.” Avery said with a weak smile. “How…how are you doing, Niv…?”


    “Better…much better.” The Eevee sighed. “I was feelimg terrible but…Lahnae told me what I needed to hear: To never give up.”


    Lahnae beamed proudly, though winced when her headache returned, Loshjno holding her. Nivanee smiled, looking to Avery.


    “I guess I forgot how stubborn Janus is…but I won’t give her up. Never.” Nivanee’s voice had resolve, Vizon patting her on the back. Lahnae sighed, she and Loshjno looking at Avery…


    …Everyone was looking at Avery.


    “So, you stayed behind to talk to Janus more? Doubt she even said anything else, huh?” Nivanee giggled softly, shaking her head. “How’d that go, huh?”


    Avery squirmed.


    “…She said a couple of things,” he replied. “But…I just…sat with her a while. It’s…it’s got to be hard, you know? She uh…she did tell me that she did miss you. A lot.”


    “Tch…fine way to express it…sending someone to tell us for her…” Nivanee huffed looking away.


    ‘I can talk about some of the other things she said later…not in front of Lahnae and Loshjno. Maybe not right now.’


    “Oh, I do need to see Kipunna quickly, before we turn in.” Avery said. “We don’t have to go to bed now if you guys want to stay up, I just have to go see him before the night’s done.”


    Nivanee rolled her eyes, her smile returning.


    “That’s ok!” She said. “Kipuuna should still be up if you wanna see him!”


    “I might head to bed with Avery, then…” Vizon yawned, stretching. “Today’s been exhausting, huh?”


    “And here’s hoping TOMORROW IS EVEN HARDER!!” Lahnae cheered.


    “That’s not what I…! Oh what they hey, sure!” Vizon cheered back. “To an even harder day tomorrow!”


    Avery chuckled lightly, walking over to Lahnae and giving her a pat on the back.


    “…Thanks for cheering Niv up though.” Avery said in a soft voice as Vizon and Nivanee exchanged good-nights. “It’s…it’s really great to have you as a friend, Lahnae.”


    Lahnae smiled, stepping forward and hugging him tight.


    “I’m glad to have you too, Avery. When I needed one, you were a friend for me. So you better bet I’D DIE FOR YOU.” Lahnae promised, squeezing him, Loshjno snickering, Nivanee nodding approvingly.


    “I would…very much prefer you live for me instead,” Avery said with a little laugh. “But…I appreciate the sentiment. I’d…both live and die for you if it came to that, too, Lahnae. See you tomorrow, Lahnae, Loshjno…!”


    “G’NIGHT, RIVAL!!!” The Torchic cheered merrily.


    “Sleep well, Avery. We’ve got another big day tomorrow.” Loshjno said, a small smile on his face.


    Vizon smiled, beckoning Avery toward the staircase. Avery nodded, quickly following after him.


    ‘This…this is going to be the first night with Niv as part of our team.’


    “…Hey Niv, does your old room happen to have any furniture we can use now?” Avery asked.


    “Mhm! Lots!” Nivanee replied, her tail swishing excitedly. “Estaloni offered to move it for us tomorrow. In the meantime, we can sleep in my r-…ahem…my former room.”


    Vizon nodded, Lahnae and Loshjno giving their own goodnight waves. Vizon chuckled, holding Avery’s hand as the three both descended the stairs, out of earshot from Team Spade.


    “Man, you sound kinda out of it. Janus tear into you that bad?” Vizon asked. Avery took a deep breath.


    “…It’s…not that. I’ll talk later about what we talked about but…it’s got me thinking about some stuff, is all.” Avery sighed. “I can tell you guys about it tonight, or we can leave it for tomorrow, since…y’know. Today was long and hard.”


    Vizon blinked, concerned, pausing a moment to look at the Plusle seriously.


    “What did she say? You’re not getting brainwashed like she did are you?” Vizon cocked his head. “Oh geez, can that spread? Quick, Avery, who am I? Remember? Vizon, your friend! You gotta fight it!”


    For someone who indulged so much in no doubt embellished periodicals on the guild, it was hardly a surprising response. Avery laughed a little.


    “Hey, bud,” Avery said, clapping his cheeks. He…did have to reach up to do it. “I’m here, it’s still me. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”


    “Alright…alright, I just, you know, don’t want my buddy vanishing for seven years without even a goodbye…” Vizon sighed, nuzzling into the Plusle’s cheek. Avery pulled the Riolu into a hug – or, perhaps, more pulled himself into a hug.


    “I’m not going anywhere,” Avery said again, softer this time. “Let’s get settled for now, okay? I’ll talk to Kipunna quickly, and then I can fill you guys in once we’re settled for the night.”


    “Alright, sure. See you soon, Avery.” Vizon replied, equally soft, kissing the Plusle’s cheek before pulling away. He took the satchel from his shoulder, walking down the hall and entering the former ‘Team Duskwalker’ room.


    The door clicked, echoing through the empty hall.


    Avery sighed, staring at the closed door.


    ‘…Okay. I have to think about what to say to them. Should I say everything? I don’t want to upset Nivanee…but I can;t keep this all to myself, either. It’s important to know.’


    For the time being, Avery turned and headed over to Team Aquashock’s room, and gently knocked on the door.


    “…Kipunna?” He called. “…Are you still up?”


    Faint muffled voices came from the other side of the door, both of them silencing at the knocking. There was a brief moment of silence and then quiet shuffling. The door clicked, the door handle slowly turning.


    At last, the door opened ever so slightly, Kipuuna peeking out, looking at Avery with one eye.


    Yes, Avery?” He asked. His tone was almost as flat as Ganisus.


    Avery didn’t let himself be deterred, even if he was already feeling uncomfortable.


    “Uh…well, first, I’m…sorry that you didn’t make it to the night out. I hope you can join us for the next one,” Avery said with a little smile. “But, uh…that isn’t why I came. I talked with Janus, and-“


    He paused.


    “…Is….this a good time?” Avery asked, a little quieter. His hand was in his satchel, finding Janus’s schism sigil. “…I can give it to you later if now isn’t a good time.”


    Kipuuna’s vacant eyes sparkled briefly at the mention of ‘Janus’. His eyes flicked toward the bag then back to Avery, squinting.


    “Give what?” He asked immediately. Avery flinched a little.


    “…She…wanted me to give you this.” The Plusle produced the sigil, and held it out to Kipuuna. “…And…she says she loves and misses you.”


    Kipuuna stared at the sigil…for a long time he stared, the glimmering piece of jewelry shining on him.


    Silently…he reached up, taking it from Avery slowly. Kipuuna’s eyes shimmered with the sigil. His brow furrowed as tears glistened.


    “Really…” The Piplup muttered, holding it close. Slowly, he kissed the sigil, right where she had. Tears rolled gently down his face as he held there…lost in his own world.


    Then, he handed it back to Avery.


    “I love her, too…” Kipuuna spoke his message, turning away, body shuddering as the door closed. Avery frowned, confused when Kipuuna handed the sigil back.


    “Wait, I…I think she wanted you to have-“


    The door shut. Avery’s body deflated. He didn’t know what was going on with Kipunna.


    ‘…is Team Aquashock going to break up, too…?’


    A sigh escaped Avery’s lips. He had hoped this would make himself feel a little better, at least about what he had to do. But it only reminded Avery that something was very wrong with his relationship with Kipunna.


    ‘Should I even keep trying…?’


    Shoulders sagging, Avery stowed the sigil, and headed back to Duskwalker’s room, opening the door. Inside the room, Vizon was making the bed, looking behind to see the Plusle stepping in.


    “Uh oh…I know that look…” Vizon said, voice laced with sympathy. “You okay?”


    Vizon pulled away from the bed, stepping up to Avery’s side and kneeling down. Distantly, Avery could hear Nivanee’s voice coming from the other end of the guildhall.


    “…I…I don’t know what’s going on with Aquashock, but it’s not good.” Avery said quietly, walking across the room and sitting down on the bed. “…I’m afraid they’re going to break up or something.”


    Avery looked up at Vizon.


    “…Duskwalker’s already dissolved. I don’t want more of them to collapse.”


    “Ugh, I don’t know what their deal is, either…” Vizon grumbled. “I’m getting sick of how Kipuuna is treating you. I never knew Aquashock was such a pair of jerks…”


    “They’re not jerks, just…going through a hard time…” Avery mumbled.


    Vizon only sighed, holding his tongue as Nivanee got closer, saying ‘goodnight’ to Lahnae as they parted, the Eevee opening the door and finding them both inside.


    “Okay, team~!” She giggled, almost bouncing from excitement. “Who’s ready for some shut eye~? Yay!”


    Avery looked up at Nivanee. He was…a little surprised.


    “Do you want to…hold off on the debrief about what I talked with Janus about until tomorrow then…?” Avery asked.


    “Debriefing?” Nivanee snorted, padding about the room, setting her satchel down by the endtable. “C’moooon, Avery. What’s there she’d say that she wouldn’t say to her own sister, huh?”


    Vizon hummed, looking over to Avery. The Riolu sat up onto the bed, twiddling his thumbs.


    “Sounds like she said a lot…am I right, buddy?” Vizon prodded. Nivanee looked between the both of them, seemingly confused.


    “Not a lot. But…” Avery squirmed under Nivanee’s gaze. “…some things. She didn’t tell me why she left. But…”


    He stared at Nivanee, seeming…uncomfortable.


    “…You’re twenty-one, right, Nivanee?” He began. “And…your sister was missing for seven years. That means…she disappeared when you were fourteen.”


    “Yeah…?” Nivanee replied, blinking. Vizon looked to Avery then Nivanee and back.


    “I was…13 around that time, myself.” Vizon said. “It was cool reading about teams my age…!”


    “… And before that, she said you were a team for three years.” Avery continued. “So…you joined this guild when you were nine and eleven. Is… Is that right?”


    Avery scratched his head.


    “… We go up against criminals here. Bandits. People who are…really dangerous. It… It might just be me being a human, but… Doesn’t that seem… young?”


    “Yeah, it was scary at first, working with a bunch if teens and adults but we managed to do it!” Nivanee affirmed.


    “Anyone can try and join the guild, it’s what makes it so awe inspiring!” Vizon agreed. “Heck, 3 years ago Spade joined when Lahnae was 15 and Loshjno was 16!”


    Avery squirmed again, hearing that.


    “Besides, they don’t let any kid that waddles in join!” Nivanee put in. “They have to be exceptional and pass the tests, remember?”


    “… Still,” Avery said quietly. “… Still, it’s…I dunno. I just…I don’t know if Pokemon are different but something tells me nine is a little… young to be making those kinds of decisions. Fifteen and sixteen is… A little better, I guess, but… I dunno.”


    He sighed.


    “…Janus just told me how old she was when she ran away. And… At the very least she and I agreed that…that you both were too young when you joined.” Avery said. “They shouldn’t have put you to work at that young an age…”


    Is that too young? I was always told we were mature for our age!” Nivanee replied, unfazed.


    Something tightened in Avery’s chest. A deeply uncomfortable feeling. But the look in Nivanee’s eyes made it clear this would go nowhere. Instead, he only nodded.


    “Well…that’s the most I got out of her though.” Avery finished. “Besides… Her saying she missed you a lot.”


    Nivanee sighed at that.


    “Fah…I wish I had heard it in her voice. I miss her a lot too.” Nivanee said, voice softening. “Like…even if we’re fighting a part of me is overjoyed just to be hearing her voice again. My little sister…is safe. She’s ok…”


    A hush fell over the three, Nivanee staring at the ground in thought.


    “Then…there’s nothing to do right now…but do our best tomorrow…!” Vizon let his encouraging words break the silence.


    “… You’re right.” Avery said with a smile. “I really doubt we’re the ones going to Dove Fo Uddjo, but… No matter what we’re doing tomorrow, it’s our first job as the new Team Azure plus one…! So we need to make a good first impression!”


    Nivanee and Vizon cheered with him!


    The Eevee gracefully hopped into bed as Vizon took Avery’s hand to pull himself up in it, nestling the Plusle between himself and the Eevee. Nivanee curled up at once, her fluffy tail draping over Avery and Vizon like a blanket while Vizon cuddled Avery close like a stuffed animal.


    “Guh…I’m exhausted…” Vizon muttered. “G’night, Avery. Night, Nivanee.”


    “Good night…team~!” Nivanee replied quietly, giggling again. Her excitement at having a team again was palpable.


    All around Avery…was the warmth of family.


    Avery was held deeper into Vizon’s chest, closing his eyes.




    … Family.




    Chapter 13.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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