The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 36.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The rain had finally reached the island.


    Rivulets of water swirled around everyone’s ankles in the damp sand. A CRACK of lightning SHOT through the sky. The wind was howling, the trees swaying and roaring and bending under the gust.


    Avery had to squint just to look ahead.


    “HAH! SHE LIVES, BOYS!” You heard the captain bellow. “SHE LIVES.”


    Vizon beside Avery smiled wide, holding fast to the ropes to held steady the ship as it was dragged back out into the rolling, rocking, rumbling waves.


    Indeed, there, the Peacekeeper touched water again. Its brilliant white sails fluttered and whipped in the powerful wind, catching the gust.


    “Woah, girl, woah! Hah! You feel that TUG, boys? I’ll have to hold ‘er back!” Manikas called from the helm. “Aye…AYE, feel how RAVENOUS she is to get back out. To cut the waves, to drive ‘er figurehead right in the heart o’ that beast!”


    Nivanee bit hard into her rope. Beside her, Jolvia and Rikzyod gripped their ropes as well. To Vizon’s right, Argus and Diquarni held firm. Above, Heynia helped with gusts of wind from her wings to push the ship off the sand.


    “Let ‘er loose, lads!”


    With a gasp, everyone released the ropes. The Peacekeeper took to the water healthily. The fresh wood stood out on the helm but showed its promise. The repaired portions were sturdier than ever, like broken bone knit back together.


    Above, Manikas ran for the edge of the ship, throwing over a rope ladder, a manic look in his eye.


    “Munitions all set! All’s ready! Next stop, off this accursed island and back to Yahneri Port! And may that beast count its final seconds on this earth, aye?!”




    Avery dashed through the water to the rope ladder, reaching back to help the next in line on as he held it steady before ascending to the deck. It was a lot of hard work to get all this done, but…they were all together again. And they were going to do this.


    They were going to slay that beast and save Yahneri port…


    Manikas didn’t even wait for Avery to finish climbing, grabbing his hand as he ascended and hoisting him up on to the deck. Vizon clambered up as well, followed by Argus and Diquarni.


    “Heh, Diquarrni, I am surrprrised.” Argus laughed as the Zoroark cracked her knuckles. “So little fuss from you now! What changed?”


    Diquarni eyed Avery and Vizon, the Riolu eying her back.


    “Nothing’s changed.” The Zoroark said. “But we’ll leave the scuffling for the Pearl after we’ve saved everyone.”


    “Come off it, we got the Pearl, fair and square.” Vizon growled as Jolvia and Rikzyod reached the deck.


    “Psh, you had help.” Diquarni scoffed, glancing at the Nidorina who only stared back. “And I won’t be caught off guard next time.”


    “Ah, now…” Avery heard Nivanee’s voice pipe up. “I’m no stranger to the concept of working with Thieves guild to a common end. And frankly, seeing friends or even heroes like you, Diquarni, or Quayslaan or Janus-“


    “-Arceus help her from that prison you locked her up in.” Diquarni spat, backing off from the Eevee as though she were diseased, looking at her in disgust.


    “-seeing them on the Thieves Guild is also getting very common, for reasons I can only guess at right now.”


    “I bet.”


    “But for now, let’s perhaps not bicker and focus?”


    Diquarni was silent…then folded her arms in a huff…and nodded. Argus chuckled at that, patting the Zoroark on the back. Just behind them all, as Heynia touched down on the deck, Manikas was frantically getting things ready as another gust of wind BILLOWED over the deck, snapping the sails taut.


    Avery looked towards Nivanee, surprised. She held herself well among the heckling.


    Avery looked to Diquarni.


    “…I’m not going to pretend like we’re going to be friends after this.” He said. “But after we get that Beast, we battle for it. Fair and square. No tricks. No extra participants. Team Azure versus Team Fottupepbe. Okay?”


    Avery begin battening the hatch-tarpaulins down to keep them from acting up during the storm.


    Diquarni sneered at the Plusle as he worked.


    “Bah, all lip-service, I’m sure. Just like with you and the Illaminians. Talk talk talk, blah blah blah, but your actions are the only thing that speaks true…lil’ guildie.


    Nivanee didn’t flinch at all at Diquarni’s words. She only watched as the Zoroark turned to join her team.


    Avery shrugged.


    “Then I guess I’ll have to prove myself to you using those.” He said, turning as well.


    “MAN YER POSTS, LADS.” Manikas roared at the helm. “Full sail! Catch every gust n’ breeze! Fisherman 1, Fisherman 2, Mr.Vizon!”


    The order came.


    “Aye, cap’n!” Vizon said at once, rushing to the halyards and pulling them down to raise his sails.


    “Mizzen, Ms.Jolvia!”


    “Aye, captain.” The Nidorina replied, wiping rain from her face as she took her position by her sail.


    “Get that jib up, Mr.Rikzyod!”


    “OF COURSE!” The Geodude called joyfully, YANKING the jib up to full.


    “Ms.Nivanee! Mr.Avery! Portside cannons, loaded!”


    “AYE” Nivanee said at once, setting to work to get the tipper shots preloaded with a gunpowder pouch set within. Avery gave Diquarni one last nod, and ran towards the cannons to start loading them with the charges.


    “Ms.Heynia! Mr.Argus! Ms.Diquarni! Starboard cannons, loaded!”


    “You got it, crrazy captain man!” Argus laughed.


    “Sure…!” Diquarni reluctantly said, setting to work at once.


    “At once, sirr.” Heynia sighed.


    The sails, raised and proud, SNAPPED. The boat LURCHED forward, full speed through the water at once in the stormy gusts!


     “What’s our strategy, cap’n?” Avery called over the gale. “Head on approach didn’t work quite last time-!”


    “Aye, the cursed thing ran us down and capsized us.” Manikas mused, spinning the helm as the Peacekeeper sped along the roaring waves. The island that was their prison was swiftly left behind. “There was no way to tell where it was so it always had the drop on us…but nay…not this time!”


    He looked down to Nivanee.




    “Aye, Cap’n!” She replied. He was her captain now, not Dad.


    “Prepare our lighting spear!” Manikas said. Nivanee nodded, turning to rush for a long box, popping off the lid. Inside, a collection of long spears with jagged tips sat, each of them meant for piercing and latching to the hull of a ship.


    Without hesitation, she snapped off the lid of another crate, pulling from it lanterns, each with a crystal inside. She turned a knob on the lanterns, the crystal inside energizing.




    The lantern lit up brightly, casting long shadows across the deck. It was nigh blinding to look at. Manikas’s eyes lit up as she began attaching each lantern to a spear.


    “With one clean shot we’ll see exactly where the blasted thing is…but more importantly…”


    Manikas turned to Avery.


    “Mr.Avery, we’re going to need to be absolutely sure we restrict where the beast can go. Did you see it? It takes the form of Kyogre, the god o’ the sea. You know what that means?”


    “To a point, sir-!” Avery said, bracing himself against the cannon as a particularly nasty wave threatened to throw him over. “It’s… It’s weak to lightning, isn’t it?!”


    “I’m going to need you to prepare Tipper shots, ASAP!” Manikas commanded. “Be ready to get us a perimeter of electrified water! You’re to be the brunt of our attacking force, Mr.Avery! We need to give it a jolt until it breathes no more!”


    Manikas held fast as the ship LIFTED and LURCHED as the Peacekeeper took on a direct wave. Avery looked out over the bow of the ship at their destination. They were, functionally, about to go toe to toe with a hurricane.


    “Ms.Diquarni, how’s your illusionary skills?”


    “As good as one can get.”


    “Can you conjure false ships for our beast?”


    Diquarni was quiet, thinking…then nodded.


    “Aye, I can do that!” She said seriously.


    “Ms.Heynia, I’ll need air support!” Manikas put in. “Dropping electrified tipper shots, boosting our tailwind.”


    “I can do this, yes.” Heynia said, getting her wings ready.


    “Mr.Vizon, your fighting-type tipper shots must create space! If it tries to charge over our perimeter I want you to slam it back down like a rock, am I clear?!”


    “Aye, Cap’n!”


    “Mr.Argus, Ms.Jolvia, I want ground and poison tipper shots on the surrounding waters. Make the whole ocean toxic to swim in if you have to!”


    “Aye!” The two said together.


    “That leaves Mr.Rikzyod and Ms.Nivanee to the sails, can I trust you both?!”


    “Aye, cap’n!” Nivanee shouted.


    “ABSOLUTELY!” Rikzyod roared back.


    A peel of lightening STREAKED across the sky! The open waters surrounded the ship as it ROCKED and SWAYED. It CREAKED and GROANED against the thrashing waves that spilled over the deck, the wind whipping and blasting against all of them, threatening to knock them down.


    “All is set, by Arceus! All that remains is the act!” Manikas roared, spinning the helm to set a direct course for Yahneri port. “LET’S DO ‘ER PROUD, LADS!”


    Avery braced himself. He could do this. Electrical firepower…The brunt of the attack. This was his battle to win. Their battle to prove.


    Their final battle.



    ‘Unless it isn’t. We’ll just have to see, won’t we?’


    “Tippers charged, cap’n!!” Avery called. “Ready to fire!!”


    There, at his side, dozens of tipper shots, pulsating with electrical energy.


    And standing with him…Nivanee and Vizon. Jolvia and Rikzyod.


    Everyone looked changed.


    Nivanee’s eyes carried that glint of something new. Vizon was distant and focused. Jolvia’s look was sharp, hardened, just as Avery would imagine a Thieves Guild I.O to look. Rikzyod looked almost calm, at the ready, looking at Avery with trust in his eyes, that there was no way they’d fail with Avery here.


    Across the deck, Diquarni side-eyed Team Azure. Heynia and Argus did the same, giving more encouraging smiles.


    And as they all stood at the ready, the ship rocketed forward, traveling through the harsh winds, the pounding rain.


    Minutes dragged on. Avery became numb to the sway, the rock of the ship.


    Hours dragged on. Nobody moved from their post, waiting for the moment they would see the beast.


    Lightning STREAKED overhead, the ocean lighting up.


    “Ms.Nivanee!” Manikas roared, the Eevee responding at once. “Spotlight ahead!”


    “Aye, Cap’n!” She complied, taking a bright lantern and affixing a directional apparatus to the front, turning it into an effective spotlight. She rushed to the front of the ship, shining the light on the rolling waters ahead.


    “Anything out there?!”


    “Debris, just ahead! Iron!”


    Manikas spun the wheel. Rikzyod adjusted the sails to steer the ship to the left, swerving around.


    There, as the ship rocketed by, Avery could see it glimmering in the water…


    …the remains of a massive iron hull.


    “The elite iron frigates…” Vizon breathed, his brow furrowing. “…the whole blockade is blown to smithereens.”


    “Lifeboats all ejected. Looks like they got out okay.” Jolvia sighed, watching the iron debris and pieces float by as the ship sped ahead through the rain.


    “Survey the waters, just in case, yeah?” Avery said, more as a question than an order. Though he knew it’d be worthless. These ships might have sunk days ago. If anyone was still in the water, it was doubtful they’d still be…above it.


    ‘Are we really going to be the ones to take this down, alone? Just the nine of us, on one boat?  If even the elite forces of Arceliaze couldn’t do it…



    Who am I kidding? The elites of Arceliaze tore down a forest. They terrorized a guild. They couldn’t do something like this.


    That is the job of Sarfallinus’s Guild.’


    Avery could see it. As he stood next to you, that look in Vizon’s eye.


    The Riolu stood, the wind whipping his fur and aura sensors as he stared ahead. Perhaps they were both thinking the same thing. This wasn’t a job for the elites. It was something only they both could do.


    He’d rise above the elites, surpass them. Be better. Stronger. More Noble.


    He glanced down at Avery, brow furrowed.


    “Are you ready…partner?”


    It was time for the new Team Azure’s inauguration.


    Avery took a breath, hoping that his eyes reflected the conviction in Vizon’s.


    “Ready, partner.” He said, turning back to the open sea. His grip on the cannon back tightened, tippers clinking against his ankles as he focused. Averypointed the cannon’s muzzle closer to the bow side of the ship in anticipation.


    Team Azure. A simple shade of blue with a distinguished name. Assumed to be something with Arceus. But really…it was just them. It was just himself, Vizon, Nivanee, Rikzyod, and Jolvia. A blue team. Broken down to its base elements. Its pure elements. No more false pretenses. No more elevation. No more moving too fast for their own good. They were what they were, and that’s all they’d ever be.


    Same as it ever was.


    “Hoi!” Nivanee shouted up at the front. “Light on ahead! 10 knots north!”


    “Ready cannons, at your stations!” Manikas called. “We’re coming up on Yahneri port!”


    Jolvia and Rikzyod nodded, taking their respective positions. Heynia beat her wings, flying up into the air as her husband took his place by the starboard cannons.


    And there, by the middle starboard cannon, Diquarni looked back at Avery. Eyebrows furrowed, a nasty look directed at him.


    But a ghost of trust in her eyes. Trust in him, even as she kept an eye on the kind of Poke’mon Avery really was.


    “Howsit looking, Ms.Nivanee? Are they engaging the beast?” Manikas called out to the Eevee as she looked at the distant lights of Yahneri port.


    She was quiet a moment, holding a paw over her mouth.


    “Nay, Cap’n…I’m seeing…fire…!” She yelled.


    “You’re what?!”


    A flash.


    A blinding white line flashed across the horizon, STRIKING Yahneri Port, a bright orange EXPLOSION glowing upon the port.


    Avery’s heart thrummed…no it wasn’t just its beat. Avery could feel a roar…a deep, gutteral, echoing moaning call.


    “She’s there!” Manikas shouted over the howling, hurricane wind. “Yahneri Port’s under fire by the beast!”



    The port was under attack. They didn’t have any more time to lose.


    It was do or die.


    “Mr.Rikzyod! Turn those sails, get up in close, 10 degrees to starboard!”


    Rikzyod nodded, pulling at the halyards to shift the sails over. Vizon shifted quickly, unlocking the swivel on the cannons. He glanced at Avery with a small smile.


    “Yeah, this all feels pretty familiar to me.” Vizon said to Avery with a small chuckle. “What’s another day saved, huh?”


    Confidence, even as fear no doubt broiled in his heart.


    Nivanee hung the lantern on the front, bounding down the deck to get one of the spears with a lantern attached ready. Argus helped her set one up in one of the starboard cannons while tossing one over the Vizon.


    The moaning, droning roar rumbled over the ocean again.


    Another FLASH of white tore across the horizon toward Yahneri Port.


    “Ms.Jolvia, spyglass!” Manikas yelled, tossing the tool down to her. “How far from the origin of that last beam?”


    “Mmm..5 knots and closing, Captain!”


    Manikas smiled wide.


    “This is it, lads!” He bellowed, turning the helm. “Mr.Avery! Electrify our water! We’ll get you in close to your quarry!”


    “4 knots!”


    The roar let loose again. It pounded over the wood. The rain whipped and spun and SPRAYED over them all.


    “3 knots!”


    It was hard to see. Avery’s brow dripped. Vizon was shaking in the freezing cold rain of the ocean as the moaning roar got louder, louder!


    “2 knots, captain!!”


    “Closer! Closer!” Manikas yelled. “I want to look the rotten thing in the eye when I send out the first volley!


    Nivanee glanced at her father…but nodded, agreeing. She secured the spears in the cannons, taking her place back on the halyards with Rikzyod.


    Avery was the main damage dealer. Captain Manikas said as much. That made sense. He was the Electric Type. They were dealing with a watery beast. He could throw bolts into the water until his arms went numb, but…he’d need something better than that. Something sustained.


    Avery dashed to the edge of the ship, and summoned a bolt. Grabbing it with both hands, he began trying to stretch it out.


    Bolt to javelin to rod.


    And with a thrust, he plunged it into the water.


    An ear splitting crackle emanated from the point of impact, blue and yellow sparks of electricity dashing out into a net that coated the perimeter of The Peacekeeper, a circle of lightning illuminating the ship with a ghostly cyan glow.


    “Water’s armed, Cap’n!”


    The deck lit with the electrical flashes that strobed all around the water.


    Manikas grinned, popping his neck, looking down upon his crew. Battered, filthy, haggard…but at the ready. Ready to answer his lifelong grudge.


    They were the reaper, come for the Beast of Yahneri Cave.


    “Hark! Out rides the Peacekeeper!” Manikas bellowed. The wind RUSHED from aft, JOLTING the ship forward. Its bow struck and sliced the waves, the sailed pulled taut.


    The roars were nigh deafening, rattling through your bones.


    “Last knot, captain! We’re right on top of it!”


    “Ms.Heynia, push us on!”


    Above, Heynia spun and flapped her wings as hard as she could, the whipped up wind powering along the ship even faster. The old wood creaked as it was pushed to its breaking point.




    Dimly, far off, near the black horizon.


    Avery swore…


    …he saw something move.


    And as the wind SWIRLED, the rain hit a FEVER PITCH, the Ocean waves SLAMMED against your ship!


    ALL AT ONCE under the SCREECH of wood and wind!


    “There!!” Jolvia shrieked!


    ALL AT ONCE…!!!


    …the rain stopped.


    The wind came to a chilling stop.


    The thunder quieted to a faint rumble.


    The waves fell down and turned to little more than the ripples of a lake.




    …was quiet.


    Nivanee shook her fur, still sopping wet. Vizon, too, wiped the rainwater from his eyes, looking about in disbelief.


    Everyone shifted, looking out toward the now eerily silent waters.


    Manikas chewed his pipe…his one good eye scanning the black void that surrounded the quiet electrified ring of influence.


    “…she’s here.” Manikas muttered.


    Avery’s grip on the rod…tightened.


    They were in the eye of the storm.


    He wouldn’t be able to fire the cannon while holding  the electric rod charging the water. He looked to the captain.


    “…Do I hold the perimeter, Cap’n? Or man the cannons?”


    “Hold perimeter, Mr.Avery.” Manikas said without delay.


    The waters were quiet enough that Avery could hear his own heartbeat.


    “All cannons will used electrified tipper shots…Mr.Avery, you have natural electrical attacks at your disposal.” Manikas said with a nod. “When you look in her eye…let ‘er have it.”


    There was a silent acknowledgement of his orders.


    Heynia continued beating her wings, the gusts she generated being all that moved the Peacekeeper as it silently moved forward.


    Something reflected the ghostly glow of the electrified water…




    A layer of fog surrounding the ship.


    Avery felt a vibration in his feet. Manikas perked up.


    Portside! Starboard side! At the ready!”


    Vizon, Argus and Diquarni all jumped and stood at the ready. Jolvia took her place by Vizon while Rikzyod and Nivanee tended the sails.


    Avery felt a small wave hit the bow of the ship.


    “She’s coming up…steady…steady now…”


    Avery heard nothing…


    …only felt it…


    The rumbling. The quaking. It shook the wood of the Peacekeeper all the way to the sail.


    “Lighting spears ready…!”


    Vizon took a deep breath, gripping the cannon tight.





    …a splash. A massive, bassy splash, sounding off far in the distance, deep in the thick, dark fog. But nothing could be seen in the darkness around the ship.


    “She’s out…!” Manikas breathed, crushing the pegs of the helm in his hands, chewing his pipe so hard it could snap. “Easy…easy now…”


    Avery heard rumbling. Like wind being roughly pushed aside.




    Water hit him in the face. Then another droplet. Another…another. Droplets raining on Avery like a shower.


    “Easy now…!”


    But it wasn’t rain…it was from a single, violent eruption of water just ahead of the ship.




    Avery drove the rod further into the sea, and smashed it forwards through the waves that crashed upon the hull of the ship. That net of electricity rocketed forwards, leaving their perimeter for a moment to electrocute what was in front of them.


    The electricity arced, spread around and away from the ship. Avery could see blue, shimmering glows bounce off the fog as it swirled and moved.


    The wave of electricity spread more…more.


    He saw something.


    Fading in from the infinite blackness.


    Avery’s electrical arcs were approaching something. Lighting something in the water just ahead of the ship.


    He could almost see Vizon’s heart stop


    Jolvia yelped.


    And Avery’s electricity illuminated it:



    A brief flash. Then total pitch black again.


    “TURN! Portside! Fire! FIRE!” Manikas roared, pipe clattering to the ground.


    Avery threw the rod! The long, spread arc of lightning rocketed through the air, the spray of the ocean giving it unmatched speed! The bolt SHOT forward, SLAMMING into its hide. Its blue skin was set alight! The grand flash of blue ILLUMINATED the massive silhouette of the beast!


    Avery got another ready, spun it around his paw, charging it up further.






    Vizon and Jolvia lit the fuses of their cannons at once at Avery’s shout, taking aim for the blue hide pulsating with electrical arcs.




    Crackling tipper shots ERUPTED from the side of the ship! A spear carrying a lantern SOARED across the water!


    A huge wave rocked the ship as the tipper shots…


    …sailed on, splashing into the water.


    The beast had…vanished. The spear splashed uselessly into the water, the lantern sinking at once.


    “Load another! C’mon, C’mon, she shant wait on us!” Manikas roared. Jolvia stumbled back, getting another spear and lantern from the box Nivanee prepared, loading it into the same cannon.


    The fog was closing in again, shimmering blue against the light of Avery’s electric perimeter.


    Another rod, plunged into the water to hold the charge. Avery was stuck on the port side. If the beast approached from the starboard, he wouldn’t be able to pull off the same attack. He looked behind, keeping the electricity in the seas.


    “…On your orders, Cap’n-“


    Manikas heaved a breath, turning the ship again as Heynia kept propelling it forward. Vizon finished loading another tipper shot into the last Portside Canon, holding tight to the smooth surface, trying to watch for the beast to reappear.


    “Ohhh…she’s frightened.” Manikas huffed, looking out. “Were she confident we’d have been at the bottom of the sea already.”


    Vizon swallowed hard, looking over at Avery as the Plusle maintained the powerful electrical perimeter in the water.


    All was silent again. The clouds of fog rolled over the water as the Peacekeeper sailed into the murky dark.


    “Ms.Nivanee, light!”


    “Aye, Cap’n…!” Nivanee said, getting the lantern at the front of the ship to scan the foggy sea.


    “This is nuts.” Diquarni grumbled, leaned against the railing. “That thing’s gunna get the jump on us.”


    “You’re not gunna get scared are you~?” Vizon called back, despite the fact he was shivering.


    “Not…a chance.” Diquarni rumbled, slapping the cannon. “Team Fottupepbe never gives up or backs down.”


    Vizon was about to say something before another far-off moan cut the silence.


    “Steady on Portside!” Manikas called.


    A large wave RUSHED from the fog, slamming into the hull, rocking the ship…!


    “She’s jumped!” Manikas shouted, turning the ship hard. “Feel that power, lads! If I remember her…she’s going to swoop in!”


    “Swoop, what’dya mean swoop?!” Vizon shouted.


    “Eyes up, less bellyaching, Mr.Vizon!” Manikas called. “Fire at will!”


    “There’s nothing out there!”


    “MORE TIPPER LESS LIP!” Manikas shouted, pointing…upwards above Portside, towards the inky black void.


    No…just barely…something big was up there. Moving.


    In the air.




    “It’s airborne!!” Avery screamed above the crash of the waves.


    Avery swung, SWINGING an arm to throw an electric spear!





    A HAIL of tipper shots EXPLODED from the portside cannons! They trailed after Avery’s lightning spear in a grand FLURRY of arcing blue energy!


    One hit became 5 became 10! The ENORMOUS beast lit alight with coursing electricity!


    A loud, MOAN rocked over the waves. The massive shadow spun in the air! Avery heard the CRASH of waves as the dim glowing figure SLAMMED into the water.




    The ripple SLAMMED into the ship, rocking it to the side. Vizon tripped, slipping back as Jolvia fell over onto the deck! Diquarni held tight with Argus! Heynia swooped, pounding gusts of winds to the sails to get the ship back upright!


    A spray of water doused everyone on deck, the water running across the wood.


    Manikas THREW the helm to one side as the Peacekeeper slowly righted itself.


    “CREW, STATUS!” He roared.


    “Starboard side gunners are prone but nobody overboard!” Avery shouted, clutching the railing. “Portside’s reloading tippers!”


    Another bolt formed in Avery’s hand – this one he smashed down into a ball. Like an Olympic hammer toss, he spun around on his heels and hurled it at the beast.


    “I’m still on the offensive, Cap’n!”


    “Atta boy! Don’t let up! Don’t let her breathe!” Manikas shouted as the Peacekeeper lurched forward on the silent waters.


    All was still again between volleys. They only had a little time to prepare the next.


    “Ms.Jolvia! Mr.Argus! We need poison and ground tippers out at sea! I want ‘er to regret it if ever she touches water!”


    Nivanee dropped the Halyard, helping Jolvia back up to get her over to the cannons and help her load some poison tipper shots in. On starboard, Argus readed some ground shots with Diquarni’s help.


    Avery’s lightning ball soared into the water, lighting up a patch. A miss, but in the dim light far off he could see something move…


    Then…something else moved.


    Vizon gasped, stepping aside, electric tipper shot in hand.


    “Avery, hand me the ramrod?” He asked as the boat swayed and lurched.


    ‘… Something else?’


    “What…What else could be out there…?”


    Avery looked to Vizon, and did as he said. No time for questions.


    Vizon walked over. The wind was picking up, blowing over the deck.


    “Aha! Look there, lads!” Manikas shouted, pointing towards the Portside waters.


    There…in the deep fog…in the inky black void in the far distance…



    “The lantern spear…” Vizon whispered. “I think we got it this time…!”


    Watching the little bright light shine through the fog…it moved swiftly through the pitch black night.


    For something so large…


    …the little light moved very fast.


    Jolvia was sweating. So was Nivanee, watching the eerie light silently move like a specter through the distant fog.


    “S’okay,” Avery mumbled, adjusting the cannon. “Just means we need to anticipate our shots. Predict its movement. That’s all.”


    Avery made another ball – and began constructing more electric tippers. They’d need more electrical firepower than just himself to take this thing down.


    The light…simply circled the ship for a while. The light would occasionally vanish behind fog clouds too thick to see it through…only to reappear a moment later.


    The beast…made no sound.


    No splash.


    No noise but the occasional, distant, ghostly moan.


    Manikas looked back as the light passed behind the ship. Heynia kept her eye on it as well.


    “Ms.Diquarni…” Manikas said. His voice wasn’t a bellow, it was a quiet command, his eyes trained on the light as it circled in the dark. “Keep her occupied with a ship.”


    “…right…” Diquarni exhaled, stepping from the railing.


    The Zoroark planted her feet, eyes glowing as her red hair began to shimmer and lift, hands glowing with a dull, flaming light.


    At once, a ghostly copy of the Peacekeeper materialized and split off, turning deep into the fog. It was tinted green, glowed and was partially see-through.


    Hopefully it could fool the beast.


    Avery whistled quietly at the sight of the ship sailing off into the fog.


    “That’s…that’s really impressive, actually-“


    Didn’t feel great complimenting a jerk like her, but…hey, credit where it’s due.


    Diquarni glanced back at Avery, eyebrows raised, lips pursed. But, ultimately, she said nothing, putting her focus back on her illusion.


    The ghost Peacekeeper silently sailed and made no waves in the Ocean, Diquarni directing it out toward the light.


    There was a shuddering, long roar.


    The light suddenly lunged forward alarmingly, making Nivanee yelp just watching it.


    In the distance, they could hear heavy splashing…and thrashing. Strong waves flowed from where the light sat, crashing into the side of the ship.


    “That’s right…take the bait…” Diquarni muttered with a smirk, maneuvering her hands to control the illusion, wherever it was.


    Manikas looked down to the rest of the crew, nodding in a silent command to continue their preparations. He pointed to Rikzyod and Nivanee, motioning to lower the Fishermen and the Mizzen so he could turn the ship easier. The both of them silently complied.


    “Poison shots ready, Cap’n.” Jolvia called quietly.


    “Same forr the grround shots.” Argus called. The Krookodile was hardly joking now. He looked downright terrified.


    “Fire at will.” Manikas commaned. “I want these waters poisoned. The accursed beast shall swim in death in its last moments that it shall swim at all…!”




    The sounds of cannons echoed over the water. Port and starboard both LIT UP as the poison and ground shots rocketed out. Small flashes of light could be seen where they struck.


    Avery held back on his electricity attacks for now. While the Ground shots were going off, those would absorb his bolts completely.


    “I’ll wait until it’s airborne to strike it down, Cap’n. Keep it in the water as much as I can.”


    “Very good, Mr.Avery.” Manikas said approvingly. “I’ll be a much easier target that way. Mr.Vizon, prepare some fighting Tipper shots as well to halt it when it comes!”


    Once the last tipper shot had been fired, Jolvia, Argus and Vizon each hastily moved to reload the cannons with more electric tipper. Nivanee broke from the Halyards to help Argus while Rikzyod and Heynia held the ship’s course steady.


    All the while, everyone’s eyes were on the light in the distance. Manikas stared at it intently, eyebrows furrowed.


    Avery could smell it: The poisoned water gave off a deep stench, sour. It was no doubt worse for the beast.


    Once again…everything was quiet.


    Even the loud splashing had ceased. Diquarni let out a breath, dropping her arms.


    “That’s the last of it.” She huffed, cracking her knuckles. “Going to take me a bit to recharge for another.”


    “That’ll do, Ms.Diquarni.” Manikas said. Nivanee finished loading a cannon, looking up.


    “Next volley on Starboard nearly ready, Cap’n!”


    “Aye! Ms.Heynia! Give us a westernly breeze that we might close in qui-“


    Manikas stopped himself, squinting at the horizon.


    Then his eyes widened.


    “BRACE!” He yelled! “RETURN VOLLEY!”


    A flash on the horizon! By the light of the distant lantern!


    An intensely BRIGHT beam SHOT towards the ship! Everyone dropped what they were doing a HIT THE DECK.


    ‘What the heck was that-?!’


    The beam…A HYPERBEAM!!


    It SLAMMED into the ship! It SWAYED! Shuddered! Creaked and groaned! Wood chunks and splinters flew into the air, peppered Avery’s face!


    “ARCEUS ABOVE!!” Avery heard Vizon scream as he stumbled back, caught by Jolvia. Rikzyod was THROWN from the Halyard, hitting the wood railing HARD.


    The boat rocked the other way! Heynia FLAPPED HARD, keeping the ship steady. Manikas didn’t release the helm once.


    “Ngh…!” The Pangoro grunted, looking out at the crew. “LADS! STATUS REPORT, STAT!”


    Avery whipped his head around. Hull damage at the front! A fire broke out on port side! A cannon had been knocked out of place! Argus was out cold against the stairs!


    ‘Shoot. Shoot.’


    Avery looked to the hull breach.


    ‘Who could help with that…? We-! We need everyone on deck. Argus was a ground type, that might mean that-‘


    Avery rushed towards him, placing his palms down on the Krookodile’s chest and administering a shock to try and stir him to consciousness, giving him a leftover Oran Berry to get him back on his feet.


    “No time for naps, bud-“


    Argus coughed, JOLTING up as he swallowed the oran berry. He grabbed Avery’s hand, breathing heavily.


    “Guh…huh…hahh…” The Krookodile breathed out, trying to wake up. “…you…you ain’t bad, kid.”


    He chuckled, getting up to his feet.


    The ship rocked. Avery braced himself with a grunt.


    “Cap’n! Orders-??”


    “Wood’s below deck, the hole’s got to be patched! Get the water out!” Manikas commanded as the ship pulled away. “Splash it on the fire if you have to!”


    The ship rocked again.


    “Tipper’s loose!” Jolvia called. She pointed to the cannon that had rolled to the middle of the deck, its electric tipper shot dangerously rolling free.


    Manikas bit his pipe. Quickly, he looked up.


    “Ms.Heynia! That’s enough wind for now! Take some electric tippers and get us some space!” Manikas called. Heynia nodded, fluttering down to grab the loose tipper shot and another from Vizon’s box, sailing off. “Everyone else, snuff out the lanterns. We’re going dark until we get ourselves situated!”


    Vizon and Nivanee quickly worked to secure the remaining cannons while Jolvia went for the loose cannon. Rikzyod scrambled back up, heeding Manikas’s orders to snuff out lanterns. Diquarni was finishing loading the last of the tipper shots.


    The ship…slowly came to a stop…


    …stalling in the water.


    Without Heynia…there was no wind.


    No movement but the still water.


    Ocean water…shouldn’t be so still.


    “I’m going below deck,” Avery said. “Tell me if the beast comes back, I’ll be up.”


    Without any more time to think, he made his way toward the hatch to access below the deck.


    The lights were low, but…that wasn’t a problem for Avery. Even with the lights completely extinguished, he could still see. He had to get this done before they lost too much agility in the water.


    As he stepped down the stairs, he could see that the below deck was cramped. Enough space for the pangoro to perhaps squeeze through…but only just.


    The lanterns were snuffed, leaving Avery to work in pitch darkness.


    Salt water lapped at his body as it slowly filled the inside. He could hear the quiet knock and slosh of ocean water lapping upon the hull. The silent creak of wood.


    Like a big wooden tomb…


    The wood was there. In the dim light, Avery only needed to hammer in a single board to quickly plug up the hole.


    He lifted the board, covering the leak. The pounding of the nail the most prominent noise in his ears.


    It was so…distressingly quiet.


    As Avery worked, he could hear something thudding above. Mud, no doubt, for the fire. Footsteps. The creak of wood as the dislodged cannon was put back in place.


    “Heynia’s coming back!” Avery heard Diquarni’s muffled shout.


    “Lost sight of the lantern!” Came Nivanee’s voice as he worked.


    “Next volley’s loaded, Cap’n!” There was Jolvia.


    Okay. The hole was plugged…mostly. The only water coming in was little dribbles they’d be able to manage pretty easily. Avery started bailing with a bucket he saw nearby.


    “Any sign of it out there?” Avery called to the upper deck. “I’m not hearing anything-!”


    “Nothing…!” Came Vizon’s voice. Avery heard a creak, the vague silhouette of the Riolu at the stairs appearing. “Here, hand the bucket over.”


    He held a bucket of his own, giving it to Avery.


    “Ms.Heynia, did you see head or hide of our beast…?” Manikas could be heard above.


    “No. It has vanished.” The Mandibuzz said.


    Avery kept bailing for a moment, but…something was needling at him. Something was wrong with this. It wasn’t in the air. It wasn’t around. It was…


    “Argus, get me a max elixer…” Diquarni’s voice came next. “Might have to draw it away again…”


    “Yeah, right, I-“




    The ship lurched upwards, then swayed.


    Every voice stopped.


    ‘Oh no.’


    “…the electric perimeter…! It’s running out…!”


    Avery quickly turned, splashing through the water as Vizon bailed, pushing past the Riolu.


    “It’s below us-!!”


    “Below-?!” Vizon backed off, letting him pass. Nivanee perked up. Quickly, she grabbed a rope and tossed it to Avery to let him grab ahold of it. Avery formed a rod in his hands to plunge back into the water.


    Manikas grunted at that, motioning for more wind from Heynia.


    The water was rippling. Avery could feel it. Hear how the still water shuddered. The world was so silent, the fog slowly rolling around the Peacekeeper.


    And they were running out of time.


    “Jolvia, Argus!” Manikas called, not even bothering with formalities. “Poison and ground tipper! Chuck them with your hands if you have to, but save the electric tipper for direct hits!”


    There, as Avery ran…looking down…looking into the black water that foamed and slowly rippled…


    …deep…deep in the black water…



    …a faint light.


    …Going from the deck wouldn’t be enough.


    “…Niv, hold the rope.” Avery grabbed the other end…and jumped over the side. Nivanee nodded, holding firm to the rope as he plunged.


    The poisoned water was awful here- his eyes were watering just from being in proximity to it. He’d need treatment after this, for sure, but…


    He could do a better job like this. He rappelled down to the water’s edge, and plunged his spear into the foaming sickly waves.


    All around him, ground and poison tipper shots splashed down as Argus and Jolvia hand-tossed them overboard to poison the water. Above, Avery could see Vizon leaning over the railing to keep watch on him.


    Avery’s spear STRUCK the waves, LIGHTING UP the waters! A harsh blue glow overtook the Peacekeeper. The sheer raw energy CASCADED down…


    …and deep within…a massive silhouette…electrified.


    A shuddering, angry moan filled the air.


    “HAH! You hear that?!” Manikas called from above. NOW it’s mad! Excellent work, Mr.Avery!”


    Vizon pushed from the railing, taking position by the cannons. Diquarni and Argus followed suit.


    The blue cascade faded, now only a buffer zone of electrified water around the ship. Deep within, the light rushed away, out of side, toward Starboard side!


    Avery was on port. It was away from him. He looked up, grip tightening on the rope as he stood on the slippery hull of the ship, fighting to keep his footing.


    “Should I keep the perimeter up, sir-!?”


    “Nay, you got it away from us!” Manikas said, popping his neck. “It’s got to come back up. When it does, unload upon it, am I understood?”


    Everyone nodded, getting into position. Vizon prepared fighting tipper shots, getting a crate over to starboard side while Nivanee kept at the ready with the rope in her mouth, leaving Rikzyod at the Halyards. The Geodude leaned, pulling the ropes to let the ship turn as Manikas steered the helm.


    And all the while…everyone’s eyes were one the horizon.


    The fog rolled…and spread…slipping by as the Peacekeeper moved.


    Then…Avery heard Vizon gasp.


    Just ahead…a cloud of fog moved past and just briefly…the light could be seen before it darted back behind a fog cloud, as though teasing them.


    Avery climbed back up onto the deck of the ship, wiping his eyes from the horrid vapours that he’d been breathing in. It took a moment for the Plusle to adjust and see the views that everyone else was seeing.


    He didn’t like it. He didn’t like any of it. Another loose ball of lightning readied in Avery’s hands…but he stayed. They needed a clear shot.


    “If the battle keeps pace with this we’ll starve before it’s down,” Avery growled.


    Nivanee dropped the rope, running up to him with a Pecha berry at once. Avery took the Pecha berry thankfully, scarfing it down and wiping his mouth of the juice.


    “Mr.Rikzyod, Ms.Nivanee, get us up to full sail!” Manikas commanded. “We’re rushing it down, don’t let it run from us!”


    “Aye, captain…!”


    “Of course!”


    The both of them took to the halyards, pulling up the other sails, each of them catching Heynia’s wind and pulling the ship forward quickly. The fog rushed by as the Peacekeeper’s speed maxed, plunging the darkened ship into the black ahead.


    “Argh…reveal yerself…!” Manikas said, voice raised. “A coward, slinking in shadows and fog, daring to call itself a BEAST. Have I spooked ye’? Do you feel death knocking upon your door as you stare me down, blasted beat!”


    The only light on the deck shimmered from the ball of lightning in Avery’s hand. He could see the determination in Vizon’s eye, in Nivanee’s, in that faint blue light.


    “The grand beast SHIVVERS the water in FEAR of seeing Rekinii in the same pit it banished her to!”


    Steely. Unflinching. Professional.






    “Captain!” Argus shouted with a laugh. “Starrboarrd side! Closing in quick!”


    Manikas’s head WHIPPED to the side. There, the light peeked between two fog clouds…higher than normal…back in the air! The plan had worked! It was trying to keep out the water! Argus’s warning made Avery’s ears twitch. He saw the shape in the fog.


    Manikas SWEEPED his hand over the deck, addressing every Poke’mon on board.




    With all force, Avery whipped around, and fired.


    That pent up electricity…!


    Was it stress? Anger? Aggravation?


    Sheer determination?


    Whatever caused it, what flew from Avery’s hand was powerful. It BLEW back your his, shining like the sun!




    The massive ball of electricity SOARED over the water, leading the glowing tipper shots like a war general, straight toward the lantern!


    In a single moment, Avery saw it again, that massive creature! The grand glow of the combined attacks made its eyes glow. Their hateful gaze stared down the Peacekeeper.


    Then, it was struck.


    Electrical energy EXPLODED in the air! The world was brightened as though the sun were shining on them all. The tipper shots PEPPERED its body as the force of the massive attack WRACKED its body!




    Volley 2 of tipper! Fighting type shots that SLAMMED the beast back, slowing it! It still yet glowed with a blue shimmer of electricity, dropping onto the surface of the water!


    A MASSIVE splash SHOT upward! The wave CRASHED into the hull, making the ship JOLT and shudder!


    A halyard came loose! A cannon knocked loose! A box of fighting tipper knocked over, the dangerous shots rolling over the deck! Water lapped and showered over the deck as the beast vanished underwater once more.


    “HAH! Clean shot!” Manikas shouted! “Look! Its blood lingers!”


    Look, there, where you had hit it…


    Vizon stepped up next to Avery, looking at it, too…they recognized these.


    Hardlight particles, right where the beast had been. They floated in the air before vanishing.


    “…it’s just like Thundurus…” Vizon muttered. Nivanee looked over to them. Jolvia and Rikzyod heard as well. “…it’s a projection.”


    “…I don’t know about that,” Avery said, grimacing. “At least…not entirely. Kyogre might be hardlight. But Thundurus couldn’t make a storm like this. Thundurus couldn’t wipe out a city.”


    Avery turned to look over his shoulder at them.


    “Thundurus had the pearl.”


    It might be hardlight. But something about this was different. And Avery knew they would be better to not let their guard down.


    Luckily, Manikas didn’t seem like he was going to let them.


    “Ready up, lads!” Manikas called. “Get ourselves fixed up a’fore the next volley! The beast may be rebounding as we speak!”


    “Aye aye-! I’ll make more tippers, sir!”


    “Good man, Avery! We’ve got it on the ropes now!” Manikas called, turning the helm quickly. “Portside, ready to fire!”


    “Aye!” Vizon called.


    Quickly, Jolvia set about retrieving dropped fighting tipper. Nivanee had to run to grab the loose Halyard to retie it down. Diquarni rushed back to pull the loose cannon back into place as Argus moved to reload the cannons. Rikzyod helped turn the ship, keeping an eye out for the lantern


    Once again…once again it was…silent. The beast had backed off, wounded, giving them all breathing room as they worked.


    “Do you think these things just all work different…?” Vizon asked, looking around. “I get that Arceus probably didn’t want anyone touching these pearls but this all seems kind of…extreme for a defense mechanism.”


    “Well…what seems trivial to Arceus might prove more harrowing for us.” Nivanee suggested as she finished tying the halyard.


    “Hm, think of that!” Rikzyod mused as he pulled at the masts to steady the ship. “To think…if these are nothing to Arceus…”


    Tell me you’re not fantasizing about fighting Arceus, now…” Nivanee huffed. Rikzyod didn’t even look at her, only grinning wildly to himself.


    “I’m going to be honest and say that I’m pretty sure that Rikzyod may have been thinking of fighting Arceus since he learned Arceus existed,” Avery said, giving Nivanee a dry look. “Not for any particular reason. Just…wants to fight Arceus. You’ve seen how much he enjoys getting bashed, who could give a better bashing than God?”


    Nivanee giggled softly at that with a roll of her eyes. Rikzyod flashed the Plusle a smile, one Jolvia shared in.


    “Then we shall make it a promise!” Rikzyod cheered, making Vizon laugh, too.


    “Of course, Avery, we’ll hold you to it.” Jolvia joked.


    The confidence of his group was slowly boosting…even in the terrifying situation…they gave a soft comfort.


    On the other side of the deck, Diquarni looked back at Team Azure, a hard look in her eye as they chatted. Argus glanced at her, chuckling.


    “Still cannot believe that you arre worrking with guild again, ey? Is it not nostalgic, Diquarrni?” Argus laughed, to which the Zoroark scoffed.


    “Pshhh, yeah, TOO nostalgic.” She huffed but said no more, turning her attention back to the ocean. I give Diquarni a quick look, but avert it. We were on thin ice with each other. Best not to push it.


    ‘What on earth is her deal…?’


    But every smile vanished as the ship lurched again. A large wave washed over it, from-


    “STARBOARD AGAIN!” Manikas shouted. “Rebounding on Starboard!”


    The waves pelted the hull from starboard. Avery could almost make out the glow of the lantern deep in the fog.


    “But captain!” Argus shouted. “The cannons arre not loaded!”


    Diquarni looked from Argus…then to the open sea. Just as Manikas was about to answer, the Zoroark stepped in.


    “Argus, another max elixer.”


    “Anotherr one…?” the Krookodile asked. Even Heynia glanced down at the two. Diquarni only held out a hand, expecting one to be placed in her palm, which Argus did.


    Without a moment’s hesitation, she drank the elixer, throwing the bottle to the ground. At last, she turned, looking at Avery…


    Her red eyes…were expectant of him.


    With that final look, she turned back toward the ocean…and spread her feet.




    “BRACE!” Manikas bellowed.


    Avery kept loading the cannons, focusing on the battle. What happened after this didn’t matter, not yet. What mattered was here, now, bringing down that beast before it brought down the harbor.


    ‘But what is Diquarni planning…? And why did she look at me like that? She’d need me to do something. But…what?’


    Avery tried to think, as he saw the beast approaching. He was the firepower of the ship. Argus and Jolvia helped slow it down, Rikzyod and Vizon were the muscle. Heynia propelled the ship, Diquarni provided distractions, Nivanee was lookout. Avery was the firepower. He was the electricity to bring down the storm.


    So what about that would need Diquarni’s attention…?


    Then, a sound.


    He could hear it, echoing over the water. The rapid-paced splashing of water as the beast began to rushdown upon the Peacekeeper.




    Diquarni took a deep breath, looking back at Argus…then Heynia.


    “Brace…! Brace…!” Manikas shouted again, spinning the helm quickly to steer the ship toward the light.


    The Zoroark’s eyes traced to Vizon, who stared back at her blankly.


    Then to Rikzyod, as he pulled on the Halyards to turn the ship quicker.


    To Nivanee, who looked at Diquarni curiously.


    To Jolvia…who nodded.


    Then finally, to Avery.


    The chuffing splashing got closer. Louder. Faster.


    “…Avery.” She said at last. Her body was starting to glow, illusionary energy flowing off her. “How much do you hate me, huh?”


    Vizon cocked an eyebrow as he continued loading.


    “How much do you really want to protect others, like you kept saying back on that island?”


    Vizon said nothing.


    “How much are you willing to protect Illaminians?”


    Vizon paused…


    …then silently returned to work. No protest. No mind for what Avery did or how he answered.


    It was Avery’s answer to give, not his.


    “Is this really the place to be asking this-” Avery grimaced, holding onto the side of the boat. “…Look. I don’t like you much. Sure. You pulled some shit in the cave, you pulled some shit on the island. Professionally, we’re on opposite sides of a conflict so I can’t like you that way either.”


    Avery stared at the beast as it approached.


    “…But there’s very few people who I’ve learned to hate, and you aren’t one of them. That honor belongs to two NAM guys who thought it’d be funny to burn down the house of one of my friends, and were about to follow up with another.”


    Avery’s eyes connected with hers again.


    “…I don’t know what you and Xamao are planning to do with the pearls. But I’m going to stand and fight to protect the innocent, no matter what country they’re from. As long as you truly feel like you’re doing the same thing, I can’t hate you.”


    Diqaurni grimaced, herself, hearing that answer.


    “What a guy.” Diquarni said. “Fine, then I need you to think of those NAM lowlives. Right now.”


    Vizon’s ear flicked as he looked at Avery.


    “I heard about that night, you know.” Diquarni said. “How you walked right up to them and let those two go…”


    The splashing got faster.


    “After everything they did, after everything they threatened…”


    Faster. Louder.


    “But you hate em?”


    Faster. Faster. Faster.


    “Alright then. Show me. Show me it’s not all talk. Show me how much you hate those two.”


    Louder. Louder. Louder.


    There was a flash.


    For a short…brief moment…the ship was gone…


    the water was gone…


    Avery stood upon a stone road. Tall buildings surrounded him.


    Where Diquarni had stood…two Poke’mon looked back at Avery. A Pignite and a Charmeleon. They stared at the Plusle smugly, knowingly, on their way to Kellixae’s house.


    Avery bristled. He knew why he couldn’t have attacked them there and then. He could have been kicked out of the guild. He could have gone to jail. He wouldn’t have been able to help anyone then. Those two were rotting in a cell now.


    But oh, how Avery had wanted to. Oh, how he’d wanted to strike them down unconscious on the stone and wipe that smug look off their faces.


    Gone in a moment, he was back on the ship.


    Diquarni’s eyes glowed. Flames of illusionary energy rolled off her body.


    “Come on, Avery…! Do it!”




    “Direct your anger!!” Diquarni shouted. “Charge me!”


    “…Diquarni…” Avery growled, his fists starting to spark. Two spears of unstable white hot lightning appeared in them. “You won’t be any use to us unconscious, so…”




    His fists came together to make a quarterstaff, spun into his left hand behind his back. In Avery’s right, an unstable ball of lightning appeared. His fingers squeezed at it to keep it just on the brink of breaking.


    “…I hope you know what you’re doing.”


    He took a step. Another. Feet pounding on the wooden deck, thumping and thrumming. The thumping turned to crackles. Electricity radiated from him, every pounding step cascading energy. His footsteps illuminated with electric blue, shining crackling light beneath him to brighten his visage from his underside in a haunting blue. Avery’s features pulled into a rage…remembering those faces.


    And knowing what was at stake if they didn’t slay this beast.




    The ball lightning snapped to the top of his staff to make a charged, vibrating mace of lightning. And with a scream and a powerful underside swing-


    Lightning struck.


    The air EXPANDED.


    “Yeah…! YEAH YEAH YEAH!”


    Avery’s mace STUCK her. Her fur was BURNING. The scent of CHARRED FLESH filled Avery’s nose!


    Diquarni’s muscles all FLEXED at once!


    FOAM came trailing down her mouth!






    In the BRIGHT FLASH.


    The GREAT BEAST was there, rushing the ship, BLINDED as Avery and Diquarni radiated like stars!


    “That’s it…! THAT’S IT!” Diquarni screamed, clenching her fists. “Arceus…! ARCEUS ABOVE! THAT’S NO LIP SERVICE!”


    Her feet PLANTED. The wood where she stood SPLINTERED.




    The beast ROARED as a MASSIVE wave in front of it RUSHED over the Deck!


    Diquarni SWUNG her arms HARD to the left as her WHOLE BODY FLARED with energy!


    There! From the side! A glowing Frigate, conjured with light and electricity!



    A SMASH rang in Avery’s ears! An illusionary ship of electricity POUNDED the beast’s side!


    Hardlight particles BLASTED into the air! The beast let out an angry roar as it was THROWN to the side, totally electrified! The water SHOT UP in waves, like arcs of electricity the waves BOUNCED and ARCED and GLOWED!


    Smoke BILLOWED from the sheer HEAT.


    “DOWN, DOWN!” Manikas roar!


    The Beast was THROWN off course, SLAMMING into the back of the ship!


    The Peacekeeper LURCHED, spinning! Launching Nivanee and Vizon forward. Argus stumbled! Rikzyod was thrown into a cannon!


    Gunpowder EXPLODED near Manikas! Two fires started! Hull repairs needed on aft! A sail’s halyard came loose! A cannon was dislodged!


    The Peacekeeper SWAYED but, by Arceus, it still swam!


    “Mercy above, Mr.Avery! What’re you both playing at?!” Manikas shouted in amazement. “Never before have I sailed with such a foolhardy crew!”


    The old Pangoro laughed, surveying the damage to the ship, illuminated by the fire on deck.


    “That’s how I’s LIKE IT.” He shouted! “Status report, crew! Let’s get ourselves patched up and how!”


    Avery’s hands burned. He flexed his fingers, trying to regain feeling in them.


    “Might need a good few seconds before I’m able for dextrous work, cap’n! Kinda fried my nerves there!”


    Avery grimaced from the pain…and looked towards Diquarni.


    And Diquarni…


    …looked up at Avery.


    As the others rushed across the deck, trying to dampen the fires or fix the holes…Diquarni furrowed her brow at you.


    “Hah…” The Zoroark huffed, her red eyes burrowing into Avery, chest heaving. Her fur was burning, smoking. Eyes bloodshoot.


    She coughed.


    “So you mean to tell me, after all this time, they were right about you?” She rasped. “I thought they were all just duped. Even Quayslaan I…figured you’d just schmoozled enough to get on his good side. But…”


    She paused a moment.


    There was a rumble of thunder. A raindrop hit Avery’s head. Then another. All around, the deck was lightly showered upon by rain.


    “Hah…but even for all that…you’re still working for them. For that Conduit.” Diquarni smirked, voice weakening, slowly…


    Argus lifted himself, Heynia fluttering down by him, the both of them looking toward Avery and Diquarni curiously.


    “…She’s not a good person,” Avery said, flexing his fingers again. “I’ll say that right now. She’s got flaws, and a lot of them. And as much as I admire Sarfallinus…he’s got a lot to answer for too.”


    He looked to the Zoroark.


    “…But I’m not going to let anybody die. Not Azure. Not Fottupepbe. Not our guild or yours, not Arcea or Illaminamo. No system’s perfect. We see Olistia as a ‘mom’. Xamao called Janus his best friend. I’m not a fan of most of the elites we’ve met, they tore down an entire forest to make a road.


    “But if I know anything about this world, it’s that people lie, whether they know it or not. And all I can do is act on what I know, and do the best I can to help everybody. Because that’s what good guys do.”


    Diquarni stared at Avery as his final word reached her.


    “…feh…” she muttered, slowly closing her eyes.


    The rain picked up. The wind was beginning to howl.


    “When the time comes…you’d better direct that anger where it counts.”


    She laid her head back…her breathing slowed…


    …the Zoroark was quiet.


    Still…and quiet.


    Argus and Heynia stood by, watching them both as Diquarni…stopped moving.


    “…Diquarrni…?” Argus asked in a low voice.


    No response.




    Still no response. No movement.


    “Diquarni!!” Heynia yelled in fear.


    “AUUUGH LAY OFF, let me REST A SECOND.” The Zoroark barked with a huff, the Krookodile and Mandibuzz flopping over and letting out a deep, relieved breath each.


    “…I did kind of hit her with a lightning mace,” Avery said with an awkward chuckle, looking up at the two of them. “Can’t take one of those as well as you might, Argus.”


    “Portside’s loaded, Cap’n!” Vizon yelled from the other side of the ship, grabbing Avery’s attention.


    Still, a fire burned and a cannon remained loose. The hull on aft was only half fixed. With a look towards the captain, Avery rushed back towards the aft hull to get working on repairs.


    “Got Starboard loaded, Cap’n!” Jolvia shouted.


    As Avery approached the aft hull, he could see that Argus had gotten halfway through repairs. The Krookodile stood, running over with the Plusle to help quickly while Heynia tended to Diquarni.


    “Hehehe…you arre a good kid, there, Averry.” Argus snickered, taking a stack of boards and handing them to Avery while he took his own stack. “I could think of worrse guys to be stuck on an island with.”


    Vizon was already rushing to get the loose cannon back into place. The rain dampened the fire which Nivanee snuffed it with a wet tarp.


    “Alright, lads!” Avery could heart Manikas bellow. “This great big MINNOW is ours for the taking! One more volley should-“




    The ship ROCKED, sending Avery and Argus TUMBLING to the side!


    Wood splintered! Vizon screamed!


    Avery yelped, clinging to the splintered wood. Sharp edges dug into his hands. He looked at Vizon, eyes wide.


    “Viz-!! You okay?!”


    “Grah…! Yeah, I’m-!”




    Nivanee FLEW into the air! A FLASH of energy EXPLODED at the front bow! Wood and dust billowed out! More gunpowder exploded! A sail caught fire!


    “Oh ho ho!” Manikas’s voice rang. Argus rolled off of Avery, helping him up.




    Argus stumbled again. Another EXPLOSION took a mast pole! It cracked and splinted, falling over!


    “Ohhh AYE, you remember me, don’t you?” Manikas taunted, turning the till as Heynia desperately flapped at the sails that were left.


    Another hyperbeam SHOT overhead! Lit the deck from above!


    “Return fire! Portside!” Manikas roared! Vizon clawed his way across the deck, Jolvia helping him along as Nivanee tried to recover, a Reviver Seed turning to a plain seed.


    The cannons FIRED, electrified tipper shots sailing into the fog! Bluish flashes lit up the clouds as they rolled along the water!


    “Confirm hit?” Manikas called.


    “Nay, I don’t see it!” Vizon called.


    “We have to have-“




    Another far-off hyperbeam! The ship SWAYED! Rumbled! The starboard edge SHATTERED! A cannon dropped into the water!


    “STARBOARD SIDE!” Manikas roared!


    Jolvia rolled, nearly falling overboard, saved by Nivanee. Vizon lifted his head, looking for Avery as another EXPLOSION rocked the ship below deck!


    “Arrceus above, we have to move.” Argus shouted, tugging Avery’s hand.


    “If this keeps up the ship’s going under,” Avery grimaced, holding himself steady. “The more of us are on repairs the less of us can fight back. He’s got us on defensive, that’s not good-“


    Avery looked up to the Mandibuzz.


    “Heynia-! Is it possible to clear the fog up?!”


    The Mandibuzz was panting, flapping her wings desperately. She looked from Avery then to Manikas.


    “Go on, Ms.Heynia!” The Pangoro shouted over the rain! The peeling thunder! “We need visibility! We need-!”




    “HEYNIA!” Argus screamed!


    A bright Hyperbeam CLIPPED the Mandibuzz! Another pole SHATTERED, falling over, SMASHING into the last remaining pole! The sails caught the wind, WHIPPING around violently, one of them carried off into the dark!


    Heynia DROPPED down! Argus dove, CATCHING her with a rough SLAM into the deck! Smoke and ash swirled around the flaming ship as The Peacekeeper became a sitting duck in the rough waves!


    Another cannon slid overboard!


    “Buck up, lads!” Manikas bellowed, his pipe SNAPPING in his mouth! “It’s not over until we’re in the briny deep, D’YA HEAR ME?!”




    “Arcues, Dad!!”


    Manikas roared! Thrown from the helm and onto the deck! The wheel spun and clattered! A fire broke out at the helm as Manikas scrambled back to his feet, singed, covered in soot, a deep gash on his head.


    Without a word, the Pangoro picked up one of many spears that lay scattered around the splinter-covered deck.


    “If it still breathes then by Arceus we. Are NOT. DONE!”


    The Peacekeeper was being torn apart. They were losing their cannons. One of the sails was gone, one of their masts was down. They had maybe two minutes left before this thing brought them down with it.


    And it was just sitting there, in the fog, beaming them to death.


    “…C….Cap’n,” Avery grimaced. “…Orders…?”


    Manikas’s head whipped towards the Plusle.


    Nivanee and Vizon looked up at him. Argus cradled Heynia as Diquarni lay to the side, recovering. Jolvia stood by Rikzyod, holding his hand, the Geodude battered and chipped.


    The Pangoro stood as the ship swayed, the waves crashing against it. His fur whipped and waved against the wind.


    He spat out his pipe and tossed Avery another spear.


    “What orders are there to give, Mr.Avery?” He asked.


    A hyperbeam SHOT overhead. Manikas glanced down at Nivanee, then to Vizon, to everyone…


    …his crew.


    “I stand here on the deck of my burning ship as the Yahneri Bay slowly claims it for its own. I stand with a crew 8 Poke’mon strong. The blood o’ dear Rekinii flows through the veins of one of them. She, Ms.Nivanee, stands as she would, by my side.”


    Another hyperbeam TORE through the air. A mound of gunpowder POPPED.


    “Here I stand, as I did all those many years ago, the Beast closing in. Some part of me wonders if this is how it was meant to be. To be faced with the impossible, again and again. To forevermore sink n’matter how often I face the terror.”


    Another section of the hull EXPLODED. Manikas gripped the spear hard, looking out toward the fog.


    Avery could see the clouds were beginning to get lighter…dawn was swiftly approaching.


    “I REJECT this inevitability, Avery. Not one breath across me lips shall ever utter one word against fighting this impossibility. As my home of Yahneri burns, as my wife lies dead, EVERY shot o’ cannon carries my HATE. ANGER that shall shatter the world until it has come to heel!”


    Manikas stomped forward, his footsteps POUNDING upon the burning, charred deck.


    “I care NOT what the world demands! I care NOT that the beast seems unstoppable! Either it takes my last breath or I his own!”


    He lifted the spear, staring out into the rolling clouds of fog. Vizon was shaking…but slowly picked up a spear…Nivanee as well. Then Rikzyod and Jolvia. Argus and Heynia watched the group.


    Each spear was attached to a thick rope.




    The beast ROARED in the distance.




    The spear was smooth in Avery’s hand. The rope behind it was heavy.


    They were marooned in the ocean. It was now or never.


    “…Vizon,” Avery said, looking towards him. “…Remember what Lahnae and I did back in Qeasé? Right at the end…?”


    Vizon took a deep breath. Avery could see how scared he was. The way he trembled.


    But his brow was furrowed. He held his spear tight as he stood by the Plusle.


    “Yeah…I do…” Vizon said. His crimson eyes wandered from the horizon as the sun slowly rose.


    He stared down at Avery, his partner.


    “The only way we get through this…is together. As a team.”


    The beast let out a deafening roar…


    All of us.”


    And there…in the rushing wind and pounding waves…the crew of the Peacekeeper stood side-by-side.


    For one final showdown.


    They waited. Spears held tight in hand.


    Vizon lifted his spear. Rikzyod and Jolvia theirs. Nivanee hers.


    And they waited for the beast to burst from the fog…


    The boat swayed.


    The wind billowed…






    FLASHES of orange ERUPTED in the fog! THUNDEROUS cannonshots ROARED over the wind!


    “NOW!!” Avery yelled, whirling about and sending his spear screaming through the storm to hit its mark – his team alongside me. With a bellowing YELL, everyone THREW their spears! The spears SHOT through the storm, cut the wind, sliced the wind, DEEP into the fog! They arched through the air, speeding across the fog to hit their marks-!


    A grand ROAR bellowed over the waves!


    The ropes at their feet connected to the ship pulled TAUT with a TWANG.


    The ship LURCHED, sending them all stumbling back!


    Like a ghost come back to life the Peacekeeper FLEW across the water! Waves THUNDERED by! The fog WHIPPED by! The wind roared in their ears. Avery had to squint as the Peacekeeper was pulled and pulled and PULLED!!




    The fog SWEPT AWAY!


    The dark clouds above BROKE!


    A bright morning sky FLASHED above, the sun in your eyes! The MASSIVE visage of an impossibly huge silhouette on the horizon, pulling all the ropes, the Peacekeeper SKATING behind!


    And there, to the right, just in view, Avery saw something…!


    He HEARD it! A voice calling! SHOUTING! CHEERING!


    “AVERYYYYYY!!!” They shouted! “VIZON!! NIVANEE!!”



    Three ships, cannons smoking.

    The only way through this…would be together.


    All of them.


    …They were here. They were here with them. Avery could hear them. He could feel them.


    His grip on the rope remained strong. He could feel the beast trying to wrench itself free, but they wouldn’t let it go.


    Everyone was here. They could do it together.


    “Guild!” Sarfallinus’s voice called. “Company, reload!”




    Slowly, every rose to their feet, stumbling, barely holding on! The ship SWUNG left to right! It BOUNCED and LAUNCHED from high waves, spray of water showering over the broken ship!


    “HOLD ‘ER STEADY!” Manikas commanded, moving to one side to keep the ship from tilting!


    Jolvia pulled Argus aside as Rikzyod lifted Diquarni! The Ship tilted to starboard side as the beast LURCHED right.


    Manikas whipped his head towards that massive silhouette, then down to Avery, Vizon and Nivanee.


    The Pangoro bent down, taking a spear in hand, kneeling down.


    “Now, you three listen carefully, are ye?” He rumbled. The three stood at attention at once.


    Manikas shoved the spear into each of their hands. Nivanee looked up at him, her eyes sparkling.


    “It’s up to you three.” Manikas rumbled. “Take to the rope, climb across and you drive this spear right into its black, beating heart.”


    He stared at the three a moment…before leaning forward, kissing Nivanee upon the head.


    “You three carry it proudly in the name o’ Dear Rekinii.”


    Nivanee bit her lip…sniffed…and nodded firmly.


    “Aye, Cap’n.” Vizon said, a paw to his chest.


    Everyone braced as the beast PULLED LEFT, trying to escape, TEARING THROUGH the water!


    Deep breath.


    “We won’t let either of you down, Cap’n.”


    Avery turned and stood at the edge of the rope bridge. It was a terrifying prospect, climbing past it in a sick and twisted carnival game of skill to get onto the back of the beast. But they didn’t have much choice.


    “We keep each other steady,” Avery said, looking back to his friends. “Ready?”


    Vizon held a paw to Avery’s shoulder. Nivanee her own paw to Avery’s other shoulder.


    Both of them stared dead ahead toward the whipping, thrashing rope.


    “Aye.” They said together.


    Vizon stepped up, offering a paw to help Avery up onto the railing so he could climb up the Jibboom and onto the rope.


    “G’on!” They heard Manikas behind as everyone else kept the ship steady. “Show that ol’ Arceus who REALLY weaves fate upon Tulaan!!”



    Nivanee hopped up with Avery and Vizon, taking a deep breath and popping her neck.


    “I swear…guild work was nothing like this the past few years…” She laughed, peeking down to the roaring, battering waves as a spray of ocean water shot up. “How far we’ve all come…”


    “I got your back, Avery.” Vizon said. “You got mine?”


    “I know you got us both, Avery.” Nivanee said with a wide smile.


    “I swear to Sarfallinus we’d better get some jobs moving boxes after this,” The Plusle huffed, taking a moment to center himself. “Let’s DO THIS-!!”




    Avery was first onto the swaying ropes. Vizon followed, balancing upon the rope, running quickly. Nivanee bounded after him, nimbly keeping upon the swaying rope!


    The beast tilted and spun and corkscrewed in the water, the ropes twisting and tangling!


    “Jump jump jUMP!” Vizon called, LEAPING up! The set of five ropes, each to a different harpoon, TWISTED into one another until the beast SPUN the other way, untangling them!


    Nivanee LEAPT to another rope, zig-zagging to different ropes to keep steady!


    “You okay, Avery?!” she shouted!


    “I’m fine-!” The Plusle’s fingers were burning against the rope as he kept his footing, staying close to Vizon. Avery held onto the Riolu’s shoulder to steady himself before continuing down the ropes. “No time for hesitation, it’s do or die-!!”


    One foot after the other, Avery charged forwards. Don’t think. Just do.


    “Go! Go!” Vizon urged, patting Avery’s back as the Plusle charged! Vizon stood upon two ropes, knees buckling and legs shaking to keep himself steady as his footholds swayed and whipped.


    Ahead the beast ROARED, the massive blue creature pulling hard to the right. Its burning orange eye stared HATEFULLY at the three as it cut through the water.


    “GUILD!” They heard Sarfallinus’s booming voice as the three guild ships tracked the beast. “LEAD YOUR SHOTS!”




    “Volley incoming!” Nivanee shouted, quickly dashing. The ocean water flew in a mist around them! The energy was electrified! The storm around swirled, even as the sun shone bright through the break in the clouds!


    Cannons ROARED! The Guild ships FIRED, shots of fiery iron SLAMMING into the beast, knocking it left and straightening the rope path!


    The ropes WHIPPED. Nivanee yelped, thrown UPWARDS! She barely hooked a paw around a surging, bouncing rope, swinging dangerously over the rushing water! Vizon fell forward, arms and legs wrapped around the rope.


    “HANG ON NOW, MS.NIVANEE, MR.VIZON!” Manikas called from behind!


    Nivanee grit her teeth, lifting herself to BITE into the rope. She shimmied along, holding fast. Vizon went along as well, holding Avery’s rope steady to help him charge on!


    “We got your back, partner!” Vizon shouted. “Let’s END THIS!”






    They were in no man’s land. The middle of the bridge. The most elastic, most dangerous part.


    “The closer we get the easier it’ll be! We’re halfway there!” Avery yelled over the din of cannonfire and crash of waves. He grabbed Vizon’s arm to steady himself and pulled Nivanee back up from her precarious position. “Just a little longer!”


    Avery’s paw slipped – caught between two of the ropes. He was barely able to hold on, letting out a yell of effort as he curled his hands against it, burning into his fur.


    “Nawp, no you don’t!” Vizon yelled GRABBING at the scruff of Avery’s chest fur! Nivanee BIT into Vizon’s hand, holding him from falling as well.


    The three of them, there, standing against crashing waves and whipping wind.


    Nivanee pulled, carefully, treading the ropes. Vizon held firm to Avery, looking the Plusle deep in the eye as he kept a hold.


    “We’ll make it.” Vizon said, hoisting Avery forward. His hand bled as Nivanee guided him along, the halfway point crossed.


    The THRASHING body of the grand beast lie dead ahead. Its thick blue hide was awash in ocean water. The ROAR bellowing deep within its body thrummed every muscle in Avery’s body.


    “Avery! Ready the spear.” Vizon said to him. The Riolu looked back at Nivanee who nodded, the three of them going for it together. “On my mark.”






    Avery took the spear up, spinning it in his hand.


    “Spear’s ready.”


    Ten feet.


    Eight feet.


    Seven feet.


    They were almost there.


    There, they could see the guild ships rushing to position, blocking the beast’s path. Avery could see Lahnae and Loshjno SCREAMING for him to give the final blow! Kipuuna and Ganisus bounced and sang and ROARED!


    Sarfallinus nodded. Avery’s go-ahead.


    Six feet.


    Five feet.


    Four feet.


    The rope WHIPPED and SWUNG.


    Three feet…nearly there…!


    “CHARGE IT, AVERY!” Vizon shouted! “NOW, NIVANEE!”


    Grunting hard, Nivanee HEAVED. She SWUNG her body, LIFTING Vizon by his hand as he ROUGHLY HELD Avery.


    Like a great spear-tipped cudgel, Nivanee SLAMMED Avery and Vizon down toward the beast’s hide!!




    The spear crackled in Avery’s hands – blue light shone through the cracks of the wood.


    One spin…and he plunged it downwards into the hide of the beast!


    Thunder roared through the clouds, and an arc of lightning streaked down, screaming through the charged spear into the beast!!


    The beast ARCHED its back!


    Vizon and Nivanee SCREAMED, HOLDING TIGHT as aura and shadow energy SEEPED DOWN, mixing with the grand STRIKE of lightning!


    The ocean BOWED down! CRATERED!


    Hardlight particles EXPLODED AROUND THEM!






    Avery felt EVERYTHING under him GIVE WAY! And explosion ROCKED HIS VERY BODY.




    A splash.


    Cold water surrounded Avery. The bubble of sloshing waves filled his ears…


    Avery sunk. The breath was out of his lungs. He was awake, he knew he was beneath the waves. He’d swim to the surface soon. But…his body wouldn’t let him for now.


    And so, for a few moments, Avery floated slowly downwards into the murky depths.


    His last adventure with Team Azure as it was. His last adventure with Jolvia.


    His first adventure with Vizon.


    The cold needled at Avery’s arms, embracing him in a way he wasn’t used to.


    ..That wasn’t true.


    It felt…remarkably familiar to how it had felt all those weeks ago, at the very beginning. Floating in blackness. Unable to feel. Unable to do anything but think and sink.


    …But now, the differences came. Avery’s extremities regained feeling. His lungs began to burn.


    It was time to return to the surface. And so…he began to kick.


    And as he kicked…


    Vizon hadn’t let Avery go.


    Deep in the dark waters…Avery saw the Riolu. Looking Avery in the eyes as he still held firm, face barely illuminated by the hardlight particles as they slowly floated downward.


    Above, Nivanee tugged them both upward, up toward the shimmering surface, where sunshine filtered through the waves.


    Another SPLASH.


    The muffled world became clear as Vizon hoisted Avery above the water.


    The three bobbed up and down in the rolling waves, paddling to keep over the foaming water. The ropes they had trod on floated limp in the water.


    And there, still gliding along the waves from the force, slowing down, was the Peacekeeper with a little rope ladder swaying on the side.


    The poor old ship was battered, broken, in ruins…


    …but by Arceus it was still floating.


    Chapter 36.2





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