The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 2





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================




    For a moment, Avery just…closed his eyes. Enjoyed the fact that he could choose not to see, and still feel, hear, smell everything around him. The wind gently whistling in the air, the rustle of the grass…it was nice. It was all so nice.


    …His eyes slowly opened.


    He couldn’t stay here. If he was here…he had to find someone. He had to find that…that Riolu. The one he’d seen.


    He’d just…have to remember how to move. He’d have to get up. He’d have to walk.


    His limbs…were light. Strong. There was no lethargy to them, no heaviness or numbness like from before. He was alert and agile, as though a flip had been switched on.


    But there was a subtle off-ness to it all. Like he was taking odd notice of his own natural anatomy. Limbs so light for they were so small. He could feel long protrusions on his head…ears? Long ears? And a rigid tail…


    The wind blew softly again over the silent field, rushing through his fur.


    Were these…new? Did he not have these before or…did he just not remember having them?


    He couldn’t place why…but something deep within him felt missing. Stripped away.


    …he remembered his name. Avery. He remembered…the darkness. The gateway to the world of Pokemon…far away from the human world, the voice had said.


    ‘…Did that mean I was human? Or was there some other reason?’


    ‘…Not now. I had to find someone.’


    There was a slight haze to his mind, like he were slowly waking up, coming too. Every moment made him more lucid.


    Fields of chest-high grass spread out in every direction. Long stretches of rolling hills for miles, seemingly endless, with hardly anything noticeable in sight. Only a few things seemed to even stick out on the horizon, so far off that a they were enveloped in a deep blue haze that almost let them blend in with the midday sky.


    Northward, Avery could see a large mound peeking over the horizon. A mountain, one with two peaks, which he could just barely tell were snow-capped. Eastward, he saw a peculiar mountain range in the distance. The hills seemed to be spiked, with another, larger mountain with a flat top and…black smoke? To the south…nothing. Nothing but a flat horizon of open fields that could be who-knows what. But finally, squinting toward the west, Avery could just barely make out what looked to be a high hill with…something sticking up. Like an obelisk. A tower. Whatever it was, it was clearly not a natural formation from the way it jutted up from the hazy blue mound miles in the distance. 


    ‘…Hm. Well… If I was going to be finding someone… The best thing to do would be to look for civilization, right? And the only way around here that had something like that would be…To the west. The obelisk, the tower. Maybe there was a town there. Maybe the Riolu was there…!’


    He began to walk. Through tall grass, he took his first steps out into the world as a…whatever it was he was now. A poke’mon of some kind? He was still a biped, which was good. Mobility on two feet was familiar to him.


    Right…because he was a human. Humans walked on two feet, didn’t they?


    His head was swirling, he needed to clear it. Focus it. Thoughts of the riolu, that would focus him. That goal could carry his feet west, over endless stretches of grass, splashing in occasional puddles and wet patches, passing by the occasional tree, trudging up inclines as they came.


    Bit by bit, slowly working his way in that direction, eyes transfixed on the hazy blue shape of that tower. He could start to make out details, the buttresses on the top. He could tell that it must have been a dizzyingly massive tower for him to be able to see it from so far away, peeking over a high hill of trees as it was.


    And all the while…the fields were silent, save for the rustle of grass. No bugs nor birds chirping. There was simply…nothing out here. The silence was a little…nerve wracking. Just from here this world was so…big. How on Earth was he supposed to find one poke’mon he’d seen in what now felt like an odd dream?


    …It was a silly idea. About five minutes into his wandering he realized that. Those stupid questions…They’d asked what Pokemon he’d like as a friend and he’d said Riolu. Just like how he’d said…


    …What was it? Something about a cube?


    ‘Egh. None of those questions mattered anyways. Maybe I’ll meet a Riolu, maybe I won’t. Maybe I’m going to get shot by archers from the tower. Or maybe they’ll take me in for a place to stay…all that I know is that I’ll probably starve in a few days if I just stay alone in this field. How long have I been here? It hasn’t… felt like long, but the sun’s moving…’


    The hours passed. Avery’s legs were burning after a few miles, only him to then go on to the next mile. The sun, all the while, was traveling across the sky above. In short time it just barely shone in his eyes, the sweat beading on the tips of his head fur sparkling in his vision. A gust of chilled wind billowed across the hills. The tower in the distance only seemed marginally nearer, but the large hill was fast approaching. He could even see the tree line from here, able to make out individual trunks if he squinted. By the time he had trudged over a fallen log and around a small pond, the sun was already hanging low, casting an orange color over the sky,


    But something else was in view, at last…a narrow dirt path, running along the tree line to the north and to the south. It was something. Some sign of habitation. As he pushed his way through the grass he could see tracks, fairly fresh, deep in the dirt. The forest on the other side stood like a wall of trees, a hard border between the field and the wood.


    ‘Okay, this is good! It still doesn’t entirely tell me what level of civilization I’m looking at here…though the tower did more for that. Whoever made something that big must have done it as a coordinated effort. That wasn’t the sort of thing you make alone, or by accident.’


    It was already getting dark, though, which…concerned him. He didn’t have a place to sleep, and something told him that he didn’t want to be unconscious out in the open in a place like this. Maybe if he could get to that tower by nightfall…


    Still, though, his legs were getting tired from walking. He’d been doing it most of the day…or however long he’d been here. It was still somewhat hard to tell.


    The Twilight hardly lasted long.


    As he walked down the path, his paws crunching in the dirt, the sky only got darker…and darker. Turning from orange to a deep blue as the final shimmers of sunlight slowly began to leave the world.


    And yet the path simply didn’t end.


    Avery was exhausted. Dehydrated again. Alone on this path between the field and the forest.


    The trees were turning to silhouettes. Everything losing features as the light faded more and more.


    The sky turned from blue…to black. The first few stars could be seen, but nothing else in the sky.


    The world around him darkened. He could hardly even see his own hands or the path ahead.


    It was almost like being in the void…almost. Not entirely. He could feel himself. He could feel pain, sure, but…it wasn’t just his mouth. He was a person, here. He existed here. And that was something he wouldn’t let this world take away from him. The memory of that void was already starting to fade.


    But…it was getting hard to see. Avery took a deep breath, deciding to pick up the pace, even with his paws aching in protest. It was getting colder. Shapes in front of him would leap up, only for it to be his breath as the air chilled with the night.


    Looking ahead, he could see a star was near the horizon in the night sky, so bright despite being so near to the ground. No doubt because the field offered so few obstructions.


    Yet it was strange. Brighter than the other stars, directly in front of him.


    He squinted, trying to look closer at it. It was a faint light. Far, far down the path, something was there. The way it moved…the way it flickered slightly. It felt as though it were…approaching.


    ‘…A light. Not a star, a light. That’s something, right? That’s…good. That’s a person! Maybe a torch, or…something!’


    Avery tried to call, but his voice was…parched and out of practice. His throat was dry, too, making it harder…he sounded hoarse. All the same, he brought an arm up, tiredly waving it in the light.


    “…hello?” Still a weak voice. Raspy, wavering from a day of walking. He was haggard too….


    ‘God, I must have looked a sight.’


    The light…stopped.


    Down at the far end of the path, he could see the light reflecting on the ground, against the trees. He could see…something near the light. Something with a face.


    It stood, unmoving. Frozen for a long time and silent. He could barely see the face move. Twist. Contort.


    A voice rang out.


    “Oi!! Who’s out there?! You better not be a bandit, mate, I knock heads in the X-Eye District!! Show yourself!”


    It’s voice…his voice…was quavering with fear.


    “… Bandit…?” Avery repeated. “I… I’m not… Um…”


    ‘Show myself. I supposed he means step out into the light.’


    Slowly, he did. He didn’t know if this person was armed or something, so… Avery wanted to be as non-threatening as possible…as non-threatening as whatever he looked like could be.


    “… I don’t know where I am.” Avery continued. “Where’s… The closest town?”


    As he approached, coming into the light, the face by the torch became clearer.


    A Tauros. A poke’mon. It stared down at Avery, brow furrowed but with eyes sparkling in fear. It shifted uncomfortably, almost subtly backing away from Avery as he approached and spoke.


    And it…replied.


    “Wh-what’s a lil’ Plusle like you doin’ out in the middle o’ nowhere like this, ey?” He said, gritting his teeth. His eyes were nervously glancing.


    Behind him, Avery could see the Tauros was latched to a covered wagon from which a lantern hung. He could hear murmuring voices from within.


    “…middle of nowhere?” Avery repeated, looking back at the field. “…I was trying to go to that tower in the distance, sir.”


    ‘He’s scared of me…but…why? Are Plusles particularly threatening here?’


    “…I’ve been walking most of the day.” Avery continued his explanation. “I wanted to get there before it got dark…I don’t know what’s out here at night.”


    The Tauros was silent, shifting uncomfortably, his eyes staying directly on Avery.


    “Ohhh Arceus…this is some kind of ghost stuff…” The larger poke’mon muttered, snorting, fear clearly showing. “You were trying to walk to Souljraan…by yourself…in the middle of the night? No light? No food?”


    “Hey!” A gruff voice shouted from within the carriage. “What’s the ruddy holdup?! I got an inn reservation I got to check in to!”


    “There’s some guy out here!” The Tauros shouted back, still staring at Avery. “Just wandering around.”


    There was an annoyed grumbling, the wagon shifting and creaking. Another figure appeared from around the wagon, a Typhlosion, looking very cross.


    “It’s some kinda ghost or somethin’, like me ma used to tell me ’bout, like.” The Tauros said quietly to the other poke’mon as they stood over Avery. He could see one or two other passengers had stepped out, peeking over towards the commotion, though it was too dark to see what poke’mon they were.


    Avery shifted uncomfortably under their gazes. “… I…I don’t know,” He said meekly, wringing his hands. “… What is Souljraan…? Is that… Is that what the tower is called?”


    A ghost? He thinks I’m a ghost? I’m not dead!… I think. I’m pretty sure I know what being dead is like thanks to that void but…I had crashed into the ground pretty hard. Maybe I am and I just don’t know it. Either way, I don’t have light or food. He’s right about that.’


    “… Am I close to town? I don’t want to be a bother.”


    “Oh for goodness sake, the boy’s a bit disheveled but he’s harmless.” The Typhlosion confidently said, hand on his hips. “He won’t hurt anybody.”


    “Oh so some guy’s just come stumbling out the dark in the countryside and he’s fine, is he?” The Tauros fired back.


    “I hope you’re not saying you’re going to let him starve.”


    “No I-hang on. Hey!” The Tauros turned his head towards the approaching passengers. “Everyone get back in, stay in y’ seats. Stay…- Go on, back in!”


    The Typhlosion huffed, leaning down to eye Avery up and down.


    “No bother. Goodness, you’re hardly a pup, aren’t you?” The Typhlosion said. He glanced over to the Tauros. “We’re bound for Arceliaze. Perhaps you’d like to ride with us?”


    The Tauros blustered immediately.


    “What? But-“


    “Come good man. Arceans help one another, don’t we?” The Typhlosion chortled, hand waving the Tauros’s protests. “We’ve always got to maintain the camaraderie between poke’mon.”


    The Tauros shifted. A groan sounded off from the carriage.


    “Come on!!” A voice shouted from inside, making the Tauros grunt.


    “Ruddy…FINE.” He relented, flicking his head back. “Get in. Don’t you cause trouble or I’ll report you to the guard straight away, see if I don’t!”


    “Oh stop all that nonsense.” The Typhlosion spat, lumbering back around the wagon and getting back on at once.


    “… Ar… Kel-ee-ah-zee…?” Avery said slowly. First Souljraan, then Arceliaze. What weird names…he gave the Tauros an apologetic look. “… Thank you, I-I won’t hold you up any longer.”


    Avery stumbled after the Typhlosion, needles still pricking at his throat from thirst. He didn’t much want to ask for a lift. It seemed there were a few impatient people in there already, and… he didn’t think they’d be very happy with him just climbing in there after delaying their ride. But…the Typhlosion would help, right? Arceans…Help one another.


    ‘Am I an Arcean?’


    Stepping around, Avery could see two steps to allow him to get into the carriage after the Typhlosion. Another lamp hung back here, faintly illuminating the inside as the larger poke’mon nestled down on the left side, across from a Grumpig and Raichu.


    Avery paused, staring inside the carriage.


    There, sitting at the end on the left was…a Riolu, his curious eyes staring at Avery. The other spaces were occupied, so he and the Typhlosion scooted apart slightly to make enough room for the new passenger.


    “Everyone good in there?” Tauros’s voice called.


    Avery couldn’t help but look at the Riolu for a few moments – he was the one. This was the one, the exact one he’d seen in his dream!


    …But he realized he was staring, and quickly took a seat, averting his eyes. Folding his paws against his lap, Avery wrung them anxiously, kicking his legs idly as they hung off the bench.


    “… Sorry,” Avery said quietly. “… For… Any inconvenience I caused, I mean.”


    “Huh? Oh, no problem, I mean…the carriage was already kind of delayed.” The Riolu began as he settled. “So-“


    The Raichu across the carriage cleared his throat, glaring at them both. Vizon frowned, waiting for the Riachu to close his eyes and go back to sleep.


    “…so…” The riolu continued in a whisper. “…I was already expecting to get home way late…”


    He paused, looking over at the Raichu, the larger poke’mon already asleep. The Typhlosion next to Avery had a book in his lap, silently reading. The riolu, as well, had what looked to be a book sitting in his lap. The text on the cover was…totally illegible.


    “…what’s up with you?” The riolu asked, cocking an eyebrow, leaning a bit. “…were you really just…wandering the countryside in the dark…?”


    He paused, sniffing.


    “I don’t smell any Totter on you…”


    The boy seemed…very unremarkable. Considering Avery had been seeing poke’mon talk…it wasn’t hard to imagine that perhaps…there were multiple riolu in whatever place this was. Could this actually be the right one…?


    … It… It had to be, right? He didn’t…know, of course. Avery stared down at the book, squinting for a few moments.


    ‘…That isn’t good. I can’t read.’


    “U-uh-” Avery stiffened. “… I was. Though I didn’t really have any other options. I just kind of… Woke up in that field a few hours ago, and just… Walked. I was trying to get to this big tower thing I saw in the distance, but… It got dark before I got there.”


    “Big…tower…thing?” The riolu asked, squinting. “…you mean Souljraan…? Are you not from around here or something?”


    “Um… No, I’m not from here, I don’t think,” Avery said with a shake of his head. “I… Um…I just kind of fell from…I landed in the middle of that field.”


    The riolu was quiet, thinking a moment.


    “What do you mean ‘just woke up a few hours ago’? ‘Landed in the middle of that field’? What were you doing, hitting totter smoothies like a poke’mon possessed? Where do you even live?”


    Avery shifted in his seat. He sounded crazy already. If he told him that he’d fallen from the sky, that’d make things worse, He looked up to face the riolu. “That’s…the second time you’ve said ‘totter’, uh… What is…”


    He had a feeling that made him sound crazy too. Avery looked back down uncomfortably, squirming in his seat.


    “N-nevermind-” He said quietly.


    The riolu gave a very confused look, but before he could reply, the carriage lurched. The wheels bounced on the uneven path, the riolu having to hold himself steady as they continued on.


    “Hey, hey…what’s wrong with you, are you feeling alright…?” The riolu muttered, tilting his head. “You sound like you’ve had a really rough night…just retrace your steps…where’s your house at? Yahneri? Souljraan? You’d mentioned the tower.”


    He glanced around to make sure nobody was disturbed by his talking.


    “I’m heading back to Arceliaze right now. There’ll be inns by where we stop. Well, I mean…might be a bit pricy in that area, but it’ll at least let you sleep off whatever ailing you right now.”


    His voice…he seemed to be talking to Avery like he were some kind of…poor rambling crazy person. His fingers drummed on his book.


    Avery shook his head. His paws gripped each other a little tighter. Now that the euphoria of existing was starting to wear off, he was quickly realizing how screwed he was. He didn’t have money. He didn’t have a home. He couldn’t even read.


    “…I don’t…I don’t know any of those words,” Avery said. “…I don’t have a home. The field is…it’s the only thing I remember. The only thing before that is just…blackness. Nothing.”


    ‘Deep breaths. Keep calm. Don’t freak out in the carriage full of people.’


    “Sorry, I shouldn’t-” Avery’s eyes squinted shut to help him concentrate on his breathing. “…I shouldn’t be…I’ll figure something out. Where was it you said we were going…? Ar…Arcel…ee-ah-zee, or something…?”


    The riolu’s ears perked up, a worried look crossing his eyes. It was like all at once Avery’s rambling made sense to him.


    “…amnesia…?” He muttered. He brought a paw up to his mouth, biting one of the fingers in thought. His crimson eyes glanced down at the book in his lap.


    The riolu was quite a moment, the only sounds between him and Avery being the rattle and creak of the carriage as it moved farther along the pathway, going who knows where.


    “…hey…” His voice piped up at last. “Don’t look so scared…I’m…”


    He sucked in a deep breath, his fingers drumming on the book.


    “…we’ll think of something, man. I can help.”


    The Riolu exhaled, long and labored, as though his last few words had to be pushed out. He lifted a paw, offering it to Avery to shake.


    “What’s your name, buddy? Mine’s Vizon, Arceliaze resident.” He said, giving a warm smile. He talked as though he was trying to jog Avery’s memory. “It’s the, ah, city this carriage is going to. Capital of Arcea, remeeember?”


    For a moment, Avery’s eyes shot up to Vizon’s in shock. He wrenched them back down to his lap, though. He couldn’t make myself too personable to Vizon. He didn’t want to guilt him into this, after all…!


    “…Like…Like Arceus…? I thought…I thought you said it was…” Avery shook his head forlornly at the names Vizon spoke…Arkeeuh? Arke…Arcea. His brow furrowed. No, the city was Arceliaze. Which meant that the country was…Arcea then.


    “Yeah, yeah! Like Arceus!” Vizon nodded. “See, your memory’s already coming back to you bit by bit, lil’ buddy…!”


    There was a hiss from across the carriage, making Vizon wince. Avery continued in a more hushed voice.


    “Right…well, my name is…Avery. I-I think. That’s…that’s the only name I can remember, anyway.” Hesitantly, Avery took Vizon’s hand.


    “It’s good to meet you…Avery…?” Vizon muttered. “Huh…never heard a name like that before…is it Quayoffi?”


    He shook his head.


    “Right…Amnesia, you probably don’t know what Quayoff is.”


    He leaned back, rubbing the back on his head, frowning. He looked as though he were contemplating what to even do with Avery. Like he were a lost puppy wandering around that Vizon couldn’t, in good faith, just let go and get hurt.


    “Do you have any money for an inn? Know anyone in town…? Like…do you remember any friends?” Vizon tested, but the look in his eye meant he knew it was futile.


    Instead of answering, Avery just cast his eyes down to the floor of the carriage again. No friends. No family. No money for the inn – where would he even be carrying it? He wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to find work if he didn’t know anything.


    Avery desperately wanted to change the subject, but…he knew they’d probably have to figure this out at some point. Vizon said he was willing to help – Avery just had to hope that he was serious about it.


    But for now, Avery didn’t want to think about how screwed he was. “…What’s the book about…? I…can’t read the cover.”


    Vizon looked surprised, glancing down at his book. It was a leather-bound tome with a red cover and gold-painted etched lettering that Avery couldn’t make out.


    “You can’t read, either? Oh man, that’s worse amnesia than I thought…” He muttered. However, his concerned look seemed to melt immediately into a smile…a wide and genuine one.


    He looked back up at Avery, presenting the book like an amazing treasure, his eyes sparkling.


    “This, Avery, is a rare hardcover Guild Periodical! A 6T10! Not a lot of these in circulation anymore!”


    The raichu across the aisle coughed again, his eyes still closed. Vizon huffed, sticking his tongue out at the bigger poke’mon before continuing.


    “This things goes over all the exploits and adventures of the Guild of Arceliaze at the time…!” He whispered excitedly. “There’s reports of rescuing poke’mon, high adventure for treasure, awe-inspiring swashbuckling action from the guild’s golden years under Guildmaster Karniqus!”


    He pulled the book back, grinning ear to ear as he stared at the cover.


    “The guild is so cool…” He said to himself, wistfully. “Saving poke’mon, stopping bad guys, always coming in to save the day and do the right thing…I’ve looked up to the guild all my life…”


    He set the book back onto his lap, smiling up at Avery.


    “And the best part? I got it for free today. A family friend told me he wanted to give it to me as a gift…I don’t even think he realized how valuable it was. Not that I’d ever sell it. My collection of periodicals is my pride and joy. I know everything there is to know about them!”


    “…Arceliaze being…the place we’re headed to,” Avery said, tilting his head as he looked down at the book. “So…the Guild then, is…a collection of heroes? People who go out and help people in trouble?”


    Avery’s heart jumped. “Oh, uh-! Maybe…maybe they could help me…! Do you think we could ask them if they know how to help with…everything? With the amnesia…?”


    As he was saying it, he wasn’t sure he actually wanted that addressed. He was a human, after all, and he hadn’t seen any of those around here. If Vizon really was that Riolu he’s seen in his dream that was going to be his best friend then…he’d have to tell him sooner or later, but…he’d rather it be on his terms than someone from a Guild figuring that out first.


    “Oh, uhhh…” Vizon sucked in a breath through his teeth. “…I dunno about that, really. I mean, you’re not exactly in danger, right? Maybe we could talk to a guard or a doctor about that. Or, heck, maybe all you really need is a good night’s sleep and your memories will come back to you.”


    He shook his head, sighing.


    “No no, the guild is all about danger and stuff like that. Well, I mean…they mostly are…supposed to be.” Vizon coughed, furrowing his brow. “I mean, no! They are! The guild totally is all about danger and high adventure still!”


    That was a weird outburst. The riolu folded his arms in a huff, almost…pouting? As he looked away.


    “But…yeah, don’t worry, we-“


    The carriage jolted, tilting a little on a downward incline. Vizon stopped himself, reaching up to grab a rope hanging from above, the other poke’mon idly doing the same. Avery looked confused, continuing the conversation.


    “Yeah, I’m…I mean I’m in danger, I think, just not…the swashbuckling kind. More the, uh…’unemployed and homeless because I don’t know how to read’ kind. That’s…a little less exciting, hah…”


    The incline got steeper…steeper. Nigh to vertical, making Avery slide and tumble into the riolu, pressing into him for a moment from the sudden downwards slant. Avery quickly scrabbled away, stammering an apology as he reached up to grab a rope himself. Vizon blushed, recoiling to let Avery move away…and mumbled an apology of his own.

    “Yeah so…maybe something for a friend to take care of, huh…?” Vizon said quietly.


    He was silent the rest of the trip. The inclined continued for a long, long time, the carriage descending an extremely long way before, at last, evening out. Everyone was free to let go of their ropes supporting them, silently riding the rest of the way to their destination.


    Outside the carriage, everything was dark, but Avery could occasionally see lantern posts, glowing a faint orange light as they passed. They were certainly closer to civilization. Eventually, Avery could even see a building, looking like…brick and stone. He could see a light fog permeating the land outside.


    The carriage buckled, the dirt path turning at once to bumpy cobblestone, rattling the carriage as it continued on. By now, Avery could see some of the poke’mon inside reaching under their seats to gather their belongings, Vizon included. The Raichu even woke up, finally, glowering slightly to Avery and Vizon but otherwise saying nothing.


    “Oi oi!” The Taurous’s voice finally called to inside the carriage as Avery felt it slow to a halt. “Depot 41, Lower Market District! No more rides t’night!”


    Sighs, murmurs and grumbles lightly sounded off from the surrounding poke’mon as they moved to disembark, the carriage bouncing as the other poke’mon rose and stepped down onto the ground. Vizon stood, motioning Avery to go as the Raichu and Typhlosion got off ahead of them.


    Avery turned to the Typhlosion for a moment as he got off of the bench. “…Thank you for convincing the Tauros to let me on, sir,” He said quietly. “…I hope that I wasn’t too much of a disturbance on the way here. If it weren’t for you I’d still be on the road.”


    Vizon stepped out alongside Avery, the typhlosion giving a friendly wave in return but otherwise silently tending to his business as he and the other passengers disappeared into the fog.


    With that said, Avery turned back to Vizon. The carriage was parked in a large building with an opening to the street. Avery could see one other carriage here also letting off its passengers, everyone moving outside. Everything was orange out on the street. Hints of buildings made themselves known as silhouettes – maybe intimidating, if Avery wasn’t so tired. It had been a long hard day of walking, and by this point he was ready to collapse where he stood. But he couldn’t do that quite yet – he still had to follow Vizon to an inn…or something.


    As the both of them left the depot, Avery could make out the vague image of the surrounding city. This ‘Arceliaze’, presumably. The buildings were hard to make out in the thin fog at night, but he could at least see the glow of lanterns in the rolling mists further on the road. There were bricked up doors and stands boarded up with some building equipment sat nearby but little else here.


    The air was…cold. Crisp and smoky. The city was fairly quiet, no doubt because of how late it was.


    The city was so…lonely, foggy, tall in the night, that Avery had almost forgotten that he was with someone and nearly jumped as the Riolu patted him on the shoulder.


    “How you feeling? Anything else come back to you? What’s your budget for an inn…?”


    He paused, eying Avery over.


    “Where’s…uh…your satchel? You didn’t leave it in the carriage, did you?”


    “A-ah! I-” Avery stammered.


    Deep breaths.


    “…I don’t…um…have a satchel. I woke up…alone. With nothing. Sorry.” Avery looked down. “You…wouldn’t know of any places that would hire someone like me, would you?”


    Not that that would solve the problem for tonight. It was chilly out. He had fur, sure, but that wasn’t going to get him too far in a place and time like this…


    “Aw geez…” Vizon huffed, scratching behind his ear, eyes screwed shut.


    He was deep in consideration, the guild periodical clutched close to his chest.


    “Man…” He muttered. “What would the guild…Nivanee do…?”


    He was silent for a while. A long while, standing there, deciding.


    Finally, he opened his eyes, brow furrowed in…was that determination?


    “Alright…Avery…” he huffed, sighing. “How about this…?”


    He paused, as though he was deciding if he was really going to say this.


    “If you promise not to rob me…how about you sleep at my place tonight?” He offered. “Maybe if you go to sleep you’ll get your memories back and we can decide what to do from there…maybe?”


    Avery made a face at that. “R…Rob you? Why would I-“


    Thinking about it, though, it made sense. He was a pretty suspicious individual, after all. It was only fair, he reasoned, that someone like him wouldn’t garner a lot of trust.


    ‘So…I guess it means a lot, that Vizon is going out on a limb to trust me on this.’


    “…Alright. Thank you. I, um…I won’t rob you. I know it’s…probably hard to believe, but…I really don’t have anywhere else to go. So…I really appreciate it, Vizon. I’ll find some way to pay you back, I-I swear…!”


    Vizon sighed…then put his hands upon his hips, a resolute look on his face.


    “No need for repayment…!” He said, assuredly, brow knitted in determination.. “There’s nothing to it. I’m going to choose to trust you, because you deserve a chance. I’ll trust you to be a good guy!!”


    His voice echoed on the stones. Those words…felt like the warmest thing on this cold street, coupled with his assuring smile.


    “C’mon!” Vizon cheered, waving to Avery to follow. “My house is this way!”


    “A…alright.” Avery gave him a weak smile, betraying the warm feeling vibrating in his chest. He didn’t say anything else. The chill of the breeze forgotten, he ran after Vizon. Maybe…maybe he was right. Maybe they were going to be best friends…! He followed after Vizon, running over cold cobblestone to come up to his warm side, the Riolu looking down at him with a hopeful smile. He swung his arms wide in a marching motion, keeping up a heroic visage.


    Whatever this ‘guild’ was, it clearly had an enormous impact on him.


    They passed by yet more closed down buildings and crossed over stone bridges passing by a few complexes with lights shining through the windows, cutting through the thin haze of fog. This area was so, so much nicer…and there, further down the street, past a few turns and bends, passing more dark silhouettes of buildings, the both of them finally came upon a small lot nestled between two larger buildings. A small garden of grass grew here, a fence separating the street from the greenery.


    “Here we are…!”


    At the end of a quaint stone path in the garden was a modern, humble home of stone and wood. It seemed a match for its owner: down to earth. Humble.


    Vizon marched down the decorative stone path, waving Avery to follow as he took a lit stick from a torch outside. He came to the door, taking out a wood key to unlock it. He hesitated only a moment, glancing back at Avery, before clearly redoubling his resolve. He pushed the door open, stepping inside to begin lighting candles and lanterns affixed to the walls so they both wouldn’t be stumbling in the dark, letting Avery follow behind him. Avery tilted his head as he looked inside. He supposed that meant there weren’t any electrical appliances or anything.


    “Don’t worry a bit, buddy. ” Vizon said excitedly. “One long sleep and you’ll be ready to go!”


    He hummed happily, lighting more candles and lanterns, the inside of the dark house slowly coming more and more to life. As light flickered upon the walls Avery could see it was rather sparsely decorated. There were a few paintings here and there, a table with some flowers. To one side he could see a very simplistic living room with a bookshelf and couch facing the moonlit window.


    “Yeah, this…or was my parent’s place, before they moved out to Souljraan…” he heard Vizon’s voice from the other room, echoing over the wood walls. He stepped back into view, putting the torch into a barrel of water, a cascade of steam spilling out. “I’ve really only been in Arceliaze for about…three or four years, myself, but I managed to get my parents’ old house back on my own!”


    He looked and sounded very proud of himself, though the barren walls served as quite the indication of the Riolu’s actual wealth. He dropped his satchel on a table by the window, glancing over at Avery.


    “Oh, you hungry?” Vizon asked. “I probably have a few apples leftover but I still need to go by the grocer’s…”


    Avery made a face, and laughed a bit. Before he could answer his belly answered Vizon’s question for him, growling loudly at the mention of food. Another awkward chuckle accompanied it. “Uh…so you’ve been alone for a few years, huh…? What’s your job…? What do you do?”


    Vizon smiled, stepping around behind the sofas to pull up some small wood boxes, breaking off the nailed down lids to offer the contents: an assortment of rather lovely looking apples.


    “Me? Well I’ve worked jobs here and there…keep having to move around, but! This place I’m working at now has been really steady!” Vizon said, taking an apple for himself. “Just some warehouse and inventory work for a food supply! We even have a section for feeding homeless poke’mon. I make sure I do at least an hour there daily.”


    He beamed, once against looking sunny and proud.


    “It’s just like the guild…the best teams never think of a job too small for them! We always gotta help out Arcean poke’mon! Be heroes in ways big and small!”


    “Feeding the homeless?” Avery tilted his head, about to reach for one of them hungrily, but hesitating – he didn’t want to seem too desperate. More gingerly, Avery took one into his hands and took a little bite. “I guess that’s what you’re doing here, huh? Sorry to make you work off the clock again, haha-“


    Another bite. Another. He didn’t really realize how hungry he really had become-! “I…mean I guess I’d never eaten before so it makes sense- gosh this tastes good-“


    “Hah, it’s not problem, it’s just…” Vizon paused smiled, flopping down into an armchair by the window, the outside veiled by fog whilst the inside of the hour felt more and more warm. “…that periodical I was given talked a lot about the guild helping the poor, even one team taking in a homeless girl. Because everyone deserves their chance.”


    He chuckled, glancing back at Avery.


    “Giving trust freely isn’t all that easy so…I’m going out on a limb here. Really just going for it.” Vizon continued with a hard gulp, furrowing his brow, looking serious. “A-and I’m seriously begging you don’t make this backfire on me!! I’m begging you not put egg on my face for putting out blind trust to help someone and rob me or something…”


    He grunted with a sigh, flopping backwards into the chair. A long groan escaped his lips.


    “…or I’ll never hear the end of it from my parents…”


    “Your parents…?” Avery sat down on the crate after pulling the lid back on. “…Would they not want you doing this sort of thing? I…I mean I guess letting random people who don’t remember anything into your home in the middle of the night…is kind of…risky.”


    Avery frowned, rubbing at his arm. “…I kind of hate that that’s how I look, too. I-I mean I can’t help it, of course, I just…has that happened to anyone else, as far as you know? Waking up in the middle of a field without any memories about the world around you…? Is that common at all, o-or…or…or being…”


    Avery’s throat tightened up. “…B-being in a dark…void? Not being able to feel your body, having…having someone ask questions that don’t…mean anything…not knowing if you’re even alive, o-or if you even exist-“


    There was a pause between them.


    “Ah-” Avery jolted suddenly, turning back up to look at Vizon. “Sorry, that’s…probably too much.”


    “Uh…” Vizon muttered, staring as Avery rambled. “Wait wait, back up. What dark void? Was that some dream you had…?”


    “… Maybe? I-I don’t know. I just… I think I was human. I wasn’t a Plusle, I know that. I just…”


    Avery wrapped his arms around himself, remembering the feeling… Or lack thereof.


    “… I was just… In a void. It wasn’t even dark, that’d be assuming I could see. There… There was a light, but I couldn’t see it, just… Know it was there. I was scared, I didn’t know how long I was there. Maybe forever…? But I just… I couldn’t hear myself speak as I answered their… Th-their stupid questions. They wouldn’t listen to me, they just… Said that I was at the gateway to the world of Pokémon, whatever that means.”


    Avery squinted his eyes shut. “… It’s probably nothing. I just…that’s the only thing I can remember before…falling. And waking up in the field. There’s… There’s nothing before that. “


    Vizon stared, looking…lost. He hadn’t even taken a bite of his apple yet.


    He muttered something to himself, listening to Avery’s explanation. “Oh…okay…sure.”


    He was quiet again, staring at the now-plusle like he’d grown a second head. He leaned in, frowning deeply.


    “You…think you were a…human? The monsters? Harbingers of wars, those humans?” Vizon asked. “And a black void? Questions?”


    He shook his head, sighing.


    “That sounds like getting questioned by the guards after a bender in Arceliaze. You’re lucky you weren’t hurt, wandering out into Breezy Plains so black-out stumble confused that you woke up with amnesia.” Vizon huffed. “You gotta be more careful next time, ok?”


    “No, the… The questions weren’t like that. They were like…i dunno, ‘if there was a meter above everyone’s head, what would you want it to measure?’ or ‘what would you do if you found a wallet on the ground?’ or ‘picture a ladder next to a cube, what does it look like?’ I was… I was freaking out because I couldn’t feel myself or remember anything and all they cared about was this… Twisted personality quiz. And then-“


    ‘And then they asked what my best friend would be.’ Avery thought to himself, but he decided to keep that fact under wraps for now.


    “…Is that… The kind of things the guards would ask…? “


    “Uhhh…I guess I wouldn’t know. I never get in trouble.” Vizon replied with a suspicious huff. But, he shook his head, smiling. “It’s fine, though. Whatever it was, it’s over now. You’re safe, and that’s all that matters, yeah?”


    Avery silent as he listened, lost in his own thoughts.


    ‘… It wasn’t a weird dream. It was all too… Ironically vivid to be that. There was something going on here. Something… Bigger.’


    Vizon sighed, finally taking a bite of his apple.


    “Okay, so-” He paused to swallow. “Under the assumption you don’t totally rob me blind you can stay here as long as you need, ok? I’ll help get you home once your memories come back and you’ve gotten over this weird dream of voids and ‘being a human’ or whatever. Cool?”


    “… Okay. I won’t rob you, I promise. You’ve been really nice to me, and… And it isn’t like I have anywhere else to go, hah…”


    Vizon gave a sunny smile at that.


    “Thanks, buddy!” He said thankfully, leaning over and giving Avery a soft pat on the shoulder. “I’ll get you some blankets, ok? After everything that’s happened I’m beat…”


    Vizon stood, stepping around to open a cabinet sat behind the sofas. “Here we go. They’re a little scratchy but they’ll keep you nice and warm, ok, Avery?”


    “I’ll try not to wake you up too early while I’m getting ready for work, ok?” He said, his tone reassuring. “And hey, don’t worry, ok? Everything’s going to be alright. I’ll make sure of it!”


    He nodded firmly.


    “Oh, uh… I mean-” Avery sat up after bundling the blankets around hisself. “… I don’t want to freeload, Vizon. If I’m going to be staying here for a while I want to help with something. Maybe I can’t work at your job, but… I’d want to find some way to help you out, since you’re being so generous.”


    “Don’t worry too much about it, really.” He said, warmly. “I guess we can see if boss’ll have you at the warehouse, but if not…I won’t just kick you to the curb. I promise!”


    He lifted a hand, ruffling the fur atop Avery’s head. Maybe it was just because he was getting more comfortable around Avery or just because he was a bit taller than him…but the gesture sure felt…nice to the plusle.


    ‘…Plusle cheeks were normally red, right? So… So he wouldn’t notice if they went a little redder. Or… Would his whole aura thing show a change?’


    Avery pressed his face a little further into the blankets. “… Thanks, Vizon. R… Really. I’ll let you get to bed, but… Thank you.”


    “Alright…” Vizon sighed, standing back up. “G’night buddy. See you tomorrow!”


    He gave a small wave, walking off toward the hall, snuffing out a few of the candles on the way out. He lingered for a moment in the hall, not-so-subtly leaning to spy on Avery juuuust a second longer, his crimson eyes darting around and looking for any manner of shenanigan, trickery, double-crossing, backstabbing or duplicitousness. Avery pretended not to notice.


    Satisfied, Vizon finally nodded softly with a smile and disappeared around the corner, the hall lights going dark one by one.


    The now darkened room was silent, the Riolu’s footsteps fading away. Avery had turned towards the back of the couch to try and sleep – but stopped when he saw…a red light coming from the window. He sat up suddenly and stared out the window, in absolute awe. Perhaps Vizon had seen it. The light came from…what looked to be two massive celestial bodies outside. The fog had cleared enough for Avery to see a bright white moon and a much larger bright red planet surrounded by a ring of asteroids festooned the starry night sky, together bathing the living room in a soft magenta light.



    This world, whatever or wherever it was…had a beauty to it.


    He didn’t know how long he was staring at the night sky. At the red planet hanging above him. All he remembered is looking up in wonder…until his eyelids became too heavy… And he fell asleep.


    The comfort of the blankets, the coziness of the couch, the warmth of the riolu’s hospitality.


    Maybe Vizon was right. Maybe everything would be ok now.


    In such safety, it was easy to slip away. To let sleep overtake him…to let the world vanish in slumber.


    To let Avery face tomorrow with renewed spirit.



    Chapter 2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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