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    Chapter 9.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The comfort stayed with Avery.


    The warmth.


    The closeness.


    But as consciousness left him…as the world became a black void…so too did their soft touches seem to melt away.


    It was colder. Darker.




    ‘N… No I… I want… I want to stay in Vizon’s arms-‘


    ‘I wanted him to-‘


    It was too late. He was here again. Alone again. Those soft blue lights, always just slightly unable to be seen, returned.


    Just faintly…Avery could hear a low beep. Quiet, nigh imperceptible.




    “…healing…normal…taking to the new body well. Helloooo, Avery, how are you feeling?”


    The voice was…vaguely familiar. Avery’s hands no longer felt charred.


    “…” Avery sighed. Here it was again. The clinical voices in the back of his mind. He supposed he’d humor them. This was the first time they seemed to be talking directly to him, though.


    “… I’m fine,” Avery said. “…I still don’t know who you are.”


    “Goood, good, now hold still this won’t hu-“


    The blue lights vanished.


    All was silent but for a deep hum. And that voice Avery remembered…


    “If you saw a wallet on the side of the road, what would you do with it?”


    Avery remembered his answer. It didn’t wait for his reply.


    “What Did you Want to Be As A Child?”

    “Would You Open an Envelope With the Date of Your Death Inside?”

    “If you could see a measuring scale above people’s heads, what would you want this scale to measure?”

    “Would you be friends with yourself?”

    “Wait, I-“ Avery groaned. “Come on-“

    “If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?”

    “You see a cube. How large is it?”

    “Where is it located? What is its surroundings?”

    “There is a ladder by the cube. How large is it? How is it oriented to the cube?”

    “Never lose your humanity.”


    A whisper.


    Avery put his face in his hands. He had no idea who this was.


    “… What do you mean new body?? You mean…the Plusle thing? If you’re not Arceus too, then who are you??”


    ‘Never lose my humanity. These questions. All these questions…’


    ‘What did it all mean?’


    “human…you’re a human…”


    Nothing responded to Avery.


    “…are you afraid of forgetting you’re human?”


    The whispers were…many.


    “…don’t lose who you were.”

    “…don’t let it slip away.”

    “…don’t let it be replaced.”


    “… Why would I forget?” Avery said, narrowing his eyes. “How could I forget that I’m not from here? Did…did you people make the words morph in front of me when I try to read? Are you people why I’m a Plusle?”


    ..something…bothered him. Made a pit form in the bottom of his stomach.


    “…replaced by what…?”


    The voices were silent for a moment at his final question.


    But finally one last voice answered.


    A whisper.


    A chill rolled through the black void.


    It was…


    I’m your best friend now.”




    Avery felt a shock.


    beep beep beep beep beep


    “…that’s not right…”


    Avery jolted. What was that?


    “P…please…” Avery put his hands to his face. “Please, give me some answers…who are you?? What’s not right? Who are you all??”


    “Pull him out, quick!”


    The orb returned. A voice came, Arceus’s, a memory of him. A cacophony.


    “You MUST befriend the pokemon-“


    “Pull him out, I said!”


    “You WILL befriend the Pokémon.”




    “By befriending Pokémon, you’ll save the world.”


    Screaming screaming screaming screaming.


    [[ EJECT ]]


    Avery jolted awake, a scream caught in his throat. His paws ached…his fingers ached from how much he was squeezing Vizon’s body. How hard he was holding on.


    His chest was soaked. It was a good few seconds before Avery realized that was because tears were coming down his own face.


    They were becoming worse. The dreams were becoming worse.


    Avery buried his face back into Vizon’s chest, hiccupping quietly as he tried to calm himself down. Avery didn’t even know if him and Nivanee were awake yet…


    …but it wasn’t Vizon’s chest.


    It was a pillow. Instead of a soft mattress…Avery was now on the floor, several feet from the bed in the center of the room.


    Light shone through the window. Nivanee’s room. On the bed, Vizon slept. Nivanee was nowhere to be found.


    ‘… A pillow. I’d fallen off.’


    ‘Or I was pushed.’


    Avery clutched the pillow harder.


    ‘Why does this feel worse? Why does this feel so much worse…?’


    Avery curled up, fingers clenched against the fabric of the pillow. The hiccups turned into quiet sobs.


    ‘…why am I sad? Why did this all make me so sad? Why does everything hurt…? Was it…was it the ice cream from last night?’


    On the bed, Vizon’s ear twitched. Avery heard him let out a deep, guttural sigh as he awoke, lifting himself from the bed, stretching. His ear twitched again, turning his head to look towards the Plusle.


    “…Avery? Lil’ buddy? Hey, are you ok?”


    No hesitation. Despite the drowsiness weighing down his limbs, he threw the bedsheet off, hopping off the bed to kneel by Avery.


    “Avery? Avery what’s wrong?”


    It took an embarrassing amount of time for Avery to realize Vizon was there, talking to him. Avery squeezed the pillow tighter, curling into myself.


    “I… I don’t…” Avery was trying to force his voice to keep level through the hitches. “I don’t know what’s going on anymore… Th… The dreams, they’re… They’re getting messier, they’re getting worse- there’s some- there’s…. There’s something wrong with me-“


    “Dreams? You had a bad dream?” Vizon asked, trying to glean what was happening in his groggy state. Unable to process much the boy opted to just throw himself onto Avery, wrapping his arms around and hugging tight.


    “You’re awake, Avery, it’s fine. I got you…”


    “… There’s… There’s something wrong with me…” Avery repeated, trying his best to focus on Vizon, focus on his warmth coiled around his body. His arms around him.


    ‘He has me.’


    “I… I’m being… I’m being experimented on, there’s… There’s people other than Arceus talking to me in the dreams. I’m… I-I’m… I’m some… T-test subject or something, I-I don’t know…”


    Vizon stroked his paw over Avery’s head, nodding as the Plusle spoke.


    “That…sounds like a scary dream…” Vizon sighed, patting Avery’s head. “But it’s just a dream, right? It’s not real. You’re awake now, everything is ok…”


    He did his best to comfort Avery…though it was clear Vizon knew he’d be scared, too, just from the description.


    “… It… They’re not dreams,” Avery said, turning slightly to press against him. “Th… They aren’t dreams though, we both know that. They’re…they’re supposed to be from Arceus himself, they’re…they’re the same. But…”


    Avery was shaking. How long had he been shaking?


    He looked down at his paws. They’d been healed in the dream… now they were clean and no longer stung, as though all the burning had been wiped away. Vizon squeezed softly, tucking Avery under his chin as he pet his head.


    “You’re going to be ok…” Vizon cooed gently. “I’ll protect you.”


    For a while, a long while, the both of them simply sat there in the morning light of Nivanee’s room.


    ‘I’m your best friend now.’


    ‘That had been his voice. Why was he there…? The… The voices… Had they meant that this wasn’t right? That I wasn’t…’


    ‘No. No, he was always supposed to be my friend, my protector. That’s… They asked me. They asked me who would be my protector and my answer was Vizon. He wouldn’t…he couldn’t be wrong.’


    Avery’s thoughts were broken when he heard the door unlatch.


    “Breakfast tiiiime~!” Nivanee’s cheery voice cascaded through the room as she entered, plates on her head and back. Avery jumped at Nivanee’s entrance, feeling a well of shame bubble up in his core. “We got time before the wake up call so…”


    Her voice trailed off, staring at the pair as they hugged.


    ‘Did… Did she even know? Did I tell her? No. Nobody knew I was human. Nobody but Vizon.’


    “Is…everything ok…?” Nivanee asked, deeply concerned. She set the plates down, rushing over as Vizon squeezed Avery harder.


    “Just…a bad dream.” Vizon said, stroking the Plusle’s head fur.


    “I-it… It wasn’t…” Avery looked up at Vizon. “You know. Y-you were there, with me, I-in the square, you know they aren’t just dreams…. R-right…?”


    Avery’s voice was low, though he stopped when Nivanee got close. Avery wiped at his face, trying to calm down.


    “Oh Avery, you look so shaken, poor thing…” Nivanee nosed in, nuzzling Avery’s cheek. “Do you need anything? A drink of water?”


    “I… Thank you, I… I’ll be okay, it’s just…”


    A deep shuddering breath in and out.


    “… It’s a recurring bad dream.” Avery said at last.


    “All that matters now is that it’s over…” Vizon assured, squeezing again.


    “Recurring…?” Nivanee looked to Vizon who tried to not meet her gaze. “…what of? Can you say…?”


    “He might not want to talk about it…” Vizon spoke softly, petting over Avery.


    “We could always have these pancakes I made…they always make me feel better…” Nivanee offered.


    Avery took a breath, and nodded a little.


    “…Thanks, Niv, that…that might help. I just…”


    Avery sat up, wiping at his face again. He looked at Vizon, hoping that his expression made his question clear.


    ‘Should we tell her…?’


    As Nivanee turned to get the plates Vizon shook his head.


    “It may be best we keep it to ourselves for now…” he whispered softly, squeezing Avery again. He looked up as Nivanee set a plate by each of them, and another for herself.


    Wheat and nut pancakes with Oran and Cheri berries mixed in. Nivanee gently changed the subject.


    “Thick fog’s out today.” She made small talk, keeping an encouraging smile. “Probably will be here until tonight.”


    Vizon nodded, letting go of Avery. The Plusle did his best to gather himself, sitting in front of the pancakes, though keeping close to Vizon all the while. Nivanee was already nibbling at her pancakes as Vizon did the same, cross-legged.


    “Looks chilly, huh?” Vizon said, nudging Avery. Just more small talk. Coming down from the nightmare. Returning to normalcy.


    Vizon and Nivanee both quietly poked at their food. The Riolu was the first to break the lull in conversation.


    “Yesterday was pretty tough, huh?” He said, looking to Avery and Nivanee. The other two nodded solemnly, to which Vizon only gave a warm smile “But that’s okay! For whatever tough stuff we faced yesterday, the sun is up again and it’s a brand new day ahead of us. And whatever is wrong with the world we’ll make it right. Right?”


    “I suppose…yes~!” Nivanee giggled, finishing up her plate. Avery took a deep breath, letting the nightmare sink into being a memory. Nothing more. He took to the pancakes heartily, just like the other two.


    Avery soon finished off the pancake, giving a short sigh.


    “…you guys are my friends and family, you know?” He said, a warm look in his eye. “Even after everything’s that happened, even when I can’t remember anything…you’ve become my family. And…you all matter a lot to me. I want to do good by this guild…!”


    “That’s the spirit, Avery.” Nivanee said, brightening up even more. “You’ll always be my family, too!”


    Vizon gave Avery a sideways glance and a smile but said nothing, finishing off his plate of food at last. Just as he did…




    “Ah, there we go! Bright and early ahead of the gong, just how I like it~!” Nivanee cheered even as Vizon covered his ears.


    Avery ended up pulling his ears down, wincing a little.


    “How…h-how do you not flinch from that at least-?? Y-your ears are nearly bigger than mine are-!”


    “Well instead of hurting me, I let it pump me up!” Nivanee replied.


    “That doesn’t make se-“




    Vizon flinched, eyes squinting. Nivanee got up to her feet in a flash, pulling open the door to let them both out.


    “Come on, come on! Let’s be first in line!” She cheered. Vizon sighed, softly gripping Avery’s hand to guide him to the guild hall.


    “I got you.” He whispered, standing up and starting after Nivanee. Avery stumbled after him.


    “…I’m jealous of her pep in the morning…how do you hack your brain into letting something like that pu-“




    “…pump you up…?”


    Nivanee didn’t respond…or more likely didn’t hear.


    Behind Avery and Vizon they could see Lahnae and Loshjno exiting their room, the Torchic sporting a rag on her head and chugging water from a flask. Kipuuna was waiting for her halfway down the hall, the expression on his face a mixture of nannying annoyance and amusement as she passed, Ganisus following close behind him.


    As Avery and Vizon exited out into the guildhall, Avery took his place beside Nivanee at the end of the line as the other guildmates filed in. Nivanee had an ecstatic look on her face and it was clear to see why.


    At the front of the guildhall, sitting on a chair by Sarfallinus, was Olistia. In person, politely sitting with a purple silencing bubble encasing her head as Sarfallinus rung the loud gong.


    Avery stood up a little straighter.


    ‘Right, she was…visiting today…’


    Avery gave Lahnae a sympathetic glance.


    ‘Having a hangover wasn’t the best impression for someone like Olista seeing you, huh?’


    “…Why does she have the bubble over her…?” Avery whispered up to Vizon, giving the Gardevoir a little wave from his place in line.




    “That’s why, I imagine.” Vizon replied.


    Olistia saw Avery waving, giving a wide smile and an excited wave of her own. No guards, no crowds. She was so much more…relaxed here. Vizon snickered at the sight.


    Sarfallinus set down the ringer by the door, looking out toward the guildmates as Olistia dismissed the silencing bubble.


    “Guild!” He called, bringing everyone at the ready. “Look alive, we’ve an important gu-“


    Hellooooo everyooone!” Olistia popped up onto her feet, excitedly bounding over to the line. Sarfallinus seemed to wilt at her interruption, the guild Poke’mon almost immediately breaking formation to gather around Olistia.


    “Ohhh it’s SO good to see you all again~!” She cooed, nuzzling into Kipuuna and Ganisus. “Kipuuna, Ganisus, have you been keeping safe and well?”


    “As ever, ma’am!” Kipuuna assured, nudging Ganisus who didn’t reply but accepted the affectionate gesture anyway.


    “And Lahnae, Loshjnooo, I’ve been getting reports about your daring-do. I’m so glad you’re both still giving it your all. Lesser teams would never have the gumption to stick with it like you~!”


    Lahnae blushed, keeping a proud look on her face which Loshjno mirrored.


    “Ah, where’s Nini? I had that cake recipe for h-there you are~!”


    Nivanee giggled, bounding up into her arms, the Gardevoir merrily picking her up into a hug.


    At last, as Olistia set Nivanee down, she laid her crimson eyes on Avery and Vizon.


    “Ahaaa, there you both are! Having fun at the guild, Avery?”


    The Plusle was…very taken aback by all this. His eyes darted to Sarfallinus for a moment, a silent question asked:


    ‘Is this normal??’


    Sarfallinus avoided Avery’s gaze, only maintaining his professional composure…best he could. Chuckling, Avery looked up at Olistia instead, finally letting go of Vizon’s hand out of self-consciousness.


    “It was a little rough to start, but…I think I’m really starting to hit my stride here. Me and Vizon both!” Avery said, the atmosphere of the guild rubbing off on him slowly. “We, uh…I’m sure you heard, but…we chose Team Azure as the name!”


    “Yes, I did hear!” The Gardevoir replied, kindly. “It’s such a nice name, the kind you could hear in legends…”


    “Olistiaaa, you said that about all our team names.” Nivanee jokingly tattled. The Gardevoir snickered, kneeling by Avery and Vizon, the other Poke’mon crowding around them.


    “And I mean it every time. But, good~! I’m so glad you’ve taken to guild life. Making new friends…” She patted Avery’s head with a warm smile. “I heard you get along well with the others, isn’t that right, everyone?”


    Everyone nodded happily in affirmation. Olistia giggled.


    “You all really are a little family away from family…”


    However, at the front, Sarfallnus coughed.


    “Ah, Conduit?” He prodded. “Perhaps we should proceed?”


    Olistia tsked.


    Sarfiiii, surely we need not be so dour and business-y around the guildmates all the time?” Olistia pouted, standing and dusting herself off. “Ohh, don’t give me that look. I’ll begin right away.”


    Avery tried to fall back in line with the others, even though there wasn’t much a line to speak of now.


    “Now then, everyone, I suppose we’ll start with the basics.” Olistia said, taking on a more formal tone. A serious look crossed her eye as she now began her explanation.


    Everyone mirrored it at once.


    “Please understand this is not information we could send by letter nor courier. The fewer documents out in the wild about this and the less people that know of it the better, so every word spoken here is henceforth considered top level state secure information.”


    Everyone nodded.


    “To recap the previous events, Team Azure encountered notorious Thieves’ Guild captain and co-founder, Xamao, aka ‘The Wounded Dragon’. It was here at Windscorch Mountain where he made off with a map created by a cartographer sub-contracted by the Arceliaze Board of Historical Research. The Conduicy, that is to say I and my advisors, commissioned the board for the creation of this map. But up until now we’ve kept the map’s contents a closely-guarded secret.”


    She paused, gauging the guild’s expressions.


    “Who all here knows the stories of the legendary birds? Moltres? Articuno? Zapdos?”


    Nivanee, Kipuuna and, surprisingly, Vizon all raised a paw.


    “Ah good. Yes, I refer to the story of the secret defense Arceus bestowed on ancient Arceans long after the time he still walked among Poke’mon as a equal before creating paradise. From his hand were created three birds of earth-shattering power who would obey whomever held three pearls, each corresponding to a bird. These pearls were the keys to awakening the great protectors and your mark as their leader.”


    Olistia began to pace down the guild hall, never taking her eyes off the guild members.


    “The pearls were long ago scattered and lost throughout Arcea, for the better I imagine. But given the state of the world and the increase in savagery and crime, they have slowly but surely become a matter of grave concern. For these pearls to simply be loose in some cave or underground pit is dangerous to all of Arcea, especially with loot-hungry criminal treasure hunting organizations like The Treasure Guild at large, digging up swaths of land, finding things even our own board of historical research was unaware of.”


    She paused, eyes closed.


    “And, thus, the map. A few urns or ancient statuettes stolen is one thing, but pearls that act as the key to something as dangerous as the Legendary Birds could not be left alone. The map was made not just to pinpoint the exact location of the pearls but also detailed answers to riddles, traps, hidden pathways, all pieced together by folklore, interview and intensive research and land travel short of visiting the sites themselves. Just as the map was finished…now it’s been stolen and is in the hands of Xamao.”


    She opened her eyes again, staring sharply at the guild.


    “I will not lie, with these facts alone…the situation is grim. The Arceali elites, by castle mandate, are on full alert, on near constant patrols and hunts dawn to dusk for Xamao at this time.”


    Avery’s heart sank.


    ‘That map…it was this important?’


    His shoulders sagged.


    ‘I should have stood up to Xamao. Maybe I could have done something. At least if the map was torn, or burned, the Thieves’ Guild wouldn’t have a step by step recipe to ultimate power.’


    Avery stayed silent. Though he started fiddling with his hands again.


    ‘What are we going to be able to do about this? If Xamao has a walkthrough and we’re flying blind…’


    After a pause, Olistia continued.


    “Thusly, here is the state of things: The cartographer is only able to remember a very general location of each pearl, save for the Water Pearl, of course. All other information has been lost, as the map bundle included her research notes as well. We have to work on approximations while limiting Xamao’s movement. The search area perimeters are being locked down.”


    The guildmates nodded.


    “Thus…this is where the Arceali guild comes in.”


    Everyone’s head perked.


    “For now, all Sarfallinus guild members are being redirected to focus solely on reconnaissance and information gathering. Sarfallinus and I will be hand-picking assignments for each team more maximum resource utilization. These missions are all to be considered of top priority, ASAP, STAT and without delay above all other tasks.”


    Sarfallinus took a parchment from Estaloni, Olistia gesturing towards him as Sarfallinus began to speak.


    “This morning, Olistia and I have gone over the to-do list and have dolled out tasks appropriately.” Sarfallinus unfurled the parchment, reading the assignments:


    “Firstly, Team Spade, with your previous mission at Shallow Marsh going poorly yesterday you will be reassigned with a Tall Woods sweep and Thieves guild inquiry at Souljraan. And, no arguments, please.”


    Lahnae huffed indignantly, no doubt seeing it as a baby job but nodding all the same.


    “Second, Team Aquashock, you’ll be on a easternmost sweep. Do not engage any Thieves Guild members if found, only record and report.”


    “Yes, guildmaster.” Kipuuna said at once. Sarfallinus moved down the line.


    “Niv…” He stopped, sighing. “…Team Duskwalker…we need a report on the security situation at Yahneri port, particularly concerning the museum where the Water Pearl is held.”


    “Y…Yahneri port, sir?” She stammered before recovering, straightening her posture.


    “You’re the most familiar with the area, and thus you’d give the most valuable audit.”


    Nivanee looked as though she wanted to protest further but held her tongue, only nodding.


    At last, Sarfallinus turned to Avery and Vizon.


    “Finally, Team Azure, we’re going to need to consult a particularly powerful psychic at Dove Fo Uddjo, the city of psychics, to track Xamao and hopefully divine what exactly he plans to do with the pearls…or the map, at least. Unfortunately, it’s an independent city-state, and their aloofness toward Arcean matters means that, emergency or not, we need to get a voucher, which means requesting one from Teariana, their affiliate village.


    Vizon tilted his head curiously, as Sarfallinus finished:


    “You’ll be tasked with going to Taeriana through the Shallow Marsh to retrieve a Dove Fo Uddjo voucher today.”


    He wrapped up the parchment, adding one last thing.


    “As said before, Team Spade had a mission go bad in that area yesterday. You may need to consult them for the details to be better prepared.”


    “…Guess we’re going there faster than expected, huh, bud…?” Avery whispered, looking up at Vizon, before returning his gaze back to Sarfallinus. “Yes, sir. Understood.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, turning his gaze across the guild hall.


    “Well then..those are your orders. I expect the best from all of you, as ever. Prepare, do your best, and we’ll nab Xamao in no time.”


    “AYE” The whole guild responded, Olistia softly clapping her hands at the unified acknowledgement.


    “Guild!” Sarfallinus called. “Dimissed!”


    The guild went to work immediately.


    No longer was this the relaxed milling of the day-to-day. They were alight with movement, making plans, running here and there. Nivanee was gone in an instant, followed by Kipuuna. Like magic the guild cleared out.


    “Oh, and, Avery?” Olistia’s voice piped up. “May I speak to you for a moment?”


    Avery stiffened, and looked over to her. He breathed a sigh of relief.


    “I was actually going to ask if I could talk to you privately for a second, so I’m glad you spoke up. Should…Vizon come, or…?”


    “He can. I assume you already told him.” Olistia lowered down to her knees. She nodded to Sarfallinus, dismissing him back to his office, the Guild Master taking Estaloni with him. She turned her attention back to Avery. “You had a bad dream last night, did you not?”


    “…” Avery let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging. “…The past few nights, actually. Even…even the ones with Arceus in them, there’s…some undertone to it that I don’t understand. It’s…it’s scaring me.”


    Olistia laughed softly, hearing that.


    “Would you believe me if I told you those were meant to relax you?” She asked. “I talked to Arceus today, as I do, you know.”


    Vizon perked up.


    “The culture shock, the new body. In some way the memory loss can be a blessing but it can still incur stress. Arceus wanted these dreams to calm you, help you better acclimate. It’s by these dreams you’re able to read, for one.”


    She shook her head softly.


    “There seems to be some anxieties deep in you. Did you hear strange whispers last night? I’ve been told you may have heard voices of people you know…” She eyed Vizon. “…or, more to the point…used to know. Old memories mixing with recent, jumbled memories…it’s been rather unexpected, Arceus told me it’s not supposed to happen.”


    She paused, looking as though she was trying to find the words.


    “He suspects something is interfering. Possibly a…third party making things worse, exacerbating these dreams into memory shocks. We don’t know who these interlopers could be but…I have my suspicions in the Thieves’ Guild.”


    She softly bowed her head.


    “Arceus wished for me to extend an apology to you for the stressful dreams thus far. He will instead try to be sure these interlopers stop giving you restless sleep. No dreams is better than bad dreams, perhaps?”


    Avery frowned, unsure.


    “I…I don’t know about that,” He said slowly. “I don’t know, the voices, they’re…they’ve always been there. From the beginning. Even in the…in the very beginning, when I wasn’t a Plusle. I couldn’t hear them very well then, but…I recognize them, thinking back. They…they talk to me like I’m some sort of test subject. Getting used to this body, administer sedatives, they…I think they healed my hands?”


    He looked down at his paws. Clean and healed, as though he’d just imagined yesterday’s burns.


    “…They seem to know more than I do about…how I got here. And…and they’re talking to me like…like they know I’m here. Like they know what I’ve been up to. They played Arceus’s words back to me, they…they used Vizon’s voice, I think.”


    Olistia sighed softly.


    “Some things you remember, some things the person you used to be remembers.” Olistia said. There was an unreadable glint in her eye, even as she gave an assuring smile. “Perhaps those voices are also these interlopers? If my hunch is correct, Thieves’ Guild trying to play tricks on the Hero of Arceus…I think this ‘grave danger’ Arceus spoke of relates to the map, and the Thieves’ Guild acquisition of it. It frightens me to think, but the Thieves’ Guild may have a suspicion toward your role and seek to undermine you.”


    Olistia put a hand upon Avery’s shoulder softly, her smile warm as ever.


    “We’ll keep you safe. Though he doesn’t tell me everything, I trust Arceus, and I always have ever since I was a little Raltz. I hope you can as well. Trust in all your friends and everything will be ok.”


    “…Th…wait, they know who I am?” Avery’s eyes lit up in sudden fear. He clutched Vizon’s hand again. “T…they aren’t…they aren’t going to try and…t-take me or something, right? Or…or assassinate me?? I-I don’t…”


    ‘Okay. Calm down. It’ll be fine. You don’t know that yet.’


    “…What…what does Arceus look like in your dreams? Have…you ever seen him?”


    “They’d not try, for they know what would happen if they did.” Olistia’s voice was serious, her brow furrowed. Laced in her voice was the promise of a Conduit, a leader of a country and army.


    She took a breath, recomposing herself, smiling warmly again.


    “Arceus…is beautiful. Four legs…piercing and strong eyes, a flowing tail from his crown like beautiful flowing hair. A ring halo of gold encircling him. The essence of all the plates, all the types that a Poke’mon ever can be surround him. All life flows out from him. I think him sublime, breath-taking, that often I must remember to listen to his melodious voice.”


    She giggled softly.


    “But he does often appear as an orb to other Poke’mon. Really, only the Conduit sees Arceus in all his glory. Perhaps he is…shy~?”


    “…I’ve only ever seen him as an orb,” Avery said quietly. “And…and he…his voice was…he was asking me questions that he’d asked me at the start, but…as if I’d already answered them. He…he’s confusing me.”


    She laughed lightly, even garnering a chuckle from Vizon.


    “Don’t be so worried, Avery. All will be well, I promise.”


    Avery slumped.


    “I’m supposed to be a Hero of Arceus, but…I feel like I know so little. I feel like…I feel like everyone’s in on some joke, and…and I’m the big, cosmic punchline.”


    Olistia sighed, softly nodding…


    Then she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Avery, hugging close. Vizon looked surprised, even backing off to watch.


    “He will do better. I’m sorry, too.” She said. “If you’re a punchline then I am, too. I believe in my heart everything will make sense by the end, that you will one day do wonderful things for Arcea and everyone in it.”


    Avery stiffened…and sank into the hug.


    “…I really hope so. You’re…you’re too nice to be a punchline, Miss Olistia.”


    “Hero or not…well, Nivanee says it best.” Olistia squeezed the Plusle softly before pulling away with a cheeky smile. “…you’re guild. That makes you you-know-what.”


    She laughed lightly, petting the Plusle’s head, looking to Vizon.


    “You too, young, Vizon. It’s been a pleasure meeting Avery’s partner. You two make a perfect match~. Not unlike…”


    She eyed the door to Sarfallinus’s office with a smile.


    “I trust you both will be able to handle your mission?” She asked, earnestly.


    “We’ll do our best!” Vizon cheered.


    “We’ll head out as soon as we’re doing preparing.” Avery nodded with a smile.


    “In that case, good luck to the both of you!” Olistia stood, giving a soft wave and making her way to Sarfallinus’s office, opening it.


    “Oh Saaaarfiiii~!” She cooed, closing the door behind her.


    With a click, the guildhall was silent. Vizon let out a deep breath.


    “So…Shallow Marsh, huh? Getting some pass or Voucher to get in that weird city?” He said, recapping to himself. “Well…nothing to do but get ready. I hope we can catch Lahnae and Loshjno in time to ask about their time in the area and what happened to them.”


    He adjusted the strap on his satchel.


    “So where to first, Avery?” Vizon was checking the coin in his pouch. “And…what do you think we should take with us?”


    “Some rawst berries, for sure,” Avery said with a little nod. “Might want some more Orans, we went through a few there. And another Reviver Seed, used that on Rik…” 

    Avery frowned.


    “This dungeon doesn’t seem…suuuper action packed, so I’m not sure if Rik would enjoy it much…”


    Vizon nodded and took out a piece of paper, handing it to Avery.


    “Here, we can do it like yesterday! You give me a shopping list to follow while you take care of any other errands!”


    “Mm…I think one of those TMs we saw might be good for saving up for, but for now…maybe three Oran Berries, Two Rawst Berries, a Reviver Seed, and a Blast Seed? For…three fifty, and the rest goes in the bank?”


    Vizon perked up, going quiet for a moment.


    “Yeah…the bank.” Vizon began, taking the money. “Say, uh…be careful around the banker, ok? I assume nothing happened last time but just…you know.”


    He shook his head.


    “Maybe I need to trust you out in the city by yourself more, huh? I’ve seen you fight, you’d be able to take on anyone that gave you trouble.”


    “I think I pissed her off a little,” Avery said with an awkward laugh. “But it’s okay! I’ll be alright.”


    “Ech, made her mad? Not that I’m surprised, she kind of seemed the ‘blow up at the drop of a hat’ type.” Vizon laughed softly, patting Avery on the shoulder. “Well, good luck. See you back here.”


    “Yep, we’ll meet back here and try to find Team Spade for some info?” The Plusle replied and gave Vizon a thumbs up.


    With that, Vizon turned away, running off towards the One Truth Square, leaving Avery in the bustling streets of Arceliaze. Avery stood there for a moment, fiddling with his paws as Vizon disappeared from sight. Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach as he felt more and more nervous.


    ‘Deep breath. Maybe it’ll go better this time.’


    Avery began to walk back to the banker, almost like a man to be put to death. He was growing more and more unsure about facing the banker Flaaffy again.


    Today, as Nivanee said, a thick blanket of fog covered the streets. The air was moist with a slight chill, nothing bad, but definitely crisp. The smoky fog rolled across the marble, obscuring everything, the atmosphere ever so slightly heavy. Still, even in this weather, Poke’mon walked to and fro on the streets, some bundled in scarves and other warming clothes.


    Here and there puddles from last night’s rain lie in the streets, splashing upon Avery’s paw as he walked down to the Lower Market district.


    The farming district’s dirt paths had turned muddy and cold. Most Poke’mon opted to walk in the grass to avoid the loose mud of the pathways, unless they were pulling carriages. Even then, the carriages seemed hard to pull in the thick muck, no doubt even harder going up the hills.


    The Plusle stopped dead in his tracks. Through the fog Avery able to see the silhouette of the bank and the Flaafy overseeing it. Avery let out a shuddering sigh, seeing her.


    “Alright, let’s…try this again.”


    With a deep breath, he marched forward, approaching the stand, trying his best to be confident. The Flaaffy perked up at the sound of his approach, her eyes glancing over as he came to the stand.


    “Hello again, miss.” Avery said, attempting to not let his voice squeak. This time the Flaaffy looked…bored. Or annoyed? Thoughtful. Much less tense than yesterday. This time no guard was in sight, which may have been why.


    She perked again at Avery’s voice, looking down at him from the desk. She sighed softly.


    “Ah…it is you…” She spoke softly. Her voice was even, but certainly not angry.


    Avery nervously rubbed his arm. He began to quick, quickly, a lot spilling out at once.


    “…Hi, I…uh…I’d like to make another deposit. I’m…I’m sorry if the…berry offended you yesterday. I won’t do that again.”


    It was all out at the same time, the Plusle tripping over his words, ears folding back with every syllable. So much for projecting confidence.


    When he was done, the Flaaffy stared at him for a while. A long while. She shook her head, sighing deeply.


    “Yourr eyes…they carrry much morre innocence than yourr fellow countrrymen.” She spoke. The Flaaffy paused a moment before reaching in her bag and pulling out a berry, half crushed, the same Avery had given her.


    “I will admit…yesterrday was not a good day. And though patrronizing platitudes frrom bleeding hearrts with no mind for actual action do sometimes upset me I…”


    She trailed off, thinking long and hard about her next sentence.


    “Guild or not…you do not seem a bad poke’mon, and you did not give a present out of maliciousness…I was being, perhaps, unfairr.”


    Avery blinked, looking up at the crushed berry.


    ‘…She’d kept it…’


    “…When I came here the first time, I…I didn’t know why my partner was so…cautious around you. I didn’t get it. I still…don’t, really. I’m, uh…I’m not from here.” Avery looked away, more words just spilling out. “I woke up in the fields south of here three days ago, and that’s the first I remember of…anything.”


    He glanced over at the berry in the Flaaffy’s hand.


    “I just…remember our first meeting feeling really awkward, and…I wanted to give the berry as an apology for that. I didn’t mean for it to be…a-an insult.”


    “Hm, I might have suspected it. You cerrtainly do not carrry the swaggerr of the Arrceans in this city, hm?” She chuckled, leaning on the counter. “The naiveté in yourr worrds…they rremind me of a child…”


    She hummed, holding her hands together.


    “I, too, rrememberr ourr firrst meeting. Yourr frriend, the other guild poke’mon…he is much like the rrest. You two rreally arre nothing alike, so I do suppose I am inclined to believe you.”


    She stared at Avery for a while…then smiles. It’s a small one but it’s the first he’d seen on her.


    “I find it charrming, I confess, this rrefrreshing kindness to an old blighterr like myself. I am only sorrry I was so rrude to you.” She straightened up, putting a hand upon her chest. “My name is Kellixae. May I ask yourrs?”


    “Avery,” he replied, his shoulders relaxing as he let the tension go.


    She was alright.


    “Kellixae,..” Avery tested the name out. “Like that…? Am I pronouncing it correctly…? Sorry, I…I might have no memory, but I don’t know if my tongue is used to pronouncing names around here, Arcean, Illaminese, or otherwise…”


    Avery shook his head.


    “But it’s very nice to meet you properly, Kellixae. I’m…sorry that kindness seems to be something you don’t get a lot of here. It must take a strong spirit to stay despite that, and…I hope that things will get better for you.”


    Kellixae seemed to mull over his words, smiling to herself.


    “Ah…innocence. You poorr thing…” She laughed gently. “But yes, you pronounce my name well…this is a strrange storry you tell with losing your memorry. Yet it is so casually spoken. Werre you in the guild before you lost yourr memory in that field…?”


    Avery shook his head again.


    “No, I wasn’t…I don’t think. There’s been a lot going on in my life in the past three days,” Avery sighed. “I…probably shouldn’t tell it to as many people as I do, but…it’s one of the only stories I have. But nobody here has any idea who I am. And…at the moment, I’m not really looking for my old life at the moment…I suppose.”


    “Mmm, so just taking the opporrtunity to rreinvent yourrself? Be whoeverr you like to be…” Kellixae mused, clicking her tongue. “That is fairr. I confess myself jealous of the opporrtunity somewhat.”


    She chuckled softly.


    “Of courrse, therre is much in my life I’d not change.”


    She shifted, leaning on the counter again.


    “For you to tell me this…you have quite a lot of trrust in yourr heart. From you name to yourr story in naught but a few breaths.” Kellixae laughed again, her wool locks bouncing. “Arrceans tend to be more tight-lipped. At least…they arre with me. Harrdly a surrprise, what with my thick Dsitdove accent, hm?”


    Avery tilted his head, wanting to ask another question but realized how long he was taking. He didn’t have time to badger her all morning, and he certainly didn’t want to make an annoyance of himself again.


    “O-oh, I should…probably do my business while I’m talking- Just, depositing this,” he said, putting the bag on the counter. “Dsitdove…there was…one of the guild members brought me to a place where another person from Illaminamo worked. I think they mentioned Dsitdove…is that where you’re from? What’s it like…?”


    “Not borrn, but lived and worked in most my life…” She sighed wistfully. “…those rrolling hills, beautiful buildings, kindly people, my own farm…ah, but, that was the past. This is now, no matterr what.”


    “It sounds really nice,” Avery said with a little smile. “I’ve only ever been as far as Souljraan myself. I’m hoping I get to see more of the world as I go. But…uh…speaking of…I should probably get going somewhat soon.”


    He paused a moment, thinking, then smiling again.


    “For…the future,” Avery said, looking up at her. “Kellixae, is there any kind of berry or snack that…you do like?”


    Kellixae laughed at the question.


    “You arre too sweet. Though your voice is Arrcean your mannerrisms arre anything but. Neverrmind the berrrries, young Avery. The company of someone kind will be enough.” She gave a small smile, taking his coin satchel, depositing the money into the safe. She sighed deeply. “I do thank you forr giving this old blighterr a second chance afterr she was so rrude. I do hope to see you again. Perrhaps afterr yourr guildwork, you might find me herre still, at the end of my shift. Otherrwise, I will be glad seeing you tomorrow.”


    “Thank you for giving me another chance too, Kellixae. I’m…” Avery took a deep breath. He didn’t realize how much he’d been…panicking. “…I’m really glad that we’re…going to be able to enjoy each others’ company more in the future. I’ll see you…either tonight or tomorrow. Have a nice day, Kellixae…!”


    And, with much more pep in his step than the last time he’d left the bank, Avery headed back to meet up with Vizon.


    In no time he was out of the farming district and back among the brick buildings and cobblestone roads of the Lower Market district. As soon as he passed the threshold, however, a shout cut through the noise of the city.




    A familiar, deep voice bellowed from across the street. There, the whole line of Poke’mon traffic was thrown asunder, with much yelling and offended noise.


    And there coming for Avery was Rikzyod.


    THERE you are. I had forgotten where exactly the guild was, it has been so long since I came to the BIG CITY, UH?”


    He laughed heartily, slapping Avery on the back. The Plusle squeaked, falling forward.


    “Ah-! Yeah, hey, Rik…! How’ve you been settling in? I, uh…hope the rain wasn’t too hard on you…out…in the street…!”


    “Every second was a tortuous, agonizing punishment of searing agony that made hours feel like years.” Rikzyod replied, smiling. “It was wonderful! So what are we doing today?”


    “…Well, today there’s…shoot, what are the names…?” Avery squinted his eyes shut, trying to remember. “We need to get a voucher to get someone into that psychic city, so…we’re going to a marsh town, starts with a T…uh…I think it’s mostly going to be a diplomatic mission. Neither Vizon or I have been down there, so we don’t really know what to expect, though.”


    “Mmm…Taeriana, uh?” Rikzyod mused thoughtfully, folding his arms. “I know…well, knew it. It was…a few years ago I was hired to protect their farms.”


    He shrugged.


    “Boring, how boring. The same thing every day, some nidoran and nidorina mooks from Quayoff storming in and me kicking them out, every day! Surely they’ve been able to handle such easy opponents on their own. I, meanwhile, went to be a mercenary with other Geodudes instead.”


    “Oh, you’ve been down there!” Avery said. “I’d invite you down, but…I don’t think it’s going to be the action packed glory-seeking mission you’re craving quite yet. That…will most likely happen soon but…this one seems like it’s just going to be a gopher thing. What’s it like down there though…?”


    “Mm…wet.” Rikzyod replied, a wistful look in his eye. “Yes…lots of water. Grass types thrive there, too. Ah, it made me shiver just to think about. The hooligan gang out in the swamp would always thrash me whenever I was sent to calm them down…of course I would still send them packing in time.”


    He shrugged again, humming.


    “I would sometimes think to myself ‘both these swamp hooligans and the nidos harassing the river delta farmers…they are so weak but they could be so much more’. But alas, it was only cold and wet. As for Taeriana itself…”


    He chuckled.


    “Simple houses. The lifestyle of Quayoffi monks. A village of strong moral fiber who feel a deep connection to Arceus. It makes sense, given how close it is to north Quayoff, with all its communes and monk villages.”


    “A deep connection to Arceus…?” Avery asked, tilting his head. “Interesting…so wet, down to earth…and there’s a few hooligans around. I guess that’d make sense why a fire-type like Lahnae had trouble around that part of the world…”


    Avery closed his eyes, contemplating it.


    “The only experience I’ve seen with Quayoff are the two Kecleon vendors for the guild stores.” Avery said. “They seem nice enough!”


    Rikzyod laughed.


    “I’ve met a few, myself, as well. Some are stuck-up if they come from Jehziorro…even worse be they from The Haven of Butterflies. But the monks are humble people, if preachy, but they’d speak little of their scriptures denouncing violence when a violent man like myself kept them safe, uh?”


    He stretched his arms casually following by Avery through the Lower Market District.


    “Perhaps your assessment is right. With the strength I’ve seen from you, nothing will give you trouble there, nor would it be trouble for I.” Rikzyod shrugged. “If you rather me stay here I can always find ways to amuse myself here, hm? A fight club or two to get my blood boiling. Heh, go on, then, young Avery! And do tell me how your little fetch quest goes, uh?”


    “A-alright, I’ll-” Before Avery could finish, Rikzyod had darted off into the crowd, many Poke’mon staring indignantly as he left. Gone in an instant, tending to his own affairs. “…Well. Uh…Alright.”


    There was no time to lose, daylight was burning. Avery quickly headed to One Truth Square, as quickly as he could go. In no time he found the One Truth Square, without hardly even thinking about it. Though the city twists and winds Avery seemed to more and more make this city his own. More streets become familiar, he even began to remember a shortcut or two.


    As the One Truth Square spread before Avery he could see Vizon standing by the monument in the center. He spotted the Plusle at once, waving excitedly, running to him.


    “Ok! I got the stuff!” Vizon said, opening the satchel. “Zwangai started to say I’m his favorite customer~!”


    “Oh wow, really?” Avery said, eyes widening. “I’m a little jealous…! Though the banker and I got along a lot better this time. She’s actually…”


    Avery smiled a little.


    “She’s actually really nice-!” Avery’s voice was so…excited, he could hardly even control it.


    “The banker’s nice?” Vizon let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head. “I get the feeling she’d still hate me. But…”


    Avery nodded.


    “…yeah, she, uh…she was just really expecting both of us to hate her off the bat for some reason, so…that’s why she was so closed off. At least, that’s the impression I got.”


    “Well when she acts like that…” Vizon grumbled. Avery tried to change the subject quickly.


    “A-anyway, uh…I talked to Rik, he talked about Taeriana and the people there…said that everyone there’s really down to earth about Arceus and stuff.”


    Vizon leaned to the side, looking behind Avery with his eyebrows raised.


    “I’m guessing Rik’s not coming to this one? Just us two?” Vizon hummed, looking back down to Avery. “But, if what you’re saying is true…sounds kind of dull. I mean I only know the basics about it. So do we need to do anything else before we go?


    “Well, we could talk to Lahnae about what she knows,” Avery said, quickly moving up to take Vizon’s hand. “We got some info from Rik, but Lahnae and Loshjno might have some info, too.”


    “Oh yeah, Lahnae! Where do you think they are? I didn’t see her or Loshjno at the item shop…” Vizon clicked his tongue, looking about. “…could still be milling about the guild…or, oh, wait, they could be heading out the south gate, same way we’re going. They’re going toward Tall Woods, right?”


    “I think so, yeah,” Avery said. “Maybe if we hurry we can catch them-!”


    Vizon nodded and ran ahead, Avery running close behind. The pair cut through Arceliaze as quick as they could, weaving through the buildings, snaking through alleyways and across streets before coming to the end at the Farmer’s district. With the open dirt paths ahead, they picked up the pace, seeing the south gate just up ahead. The ‘South Gate’ was a structure on the south end of the valley leading into the village district that loomed overhead on the hills of the Valley. Indeed, there, running as fast as they could, was Lahnae and Loshjno, looking excited and determined.


    “There they are!”


    “Team Spade-!” Avery shouted, waving his free hand as he stumbled after Vizon, trying to keep up with him. “Guys!”




    Lahnae stopped, tripped and face-planted in the dirt. Loshjno slowed gradually to a halt, laughing as he doubled back to help pull her up, the Torchic looking back.


    “HEYA, RIVAL!” Lahnae shouted happily, spitting out a mouthful of dried mud. “What’s up?!”


    “Hey-!” Avery laughed a bit, seeing her faceplant. “You look a lot better from this morning. And last night.”


    Avery looked up at Vizon…realized he was still holding his paw, and let go.


    “Uh! We heard you guys had gone down to Taeriana, we were wondering if you could tell us what it’s like.” Avery looked past the south gate. “I’ve never been down there myself, obviously…and neither has Vizon. So we don’t really know what to expect beyond it being kinda marshy.”


    “Oh! Well, uhhhh…” Lahnae looked off to the side.


    Then she gave her biggest winning grin.


    “I’ve never been, either! Not recently…” She said, cheeks flushed. Loshjno sighed, patting her on the back supportively.


    “Unfortunately, we didn’t get past Shallow Marsh yesterday.” He said quietly chuckled, showing a patch still on his arm. “We got into a mess of trouble in the swamp, a whole bunch of Poke’mon.”


    “Oooo it makes my BLOOD BOIL. If it was a FAIR FIGHT we’d have beat them easy peasy!” Lahnae kicked a stone in aggravation. “So we’ll just have to try and train EVEN HARDER when it comes to CHEATERS.”


    “But have you been to Taeriana before?” Vizon asked.


    “Uhhh…once or twice…” Lahnae replied. “I like the poke’mon there! They act all weird and mysterious but there’s this one guy out in the swamp that makes fireworks and we stopped by during a fireworks festival and they were SO INTO IT! It was AWESOME! It was the best mission ever, we even found that one couple’s wedding necklace! Like, that wasn’t the mission, we got trashed by the pickpocket outlaw in the swamp BUT HE RAN AND KIPUUNA GOT HIM THE NEXT DAY!”


    “Oh dang…” Avery blinked. “So they’re weird and mysterious…and like fireworks, huh? We’re going to have to do some negotiation work with them, to get a voucher for….for…uh…”


    He looked at Vizon for help.


    “Dove Fo Uddjo.” Vizon said. Avery nodded.


    “Yeah, the…the psychic city.” Avery said meekly, turning back to Lahnae and Loshjno.


    “Oh yeah, the Taeriana villagers always love me when I visit! They’d quote some Story of Arceus passages and give us food, I don’t think they’d give you any trouble!” Lahnae nodded. “You’d just have to be nice, worst case scenario do a favor for them, like they sometimes complained about having to have some jerks in their River Delta trying to take over the farm lands, but they had a guy around that protected the area and kept those guys out! So as long as he’s still there then that shouldn’t be a problem.”


    “Yeah…though, thinking on it…” Avery paused, looking up at the sky. “I’ve never seen fireworks before, either…at least that I can remember. What’re they like? They’re the things that you launch into the sky and they explode, right? Sounds like something you’d like, Lahnae~!”


    Lahnae bounced excitedly at the mention of the fireworks.


    “Yeah yeah yeah! Fireworks are the best! Big, bright, colorful! All in the sky! They love those in Quayoff but this guy made them from home so they were WAY bigger which is TECHNICALLY ILLEGAL but nobody’s put in a notice and I’M NO SNITCH. He’s on the western part of the swamp if you wanna visit him!”


    She paused, huffing.


    “Though with those JERKS that attacked us yesterday around in the Swamp I hope he’s ok…”


    Avery looked over at Vizon with a smile.


    “Maybe we could swing by on the way back…? Dunno how invested you are in seeing fireworks but I’d love to.”


    “Uh…maybe not if they’re illegal…” Vizon chuckled nervously, rubbing his hard. Avery deflated a little but nodded, looking back at Lahnae.


    “Okay, so be kind. I’ll have to make sure that I tone down my unadulterated asshattery. Y’all know how rude I am all the time~” Avery chuckled. “Thank you for the advice though…! I think we’re really going to need it.”


    Lahnae bounced over, giving a quick hug…and slipped Avery a reviver seed.


    “Good luck, Avery! Go GET em, Vizon! You two’ll be just fine!” She smiled wide. “But you better WATCH OUT cuz we WON’T BE FAR BEHIND, SKILL-WISE!!


    Loshjno laughed, waving Lahnae over, the Torchic immediately running to follow. Vizon nodded, rushing forward after them.


    “C’mon, Avery! No time to lose!”


    “Good luck to you, too!” Avery called as Team Spade ran off to Tall Woods. “And I sure hope so! Maybe we could battle sometime-!”


    Avery looked up at Vizon, feeling energized for the day, and quickly grabbed his paw again before they ran off up the Arceali Valley!


    Chapter 9.1





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