The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 38





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================








    The darkness overtook Avery.


    A very familiar darkness.




    …The dreams again.’


    “…It’s been a while,” He mumbled to himself, lucidly.


    It was almost predictable…


    The black void of sleep…


    The bright light, shining in the darkness…


    He’d seen it so many times before. None of it was a surprise as he stared into that bright light in the void.


    All that was missing was the voice of Arceus.



    Everything was silent.


    For a long while…silent.


    Avery’s mouth felt dry. His body felt fatigued and weak.



    [ RUN TIME: 1613039.607T-WR ]

    [ REPORT:





    SEVERE – LOCOMOTION MOTOR 455, 456, 468, 499 SEVERED



    “Well…that went fine. It was rather tough, was it not? Perhaps…we can just move on.”


    “No. Do it again.”


    Avery…didn’t like the sound of that.


    ‘…That…that sounded like a failure of an experiment. Those ones that Olistia told me about a while ago, how I’d died over and over and over again, my body failing…was this one of those?’


    He wondered if anyone could hear him.


    “Hello…? Is anyone there?” Avery asked quietly, testing the darkness.




    Silence was the only answer.


    Far in front of him…the white light was coming closer…


    Slowly floating towards him…faster. Faster now.


    Avery could see the harsh brightness on his body…he could see his Plusle hands and Plusle body as the light RUSHED towards him and swallowed up the void!


    His ears popped and rang.


    He felt dizzy.


    And he was…




    Alone in a bizarre endless white void…




    This didn’t feel…normal. This didn’t feel normal at all.


    “…What…the hell-“


    This wasn’t the pure blackness of the void that he was used to.


    This was the opposite. Bright, almost blindingly so. Avery felt the ground beneath him, shifting his feet around.


    ‘What is this…?’


    “Hello…???” Avery called.


    His voice didn’t even echo.


    The white void was…bizarre…unfamiliar.


    But it wasn’t a simple expanse…


    He were being blinded. Surrounded entirely by light…the walls seemed to curve upward…encircled over him…


    The ground felt…smooth. So smooth that Avery was worried he might slip. The surface of the perfectly curved walls of this…gargantuan tube? Seemed to…


    shimmer. But they were not reflective…? No, color on the blinding white surface would just…shimmer in and out, briefly, as though something were in his eye.




    Avery jumped.


    A…voice! A voice replied to him! Sounding confused, sounding almost like…


    Avery quickly turned around, rubbing at his eyes. There was someone else! He felt like he almost recognized the voice. Avery’s paws slipped on the glass, and he had to regain his footing as he whirled about.


    “H-hi??” Avery shouted. “Who’s there-??”


    He could see…a figure. They were practically silhouetted against the harsh white of…whatever this place was.


    They stood on two legs…


    Avery blinked…the figure had a black and blue pattern. Two ears atop their head, two tear-drop like protrusions dangling off the side.


    ‘Is that…?’


    “Hello?!” The figure called…waving to Avery. “Who’s that over there?!”


    “…V…Vizon??” Avery was almost flabbergasted. “What the- is…is that really you…? What are you-“


    The Plusle looked around, now just as confused as Vizon sounded.


    ‘Isn’t this my dream? I’ve only ever connected with Olistia and Arceus before-!’



    “Hang on, I’m coming closer!!” The figure’s voice shouted…yes…it was Vizon…! “Don’t-…like, don’t attack me or anything, whoever you are!!”


    The figure…the Riolu approached carefully, a slow jog. Avery could see his paws slip on the strange surface. As his eyes adjusted the Plusle could see a massive towering gold ring behind Vizon, running along the sides of the large tube they stood in, like a shining rib.


    Vizon slowly ran closer. He was squinting, trying to get a good look at Avery as he approached, slowing down bit by bit as he got closer.


    Avery cocked his head, looking over the Riolu, expecting to see something different about the boy. But Vizon looked completely normal as far as Avery could tell.


    The Riolu panted, now slowly walking, still a dozen paces away.


    What the…this is so freaky…” Vizon muttered as he approached. “…Hello…? Are you…real? You’re like…the only other Poke’mon I’ve seen and I dunno how long I’ve been wandering so-…”


    Vizon was keeping his distance, like he expected Avery to…attack him. The Riolu was really on edge.


    “It…it’s Avery!” The Plusle called again, into the blinding white. “It’s Avery. I’m Avery!”


    “Avery…alright…” Vizon sighed with a nod, looking over his shoulder. He then looked back at Avery…still keeping his distance. “My name is Vizon…I guess you’re trapped in here, too? What the heck is this place, do you know? For the love of Arceus please tell me you know how to get outta here.”


    The Riolu was…




    Vizon looked terrified. But in a way Avery hadn’t really seen in him before.


    “You don’t…recognize me?” Avery asked, tilting his head. Then, again, to himself. “…You don’t recognize me. Okay…”


    The Plusle stepped towards him, offering his hand.


    “…I don’t know the way out, no.” Avery admitted, putting on a strong face. “But…we stand a better chance getting out together than apart, right? It’ll be okay.”


    “Guh…” Vizon deflated, holding his arm. He squirmed, looking at Avery’s offered hand, as if unsure to take it.


    But slowly…slowly Vizon lifted his hand and took Avery’s, squeezing it for dear life.


    “R-right…let’s try to get outta here…” The Riolu said, taking a deep breath. His eyes were flicking around nervously.


    Avery nodded, taking the first few steps, leading Vizon forward through the massive, bleached white tube.


    And they walked in silence for a while. Long, awkward silence.


    Avery glanced over his shoulder at the Riolu…and his eyes lifted up towards the dizzyingly massive gold ring behind them.


    ‘That ring behind us…I don’t know what that was, but I don’t like the look of it.’


    Avery kept their pace a little slower – now that there were two of them on this sloped surface, he didn’t want either of them to slip. Vizon, for his part, kept a good pace, but nervously traced his eyes around the chamber, muted whines huffing from his throat.


    The Riolu seemed downright…cowardly, almost. It was an odd place…an odd circumstance but…


    …there were no boisterous quips. No assurances.


    If anything, Avery was guiding Vizon down this bizarre landscape of white. It felt odd to the Plusle, after so long of following behind Vizon, guided around unfamiliar lands. Though Vizon looked the same, something about the Riolu now seemed so subtly off.


    “…How long have you been here, Vizon? If you had to guess.” Avery looked up through the tube, his vision clearing a little more as the light ceased to blind him. He kept holding the Riolu’s wrist as he held Avery’s. The Plusle gave a little squeeze in return.


    “U-um…I dunno…just, a long time. Maybe, uh…” Vizon bit his lip, looking around, guided forward like a child lost. “…an hour? Two hours? My legs hurt…I had to rest a bunch…”


    His paw slipped again. He barely caught himself.


    “Wh-what about you? Avery, was it?” Vizon asked, tilting his head. “You been in here long? Where are you, uh…from?”


    The Riolu paused…he seemed like he wanted to talk just to keep his mind occupied.


    “I’m f-from Arceliaze, born and raised.” Vizon said, squeezing Avery’s hand. “I was just in Yahneri Port to visit my parents, but…then I went to bed and woke up here.”


    Avery nodded at first but, after a moment…his frown deepened a little at that.


    ‘Born and raised? Didn’t Vizon say he and his parents were from Souljraan? He’d gotten a job at a item supply in Arceliaze doing warehouse work and…work feeding the homeless, too. And he lived in his parents’ old house…didn’t he?’


    “Yahneri Port, huh…?” Avery said, testing the waters a little. “…I was actually just there on a mission myself. Had to recover something from a nearby island.”


    “You did, really? At Yahneri Port?” Vizon asked, confused. “Mission…wait, are you in the guild?”


    Vizon looked puzzled, tilting his head.


    “I don’t recognize you…I don’t think Team Ganusi has a Plusle…or Duskwalker or Aquashock…is there some other team I dunno about?”


    “We’re new,” Avery said, smiling a little. “Team Azure. Freshly brought in. There’s me, and a Riolu. One just like you, actually.”


    “Huh…” Vizon wondered, walking along with Avery. His eyes flicked about. “…usually new teams getting in is a pretty big deal. I-I mean…I’d be the first to know about them, I’d think…I’m such a huge fan…”


    He sighed softly.


    “…I want to be a hero, like the guild members but…” Vizon put a paw to his chest. He squeezed Avery’s hand tight. “I’m…just a bit of a…weakling…I don’t think I’d be cut out f-for it…”


    He was quiet a moment.


    “…are you friends with that Riolu…?” Vizon asked, wondering.


    “Bit of an odd question, considering he and I are on a team together, huh, Vizon?” Avery said, giving the Riolu a side-eyed smile. “But…funny you’d ask it. We had a fight, last mission. We used to be really close, but…last mission, a bunch of things came to a head, and…well, the team’s still together, but…”


    Avery shook his head.


    “…I want to be friends with him. But I don’t know if we are at the moment. I don’t even know if he likes me that much anymore.”


    Vizon seemed to…deflate at that, shaking his head.


    “Oh…” He sighed, looking down thoughtfully. “…that’s sad…I thought Poke’mon on a guild team were always the best of friends. Siblings join, childhood friends…”


    He continued following Avery. The white void seemed to expand infinitely.


    “I wish I had someone like that…I d-don’t really have a lot of friends at all.” Vizon laughed awkwardly.


    He was quiet, the only sound between the two was the low ringing of the strange world around them.


    The Plusle sighed softly, giving small smile.


    “…We could be friends, if we get out of here, Vizon,” Avery said, squeezing his hand again. There was a little…hitch in his throat as he said it. A deep, painful longing in Avery’s chest. “…You’re a lot stronger than you know. I think you could be a great guildmember.”


    Avery stopped for a moment and looked at the Riolu.


    “…There’s a lot of people out there that need protecting.” Avery continued, looking directly in Vizon’s crimson eyes which watched the Plusle with rapt interest. “Lots of things out there worth fighting for. And it’s…it’s a lot of pressure, especially on people as young as we are. But…I think you could do it, if you train hard and find the right person to work with.”


    Vizon’s ears perked at that, the timid Riolu looking over at Avery.


    A smile crossed his face, warm and sunny at the idea.


    “H-hah…you think so…?” Vizon stammered, blushing a little. “H-honestly…I’d like that, being friends. If I had someone like you to work with…”


    He took a deep breath.


    “…m-maybe it wouldn’t be so hard.”


    He shuffled behind Avery a little longer, deep in thought.


    He softly squeezed the Plusle’s hand tighter.


    “…a-after all you’ve done already, just being someone to wander this place with…it means a lot to me. S-so…if that, uhm, other Riolu doesn’t wanna be friends with you anymore, then…”


    He straightened…as though trying to put on a brave face.


    “…then I’ll do it. I’ll…p-pick up his slack.”


    Vizon took a deep breath. It was as though just having a friend was a deep-dive plunge into new territory for the terrified Riolu.


    “…I’m your best friend now.”


    Avery could remember…hearing that phrase in Vizon’s voice. A long time ago.


    Multiple long times ago.


    Multiple long times after.


    It’s what made it so easy to fight for him when the shadow creatures attacked. Somehow…Avery knew they were coming.


    It’s what made it so hard to watch Vizon die.




    The white light seemed to overtake the both of them…Avery could feel a deep warmth on his face…light shining through his…




    ‘…How long have I known Vizon? Really?


    Where was he from?’


    Avery opened his eyes.


    As his eyes slowly adjusted, he could see the ceiling. He could feel the soft bed underneath him. Not on the floor this time.


    Slowly, he lifted his head, looking around.


    At once, Avery saw Nivanee, the Eevee looking out the window, doing little stretches, lifting her legs to work off any post-sleep lethargy. The sun was shining dimly outside, just barely the crack of dawn.


    Vizon was nowhere to be found.


    ‘…not the floor.’


    With a deep breath, Avery lifted himself up from the bed, rubbing his eyes.


    “…Gah…morning, Niv,” Avery said, speaking for what felt like the first time after such an odd night. His voice was a little scratchy. “…God that was…a weird dream…”


    Nivanee’s ear twitched, the Eevee glancing over at him with a smile.


    “Good morning, Avery!” She chirped, switching legs to stand on, continuing her stretches. “Didn’t sleep well again…? Maybe it’s the mattress…I sometimes sleep on it wrong and wake up with my left paw tingling, ugh.”


    She grunted, switching legs again, limbering up.


    “You want some pancakes? I sent Vizon out to fetch us some from the eatery around the block! He should be back soon!”


    “No, no, the sleep was fine, just…” Avery slid to the side of the bed, staring at his knees a bit. “…Oh, breakfast sounds good, for sure…! Thanks for the thought.”


    He was quiet a moment, just listening to the quiet grunts of huffs of Nivanee working out from across the room.


    ‘I…do want to talk with him. Ask some questions. Hopefully it doesn’t seem like an interrogation.’


    Nivanee switched her routine, now doing quick steps in place, controlling her breathing as she looked out the window.


    “So…Avery…whatcha got planned for today?” She asked, huffing between words.


    “Well, I’m going to go check up on my friends in the Illaminian District -” Avery began, his legs swinging. “I got a tip that I’ll probably be let in if I get escorted, so I’m going to try to catch Sekurae at the end of her shift today so I can see her and Kellixae in person. I might…also drop off some gifts for Banitas and Varlo, some people Lahnae’s concerned for. It’s harder for guild members to get in than even normal Arcean folk, I think, heh…


    “Then, sometime after that, Lahnae and I are planning a camping trip to Souljraan. We should be back by tomorrow, though…! Other than that, I don’t have anything going on. I don’t know when she and I are leaving.”


    “Well, I might be meeting up with Kipuuna and Ganisus sometime this afternoon if you wanna hang out with us.” Nivanee said softly. “And give your friends my warm regards! I know we haven’t met but…! Still, I’ll be happy to know they’re okay.”


    She tilted to the left, to the right, arcing her body.


    “If we find Lahnae then you two could head off for your trip sometime in late afternoon, yeah?”


    Just as she finished that sentence, there was a knock at the door. Avery’s ears perked up, Nivanee looking back.


    “Oh! That must be Vizon.” The Eevee said. “Can you get that?”


    “Sure,” Avery said, hopping off the bed. “And…maybe when I get back you can lead me in some of those exercises you’re doing. Camping generally leaves one sore after sleeping on the ground, heh…”


    Avery walked to the door, opening it and stepping back. There standing was…




    In his hands the Riolu held three brown paper boxes, puffs of steam rolling through their cracks, and a fourth, smaller box on top.


    He leaned over to look at Avery…a happy look in his eye.


    “Heyyy…g’morning Avery!” The Riolu said with a smile.


    Whatever he’d been feeling last night…maybe he was trying to shrug it off, Avery figured. Maybe Vizon just wanted to get back to being Avery’s buddy.


    Avery was quiet, staring at the Riolu for a second.


    ‘When he reacted like that…’


    Avery visibly relaxed. His shoulders drooped, and he almost seemed to melt a little as he let the Riolu in. Vizon stepped around Avery, padding on the tile floor toward the messy bed to set the boxes down.


    “Alright, so…which do you like better?” Vizon asked, patting the boxes and looking back. “Blueberry or Buttermilk? I figure I can take whichever you don’t.”


    “Either’s fine!” Avery huffed, trying to mask the relief dripping from his voice. “I could go for blueberry, but if you like that stuff buttermilk’s classic, too.”


    He paused.


    “Or I think it is.”


    Nivanee perked up.


    “Didja get my strawberry-“


    “With sprinkles and cream, yup yup.” Vizon answered her, cracking open the top box, revealing pinkish pancakes, covered in colorful flakes and ivory white whip cream, the whole ensemble looking like a sugary horror.


    Yay! Thank you so much, Vizon!” Nivanee gleefully bounced, finishing her exercise. “I really owe you…I haven’t had time to go to the pancake place. I mean between back-to-back work, no breaks, grievous injury-“


    “Don’t I know it.” Vizon snickered, setting the box aside and looking back over at Avery as he separated the boxes. He had a curious look on his face. “By the way, did y’sleep okay, Avery? You were stirring and mumbling when I got up…”


    “Oh!” Avery jumped at the question, trying to not flush. “Yeah, I…had a really weird dream last night. Kind of like the ones I used to have, if you remember…except this one had you in it this time.”


    Vizon’s ear perked at that. Even Nivanee looked over curiously.


    “Me?” Vizon asked, lifting the buttermilk pancake box and handing it to Avery. “That’s a new one…didn’t think I’d start showing up in those weird dreams. What, did I start talking to Arceus?”


    The Riolu laughed lightly, nudging Nivanee. The Eevee, however, just looked confused.


    “I’m lost…this isn’t the first time you’ve had weird dreams?”


    “Surely we told you about Arceus talking to him in his sleep.” Vizon said, cracking open the third box. “At least, that’s what Olistia says is happening, so I assume it’s true.”


    Avery nodded.


    “I don’t doubt it’s Arceus, either. Sometimes it’s Olistia talking to me…sometimes it’s neither of them and I just get…memories of becoming,” The Plusle gestured to himself. “Like this. Apparently it wasn’t a pretty process.”


    Avery shook his head to clear the thought, and looked back to Vizon.


    “But that’s just the thing.” Avery continued, folding his arms and looking down. “All my other dreams, all the other weird ones anyway, they’ve been in this just, encompassing blackness, maybe with a mote of light if I’m lucky. And I just hear sounds. This was the first time I could see things. Feel things. I was…in this enormous white glass tube, stretching super far…”


    He gestured to either side of him.


    “And I saw someone in the distance. You, Vizon. But…you were…younger, I think? I’m not sure. There was this huge golden ring spanning the entire tube following you, and you looked all scared. And…you didn’t recognize me, either. You’d said you’d been in there for a few hours before me, at least…”


    Vizon and Nivanee stared at the Plusle.


    “Okay…” Vizon began, cocking an eyebrow. “Boy, never a dull moment with you, huh, Avery? I take my eyes off you for 20 minutes and when I come back you always start saying all kinds of wild stuff, from dreams to arson to I-don’t-know-what.”


    Nivanee giggled lightly, opening the smaller box to take out some syrup and butter.


    “Who knows, maybe this was finally your first normal dream. Well, I mean, non-weird one, you know.” Vizon said with a shrug. “Like…I remember I once had a dream where I was running all over Arceliaze except it looked more like Souljraan in places…then Yahneri Port in others…and I was trying to find you and you’d told me where you were but I’d forgotten the exact place, so I was kind of wandering and worrying I was going to be late.”


    “Ooo, plenty to unpack there~!” Nivanee cooed jokingly. “I sometimes dream about walking around the guild but there’s a bunch of people in the other rooms I don’t recognize and I start wondering if I’m in the wrong guild. Like, as if there’s multiple guilds and I accidentally wandered into the wrong one but I’m too embarrassed to ask for directions to the right guild.”


    “Yeah! So maybe this dream was something like that!” Vizon said, turning back to Avery.


    “I mean maybe!” The Plusle said with a nod. “Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. But like…it did get me thinking that I don’t…really know that much about you, Viz.”


    Avery shrugged a little. Vizon’s look of curiosity was deepening, even as he tried to focus on his pancakes while the Plusle continued.


    “I know you’re a fan of the guild even before you joined, and…” Avery furrowed his brow. “I mean, you grew up with your parents in Souljraan, right? Because…the you in the dream said you were born and raised here, in Arceliaze and that your parents were in Yahneri Port. Which I thought was weird.”


    “Arceliaze?” Vizon said, cocking his head to the side. “Yeah, that clinches it. Just a weird dream. I was born in Souljraan after my parents moved there.”


    “Yeah, I remember!” Nivanee spoke up. “You said you were a Souljraan native!”


    “Yup! I think they had to go to Souljraan because they fell on hard times while in Arceliaze?” Vizon shrugged. “Dunno. But, point is, I’ve only lived in Arceliaze the last four years, in my parents’ old house.”


    “It’s honestly pretty cool you managed to get it all these years later.” Nivanee said with a giggle.


    “Probably even more cool that it’s even still standing.” The Riolu added, drizzling more syrup on his pancakes. “The Lower Market district’s mostly just steel mill factories now, have you seen it?”


    “Yeah, a little bit,” Avery said with a nod. “Everyone’s really buckling down, maybe because of the Pearl thing. Though I guess Olistia didn’t know we’d come back successful this time! So at least that conflict’s been stalemated! You socking it to Xamao really bought us a lot of time to work with.”


    Avery grinned at Vizon.


    “Plus it was really cool.” The Plusle cheekily added.


    ‘If a little bit scary.’


    “Haha YEAH! Take THAT, Xamao!” Vizon cheered with a little fist-pump. Nivanee, too, respectfully glossed over what had happened after.


    Pushing away that thought, Avery continued.


    “By the way, Lahnae and I are planning on going camping near Souljraan tonight.” The Plusle said.


    “Oooh, right, the camping trip! Oh that sounds like so much fun!” Nivanee said with a bounce, scooting closer. “Oh you have to tell me how it goes, Avery!! That could make a really fun guild activity for all of us to do together!!”



    “Yeah, of course!” Avery promised, turning back to the Riolu. “But, Vizon, if you want, I could deliver a letter or goods or something while I’m there? I never met your parents…are they nice? Have you told them about the whole…guild thing?”


    Vizon’s ear twitched at that.


    “Aha, deliver a letter?” Vizon hummed, as if taken off-guard. “Gee, I never thought of that…frankly, everything’s been so break-neck around here at the guild that I didn’t even think to write a letter…heck, I didn’t even visit when we passed by on our way to rocky hills!”


    “Well, Vizon, we were on duty. Hardly any time for house calls.” Nivanee nodded. “But I suppose that’s exactly the problem. So much rushing around with the guild…even on these days off I feel a bit of pressure to cram in as much recreation as possible before we’re back on the grind.”


    “Yeah…though, ah…” Vizon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “I dunno if you’d, uh…like my parents much, Avery. I mean, they used to baby me a lot. Heck, when we first met on the carriage I was coming back from visiting them and they were fussing over me the whole day. My dad, he’s an Absol, he kept cleaning my face, right in public!! Mom would hardly let me make eye contact with anyone, thinking I was gunna get jumped!”


    Nivanee snickered a little.


    “Funny…over-protective parents was practically the opposite of what I had.” Nivanee giggled.


    “Arceus, I can imagine.” Vizon snickered. “Manikas seemed like the kind of guy to put you and Janus in danger on purpose.”


    “Well…not on purpose but he didn’t want to be absent from our lives just because he sailed often.” Nivanee said with a giggle. “Janus and I had our sea legs by 5, sailing experience by 7.”


    “Hah…you two really are something special.” Vizon laughed, nearly finished with his pancakes. “But yeah, Avery, if you want to give them a message…uh…I guess you can just tell them I’m okay. You know…not dead.”


    The Riolu was quiet a moment, eyes trailing up.


    “…sheesh, Mom would probably have a fit if she saw I was in the Arceali guild…” Vizon cringed. “Not…really looking forward to facing that, if I’m honest. Think I’ll just stay here.”


    “Alrighty,” Avery said. “I can stop by the guild with Lahnae before we pop off in case you want to give a more formal letter, or a care package, or like…”


    Avery blew a raspberry in thought.


    “Money? We are pretty loaded now that we finally got paid for everything we did…!”


    “Oh no, no, Arceus, no, I think they’d have a stroke if their son started sending them money.” Vizon nearly choked on his pancake with laughter. “But, yeah, I can probably pen up a letter once I get back.”


    “Ohhh, get back? I was gunna ask, actually!” Nivanee said, scooting closer to the Riolu. “Did you wanna hang out with me, Ganisus and Kipuuna?”


    Vizon glanced at her and…gave an awkward laugh.


    “Oh, heh…maybe tomorrow! I was actually gunna…” He coughed. “…see if I could find Team Clockwork or Team Ganusi, maybe take them up on their offer. I figure it’d only be polite to at least say hi!”


    “Ooh, yeah, okay!” Avery said with a little nod. “Say hi to Kahrei and Euno for me…! They always seemed like good beans to me.”


    He couldn’t help but snicker a little bit at that.


    “God, remember when we first met them and we thought they were like…babying us?” Avery laughed. “No, they’re just like that…”


    The Plusle sighed a little, finishing off his pancake.


    This…this felt a lot better. There was still a lot unresolved between he and Vizon, but…this was manageable.


    “Awww, I should go see them again.” Nivanee cooed, fur fluffing up. “Team Clockwork’s the biggest bunch of sweethearts and we always loved it when they visited years back.”


    “Did Diquarni use to visit, too?” Vizon asked, cocking an incredulous eyebrow.


    “Yes, she did.” Nivanee sighed with a roll of her eyes. “Used to give me and Janus rides on her shoulders. Funny, that, yet another Poke’mon from my past ending up in the Thieves Guild. If Keshiano and the rest of Team Slime show up against us in the next mission I swear-“


    She laughed, almost as though she found it all so absurd in a funny way. Vizon chuckled with her, though didn’t seem to find the topic as funny.


    “Well, I can at least say I like Euno and Kahrei.” Vizon noted.


    Avery nodded, setting his box aside. He snapped his fingers as he remembered something.


    “Actually-  it’s not going to be until maybe tomorrow, but…” Avery began, clapping his hands together. “I was wanting to bring Rikzyod with me to train with Loshjno and Spade’s new sub. Would either of you two like to come? I don’t think you or I have ever had like…actual training in battle, Viz…! It’s just been touch and go from the word start.”


    The Riolu glanced at Avery as he spoke again, Nivanee finishing her pancake.


    “Yeah, weird huh? I guess I don’t know my own strength!” Vizon laughed. “I was just stocking shelves not a few weeks ago, never threw a punch in my life! One week later, BAM, showing Thunder Gods who’s boss! I guess there’s nothing to it!”


    “Hah, are you sure, Vizon?” Nivanee laughed, cocking an eyebrow. “I’ve seen Poke’mon who have ‘never thrown a punch before’. They usually just flail and scuffle and get knocked out immediately. Speaking from experience there. Janus and I got trounced constantlyembarrassingly. She even cried once-“


    She sucked in her lips.


    “Oogh…she’d kill me if she knew I let that slip. Please don’t tell her-!!”


    “Oooh, juicy tidbit about Janus, saving that for later~” Avery said, chuckling a little. “But…yeah, it is kind of weird, isn’t it?”


    Avery gave Vizon another shrug.


    “Like…you stocked shelves, I was…I mean, I dunno, I’m pretty sure I was just a student. But like…? Somehow we’re both crazy talented at all this? Right off the bat? What’s with that?” He flopped backwards onto the bed.


    “Natural talent!” Vizon said, almost like that was the answer.


    The Eevee snickered.


    “Pff, I don’t think so. There’s no such thing, not when it comes to fighting. Certainly not at the level we’ve been fighting.” Nivanee scoffed with a smile. “I’ve heard of unorthodox training regiments but I doubt stocking shelves would give you enough strength to lift an Onyx like you did at Rocky Hills.”


    She glanced at Avery as Vizon finished his own pancake.


    “Heck, even though we were sisters, Janus and I tripped over one another, misread each other’s next actions, bumbled around…I knocked her out once, she wasn’t happy with that.” Nivanee said sheepishly.


    “Well, maybe even without being boyfriends…” Vizon mused. “We still just…click super well!”


    He shrugged, standing up, collecting his trash. The light outside was now a shining orange as the sky lit up brilliantly to signal the proper morning, the light shining into the room and giving it a golden glow.


    “Alright team. Vacation, part one, is a GO!!” Vizon cheered. Nivanee cheered with him. “One, two, three…team!”


    “Team!” Nivanee cheered.


    It figured that a team as dorky as Team Clockwork would rub off on the Riolu.


    ‘Of all the elite teams, that’s probably the best one to emulate…’


    “Team!” Avery brought his hand up. “Alright, let’s break for now. I’ll probably see you guys before I go off camping!”


    He slipped off the bed, heading for the door.


    “Thanks for breakfast by the way…!” Avery said with a smile. “Haven’t had a lot of those since coming here, heh…”


    “Yeah! That was delicious!” Nivanee cheered, bouncing up. She stepped up to nuzzle the Plusle softly. “Okay, I’ll see you soon, Avery! I really want to get in some time with you since…well, it’s been a while and I…”


    She sighed.


    “I missed you both. A lot.” She admitted, glancing at Vizon, too. “So…I gotta make up for lost time.”


    “It’s a promise!” Vizon said, pumping his fists. “I’ll see you around, too, Avery. Hopefully I’ll be back at the guild when you get back.


    As they all said their parting words, Avery could hear shuffling outside, the other guildmembers no doubt stirring and getting ready for their day.


    A new day. A day off. Hopefully, a real one this time. Even with those questions the dream proposed swimming in his mind, Avery pushed them back for now.


    There were other things he had to do after all…!


    The Plusle stepped out into the hallway with purpose – he had to meet Sekura after all! She might be expecting him!


    The candles stilled glowed, placed in their little wall insets. The tile was cold but the air felt warm as the Plusle looked down the hallway toward the main guild hall.


    “Morning, everyone…!” He called to those who had managed to stumble out of bed into the hallway.


    Mooorning, Avery…” He heard Kipuuna yawn. Vizon and Nivanee both followed him out of the room and into the hall.


    There Avery could see Loshjno and Kipuuna following their teammates out into the guild hall lazily, clearly enjoying the opportunity to sleep in with no ear-piercing gong.


    “Morning.” Ganisus said, rubbing a paw on his cheek and over his head fluff, as if trying to wipe something off.


    “MORNING YOUUU GUYYYYYS!” A familiar boisterous SHOUT called from the main hall. Even from here Avery could see the Torchic practically popcorning over the carpet. “Loshjno!! Where should I go first?!”


    “The Outdoorsmon Essentials Emporium, East Market District.” Loshjno answered almost immediately and without asking for clarification.


    NICE, OKAY! And then…!!!”


    “Snolus Survival Supplies, North Lower Market.” The Squirtle added on.


    Nivanee giggled, listening to the Torchic.


    “Gosh…someone sure is excited~” Nivanee cooed, nudging Avery. Vizon chuckled lightly to himself as they all spilled into the hall.


    As they entered the main hall, Avery saw a large wooden fold-out table. There, Estaloni the Ledian buzzed lightly, taking a few paper boxes and opening them up.


    “Oh…!” Nivanee gasped, glancing at the Ledian…looking excited.


    “Oh, hey, Estaloni-” Avery said, peeking into the main chamber of the guild at the boxes he was opening. The Plusle grinned a little. “What are those? Presents from a secret admirer~? Or…wow, lots of secret admirers from the looks of it…”


    “Hm! Secret admirers for me? No, very clear admirers for Sarfallinus, if anything.” The Ledian said curtly, taking out stacks of letters from the boxes. Avery could see now each box had a stamped sigil showing a postcard and the Arceus ring.


    Each of the letters looked different. Some were simple white envelopes, others, with colored paper and still others with impressive gold trimmings and official wax stamps.


    “Look at that.” The Ledian said, gesturing to the letters. Nivanee’s tail was waggling excitedly as the other guild members checked out the stacks, too. “Not since Duskwalker’s heyday has there been as large a wave of applications to join the Arceali guild.”


    “Wow…that’s a lot…!” Nivanee’s voice could barely contain the excitement. “Imagine that…new guild members…!”


    “I should certainly hope so.” Estaloni grunted, taking a small knife to open one of the fancier letters. “I recall in that large wave long ago was a letter from a excitable Piplup co-written by his esteemed Shinx friend…perhaps we may be so lucky this time as well.”


    Kipuuna blushed softly, eliciting a giggle from Nivanee.


    “Any mail for us?” Ganisus asked pointedly, staring down at the letters.


    “Hrm…I’d have to see.” Estaloni muttered.


    “I’ve got to get going pretty soon, but if you want some help sorting through those boxes I could stick around a little longer to help?” Avery offered. “That’s a lot of paper for one guy to sift through.”


    “Oho, I’ll certainly manage. Paperwork is the one claim on guild work I have.” Estaloni nodded, setting aside a box marked <GUILD PERSONELLE – INDIVIDUAL>.


    The Ledian opened the box casually, plucking out a few stacks of letters, eying each of them. He began laying a few down onto the wood table.


    “Let’s see…” Estaloni sighed. “Kipuuna, you have one letter from the Regional War Tournament Registry.”


    “Oooh! I hope I made the cut…!” Kipuuna said, straightening.


    “Ganisus…you have…a letter from Ferrai’s Picto-Ventures and one letter from a Professor Xanzogan of Nahdamyorshi.”


    “Cool. Knitting night class acceptance.”


    “Hrmmm…Loshjno…parcel delivery notice.” The Ledian continued.


    “Good, I was wondering when that’d get here.” The Squirtle said, taking the small slip.






    “You’re delinquent on a fine payment.” Estaloni cocked an eyebrow. Lahnae’s faced fell.


    “What?! Where were my warning letters!? I never got any!”


    The Ledian frowned, peeking in the box…and pulled out three more letters for Lahnae.


    “Well…here they are.” He sighed. Lahnae looked as though her heart had gone up into her throat. Loshjno winced as well.


    “I…” The Squirtle grimaced. “…I might’ve forgotten to remind you of your fine.”


    “Oh shoot…” The Torchic muttered, snatching the letters from the Ledian and RUNNING for the stairs. “SORRYAVERYI’LLSEEYOULATERTODAY!!!”


    She vanished at once, footsteps thunderously echoing up the spiral stairs. Estaloni sighed, returning to the letters in hand.


    “Let’s see…one letter to Nivanee from Keshiano…two private job request letters for Team Duskwalker, ohh, those are old, hm?” The Ledian shook his head. “And…two letters addressed to Team Azure…and one letter for Avery, it looks.”


    “…Oh! Huh!” Avery was surprised, looking back at his team. “Vizon! Niv! We’ve got fan mail, seems like…!”


    The Plusle stepped forwards, taking the letters addressed to them. How long had these letters been here for…? Where were they earlier? One, two three, four five, six.


    “Three for Niv, two for all three of us, and…”


    Avery looked down at the last letter addressed to him, tilting his head. Who would write to him specifically…?


    Nivanee stepped over, taking her letters in mouth and handing the others to Vizon, though she stuffed the job requests into her satchel. For now, they had four letters:




    To Team Azure from Barlo of Souljraan


    Culma Writing to The Members of Team Azure


    A Message forwarded from the owner of D & S SouthWestern Arcea Commercial to the Desk of: Avery of Team Azure


    “One for you, one for…” Avery furrowed his brow. “Is this a sponsorship deal or something….? What’s D & S Southwestern Arcea Commercial…?”


    He looked up to Estaloni for an answer.


    The Ledian squinted his eyes, buzzing closer and leaning over to stare of the name of the company that decorated the letter. Gingerly, Estaloni took the letter in hand to examine it curiously.


    The letter itself was trimmed with gold and printed upon a very expensive looking paper. Adorning the front was a wax seal and the writing was neat and even. In fact, it didn’t look written but rather printed.


    “D and S…De-…” The Ledian cocked an eyebrow. “…what is she up to…? I know there’s a banquet soon, but…”


    The Ledian handed the letter back and nodded to Avery to open it.


    The Plusle was confused as he silently took the letter again. He looked back at the others. A hush had fallen over the guildmembers as they all stared at the Plusle and his letter. Avery shifted uncomfortably, looking back down at the strange letter.


    At last, he willed himself to break the seal.


    As he opened the letter, he could see the inside was very finely typed, with a logo and everything:



    88B Pauwe Kollovani
    Goson Province, SW Arcea, Tax-Zone 119
    Viosna 27th – Nahstempnye: 6th Turn, 62
    Avery of Azure
    001C Arceliaze
    Primotta Province, CT Arcean, Tax-Zone 1

    Dear Mr.Avery:
    I hope this letter finds you well. I am Deshuuna of Jehziorro, owner and operator with my sons, Saffordi and Gilso, of DESHUUNA AND SONS SOUTHWESTERN ARCEA COMMERCIAL. You may know us from our various held companies including ‘Wheels Upon Road’, ‘Carriage Platoon 3’ and ‘Supply Network Northwest’, and others, providing reliable goods and resource shipping across both Arcea and Tulaan.

    This letter is to cordially invite YOU and ONE GUEST to the DESHUUNA AND SONS SOUTHWESTERN ARCEA Bi-Annual Banquet and Conference, held THE NIGHT OF V30 KS 6T62. Please find enclosed tickets with which to gain entry.

    Because D&S hosts a majority of supply chains in Arcea this is every enterprising noble and entrepreneur’s opportunity to meet with the finest minds of Arcean Business. We will also be hosting a public conference from SHE OF THE ONE TRUTH, CONDUIT ARCEALI, MOUTH OF ARCEUS PRESIDING OVER ARCELIAZE AND HER DISTRICTS, MISTRESS OF SOULJRAAN, HOLDER OF THE BLUE WATERS OF YAHNERI AND ENVOY SUPREME TO QUAYOFF OVER TAERIANA, MAY THE CENTURIES BEAR MILK AND HONEY – OLISITA.

    We hope that you will attend. On a personal note, Avery – I look forward to meeting you in person and shaking your hand.



    Indeed, included in the letter were two small cards on thick paper, signed and stamped with gold paint lining the lettering. Two invitations to this party.


    Avery read the letter, furrowing his brow in curiosity.


    “A banquet? I’ve been invited to a banquet…?” He look at the others.


    ‘Just me? And a plus one? Not all of Team Azure?


    That’s a little odd…Other than speaking with Kellixae and banking every day I’m not sure what business opportunities I’d engaged in. I’m not really one to take part in Arceliaze’s economy that much, I’m pretty sure…


    And that name. Deshuuna. Where have I heard that name before…?’


    “I’ll have to think about that,” Avery said, putting it away for now, with the two tickets. “Wonder what that’s all about…”


    He glanced back at the others…


    …and squirmed as they stared at him in a mixture of concern and shock.


    At last, Nivanee broke the silence.


    “Deshuuna…” Nivanee muttered, cocking her head. Vizon glanced over at her. “She’s…-“


    “Under watch by the Conduicy.” Estaloni said, narrowing his eyes. “For suspected treason for operation of the Thieves Guild.”


    “Operation…?” Vizon said, blinking. “You mean…?”


    “The boss. The Guild Master.” Estaloni finished. “Though…I should stress: suspected.”


    “Because we don’t have enough evidence?” Nivanee put in.


    “That, and if we didn’t specifically specify that she’s merely suspected she could levy that against the Arceali Guild, Conduicy and Elites as slander.”


    The Ledian sighed, shaking his head.


    “And nobles absolutely hate slander.” He finished.


    Avery’s bag suddenly felt a lot heavier.


    He had an idea of what he should do with it, but…


    ‘…should I, really? It might be something like poking the bear. Though, Olistia is also going to be there.’


    “Let’s just open the other two for now.” The Plusle said quickly, shoving the tickets and letter into his satchel. He didn’t want to linger on this. Not now, not again. “I, uh…yeesh. I don’t know what to make of that-“


    “Y-yeah…let’s see what these are…” Vizon said, also clearly wishing to shuffle past the topic. It was hard to tell if he…even wanted to talk about it. Like he detected another ‘event’ and was trying to swiftly move on before a ‘discussion’ occurred.


    Vizon took one of the other letters, ‘To Team Azure from Barlo of Souljraan’. It was a basic parchment, yellowed, looking store-bought and was bound by a simple splotch of glue. Vizon opened it, finding the letter to be written in curly writing with deeply pressed-strokes, and began to read aloud:


    “Dear Avery, Vizon and Jolvia,


    My name is Barlo of Souljraan, a former foreign goods inspector and…I suppose, former elite soldier to the Nido Empire. Yes, I am a Nidoran, one of many that stood to protect Emperor and Empress.


    I wanted to write this letter to thank you for knocking sense into me. As I write this, a bunch of other nidorans and nidorinas are crowding around me, making sujestions suggestions (and pointing out spelling mistakes), so let this letter speak from all of us still here: thank you.


    While most of the nidos went back to their lives many of us, myself included, decided we liked this new life, this adventure in someplace new…and some of us just like the atmosphere of the River Delta. All the same, we spend our quiet days helping the Taeriana villagers with their crops and they have, in return, let us sleep in whatever shacks from the old kingdom that didn’t get burned down.


    For those not suited to farming, they’ve been keeping the swamp safe. Some group, the ‘Mud Boys’ as they called themselves, tried to group up after some resounding defeat (did you have something to do with that?). But a bunch of the burly nidos sent them scrambling for the Oasis Canyon. We even hope to open some better roads into Taeriana…many of of would love for more people to see the cozy little hamlet, the lives we built here.


    Anyway, I’m running out of ink and paper. The bottom line is: from the bottom of everyone’s hearts: Thank you!


    Signed: Everyone! (And Barlo!)”


    Avery smiled faintly, putting a hand to his chest as Vizon finished reading. He felt this was a much nicer letter.


    “…Aww…how about that…?” The Plusle looked to Vizon with a little smile. “That was our first mission where…y’know, I really felt like we were coming into our own. Well, that and…it kind of started the snowball of bigger and bigger missions, since after that was Dove Fo Uddjo, but…”


    Avery looked down at the letter again. Vizon was staring down at it with reverent awe.


    “I’m glad to hear that they’re all doing okay.” The Plusle finished.


    Vizon took a breath, reading it…re-reading it. A smile crept on his face, his eyes sparkled. He looked like he was shaking, like a firecracker about to go off.




    He gulped. His eyes flew over the page again and again and again.


    “We’re heroes.”


    Nivanee beamed brightly, nudging Vizon’s side.


    “Hehe! Yup! You’re someone’s big hero, Vizon!” She cheered merrily. “Feels good, huh?”


    “It’s all I’ve wanted…to just.”


    He took a deep breath, holding the paper to his chest.


    “…be a good guy.”


    There was a warm, fuzzy feeling in Avery’s chest, too.


    “We made a difference to Barlo, and everyone there. We really did well, huh, partner?” The Plusle nudged Vizon a little. “And we put away the Emperor and Empress too, to boot! The Nidos don’t have to be afraid of them anymore…!”


    Vizon shook, trembled, his wobbling smile widening. His hands shook. The joy poured out of him like a fountain before it BURST.


    “YEAH!!” Vizon cheered, JUMPING up and pumping a fist!


    There we was! His old self…!


    We did it! We did great for everyone there!” The Riolu’s voice brimmed with excitement!


    The tension from last night felt like a far-flung memory in this moment. The worry and anxiety about his relationship to Vizon was fading from Avery’s mind already. He welcomed it, happily accepted it, let Yahneri Port be just a bad memory.


    For this moment…his buddy was back. And the warmth Avery felt was immeasurable.


    “Well, hang on, you still got one more~!” Nivanee reminded, nosing Avery, breaking him from his thoughts.


    “Right right right-” Avery quickly ripped open the last envelope, and…handed it to Vizon. “Just in case, I think you should read this one. If it’s another supporter, you should get to see it first…!”


    This letter’s paper was pink and cute. From here Avery could see red ink and hearts where there were supposed to be dots. But as Vizon read…it became apparent this wasn’t a love letter…that was just how this person wrote.


    To the members of Team Azure:

    A formal letter of thanks from Culma of Yahneri in association with the National Cartographer’s League of Arcea –


    Avery, Vizon:


    This is my most sincerest thanks to you I can possibly give. What you did for me was nothing short of the most courageous act any one person has ever done for me. To think it was also the jumpstart to your fantastic career going forward…it fills me with endless joy and appreciation for life.


    I still have nightmares about that day. Crossing the Yahneri Forest and being ambushed, bag stolen, sack put over my head, dragged who knows how long and being chained up on Windscorch Mountain…I had simply wanted to be a cartographer. To draw more and more detailed and nuanced maps, festooned with beauty and artistry…and now I admit, I fear my job. Robbed of my passion.


    I hear the Yahneri forest has been destroyed recently. I am sorry to say that I do not believe I will miss it…


    I am seeking counseling, of course. And I busy myself with stories of your adventures which help keep me grounded. I’ve yet to return to cartography and I feel my hiatus may last a while yet. But you have, without a doubt, given me another chance at life, and I will never forget that.


    Thanks and in your debt forever and always,

    Culma the (hopefully not former) cartographer”


    “Oh, that’s-!” Avery perked up as Vizon finished reading. “That’s the Marill! The one way back…our first mission! I…yeah, therapy makes sense…might need some of that myself, after everything we’ve been through. But I’m glad she’s doing alright.”


    ‘…I like these letters. Knowing we’re making a difference.


    Though I’m noting that these are all somewhat independent of the Pearl business…’


    “Gosh…even on your first mission…” Nivanee said with a sigh, stepping up to Vizon to look over his shoulder. “I know I’m a team member and not really your senior but…I’m still so proud of you both…!!”


    “Heyyyy, it’s ok. You can still be proud of us!” Vizon joked with a shrug. “Because…I’m proud of us, too…!!”


    The Riolu lifted the letters. Small gestures that meant the world.


    “We did it, you guys!!” Vizon said aloud. “Whatever happens after…! We’re still heroes to somebody!!”


    He couldn’t have possibly looked more happy…


    …happy to be in the guild.


    “I feel like we should almost frame these,” Avery said with a chuckle. “Honestly, I hope that with all this Pearl business done we can go back to stuff like this! Helping towns, people in need, the kidnapped, the needy, stuff like that. Though…maybe a little part of that is out of selfish hope that we’ll get more fan letters, hehe-


    “It’s all the same thing, in a way…!!” Vizon said at once. “Helping Poke’mon personally…or helping the whole WORLD with the Pearls. No matter what, we’re doing our part!”


    Nivanee gave a small smile, glancing back at Avery hopefully.


    “Though…the letters are still nice.” Nivanee added. “Of course, then once you’ve made a name for yourself as a guild member you start to get specialized requests from clients.”


    She glanced down at her satchel, nosing it open…sighing lightly as the Job Requests there.


    “One from ‘The New Village of Mal Project’…and one from…oh look at the , the Duke of Souljraan again.”


    The Eevee sighed with an eyeroll.


    “It’s funny. I usually don’t feel so much like bellyaching about jobs. A guildmember should never shirk work or complain but-…”


    Nivanee glanced backwards, toward her torso…near where her wound would have been.


    “…maybe I’m in a mood to complain a little.”


    “Well hey, we should do them anyway, once we get time!” Vizon said with gusto, making Nivanee heave another sigh with a patient smile. “So we can go out and be heroes again for them!”


    “For nobles with vanity projects and dukes too cheap to pay proper wages to soldiers…naturally.” Nivanee muttered, lightly laughing…though she hardly seemed joking.


    The Eevee seemed so




    Avery wanted to ask what the ‘New Village of Mal Project’ was, but now probably wasn’t the time. The Plusle simply gave Nivanee a little look out of the side of his eye, shrugging.


    “If I’m gonna be selfish a little, I really doubt the Duke is going to write us a letter we can frame on our wall like this one,” Avery said, gently waving Culma’s pink frilly paper in Vizon’s face. “If people aren’t careful they’ll start thinking you’ve got an admirer of your own with something like this on your wall~!”


    Avery backed off a bit.


    “But, I’ve gotta get going.” The Plusle said. “Lots to prepare for…! I’ll come back to the guild before Lahnae and I leave for the trip though! Sound good?”


    Nivanee smiled at that.


    “Yeah. Sounds good, Avery.” Nivanee said. “If you want, I’ll probably be with Kipuuna and Ganisus out around the Market district.”


    “Yeah, you have…fun, whatever it is you’re doing!” Vizon said, taking the letters and folding them back up. “I’m gunna save these…then head out to find Vinae. I think she was gunna be in front of the castle? Dunno!”


    Everyone in agreement. They were all free to break off and start their vacation.


    ‘At last…’


    “Alright! See you guys later then!” Avery hiked his bag up, and trotted out of the guildhall, heading for the book stand.


    Despite a few complications with…Deshuuna, this was feeling okay. Questions still swam in his head, about what that dream was, things like that. Indeed, those thick-printed invitations could be felt bounding lightly in his satchel. The invitation still fresh in his mind…


    …the question was if he’d attend.


    ‘…One thing at a time, Avery.’


    All the same, Avery head out by himself up the stairs, out the entrance hall, pulling open the front doors to the guild, greeted with Arceliaze in the early morning.


    The golden sun rays still danced on the stones of the city and the air still held spring’s chill, puffs of clouds rolling off Avery’s breath. The city had not woken up yet. The streets were mostly empty, and none were about but shop keepers and early morning couriers looking to beat the mid morning foot traffic.


    After so long…this was familiar.


    It was practically home. He had missed the damp smell of distant, passed rain. The quiet trickle of water flowing through small concrete gutters and pouring with a pitter-patter into the canal, the visage of the castle shimmering in the blue waters. The cold touch of the smooth stone roads on his paws. The cooling shade of looming buildings, festooned with golden trimmings and proud statues. The gentle splash and babble of fountains on the side of the street. The flapping of flags and banners hung upon walls and poles.


    Only here and there did the turmoil of the riots litter the road and the walls. The cleanup effort had restored the city to its shine in such short time.


    This city…it seemed able to recover from anything. The morning air was crisp and cool, but in the refreshing way that seemed reserved for those who woke up this early.


    Avery took a deep breath of the air that stung his nose in that nice way…and onwards he went, down to the stand.


    The day was his. If he wasn’t a morning person before now then the regiment of the guild had forced him into being one. But perhaps that wasn’t so bad. The calm was a welcome change to the chaos of his normal work.


    Even crossing the One Truth Square…Avery could see the remnants of the chaos more clearly in the sunlight. Stepping over some rubble. Planks had been laid over any potholes, warning rope blocking larger ones. Graffiti still decorated the square…


    …yet it was so peaceful.


    There, at the end of the road on the far side of the One Truth Square, the Plusle could see the familiar line of buildings.


    And, much to Avery’s relief, he could see a Mawile raising the wood shutter on the stand, her Simisear father helping to open up.


    The feeling overrode his want to monologue.


    “Sekura-!” Avery called, bringing a hand up as he began running towards the stand. “Sekura, hi-!”


    The Mawile jumped. No doubt the sound of her own name being shouted gave her a start.


    But the moment she turned around and locked eyes with Avery was the moment a wide smile spread across her face! The Mawile ran towards him, a bounce in her step, arms outstetched!


    “Averry!!” She shouted, making no attempt to hide her accent. “You arre alive!!”


    The Mawile about near to tackled Avery, wrapping her arms around him, LIFTING him up and squeezing!


    “I’m alive, I’m alive-!” Avery wrapped him arms around Sekura’s neck as he was lifted up, squeezing her shoulders tightly.


    “Kellixae and I hearrd news that the place you had gone the…the…Yahnerri Porrt…had been attacked!” Sekura rambled, pulling back and setting the Plusle down. “And you had been gone so long!”


    “Oh, it was a lot – don’t tell anyone else, okay?” Avery brought his head back to look up at her. “We were stranded on a deserted island with – get this, Captain Manikas, and some Thieves’ Guild members-! We were there for a week straight…! We got rescued by the rest of our guild coming to get us, and we took down a huge water beast- ah, but I’m so glad I’m back…!”


    “Island?! Beast!! Avery!” Sekura gasped, gripping his shoulders in disbelief. “How is it you continue to get into these situations?! Arrceus, do not tell me you arre here to prreparre forr yet morre adventurre??”


    She took a breath, looking back.


    “Qefsi! Ewz i vuspevu! I wowu!!” She shouted, getting her Simisear father’s attention at once.


    “He’s WHAT?!” The old Poke’mon shouted, scrabbling over the counter, knocking over books and knick-nacks. “Avery! You-!!”


    “It is a long story it sounds, verry long!!” Sekura said, hugging Avery again. “Oh Kellixae will be most rrelieved.”


    Avery heaved a sigh of his own.


    “I heard a bit about what happened while I was gone…” He said, worried. “I had tried to visit you and Kellixae last night to let you know I was okay as soon as I got back, but I wasn’t allowed into the district. Are you and your family and friends okay…?”


    Sekura’s father sighed while the mawile nodded.


    “Yes, we are all okay.” Sekura sighed. “Family, friends…er, I believe one or two friends of mine were swept up in the scuffles but naught for them but a broken arm at most. Kellixae is okay. We stayed together, inside, every night for the week.”


    “Grrim things. Grrim, grrim things these rriots.” The Simisear leaning on the bookstore counter sighed. “I was with my wife, Kannae, when it happened. We werre out on a lowerr marrket distrrict strreet when suddenly the way to One Trruth Squarre was completely cut off. Laterr we learrned apparrently a bunch of ourr own rrushed it and torre it to pieces…”


    Sekura’s father sighed, looking toward the square, seeing the damage still not cleaned up.


    Avery looked down, sighing to himself and shaking his head.


    “…It’s a sad sight to see a city like this,” The Plusle said, looking back to the square. “Nivanee and I helped pick up a few of the pieces last night. I just hope that the protests don’t go past this and everyone starts taking each others’ wants seriously.”


    “Oh herre is hoping.” The Simisear laughed. “Kannae and I have done ourr best to get the plights of Illaminians hearrd by the populace and the Conduicy. My wife most of all…but actions like that…”


    The Simisear gestured toward the one truth square, sighing.


    “It sends a message, yes, but it is usually not the message one would like…”


    The Simisear glanced back toward the stand, a sad look on his face.


    A new Brighter Arceliaze Weekly pamphlet fluttered in the light wind.


    Avery sighed with Sekura’s father. He turned his head again, this time to the Illaminian district.


    “There was a group of Illaminians last night that wouldn’t let me into the Illaminian District.” Avery began, recalling last night to the pair. “I was guild, I understood why – but one of them mentioned I might have better luck if I was escorted by you. Do you think…I could go in with you to go see Kellixae? I don’t want to keep her in the dark too long that…you know, I’m alive. If not, I understand-! You have a job, after all.”


    Sekura thought for a moment.


    “You might not need me to.” Sekura said. “Though I am most happy to come with you; Kellixae is likely to be at the bank by now, surely.”


    “Ah, right- the bank-!” Avery nodded in recognition. “…Gosh, I’ve been gone so long I nearly forgot…I’ll be over to see her as soon as I can then.”


    Avery perked up a bit. A part of him wanted to move on to something else, focus on something nicer for now. He was seeing Sekura for the first time in a whole week, this was a good thing! And he’d treat it like such.


    “Oh, but-!” Avery began. “There were two things I wanted to know, er…one, I wanted to know if there were any new periodicals? Perhaps about Azuuuure…? I got some fan mail this morning and I’m a little excited to see if anything about the new guild’s been written down. I’ll pay, of course…!”


    Sekura perked up and smiled.


    “Oh! Yes! There was a stack of periodicals delivered just yesterday that are to release this morning!” Sekura said, absolutely giddy. “With how much you’ve been the talk of the town we expect to be sold out by noon~! Shall I show you?”


    “Yeah, I’d love to see!”


    Sekura nodded, standing up to walk by the stand. She stepped through a door to the side, appearing again on the far end of the counter so she could rummage around the back for the periodicals.


    As her back was turned, Avery glanced at the side of the counter. There could see the pamphlets on the stand in a little holder, a little sign making clear they were free to all Arceans:


    Last week’s BAW, ‘The Crushed Common Arcean’…and this week’s BAW…‘The Defilers from the West’.



    Avery furrowed his brow.


    He knew that she and her father had to sell these pamphlets, but…


    Avery’s ears pinned back a little.


    “…Bleh. They’re really getting brave about it…” Avery mumbled to himself, trying to keep it low so that the subject could stay off of it.


    Avery could hear the Simisear give a quiet laugh. He stepped up behind the Plusle, plucking the newest BAW brochure from the stand and looking inside.


    “Hm…‘The Illaminian riot of Spring 29th has taught the Arcean public one thing: the Illaminian population has gone from a welcome addition to a group of parasites on our once great country.'” The Simisear quietly read aloud, cocking an eyebrow with a grin. “Amusing they could not even get the date right. I was unaware the riots were today.


    The Simisear gave another good-natured laugh.


    What else was he supposed to do?


    “…Actually, there is one more thing-” Avery said, looking up to the both of them. “…I don’t think I can tonight, since I’m going camping with Lahnae out to the west. But…I have the next three days off. Do you think…you might have time to help tutor me to speak Illaminian?”


    The Simisear glanced down at Avery, his smile warm and sunny as he set the pamphlet back onto the stand.


    “If I am being honest, Avery?” He said softly. “You may learn whenever you like. I’d hardly keep Sekura from a friend and I can run the shop fine on my own, hm?”


    “Well…could you maybe give me some basic drills?” Avery asked, glancing at Sekura. “I know Lahnae’s got an Illaminian on her team that’s been teaching her the language – maybe I could practice a bit with her if I have some basics under my belt. What’s a good place to start…?”


    “Do you still have some of those children books I gave you?” The mawile asked with a shrug as she dug through the book supply. “It’s, perhaps, embarrassing to start there, but they are a good resource for a reason.”


    “I do…! I can bring those along on the trip, then. I…hah, did not have them on the island, unfortunately. But I guess they’d have gotten waterlogged if I had-!”


    “Verry wise, Averry. That will certainly get you starrted, Pup tio feddusfu?” The Simisear father laughed, patting Avery on the back with a wide smile just as Sekura emerged from the back with a thick book in hand.


    “Here we go! The new Guild Periodical, featuring Team Azure!” The Mawile cheered, handing the book to Avery. “On the house. After all, Team Azure is the main attraction of this one! Your inaugural periodical! Those always sell like crazy…not to worry, I have helped myself to one.”


    “Oh, Sekurra.


    “For my collection, of course!!”


    Avery flipped through the periodical, studying it.




    Guild Periodical


    Recent Exploits of the Guild as of Viosna 29th


    6th Turn, 62





    Ed.: Vondorus Geikron


    Published by the Souljreini Printing Company


    6th Turn, 62. Souljreini Printing Company.

         Printed here is a collection of testimonies, guild reports, public roster data, and other compiled information to bring to you, the Arcean public, a publication detailing the feats of a chosen Arceliaze Guild teams.

            We strive to bring you a full documentation of recent events concerning your favorite Arceliaze Guild teams. Our other goal is to bring this information without bias or hyperbole.



    FORMED: 6th TURN 59



    • Species: TORCHIC
    • Position: TEAM LEADER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 44; ZSHIMA 44th
    • Age: 18
    • Major Accomplishments: 3 years running award winner for the golden thimble for “Worst Guild Captain”. Holds the record for the least number of completed mission for any team of three years in history.



    • Species: SQUIRTLE
    • Position: TEAM MEMBER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 43; YESHINYE 5th
    • Age: 19
    • Major Accomplishments: None


            This past month has shown another typical fare for Team Spade with a long line of major failures. In light of rumors of a major threat from the Thieves Guilds these recent failures have been especially egregious. However, a number of these failures were tempered with half-successes.

            The Arceali Guild has shuffled Team Spade around between softball missions but it seems nothing is easy enough for the team to be successful. Their most notable failure for the half-month was a joint operation with Team Azure to Lightning Wastes, breaking the breakout all-star team’s success streak. It seems not even the wonder members of Team Azure can pull Team Spade out of failure. The failure was thankfully coupled with the successful expulsion of the Treasure Guild from sacred Qease’ ruins.

            We’re sorry to say: We still fail to see the significance of Team Spade’s inclusion at this point in time.










    Avery flipped the page with a bitter chuckle.


    “…Ah, Team Spade…” Avery sighed. “After going on a mission with the two of them, I know why they’re failing and it’s not because of lack of skill. Loshjno is one of the most observant, tactical people I’ve ever met, and Lahnae…”


    Avery laughed a bit, shaking his head.


    “She could take down titans. I won’t talk too much about that mission, but…” Avery looked up to the Simisear. “We wouldn’t have made it back if Team Spade hadn’t been there.”


    He turned the page, continuing to read.



    FORMED: 6th TURN 53



    • Species: PIPLUP
    • Position: TEAM LEADER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 44; LATO 35th
    • Age: 18
    • Major Accomplishments: 4 year winner of ‘Souljreini Golden Citizen’ award for service and labor to the municipality. Awarded “Kind Hearts” Ribbon for charity work in Yahneri Port and Qease’.




    • Species: SHINX
    • Position: TEAM MEMBER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 43; VIOSNA 61st
    • Age: 19
    • Major Accomplishments: None


            The beginning of this month saw much of the same activities from Team Aquashock as normal: relatively safe and unadventurous outings. Several missions were spent on cargo labor in both Souljraan and Yahneri port with only the occasional sweep ordered, done quickly and without risk.

            However, a change was observed after a joint mission between Team Aquashock and Team Azure. While the nature of this mission has been kept a state secret, we’ve observed Team Aquashock take its first mission loss in several years. However, this was not a mission moving boxes but rather a dangerous scout and subjugate at Squirtle Lake. Then after, another dangerous mission was taken near Apple Woods for a well-known bandit kingpin.

            Reports state the mission was a harrowing affair. A trudge down into a cave turned bandit hideout. Eyewitnesses talk of 10 or 15 low-level bandits descending upon the location. Ice Beams and massive bolts of electricity flew from the tree tops, the sheer power shaking them. None of us knew Aquashock was hiding such power!

            When all was quiet, one by one, tens of bandits were dragged from the cave by the battered pair. Kipuuna was exhausted, cuts and bruises covering his body, while Ganisus looked hardly worse for wear. The way they were described…it was like they weren’t at all the same team.

            We don’t know where this change has come from! The Team has also reportedly dropped a rank. Perhaps pressure from the guild has forced them to take their job more seriously, and what potential they were hiding all along! It’s a wonder to all of us here at the Souljreini Printing Company while this power, this will to do good, was held back for so long, but we’re happy to see the start of a shocking comeback for Team Aquashock! Keep your eyes on this one!










    FORMED: 6th TURN 52



    • Species: EEVEE
    • Position: TEAM LEADER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 41; VIOSNA 2nd
    • Age: 21
    • Major Accomplishments: Arceali Golden Empathy Award, Accolade of the People, 6-year running All-Star Arceali Team winner, High Honor of Yahneri, High Honor of Souljraan, High Honor of Taeriana, High Honor of Arceliaze, Iron Bisharp Award of Steel Justice


    JANUS (MIA):

    • Species: PIKACHU
    • Position: TEAM MEMBER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 43; ZSHIMA 22nd
    • Age: 19
    • Major Accomplishments: Home and Country Award of Excellent Service to Arcea and Her People


            We here at the Souljreini Printing Company are shocked. Shocked does not even begin to describe how we feel. Team Duskwalker, often considered to be the greatest team in the modern Arceali Guild, has had a history of troubles, primarily stemming from the disappearance of Janus, who still remains missing to this day. However, despite this, Team Duskwalker rose to the challenge, becoming a solo team that still managed to be a shining beacon of the guild.

            But it’s now with a heavy heart we announce the end of Team Duskwalker. Janus has still not returned and the team is officially retired. However, fret not: Nivanee of Duskwalker has found a new home with the All-Star team, Team Azure, where she continues her legacy of excellence not as a Team Captain but a tertiary member.

            The final closing missions of Duskwalker encapsulated the team’s history: jobs bold and adventure as well as jobs simple and humble. From capturing dangerous criminals in explosive battles to simple audits or helping the common Arcean, these final days of Team Duskwalker will let us forever remember all that it’s done these long years with a warm fondness. We wish Nivanee well with the future of her career at Team Azure.









    FORMED: 6th TURN 62



    • Species: PLUSLE
    • Position: TEAM LEADER
    • Birthdate: UNKNOWN
    • Age: ASSUMED 18
    • Major Accomplishments: NONE



    • Species: RIOLU
    • Position: TEAM MEMBER
    • Birthdate: 6th TURN, 39; LATO 47th
    • Age: 23
    • Major Accomplishments: Golden Ladle for Exceptional Service at Homeless Shelter


    Team Azure needs no introduction at this point. The layman Poke’mon has heard of the breakout team of the guild. For the first time in decades, interest in the guild has spiked, something we here at the Souljreini printing company thought impossible. And it’s not just Team Azure; they seem to have an effect on the other teams. Drama and excitement has re-entered dry and boring modern guild. Aquashock has taken to danger and excitement, Duskwalker dissolves, Team Spade nearly completes a mission.

    The inclusion of Team Azure was a shock in how sudden it was. Fresh blood in the stagnant roster was huge news, but even then the sheer level of danger, adventure and fun Team Azure displays is a marvel thought long dead and buried with the late ex-Guild Master Karniqus.

    The first head-turning exploit was the adventure at River Delta. Eyewitnesses at the scene at Taeriana describe a wild scene: an army of nidos having made a massive kingdom of wood. Spotlights atop towers. Marching soldiers and a pair of haughty leaders blaring their messages to all, taking slaves from the native Taeriana villagers.

    Team Azure bravely burst onto the scene, fresh from a harrowing and explosive battle with the Mud Boys of Shallow Marsh. They infiltrated the Nido Kingdom and incited a grand rebellion, burning the false kingdom to the ground, liberating the lot of the Taeriana villagers and nido soldiers that had fearfully and unwillingly joined the service of the nido army.

    But Team Azure wasn’t finished. From there, a battle with a dangerous criminal, the old wanderer, was spotted by on-lookers from far off. They described a beautiful battle, a flurry of attacks. The bandit was ferocious and fast, with electrical attacks that kicked up dust, slamming into team members dangerously. Yet through coordination and cunning the villain was finally taken down in a dramatic finisher delivered by Nivanee, still of Team Duskwalker running the mission in conjunction with Azure.

    Following this were missions of unknown significance to Dovve Fo Uddjo and to Lightning Wastes. The latter saw Team Azure liberating the desert village of Qease from the dangerous and baleful influence of the Treasure Guild. The excavation was dismantled and all associated parties arrested.

    Team Azure is exactly what the Guild of Arceliaze was sorely lacking: Competent, brave, loyal, dramatic, determined, flashy. The excitement will be fierce with this team, no doubt, and it will challenge the writing and journalism of the Souljreini Printing Company in a way we’ve not been challenged in decades. And, in this one case, we couldn ‘t be happier for the extra work.












    6th Turn, 62


    Avery felt his cheeks reddening a little.


    “H…hah, wow, they…they’re really pulling out the flowery language for us, huh…?”


    “Well of courrse, Mrr.Crrowd-Pleaserr!” The Simisear laughed, shaking Avery’s shoulder in his firm grip. “They must play to yourr popularrity! Hah! You make even me want to trry my hand at joining the Arrceali guild! Though I would surely crrumple to the firrst bandit!”


    “Oh, Qeqe…” Sekura giggled.


    “No no, can you not see it? Kannae and I on a team, Team Widdjo Tdouddjo Mipvo! And we would go about hitting outlaws with ourr walking canes and thrrow out ourr backs when we turrn too fast! Come back herre, sonny, I have not given you yourr licking prroperrly!!”


    Avery laugh a little bit at that.


    “There’s a lot of different kinds of guild work, Team Aquashock has shown that. But even if you aren’t part of the guild yourself, there’s plenty of ways to help the city, I think! You two have been doing a good job here.” Avery stood up and put the periodical back, along with some Poké for the read. “I really am proud that you both call me a friend.”


    “How everr could we not?” The Simisear grinned. “You have shown my family grreat kindness. You have shown my frriends grreat kindness. I would be a callous fool to not, at the verry least, call you my frriend.”


    Sekura smiled hearing that, bending down to hug Avery again.


    “We shall certainly run our little bookstore with at least half as much gusto as you with your work.” Sekura laughed, patting the Plusle’s shoulders. “So! Are you off to see Kellixae~?”


    “I think so,” Avery said with a little smile, hugging the Mawile back. “But thank you again for the books. I hope you have a good day, Sekurae-! Uh…”


    He paused for a moment, leaning towards Sekura.


    “…How do you say ‘bye’ in Illaminian…?”


    Sekura bent down to get eye-level with Avery, eyes sparkling.


    “You take in a deep breath, widen your stance, and with all the love in your heart and promise in that you’ll meet again…say…” Sekura took a deep breath, widening her stance, belting out: “Essowifisdo!!!”


    “You may also say it as a norrmal Poke’mon, alterrnatively.” The Simisear snickered.


    “Hee…but yes, Avery. We will be right here, selling the tales of your exploits! If you wish to talk again, we’ll be right here.”


    Avery giggled a bit, patting Sekura’s arm. He turned to the Simisear, struck a pose, took a deep breath.


    “Essowifido!” Avery said, stumbling a bit on the word. “…I think.”


    “Heeey~! How pretty your pronounce it~!” Sekura cheered encouragingly. The Simisear laughed, too…and struck a pose of his own.




    His bellowing voice echoed the Illaminian goodbye across the stones of the Market District, a fitting parting with the pair to cap off the visit before heading for the Farming District bank.


    With that final word and wave, Avery was on his way.


    It had been a while since he’d taken the long route to the Farming District bank. He passed by the entrance to the Illaminian District, almost going through on autopilot – but he paused at the entrance, remembering last night.


    He knew it would be a longer journey, so he kept my pace brisk to the Farming District.


    Arceliaze was beginning to stir.


    As the sun crept higher into the sky, voices began to echo over the city. Cleanup crews moving toward the One Truth Square and guards finishing shift rotations. The life returned to the city.


    The wind was picking up, blowing dust across the stone streets, swinging signs and hanging decorative plants, jostling the tufts of fur upon Avery’s head.


    Even as his feet touched the Cobblestone of the troubled Lower Market District, everything was calm and Peaceful.


    He passed by neatly trimmed homes and simple statues, slowly making his way towards the industrial section. The gruff Poke’mon that stood by the loading dock of a warehouse were as familiar as a landmark as he passed by the industry of Arceliaze, massive carriages of materials passing by silently. The smell of wood and smelting steel filled the air.


    “Ai, ai!! Newsletter to ye fine Poke’mon! Yahneri Port attacked! Third of the City left in flames by unknown creature! Olistia to address concerns regarding superweapons at D&S Banquet this Konsova on the 30th!”


    The voice shouting over the buildings as Avery passed was grabbing the attention of many surrounding Poke’mon, though several gave little else than grunts, returning to their work.


    At last, he came upon that familiar bend, taking him down to the place he’d normally exit from the Illaminian District, heading straight toward the Farming District.


    It felt like it’d been so long since he’d seen it: The rolling hills of farmland, the towering hills of the Arceali valley on the horizon, the roll of mist crossing the lands…and as Avery made his way down the dirt path he soon spotted the stand.


    His bank.


    The white locks of the Flaaffy running it shined in the bright sun.


    It had been a while. A week. Maybe two. Avery was already starting to forget how long he’d spent on that island. But…as soon as he saw that bank, he broke into a run.






    Didn’t react at first.


    As Avery ran for the banker’s stand he could see her locks draped forward, the Flaaffy leaning forward.


    Get even closer…he could see her covering her face…gently rubbing her temples…


    His pace slowed. Avery’s smile grew to an expression stretched thin with worry. Kellixae looked almost in pain. His run tapered off to a slow walk as he approached the desk.


    “…Kellixae? Are you doing alright?”


    He saw her lift her head a little at his voice.


    An eerie silence cut between them both. Only the faint rustling wind could be heard…


    “…Averry…?” She said, voice…quiet.


    She lowered her hands, both of them flumping lazily onto the counter. Her eyes looked…red…puffy. Heavy bags sat under her eyes, an exhausted and almost dead expression upon her face.


    “You…Averry…!” The Flaaffy let out a small gasp, but did not smile, as though she were physically exhausted. “You…arre alive…I had assumed so, when I saw…ey…yourr parrtnerr but…”


    Her voice tapered off, a little shuddering sigh escaping her.


    “…I am rrelieved to see you in person. Here…and brreathing.”


    “…W…what happened?” Avery asked quietly. Vizon? Was she referring to Vizon? Had he been here before him? “Are you alright? You…you didn’t…you didn’t lose anyone in the riots, d-did you?”


    “Wh-what? No no, nothing like that.” Kellixae…sniffed, shaking her head. “I am fine. We arre all fine. RRiloae, a neighbor of mine, her son was jailed with a few others, but…no, I am fine…”


    She took a deep breath again, a hand on her chest.


    “I just…yourr partnerr, the Rriolu came and he was followed by a three otherrs and…”


    She sucked in a breath.


    “…just…some old anxieties rreturning to me, do not worrry.”


    “…Did…did he do anything?” Avery asked gently, moving to the side of the counter. “…I’m sorry, Kellixae. I-is there anything I can do to help you…?”


    “No, nothing. I just…”


    She squirmed, closing her eyes.


    “The thrree that followed him simply looked…familiarr…” Kellixae sighed. “Some of those…ehh…Imovi? The ones that have left the guild.”


    She shook her head again at Avery’s proposal.


    “No, nothing to do.” The Flaaffy assured. “I need only calm myself. I apologize, I…”


    Her breath hitched.


    “…I do not know what came over me.”


    She was silent, trying to come down, holding a hand to her chest, as though feeling her own heartbeat. Another deep breath…another…


    …deep breaths…


    …she opened her eyes at last.


    “I am sorrry. This is a happy moment, is it not? You are herre and safe, my frriend.” She said. “Sekurrae and I werre worrried, especially after word rreached her of what happened at Yahnerini…”


    Avery paused for a moment.


    “…Do you need me to get you something?” The Plusle asked. “A hot drink, something like that? I know you probably can’t leave your post, I can get something – or I can go to the border of the Illaminian District, maybe ask one of the guards there to get something for you. I…don’t know how well that would go, but…anything I can do to help.”


    He smiled softly.


    “I want to be able to help.”


    Kellixae sighed softly…almost patiently.


    “I will be fine, Avery, I promise. The company of frriends is plenty help.” She assured. “Burrdening you with tasks is not in my naturre, hm?”


    She leaned back and fluffed her woolly locks, recovering bit by bit.


    “Do you wish to pull up a chair? It is quiet herre by myself…and I wish to well-spend any time we have togetherr. We might not have much of it in the coming days.”


    “Sure, I-“


    …That gave him another pause. What little smile he had faded with those words. They…sounded almost familiar. Like when Jolvia had told him they wouldn’t have nearly as much of a break as he’d have thought.


    Like Kellixae knew something he didn’t.


    “…We…we aren’t…?”


    Kellixae sighed, a small smile on her lips.


    “Yourr parrtnerr…Vizon…he told me yourr team rreached…ey…rrank 2?” Kellixae mused, standing up and picking up a chair, setting it down beside her for Avery.


    The Flaaffy sat back down in her stool, leaning on the counter.


    “And with a betterr rrank…comes with it a betterr banking location.” Kellixae said with a sigh. “The…three that werre with him mentioned it was even in the Marrket Distrrict…the South Brranch, a verry nice place, hm? Vizon and his…grroup…werre here to drrain the funds and move them there so…”


    She shrugged lightly.


    “Yourr money is no longerr herre.” She said. “…I am surre Vizon is verry pleased by this.”


    “…Kellixae,” Avery said with a little laugh. “You had me worried for a second. You think I’m going to stop visiting you just because our bank is somewhere else…?”


    “Hm, coming and going as you are? And the Illaminian District, I’ve heard you are awarre…being closed off now after the past few nights…” Kellixae gave a huffing laugh of her own. “Well…I shall still hope to see you, my frriend.”


    “Closed off to me, sure,” Avery said. “…But I’d still like to see you. I went to visit you last night, I wasn’t allowed in – but one of the guards made it sound like I could be escorted inside if I was with a friend from inside the district. So…it’s still possible to see you off hours if I arrange for it. I want to make sure that the Illaminians feel safe. I…I mean, they don’t trust guild.”


    He sighed, shaking his head.


    “I just…I’ve already somehow changed the guild so much. I just hope I can change it so that everyone can trust us. And…we can trust ourselves to do the right thing.”


    Another pause, and he laughed.


    “…Sorry. Getting all dramatic again-“


    Kellixae was silent at that.


    Very silent.


    She looked away a moment, a contemplative look on her face, hands folded together.


    “Well..I would not get my hopes up for such a development, Averry.” She said. It was almost said like it were a small joke, but…


    …something about her tone was off.


    “Some things do not change. Some things are not taken back. I am surre you underrstand.” Kellixae nodded, glancing back at the Plusle. “But…it is not all doom. Illamini Op Arceali still yet fight forr theirr own herre. Defiantly living. Just these past few nights…we stood togetherr.”


    She smiled softly.


    “…and we shall continue to do so.”


    “…I’m still going to try,” Avery said, resolve in his voice. “…People would have said the same thing about Team Spade, but they were able to change. Same with Aquashock. I know that in the end it’s up to Illamini op Arceali how they think of us.”


    He paused, his fist clenching.


    “I want to make a city where you can feel safe…and where Poke’mon like in NAM don’t.”


    There was a pause as Kellixae eyed Avery up and down curiously, her green eyes seeming to sparkle in the morning sun.


    “Well…arre you cerrtain you arre the same Averry that left forr Yahnerri Porrt a week ago?” She trilled softly. “You seem so changed. Hearing that…”


    She hummed, closing her eyes.


    “…Illamini op Arrceali arre not afrraid because of some violent Poke’mon from NAM…though they arre cerrtainly parrt of it. We fearr therre is prrofit in ourr sufferring. And when therre is prrofit in sufferring…then we shall always sufferr.”


    The glint in her eye had changed…to a much more hopeful one, despite the dour words she had just said.


    “…I am sure you off all Poke’mon are no stranger to such harrowing odds.” Kellixae giggled softly. “How very lucky.”


    “I’m here for a reason,” Avery said with a little nod. “I really believe that. And….part of that reason’s to make life better for Illamini op Arceali. Yahneri Port…made me realize a lot of things, intrinsically. So…I’m not going to wait anymore.”


    “In that case…” Kellixae laughed. “…I do welcome you down herre in the muck with the rrest of us~!”


    She laughed softly. All in one moment she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Avery, hugging him warmly into her fluff, squeezing lovingly.


    “It shall be a hard fight, as it has always been…forr hundrreds of years.” Kellixae pulled back, setting her hands in her lap. “You and I both know it’s more than just NAM…I assume you saw one truth square…those, as they are calling…rriots…the square defaced and a house burned down.”


    She huffed, an indignant look on her face even as she held her smile.


    “Funny, that, hm? Not one word printed on one parchment when Sekurae’s house was burned by those NAM criminals.” Kellixae said. “But, oh, an unoccupied building in the Lower Market District is burned and it is all over those vile pamphlets. Complete with a log carved with a warning in Illaminian – broken Illaminian, mind, as though an Illamini Op Arceali would butcher their own language so-!!”


    She puffed a breath, grinning and fanning herself.


    “Arrceus, pardon. I am, perrhaps, a tad worrked up.”


    “Using a protest as cover, ah?” Avery shook his head. “Here’s hoping that someone like me gets put on detective work for that sort of thing. I’m trying to learn Illaminian, so that would have helped expose the cover.”


    “Using prrotests as a coverr? I can harrdly imagine coverring what.” Kellixae shrugged, shaking her head. “I was invited by Sekurrae to this, ah, house party, for some quick snacks and a drrink. It was just afterr the rriots. Last night orr…night beforre, herr Motherr, Kannae, was brringing togetherr a few, let us say, frriends…


    Kellixae glanced to the side…and transitioned into a small whisper.


    “…and durring the parrty I overrhearrd something about that house that got burrned down…”


    “Oh, a party?” Avery tilted his head. “I, ah, wish I could have come, but…I don’t think I’d be very welcome. That, and, uh, I was busy.”


    He paused.


    “…What was it you overheard?”


    Kellixae smiled, a little twinkle in her eye. For a brief moment she looked very much like a teahouse gossiper, sharing the dirty secrets of this person and that person. She folded her hands in her lap, swishing her woolly locks a bit, clearly excited to share her juicy tidbit.


    “Not only is that house that they arre claiming was so monsterrously torrched by Illaminian rioters totally abandoned…it is not even rreally owned by anyone! Hm?” Kellixae smirked. “One of Kannae’s friends worrks herr Debt Job as a rreal estate book-keeperr, yes? She peeked at the addrress and it was marrked as prroperty of the Conduicy Office, hm!”


    Her smug look seemed to mix with a strong indignance.


    “Oh my, how embarrrassing. The Conduicy Office purrchasing a house yearrs in advance with nobody in it and, oh my, it is so mysterriously burrnt to the grround when a few blighterrs so happen to be taking to the strreets.” Kellixae scoffed with a hum. “I would bet the prress and jourrnalist Poke’mon werre therre beforre even one Illamini Op Arceali saw the flame.”


    “…Wow,” Avery huffed, crossing his arms. “…You’d think that sort of thing might be obvious if anyone were allowed to go look at the ruins and see there’s no signs of life there, then, right?”


    His expression soured, and he looked back towards the Market Districts.


    “…Unless the police weren’t letting anyone get close enough to do that.”


    “Oh naturally not. It is such an active crrime scene, sweet Avery!” Kellixae laughed. “So active, in fact, that when Culaso was walking by he saw all guarrds and no investegatorrs! My, so active indeed!”


    The Flaaffy giggled, clearly frustrated yet resigned at the same time.


    “Oh it is same as it ever was. It is not my first time seeing offices, the elites and the guard lie to throw Illamini Op Arceali under the carriage. Naught to do but point it out and keep on the strreets, hmhm?”


    There was a steely resolve in Kellixae’s voice. From the panic Avery had seen earlier, she’d transitioned into something more…




    She was clearly comfortable expressing it with him.


    “…I know I’m technically on the wrong side of this,” Avery said, looking back to her. “But…I don’t think that I’m as alone as I thought before leaving for the islands. I think…”


    ‘Maybe even Sarfallinus…’


    “We’re going to make the guild something good. Something that helps Illamini Op Arceali. We already have support in the Lower Market District, I’ve seen that firsthand. I…”


    Avery punched his left hand into his right.


    “…We’re going to make Arceliaze a better place. We’ll make all of it better…!”


    “Hm. If that guild can be torrn down and rrebuilt into something betterr then I shall be happy to see it so.” Kellixae nodded, her smile warming. “I can only have hope that things will get better. How could we go on if we did not, at the very least, have that?”


    She let out a long sigh, a little pause in the conversation. For a moment…she let the atmosphere be simply still. Feeling the cool breeze, hearing the swaying branches of the nearby tree and the soft flapping of the cloth awning of the bank.


    Even the voices of the city seemed to quiet down.


    At last, Kellixae returned her focus to the Plusle.


    “Hm…Averry, I should love to have a visit frrom you sometime. You mentioned you werre learrning Illamini?”


    “I am, Sekurae and her father are teaching me. I, uh-” Avery held up a finger and rooted through his bag, pulling out the children’s book they’d given him. “It’s a little embarrassing, but everyone’s got to start somewhere, right…? Lahnae has an Illaminian subordinate on her team, so she’s learning Illamini from her, too.”


    “Ohhh, well look at that!” Kellixae giggled, looking at one of the books in the Plusle’s hand.


    The book he held showed a Wurmple, with the title ‘Om Wurmple Numvu Eggenevu’.


    The Very Hungry Wurmple, oh!” Kellixae giggled, leafing through the thick pages. “Mhm…and there is the stain…why, this seems to be the book I donated to Sekura’s store just last Spring. It is one of Taishavio’s old books!”


    “Hah, it’s an odd feeling following in your kid’s footsteps then,” Avery said, looking down at the stain in question. “But…yeah! Just because we’re going to a different bank now, I’m not going to stop visiting you. Might…not be in the morning, sure, but you’re my friend. I’d like to think our visits are a little more than just business now-!”


    “The feeling is mutual, Avery.” Kellixae said, handing the book back. “You werre, perrhaps, the one thing to look forwarrd to at this miserrable job.


    She thought for a moment, smiling again.


    “What of this? Everry evening I can make my way to Sekurrae’s shop. We can wait forr you therre if you wish to talk or even come with us back home.” Kellixae offered. “I would love to visit herr afterr worrk morre often anyway.”




    Avery frowned in thought.


    “…How early are you here?” He asked. “Maybe…once or twice a week, I can wake up extra early, get some breakfast for us, and we can spend some time together in the mornings before my job starts. I wouldn’t want to make every day of your job awful by waiting until afterwards. And…of course! I might not be able to go back with you and Sekurae every day, but I can drop by. I’m sure Sekurae will appreciate the visit from you, too.”


    “Oh, I wake up a little before dawn, just as the blue light is upon the city.” Kellixae said, nodding. “Considerring the distance you may have to get up a while yet earrly…but I would still love to see you, Averry! I know forr a fact Sekurrae would, too. She sometimes accompanies me before work.”


    The Flaaffy nodded softly, patting Avery’s hands a bit…then leaning over to kiss his cheek, then his other cheek, that familiar gesture from the grill…an Illaminian gesture in plain sight while nobody was looking.


    “I look forward to it.” She said, pulling back. “So…I assume you to have the day off, if yourr Rriolu frriend is to be believed? I am, unforrtunately, rrooted herre forr the day. Wherre arre you off to frrom herre, do you think?”


    “Well, Lahnae and I are going camping near Souljraan until tomorrow afternoon. I’m excited for it…! And…honestly I needed the rest.”


    “I can imagine…all I hearr of yourr adventurres is dangerr, dangerr, dangerr. Though it makes for an exciting rread…” Kellixae leaned forward, raising her eyebrows. “…you arre still but a morrtal Poke’mon.”


    “Yeah, I’m aware.” Avery replied with a laught. “Ah, but, before that I’m going to be meeting Niv and Kip today.”


    The Flaaffy’s eyes sparkled very briefly, though her breath seemed to catch for a moment.


    The pause lasted a half second. Two half seconds. Three.


    Then she spoke.


    “Niv and…Kip…hm.” She took a breath and smiled. “…that Lahnae…the Torrchic, she seemed verry nice. I hope you have fun with her…”


    The Flaaffy was quiet a moment…and scooted forward.


    “…does she catch yourr eye~?” Kellixae asked, eyebrows raised.


    The Flaaffy was clearly on the cusp on more gossip for Sekura.


    …Avery’s face flushed.


    “…Maybe a little. Maybe just a little.” He wrung his hands a bit as he broke eye contact with Kellixae. “…She was one of the people I really wanted to take to the barbecue. Might be a little harder now, but…I think she’d really enjoy it.”


    Kellixae’s face flashed into an excited look, her mouth curling into the most giddy smile.


    “Well, well, well~!” Kellixae cooed, shaking her shoulders. “So love blooms in the guild…I might have suspected when I saw you both…and I hearrd tell of a Torrchic and a Plusle rracing through rrainwater…”


    Avery found it funny…Kellixae could tell at a glance he and Lahnae liked one another…but never once divined the same from he and Vizon.


    Kellixae clicked her tongue, smiling a little…scooting closer.


    “Perrhaps…we can arrange something sometime~?” The Flaaffy suggested. “That grill is a most common place for…dare I say…?”


    She leeeaned in closer, wiggling a little, like a mother playfully taunting her son.




    That got Avery to grip his ears and pull them downwards –


    “K-Kellixae please-” He huffed, nervous laughter bubbling out of me. “I-I mean I know that…it’s just…we don’t know for sure yet, I think-! It’s…”


    He squirmed…and relented.


    “…T-that’d be nice-“


    Kellixae giggled playfully, leaning back and giving Avery space to…be flustered.


    “Of courrse. Sekurrae and I can arrange for another visit.” The Flaaffy promised. “But forr now…go, go! You must not keep herr waiting.”


    She paused a moment, looking serious a moment, even as she playfully smiled.


    “…trreat herr well. And do not leave herr. Even if the love is not meant to be, I can think of nothing worrse than to abandon someone like that.”


    She said no more.


    “…That’s why I want to take it slow this time,” Avery said. “…I want to make sure that…that this one is real. So that if we do start, there’s no reason to turn back.”


    Avery thought about his own words for a moment – where they came from – and gave himself a resolute nod to stabilize himself.


    The Plusle hopped off the seat, turning to walk back down the dirt road with a wave.


    “But- you’re right. I’ll see you later, Kellixae-! Maybe tomorrow evening-!”


    “Goodbye, Averry! Do give yourr…mhm…parrtnerr? Lahnae, a merrry hello frrom me!” Kellixae said with a wave. “Oh…and…Essowifisdo~!”


    Avery smiled as he stopped.


    He looked back.


    Took a deep breath.


    Widened his stance.


    And shouted with all love in his heart and promise that they’d meet again:



    Chapter 38





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================




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