The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 24.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The sun was setting on the day.



    First came the 1st platoon. Six soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, marching down the path, sent by Olistia.


    Next came the 2nd platoon, holding their position at the woods between Lightning Wastes and Breezy Plains. The treeline was scoured and prowled through as Team Azure and Team Spade were escorted, battered and bruised from their battle with Thundurus.


    They were given medical treatment. The power of the pearl seemed to interfere with their badges, hence the escort…yet they could see it. The fear in the soldiers’ eyes looking at the state of the teams.


    Whispers. Worried, hushed whispers amongst the soldiery.


    The walk back had been long and gruelling. These soldiers, supposed to be on Avery’s side…he’d seen how they treated people in the city. He didn’t think they’d attack him, but…It was hard to feel comfortable like this.


    But more than that, Avery saw the fear in their eyes. They’d lost the pearl. And while they had gotten out together, while they had beaten an artificial avatar of lightning itself…


    ‘…we didn’t get the pearl.’


    A temporary checkpoint was set at the end of the dirt trail leading out of the woods, their group moving with the two platoons to Arceliaze.


    The soldiers could see it was not a triumphant march, even as Lahnae and Loshjno tried to keep their heads up. The soldiers respectfully parted ways to let the guild by.


    As the sun finally vanished behind forested hills, the tannish hues overtaking the land through the cloudy sky, the whispers only grew more worried. Panicked. Morale slipping at the sight of the guild beaten. Nivanee missing.


    Vizon furrowed his brow, fists clenched as they all finally made their way to Arceliaze, flanked on either side by iron carriages, guards stood atop ready to fire projectile attacks.


    There, at the east gate, three more platoons greeted the two teams, iron carriages rolling out, the soldiers fanned, concerned looks on their faces. The streets here in the farming district were vacated but for the soldiers.


    There, in the center of the path, stood Olistia and Sarfallinus. The Gardevoir held her hands behind her back, while Sarfallinus wrung his hands anxiously.


    Olistia. That mysterious Gardevoir who Avery was quickly and rapidly realizing he knew close to nothing about.


    Intentions. Past. Nothing.


    As they approached, Olistia spoke first.


    “Nivanee returned in dire straights.” She said, immediately stepping forward, a hand punctuating her words as she looked to the teams. “What happened out there??”


    Avery was the first to reply.


    “…There was an invasion of the Qeasé Ruins by both the Thieves’ Guild and the Treasure Guild. They were fighting over the pearl. We were able to get inside, but…a projection of Thundurus came out of the defenses and sent us, a treasure guild member, and two thieves guild members falling miles underground. We were all separated and heavily injured, and had lost our badges in the fall. Nivanee…Nivanee had the worst injuries of all of us, and we only had one badge. So we elected to send her home once we got out.”


    Olistia’s brow furrowed, a glint in her eye as she brought a hand to her mouth, looking off to the side in thought. Avery continued his story.


    “While we were three separate guilds, we worked together to get back up. There is a chance we wouldn’t have survived if Snivy had not shared his medical supplies with us. And the…ensuing battle with Thundurus might have gone similarly without their assistance.”


    Avery turned to Team Spade.


    “… But I can say the same for Team Spade. Loshjno led us through the ruins both underground and above ground. His quick thinking and knowledge helped us immensely. And if it wasn’t for Lahnae during the last two fights against the two forms of Thundurus, we wouldn’t have been able to bring it down. She was…she was an inspiration.”


    Sarfallinus straightened, shaking his head. The guards looked to one another at the Plusle’s tale. Avery sighed.


    “… Unfortunately, after we finished off Thundurus for the second time…Xamao appeared before we could recover the pearl. He collected his guild members and the pearl and flew off. We were…all of us in too weak a state to stop him. If we tried to fight him as we were…I was afraid some of us wouldn’t make it back.”


    Avery’s story concluded at last, his eyes affixed to the Gardevoir standing over him. Olistia was silent, staring off with that strange look in her eye, brow knitted tight.


    Was it a look of anger?


    Fury? Disappointment? Dissatisfaction?


    “Conduit…?” Vizon asked quietly.


    Everyone leaned in. The discipline of the soldiery cracking, only reeled back in by commanding officers that hissed for them to maintain composure.


    Sarfallinus sighed as Olistia said nothing, the Infernape stepping forward and kneeling to check over Lahnae and Loshjno. The both of them were quiet, only staring at Olistia, the Gardevoir’s face unchanging.


    Annoyance? Malice? Frustration?


    The silence was awkward. Only light shuffling could be heard. A chilled wind blew across the Arceali valley. Someone coughed quietly. Olistia only stared. And stared, down at the ground, in thought.




    It was fear.


    Her crimson eyes lifted, gazing in Avery’s direction, keeping her face stoic, lips pursed. Like a dam ready to burst, she kept herself steely.


    “The Thieve’s Guild…” she began. “…made fools of us all…”


    Avery said nothing. He didn’t know if that was Quayslaan and Calladin’s intention. But saying such a thing now of all times…it wouldn’t go over well. Avery just…sagged his shoulders a little.


    ‘…Q and Calladin. They wouldn’t make fools of us. Right?’


    Olistia was quiet a moment, then looked to a Bisharp that sported a cloak and brooch.


    Ai, ai, Arceali Works Officer. Dictation.” Olistia nodded, the Bisharp taking a parchment. “Engineering Division to the Yahneri path, super highway construction effective immediately and without delay.”


    “Aye, Conduit.”


    Olistia took a step forward, pointing to another Bisharp.


    Ai, ai, Arceali General Army officer.” Olistia’s voice was commanding as the Bisharp took out a parchment. “3rd, 4th, 6th Battalions to Yahneri port immediately and without delay.”


    “Aye, Conduit.”


    Ai, ai, Arceali Armor Officer. 1st armored vehicle brigade to Yahneri port, immediately and without delay.”


    “Aye, Conduit.”


    “Where is the elites commissioner?” She asked, looking back.


    “Out, Conduit, to Quayoff. Shall I send for courier?”


    “No need, I’m assuming direct control. Fifteen elite teams to Yahneri port. They will arrive with the armored vehicle brigade.”


    The soldiers seemed to relax as Olistia made her move, watching her give orders, confidently walking amongst the officers that stood under the east gate. Yet Avery didn’t know what to think of this. He’d never seen Olistia like this before. A lot of the words she’d said were…scary. Super highway? Battalions? Armored vehicles? Did these Poke’mon have those?


    She was dead serious. And it…concerned Avery a little.


    Finally, she turned to Sarfallinus.


    “Arceali guild.”


    Sarfallinus stood, everyone getting to attention at once.


    “We will get to work immediately Olistia.” Sarfallinus promise, a hand upon his chest. “We’ll begin to divide work and make for Yahneri port to secure the water pearl.”




    Sarfallinus paused, perking up, looking confused. Olistia’s crimson eyes glanced down at the two teams.


    “Sarfallinus, have you looked at your guild? Injured, its most prominent member out of commission, the only other available team beaten. They’re in no condition to go on. They’d break if not just get in the way for now.”


    “Of course. Then we’ll-“


    Rest.” Said Olistia, firmly. Sarfallinus blinked.


    “Rest…now of all times, Olistia?”


    “I’m imposing a day of no working upon the guild. Perhaps two, if I can spare the time. I want the super highway to Yahneri finished and the guild recuperated.” Olistia’s voice was still so firm in her demand for rest. “They’ve done enough.”


    Sarfallinus was quiet…took a deep breath…and nodded.


    “Aye, Conduit.” He agreed…almost reluctantly.


    “…Beaten…?” Avery mumbled, his mind focusing on that one sentence Olistia had said. “…What happened to Aquashock? A-are they okay?”


    “A lot has happened, I’m afraid…” Olistia sighed, waving away the officers, the soldiery taking their groups in tow to deliver the messages to the different divisions.


    “No need to worry yourselves…” Sarfallinus addressed the group, patting Avery on the back lightly as he kneeled. “Kipuuna and Ganisus are battered…took their first loss in years-“


    “Oh no…” Lahnae let out a breath, clearly concerned. Loshjno, however, folded his arms and smiled, Sarfallinus returning the soft smile, confidently looking at them all.


    “I said there’s no need to worry. They’re beaten but undeterred…in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kipuuna so happy to have lost.” The Infernape chuckled, shaking his head as he spoke quietly whilst Olistia gave a few more orders to the surrounding soldiery. “They both looked strangely happy to be so covered in bumps and bruises…I can’t understand it…after all this time, suddenly they take a mission like this and enjoy failure…?”


    Sarfallinus glanced at Avery, a small grin on his face as Olistia turned to face them all again.


    “What’s up with that, I wonder…” the Guildmaster mused. The Infernape broke his gaze from Avery to stand up and look back to Olistia.



    ‘… Happy to have failed? Then that mean…’


    The last remnants of a weight that had been resting on Avery’s heart lifted. If they were ‘bumped and bruised’ as Sarfallinus put it, but happy…Avery could imagine it. Ganisus, thrilled that he could go on an adventure again. And Kipuuna, if he was happy…truly happy…then he was able to let go of that fear that had inhibited him for so long.


    ‘…I might be seeing cracks forming in my own team. But at the very least, Aquashock truly had been reborn…Of course maybe seeing Nivanee back so badly injured, and seeing us back like this might test that foundation a little. But… We’ll be fine!


    “Alright, that’s everyone…” Olistia breathed, keeping her stoic and professional air around the soldiers, waving Sarfallinus over. The Infernape gestured for guild members to all to follow, the soldiers escorting them back into the city. “The heat map from Dovve Fo Uddjo has proven ineffective so far, so our only choice now is to secure the Water Pearl with overwhelming force.”


    “Alright…!” Lahnae said, loudly, her energy slowly returning to her, even as her voice was a little hoarse. “Let’s see those jerks try to get this one with the backing of the whole Arcean army locking it down! See what happens! It’s not going anywhere!”


    The soldiers around them chuckled at her energy, some even cheering excitedly. The commanders reluctantly hushed them, if only so they remained professional.


    Olistia motioned to the guard to begin their move back to the castle. Sarfallinus walked with Team Azure and Team Spade, following behind the group. This time, Jolvia and Rikzyod walked with Avery, Vizon, Lahnae and Loshjno. The Nidorina held a paw to Avery’s shoulder, sighing in exhaustion as they all marched.


    “I’ll be nice to settle back in to my old haunt…” Jolvia mused, glancing to Rikzyod as he cracked his knuckles.


    “I still have energy to expend!” Rikzyod said, chuckling deeply. “Will you be joining me for another night at the fight club?”


    “I was rather hoping for some time at an actual establishment instead of drinking swill between betting rounds.” Jolvia chuckled. Vizon glanced over, eyebrows raised.


    “Huh? Fight club? Where at?”


    “The X-Eye district! Where else, uh?” Rikzyod’s voice was downright excited. Vizon, meanwhile, only stuck his tongue out with a ‘blech’ noise.


    “A fight club,” Avery said, chuckling under his breath. “So soon after so many injuries, Rikzyod…? Don’t Geodudes need to rest their bones, too?”


    Soon, they were all back in the safe cradle of the market district, soon approaching the Castle Arceali. Olistia gave a final wave behind herself, the guard leading her back to the castle, leaving them all to their own devices.


    They all had the night to themselves…


    …and all of tomorrow, as well.


    Avery gave Olistia a last wave as she separated from the rest of them. He knew he was going to have to talk to her. He knew that. And it’d be better to be sooner rather than later.


    There were still some things he had to do around the guild too, not the least of which checking out Team Infinity’s old room… Though he’d have to do that tonight, when everyone else was asleep.


    Sarfallinus sighed to himself as the guard began to disperse, the other guild members slowly making their way towards the double doors of the guild hall. Night was approaching, the sky a dark blue and the land and cityscape surrounding slowly melting into silhouettes.


    As usual, Jolvia and Rikzyod hung back, knowing they weren’t allowed in the guild…though this time, Jolvia lifted a paw, patting Avery’s shoulder as he passed.


    “Excellent job today, Avery. You did everything right.” Jolvia said, squeezing the Plusle’s shoulder before letting go. “Are you busy tonight? You’re welcome to meet us for some rest later. Ah, no pressure, of course, if the others have you bound elsewhere or you wish to take the night to yourself.”


    Jolvia chuckled, backing off.


    “The tumultuous life of a guild member…”


    Avery stopped when he felt Jolvia’s hand on his shoulder. At first he just stared ahead at the guild, about to turn her down on her offer out of instinct. He was tired, still working off injuries, and he had a bit to plan.




    He looked up at her.


    “I might like that, later tonight. You guys are part of the team too, I don’t want our only interactions to be on missions. I don’t know if I can take a fight club, but…that sounds good.”


    Avery turned to move, but stopped again.


    “… And, uh…Thanks,” Avery said, lowly. “…I’ve been kind of doubting myself for a while, so…I just hope I’m headed in the right direction.”


    Jolvia nodded. She smiled warmly at Avery’s words, though her eyes sparkled with something more. Kindness?


    “I’ll talk Rikzyod into a normal bar…” Jolvia promised, the Geodude rolling his eyes.


    “I suppose any bar can be a fight club with enough gumption…” He muttered. Jolvia patted him on the back, looking to Avery.


    “And, hey, perhaps you’d like to bring a friend or two along?” Jolvia softly suggested, looking up thoughtfully. “I’d say there’s plenty in your circle of friends I’d like to know more about…”


    “Avery!” Vizon’s voice called from the door as Lahnae passed. “You coming??”


    Jolvia snickered, handing the Plusle a slip of paper.


    “Here’s an address, down in the lower market district. We’ll be there a while yet if you’d like to swing by.” She whispered, folding Avery’s fingers over the paper as though to conceal it and keep it hidden. “We’ll get outta your hair.”


    “Aaaaverryyyyyy!!!” Vizon called again.


    “Sorry, coming-!” Avery called over his shoulder. “I’ll see you later, then, Jolvia”


    With a nod, Jolvia and Rikzyod went together, disappearing around the side of the guild building and into the adjacent alleyway.


    “Kipuuna’s here! He’s wondering where you’re at!!” Vizon called again.


    With a turn, Avery quickly made his way back to the guild, to the waiting Vizon and the others. The Plusle’s leg wasn’t too happy with his fast pace, but…he’d be fine! Probably!


    Inside the guild entrance hall, Avery saw them, Aquashock, standing with Estaloni to greet them all. Lahnae and Loshjno had stopped in their tracks to look at Kipuuna and Ganisus.


    And the pair…looked awful.


    Ganisus had a patch on his cheek, a bloodied lip. A slight limp. Nicks and cuts covered his body, the tip of every strand of his fur electrically charred.


    And Kipuuna? Looked even worse.


    His eye was closed shut. Head feathers tussled and messy. Bandages around his flipper and foot. Bruises festooned his body, grass stains spread throughout his feathers.


    And both of them smiled. Wide and happy, eyes sparkling with a renewed vigor, as though ready to charge out and do it all over again.


    “Avery!!” Kipuuna called out. “Vizon! You guys!”


    “Kip, what the heck?!” Lahnae said in disbelief, only getting a smile in return as Kipuuna answered.


    “We headed north, to Squirtle lake! Circling around it to see if we could follow up on rumors of encamped thieves guild and…!”


    “They found us.” Ganisus said flatly, a smile smile on his face. “Ow.


    “I think there’s more up there…they got the drop on us but we nailed a few of them ourselves! Not so clever of a trap when they expect us to just duck out at the first sign of trouble!” Kipuuna laughed, Lahnae looking back at Avery in disbelief. “I guess they’ll know better next time!”


    Avery’s jaw dropped. He knew that they’d lost, battered and bruised, as Sarfallinus had said, but…he didn’t know it was this much!


    “…Hah, wow, you look almost as bad as we do, heh…Your first real mission after so long together, and you come back looking like that…” The Plusle stepped forward, shaking his head. “Guess that’s how we know Team Aquashock’s really at it this time, huh? And look at you guys, you’re like…you’re beaming…! How’d it feel?”


    “It felt…! Why I just! Like!!” Kipuuna rambled, running a flipper through his hair, eyes sparkling. “Like I was a kid, deep in the thick of a tale of action, good and evil, all the stories that made my heart swell coming to life all at once, it…it!! I…!”


    “Good.” Ganisus finished quietly. “It felt good.”


    Kipuuna let out a laughing breath, nodding emphatically.


    Avery gave Lahnae a little look.


    “Told you Aquashock changed…!”


    Vizon couldn’t help but share the smile. Battered or not…at least they were all battered together.


    “What happened on your mission…?” Kipuuna asked, stepping forward. “I heard Nivanee got badly hurt…in the clinic and everything.”


    Avery’s smile vanished at once.


    “Hah, yeah…boy, that was quite a mission. It was a bit of a fight getting into the Qeasé temple – Treasure Guild was terrorizing the town, beating up officials, all that…Thieves’ Guild and Treasure Guild were fighting over the pearl deeper in, so both were trying to keep us out.


    “We got to the center, saw an apparition of a Thunder God that sent us hurtling…miles down into the earth. That’s, uh…that’s how most of us got our worst injuries. We still had Loshjno’s badge, and decided that once we got out, we’d use it to send Nivanee home, since..she was the worst out of all of us.


    We ended up going up against Thundurus – twice – but…everyone worked together, thanks to Loshjno’s plan, that guy’s amazing! Lahnae and I managed to score the final hit…! She’s…”


    Avery looked over at her.


    “…She’s a freaking powerhouse, through and through.”


    …And then he deflated a little.


    “We all fell again after the thing disappeared, and…when we came to, Xamao just, swooped in and picked up the pearl while we were all weak. And…then we headed back.”


    “I-!” Lahnae sounded as though she wanted to stop Avery short of mentioning the last part, but it was already out. She deflated, shrinking back, though Loshjno held a hand to her shoulder, standing tall…which the Torchic emulated.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus listened close, their eyes widening, hearing every twist…obstacle…the increasing, absurd danger. The Piplup bit his flipper in worry, eyes flicking over to Lahnae with concern. But Avery’s words…Loshjno…amazing…Lahnae…a powerhouse. And together taking down a thunder god…and only failing because of dumb luck.


    Kipuuna looked over at Lahnae, a certain look about him.


    “…to think…” Kipuuna muttered, staring at her. “…I used to ever think you didn’t take this seriously…”


    “Maybe once.” Loshjno replied, chuckling. “But things are different now. And we’ll do even better yet next time.”


    Kipuuna’s eyes sparkled. Even Ganisus looked amazed at the transformed, synchronized Team Spade.


    Here, Avery stood, before two much stronger and wiser teams.


    They stared at each other a moment, sizing one another up. Kipuuna coughed, straightening.


    “Say…Lahnae…” He said.




    “I admit, we don’t have much of the coordination and strength as teams that have been more regularly doing harrowing missions.” Kipuuna said with a chuckle. “As it turns out, moving boxes has left us wanting for experience.”


    “Well that’s ok. Whatever we can do we’re still only a two person team…and never reeeaally learned stuff like…optimizing.”


    They smiled to each other, Ganisus and Loshjno looking to their respective teammates.


    “You wanna…”


    “…work together next mission?”


    The both of them beamed excitedly, a spark between Aquashock and Spade. Vizon looked back at Avery with his own excited look, like a fanboy watching his favorite heroes team up.


    Avery’s hands curled into fists at hearing this. He didn’t say anything…but he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell a little at that.


    These two teams…they were better. They were better now. Maybe not the best they could be, that wouldn’t happen overnight. But they were better, and they could get better. These teams that used to be so broken…they were healing.


    Avery turned to Vizon, sharing in his excitement for a moment-


    But…something ate at the Plusle.


    Deep in the pit of his stomach, as he looked at his teammate, the Riolu’s eyes wide and enthusiastic…something ate at Avery. The Plusle began immediately trying to push it down. He’d have time for that later. But he didn’t want to think about it right now. He didn’t want to think about it.


    But it was still there.


    “That won’t be for a bit though,” Avery interrupted, stepping forward. “Remember what Olistia said, Lahnae…? Both Azure and Spade have to rest for a few days. These aren’t surface level injuries, after all…we really have to let them heal…!”


    Lahnae…to her credit…sighed and let her excitement deflate, nodding as she faced Avery.


    “That’s true…” She said, though it looked more like she strained it out. “…it won’t do any good to get hurt more…and it’d be a pretty…useless effort right now.”


    Kipuuna nodded sagely, visibly proud of her restraint.


    “Days off…it’s certainly been a while…” Kipuuna sighed to himself, stroking his flipper through his hair to reset it. “I think I could really do with a few days of nothing…we’ve plenty of money for it.”


    Lahnae and Loshjno nodded, Vizon stretching as the energy in the hall dampened. The day’s events were winding down and night was surely upon Arceliaze.


    “Well, I’m going to just take a sec to remember what my bed feels like…” Lahnae huffed, exhausted, staggering forward and followed by a chuckling Loshjno. She muttered something to the Squirtle, and Avery even caught her glancing back at him before saying more to Loshjno.


    “We’ll be out and about later, if anyone wants to find us.” Loshjno said, looking back to the rest. “Maybe around the One Truth Square or something.”


    “In that case…Ganisus, maybe you and I can head to that one place we used to go?”


    “Yeah…cool.” Ganisus agreed almost instantly in his monotone, yet Avery could tell by his movements that this time…he was genuinely excited to go with his buddy.


    Vizon put an arm around Avery’s shoulder, hugging a bit.


    “What about you, buddy?” The Riolu asked. “Any plans? I’m probably going to rest..maybe see Nivanee.”


    “I do want to see Niv,” Avery said, sighing a little. “Jolvia and Rikzyod invited me out to a bar to hang out too. I don’t know if you’d want to…come to that?”


    Avery wasn’t sure if inviting Vizon was the best idea. The Plusle wasn’t sure he’d entirely be able to talk candidly if Vizon came. But at the same time…he was Avery’s friend. He was his partner. Avery had to trust him.




    “Oh…they mentioned the X-Eye district…?” the Riolu began.


    Vizon glanced away, sucking a breath through his teeth.


    Yeeeaaah, tell you what, buddy. I’ll catch up with you later!” Vizon said, keeping a merry smile on his face. “Juuust make sure you stay near Jolvia. Didn’t really know she hung out down there…”


    Avery’s smile fell.




    ‘Can’t say I didn’t expect it.’


    “Um…okay, yeah, sure. I’ll see you later, then.” Avery conceded.


    “Alright, cool..! And make sure you don’t exert yourself too much with those wounds…” Vizon mothered a little, looking Avery over. “Just to be safe…”


    The Riolu didn’t even seem to…notice Avery’s expression, as though lost in his own world. Perhaps, lost in some post-mission haze, far too excited to think of anything except Team Azure’s latest caper…oblivious to everything else right under his nose.


    He patted Avery’s shoulder, running for the stairs to get settled in their dorm room.


    Avery could feel it in the air. The sun had just crossed the horizon. The windows were dark. And the night was young.


    And all to himself, in that quiet hall.


    Avery listened to Vizon’s retreating footsteps as he was left alone in the hall, the echoes reverberating through the walls. The Plusle was once again alone.


    And He began to walk to the bar. Alone. Without his partners.


    Which…allowed him to think.


    ‘What am I doing wrong? Isn’t Vizon supposed to see my emotions or something…? Why doesn’t he know?


    Is…is he avoiding me? He’s not avoiding me, is he? Maybe he’s getting sick of me associating with Illaminian people, or something…What am I going to do about that…? What can I do about that?’


    It was quiet again. There seemed to be some hush over the city as Avery passed by the tall buildings lit now only by the magenta light of Sanshiyad above and the orange glow of lanterns.


    The air was crisp, a welcome change from the arid desert he’d had spent the day in.


    A large group of poke’mon passed Avery, ornately dressed and quietly talking amongst themselves. Those that walked the streets of the market district were esteemed and soft spoken, though they carried themselves with distinction. Escavilier guards stood in at every corner, alert and still as the finely dressed poke’mon passed.


    There was a quiet rumble, from far off, the ambient noise of the city.


    They had said they’d be in the lower market district…a short walk from where Avery was…


    And all along this silent trip, to have such thoughts…worry about his partner.


    The way they both seemed to be…drifting? So soon…? Surely it was just a careless lack of awareness on Vizon’s part..right?


    Even then, if it was careless…what would it turn into? How would this escalate? What if this was the beginning of the end of Team Azure?


    They’d been there for the rebirth of Spade and Aquashock. Avery didn’t want to take full credit for it, but…he was sure that he was at least a catalyst for their redemption.


    ‘But…I can’t do that for myself. I can’t do that for us. Vizon is drifting away from me…towards Nivanee. His hero.’


    He supposed that made sense. Avery was just some random person he found in a field. Nivanee was the leader of Team Duskwalker. Avery had been brushing Vizon the wrong way with the Thieves’ Guild and Illaminian People, Nivanee had been on Vizon’s side.


    ‘Maybe it’s natural that we’re going to be drifting apart.’


    Down the road, around the bend, that way to the lower market district. To Jolvia and Rikzyod.


    Here, near the threshold where buildings were smaller, where the statues were less in number, where the marble had more and more imperfections…a chilled wind blew.


    Down the street Avery could hear a laugh. A group of Poke’mon, their singing and jokes echoing over the brick and stone as they passed, a flurry of in-jokes and humor, no doubt, in a cacophony impossible to coherently make out…from so far away.


    The stone was cold. The sound of a clack sounded to Avery’s left as a stand closed shop, the owner sighing. A few other stands on the street did the same. Few walked this way…so many shops quickly silencing at night, until only those few late-night establishments, and bars, made any echoing noise over the roads.


    Avery gave little waves to those he passed, even lost in his thoughts as he was.


    ‘Vizon’s supposed to be my guardian. I chose him, right at the start.’


    His feet slapped coldly against the stone of the street.


    ‘Arceus deigned him for me. So isn’t he supposed to be perfect in that way?’


    Avery came to the front of the bar.




    The trek through the lower market district had been quiet, the roads dark. Yet this street he stood on seemed so much…more.


    Here, at the street, the very address Jolvia had given. The street had turned to cobblestone a few blocks back, the buildings here in the lower market district mostly brick and unpolished ivory stone. A single fountain surrounded by bushes and trees stood in a small square nearby, no water flowing at night, dimly illuminated by the torches on the wall.


    The shadows were thick and heavy, trees from small gardens swaying and rustling in the cold wind.



    This close to the bar, Avery could hear the muffled sound of music and voices inside. A rumble of laughter came from a patio off to the side, raised and overlooking a cliff and the street below. The land here in this part of the lower market district was so much less even than elsewhere. Just behind Avery was a ramp leading up to a higher street that towered over him, many Poke’mon walking to and fro, above and below.


    Shops selling gifts and clothes and games shone their bright lights on the street, as well as the restaurants and special locations, the exhibits, the fly-by-night shops taking empty lots. A ways down the road he swore he saw some street performers.


    While so much of the lower market district was quiet, this street seemed so alive.


    Perhaps that made things even more lonely.


    The door to the bar swung open, the music spilling onto the street as a pair of older Typhlosions walked out, a Floatzel holding the door for them. Their voices were louder than those of Poke’mon in the market district.


    Avery stepped back, allowing the two of them to walk out before stepping in to take their place – giving them a little nod when he passed them. Shifting uncomfortably, Avery looked around for Jolvia and Rikzyod. He was eager to get away from his thoughts.


    As he crossed the threshold, a voice sounded off in the bar.


    “And I’d like to extend a warm ‘thank you’ to our friends at the Arcean’s Works Association for providing the collections we have today for our charity auction.”


    There was a light clapping among the patrons.


    As Avery entered he could see the inside was meticulously decorated with stone pillars, carpet and wood stools with velvet seating. Lanterns hung in glass boxes above. The bar was long, with two tenders working it. A few Poke’mon milled about, standing on the carpeted center of the bar, the only seating besides bar stools being armchairs by the wall with tables between them.


    And on the far side, a Leavanny stood by a collection of small glass bottles, corked and tied with gold twine. She lifted one, setting it upon the podium on the stage.


    “For item number 22 we have a 6T52 Ginema Ferment white, with the black Rezhstya fault gardens label. This Eksai has a dry and tart blend for experienced connoisseur, rated four-and-a-quarter stars, on the higher end for a 10 year. The Eksainery has put forth a sample platter from one of its barrels…”


    “Sample, sir…?”


    A voice spoke to Avery, a Mankey standing by him, gold bracelets on his wrists, fur slicked back as he kindly offered a small glass of greenish, bubbly drink to the Plusle, enough for a sip.


    “Oh,  um…thanks,” Avery said, taking the drink. The Plusle swirled the drink, lifting his head to look across the patrons.


    Among them, Avery was able to spot the head of a Nidorina on the end of the bar closest to the stage.


    “I’m just going to be joining that woman over there.” Avery said, giving the Mankey a nod which he returned. “Thank you very much.”


    The Plusle took a small sip of the drink as he made his way to the bar. The drink was just as described. A sour taste hit his tongue, drying his mouth ever so slightly as it entered his throat. Avery could taste it, this was stronger than a totter drink. Lucky, then, that he was served such a small sample. Waiter poke’mon served samples of the drink to the patrons as the woman at the front continued.


    Avery sighed. He had to wake himself up, make himself feel better…he couldn’t be sullen in front of his suboordinates!


    Weaving between the larger Poke’mon, Avery approached the end of the bar. There, he could see his Nidorina friend, Jolvia, a thin glass in her hand, glasses resting low on her snout. She lightly sipped the red liquid, a glass bottle sat beside her.


    Rikzyod was nowhere to be seen.


    She turned her head to Avery, eyebrows raised…and smiled.


    Silently, she patted the stool next to her.


    ‘…Rikzyod isn’t here?’


    The Plusle looked around for him, but didn’t question it. He had to climb up a little, but he sat himself down next to the Nidorina.


    “…An auction?” Avery asked, looking towards the products and the person speaking.


    “That it is…” Jolvia spoke, her voice low as the auctioneer spoke. “…something fancy to spend the money on, bottles of high class drink for lushes and collectors. And perhaps…it’s simply entertaining to play at being blueblood.”


    She reached over to the bottle, gently shaking the dark liquid inside with a smile as the auctioneer put down a minimum bid, a few of the standing Poke’mon calling out their bids.


    “If you’re wondering where Rikzyod is, I decided this would be the last place he’d want to be trapped. I relieved him of having to suffer with me.” She chuckled, setting the bottle back down. “We’ll find him later, I know well where he’s likely gone off to.”


    Avery let out a little laugh through his nose.


    “…I think Vizon would feel the same way. Everyone kind of…went their separate ways after we went into the guild. I invited him, but…he kind of snubbed me. Lahnae’s asleep, and…well, I don’t think I can bring Kellixae here, so…sorry. No friends of mine along with me today.”


    Avery gave Jolvia a slightly forced smile.


    “It’s just me.”


    Snubbed you…?” Jolvia asked…even sighed, taking another drink as she listened, nodding softly. “Oh…that’s a shame, Avery…though I understand not being able to bring Kellixae. At least not here, in the lower market district…”


    She eyed the patrons in the bar, her crimson eyes tracing across the bar as a Charizard in the crowd put down a large sum for the bottle on auction.


    Finally, her eyes slowly made their way over to Avery, a small frown on her face.


    “Talk to me, Avery.” She insisted, waving over one of the bar tenders to give her another glass of what she was having. “For the longest time since we came back from that desert there’s been an…air about you. I admit it’s half the reason I offered you to join me tonight…”


    Avery sighed, his smile dissipating entirely. He looked down at the counter.


    “…How much am I allowed to say?” He asked.


    Jolvia was quiet for a moment, looking at him. Her gaze seemed curious…and sympathetic. She leaned over to lift the glass of red juice, offering it to him


    “As much as you like, Avery.” She offered. “You’ve done plenty enough for me.”


    A grunt.


    “I just don’t know how much I’m allowed to say,” Avery mumbled, tilting his empty glass towards the Nidorina to accept her offer of juice. “I’m not even sure what I have done for you. My relationship with you has been more or less just… Meeting you in the Delta, your help with Janus, finding out you don’t actually work for me in Dove Fo Uddjo, and…Today.”


    Avery laughed a bit.


    “I still don’t know where you work. I have… Some guesses, but…There’s just so many secrets.”


    “What have you done for me?” Jolvia repeated with a smile, dodging the last statement for now. “Well what else? The childish dream of adventure with the guild and some money on the side as well. Why else would I be at an Eksai auction? I’d never have the money for luxury like this without guild money…and even then, that’s just subordinate money.”


    She smiled softly, pouring to fill Avery’s cup, drink shared between the both of them.


    “I’ll say, I appreciate your respectfulness. Secrets can have their place, not all are kept maliciously.” Jolvia said, her voice warm. “And not all need be revealed. I’ll not pry into what you don’t wish to share, Avery, but I’m always listening.”


    “…I think…before I can talk with you about anything like this, I need to know where I stand with you already,” Avery said, turning to look up at her.


    Jolvia looked off toward the stage as Avery spoke, her crimson eyes watching the auctioneer intently…but her ears were swiveled toward Avery, drinking in every word. The Plusle sighed and continued.


    “…Speaking…as candidly as possible – you don’t need to tell me how or why you know – but…what do you know about me?” Avery asked. “How much do you know, o-or even think you know, that I can talk about…? You just strike me as the kind of person who knows more than she lets on, so I’m….honestly kind of hoping you know certain things so I can talk to someone about them…”


    Jolvia idly sipped her drink as Avery finished…and shrugged.


    “I’ve done my research.” She said, glancing over. “And as someone who likes to be in the know I did plenty of it…and I don’t know a thing about you. Not parents or hometown.”


    Her eyes carried a mysterious look to them as she stared, drinking in Avery’s expression. He knew he was alone. He didn’t have parents or a hometown. That was all taken away from him. If he didn’t have Vizon, if he didn’t have the guild…


    …he’d be completely and utterly alone.


    Jolvia never broke her gaze, continuing on.


    “Maybe that’s one reason I’m so fascinated by you, Avery. You seem like such a…clean slate. Clueless of the world, no attachment to it, yet still having a clear moral fiber…so in truth that’s all I know of you: whatever you’ve shown these past weeks. Your strength, your diplomacy, your kindness towards Illaminians in spite of what friends might say…”


    She lowered her gaze, peering at the Plusle over her glasses.


    “Your heroism…and your abidance to the word of law…to carry out the spirit of law.”


    She leaned back, breaking her gaze with Avery at last.


    “Maybe you’re the next Adelaide…”


    “…Adelaide?” Avery repeated. “Who’s Adelaide?”


    “She was the same as you…200 years ago, a buizel girl of 17 years with no birth date. No birth town. No parents…no orphanages registered…no citizenship recorded, nor records of immigration nor citizenship with Illaminamo or Quayoff. One day simply here, brought on to Tyarnikus’s Guild…”


    Jolvia’s eyes scanned Avery as she spoke, watching every twitch and change in his face and body.


    “And while many love focusing on her heroic deeds of stopping outlaws, any real historian will tell you at length of her clashes with the then-newly formed Nationalist Arcean’s Movement. Of course, any book will say it was merely rogue members of NAM. Naturally.”


    She gave a small smile, raising her eyebrows.


    “I wonder where I’ve heard this story before…would you know?”


    Avery’s brow furrowed.


    “That…does sound really familiar.”


    He was quiet for a moment, and took a drink.


    “What do you know about humans, Jolvia?”


    Jolvia gave her head a tilt, her look curious though undeterred.


    “That depends. Which humans? Ask a Quayoffi Poke’mon and they’ll say humans are merely tall machops, pale and lanky with no face, claw like fingers, one always clutching an orb that drives Poke’mon to madness.


    “Ask an Arcean and they’ll say that two arms are instead 200 arms, crawling at frightening speeds, the orb of madness moving from hand to hand, hypnotizing, infusing whole armies with the bloodlust of war…


    “But then…ask an Illaminian…they’ll speak of a massive, writhing amalgamation of flesh and interweaving limbs and two-thousand mouths inside and outside, each commanding whole countries to destroy and pillage others, orb of madness emerging from the incomprehensible chaos of living mass to seed evil that shakes Tulaan to pieces and burn the whole world black and ashen…”


    She chuckled, swirling her glass.


    “Ah, the hyperbole of Illamini myth…”


    Her crimson eyes slowly moved toward Avery, eyebrows raise.


    “But then, Avery…what would you know of humans…?”


    Avery stared at her a moment in silence.


    ‘…am I going to do this…?’


    “Quite a bit,” Avery said. “…I could draw one for you. I think…this Adelaide might have been one. Then she became a Buizel.”


    Jolvia looked at Avery for a while, looking over to a set of napkins and taking one, offering one of the graphite sticks in a wood cup.


    “I have a feeling…” Jolvia said, voice low. “…you may want to say your next words very quietly.”


    Avery nodded.


    “I wasn’t planning on saying much,” he said.


    Avery began to draw. It was a little clumsy.


    A body. Shirt, pants, shoes.


    “I’d be about this tall compared to one,” he said under his breath, drawing a line a little under the knee. “But that’s what they look like, give or take. I’m no artist.”


    Jolvia leaned over, watching Avery draw the human, unerringly, without hesitation. Clearly from memory.


    She stared at it for a while…a long time, her eyes darting over the visage, taking in the details.


    Before she took a sip of her drink, setting the glass on top of Avery’s drawing, obscuring it.


    “How very interesting…” The Nidorina muttered. “What a very mild creature, far from the fiendish horrors we’ve conjured for ourselves…goodness knows why we’d make such myth from simple things.”


    Her fingers tapped the glass.


    “Of course, not in all my time living have I heard of humans actually existing nor have I heard of them even being seen anywhere on Tulaan…one must wonder how it was that…Adelaide arrived in Arcea…and why a creature purported to be so destructive and evil was fast-tracked into the guild of Arceali back then.”


    “…Whatever method she came by to get here,” Avery said, his voice getting a little shakier. “…I don’t think there’d have been a way back for her. Nor were there any other people from her past coming with her. Obviously she wouldn’t have had any roots. No family, no home. Planted somewhere foreign and scary, and…given a direct clear path of where she should go. What she should do.”


    Avery furrowed his brow.


    “…What happened to Adelaide?”


    “Well…she certainly didn’t prevent the start of NAM, as I’m sure you’re aware…” Jolvia said plainly, picking her words. “In the end, she crept away into obscurity. None, not even her partner, Siranae, knew where she went.”


    Jolvia clasped her hands together, staring at Avery.


    “Imagine that…stolen from your home, that old life uprooted to be thrown somewhere hostile to you and confusing…”


    She let out a quiet chuckle.


    “Frankly…that’s a familiar story to me as well, as I look out at the Illamini op Arceali…”


    “…Yeah,” Avery said quietly, taking another drink. “…But… I’m sorry, I changed the subject. You wanted to know what was up with me since the desert.”


    Avery sighed, putting his forehead in a hand.


    “… Snivy and Starly were nice, weren’t they?”


    Jolvia leaned down, her curious eyes looking over the Plusle.


    “They were…perhaps that was just necessity. Could have even been a trick to get the pearl, don’t you think?” Jolvia asked. Avery shook his head.


    “Maybe. But when we were separated…I talked with them for a while.” He explained. “And…They said some things I hadn’t really thought of.”


    Avery looked up at Jolvia, concerned.


    “…Xamao stole the map. He didn’t make it.”


    Jolvia raised her eyebrows, hearing the last revelation of the map…yet her eyes…did not carry a spark of surprise.


    “Oh, is that so?” She asked, leaning back, sipping her glass and reaching over to pour a little more. “Did you really go and fraternize with your enemy, Avery?”


    The last sentence contained a subtle lift.


    Like a laugh.


    Avery’s ears sunk. He knew she was being more or less sarcastic, but…he knew other people wouldn’t see it that way. He was even planning on talking with Janus later, and checking out Infinity’s room.


    He really was in the weeds with his enemies, wasn’t he?


    “…People lie to me,” Avery said, drumming his fingers on the table. “They lie to me, they keep things from me, they try and push their biases onto me whether on purpose or not.”


    The Plusle furrowed his brow, and took another longer drink of the Eksai juice.


    “…At least when I talk to those ‘enemies’ they’re up front about what they’re not telling me.”


    Jolvia was quiet a moment, just listening. Not looking at or staring Avery down, only listening. On your last word she was quiet still, only watching the auctioneer hand off the bottle to a Wartortle that won the bid.


    She took a deep breath, looking up.


    “I understand…” Jolvia said softly. “Arcea is a land of secrets built upon more secrets…where everyone has an idea to sell, and will give and withhold whatever they can to make you believe it…”


    She glanced his way.


    “So let’s do the opposite, Avery.” She offered. “Give me your biases. Tell me your lies. What idea would you sell to me?”


    “My lies?” Avery said, looking away for a moment. “…Vizon is my guardian. He was…I chose him from the very beginning. Ever since I came here, even before I met him, I was told, I knew he’d be important. He saved me when I had nobody. He brought me to Olistia, he helped me get into the guild, he’s been by my side since the beginning. Always by my side.”


    Avery could feel his throat tightening as he sat there on the barstool.


    “…He’s my best friend and my teammate. And I trust him implicitly to help and guide me when I don’t know what to do.”


    Jolvia nodded softly, sipping the glass quietly.


    “That’s a good idea to sell…”


    She said nothing after that for a while, a respectful silence only broken by the auctioneer and the murmurs of the patrons.


    “He seemed very sweet and kindly to you when we got back…” Jolvia began. “But I hardly see everything that happens, despite what you might think.”


    She offered a small chuckle. Avery sighed deeply.


    “…I’m a Hero of Arceus, you know,” the Plusle continued with his selling. “That means Arceus chose me specifically to help with this conflict. That’s why the Conduit brought me directly into the guild on recommendation. She knew me before I knew myself. And that means that I’m on the unequivocally right side of the war. Because…”


    Avery put a hand to his head.


    “I’m a hero of Arceus, whatever the fuck that means.”


    Another, longer sip.


    “…he’d look at me differently, you know.” Avery slurred. “That first look he gave me when Olistia called my name in the square. He looked at me like I…like I was some angel, or something. When we got into the guild. Our first night in that ratty room. I…I love him, y’know? I…”


    Avery trailed off.


    ‘…Do I?’


    “… Now he looks at me like I’m some…some lost lamb. Like I’m too stupid and naïve to think on my own. Which I am. I’m not from here, I’ll never be from here-“


    Avery stopped, and pushed his glass aside. He could feel it starting to affect him.


    “…I’ll never be from anywhere.”


    “Well, Avery from nowhere…are you a lost lamb? Truly?” Jolvia asked honestly, looking off. “Are you really the same as when you first woke up in Arcea?”


    Her crimson gaze side-eyed the Plusle.


    “Is Vizon…?”


    She took a long sip of her drink, absorbing Avery’s every word.


    “You speak a lot to being a Hero of Arceus…chosen…you mention it quite often, actually, like a badge of honor…or maybe…a shield.”


    Jolvia clicked her tongue, as though picking her next words carefully.


    “What if you weren’t, though? We’ve all heard from the mouthpieces and the Conduit of the Hero brought down to deliver us from strife but let’s pretend a moment…what if you weren’t some chosen hero, just another Poke’mon stuck in the middle of Arcea like the rest of us…what then?”

    Avery snorted.


    “…As nice as that would be I don’t think that’s an option,” Avery said, tapping the napkin he’d drawn on, now soaked through with a ring of wine. “Whether I like it or not there’s something going on with me. I’m certainly stuck here, that much is true. But…I don’t know if I can ever really belong here.”


    He slumped a bit.


    “…But if I was…if I was just a person, I…I don’t know. This all seems so big. There’s people hurting, everywhere, all of the time. If I wasn’t some hero maybe I wouldn’t have to deal with it.”


    As soon as the words came out of his mouth he frowned.


    That didn’t seem right.


    “…if I wasn’t some hero, I’d feel like it was a choice I’m making. Not something pre-destined I’m meant to do. I’m no saviour. I didn’t choose this. I didn’t choose to be this. I wasn’t a warrior, or a god, or a tactician. I was…


    He grunted, gritting his teeth.


    “…I was just a guy, out camping with two friends I can’t even remember the faces of anymore. Because those memories were taken from me. And now…now I see Janus. And Kellixae. And Sekura, and Lahnae, and Aquashock, and Sarfallinus, and Nivanee, and they’re all hurting, everyone is hurting all of the time and they’re hurting each other or hurting themselves, and here I am…! Here I…I…”


    Avery’s fingers clenched at the base of his ears as his breath hissed against his palms. Jolvia listened to Avery, closely. She didn’t interrupt. She didn’t stare. She gave him space, her ears trained on only him, letting him speak and slump unseen.


    “…you’re the first person to ask me what’s wrong, Jolvia.” he finished.


    Avery could hear Jolvia let out a breath through her nostrils.


    She was quiet a moment, after he finished, deep in thought.


    “Do you want to know what I think of all this, Avery?”


    A genuine offer for her to speak. But he could have left it, not be spoken to, not given another opinion. She forced nothing, only asked.


    Part of this made Avery feel sick. He was her boss. Or he was supposed to be. He knew he wasn’t.


    And yet here he was, spilling his guts out to Jolvia.


    It was unprofessional.


    Avery didn’t even know if he’d said something that might piss her off. There was a good chance he did.


    Not able to make words, Avery simply made a weak gesture with his hand to encourage her to speak, avoiding her gaze.


    “I think this pressure you’re feeling is intentional.”


    She turned her head, her expression hardened…but not at Avery.


    “First told you’re a hero of Arceus. Then singled out in a crowd by the Conduit. Given a special letter from Arceus’s own mouthpiece, fast tracked to the guild and given big missions that generated big press. Hero of Arceus, Hero of Arceus.”


    She set her drink down.


    “Now all of a sudden it’s all on your shoulders, everything hinges on your actions. Everyone made to sit and stare at you and nothing else, then give up immediately when you and you alone fail. To overexert yourself…”


    She furrowed her brow.


    “…to be entertaining to watch. Romantic adventures, daring do. Surely, yes, surely, it must all hinge on only him. When the Conduit talks of Avery of Azure it absolves the world of responsibility, because now it’s all on you. The single point of failure…”


    Jolvia reached over, her hand resting heavy on the Plusle’s shoulder as she looked him clear in the eye.


    “That is not how you change the world Avery. If you think you can’t do anything because the world…the problems…are too big…you’re right. All that hopelessness you feel is because you’re exactly right. The idea of a ‘single chosen Hero of Arceus’…is absurd.”


    As she spoke, Avery’s heart sunk.


    He didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t want to believe that it was intentional, that this was what the Conduit wanted from the start. Avery didn’t trust Olistia. The Gardevoir had lied about his memories, about the locks. She’d made that map.


    But would she really bring him from another world, here, just to use him…as a scapegoat? There had to be easier ways to do that than just this…


    …But this was the family thing all over again. Whether on accident or on purpose, the effects were the same. One could walk into a fire or trip and fall into a fire. The burns would be the same.


    He felt the pressure. He felt the isolation.


    Jolvia was quiet a moment, staring at Avery as he sat in silent contemplation…before finally backing off.


    “I want to show you something tonight, Avery. May I?”


    “…Alright,” the Plusle said, voice quiet. “You can show me.”


    Jolvia smiled softly…patting his shoulder.


    “You have a good heart, Avery. It’s why I’ve stuck with you for so long, that person that you are. I don’t want to see a mythical hero grow…I only want to see where you, Avery, the Poke’mon, go from here.”


    She reached over to finish her drink in a single gulp, hopping from the stool and waving Avery to follow.


    “Alright, follow me. We’ll need to meet up with Rikzyod. Man’s probably off getting thrashed at Solza’s.”


    She didn’t offer her hand to hold, only stepping away from the bar, not looking back as she made tracks for the exit. Trusting him.


    ‘…A lot of good a good heart had done me so far.’


    Avery stumbled a little as he slipped off the stool, trying to regain his balance. But he did, and began walking after Jolvia. He was a bit more of a lightweight than he would have liked.


    But he followed, wondering what she’d show him that she needed Rikzyod for.


    Chapter 24.1





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