The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 44





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    It both felt like an eternity to get inside and a split second.


    The sky was replaced with a wood ceiling.


    The noise of the crowd was silenced with a click.


    The light of the sun became the glow of candles.


    And at last Avery was able to see the inside of the family’s new home…



    It was…simple.


    The scent of sawdust and wood filled Avery’s nostrils. Exposed support beams showed the house was clearly unfinished, but Sekura’s family had still taken to moving a few bits and bobs, which sat on a dirty and unpolished wood floor.


    At the back of the entry hall was a sign, reading ‘Dete Fumdi Dete’. It looked like it’d be a cute little decoration if not for the burn and singe marks all over it…which made the prominent display stand make all the more sense.


    The group was silent as they shuffled in by Avery. The Mega-Mawile, Kannae if he remembered correctly, stepped forward, putting a hand to her chest and giving a half-bow to the guests.


    “Cipwipavo gopemnipvi, enodo.” Kannae spoke, her voice amicable and friendly. “Woipo, fe raitve qesvi. Vulshoini, Nazigaini i Lorteshini tupu hoe essowevoi tupu pimme tvepbe eddepvu.”


    Kellixae, the Toxicroak and the Delibird nodded and gave quiet acknowledgement as they began to move towards the door on the right. Sekura, meanwhile, gave Avery and Lahnae a warm smile and began leading the two to the door on the left.


    “Here, we can use the front parlor to study Illaminian. Mother is having friends in the guest room.” The Mawile said to them.


    “Alright,” Avery said, still a bit nervous about the Illaminian used.


    But that was what he was here for, right? To learn.


    ‘…I just hope that they don’t consider me an insurgent intruding on their language to serve the crown or something.’


    Sekura guided them back into the front parlor, which was more like a simple living room. Even that was being extremely generous considering all that was in here was two stools and an end table acting like a coffee table. The floor, too, wasn’t fully complete as one corner was missing planks, exposing the stone foundation underneath.


    Sekura stepped over to the stools, settling on one.


    “Now, then, I am not entirely sure how Arcean schools go, as I really only remember Illaminian schools back home.” Sekura explained with a laugh. “As such, I have no robes to wear, much less a Fie fimme Duputdipbe chair, so the stool will have to do.”


    Lahnae nodded, looking confused but not yet saying anything.


    “Now, first, Avery. Do you still have any of those children’s books?” The Mawile asked.


    “Uh, yes-” The Plusle nodded quickly, and dove into his bag to get the one that Kellixae’s kid had had back in the day. He quickly handed it over, giving Lahnae a quick look as he did.



    The book, titled ‘Om Wurmple Numvu Eggenevu’ was a thick-covered book, rectangle-shaped, depicting, what else, a Wurmple. It was apparently authored by two people, ‘Ericini’ and ‘Carlini’. The cover showed a history of use and love with each little torn piece and frayed edge to old paper, but it was still clearly readable.


    Sekura took the book with a nod, opening it up. The pages cracked and crinkled as she did.


    “Hm…I did not even realize this was a 6T31. Quite a hand-me-down…” Sekura mused with a smile, flipping the book around. “Now, then, let us try to just read this together, okay? Then, after, we will learn words and sentence structure using this as our guide.”


    “And I can help!” Lahnae said immediately with a fist-pump. “A teacher’s assistant, like what I used to have!”


    From behind, Avery could hear shuffling in the room across the hall. The voices carried, though dully.


    His ears pricked at the sounds, but he tried to ignore them. This wasn’t about them. He didn’t have to worry about them. It was fine.


    Avery scooted closer, and began doing his best to read through the book. It was slow, the way the sounds worked together was unfamiliar to him – but at the very least everything was phonetic. So if he took it slow, he’d be able to read through.


    …Even if he didn’t know what he was saying.



    ‘Emme madi fimme mape ap qoddumu auwu hoediwe ta ape guhmoe.’ the book read. The picture showed a nighttime scene, with a small Red and White egg with yellow spots sat on top of a leaf….


    On the next page, it showed a Wurmple in daytime, presumably morning, crawling across a brown surface, reading:


    ‘Ape nevvope fo Konsova tusti om tumi demfu…


    i POP, femmauwu atdo ap nopatdumu Wurmple numvu eggenevu.’


    Sekura paused, leaning forward.


    “So, what do you think this is saying, Avery?”


    “…” The Plusle frowned, looking at the picture. “…one night,” he guessed, looking at the words. “…One night there was an egg on the leaf. Then, when morning came, the egg hatched, and POP- out came a Wurmple.”


    …Avery recognized ‘pop’ and ‘Wurmple’. The rest were guesses.


    “That is exactly right, Avery! It’s specifying a ‘Konsova’ morning right here, do you see?” Sekura pointed to the second page, where the word ‘Konsova’ appeared. “The first sentence in the book is a little more stylized. It does not specify night but rather says ‘Under the Light of the Moon’. See, this word, ‘mape’, that is ‘moon’. Then, the word ‘auwu’, that is ‘egg’. But not just any egg, it is a ‘qoddumu auwu’, a ‘small egg’ upon a ‘guhmoe’, a ‘leaf’…”


    She shifted, showing him the other page, continuing her lecture. All the while, voices kept wafting in from the other room.


    Avery’s eyes wandered briefly from the book as he listened to the voices:


    “Ti wauo teqisi qisdji optotvu qis opdupvsesdo rao i qisdji om ‘Conduit’ no je sihemevu raitve dete pimme tqisepbe fo isufisi me noe qutoboupi fo miefis eo vauo uddjo i tiqesesno fem nou fotvsivvu. Ju opvipboupi fo tcuvveshmoimu op geddoe. Use Illamini op Arceali do opdupvsoenu mocisenipvi i eqisvenipvi pim tau raesvoisi fim nisdevu opgisousi, op cimme wotve, eggopdji vavvo quttepu wifismo.”


    It sounded like the voice of Sekura’s mother, Kannae. Sekura thusly spoke a little louder to drown out the distracting noise.


    “Would you like to try the next page?” Sekura asked, Avery’s attention snapping back to her.


    “Wait…Kon…sova?” Avery looked at the Mawile, a little confused. “Is…that one of the months? Or, uh, the seasons-“


    ‘Don’t think about what’s going on in the other room don’t think about it-‘


    “It’s a day of the week!” Lahnae chimed in, scooting closer. “Five days in a week, yaknow: Pieryshve, Nahstempnye, Shiroffkove, Kontinuwavatch, Konsova?”


    The words rolled off her tongue like they were so easy.


    “R…right, hah, I guess I was, uh…so caught up in translating I didn’t notice a day of the week! H-hah-” Avery laughed, squirming a bit in his seat.


    ‘That was…really bad-‘


    All the same, Sekura nodded with a smile.


    “So on the last day of the week…” Sekura continued. “The egg hatched with a ‘POP’. Out came a Wurmple. But not just a Wurmple, a ‘nopatdumu’ Wurmple. A ‘nopatdumu Wurmple’ that is ‘numvu eggenevu’. What do you think that says about the Wurmple, Avery?”


    The voices in the back continued. Avery tried to not keep his ears perked and yet he could still hear voices in the next room –


    “Me gumme dji to sefape emmitvispu nutvse djoesenipvi dji gapboupe… epdji ti qisodumutu.” That was the Delibird.


    “Illamini op Arceali qsuvihhise epdji raitve dete femmi goenni?” Avery heard…Kellixae speak. With authority.


    “I foggodomi fosi ti ap Illamini op Arceali dji wowi rao geddoe tdipfisi om wemusi fimme qsuqsoive qoa fimme dipisi ganepvi.” Another voice laughed.


    Avery folded his ears down, trying to keep himself right here and now with Sekura and Lahnae. As best as he could anyway.


    But he knew what was happening.


    This wasn’t simply a gathering of friends…and Avery likely wasn’t just here to learn Illaminian if that crowd of onlookers he’d seen standing outside was anything to go by.


    …he wished he could have been afforded time to ignore it a while longer.


    To that end, he re-focused on Sekura and answered her question.


    “…new? Baby wurmple?” The Plusle ventured, tilting his head. “…Small? H…hungry?”


    “You got two of them!” Sekura said with a smile. “Recall the title of the book, yes? It is a ‘nopatdumu’, a ‘small’ Wurmple who is ‘eggenevu’, hungry…but not just ‘eggenevu’ but ‘numvu eggenevu’, so ‘numvu’ must be…~?”


    “….nopatdumu Wurmple,” Avery mumbled, “So numvu eggenevu means…hungry?”


    Very Hungry.” Sekura said, pointing to the word ‘numvu’. “See how this modifies the word ‘eggenevu’? So it’s not just ‘eggenevu’ but numvu eggenevu’.”


    “Aaaaas opposed to the Wurmple being a ‘Wurmple mihhisnipvi eggenevu’. Only slightly hungry!” Lahnae chimed in.


    The lesson continued on…from one page to the next, the story detailed the different things the Wurmple ate on different days of the week. From ‘ape cedde Oren’ to ‘fai nimi’, to ‘vsi tino’, to ‘raevvsu gsehumi’, which apparently taught both numbers and fruit at the same time.


    All the while, the voices continued in the other room. They, at least, sounded a little jovial…but it was still distracting.


    When the book was finished, Sekura moved to another, ‘Om Meowstic Pim Deqqimmu’, a book that rhymed about a magical Meowstic with a silly hat visiting a pair of Pichu children and teaching them to have fun within limits.


    It was, of course, all very juvenile…but the careful guidance of Sekura certainly helped as the time went on, and the sun crept closer toward the late afternoon.


    …Avery was starting to get it. He was starting to understand. That was good. That was good-!


    ‘…Right? That was good. This is fine.


    It at least feels nice to learn something.’


    At last, the final book closed.


    Stacks of paper were scattered across the wood floor where Avery had tried his hand at hand-translating Illaminian to Arcean, then translating Arcean to Illaminian.


    The vocabulary was very limited. He was more remembering an encyclopedia of words and hoping to extrapolate meaning from what words were jumbled together in a sentence, and even then the list of words he remembered was basic.


    But it would do for now. He certainly knew more than he did coming in here. Even Lahnae had managed to learn a few new things.


    But, for her part, the Torchic quit paying attention an hour an a half ago. Her pages were filled with doodles of stick-Poke’mon fighting giant monsters.


    “Well!” Sekura said at last with a clap of her hands. “You did very well for your first day, Avery!”


    “Uh…yeah, dude!!” Lahnae said, perking up and bringing herself back to attention. “You were doing great!!”


    The Torchic clearly had no idea, but the support was appreciated.


    “Pu, pup dsifu. Quttoenu? Qiptu dji wissinnu essitvevo qis raitvu.” Came a voice from the other room.


    “Gesto wifisi fo qoa i onqusvepvi.” Came the voice of Sekura’s mother. “Ne toenu atevo i ecatevo qis sehoupo idupunodji. Ittisi wotvo tatdove mose fimme hipvi. Om cmuddu fihmo eggeso tdevipe mi osi fimme Conduicy.”


    “Emmuse do sogoavisinu fo mewusesi. Atevimu duni miwe qis o putvso fosovvo.”


    “Me qisfove fo nepufuqise e cettu dutvu pup qettise oputtisweve. To, quvsicci gapboupesi. Ne i qisodumutu.”




    Sekura’s head lifted and sighed.


    “It does not sound like they’re finished in there yet…” The Mawile hummed. “Come, let us get outside and have fresh air, yes? I feel the stuffiness of the house makes me stir a bit.”


    “…Sounds serious, whatever’s going on in there,” Avery sighed, standing to join Sekura and Lahnae. “I hope that it’ll all be okay, whatever they’re talking about. They deserve a turn of good fortune.”


    He let out a short breath. The distraction had helped.


    “Well, they certainly sound hopeful, at least.” Sekura mused, patting Avery’s shoulder.


    Lahnae pushed herself up onto her feet, she and Avery following the Mawile back to the entry hall.


    “I think I’d love to show you the little hut mother built~!” Sekura offered, stepping up towards the front door. “We were thinking it’d be a nice place to serve drinks, don’t you think?”


    “Ah…yeah!” Avery said, a bit distracted by the sounds of voices. “It could be good if you have more…”


    The voices got a little louder. Avery’s ears pinned back as he frowned.


    “You know…”


    His mind felt a bit overwhelmed with the voices thrumming through the walls.


    “…guests over. For parties.” He strained out to finish. The voices sounded like they were vibrating through the thin walls.


    Avery took a breath, looking to the other two…


    But found them frozen. Sekura and Lahnae both stared at the door.




    “Aves…” He heard the Torchic whisper. “…do you hear that?”


    Avery’s heart dropped. He lifted his ears…and now heard nothing coming from the other room. Only slight shifts and silence…


    …yet he still heard voices…


    A rumble.


    A roar.




    Sekura swallowed, backing up from the door quickly and turning back towards the other room. Lahnae made no move to follow her, standing steadfast in front of the closed door. The Torchic looked back at Avery, her brow knitted angrily as a disgruntled shout and cursing penetrated the walls from the street.


    She stepped up to Avery side, backing him up.


    Avery felt a chill down his spine. He didn’t want to believe it…


    …but he knew what that noise meant.


    He cast the Torchic a glance, briefly, and she returned it. The pair shared the silent affirmation of what they had to do.


    Avery lifted a hand to the doorknob.


    The door creaked. The light hit the pair once more as the voices inside started up again, panicked. And all at once a rumble of voices from the street came.


    There, Lahnae and Avery stood across the lawn from a group of glowering Poke’mon, around 4 or 5 in total. Arms crossed. Whispering now as the pair appeared at the door way. Even some others…writing in notebooks.


    It was the Lower Market District after all.


    The way back onto the street was blocked by the onlookers. Avery heard a distant shout. Groups of Poke’mon only passed them by on the street, though looked on at the house, confused at what the gathering was for. A guard stood by and…did little.


    Lahnae’s frown deepend. She huffed a breath, smoke and embers lightly puffing from her nostrils. Avery, however, took a deep breath.




    Time to put on my big boy boots.’


    “…Is something wrong?” Avery called out, crossing his arms as I looked at the gathered group.


    There, before the pair:


    A Sneasel. Scyther. Blissey. Quaxwell. Dolliv. 5 in all. A Braviary paused to look at the house but didn’t seem to be a part of it, along with a Sliggoo on the other side.


    “What’s wrong, what’s wrong he asks! I just took out money on a loan for the house next door, is what’s wrong!!” The Quaxwell spat, flinging his arms angrily. “Now in just a week it’s worth half of what I paid for because of these…House Parties!”


    The Sneasel looked back at the Blissey and Dolliv. Lahnae’s eyes locked on something.


    “Aves. The Sneasel, look at his arm…” The Torchic muttered.


    Avery could see an armband on the Sneasel, white in color. It was not stained in blood so it definitely wasn’t a bandage.


    Avery had a feeling he knew what the meant.


    “Lahnae…” Avery whispered back. “Let’s at least try to solve this with words first.”


    “Words…?” Lahnae frowned, her eyes locked-on to the Sneasel like a predator. “…that NAM boy’s lucky you’re here or he’d already be running to his little convention with a limp…”


    Avery winced.


    “I know, I know…but we can’t just go straight to violence.” Avery muttered, his eyes trained on the Sneasel as well. “We don’t want to be seen as the ones to strike first.”


    “Maybe, but I’ll sure be the one who strikes last.” Lahnae growled, another puff of smoke rising from her nostrils. The Plusle nodded – it wasn’t ideal but they could at least agree on that.


    Their mutterings were interrupted as another voice cut in.


    “Oh now…” The Blissey cut in. “It’d be fine if it was anyone else, but…I’ve heard that Kannae is a bit of a disruption, even back in her own neighborhood.”


    There was a roll of bitter laughter before the Sneasel spoke up.


    “What exactly’re they talking about in there?” He huffed. “Conspiracies? I’d hope not.”


    “Arceus, if this block got raided I’d never sell this house…”


    “I’m not one to harbor trouble-makers…and the noise may disturb the night, so.”


    Avery cut the crowd’s jabbering at once.


    “So what I’m hearing is that you disapprove of the Conduit’s decision to give property here to a victim of arson, is that right?” Avery called back, stepping forwards. “It certainly sounds like you’re all saying you know better than she does.”


    Another step forward. Slow. Casual. Lahnae held back for a moment, letting Avery talk.


    “If you’d like, as an Arceali Guild member brought into the guild from her direct request, I could get your names and tell her exactly what you think about her decision.” the Plusle finished with an air of authority.


    There was a pause.


    The five shifted, expressions hardening.


    The Braiviary and Sliggoo quickly and wisely moved on.


    “The Conduit?!” The Quaxwell chimed in first. “Conduit Olistia would never do that to us, surely!”


    “Express orders from the woman up top, pal!” Lahnae barked from behind Avery. “That’s the way it is!”


    “So it’s true!!” The Sneasel’s face contorted into one of disbelief. “It is Master Avery!! And Master Lahnae, too! Lahnae, maybe, but Avery?! I wouldn’t have believed it if I wasn’t seeing it with my own eyes!”


    “What’dya mean by maybe? Got something specific you wanna say?” Lahnae spat back.


    The Dolliv tsk’d and scribbled some notes. Avery grimaced at her outbursts – she really wasn’t deescalating at all.


    “We’ve nothing to fear! We’ve every privilege to speak how we feel!!” The Scyther spat back at the pair. “You gunna arrest me?”


    “You asking to be?!” Lahnae scoffed. Avery kept his relaxed demeanor.


    “Colus, now…” The Blissey squirmed uncomfortably. “Don’t-! Be so-“


    “She threatened me!!” The Scyther shot back.


    “Threaten?” Avery kept his cool, raising his eyebrows. He decided to play off Lahnae – Good cop, bad cop routine. “She hasn’t made a threat. Neither have I. I’m just hearing that you don’t like the decision that the Conduit arrived at.”


    “Ain’t you the ‘Hero of Arceus’, Avery?? Do something about this, can’t you?!” The Sneasel balked, gesturing to the house. “C’mon, Avery, my kid looks up to you, don’t go defending troublemakers, now…!!”


    The Plusle paused, and looked to the Sneasel with a smile.


    “I’m genuinely glad to hear your kid looks up to me. I’ve been trying my best to set a good example.”


    The Plusle tilted his head a little.


    “I was there when Olistia made the decision.” He said. “I talked to her about it, actually. This property’s been Conduicy-owned for years. She decided to give it to the person whose home was burned down by arsonists. I’m sure this isn’t the only plot they own, too…”


    He shrugged a bit and looked back to them.


    “I meant it genuinely. If you have a grievance about this decision she’s made, I can talk to her about it. I asked your names because it’s more personal than ‘people are unhappy’.” Avery motioned down the road. “In any case though, whether you want me to bring your dissent to her or not, I’d ask you to move along for now. These people are arson victims, I’ll remind you – I’d imagine they’re nervous about people gathering outside their house to gawk.”



    “Well if they don’t like arson so much they have a funny way of showing it, barging in where they’re not welcome.” The Scyther muttered loudly to the others. The Dolliv kept writing. Lahnae’s eyes flared. But, impressively, she managed to hold her tongue.


    “YOU coaxed our Conduit into this?!” The Sneasel was horrified, turning back towards the Quaxwell, and gesturing towards Avery. The Sneasel’s gaze snapped back to the Plusle “What were you thinking?!”


    “Well…!” The Quaxwell laughed with an angry huff. “Vortin, I suppose you’ll just have to explain to your son that his idol is a Blight Kisser.”


    “What was that?!” Lahnae shouted, stamped a talon, making the Quaxwell flinch. “Y’wanna come repeat those words up in my face!?”


    “Lahnae-!” Avery whispered.


    The Dolliv silently tapped her pen on her notepad. It was now Avery noticed an armband on her as well, same as the Sneasel.


    “We can stand here all we like and say what we like, we ain’t hurting nobody!” The Scyther yelled. The Blissey, however, was visibly starting to panic, tugging at the Scyther’s arm. “I’m not scared of the guild’s prize failure!”


    Lahnae snorted.


    “Don’t let them get to you…” Avery whispered, but he could tell the Torchic was losing patience.


    Deep down…he was, too.


    “You can ABSOLUTELY take my bloody name up to Olistia if it’ll make her see sense!!” The Sneasel spat. “Vortin of Arceliaze, Gold Street in the Lower Market District, 4th NAM Chapter. C’mon, you want a picture, too?! I’ll put my name on it that I don’t want noisy folk bothering decent Poke’mon at a decent Poke’mon’s neighborhood!!”


    “Please lower your voice,” Avery said, bringing a paw down. “I’m sorry that you see me that way. You’re right in that it isn’t illegal to stand here, but I’ll ask that you keep things civil, alright?”


    ‘I’m not sure how to disperse them. I’m not sure I can. I want to help, but…I don’t want to cause an incident.


    How can I work within my means when these people openly hate me? I don’t have the advantage anymore.


    But I still have to keep on the up and up, keep up appearances.’


    “Can I count on you all for that?” Avery asked.




    “COLUS-!! DON’T-!!”


    The Scyther broke from the group, SLICING down at Avery!


    The Blissey screamed!!


    The Quaxwell was thrown back!!


    The Sneasel CIRCLED.


    The Dolliv dropped her pen.


    The Guard perked!!


    Lahnae lashed out!


    Avery’s face darkened.


    In an instant, the Plusle stepped to the side, grabbed the Scyther’s arm, and drove the blade of it into the dirt, lodging it there. Lahnae flew under, kicking at his legs to throw off the Scyther’s footing!


    The dirt SCATTERED.


    “COLUS!! COLUS!!”




    Multiple heads from the street turned.


    “…Sir,” Avery said softly, but firmly to the Scyther. “…I would like you to consider your next move very carefully.”


    Avery’s hand did not move from his arm. Lahnae bounced back to her feet as she faced the now shouting crowd.


    “Don’t you FECKING-!” The Scyther struggled, SWIPING his other scythe uselessly.


    A shift of dirt.


    A lunge from behind Avery!!


    “Nuh-uh! Hold up!” Avery heard Lahnae shout before a CRACK echoed over street, a gasp wheezed out.


    The Plusle looked back, seeing the Sneasel holding his stomach before he stumbled down into the dirt pathetically beside the Scyther.


    These guys barely put up a fight compared to everything the two had been through.


    “Just the two of you, then? Anyone else?” Avery looked among the rest of the group. The Sneasel writhed in pain as Lahnae kept him pinned with a talon at his back. “Because this is a threat you two have put on us.”


    The Scyther yowled still struggling fruitlessly.


    ‘I didn’t want to attack civilians. But if these guys are going to attack us…’


    The Dolliv was shoved out of the way into the Blissey. The Quaxwell was long gone already.


    A roar came from the onlookers. Who for, it was impossible to tell.


    The Sneasel tried to scrabble up but was SLAMMED back into the ground by Lahnae. The Scyther wheezed pathetically, winded. Two Escavelier guards jumped from the street.


    The crowd was loud. Another 4 Pokemon now looked on.




    A stone hit the ground beside Avery. Lahnae’s head shot up. Someone in the crowd was jumped by two others. Another guard shouted.


    Avery’s heart sped up.


    ‘Someone threw a stone at me. I know it wouldn’t kill me. Far from it.


    But this is bad.’


    He looked to the Dolliv and Blissey quickly, seeing them shoved over.


    “Are you two alright?” The Plusle kept his ears perked for the other two… And any detractors from the crowd.


    His voice died against the roar of the crowd. The Dolliv gathered up her notebook hastily, trying to scurry off, even as a guard demanded she come back. The Blissey was shrieking as the Scyther was jumped by two guards and slammed onto his front. Avery backed off to let the guards handle it, Lahnae likewise letting a third take over for the Sneasel.


    “Attack Arceali Guild Ey!? EY!? You stupid, son!?” The Guard was bellowing. The Sneasel’s face was lifted and SLAMMED into the dirt.


    The house’s door was cracked open. It was impossible to see who inside was watching, but in the next moment it flung open and Kellixae was outside, her face horrified.


    “BLIGHTER!!” A single voice roared from somewhere.


    “SAY THAT AGAIN. I DARE YOU!” Lahnae roared back, a white-hot flare of flames flashing from her beak. Avery covered his face, fur billowing back at the intense heat.


    There was a scream from the crowd. Multiple Poke’mon were running off now as the Sneasel and the Scyther were arrested, the Blissery held back.


    Two Poke’mon were shoved aside as someone new broke the line. The Guard barked once – but the new arrival waved them down. The Escavelier bakced off with a nod.




    Another rock SHATTERED a window in Sekura’s house.


    The new figure at the front of the crowd scowled, FLINGING his arm! A blue energy ball SHOT out, EXPLODING on the ground in front of the crowd! Lahnae staggered back from the force!


    Dirt scattered!


    Dust billowed!


    SHRIEKS erupted as the crowd stumbled back, shoving at each other to scramble away.


    “BACK!” The figure shouted at the crowd, scaring them off. “GET OUT! GO! ALL OF YOU! GO HOME! YOU KNOW WHAT I’LL DO TO YOU?!”


    Avery caught his breath for a moment, looking from the guards to the crowd – he didn’t even notice Kellixae there standing at the front of the house.


    Lahnae shook flecks of dirt from her face, opening her eyes to watch the figure, her face twisting into one of shock.


    For standing there, shouting down the crowd…



    …was Vizon. Yelling with teeth barred, eyes flared in anger. His arms were aflame with aural energy as he commanded the crowd to go away.




    Avery had been dreading meeting him for what they had to talk about later, but here…he was happy to see the Riolu…!


    Vizon looked back towards the now scrambling crowd as they rushed out in a panic, shoving one another down. Someone cried out in pain as they were stepped on. The guard hoisted the Scyther up, followed by the babbling and sobbing Blissery, the Sneasel being dragged away too.


    The dust was settling. The aural flames radiating from Vizon’s arm were waning, but not fully gone yet. The Riolu was breathing hard, panting, eyes afire…clearly trying to calm down.


    YO, what the heck was THAT?!” Avery heard Lahnae shout as she recovered from the chaos, shaking dirt from her feathers.


    Sekura’s Mother stepped out to see the damage. Several stones in the yard, a freshly aura-made crater in the dirt, smouldering and molten in spots.


    Vizon arched his back, waving the aural flames on his arm away and heaving a deep breath, looking at the Plusle.


    “Avery…what happened??” He said, voice hoarse. “What is this?? I was trying to find you and heard rumors about you going to some house??”


    “I was getting tutored on Illaminian since I already know Arcean,” Avery said, trying to calm himself down too. “These guys were standing outside. The Scyther called me a ‘blight kisser’ and they both attacked me.”


    The Plusle sighed a little, shaking his head.


    “I’m glad you came along though. I’m, uh… Not sure I have the set of lungs to disperse a crowd.” Avery’s ears perked. “But…you were trying to find me?”


    Vizon looked at Avery…then looked around house, seeing Kellixae, Sekura, and Kannae, as they peeked over apprehensively.


    Next to Avery, Lahnae had her own apprehensive look.


    “You sure came in the nick of time, huh?” Lahnae said with a frown.


    The Riolu said nothing for a while, as though ignoring the Torchic…then took a deep breath.


    “I should’ve figured, hah…” Vizon lifted a paw with a small laugh, scritching behind his ears. “You’re nothing if not consistent, Avery…I really can’t leave you alone for a day without something like this happening, huh?”


    He looked back at the two Poke’mon being arrested with a scowl.


    “Friggin…hope they get locked up for good. Nobody attacks my friend. If I could chase down whoever threw those stones…” He stopped himself, shaking his head. “Guh…whatever, nevermind.”


    As Vizon said those words Lahnae seemed to relax a little. The Riolu sighed, approaching with another awkward chuckle.


    “Look…I admit I was hoping to meet up with you guys under nicer circumstances, you know?” Vizon said with a grimmace. “Like…maybe not embroiled in more stuff like this, since we were trying to start over and everything.”


    “Psh! S’not like it’s any TROUBLE, right?” Lahnae thumped her chest. “It all comes with being guild!! Protecting Pokemon and stuff!”


    “Isn’t it supposed to be our vacation…?” Vizon sighed, scratching the back of his head.


    “What, you wanna start slacking?” Lahnae stuck her tongue out, making the Riolu flinch.


    “Whuh?! No!! Guild never slacks off!!” Vizon said forcefully. “But…this isn’t a mission, is it?”


    “Hah…no, it isn’t…” Avery smiled weakly. “I used to think trouble follows me but… I’m starting to think maybe the things that I do from day to day kind of seek it out. But hey, that’s two people who’d attack a guild member arrested, right…? That’s good, heh.”


    “More like two NAM low-lifes in the slammer where they belong…” Lahnae muttered, looking away.


    Avery approached Vizon too, stroking down fur that had been standing on end, little crackles of static blinking into the air as he brushed off of his fur.


    “But we don’t have to talk a lot about this if you don’t want to.” Avery promised to Vizon. The Torchic sighed with a frown at that, straightening herself as Avery continued. “What were you looking for me for…? Did something happen?”


    Vizon laughed at that.


    “Pfff, no nothing happened, hush.” The Riolu chuckled, patting Avery’s shoulder. “It’s not all chaos and misery, I promise, man.”


    Lahnae looked at Vizon more than a little suspiciously as he spoke.


    “I was just…y’know…wandering around yesterday and saw something that made me think of you so I thought it’d be neat to show you.” Vizon said with a widening grin…and a giddy twinkle in his eye.


    “Yeah? Like what?” Lahnae asked.


    “Mmmm…secret.” Vizon said, sticking his tongue out. A direct parry to the Torchic’s own taunt. Lahnae huffed.


    “Oh not cool, I hate secrets.” She said, bristling her fur, looking back at Avery. “But, hang on, dude, don’t you think we need to stay behind with Sekura and her family? Like…”


    The Torchic glanced over towards the crater and the rocks.


    “…seems obvious they need the protection. Especially right now.” She huffed. Vizon sighed, rolling his eyes.


    “C’mon, I think we scared them off. I think you’ll be protection enough.” Vizon said, waving away the thought, earning him another glare from Lahnae.


    “HEY, dunno if you noticed but this area’s kind of hot! The whole situation is!” Lahnae snapped. “They could be back with more Pokemon throwing rocks-“


    “Aaand you can drive them back with your flame, easy.” Vizon tilted his head. “I saw you take down a god, I don’t think a few flailing wage workers are going to pose a threat to you.”


    “Guys…!” Avery stepped between the two, his hand resting on Vizon’s chest. The Torchic’s growing look of anger fell away as she backed off. “Lahnae is right. It’s…the principle of the thing, you know? I…”


    Avery paused, looking towards the others who peeked at the scene from within the house. The Plusle could see Kellixae as she stared at the three arguing Guild members. Her face was unreadable and flat. Sekura looked frightened, squirming in place…


    …and Kannae, Sekura’s mother…the Mega-Mawile’s face looked stern. A deep frown was on her face as the others huddled around her.


    That look…gave Avery pause. It made him shift uncomfortably.


    “I…” Avery began again. “…need to be here for them. My friends. I can’t just abandon them.”


    Lahnae looked like she wanted to say something before she looked back, too, seeing Kannae’s stare. The Torchic frowned, taking a step towards the house.


    “One sec, Aves…” Lahnae whispered before running to the others still in the house, leaving Avery and Vizon alone.


    The Riolu sighed, folding his arms


    Once Lahnae was out of earshot, Vizon turned his attention back to the Plusle.


    “That’s, uh…our old banker, right? Your friend?” Vizon said, putting his hands on his hips. His smile didn’t falter. “That’s cool…nice job defending them.”


    He sniffed.


    There was a brief awkward pause. The Riolu coughed.


    “Yeah, that’s her,” Avery said, glancing towards the house. He could see Lahnae whispering to Sekura and Kannae…the Mega-Mawile was still staring their way with her intense glare. “Sorry you had to find me neck-deep in…this again…”




    “Well…you just seem a bit awkward…” Avery muttered. “So I’m…”


    “Oh, no…no! I’m just…well, the…Illaminian stuff is always so important to you whenever you get into it so I’m just, y’know…” The Riolu shrugged awkwardly. “I’m happy I could help, you know?”


    Avery gave a small smile, hearing that. It sounded a little more like the Vizon he knew.


    That was nice to hear.


    But at last, the both of them perked up, hearing Lahnae approach.


    “Hey, so…” Lahnae glanced back at the group in the house, then back to Avery and Vizon. “Kannae says it’s okay if you go with Vizon.”




    “Yeah, she saw Vizon and I explained everything.” Lahnae…sighed, looking over to the Plusle. She winced. “She’d, uhhh…much prefer if you went with Vizon.”


    …There was a little seed of worry in Avery’s gut. A pang through his heart as he glanced up…and immediately averted his eyes down to the ground when he saw Kannae’s gaze.


    “R-right…” Avery said quietly. Lahnae’s pained looked only intensified the moment the word left Avery.


    “Oh, nice…!” Vizon pumped his fist with a smile, seemingly oblivious. Lahnae shot him a quick glare. “Guess I can show you that secret after all, Avery!”


    “Yeah…yeah.” The Plusle nodded, taking a deep breath to try and pull himself together.


    Lahnae looked as though she were fightening every urge to bury Avery in a hug…perhaps she just didn’t want to do it in front of Vizon.


    “I’ll go with Vizon then,” Avery said, nodding to Lahnae. The Torchic could only squirm a little. “Make sure they’re okay for me, alright? If they need any money for the window let me know, too. If I’m allowed I’ll fill you in later.”


    “You got it, Aves. I’ll stay with ’em.” Lahnae said with a nod of her own. She gingerly lifted a wing, holding it to Avery’s shoulder. The Plusle softly held that wing in his hand, for a moment reluctant to run off…so Lahnae helped by turning away first, running at once to the house.


    Avery sighed, putting on a smile, turning from the house as he heard the sound of the door closing.


    He didn’t want to be dour, he didn’t want to let himself spiral, not in front of Vizon.


    Avery wanted nothing more than to start over, turn a new leaf with his buddy.


    With the last build of his resolve, he opened his eyes and cheerfully looked up at Vizon.


    “So? C’mon, you gonna leave me hanging on this secret?” Avery said. “Lahnae’s got the house covered, I wanna see what you’re so excited about-! “


    “Right! Okay, c’mon…! You’re gunna love this!” Vizon said, waving Avery along. The Plusle gave Vizon a little side-eye at the word. He seemed pretty excited to share it.


    Vizon turned, jogging down the road with Avery in tow. He kept his pace up along the cobblestone streets as he kept speaking.


    “C’mon, it’s not too far, actually, a couple of blocks down. You’re gunna really get a kick outta this.”


    Avery nodded, running after Vizon…and fighting the urge to give Sekura’s house a final glance.


    ‘It’d be okay…


    …but I can’t help but be worried…’


    Avery pushed it out of his mind for now, following close to Vizon.


    The pair weaved through the crowd, ducking through alleyways and dodging passerby. It reminded Avery a lot of his first days in Arceliaze, only at a faster pace, and one he could keep up with Vizon easily. The Riolu looked back at him merrily as they left Sekura’s house behind.


    “So! How was the whole camping thing? Was that fun, yeah??”


    “… For the most part, yeah-“


    A moment flashed in Avery’s mind of Vizon’s house. Seeing his parents’ house. Not seeing his parents.




    “I do have to bring something up with you, but we can do that tonight,” Avery said, keeping pace. “But gosh the hills were gorgeous. Lahnae was convinced she could set up the tent by herself.”


    He let it hang for a moment.


    “She could not set up the tent by herself. And the stars– I’d never seen so many stars since the first night when I was sleeping on your couch…!”


    “Well knowing her it was probably less being unable and more just her being unlucky the whole time. The tent didn’t catch fire, did it??” Vizon snickered, spinning to dodge around a stack of crates and jumping five feet over a cart.


    So that was certainly new. The guild training was really paying off.


    “But aw man, I can imagine the stars were beautiful!” Vizon said with a laugh. “I remember when I was a kid, I used to go outside and stare at the stars and check out the constellations. I had a book in my room about them. I figured if I didn’t become an Arceali Guild member I’d probably make a good astronomer!”


    He vaulted over a barrel overturned in an alleyway.


    “Buuuut no astronomy for me, obviously! Just the warehouse work down here in Arceliaze!” He snickered.


    Avery looked up at the jump and laughed a little himself.


    “… show off.”


    There was a sting of worry at that, however.


    ‘Those kinds of memories are the ones in jeopardy from what I’m going to talk about…


    …unless he can refute it. Unless he can give a perfectly normal explanation to what we saw. God I hope he can.


    But all that is later.


    I’m not avoiding it this time.


    It’ll just come later.’


    “I remember I asked you one time if there were people up there on Sanshiyaad too,” Avery said, following after the Riolu…less nimbly. “I’m still curious about that to be honest. With all you guys have done I’m surprised nobody’s tried to go there…!”


    “Someone did try!!” Vizon said looking back at Avery. “It’s an old story from the 2nd turn and…let’s just say in the resulting blast I’m sure at least some part of him made it up there!”


    He gave a laugh, one Avery didn’t share.


    “Oh…” Avery smiled weakly.


    “Sorry, too morbid?” Vizon laughed awkwardly. “Everyone’s pretty much accepted that the heavens are for none but Arceus. And hey! All my friends are down here, so fine by me!”


    The Riolu leapt up onto a porch and front flipped over the guard rail back onto the street.


    Yeah he was definitely showing off.


    “Easy, Flips,” Avery laughed again, watching Vizon nail a three point landing. “This some practice you getting in, or is there some dance routine I should be getting in on? Seriously though. This is impressive. These moves of yours new, or were you holding out so far?”


    “Kinda new! I dunno, I’m feeling limber today and all this guild work has me moving all crazy for survival! I just wanna do it for fun!” The Riolu said, turning around to run backwards, facing Avery to talk. “Well, okay, the front-flip I learned from Vinae yesterday. Really doubt it’ll help in a fight but, hey!”


    “I mean hey, imagine someone throws a giant boulder at you, and you pirouette flip over it and land a kick to their face.” Avery mimed the action as he said it – though…he decided not to try the flip. “That sort of move does psychological damage.”


    “Ohhhh, true. Like intimidation, or like…‘hey, I’m just toying with you’ thing that good guys sometimes do to make villains get mad and start messing up.” Vizon rubbed his chin thoughtfully, not missing a beat with his backwards running.


    Quickly, he glanced over his shoulder, slowing down to come to a stop.


    “Vinae’s actually asked if I want to hang out again with the rest of Team Ganusi again later today. I’ll probably do that after this.” Vizon said, taking a deep breath after the run. “I haven’t even seen Nivanee yet, so I guess I’ll have to say hi once I get back in the guild.”


    “Ah, I do want to talk with you about something this evening, but as long as you aren’t planning on staying over at Team Ganusi’s place we should be okay,” Avery chuckled. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with them. Are you like, training with them?”


    “Training? Well, kinda sometimes!” Vizon said, clapping his hands together. “I mean, to be honest I was kind of intimidated at first since they’re an elite team but like…that’s dumb, you know? It’s just like when I first met the guild members.”


    The Riolu put his hands on his hips and lifted his head proudly.


    “I just needed to not be a coward and go for it! Why not be friends with Team Ganusi?”


    He looked back down at Avery with a smile.


    “Mostly we’ve just been hitting some places around town since they got a lot of money, yannow? Vinae took me and her team out to eat at this really fancy restaurant. I’d take you but…I let Vinae pay for a very good reason, ahah…”


    Vizon stroked his chin thoughtfully.


    “And other than that we just talk about stuff, you know? Guild life, stuff going on in the world, maybe trading stories of adventures…though they have way more than I do. They told me all kinds of stories over that dinner last night.”


    “Well, hey, maybe we can go there anyway sometime,” Avery said, nudging the Riolu. “Y’know, now that we’re actually going to be able to take jobs that pay, heh.”


    “Nooo no no, Avery, no, this was, like, 200 Poke just for the drink levels of hoity-toity dining. That’s tight even on a generous guild salary.” Vizon said, waving his paw and cringing. “Back to the Rice Bowl Buffet for this Lower Market District guy!”


    Vizon glanced over down the street, smirking to himself as he seemed to spot something.


    Avery blinked, noticing the change. He squinted, bringing a hand over his brow to shade and try to find what Vizon was looking at. It was tough to follow his gaze in a street this busy…!


    Vizon waved Avery to get closer, pointing with his other hand for Avery to look where he was looking.


    “Alright…here, hold up, Avery.” The Riolu said, his voice lowering to a whisper. Avery stepped up beside him curiously.


    The street they were on was a few blocks from the larger buildings of the Lower Market District. All around the pair were another set of larger residential houses with decent-sized lawns sporting flowers, creating a colorful walk down the cobblestone road.


    “…there. Look.” Vizon whispered.


    There, at the very end of the street, Avery could see Vizon pointing to a house with a front gate. The gate itself was open with a Poke’mon stood beside it, the fence covered in colorful decorations and streamers. From where Avery stood, he could see many small Poke’mon playing in the front yard with a larger Poke’mon supervising.


    And one of those Poke’mon looked strange, but…oddly familiar.


    It was only after a moment Avery realized what he was looking at: it was a little Mimikyu kid, their costume’s head flopping about as they ran in the grass, a small paper crown affixed on their head. But something was off about their costume. The colors were lighter, the design was all wrong…


    …because it wasn’t a Pikachu at all.


    It was a Plusle.


    And there, above the gate was a hanging sign reading:




    Vizon glanced back at Avery with a smirk.


    “I’ve always wanted to do this.”


    Avery kept looking, looking, and… Once again his ears perked as he noticed.


    “… You… You don’t think that Pitchi is…his costume is…?”


    Avery’s eyes were wide. That Sneasel had mentioned his kid looked up to Avery… It made sense, that kids would see him and be inspired but…


    To see it like this – to see…


    “…It’s his birthday-” Avery mumbled.


    He turned to meet Vizon’s gaze, a new expression rising onto his face with the same light as a morning sun.


    “…You…you think we could-?”


    Ooooh yeah, we’re on the same page.”


    Vizon’s gaze returned to the party then back to Avery.


    “How you wanna do it?”


    “… Part of me wants to do the responsible thing and clear it with their parents first,” Avery said slowly, already finding himself excitedly fiddling with his paws.


    The smile on Avery’s face grew.


    “… But part of me just wants to kind of crash the party-“


    The Plusle paused and took Vizon’s shoulders.


    “… Wait. Wait do you guys have like…a hatch day song?” Avery asked. “I have a birthday song but I’m pretty sure it’s not the same one if people sing it I’m gonna be totally lost-“


    Even as Avery said this there was a mirth in his voice. Even being an outsider, not knowing any customs for a ‘hatch day’-


    …Vizon said he’d always wanted to do this. And Avery was starting to think maybe he had, too.


    “Hatch Day song? Uhhh…oh shoot, I think Quayoff has one. My parents just did the regular thing of serving lots of egg stuff like omlettes and egg patties then doing some gifts.” Vizon shrugged. “Aaaaand it just so happens…”


    Vizon reached in his satchel. Looking down at it, Avery noticed it was clean and new-looking…and bigger to boot. It must have been another perk of the new rank.


    Out of the bag, Vizon fetched…the much more familiar satchel. Frayed, coated in dried mud from Shallow Marsh, embedded with sand from Lightning Wastes and discolored from Yahneri Port ocean water.


    “Whatcha think? Pretty cool gift, huh?” Vizon asked, voice cracking, his wide grin spreading, excitement practically exploding from him. “Wouldn’t it be cool if this kid decided he wants to go in the Arceali Guild and, like, uses this bag and stuff???”


    “…Oh my gosh that’s perfect-“ Avery said, standing up straighter. “I think…we should probably tell him to wait until he’s older to join the guild proper. You know, because of the sorts of things we get up to. But that’s a perfect gift-“


    He tilted his head.


    “… Actually… is there anything for people their age other than the guild?” Avery asked. “Like…a group where they can learn life skills? Tying knots, basic combat, getting along with other people? Like a Scouts program or something…? That could be good-!”


    “Uh…” Vizon clicked his tongue in thought. “I mean there’s the Youngster NAM’s club but…”


    He let the thought lie there, waving it away.


    “… Maybe… Maybe someday I-” Avery paused. “Maybe someday we could start something up. That’d be nice, I think. Something to outlast us, y’know?”


    “Maybe…! But, nevermind. C’mon! Let’s go do this thing!!” Vizon said, shoving the bag in Avery’s hands. “Here, we’ll say it’s from you!”


    With a smirk, the Riolu stood, looking down the road…then began running. Avery shook his head of the thought, and followed after Vizon, running quickly so he wouldn’t be left behind!


    The two thundered down the street, many of the Poke’mon in their front lawns staring at them curiously as they barreled towards Pitchi’s house. The running made the Poke’mon at the house’s front gate, a Politoed, look very apprehensive.


    “Er…can I help you…?” The Politoed man asked as Vizon slowed his pace down, coming up to the podium the man stood behind.


    “Heyyyy, are you Pitchi’s Dad?” Vizon asked, fixing his posture with a grin.


    “Y-yes…? Why…how do you two know Pitchi…?”


    “… Well, we don’t, sir,” Avery said, his enthusiasm tempered a bit so that the two wouldn’t come across wrong. “We simply saw the sign-!”


    The Plusle nodded up to the banner.


    “And… Forgive us if we’ve made a mistake here, but…I’ll introduce ourselves. We’re Avery and Vizon of Team Azure. This, uh…might be a bit presumptuous, but… Is your son perhaps a fan-?”


    The Politoed looked as though his eyes would pop out of his head.


    “Well I’ll be…you…you’re who now???” He leaned forward, squinting, pulling up a pair of glasses from the podium and placing them over his nose.


    Vizon stuck his chest out further, the golden badge glimmering in the sunlight, making the Politoed nod with a widening smile.


    “You-? Here-?” The Politoed laughed. “Well! I do apologize, sirs, but I don’t keep up with all that guild this and that, that’s my son’s fixation. And you couldn’t be more right! Ohhh, how he does go on and on about Team Azure and their adventures. He knows more about you two than he knows a thing from his classes, that’s the Arceus-given truth…!”


    The Politoed glanced back at the party, at all the kids playing in the grass, then back to the pair.


    “Ya’ll ain’t here for what I think you are…are you??”


    “…We happened to be in the area-” Avery said cheekily. A lie, obviously. Vizon brought him here.


    But Avery wanted to do this so badly.


    “…We wanted to clear it by you first, of course – he’s your kid after all…!” Avery continued. “Would it be alright if we stuck around a while…? Perhaps give a gift if that’s acceptable?”


    “Would it be okay?! ‘Sides the fact you’d probably give the kid a heart attack at seven years old, sure, why not?! That’s a joke, fella, don’t mind it or nothing.” The Politoed jumped down from the stool by the podium, an excited look on his face now, too.


    It certainly seemed he was just as happy as Avery and Vizon to make this a Hatchday to remember. Vizon grinned back at the Plusle, urging him follow.


    As the father lead the two into the front yard, Avery could see a lot of what Vizon was talking about: lots of eggs. From several egg-based foods sitting on a long wood table to a destroyed paper mache egg that’d been raided of all the chocolate candies inside. Even the presents off to the side were in circular containers. Presents still yet untouched.


    And there, at the far end of the yard, a group of kids stood holding various poses while others ran, trying to tag one another and force them to hold a pose that a female Indeedee, the Mother no doubt, showed with a large card.


    “Aw, cute…Rags to Riches, I haven’t played that since I was a kid…” Vizon whispered as they got closer.


    Avery took in the sights, trying to digest as much as he could.


    ‘Hatch day… Eggs… Right, Pokemon come from eggs, no matter whether they’re mammals or not – this is kind of cute…! And Rags to Riches seems like a possible kind of freeze tag…’


    There, one of the kids, presumably Pitchi, had their back turned. The Mimikyu’s Plusle outfit was hand-tailored and unprofessional, with added on bits of ‘tuft’ on the head that vaguely emulated Avery’s hair. There was no doubt what specific Plusle it was meant to be.


    The kid didn’t see the pair yet, diligently holding his pose. The mother, however, turned to see the new guests…and silently gasped the moment she saw Avery and Vizon.


    The Politoed smiled wildly to the Indeedee, nodding vigourously and silently mouthing ‘Yeah…! Yeah!!’ to her.


    Upon meeting the mother’s eye, Avery just smiled awkwardly and gave a little wave, deciding to stay silent for now. There was a giddiness in him too, a tickling feeling in his chest as he waited for Pitchi to turn around and notice the two-


    The Indeedee woman was frozen for a moment. Then two moments. At last, as though unfrozen, she bent down and whispered to the little Mimikyu. He shook his head, clearly not wanting to cheat the game, but she whispered some insistences, pointing in Avery and Vizon’s direction.


    The Mimikyu squirmed, then finally lowered his pose. Nobody called him out. He looked up at the Indeedee, then followed her hand, slowly turning.


    The Politoed stepped aside, hands on his hips as he watched.


    The Mimikyu’s beady little eyes at the base of the Plusle costume locked with Avery’s.


    One moment passed.


    Then two.


    At last…the Mimikyu leaned in…


    And Avery saw it.



    One moment, he was on the other side of the yard. Avery blinked, and the Mimikyu was right there in front of them, tail tapping excitedly on the ground.


    “Avery!? Vizon!? You’re here! Did…did you-” Pitchi looked up at his dad with sparkling eyes. “Did you??? Did you ask???”


    “No, he didn’t,” Avery said with a little laugh. “It was actually Vizon’s idea…! He was walking past, saw the hatchday sign, and since we had a day off, figured it’d be nice to drop in!”


    Pitchi seemed speechless. His eyes kept darting back and forth between Avery, Vizon, and his parents – he even looked back to his friends and mother on the other side of the yard, excitedly whispering ‘It’s Team Azure-‘


    The other kids stopped, looking over at the Mimikyu curiously while the game they were playing fell apart at once. The Indeedee mother could hardly even slow them down as the pair were SWARMED all at once, surrounded now by young faces plastered with awe.


    “And man, we needed the day off!!!” Vizon said with a merry voice. “And hey! I can’t imagine a better way to spend it~!!”


    Vizon couldn’t have look more taken, more utterly enraptured with it all. His smile was fair, but Avery could see the wobble in his lip as he tried to not explode with joy.


    “Well, well, well! How many kids on the block’re gunna get Avery and Vizon showing up at their doorstep, ey?” The Politoed said with a laugh, drumming on his belly.


    “Dear Arceus, this…” The Indeedee was speechless, her hands pressed tight together, a giddy smile spread over her face as she just watched Pitchi with rapt interest, her voice like she were worried any noise on her part would somehow end the moment.


    “You’re, um…. You’re back from the Yahneri Port mission-!” Pitchi said, excitedly sweeping a trough in the dirt from his tail. “I was really worried you wouldn’t make it back but you did-! I mean I knew you’d make it back! you’re Two Prong now-! The fastest any team’s ever done it – Mom! Mom, did you know Team Azure is the fastest team to get to two prong?? Two weeks and a day! Eleven days!”


    “Hah-” Avery felt a blush coming to his cheeks. “Geez, is that true, Viz…?”


    “Oh my gosh, that really is impressive!” The Indeedee said, sweet woman, in that voice where one was doing their best to show interest in something she had absolutely no context for – her knowledge of Team Azure seemed entirely limited to whatever the Mimikyu told her.


    “Yeah it is true!! Like, I’m kinda reeling from it, too!!” Vizon said, looking at Avery. A bit of his own fanboyishness was leaking already. “The fastest anyone’s ever gotten 2 prong was, like…tied between Team Clockwork and Team Iron Axe at 61 days. And you’ve seen how Team Clockwork is!! Heck my personal hero Nivanee got it only after a full year!!”


    The Riolu’s body was bouncing, his speech turned into a ramble.


    It was now Avery realized he was sandwiched between two guild nerds.


    “And! And and and now Nivanee’s part of your team-” Pitchi said, looking up to Vizon. “I- um…”


    Suddenly, he cast his eyes down to the ground, the swishing of his tail slowing.


    “Oh, uh… Is something wrong?” Avery said, squatting down to his level.


    Vizon’s aura sensors twitched, and his smile widened encouragingly. He answered Pitchi normally:


    “Nivanee sure is part of our team and I’m kinda stoked about it! Seriously feels like far-flung fantasy stuff!” Vizon said. The Riolu let himself drop down to the ground, cross-legged, so that neither he nor Avery were towering over the kid anymore. The other kids babbled to one another. “And hey, whatever you wanna say, don’t sweat it!! I learned from the guild that I always gotta belt out what I wanna say, loud and proud! Cuz it’s who I am!”


    He patted Avery’s shoulder, smiling with his tongue stuck out.


    “Right, partner~?”


    Avery smiled. Pitchi’s gaze didn’t lift yet…yet he still did his best to speak.


    “W… Well… O-okay-“


    Pitchi took a breath, squirming in place as he tried to work up the courage.


    “…I-I promise I’m going to get a costume of you too, Vizon! Mama just said I could have one to start and I chose Avery because he’s the captain of Team Azure but I think you’re really cool and heroic too and I want to be like BOTH of you when I grow up-!!”


    Avery was a little taken aback by the statement, but let out a little laugh. He ruffled the top of the costume, giving Vizon a little teasing glance.


    “Hmmm, I dunno… I think this costume’s plenty, eh, Vizon? He doesn’t neeeeeed a Vizon fit…”


    “Hmmm…!” Vizon smiled, hearing that. “Aw, c’mon, I’m not bothered by that! But…if anything, you should keep the Avery costume…and if you really want a Vizon costume…”


    The Riolu glanced at Avery…then…back to the Mimikyu.


    “…you should give the Vizon costume to your best friend, the one that’d stick with through thick and thin. The friend that’d go to any depths to help you…the one you’d do the same for.” The Riolu said. “That’s what the guild has given me.”


    Avery let that hang a bit.


    “Hah…if you’re set on having a Vizon costume, then we might be able to help with it. Once gift time comes around, anyway!”


    Pitchi gasped.


    “Y-you got me a gift??? D-dad?? They got me a gift??”


    The Politoed gave a wide, cheeky smile. The Indeedee gasped, bouncing excitedly, trying to not be seen too much so as not to embarass her son.


    Vizon reached into his new satchel…and pulled out the old satchel.


    This, Pitchi…is my old item bag. From Windscorch Mountain, to Rocky Hills, to the Swamps of Taeriana, against Nido emperors and Old Wanderers, from the spires of Dovve Fo Uddjo to the sands of Lightning Wastes and across the waters of Yahneri it’s been with me. Just like my best friend’s been with me.”


    The Riolu held out the frayed, battered, worn satchel in front of him to the Mimikyu, the strap swinging lightly.


    “Its yours, Pitchi. An item bag between you and your best friend.”


    “Happy Hatchday, Pitchi,” Avery said, in a gentler and more sincere voice than before. “I think you’re still a bit too young to join the guild – but I know that when and if you do, you’ll do your best to make it a better place, just like Vizon and I are trying to do.”


    He ruffled the hair of the Mimikyu’s costume with a hand.


    “But you don’t need to be in the guild to make the world better, either.” Avery continued. “You can start doing that right now, too. Standing up for people that have trouble standing up for themselves, providing for people that might have trouble doing that. Like noticing a friend doesn’t have a snack and school and sharing yours, you know? Or teaching your friends how to do something that only you know how to do. Just do what you can to make the world a better place for everyone.”


    Pitchi stared, enraptured at their words as he took the bag from Vizon, clutching it as some precious object.


    “…Can you promise that, Pitchi?” Avery asked. “That you’ll work to make the world a better place for everyone in it? “


    …Uh huh.” Pitchi’s voice was barely a whisper. “I promise…! I-I promise!”


    “Hah…then I can sleep easy knowing it’s in good hands.” Vizon sighed, taking a deep breath.


    Something warm wrapped around Avery’s hand…


    …Vizon’s paw was there, almost by instinct. It was hard to even tell if he realized what he was doing.


    “Doing the right thing’s hard sometimes.” Vizon mused. “It sometimes takes a lot of faith in others. But I know you’ll be good and heroic.”


    The Riolu’s gaze swept over all the kids that surrounded.


    “All of you, everyone here can be good guys.” He spoke with confidence. “Just trust in others. Help them. You’ll know the right thing to do, whatever you do!”


    His voice seemed to be directed at himself as much as the children. His crimson eyes trailed up towards the sky.


    “I’ll do anything…anything for everyone I love. All my friends.”


    “And… And I will too!” Pitchi said, standing up straight. “When I join the guild I’ll be just like you guys!”


    “Maybe even better,” Avery said with a playful shrug, squeezing Vizon’s hand back. “Though we’re not going to make it easy for ya. Team Azure isn’t done doing good yet!”


    …Avery had to give a bit of heroic grandstanding for the guy. As a treat.


    However, for Vizon…the Mimikyu’s words.


    That Pitchi wanted to join the guild…because of he and Avery.


    Broke Vizon.


    His eyes widened. His smile went from ear to ear. His entire body seemed to sparkle. Every limb flopped and bounced and-


    He couldn’t hold it in.


    “Oh ARCEUS that’s gunna be SO COOL!!!” He said, pumping his fists! “IMAGINE IT!! Pitchi in the periodicals with all his OWN adventures of saving others and DOING GOOD and COOL THINGS!!”


    His arms were flailing, gesticulating going haywire.


    “Getting in scrapes and showing JUST what the Arceali Guild is MADE OF!! Holy cow, THINK of it!! I’m getting to meet Pitchi BEFORE HIS CAREER DEBUT!! AWESOME!!!”



    “The last Ghost Type that was part of the guild’s been from Team Ganusi, too,” Avery said with a nod, laughing along with Vizon’s enthusiasm. “And Fairy Type Pokémon are pretty rare from what I’ve seen, too. But do you have any idea who you’d want to be on your team? It’s important you choose someone you get along with, and work really well with together. Like-“


    “Like how you and Vizon have your super special moves together?” Pitchi interrupted. “Like… Like when you and he and Nivanee and Rikzyod took out the outlaws at the top of Rocky Hills! I heard about that, you were all working together super well and communicating – even with someone you just recruited!”


    “Rikzyod’s a lotof things, but when it comes to battle…” Avery smiled softly. “…he’s no slouch. I think the guy’s taken more beatings than the rest of us combined. And that’s saying something.”


    “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Pitchi agreed. “He came back from a mission one time with part of his head all diamondized-“


    “Oh man even I can’t remember which one that coulda been…uhh…had to have been Lightning Wastes, right?” Vizon leaned in, nudging Avery. The parents sidled up by one another, fully engrossed in watching their son have the time of his life.


    The Riolu folded his arms, thinking hard.


    “I know I sure took a beating at Shallow Marsh…and we do not talk about all that weird stuff at Dovve Fo Uddjo, hah…” His eyes opened, a cocky grin on his face. “And you know what? I can’t wait to get back into it. Back to saving the world!!”


    “Hopefully after one or two softballs,” Avery chuckled awkwardly. “Having a few missions where the stakes are low sounds nice every once in a while.”


    “But you guys have gotten good fast because of all that I think!” Pitchi said. “You might become elites by the end of the turn by this rate!”


    Avery’s heart jumped.


    “Oh, wow- you think so?” The Plusle laughed. “I mean that’d mean we’d get to hang out with the guild a lot less…but it could happen, if we keep on this pace!”


    “Oh man, really?” Vizon’s eyes sparkled again at the suggestion. He seemed to be…genuinely flattered by what this seven-year-old was saying. “Elite Team Azure…imagine that, Avery! The top of our game, doing the stuff even the Arceali Guild can’t do!!”


    The Riolu turned to the Plusle, shaking his shoulder.


    “We’d make awesome elites! Just like Team Ganusi! And, heck, Team Clockwork! We’d be up there with them!!” He boucned, pumping his arms, looking back at Pitchi. “Alright! Then it’s settled! Next mission we’re gunna go all out and do our best!!”


    He lifted a finger, pointing to the Mimikyu.


    “We’ll both do our bests, yeah, Pitchi!?”


    “YEAH!!” Pitchi hoisted his brand new guild bag up, and rushed forward to hug the both of them. “… Thank you for coming, Team Azure. This is the best Hatchday ever-“


    Avery’s heart swelled at that, and he wrapped an arm around the Mimikyu’s back, looking up at Vizon.


    “… Well, it isn’t over yet,” Avery said after a bit. “What was that game you were playing earlier?”


    “Oh yeah! I’m in!” Vizon shouted, a shout that was mimicked by every kid as they all got up.


    The games began, and the party went on.


    As the sun slowly made its journey across the sky, everyone, Avery and Vizon included, played the game of ‘Rags tp Riches’, the Indeedee mother happy to let the pair partake. Of course, Vizon held back his speed, letting himself be caught plenty of times…and when he was ‘it’, he made a game of getting as many near-misses as possible, creating what had to have been the most thrilling game the kids had ever played.


    The sky was already turning orange by the time they all had even more eggs for dinner.


    And the whole while, Pitchi wore Vizon’s satchel, tightly bound around his body, bouncing against him as he ran, played, and dusted himself off whenever he lost.


    He was a good sport. Vizon was very proud of him.


    The presents were last of all, Pitchi had saved them for when everyone was tired and ready to go home. Admirable restraint for a kid.


    Avery and Vizon watched as every present was opened, every child was thanked…and every present fit into the satchel. The Mimikyu’s very first stash of items.


    And all the while…Vizon stood near Avery. For the first time in days…weeks…there was no tension. There was no double-meaning. There was nothing making the air heavy.


    He was simply happy to be with his friends in that moment, sharing this moment to make someone happy.


    To be a good guy.


    And soon, as the first stars peeked through the curtain of orange sky above, it was time to say goodbye to all the party goers. Pitchi and his parents meeting Avery and Vizon near the gate of the yard to bid the two farewell.


    “I really can’t tell you how much I appreciate you comin’ out here fer us.” The Politoed said with a laugh, the Mimikyu stepping around his legs to look up at the pair. “It sure did mean everything to Pitchi.”


    “I think it means a lot to us, too,” Avery said, looking up to Vizon for a moment. “Believe it or not I think I kind of needed this today, too. It’s good to see that we’ve got people like Pitchi to succeed us someday.”


    Avery looked down at the Mimikyu and smiled.


    “But you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.” He continued. “Promise me you’ll at least finish school before you get into the guild. Something tells me that going on globetrotting adventures might make it hard to do well in your studies!”


    Vizon opened his mouth to speak, as though he was going to contradict by instinct. After all, Nivanee didn’t. Kipuuna never did, nor did Ganisus or Janus nor so many other guild members.


    …and yet he closed his mouth. And smiled.


    “…You do that, you’ll be ahead of the curve of even the most famous Guild Members.” Vizon said at last. “Stay with your studies, protect your friends…and you’ll be a legend in your own right.”


    Vizon stood up straight, his eyes twinkling.


    “I promise you will.”


    Avery gave Vizon a little look. Not a stare, nothing chiding.


    Just a non-verbal look that said:


    ‘We did it. Look at us.’


    “… I’ll do it,” Pitchi said with a nod. “We’ll do it. We’ll be heroes, just like you! I promise! And…and maybe we’ll get to do a mission together someday!!”


    “Who knows?” Avery said, stepping back from the hug. “Maybe one day we’ll be in trouble, and we’ll have to call on Team Pitchi to save our butts!”


    “That’d be such a cool story…!!” Vizon said, imagining it, his tail wagging behind him. “The new team saving old vets! I don’t even care if it’s us, I’d still read it…!!!”


    The Indeedee laughed softly at the three.


    “Goodness…I’ve only heard of you two through Pitchi but…you’re an interesting pair.” The mother said. “Maybe I should pick up a periodical one of these days for myself.”


    “Yer a good pair in my book!” The Politoed agreed with a hearty laugh. “Didn’t think Guildies’d be good with kids, what with all the daring-do and fighting.”


    “Aw, you don’t know the half of it!! Nivanee does guest tutoring for schools all the time!” Vizon said with a smile. “There’s nothing heroes won’t do, fighting monsters or just simple assistance, nothing is beyond good guys like you and me and…all of us!”


    “Well I s’pose so!” The Father snickered.


    “I don’t think there’s a single team that wouldn’t be good with kids, now that I think about it,” Avery said, looking up in thought. “If Aquashock weren’t trying to do more active, dangerous missions nowadays I’d pin Kip for a great tutor. And Lahnae and Loshjno would be amazing at combat training. With their experiences there’s no trick they haven’t seen already.”


    “But they haven’t succeeded in a single mission,” Pitchi said, tilting his head. “Even with you! It’s the only loss on your record. I thought for sure if they went with you you’d bring them up, but they just dragged you down instead.”


    “You wouldn’t speak like that if you were there, trust me,” Avery said, shaking his head. “Sure, it was a loss, but it was the most spectacular, successful loss we’ve ever had. And hey, we saved Qeasé, right?”


    “Mhm!” Pitchi said, bouncing back. “I actually don’t know why they said it was a loss, since…you saved the town.”


    “Lahnae and Loshjno were both invaluable to us coming back okay in that mission.” Avery explained. “Everyone worked together there to make sure everyone came back okay. If even a single person who had been with us hadn’t been, I’m not sure we would have made it out nearly as alright as we did. Including Team Spade! Same for Dove Fo Uddjo-“


    “Yeah!” The Mimikyu perked up, giggling. “Apparently you and Nivanee and Team Aquashock had a big fight- and Nivanee got really mad!”


    …Avery’s face went a little red again.


    “…I thought that whole mission was confidential-“


    “You and Kipuuna scrapped in the middle of an inn.” Vizon laughed. “While you were out, I was trying to convince the people in the other rooms to not lodge a complaint with the manager.”


    He clicked his tongue.


    “I think they were more fascinated at the idea of guild in-fighting. Loved the drama…I might’ve told them you won.” Vizon smiled, putting his hands behind his head. “That’s around when Nivanee blew up at us, one thing led to another and…well…you woke up a few hours later.”


    The Indeedee giggled again at the story.


    “But, even after all the fights…” Vizon paused, glancing at Avery. “…no matter what…we’re still together in the end. Even if it seems like a miracle…even if a lot of stuff had to change…even if there’s no going back to exactly how things were…”


    He took a breath.


    “…we’re at least still family right now, in this moment.”


    “I still think things changed for the better, for the most part,” Avery said, a little softer. “We’re still working on getting better. There’s things we shouldn’t be happy with where they are, and things we need to keep on improving. But…Compared to where the guild started, where we started…I think we’ve been looking for truth, and we’ve been finding it one step at a time.”


    Avery looked up at the sky, and jolted


    ‘Shoot, that other party!’


    “We should probably head out, Pitchi, but…” Avery said. “We’ll be keeping an eye on you, too. Keep doing good in your community, okay? And stay safe!”


    “See ya, Pitchi!!” Vizon said in the most boisterous voice he could muster. “You bet I’ll be excited to read the adventures of Pitchi the Guildmember!!”


    “Hehe, thanks you two.” The Politoed father laughed, giving then a wave as they began to leave the way they came, down the stone path out the residential area.


    “Bye!! Thank you for everything, Team Azure!! I… I’ll make you both proud! I promise!” Pitchi’s shout echoed through the neighbourhood, filled with emotion and determination.


    Even minutes later, walking back towards the guild, Avery felt like he was walking on air.


    “… You were right, Vizon. That was an awesome surprise.”


    “Man!! That was everything I dreamed it’d be!!” Vizon said, JUMPING into the air the moment the two were out of sight. “Like, I can’t tell you how many hatchdays I had where I wished I could be visited by all the cool people from the Guild! Like?! What the heck, fulfilling my own childhood dream for someone else is the best!”


    The Riolu was giddy, pent up with energy.


    “And…that’s what it’s all about. Inspiring…! Inspiring everyone, down to kids, so they’ll wanna do good like you!!” Vizon said, spinning on his heel to face Avery. “And if we all do good…then the world will be good, too, right??”


    He let out a skip and a jump, neverminding the amused onlookers as the two crossed down the road.


    “Soooo, I’m not going to bed for a while. What are you doing tonight? I’m going to find Team Ganusi and hang out with them more.” Vizon smirked, putting his hands on his hips. “I mean, hey, if what Pitchi says is true then I gotta get to know my soon-to-be coworkers now, ey? Heh!”


    “Well, I’ve got that banquet I was invited to,” Avery said, a bit of nerves creeping back into him. “Seems almost like an ‘offer I can’t refuse’ from the sound of it. Sounds like it’s going to be a whole big-wig palooza thing, but…”


    The Plusle smirked and elbowed Vizon.


    “I think Pitchi’s hatchday is gonna beat it out juuuust a bit in how much I’m going to enjoy it.”


    “Huh…? Oh…” Vizon’s bounce stopped, a serious look crossing his face. “Right, that banquet thing…”


    The Riolu frowned, looking both worried and unsure what to say as they crossed back into the Market District.


    “…you sure you’re going to be okay going to that thing? Who’re you taking as back-up?” Vizon asked. “You can’t be too sure with these shifty Thieves Guild types…and this sounds like sticking your head in Solgaleo’s mouth…”


    “I’m not entirely sure who I’m taking,” Avery admitted. “I have a few ideas, but I’m just gonna have to see who’s even available. Worse comes to worst I can just go it alone, hang around a bit, and bail before anything huge happens. I think I just need to show up and talk with Deshuuna a bit.”


    Avery gripped his arm.


    “I admit…it’s a little nerve wracking?” The Plusle spoke with a little shuddering breath. “But like…look at what we’ve done before. I shouldn’t be afraid of going to a big party in the middle of Arceliaze, in broad daylight-“


    He looked up at the dusking sky.


    “…So to speak.”


    Avery felt a hand on his shoulder. Vizon looked at him very seriously.


    “Hey…if you need help I can back you up.” The Riolu said. “You know I always have your back, buddy.”


    The Riolu nodded.


    “Even if you go with Nivanee or Lahnae or someone…if anything happens to you I’ll be the first one there to tear the whole place down with my bare hands to save you.”


    He squeezed Avery’s shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile as the castle came into view.


    “I promise.”


    Avery looked at Vizon again. Really looked at him.


    And for the first time in a long time…Avery was really starting to recognize the Riolu again.


    There were certain things that scared Avery. How much time Vizon was spending with the elites, given Ganusi’s odd behaviour before they’d left, and especially his family house.


    But Avery recognized him again.


    And he smiled.


    “Well, I still have that thing to ask you about later tonight,” Avery said, his voice softening. “So if I don’t come back by the time you go to bed, come get me, okay? We’ll say that’s the sort of… soft signal that something’s up.”


    As the both of them crossed the bridge and approached the guild hall, Vizon gave Avery a firm nod, patting his shoulder.


    “Alright!” The Riolu said with a cheerful smile. “I’ll keep it in mind. You can count on me!”


    He looked up, scanning the guild. Nobody was here yet, just the two of them.


    Vizon’s grip on Avery’s shoulder tightened a little. It had been such a nice evening.


    The Riolu gave the smallest of frowns…


    …it was hard for him to let Avery go.


    “Right, okay.” Vizon sighed as though letting go of a held breath, his hand releasing the Plusle. “I’m going to go find Ganusi, alright? A whole cavalry at the ready! See those Thieves’ Guild mooks try anything with the combined forces of Ganusi and Vizon at the ready.”


    He smiled, a wide, hopeful smile,




    …It was hard for Avery to go, too.


    Especially considering who Avery was pretty sure he’d have to go to the party with.


    Especially considering what Avery would have to talk to Vizon about later tonight.


    ‘Please, Arceus. Please let him have an explanation. Please let it be simple and believable and real.’


    “Have fun, bud!” Avery cheered. “And hey, you’d better not be keeping any combat tips those three give you from me, yeah?”


    Avery laughed a little to stave off the growing nerves, and headed off back into the city, to find her, the one more than likely the reason he was invited to this banquet to begin with.




    Chapter 44





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