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    Chapter 23.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Not one Poke’mon flinched. All dauntlessly squared their feet and faced the Thunder God.


    “I’m going to say this right now,” Avery whispered. “…We are not getting paid enough for this.”


    The cracks SPREAD over the tower at last! The surface BREAKING into pieces, separating the team!


    No…no tower anymore. It was mere a platform, floating upon clouds.


    Avery slid towards the edge of his stone, grabbing hold of it and hoisting himself up onto it. He looked around at the others. Vizon yelped, throwing himself to the ground, hanging on to his floating rock. Everyone stumbled to keep balanced on their individual now-floating rocks.


    Loshjno only put his hands behind his back.


    The serpent, this grand final Thundurus, COILED in the air, the arms hidden in the storm clouds, ARCING electricity in its claws.


    “Everyone…SPREAD!!” Loshjno shouted!


    Lahnae yelped, belting a flamethrower to propel her rock away. Vizon panicked, tossing aura spheres to move, too. Everyone used projectiles to fly into different directions at one. Avery charged his paws like defibrillators, and released the energy below, rocketing the stone upwards to face the Thunder God.


    A bolt SNAPPED where they all once were!!!


    “This is still a hardlight projection!” Avery thundered, looking back at the team as they flew in different directions. “Everyone pick the same spot and focus fire! Until we figure something else out, the same strategy might work, no matter how big he is!”



    Everyone in the group flew, soaring over the clouds as the serpent snaking through the sea of black. Its glowing eyes stared Avery down hatefully.


    Lightning STRUCK at Vizon at he tried to fire and aura sphere. He swerved his rock, barely dodging.


    The tail WHIPPED. A CRACK sounded. Lahnae DUCKED and SWERVED trying to not get hit.


    Rocks and debris flew from the surrounding towers as the wind toppled the structures.


    Quayslaan latched to one of the stones, swinging himself around to deftly avoid a strike of lightning.


    “Abandon your hope, weak ones!”


    The road from the serpent was like a gale, spreading over the clouds. All around, smoking, whirling tornados formed, ripping through the battlefield.


    “Avery, look out!!” Vizon yelled, a tornado heading for the Plusle! Nobody could get a shot in yet!!


    Direct hit.


    Avery scrambled to keep hold, his knuckles screaming in pain as he was slid towards the edge, fingers gripping at the stone as he was nearly pulled off…electricity crackling through his hands.


    GO UP!! GO ABOVE THE CLOUDS IF YOU CAN-!!” Avery roared through the hurricane, eyes shut as all of his effort went towards keeping himself from being flung into the maelstrom.


    Everyone nodded at the Plusle’s command, firing upwards, over the clouds.




    The serpent swung an arm up, STRIKING under Jolvia’s rock. The Nidorina was sent flying, screaming in terror as she spun in the air. Quayslaan gasped, wrapping a vine around Thundurus’s tail and SLINGING himself to Jolvia. The Nidorina face-planted onto his rock, a reviver seed turning to a plain seed.


    “I GOT A SHOT!” Calladin yelled, the Starly flapping around the battle field, soaring overhead, weaving past strikes of lightning trying to put him down. He DOVE for the thunder god, beak glowing, GRAZING the scales and swooping away.


    Rikzyod bellowed in laughter, flying through clouds and wind, up and over the snaking tail of Thundurus, chucking Rock Throw after Rock Throw at the beast. His flying rock crossed paths with Lahnae, the Torchic laying down a STREAM of fire that cut across Thundurus’s underside!!


    Then, Loshjno’s voice cut through the wind.




    Below, Avery could see an ice path forming, snaking away from the tornado! Now was his chance! He let his grip slip, his teeth rattling as he slammed into the ramp.


    Quickly, he skid along the ice, propelling himself forwards, looking up around the colossal form of Thundurus as he did. He kept peppering bolts, scoring  hits where he could.


    Thundurus’s eyes FLASHED. A mountainous hand lifted and dropped toward Avery, SMASHING the ice behind him, barely missing as the Plusle skated along the path. Loshjno flew in front, constantly laying down more and more path for Avery to skate along.


    The Squirtle’s eyes widened!


    Avery’s stomach DROPPED, the path DESCENDING suddenly! It SNAKED LEFT! Then RIGHT! Avery could FEEL the rush of air as Thundurus’s attacks narrowly missed again and again. Bolts FLASHED around the Plusle as Loshjno desperately tried to keep the path out of danger. The sound of shattering ice behind Avery was deafening!


    “Nice piloting, Loshjno!!” Avery called, looking back at the Squirtle for a moment before returning his attention to the giant serpent.


    ‘This was tough. This was an incredibly tough battle. Tough…but not impossible.’


    Thundurus’s tail WHIPPED, nicking Lahnae’s rock, making the Torchic stumble, rolling off and going into free fall.


    “NO!” She shouted, beak lighting afire. “That is NOT my best! NOT YET!


    She belted a flame thrower, popping into the air! The tail whipped again, trying to slam into her, but Lahnae made a hairpin turn. The blasts of fire shot her this way and that, weaving around the beast as Quayslaan and Jolvia sailed past!


    The Nidorina steadied herself as Quayslaan slung around another flying rock, LEAPING to an open platform.


    “Vizon!” Jolvia called. The Riolu SWUNG an aura sphere, flying hi rock towards her. “Item bag!”


    “Aye!” The Riolu lifted the bag, throwing it to Jolvia as he sailed past, swinging around to continue his fire, weaving around the tornadoes that sprouted to knock him away.


    “Calladin!” Jolvia yelled up at the Starly that circled above. He swerved a lightning strike, and another, only for a third to STRIKE him at last. Jolvia gasped, the smoking bird PLUMMETING.


    She pulled an oran berry as fast as she could, tossing it straight at the falling Starly. Calladin, dazed but not KO’d, ate it quickly, flapping to try and re-orient while Loshjno soared between the two, Avery skating along the icepath just behind.


    “Losh, can you bring me up top?” Avery shouted to the Squirtle. “I can draw some of his attention from the rest of you guys if you need time to plan!”


    Loshjno nodded, sailing upward to let Avery slide in a spiral, higher. Thundurus’s massive clawed hand SWIPED at the ice trail behind Avery. Ice shards FLEW and scattered as the two Poke’mon pulled upward.


    Avery glanced to the side and saw Lahnae as she BLASTED another flamethrower to fling herself higher! Higher! The serpent’s tail WHIPPED towards her! Lahnae spun and dug her talons into the scales of the dragon, latching firm.


    “GOTCHA!” She yelled out! She rocked, staying balanced on the THRASHING tail, bolting forward along the tail. She bobbed up and down the layer of swirling clouds. Flames ERUPTED from her beak, leaving a trail of fire down Thundurus’s scales!


    An ARC of electricity rose, threatening to knock Lahnae off. But something SLAMMED onto the bolt, snuffing it out! Rikzyod sailed overhead, tossing mud throw, as much as he could! Slower than rock throw, but doing his best.


    “Loshjno!!” Quayslaan called out, swinging betwixt billowing clouds that STRUCK at him with bolts of blinding lightning. “His hide is not budging yet!”


    Vizon SOARED under Avery’s ice bridge, following along the Plusle and Loshjno, tossing aura sphere after aura sphere. The balls of energy struck the hide with brilliant explosions of energy but to no avail.


    The tail LASHED at Vizon, the Riolu yelping, only barely managing to back off.


    “We can’t get enough shots in to sustain fire!!” Vizon yelled!


    Loshjno looked worried, looking down at Thundurus’s body. He watched Lahnae, running up the serpent’s back, a white-hot stream of fire billowing onto Thundurus’s body.


    The Torchic gasped, throwing herself down as the tail SHOOK, the Torchic barely holding on.


    “Ngghh, no! You ain’t…seen NOTHING yet!!!” Lahnae panted, sweating, exhausted. “This…isn’t…e-even my best!!!”


    Avery saw it in Loshjno’s face: they were losing control of the situation.




    Loshjno and Avery perked up, the ice path swerving.


    They saw Jolvia! She was shouting to the Torchic, the Nidorina pulling blast seeds from her satchel. Jolvia maneuvered closer, Calladin gripping her platform and flapping his wings for a speed boost, narrowly swerving a tornado. The Nidorina tossed them to Lahnae, the Torchic catching them in her mouth!


    “Burst!” Jolvia commanded with a shout!


    Lahnae nodded, CRUNCHING on the blast seeds. She held her ground, shuddering, eyes widening. Loshjno gasped, SWERVING Avery’s path away from Thundurus. Jolvia pulled back at well.


    The Torchic EXPLODED!


    A great ball of fire erupted from Lahnae’s body!


    Thundurus rumbled, twisting his body like a corkscrew, DIVING into the clouds. The bright orange glow shone through the black clouds, smoke and ash billowing around the sky.




    The clouds above glowed, bolts of lightning FIRING down at them! Clouds spun into more tornadoes, converging on everyone! The snaking tails of the thunder god weaved and bobbed through the clouds, their thrashing threatening everyone!


    “Avery, do you have anything in mind?!” Vizon shouted, grunting as his platform was CHIPPED by a thunderbolt!


    Avery took a deep breath.


    He had an idea, but he’d only have one chance at this. If he fell….it’d be really bad.


    Avery’s eyes tracked through the cloud layer, following the movements of Thundurus’s tail, the disturbances in the clouds. Hardlight or no, he still had a physical presence – like waves in an ocean.


    Avery could see him.


    “Two pests on his back might distract him enough to give you guys a break to strategize. Besides…” Avery turned and gave Loshjno a little salute. “…I’m not going to let Lahnae have all the fun.”


    Without another word, Avery leapt from the ice path.


    “WHAT-AVERY?!” Vizon screamed. Loshjno nodded, breaking away from the ice trail.


    “Let him go! Vizon! Bullet punches to the trail, pepper Thundurus in ice! Calladin, back up Avery if he misses!”




    No time to question orders, Vizon sailed along the ice trail, fists glowing, STRIKING sections of the long trail of ice leftover to SLAM the shards into Thundurus’s body. The Starly DOVE down after Avery.


    The wind SCREAMED in Avery’s ears. All at once the clouds overtook his vision. His body felt wet. Electricity COURSED around him, rippling through the smoke and water.


    Then he BROKE through the cloud layer!



    All around Avery the desert spread in all directions. It was dark. Rain plummeted with him. A streak of lightning TORE through the air around him.


    He could see the ball of fire on Thundurus’s back further along the serpent’s body.


    And there, under Avery, was Thundurus’s tail.


    Avery flailed for it, hooking around a spike. His momentum sent him on an arm-tearing spinning orbit as he slid down, landing on the scales.


    “LAHNAE!” Avery bellowed over the roaring rain and thunder that pelted him, catching his footing. He was charged, almost glowing as much as she was with her own fiery determination. “I’M NOT LEAVING YOU ALONE DOWN HERE, RIVAL!”


    One step. Then another. Static electricity coursed through both the hardlight deity and Avery’s own two feet as he began running up the back. A bolt, long and narrow; a long, vicious javelin materialized in his hand…and he drove it as hard as he could into the back of Thundurus as he ran, slicing down his back!!




    Lahnae’s voice ROARED over the peeling thunder, the rain swirling around the borh of them as they STRUCK into Thundurus’s body!


    “This is it! This is our limit, rival!!” Avery heard her shout. He could SEE her, the Torchic’s BURNING SILHOUETTE in the blast of hot flames, spiraling. Avery could see her eyes, the awing POWER in them. Avery could see her smile, joyful to see him. “Everything we do today we’d never have done before without you!!!”


    The ball of fire BURST! Larger and larger! Steam billowed from the white hot orb!




    Her voice drowned out the thunder. Thundurus roared, WRITHING at their dual attacks, FLYING up into the air to try and knock them both off. The clouds BLINDED them! All at once the rain was gone, above the clouds again!


    “There! Get him!”


    “Wait, no-!”


    A STREAK of lightning SLAMMED into Rikzyod above, throwing him off his platform, Quayslaan on barely grabbing him, even as tornadoes closed in on the two.


    All around Avery and Lahnae, aura spheres and blast seeds EXPLODED on Thundurus’s hide, the teams converging!


    Thundurus DROPPED again! The voices of Avery and Lahnae’s teammates DEAFENED as Thundurus went back below the cloud layer!


    “You have no hope! Give up!!” Thundurus yelled, the scales on his body beginning to shimmer and arc with electricity.


    Avery knew he and Lahnae had to be a bigger nuisance than those on the platforms. Even if they ended up falling all the way to the desert…giving the others the opportunity to make an attack together was what he and Lahnae were here to do!


    Avery stood beside Lahnae, punching her shoulder lightly.


    “Just think about what you’re going to be doing going forward, Lahnae.” Avery said. “You’re shining like the sun, rival.”


    The Plusle’s eyes gleamed as he turned to her, twin lightning THUNDERING in his hands.


    “Let’s do this together, rival.”


    Both of them shone bright as stars, their energy a grand mixture of awe-inspiring, raw power. They planted your feet firm. The rain POUNDED upon Thundurus. Steam rolled off their bodies.


    Lahnae furrowed her brow, a wicked grin on her beak.




    EVERY iota of energy CASCADED down. Enveloping HALF of Thundurus’s entire body in brillaint orange flames!


    The electricity that had been collecting inside Avery’s body was buzzing, roaring through him. All of this energy, it was from the air around him. The thunderclouds, the lightning of the tower…


    But if he could take it from Thundurus…absorb it all…


    Avery went into a kneel, dug his hands into the projection…and as far as his senses would allow him, began to pull at the very electricity that teemed through the surface below him.


    The dancing bolts of electricity flowing across Avery’s body began to glow brighter…and he let out a PIERCING YELL.


    The god of thunder ROARED.


    His head to his center was surrounded in a grand orange aura of fire. His tail to his center CRACKLED blue with an aura of burning hot electricity!


    It STUNG. IT HURT to maintain! Every fiber and muscle in Avery’s body was ON FIRE.


    Yet Lahnae stared at Avery intently. Unmoving. He KNEW it hurt for her. Set her insides ALIGHT. And she held firm, her challenge to Avery clear. Hold it. Hold it and never let go.



    Lightning CRACKED over the sky, Thundurus SOARING up into the air again, shining like a bolt of orange and blue as they both poured every ounce of power they had!








    “Look!” Loshjno called, looking down at the THRASHING Thundurus as Avery and Lahnae enveloped the serpent together. A spark lit in Loshjno’s eye.


    “VIZON! JOLVIA! QUAYSLANN! TO HIS SIDES!” the Squirtle shouted!


    “AYE” The trio shouted, SHOOTING off to either side of Thundurus, following the thrashing serpent.


    “Rikzyod!” Loshjno shouted. “Your rock throw is fast! Toss as many rocks as fast as you can to Vizon, Jolvia and Quayslaan!”


    “Of course! HAH!” Rikzyod SLAMMED his fists together, SWIRLING around the sky, readying as many rock throws as he could possibly muster.


    “CALLADIN!” Loshjno shouted up to the Starly. “Swirling gust! All around Thundurus!”


    “You got it, guild dude!!” Calladin shouted, SWOOPING and beating his wings, the wind in the sky beginning to swirl more and more.


    “Let’s FINISH THIS!” Loshjno shouted!


    Avery screamed. His voice cracked from the painful, painful effort it took to take in all of this electricity…but he held fast. He couldn’t let go. He wouldn’t let go.


    ‘All of us together…


    Let’s finish this.’


    Lahnae smirked, watching Avery. At last, he had met her. Here at the end, he’d met her.


    “GO!” Loshjno shouts.


    Rikzyod’s rock throws intensified! The stones SAILED toward Quayslaan, Jolvia, and Vizon!


    “Flankers! BREAK THE ROCKS!”




    Vizon’s paws glowed! Jolvia readied her stance! Quayslaan slung out his vines!


    A FLURRY of kicks and punches! Jolvia kicked and struck at the stones that came at her, each one SHATTERING into sand.


    Vizon let out a rush of bullet punches, double kicks, each one flowing into one another! A swing, pirouetting dance of hits! Sand FLEW from each rock he hit!


    Quayslaan’s vines were a BLUR, slicing the rocks into minute pieces, a cloud of dust forming in front of him.


    And all that dust and sand SWIRLED and SPUN in Calladin’s gust! Like a grand sand storm it coiled around Thundurus. Rikzyod’s unrelenting barrage! Vizon, Jolvia, Quayslaan, not missing a single one!


    Vizon was sweating.


    Jolvia panted desperately, sneering.


    Quayslaan grit his teeth, straining.


    Rikzyod ROARED with laughter, his speed increasing beyond ANYTHING Avery had seen!


    Calladin beat his wings faster! Faster! He squinted his eyes, fighting against his limits! The wind SCREAMED in its spiral! The sandstorm thickened with every rock broken!


    Loshjno grit his teeth, SAILING FORWARD. He sucked in a DEEP breath, facing the tornado…and unleashed a TORRENT of water! Like a raging river pouring from him, the stream COLLIDED with the spiral storm of sand!


    The cloud THICKENED. Loshjno sweat, straining himself, keeping the water stream on, unrelenting, unwavering. The water SPREADING into the tornado!


    No longer a tornado of sand! It was a tornado of mud!!


    Loshjno broke the stream!


    “CALLADIN! TIGHTEN IT UP!” Loshjno shouted. “MUD TOMB!”


    Calladin ROARED, SWOOPING in to make the tornado TIGHTER, TIGHTER, TIGHTER!




    The mud CLUNG and PRESSED.


    And there, in the center of the tornado, Avery and Lahnae stared at one another. Bodies shaking. Searing agony overtaking them.


    The HEAT from their energy enveloping Thundurus HARDENED the mud! The god of the sky COMPLETELY ENTRAPPED.


    The mud VAPORIZED away from the pair’s spheres of power, letting them free as Thundurus was CRUSHED by the hard shell of mud!


    The mud continued to pack! More and more pressure!


    “THAT’S IT!” Loshjno shouted, the plan finally coming to a head!!


    The clouds BILLOWED.


    THUNDURUS ROARED, SHAKING THE LAND. A grand cloud of sand below SHOT UP.






    The brightness surrounded Avery. Enveloped everything.


    He could feel the hot air, the searing wind of the desert.


    Hard rock and stone under him.


    Hardlight particles swirled around him, blinding him. Clouds of dust obscured the world. The rumble continued, the final dying breath of the thunder god. The ground subtly shook.


    Avery took a breath, looking upward. Above, through the haze of dust and smoke, hardlight particles were rising from the horizon. Every tower and platform and dome vanished in a stream of particles gliding up into the air.


    He felt it, all through his body. His body on fire. Every muscle in his being shot. His lungs ragged. His internal injuries from before making it worse. All the while the dust swirled around him, making it impossible to see anything.




    A weak voice croaked his name.


    He looked. Looked hard.


    In the thick haze of white…an orange and red lump, here at the top of the world.


    The Plusle blinked through the misty haze, the sand in his eyes stinging, burning…but he could see it. He could see her.


    “…H…ha…hey, rival…” he rasped.


    The lump…Lahnae…lifted her head. Her body shaking and weak. She dragged herself over, barely making it over to where Avery was, squinting her eyes.


    She looked as though she wanted to say something, but only huffed a breath, flopping forward, her head resting upon him.


    “We did it…” She breathed. “We finally…did it…”


    She huffed another breath, smiling.


    “…Ha…don’t…don’t let your guard down yet…” Avery said, dropping his head down as he just…lied there.


    “Hah…never…” Lahnae breathed wistfully, huffing. Out of breath. Completely tapped out.


    Avery was…burned by the electricity. Pretty damn badly. His ribs, his leg, they hurt again. Good to know those injuries were still there.


    But…they’d gotten rid of Thundurus.


    ‘Where…is everyone?’


    Lahnae turned her head, looking out into the haze of dust.


    As the cloud around they slowly blew away more and more…the two could see them all.


    Vizon, hands bruised and bleeding as he lied upon his back..breathing. Alive.


    Jolvia was lifting herself, hands and legs similarly battered. Her arms wobbled, the Nidorina exhausted.


    Rikzod lie on the rocks, the diamond exposed on his shoulders, the rock cracked from so many throws so fast. He was chuckling to himself as he stared up at the sky.


    And there, the furthest from them all…Loshjno lifted his head from the ground, water dribbling  down his chin. Worn down. But triumphant.


    He smiled warmly at Avery and Lahnae. The Torchic…snuggled into the Plusle warmly, as though half-dazed.


    “We’re all here, Avery…we made it…” She whispered softly…her voice wavering gently.


    ‘…Q and Calladin. They were missing. Were they okay…?’


    Above, the hardlight particles gently swirled. It wasn’t the flow of a new attack. The swarm of a new form. They simply…bobbed in the air calmly, moving to a single point.


    To a single, shining point.


    “Look…” Lahnae whispered, weakly lifting a wing at the ball of light upon which all the hardlight particles softly converged.


    Wincing, Avery pushed himself to his feet, shuddering, standing… And offered a hand to Lahnae to help her up.


    “…I guess that’s it, huh…?” Avery said. “That’s the Pearl. That’s…That’s what we came for.”


    Lahnae smiled warmly, lifting a wing to Avery’s hand, pulling herself to her feet. This time…she leaned on him for support, huffing a breath. She looked up, eyes shimmering.


    “That’s it…” Lahnae whispered. “…we did our best. Loshjno…me…you…everyone…we did our absolute best…and it finally…”


    She sniffed, the shimmer in her eyes deepening, reflecting the glow of the Thunder Pearl as it finally formed from the hardlight.


    “…it finally worked out…f-finally…”


    The thunder pearl floated in the air…hanging for a while…before lowering down…down…into the haze of dust. Avery could hear a small tink, the thunder pearl hitting the rock ahead.


    “Let’s go Avery…” Lahnae said, nestling against the Plusle. “…mission complete.”


    Loshjno perked up, watching the both of them…and chuckled, letting out a sigh.


    Avery stumbled forwards. He wanted to know that Quayslaan and Calladin were alright.


    But this was their original mission.


    And so, almost resigned to whatever happened next…he and Lahnae walked forward.


    The dust slowly cleared. Avery’s legs were tingling, but he could still walk forward with Lahnae in his arms.


    Avery’s legs tingled more…and more.


    Lahnae smiled wistfully.


    Avery’s legs tingled even more…but it wasn’t just a tingle.


    It was a rumble…








    Avery could hear the scraping of stone. The crunch of gravel.


    A cold wind blew over the top of the barren Mesa.


    The dust faded, rolled away…parted.


    Loshjno’s eyes widened.


    Lahnae’s voice caught in her throat.


    The clouds of dust parted…and there stood…





    Avery stopped, staring.


    …He was expecting Calladin and Quayslaan to have it. He was expecting to have to fight them when the others were all beaten, broken, hurt. Avery was expecting it to tear him apart.


    So this…in an odd, terrifying, paralyzing way…


    …was almost comforting.


    The final twist.


    “…Hello again, Xamao.” Avery said.


    The Dragonite turned his head, the tendrils atop it whipping silently as he looked upon the Plusle.


    There beside him…Quayslaan and Calladin stood, battered and tired. Huffing, struggling to look up at Avery.


    Xamao looked down upon the Snivy, lowering a hand to hoist him up onto his shoulder.


    “You’ve worked hard, Quayslaan, Calladin…rest now.” Xamao almost…cooed, his rumbling voice quiet as he spoke only to Team Isce. Calladin huffed, flapping up onto Xamao’s other shoulder, leaning on Xamao’s head.


    Lahnae’s brow began to furrow. A hateful look crossing her face. Jolvia shut her eyes mournfully as Vizon gasped, trying to wobble to his feet…but failing.


    And Loshjno…was sweating. Terrified.


    “Hullo, Avery…” Xamao replied to the Plusle at last, gripping the shimmering orb firmly. “…still fighting for Sarfi, are you?”


    His look was…steely as he gazed at Avery, nothing like the ambivalent look at windscorch mountain. Xamao looked…angrier this time.


    Avery looked up at him. He didn’t respond to that. The question hung in the air for a long time.


    “…Snivy and Starly.” Avery’s voice was shaky. He used their species name – he was sure they weren’t supposed to tell them their real names…he could grant them the mercy of not revealing they knew to Xamao. “…They worked really hard to help everyone get out of the ruins. We couldn’t have done it without them.”


    Avery was aware that…on some level, this might be seen as mocking. A sort of ‘they’re traitors’ jab. But he didn’t want that. It wasn’t what he meant.


    “…Make sure they get rest after today.”


    Avery maintained his gaze. Hard. Steely. But…not angry, himself. Trying to…figure Xamao out. What he wanted. Why he wanted these pearls.


    ‘But can I ask…?’


    “…What is this all for, Xamao…? Why do you want to wake up the elemental birds?”


    “I should ask the same, why you’re gallivanting around now gathering them up for your Conduit.” Xamao answered Avery’s question with a question. “Don’t forget…it’s with her map that I’m finding these pearls. What was she wanting with these powerful birds, I wonder?”


    Calladin huffed, exhausted, Xamao lifting a hand to…pet him comfortingly.


    “But even besides that…” Xamao’s voice hardened. “…to go and lock up Janus…me best friend…”


    A hateful look flashed in his eye. But he said no more on that.


    “Fact is, Avery? I’m not telling a thing while you still answer to Olistia…only that these birds are goin’ to a far more noble cause than whatever she had planned.”


    Avery’s eyes flashed with surprise. He knew Janus knew Xamao. But…his best friend?


    ‘…And…..he’s right. Olistia had wanted the map first. He’d taken it.


    How had I not connected the dots sooner?




    Lahnae growled, stumbling as she held onto Avery.


    “Shut…up…!” She growled, grimacing as she stared at Xamao. “I…did not…come all this way to let you…have that…”


    Loshjno took a breath, trying to crawl over. Vizon stumbled forward but fell to the ground again.


    Xamao said nothing to Lahnae, only turning to begin taking his leave.


    “See you, Avery.” His voice rumbled.


    “G-Guys, stop,” Avery said, stumbling through his weak, beaten voice as he looked to them. “…He needs all three to awaken them. If we try and fight him now…There’s a chance we’ll lose someone in the process. I can’t risk that. I…I don’t want to go through that again.”


    Avery looked to the others, pained.


    “…it’ll be okay.”


    Xamao began walking.


    “N-no…!” Lahnae screamed.


    Xamao didn’t look back, his thundering footsteps moving to the edge of the Mesa.


    “No no no no no!!” Lahnae begged, SHOVING Avery away. Her legs wobbled. Her flame was now nothing but puffs of smoke and ash from her beak.


    Xamo crouched, looking up to the sky, not acknowledging Lahnae.


    “No no no! Stop, please, no no, don’t! Don’t! I can…! I can still pull this out, I can…!”


    She shambled forward weakly


    Xamo LIFTED off into the air, thrusted by energy, letting him bound high and far away, his single wing propelling him forward.


    Lahnae stumbled, almost tripping, her face screwed in anger.


    “NO!” She roared, running desperately to the edge of the mesa. The cloud left by Xamao SWIRLED around her.





    “I CAN’T FAIL NOW!!!”


    Xamao soared higher into the sky.














    …Avery knew this view. He’d seen it on the first mission for the guild he’d ever gone on. Vizon, trying to stand up to Xamao, demanding he give the map back.


    ‘Bad guys never win!’


    Avery remembered seeing Vizon’s limp body crumpled on the mountainside as Xamao flew away.


    There were a lot of things that differed from that day. Avery had more friends by his side to see Xamao escape with their quarry. They were beaten, battered, bruised, some of them grievously injured.


    And Lahnae, standing in the ever-shrinking shadow of the Thieves’ Guild Dragonite, was awake and aware of what had transpired.


    But some things were the same.


    “…Qeasé is free,” Avery said quietly. “…The ruins won’t be disturbed. The hardlight palace is gone. The Thieves’ Guild and Treasure Guild won’t bother the people of the town anymore.”


    The setting sun cast a somber mood on this last twist.


    “…We did our absolute best today, Lahnae. All of us. And…even if the lightning orb is gone  – for now – we didn’t lose.”


    ‘Deep breath.’


    “Don’t throw away every success we made to get here. You were amazing. And…”


    ‘Deep…deep breaths. In…and out.’


    “…Bad guys never win. Not forever.”


    Lahnae’s legs wobbled as she stared up into the sky. Her body was shaking.


    Her head lowered…


    Her legs finally gave out, her body slamming to the ground. The Torchic curled.


    And she cried.


    She cried loudly as the pearl disappeared.


    Her greatest effort, her absolute all, her 100%, everything done as perfectly or well as possible…and all of it snatched away by luck.


    Just..dumb luck.


    That for all the effort and power and vigor she threw into this mission she swore she’d succeed, this mission…this mission that was supposed to be the one…the one with Avery, her rival..


    …and it was…now just another mission failed in the books.


    That’s all it’d be seen as. For all the hard work and excelling and effort…all anyone would see is another mission failure from the worst no-good team in the Guild of Arceliaze.


    The 3 year streak…going strong.


    Avery could hear it in her sobs, her wracked, hiccuping cries.


    Behind Avery, Loshjno’s face…was one of sadness…defeat as he watched her.


    There was a glint of recognition in his eye. He knew…right where she was.


    It was everything he feared.


    Lahnae…at rock bottom.


    He struggled to his feet, trying to hobble to the two.


    Avery didn’t say anything after that. He had hoped that it would help. That this…that this would be different.


    But no matter how much he believed they hadn’t failed…he was working on a different scale. To everyone else present, a supervillain had gotten one of three pearls needed to end the world.


    A heavy weight settled itself over Avery’s heart. He looked to Loshjno for a moment…and knelt down on Lahnae’s other side.


    Avery embraced Lahnae. He squeezed her tightly.


    ‘I’m sorry that we couldn’t change this.’


    Lahnae sniffed hard, leaning softly into Avery, crying quietly into your hug. Loshjno’s worried look, melted to one of concern…and he knelt down, hugging softly into his partner.


    Lahnae shuddered, tears rolling down her face.


    Behind them, Avery felt Vizon kneel down. Rikzyod and Jolvia stood by, watching in respectful silence.


    Everyone knew how hard they’d worked. How much they’d tried. Lahnae nuzzled into Avery, her wall, trying to ground herself, hiccuping quietly.


    Ever the guild failure…


    …but they all knew better now.


    Loshjno pet over Lahnae’s head, sighing gently.


    “You know what this means…” Loshjno whispered. Lahnae blinked, tear-soaked eyes looking to the Squirtle.


    Was this it? The end of Team Spade?


    Here at rock bottom…the team finally dissolving?


    Lahnae sniffed softly.


    Loshjno…smiled…and offered a hand.


    She looked down at it…almost confused…but gently set her wing in it. Loshjno looked between Avery and Lahnae.


    “We’ll just have to try harder next time. Right, Avery?” Loshjno said, his words soft. Warm.


    For who else was down here at rock bottom…but friends.


    “…Hah…” Avery let out a breathy laugh. “…What’s the point of pushing yourself to your absolute limits if you can’t break ’em next time…?”


    Lahnae glanced at Avery as the Plusle continued.


    “…We did things today that…I don’t think many Pokemon can ever say they’ve done.” Avery said.


    The Plusle laughed a bit.


    “You saw Xamao. He only came in after we’d done all the hard work. You think he could have taken down two electrical gods? That was all us, rival…!”


    Lahnae blinked, sniffing…but smiled at Avery’s words. A weak smile. But a smile breaking through the dark pit she was stuck in.


    She was quiet, just staring at Avery…before she leaned in and softly nuzzled his cheek.


    “…I…b-bet he’s running scared…” Lahnae’s voice was weak and wavering…but the girl Avery knew was fighting her way back up. Just as she always did.


    Just another failed mission…just another time to dust herself off again.


    Loshjno helped Lahnae up to her feet, along with Avery…


    Their brows furrowed as they looked out. Standing here on the edge of Thunder Mesa. Xamao long out of sight. Naught but the setting sun casting its brilliant oranges on the desert.


    But Avery could see it. In the way they stood. The determined fire in their eyes. They were no team that wallowed in comfortable failure nor were held back from their true potential.


    They were a team that would become so powerful the bad luck wouldn’t even matter any longer.


    As the sun finally lowered to the horizon, Avery knew…



    This was the new Team Spade.


    Chapter 23.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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