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    Chapter 10.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    “Ah, there you are.”


    Jolvia snuffed out her pipe as Vizon and Avery caught up with her at last. The Nidorina took a deep breath of her own, giving a smile of confidence to them both.


    “It’s just this way.” She told them. “By the red wood silo.”


    Jolvia led them away from the main path, the grass behind the farm buildings rather high from lack of upkeep. These Nidos hardly tended to the fields.


    Seeing the fields, rampant with grass in a way that made it seem like they didn’t matter…it made Avery angry.


    ‘These royalty…they aren’t even using the land for anything except their own stupid ego trips!’


    ‘…I hope we’ll be able to liberate this delta.’


    Ahead, just on the other side of a wood bridge crossing a rushing stream, was a squarish dull red grain silo. It looked abandoned and dilapidated. Despite the appearance, Jolvia walked straight for it. Crossing the bridge and reaching the lonely silo, Jolvia knocked in the side 3 times then waited…and finally said, in a clear and loud voice


    “My, that Squirtle…heap of trouble. How’d Eevee ever get that name?”


    Vizon cocked an eyebrow as nothing happened…not until a hatch on the otherwise sealed silo opened, allowing them entry.


    “Shall we, Team Azure?” Jolvia asked, stepping inside.


    “…Alright.” Avery nodded, pulling Vizon into the silo after Jolvia.


    Jolvia stepped forward into the dark silo, and opened up what looked to be a stone trapdoor, motioning the both of them inside. Vizon took a breath, stepping down on the steps of the underground bunker, Jolvia following behind them both.


    Inside, the ceiling was low. There were no windows nor furniture save for tables and logs to sit on.


    And there, in the candlelight, was a large group of Pokémon. Nidorans and Nidorinos were present but so were a Sunflora, a Charmeleon, a Swampert and a Ditto.


    Hearing their approach, the group looked to them, startled. Some stammered, confused, looking to one another. The Swampert stood threateningly.


    “Woah woah he-“


    “Peace, Zano.” Jolvia’s voice came, making the Swampert relax. “They’re with me.”


    “With you? With you?” The Sunflora spluttered, looking to the others. “Isn’t that…T-Team Azure?”


    “Indeed it is, they’ve come to help the cause, Team Antidote.” Jolvia assured, patting Avery on the shoulder. “Imagine, with the Arceali guild’s help this is sure to be a smooth operation.”


    They all looked unsure, the Charmeleon clearing his throat.


    “If I may ask…were they a part of…?”


    Jolvia shook her head.


    “No, no, just a pair of fresh, unstained hands I think we can trust for now.” She replied, looking down at Avery and Vizon with a smile. The Riolu looked suspicious. “Please, if I trust them, surely you can as well.”


    The group murmured in agreement, Jolvia nodding, leading the pair to the planning table.


    “Were…we a part of what…?” Avery asked quietly, looking up at Jolvia, following her in apprehension.


    “Oh don’t worry, they’re only asking after your past exploits, but they should trust you now.” She explained, leading Avery to the table. “But Avery, Vizon. these are the Antidotes, a team of…freedom fighters comprised of Nidos from the Kingdom now fed up with how the kingdom is being run.”


    The Nidos present all nodded in greeting.


    “And these…” Jolvia gestured to the four non-Nidos. “…are…Taeriana natives that were captured when the River Delta fell.”


    “Um…hello.” The Charmeleon said uncomfortably, the other three shifting uncomfortably, but clearly getting used to the pair.


    They seemed rather clean for ex-slaves.


    “These aren’t the only ones loyal to our cause.” Jolvia continued. “We have several other Nidos currently at the ready to engage the army and begin our rebellion.”


    The Ditto followed-up after Jolvia.


    “So, dis what we doin:” The Ditto began. “Right now, we got gangs set up onna south end, d’ north end, d’ west end, d’ east end, d’ castle gates, and at least two r’ three counter-actors in almost every patrol contingent.”


    He pointed to a map of the River Delta. Vizon leaned over to look, his eyebrows raised.


    “You’ve already set this up?” Vizon asked, shaking his head. “How long have you been working at this?”


    “Practically as soon as this fraud kingdom began.” The Sunflora answered. “We’ve been setting Poke’mon up…spinning conspiracies…for years. And yet for all the planning we’ve yet to find someone to fill the roll of a ‘razor’, someone to spearhead a charge directly to the dootstep of the Nido royalty when the army goes into disarray.”


    Vizon squirmed, everyone in the room staring at Team Azure.


    “And we might’ve found such a force.” Jolvia finished, folding her arms. “Arceali guild, nothing like ’em.”


    “…Razor…” Avery repeated, looking at the map with a furrowed brow. “So…as the razor…Vizon and I would be going up directly against the Emperor and Empress…?”


    The Plusle looked up at the others, to see if he was getting that right.


    “That’s right, you two.” The Swampert said. “Run through the chaos and make the strike.”


    The Sunflora scooted closer.


    “You look nervous, Avery.” They said, patting him on the shoulder with a leaf. “Don’t worry, Emperor and Empress might be large but we’ve reason to believe them to be pushovers full of hot air. Their army is a bigger threat than they are. But somebody has to take care of them. This way we’ll be better able to suppress the army.”


    ‘They…have to see that isn’t the best matchup, right? Two on two…? Basic versus twice-evolved? Will we have back-up at least?? If they’d been building this army for years then…’




    “Wait, years?” Avery said, gobsmack. “The problem’s been going on this long and the guild hasn’t sent anyone down to check…??”


    Avery looked up at Vizon in shock. They weren’t even sent down to do this! The Charmeleon rolled his eyes at that.


    “Aii, figures. Taeriana has probably been begging the Arceali Elites all this time for help on this.” The Charmeleon shook his head. “Those Poke’mon wouldn’t lift a finger for a small village like that. Not enough coin and not of enough importance to Arcea, so not worth the effort.”


    “Wasn’t an Arceali Guild team supposed to be coming here?” The Charmeleon hissed. “Team Spade? What happened them? If this village is going to passed off to the training guild then surely they at least could get here…”


    The Poke’mon all laughed bitterly.


    “I really wish it weren’t true…these institutions have abandoned the common folk…”


    “But that’s why we’re here…” The Sunflora whispered.


    “And Team Azure, let’s not forget.” Jolvia glanced at the both of them with a smile.


    “Us?” Vizon asked.


    “Well of course. It’s clear you both haven’t forgotten the little people, wouldn’t abandoned common folk in favor of higher payout, right?” Jolvia asked earnestly. “That all Poke’mon are worth saving?”


    Vizon perked up, looking at Avery…then knitted his brow.


    “Yes…of course.” He replied, that old and familiar bravado creeping back in his voice at last. “We’re Team Azure, after all. We never give up! Not on anyone!”


    The Poke’mon in the room laughed, smiling and feeling more comfortable.


    “Ah, that old guild spirit.” The Swampert mused. “Were it there were more were like you then Arcea wouldn’t need-“


    “Now, now, I believe we’ve a plan to carry out, don’t we…Avery?” Jolvia said, patting them both of the shoulder.


    Avery glanced at the Nidorina.


    ‘…But…we are only doing this for a higher payout. A favour for Shiftry.’


    Avery balled his fists.


    ‘No…that’s not true. Even if on paper we’re doing this for an invite to Dovve Fo Uddjo, Vizon and I want to help. We want to liberate these people.’


    “I’m not going to let these people keep slaves. I’m not going to let them intimidate an army into working for them, I’m not going to let them take land that doesn’t belong to them. This…” Avery took a deep breath. In…out. “This farce has gone on long enough. Let’s be the razor, Vizon.”


    “YES! Go go RAZOR TEAM AZURE!” Vizon cheered, bouncing. The other Poke’mon laughed heartily, slamming their fists on the table.


    “If you’ll have me, Avery, I’d like to accompany you on this.” Jolvia offered. “I can help get us to the castle when it all goes down.”


    “I’d really enjoy having company,” Avery said with an awkward laugh. “More that we can have the better. Having you on the Razor team would be very good.”


    “What…you can fight, Ms. Loan Auditor?” Vizon asked. Jolvia smiled mysteriously again.


    “Of course. It’s a more demanding job that you’d think, you know.”


    Vizon shook his head, not pursuing it further. Clearly, he’d get nowhere interrogating her.


    “Alright, everyone. All that’s left to do is fire the signal.” The Charmeleon said, the other Poke’mon rising to their feet, Nidos included. “Jolvia, you know where to go. We’ll expect the signal within 20 minutes.”


    “Alright…all these years of planning have come to this. It all begins here.” Jolvia took a deep breath, biting into a seed.


    ‘Deep breaths. Deep breaths.’


    “Alright. So we get into position, wait twenty minutes…and then go.” Avery said.


    “You got it.” Jolvia looked behind to the others, nodding. “We’ll get out there now. You all get into position as well.”


    The other Poke’mon nodded back, taking off down different corridors branching out from the map room, Vizon going back out the way they came, with Jolvia following close behind.


    “I really have to thank you both…” Jolvia spoke. “I know this all must be terrifying and intimidating.”


    “What? No it…” Vizon shook his head. “…yeah…it is. But it doesn’t matter…”




    “All that matters is that we were asked to help by Taeriana and now you all. Whether we can or can’t…we have to try.” Vizon took a deep breath, staying close to Avery. “I always have to remember those words from Nivanee…it’s what lets Avery and I push forward. It’s the right thing to do.”


    “Nivanee…Duskwalker, hm?” Jolvia mused thoughtfully, clicking her tongue. “…I guess that is wise words. Good to live and work by.”


    Vizon smiled back at her, nodding.


    The three exited the silo at last, trudging through high grass to return to the proper city,  back to the crude gravel pathways.


    “Ohhh my peeeeoppple~!”


    Now, the familiar voice of the Nidoking took the place of the Herald, echocing across the River Delta. Avery squinted, hearing that grating voice.


    “This is your GLORIOUS leader, Nidoking speaking.”


    “Mmmm, and your BEAUTIFUL empress, Nidoqueen, at his side.”


    The two’s laughter rumbled, the sound of kissing transmitted.


    Avery made a face.


    “They’re…really just kissing on an announcement…?” Avery mumbled under his breath, adjusting his Iron Spike. “Jeez, at least the two of them get along well together…”


    “We just wanted to make the first of many CONQUEST ANNOUNCEMENTS!”


    “Oh boy…” Vizon groaned.


    “Mhmhmhm~!” The Nidoqueen cooed. “This River Delta was sooooo easy to take, the worthless peasants barely put up a fight. But now we want more for ourselves~!”


    “And all of…you…if there’s anything left, I suppose…”


    The two laughed again.


    “Not terribly charismatic…” Vizon muttered, following Jolvia as she nodded.


    “Not at all, but they’ve still amassed dangerous followers.” Jolvia explained.


    “In but an hour, our armies shall MARCH unto Souljraan, then to Yahneri port! All the unworthy non-Nidos shall be made to serve their betters: us! And, ah, yes…you too.”


    Avery’s eyebrows bounced.


    “Souljraan…? That’s…that’s quite a march from here. Are they intending to take the rest of Taeriana on the way…?” he shook his head, looking around, gauging the reaction of the citizens.


    The Nidos all around squirmed in discomfort. Even some of the guard.


    “This world will tremble! This world is ours! Mine! Mine! MINE! MIIIIIINE!”


    Jolvia grunted, quickening her pace.


    “We got to get to the center of town quickly. 15 minutes now.” She hissed.


    Avery took a deep breath, feeling his heart beating against his ribcage.


    In fifteen minutes…they were really going to stage a coup.


    Jolvia made a quick turn between two buildings, Vizon skidding to follow, the pace quickening more and more as the clock ticked.



    “And yet here, on the eve of our ABSOLUTE VICTORY OVER ALL TULAAN…” The Nidoking began. “There are STILL nasty-wasty saboteurs out to destroy my BEAUTIFUL LEGACY OF CONQUEST.”


    Vizon nearly bumped into Jolvia as she stopped, pressed against a building as a company of guards quickly passed.


    “This bulletin is now a CALL TO ACTION: all homes are now subject to FLASH SEARCHES! You’re all back stabbers! Traitors! You disgusting treasonous two-faced cads will be PULLED LIKE WEEDS. Scrubbed like so much FILTH from MY GLORIOUS EMPIRE.”


    The Nidoking’s voice was shrill, like a tantrum broadcast across the kingdom. Jolvia rushed forward back onto the street. Vizon kept close behind, holding Avery’s hand the whole way…most likely for his own comfort more than anything. But all the same, the Riolu’s determined look never faded.


    “Mmmmm hmhmhmhmh~! Oh I can see it now, yes yes~” The Nidoqueen cooed. “Traitors pelted with mud and dirt until they can’t stand the pain, right in the center of town where all can see.”


    There was a crash. Screaming as Nidos were dragged from their homes by guardsmen! Jolvia grit her teeth, Vizon looking in horror.


    “This is MY accomplishment! MY hard work!!” The Nidoking screamed like a toddler. “You REBELS are just thieves and cads that just take and take and TAKE AND TAKE WHAT ISN’T YOURS!!!”


    The screams across the kingdom were intensifying. Citizens were terrified, shaking. Shouting. Crashing. Shattering. Jolvia was practically running down the pathways, snaking between buildings.




    “…Good lord,” Avery whispered in terror. “There’s no way that the kingdom will support them after this, right? They’re just two people, what can they do against an army…?”


    “Capitulators would do anything on behalf of their disgusting leaders if ever they catch a whiff of power and advancement. That’s sometimes all they need…they’re enough to scare a mass of Nidos into submission, but that mass’s patience is waning. And spurring them to action, to realizing they outnumber those most loyal to the Nido royalty…”


    Jolvia smiled, taking out a pipe and a red blast seed. She took a flint to the blast seed in the pipe.


    “…spurring revolution can be as easy as this.”


    She struck the flint to the tube. At once the blast seed exploded, shooting a brilliant glowing display into the air! Citizens whipped their heads up, the bright light rising higher and higher, shining light across the whole kingdom.


    All at once, war cries erupted! Yells surrounded! Clashes and angry shouts!


    “Here we go!”


    Avery didn’t give himself time to think.


    He rounded the corner, pulling the spike off of his head, holding it in his hand. He bolted towards the looming castle at the end of the path.


    Voices roared around him as he ran.






    Jolvia ran behind Avery, Vizon sprinting by his side.


    There, at the front of a crude wooden castle, stood in front of a podium, a Nidoqueen and Nidoking stood. Between the pair of rulers and the trio was an ARMY.


    Rows of Nidos, filed, organized. They turned to face three.


    And explosion erupted in the army lines!


    Blast seeds!


    From the rooftops, Nidos stood, pelting the army with explosives! Smoke and sparks flew and scattered! Flashes of explosions! Screams cut the air, a trample and noise! The line broke immediately. Soldiers turned on their own, scuffling, struggling, dust kicked up amid the thick smoke!








    Vizon’s arms glowed. Nido soldiers ran for them!


    The Nidoking, Emperor, screeched in terror from the podium at the top of the stairs!


    “Rebels! Saboteurs! Kill them! Kill! Kill! Kill them all!”


    From all sides, Nido soldiers CHARGED. Vizon jumped, slamming a KICK down onto one!


    Behind Avery, Jolvia spun, scratching a guard, making him back off!!


    Avery kept his head down, running directly for Emperor and Empress.


    They couldn’t afford to waste time on the guards as the monarchs got away. Avery let fly a quick kick! A bolt flashed from his hand! The bolt crackled! Cascaded across the ground! Guards stumbled and flew from Avery as he barreled forward, thundering straight towards the tyrants!


    Jolvia doubled kicked, sending another guard flying, Vizon punching down another. The three cut through the disorganized, undisciplined guard.


    Blasts rocked the kingdom. Smoke from afar! Pops and crackles and shouting! The guard were descended upon! Screaming, panicking, scattering!


    “You idiots!” Emperor yelled. He kicked the podium, sending it CAREENING towards Avery!


    The Plusle’s eyes bulged! He tried to leap out of the way but wasn’t quite fast enough. It slammed into his shoulder, sending him twirling into the dirt. His arm screamed angrily in pain as he laid there, head spinning.


    “K-keep going-!” he shouted, bringing himself back to his feet. He was right not to underestimate them. They were strong. “Don’t let them get away-!!”


    Feet back on the dirt as Vizon and Jolvia bolted past. Avery ran to catch up.


    The royals cried out, scrambling away as the three thundered up the steps of the castle!


    “Avery!” Vizon cried out, stalling despite the Plusle’s instructions.




    Jolvia ran, sidestepping a guard’s attack. She paused, grabbing his head, SLAMMING him into a building!


    Vizon ran ahead.


    Through smoke and ash.


    Through fire and screams.


    The castle was beginning to burn. Emperor and Empress cried out in fury!


    No!! What is this?!” Emperor screamed, stamping his foot, whirling around.


    Avery and Vizon trudged up the steps. Vizon tore his own spike from his head, brandishing it!


    And explosion rocked beside them. Screams of revolution swirled.


    “Honeeey~” Empress cooed, throwing herself against the Nidoking. “It’s all burniiiing. And there’s two…eugh, disgusting non-Nidos disgracing our presence~!”


    “Oh what a mess, what a lot of mess…!” Emperor took Empress in his arms, hugging her theatrically. “So much work done by own two hands, burned in but a few moments by lazy ungratefuls that never worked for a thing their whole life!”


    “How easy sabotage can be! The only way the dumb and unambitious can feel as though they can do aaaanythiiing~!” Empress turned her nose up as Vizon and Avery ran up the hundred steps.


    “Come, my love! It has been built once, it can be built again and stronger~!” Emperor twirled his wife, not even looking at the pair. “We need only indulge in destructive behavior of our own. To crush every rebel by hand if need be!”


    “Hey!!” Avery yelled, cutting through the royals’ talking. “Hey!! You two!! Your flyers looked like garbage!”


    In tandem, Vizon and Avery held their iron spikes aloft. They reared back and let them fly! The bolts STREAKED through the air! One STRUCK Emperor! The Empress got one in her arm!


    The two cried out, pulling from one another!


    They STOMPED, staring down at the pair with eyes flared. Emperor grit his teeth.


    “That…hurt!!” He shrieked angrily, composure broken! “You kids can’t just do that to royals!”


    “Honey! Honeeey! Oh my beautiful complexion has been RUINED by this iron bolt!”


    “My sweet! Oh what have they done?!”


    Emperor and Empress backed away against the castle walls. Ash and embers swirled around. Vizon got ready. From behind, Avery could hear Jolvia’s footsteps as she ran up to join them.


    The army was routed, vanishing, running for the horizons away from the River Delta! Guard towers toppled amid flames!


    The Emperor and Empress stared out at the visage, at the flames of their kingdom.


    Then trailed their eyes down at the three standing before them.


    “Usurpers…insurgents and conspirators…working always to undermine us…” Emperor growled, stamping a foot, ROCKING the wood ground. “Are you happy?! All is flame and ash! Years of my legacy gone in an instant! It was to be all ours! Mine! Every land the sun kissed would be under my banner and you just TOOK IT AWAY FOR FUN.”


    “A TOOOUUUSAND YEARS IN THE STOCKS!” Empress screamed. “Pecked by birds, splattered with mud! The accursed tarnished Poke’mon! Your names will be forever cursed!”


    “None of this was EVER yours!” Jolvia shot back, fists balled.


    “We’re gunna save the RIGHTFUL owners and you bad guys are going to have this stupid ego trip destroyed!” Vizon barked. “A hundred years in the Arceali dungeon for YOU, wretched faux royals!”


    “F-faux? Faux?! You filthy blood! You cretin! How dare you even split open your poisoned and diseased mouth to me, a shining beacon of existence?” Emperor thumped his feet, having a tantrum. “NO! NO NO NO NO NO! I WON’T ALLOW IT! YOU DON’T GET TO! IT’S MINE! IT’S ALL MINE MINE MINE! MINE! MIIIIINE!”


    He STOMPED the ground as the kingdom ROARED with war and explosions. Both royals readied themselves, Emperor’s eyes FLARED WITH HATE.


    “M I I I I I N E ! ! ! !”


    Avery readied himself. It was the three of them against the two of them.


    ‘God, they’re huge…How am I going to do this? My electricity won’t work in the slightest, I know that. There has to be some other way I can go about this.’


    He fixed his gaze. Something as big as Emperor having a tantrum was…terrifying to him. But he still held his ground.


    “DIE DIE DIE!”


    The Nidoking DOVE for them! Vizon yelped, barely able to JUMP out of the way. Jolvia was knocked aside and SLAMMED into the wall! Avery was thrown from the impact, tumbling, rolling.


    Empress laughed haughtily, fanning herself as the castle burned. Wood CREAKED. Ash LICKED at Avery’s flesh.


    The Nidoqueen leaned, mouth open. Needles shot like bullets toward Vizon, ricocheting, splinters flying as they struck the wood. He reeled from Emperor, only able to deflect two before he was PELTED with needles. The Riolu screeched, covered in puncturing poison, eyes wide!


    Jovial hissed, scrambling to her feet, running to regroup!


    Avery scrambled up, staggering from the shaking of the ground. He looked towards Vizon and tossed him a Pecha Berry – that didn’t look like one they could wait on.


    Avery grit his teeth, shooting a glare at the royals. They wouldn’t be able to fight these guys normally. But maybe….




    “Is this really all you two were able to do?” Avery taunted. “You were left alone all this time and you think you can take over the world with some intimidated actors and a castle made of twigs?” 


    “Twigs? No no noooo~!”  Empress cooed, walking forward as Emperor got back up. “That’s pure Nidonian wood~!”


    A tower collapsed, CRUSHING a house in a spray of splinters.


    “As for intimated actors, well…of course we intent to take over Tulaan with them~!” Empress pointed towards the fires in the kingdom. The blast seed explosions that ROCKED and SWAYED the platform they stood on. To the armies rushing, clashing with rebels.


    Avery even saw the Charmeleon…the Swampert…the Sunflora…a Nidorino with ditto eyes, all of them fighting with all their heart.


    “Look at how they fight for us~! Ohhh so flawlessly LOYAL~!” Empress giggled. “And once the rebellion is crushed they’ll all converge right here…and get you little rascals~!”


    “Shut up!!” Vizon yelled, FIRING an aura ball, STRIKING Empress! She yelled, looking OFFENDED. Emperor’s eyes FLARED.


    “MY LOVE!” He bellowed, JUMPING to swing a leg at Vizon. Vizon gasped, backpedaling from the kick. He DUCKED under a second, JUMPUNG away from a barrage of poison needles!


    Jolvia rushed to Avery, just as Empress, face STEAMING from the aura ball, angrily shot a BEAM OF ENERGY from her mouth to the two. Avery was ready for it, quickly dodging away, Jolvia leaping with him as the hyperbeam blasted a wood pillar to sawdust.


    “Avery, what’re you doing?!” Jolvia yelped, coughing and spluttering.


    “I can’t do much to them.” He replied, trying to get ready. His heart was racing. It was racing so loud, it was screaming in his ears. “But these guys are egotistical freaks. If they focus on me…”


    Jolvia opened her mouth as though to protest. Avery met her gaze, the Nidorina’s words catching in her throat. Jolvia swallowed, looking worried, but nodded. She backed off from Avery, running to Empress’s flank!


    Vizon was exhausted. Dodging needle after needle, trying to find an opening. He dodged INTO Empress who quickly GRABBED him and TOSSED him into a wall, punching a hole in it! Jolvia ducked under the sailing Riolu, running and JUMPING into a double kick into Empress!


    “YOU COWARDS!” Emperor roared, firing a shot of energy into the wall crater Vizon was stuck in! He yelped, the energy SLAMMING into him MERCILESSLY.


    “Arceus-VIZON!” Jolvia screamed only to be hoisted up! Thrown aside!


    Avery’s bag glowed, a reviver seed turning to a plain seed. He heard Vizon gasp loudly, scrabbling to recover.


    “Is this really the best you have?” Avery called, loud as he could, voice roaring over the explosions. “Is this really the best you can muster? You call yourselves a king and a queen but it’s taking just one day to crumble a year’s worth of your work! Maybe you two should have devoted your time to something more worthwhile!”


    He kept himself ready.


    ‘Am I really going to stoop this low?’


    “Besides Emperor and Empress are stupid names! Come up with something more clever if you want to be a pair of dictators!”


    ‘Guess so.’




    Emperor roared, while Empress’s face flushed indignantly.


    “This one with the big mouth annoys me.” Empress harrumphed, her thunderous footsteps approaching, followed by Emperor.


    “Then we should CLAM HIM UP.”


    Jolvia scrambled to her feet, trying to pull Vizon up. The Riolu staggered but ran for the royals.


    “Shut up shut up shUT UP SHUT UPP” Emperor screamed, energy CRACKLING from his mouth as he FIRED a energy bolt at Avery!


    Avery was ready for it. This was what he was here for.


    He quickly leapt up, taking a bolt in his hand and throwing it to thes beam! The attacks clashed! Exploded! The propulsion popped Avery into the air, flipping him! He zipped out, towards the side, leading the Royals’ eyes away from his teammates.


    “Boy, actually, now that I look at it, your castle looks really pretty in flames! You must be really skilled architects to have this place look better in shambles, huh~?”


    The royals yelled in annoyance, watching the little Plusle sail from their attacks.


    “Slippery! Cheeky! How dare you run!” Emperor screamed, lumbering toward Avery.


    “Stay puuuut! Like a gooooood knave~! Obey!” Empress shrieked doing the same.


    Both were stopped short!


    ONE. TWO. Vizon’s double kick SLAMMED Emperor on his head!


    THREE! FOUR! Jolvia slammed her legs into Empress!


    The surprised Royals shrieked, falling and rolling. Jolvia and Vizon backed off.


    “Oh my head! My aching head~!” Empress swayed, struggling to get back up.


    “Euugghh I’m FILTHY.” Emperor whined, rubbing his head and staggering to his feet. “This is work for DIRTY ARMY NIDOS, not pure royals like myself!”


    Explosions ROCKED the street, deafening. Billowing smoke and dust around them all.


    The screams and war cries were getting quieter.




    “DOWN WITH-“






    Jolvia hissed quietly, trying to focus.


    Avery tried to not lose composure. Things were going tough in the streets. But they could still win this.


    They could still take this back.


    Avery stood his ground, taking a deep breath to steel himself.


    “You know, you can drop the act,” Avery said, putting his fists up. “People like you? You can’t be the real Emperor and Empress. Where are the actual people behind the scheme, huh? I know you guys are just figureheads, I don’t want to persecute the people that didn’t put any kind of work into this whole scheme. Where’re the real Emperor and Empress?


    “I am!” Emperor roared, shooting another blast.


    “I AM~!” Empress sang, firing her own blast.


    The shots were wobbly, haphazard, shooting wide.


    “WE’LL SHOW YOU HOW WE EARNED THE RESPECT OF HUNDREDS OF NIDOS!” The Royals yelled in unison, hugging against one another, kissing and pushing their cheeks side by side.


    Their mouths crackled, firing a TWIN BEAM right at Avery! The SHOCKWAVE blew Vizon and Jolvia back, into the wall!


    Avery tried to jump out the way but it CRASHED into his lower body! He was put in a tailspin! A bone-shaking CRACK thundered as he slammed against one of the burning pillars!


    He wheezed, trembling as he pulled himself to his feet.


    That…that hurt.


    “You two are so cute together…” Avery coughed, wiping his face with his arm. He could taste blood. “Really a shame you didn’t open a bakery or something. Maybe then you’d actually have something worth a damn in a week’s time instead of a whole year of playing pretend…!”


    “Aaawww, the INSECT is still talkiiiing~!” Empress cooed, smooching her beloved. Vizon crouched behind them both, readying a sneak attack.


    “Wait, honey, let’s not snuff him out just yet~!”


    Empress giggled, spinning around to THRASH Vizon in the ribs with a double kick! The Riolu gasped, blood splattering on the ground.


    Emperor swung around, Jolvia meet a similar fate. The Nidorina tumbled to the ground, curled. Emperor smirked, lifting his nose at the fallen Poke’mon.


    Slowly, the Nidoking turned to Avery and stomped towards him. He reached down, HOISTING the Plusle by his neck scruff and tossing him to the front of the stage. Avery crumpled on the top of the stairs, battered, shaking.


    Vizon dropped down beside Avery, coughing and wheezing. Jolvia SLAMMED DOWN, unconscious for a moment before a reviver seed flashed.


    Slowly, shaking, Avery tried to lift his head. He yelped, something SLAMMING his face back into the wood. Emperor held him under his foot, grinding the Plusle’s body.


    “Look there, knave.” The Nidoking taunted. Vizon was also CRUSHED under Empress’s foot, struggling. “See where all your hard work has led you.


    Squinting under the pressure, Avery looked toward the fire and chaos. But, ahead, the smoke was clearing. There were cheers.


    The Nido army…was victorious.


    They SURROUNDED the castle, forming a ring around the space where the podium one stood, rebels captured in their ranks, tied.




    Cheers erupted from the crowd of soldiers.










    The soldiers were silent now. In the pause Avery swore he could hear one crying.


    “BUT…” Emperor continued, the soldiers perking up. “NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU IMBECILES TO REDEEM YOURSELVES”


    Avery felt the foot lift from his body…before a harsh KICK sent him careening in the air! He tumbled down the stairs, thumping and rolling toward the gathered mob. His heart leapt into his throat as he sailed through the air, crashing down the stairs with impact after painful impact. He was able to hang on halfway through, stopping his descent. Avery’s head spun, and he sat up on the stars, looking down at the mob at the bottom of the steps.


    Vizon tumbled down, along with Jolvia. Bruised and battered and broken, barely stopping themselves as the crowd gathered at the bottom of the stairs far below. Vizon looked down at them in terror as the Emperor belted out a final, roaring command.






    The pain was wracking his body. He knew they wouldn’t be able to take all of them. Already Vizon and Jolvia were trying to pull themselves up the stairs.


    “Avery, quick!”


    Jolvia cradled Vizon, tossing Avery an Oran berry as she fed the Riolu one. Vizon recovered, getting up onto his feet. The Nidos at the bottom of the steps quivered in fear before shouting their reply to their command.




    “S-sorry!! They’ll hurt me!”


    “I…I got a family here!”


    “It’s you or us!”


    The Nido soldiers slowly began making their way up the stairs. Poison needles already peppered the stairs! Shadow balls! Vizon grimaced at the rising assault, preparing an aura ball.


    Jolvia looked at the Riolu like he was crazy.


    “Team…Azure…never gives up!!” Vizon shouted! He CHUCKED the ball into the crowd, striking one.


    The crossfire was immediate! Roaring voices as Nidos scrambled up the steps!


    “Back up! Back up!” Vizon screamed, tossing more volleys down, scrambling back.


    “Avery! Light up the stairs!” Jolvia yelled, tossing blast seeds. The seed bounced harmlessly down the stairs, a dud! The Nidos scrambled up after them.


    All the while, the royals LAUGHED from on high! Flames and ash swirled and choked all that struggled on the steps of the burning castle!


    “Wait-! Wait wait-!” Avery glanced at the stairs, going up into flames. “There are hundreds of you! Hundreds upon hundreds of you! There are two of them-!”


    Avery pointed up at Emperor and Empress as the stairs burned, forcing me to back up. Vizon shot a look at Avery as though the Plusle were crazy, stopping his volley of aura spheres to retreat up.


    “You are people, not pawns!!” Avery shouted, straightening his stance even as his knees buckled. “The Emperor and Empress’s power is only because they have you! If you rise up, if you take your future into your own hands, you can shape your fate yourselves-!!”


    Deep breaths. In…out- Avery started coughing on the smoke, making him stumble back as he shouted.




    The Nidos slowed, the speech shaking them. Vizon stayed his hand, scrambling back. Jolvia stared at Avery as the Nido soldiers glanced to one another, unsure.


    But the brief quiet was broken by a TWIN BEAM firing into the crowd, sending a group SOARING.


    “THAT is what you fight for!” Emperor roared, the Nidos jumping in terror and resuming their march.


    “A-Avery?!” Vizon stammered.


    “Ohohohooo, the royal guard is heeere~!” Empress cooed, Nido soldiers bursting from the flaming castle, thundering past the royals and surrounding the trio from behind.


    “Ohhh this is my FAVORITE PART of crushing a rebellion~!” Emperor guffawed. Several soldiers obediently clumped together, forming a chair for the royals to sit on.


    The Nidos caught in the twin blast slowly recovered, stumbling to their feet and smoking. They were in agony, trudging toward the three rebels.


    A soldier by the royals brought Emperor and Empress trays full of Oran berries, both of them snacking and gorging as they watched the hoard close in on them.


    “Ohoho, look at the determination! Shot down and still getting back up~!” Empress snickered.


    The Nidos were terrified. Injured. On their last legs. Fighting so they’d not be hurt. So their family would not be hurt. Some yelled for help, wheezing in pain, only to be shot down by Emperor and Empress as they emptied the tray of Oran berries for themselves.


    Vizon pressed into Avery with Jolvia, the beaten and downtrodden soldiers closing in.


    A look of hopelessness crossed their faces, surrounded on all sides. Avery was running out of breath. His mind was racing for something to do, something that could save them.


    ‘Save…these people.’


    He watched the monarchs chowing down on the Oran Berries. Gnashing them as they watched the show.


    And the approaching guard…


    Avery swallowed.


    ‘Okay. This…I hope to Arceus this works.’


    Avery reached into his bag, and pulled out every Oran berry he had, presenting it to the guard. The guards stopped, looking at Avery with glazed eyes…then down to the berries he offered.


    “…F…for the people that they hurt.” Avery said, spitting out blood, brow furrowed and determined as he looked the soldiers in the eye. Not one berry for himself, all to hurt Nidos. “It’s…it isn’t much, but…this can’t continue. What they do…i-it can’t continue.”


    A long hush fell over the soldiers.


    Jolvia, realizing what Avery was doing, emptied her own meager supply of Oran Berries. Vizon emptied his own bag. The trio of bleeding rebels gave everything they had.


    The soldier closest to Avery took a berry in her hand, coughing. Bandaged.


    Then another took a berry. Another.


    The Nidos split the berries, desperately eating them. Some larger berries were split several times…hundreds of times.


    Slowly, the injuries cleared. Their eyes were full of life again…and they stared.


    Fully healed, fully recovered soldiers stared at the beaten and desperate trio.


    “ON MY MARK, SLAVES~!” Empress cheered. The Nidos all perked up, looking to the royals. The guard, having seen what Avery did, also stopped, looking at the royals.


    “GET SEEEET~!”


    The Nidos knitted their brows, grit their teeth. They crowded and readied a battle stance.


    Not one looked at the trio.




    The Nidos all YELLED in ONE VOICE.


    “R E V O L U T I O N !”


    All at once, HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of needles SOARDED over Avery’s team, PELTING the royals. The Royals SCREAMED, falling over on their ‘chairs’. The guard mobbed. The soldiers RUSHED up the stairs, flowing around the trio like a rushing, raging river.


    Vizon heaved heavy breaths, watching the crowd run. Mob and swarm the royals. Energy SHOT out wild and frenzied and feral!




    Avery could see it from here: The royals TIED AND STRUGGLING. They YELLED and THRASHED as the mob hoisted them overhead at the foot of the burning castle.




    The crowd ROARED.




    The crowd parted, Emperor and Empress THROWN upon the steps before the Plusle.


    “Rid us of these two…PEASANTS!” A Nido Guard barked, spitting upon the Royals.


    Avery’s badge sparkled in the sun. The Plusle stood up, shaking, bruised, beaten. Even standing, he had to look up at them.


    He stared long, hard. Slowly, he pulled the badge from his chest, leaning in, brow furrowed…


    And Avery smiled, pressing the badge to Emperor’s forehead.


    “…You are both…so small…”


    The look of sheer indignation that burned across the ex-Royals’ faces said it all as they vanished into a beam of light!


    Cheers erupted among the crowd!


    Amid smoke and ash, the towers of the castle fell and crumbled to debris and soot. The last watchtower fell.


    The Nido kingdom was no more.


    Nido soldiers crowded the Trio, HOISTING them, lifting them to the top of the stairs, chanting their names! The heroes of the Nido Revolution!


    Vizon laughed, exhausted, limp in the grasp of the soldiers.


    “Avery…did we…did we just…?”


    Avery was already feeling like he was about to pass out. But he couldn’t help but laugh a little.


    “Yeah, I…I think…I think we did, bud…”


    Avery laughed a little harder.


    “We did it-!! All of us!!”


    The soldiers set them down upon the top of the steps, letting them look out upon the crowd of soldiers, citizens, rebels, freed Taeriana slaves alike. Avery even saw the Charmeleon…the Sunflora…the Swampert…the Ditto, the Antidotes dusty and ashen and injured but unbeaten.


    The sun hung low, slowly setting upon the River Delta.


    Avery heaved a breath, looking upon the sunset, standing tall.


    “P… People of Taeriana,” Avery called, “… Nidos, working so long under uncaring monarchs…


    “Everyone who had this delta before they came…Everyone who left their homes seeking a promising life…You all have a common goal now, don’t you? Take the rubble that this kingdom has left… And make a beautiful future together out of it. For…for everyone! No tyrannical rulers! No slaves and no owners! Making a wonderful future for yourselves, a-and for everyone, is in your hands now!”


    The Nidos and non-Nidos stood side by side, shackles broken. The crowd whistled, heeding the Plusle’s words as they echoed down the streets and old buildings and piles of rubble.


    Thast was the final word.


    Many Nidos after that day would return  to their homes in Souljraan and Arceliaze, back to Quayoff. But several others stayed, cleared the rubble, tended the farms, even keeping the buildings they called home.


    Now no longer citizens under the boot of the Nido kingdom.


    But now part of the smaller community of Taeriana, working to right their wrongs and feed the hamlet.


    And at last…the sun set on the River Delta.


    Team Azure long retired from the ruins of the Nido Kingdom, off to that humble village to claim their prize.


    Under the magenta light of the moon and Sanshiyad, Avery and Vizon returned to the Shiftry in Taeriana, with dozens of farmers in tow, safe and sound.


    The Shiftry watched as they approached, the farmers running to the arms of loved ones.


    With a chuckle he turned his attention to Avery and Vizon at last.


    “We saw d’ smoke from here.”


    “… I… I had… no idea…that was happening…” Avery panted, raking a paw through the fur on top of his head as he finally stopped in front of the Shiftry. “How… How long were they there for…?”


    “Hard t’ even remember…it started as a few rabble-rousers comin’ in and stomping crops. We ain’t fighters here in Taeriana. Years o’ requests gone unanswered until you showed up…” the Shiftry hummed. “…well, I s’pose the requests were still unanswered, since you were here f’ these…”


    The Shiftry held in his hand several strange looking objects, squarish with a purple transparent middle. It looked to be a stack of 10.



    10 whole Dovve Fo Uddjo vouchers. Vizon took them…though seemingly reluctantly.


    “If we had known…” Vizon muttered. “…I’d have done this for free a long time ago…”


    Avery looked down at the vouchers as Vizon took them.


    “I… Yeah.” The Plusle concurred. “It’s not good you were left alone for so long. There’s…”


    He looked at Vizon.


    “… I think we need to give Sarfallinus a report about this when we get back. What if this sort of thing is happening elsewhere too…?”


    “It could be…and probably is.” The Shiftry shrugged dismissively. “The guild used t’ take care of stuff like this before it got out of hand while d’ elites did d’ harder stuff…”


    Vizon looked guilty to the ground.


    “It’s odd…I always knew the guild was important…but seeing an unattended issue like this in person…” Vizon looked to Avery seriously. “…the stuff we do is critical, huh?”


    “…I think the stuff we haven’t done is just as critical too,” Avery said quietly. There was a feeling bubbling in his heart.


    ‘Something needs to change.’


    The Shiftry smiled, patting the both of them on the shoulder.


    “Well, d’ point is: m’ villagers are safe now an’ you got whatcha came for, aye?”


    Vizon looked down at the vouchers, pocketing them.


    “Yeah…I guess we do!” He turned to Avery excitedly. “Mission complete, Avery! We did it!”


    With a cheer, Vizon held the Plusle’s hand, leading him down the torchlit path to the square where so many Poke’mon gathered in joy. Avery could see farmer Poke’mon of all shapes and sizes. From Beedrills to Typhlosions to Ampharoses…


    But…no Charmeleon. No Sunflora anywhere. No Swamperts. And certainly no Dittos.


    Avery wondered what happened to them.


    ‘Are…the Antidotes okay? Did they stay at the Delta…?’


    Yet there in the square, by the wind statue in the center, Avery saw Jolvia standing, arms crossed, watching the guild pair with what seemed to be a proud smile. Avery stopped in front of the square, looking up at Jolvia.


    “Are…are the others safe?” He asked immediately. “The…the Antidotes? What happened to them…?”


    Jolvia smiled mysteriously.


    “They’re safe, you’ve no need to fear.” She answered. “They’ve returned home to rest after all they’ve been through.”


    Not a lie.


    But as ever, not the whole truth.


    She eyed the vouchers sticking from Vizon’s pack with a smile


    “Got what you came for huh?” She asked. Vizon smiled, nodding.


    “We sure did…! Taeriana really came through for us…!” Vizon said.


    “Is that the only reason you barreled into such a dangerous task?” Jolvia asked with a smirk. She already knew the answer. “If you were told to get vouchers…I doubt liberating the river delta was at all on your task list…could have always just gone back to the guild.”


    “What do you mean?” Vizon asked.


    “If it’s a matter of Conduicy business, Olistia can invoke Arcean law to force seizure of what you require and there’d be nothing these Taeriana villagers could do about it.” Jolvia cocked an eyebrow. “I thought the guild only ever did what it was told?”


    Avery frowned a little, looking at Vizon.


    “…Do you…do you think Sarfallinus knew…?” Avery asked, feeling unsure. “Maybe it was a sort of two birds situation…he did send Team Spade to come check the place out before they got ambushed by the Mud Boys…”


    “I thought Spade took this mission of their own volition from the job board…” Vizon mused. “I almost wonder if…Sarfallinus had no clue, Team Spade fails missions all the time, this was just another.”


    Jolvia chuckled, listening to them both.


    “You two are something else, you know that?” She said, pushing from the statue. “The way you charged in with me, not knowing the scope of danger, immersed in a deadly situation, putting your life on the line for a backwater village. And why…?”


    Avery frowned a little.


    “I didn’t want the farmers to lose their livelihood. But…I thought that it was just another gang, like the Mud Boys. I didn’t know that it was like…like that.” Avery paused, thinking. “But I didn’t want to leave them in that situation either. If…if we didn’t do something, if someone didn’t do something…all those people would still be trapped. Enslaved, even. And…I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that was happening.”


    Avery looked down.


    “But…I knew those Nidos needed a home too.” Avery said. “A lot of them probably gave up a lot to take a chance on this place. I didn’t want to just kick them out and leave them no place to go. That’s…that’s how you get things like the Mud Boys or the Nidoking and Nidoqueen in the first place. Desperate people with no other options.”


    Jolvia smiled wide.


    She stepped forward, hugging Avery tight, surprising Vizon.


    “I’m so happy to hear those words from someone like you.” She said, squeezing. Avery squeaked a bit…but hugged her back.


    Vizon stared in confusion, awkwardly adjusting the strap as Jolvia pulled away.


    “You’ve a good heart and sound mind, both of you. Team Azure is sure to be the finest in the Arceali guild so long as they keep that love in their heart.”


    “…That’s…that’s the thing. I don’t…I don’t just want to be the finest team in the guild.” Avery said. “I want the whole guild to be great. I want people to be proud of Team Azure, and Team Spade, and Team Aquashock, and Team Duskwalker…and anyone that comes after us. I’ve…I’ve heard that there used to be amazing things coming out of Sarfallinus’s guild, and…and I want those days to come back. I want my…I want my home to shine again.”


    Jolvia’s smile…wavered. She looked thoughtful as she forced her smile.


    “Of course…I can understand that. Do you think you can? Really can?”


    Vizon looked ready to burst in with what he always said, looking to Avery.


    “Team Azure never…”


    Avery took his hand, smiling.


    “…Team Azure never…never gives up. Never.” The Plusle finished for him.


    Deep breaths. In…out.


    “Thank you so much for your help, Jolvia.” Avery sighed, bowing his head. “We couldn’t have done this…we couldn’t have saved them all without you. You’re…you’re a hero, for someone who manages loans.”


    Jolvia chuckled, looking away.


    “You’re a hero, too. Talking to a guild member, fighting with them…it’s eye opening.” She looked back at Avery. “Just please…wherever you go and whatever you do in your adventures…don’t let your heart harden. Don’t lose that love.”


    She stood, walking from the statue, staring up at Sanshiyad.


    “It’s been fun…I almost feel bad our time together had to end. I’d have loved to accompany you more.”


    “…Well…” Avery took a breath. “…I know you’re probably busy, being…a loan manager, but…if you’re ever in town in Arceliaze, and…you want to accompany us on another job you’d be interested in…we’d love to have you as a member. Honorary or not.”


    Jolvia’s ear perked.


    Slowly, she looked behind herself, smiling warmly.


    “…hm…I think I’d like that. I think traveling with you two…nothing would make me happier than coming with the Poke’mon that have awakened hope in me again.”


    “Hope…?” Vizon asked. Jolvia chuckled again…but said no more. She only walked towards the swamp, to a torch lit path.


    “As it so happens, Arceliaze is exactly where I’m going.” She said. “Shall we head home?”


    ….Deep breaths.


    “Let’s go home,” Avery said softly. “Let’s go home, Vizon.”

    Chapter 10.2





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