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    Chapter 13.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Sanshiyad hung high above, casting its reddish hue on the land below.


    Jolvia and Rikzyod had departed for their inns and residencies…leaving Avery, Vizon and Nivanee standing before the guild hall. Nivanee had a stoic look on her face. Vizon tried to match it. But the question hung over the group like a dark cloud:


    How were they supposed to break this to the guild?


    ‘…Well. However we do it…we’ll do it together. This was a collaborative thing after all.’


    “You all ready…? I think…I think this is going to be tough.” Avery looked towards Nivanee. “We can go and get a drink first if you’d like.”


    Nivanee shook her head.


    “Drink comes later.” Nivanee said firmly. “We have to do this now…just…”


    She looked at the Plusle, a pleading look in her eye.


    “…just so long as you’re both with me when we do it…” She said. “…all this time I’ve been strong for Janus, but now after all this I…feel a bit lost and could use you two right now.”


    Vizon and Avery nodded softly.


    Nivanee sighed…and slowly stepped towards the doors, pushing them open. The other two followed closely behind.


    Inside the entrance hall, there were Kipuuna and Ganisus talking to Loshjno and Lahane. This time, the Torchic held an icepack on her head. They all looked back, seeing Nivanee.


    “Nivanee! Good to see you all at last!” Kipuuna said, stepping up closer. “Lahnae was telling us about the…the…”


    He stopped, his expression falling as he looked upon the senior guild member.


    “…Nivi, you ok? Have you been crying?” Kipuuna asked, making Lahnae and Loshjno perk up. “What happened? Who-“


    “Kippy…everyone…” Nivanee began, stepping forward, brow furrowed. “We all should get to the guild hall. We need to give our mission report.”


    Kipuuna looked as though he were about to say something…but at last only nodded, following Nivanee as she led the guild down the steps into the guildhall. Lahnae and Loshjno looked worried but followed after, Vizon and Avery close behind.


    “Did somethin’ happen out there…? She’s acting weird…” Lahnae muttered, looking back at Avery.


    Respectfully, Avery only shook his head, saying nothing as the group filed into the brightly lit guild hall downstairs. There, Sarfallinus stood with Estaloni, ready to receive the reports from all the guildmembers. The Guild Master had a folder ready, Estaloni ready to take notes.


    But as the Infernape looked to the group he knew something was wrong.


    Nivanee stood at attention, in her spot. Kipuuna and Ganisus did the same, Lahnae and Loshjno taking their spots next. Vizon took Avery’s hand, leading them both to Team Azure’s place next to Team Duskwalker.


    This time…Nivanee did not stand to leave an open spot for Janus.


    “Guild…Nivanee…” Sarfallinus began.


    “Guildmaster.” Nivanee had her professional voice on, making the Infernape raise his eyebrows. “We’ve come to deliver our report on The Old Wanderer.”


    “Did everything go alright?” Sarfallinus asked. “The Old Wanderer is tough, it’s fine if you didn’t-“


    “The Old Wanderer has been apprehended and sent to Arceali Prison, confirmed to be the real one.”


    “Oh, well! That’s wonderful-“


    “And her true identity uncovered.”


    Sarfallinus paused, everyone looking to Nivanee as she stood, looking as though she were struggling with the next words. She bit her lip, holding back tears impressively, her professional voice remaining strong.


    “The Old Wanderer has been…confirmed to be…Janus. Janus of Yahneri Port, Pikachu, Female, adoptive sister to Nivanee of Yahneri port and…and…”


    Nivanee recovered, even as the other guildmembers’ eyes were wide, Kipuuna covering his mouth in horror.


    “…and former member of the Arceali Guild team Duskwalker…”


    The guildhall…was silent.


    Avery couldn’t hold her paw. But he offered her a little smile in return, putting a paw on her back instead.


    “Janus…” Kipuuna said in a shaking breath. Even Ganisus was staring dead-on at Nivanee. Lahnae and Loshjno only looked concerned for the others.


    “Nivanee…I’m…” Sarfallinus clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to find something to say. “…had I known I’d have never sent-“


    “It’s fine, Sarfallinus.” Nivanee said, leaning into Avery as he pat her on the back. “…I was fine. She’s in jail now. We have her right there…and can visit whenever we like.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, wringing his hands together. It was clear to see there was…something stewing behind his eyes. Something strange for Sarfallinus.


    Sadness. Deep, deep sadness.


    “…did she say why?” Sarfallinus asked, his voice low…he sounded nothing like the proud, strong master of the guild.


    “No…not yet…” Nivanee admitted. “Only that she doesn’t want to return. She seemed so…angry.”


    Sarfallinus nodded gently.


    “I suppose I should have figured…was she of sound mind?”


    “I’ve…yet to determine.”


    Sarfallinus grit his teeth. Kipuuna had a dark look on his face as he listened.


    “Well…considering she’s been found…there’s at least some good news.” Sarfallinus sighed. “As for you, Nivanee…with her found I can easily extend the time limit for Duskwalker to operate as a single-member team, at least until you convince Janus to return. Your team may remain intact.”


    Nivanee stared at Sarfallinus…but said nothing.


    She…looked deep in thought. Avery lifted his gaze to the Infernape.


    “… What’s… What’s the alternative?” Avery said quietly. “If… If she doesn’t… If Duskwalker doesn’t have a two-person structure for too long then… Then what happens? Does she… Does she get kicked out of the guild?”


    “Technically yes, Avery.” Sarfallinus replied. “But I’d never let that happen. Not to Nivanee. Not to Duskwalker. Her old team she’s worked hard on all these years is something I’ll keep intract, even if she has to operate alone for years to come, I-“




    Sarfallinus stopped. Nivanee stood tall, her brow furrowed. The look in her eye was…both hurt and deeply warm. Slowly, she lifted her paw up to her badge…and took it off.


    “…I’ve thought about it. Long and hard. And I’ve made up my mind.” Nivanee said, dropping the badge. “…as of tonight, Kontinuwavatch, 6th Turn, 62, Viosna 19th…Team Duskwalker is…disbanded.”


    Sarfallinus was shocked. Kipuuna turned away, walking to the stairs, Ganisus doing a double-take and running after him. Vizon held a paw to his mouth while Avery turned to face her.


    “Nivanee, what do you mean…?” The Plusle asked, feeling as fearful as he was sad. “It’s…it’s you and Janus’s team, the one you made together all those years ago.”


    “Yes. And one of its members has consciously decided to leave.” Nivanee said, firmly. “The team is broken up and unrecoverable and…I can’t…I can’t look at this old badge, this old piece of metal with ‘TD’ printed on it…and not think of her. And not think of the seven years of hurt. The seven years of abandonment. The shock and fury and…pain in my heart now. Even if Janus were to come back…Team Duskwalker is…”


    She paused sadly.


    “It’s poisoned, Sarfallinus.”


    “So what then?” He asked, forcefully. “Are you going to quit the guild, too? After all you’ve done for the world, all that good? All the friends you’ve made? Your family…? You’re just going to drop your team and-“


    “Ultimately…it’s not my team, Sarfallinus.” Nivanee interrupted, taking Sarfallinus aback. “My team is one that’d never abandon me. One who trusts me and I trust them. One who was there for me in my darkest hour…My team…is my family…”


    She looked down…then slowly looked up to Avery, smiling.


    “…if they’d have me?”


    Avery’s heart dropped out of his chest.


    ‘I…she wants to join Azure? Really?’


    Avery was…in shock.


    He felt his mind racing, tons of thoughts.


    ‘Are we worthy of a senior guild member like this? Maybe in a sentimental sense, but…more officially? In terms of performance???’


    And what about the other teams? Team Aquashock, Team Spade? Wouldn’t one of them be better? Oh God. Oh God, what would Kipunna think? He’d hate me even more, wouldn’t he?


    But…this isn’t about him. Not right now. This is about Nivanee.’


    “…If…if this is really what you want,” Avery said, trying to keep his voice from cracking, “…Team Azure would be…honored to have you, Nivanee.”


    Vizon was gob smack, looking to Avery then Nivanee. He wasn’t sure how to process what had just been said. Avery could see it in his eyes: his hero, the semi legendary Duskwalker sister Nivanee wanted to disband the all-star team…and be on their team.


    Nivanee only looked to them both, smiling.


    “Thank you, Avery, Vizon…thank you so much, I…” She trailed off, nuzzling into the Plusle. “…I’ll do my best for my family.”


    “We’d…love to have you.” Vizon agreed, still looking shocked.


    Around them, Lahnae and Loshjno gathered, the Squirtle looking toward the door, frowning.


    “Wow…” Lahnae said, shaking her head. “This is…nuts.”


    “Are you sure, Nivanee?” Sarfallinus asked, picking up the Duskwalker badge from the floor. “This will…of course, revert you back to a one-prong team…”


    “Nevermind the prongs, Guild Master. If I’m to graduate then I’ll do it properly.” Nivanee assured. “As a member of Team Azure…and one day, I hope Janus can join us, too.”


    Sarfallinus stared down at her…then slowly nodded, eyes closed.


    “I’m sorry it ended up this way…” Sarfallinus said at last. “…you and Janus meant the world to me…I’m heartbroken.”


    “We’ll be heartbroken together, Sarfallinus. But everything will be ok.” Nivanee said warmly. Sarfallinus smiled back and wrapped his fist around the badge…his grip seemed delicate…like holding a precious treasure.


    Then, flames erupted from his hand, the badge glowing white hot.


    Amid the flame and ash, Sarfallinus knelt down to present Nivanee with the badge…


    Engraved on the golden surface was now the letters “TZ”.


    “We’re glad to still have you…Nivanee of Azure.”


    ‘Deep breaths.


    Deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths.




    “W-well!” Avery said, clapping his paws together. “This is big, isn’t it? We should…we should all of us do something! Right…?”


    He looked to Sarfallinus, a big smile on his face.


    “How…often do you guys all eat together? You know…as a guild?” Avery asked. “I haven’t seen Estaloni in a while, though I guess he must be really busy with everything going on…”


    Sarfallinus stroked his chin in thought.


    “As a guild mandate?” The Infernape replied. “Hardly ever, but the members used to get together and go out all the time…of course that was back when…”


    “…when Janus was still with us…” Nivanee finished. “…used to be me, Janus, Kipuuna, Ganisus and Keshiano…and his teammates if they had time…but we’ve grown a little more distant…”


    There was a silence. Lahnae huffed and stomped her foot.


    “Janus Janus Janus, cmoooon, she wasn’t a guild LYNCHPIN was she?” Lahnae shouted. “We’ve plenty of people to have fun, and there’s reason to celebrate! Janus isn’t gone anymore so we can finally start doing guild nights out! Right? Riiight?”


    Nivanee stared, unsure how to respond.


    “Bah! No more moping!” Lahnae said forcefully grabbing Nivanee’s cheeks and looking deep in her eyes. The Eevee squeaked in the Torchic’s grasp. “This is the best day we’ve had in seven years!! You have a team again!! Your sister!!! Let’s CELEBRATE!”


    Slowly…everyone in the room smiled.


    “Being…being together,” Avery said, looking at everyone. “Eating together, doing…doing things together, that’s important. If this is…if we want this to be family, then…then that’s really important.”


    Avery looked up to Sarfallinus.


    “Do you have tonight free?”


    Sarfallinus smiled, setting a folder down.


    “Well…I got some assignments to set but…” Sarfallinus shook his head. “…for my guild? I’m always free.”


    Lahnae smiled wide, Nivanee looking giddy too.


    “But…where’s Kipuuna gone to?” Vizon asked. Avery’s face fell a bit, but…he tried to keep his spirits up.


    “…Well, I’m not…entirely sure.” Avery admitted. “But we could give a look for him, see if he wants to come…? He’s part of the…he’s part of the family too.”


    “Bleeeh, ALRIGHT FINE, YOU’RE RIGHT.” Lahnae conceded. “Stick in the mud or not he’s THE FAMILY STICK IN THE MUD.”


    Nivanee looked up to Sarfallinus.


    “Can Olistia come? I’d love to spend time with her again.”


    “I think she might be busy…” Sarfallinus shook his head, Nivanee blowing a raspberry which made him relent at once. “…but I can ask her.”


    Vizon tapped Avery’s shoulder as the others talked, looking to the Plusle.


    “C’mon, let’s run up the stairs and see if we can’t catch up with Kipuuna.” Vizon paused a moment, thinking. “…and maybe…after tonight…if we find time we can go to the Arceali prison and…”


    Avery nodded before he finished.


    “Yeah.” He quickly took Vizon’s hand and began running up the stairs to catch up with Kipunna and Ganisus.


    He didn’t know how well it’d go. But…at the very least, in front of Vizon – or maybe it was in front of the Guild Master – Kipuuna seemed to want to keep a face on.


    Up the stairs, into the entry hall…Vizon led Avery out the doors and back onto the street just outside the guild.


    The night was silent…chilly. Avery’s breath rolled off his lip in the crisp air.


    And there, right by the entrance…was Kipuuna. He and Ganisus stood by the stone railing overlooking the canal below. Both of their eyes were transfixed on the grand Arceali castle on the other side of the Canal. The Castle loomed over the tiny guild building, torchlights flickering along the walls, windows glowing. The light shimmering the the Canal water as it lapped against the stone walls below.


    Avery took a step forward.


    “…Hey,” The Plusle called from the guild building’s entrance. “…We’re…planning on going out for dinner as a guild.”


    He moved forward, gripping Vizon’s hand a little harder.


    “…Sarfallinus is coming.” Avery added. “Do you want to come, too, Aquashock?”


    The pair were quiet a moment. Ganisus looked back, noticing Avery and Vizon first, tapping Kipuuna on the arm softly. The Piplup looking back as well.


    His brow was knitted…and his expression seemed to only harden…even as a deep sigh escaped his lips.


    “Hey, now…” Vizon stepped up. “We just want to be sure you of all Poke’mon are included.”


    “I know…” Kipuuna muttered, looking back towards the castle. Vizon glanced at Avery before gingerly making his way to the stone railing, leaning on it…keeping a respectful distance from Kipuuna.


    “Do…um…” Avery swallowed and quietly followed Vizon to the railing – keeping a distance as well. “…Do you…do we need to talk?”


    Avery shifted, looking out over the canal. Eye contact seemed…a bit much for this.


    “If you’re going to come – and I want you to come – I don’t…I don’t want it to be awkward.” Avery put in. “Is…there something we should talk about…?”


    The water in the canal quietly lapped against the stone, flowing through the city as it did. The gentle rumble of the city surrounded, the crackle of a torch to the side.


    Nothing was said for a while. Vizon squirmed uncomfortably.


    “…what was she like?” Kipuuna asked suddenly, Vizon jumping.


    “You mean…?”




    Avery was quiet for a moment. His paws clenched against the railing; sparks crackled from his cheeks in bristling anger before he quelled it.


    “…Not good.” Avery said, biting his tongue about the girl. “Though. Really…really strong. Skilled. She…when I blinded her, she could still see. Through…hearing. But she…the way she treated Nivanee. She swore at her. Beat at her. Didn’t seem…the least bit sorry for…for leaving her for seven years.”


    Avery’s fists tightened.


    “I…I didn’t like it. I thought…I thought she’d be different.”


    Avery looked up, over to Kipunna.


    “…What…was she like?” Avery mirrored the question.


    Kipuuna’s eyes looked sad, twinkling in the dim torchlight. Though something else touched his gaze.


    “I hate to say it…but that sounds like her.” Kipuuna sighed. “When she was angry, I mean. Quick to anger…quick to forgive. The independent and hardy backbone of our friend group, the…you know, the family.”


    Ganisus sighed, looking away. Kipuuna chuckled nostalgically.


    “Bull-headed. Stubborn. Thickheaded. Uncompromising. Unyielding…and we loved every bit of it.” Kipuuna continued. “But she’d never be out to hurt someone else. If anything, she’d die on her feet before anyone laid a finger on us…even as she wanted us to be stronger.”


    The pair were silent for a while, just staring. Kipuuna’s eyes affixed to the castle.


    “…she’s in there.” Kipuuna said, almost as though talking to himself. “I can’t believe she’s in there…forget the fact it’s the dungeon just…her being somewhere real, that I can go to and touch and she’d be there is…”


    He trailed off.


    “I think about that night she left…when we all came home from our guild work and she was so…quiet. Hardly said anything.” He mused, his gaze locked to the castle alone. “I thought she was just tired…but she just stared at the ground all night. Silent through the whole hang-out when we got back from missions, nobody batted an eye…”


    Kipuuna paused, leaning forward, his eyes trailing down to the flowing water below.


    “I remember I swear…I swear I heard their door open deep in the night, when I was near to sleeping. I swear I could hear her footsteps as they echoed down the hall and grew fainter and…Arceus, I could have run out and stopped her but she was…just gone in the morning. Gone and we had no idea where to or why or…”


    He took a moment to recover.


    “…or for how long.” Kipuuna said at last. “And now all that worrying, wondering, giving up then trying again, endlessly, for months and years and she’s…been with criminals all this time. Ditched all of us to go make a buck with a bunch of Thieves.”


    He buried his face in his flipping, sighing.


    “…now I wondering if I even knew her at all…”


    Avery was silent, only listening. He felt as though he could only say so much in response.


    “…I’m sorry,” Avery said softly. “…Losing someone like that, losing…like you said, losing the backbone. That…”


    Avery’s eyes went back to the castle.


    “…I’ve seen the pain. This guild, it’s…it’s broken. There’s a lot of broken parts. There’s this…this emptiness in it. And I don’t know when that started, I wasn’t here for it, but…I feel as though Janus…her disappearance…that must have played a really big part. She was special to you. To Sarfallinus. To…to Niv.”


    Avery’s fingers gripped the railing.


    “…I don’t think we’ve found Janus yet, Kipunna.” Avery said. “I think we’ve found a Pikachu that calls herself Janus, that Niv recognizes as her sister, but…I don’t think we’ve solved the mystery yet. We don’t know where Janus went, you know…?”


    Once again, Avery’s gaze returned to Kipuuna. The Piplup only sighed.


    “I admit…I’m terrified of that.” Kipuuna replied. “Of talking to her and finding the same woman that left seven years ago…seeing nothing changed but her allegiance.”


    Ganisus said nothing, staring out.


    “Everything has crumbled. Bit by bit, it’s all just gone…” Kipuuna sighed. “Janus left, Keshiano and his team quit, we’re all just…falling to pieces and there’s no way to fix it. Everything is changing, all at once, changing. Now Duskwalker is gone…like more and more of those long lost happy days are just rotting and decaying away and all we’re left with is…”


    He huffed, gesturing vaguely with a flick of his flipper.


    “Whatever this is.”


    “Should we see Janus, then…?” Vizon asked. “If we can’t mend everything back to how it was…maybe we can make something new, something with equally good memories.”


    Kipuuna was silent.


    “Guild nights out just…aren’t the same without her.” the Piplup said at last.


    Ganisus tried to pat Kipuuna’s shoulder but the Piplup shrugged it off, looking away.


    ‘… Deep breaths.’


    “… If you’d like to come with us, we’d love to have you.” Avery offered. “We’re probably going to leave soon. I know things are hard, but… We can figure it all out. I know we can. Vizon’s right…we can make new memories, can’t we?”


    Kipuuna grimaced, turning his head, a stony look on his face as he stared at Avery.


    “New memories, huh? New friends with new happiness and new feelings to cling to…” Kipuuna growled. “…and then what? Who’s next to leave? Who’s next to…”


    He turned his head, glancing at Ganisus who wasn’t even looking. Kipuuna clenched his fist.


    “I’m going to bed.” Kipuuna said at last, rushing back into the guild. Ganisus’s ear perked. Slowly the Shinx turned his head, realizing Kipuuna was gone.


    “…what?” His voice was drawled out and unenthused. Avery wasn’t sure if Ganisus had even been paying attention.


    Avery deflated.


    “…Ganisus, do…do you want to come with the guild?” Avery offered again to the Shinx. “We’re…going out to eat together.”


    “…oh sick, we’re going out?” Ganisus said flatly, pushing off from the railing. “Yeah I’m down.”


    He looked left to right, slowly searching, his next sentence seemingly….delayed.


    “Kipuuna’s not coming.” Ganisus said, less asking more stating a fact. “Oh well.”


    Vizon cocked an eyebrow, looking to Avery.


    “He, uh…seemed upset about Janus.” Avery explained, feeling a little confused. How did the shinx not hear any of that? “If you want to go to him, he went to his room. There’ll be other nights, but…y’know. It’s up to you whether you come or not.”


    “…I don’t feel like babysitting him another night.” Ganisus said. It wasn’t even said…maliciously. It was just a bare statement of fact, unfiltered. “I want to go out.”


    Vizon bit his lip but otherwise nodded.


    “Well, c’mon! Everyone’s waiting!” Vizon attempted a cheer. “We’re celebrating Nivanee becoming a part of Team Azure!”


    “Cool.” No real response. Hadn’t Ganisus known Nivanee and Janus as long as Kipuuna did?


    Vizon  and Avery quickly started making their way back to the guild hall, with the Riolu trying to mask his look of…slight confusion. Vizon opened the doors, seeing Lahnae and Loshjno and Sarfallinus, the Infernape now with a red satchel over his shoulder. If one didn’t know better then Sarfallinus would look like a guild member or elite with a satchel like that.


    Avery took Vizon’s hand again, squeezing it. He didn’t know how he felt about this. But..he smiled at the rest of it.


    “Kipunna’s going to bed, but…Ganisus is gonna join us…!” Avery told the others as they approached. Ganisus trailed behind, as though ghosting through every step. At first glance he looked bored. But it was more like…sleepwalking.


    Lahnae bounded forward, bumping into Avery with a laugh, Nivanee laughing with her.


    Bah, figures for the old stick in the mud!” Lahnae said with a roll of her eyes. “Sarfallinus is paying for us to go to the best comedy club in the city! Pulzion’s Punch Puller!”


    She was bouncing, grabbing at Avery’s hand, tugging…Vizon looked positively ecstatic, tugging on the Plusle’s other arm.


    I’d hoped Kipunna would join. There’s…something going on between the two of them, Kipunna and Ganisus. And I’m not sure quite how to feel about it.


    … That’s not exactly true, I suppose. I certainly don’t feel good, I know that. Something’s sour between the two of them. I don’t want their team to break up, too…but I don’t know if that’s my business.’


    “Olistia might join us. I got Estaloni delivering a message to her.” Sarfallinus said, holding the door open for the guildmembers. Now it was Nivanee’s turn to look excited.


    “Olistia? Oh good! That’ll be wonderful! I can’t wait to tell her we found Janjan…”


    Avery was a little worried for Ganisus, but he didn’t want to harsh the flow of everyone else, either. He decided he’d check in with him later tonight, maybe at the comedy club.


    Avery looked up at Sarfallinus.


    “Comedy? I didn’t know you were a fan of that, Guildmaster…!” Avery giggled. Sarfallinus peered down at him, bending a knee, a stony look on his face.


    “Didn’t know I was a fan…?” He said, voice low. “Do I look like a no-laughs-allowed, hardened heart of stone to you, Avery…?”


    His state was intense, making Vizon squirm, until at last Sarfallinus’s frown broke into a smile, a deep chuckle rumbling from him. Nivanee and Lahnae with both giggling softly at his joke. Even Avery had to laugh while Vizon let out a sigh of relief.


    “I mean, I’ll say this, Guildmaster,” the Plusle said, giving Vizon a little elbowing. “You make a very stark first impression. Doesn’t he, Viz…?”


    “No kidding…” Vizon breathed, smiling. Loshjno chuckled, patting Vizon’s back. Lahnae stuck close to her rival, of course, Nivanee happily padding between Avery and Vizon.


    This was…the first time Avery had really seen the guild together like this. Team Azure, Team Spade…even if Duskwalker was disbanded, Nivanee was part of Azure now. And…hopefully next time, Team Aquashock will be here in full. Maybe they’d even get some new teams in the guild some day! There were lots of rooms, right?


    The night was dark but the air was still warm from the day, the guild members bounding around the Guild Master as though he was a father with his excitable children, all of them making your way down the streets.


    Their group drew looks, attention. Whispers, though they didn’t seem harsh. It was clear who they were: the Guild of Arceliaze traveling together. Avery’s ears picked up a few individual whispers…




    ‘Team Azure…’


    ‘…first team in…years…’


    ‘…trouble down south…-single-handedly…!’




    Avery glanced at the other guildmembers, catching the apprehensive looks on their faces at the whispers. Yet as they listened to more of the whispers, each of the other guildmembers relaxed, hearing the praise.


    Nothing bad was being said of them this time. That was enough.


    Avery squeezed Vizon’s paw. The crowd was saying things. Good things…!


    Maybe things were really starting to turn around for the Arceliaze guild. Maybe this was a turning point. Maybe Team Spade would be able to soar to heights they’d never seen before. Maybe Team Aquashock would show what they’re really made of. Maybe new blood to the guild would come, and they’d be stronger for it.


    This felt good. Even if there were scary things happening now, Avery knew he couldn’t let it get him down, nor his team, nor his guild. They could take the world on, together.


    The guild seemed in brighter spirits than ever before as they approached a large building at the end of a dead end road, stone carved smiling faces on the building. Even from here, raucous laughter rumbled from deep within the halls.


    “Sounds like the party’s started already,” Avery said, his ears twitching from the sound of laughter inside. “I’ve never been to a comedy show before!…O-obviously. So this should be good!”


    There, in front of the building, a Lopunny greeted the group, taking their satchels as they entered.


    The lights inside were bright and sparkling, as though the building caught sunshine just for this shining lobby. Avery could tell this club was high class for high society, despite the name of the place.



    To the right, a bar and eatery sat, serving and waiting food to the patrons past the massive arch across from the entrance to the enormous stage room. Sarfallinus took to the small ticket booth, buying a night’s pass for each of the guildmembers, asking for an overlook seat. Notably, he bought two extra tickets.


    “Gosh, I haven’t been here in a while…” Nivanee giggled, looking around. “When it was just Me and Kipuuna and Janus and Ganisus we’d only be able to afford less savory comedy clubs by lower market…they were funny but a bit more…”


    “X-Eye District-y?” Vizon asked, snickering.


    “I was going to say ‘crass’ but that says it a lot better.” Nivanee sighed. Loshjno took a menu from the holder by the ticket booth for each of them, Lahnae tucking hers under her wing.


    “X-Eye District…” Avery repeated, looking to Vizon. “What’s an X-Eye District? I remember there was…”


    He looked to Lahnae.


    “The ice cream vendor you took me to had ‘X-Eye’ in some of the ice cream… Is it a flavour?”


    “Oh nevermind that, Avery.” Nivanee said with a wave of her paw. “The X-Eye District of Arceliaze is just…well, you know, a bit on the rougher side!”


    “Gross.” Ganisus drawled, drawing a laugh from Nivanee. Before Avery could ask a follow-up question, Lahnae’s voice cut between them. 


    “Who’s on right now? Ohhh, is that Stucky?” Lahnae stood on her toes trying to see the stage from here, far away as it was. Avery looked down at the menu for a moment as the group moved. He decided to not think about the ‘X-eye district’ or whatever it was. Just another part of this city he was clueless on.


    ‘A high class place like this…is it okay for me to be here? What if I can’t afford anything on the menu? And jokes told here… Hopefully I’ll be able to get them. If they’re cultural I’ll be lost.’


    The group entered into the show, climbing up the stairs by the entrance to go onto the second floor overlook. Other Poke’mon, many of them looking fairly wealthy, sat in velvety booths. The guild sat in a booth by the shimmering golden railing with a beautiful view of the ornate stage.


    A band was playing, complete with trumpets and brass instruments, sounding nothing like the music one would hear rolling through the streets of the city. This music was a little more…exotic.


    Everyone was excited throughout the night. Vizon at one point leaning over with his menu to help Avery pick something, assuming the Plusle wouldn’t know any of these fancy dishes.


    “Not going to lie, Avery…” Vizon said as they sat down. “I feel real out of place here too…this is all far and away above my paygrade.”


    The rest of the guildmates, by contrast, seemed perfectly familiar and at home here.


    “Guess we’ll just have to try and fit in I guess?” Avery said, smiling even as he squirmed.


    Just as they were all having their drink orders taken Avery noticed a contingent of guards coming in from the entrance, with a familiar Gardevoir entering, her friendly Crimson eyes looking up and spotting their group immediately with a wave!


    “Oh my gosh! Olistia…!” Nivanee quietly squealed, bouncing in her seat. Loshjno chuckled, giving her a pat on the back as though it’d calm the giddy Eevee as Olistia approached.


    Avery looked up and wave at the Gardevoir as she came, greeting her along with the rest of the guild.


    It was pretty obvious from Avery posture that, like Vizon, he was feeling pretty out of his element. But this was the first time they really got to do something as a guild, so Avery wasn’t going to let that spoil the fun.


    Avery’s eyes briefly glanced near Ganisus, an empty spot next to the Shinx as he stared down at the menu.


    ‘…Well…mostly as a guild…’


    Olistia stepped up to the table, her contingent of guards standing by and blocking the stairs up. Everyone was excited, Nivanee in particular having to hold herself back from leaping to give the Gardevoir a hug.


    “Helloooo, Everyone~! It’s so nice to see you again.” Olistia cooed. She glanced down at Avery, lifting her hand to pat him on the head. “And lovely to see you, Avery.”


    The Plusle couldn’t help but blush, scooting over to make room for the Conduit to sit down.


    “It’s nice to see you, too…” Avery muttered, trying to hide his blush. Olistia giggled softly, nestling down and getting comfy.


    “Did everyone work hard today?” She asked, eying the group.


    “Yeah! Loshjno and I totally got BEAT UP!!” Lahnae cheered, Loshjno holding a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. Olistia, however, chuckled openly at that.


    “You know what I always say, that attitude will carry you far, Lahnae of Spade~!” The Gardevoir encourage, making Lahnae beam proudly. Olistia then turned her attention to the Guild Master. Immediately, Sarfallinus pretended not to notice, turning his attention toward the stage below.


    “And what of you, Guild Master~?” Olistia said, leaning forward, elbows upon the table and resting her head on her folded hands. She fluttered her eyes, making Sarfallinus squirm. “Did you work hard today?”


    “No more than usual, Conduit.” He said in a professional voice, arms folded. Olistia’s smiled widened, crimson eyes rolling as she finally looked to Nivanee, the Eevee girl looking fit to burst with excitement.


    “Oh, Nivanee, come then, out with it~!” Olistia urged. “Estaloni tells me you have some big news to share, hm hm?”


    “Yeah!” Nivanee squealed, swaying excitedly. “But…of course it’s not all good news. Did…you hear about The Old Wanderer…?”


    “Yes..” Olistia nodded solemnly. “Or I suppose we shouldn’t beat around the bush…I’ve heard of Janus’s unfortunate return. Poor thing, that must have been heartbreaking for you…”


    “It…hurt.” Nivanee admittedly. Avery frowned, wishing he was sat by the Eevee so he could at least give a little comforting hug to the girl. Even so, Nivanee held strong, a determined look in her eye. “But…I’ve gotten over the shock. Now we just gotta fix this.”


    “Of course. I’m just mortified to think…I can’t imagine why she’d turn her back on her family like that…” Olistia said, looking away, a deep frown crossing her face.


    A hush fell over the group, broken only by the light music played by the band on stage. After a moment, Nivanee finally spoke up.




    “Hm? What is it, Nivanee?”


    “Maybe it’s…selfish, but…” Nivanee bit her lip. “…please…don’t be too hard on Janus, please. I know she’s done wrong but…I can’t bear for her to be punished too badly. She just needs to come back to our side…”


    “Oh nevermind that, Nivanee.” Olistia said, waving her hand. “I’ve already ordered her accommodations at Prison Arceali be the best that can be offered. Certainly no luxury suite, but better than most criminals in the dungeon. And she’ll be let free once she comes off all this Thieves Guild nonsense of hers. After all, I’d be remiss to hurt sweet Janus, even if it’s been a long time.”


    Nivanee let out a sigh of relief, one that Avery matched. The Plusle was happy to hear Nivanee’s sister would essentially be let off easy, though some part of him felt odd that her position let her get better accommodations. He decided not to think too hard on that, of course. If it was like Olistia said, it’d be temporary anyway.


    ‘Though…that’s if Janus even can be convinced to come back…’


    “Okay…okay…” Nivanee sighed. “Thank you so much, Olistia.”


    “Of course, sweet Nivanee.” Olistia said with a soft laugh. “Anything for my guild. You know how much I love you all~!”


    The conversation continued, Olistia noting her disappointment that Kipuuna wouldn’t be joining just as the drinks came in. The waiter, under the close supervision of the guard, set down glasses for each guildmember, with the largest and most colorful drink going to Lahnae.


    “You didn’t get a Haven’s Hammer…did you…?” Sarfallinus asked the Torchic suspiciously. Lahnae, of course, only grinned widely.


    “They say it’s the strongest so AS IF I’D BACK DOWN FROM A CHALLENGE.”


    “Arceus sake, you need to go slow. You still got work tomorrow!” Sarfallinus scoled even as Lahnae was already taking her first sips. Avery laughed watching her.


    ‘Classic Lahnae. I’m not 100% sure about drinks, but if I’m here, I might as well try something – something light, not too strong. I was able to handle that ice cream okay, after all.’


    Avery sipped his drink, trying to get lost amid the warmth of togetherness with the guild, to enjoy the fact they were finally hanging out. Yet all the while…the absences burned in the back of his mind. Not just Kipuuna…but Janus. Her absence dominated his mind, and watching the smiling faces and the laughter and friendship at the table, he could only think one thing:


    ‘What was happening with her…? Why did she turn?


    What had she seen…?


    Maybe I should talk to her at some point.’


    He was broken from his thoughts as the waiter returned with food. Avery had forgotten they’d already ordered, but remembered he’d asked for a hearty stew with homemade bread as a side, since it wasn’t too expense. Though, once the massive bowl a large arrangement of bread was set before him he began to feel nervous.


    “Um…” Avery said, bug-eyed and stretching up just to see the top of the bowl, letting him see the enormous portions everyone else had been given too. He gave a nervous laugh. “I might…have to pack some of this up to take home…”


    Nivanee and Lahnae burst out laughing, the noise making Ganisus perk up and turn his head briefly. Avery opened his mouth to say something to the Shinx but Ganisus turned his head and clocked out of the conversation again.


    The Plusle deflated at that. Ganisus was barely participating at all, but Avery couldn’t tell if he hated being here or not.


    “Holy cow, I totally misjudged how much ’24 oz’ is…” Vizon’s voice grabbed Avery’s attention again, the boy poking at an enormous plate of meaty looking plants.


    “Well hey, I’ll eat whatever you don’t finish!!” Lahnae offered. Avery looked over at her plate, upon which sat a pile of cheese topped skewers that looked like a bit too much for even herself. The waiter continued passing out food, handing a fire savorplant to Sarfallinus that was literally on fire while Olistia politely sipped her totter tea as the band down below ended its final song, quieting down slowly.


    Avery sat up to look down at the stage, watching as the spotlights brightened for an announcer Charizard stepping up onto the stage.


    “Aye, aye, fine evening to everyone!” The announcer called amid the applause that roared over the show room. “That was Vulus Blue of Souljraan and his band playing tonight’s opener. You know Vulus once told me about his great grandfather who started the band all the way back in the 5th Turn in a chilly little town called Maesan. And the music they’ll be playing for tonight’s act will be the way that little town lives on even years after the last citizen cleared out.”


    The applause swelled even louder, feet stomping and loud clapping. Avery felt a little lost on what the announcer meant but didn’t have time to ask as the announcer continued.


    “It’s with great pleasure that today I get to bring out our 10th act for the day, a national sensation, hailing all the way from Yahneri Port but born and raised right here on the soil of paradise, these three young Poke’mon will be your Saqian Performance, a group who call themselves ‘Berrywise'”


    “Oh holy cow, Berrywise!” Vizon said, clapping and leaning over. “I used to see them all the time as a kid in Souljraan…! What a blast from the past.”


    “Yeah? But what’s a ‘Saqian’…?” Avery asked, to which Vizon only grinned.


    “Oh you just wait and see. I love these guys.” Vizon lifted his head to cheer and clap, Avery deciding to do the same and watch. There on the stage, a trio of Lucarios stepped up, one wearing a scarf, one with ruffled hair and one a bit on the heavy side. They waved to the crowd, waiting for them to quiet before staring.


    “Well, now! Lovely to be home, innit, gents?” The Lucario with the scarf began. “Sai, when’s the last time you step foot in the ol’ jewel of Arcea?”


    “Oh it’d have to be 3 years back, when I took a carriage ride down to the castle, there, Rube.” Sai, the rotund Lucario said. “And tell you good, you best mind those hand holds they give on the carriage.”


    “Why’s say, Sai?”


    “Done slipped me fingers and ended up splayed out on the fella next to me.”


    “Well hold, there Sai, just one moment.” The final lucario with the frizzy hair spoke up, deeper-voiced than the rest. “You on a carriage to Arceliaze three years ago? Ain’t that the year y’ met your husband?”


    “Aye, Jeb, that’s how we met!”


    The three Lucarios laughed merrily which the crowd echoed, a jubilant energy cascading through the hall. Avery clapped his hands and laughed too, glancing at Vizon.


    “Hey, that’s how we met, too!” Avery said, nudging the giggling Riolu. “Though in my case I was a dark figure in the middle of the road at the dead of night…and a carriage passenger helped be get a ride.”


    ‘I’m not actually sure I’ve told everyone here the whole story…but that’ll be for later, if they’re interested…!’


    In the meantime, Avery took a small cup and dipped it in the hearty strew to start chipping away at it as he listened to the show. Vizon, too, was digging in, having a great time as the three Lucarios continued their act.


    The strew was delicious, brilliantly prepared. The scent of everyone else’s food mixed to make a cacophony of delicious smells.


    It was blissful, along with his drink.


    Lahnae laughed the hardest in the group, certainly the loudest, as the Berrywise trio fired off joke after joke. Loshjno, by contrast, barely laughed at all, but maintained a smile as he looked down at the stage, so he was certainly enjoying himself at the least. Ganisus, however, seemed absentminded and not paying attention to…anything.


    “Meanswhile you fellas are built like twigs and I’m a great circle.”


    “Aw, now, Sai, what of your intimidating presence? You’re an iron wall of a ‘mon if ever I’s seen one.”


    “Iron wall, iron wall, he says! Jeb, the last time I used an aura ball was to knock a jar of sweets off a shelf!”


    The crowd laughed again, the guildmembers in particular falling apart. Lahnae was practically kicking the table and everyone else was laughing too hard to correct her. Avery leaned against Vizon, wracked with giggles, feeling the effects of the drink already as the Lucarios went on and on.


    Every joke seemed to land with the crowd, even the ones Avery found more corny than funny. Either way, the atmosphere was happy. The warmth of the guild surrounded him and he felt wonderful.


    “Ohh but I tell you, Rube, I’ll be high-tailing to Yahneri Port on the first rickety carriage I see hobblin’ east!”


    “Why’s that, Sai? Color me shocked, I’da thought you’d like to be back home.”


    “Back home, oh sure, but not back at Arceliaze. Yahneri Port’s beautiful, got a lot of Quayoffi comin’ up in boats, though you don’t see many Illaminians.”


    “Yes, and? Make your point, Sai.”


    “You go from no Min-Mins to a whole district o’ em and it’s a different world. Why I went through the place on the way here, Rube.”


    “That different?”


    “Well not to mention I dragged a little bit of it out with me. Says I, the comedy club just about refused me entry after I went through the Illaminian district!”


    “Horrors! Whatever for?”


    “Well all the pickpockets made me look like a penniless tramp that got lost!”


    The whole crowd erupted into laughter again. The guildmates, too, began laughing all around Avery.


    But the Plusle was quiet. He laughed a little, forced it out…but that joke felt…different. He glanced over at Vizon.


    “Better’n what I had happen to me, there, Sai.”


    “What’s that, Rube?”


    “Never had an Illaminian girl wed you, bed you then fly by night?”


    Vizon doubled over laughing so hard tears were running down his face. Olistia giggled beside Avery. Loshjno smirked. Nivanee shook her entire body, trying to not fall apart with laughter.


    And all the while, Avery could only think of Kellixae…working two jobs to pay off a debt and scrape by…the state of the Illaminian District…the way Poke’mon there were nervous around Avery just because he wasn’t one of them.


    It felt like punching down.


    His eyes scanned the guildmates, watching them all laugh, squirming.


    ‘Even Olistia…? Even someone like her doesn’t like Illaminians that much?’


    For a moment he felt a seed of doubt plant itself in his chest.


    ‘Am I wrong? Am I in danger whenever I go to see Kellixae?


    No. That can’t be it. Every Illaminian I’ve met had been good. Even Kellixae only acted the way she did at the beginning because she was expecting me to be…like everyone else.’


    His heart hurt thinking about that.


    “But I’ve plenty of Illaminian pals, Sai.”


    “Jeb, you and I both knows they ain’t yer friends, they’re your danger detectors.”


    “What’s that?”


    “They bolt at the first sign o’ trouble, so you keep ’em around to know when you should bolt too.”


    “A’course, mind you, Sai, Jeb, that if’n you need a friend to stick by you an Illaminian will always be the first to flee as though Arceus had come to deliver his wrath again!”


    Avery’s chest ached more and more as Vizon and Nivanee laughed, as Sarfallinus and Olistia laughed, as Loshjno chuckled. The Plusle could only stare at all the others, feeling deeply uncomfortable.


    “They be havin’ droughts and want to come to Arcea? Where water’s 30 coins ‘a jug? Tell me the thinkin’ there, Jeb.”


    Until his gaze fell on Lahnae.


    The Torchic wasn’t laughing. She had a frown on her face as she stared down at the stage as the trio followed up on their Illaminian jokes. She clicked her beak and opted to silently sip her drink as the others laughed around her. Her hard gaze remained transfixed on the trio until they finally changed topics.


    Lahnae sighed with relief, shaking her head, and resumed her loud laughter now that the target of jokes was elsewhere.


    But Avery’s laughter was much more tempered. Lahnae, likewise, seemed to have suddenly lost her appetite.


    The minutes dragged on into an hour of humor on varying topics. In due time the food was finished and so was the show, the Trio of Lucarios taking their leave from the stage just as the guildmates asked for to-go boxes.


    “Oh, what fun..!” Olistia giggled, finishing the last of her drink. “I admit I’ve not seen these ‘Berrywise’ Saqian Performers. Now I wonder if I ought to invite them to the castle…”


    “That’d be fun!” Nivanee said, merrily. “I bet everyone there would love it!”


    As they stood, Vizon and Loshjno were already trading quotes from the show to one another. Nivanee bounded up to Olistia, softly nuzzling into her, which the Gardevoir returned with a hug. Even Lahnae, tipsy as she was from her Haven’s Hammer, waddled over to give Olistia a hug of her own.


    Avery walked over as well, looking up at Olistia. The Gardevoir smiled and wrapped her arms around Avery for a soft hug.


    But his mind was still on those…jokes. Some part of him wondered if he were Illaminian…would everyone still be laughing?


    ‘Would they have even let me in the guild…?”


    As Avery held the hug the rest of the guild moved on, boxes of leftovers in hand. Olistia pulled away, smiling down at the Plusle.


    “Did you have fun tonight, Avery?” She asked. He nodded quietly.


    “I did…but…may I ask something? About Nivanee, I mean.” Avery began. “I wanted to ask…since she’s part of the team…should I tell her about the whole human thing? Or should that remain a secret? I’m not exactly…sure how long I can keep it up…if she’s going to learn about it I’d prefer if it’s from me.”


    The question was innocent enough, but Avery felt a fear in his heart asking it.


    Olistia hummed, her crimson eyes looking up in thought.


    “Well…:” She began, looking back down at Avery and smiling. “Nivanee is someone well acquainted with the concept of discretion. I can easily give you full permission to talk to Nivanee about it.”


    Avery nodded as Olistia stood, taking the Plusle’s hand into hers as she guided him down the steps and out of the comedy club, just behind the guild. The guards followed closely behind them as they walked out into the crisp air outside.


    “So, Avery.” Olistia began, releasing the Plusle’s hand. “What do you plan to do after this?”


    Avery thought about it, looking out towards the street, toward the guildmembers that idly chattered amongst themselves. His mind wasn’t on what he’d do tonight…but tomorrow…beyond that. What was his future?


    “I’m not entirely sure…” He began. “I don’t know what I’m here for still…I’m guessing the bird’s pearls have something to do with it, but that’s just a that: a guess. For now…unless Vizon and I are the ones going to Dovve Fo Uddjo, I’ll look for some other job to do.”


    He paused a moment, his eyes glancing to the Gardevoir Conduit, then back again. He closed his eyes, speaking casually..


    “Though I am going to have dinner with a friend in the Illaminian District in a day or two.”


    It was almost like a challenge. A test. Avery’s ears swiveled toward Olistia expectantly, even as he kept his eyes from her.


    And Olistia only giggled and smiled. She kneeled down onto the ground and hugged Avery again. Surprised, the Plusle hugged back into her.


    “Do be careful there, but have fun~!” Olistia said warmly. “I’m so glad you’re making friends, just like Arceus wanted.”


    And that’s all that was said on that. Avery’s ear twitched, hearing Vizon call his name.


    “Avery! C’mon!”


    Avery hugged Olistia back…though he still felt…off.


    ‘Just a little.’


    Avery separated from the hug, gave Olistia a little smile, and hurried to catch up with Vizon.


    “Alright alright, we had our fun.” Sarfallinus huffed, holding everyone’s sizeable leftovers in one hand. Everyone looked full, bloated, Lahnae most of all, the girl swaying, Loshjno bracing her. Vizon burped, flushing as he failed to contain it. “Y’all still got work in the morning so-“


    “Mm? No more fun tonight, Sarfi?” Olistia teased, the Infernape huffing and looking away.




    “Ah ah, no…you know to call me Olistia~”


    “…Olistia.” Sarfallinus corrected. “We have work of our own…”


    “All night correct?” Olistia asked innocently, her steps measured as she walked down the street, the group flanked by guards. Sarfallinus grumbled.


    “Yes…all night.


    Lahnae snickered, while Nivanee looked none the wiser.




    “I suppose we should let you two get down into it then,” Avery said, looking up at the both of them. “Far be it from us to prevent you from doing something you need to do!”


    Olistia took Sarfallinus’s arm, leading him away.


    “Hope you had fun, everyone~!” Olistia cooed, waving merrily. “Have a good rest of the night~!”


    “Tend your work and be back before midnight!!” Sarfallinus croaked out a final command as the Conduit led him away, the guildmembers laughing as they began to disperse.


    “Heck, that was funnier than the whole show…” Lahnae snickered. Vizon took Avery’s paw, Nivanee stepping beside them both.


    “Aaaaa gosh it’s just like the old days!” Nivanee squeaked merrily, a lovey-dovey and nostalgic look in her eye. She wasn’t tipsy, clearly having had a non alcoholic beverage. Vizon less so, the boy swayed, a dopey smile on his face. Avery was a little buzzed, but…he had at least kept his wits about him.


    “This day…has been awful!” Nivanee said with a smile, as though she were happy to admit it. “But this night…was the best! The best in so long!!”


    “I’m really glad,” Avery said, a little softer, a little more tempered. “I want there to be more nights like this. I’d…love it if Kipunna came next time too. Or maybe…new members of the guild…”


    The Eevee snuggled into Avery, the Riolu following.


    “We will…I know we will. I’m…more hopeful now than I ever have been. Kipuuna will be there and…”


    She smiled wide.


    “…one day, so will Janus. Once we get her to stop acting foolish then she can come back and join Azure with us!”


    “Oh, uh…Niv?” Avery said, looking over at her. “There’s something I do have to tell you, now that you’re part of the team. It’ll have to be in private, is that okay? Just…just Team Azure.”


    Nivanee perked up, looking at the Plusle curiously. Vizon was equally curious, leaning in.


    “Huh? Oh sure, Avery! What’s up, is everything ok?”


    Avery nodded.


    “Oh, yeah, everything’s fine. It’s just…” He looked at Vizon pointedly. “A thing about me that you need to know.”


    Nivanee’s ears swiveled around, her eyes scanning the street closely. The street was wide and mostly empty, many Pokemon already going to bed at the late hour. Nobody else.


    Slowly, she nodded, leaning in.






    ‘Deep breaths.’


    “I’ve told you that I’m…a Hero of Arceus, apparently.” Avery said, leaning in as well. “A good few people know that. But…this is something only Vizon, Olistia, and I know. When I told you that…I didn’t remember anything past the day I wound up in the fields south of here…it wasn’t completely the truth. I did…remember one thing. Or…I guess it’s that Arceus told me.”


    Avery looked her over.


    “…This…Plusle body…it’s not mine. It’s not my original form. Before this, before I came here, I used to be…”


    He gave one more look around, to make sure they weren’t being overheard.


    “I used to be a human.”


    Vizon realized what Avery was saying, his breath catching in his throat as the words exited the Plusle’s lips. Nivanee looked equally dumbstruck.


    “Hu…man…” Nivanee sounded it out as though it were a foreign concept. “The…demon? The grotesque demon of war that mom and dad would scare Janus and I with? That human?”


    She looked from Avery then to Vizon then back to Avery. Vizon only sheepishly grinned, nodding.


    “We heard it from Olistia herself, when we first met.” Vizon confirmed, leaving Nivanee gob smack.


    “Olistia never ever lies but…you?” Nivanee squinted, looking the little Plusle over. “You’re so…nice? And kind? Shouldn’t an icon of war be…meaner?”


    Avery scratched the back of his head. A joke came to mind, but…he decided now wouldn’t be a good time.


    “I don’t know anything about that. Vizon said something similar when I told him. For what it’s worth, I might have been a demon of war or something…which…might be why my memories are gone. Maybe that’s for the best,” Avery said with a little laugh. “I much prefer being this than some cantankerous murderhobo.”


    He sighed.


    “I just…thought you should know. In case that changes your mind about being part of the team.”


    “No, never!” Nivanee said quickly. “I don’t care if you lost your memory, you’d still be a bad person…but you’re not! You’re a good and kind person because Arceus made you that way…human or not!”


    She didn’t even hesitate, diving to Avery’s side without a second thought.


    “You’re always Avery my friend, no matter what!”


    Vizon heaved a deep sigh of relief. So did Avery…and Ihe gave her a quick hug.


    “It…really means a lot to hear you say that, Niv.” He said warmly. He separated, and gave her a little smile. “So…let’s head home, and do our absolute best tomorrow, okay?”


    Avery began to head to the guild, Vizon following behind…but he paused.


    “…Do you guys think…it might be a good idea to talk to Janus before we turn in?”


    “I was actually about to head that way!” Nivanee said, smiling. “I can’t just leave her to rot in prison by herself! She’d get lonely! Maybe we can get her to say sorry and…she can come with us tomorrow and remember all the good times!”


    Vizon coughed, squeezing Avery’s hand.


    “C’mon! It’s right into the castle.”


    She bounded off, Vizon shaking his head but otherwise following after her with Avery in tow as she passed by the guildhall and crossed the stone bridge over the canal towards the gates of Castle Arceali.


    Chapter 13.1





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