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    Chapter 36.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    “C’mon, you algae-sucking lowlives!” Manikas roared. “Put your BACK into it!”


    The morning sun shone over the beach, casting purple colors across what little of the sky wasn’t overtaken by the looming dark clouds. The northern horizon toward Yahneri port was totally pitch black, only occasionally lit by flashes of lightning, the thunder reverberating through their bones every time it rolled over the sand. All the while, the black clouds loomed overhead, swallowing half the sky.


    The smell of rain was dizzying. It was coming.


    And all the while, the wood forts still burned brightly.


    Diquarni and Vizon had taken their traps apart and salvaged what wood they could from their forts, worked like slaves to the bone making planks. Palm tree wood have to be triple reinforced to even be remotely as strong as the oak wood. Even then, it was dicey and it didn’t look as sturdy as it could have been.


    All the while, Manikas wielded a wood club, giving Vizon and Diquarni both their just punishment in hard labor for their foolishness.


    to the side, Jolvia, Heynia and Rikzyod sat with Avery in the sand a ways from the wrecked Peacekeeper, helping to triple reinforce palm tree wood while Argus chopped and gathered more in the jungle.


    “This isn’t going to be enough…” Jolvia muttered, sweating. “We were already swept aside in what was a fairly sturdy and quick ship. Using this wood’s going to be like trying to fight that thing in a boat of toothpicks…”


    She sighed, looking towards the flaming forts on the beach in the distance. The twin bonfires belted smoke and glowed brilliantly in the morning. The tower of smoke was now at an staggeringly impressive height.


    “…I guess that might mean that we’re going to need a different plan of attack then,” Avery said, tying two more planks of palm together even tighter. “Thinking outside the box, you know?”


    “Hm…!” Rikzyod laughed as he tied three palm tree planks together. “This is what we do best, yes? That or we will be given our final twist.”


    “Arceus, no, no more twists.” Jolvia sighed, trying to ignore her grumbling, empty stomach. “I’ve had quite enough of the twists and turns on these missions. I’m about ready for a normal outing, no twists outing…”


    There was a crack of thunder, making Jolvia pause to wiped down her face again, the Nidrorina pausing to just…pinch between her eyes and lean down in thought.


    “Well, if we arre lucky, perrhaps the elites can take carre of this beast themselves.” Heynia shrugged. “Who is to say it must all always fall upon up? Frrankly…I am just happy Diquarrni had given up herr rridiculousness…forr now.”


    Jolvia said nothing, grunting to herself as Argus came back with yet more logs in hand. He dropped them onto the sand near the group, looking exhausted.


    “Alrright…I have been at it for an hourr…” Argus sighed, dropping down into the sand to work. “Who is switching with me to get morre wood?”


    “I could try and switch with you,” Avery said, standing up. “Though, uh, no promises I’ll be able to lug as much as you at once, Argus.”


    The Krookodile nodded, waving the Plusle on to do so.


    “So long as I can get a rrest…” Argus sighed, scooting in to take Avery’s place building Palm Tree planks. “Feeling hungrry, too.”


    Jolvia frowned, reaching back into a little bag and pulling out…two thick wafer sticks.


    The days had run their supplies thin. They were all feeling hunger pangs. Water was an issue, too. They were likely feeling a slight bit…dizzy.


    The Krookodile nodded, taking his two wafer sticks, splitting them in half to share with Avery before the Plusle left.


    “I’ll go with you.” Jolvia said, looking up at Avery, lifting a flask with a dwindling water supply up to him to drink from. “Then Rikzyod, okay? Don’t do more than you’re able. The wood isn’t the only thing we need to ration…”


    Avery took half of the wafer stick with thanks, taking the flask but not drinking yet. His throat was prickling a bit, but he’d survive a little longer.


    “That’s fair. Can’t we…boil seawater though? If we do that, that purifies the water. We’d just need to make a fire for that.”


    “That’s a rumor, Avery. There’d still be salt in the water and that’d probably kill you just as fast as any disease…” Jolvia grunted. “I don’t think we have any vapor catchers on us, either…”


    Avery looked up at Jolvia as they walked off to lug some of the wood.


    “Hopefully we’ll get this done soon though.” He sighed. “Rainwater’s easier to drink than seawater, but if we’re drinking that we’re cutting the bigger issue too close for my liking.”


    They both walked together on the beach, towards where everyone had been cutting one tree after another. The process had been slow and wasteful and for every tree they all had cut…it kept seeming like there weren’t enough trees.


    Jolvia glanced back, watching Diquarni and Vizon stifle an argument as they hammered light-colored boards into the broken hull of the Peacekeeper.


    The poor ship was in such a sorry state and the fresh wood seemed to make it look only more pathetic, especially when framed against the angry storm looming just beyond.


    The Nidorina shuddered, looking away, back to Avery.


    “Alright, Avery, I’m going to chop down a few trees. Can you carry over a few of the salvaged planks from whatever is left of those forts…that isn’t burning?”


    She pointed over towards the burning structures in the distance, a short walk away. Maybe some time to think.


    “Sure,” Avery said with a little nod, heading for the forts.


    His paws crunched against the sand as he walked along the charred remains of the forts. The sandy mounds of Vizons and Averys. And the other fort, built by Diquarni. He hadn’t really seen the other fort. Perhaps there was a little more to salvage there than there was in Vizon’s fort. Though…


    These fires had taken a lot out of both forts. Avery didn’t even what was going to happen to it when they were done here.


    Or what was going to happen to Jolvia. Or Team Azure.


    ‘How fitting that the Team Blue’s biggest challenge would show itself on the blue pearl’s challenge.’


    There was a rumble of thunder. A cold breeze rolling over the sand.


    As Avery passed Diquarni’s fort, he could see its remains up close now. Sand walls and seawater filled sand ditches surrounded the little fort. The structure was well-prepared for an assault by Vizon’s stationary army.


    ‘How did this all go so wrong? It was like a comedy of errors, front to back, the whole thing.’


    Errors that would cascade.


    Vizon knew. There was no going back from that. Team Azure at least seemed…held together, if only professionally.


    What a change. From friends to lovers to…coworkers. It was like everything fell apart and held together at the same time.


    …one might wonder what the rest of the guild would think. What would Nivanee think…?


    Well, that at least…that at least Avery didn’t feel that bad about. Beyond the residual feelings. It was like tearing away the outer shell of something to see what was true beneath it.


    It was best not to build on false foundations, lest something like this happens. Errors that would cascade.


    Once they tore the charade down, this was what they had. And Avery felt like, for the first time in a long time between Vizon and he, they had something true.


    They were probably closer than they were pretending to be now. The distant professionalism was…symbolic. They’d still gone on all those missions together. They’d been through a lot. He was sure…he was sure they’d be okay.


    ‘I’m sure of it.’


    Avery took a few planks, and began to drag them back.


    For now, the Water Pearl was in the possession of Manikas, the neutral third party wanting it purely as a means of confronting the Yahneri Cave Beast. All was, at least, neutral.


    The planks were heavy, dragging along the sand in the heat.


    Maybe, as sad as it was…this was the best course for Team Azure. It was better than a fresh start. From here…maybe he and Vizon could come to be real, true friends.


    It was funny to think. Through all his time in Arcea…honesty and trust had become pillars in Avery’s life and the lives of his friends. Nivanee had to break from the lie she told herself about Janus. Kipuuna had to stop lying to Ganisus and trust him. Loshjno had to stop faking incompetence and believe in Lahnae’s strength.


    And now Avery and Vizon had to be honest to reestablish a long lost trust.


    When before it had all been lies. One by one, the lies were being knocked down, and the true nature of the world, the scope of its problems, were becoming clearer to Avery.


    As the Plusle walked along the beach in silence, he could hear the rumbling waves, crashing on the sandy beach…


    …and among the sound of waves…a strange sound. Clacking.


    ‘…Clacking? Like a crab?’


    “Hello?” Avery called. He really doubted that there was a new arrival to the island. As far as he knew this place was uncharted. “I’ve got some extra planks from the forts-“




    There was no response to his call. But it sounded like…




    Avery frowned at the silence, moving towards the water where he heard the clacking. He brushed aside the sandgrass that faced the water…and he saw something strange. A plank of wood. Three of them, actually, clattering together as they bobbed up and down.


    They were…fresh. Unburnt. And strong oak wood.


    But wait…something else in the water. Another plank bobbed over a rolling wave. And a crate…?






    Immediately Avery rushed towards them. Was there another shipwreck? Was this some sort of blessing from Arceus??? The Plusle immediately dropped the half-charred planks and waded into the water to take three of the wet-but-better quality ones. And-


    ‘The crate. What’s in there? Food? Water?’


    The crate was sealed tight, but Avery could see lettering on the side. It was hard to focus on the words as the crate bobbed up and down, but at last the words morphed into their readable shape.




    Yes! It must have been food!


    The waves lapped around the Plusle, pushing on him playfully, the sharp scent of salt filling his nostrils.


    But that wouldn’t be all. Out of the corner of his eye…another plank, a little further out. Another…a rope…a broken wood pallet…a wood beam…


    They were forming a trail in the Ocean. Avery could see the trail curve toward the island, no doubt on the shore a little further down in the opposite way he was going.


    ‘…As much as I’d like to just take these…I’ll probably have to report this. Not probably. Definitely. This is more than enough wood to repair a good chunk of the ship! But…what’s that trail?’


    For now, Avery followed it.


    Back up onto the sand, the Plusle was able to keep an eye on the trail in the water as the debris floated along the waves. He passed by Fort Good-er Guys and Fort Good Guys, going even beyond.


    The beach here on the south end of the island was narrow and heavily shadowed by the looming trees. Large tufts of dry foliage and sand grass covered the beach, making it tougher to navigate through the deep puddles and mini streams of ocean water rushing around Avery’s ankles.


    But there, buried in the sand…another Rations crate. Another pole…a sail.


    Rising from the sand…bent beams, shattered oak. A large ribcage of wood. Soaked and covered in water with a single charred hole. It was the mangled remains of a hull.


    For indeed…it was a ship. A small Schooner, crumpled and run aground on the shore. It didn’t look old…it couldn’t have landed here not but recently.


    Scattered around the beach were boxes, sacks, a strange lump, crates, planks, all littering the south beach.


    ‘…oh boy.’


    Avery dropped the planks, and rushed back to the campsite. No time to bring those back when there was another ship’s worth of wood.


    “Uh, hey-!” Avery huffed and puffed as he sprinted down the beach, waving his arms to get the attention of the others. “Cap’n! Vizon? Jolvia?? There’s…h-hahh…There’s another ship here-!”


    Jolvia was the first to see Avery as he thundered past. The Nidorina perked up, running up after as he sprinted for the others.


    Argus and Heynia saw Avery next, looking at him curiously. Rikzyod was happy for the distraction from tedious work, throwing the palm tree planks aside and looking at the Plusle with great interest.


    At last, as Avery approached the sorry visage of the Peacekeeper, Diquarni, Vizon and Manikas all stopped to look at him and listen to his news.


    “Another ship…?” Vizon panted, clearly thankful for the brief rest.


    “Island madness gripping you too, m’boy?” Manikas huffed, chewing his pipe. “I won’t abide a third fort o’ foolishness on my payroll.”


    “We’re not getting paid…” Diquarni grumbled, earning herself a clonk on the head from Manikas.


    Avery was panting, wheezing even – and he pointed back behind himself.


    “Good news and possibly good or bad news…good news is that whoever touched down is crashed.” Avery huffed. “There’s…a plethora of fresh wood and ropes and ration crates lining that side of the coast.


    He sucked in a deep breath.


    “…Possibly good or bad news is that it’s from a skiff. There’s a big hole right in the middle of its port hull-“


    Manikas stared at Avery, brow furrowed. But all at once his serious look vanished, his crooked teeth flashing in a smile.


    “Aha! Ahahaha!” Manikas bellowed, putting a rough hand on Vizon’s shoulder and shaking the tiny RIolu. “Fortune’s smiling on us now, lads! It’s a SIGN if I’ve ever seen one!!”


    Vizon pulled away, trying to not look dizzy. Old Salt Manikas stamped his feet, a wild look in his eye, as though the flash of hope had struck him with renewed determination.


    “Arceus has spoken crew! DO YOU HEAR ME?! Arceus himself stepped down from Paradise and blessed our hunt! Says he, ‘THIS shall be the lumber that cuts the ocean blue and turns it red with the beast’s blood’!!”


    He let out another manic laugh. Vizon and Diquarni both stepped back as Manikas ripped the pipe from his mouth. The Pangoro bellowed out to all, making them come to attention.


    WELL?! What’re you lot LOITERIN’ afore?! When Arceus giveth his command, on Rekinii’s grave, we shall FOLLOW IT, AYE?!”


    Vizon and Diquarni jumped, the Zoroark scampering toward Argus and Heynia, clearly looking to avoid another clubbing on the head as Manikas waved his wood bludgeon around like a Poke’mon possessed, that rekindled fire in his heart ablaze like the two forts.


    Vizon came up to Avery, speaking low, even as Manikas ranted and raved.


    “Well…lead the way.” Vizon said as Jolvia approached to rejoin them both, followed by Rikzyod. The Riolu, of course, eyed Jolvia suspiciously, a look that Jolvia returned…but Vizon said nothing to her, as though he were ignoring her. Even still, the Nidorina spoke up.


    “Did you see any survivors, Avery?” She asked, glancing back toward the south beach.


    “None, but I didn’t look that close,” The Plusle replied, retracing his steps to the beach. “There’s a lot of wood though. Whatever happened out there to that ship, I think it might have fared worse than the Peacekeeper.”


    Eventually they broke the treeline and came back to the marooned schooner. Jolvia and Vizon brushed the sandgrass away, stepping up beside Avery. Jolvia let out a whistle upon seeing the wreckage. Indeed, his assessment had been correct, the ship was much worse off than the Peacekeeper had been.


    “There it is.”


    Just beside Avery, Argus and Heynia appeared through the grass, followed by Diquarni. The Zoroark elected to not look at the Plusle, her childish behavior eliciting a giggle from her Krookodile companion.


    “Well…! That cerrtainly will do it.” Heynia said, tilting her head. “Looks like plenty…”


    “Looks sturrdy…not that it did this boat much good, huh?” Argus chuckled, stepping closer and putting a hand up on the bent beams of wood. “Seems to not be much morre than a bay guarrd vessel for one. Who knows what it was doing out herre.”


    “I mean if I had to guess it might have been a stormwatch,” Avery suggested, stepping closer to the ship. “…We should check if there are any survivors, right? We wouldn’t want to leave anyone marooned here if we’re going to tear their ship apart for repairs.”


    “Storrmwatch, hah! Imagine that.” Argus joked, already taking nails out with a wedge tool and pulling a board out. “At this point you could watch the storrm frrom yourr window back in Yahnerri Porrt, who would need the boat?”


    As if to punctuate that, there was a crack of thunder in the distance.


    The Plusle stepped closer to the boat while the Krookodile and his wife got busy. Avery cupped his hands around his mouth as he scanned for survivors.


    “…Hellooooo? Is anyone in there?”


    Vizon, Rikzyod and Jolvia went with him, looking over the debris as he called out.


    Vizon huffed nervously, looking around with Avery.


    Then…a noise…


    A shuff in the sand.


    Vizon froze, his brow furrowed.


    There was a deep groan…a wet cough.


    Something among the debris twitched and shuddered. A lump.


    “…There-” Avery rushed to the sand. He got to the lump and began to dig.


    There was a very real chance that this was Arceali Guard or an elite and they were going to be in deep shit all over again for going underneath them to get at the Pearl.


    ‘But hey, it was either this or Yahneri Port gets demolished, so I’m not concerned.’


    Avery’s three teammates nodded, coming up beside him and digging the survivor out…and they grunted.




    Sand began to lift as the weight was lessened. The lump was able to sit up, with mounds of sand breaking off and plopping down.


    The sand-covered Poke’mon began letting out a cough, looking dizzy as it stood fully up. Vizon and Jolvia backed off, while Rikzyod looked close with interest.


    The Geodude smiled. Warmly.


    “Aha…! Back from the dead at last, are you?”


    From the sand, a bushy brown-furred tail popped out, swishing. The Poke’mon shook the sand out of her brown fur, neck fluff puffing out, her long ears perked. Avery could see her eyes widen in disbelief.


    “Rikzyod…?! What…?!”


    That voice…it was…!!


    “Nivanee?!” Avery staggered backwards. “N…Niv what are you doing here-?! Here?!”


    The Eevee WHIPPED around. Her eyes were sparkling, mouth agape.


    “AVERY!?” She shrieked in joy, immediately TACKLING the Plusle to the ground in a fierce cuddle! A laugh escaped Avery’s lips, though it was more out of a place of confusion than amusement.


    “Wha…!” Vizon smiled, running up with Jolvia. “Nivanee, oh Arceus above I can’t believe it…!”


    “Vizon!! Jolvia?!” Nivanee squealed, taking a moment to nuzzle Avery roughly and excitedly. Vizon couldn’t help himself, throwing himself into the pile while Jolvia and Rikzyod looked on with amusement.


    Nivanee pulled away just enough, taking a deep breath.


    “What do you meanwhat am I doing out here’?! I was looking for you! We all were! The whole guild! Sarfallinus, Olistia, everyone’s been worried sick and nobody had any idea where you’ve been!” Nivanee said, raised voice, almost scolding but more just venting out desperate, joyous relief.


    “…Oh.” Avery’s heart jumped at her words. “Right. It’s…It’s been days, hasn’t it…?”


    Avery looked between Vizon, and Diquarni’s team.


    “Things, uh…got complicated.” He explained with a little laugh. “As, hah, as they always do. Are you okay though? We were repairing our ship when I saw this! You weren’t the only person on that thing, were you?”


    “No no no, I was the only one on it.” Nivanee sighed, her ears flattening. “When I got out of the hospital a few days ago, we all mounted an S&R. Kipuuna, Ganisus, Lahnae, Loshjno, heck even Sarfallinus, they paired up in boats to try and find you guys. I took a one-man Schooner due to my sailing experience but…”


    She shivered, shaking some of the cold and damp sand from her fur.


    “I got caught up in some freak squall. Crashing waves, swirling rain and wind and this awful moaning noise…!!” Nivanee huffed, looking to Vizon then Jolvia, as though she were still processing seeing them all again. “I’d have been fine until a lightning bolt hit my ship…Arceus, you should have seen it, I watched it arc right for my hull and blow it apart like a hundred cannon shots…!”


    Jolvia frowned at that, a nervous look crossing her eyes. Nivanee looked back to Avery.


    “But what’s your story? Where in the world have you been? What have you been doing? What are you even on this island for?”


    “Hey, you can explain while helping, Utte Qohsi!!” Argus called from behind, pulling off another board. Nivanee cocked an eyebrow at the Krookodile.


    “And who is that…?”


    “Yeah, uh…” Avery took a plank. “Might be best to… Walk and talk. A lot’s happened and currently our mission statement is to beat the beast at the center of that storm before it tears Yahneri Port to shreds.”


    “A beast?” Nivanee said, the color draining from her face. “It was raining when we got to Yahneri port, but…I thought the beast was just a legend my dad made up. Is it really that Beast?”


    Vizon sucked in a breath, giving a nod.


    “Yeah. It’s just like Thundurus all over again.” The Riolu said, waving to the crashed vessel to help take it apart. Nivanee watched him curiously, walking over. “The Pearl at the museum was a fake…so we had to enter the Yahneri Cave…where they’d put back the real one.”


    Nivanee nodded solemnly.


    “This is making more sense…I was wondering why the High Captain was getting arrested when we arrived. Nobody would tell us what was going on.” Nivanee said, furrowing her brow. “I’ve never seen the Yahneri cave, only heard the stories of the expedition there…and what came of it…”


    The Eevee’s frown tightened.


    “But what exactly are we taking my ship apart for…?”


    “Because we’ve got a bigger ship,” Avery said, giving Nivanee a chagrined smile as he pulled another plank free from the tides, “…and a veeery headstrong captain. We’ll, uh…explain the rest as we work. If you’re here, then I don’t want to think about what’ll happen to the rest of the guild on their boats in that storm if we don’t hurry.”


    “Gh…you’re right.” Nivanee said with a curt nod. “I have no idea where they are right now. I just hope they’re safe.”


    Without another word, Nivanee’s tail glowed with an iron tail. She swiped it on the hull of her boat, knocking several boards off onto her back. Despite looking a little ragged and tired from the crash, she was up and working without delay for her guild.


    Vizon and Jolvia were next, both of them taking several planks on each shoulder, with Rikzyod taking a sizeable stack in both his arms. Argus and Heynia continued pulling more and more planks off.


    “Just…” Nivanee said, grunting a little under her breath as she held the planks aloft. “I’m so happy to see you guys…I was…I was just so worried when you didn’t come back. I swear…I’ll do anything I can to help you out of here, okay?”


    “Hm, I don’t doubt it, Nivanee.” Jolvia said with a small smile of her own.


    “All that matters is that we are one step closer to facing this beast, uh?!” Rikzyod laughed, nudging Avery and Nivanee.


    “It’s funny…the Beast of the Yahneri Cave…to think it’s real…did you all see it?” Nivanee asked.


    “Part of it,” Avery say with a nod. “Some huge thing that harnessed a storm to capsize the ship. Both ships, actually, now that I think about it.”


    He look back at Diquarni and her team. Happy accident that they all happened to wash up on the same island, at least…The Water Pearl could have sunk to the bottom of the ocean.


    Nivanee gave a sunny smile, a bounce in her step as she walked alongside Avery. Argus and Heynia had yet to catch up, with Diquarni still pulling planks from the broken ship, paying the reunion no mind. She didn’t even seem to notice Nivanee.


    “Well…taking the pearl, big storm…massive scary creature, and all before being flung to your near-doom. Where have I heard that before~?” The Eevee laughed, her tail swishing. “I was lucky…when I was capsized and adrift I was sure that was it for me…until I saw a bright orange glow, a pillar of smoke on the horizon. I just followed it and…woke up here.”


    Vizon blinked…Avery could detect the hint of a prideful smile on his face.


    “It was huge, though, the beast.” Avery continued. “It’s almost lucky that your ship crashed here. Two halves of a ship’ll make a whole ship, after all. We might stand a chance.”


    “Avery’s right.” Jolvia said. “This is plenty of wood. Good quality, Manikas will be happy to see this haul.”


    Nivanee stopped in her tracks, eyes wide.


    Her paws rooted to the ground, a shudder overtaking her. Avery couldn’t tell if it was…fear or…




    “…who…?” She squeaked softly.


    “Manikas, our captain,” Avery said, turning back to look at Nivanee as he carried extra wood back to the treeline. “We didn’t rent a ship to get out here. We got Manikas’s ship, The Peacekeeper-“


    He nodded to the derelict ship down the coast.


    “His condition was he’d bring us to the cave and get us the pearl if we promised to stick around to help him vanquish the beast. He’s still set on it.”


    “The Peacekeeper?! THE Peacekeeper?!” Nivanee said, louder, looking baffled. “Of all sailors in Yahneri port? You hitched a ride with my Dad?!”


    Now it was everybody else’s turn to stop dead in their tracks, looking utterly shocked.


    Avery blinked.


    The wood clattered to the sand.


    “…Your what?”


    “Me and Janus’s dad! Manikas, Old Salt!” Nivanee said again, whipping her head towards Avery.


    Her baffled look was slowly melting into a look of…nostalgia.


    “I haven’t been on the Peacekeeper since…well since we were kids, before we ran away to join the guild!” She recalled. “Before Mom passed away she and Dad would always talk about their adventures on the high seas and…did I really never tell you? How Janus and I came up with the name ‘Duskwalker’?”


    Vizon and Avery shook their heads.


    “She and I would pretend we were sailors of our own, and our imaginary ship was the Duskwalker!” Nivanee said, tippy-tapping her paws and smiling wide. “Crossing over the dusk sky reflected in the waters! We’d go on long journeys with him and…! And…!”


    Her smile faded. Her ears folded back as a blush crossed her cheeks.


    “…and I haven’t spoken to him since we left for the guild…” Nivanee admitted.


    “Not at all? Not even writing to him?” Jolvia said, cocking an eyebrow. “Haven’t you been to Yahneri since joining?”


    “Well yeah, but…he’d either be out at sea or…I wouldn’t have the nerve, I guess…especially not after Janus left…”


    “…Well-” Avery swallowed. “He’s…here. On the island. Maybe fifty paces that way.”


    He nodded back to the ship.


    “And…since the Peacekeeper is what’s moored, and we’re tearing your ship to shreds, uh…you’re probably going to…have to…”


    He trailed off.


    Nivanee was quiet, turning her head toward the Peacekeeper. Avery could see it, that look of deep familiarity as she stared at the boat. It was no wonder she sailed by herself. Her love for family, after losing her mother.


    But there was something else.


    Looking closely…Nivanee had a different look to her.


    It was subtle, right from the moment Avery first saw her.


    There was something different in her eyes. Something…had changed in her.


    At last, she spoke.




    That was all. No excuses, no fear. Simply…facing her father.


    She walked forward quickly, unerringly. Vizon, Jolvia and Rikzyod all looked to one another as Argus and Heynia passed them all, following close after Nivanee. Avery could hear Diquarni trudging up from behind. Avery picked up the wood, cast Vizon another unsure look, and followed after her, a good few paces back. He didn’t want to choke her, emotionally speaking.


    At last, the group moved along with her, looking ahead, towards Manikas. The old Pangoro had his back turned as he worked tirelessly on the hull of the ship.


    Just ahead, Avery could see Manikas’s ear flick.


    “Mr.Avery, that had best be the pattering footsteps of a successful haul!” The captain called out. “And mind you keep your pet Riolu on a tight leash lest he make a fool of us again!”


    Vizon huffed, glancing at Avery with an annoyed expression. Nivanee, meanwhile, smiled at the joke.


    Manikas turned at once.


    “Now then, let’s see what you’ve…”


    There it was.


    The loud, outspoken, brash, boisterous captain…


    …was silent. His eyes transfixed onto one, single Poke’mon.


    Nivanee stood tall, her tail swishing, her eyes sparkling in the sun.


    “…hi, Dad.” She said, warmly.


    Manikas said nothing. Not one word or swear, not one huff or grunt, not a single sound.


    He only stood. His eyes did not waver or flick. He did not question if this was an illusion.


    There, all of them stood with all the wood they’d need to get off the island, to go save the day at Yahneri Port. To track down the beast Manikas had dedicated his life to hunting.


    But for now?


    All that was forgotten.


    The gruff captain simply ran forward to hug his daughter.


    Nivanee didn’t flinch. She smiled warmly and snuggled warmly into the Pangoro, face pressed into his neck. Manikas dropped into the sand, legs crossed. His eyes closed, a look of…deep, sorrowful relief on his face.


    And at last…at last, after a solid minute of respectful silence…Manikas spoke.


    “Nivi…what’re you doin’ in a place like this…” He rumbled, stroking her head.


    “…looking for you all.” She whispered tail swishing.


    “Me flesh and blood, safe…” Manikas sighed deeply, hugging tighter. “My reason to go on…and…look how you’ve grown.”


    He paused…his voice was…cracking.


    “From a little girl…to a proud Arceliaze guildmember.” He said.


    Vizon and Jolvia both turned away. The rest of the crew had been all but forgotten in the reunion, not that anyone complained.


    “I’m…sorry, Dad. I’m sorry we didn’t-…”


    “Nay, none of that.” Manikas hushed. “None of that…you’ve done fine. A strong spirit…I…”


    There was another silence. Manikas no doubt tried to be assuring that the long years of absence from each other was okay…but…it was clear how much he had longed for this moment, the moment he could hug his daughter again.


    But a look crossed his face.


    “What of sweet Janus?” Manikas asked, not letting go of the Eevee. Her ears folded back. “Is she safe? Only tell me that, where she’s gone it doesn’t matter, I need only know she’s safe.”


    “She’s…she’s safe.” Nivanee said, saying nothing else.


    “Aye…good…that’s all I need.” Manikas said.


    Another silence followed. Only the wind…and the roll of the waves broke the quiet.


    Until a peel of lightning crossed the blackening horizon, the thunder rumbling the island.


    But Manikas and Nivanee hardly paid it mind.


    The Pangoro, at last, unfurled his arms, hands shaking as though letting her go was an impossible task. He turned his head, looking back at the storm with disdain.


    Nivanee looked up at it with him, the same look in her eye.


    “It’s in there, isn’t it? What shipwrecked me…what hurt mom and made her unable to sail…what…killed her.” Nivanee said, her steely gaze unwavering.


    “…aye.” Manikas said. “Tore up the Peacekeeper, just as it did when I first saw it.”


    They were quiet.


    “Says I…part of me, deep within, worried…worried what would become of me were I to kill the beast and avenge Rekinii.” Manikas said, a pang of sadness crossing Nivanee’s face at the name. “With my revenge sated…would I even want to go on? Sail the seas? Would a captain with no purpose in his twilight years even see reason to draw breath?”


    Nivanee broke her gaze from the storm, looking to Manikas, a look the Pangoro returned with a warm smile.


    “And now, sitting here with you…” He began, his smile widening. “…the answer is obvious. Bless if you don’t look just like her…”


    Nivanee smiled back.


    “I’m ready to make her noble soul proud at last, Dad.” She said.


    “You have already, I’m sure.” Manikas said. But Nivanee shook her head…looking back at Avery.


    That look in her eye…Avery saw it again. That different look. This wasn’t the same Nivanee…not at all.


    “No…not yet I haven’t.” Nivanee said. Manikas glanced back at Avery as well. “But I’m going to start. Right now.”


    Manikas was quiet…but nodded.


    “Aye…we’ll make ol’ Rekinii proud yet.”


    Avery could only stare, thoughts slowly filling his mind.


    ‘What happened to her while she was alone in that hospital? When she heard what Vizon and I went through in the Qeasé Ruins, and during our…days off…?’


    “…Rekinii, huh…?” Avery asked, stepping forwards. “You’ve got a whole well-known sailors’ song dedicated to your mom, huh, Niv…?”


    “Hah…well-known…?” Nivanee giggled, her ears swaying in the breeze.


    “Nay…” Manikas laughed, patting his daughter on the back. “Tis me and my own alone…”


    “Ours. Everyone’s.”


    A warm breeze swirled around the group. There was a lightness in every heart.


    There, in the shadow of the Peacekeeper…everything finally felt okay…


    At last…at last…the whole team Azure stood together…


    The new Team Azure…


    Out of the corner of his eye, Avery saw Jolvia.


    ‘Yeah…The new team Azure.


    For one…final mission.’



    Faced the beast twice and still yet I’m unbowed

    A promise of mending I’ve still yet avowed

    But here in the warm of this loving soft crowd

    I know that I’ve done right and made you so proud

    Oh dear Rekinii…

    Chapter 36.1





    ================   S U S P E N D E D  =================




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