The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 24.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Avery crept down the dorm hall of the guild, eying the left side.


    The doors on the left were visibly untouched. Dust lied lightly on the doorknobs. The cracks under these doors were pitch black.


    Avery paused.


    Here…fourth door on the left.


    There on the door, the place for a nameplate was empty, only the vague imprint of something that used to sit in that slot. A ghost with no face.


    Avery looked around the hallway. Left. Right. Behind him.


    Finally, he reached forward and gently eased the door open.


    The door didn’t even creak. It silently opened, a small gust of warm, stale air gently flowing into the hall.



    The inside was pitch black. No window, like the right side rooms. Avery could only make out vague silhouettes in the dim light from the hall…


    A dusty smell entered Avery’s nostrils. Even from here, he could see the particles floating in the air, freshly disturbed by his presence.


    Quietly, he tried to make a little spark in his hand, to work as a light.


    ‘What did Quayslaan want me to find in here…?’


    The light in Avery’s hand grew…and grew. It cast a blue glow onto the walls of the dark room. Shadows heavily clung to the walls.


    In that dim blue light Avery could see a bed, pillow and blanket still sat upon it. The sheets looked different from the ones in the others’ rooms…older. The blanket was wrinkled and thrown aside. Avery could practically see where Quayslaan had lied in bed for the last time, nine years ago…but the sheets were clearly only disturbed by one Poke’mon.


    There was an end table by the bed with a candle holder sat on top and the drawer half-open. Nothing lied under the bed from where he could see.


    There was even a small table and chair on the far left wall, sat silently, the chair scooted to the side, a graphite stick left long discarded on the desk.


    ‘…There…there was only one person in this room. What happened to his teammate? The Tepig?’


    Carefully, Avery eased the door shut, so nobody getting up would notice anything amiss. As soon as the door closed it was like Avery was…sealed in another world, a silent time capsule of the guild nine years ago.


    He took a breath and approached the end table. The sound of his own footsteps filled his ears. The air was stale and musty and warm.


    The drawer was unremarkable…an old and tattered thick piece of paper lie by the candle holder. It looked like an old itinerary.


    Dawn – Roll Call (Don’t be late!)

    Morning – Mission Assignment

    Noon – Work

    Evening – Return + Dinner Time in Mess Hal

    Night – Free Time

    Midnight – Curfew


    For any birthdays please see ESTALONI for adding to the calendar.

    ~ 6th Turn, 42 ~

    – Guild of Arceliaze –




    Avery looked through the itinerary…it definitely wasn’t by Quayslaan. Judging by the date…the itinerary was about 20 years old.


    ‘Were these standard issue…?’


    A shiver went down his spine. He was transported back in time, it felt like…and it was eerie.


    As Avery read over the itinerary, something glinted in the drawer. Spotting the object in the half-open draw he decided to open it fully and take a look inside.



    Opening the drawer he saw a few items inside the dusty compartment…a few gold coins, tarnished and covered in dust, only one of them glinting. There were also a few papers inside, looking like to-do lists, hand-written in clean lettering.


    Finally, an old guild badge was inside…but the design was completely different from the one Avery wore. It was white with rounded bird wings instead of the bladed wings of his own badge. A small circle of gold sat in the center with the carving “INFINITY” in cursive lettering.


    The badge looked worn with the paint fading. One of the wings looked chipped and cracked.


    ‘The design’s different. Perhaps something from years ago…? That might make sense. It seemed like the end of an era, anyway, when Janus went away. Maybe they changed the badge designs. I could always ask Vi-



    Maybe I could ask Kipuuna.’


    Avery turned the badge around in his hand, seeing ‘Quayslaan’ engraved on the back. There were supposed to be two people here…why did it look like there was only one?


    Setting the badge back in the endtable, Avery turned to check more in here. The rest of the room seemed unremarkable. The room was fairly large…and there seemed to be a fair bit of empty space.


    Almost too much empty space…in the corner of the room by the door there could have been a whole other bed and end table. There probably could have even been another desk on the wall opposite the one already there.


    Like half the room had been stripped, turning it into a room for…one.



    There was something uncomfortable about this place.


    Walking so silently around the room, eyes glued to the floor, it was more and more like the room was a piece of theatre. Set up. Cleaned and left. Perhaps hoping someone would come back. Maybe Quayslaan. As though it were left intact for if he returned…but carefully cultivated.


    But with your Avery’s to the floor…he caught something.


    Beside the desk, partially hidden by dust: Scuff marks upon the floor, made by the legs of the desk, left behind from someone moving the desk. Someone like Sarfallinus could no doubt lift he wood desk, but someone smaller would have to push it such that it scraped across the floor.


    But why?


    …Avery looked back at the door.


    ‘…It’s late. I have time.’


    Slowly, carefully, as quietly as he could…Avery dragged the desk out. There was…there was something down here. Something on the left side of the guild…


    The desk slid silently over the tile, only lightly scraping over the floor. It hardly caused any real noise, nothing that would wake others.


    Finally, Avery moved the desk all the way across the scuffs on the floor, the wall behind exposed.


    Avery held up his electrical light, squinting close…and saw something. On the wall of bricks, one of the bricks was discolored, with the cement around it dug out, making it loose.


    Avery’s heart was beating faster and faster and faster.


    He knew what this might be. He knew what this might entail.


    And he was so, so so very curious.


    Avery pressed, gently, on the brick. It shifted.


    He paused, taking a deep breath of the stale air..and pulled.


    ‘If I know about this…maybe a compartment. A hole to…store something.’


    The brick slid out, crumbling cement flakes dropping to the ground as Avery pulled it from the wall. It was light, lighter than he’d expect for a brick its size.


    Something rattled inside.



    As Avery held the brick in hand, there sat…two folded pieces of paper and another of the old badges. This one had much more damage on it and splotches of old, old discoloration. It was turned over, the back showing, a name inscribed.




    Avery’s brow furrowed.


    ‘Rikaerd. Was that the Tepig partner of Quayslaan’s? But…why? Why was his existence…hidden? What did he do?


    The papers might have answers. I know that Quayslaan wasn’t with Tepig- Rikaerd before. He was with Calladin the Starly. If Quayslaan had escaped together with Rikaerd, I’m sure they would have been together right now in the Thieves Guild’


    Avery sat, staring inside the brick for a moment before pulling out one of the papers, the thicker of the two. Slowly, he unfolded it and revealed a strange, official looking document. It had golden trimmings, now frayed and faded, and an official looking seal.



    – 6th Turn, 53, YESHINYE 33rd –


    This document is to be presented to the following parties:



    The parties listed are hereby notified that they have been placed under watch and observation by the Arceali elites as of the posted date. Movement and communication will be monitored. Meetings and friends must be documented and audited. Listed parties must surrender to all questioning and auditing of all purchases, business, communication and contacts, local or foreign national.


    Please make bi-monthly check ins with your observation officer no later than the 30th and the 90th of each month


    This observation period will end on:

    – 6th Turn, 56th, YESHINYE 33rd –




    Avery furrowed his brow, reading the document.


    ‘…Quayslaan was put under watch? But why? And this document still doesn’t make any mention of Rikaerd…but Quayslaan was under watch by the Elites. How did he get away if that was the case?’


    Avery looked at the date on the document. It was 6th Turn, 62 currently…placing this 6th Turn, 52 document at…


    ‘Nine years old…’


    Avery shook his head, and looked at the other paper.


    The other paper was thinner, although as Avery unfolded it he realized it was actually several sheets of paper folded together.


    Every sheet was a loose leaf, with smudged words written in graphite. The letters were pressed hard but in the same handwriting as the to-do lists.


    6T53 Y31- Quayslaan













    The lines repeated, over and over, written carefully and with a hard press onto the paper. Looking at another paper revealed much of the same…


    6T53 Y32- Quayslaan







    And the next page.


    And the next page.


    6T53 Y33, then Y34, then Y35, then Y36. 100 lines of the same thing. Day after day.


    Avery compared the dates written here to the one on the first document.


    ‘This was…directly before Quayslaan was put on watch by the elites, by only two days. And then…after.’


    Avery furrowed his brow, a chill going down his spine at the words, over and over. They were all so immaculately written, every single one.


    Rikaerd and Kanah fell in love and abandoned the team at Seaking Peninsula.



    ‘Is this a code? Why did Quayslaan want me to find this?’


    Flipping from page to page…they all said the same thing…over and over. Ritualistically.


    Until Avery slipped out one page from the stack that stuck out.


    6T53 Y44- Quayslaan







    It went on like the rest…but the words were scrunched, the sentences smashed together in thinner lines to get 100 lines in less space…


    …and at the bottom…the page was ripped.


    Avery frowned…and glanced back in the brick. There, he saw it: the final item in the brick.


    A scrap of paper. One would have assumed it was trash, but…


    Avery’s heart was racing.


    ‘What is this? What does this mean? Why did Quayslaan do this?? Why-‘


    One more. One more clue. Something to explain…what happened to Team Infinity. What happened to Rikaerd.


    Why Rikaerd and Kanah fell in love and abandoned the team at Seaking Penninsula.


    Picking up the scrap…flipping it over. The words were faded, lightly written, only able to be seen when looked at closely. In small letters, crammed in the tiny scrap torn off in secret.


    I know what I saw. soil Lie Light Upon Richard, 17, Kanah, 14


    Avery stared hard at that little piece of paper.


    He didn’t get it at first.


    ‘Soil Lie Light Upon Richard? Is that another code? What is-‘


    All at once, the ground seemed to drop out from under him.


    Icy cold claws gripped around Avery’s heart, and it took all of his willpower to simply stay on his feet.


    ‘Soil lie light.’


    Quayslaan had seen two people die. Kanah, and…









    Why…why do I recognize that name? It not someone I know, I know that. But…it wasn’t like any other name I’ve heard before. Vizon. Sarfallinus. Quayslaan, Rikaerd.


    So why is ‘Richard’ so…familiar?


    Familiar…like Adelaide.


    Avery folded up the papers. He put them back in the fake brick. Back into the wall. Table slid back.


    He carefully walked to the door, and gently slid it open.


    Time for bed, Avery thought to himself, trying to stop himself from trembling.


    Like the portal opening again, a rush of fresh air billowed into the room. The soft glow of candlelight touched Avery’s cheek, the empty hall spread before him.


    At his back, the silent dark of the old room stood, that old snapshot so long untouched. The echo of days long past, adventures long over, friendships forged and strengthened, fun had then ended.


    Times long past. Memories long faded. Stories forgotten.


    Nothing but an old room.


    The door shut, the portal to the past closed behind him. Here Avery stood in the hall, back in the present, back in 6th Turn, 62.


    …He felt sick as he almost mindlessly trudged back to his room.


    ‘…I don’t want to die.’


    Nobody disturbed Avery’s walk to the end of the hall, standing in front of Team Azure’s door. Opening it…seeing the magenta light of Sanshiyad pouring through the window…


    And there staring out at the rippling water of the canal…was Vizon, looking worried.


    Hearing the door open, the Riolu’s ear twitched and he looked back, slouching his shoulders and sighing.


    “Arceus, there you are…” Vizon said.


    “A-ah-” Avery jolted at the door, seeing the Riolu.


    ‘…Right. My partner. My teammate.’


    “…Hey, Viz.” Avery hesitated a moment, and then approached the bed. “…How’s Nivanee doing?”


    Vizon recoiled a bit, looking at Avery as the Plusle spoke. A deep and worried look crossed Vizon’s eyes as he watched Avery. The Riolu was quiet a moment before speaking.


    “She’s…fine.” Vizon said, tilting his head and watching Avery. “She asked about you before anyone else and I let her know you’re ok and how the mission went…I was thinking we could visit her together tomorrow. I just figured you’d want some space to relax tonight.”


    He fidgeted, staring at Avery, twiddling his paws.


    No doubt Avery’s aura must have looked abysmal.


    “Avery…?” Vizon began…though seemed unable to find the words.


    ‘…now he notices.’


    “…That’d be nice,” Avery said quietly, sitting down on the bed. “…I, um…I missed you tonight. I had fun, with Jolvia and Rikzyod. I wish you could have come.”


    Avery pulled his paws up onto the bed, hugging his knees to his chest.


    Vizon stood for a while, softly rubbing the back of his neck.


    “Yeah…sorry, I just…wanted to go see Nivanee and felt…” he paused, eyes wandering. “…a little too tired? For the X-Eye district. The energy of that place is exhausting and it’d been a long mission and…”


    Vizon paused again, biting his lip.


    “Well I’m…glad you had fun down there. What did  you guys…get up to? I don’t know much about either of them…frankly, Rikzyod seems like kind of a wild card, huh?” The Riolu laughed lightly, as though trying to lighten the mood.


    “…Yeah, I…I probably should have seen Niv first,” Avery said, sagging a bit. “…It was, uh…it was good. It was good! It really looks like everything is shut down there when you first go, but…there’s a lot of really nice Poke’mon there. Jolvia and I saw Rikzyod fight in a fighting ring – he got taken out by a Quilava, but it was a really close match. And then we went out for bread bowls…they were really cheap, but really good. And then-“


    Avery had gotten into his explanation a little, but what had happened next stopped me.


    “…We went past a NAM demonstration on the way home. That part wasn’t…super important, though. I, um…”


    Vizon perked up.


    “NAM…? Those guys again? The bad-“


    Vizon stopped himself, shaking his head.


    “…those guys…that burnt that Poke’mon’s house down…?” Vizon asked. When Vizon hesitated, Avery slacked a bit on the bed, releasing his knees to flop on the bed. He let out a little sigh, and gave Vizon a smile as the Riolu continued.


    “Yeah, though, that sounds like the X-Eye district. Kinda shifty, lots of closed down places and out of business shops around there, kinda spooky.” Vizon shuddered, shaking his head. “Fighting, drinking, loud and burly Poke’mon, aha…I’m glad you have fun, though…!”


    He was quiet a moment…as though checking Avery’s reaction…like he was worried about…saying something wrong.


    “It was pretty rough and tumble, yeah,” Avery said with a smile and nod. “But it wasn’t bad. I think it’d be fun if you came next time. And, uh…I do really appreciate you going for a wider spectrum of morality. I mean…I’m pretty convinced NAM is all bad guys from what I’ve heard, but…if you’re going to try to keep an open mind, I’ll just say…I know those two that did it were bad guys. But…thank you.”


    Vizon let out a sigh of relief at the Plusle’s smile, relaxing at once. Carefully, Vizon approached, jumping up onto the bed with Avery and sitting on the edge, looking at the Plusle carefully with a gentle smile of his own.


    “Yeah, I know…it’s just…” Vizon squirmed a little. “Being in the guild…when I read about them it was always easy. The guild was good guys and the people they fought were bad guys. I never saw much reason to overcomplicate it. If it boils down to having to fight against someone, what’s the difference? But…look, I know I’m not that smart or wise in stuff. I need someone to tell me who the bad guys are but I just…want to be a good guy for the good guys, you know? Whoever they are…”


    Vizon shook his head.


    “I’m probably sounding like an idiot. I dunno. Poke’mon that hurt others…those are bad guys. I don’t want to be paralyzed by what-ifs and maybes and overcomplicated thinking, sitting there and letting others suffer because I’m worried about hitting the wrong person. I just…want to do good.”


    He looked at Avery sadly…it was clear he’d been doing a lot of thinking.


    “That’s all. I swear.”


    Vizon was quiet a moment, looking down at the floor, gripping the bedsheets tight.


    “Anyway, sorry. I’ll stop. I know when I open my big mouth about this your aura falls miserably. I just…wanted to talk on that a little, I guess.”


    Avery paused, thinking about what Vizon was saying. A weight welled in the Plusle’s throat. His knees came back up to his chest. He took a deep breath. His heart felt heavier.


    In any other circumstance, Vizon might have thought that he screwed up again.


    “…I’ve just…seen a lot of things since I’ve been here.” Avery began. “I’m friends with Kellixae, and Sekura. I went to a little sandwich shop run by an Illaminian, and the X-Eye District was really nice. I went to a barbecue in the Illaminian District. And…”


    Avery looked at Vizon.


    “…I’ll admit. Walking around in there alone, when I was going to meet Kellixae…it was scary. Poke’mon were staring at me. I didn’t feel entirely safe. I don’t…I don’t doubt that there are bad Illaminian Poke’mon, too. But I just…”


    Avery sighed.


    “I don’t want to paint everyone with the same brush…I know that I’m new here. I know that you and Nivanee both care about me, and you’re scared for me. But…I’m also new here, you know? I didn’t grow up around any of these Poke’mon, so…I just…judge things how I see them…”


    Avery laughed a little.


    “But don’t insult yourself, either.” Avery said. “You wouldn’t be in this guild if you didn’t want to do good. And I think that means a lot. And…you mean a lot to me. Still.”


    The Plusle put a paw on Vizon’s.


    “You’re still my partner.” Avery affirmed at last with a warm smile. Vizon’s ears perked, feeling Avery’s paw on his own. He turned his head, looking over at Avery, eyes wide…almost begging. Vizon was giving puppy eyes if Avery had ever seen them…must have learned that from Nivanee.


    “Avery…” The Riolu whispered, sighing lightly. “…I’m glad…”


    Vizon was quiet a while, having listened to Avery. He lifted his legs, crossing them as he sat on the bed, a thoughtful look in his eyes.


    He didn’t say anything to the food, Avery’s words, not for a long time.


    He only looked at the Plusle.


    “I don’t wanna paint others with the same brush either, I don’t think…” Vizon said, firmly nodding. “But at the same time…if someone is doing bad things we know is bad…when the time comes that we have to be heroes, you’ll be with me. No, I’m not asking…I know you will. You’re a good g-…a good Poke’mon, Avery. Ever since I took that gamble on you when we first met, you’ve been nothing but a good Poke’mon.”


    Vizon chuckled.


    “I guess I just want to protect you, just the same as I wanted to when we first met…”


    Vizon coughed, shaking his head.


    Avery looked at Vizon for a moment. Just…stared.


    And the Plusle rolled over on the bed and hugged Vizon tightly.


    “…I’ve been scared, Vizon. I’ve been scared a lot.” Avery explained. “About a lot of things. But I want to be able to trust you. We’re…”


    Avery separated, looking up at Vizon.


    “…We’re still partners. And…And I think I need to remember that, too.”


    Shaking his head, Avery scooted back to where he was seated. Now, after all that…Avery bit his lip…turning to Vizon.


    Because Avery knew…he had to bring it up.


    “You know a lot about the guild, right?” Avery asked.


    Vizon tilted his head, confused at the topic change.


    “Yeah…I know about the guild…” The Riolu concurred. “Been a fan of it since I was a kid.”


    Avery sighed, and bonked his head gently against the mattress.


    “…Adelaide. I’ve heard…a bit about Adelaide. What do you know about her?”


    Vizon nodded at that, putting an arm around Avery and hugging back with a sigh. He thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on the bed.


    “Well…she was a member of the guild. Like…vintage member of the guild. Arceus when was it…5th Turn, 12? That’s like…” Vizon looked down at his paw, counting on his fingers. “Uhhh…something like 150 years ago now, yeesh. I think the guildmaster back then was Guildmaster…uh…hang on…first came…then…yeah it’d have to be Tyarnikus.”


    Vizon nodded, clicking his tongue in thought.


    “Her and Siranae made up Team Coronatus. Apparently, Adelaide was only 17. I actually got to read a super old periodical from back then. Like, it was a reprinted transcription, not the original printing, but it said she was a very level-headed girl, if a bit stuffy and vain. She left fighting as a last resort, always trying to be diplomatic, even with criminals.”


    Vizon snickered.


    “Not really my style, but hey. She’s still a legend! One of the first ever ‘all-star’ teams. The kind that captured the hearts and minds of poke’mon across Tulaan! For thirty whole years, even after becoming an Elite, she stopped evil poke’mon in Arceliaze. Ones that’d go around, terrorizing the innocent, making the very streets unsafe. She had something like…102 arrests in a single year just cleaning up Arceliaze of the roaming terror!”


    Vizon’s eyes sparkled, the Riolu swaying.


    “So cool…it’s amazing how an all-star team from over a century ago is still as impressive as all-star teams of more recent years!”


    Avery nodded a little.


    “So she was a big important person…”” Avery said. “That makes sense from what I’ve heard so far. But, uh…the questions might get a little weirder from here. First, I’ll say, um…”


    Tracing a finger on the bedsheet, Avery furrowed his brow.


    ‘How best to say this?’


    “The name’s…familiar. Not like…I’ve heard of someone by that name before. More like…like…that name’s like the kind of names where I’m from. Like…Vizon, Nivanee, Sarfallinus, Jolvia, Rikzyod, all those…they’re foreign to me. But…”


    Avery turned to Vizon.


    “My name is different, too, ‘Avery’. And Adelaide…that name’s like mine. It’s…it’s like Luke and Addison. My old friends Malzena mentioned.”


    Avery wrung his hands.


    “…I think Adelaide might have been a human, too.”


    Vizon squinted, tilting his head, looking confused.


    “Human…?” The Riolu said quietly. “But she…no, wait…I thought ‘Adelaide’ was just a Quayoffi name I…”


    Vizon looked down…as if recalling things.


    “Wait a sec…hang on…no…” Vizon shook his head. “I mean, I know there was that thing about her not having any documentation but I always assumed she was some orphan or…”


    Vizon frowned, scratching the back of his head, looking as though his brain were frying.


    “Avery…and Adelaide…?” Vizon muttered. “…No wait, no I remember now, Adelaide had a longer name than that…oh Arceus what was it…what was it, uhhh…”


    Vizon beat on his forehead with a fist, trying to remember, gritting his teeth.


    “Imp something Imp…dee…oh Arceus it was a long one but I used to be so proud that I could remember the whole thing…”


    Vizon’s eyes widened! A smile crossed his face!


    “Yeah! Adelaide Imperadore di Milano!” Vizon said at once, looked proud of himself. “Are you sure that’s a human name? Sounds different from ‘Avery’…unless your name is super long like that, too!”


    “…T…” Avery’s eyes went wide. “…V…Vizon, that’s Italian, that’s an Italian name-“


    “A what?” Vizon asked, blinking, tilting his head.


    “Italian, it’s-” Avery held his head. He wasn’t even going to question how he knew this. “It’s a language. Like how I showed you last week, what I write? That’s English? Her name is Italian, her name means ‘Adelaide…’ Imperadore, that’s…imperial…imper…emperor. Adelaide, Emperor of Milano. She was royalty-!”


    “Ruh…what?!” Vizon’s brow furrowed in utter disbelief. “Royalty? Like, human royalty?! First you tell me they’re not monsters and now they have royalty? Of…Milano?? Italian?? You’re dumping a lot on me all at once…”


    Vizon perked up, looking over at Avery.


    “And wait…aren’t you supposed to be an amnesiac?? How do you even know that??”


    “I don’t know-” Avery said, eyes wide. “I mean I don’t even know how I know English, but…Gah, I don’t know where or who ‘Milano’ is, maybe it’s a family name, but…Adelaide was…a princess, or something…! And…and…”


    That confirmed it.


    “I’m not the first human to be brought here.” Avery looked back at Vizon.


    “Not the first…”


    Vizon’s face blanched, a paw going over his mouth, the possibilities flashing in his eyes.


    “…how many humans have there been??” Vizon muttered, his brow knitting. “Have they seriously been here all along? Have there been ones before Adelaide? After? Arceus alive, could there be more right now???”


    Avery could see Vizon shudder.


    “That’s…creepy!!!” The Riolu said, voice shaky. “To know about Adelaide all this time and only JUST now learn…holy moley, do you think Siranae, her partner, knew? Like how I know about you??”


    Avery was thinking again, looking up at Vizon.


    “…This is a bit out of your wheelhouse, but…do you remember who the Conduit was back then?”


    Vizon paused his rambling at Avery’s question, thinking.


    “Oh no no, I know this one. It was Conduit Lippi, the one right before Olistia. She…oh man, that’s spooky…she also personally recommended Siranae and Adealide into the guild…just like us.


    “…I think there was at least one more,” Avery said lowly. “But…Vizon, I…”


    ‘Deep breaths. Deep breaths.’


    “If I tell you this, you have to keep it secret.” Avery said firmly. “From everyone. This is…this is getting into stuff that’s really starting to scare me, but…if you’re going to try to trust me, I need to trust you too.”


    Vizon’s brow furrowed, staring at Avery.


    “Avery…your aura…”


    Vizon gulped, glancing towards the door…and leaned in close. He slowly nodded.


    “I trust you Avery…I won’t tell anyone.” The Riolu said, silently. “Why are you scared…? What’s wrong?”




    Avery got up from the bed.


    “…It might be best if I show you instead. Come on.” Avery nodded towards the hallway.


    Vizon watched the Plusle get up from the bed. Avery could see the fear in Vizon’s eyes as he slowly jumped from the bed.


    “Show me…?” Vizon asked, padding up closer. “Avery what is this…? I’m getting freaked out now…”


    Avery took Vizon’s hand, and went to the door. He looked up at the Riolu.


    “…We’re going to Team Infinity’s room.”


    “…Team Infinity…?” Vizon whispered. “Quayslaan’s team…? I mean I was shocked to see him working for the thieves guild, but…”


    Putting a finger to his lips, Avery led his partner out into the dark hallway…and pointed. Vizon stopped himself and nodded, worry in his eyes as he followed Avery to the door. A specific door of many.


    The fourth door on the left. Unmarked.


    “How do you know this is theirs…?” Vizon muttered silently. “…this…feels…wrong.


    “…When we were separated in the temple,” Avery said quietly, “I talked with them a little. This is the second person I’ve met who left this guild to join the Thieves’ Guild. Once is a coincidence. Twice is a pattern. Whether they were right or wrong to do so…there was something going on between five and ten years ago that caused an exodus. Until last week, Vizon, this guild has been frozen in time for half a decade. Something caused that.”


    Avery carefully opened the door.


    “…The table slides away. Behind it is a brick. Take it out, and look at the things inside. I’ll…talk more once we’re back in the room. I just…”


    A shiver went down Avery’s spine.


    “…I can’t hold onto this alone, Vizon.”


    What alone??” Vizon hissed. “Avery are you trying to prank me? You’re seriously scaring me.”


    Vizon was silent, looking in the dark room, fiddling with his paws as he stared inside, squirming. Then he looked back at Avery, taking a candle from the wall.


    “I swear to Arceus if you shut the door behind me I’m going to scream and never talk to you ever again.”


    Avery gave him a half-hearted smile at that, but said nothing.


    With a shaky step…Vizon entered the room, leaving Avery to keep watch as the Riolu followed the instructions carefully…making a face at all the dust. Avery stepped into the room with him, and gently eased the door almost completely shut – moving silently away from the door, to Vizon’s side as Avery summoned a light in his own hand to help them see.


    Vizon jumped a little at the new light Avery conjured but nodded as he moved to lift the table quietly, setting it down with no noise. His taller stature and more physical strength meant he didn’t need to drag it.


    He eyed the wall, spotting the brick at once. With a gulp, looking back at Avery to make sure it wasn’t a trick, Vizon pulled it out, seeing the hollowed-out inside.


    “What in the world…” The Riolu muttered. “What’s this secret compartment stuff…?”


    He reached in, pulling out the badge.


    “Oh wow…a classic style badge…these were all replaced with the new design like…7 years ago.” Vizon said softly, turning the badge over, looking at the rounded wing design.


    He then peered in, seeing the papers, looking at the surveillance notice and the strange worksheets. He shook his head.


    “Oh man…this is creepy…” Vizon muttered, tilting his head. “Quayslaan must’ve been really broken up about Rikaerd running off with Kanah…heck…I was 14 when it happened, I think. I remember getting the news in a brochure and the periodical clinched it…”


    He looked back at Avery, sighing.


    “I never told you about that, huh? How Infinity broke up suddenly. Apparently Rikaerd, Quayslaan’s partner, fell in love with their new partner, Kanah, and the both of them eloped in the middle of a mission to Quayoff. Quayslaan left all alone…”


    Vizon huffed, shaking his head, looking sadly at the sheets of paper.


    “That’s some cold stuff, leaving your own buddy like that…breaking his heart…” Vizon muttered.


    Avery looked at the Riolu forlornly and, without saying a word, picked up the last little slip of paper, folded, and handed it to Vizon.


    The Plusle’s expression was dark.


    Vizon looked at the slip, confused, taking it cautiously in hand.




    Vizon glanced down at the paper. He stared at it. For a while he only stared at it. His brow furrowed. First he was confused. Then his expression sunk, confusion deepening as he read. And read it again. Again. Again.


    “…what is this…?” Vizon said. “I don’t get it…”


    Avery carefully took everything else, and put it back in the brick. He waited a moment…and took the paper back, placing everything back in the wall, and pushing the table back into place.


    Still as silent as the grave, Avery motioned for Vizon to come back to the door – and made sure to peek out into the hallway. They’d have to go back to their room to talk.


    But…Avery had to say something.


    “…Rikaerd was a human, too, Vizon.”


    Vizon looked terrified all at once at that. His eyes trailed to the ground as he stood, following Avery, mind awash.




    The Riolu moved with Avery, going through the door and into the empty hall.


    Empty…though now it was beginning to feel haunted. Like they were being watched, from far off, from the shadows that leapt upon the cold stone walls of the guild hall.


    Without a word, they both returned to their room, Team Infinity’s room sealed shut once again. Vizon was almost too hasty to close the door to their room. Back to safety in the light of Sanshiyad.


    “Avery…” Vizon began. “What in the heck was that? Any of that? All of that?”


    The Plusle was back on the bed. Huddled up.


    “…Richard.” Avery said in a low voice. “That’s another name I’m familiar with. It’s not Italian, it’s…I think it’s English.”


    Avery’s arms were wrapped around himself. Even as he tried to stay brave, being reminded…of what that was.




    “…There’s at least three, Vizon.” Avery said, nearly mumbling. “Adelaide. Richard. And me. And here’s something I know.”


    The Plusle lifted his gaze, looking into VIzon’s crimson eyes.


    “Turning me into a Pokemon was a process. It took time. A good bit of time.”


    ‘Deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths.’


    “…I don’t know if it’s nine years’ worth. But Olistia was still the conduit then, right? What if…”


    Avery began to tremble.


    “…W-what if he had the dreams, too? What if he was a ‘Hero of Arceus’? And…and when he died they just…they just replaced him?”


    “But…” Vizon stammed, shaking his head. “…but if that was true it’d have to be different because Rikaerd and Quayslaan they…”


    Vizon paused.


    “You only came into the world recently, right? Team Infinity was brought in back 20 years ago, in 6T42…”


    Joined 20 years ago. Soil rest lightly upon Richard at 17, 9 years ago…


    Richard had joined when he was…


    “You really think Rikaerd was a human…? That he…died…?” Vizon shook his head. “But…no that makes no sense. He left the team! Every news outlet reported it! Up and down, they can’t all be wrong, surely. I mean this is the guild. Something like that would be kind of high-profile, right? I mean…I don’t remember anything about a ‘Hero of Arceus’ with Team Infinity…they were an alright team, sure, they did their part, fought criminals here and there…at least, that’s what I always read on them. Their assigned missions were pretty mild up until Rikaerd’s injury…then they had to take a hiatus where they met Kanah at some point then came back and re-joined the guild.”


    “…Then why did Quayslaan leave?” Avery asked quietly. “I asked him. Back in the temple. He didn’t answer directly, but… He told me that his room was exactly as he left it. If Richard did…if he did die… And the guild covered it up, everyone covered it up…that’d be a pretty good motive to join the Thieves, wouldn’t it….?”


    Avery shifted.


    “And it isn’t like we haven’t seen this get covered up before, Vizon. Even to other guildmates. Remember Ganisus? The only people who knew exactly how bad that went were Kipuuna and the administration. Even Nivanee didn’t know.”


    Vizon began to squirm, uncomfortable as Avery spoke.


    “N…no…w-wait, that’s different surely, I…”


    He couldn’t even finish, lifting a paw to his mouth, biting his finger and looking away.


    “I thought he left…because he was sad…Rikaerd…”


    Vizon could barely get the words out.


    “They wouldn’t do that.” The Riolu said, shaking, his eyes closed. “I can’t believe this guild would do that to anyone…not to family, Avery…”


    “…I don’t know,” Avery said finally. “…I don’t know, Vizon. I don’t. I’m just…I’m going off of what I see. What you tell me. What Nivanee tells me. What Kipuuna told everyone. What I’ve heard from the magazines, from the way people look at me on the street when they see my badge, both good and bad…and from people like Janus and Quayslaan.”


    Avery took Vizon’s paw to keep his own from shaking.


    “But what I do know is that Olistia lied to me, Vizon. She told me she couldn’t see into my past, you remember that, you were there. And then Malzena not only did that, but…said that she could do it too. She knew about Addison and Luke and Ember. She took me from my old life, and I didn’t get a choice. And she lied to me about it.”


    Avery’s throat was bunched. He could feel himself choking up from dread.


    “…I can’t go back, either. I’m here for the rest of my life, Vizon, and…and I want to believe that everything will be okay, but…Adelaide disappeared. Richard died. It’s…i-it’s not a good track record, Vizon, I’m scared-“


    Vizon perked up immediately. At once, his confusion and worry was shoved down and the Riolu threw his arms around Avery, pulling the Plusle into a hug at once, burying Avery in his chest. Vizon’s arm squeezed the Plusle tight and secure as he tucked Avery under his chin.


    “You’ll be different.” Vizon said firmly. It was a simple fact to him. Nothing besides.


    Avery’s trembling worsened as he felt Vizon’s arms around him. He melted into the Riolu’s grasp, quiet tears welling up in his eyes.


    “…I have…I-I have so many questions, V-Viz, I don’t…I don’t know  what’s going on, b-but I’m scared-” Avery quietly sobbed. “Q…Quayslaan was a good person, he’s smart, he’s resourceful, he helped us, he loved his partner…Janus was…Janus was Nivanee’s sister, they were some of the best in the guild…! Why…why did they leave? What made them leave?”


    Avery shook his head again, burying himself into Vizon.


    “I can’t…I can’t think about this too much longer tonight,” Avery admitted. “I-I’m going to break down, I’m…Just…I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I brought you into this too much-“


    Vizon was quiet, holding Avery tight, never letting go.


    “What’re partners for?” Vizon whispered. “It’s just another grand adventure for Team Azure.”


    Avery felt Vizon’s paw pet over his head, firmly in the Riolu’s grip. Warm…cozy…after such a long and hard fought day…after such a long and emotionally draining adventure…it was be easy to just…slip into that embrace’s warmth and let tomorrow finally…finally…come.


    “…Don’t tell anyone,” Avery said quietly, voice cracked and laden with emotion. “I…I-I don’t want to hurt anyone else. I don’t…”


    ‘If this gets out I might get killed.


    And they’d cover it up.


    And nobody would know.


    Not Lahnae. Not Jolvia. Not Janus. Not Vizon. Nobody.’


    Avery just closed his eyes, and tried to will himself past the fear to sleep.


    Vizon held him…all the while he held him. In those arms Avery lied against Vizon’s chest.


    The warmth surrounded Avery.


    And as he drifted. And drifted.


    It never left him.


    And once again…that darkness surrounded Avery.


    He knew what was coming.


    But now…he had to wonder.


    He hadn’t had a dream since before Dove Fo Uddjo. Before the revelations he’d had recently.


    ‘Do they know? Would they know? And if they do…’


    Avery waited.




    The darkness was silent. But Avery could see it. The blue lights again.


    He could hear the faint, faint voices once more.


    And, almost predictably, that light.


    But Arceus’s voice did not come.


    Instead came that voice. The woman’s voice.


    If you saw a wallet on the side of the road, what would you do with it?


    But this wasn’t a memory. It wasn’t a ghost in the back of Avery’s mind. It was here…asking. Avery was cognizant. Here to answer again, the full questionnaire. Where once he may have been too hazy to remember the full set of questions…now he would clearly register every one that was asked.


    Avery felt sick. He felt so sick.


    “…I’d check the name. See who the wallet belonged to. See if I could find them. Who are you?”


    The voice was silent. There was a murmuring around Avery. A tsking.


    “It’s just a check-in, Avery.” He heard another voice. “You know who I am. I’ve told you already.”




    “Only answer the questions truthfully, same as last time.” Her voice said. “I know you have plenty to ask me as well.”


    What Did you Want to Be As A Child?


    Avery made a face at that. Olistia. A check in.


    “I don’t remember,” Avery said. “You took that memory away from me.”


    ‘…She wanted me to be truthful.’


    There was a sigh.


    “We did.” Olistia sighed. Avery couldn’t see her in the dark. “This feels like a rather horrid place to speak, I admit. What say you to some tea in the drawing room come morning?”


    Would You Open an Envelope With the Date of Your Death Inside?


    “I admit I feel I’ve failed you somewhat. For someone tasked with guiding you I’ve left you stumbling alone far too much.” Her voice said. “Worry not, we’ll speak openly.”


    Avery frowned, answering quietly.


    “I don’t know. I’d…be curious to know. But I know if I opened the envelope I’d be living in fear of the day I saw for the rest of my life.”


    Avery looked down.


    “…Why can’t I see? Can you see?” He asked.


    She sighed.


    “Nevermind, Avery. It’s a bit hard to see here, isn’t it, in this sacred place of Arceus?” Olistia asked. “I can’t see much. What I can see I don’t understand. Nor do I need to, I suppose. Arceus shall do as he does. I’m only his Conduit, after all.”


    If you could see a measuring scale above people’s heads, what would you want this scale to measure?


    “…I guess that makes sense,” Avery relented.


    ‘This question…




    “…Honesty,” Avery said aloud, after a hesitation. There was a chance Olistia was reading his mind anyhow, so he wouldn’t be able to hide anything.


    ‘…That and it’d be hypocritical to lie about this answer.’


    Olistia offered no reply at first, but Avery heard a breath being taken. She was still there with him…voices muttering.


    “A fair answer.” She said. The other woman’s voice continued.


    Would you be friends with yourself?


    “…I’d like to think so,” Avery said quietly. “…But I’m wondering if I’d be…too much for myself to handle right now.”


    Avery’s ears perked. He still couldn’t see.


    “…Who else is here…besides you?” he asked.


    Olistia was quiet a moment.




    If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?


    “…It depends on who the bread is from, and how much the person who had it needed it. But…on the whole, if it wouldn’t be a selfish act, no.”


    Both he and Olistia were silent for a moment.


    “Should I come alone?” He asked.


    “If you wish. I’d not stop you from bringing someone if it’d make you more comfortable to speak candidly.” Olistia’s voice came. “I’m not here to strongarm or intimidate you. There’s no smokescreen I seek to cast. You are the last person I’d want to be the enemy of. After all, I think it’s obvious…I need you more than you perhaps need me, hm?”


    You see a cube. How large is it? Where is it located? What is its surroundings?


    “Anything you want to ask I will answer.” Olistia said. “Directly. To the point. No hand-wringing or half-truths or obfuscation or insisting you can’t handle the truth. And yes. That includes the topic of your memories.”


    “…Small. It isn’t anywhere though. I could hold it in a hand, but it’s… Floating in a white nothingness. I don’t like it.” Avery answered the question before replying to Olistia.


    A frown crossed his face.


    “…You need me…? I don’t understand why. What can I do that any Poke’mon can’t do better…?”


    …He didn’t know whether he could believe her. Avery knew that by going there tomorrow he’d be walking into the lion’s den. But…he needed answers.


    “Icons are powerful, Avery.” Olistia’s voice said. “Humans are simply…wired different. And you’re no ordinary Plusle.”


    There is a ladder by the cube. How large is it? How is it oritented to the cube?


    “Surely you’ve noticed the power you wield? In short time you’ve gone from nothing in the middle of a field to felling projections of thunder gods and matching the strength of senior guild members.” Olistia explained. “You are a powerful icon to inspire hope in hopeless times. That was always my want…”


    “…It…it’s leaned up against the cube. As soon as the ladder’s there the cube feels larger. It barely clears the cube in height.” Avery replied to the question.


    He didn’t get these two questions. He didn’t know why they were significant.


    “…And if you don’t want to be my enemy, why did you lie to me about my memories before…?” Avery prodded. “Didn’t you think that’d make me wonder why?”


    “It’d make you wonder more if I told you I was deliberately withholding them.” Olistia said. “It was a lie I expected to be found out. Otherwise you’d likely have just rejected Vizon and pined after Luke and Addison, forever only searching for a way home, never minding the world of Arcea I needed you to take care of.”


    There was a warmth around Avery.


    “Nobody would help Nivanee and Janus. Kipuuna and Ganisus would have fallen out. Lahnae and Loshjno would forever remain broken. Every friend you’ve made would have been left unprotected and uncared for. We’ve run the simulations, and while I apologize for the carrot on a stick…the good that you’ve done makes it worth it, even if it doesn’t entirely sit right with me.”


    She paused again.


    “When we meet, you can ask as much as you like about your human life, Avery. Unlocking the memories wholesale would be dangerous but you may know anything you like.”


    … No question.


    He supposed they were done for the night, maybe.


    “… Alright. I’ll see you in the morning, then.”


    “Have a good rest of your night, Avery.” Olistia said as the light began to recede. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


    Darkness retook Avery.


    Chapter 24.3





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