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    Chapter 22





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    At last, the large group, tired but undefeated, took the final step, coming out of the cave, the fresh air of the desert kissing their faces…


    …and they were greeted with a frightening sight.



    It was as though the strange world of the nexus leaked into their world, the patterned sky and false moon swallowing the horizon. Storm clouds loomed and thundered over a massive, twisted palace sitting atop the shadowy mesa in the distance, far across the rolling dunes.


    “Okay…” Avery stood next to Vizon, turning to Loshjno. “So first off, if we’re in the open air…we should get Nivanee and the Foreman out of here.”


    Avery thought about what Nivanee said. Q and Calladin were probably going to want the pearl, too. What were they going to do about that? The Plusle gave them a cautious look at Nivanee’s remark from before, but…tried not to think too hard about it now. He couldn’t afford to get distracted.


    “Next…we need to know how much we can trust our eyes. These are…hardlight apparitions, right?” Avery asked. “Does that mean they’re still physical?”


    “Physical, yes. All of this can pack a punch.” Loshjno said, staring out at the twisted palace of Thundurus, at the swirling lightning clouds. “Psychic projections do it all the time. Though the power of this crystal…to do this much on psychic energy…”


    Jolvia raised her eyebrows, Loshjno shaking his head.


    “It’s impossible.” Loshjno said at last. “For something as small as that pearl to do all of this through psychic projection is actually mathematically impossible…”


    “What is it, then?” Jolvia asked. Loshjno’s brow furrowed, staring off at the palace.


    “…I don’t know.”


    Everyone was silent at that, the uncertainty spreading an uncomfortable atmosphere. Jolvia sighed, kneeling down to set Nivanee in the sand.


    “Well…we can’t waste time.” Jolvia said. Rikzyod nodded, returning Nivanee’s bag to her.


    “Thank you…I’ll be rooting for you back in Arceliaze.” Nivanee said, smiling.


    “You fought well!!” Rikzyod shouted. “Wear your scars with pride!”


    “Hehe…I will…!” She said, lifting a paw to the Team Spade badge on her chest before pausing. She looked up at the group, her eyes wandering to Q and Calladin.


    “Uhm…before I go, Q…” Nivanee began, the Snivy perking up. “I want to ask something…”


    “What is it…?”


    Nivanee fidgeted.


    “Did you know Janus? In the thieves guild?”


    Q was silent, not saying a word. Nivanee gave a smile, a warm and soft one as she spoke again.


    “Was she as you remembered…Quayslaan?”


    “WHAT.” Vizon blurted with a jump, the Snivy’s head lifting. Avery could see his eyebrows furrow.


    Slowly, the Snivy, Quayslaan, pulled down his hood and responded.


    “She was a smug blowhard and showoff…that would die for any of us.” Quayslaan responded, Calladin staring at him as he spoke. “She was, without a doubt, one of the finest Pokémon I’ve worked with.”


    Avery stared at him in shock.


    ‘He…knew Janus? And well? That’s…interesting…it definitely brings up more questions about what the Thieves’ Guild is.’


    He doubted he’d get the chance, but…figured it might be good to talk with ‘Quayslaan’ later.


    ‘…Especially considering Nivanee knows him apparently what the hell-‘


    “A-ah, uh…um…” Avery was able to organize his thoughts a little cooler in his head, but this revelation definitely shook him more than he’d have liked to admit. “I’m…I’m really glad to hear that the strength of character I’ve heard from Janus stayed the same.”


    He turned to Nivanee.


    “…Stay safe, Nivanee. We’ll come back to you as soon as we resolve all this.”


    ‘However it gets resolved.’


    Nivanee looked satisfied with Quayslaan’s answer, looking to Avery and nodding.


    “Sure, Avery…” she said with a smile, lifting her paw up to the badge. “And…good luck, everyone…please come home safe.”


    Every nodded, their silent promise shown. With a smile, Nivanee tapped the badge, a pillar of light enveloping her. All at once, the light, the Foreman and Eevee vanished.


    Vizon stared gobsmack at Quayslaan as the Snivy replaced his hood. Calladin took his place by his side.


    “Q…I thought you were trying to go undercover…?”


    “They have nothing to threaten me with.”




    Jolvia hummed, stepping forward, Rikzyod and Team Spade following. Jolvia gave the Starly a pat, waving Avery over as well.


    A CRACK of lightning lit up the bizarre horizon, Thundurus’s palace seeming to glow with terrible power.


    “Well…this is it…” Jolvia huffed. “Any final words before we plunge in?”


    Avery stepped up next to Jolvia, feeling the sand against his paws…and the electricity in the air. It might have made fighting hard for some of them…but maybe it would make it easier for him.


    “…I know we’re…a bit of a divided party,” Avery said, looking to Calladin and Quayslaan. “…But I respect you, not just for how well your team fought outside the ruins, but what you did inside of them. Nivanee’s back safely to be treated because of you. We’re out of those tunnels because of what we did together. Whatever happens after this battle…I’m not going to forget today for a long time.”


    ‘Deep breaths.’


    Avery turned back to the flashing palace in the distance.


    “…For now, let’s finish what we started.”


    Quayslaan turned his head, glancing at Avery…and seemed to lightly smirk from under his hood.


    “They were right about you…” He muttered, seemingly to himself.


    ‘…right about me? Man I really wanted to talk to this dude-‘


    Everyone turned to face forward, even Vizon breaking from his stupor to look to the horizon.


    Lahnae popped her neck. Loshjno took a deep breath. Rikzyod cracked his knuckles.


    And, finally, as a team, they all approached the palace, a trail of footsteps left in the cold air of nighttime desert. Steam rolled from Avery’s breath.


    Another flash of lightning.


    They could see something in those flashes. Lumbering across the dunes, as though moving with them. Hunched over, eyes red…massive, entering the palace.


    Loshjno took a breath.


    “That…would be our ‘thralls’.” Loshjno said. “And just like Thundurus promised…powered up beyond their limits. Giants.”


    “Huh…is that all?” Lahnae snickered, Loshjno smiling.


    “Jeez, as if I wasn’t feeling short enough,” Avery joked, crossing his arms. “Well, you know what they say. The bigger they are, and all that…”


    Avery cracked his knuckles, twirling a bolt between his fingers.


    “Last call for reservations…!” the Plusle called, turning to the rest of the team. “Anyone ready to storm the storm castle, say ‘aye!!'”


    He could feel the electricity in the air – figuratively, and literally. This was the push into the unknown. Past this battle…they didn’t know what would happen.


    ‘…But what else was new?’


    There was a pause, everyone looking at one another. Battered. Bruised. Broken.


    But confident.




    As the last of the giants filed into the palace, the three teams made tracks across the rolling dunes of Lightning Wastes, the palace inching closer and closer, more and more…until finally, they came upon the base of Thunder Mesa. Old stone rose and towered over them in a sheer wall from a steep dune.


    The distortion in the skyline overtook the visage above, the strange patterned sky and false moon of the nexus world shining through vicious storm clouds.


    And here, at the base of thunder mesa, they saw a cave to lead up to the top.


    Quayslaan was the first to step inside, feet crunching on the loose stone and gravel. Vizon and Jolvia were next, fanning out to see if anyone or anything was present. The both of them looked back at the others, nodding. Rikzyod waved Avery over, looking positively giddy at the prospect of giants.


    But, just as they crossed the threshold, the walls SHOOK. A grand, roaring wind ROCKED the old cave, a voice like a hurricane thundering over them!


    “Thieves. Invaders. You have found your tomb eternal, now come to me that you may lie in it.”


    Vizon grit his teeth, shouting back.


    “Whatdya gunna do, drop us down another pit? There’s nothing you can do that’ll stop us!”


    “YEAH.” Lahnae shouted excitedly. “Big jerkwads like you should stay cooped up in their stupid orbs!”


    A BILLOW of wind RUSHED through the old corridor, a roar quaking the ground.


    “And on your blood shall I return!”


    Avery clenched his fists. The power of the voice shook his bones, rumbling the very ground beneath him.


    “No way to go but forwards,” Avery said, continuing on. “We aren’t backing down!!”


    Thunder Mesa shook with laughter, the lightning bolts outside clapping in rhythm with the Thunder God’s guffaws, puffs of debris falling from the ceiling.


    Quayslaan and Calladin stepped up, followed by Jolvia and Rikzyod.


    “Sheesh, what a CREEP.” Lahnae shouted, as though goading Thundurus to speak more.


    “Ignore it.” Jolvia said, moving deeper into the cave, Lahnae and Loshjno following. Vizon bid Avery trail behind him. “Psyche-outs won’t work on Poke’mon well prepared and ready.”


    “I mean I wouldn’t be psyched out anyway!” Lahnae boasted with a puff of fire. Quayslaan looked over his shoulder, shooting a cocked eyebrow at Jolvia. The Nidorina only shook her head, leading the group deeper into Thunder Mesa.


    The caved curved upwards, thin and narrow and dark. Jolvia asked for a light, which Lahnae provided.


    “Would you believe she’s a loan auditor?” Avery joked to Quayslaan, giving him an amused look.


    Quayslaan glanced back at Avery but said nothing in reply, shaking his head. His starly companion, likewise, cast the Plusle another, longer look before continuing.


    Vizon hummed suspiciously, staying silent.


    Avery provided his own light as they traveled, sticking to the opposite end of the group so both sides would have some sort of light source with which to see.


    The Plusle was definitely intimidated…but Nivanee was safe back at the guild. It was up to the rest of them to resolve this. And besides, if Loshjno was right, this wasn’t really a thunder god!


    ‘Just…an incredibly accurate hardlight recreation of one!’


    The cave grew more and more narrow…the rocks rough and freshly cut. Was this all a projection, too? Avery could hear Lahnae and Loshjno grunt as they had to turn to the side to slip through the ever-narrowing cave.


    “Alright…” Loshjno spoke, voice low, the sound carrying well in the cramped space. “We need to be careful…this palace is sure to be Kessi by design which means lots of traps.”


    Traps??” Lahnae hissed. Loshjno nodded.


    “Spikes and arrows and pendulums, the whole set.” He muttered.


    “Aha…!” Rikzyod gleefully whispered. “So it does get worse. Good, I was worried we had seen the last of it!”


    At last, the cave began to widen. Slowly, they were able to breathe again, much less confined, pairing two-by-two in the cave as it evened out its upward incline.


    Avery could feel it, in his heart.


    This was it.


    The final climb to Thundurus and the Lightning Pearl.


    Avery heard Quayslaan take a deep breath up ahead, Jolvia grunting.




    In the cave, a set of massive velvet-covered purple double doors stood before them, towering over the teams, glistening in the light of Lahnae’s flame and Avery’s electricity. Quayslaan took a position on one side of the door, waving at Calladin to get him to take position on the other side. Jolvia joined Calladin.


    “Alright,” Avery began as they all got into place, clearing his throat. “…Pendulums, spears, spikes, lowering ceilings no doubt…So what triggers are we looking out for? Tripwires? Pressure plates?…Light beams?”


    Everyone turned their heads, looking at Loshjno.


    “Were it this was playing fair, yes, you’d be looking for tripwires, raised pressure plates…booby trapped treasure…” Loshjno took a breath. “…but considering it’s all projections, expect random activation as well.”


    Everyone nodded, Vizon stepped up by Quayslaan, Rikzyod by Jolvia, Lahnae and Loshjno standing beside Avery, readying to breach.


    “On your mark Avery, if you’re ready…”


    The Plusle nodded, taking point beside Quayslaan near the door. Avery looked to everyone else.


    “…Fast, but careful. Minimize the amount of time you’re out in the open where traps might be likely to be. We go as a group.”


    Everyone nodded, tensing up as the team leaders readied to push open the door.




    ‘Deep breaths.’


    “…Let’s go.”

    Avery pushed at the door, Lahnae and Loshjno breaching the door with him, pushing hard, running inside as everyone else spilled in quickly.


    Immediately, there was light.


    Blinding and bright and brilliant.


    The shimmer of gold shined upon them, a billow of cold air blasted past their team.


    The clanging of metal. The CRACK of thunder.


    Vizon covered his eyes, squinting to look out at the Palace.


    That magnificent Palace.


    Thundurus’s Palace.



    Satin curtains hung in from the ceiling, every surface festooned with gold and silver, an ornate statue of Thundurus staring them down.


    But the beauty was mixed with something else.




    A flash of metal. Another. Another.


    In front of you were swords.






    Arrow launchers fell at the ready! Sawblades WHIRRED to life! The statue’s eyes glowed a threatening red!!


    And at last, the gold shuddered with a shimmer as the lord of the sky spoke.


    “Welcome, ye dead Poke’mon that still draw breath, to the Palace of I, THUNDURUS!”


    Avery swallowed.


    “Ohhhhh God-“


    If that fall to the center of the earth was any indication, these traps were not going to pull any punches. None of the traps seemed to be able to hit them here in the doorway, but the moment they got out there, they’d be in the most complex dance they’d ever danced until they got through to the other side.


    Avery stepped forwards, eyes scanning the room, looking for patterns, anything to go off of to give him a modicum of safety. His heart roared in his chest.


    ‘…But I can’t turn back here.’


    One, two, three steps…


    Avery broke into a run.




    A spear SHOT for him!


    Two arrow launchers SWIVELED in Avery’s direction!


    “AVERY, DUCK!” Vizon shouted, stumbling after him. Jolvia barked an order, everyone making a dash forward!


    A spike trap SHOT UP at Vizon! The Riolu pivoted with a terrified yelp! Jolvia DOVE under a volley of arrows shot at her!


    Thundurus’s LAUGH bellowed over the entry hall as they all stumbled and clambered across the array of traps.


    “Jolvia, LEFT!” Loshjno shouted, not even looking in her direction. Jolvia gasped, throwing herself to the ground as a blade SWIPED, just missing! Just as she was about to get up- “STAY DOWN!”


    Jolvia flattened to the ground, a SECOND blade following up with another swipe!


    “CLEAR! GO!” Loshjno shouted, Lahnae vaporizing arrows hurled at her with a flamethrower!


    And over the noise was a roaring, jubilant laughter!


    Avery could hear it, Rikzyod’s joyous shout of pain as he BARRELED forward, SWIPING at arrows and spears that STRUCK against his rock surface, chipping it!


    “What fun! I never thought I could enjoy booby traps so!!” Rikzyod laughed. A nozzle PUFFED a  small flame! Loshjno gasped!




    “AH, GOOD!” Rikzyod shouted, clenching his fists. A BURST of flames ROCKETED from a nozzle in a pillar. The hot hair BLASTED out as enormous flames ENGULFED Rikzyod’s silhouette, the Geodude laughing as it coated him in fire!


    But Rikzyod held strong, the flames totally blocked. Loshjno’s jaw dropped, Lahnae rushing forward, grabbing the Squirtle’s hand.


    “C’MON! LET’S GO!” She shouted, barreling forward with him, everyone following suit!


    As they were bobbing and weaving through this gauntlet, something occurred to Avery.


    Loshjno!! Do you think ranged attacks might be able to disarm some of these??” The Plusle was currently holding a…very awkward position on one leg, arms raised above his head as two axe blades nearly bisected him – narrowly missing by inches. “Because I’m- Q, hammer to your right!! – I’m thinking cutting down on some of these might be helpful!”


    Quayslaan SLAMMED the ground with vines, pushing away from the hammer than nearly FLATTENED him. Calladin shouted after him, squawking in panic as he swooped around the lobby!


    Loshjno spun, backpedaling from a sawblade that CUT past him. Without a word of acknowledgement, he tested Avery’s theory!


    The Squirtle opened his mouth and FIRED a water gun at an arrow launcher, the wooden device thrown off balance, KNOCKED off and onto the floor!


    “LAHNAE!” Loshjno shouted, pointing to the launchers. Lahnae’s eyes widened, quickly firing one! TWO! THREE! Precise shots to INCINERATE the launchers.


    “Long range attacks!” Jolvia called out! Quayslann and Rikzyod stood back-to-back at a safe spot. Razor leaves and rock throws ERUPTED from the pair, clattering and slicing at different devices around the room!


    Lahnae laughed merrily, spreading FIRE at the wooden sword-swingers and spikes, Loshjno DOUSING a fire-launcher until it ran out of fuel. Vizon readied an aura sphere, STRIKING DOWN a saw blade, the device crumpling and falling apart!!


    “…Oh, yeah, it’s all comin’ together,” Avery said with a chuckle. A suspicious tile in front of him and a bolt from his hand met, electrocuting the metal plate’s inner mechanisms. A steel trap’s razor-sharp teeth SNAPPED shut a full three seconds too early, allowing Avery to hop on top. “Calladin, if your gusts aren’t strong enough to trigger anything, stick with someone who’s got range! Rikzyod, you-“


    Avery winced from the sound of crunching rock from yet another trap triggered head-on.


    “Just, uh…keep doing you, man.”


    A bellowing laughter SHOOK the palace! As blades and saws and spikes broke and clattered to the ground, the statue’s eyes FLASHED with an evil energy.


    “What?! More traps?!” Calladin shouted from above. Rikzyod slammed his FIST into a fire nozzle, TEARING it from the wall.




    An small blast ERUPTED at Avery’s feet!




    Jolvia was KNOCKED aside by another small blast! Vizon spun away from another!




    Quayslaan YELPED, tossed BACK by a blast! Lahnae grunted, barreling INTO the explosion, slamming on the GROUND as Loshjno retreated to his shell, tossed in the air!


    The statue’s eyes glowed again!!!


    Avery grunted, his eyes fuzzing over a bit from the constant flashes-!


    ‘I should be used to these! And maybe I am, compared to everyone else. Those eyes…’


    A bolt of electricity formed in Avery’s hand. But those eyes were far away. If he was going to try for this, he’d need to think outside of just the javelins he’d worked with.


    Without much time to think, Avery’s other hand came down on the bolt, slamming it down into his palm, molding it, pushing at the volatile energy until it didn’t resemble a bolt anymore.


    Compressed, crackling, angry electrical energy in Ball Lightning form.


    ‘…Is this what ball lightning is? Maybe. I don’t care.’


    One, two, three spins, and a forceful HUCK at the face of the statue-!!


    Everyone’s hair stood on end. The electrical balls FIRED from Avery’s hands! POWER RADIATING! FAST!


    But it slowed…




    Hung in midair…!


    Thundurus LAUGHED.


    Vizon gasped, watching Avery! He scrambled up, leaping forward and SPINNING, his leg STRIKING the lightning balls, HURDLING them toward the statue!!


    A blue flash ERUPTED in the room! Rocks and rubble and debris SCATTERED and FLEW in the air, dust and smoke BLASTING from the impact sight. The walls SHOOK.


    “The insects have chosen to fly in the face of fate…!” Thundurus’s voice quaked, the doors on either side of the now crumbled statue opening. “So be it. I rescind the mercy of a quick end.”


    Arceus, are we going to have to put up with this guy for the WHOLE DUNGEON?!” Lahnae shouted, shaking soot and dust from her feathers


    “Jeez, I hope not,” Avery huffed. “Gonna blow out my eardrums…”


    Quayslaan got back up onto his feet, Calladin swooping back down as everyone recovered. Avery took a deep breath and addressed the others.


    “Status check, everyone alright?” Avery said, turning back to everyone as they stood in the ruined trap room.


    Surprisingly enough…he’d made it out pretty okay. There were some pretty nasty cuts on Avery’s shoulder and the side of his face, but…while there was some respectable bleeding happening from both wounds, he knew by now they were pretty surface level – after coming out of a cave with a nearly broken leg and a broken rib, he could tell when injuries were superficial.


    “Fine. Nothing serious.” Jolvia said.


    “Not a scratch…thanks.” Quayslaan said, Calladin nodding.


    Woo! We’re alive!!!” Calladin cheered, flapping excitedly, Rikzyod chuckling.


    “Perfectly fine, what is next?” Rikzyod spoke up.


    Vizon stepped up from around a pillar, a nasty cut on his shoulder he was already tending to with an oran berry.


    “Not giving up yet!” Vizon told Avery, smiling. “Hey, what was that big ball of electricity? You got a name for it?”


    “Ha, working title’s ‘ball lightning’,” Avery said with a little laugh. “Nice kick, by the way! We should really work on more team attacks, huh? You and I haven’t had one past the one where you literally throw me.”


    Avery stepped off the traps, patting at his cuts a little with his paws. The bleeding was definitely slowing – that was good. They didn’t hurt too much, so he could go without medical supplies for now – plus it made for a pretty cool visual with his-


    ‘…Aw, man my pawtips are already red. Nevermind.’


    Lahnae and Loshjno stepped up beside him, looking none the worse for wear, the Squirtle looking toward the two doors, humming, deep in thought.


    “So, where to next, huh?!” Lahnae asked, looking up at Loshjno. “We’re doing it Loshjno! We’re actually gunna pull this one out!!!”


    Loshjno smirked, tapping his chin. Whether he was genuinely hopeful or only lying, Avery couldn’t tell.


    “You bet we are, Lahnae.” He said, encouragingly.


    The Torchic popped up into the air with a cheer! Loshjno smiled, seeing her so happy, before turning to the others to continue.


    “Alright…this place is definitely modeled after a Kessi palace.” Loshjno explained. “The palaces of old were mazes of traps and hazards, intentionally confusing…”


    “Buuuuut???” Lahnae pressed.


    But if you know the way, it’s a straight shot to Thundurus.” Loshjno said with a smile.




    “Agreed!!” Avery said, shooting a grin to Lahnae. “D’you know the way, Loshjno?”


    “Well, the directions to the king are always determined by Kessi’s most revered of mathematical equations. So…2 doors to start and one central statue…Let’s see, one over sixteen by the number of circles…”


    Loshjno furrowed his brow, pacing back and forth. Lahnae raised her eyebrows in disbelief, watching him as he muttered to himself. Jolvia and Vizon looked back at Avery in…confusion.


    Strange to see even the Nidorina dumbstruck.


    “…by the height of statues…plus doors over three, by the number of circles…”


    Loshjno took a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes. Avery could practically see the sparks firing off in Loshjno’s head.


    “Four, Nine, Seven, Four, One, Eight, Eight, Three, Six, Eight, One, Eight.” Loshjno said at last. “That’s Right, Left, Left, Right, Straight, Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Straight, Right…And the stairs to the king will be there. Straight to Thundurus.”


    “W-woah…Loshjno…?” Lahnae whispered, the Squirtle looking down at her with a smile.


    “I promised I’d give it my all.” He said, offering a hand.


    Lahnae stared. Her eyes were watering as she lifted a wing to his hand, taking it.


    They stood there, coordinated. A team. Partners at last.


    Loshjno lifted his head.


    Alright everyone!” Loshjno called out. “Door to the right first! We’ll get him in no time!”


    Avery…didn’t even know how to respond.


    “…Okay cool what he said-!!” Avery called with an uneasy laugh.


    ‘When Loshjno said he was the top and most promising in something…jeez, he was not kidding-


    Door to the right. Then left, left…right, straight-…I’ll just have to defer to him for instructions. I’ve never felt as stupid as I do here…but jeez am I glad that Loshjno is here…!’


    Jolvia took point again, Rikzyod right behind Avery as they all bolted for the rightmost door, their paws SLAMMING upon the tile, footsteps echoing over the chamber.


    Immediately, they were greeted with proof of how much they needed these directions.



    A MASSIVE hallway spread before them, dozens of doors on either side, wide open. Three or four bridges of gorgeously trimmed stone SNAKED overhead.


    Vizon’s breath caught in his throat, seeing balconies, dead ends and paths going every which way, endlessly splitting off into a mad fractal of architecture.


    Even here, saws and spears whirred and stabbed, ready to mince them.


    Loshjno tapped Jolvia’s shoulder, pointing her to the first door on the left. She nodded, Quayslaan and Calladin swooping ahead.


    “Alright! This is easy…!” Calladin called. “This is like some cool super team up with the bad guys!”


    Who’s the bad guys?!” Vizon spat indignantly.


    “Uhhhh? You guys?? Duh!!!” Calladin blew a raspberry.


    “Sh, Calladin.” Quayslaan hissed, the newbie Starly immediately shutting his beak as they all filed through the door.


    “…” Avery frowned a little at that. More fodder for the theory he was crafting in his head. And that question in his head that he had no doubt was in a lot of peoples’-


    ‘What happens to the pearl?’


    But there was no time to ponder that. The harsh billow of the Lord of the Sky’s voice washed over them again.


    “The knowledge of the path to me shall not help you if the trek is fraught with danger.” Thundurus’s voice rumbled again, shaking the walls. “It is time to accept fate and lie down.”


    The Poke’mon took no notice, only running according to Loshjno’s instructions.


    “Alright, once we get in there…anything to expect? Or are we going in blind?” Avery asked, turning to Loshjno. “Either way, I think we’re closing in on the end.”


    The teams kept running, passing gorgeous archways and bright blue torches shining on the tile and old stone. Loshjno lifted his head.


    “Thralls in 10!” Loshjno called out! Lahnae, whipped her head from side to side.




    “Nnngh…Left side! Pouring from the throne room!” Loshjno called. Everyone braced, Vizon setting his arms ALIGHT, looking back at Avery.


    “Avery! Hang back! Fire a few of those lightning balls at me! A BUNCH!” The Riolu called.


    Quayslaan SLUNG out his vines, grabbing Calladin, the Starly’s beak GLOWING.


    “Lahnae!!” Rikzyod called excitedly to his friend, the Tochic perking up. He opened his palms at her. “I must get FIRED UP.


    “YEAH LET’S GET FIRED UP!!” The Torchic cried happily, FIRING a HOT STREAM of fire at his hands, turning the Geodude’s fists into FLAMING MOUNDS OF MOLTEN ROCK. The MANIC look in Rikzyod’s eye told all!


    “GET READY!” Loshjno called out!!


    “Got it!!” Avery called, forming two, four, six, lobbing them up into the air! Just like last time, they hung there, falling slowly to the ground like a matrix of sparkling dots.


    Two more bolts found themselves in Avery’s fists – these ones intact. Avery’s eyes remained transfixed on the left wall.


    “…This is it!” Avery shouted. “We push!!”


    Vizon leapt forward, anticipating where the orbs would hang in midair, there at the intersection!


    “AHA!” Vizon readied with a grin.


    Down the hall, he could see them! Jolvia skidded on the tile with Rikzyod who CHARGED down.


    Avery could see them, too.


    In the dark, eyes glowing an evil purple glow. Poke’mon of various kinds from Sandslashes, Magnetons, Trapinches, Marrowacks, wrapped in Qease’ robes and scarves, lumbering toward them. But not yet giant…


    Thralls…Poke’mon from Qease’ turned into slaves for Thundurus, approaching like mindless zombies.


    “Don’t be fooled!” Loshjno called out. “They’re not real! Hardlight projections, the lot of them! These are the small fry, giants are up ahead!”


    Vizon got ready, facing down the thralls approaching in the hall as Avery’s lightning orbs approached. His fists began glowing, feet pressing HARD into the ground, a crack forming in the tile.


    “TEAM AZURE HYYYPERRRR LIGHTNING GATLING!!! Vizon shouted, PUNCHING an orb with BULLET PUNCH. The orb SOARED down the hall. He punched another! Another! He punched them as they came to him, flung down the way in a VOLLEY of exploding blue energy!


    “Yeaahhh-ha-ha, Vizon!!” Avery pumped his fist!


    “That is the spirit!” Rikzyod shouted, SOARING into the hall. Thralls FLEW from the explosions, bodies SMOKING from the sheer energy hurled at them.


    A Machop ran forward, making a mad PUNCH for Rikzyod. The Geodude SPUN, his molten hands swinging and STIRKING the Machop. Flames and ash exploded out! The Machop was put into a spin, slamming into the wall! Rikzyod took another swing, blowing a Heliolisk into the other wall. Strike! Strike! Strike! Knocking them down as they emerged from the crackling smoke of the lightning Gatling barrage!


    The hallway opened up wider into a big expanse. To the left, a massive atrium with stairs leading down. Up ahead, more thralls approached in more and more numbers!




    Loshjno fired an icebeam at the ground, Lahnae THROWING herself onto it, sliding with the trail the Squirtle made ahead of her. The Torchic laid down a wall of fire across the north exit as she slide by! The thralls were held back!


    To the left, to the left! Down the stairs!” Loshjno called out, Vizon waving Avery over as more thralls began to approach from behind.


    Avery grabbed Vizon’s hand and leapt up after Lahnae, skidding down the ice trail, just behind her.


    “YEEAAH, BUDDY!” Vizon cheered, holding tight to Avery’s paw as the three slid along the ice, Loshjno building the ice trail all the way down to the bottom of the stairs.


    A Magnemite tried to get in their way, rushing up beside the three. Avery shot his hands out, grabbed it, and SLAMMED it into the wall! The force of the swing propeled him down the trail of ice, pushing Vizon and Lahnae faster down!


    The wind whipped at Avery’s face as they whizzed past the hardlight thralls, eyes a glaring, glowering purple. The Plusle was definitely getting hits – and the looks some of those ground-type thralls gave Avery definitely made him nervous – but if they kept up the pace, they wouldn’t need to deal with nearly as many!


    There! Pouring from the right! A whole hoard of thralls SPILLED from a massive corridor! The ice trail SWUNG close then away!


    “Avery!!” Loshjno yelled up at you, muffled as he kept up the ice stream ahead of the three. “Get electricity ready! Back Lahnae up!!”


    The Torchic perked up, nodding immediately. Quickly, Lahnae jumped from the trail, leaving Avery and Vizon to slide along it, the rest of the team barreling down the stairs.


    Quickly, Lahnae laid down a BLAST of fire on the ice trail behind Avery and Vizon, melting it to a massive puddle, the water immediately pooling around the thralls as they spilled in!


    “VIZON! AVERY! NOW!” Lahnae called, backing off.


    Vizon nodded, readying his bullet punches and looking to Avery. The Plusle crackled with energy!


    “GOT IT!” Three, four, six balls, floating in the air, halted by the atmosphere. “There’s your ammo, Vizon! Get to it!!”


    One more bolt formed in Avery’s hand.




    And with a forceful shove the Plusle jammed his hand down, ELECTROCUTING the current and all the unlucky thralls that found themselves inside it!


    “HHYYAAAH!!!” Vizon bellowed, fist STRIKING the floating orbs!



    The thralls CONVULSED! Electricity WRACKED then as they EXPLODED into light particles!


    “Vizon! Right side!” Loshjno called.


    “Hup!” Vizon spun on his paw, pivoting his aim to strike ANOTHER ball back at the stairs! Thralls FLEW from the railing, dissipating!


    “Lahnae! North northwest”


    Lahnae DUCKED under sailing claws, throwing down a wall of fire!


    “Jolvia! Rikzyod! North Southeast!”


    Rikzyod spun! His molten hands SLAMMING into a thrall Venesaur. Jolvia ducked under his swing, leg sweeping a Hitmonlee!


    “Quayslaan! Up! 45!”


    “Do not presume to give me-!”


    “QUAYSLAAN!!” Calladin whined, the Snivy grunting. Quayslaan HOISTED Calladin with his vines, SWIPING at the thrall Taillow in the air as Calladin’s beak glowed with energy!


    A lightning ball CRASHED into one of the Taillow, sniped by Vizon!!


    This was it. They were a perfectly synergized team. Lahnae fought with a skill and ferocity seemingly unmatched by other guild members. Avery could see her glide through thralls, twisting her body to avoid, to strike, to parry, to pirouette. And any time she might have been caught off guard Loshjno was there with a call-out.


    The once lax squirtle held so much together. Coordinated multiple crossing groups of teammates in seconds.


    Team Spade was at their absolute maximum.


    And none could touch a single one of you.




    “GO GO GO!!”


    Paws hit the pavement. Thundered down the hall an a coordinated rush, flying through arches of gold.


    As they ran together, wind rushing past their ears, Avery found himself lost in thought. In admiration.


    ‘There were times since I’ve begun work at this guild where I felt like Vizon and I were the most capable team here. And that’s never made sense to me. Nivanee, Aquashock, Spade…They’ve been here for years before me. It felt odd, wrong even, that Vizon and I would be the best in the guild.


    Here, though… Here, for the first time since being introduced to everyone by Sarfallinus on that first day…I feel like a newbie. A greenhorn. Someone being led along, guided, following an example.


    And I couldn’t be any more thrilled about it!’


    Lahnae and Loshjno barreled forward, leading a charge down the hall. Calladin and Quayslaan took the back of the line this time.


    A cross intersection came up, Aquashock pulling ahead past it, ignoring the fiery, glowing eyes staring down the left and right halls.


    The palace was winding, twisting, horrifying. The hall bent and curved with no pattern, wild and jarring and sickening.


    But even as a massive hall of winding, branching, fracturing paths spilled before the teams, Loshjno only pulled to right, going exactly where they all had to go.


    Over the roar of their footsteps, Thundurus’s voice thrummed through the twisting halls.


    “Your intrusion of my most inner chambers is a blight upon these stones.”


    “Oooo, is someone SCARED?! HEHEHEHE.” Lahnae called out. Loshjno’s eyes were affixed to the next right turn at the intersection coming up as the hall inclined upward, as though a spiral.


    “There is no fear in my heart for insects, but I cannot say the same-“


    “Right side, duck!” Loshjno interrupted.


    Everyone HIT THE GROUND as a massive sword SWUNG from the hall on the right, narrowly missing.


    A rumble.


    A quaking stomp.


    A figure lumbered in…a colossus, from the hall, weiling a massive slab of iron like a weapon. It’s red eyes shone on the group of Poke’mon like burning spotlights.


    It pulled the sword from the stone wall, a roaring moan bellowing as it stomped towards them.


    “Are you SERIOUS?!” Vizon gasped.


    “Stay focused…it’s still only hardlight!” Loshjno called…as the massive armed sandslash came into the light, looming like a monster.


    “Welcome to your tomb-“


    “Rikzyod, hands!”


    Rijzyod laughed, lifting his still-smoking, molten red hands. Loshjno shot an ICE BEAM at his hands, a BILLOW of smoke cascading out. Cracking and tightening noises echoed, Rikzyod laughing as his fingers fused, his hands thickening…


    …and turning to obsidian.


    “GET HIM!”


    “AUUUGHHAHAHA!” Rikzyod sounded like a child at the carnival, LEAPING FORWARD as Vizon LAUNCHED him with a kick.




    Losjhno looked back at Avery.


    “Avery, Quayslaan, south!”


    The Snivy near Avery flinched, whipping around, seeing a massive Quilava and Jynx towering over the two from behind!!


    “…Okay. Yeah, they’re getting bigger,” Avery grunted, clenching his fists.


    The Plusle dove from a shot of ice freezing the ground where he’d stood. He cast Quayslaan a worried look. The Snivy was weak to both of these giants.


    “… Jynx. Why’d it have to be Jynx…?” Avery muttered. Shaking his head, he cast Q a glance. “You gonna be okay? Their eyes seem like pretty big weak points to me-! Big red and flashing, it’s basically a neon sign…!”


    “Of course one goes for the eye-ARCEUS LOOK OUT!!


    Quayslaan SHOT a vine at Avery’s leg, pulling him away as a PILLAR OF FIRE exploded behind the Plusle!


    Avery picked himself up off the ground, minimal burns from being dragged.


    “Y-yeah, that’s what I’m saying-” Avery huffed, giving Quayslaan a nod. “Thanks for the save.”


    Lahnae gasped, trying to run over, but was stopped by Loshjno.


    “Lahnae, giant Bayleef, east! I got Avery’s back!”


    The two spun by each other. Rikzyod was SWUNG around by the giant Sandslash, the behemoth THRASHING as the Geodude POUNDED on its head with obsidian fists!!


    “Calladin!!” Vizon called out to the bird overhead, the Starly swooping down, Jolvia backing up to meet them. “Giant Gravelers!! Pick me up!”


    “I’ll go low.” Jolvia hissed, casting a glance at the approaching rock Poke’mon. Calladin huffed, grabbing onto Vizon and lifting with a desperate flap of his wings, Vizon readying aura spheres as Jolvia RUSHED.


    Avery cracked his knuckles, squaring his feet. He rushed forwards, throwing bolts at the Giant Quilava’s legs as he ran to the Massive Jynx, trying to get her caught in crossfire.


    The Quilava’s leg stumbled back! A roar shook the stone of the palace. The Jynx lowered, SWIPING an enormous hand towards Avery to scoop him up!


    Quayslaan dove, vines LASHING towards the Giant Quilava’s other leg as he swung, PULLING the leg from under it!


    With a moaning roar the Quilava Colossus fell STRAIGHT into Loshjno’s watergun! The Squirtle kept a sustained blast on the giant. Avery saw it! The body of the giant slowly, slowly forming glowing cracks!


    These beastly giant Poke’mon were absolutely massive. But they were hardlight. Projections, like the things in Dove Fo Uddjo.


    Avery’s mind went back to that city. Those towers that amplified the Psychic Energy needed to power all the complex mechanisms there.


    “Loshjno, do these things have a source?!” Avery called out. “Should we focus on wiping them out, or should we try and hold our own and look for how to shut them off?!”


    “Source? I’m-” Loshjno shot another watergun, pausing only to speak a word at a time. “-still…working! On it!! This shouldn’t be-…possible but…it has to be-! The lightning pearl!”


    The Sandslash roared, succumbing to Rikzyod’s beat down! A BLAST of Lahnae’s fire erupted from the hall with the Giant Bayleef! The giant Gravler was PELTED with aura spheres from Vizon above and a flurry of hits from Jolvia below!


    “Avery! Loshjno!” Jolvia yelled. “We need an opening and fast! They’re going to just keep coming!”


    Loshjno strengthened the stream of water BLASTING the Giant Quilava’s face!


    “The eyes!” Quayslaan called, holding the Quilava’s leg with vines!!


    “On my word stop the gun, Losh!” Avery called, charging a javelin, tossing it and keeping the Jynx at bay.


    The massive Jynx backed off, but the javelins were weaker that the lightning spheres. Loshjno glanced to Avery, nodding.


    “Three… Two… One… STOP-” Avery shouted!


    The water STOPPED AT ONCE.


    Loshjno BACKSTEPPED, retreating into his shell and sliding along the pool of water until he reached its edge, well out of harm’s way!


    Quayslaan took note, FIRING his vines up to the ceiling. He grabbed a light fixture, launching himself up into the air!


    Avery charged, grit his teeth! A ball of lightning ROARED from his hand to the Quilava, slamming into the Giant!


    The hallway flashed a brilliant blue, the water JOLTING and ARCING,  steaming as it vaporized. The Giant Quilava roared, the glowing cracks expanding more and more! Its glowing red eye OPENED WIDE.


    Avery ran up the belly of the Quilava, to the chest, to the neck! He stumbled, lost his momentum, had to bow forward to keep climbing. He was almost to the eye to deliver the last strike!


    The Jynx lumbered backwards, swiping her hand again…but not for Avery!


    The Plusle looked behind, tracking the Jynx’s hand.


    “WATCH OUT-“


    Quayslaan gasped, trying to vine whip out of the way but was CAUGHT in the Jynx’s hand! He yelped, pounding at the CLENCHING fist with his vines! Loshjno popped out his shell and immediately saw the situation!


    Without a Second thought the Squirtle fired an ice beam to the floor around the Giant Jynx, freezing her dress to the tile. Already the ice was cracking!


    “Avery! Final blow, Quilava!”


    “On it!!” Avery yelled, clambering up the rest of the way towards the top of the Quilava’s head.


    Lahnae DOVE from the other hallway as a HAIL of razor leaves flew at her, the Torchic ducking and weaving, firing them from the air, the hot ash scattering around!


    A BURST of hardlight particles erupted from the Graveler! ANOTHER from the Sandslash!


    “Calladin! Air poison!”


    “Air what?!” Calladin called, confused, Jolvia looking up.


    “It means drop Vizon and lift me!!” The Nidorina called out, glancing back at the massive Jynx and Quilava.


    Avery grabbed onto one of the Giant Quilava’s ears for an anchor and YANKED it forwards, trying to WRENCH the Quilava to slam into the Jynx!


    “… Here goes-“


    ‘Deep breaths.’


    The crackle of electricity coursing through Avery’s veins intensified. Yellow energy became a blinding white. A bolt appeared in Avery’s hand…and broadened. His fingers curled around it, as if on instinct.


    One more yank on the ear forwards, making it fall towards Jynx! With a cry of effort, Avery delivered a decisive BLINDING STRIKE to the eye of the Titan!


    The energy of the electrocution brought the Quilava to its feet, the massive Poke’mon STUMBLING BACK. It wildly SWUNG its arms, trying to get at Avery, the walls SHUDDERING with its fury!


    The Giant Jynx’s eyes were trained on Avery as it squeezed Quayslaan. She tried to make a swipe, but her hand was rebuffed by Loshjno’s Ice Beam!


    Calladin SWOOPED in, Jolvia in tow, a hail of poison needles peppering the Giant Quilava, making it take another step back! Staggered. Weakened.


    The perfect shot!


    The Quilava lined up PERFECTLY to the Jynx, its eye widened in utter fury at Avery.


    One final strike!


    The Quilava BELLOWED, whipping its head side-to-side. Avery had to dispel the bolt – sword?? – in order to put both paws on the ear in order to keep his grip.


    Avery JERKED on the ear to try and pull the falling titan onto its compatriot. The shining cracks of light GREW and CASCADED over the Quilava’s body, the giant falling forward, SLAMMING into the Jynx! The colliding Collosi sent a shockwave!


    The Jynx let go of Quayslaan, the Snivy sent HURDLING!!


    Stones began falling from the ceiling, holes in the floor being knocked through! A wall crumbled! Quayslaan yelped in fear!


    Avery looked up, saw Quayslaan fly forwards, over his head.


    The Plusle brought a paw up!


    “A vine! Get me a vine, I’ll swing you up-!!”


    Quayslaan, WHIPPING in the air, slung a vine Avery’s way! The giants continued to collapse, hardlight particles flying from them like sparks!


    Loshjno and Lahnae stood by, getting ready to help. But the ground SHUDDERED. Dust and rocks fell! Light particles obscured the view.


    As Quayslaan’s vine reached Avery they both could see a pit opening up under them, into another hallway below!!


    The vine secured against Avery’s free paw. He gripped the vine tightly and squared his paws, anchoring himself. The tension from the vine grew taut! Avery swung his arm to redirect Quayslaan to cushion the fall!


    The Quilava was falling. Avery could feel his footing starting to slip!


    Calladin swooped in, trying to get to them both! Loshjno DOVE for the hole, quickly throwing down an icebeam path leading down! The hardlight quilava EXPLODED into a mass of particles, DROPPING Avery and Quayslaan with a jerk! The Snivy yelped again as he was suddenly pulled DOWN with Avery.


    They both hit the ice beam path as it curved down. A graceful, smoother slide down into the lower hall!


    Lahnae THREW herself onto the edge, looking down at Avery and Quayslaan, the Snivy sliding down and hitting the tile with a thud.


    Battered but otherwise unhurt.


    Calladin swooped in toward his teammate.


    Avery was grateful for the slide making the fall a lot less painful, but-


    The Plusle picked himself up off the ground, surveying his surroundings. His eyes travelled up to the hole they’d fallen through, and Calladin coming down towards them.


    Quayslaan staggered to his feet, shaking his head, dizzy. Calladin flapped his wings as he lowered down to their level, sighing with relief.


    “Aw man…was this one my bad?” Calladin asked. The Snivy shook his head.


    “No, newbie, you got here as fast as you could.” Quayslaan replied, looking up. Avery looked to Lahnae up above.


    “Is the Jynx still active?” Avery called up through the hole.


    “No! We’re all good up here, Avery!!” Lahnae cheered down to the three. “You totally gave that giant creep a walloping!”


    Loshjno leaned down a little, looking down and examining the dark hall Avery, Quayslaan and Calladin now stood in. Instead of blue torches, the ones down here were purple. The hall was straight, with one end leading to another perpendicular hall and the other end leading to yet another four way intersection.


    All the while…the hardlight particles from the giant still lingered in the air.


    “…Well…This isn’t good,” Avery said, crossing his arms. “At least the fall was like ten or fifteen feet instead of…miles. But how are we going to get back up…?”


    Avery looked at the particles in the air, and the ramp of pure ice. As helpful as it was getting down here…he was pretty sure the three of them couldn’t climb it back up.


    ” Calladin, could you fly us back up there…?” Avery asked, turning to the Starly.


    “Yeah, yeah, I can get you back up!” Calladin offered helpfully, flapping his wings to perch upon Avery’s shoulders.


    “I can get myself back up.” Quayslaan said, readying his vines and looking up, though paused watching the squirtle. “What are you eying, Loshjno of Spade?”


    “Hmm…Avery, what’s the hall down there look like?” Loshjno asked.


    The Plusle paused, frowning.


    “Other than the hard light stuff? The torches down here are purple, not blue. There’s a straightaway there, and a four-way there, past the ramp.”


    Avery looked up.


    “… Why?”


    Loshjno brightened up, shifting a little as Vizon and Jolvia approached the edge with Rikzyod.


    “Well, looks like Thundurus’s behemoths have opened up a shortcut!” Loshjno chuckled. “That’s further down our path, the stairs up the final tower and just down the right turn at that intersection. Guess all this hardlight projecting is putting a strain on even that impossibly powerful lightning pearl…!”


    “Huh! So it’s a stupid cardboard palace with paper walls and wood floors?” Lahnae laughed mockingly, Vizon snickering.


    “C’mon…!” Loshjno said, firing an ice beam to extend the ice slide to where they stood. “Let’s go…!”


    “Hey, Loshjno…?” Lahnae asked, stopping him. The Squirtle paused, looking at her…then looked up.


    The hardlight particles from the five giants were still lingering.


    And they all converged at once.


    A CEILING of transparent light, like unbreakable glass, completely covered the hole, slicing and shattering the ice slide into a powder of snow!


    Loshjno gasped, hands on the pane of hardlight. Everyone followed suit.


    Thundurus’s voice rumbled over the palace once again.


    “Aha, if you will not die together, perhaps you shall die apart.”


    Vizon’s eyes FLARED as he STOMPED upon the glass. It refused to even crack.


    “Darn it, enough!! I’m sick of this big bad thunder meathead!!” Vizon shouted. “You better not hurt my buddy!”


    Thundurus’s cackling laughter replied to Vizon.


    “Should anything befall your friends you shall not be far behind.”


    “You’re gunna learn real fast how our team never quits! AND BAD GUYS GET WHAT’S COMING TO THEM!!!” Vizon shouted back, losing his temper. Jolvia lifted a paw to his, tugging it to bring him back.


    “Bah, this move is for cowards. Why has he not fought us himself yet?” Rikzyod huffed, pounding the glass. “I grow board of these small fry!”


    “Hardlight projectors can only do so much…” Loshjno sighed, standing up. “I don’t think the pearl can even make Thundurus right now while it’s making this whole palace.”


    “We can’t stay here, then.” Jolvia said, getting up as well. “We’re just going to have to run to meet them quickly…will you three be alright down there?”


    Calladin was shaking in terror, feathers bristled. The Snivy only crossed his arms.


    “We’ll be fine!” Avery called up through the hardlight glass, flashing a thumbs up. “If we’re further down the path, we’ll wait for you. Go on ahead, we’ve got the guy on the ropes!”


    Loshjno nodded, calling to the others to follow. All of them bolted after him, Vizon only looking back briefly down at Avery.


    “Stay safe…okay, buddy…?” Vizon said, fists clenched. “I believe in you.”


    Avery nodded, a determined look in both their eyes as they took that final look. Then, the Riolu vanished.


    Quayslaan looked back towards Avery and Calladin as Vizon ran off, the rest of the group’s receding footsteps echoing across the palace.


    The Plusle sighed, giving his own glance back at the other two. He looked over to the shivering Starly. Poor guy. Avery walked over to Calladin, looking to reassure him.


    “Hey, it’ll be alright. You heard Loshjno. ‘Thundurus’ is spreading himself thin. We’ll be out of here before you know it.”


    “Man…there’s so much I wanted to do with my life.” Calladin sighed, looking at Avery with sad eyes. “Like host that poetry slam at the chesto bar…or modeling.”


    “Little Newbie, you don’t have a thing to worry about. You forget who it is you’re traveling with.” Quayslaan looked at him with a frown that seemed to to alleviate at least some of the Starly’s anxiety. “I have met enough blowhards like Thundurus, one more does not scare me.”


    “Wow…even your words kick butt, Quayslaan…”


    Avery smiled at that. With no more giants or thralls…the palace was very quiet. The hall they stood in had barely any noise, only a low droning and the faint sound of distant wind.


    It was certainly a much needed rest.


    “Modelling, huh?” Avery said, sitting down on the floor. “… Man. I don’t even know what I want to do past all this. The guild stuff was…kind of what I’ve been doing from any recent memory. And I’m not really…from here. Maybe working as a dealer in one of those raffle houses could be fun, Lahnae likes those places…”


    Avery scooted himself back up against a wall. The tile floor was icy cold and so was the wall, but hardly unbearable.



    “You do poetry?”


    Calladin shifted a bit, looking at Quayslaan, unsure. The Snivy side-eyed Avery curiously…as though he picked up every word. He nodded to the Starly who nodded back.


    “Yeah! I love poetry!! There is this cafe’ in…er…well, it is a cafe’ and I sometimes try to read out my works, though most of the time I’m too scared.” Calladin chuckled, rubbing a wing behind his head. “But sometimes there’s this…er…girl…that brings her daughter who also does poetry and she’s always encouraging enough to help me.”


    “I would go in, of course. But…” Quayslaan coughed, not finishing. “Poetry is not much an interest of mine.”


    “Well, yeah, I figure poetry isn’t your kind of cool, Q!”


    “Wh-that is not what I mean!” Quayslaan said back. “I am plenty cool for anything, even poetry!”


    Quayslaan huffed, folding his arms…then looked to Avery.


    “But, now…’not from around here’…what’s that mean?” Quayslaan asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t suspect you’re a Qease’ native…surely you don’t mean…not from Arcea?”


    “…Yeah, that,” Avery said with a sad smile. “Not from Arcea. Or Illaminamo. Or Quayoffi. Or maybe I am from those places, I don’t actually know.”


    Avery had his own little hesitations, furrowing his brow.


    ‘How much should I say…?’


    “That’s not me trying to hide where I’m from,” Avery said, putting a hand up. “Not that I’m digging at you guys for doing the same, I get it. You both know I live in Arceliaze, that’s no secret. But… I don’t really have a hometown or a family or anything. My whole…thing with the Arceliaze Guild and Arcea is all…pretty recent.”


    “We noticed.” Quayslaan said, folding his arms. “We’ve been briefed on Avery of Azure, Vizon of Azure…I suppose now Nivanee of Azure? Ever since the Onyx brothers and especially after Janus were apprehended it was time to do digging on the ‘Arceali Guild Ghost’.”


    “Maaan. There’s NOTHING on you! Nada! Zip!” Calladin said, flapping his wings! “There’s no census that even mentions an extra, unaccounted for Plusle that might’ve changed their name!”


    “Like you just dropped from the sky one day.” Quayslaan narrowed his eyes. “And for someone like that, no name, no face, no past, to just appear and be fast-tracked into the most prestigious guild in the country, the one famous for being impossible to get into, where the upper echelons of the country’s judicial, policing, law and security force are trained….”


    Suuuuper suspicious!!!” Calladin nudged Avery.


    Avery laughed a little at that.


    “I mean, I’m going to be absolutely, a hundred percent honest with you guys.” Avery looked towards Calladin. “You’re not going to find anything on me that’s more than two weeks old.”


    ‘…what’s the harm? Worst case, they won’t believe me.’


    “I didn’t exist before then. I only have memory of…well, waking up in the Breezy Plains and being picked up in the middle of the night by Vizon. Anything before that? Nothin’.”


    Avery sighed.


    “Being a clean slate has to be pretty cool for the people around you but I’ll tell ya, I still don’t know the days of the week off by heart.”


    A little laugh.


    “… Makes small talk tough, too.” Avery finished.


    Qauyslaan smirked, listening to Avery. Calladin glanced to the Snivy, almost as if looking for confirmation.


    “I bet it makes things a lot easier for those around you, too.” Quayslaan mused. “Loyalty given to whoever gets to you first…”


    Woahhh…that’s messed up!” Calladin let out a breath as Quayslaan unfolded his arms.


    “Well, scrubbing data this thoroughly is a bit much effort for one poke’mon who doesn’t even seem particularly more skilled than his peers.” Quayslaan continued. “No offense, of course, but usually when someone is erased from records there’s enough evidence and contradictions and holes in the paperwork to latch onto something. No, the books are too clean for you to simply have been removed. There’s something else going on.”


    “Boy, we’re really digging in, huh?!” Calladin asked, Quayslaan flinching, shaking his head.


    “Ai, fine. Perhaps now is not the time for grilling you.” Quayslaan sighed. “Part of me…regrets us having to be enemies. That your loyalty might still lie in your conduit, that talking openly would mean spilling our secrets to Olistia. Whether you’re genuine in your lack of memory or are playing a very convincing trick, part of me wishes we could have fought side by side this day.”


    Avery’s face darkened a bit when he mentioned Olistia.


    “…I was…kind of hoping I’d get to talk to you guys alone at some point, hah,” Avery said quietly, pulling his legs a little closer. “Originally it was just…to ask what we were going to do with the pearl since…I assume you guys want it, too. But…”


    Quayslaan and Calladin looked to one another. Quayslaan whispered to Calladin and Calladin whispered back, the Snivy nodding.


    “Yes…the pearl. I’m afraid we’ll still be working against you on that front, even if we work together to end this hardlight projection abomination putting Qease’s village in danger. If it expands or someone wanders too close, it could be trouble…” Quayslaan shook his head.


    “Yeah, gotta stand by Xamao on this one, even if Deshuuna doesn’t agree with his plan fully…though she’s at least come around enough to help.” Calladin blurted, Quayslaan batting him in the wing, the starly clamming up.


    Avery held a hand up at the Deshuuna bit.


    “…I won’t say anything. I’m…Starting to feel more and more like none of this is my business. I just…” Avery sighed. “…if people like you and Janus rally under someone like Xamao…He can’t be a genocidal monster, right? You guys are smarter than that.”


    ‘Unless they’re being misled.’


    The Plusle put a paw to his head.


    “…I respect Janus a lot, from what I know about her.” Avery explained. “I’m still trying to learn what I can from the people around me, but it’s…It’s frustrating because I know so much of it is from a biased source…but I just want to do right by others, you know…?”


    Quayslaan’s eyed Avery up and down, smiling.


    “Hm…You remind me of myself from a long time ago Perhaps, what I still wish to be. Hopeful, curious, incorruptible. If you merely put on a façade then it’s one worth emulating. Especially with the kindness you show to…the less fortunate Poke’mon of our beautiful Arcea, hm?”


    Avery turned to Quayslaan at that remark, surprised.


    “…You…Do you mean the Illaminians…? You aren’t against them?”


    Calladin and Quayslaan both looked to each other again.


    Against them…?” Quayslaan asked, looking to Avery. “I used to be, with all vitriol and anger, like any good citizen of Arcea under the glorious Conduicy of Olistia.”


    The Snivy huffed.


    “Ashamed as I am to admit it..I was even a proud member of the ‘Youngster NAM’s club’…” Quayslaan winced, shaking his head. “That was back when I was…well…I suppose you can guess where I used to be, hm?”


    “…the NAM. Those guys…” Avery growled, brow furrowed. “They burned down the house of one of my friends. Because she’s… Because she’s Illaminian. I… I don’t understand-“


    The Plusle sat up straighter.


    “Even my partners- Vizon, Nivanee, they don’t like them either. Every time I visit them, Vizon acts like I’m going to get stabbed…! And then the guild, you guys…say they train the law enforcement and elites, and they…”


    Avery furrowed his brow.


    “… I got in because the Conduit said I should.” Avery said in a low voice. “Some random Plusle with nothing to his name except the guy he met last night, pulled off the street and told to go to the guild.”


    He paused… And put his head in his hands.


    “…. Aaagh, I’m probably saying too much- I… I hate all these secrets and things I don’t know-“


    “I understand your frustration, Avery of Azure, I do.” Quayslaan said. “When I was first cast from Sarfallinus’s guild by the same Conduit that let you in, everything was shrouded in frustrating obfuscation and mystery…and it always seemed as though they were mysteries nobody but I cared to solve or answer. Everyone else would hear an obvious lie and accept it.”


    The Snivy shook his head, sighing.


    “Xamao is no genocidal monster, not by a long shot. But I am sorry I cannot say more. Even if you are truthful, even if you were to swear secrecy and mean it, knowing more would put you…and your friends…in danger of those who would want to know.”


    Calladin looked sadly between Avery and Quayslaan.


    “B-but hey!” Calladin said, flapping his wings. “It’s no big deal! Even if we have to be enemies we can still be friends! Kinda. In specific contexts.”


    Quayslaan chuckled, shaking his head.


    “Oh little newbie, always the hopeful one. I am sorry for your friend…but I feel all will be well there very soon.” Quayslaan spoke…his voice almost warm.


    “I get it,” Avery said, sighing. “…I don’t know if I have the guts to run away like Janus did. I…I don’t know if I’d be able to handle how everyone would take it back at the guild.”


    Avery looked at Quayslaan sadly.


    ‘He…Was one of the Poke’mon cast out…?’


    ‘…How old was he?’


    “…I hope you’re right, Quayslaan,” Avery said. “You both seem good. I’m sorry about Vizon, he’s, uh…he’s got a good heart, just a… stark sense of morality. Black and white, you know?”


    The Plusle looked back at the hallway.


    “There is no worry, Avery of Azure…” Quayslaan said, smiling. “Perhaps you being in the guild is where you belong. If, perhaps, you can change something from within then we’d not need to do a thing.”


    “Yeah, cool! Inside work!!” Calladin said.


    “To be sincere, Avery of Azure…Vizon gives me much nostalgia about someone else…” The Snivy chuckled, shaking his head. “May I ask? How many of the guild’s rooms are filled these days? Is the 4th door on the left still empty as we left it?”


    Nivanee, Aquashock, Spade, and Azure…they were all on doors to the right, facing the canal…nobody occupied the doors to the left.


    “It is, yeah,” Avery said with a little nod. “All of us face the canal on the right. Just…”


    Avery sighed, furrowing his brow.


    “Just the three rooms now. Out of twelve.”


    Quayslaan nodded, a wistful look in his eye. He looked almost…nostalgic as he spoke to Avery.


    “It’s probably just how we left it…” The Snivy sighed to himself. “You know the story of Team Infinity don’t you? ‘A snivy and a tepig go in, a snivy and a tepig go out. A snivy and a tepig go in again, only the snivy comes out’…making fun of us both times we…ahem…’dropped out’…”


    Calladin was listening close as Quayslaan spoke.


    “When we returned, they hadn’t even touched our stuff in there…so it may still be in there…”


    Quayslaan’s eyes flashed suggestively…mysteriously.




    Quayslaan paused, looking down at Calladin.


    There was an echo in the halls deep, deep behind you. Faint and muffled. The others, no doubt, making their way to the three. There was still time, of course.


    Avery shook his head.


    “I didn’t know much about Infinity. Again, hah, just… Two weeks. But…”


    Avery quieted down.


    ‘Fourth on the left.’


    There was a pause in the conversation, each of the three Poke’mon only looking at one another. However, after only a brief silence, Avery spoke up again.


    “…Hey, Cal. If we have time until they get here…do you have any poetry you know? I’d like to hear some of your work, if that’s okay.” Avery smiled wryly. “Preferrably a poem that doesn’t have Thieves Guild secrets in it.”


    Calladin brightened up at that.


    “I…really?!” Calladain squeaked gleefully. Quayslaan…smiled, taking a step back, beside Avery, hands clasped together as Calladin squirmed, slightly embarassed. Still, the Starly bravely opened his satchel, rummaging inside and pulling out a piece of parchment.


    “S-sure! Um…this one I’ve tried to read at the coffee shop before but…”


    He coughed, sniffing, holding the paper up.


    “…it means a lot to me.”


    Quayslaan nodded, urging him on.



    I’m a man who’s free to walk the land


    No cage or bars


    But here I sit and now understand


    that my life has been wholly pre-planned


    Here in my cage of hugging arms


    Those I loved became my warden.


    Kill and slaughter for my gold stars,


    It’s OUR burden!





    Calladin’s voice echoed dully over the stone walls as he stared down at the paper, Quayslaan staring…a gentle look in his eye.


    “Hey, there they are!” Avery could hear Vizon’s voice calling from far, far away.


    Avery’s little smile slowly faded with the lines of the poem.


    ‘He couldn’t know, right? He was reading off of a paper. But even then.’


    Avery cast a slow, quiet look at the voices down the hall, then back to Calladin as he finished.


    “… You… You have a real talent, Calladin,” Avery said, his voice soft…a slight shake to it undeniable to any of the three of them. “That was…that hit me. That was really good.”


    Avery eased himself to a stand, looking at the two of them sadly. He knew he’d have to fight them soon.


    Vizon’s call pricked Avery’s ears.


    ‘But I don’t want to fight them.’


    Chapter 22





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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