The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 8.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The sun was setting.


    When the group returned to Souljraan their spirits were high and bouncy. Rikzyod told crass jokes that Nivanee politely laughed at while Vizon seemed to want to chide him.


    On the carriage, Vizon could hardly contain himself, endlessly recounting the events in the Rocky Hills, the battle with Rikzyod, the fight with the Onyxes.


    Everything at Tall Woods was respectfully glazed over.


    Before long, when the red planet, Sanshiyad, and the moon were finally casting their magenta glow upon the world, the carriage came to a stop at the Arceliaze station.


    The quiet of the countryside had been left behind. In its place was that familiar rumbling of the city.


    “Final stop! Market District South! Arceliaze!”


    Nivanee sighed, taking her satchel from under the seat, Vizon doing the same with his. Rikzyod was fast asleep next to Avery. The Plusle took his bag, gently shaking Rik awake.


    “Hey, bud…wake up, we’re here.”


    “Haugh…hm?” Rikzyod grunted, blinking awake at the shaking, rolling forward off the bench. The carriage swayed.


    “Ah, caaaarefuuul~!” Nivanee giggled, her bubbly mood back in full force now that they were off the job. She stepped over him, Vizon following behind as Rikzyod picked himself up.


    “Well now, here we are. Safe and sound, and the world is 3 less criminals better off than when we woke up today!” Nivanee spoke merrily as everyone disembarked onto the street. The wind was picking up, a cold and damp breeze rolling in.


    Vizon sniffed.


    “Smells like rain tonight.” He eyed Rikzyod. “You do have somewhere to sleep, right? An inn maybe?”


    “Of course I have somewhere to sleep!” Rikzyod assured, thumping his chest. “I plan to find a cozy alleyway and sleep with the glorious burn of the rain on my body!”


    Vizon blinked.




    “Of course!”


    “I mean… If you’re sure…! I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.”


    Vizon stretched, looking up at the sky, checking the time.


    “Well, let’s see who all’s back!” Nivanee offered, snapping Vizon back to attention.


    “Oh, you think Spade and Aquashock have returned?”


    Nivanee was already walking toward the guild, looking back at the group all as they followed.


    “We should go see! Spade went off to help Taeriana with some rowdy Poke’mon and Aquashock was doing something I think at Steeljag bluff?”


    “From what I remember, Kipunna said something about moving boxes,” Avery said, folding his arms in thought. He looked back to the Geodude, nodding. “Will we see you later then, Rik? Thank you for the battle today…! I’ve never fought that hard before…!”


    “Of course you will! You will see me outside the guild, bright and early, waiting for you!” The Geodude promised, slamming a fist to his chest. “Until the next battle…boss!”


    With that final word, Rikzyod made his way deep into the dark streets of Arceliaze, Avery and Vizon following after Nivanee to the guild hall. Nobody else was at the entrance entering with them, Avery figured they were the last ones in. Nivanee opened the front doors, letting them all return to the familiar embrace of the ornate lobby, making quick tracks to the spiral staircase leading down to the proper guild hall.


    There, in the brightly lit Guild Hall they found Lahnae, Loshjno, Kipuuna and Ganisus. They were talking, and Kipuuna’s voice seemed raised. Off to the side, Sarfallinus stood with his arms crossed.


    Avery froze up. This…probably wasn’t good. He hung back near the stairs, trying not to interrupt. He gave Nivanee and Vizon glances to see what they thought of this.


    “Lahnae…” Kipuuna nagged, shaking his head. “…you’re a mess! And look at this…!”


    He held Lahnae’s satchel in his hand. He turned it over, and out dumped a whole pile of dull looking plain seeds.


    “How many reviver seeds did you go through? Was it that dangerous?  Did you really not stop until you exhausted ever last possible reviver seed you had?”


    Lahnae was grinning. She and Loshjno looked battered, bruised, ruffled and with cuts, but both of them looked cheeky.


    “What kind of team do you take us for?” Lahnae teased, sticking her tongue out, making Loshjno chuckled. “The kind to spend one reviver seed and run out of the area sobbing?”


    Kipuuna huffed.


    “What about Loshjno, huh? You think about him any?”


    Loshjno shook his head.


    “It was an ambush, Kipuuna. What was there to do?” He chuckled, hand-waving Kipuuna’s statement. “What matters is we had fun trying.”


    Kipuuna slapped his forehead in disbelief.


    “You two are impossible! Seriously impossible! What’s it doing to take to get you to stop treating this like a game!?”


    “What’s it going to take to get you to stop treating this like it’s charity vacation camp for kids?” Lahnae shot back.


    Sparks were flying between the team captains, but their partners were either uninvolved or simply not taking it seriously. Nivanee rolled her eyes, gesturing Avery and Vizon to follow as she stepped into the hall. Sarfallinus, looking as though he were eager to change the subject, perked up immediately at Azure’s arrival.


    “Ah, you three…ya’ll back from Souljraan?” He said at once. Nivanee nodded, speaking first.


    “We are, Guildmaster.” Nivanee replied. “And I can report that all criminals have been arrested or recruited for rehabilitation. Payment rendered to the guild was 5,000 p.”


    “Perfect, perfect, thank you.” Sarfallinus replied, taking the satchel of money Nivanee presented and handing it off to Estaloni. “So was it really Thieves’ Guild activity? What was going on specifically? We’re trying to gather any info on the Thieves’ Guild we can while Xamao is still at large.”


    Kipuuna and Lahnae’s argument broke off to listen to the report. Lahnae’s eyes sparkled seeing Avery. The Plusle gave her a little smile, though his attention returned to Sarfallinus.


    “… There were two separate parties interfering with the pass, sir,” Avery said, standing up straight. “The Thieves’ Guild and the Onyx Brothers. Upon arrival at the Rocky Hills we noticed there was quite a bit of infighting between the two groups. We were able to dispatch outlaws as we got to the summit due to having the upper hand from this infighting, but…”


    He paused, looking down at his hands for a few seconds. Still charred.


    “… The Onyx Brothers themselves didn’t seem to disagree with the Thieves’ Guild. They had insignia cuffs on their heads, and they mentioned Xamao by name in a position of authority over them multiple times.”


    Sarfallinus listened close to the story, his brow furrowed in confusion.


    “In-fighting?” He wondered.


    “I believe the Geodudes we encountered, like the one Team Azure recruited, were mere mercenaries hired by the Onyx brothers and are otherwise unaffiliated with the Thieves’ Guild.” Nivanee added. “However, the other Poke’mon, a large contingent of Zubat and Digletts, all had Schism Sigils and were thusly part of the Thieves’ Guild…”


    Sarfallinus considered their words. The others weighed in, Kipuuna going first.


    “But wait…if the Onyx brothers were with Xamao but were also being attacked by the Thieves’ Guild…” He paused. “…would it be a leap to assume Xamao is maybe working against or at least…out of line with the Thieves’ Guild proper?”


    “Like a CIVAL WAR or something?” Lahnae put in excitedly.


    “I mean, considering they still wore the sigils, like Avery and Nivanee said, I wouldn’t go that far…that’d mean they’re not breaking away from them, right?” Kipuuna offered, seeming unsure.


    The others hummed in thought.


    Auughguhg! This is stupid! It makes my brain hurt!” Lahnae shouted at last, flapping her tiny wings. “Forget mysteries! Let’s get to more action! If we find and take down more of these Thives’s Guild criminals then…then we’ll just beat Xamao eventually and whatever dumb plan he has with that map won’t matter!”


    “Speaking of that…it might be classified information, but…” Avery looked back at Sarfallinus. “Is there any information on what that map depicted? And… How is that Marill cartographer doing? Are they alright…?”


    “Cartographer’s is fine, taking vacation with her family. As for the map…” Sarfallinus shook his head. “…it’s still until tight security, but I’ve been told that Olistia will be personally disclosing the information in the morning.”


    Nivanee’s eyes sparkled at that. So did Kipuuna’s.


    “Oh my gosh~!” Nivanee squealed. “Olistia’s coming for a visit?”


    “Ah! I got to remember to tidy my room before she comes!” Kipuuna panicked, grabbing Ganisus and dragging him to the dorms while Sarfallinus chuckled.


    “You excited to see her again, Nivanee?”


    “Yes, Guildmaster! It’s been a while, I wanted to catch up over tea…”


    Sarfallinus chuckled, gently patting Nivanee’s head which she merrily accepted.


    “I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to see you, too.” Sarfallinus said at last. Lahnae rolled her eyes, nudging Loshjno with a goofy expression.


    “Oh, you know her personally?” Avery asked, looking at Nivanee. “I’ve only met her the one time when she told me who I was and gave me the letters of acc-“


    His eyes went to Sarfallinus, and he smiled sheepishly.


    “… Letters of recommendation. How do you know her?”


    “Oh, she comes by the guild all the time when she isn’t busy! She says hi and talks to us and sometimes brings cake from the royal kitchen!” Nivanee babbled, though tried to compose herself. “Basically…everyone from the guild loves her. She’s as important to us as Guildmaster is.”


    “Yeah, not to mention…” Lahnae side-eyed the Guildmaster who looked away, keeping a stoic and professional expression. The Torchic grinned. “…she and Sarfallinus are real good friends.”


    “… Oh yeah?” Avery looked over at Sarfallinus.


    ‘Did… That mean what I think it means?’


    “… Oh, uh!” Avery stiffened. “I… really need to eat. But, um… Sir! Is there a place around here or in town I could learn some new techniques? The ones I know right now are… Wearing me out. Some way of attacking that… Doesn’t involve charring myself might be good to know.”


    “No place I know other than the Dojo here.” Sarfallinus admitted, looking across the hall. He seemed happy the subject had changed. “Throh and Sawk have retired for the night, I believe. That, or you could get some knowledge from ‘Technical Machines’ sold at shops. They’re like scrolls and will teach you new moves if you’re able to perform them.”


    “You could always try the Abilities shop down in the Lower Market district.” Estaloni offered. “Kipuuna uses that place all the time. He claims it helps him get his maximum potential.”


    Yick, that place is kinda seedy.” Nivanee stuck her tongue out.


    “It’s CHEATING is what it is!” Lahnae blurted out. “Potions to make you hit harder? That’s dumb!”


    Sarfallinus laughed at the good-natured bickering, kneeling down to pat the guildmates on the head. Lahnae squirmed away only a little bit by instinct.


    “Well, it sounds like you all had a very busy day. Lahnae, Loshjno, we’ll see if we can’t get you something you can actually do tomorrow.”


    Lahnae huffed.


    “Team Azure…Avery, Vizon…you both did well today.” Sarfallinus sighed, shaking his head. “And I must apologize I ever doubted you. You’re guild now, and you’re…”


    “Family?” Nivanee put in. Sarfallinus smiled warmly, standing back up. Though as he stood, his smile began to waver sadly.


    For some reason…he looked upset.


    Avery straightened his back proudly at the praise. He…tried not to read into the expression he wore too much.


    “…We didn’t get off on the best foot, admittedly, Guildmaster, Estaloni. But…I think a lot of the blame lies on my being presumptuous, too. I’m just glad that I’m able to serve the guild where I am now.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, satisfied with the answer, standing up to address the group.


    “A job well done, everybody. Team Spade, you’re dismissed.”


    Lahnae and Loshjno gave a nod together, moving to the exit.


    “Team Aquashock, you’re…” Sarfallinus looked to the dorms, Kipuuna and Ganisus nowhere to be seen. “…already gone.”


    Vizon snickered.


    “Team Azure, you’re dismissed.”


    “Aye, guildmaster.” Vizon said as he took Avery’s hand. “We’ll be on our way.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, turning to the final lone guildmember.


    “Nivanee, you’re-“


    “Team Duskwalker.” Nivanee corrected, firmly. “…sir.”


    Sarfallinus paused at the interruption. His sad look had not left his face yet and now only seemed to deepen.


    “…Team Duskwalker…is requested in my office.” Sarfallinus spoke gravely. Nivanee sucked in a breath sharply but otherwise maintained her composure as Sarfallinus turned to enter his office. She slowly followed behind, looking back to Avery and Vizon with a…strong smile.


    “I’ll see you around, Avery. Ok?”


    Avery knew, watching the Eevee as she walked away. There was something going on with Nivanee, with her sister. But for now, he once again took Vizon’s hand – recoiling just a bit from the charred feeling – and walked off with him.


    “…Any plans for tonight?”


    Vizon stared off toward the Guildmaster’s office as Nivanee entered. The door closed and the Eevee vanished. He stared a while longer until Avery’s voice brought him back from his thoughts.


    “Me? I uh…well, honestly, I didn’t think of it.” Vizon admitted, looking down at Avery’s hands. “…do those still hurt? Do you want to see if any item shops are open? We might be able to snag a small Rawst berry from someplace. Then maybe…I dunno, I just take you around Arceliaze or something. Could even see if we can meet up Lahnae, unless you’d rather it be just us. Of course, Kipuuna is still in his room, too. Dunno, what do you feel like?”


    “Um…” Avery shifted. “…Would it be okay if it was just us? Just for tonight.”


    Avery looked up at Vizon with a little smile.


    “…We’re a team, so I think…it’s important we spend time together as much as it is for us to get to know our guildmates.”


    Vizon smiled at his reply. He seemed to really take to the idea.


    “Yes!” He said, almost too quickly, but recovered. “Avery, we have so much stuff we can do! It’s kind of crazy, huh? You’ve gone and changed my life in only a few short days, totally upended, and I’ve hardly spent much time with you.”


    He snickered, taking his satchel, guiding Avery to the dorms.


    “Let’s give ourselves a budget of…300 and not risk losing the other 1,200 p, sound good?”


    Avery nodded in agreement.


    “That sounds good.” Avery replied. He pulled himself…a little closer to Vizon’s side as they went to the dorms.


    Avery just…felt nice around Vizon. He didn’t really know why. Or…well, he had a few guesses. But none of them matched the exact way he felt.


    “Dunno if you’re much on trying your luck at the raffle house, heh…” Avery half-suggested.


    “Raffle house? Where’s that?” Vizon asked, walking down the hall and opening the door labeled ‘TEAM AZURE’ in bright letters. He seemed to instinctively smile seeing that. “Is that, like, one of those gamble parlors? I dunno, I usually hung out around places in my price range. Like the Penny Theatre or a chuckle bar. Even went to an Auction hall once, looking for…”


    He trailed off, opening the door, looking at the mattress with the red blankets and pillows on top.


    “…cheap furniture…” He mused, smiling, looking back at Avery. After a moment, he trailed to a different thought. “Oh! I wonder if this place has a kitchen or something. Can you cook? I could, sometimes, burned lots of dishes…but hey! That’s what practice is all about! I even started to like the taste of charred veggies and now I have to eat it a little burnt…”


    Avery…clutched his arm a little closer when he saw the room. It looked…cozy. It looked really cozy. It looked like a home.


    ‘…A home that’s just a bed, but…still!!’


    “I don’t know what a chuckle bar or penny theatre is…maybe we could go there if they’re open?” Avery suggested. “And..uh, I…don’t really know if I can cook! But I guess if you give me a recipe and ingredients I could try…??”


    “Heh…you seem all flustered again.” Vizon noted, lifting a paw to Avery’s head. “Are you ok? Where’d all that confidence and bravado from Rocky Hills go?”


    “…I can be tough out there,” Avery huffed a little, leaning up against Vizon before he even realized he was. “…I wanna be able to be…softer here. I-if that’s okay.”


    Vizon looked at him for a moment, a long moment. He kneeled down to softly hug his arms around Avery’s small body, squeezing him warmly.


    “Sure, buddy. I understand.” His voice was gentle. “Let’s just relax a bit. No stress no worry, just us two.”


    Avery’s heart jumped, just a little. He hugged him, leaning into him a little. The height difference was more pronounced now, with Avery burying his face around Vizon’s belly.


    “…I’m…really glad it was you,” Avery mumbled into him, voice muffled by his fur. “…I’m really glad that…that my protector is you.”


    “Protector…” Vizon whispered. He smiled, stroking his paw through Avery’s head fur softly. “…well…I always wanted to be a hero, even as a kid.”


    He sighed wistfully, squeezing Avery tighter.


    “You’re an unusually sweet and kind-hearted Poke’mon among Arceans, Avery.” He said, brushing a thumb against the Plusle’s cheek. “It’s easy to trust you. Thank you for being trustable.”


    Avery squeezed him a little tighter. Even if his paws ached a little.


    “…Bet you’re glad I didn’t rob you blind that night, huh…?” Avery said with a little chuckle, not taking his head away…though he did roll it so that his face, at least, was sideways on Vizon’s stomach rather than right up against it. “…Arceus…Arceus asked me what I wanted to be. And…he asked me who I would want to be friends with. I don’t even know…why I said what I said. But…I chose you, back then. Before I fell. I chose myself, and…you, I think.”


    “Chose me…?” Vizon wondered, holding Avery tight. His eyes wandered, looking at the guild dorm they stood in, down at the satchel on his hip heavy with coins, down to his “TZ” engraved guild badge…down to Avery, hugging against him like he were his protector.


    He gently pet Avery’s head.


    “Thanks for choosing me, Avery…” Vizon whispered, smiling. “…I’m genuinely glad I got to meet you.”


    He laughed.


    “To think, it feels like it’s been so much longer than a few days…”


    “…It…it really does, doesn’t it…?”


    Avery suddenly realized exactly what he was doing, and…stopped squeezing Vizon so tightly. He didn’t let go, just in case Vizon didn’t want him to, but…the Plusle laughed awkwardly.


    “…Man, uh…those Onix were huge though, huh…? Even for you…!”


    ‘Diffuse the tension. Just in case. Just in case he didn’t want it.’ Avery thought, a little sadly.


    ‘…Just in case he didn’t feel the same way.





    Feel what way??’


    Despite Avery backing off a little, the excited Riolu hugged even tighter.


    “Snrk…what a topic change.”


    Vizon grinned, letting go at last after his last tight squeeze. Stepping away, he lifted his satchel strap from his shoulder and began counting some money.


    “We should get out while the night is young, huh? We’ll have lots of fun together, I think!” He assured, setting the satchel in the corner. “What did you say you wanted to try? The Chuckle Bar? Maybe some Ice Cream or…I dunno, Arceliaze has everything. What’re you into?”


    ‘You.’ Was Avery’s first thought.


    The answer to his question came as a shock to Avery’s mind. So much so that his cheeks flushed a little. Avery looked at Vizon as he stared at him from over his shoulder, a smile on his muzzle, eyes half-lidded, eye brows raised.


    Avery slowly began to remember something


    …Vizon could read his aura. Avery desperately tried to recover,


    “…Why don’t…why don’t we go get ice cream, and then just…spend the rest of the night in here? You could finally teach me how to read the calendars, we could…talk about this world, what you like about it…maybe…”


    Avery hadn’t let go of Vizon’s hand.


    “Maybe I could try to remember some stuff, too.”


    “Spend the night here?” Vizon lifted his head, looking back at him directly. “I guess you did have a lot of questions…sure, we can do that, if you prefer.”


    He paused, taking the 300 coins from the satchel and setting the rest in the corner, standing up.


    “Though I hear Pudgy Pondus is in the bar toniiiight~”


    He snickered, squeezing Avery’s hand. There was an out of place rumbling noise….something muffled. Something creaking, something beyond the walls, as Vizon split the money between them both.


    “There…250 poke for each of us. Ice cream’s, like…10 p each.”


    “…What’s Pudgy Pondus?” Avery asked, moving closer to him. The noise…he didn’t know what that was. He wondered if Vizon even heard it.


    “Pudgy? He’s the funniest poke’mon in Arcea! He’s been hitting bars across the city lately after being in Yahneri for a while.” Vizon explained, glancing at the Plusle. “How much of that did you understand…?”


    “I think I got most of that! He’s a comedian, right? I…don’t know what Yahneri is but I guess it’s another city?” Avery pondered. “Besides, after a mission like today’s, we have to at least get double scoops, right?”


    Vizon chuckled, putting his 250 p away.


    “Double scoops it is! You like chocolate or vanilla more? I remember reading in a guild periodical some years back that Nivanee said her favorite flavor was coconut! Maybe I should try it…maybe coconut makes you stronger like her…?”


    “I…don’t really know what I like. Maybe I’ll have one of both…?”


    Vizon considered this carefully as he opened the door. Avery held onto the Riolu’s arm tight as he followed along. As they exited, the strange noises became more pronounced, but Vizon didn’t seem to hear the muffled sounds coming through the walls. Perhaps he was distracted. Avery paused, listening.


    “…Do…you hear that, by the way? The weird…rumbling thing?” Avery asked.


    Vizon was about to respond but perked up. He cocked an ear in confusion, listening.


    “…rumbling…” Vizon tried to listen. “…kind of? It seems kind of…off?”


    He trailed off, holding Avery’s arm as he led Avery from the dorm. The guildhall was silent, lit brightly still by the candle lanterns.


    But the rumble persisted.


    Vizon’s brow furrowed.




    Avery clung to him a little tighter. He didn’t know what to make of the tone.


    “… What? What is it…?”


    Vizon turned the corner, entering the guild hall. As Avery followed he could see it…and hear it: The door to Sarfallinus’s office was ever so slightly ajar.


    And there were voices coming from within. Familiar ones.


    Avery looked up at Vizon, unsure what was going on.


    ‘Should we listen…? My ears are perked, but…’


    He just followed Vizon’s lead.


    ‘That rumbling…is there fighting?’


    Vizon looked back at Avery, looking unsure…but ultimately he stepped forward, gingerly, not letting his paws make a sound against the smooth marble flooring.


    The voices became clearer…clearer…


    There were only two…Sarfallinus and Nivanee.


    Neither of them were shouting.


    “…just…don’t see the rush, guildmaster…”


    “Nivanee, please, you know you can call me Sarfallinus…”


    Avery looked at Vizon, squeezing his paw, and looked back at the door.


    ‘What’s going on…? The rush for what…? Was this what the rumbling was?’


    There was silence within. Vizon peeked inside, giving Avery room to do the same. Inside the office, Nivanee sat in front of Sarfallinus’s desk. The Infernape Guildmaster sat across from her. His face wasn’t angry…it was just sad. Nivanee’s head was low, ears folded back.


    “It’s a mandate, put in place a long time ago, Nivanee.” Sarfallinus explained. “Two members to a team.”


    “I have two members, Guildmasters.” Nivanee spoke low, firm. “Did you forget I joined with my sister? Did you just forget her?”




    “Did you just stop caring? Didn’t you tell me that…guild is family?” Her voice was cracking. “You don’t forget family. Ever. How could you…?”


    Sarfallinus stood up, his brow furrowed.


    “Janus meant the world to me, too, you know…!” Sarfallinus spoke.


    Meant?” Nivanee squeaked, shaking.


    “Yes, meant. Past tense!” Sarfallinus spoke firmly. “Nivanee she…it’s been seven years today.”


    Nivanee only shuddered. It was clear she was beginning to cry.


    “Now, we looked, you know we did. Three long years after she disappeared we looked and looked-“


    “She said she would be right back. It was her exact words.” Nivanee blubbered, voice barely holding together. She sucked in a breath. “I remember it, I…I see it, right now, like I see you. Lying in the bed, the moonlight shining in.”




    “It was a clear spring night, not too hot, not too cold. The rain passed after dusk and the air was crisp.”


    “Nivanee, you’ve got to stop…” Sarfallinus interjected.


    “No no no, please, no…!” Nivanee forced herself on. “The room…the candle was still lit, I forgot to put it out and she rolls over, she looks me in the eye, right in the eye. They’re shimmering, she looks…blank? Normal?”


    “You’ve told me this before-“


    “And she said!” Nivanee interrupted again. “She said…’I have to go, Nivanee. I’ll be right back, I swear’. She swore, Guildmaster. She swore to me and she wouldn’t lie. She’d never lie to me.”


    Sarfallinus sat back down, Nivanee’s voice trailing off into quiet sobs, shuddering breaths racking her small body as he waited for her to compose herself.


    Avery was squeezing Vizon’s hand.


    ‘Seven years…? Seven years? She’s been gone seven years…? Is…is that why…is that why she’s still here? Is she waiting for Janus?’


    Avery looked up at Vizon. The Plusle was starting to think that they weren’t supposed to hear this…


    “Nivanee…” Sarfallinus began carefully. “When you and Janus joined the guild all those years ago I could tell you both were inseparable. Loving. You two took to everyone here, embodied what I wanted from this guild. Family.”


    Nivanee sniffed, looking away.


    “When she vanished my heart hurt. Everyone’s did. We all wanted nothing more than to see her safe.” Sarfallinus sighed deeply, shaking his head. “But she’s gone…it may be the worst case we fear it to be…or maybe she’s off somewhere alive and well.”


    “Sh-she’d never leave me…”


    Sarfallinus pinched between his eyes…then lowered his hand, looking distraught, pathetic as he stared at the broken image of the crying Eevee. He slowly slid a paper…a letter on the desk closer to him, something he was clearly showing Nivanee.


    “I can…try to get the castle to extend the wait period again to let you wait for Janus…but you can’t graduate without a partner. And Olistia has been wanting you in the elites for a long time.”


    Nivanee shook her head.


    “Not without Janus.” Nivanee sniffed. “We made Team Duskwalker. Not just me.”


    Avery could feel Vizon tugging at him, slowly pulling him from the door as Sarfallinus began to rise. He quickly shuffled away from the door, moving them towards the spiral staircase in a silent panic, hiding in the shadows of the stairwell before Nivanee and Sarfallinus exited the office together.


    Vizon let out a breath, watching Nivanee walk back to her room, her gait stumbling, head low…still quietly crying.


    “Ngh…” Vizon grunt, running his paw over his head.


    “…I…I don’t…” Avery swallowed, feeling…cold.


    He shivered involuntarily.


    “Seven…seven years,” The Plusle whispered. “Seven whole years, waiting for someone. That’s…that’s awful. I…I didn’t know.”


    Avery looked up at Vizon. Suddenly a night of ice cream and comedy didn’t feel very…appropriate anymore.


    But, not a moment after, a thought came into Avery’s head.


    A crazy, stupid thought.


    So many people had already looked for her. Seven years they’ve looked, and she wasn’t found. But…


    ‘…maybe…we could find her.’


    “I didn’t hear about any of this. Guild periodicals were vague why Janus seemed to be less active…” Vizon shook his head. “They really kept this locked down, huh…? Even from someone as into the guild as I am…”


    Vizon looked down at Avery.


    “I know that glint in your eye. Your aura…” Vizon’s face got serious. “What are you thinking…?”


    “…It’s…it’s kind of dumb.” Avery admitted. “I don’t know why we’d be able to when nobody else was, but…”


    He took a deep breath.


    “…I want to find her. I want to find out what happened to her, and…I want to bring her back home.”




    Vizon’s eyes wandered from Avery, looking down the dark hall as Nivanee’s door shut at last, leaving the guild hall in silence.


    Silence broken by Vizon’s quiet, cheering voice.


    “Let’s do it.” He affirmed with a whisper, no hesitation in his voice. “If anyone can do it, Team Azure can do it.


    He stroked his chin.


    “I imagine Sarfallinus is just going to give us normal work tomorrow.” He mused. “…how would we go about doing this…?”


    “…Tomorrow…I don’t know. I was going to ask if I could train a bit tomorrow, actually. I want to learn some different techniques for fighting that won’t leave my hands like…” Avery waved his charred hands. “…y’know. So I don’t know if we can start tomorrow. But…we have to be careful about it. If we’re going to do this, we need to look at what everyone’s tried before, and…and try and figure out where she could have gone.”


    “Should we…ask?” Vizon questioned, eying the Guildmaster’s door. “I dunno if anyone would be happy with a pair of eavesdroppers like us.”


    He shook his head, folding his arms, looking deep in thought.


    “Ok…let me try to sum everything up.”


    “Okay…” Avery nodded, perking his ears to pay close attetnion.


    “If I remember correctly…Nivanee and Janus joined the Guild togehter as Team Duskwalker back in…ohhh what was it…6T52, 10 years ago.” Vizon nodded, calling upon his fanboy knowledge. “Back then the teams would’ve been…hold on…Team Dust…Team Ganusi…Team Infinity.”



    He stepped down from the stairs, pacing now.


    “So four years later…6T56, which would have been Viosna the 17th if this is really the 7th anniversary like Sarfallinus said…that’s when they said Janus disappeared. By then, Team Dust was kicked out, Infinity had fallen apart…the ones there would have been…Team Ganusi…Team Slime and…”


    Vizon paused. He counted on his fingers, double checked his dates.


    “…Team Aquashock. Kipuuna and Ganisus.”


    Avery took a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair.


    “They’ve probably been asked up and down about what they know,” Avery said, frowning in thought. “…Should we go after this tonight…? It’s pretty late, and Kipunna and Ganisus are gonna be busy cleaning for Olistia’s visit tomorrow…”


    Vizon hummed, glancing back down at the dorms, the hallway dark and silent. He stood with a determined pose, paws clenched.


    “…I fought alongside Nivanee today. Side by side she and I faced danger with you and Rikzyod…” He began. “For the first time, I don’t feel like some guild fan living out a fantasy, like some kid winning a ‘day with the guild’ internship or something.”


    He turned his head back towards Avery, a fire in his eye.


    “She’s not my hero. She’s not my guildmate. She feels like…”


    He took a breath. A deep, shuddering breath.


    “…family.” He paused. “And I would do anything for my family. And that includes Janus. I’ll not give her up.”


    He walked to Avery, patting his shoulders.


    “We’ll save the investigation, I agree.” Vizon said, smiling. “One day…one day, maybe soon, maybe a long time from now, we’ll find Janus. Because Team Azure never quits.”


    Avery nodded, feeling the same fire in his own belly.


    “…maybe we can find her together. With everyone. I think…I think we can.” Avery’s fist clenched, and he put it to his chest. “…Maybe it’s me getting a bit of a big head from the whole Arceus thing, but…if the thing I’m here for is to bring Janus home…then I’ll do it.”


    “We’ll be…” Vizon began, swelling proudly. “…heroes. For all of them.”


    He took Avery’s hand into his, smiling warmly.


    “Now, hey…do you still want to get ice cream? I figure you still have things you want to ask. Can’t look for Janus if you don’t know the basics, yeah?” Vizon smiled. “We’ll order an extra in her honor. And one day…we’ll share it with her personally.


    Avery nodded, gripping his hand.


    “Yeah, I…I still want to spend the night with you, yeah. Maybe the comedy thing can wait for tomorrow, but…ice cream and then a night alone sounds good to me…you good with that?”


    “Yeah…that’d be awesome…!” Vizon nodded, leading him up the stairs. “C’mon, I have this one place I always went to whenever I just wanted to get away from work, down in the lower market district. Ready?”


    Both of Avery’s paws found Vizon’s arm, nearly hugging him again.


    “…I’d love to see it.”


    Vizon smiled, guiding Avery from the guild hall gingerly, happily taking him back out into the streets of Arceliaze.


    Chapter 8.1





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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