The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 24.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Jolvia stepped through the door of the bar, onto the cobblestone path, and the air immediately chilled compared to the inside.


    The Nidorina thankfully kept an even pace, allowing Avery to catch up as she walked down the lower market district streets, by small patches of foliage and trees that lined the outside of brick and marble buildings.


    She turned the corner, passing by a group of performers and the crowd around them, weaving through the Poke’mon. To the left, a small stream babbled with running water through a ditch of stone.


    Avery could see Poke’mon milling outside of buildings. Many of which looked…closed, their front doors boarded up, parchment pinned to the front.




    Another building, more Poke’mon standing across the street from it, staring at it almost angrily.




    A few bars were on this street, though hardly anyone seemed to visit them despite how many Poke’mon milled on this wider road. A loud banging echoed over the streets, a pair of Machokes nailing boards over another building’s windows.




    As the both of them continued, the bars quickly grew fewer and fewer in number. Avery could see on some buildings the remains of stands now bricked-up and closed off permanently, with extensions to the brick walls built. The lights were on inside these buildings, a shuffling coming from within.


    Jolvia stopped Avery, letting a massive cart of wood and steel pass by, entering a large depot in one of these large, expanded buildings.


    “Things are still busy down here on the lower market district…even at night…” Jolvia muttered to him, continuing forwards after the cart passed, the depot doors shutting at once.


    Despite what she said, the street they walked down…was otherwise deserted. The only signs of life came from within the buildings.


    Avery furrowed his brow. All these businesses, bars, closed for business entirely.


    ‘Why is this….? It’s like some sort of epidemic or something…’


    “Where are we going…?”


    “Where else?” Jolvia said, glancing back. “Where all poor souls of Arceliaze go…or eventually end up. The X-Eye District. We just have to cross through this end of the Lower Market District…”


    Jolvia stepped to the side, a pair of Buizels shouting and cursing to one another, thick pieces of paper in their hands. As Jolvia turned the corner at the end of the road, yet more closed buildings could be seen.







    Scaffolds and bricks lied in the street, wood cranes left of the roof, hanging overhead, the same extensions being applied to these buildings, the stands that used to be now long bricked up.







    One after another.


    Poke’mon talked amongst themselves, Avery could hear them:


    “Grah, didn’t think they’d come for ours next…”


    “I can’t face Hila, not like this…”


    Poke’mon in the street here passed the two forlornly, weaving by brick and scaffold.





    “No, it’s fine, there’s another place down the street we-“


    “No doing, that place went down a month ago.”


    “You’re kidding…where am I supposed to go?!”






    “The Lower Market District…” Jolvia muttered, pulling ahead, putting that derelict street behind them both. “…home of Poke’mon bound for the X-Eye district, and fighting tooth and nail to keep it from happening.”


    At the end of the street, a low rumble of voices could be heard. One or two Poke’mon milled about here, pipes in mouth, others holding cups from the small bar they stood by.


    Due for Seizure – FLASH SALE. ALL TOTTER MUST GO.


    The bar was quiet, and the group that stood outside had a stack of papers by them. Jolvia tried to keep from making eye contact, hurrying her pace.


    Yet despite this, one of the Poke’mon spotted the both of them, a Weavile. He stepped forward, glass in hand, a neutral expression on his face as he brandished a slip of paper. He lifted the thick flyer, offering it to Avery.


    “Evenin’, folks…” the Weavile said in a slightly slurred voice. “We’re handing out invitations for our seminar…! Interested in coming to a NAM meeting tomorrow night? S’for kids and adults. Owner of this bar will be doin’ a talk, real honest man. Local, too, want a cup?”


    Jolvia looked as though she were going to deny at once, though glanced to Avery first.




    Avery had to hide his recoil from hearing the word again.


    “Um…No, thank you,” Avery said, trying to keep moving.


    ‘…All these businesses seized, and now NAM here, too. Is it just too much money? Can they not afford to hold their doors open?


    This entire district is like a graveyard.’


    “Maybe another time, fight the good fight, boys~!” Jolvia merrily said with a wave, the Poke’mon happily waving back as she turned to leave…with an inaudible frustrated huff.


    “This place has turned into a hotbed for recruitment…” Jolvia muttered once she and Avery were out of earshot. “Property seized, Illaminian debt workers go in, Arcean workers come out…and NAM’s always there, practically greeting those outbound Arcean workers right at the door.”


    She shook her head, looking back at Avery.


    “Do you think you can single-handedly solve this, Hero?” She asked, brow furrowed.


    “…No,” Avery murmured, his feet dragging more and more with each step he took and each derelict shop he saw. “I don’t even entirely understand what this is, but…no. I…I don’t even know if my team would see this as a problem.”


    Jolvia…smiled at his answer, his acceptance. She waved her hand for him to follow.


    “Don’t worry, Avery. This isn’t what I wanted to show you.” She assured, continuing on.


    The silence of the lower market district was slowly…slowly replaced by another noise. A rumbling noise.


    The cobblestone under their feet turned to dirt, loose and wet, with occasional sunken planks to serve as a facsimile of a pathway. But this wasn’t the farming district…no…the buildings around them were tall…and old.


    No marble here. All the buildings now were red and brown bricks, stained and dirtied and chipped. Wood buildings now accompanied the brick, all while still standing tall…imposing…looming.


    The muddy dirt street widened into a larger plaza as they passed under a brick archway and saw it at last.


    “We’re here.” Jolvia said.



    A bad scent permeated the air. A melancholy…Avery could feel it.


    A poke’mon covered in cloaks sat upon the sidewalk by a doorway.


    Another near the bar held his hands in his face…


    A trio of other poke’mon sat by their cart silently.


    Why in the world would Jolvia bring him here…? Another part of Arceliaze miserable, no doubt. More hurt. More dreary, tiring hurt.


    Yet…he had to wonder. Maybe this was like…how it was in the Illaminian district. He remembered his first time there, seeing how awful it was…and only seeing the resilience and community they had his second time there.




    “… Why did you want to show me this…?”


    Jolvia looked down at Avery, smiling.


    “I see it in your eyes.” She said softly. “All the time we’ve spent in the bright and shiny marble roads of the Market District make such places look worse. But…you know better don’t you?”


    She chuckled, looking back out towards the street.


    “I wonder what Vizon said of this place…” She mused.


    And all it’d take was a second look.


    The trio of Poke’mon sitting by their cart erupted in loud yells as a fourth finally rounded the corner, fashionably late.


    The Poke’mon near the bar with his hands in his face lifted his head to show his bloodied nose, his friend ribbing him for getting pummeled at the bar.


    The Poke’mon covered in cloaks jolted as the door beside him FLEW open, a Taillow woman coming out and knocking him upside the head for sleeping outside, bringing him in at once.


    “There’s something I learned a long time ago…” Jolvia said softly, watching as more Poke’mon filled the muddy street, the lines disorganized and crossing into one another, less foot traffic and more just crowd chaos that still managed to flow. “And you’ll see it shortly, I’m sure…but what’s say we find Rikzyod?”


    Another sigh, this time of relief. First impressions had been wrong, thankfully.


    “Sure. You said he was at another bar…?” Avery asked.


    “Solza’s, aye.” Jolvia confirmed with a nod, walking forward on the muddy roads, passing the large brick buildings. “It’s a lil hole in the wall that’s just recently opened…well…more re-opened.”



    So much about the X-Eye district seemed similar to the lower market district…a few guards here and there along the roads, looking a mite dirtier than the ones at the market district.


    The buildings were old, many boarded up and closed off. Many of the buildings sported the seizure notices…but the papers were wet and yellowed, dated for 6T59…and always partially torn.


    As the two moved along the road, old and rotten planks lie beside buildings, bent nails that had been haphazardly removed now sat in buckets.


    A building with the extensions Avery had seen before stood. But no depot. The windows above were dark. And where he would expect a bricked-up stand there instead sat a perfectly functioning stand and store, the light from inside spilling out into the street.


    ‘So these people had had their shops seized… And were just ignoring it. Going about their daily business after a few years of dormancy… re-opened.’


    “Ah, down there.” Jolvia said, pointing down the road.


    There, an open-air bar stood, the only thing separating it from the street being a handful of pillars.


    Even from here Avery could see a Charmander get thrown out onto the muddy street. The Plusle jolted watching the Charmander skid through the muck, looking up at Jolvia. A cheer ERUPTED from inside!


    “Ah, Rikzyod must be up on the ring.” Jolvia laughed, waving for Avery to follow.


    “… Yeah, that’s Rik’s fingerprint alright….”


    The both of them approached the bar. Even here, the building was extended. Avery could see where there used to be walls sealing-off the bar…and all on the sidewalk and street sat rubble and chips of brick, knocked down, seizure overturned.


    And the guard across the street merely stood, watching patrons enter and exit the bar…even having a glass himself as he stood.



    Avery and Jolvia stepped up into the fight club. The dirt floor crunched under their paws, a crowd stood at the middle, cooing and cheering.


    The bar space was sparse, the bar tender filling glasses in a line for anyone to come and pick up as they pleased, leaving some coins in the glass’s place. The totter juice here was cheap and frothy, Avery could see it from here. The old building creaked and groaned, like cheers of its own as loud SMACKS came from the center of the crowd of Poke’mon….from the ring.






    Avery looked around. It wasn’t…a lively place, not like the barbecue was, but…it had its own charm. Not the least of which was the Poke’mon beating the crap out of each other in the ring.


    Staying close to Jolvia, Avery turned to see whether Rikzyod truly was up there.


    Poke’mon walked in and out of the bar area freely from the street, bringing food and drinks from other stands and restaurants to see the fighting.


    A CRACK erupted!


    The crowd gave a sharp “OOOH”.


    A quilava ROCKETED up to the ceiling, SLAMMING into it!!




    Ai, no, I got 30 riding on him, boyo! Throw! Throw!


    Jolvia stepped forward, pushing past the poke’mon to give Avery a good view of the arena.


    There, the Plusle could see the roped-off stage. Just as he suspected, Rikzyod held his fists up. A good number of brand new gashes, exposing his geode underneath, decorated his  body. In front of him, a Quilava with an equal number of gashes stood, popping his neck, smiling.


    “You hit like my mother.”


    “She must be very strong! May I fight her next?!”


    The Quilava laughed, circling around Rikzyod, which the Geodude returned.


    “HIT ‘IM! HIT. HIM.






    An Ursaring next to Avery chugged down a massive tankard, dropping it to the floor. Someone else coughed and spat. The bodies all around he and Jolvia lightly shoved and pushed as everyone tried to get the best look at the action.


    The two opponents LUNGED.


    Rikzyod STRUCK. The Quilava TWISTED around the fist, SLAMMING his body into the Geodude! One strike! Two strikes!






    Rikzyod SLAMMED into the ropes. Jolvia winced, grinning as she watch him slump of the ropes.


    “Hoogh…” The Geodude shook his head, the Quilava bouncing in place, puffing fire from his mouth in excitement. Rikzyod waved to one of the patrons, immediately handed a glass of Totter, chugging it down halfway. The rest he poured over himself.


    The crowd ROARED, SHAKING the stage.


    “I’m alive again!” Rikzyod roared, cracking his knuckles. The Quilava huffed and puffed, darting his head side to side. “COME ON.”


    The Geodude CHARGED.


    Avery stood up straight. He was…. Pretty damn short. Couldn’t see beyond a good number of the Poke’mon around, but he could see enough, and he could hear even more.


    The Plusle heard Rikzyod being Rikzyod…and a challenger. They were beating the shit out of each other, yeah, but…they seemed like they were having a good time with it.


    ‘…He comes back from one of the most harrowing, painful missions I’ve ever been on in my life… And that same night he’s in a fighting ring.


    …This guy has spirit.


    The Ursaring beside Avery staggered, looking down at the Plusle with bleary eyes…before reaching down and grabbing Avery’s head.


    “Ehhh cmere y’little gobswabble…” The Ursaring slurred.


    He picked Avery up, lifting the tiny Plusle up to his shoulder, Jolvia backing up with a laugh as Avery was suddenly hoisted up for a better view of the fight. Avery couldn’t help but let out a little squeak of surprise as his face was palmed like a ball – but found himself set down with a much better view. The Plusle let out a quiet, embarrassed thanks, holding onto the shoulder as he watched.


    The Quilava dodged RIGHT, then LEFT.


    Rikzyod punched and STRUCK, the Quilava weaving around. Rikzyod feinted once, twice, STRIKE. His fist CRACKED into the Quilava’s face, THROWING him back, tumbling, slung into the creaking ropes.


    Rikzyod LUNGED! The Quilava lifted his hind paws, SLAMMING them out! A DIRECT HIT! Rikzyod was put into a spin, CRATERING to the ground, pebbles cascading.




    “Oh Arceus, nawp, I’m out, I can’t take this.”




    The Quilava pushed from the ropes, standing over the Geodude. Rikzyod lied upon the ground, dazed…dizzy.


    “Ey mate, y’aight? C’mon, up you come.”


    The Quilava held out a paw, the dazed Geodude taking it and getting up, swaying.


    Avery stared, enraptured. This looked like a tough fighter too – already at a disadvantage type wise, this Quilava was really holding his own.


    Avery let out a cheer to try and motivate Rikzyod as the Quilava helped him up – that was sporting of him…!


    “You’re not down yet! You’ve gone through worse!”




    “Y’good?” The Quilava said quietly, Rikzyod nodding. The Quilava patted his shoulder, the both of them tapping fists as the bell sounded again.


    “Ay, Fofo.”


    The Ursaring that held Avery on his shoulder grunted, looking over.






    Rikzyod SLAMMED his fist across the Quilava’s face!


    “Aye, yeh.”


    The ursaring took a large tankard, rearing back and taking a big gulp…then he looked at Avery.


    “Thirsty, lad?” the Ursaring asked.


    Avery looked down at the tankard, and laughed a bit.


    “I’ve already had enough to drink, hah…help yourself.”


    The ursaring nodded, pulling the tankard away and taking another deep SWIG.






    Rikzyod FLEW back, spinning against the ropes, grabbing at them to keep himself steady and standing. Below Avery could see Jolvia laughing and clapping as Rikzyod got tossed like a ragdoll, the Geodude clearly having the time of his LIFE.


    Really…it was the merriest Avery had seen either of them. Here in the shadow of Arceliaze, deep where none others would take him.


    Avery had never really thought that Jolvia would enjoy herself here, too…she’d mentioned how being part of the guild had been a childish dream she’d had, and how the money had allowed her to try some high-society things.


    ‘Does that mean that she’s from here?


    Perhaps she’s even like Sekurae, where she’s just very good at surpressing her accent. But watching the two of them, Jolvia watching…violence, and Rikzyod taking part in it. The Geodude really can’t get enough of the stuff, huh?


    A mask removed from the mysterious Nidorina. A woman in her element. A woman…home.’


    The Quilava was PUNCHED. Once! Twice!!! THRICE!! Uppercut!




    The Ursaring burped, grunting and sniffing. Another Poke’mon beside Jolvia handed her a small tankard which she took happily, digging into it with a big gulp. Nothing like the petite sips at the Eksai auction bar.


    The Quilava doubled back, a bigger and bigger crowd slowly drawn from the street, many of the passing Poke’mon excitedly running over from other bars to see the two go at it.






    The crowd YELPED, seeing Rikzyod’s punched PARRIED, slammed by the Quilava’s shoulder. STRIKE to the face. The cheek! The jaw! Rikzyod staggered back, guffawing as another fist ROCKETED towards him!


    He SLUNG his fist forward, SLAMMING into the Quilava’s!




    Another parried strike!




    The Ursaring swayed, jostling Avery. Jolvia glanced up at the Plusle, a warm smile on her face.


    The Quilava slung forward, grabbing the Geodude. The Geodude’s hands GRIPPED the Quilava back, both of them slinging around in a dizzying circle. The Quilava RAMMED his head forward!


    Rikzyod returned! The Quilava’s nose bled!


    The Quilava let go a hand, SLAMMING his fist into Rikzyod! Again! Again! He grabbed at Rikzyod’s arms and SLAMMED him into the ground of the ring, the Geodude rolling.


    The Quilava twisted suddenly, his foot FLYING toward’s Rikzyod’s face!






    Rikzyod FLEW back and slammed hard into the ground, the Quilava panting, wiping his lip.


    The Plusle nearly fell off of the Ursaring as he took a swig, and then did. He dropped and landed hard on the ground.


    “Oop-…sorry…” the Ursaring muttered as Avery fell. The Plusle could only lie there for a moment in surprise.


    Rikzyod was beaten. Avery’s eyes wide. He didn’t think that he could be taken down at all, let alone by a Quilava! Nonetheless, Avery found himself caught up in the energy. Even with his friend losing like that, Avery had to admire both opponents…


    “That was a fight-” Avery said, picking himself up off of the ground, dusting his back off. “And after what happened today…that guy’s hard as diamonds.


    Jolvia stepped up by Avery, crouching to make sure he was ok as he stood.


    “And so uncomplicated.” Jolvia added, dusting off Avery’s shoulder as she looked towards the ring. “He’s a rare Pokemon whom you can trust when he says he has no secrets. I genuinely believe that.”


    Her eyes sparkled, watching as the Quilava helped Rikzyod back up, the Geodude laughing and patting his opponent on the shoulder, heading off the ring.


    Haugh! What a place! No other fight club in Arceliaze hosts such fighters, such Pokémon of spirit!!” Rikzyod yelled merrily, approaching the pair. “It is good you joined me, Jolvia. I trust your gathering of the weak and spongy went well?”


    “As well as it could, I suppose.” Jolvia nodded, showing her bottle of Eksai. “There’s one for the collection.”


    “And good evening to you, Avery!!” Rikzyod said, turning to the Plusle. He moved forward, helpfully leading the two along as a new pair of fighters stepped into the ring, the larger crowd dispersing. “Where are the stupid ones?!”


    Jolvia coughed, as though to cut him off.


    “Avery, what’s say we scrounge some food, hm?” The Nidorina suggested. “I don’t think you’ve eaten all day, have you…?”


    Avery was almost waiting for his stomach to chime in and embarrass him. Thankfully that didn’t happen – but she was right. He hadn’t eaten at all.


    “If you don’t count the medical supplies, no,” Avery said with a shake of his head. “What kind of stuff can you get to eat around here, then…?”


    “The GREATEST SLOP.” Rikzyod yelled. “Tradional X-Eye dinners, hard as rocks and reminding you to be thankful to just be alive!!”


    “Rikzyod…restaurants here serve that as a gag.” Jolvia corrected with a laugh. “Real traditional X-Eye District meals would be like…bread bowls. Totter Rice…you know…spiced and salty potato slices…”


    “Cheese and buttered Totter bread!!” Rikzyod continued, Jolvia nodding.


    “Ah, so you do know…!”


    “Then I confess! The greatest slop is MY tradition!”


    Poke’mon casually walked in and out and through the open bar, talking to one another, shouting. A loud song echoed on the old bricks.


    Then Avery heard it…


    Familiar music…trumpets and fast strings. Like he’d heard…at the barbecue with Kellixae.


    Jolvia side-eyed Avery, the Illaminian lyrics belted loudly and in the open. A few of the Poke’mon around the three drunkenly swayed and bounced to the beat.


    A voice in the surrounding crowd.


    “Oioi, which way to Hondo’s?”


    Dji dute…?


    “Ah, sorry, lad. Uhhh…tdati…”


    Among the thick X-Eye district accents Avery heard…Illaminian mixed in. Quayoffi, too, he recognized it.


    ‘…Illaminian? Here?’


    Avery’s eyes lit up in recognition of the words – not their meaning, but the words nonetheless.


    ‘Are…they more accepted here? I can hear Quayoffi but…as far as I knew they aren’t quite as looked down on.’


    “I think some bread bowls might do nicely…” Jolvia said casually, breaking Avery out of his thoughts. “What sounds good to you, Avery?”


    “I’ve never had bread bowls before…are they really bowls made of bread, or…bowls with bread in them?” Avery asked.


    “Oh hey, why not we find a fourth or fifth to our little party!!” Rikzyod cheered. “I had promised to drink the red one under the table…”


     “…I hope you don’t mean me for ‘the red one’…” Avery said, voice laced with trepidation. “I’m as light a lightweight can get when it comes to alcohol. But…if you guys have friends, I’d like to meet them! If…that wouldn’t be awkward.”


    “I don’t think my friends are available tonight.” Jolvia shrugged with a smile.


    “No no no, I speak of the bird! My favorite stupid one!” Rikzyod said, gesturing as though to show her size. “She was very amusing and looked as though she could melt my face!”


    “Oh, you mean Lahnae,” Avery said with a nod. “She’s at the guild passed out at the moment…but I think that she’d enjoy coming down here one of these days.”


    Jolvia’s paw crunched on a piece of paper littering the road, the thick flyer looking…familiar but unreadable.


    “Anyway, to answer your question: yes, bread bowls. A classic meal of excess with whatever is available of the table scraps from the market district.” Jolvia explained, chuckling. “Also lovingly called a ‘dustbin dinner’, sweeping the floor into a bowl. Oh, now, don’t pull a face, it’s not literally that. It’s just a bowl of bread with sauces and various ingredients thrown within.”


    “A cacophony of luck!!” Rikzyod cheered. “I got seaweed in mine last week! Delicious!”


    As the three continued down the dirt road, they entered a more narrow pass. The stands here all had signs proclaiming their grand reopening, boards and old bricks discarded, and whatever used to be inside the larger buildings had clearly been gutted, turned into local shops and inns.


    The stands had amateur art shops. Books. Performances. Medicine. Food and drinks. Inns with small rooms…for free. The rooms were, somehow, free.


    A group of Illaminians passed by, laughing loudly, dirt caking their faces. A guard glared at them…yet made no move. Only stood there as the Illaminians walked through a crowd of X-Eye Pokémon. Avery was ready for that guard to pull something when the Illaminian people walked through, but…nothing happened. That was good. This was nice…ish. The glare he could do without, but at least Illaminians didn’t feel unsafe here.


    Avery was starting to wonder if he was being a little patronizing, admiring the resourcefulness of the Poke’mon living here. Obviously it’d be good if they didn’t have to be resourceful, but…operating just under the city’s eyes and doing what they could to make a life and culture here…it was nice.


    Jolvia smiled, side eying the Plusle.


    “Feeling better, Avery?” She asked warmly with a gentle chuckle.


    Rikzyod laughed as well as the three approached a small stand set into the side of what looked like an old warehouse, the Raichu inside slamming at the counter to attract passerby.


    “Bread bowls fer ye, friends?” The Raichu practically yelled. “Got me shop back at last and I’m feelin’ like a discount!”


    Indeed, all around the stand were old stained bricks and debris, while everything in his stand looked fairly new.


    “What’s in the bowls today?” Jolvia asked, leaning on the counter, beckoning Avery over.


    “Lots of totter, some rice, eyyy…lime, too. And mushrooms a’ plenty. Oh! Meat plant came in this morning so, sod it, I’ll throw that in cheap. How’s 5 coins each sound?”


    That…was an astonishingly cheap price, especially when the Raichu turned to his brick oven, pulling out a massive iron tray laid out with bread kneaded into a bowl shape and filled, positively FILLED with layered ingredients…and they were enormous.


    “Looks good, huh, Avery?” Jolvia nudged with a grin.


    “Hah! I could down two I bet!” Rikzyod put in.


    Avery’s eyes went wide, first at the ingredients, and then at the price.


    “I…I can’t pay five for that-” Avery said, quickly digging into his pouch. “That’s…that’s got to be worth at least twenty each, at least-!”


    Avery was almost alarmed- Had the Raichu made some sort of mistake? Maybe he’d misheard and the clerk said fifty, that sounded more reasonable, with all of that…and the size of it!


    ‘…It looks so good though…’


    Jolvia and Rikzyod snickered, cooing and singing together.


    “Mar-ket district boy’s a king

    rich n’ proud n’ spoiled n’ gay

    Snubs his nose at e’ry-thing

    unless he has to over-pay ~”


    The Raichu took no notice, rolling his eyes as he wrapped the bread bowls in wax paper for the three of them.


    Avery blushed a little at the song. That was probably about him.


    He…supposed he should probably take the prices as they were. He didn’t want to seem spoiled or condescending…but he found himself laughing a bit anyway. It seemed that…what he had done was pretty common practice.


    Jolvia and Rikzyod laughed good-naturedly, sidling up to Avery. It was warm, as they all took food in hand, putting their money on the counter. The Raichu thanked them as they all moved away, walking down the street amid the other poke’mon that staggered and swayed along the path.



    The nighttime was deepening, clouds hanging above.


    “You look in much better spirits, Avery.” Jolvia said, smiling, taking a bite of her bread bowl. The food was warm in Avery’s hands, the scent a grand herbal mix of tomato and pepper, smoky meat making the Plusle’s mouth water…it’d surely be hard to not just immediately dig in, especially with some totter already in him!


    And he did. There wasn’t as much self control as he’d normally have, the totter was definitely doing its job there.


    “I…I am feeling better, yeah,” Avery said finally. “There’s still a lot on my mind, but…it’s nice to shelve it for an evening. Plus, I haven’t really been able to spend much time with you two before. So it’s nice.”


    “It’s been nice for us, too…” Jolvia said with a sigh, smiling. “I feel like I’ve gotten to know you better. The real and honest you…you’re no liar, Avery, it’s not in your nature.”


    She paused a moment as the three of them continued walking down the road. A commotion sounded ahead with the rush of cheering, joyous voices.


    “I feel, now more than ever, confident in who you are. Confident in your words and character…”


    “Did you think I was a liar before?” Avery said, raising an eyebrow. “I’d really think a loan manager like you would know when someone’s lying~”


    “You can never know for certain if someone is genuine or if they have the greatest poker face in the world.” Jolvia laughed. “So if I’m wrong about you then, congratulations, you’ve outwitted me.”


    The Nidorina smiled wistfully, a look that Avery returned. With a turn of his head, Avery decided to keep the conversation rolling.


    “So, question…” Avery began. “…where are you from, anyway, Rikzyod…? You and Jolvia both knew that song…is it common?”


    Jolvia smiled again, returning to eating her bread bowl to allow Rikzyod to answer Avery’s question.


    “Ohoho, Avery. When you take as many blows to the head as I you forget things.” Rikzyod explained, biting into his bread bowl. “They say my accent is…Quayoffi. So I would suppose I would be from there!”


    Jolvia nodded, picking at the crust of her own bread bowl.


    “They most we’ve figured is that his voice sounds like a south Quayoffi-slash-Yahneri mix…so maybe a boatsman once upon a time?” Jolvia shrugged. “Or at least spent enough time there to get a corrupted south Quayoffi accent.”


    Now that Avery had gotten the first few bites of his bread bowl in, he was a little more careful with it. He didn’t want to eat at the edges so much that the stuff inside would spill out!


    “Quayoffi, huh…?” Avery said. “I think Yahneri Port is one of the only places I haven’t been yet…I know Nivanee and Janus were from there, but that’s where my knowledge of it begins and ends.”


    The three of them all took to their bowls, Rikzyod taking big and messy bites, sauce falling to the mud.




    “Chew, Rikzyod.” Jolvia hummed.


    The Geodude swallowed hard, belting out a satisfied breath.


    “I should endeavor to go BACK to Yahneri port! I don’t even remember a thing about it if I’ve been!” Rikzyod stroked his chin, wiping away some sauce. “Er…hopefully there is no one that recognizes me.”


    As the three emerged into the wider street Avery could see things were as bustling now as they were when they’d first arrived, despite how late it was. One would have expected any shop in the other districts to be long closed by now, but many here looked to only now be opening their doors as night crews at the surrounding worshops went on ‘lunch’.


    Avery nodded, looking about the square. He supposed it made sense that a district with bars and gambling would open up more during the night. One didn’t drink at two in the afternoon, after all.


    The voices were lively. Avery saw a group of Poke’mon talk to one another then quickly make tracks up the road. He even stepped upon another thick flyer, some of the surrounding Poke’mon holding them and looking them over, brows furrowed. Illaminian voices still mingled with the Arcean voices, though there was another noise.


    Jolvia sniffed idly, walking with the crowd, eying the different gamblimg parlors opening up.


    “Well…Yahneri port is quite a bustling place. I hear Illaminians sometimes sail there rather than going through Souljraan.” Jolvia said, taking a bite of her bread bowl. “It’d be a nice place to call home…I wonder if Nivanee misses it.”


    “This is as probably as much of a surprise to you as the sun rising tomorrow, but I’ve never been to a port town.” Avery admited, “At least not in my memory. So I think it’d be nice to go there!”


    His smile faded a bit, and he took another bite of the bowl.


    “…Of course if I do go it’s probably going to be under pretense of guild work. So I won’t be able to see the city proper.”


    “A shame, but not unsurprising. Yahneri really is beautiful…” Jolvia smiled, taking another dainty bite as Rikzyod messily finished his. “It’s teeming with culture of all across Tulaan. Perhaps one day we can make a day of visiting when you can find time.”


    “Ha! I should think I’d like to be reminded of the place.” Rikzyod wiped his mouth with the wax paper, shoving the trash in his satchel. “Blue waters, constant rain.”


    “Your favorite.” Jolvia chuckled, Rikzyod giving an emphatic nod.


    As he continued to eat, Avery people-watched as well. There were flyers people were holding, mixed voices…and something else.


    Avery nodded to the crowds.


    “Do either of you know what’s going on there?”


    At that last question, Jolvia was quiet, watching the crowds as they moved, eyes half lidded. She took a casual bite as she watched, a smile on her face.


    More and more, Poke’mon were whispering to one another, spreading…news. running off. A guard or two on the side of the road nodded to one another, rushing in the same direction.


    A loud voice could be heard down the road.


    “Ah, there they are.” Jolvia said, swallowing a bite. “It’s what I wanted to show you.”


    Avery perked up, looking down the road as Poke’mon ran by.


    “…The ring wasn’t what you wanted to show me?” Avery said, sitting up straighter. “The bowls, the shops, they aren’t…?”


    There was a small seed of dread settling itself in his gut. If the guards were involved…this couldn’t be good…right?


    “The bowls and shops were fun but not really what you needed…” Jolvia said, glancing down at the Plusle. “C’mon, lets go see the commotion.”


    As they followed the crowd, it became easier to see…and hear what was going on. As many of the night workers were leaving the store houses, they were called to, spoken to, by a group of Poke’mon handing out familiar flyers.


    All around, Poke’mon held the flyers in hand. Avery caught a glance at one of them:


    Arcea needs YOU.


    The National Arcean’s movement stands in support of the X-Eye District.


    Your children will be fed, your spouses will be housed. This is the promise of Arcea. Stand with us to keep that safe!


    The crowd parted, letting Avery see ahead.


    A Meowstic, a Turtwig and a Azumarill stood by a building, a little tent set up. They wore armbands, signifying their rank in the organization, handing out flyers merrily as they spoke.


    “There y’are, sir. We hope you’ll meet us at the convention a few days from now.” The Azumarill said. “Together, stronger, Arcea will remain the shimmering jewel of Tulaan.”


    “You’re willing to do whatever it takes for your father’s land? Your children’s land?”


    The Poke’mon around Avery eyed the flyers.


    “No western invader stands a chance against a unified Arcea. Did you see the Brighter Arceliaze weekly pamphlet?”


    There were more than three Poke’mon handing out flyers. Yet more walked through the crowd, talking to Pokémon.


    And there, in the center of the ring, by the Turtwig and Meowstic was a kindly looking Smeargle. His voice boomed over the crowd, a warm look in his eye.


    “Going through the lower market district I see stands closed, block after block, turned to warehouses filled to the brim with them and not ONE of your fellow countrymen within! I see your countrymen starving and homeless. I see these problems encroaching, cascading over Arcea.”


    There was a shift in the audience. Someone bumped against Avery.


    “But the time for fear is over. The time for hope has come. Stand with your countrymen, with us, at the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement. Your children WILL be fed! Your spouses WILL be housed! And Arcea will be a rich Arcean’s land!”


    A Bulbasaur came up beside Avery, handing a flyer to him. He looked Avery in the eye.


    “Will you do what it takes for your country?”


    Avery could see it already. The guards closing in, worming their way through the crowd to join the guards already standing with the NAM Poke’mon.


    That distress came back. Avery took the flyer from the Bulbasaur wordlessly, looking down at it. The Plusle turned to Jolvia, concerned.


    ‘Why does she want to show me this…? These people burned down Sekura’s house-! The guard is with them! They’re…They’re recruiting people…!’


    Jolvia looked down at Avery…and was smiling. She lightly took another bite…looking almost amused.


    The flyers continued to be handed out, the Smeargle continuing to speak.


    “Looking hopelessly in the derelict streets of Arceliaze, if you’ve seen a westerner with a fat coin pouch whilst yours remained empty, if you were sat worried about tomorrow…if you wondered to yourself ‘can I even do it’ then I am here to tell you that YES YOU CAN!


    Off to the side there was a shout. An Illaminian expletive. The Smeargle recoiled, the Azumarill backing off.


    “Keep it civil, don’t think I don’t know what that means!” The Meowstic shot back.


    “This…! Is our time for hope!” The Smeargle recovered, dusting himself off.


    Another lewd shout in Illaminian.


    “OI, he said CAN IT.” A guard shouted, shoving into the crowd at the Illaminian shouting.


    “Oooooh!!!” Came another shout.


    “Hey, lay off!” Another voice shouted. An Illaminian shouted something profain again.


    “Either get that blighter’s mouth shut or I’ll get a whole platoo-“


    “Oi! What was that wad that just spilt out yer mouth, guardie?!”


    “I’m warning you!” the guard barked.


    “Everyone, now, let’s refocus! Unity! We need unity to stand against-” the Smeargle was interrupted again.


    “My NAN is a soddin’ Illaminian, you gunna kick her out, too?!”


    There was a shout. The Azumarill and Meowstic began to look worried.


    Especially when the Smeargle was hit by a wadded up flyer.


    Then another.




    The guards shouted back, stepping forward and protecting the NAM presenters.


    “Back up! Back off!




    The guards pushed forward. The crowd roared, a Typhlosion PUNCHING one the guard.


    “Don’t you come in this side o’ town talkin’ TRASH.


    A wad of mud struck the Smeargle as the guards rushed for the Typhlosion, only for a Charizard to LIFT two guards, dragging them and THROWING them aside.


    “Oop, back up, baaack up…” Jolvia laughed, pushing back at Avery as the crowd cheered. Avery backed up obediently when Jolvia guided him away from the fight. He…almost felt like he would have had to join in, but…


    …They didn’t need his help. Quietly, Avery crumpled up the flyer, and let it fall to his feet. These Poke’mon…they didn’t stand for it. They didn’t stand for this sort of thing.


    ‘The Illamini op Arceali aren’t alone.’


    The line of guards broken, mud pounded the NAM presenters as swear words in Illaminian and Arcean rang out drunk and merry, an Ampharos SHOVING the Meowstic over. The flyers SCATTERED and billowed in the wind, the NAM presenters scrambling.


    The guards tried to make threatening moves at the crowd, but the swarm of X-Eye District Poke’mon were undeterred, taunting and play-lunging at the increasingly cowardly guard.


    “RUDDY SWILL DRINKERS, I’LL GET YOU LOT BACK FOR THIS!” A guard shouted as he was forcibly shoved away and pelted with mud.


    “Go cry home to mommy Olistia you shite-mouth! Go on!!”


    The crowd roared and laughed, bullying the guard as the Escavaliers were powerless to do anything but run.


    Jolvia…was laughing. Rikzyod himself had fun tossing mud at the fleeing NAM presenters, a hail fire of mud and wadded fliers at their back, the crowd cheering as the guard scattered uselessly.


    Avery felt a hand on his shoulder as the crowd thinned, walking toward the NAM Poke’mon and guard to run them out for good


    Jolvia held Avery’s shoulder, chuckling as she watched the scene.


    “I knew they’d try it, thinking every Arcean would take that drivel hook, line and sinker…”


    She glanced to the Plusle, smiling warmly.


    “You were worried, weren’t you?” Jolvia asked. “How in the world could one Poke’mon solve such a massive problem? How could a ‘Hero of Arceus’ fix Arcea…”


    The Nidorina shook her head, looking back towards the cheering crowd.


    “One Pokémon can’t…and that’s the point.” She said with a smile. “Individuals fail easy and often. I’m sure NAM would love it if we were all ‘Heroes of Arceus’, stumbling and alone and powerless…but what’s the difference between an Illaminian with nothing and an Arcean with nothing?”


    Jolvia lifted a hand, sweeping as though presenting the X-Eye districters and Illaminians jeering at the fleeing NAM Pokémon and guards that supported them.


    That, right there, is your way to solving this, Avery. That is your hope for the future.” Jolvia said warmly. “That…is what I wanted you to see.”


    Avery let out a little sigh. A weight felt like it was lifted off of his shoulders. He looked up at Jolvia with a gentler smile.


    “I…yeah. I did need to see this, I think.” Avery said. “Thank you. It’s…”


    He looked back out at the crowd as the last of the NAM were chased off.


    “It’s good to know that I’m not alone in this. That…we aren’t alone in this.”


    That word, ‘we’, made Jolvia brighten considerably, the Nidorina squeezing Avery’s sholder softly as the street slowly cleared out, the sounds of crowd growing fainter and fainter. Warm air blew between the old and creaking buildings.


    At last, Jolvia sniffed, looking off toward the sky.


    “Ah, well, how the night’s progressed.” She mused, lifting her other arm to pat Rikzyod on the back. “Food, fights and totter, what more could one ask for? Tell me, Avery…would there be any other business you’d like to attend to tonight?”


    “The night is quite late…or VERY young if you are a night hoothoot, uh?” Rikzyod laughed. “We know plenty more places to drink! Gamble! Be merry!”


    “Well, mind, Rikzyod, I still need tend to my other job in the morning, day off at the guild or not.” Jolvia chuckled, adjusting her glasses. Avery gave a laugh.


    “Honestly…I think I should be headed to bed,” Avery said, stretching. “I shouldn’t do that much walking since…I do have a fractured leg, hah…”


    Bringing a paw down, he rubbed his thigh a little. Then he looked up at Jolvia inquisitively.


    “Other job, hm? Doing loan-work?”


    Jolvia grinned in that mysterious way she always did, patting Avery on the shoulder.


    “Of course, Avery. Reports to file, people to see, as ever.” Jolvia laughed, leading the Plusle down the street. “Shall I accompany you back to the guild? Rikzyod, will you be fine on your own tonight?”


    Feh! And to think we were just getting started!” Rikzyod laughed, shaking his head. “Oh well, another time, another night. Do take care, Avery! And nurse that leg as soon as you can! I loathe to think you weakened for our NEXT BIG ADVENTURE!


    Jolvia waved good-bye to the Geodude, Rikzyod returning the gesture.


    It was time to get back to the guild.


    Jolvia walked with Avery a ways, breaking away from him at the cross roads near the market district…though as she departed, she said one last thing.


    “Oh, Avery? Mind if I call a favor sometime first thing tomorrow?”


    She didn’t elaborate much, even when asked, in that mysterious way of hers. Perhaps just more to consider for tomorrow.


    “Oh. Yeah, for sure. Tomorrow, then.” Avery said, standing right in front of her as the night encroached.


    Jolvia nodded, bidding Avery farewell as she walked off. Avery gave her his warm goodbyes, and made his way back to the guild.


    Past the lower market district, the market district…and back to that front entrance.


    Avery was quiet as he entered, not wanting to wake anyone up – but past that…


    …he wanted to check out Team Infinity’s room.


    He made his way inside, closing the entrance doors silently. He crept down the stairs and soon stood in the dark guild hall. The dim light of the candles only barely illuminated the walls and tile floor.


    It was silent, just as Arceliaze outside. Avery could see lights on under his guildmates’ doors…


    ‘…Fourth door on the left. Fourth door on the left…


    Nobody’s on the doors to the left.’


    Chapter 24.2





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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