The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 9.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The rolling fog thinned more and more as Avery and Vizon exited the valley, like cresting the top of a huge cloud. The day was lightly overcast, a grey light permeating the land, and no shadows lied at their feet. The damp and cold air from the passed rain hung about, the scent of wet grass and bark filling their lungs.


    “Phew…still not entirely used to going off-path like this…” Vizon admitted, trudging into the tall grass of Breezy plain. The Ground was still wet, with deep puddles here and there, but nothing that slowed the pair down terribly. Ahead, the rolling hills of the plain seemed to flatten out, like a wide, endless flat horizon spreading before them both. The clouds were thinning out. Rays of light from the sun now shone brightly in the sky, their shadows returning, the air warming as the clouds opened to the blue sky above more and more.


    Soon, they both came to a small treeline.


    “We’re close…” Vizon said, stepping aside to lift a bit of brush. The foliage was much more thick here than Tall Woods, less tamed. It was clear these were lands less traveled. They both moved through dark, thick woods…until the mud turned wetter…wetter. Their footsteps became heavy in the mire of mud. The air smelled of dirty water. The foliage began to thin more and more.


    At last, Vizon pulled aside one last bush, and the pair looked out toward the new landscape.



    The name was certainly apt. Before the team lie an expanse of shallow, murky water, broken only by a few scant paths of walkable ground. Thin trees dotted the landscape, covered in moss that hung from their branches. What ground they could see was muddy and wet. The landscape seemed to stretch on like this endlessly into the distance. The foliage was thin at least, but that bode ill for the water itself, which stank of old mud.


    “Eugh…” Vizon stuck his tongue out, looking across the trees and semi submerged lands. “Smells kinda bad here…”


    “…And wet,” Avery said, frowning a little. “…Well, if we stick to the paths it shouldn’t be…too bad, right?”


    Avery looked around.


    “Be on the lookout though. Spade got attacked here – there might be bandits or something…”


    Vizon lifted his head, looking about, humming.


    “I don’t see anyone…” He mused, taking a few steps forward. He lifted his paw up from the thick water onto a raised path. The ground, while damp, was more solid that the rest of the dirt, clearly something hand-made from rocks and dirt to act as a path. “Seems quiet to me…”


    He walked forward, eyes tracing from side to side. The trees were sparse, the foliage high, but the horizon was fairly clear.


    “Hmm…should be down south. And there’s the fireworks guy if you still really want to see him…” Vizon offered.


    “Not yet,” Avery said with a shake of his head. “Maybe on the way back though…! I think fireworks could be cool to see, as long as we don’t get in trouble for it, heh…but as long as we stick to the path we should be good, right?”


    “Yep! Just keep to the path and everything will be…ok…”


    Vizon paused, his ear perking. He was still for a while…listening to the silent marsh.


    “Did you hear that…?” He muttered. Avery heard it, too…rustling…some far…some very near.


    Vizon grunted, barking immediately.


    “Is someone out there?!” He yelled, clenching his paws. “We heard what you did to Team Spade! That makes you criminals! Come out quietly and we may go easy on you!”


    Laughter rang out. Hacking, hawing, the laugh that made Avery think of an old crone.


    Not just one.


    Many. Several. Surrounding.


    There was a flash of light in the distance.


    “What…?!” Vizon looked up.


    Above, a massive black cloud of darkness descended upon Avery and Vizon…and the entire Marsh. All at once the sun was gone, the blue sky was a black void.


    The Marsh…was as though it were in the dead of night with no light. Avery jolted, looking around as the sky went dark.


    “V…Vizon?” Avery whispered, squatting down against the ground. The Plusle’s cheeks buzzed with electricity.


    ‘What is this…? A cloud of darkness? Is this magic, or-!?’


    “C-careful-! There’s…i-it really sounds like there’s a lot of them-!”


    SKEEEWWWW Lookit what we got here, boys!”


    They could hear laughter coming from the swamp.


    An earth shattering CLANK rocked the swamp. A BURNINGLY BRIGHT spotlight shining down upon Avery and Vizon in the dark. The light illuminated a small space around them, the bouncing light only barely illuminating the surrounding foliage.



    “We got ANOTHER pair of city-slickers come into our swamp like they own the place.” The voice cooed, taunting. Vizon’s bravado melted at once, a look of terror on his face. “Boy thinks he’s gunna play guild and ARREST us!”


    The laughter rocked the trees.


    Avery could hear water splashing. Grass rustling.


    “Better run! BETTER RUN, BOY, WE GON’ GETCHA!”


    “AVERY, LEG IT!” Vizon screamed, grabbing his hand. Avery’s heart stopped. He stumbled after Vizon, but quickly picked up the pace and matched with him. Avery looked behind, eyes wild with panic.


    “D-damnit I really should have learned Flash-!”


    Avery tried summoning one of those lightning bolts…and attempted to throw it ahead into the darkness to illuminate the path – or hit whatever was trying to get at them!


    The lightning STREAKED ahead, briefly flashing light around the swamp.




    Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.


    Surrounding them. Rising from the water. Coming from the trees.


    Then darkness, the light vanishing.


    Whooping. Laughing. Vizon’s hand glowed as her fired a frenzied Aura ball!


    They both sprinted, the spotlight following their every move.


    “Lookit them city boys run!”


    “These boys can’t hit NOTHING with those attacks!”


    Vizon stumbled off the path. He swiped tall grass away. Trudged through water.


    A vine whip WHIZZED past Avery’s head. A Watergun grazed him!


    “We gon getcha!” A voice spat. “Pump those legs faster!”


    “This is bad this is bad this is bad.” Vizon babbled, firing aura balls in all directions. Each one vanished into the dark.


    “Okay-” Avery panted, squinting his eyes shut for a moment. “Okay, Viz, think- they can’t be surrounding us, there can’t be…that many-“


    Avery yelped, bringing his head down, barely dodging another attack.


    “They’re pulling something! There’s some trick-!” Avery kept his eyes on the path. “V-Viz, can you like…sense auras or something? See at least how many people are nearby…?!”


    “It’s…it’s-?!” Vizon choked!


    A Vine WRAPPED around his throat!


    “But Poke’mon were savage and unruly.”


    “A-Avery-!” Vizon spluttered, grabbing the vine, desperately prying it off. “S-six, to your lef-“


    He gasped as the vine tightened.


    “Bringing disorder to the perfect creation of Arceus!”


    From the dark, figures loomed to Avery’s left. Their eyes seemed to GLOW in the dark. Their whooping laughter deafening. That voice surrounded him. Crowded him.


    “He, Arceus, brought down his WRATH upon the world”


    Vizon snapped the vine holding him, stumbling to run again, throwing an aura ball at the approaching figures.


    Two vines SNAPPED out toward Avery!


    “AVERY!” Vizon screamed, trying to run for him! SLAM. Another vine grabbed his leg, tripping him!


    “And his wrath lasted GENERATIONS”




    Avery was trying to listen. It was…there was…what were they saying?! He tried to lash out at the darkness, but-


    ‘Arceus? Is this…This is the Story of Arceus? They were quoting verse!?’


    “No no no no no!” Vizon struggled, submerged in mud and water, the vine around his ankle dragging him away from Avery.


    “Y-you bast-!!” Avery yelped, a pair of vines wrapping around his body, squeezing the breath out of him. “W…who’re the unruly ones-?!”


    The vines LIFTED and SLAMMED him into the mud. Avery’s voice was wheezing, unable to get enough breath. His body sparked, trying to electrocute the vines wrapped around him! The shock got them! The vines SMOKED and whipped away, a cry of pain out in the dark!


    He couldn’t see Vizon.


    “Oooo we gots a FIGHTER, I like that!”


    “On the fourth year, he tore earth from the ground”


    Two Poliwags LEAPT from the bush, firing off water guns. The spotlight slowly followed Vizon as he was dragged away, the Riolu screaming and thrashing. Avery was being left in the dark as he lingered.


    “Avery! Shoot! Shoot!” Vizon screamed, firing volley after volley of aura ball as he was PELTED with water guns. Avery grimaced. He couldn’t see around himself. But he could see Vizon. Avery flicked his wrists – just as he practiced.


    Avery leapt out of the water, sparks of electricity shooting across the murky water as he leapt up. One – two – three bolts of electricity found their marks around Vizon.






    The lightning hit their marks. Two Poliwags and a Tangela, none hitting the water. Vizon uninjured.


    Avery fell, crashing into the mud on his back!




    Above Avery a DARK FIGURE loomed, FISTS RAISED to land a POUND on him.


    Vizon scrambled in the mud, unable to keep his footing.


    “Avery!!” He yelled. “We got to keep running! We can’t…! We can’t fight them!”


    “Oooh where you think YOU’RE going, boy?!”


    “and called it PARADISE.”


    Vizon screamed out, a punch hitting him sending him careening towards Avery!


    The Dark Figure slammed Avery down into the water with a heavy splash. The Plusle tried to stand, only for Vizon to CRASH into him with the force of a projectile!


    Vizon flailed his arms, trying to get off and up on his feet. Avery felt sick, head spinning.


    “Y…you…I-I have…I have a plan…” Avery whispered. “Y-you have to get out of the water-“


    “It’s a marsh it’s all water!!” Vizon hissed, struggling to pull Avery away. Another pound SPLASHED into the water beside Avery!


    The air began to grow heavy, a disgusting scent permeating the area. Vizon coughed, Avery feeling pinpricks under his skin like a…poison gas.


    Vizon’s eyes widened, dragging Avery back, slamming branches and underbrush out of the way.


    “More, coming out of the water…!” The Riolu said hurriedly, firing another blind aura ball into the void.


    “Arceus ROSE paradise beyond the clouds…”


    “I-if it’s all water, then jump-!” Avery coughed, feeling his vision going dizzy. “Hurry-!! Just get out of the water-!”


    Avery began taking deep breaths. Focus. Focus.


    Avery could feel electricity burning within himself. If they were going to get out of this…they’d need to take some extreme measures.


    “Avery? AVERY?!” Vizon was clearly panicked but he heeded the Plusle’s warning, trying to jump, ankle-deep in the water as he was. He threw himself on a tree, trying to climb.


    The spotlight was BLINDING to Avery’s vision.


    “Looks like he stopped to TAKE IT, BOYS.”


    Laughter rang. Whooping. Cheering.


    Vines SHOT toward Avery as he stood, focusing.




    The poisoned air was heavy.


    “To OBSERVE Poke’mon, allowing passage ONLY to the DEVOUT and FAITHFUL.”


    Deep breath. Eyes closed.




    A MASS of screams bellowed. For a moment the marsh LIT UP.


    Silhouettes of Poke’mon flashed amid bright light. Dozens. Dozens. Surrounding them. ELECTROCUTED. Yelling out. Many FALLING over.


    “Oh now this’un’s getting under my SKIN.”


    Eyes in the trees. A swath of them taken out at once. The light died once more. The shuddering screams died off.


    An Aura ball SCREAMED past Avery into a tree.


    “Again!” Vizon yelled, firing off aura balls from his perch. He yelped, a watergun slamming into his back. “Can you do it again?!”


    ‘In. Out. In. Out. In out in out work up work up work up-‘


    Avery screamed. His voice was growing hoarse. He could barely feel his nerves from the feeling of electricity jumping around his skin.


    ‘Build it up. In out in out-‘




    It wasn’t…quite as strong as the first one. But as long as he was left above the water and conscious, Avery would keep going until the lights came back.


    Another WAVE of screams, this time pained and annoyed.




    “This ‘un needs a SHALLOW MARSH WELCOME”


    “Avery! Left! Left! Big one to the left!”


    “He WATCHES always and he KNOWS”


    Behind Avery a vine SHOT from the tree.


    “WAIT, NO! DODGE! DODGE!” Vizon corrected.


    Avery couldn’t see. He didn’t stop the discharge. He didn’t stop the shocking, he didn’t stop. He just blindly dove into the water, trying to blindly dodge as Vizon said!!


    “GRAB HIM!”


    A FEARSOME Grimer balled his fist, ready to punch Avery, TANKING the discharge!


    Vizon’s eyes lit up. With a hoarse cry, he JUMPED from the tree! He hand ARCED with aural energy as he SLAMMED it upon the Grimer! It was knocked back. Not knocked out.


    “Avery, get up! Get up!” Vizon yelled, knocking away a WHIPPING VINE. “I saw a light! Due west!”


    Avery was getting dizzy. The discharge was draining his energy, and he barely had the consciousness to stop it when he saw Vizon stepping into the water. Shakily, Avery stood up, stumbling in the water. He felt utterly spent.


    ‘…Am I able to walk fast enough to get out…?’


    “V…Vizon-” Avery wheezed, coughing again.




    “I got you! I got you!” Vizon yelled, picking his partner up. He tucked Avery under his arm. Vizon JUMPED aside, the Grimer punching into the water again, splashing, water splattering on them both. Vizon retaliated with an aura ball!


    With that, he BOUNDED into the thicket, Avery in tow.


    He rushed. Swiping grass. Panting. Sweating. Grunting. Clawing at the thick foliage, the spotlight desperately trying to keep up. Even now, more and more splashing surrounded. Whooping. Hollaring. From the trees. From the woods.


    Vizon made a hard left, ducking under a branch. A low canopy loomed overhead, shielding them from the spotlight.


    Ahead, Avery could see it: a faint orange light, deep between trees. Vizon splashed and waded in the dark, blindly stumbling towards that light.


    “Where’d you city boys get off to?!”


    The voice was fainter. Fainter.


    “Slippery lil’ RATS aren’t they?”


    “Run whereever you like but you’re in OUR SWAMP, BOY.”


    The voices were getting quieter. Quieter. Vizon was desperately panting, throwing aside bushes, running for that sole, solitary light.


    He tripped, falling into the water, dropping Avery onto a tuft of raised land. Avery collapsed once he was put down, soaked, hacking up water. He was bruised, battered, shaking. Carefully, he reached into his bag, pulling out some oran berries to chew on, handing one to Vizon.


    “T…that…” Avery grunted, his throat scratchy from the gas he inhaled. “That…that could have…gone a lot better…”


    Vizon spluttered, dragging himself from the water, desperately chewing on the berry. He spat out water, coughing as well.


    “This is insane. I thought this was supposed to be a baby mission…didn’t Rikzyod say these were just normal hooligans?! Nothing’s normal about this!” Vizon wiped a paw down his face, looking up at gentle light that shone on the both of them.


    The light here was soft and warm, orange in color like a welcoming flame deep in the pitch black void of the swamp.


    And the light…came from a small shack in the dark.


    “What is this…?” Vizon muttered, getting up onto his feet, offering Avery a hand. “Can you stand?”


    Avery nodded.


    “There’s…still some weirdness in me but…yeah. I can stand.” The Plusle coughed, wiping at his face. “What…what was that dogma they were spouting? Something…it sounded like they were talking about Arceus, and that Paradise thing you mentioned.”


    Avery’s eyes looked towards the cabin.


    “…What do we do now…?”


    “It sounded like the legend of Arceus…” Vizon grunted, shaking his head. “Just trying to freak us out, maybe. Gah, this is all messed up. I’m..! I’m not sure about this mission, Avery I…”


    He trailed off, fists clenched, shaking his head.


    “No…! We can do this. Somehow. We’ve made it this far. We CAN do this…somehow…”


    He turned to the cabin, looking it up and down. It was a modest little abode in the swamp, tall trees surrounding it on all sides. Slowly, he began to approach, waving for Avery to follow.


    The door was open, slightly ajar, spilling light onto the dark marsh. Vizon peeked inside, with Avery squeezing in close to peek in as well. Immediately, Avery saw a massive pot sat in the center of the room inside, steaming, smoking and giving a soup scent.


    A noise. Vizon’s ears swiveled. It sounded like…strings…


    His crimson eyes traced across the inside of the one-room cabin. There, sitting in a rocking chair…was a Bibarel, a guitar in his hands, strumming it. Dark, round-rim glasses obscured his eyes. Despite the fact he looked straight towards the door…he did not acknowledge either of them.


    “Who…” Vizon whispered. The Bibarel immediately perked at his voice.


    “Who’s there?” The Bibarel asked at once, making Vizon recoil. “If you’ve business, come in. Otherwise, be on y’ way.”


    With that, the blind Bibarel simply continued strumming a tune on his guitar.


    “…We’re…” Avery’s voice was scratchy. “…We’re trying to get to Tae…ta…”


    His head was fogged up.


    “The town south of here. We were attacked on the way, by…by a lot of Pokemon. I…I don’t think we’ll make the journey how we are. I, ah-“


    Avery quietly cursed to himself.


    ‘Why did I drop off all our money at the bank…? That was so stupid of me-!’


    “…Do you know a safer path…?” Avery asked at last.


    “Taeriana, Huh. Home away from home.” The Bibarel replied. “A hop and a skip from here, but even a stroll is dangerous with the Mud Boys these days.”


    The Bibarel strummed a chord.


    “You boys won’t last two seconds, whippin’ your heads here and there, trying to guess where to go. Making blind swings.” The Bibarel cocked an eyebrow. “The Mud Boys make a whole heap of trouble in this dark. Bless my soul I ain’t shot firecracker nor cherry bomb in all this time.”


    Vizon sighed.


    “But can you help?” He asked.


    “Oh now, I’m just a poor blind Poke’mon earning every day of life on Arceus’s beautiful little experiment.” The Bibarel strummed his guitar. “Don’t know a thing about fighting, but you guild boys do, all you need is direction. And I’ll sell it cheap.”


    He strummed another note, staring off to the side.


    “… Mud Boys…” Avery mumbled. “I… I’m sorry, I don’t… We don’t have money. But… We do have some items, if you’d like to trade…?”


    “Items, money, don’t have no need for city shackles.” The Bibarel hummed, sliding his fingers across the strings. “I’ve enough troubles without money bein’ one of them, huh! But I know I know what every Poke’mon needs, something good for the soul.”


    His fingers glided over the strings, the music filling the cabin of the fireworks Poke’mon.


    “Just need a little kindness, a little love. All you need do is ask nicely, like ya Arceus-fearing Mama taught you to.”


    Avery looked at Vizon for a moment. His hand slipped into his again.


    “… I’m Avery. This is Vizon. Can… I ask your name, sir?”


    It seemed impolite to Avery to just come in, ask for directions, and be on their way.


    “… You’re very good with that guitar.” The Plusle added.


    “Now that’s better. And it cost nothing, but Poke’mon might act like it’s a hard bargain.” The Bibarel replied, strumming again. “My name’s not important, my Mama never gave me one. Folks in Taeriana just call me ‘Pop’, so you can call me…’Pop’, too.”


    Vizon nodded.


    “I’d offer you boys to stay for some soup, but we’re all in a hurry these days.” The Bibarel nodded, strumming again. “What can ol’ Pop do for you kids?”


    “May we have directions to Taeriana please, Pop, sir?” Vizon said at last. The Bibarel smiled warmly.


    “Atta boy, that’s what I like to hear.” Pop strummed a chord on his guitar. The note seemed to reverberate on the old cabin walls, singing out into the swamp.


    A light shone outside, through the window. Vizon looked, seeing a tail of lights, like breadcrumbs, leading out north in a long path.


    “That…is your ticket to Taerina. But them Mud boys ain’t gunna just let you walk in. No sir, hm!” The Bibarel strummed his guitar. “Ol Man o’ Muk, leader of the Mud Boys, making all that racket with scripture like a crazed Quayoffi Monk, he’s got a lot of young men in this swamp. Splashing around like kids in the pool.”


    He strummed his guitar.


    “If you fight him, he’ll bring em’ all to you. Every last Mud boy will surround you, on dry land. And all hope will be lost.”


    Vizon’s ears folded back. The Bibarel however only strummed another chord.


    “When that time comes, when it all seems for naught, only then can you open…that.” He gestured his head toward a box on the table, wooden with patterns carved onto it. Vizon glanced at it, picking it up.




    “Don’t open that lid until the time is right. When you do, you’ll know what to do.”


    Vizon looked unsure, looking back at Avery.


    “…” Avery looked down at the box, studying the patterns carefully.  “…The words they were saying. It sounded…like they were just saying them. Like they weren’t even hearing the words they were saying. Like…”


    Avery looked down at the box.


    “Like they were trying to scare us. But…Arceus wouldn’t want what they were doing, right? Arceus…he’s better than that, right…?”


    “Arceus is a being of divine creation.” The Bibarel strummed his guitar. “But he’s also a Poke’mon, flawed, impulsive. Wrath delivered on a whim to avenge a friend, the guilt driving him to escape to Paradise in shame. We are him as he is us.”


    ‘…Escape?’ Avery thought quietly.


    Pop slid his fingers on the guitar, trilling a note.


    “Arceus knows wrath. He knows guilt. He knows kindness and love. Those Mud Boys are angry. Perhaps they have a girl waiting for them back home. Or children on the porch hoping to see their old man again. Maybe one day, they’ll feel guilt for what they’ve done. For we are Arceus as Arceus is us.”


    He strummed one last chord.


    “But listen. They’re coming. While we’re still in the midst of their wrath you oughta go and make tracks. On yer way now.”


    “…Thank you, Pop,” Avery said softly. “…We’re on borrowed time, Viz. We should take what we have and get going.”


    ‘Escape? Arceus escaped?


    That couldn’t be right. Surely not, Arceus…escaping? Why would he escape what he’d made? Why would he run away, if he was a creator? If he’s put someone like me here?


    …Escape…is that what Paradise is?


    …I have to focus on my own escape right now. Ours.’


    Vizon nodded, turning back to Pop.


    “From me as well, Pop. Thank you.”


    “That’s what I like to hear. Arceus bless your souls on your path.” The Bibarel lowered his head, going silent, returning to his guitar.


    Vizon turned to Avery, motioning for him to follow as he quickly ran out of the cabin.


    Outside, Avery could hear it: Sounds of sloshing. Grass rustling. Voices.


    To their right, a trail of lights shone bright. Vizon set the box in his satchel, waving to Avery as he began running quickly down the path.


    “D’you hear that?”


    “Think we got em?”


    “Dunno, keep looking!”


    Avery kept his voice down…but he kept his pace up. He knew they’d be onto them soon. They wouldn’t be able to hide forever. He just had to hope that that box would do something for them. Avery’s hand found Vizon’s and clutched it.


    Vizon was panting again, gripping Avery’s hand firmly, securely, refusing to let go. Avery could see, in the brief flashes when the lights on the trail rolled over Vizon’s face. Determination in his eye.


    Team Azure never gave up.


    The sounds of rustling intensified. It began to surround them again. Though there was no whooping, no laughter.


    The Mud boys were equally determined.


    The pair’s feet did not touch water as they both ran. The trail followed solid ground. With every inch, the darkness grew thicker, thicker, as though they were squinting their eyes with no control.






    Vizon and Avery BURST through a wall of darkness, the light of the sun on them once again, blinding. Avery looked around, seeing the enormous dome of darkness they just escaped, the haze towering like a monolith over the swamp.


    A laugh rolled through the trees.


    Vizon whipped his head around, staying close to Avery. It was clear the Mud Boys hadn’t given up the search, not by a long shot.


    “You boys are as slippery as a greased up Magikarp.” The voice barked from within the dome of darkness, behind the veil of shadow.


    Vizon tugged at Avery’s paw. The Plusle could see something, just ahead! Just under an archway and across a final stretch of wetlands, Avery could see buildings! It was Taeriana!




    Vizon yelped, backpedaling! A massive wooden gate crashed down, blocking the archway and trapping them in the marsh. Avery glanced around, seeing crude wood fencing to block them off. Mechanisms and structures stood, including a torch spotlight shining into the dome of the darkness, clearly the same that had followed them.


    Another cruel laugh rang out. Closer. Vizon whipped around, getting ready, Avery following suit.


    From the opaque dome of darkness and into the sunlight emerged one Poke’mon. Just one Poke’mon.


    A huge, towering Muk slid from the dark like a demon, eyes glowing.


    “You boys gunna learn quick: you’re a LOOONG way from Arceliaze.”


    A Tangela and a Polywag burst from the water behind Avery and Vizon. The Tangela shot a firework into the air, a bright red explosion popping off into the air.


    “I got all my boys in the swamp coming here, just fer you.” The Muk cooed tauntingly. “Until they get here, I guess it’s just us to scuffle with? Not like it’ll make a difference!”


    Avery flinched from the firework, pulling himself a little closer to Vizon in the meantime.


    The box…Avery didn’t know what was in it. But he saw the town. He saw Taeriana. And that gave him courage.


    “Is this how you get your sick kicks? You all…you all really so weak that you need numbers in the high twenties to take down two ‘boys’?” Avery panted. “Wh…what a laugh…”


    Mnyeh is this how you get your sick kiiiicks~” The Muk taunted, the two Poke’mon behind the pair snickering. “Boy you got a heck of a mouth for someone boutta lose his teeth.”


    The Tangela slammed its vine whips on the ground threateningly.


    “…We’re almost there, Vizon,” Avery grunted, the Riolu nodding. “…Just a little longer and we’re out of here.”


    Avery’s hands sparked. The oran berry, the box…the indignation stewing somewhere in his body…




    Two bolts seared from Avery’s arms into his hands like swords, jittering and jolting with electric energy.


    The Poke’mon whooped! A WATERGUN FIRED. A VINE! The Muk reached down and threw Mud! All the attacks converged!


    It was on!


    Avery charged forwards, pulling Vizon with him as he spun a bolt around once, twice, and threw it directly towards the face of the Muk blocking the path! The lightning CUT through the mud slap, DISINTEGRATING it! The Muk only managed a shocked face before the electricity SLAMMED into him!


    Vizon, pulled forward, spun, swinging a wide aura ball. The energy STREAKED into a tree, knocking bark off. It crumpled down onto the Tangela. Water shot up in a massive splash! Vizon grabbed Avery’s body, CHUCKING him toward the Poliwag as he spun to follow-up the lightning bolt with a MACH PUNCH, STRIKING the Muk’s face with SHATTERING force.


    Avery slammed into the Poliwag, grabbing it, flipping around and discharging, slamming it into the ground! The Poliwag screamed, POUNDING into the ground and CRATERING it as electricity SHOT out into the damp air, giving a jolt to the other Poke’mon!


    “Now, Viz-!!” Avery yelled, backing off, reading another shot of lightning!


    The Muk was furious! He grabbed Vizon’s arm and THREW him to the side! The Riolu rolled, jumping away and firing another Aura Ball!


    The Muk CAUGHT it in his arm, CRUSHING the ball of energy in his powerful grasp!


    “Oh no, boy, I’m not some farm maiden. You’re gunna have to do better than that!”


    More laughter and whooping came from the dome of darkness behind Muk. Two Grimers stepped through with a pair of Tangela.


    Vizon grimaced, Avery clenching his fist, their backs to the gate. They were coming…but it wasn’t all of the Mud Boys yet. Vizon backpedaled, rejoining Avery, fists ready.


    “We just have to last long enough for them all to get here…” Vizon muttered, remembering the Bibarel’s words.


    “How will we know when it’s all of them…?” Avery stepped around, back pressed to Vizon’s, taking two more thunderbolts into his arms. He didn’t know how many more of these he had in him for the moment. They were more reliable than the Super-Amped Explosive Discharge or whatever Avery called it, but…he knew he couldn’t keep making them forever.


    Vizon’s eyes glowed, brow furrowed.


    “Fifteen…no, twenty more are coming. Their auras are red hot.” Vizon shot his arm out, an aura ball striking a Tangela, blasting it aside. “Ready…? Here we go!”


    Two more Tangela came out. Six…


    They threw their vine whips at Vizon. He jumped, spinning to kick once. Twice. Batting the vines away. He landed, body low, right under a rock throw from the Muk. Then a JUMP to the side past a water gun! He spun, fist clenched, PUNCHING a Poliwag as it came out of the dark. Seven…


    “Avery! Two coming out on your side!” He yelled, spinning to kick an emerging Tangela. Eight…Nine…Ten…


    A water gun SHOT at Avery from the dark. Avery leapt and spun at the water gun, his foot shattering it as it came, spraying he and Vizon with the residue, unharmed.


    Two Tangela threw their vine whips to SNARE the Plusle! Avery parried one with a shot of lightning. He spun for the other but was too slow! It wrapped around his arm and waist, whipping and SLAMMING him in the mud onto his back. Avery desperately struggled against it, trying to pull himself up. If he didn’t get this thing off of him it could go south fast!


    The vine DRAGGED Avery toward two approaching Grimers. Eleven…Twelve…


    Vizon fired one last Aura Sphere at Avery, STRIKING the vine and severing it. Avery struggled, still tangled on the ground as the Grimers readied their fists to POUND him!


    “Avery! Avery!” Vizon yelled out, only to be struck from behind, making him stumble. A vine tripped him. A Watergun shot him in midair. He crashed. Rolled. A Grimer came to deliver another pound as the vine THRASHED Vizon.


    One. Two pounds! They embedded Avery into the mud, entrenching him!


    He couldn’t see. He couldn’t move. He was still conscious, still holding on, barely. The vines around his body held fast. Buried in the mud, he was grounded, Avery couldn’t build up a charge like this! His arms were stuck in the mud, unable to pull his face out!


    Two more Poliwags jumped into the fray! Thirteen…Fourteen…


    And another two from the water, firing off water guns as soon as they appeared! Fifteen…Sixteen…


    Avery was completely blinded to his surroundings.


    ‘How far are we…? What’s in that box-?!’


    “AUGH!” Vizon yelled, rolling on his stomach and GRABBING the Grimer’s hand, tossing him aside. The vine STRUCK again. The Riolu screamed, grabbing the vine harshly, PULLING hard. The Tangela yelped!


    The waterguns hit Vizon’s head, but he POWERED through it. Only one eye opened, he stood, swinging the Tangela wide! Like a flail, the Tangela SLAMMED into Avery’s attackers!


    Avery scrambled away just as another water gun BLASTED the spot he just was. His vision was blurred, obscured by mud. He flung his arms, shots of lightning firing wide. He stumbled back, a vine whipping past his head! He grabbed it! Discharged! The Tangela screamed in pain only for a stray water gun shot to SLAM into Avery’s side, making the exhausted Plusle stumble onto his knee.


    “You gettin TIRED, boys?” Muk taunted, throwing rocks at Vizon. He dove. JUMPED over vines. Rolled under more rocks. Waterguns! DOVE again as another Tangela surprised him from the dark. Seventeen! He punched a Poliwag aside, pirouetting out of the way of a vine whip! He spun into a kick to a Grimer. And immediately had to DIVE from a watergun from another new Poliwag. Eighteen!


    Vizon LEAPT for Avery, hands STRIKING his body to push him out of the way of a HAILSTORM of rocks! The rocks pelted his back. He cried out, throwing Avery aside into the mud.


    And Vizon fell unconscious.


    The bag glowed, a reviver seed turning to a plain seed.  Vizon GASPED, awake! He SCRAMBLED from another vine whip from a new Tangela, followed by a Grimer’s mud slap. Nineteen…Twenty! That was all twenty Mud Boys, here and in the fray!!


    Vizon scrambled on all fours to Avery, backed up to the gate, pulling the Plusle close. Both of them were exhausted, outnumbered.


    “Ohhh you’re in for it now!” The Muk smugly taunted to the panting team. “This is the end for you guild kids!”


    “Avery, that’s all of them…!” Vizon hissed, fumbling for his satchel, pulling the box out!


    Avery was bruised, battered, not doing great, but…alive. They were both alive.


    Avery squinted his eyes shut, paws finding the latch of the box…and he yanked the lid open!


    The inside of the box was lined with velvet. Inside it was filled…filled with seeds. Seeds painted many colors, red, blue, yellow, green.


    Vizon’s eyes widened, looking in.


    “B-Blast seeds. Hundreds of them. From the fireworks master himself…”


    He looked to Avery only a moment.


    Then he grabbed a handful!


    “START CHUCKING!” Vizon screamed, tossing the seeds out!


    “… Oh shit-“


    Avery closed his eyes, took a handful, and threw!


    The reaction was immediate!


    Explosions ERUPTED! The trees shook! Swayed! Poke’mon screamed!




    “GET DOWN”




    The blast seeds SHOT out. One explosion CASCADED others. Sparks flew! Blue explosions! Red popping! Green sparks flew here and there! Shot into the sky! Covered the ground!


    Trees were set ablaze!


    Poke’mon ran all over!






    Vizon, wide-eyed, kept throwing! Throwing! Throwing! Every which way, throwing! His fur BLASTED back with every explosion! Smoke BILLOWED everywhere! The gate behind the two chipped! Crumbled! BLEW AWAY!






    Poke’mon trampled over each other! Fell over each other! A Tangela dug into the ground! Explosions rocked everywhere! Bright! Avery couldn’t see ANYTHING but RED AND BLUE LIGHTS!



    Avery just grabbed handfuls and chucked! Chucked more! Vizon, in a panic, grabbed the whole box, throwing it forward!


    “COVER YOUR EARS!” He screamed, slamming into the ground to take cover!


    Avery squeaked, pulling his ears down over his head! This was it!


    All around them, HEAT! A BRIGHT FLASH! SPARKLES! Fireballs SOARING into the sky! The cloud of darkness BLOWN AWAY! Whizzing crackles of fire ZOOMING into the marsh. Polywags and Tangelas SCREAMED, CARRIED OFF BY SOARING FIREWORKS SHOOTING OFF INTO THE GREAT WHO-KNOWS-WHERE.


    Trees CRUMBLED. Exploded! Water rushed as the ground cratered, fell away! Water shot up! Trees UPROOTED! Blown back! Blue and green FLASHED! Fire CASCADED through the swamp. A heavy smoke scent SWIRLED!


    “GET DOWN!”


    Vizon slammed Avery’s face into the mud, a blast seed SOARING over them, CRASHING into the gate. Wood SPLINTERED. Beams FLYING. Grimers flew into the air, scattered, screamed and were knocked out! Sparkles fell to the ground!


    With the last whizzing and whistling, both Avery and Vizon’s ears were ringing.


    And there…about a dozen Poke’mon, Muk included, lie on the ground, totally unconscious.


    And behind them?


    Shallow Marsh’s brand new lake.


    The smoke was thick, dust settling. A dull echo thrummed in the air, slowly getting quieter. A brief snap signaled a tree tumbling over a ways off. Avery was panting as he lifted his head up. Vizon wheezed, lifting himself and shaking the dust and mud from his fur.


    “… I…” Avery swallowed, looking at the scene and clutching Vizon closely. “… I, uh… Are we…are they…”


    Avery couldn’t help but laugh a bit.


    “… Haah… How’s… How’s about that box, huh…?”


    Vizon gazed across the destruction and knocked-out Poke’mon, shaking…but ecstatic. Wide-eyed.


    “How…are we…okay? Did we really just pull that off?” The Rioly laughed, sweating, getting to his feet, knees wobbling.


    He looked among the Poke’mon fallen. He chuckled, plucking off his badge, pressing it to a Polywag, arresting them in a flash of light.


    “In the inky black of the universe, Arceus made the centerpiece: Karthas.” Vizon recited, arresting a Grimer, then a Tangela.


    Finally, he came to the Muk, who was just barely starting to come to, staring up at the Riolu.


    “Huh…what happened?” The Muk groaned, dazed.


    “It was here…” Vizon began, holding the badge out. “…he created all poke’mon to uphold his creation.”


    In a flash the Muk was gone.


    “Practice that one in your jail cell.”


    Vizon stood for a while, surveying the now empty marshlands, a look of relief on his face. Avery flopped back on the path with a sigh.


    “… Well. We… We won’t… Have to deal with them on the way back.” Avery puffed, exhausted. His chest was heaving. “Good lord I don’t blame Lahnae and Loshjno for having trouble-“


    “I can’t believe Lahnae even tried to take this on…” Vizon shook his head in utter disbelief. “But hey…you’re right! The swamp’s safe now!”


    He fist pumped, a wide grin on his face.


    “We’re DOING it! Yeah! Team Azure NEVER gives up! I told you!”


    He knelt by Avery, offering his hand, looking over at the now ruined gate, reduced to rubble and splinters. Beyond was the village of Taeriana. Even from here, Avery could see villagers standing outside, staring in their direction, no doubt concerned by the commotion.


    “Well, what’s say we go get our voucher?”


    “… Hopefully they aren’t too mad about us making a new water feature,” Avery said with an uneasy laugh, taking Vizon’s hand and standing up. “But we… We apprehended the Mud Boys! That’s… That’s good, right….?”


    Vizon smiled, holding Avery’s hand tight as they both made your way toward Taeriana.


    “Go go, Team Azure! To Taeriana!”


    Chapter 9.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================


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    1. Mar 11, '24 at 11:55 am

      Their secret weapon? bombs… loooooots of bombs.