The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 14





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================





    A woman…


    …or more like…a girl’s voice. Whispering.




    Avery didn’t recognize it. But it was clear. Right in his ear. He could feel the breath of the words.


    “… H… Huh?” He turned, jolting, trying to turn to see the voice. “Hi, I-I’m… I’m here-“


    Darkness. Everything was Darkness.


    But that couldn’t be right. He was just in a forest, taking a nap with #######. His best friend ##### was off getting oran berries.


    “You goofball, you dozed off again~”


    “Oh. Uh….”


    Forest. Napping. Best friends.


    “Sorry, hah… Today was pretty long.” He sighed. ####### shuffled beside Avery, even though he couldn’t see them in the bright sunny darkness. They poked his nose, snickering.


    The words that spilled from Avery’s mouth were…natural.


    The leaves rustled in the silence of the dark afternoon forest. It was so clear to see.


    “Hey, ##### will be back soon. Is Ember hungry?”


    “Feeding Ember might be a good idea,” Avery said, looking at #######. “…It’s a really nice day.”


    ‘These words…I don’t…where are these words coming from? Who is Ember? Where’s Arceus?’


    Avery felt a weight on his chest. A soft warmth resting there with him. Ember yawned so sweetly, as ####### fetched a treat.


    Avery felt safe with #######. He could hear ##### approaching, laughing with an armfull of berries for them all.


    His best friends in the whole world. There was nobody he’d rather be with.






    ‘Nobody at all?’


    …It’s cold.


    Everyone is gone.


    Avery was all alone. In the deep darkness…nobody but himself. Nothing but the light of a carriage lantern far in the distance.




    Avery stood. He just stood there. He didn’t understand what was going on. Where was everyone?


    “…How did I get here…?”  Avery’s voice cracked with an emotion that felt, right now, undeserved. Where did this come from?


    ####### was gone. ##### was gone. So was Ember. Avery was stolen away from them. He could feel it…the ache of longing. Avery missed them. Deeply. Dearly.


    A voice pierced the silence, briefly and curtly, as though stating the obvious.


    “You’re ours.


    That ache. That hurt in his chest was pulled away. Surgically removed. No more pain but a void to fill. But that’s why he had…




    “Averyyyyyyyy, wake uuuup!!!” Vizon yelled over the gong. “How are you SLEEPING through this?!”


    Avery’s eyes shot open.





    “…What…?” Avery whispered. “I…I was…”


    The Plusle slowly sat up, holding his head with a grimace.


    “… G… Good morning, Vizon…”


    His head was pounding. More than usual for the gong, actually. His brain swirled violently, like something had…invaded it.


    Through blurry vision, he could see Vizon standing over him, looking worried. Nivanee was already up and about, getting ready for the day.


    “Rise and shine, Avery! Let’s get excited for the new day and do our best!”


    “Nivanee, hang on…” Vizon said, stroking over Avery’s head. “You ok…?”


    “…” The Plusle looked up at him. There weren’t any tears this time. He just felt…robbed. He felt dizzy. It took a long while just for his eyes to connect with Vizon’s.


    “… Wh… Who is…. Who’s Ember…?” Avery said quietly. “D… Do… Do either…”


    His head dipped towards Nivanee, bobbing for a moment.


    “D… Do either of you know…a-an Ember…?”


    Vizon blinked in confusion, glancing over and Nivanee who seemed to only be half paying attention as she got ready.


    “Ember…?” Vizon repeated, moving his hands to cradle Avery’s head. “Hey, what’s wrong? You sound like you’ve seen a ghost or something…”


    “Huh?” Nivanee turned around, looking concerned, too.


    “Nivanee, do you know an ‘Ember’?”


    “The move? I’m not a Flareon…”


    “No, I think it’s a name, is it a name, Avery?”


    The Plusle nodded slowly.


    “Y…yeah. It’s…it’s a name, I think. I don’t…” He took a deep shuddering breath. “…I…I think I…remembered something.”


    “Remembered some-?”




    Nivanee looked to the door, then to Avery and Vizon, nervously tippy-tapping her paws on the floor.


    “You mean from your human life-“


    “Vizoooon! Averyyyyy! We’re gunna be tardy! We can’t be tardy!!!” Nivanee urged, sweating, nudging the door open.




    Avery gave Vizon a quick look…and nodded.


    And then he set out the door. No time to talk about it now. They’d be late.


    But Avery was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.




    Nivanee pulled ahead, skittering on the smooth floor, sliding on the surface. Vizon gripped Avery’s hand, jogging after her. All the other guildmates were present and lined up as Team Azure filed in.


    At the front, Sarfallinus stood with Olistia, the Infernape staring at the three with a bemused expression at they took their place at the end of the line.


    “First day on a new team and you’re slackin’ with them, Nivanee?” Sarfallinus mused. Nivanee was sweating, standing straight.


    “Harmony of the team comes before all else and one does not abandon the team.” The Eevee answered at once. Sarfallinus smiled, setting the gong ringer aside with an approving nod. He said no further.


    “Either way, good morning, everyone! Did you have fun last night?” Olistia asked, giggling at the guild as they nodded. “Sarfi and I did a lot of work on assignments.”


    Sarfallinis nodded, taking out his notes.


    “Firstly, the apprehension of the Old Wanderer…formerly Janus of Duskwalker, was a success. The western sweep by Aquashock was successful and the southern Dovve Fo Uddjo sweep by Spade…”


    Sarfallinus lifted his gaze. Lahnae beamed proudly.


    “…mostly successful.” Sarfallinus nodded, satisfied. Olistia clasped her hands together.


    “But now! There’s no time to lose! Our plans for Dovve Fo Uddjo have already been set back a day, and from the sounds of what happened to Team Spade, this is no one-team job!” Olistia said, taking the notes from Sarfallinus. “As we’re still keeping the guild on recon and info gathering, the teams we’ll be sending south down to Dovve Fo Uddjo will be…”


    Her crimson eyes lit up excitedly.


    “Team Azure!” Olistia said, Vizon almost jumping. “And the other team to join them to Dovve Fo Uddjo…”


    Lahnae perked up.




    Lahnae’s eyes widened, her smile even moreso.


    “Team Aquashock! Team Spade will take care of an eastern sweep!” Olistia said at last.


    Lahnae immediately deflated. Sarfallinus put his hands behind his back, looking to the team.


    ‘…oh shit.’


    Avery swallowed, wringing his hands a little.


    ‘That’s…I’m not sure about that. Doesn’t Kipunna hate me…? I’m…




    “Nivanee, now that you’re part of Team Azure, you should be able to guide everyone to the city, correct?” Sarfallinus began. “We need a psychic to help us track down Xamao and divine his plan.”


    “Of course, guildmaster!” Nivanee replied quickly, Vizon nodding as well. Avery shot a look towards Team Aquashock. Kipuuna’s expression seemed to have darkened while Ganisus’s remained unchanged.


    “Excellent. Any questions on your orders today?” He asked, eying the guild.


    “No questions, of course, guildmaster.” Kipuuna said, keeping a very professional voice. “We’ll get the job done ASAP.”


    Sarfallinus nodded, Olistia handing him two Dovve Fo Uddjo vouchers from the stack Azure had retrieved two days ago. Even in his hand, the strange purple cards had an ethereal glow.


    Vizon glanced at Avery, looking equally nervous about the prospect of working with Aquashock. Yet Nivanee looked positively ecstatic.


    “Alright then, guild…DISMISSED.




    With that, the line broke, Nivanee stepping around to huddle with Avery and Vizon.


    “Oh my gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve worked with Kippy…” Nivanee mused quietly, bouncing. “We’re gunna be back to back, going on adventure like a family again…oh gosh…everything really is getting better!”


    Team Aquashock, conspicuously, did not approach the three, Kipuuna and Ganisus instead talking amongst one another where they stood.


    Avery frowned at that.


    “…Right,” The Plusle said quietly, giving Nivanee a furtive glance. That optimism was nice, but It almost seemed…forced. Or maybe it wasn’t.


    ‘Maybe she really doesn’t realize…But I talked about it, right?’


    Avery sighed, and approached Team Aquashock. Vizon trailed behind you, looking very unsure but nevertheless trying to keep cordial.


    Kipuuna looked to their group, sighing.


    “Good morning, Avery, Nivanee, Vizon.” Kipuuna greeted, Ganisus seemingly not noticing their arrival. “Here’s hoping we have a…fruitful mission, yeah?”


    “Yeah!” Nivanee agreed. “I’m sorry you didn’t make it to the hang out yesterday! Maybe tomorrow?”


    “…maybe.” Kipuuna sighed, trying to keep up his professionalism. Avery tried to not squirm, deciding to get down to business. He held a hope in his heart that, maybe, this wouldn’t be so bad.


    “… So, um…what preparations do you have to make?” Avery asked. “We can meet up and talk about plans once we’re done prep.”


    “Preparations?” Kipuuna asked, clicking his beak. “We have a few things we need to buy in order to absolutely assure our success.”


    “Like reviver seeds?” Vizon asked. Kipuuna shook his head.


    “Reviver seeds are only used for when you mess up, and stockpiling them means planning on being foolish. Ideally you shouldn’t ever need to use one at all.” Kipuuna’s brow furrowed at Avery before returning to the group. “Nivanee, you know me…you know how I like to do missions…”


    “Yeah I know…” the Eevee sighed, shaking her head. “I…we’ll be careful. No risks.”


    Avery scratched his head at Kipuuna’s suggestion to not get Reviver Seeds.


    “…I mean… Stockpiling, maybe, but…” Avery crossed his arms. “Wouldn’t having one or two mean planning for unforeseen risks? You can’t predict everything that happens on a mission, after all.”


    “Tch, oh no of course you can’t, not with that attitude.” Kipuuna scoffed. “Yes, with that attitude everything is so unpredictable, always flying by the skin of your teeth and-“


    Kipuuna stopped himself, closing his eyes and taking a sharp breath through his nostrils.


    “When Ganisus and I returned from our sweep we asked Lahnae exactly what happened in the South. We compared notes on our map, got locations, landmarks, ambush points. We got a full report on the hostile Poke’mon in the obscurity fields and a dossier on Poke’mon lost in the deep dimension assumed hostile.”


    Kipunna stared Avery down.


    “Did you?”


    Vizon huffed, clenching his fists, Nivanee only looking a little uncomfortable at the atmosphere.


    “…I don’t know what obscurity fields and the deep dimension are.” Avery said gently, trying to keep his voice from wavering from the pit in his throat. “…Could you teach me?”


    ‘Am I that bad of a team leader? All this…am I being haphazard? Am I making mistakes? We’ve used Reviver seeds on every mission we’ve gone on, and gotten by by the skin of our teeth each time.


    Was that a reflection on me? Am…I a bad leader?’


    Even as Avery tried to keep himself steady, each thing Kipuuna noted that he had done…that Avery obviously didn’t do for himself…it hit the Plusle. Avery slumped a little lower.


    …he didn’t feel good.


    Kipuuna stared at Avery, watching the Plusle sag, then sighed, relenting at last. Vizon stepped closer to Avery, as though protecting him.


    “I carry one reviver seed. If it gets used, we port out with our badges. That’s the Aquashock way.” Kipuuna said.


    “Mhm…” Ganisus absentmindedly confirmed. “Safe n’ sound in dangerous work…”


    “So…” Kipuuna continued, ignoring Ganisus. Despite the shinx’s flat tone…that almost sounded like a snide comment. “We plan, make backup plans, optimize and leave absolutely nothing to chance, no miscalculations. Then everyone will be ok and this mission will go perfectly.”


    “Yeah, just as perfect as…moving boxes…delivering apples…or finding kids lost in a tree.” Ganisus muttered. “Can’t even remember the last time I let off a spark…”


    Kipuuna cleared his throat.


    “It’s probably going to be very dangerous. Lahnae reports the Dovve Fo Uddjo defense grid has gone haywire, so the projected Poke’mon will attack us even with vouchers. We could wait for them to repair it but it’s clear we have no time. The projected holo-Poke’mon consist of Espeons, Abras and Chimechos.” Kipuuna listed the Poke’mon off. “Lahnae recalls moves like Psyshock…Confusion, Psybeam…Quick Attacks from the Espeons. Astonish and Take Down from the Chimecho. Lots of special attacks, mostly psychic. So…psychic protection.”


    Ganisus rolled his eyes.


    “We can go to the abilities shop for special defense boosters…the garment shop may have a dark scarf or two for reducing psychic damage. Meanwhile we’ll have physical defense specialists handling the Chimechos. You have a Geodude, correct?”


    “We do, yeah,” Avery said. “He’s…uh…very antithetical to your view though. But I think as long as we’re fighting he’s going to be all-in.”


    Avery looked off to the side for a few moments.


    “…porting out with the badges…wouldn’t that delay the mission, if it’s time sensitive? Wouldn’t it be better to make sure to bring what we need to succeed this time, no matter what?” Avery looked back at Kipuuna, feeling concerned. “I…I dunno, bringing just one seems more headstrong to me than bringing more.”


    “If you really believe that, then you can go in front. Or, better yet, why not put Vizon up in front?” Kipuuna huffed, nodding his head toward the stairwell.


    “Kippy, don’t you think you’re being harsh…?” Nivanee sighed, shaking her head.


    “Nivi, c’mon. This stuff is easy for you. You can take on hard missions because you’re the most capable of any of us.” Kipuuna replied, taking out a coin purse. “The rest of us need to be prepared for anything. Avery, do you want to come to get the ability items and clothes?”


    “He usually takes care of the finances, actually.” Vizon butt in, folding his arms. “The team captain divvies up the work between us to get our morning set up done as quick as possible.”


    “Well this team captain keeps all members present for consultation.” Kipuuna replied.


    “But not my team captain, mind you.” Vizon rumbled, taking Avery’s hand firmly.


    “Now, guys…” Nivanee’s voice took a serious edge, stepping between the two teams. Ganisus said nothing, rolling his eyes and looking away, detatched from it all. “Let’s have our teams prepare in their own way. We have our own money pools to draw from. Right, Avery?”


    “Um…I…” Avery grabbed his arm with his other hand, looking down and away. “I don’t…”


    His confidence had evaporated. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He didn’t know whether getting reviver seeds or anything was…good anymore. The words Kipuuna had said, all that stuff was buzzing around in Avery’s head, and he didn’t know what to make of any of it.


    And Avery still had that dream in his head. The memory…something about that…something about that. Past or future?


    “I don’t, um…Sorry, I’ve been…Last night was…” Avery felt awful. “Maybe I should come shopping, I-I dunno…”


    Vizon grit his teeth, hearing Avery’s dejected voice. He squeezed the Plusle’s hand, pushing past Kipuuna.


    “That’s enough!” Vizon grumbled, leading Avery to the stairwell. “We’ll see you at the CITY GATES.


    “Vizon…!” Nivanee’s voice was already behind them. Kipuuna watched the both of them as they passed. Ganisus, too, watched them both with raised eyebrows.


    Vizon continued up the stairs and past the entry hall, flinging the doors open into the warm, sunny Arceliaze morning.


    “Ugh! What a jerk! I can’t believe I thought he was cool as a kid…”


    As he spoke…there was a loud rumbling of voices.


    Avery was…shocked from being tugged out of the guild like that, but…everything felt far away. Muted, almost. He was hearing Vizon’s words, but they almost seemed to be in the background. Like from behind a wall.


    “…H…he’s not a jerk,” Avery mumbled quietly, not looking Vizon in the eye.


    ‘What’s wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?


    …what’s that noise?’


    “Yes he IS a jerk!” Vizon cried. “We risk our neck for this guild and he goes being a bossy, rude, arro…gant…”


    Vizon trailed off, looking out.


    All around the guild entrance, Poke’mon surrounded the pair. Some of them wearing scarves or fancy cloaks, all of them with parchment and pens. All of them approaching and shouting, looking directly at them both.






    “Team Azure!”


    “Team Azure!”


    Their voices were a cacophony, shouting to get their attention.


    “Oi oi! Rumlosi from Souljreini Printing Company! Avery, Team Azure’s exploits are spreading like wildfire across Arcea. What’s your statement on the events down south at Taeriana and the River Delta?”


    “…U-uh-” Avery jolted, looking at them with wide eyes.


    ‘Who were these…paparazzi?? What was…what was this??’


    “Hi, Zolo from Brighter Arceliaze Weekly. After what you saw from the Nido Empire, what’s your thoughts on the growing concern of the Thieves’s Guild and Treasure Guild?”


    “Avery! Konkus from Associated Arcean Press! How did you manage to take down the King and Queen at the River Delta? When can we get you and Vizon in for a photoshoot for the guild trading cards?”


    “Uhh, I…” The Plusle looked at the one who’d said his name. Konkus, or something? “I…I don’t know anything about trading cards, but taking down the Nido Empire was absolutely a group effort, we couldn’t have done it without the cooperation of people we’d met along the way, and the people of the Empire, uh…r-rebelling against the two rulers.”


    Konkus, hard to tell what Poke’mon he was in the sea of moving bodies, wrote quickly on his parchment as he was pushed aside by Rumlosi, who also wrote down Avery’s statement.


    ‘…I’ve obviously never been in a situation like this before. What…am I supposed to do? I don’t even know how I’m going to prepare today, I was just…I was supposed to go shopping. Like Kipunna had said-! B-but…


    “Vizon! Veena from the Clever Poke’mon’s Group! Do you have any words for the kids at home?”


    Vizon was dumbstruck, eyes widened, unable to process the flurry of questions from the crowd.


    “Uh…uhhh…” Vizon stammered at Veena’s question, standing up straight. “Joining the guild takes smarts as well as bravery s-so…d-don’t skip school and eat your oran berries.”


    Corny, but family friendly. Veena jotted it down anyway.


    “Vetarvus here, Free Poke’mon’s Commission! Are we really safe with Sarfallinus heading the guild?”


    Zolo piped up, adding to that.


    “What assurance do we have when it comes to the terrors perpetuated by the Thieves’ Guild? The frightened public needs to know they’re in good hands!”


    “Gonzo, Nationalist Arcean’s Movement Press! Avery, what’s your take on rumors regarding your close contact with the Illaminian population in Arcea? Is your heart with your country?”


    “Oh nevermind that, Team Azure! Give us details on your debut mission for the periodical!”


    ‘…That struck a bit of a nerve. But…I can’t back down.’


    “…Our guild-assigned banker is an Illaminian, and she’s been both kind and reliable to me since I’ve started working with her.” Avery said, trying to not let his voice waver. “I trust her…and everyone I’ve met so far. I…I think working together is very important…especially these days. We, uh…we can’t work to make things better if…Poke’mon don’t work together.”


    ‘Was that measured enough…? I tried to throw some sort of proverb in there to sound smart. That was applicable, right?’


    “And, uh, our inaugural mission was-“


    ‘What am I doing? Why am I answering this, we…where’s Nivanee? What’s going on??’




    A familiar voice rang out from behind the pair. Vizon jumped, looking behind to the guildhall. There standing was Kipuuna, Ganisus and Nivanee at either side. The three of them stood firm, the journalists continuing their barrage.






    “Can we get a statement?”


    “There’s some questions about what happened at the River Delta.”


    “The Nido Army has dispersed and are now roaming…”


    “What evidence is there toward the rumors of third party interlopers at the River Delta-“


    “It’s secret filed guild information.” Nivanee snapped, padding forward to block Avery and Vizon from the crowd.


    “Clear off, we’ve work.” Kipuuna demanded, waving away the poke’mon as they scribbled at their parchments. Nivanee huffed, nudging Avery and Vizon along, toward the path to the one truth square.


    “Just don’t look at them.” Nivanee muttered sympathetically. “They’ll just twist whatever you say, don’t even bother…”


    Kipuuna took keep between the group and the journalists, the guildmates moving down the road while keeping the curious press Poke’mon at bay, their shouting voices becoming more and more faint.


    ‘…Twist my words.’


    Avery’s mind went back to that comedian.


    Those jokes. Everyone laughing.


    Somehow…he felt even more ill than he did a few minutes ago. This…couldn’t get much worse.


    Nivanee softly nudged Vizon and Avery on and on, looking back behind herself to be sure none of the journalists followed. She heaved a deep sigh, shaking her head.


    “Press mobs…we don’t get those very often anymore…” She chuckled, trying to keep the mood light. “I guess the River Delta mission two days ago has really caught on.”


    Vizon bit his lip.


    “…just like the old days of the guild…huh?” the Riolu asked, Nivanee solemnly nodding and a small laugh. She turned her attention to Avery, tilting her head.


    “Avery…? You ok?” She asked warmly, stepping up close to the Plusle.


    “I…uh…” Avery gripped his arm.


    ‘I’ve screwed up so much today already and I’ve barely started…’


    “I’ll be fine.” Avery muttered. “W…we should…we should get started, I think. I’ll…”


    Avery turned, almost unconsciously, towards the path to the bank. But he paused. He wasn’t supposed to do that. He was supposed to go with his team so he knew what they were getting…right?


    ‘That’s…that’s the proper way to do it.’


    “Avery…?” Nivanee whispered, nosing into the Plusle’s side. “Do…you want me to take charge today…?”


    Vizon sucked in a breath, clearly unsure, but only listened.


    “…You shouldn’t have to,” Avery said at once, his voice slowly tapering off. “I’m…supposed to be the leader. I’m supposed to keep it together, do things right the…the first time-“


    ‘This is sad. I’m being sad. In front of Kipunna and Ganisus.


    …Team Aquashock doesn’t have a team of paparazzi hounding them outside the guild. Team Aquashock isn’t the one breathing life back into this dead corpse of an organization.


    …and I’m not the one tearing my team apart from the inside.’


    …Avery didn’t know where that voice was coming from, but…it made him feel even sicker.


    “You sure…?” Nivanee’s voice was soft, pressing her cheek into his. “You’ve got your team here always at your side. We’re in this together…sometimes when I felt bad I’d let Janus be the team leader, so she could be strong for me. And vice versa when she didn’t feel so good…”


    Vizon padded up beside Avery. The three stood in the alley between buildings, at the foot of stone steps between market district streets. Vizon and Nivanee both warmly stood by the Plusle, doing their best.


    But, perhaps their best wasn’t what was going to cut it.


    ‘…No. No, I…I’m not going to give in to that. They aren’t who’s failing me. Nivanee and Vizon haven’t failed me. The only person that failed me was myself. My best isn’t cutting it. And I’m not going to get better at that by standing back and letting someone else take charge.’


    “…No, no, I can…I can lead.” Avery assured. “I’ll be fine. Let’s prepare. We’ll…”


    ‘Well, this team captain keeps all members present for consultation.’


    “We’ll go to the item store together.”


    Nivanee smiled in understanding and nodded.


    “Ok, let’s go. Lead on, Avery.” She said, stepping back. Vizon took her side, letting Avery take front and lead the team.


    Exiting the alley, taking to the streets, it was now Avery noticed Poke’mon looking his team’s way more and more. Where once he was a face in the crowd, now Poke’mon recognized the Plusle at a glance, even if only vaguely.


    ‘People are looking at me. Staring at me. I don’t deserve that…’


    The trip to the one truth square was brief, taking the team across the way and toward the familiar shop where the two Kecleon brothers were waiting.


    From behind the counter, the green Keclean perked up, batting at the arm of his brother to draw his attention to the group as they approached.


    “Eyyyy! Back again another day! An’ Avery! Ain’t see ya in a while, ey?” Zwangai’s voice cut through the crowd around them, joyously greeting the group. Avery jolted out of his funk when he saw the shop owners.


    He’d…almost forgotten. Going to see Kellixae every day had meant Avery hadn’t gotten to see these two.


    “Ah, hi…! Sorry I haven’t been here recently…” Avery apologized, practically by instinct. “I’ve…had to get up and go most of the days, so I haven’t really had an off day to just…come and shop. I usually handle banking while Vizon does shopping, heh…but it’s nice to see you two again…!”


    “Ey, nah, it’s not problem, boy, we know y’ been busy. What wit’ overthrowing empires back by me hometown, ey?”


    The Kecleon brothers cheered to one another, slapping their hands together.


    “How dem old fogies at Taeriana doin’ anyway? Ah, but you here for y’ items for d’ next big adventure, aint’cha?”


    “Yes, that’s right…!” Nivanee replied, adjusting the menu to get a better look.


    “Oh, they seem to be doing okay!” Avery said quickly, glancing over Nivanee’s shoulder to check the menu as well. “Met a really helpful Bibarel down in the swamps that helped us get down there…! Fireworks master, remember him…?”


    Avery hummed, Vizon stepping up beside him. Now all three teammates crowded the menu, looking over it. One item in particular caught Avery’s eye: Headache, capable of inflicting a splitting headache to every Poke’mon in an area, incapacitating Psychic types.


    “U-uh, the…headache orb seems good, right?” The Plusle asked, trying to start a discussion going, trying to get that ‘consultation’, like Kipuuna has said.


    Nivanee nodded, though Vizon stroked his own head.


    “Ugh…sounds like it’d hurt…” He said, huffing. Nivanee tilted her head.


    “Oh, how bad could it be? Headaches are more devastating to psychic types. Something mild for us would be a one-hit KO for them!” Nivanee said, nodding again. “What else, what else…”


    Vizon looked at the items on the stand, particularly the TMs hanging on the rack.


    “What’s…TM57?” Vizon asked the Kecleon shop owner.


    “Payback! Packs a whallop if y’ let d’ opponent attack first! Dark type move, too!”


    Nivanee perked up.


    “Hey, same with Fling! Though that one involves hucking our items at enemies.”


    Vizon sighed, folding his arms.


    “I’m just thinking…” Vizon said, looking back at Avery. “…if we’re going to a psychic type place, anything that helps with psychic Poke’mon will be helpful…”


    “…Payback might be useful for you,” Avery said, looking at Vizon. “You can take a better beating than I can, and…if I remember right, you’re going to be particularly vulnerable against Psychic Types. Using that fact to your advantage might really help…that probably means we should get some good healing items and rrr…”


    Avery stopped.


    ‘Reviver seeds…were crutches. We shouldn’t need those, right?’




    “Rrr…?” Vizon questioned, looking at the Plusle in confusion but not pursuing it further. “Heh, guess I’m in for a beating, but it’ll be worth it to see the look on their face.”


    “Let’s see…oh, Persim berry?” Nivanee asked. “Surely not from Illaminamo?”


    “No no, just an Illaminian farmer from Souljraan.” Zwangai explained. The Keclean motioned to a large crate in the back. “I hear tell he saved a seed r’ two and now he’s makin’ a fortune on these rare an’ exotic Illaminian berries!”


    Avery felt a twinge.


    “…Why would it be weird to be stocking berries from Illaminamo itself?” Avery asked, turning to Nivanee. “We freed up the caravans, didn’t we…?”


    “Pshh, nothing growing in Illaminamo with those droughts o’ theirs.” Zwangai laughed. “What’s it been? Not a drop in thirteen?”


    “Fourteen years.” Nivanee corrected.


    “Fourteen, Arceus. It’s dry, dry, dry out west. Especially bad for a country that used to be all about what it grew! Now nothin’ grows! No money, no business, and in come pouring the people. Or, well, by now the only Illaminians comin’ to Arcea are fools who abandoned the dead country far later than they shoulda, ey?”


    Nivanee huffed.


    “Bah, enough current events, let’s keep to our shopping…” Nivanee said, pointing a paw at the menu. “We should take some Persim berries, since the psychic types have the confusion move on their side.”


    “Right,” Avery said, frowning a little.


    ‘Fourteen years…fourteen whole years of drought. That’s…that’s twice as long as Janus had been missing.’


    “Is that what Persim berries help with? That would be a good idea, then.” Avery continued. Nivanee nodded and opened her satchel.


    “How many of each, then?”


    “Uh…the…” Avery caught myself. “Oh, yeah, maybe…Five Persim, one Payback, one Headache Orb…We…have a good amount of Reviver Seeds already.”


    Avery looked up at Vizon and Nivanee.


    “…Kipunna mentioned Dark Bands or something. Is that like an article of clothing…?”


    “Kipuuna should be taking care of that. I imagine he’s at the garment store as we speak.” Nivanee said, fishing out some coins while Zwangai fetched the items with his brother.


    “Alrighty, kids, das gonna be 2,900 poke. If y’ would…”


    Avery and the shopkeeper made the exchange, Vizon amazed at the sight of 2,900 p being passed.


    “Man…that’d be a whole week’s pay at my old job…” Vizon muttered as Nivanee placed the items in the satchel.


    “Alright, team captain!” Nivanee said encouragingly. “What next? We still need to find Rikzyod and Jolvia, huh? They probably went elsewhere what with that massive paparazzi crowd.”


    “Right,” Avery said with a little nod. “…Is it wise to bring Jolvia along? She’s as weak to Psychic types as Vizon is, but…I don’t know if she has any recourse to that.”


    Avery frowned, already second-guessing his choice.


    “Though…she’s very capable.” He said. “We could at least ask if she wants to come, and see what she says once she knows what she’s up against.”


    “It doesn’t hurt to ask! The more the merrier, right?” Nivanee suggested.


    “If they’re anywhere, they’d probably be either at the one truth square…” Vizon folded his armed, frowning a little. “…or the X-Eye district…”


    Nivanee laughed like Vizon just told a joke.


    “Alright, alright, let’s look for them here.” The Eevee suggested, flicking her head for the other two to follow. “They can’t be far, since they’re meant to meet us outside the guild…”


    Vizon and Avery followed as Nivanee craned her neck up, trying to spot either of them out in the square.


    “Do you see anything?” Vizon asked. Nivanee perked up.


    “A Rattata…um…floatzel…nidorina with glasses…ah, is that Jolvia?”


    “The nidorina with glasses sounds familiar,” Avery said, looking around himself for a Geodude. “Let’s go fill her in and see what she has to say.”


    He was…feeling a little better.


    “I…should also probably drop off the money quick…” Avery added, shifting a bit as his confidence slowly recovered. “I don’t feel comfortable going out into the field with this much cash…I don’t know if we’ll need more than five thousand.”


    “Kipuuna would have said the same thing…” Nivanee smiled, nuzzling the Plusle. “Don’t feel down, Avery. Kipuuna will come around.”


    Avery smiled back, returning the nuzzle before continuing. The three of them approached the Nidorina, the woman staring at the group, clearly having seen them first.


    “Good morning.” Jolvia said in her collected voice, pushing from railing. “Quite a crowd you attracted, Avery. I bet the periodicals and pamphlets will be filled top to bottom with stories of ‘The Overthrowing of the River Delta Empire’, hm?”


    Nivanee rolled her eyes.


    “Guh, journalists…I don’t trust a one of them, not after all the mean stuff they said about me and Janus in that stupid Brighter Arceliaze garbage…”


    “Yeeeahh…Might have some unfavourable articles about me concerning some of the things I said, if I know the zeitgeist of this city,” Avery grumbled, looking away for a moment. “‘Are you loyal to your cooountry’, like…I’ve been here a week.”


    Jolvia smiled wistfully.


    “Ah, the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement already trying to dig its claws in another icon…or example, ey?” Jolvia mused.


    ‘…Nationalist Arcean’s Movement? Nationalist…that word sounded familiar.’


    “Do we have to talk about this kinda thing right now?” Vizon groaned, folding his arms. “Who cares about NAM, we got a job to do…”


    Jolvia shrugged, changing the subject.


    “In that case, good morning, Avery.” She said, keeping her attention on the Plusle.


    Avery sighed, shaking his head.


    “Right…good morning, Jolvia…!” The Plusle said, trying to keep a cheery disposition. “We’re heading to Dove Fo Uddjo today, wanted to know if you wanted to come. It’s…obviously got Psychics, and their…d…defense…grid…? It’s down. So we’ll have to fight some to get in.”


    “Dovve Fo Uddjo? I’d heard something about their defense system of ghostly projected fake pokemon attacking any and everyone.” Jolvia mused. “A couple of Arcean business owners and officers wanting to go on holiday are pretty miffed they have to delay…”


    Jolvia chuckled.


    “Is it just us going?” She asked. “Rikzyod was with me but he wandered off when I came here.”


    “I was wondering if Rikzyod wanted to come,” Avery said with a nod. “And you. It’s…going to be Psychic Types, so you might have a hard time. But I thought I’d extend the offer anyhow. We’re…working with Aquashock today.”


    Jolvia’s eyes sparkled mysteriously at the name ‘Aquashock’.


    “Aquashock, hm? I’d never miss a chance to see them in action. As it so happens I have business in Dovve Fo Uddjo, myself.” Jolvia’s words were quick and precise. Nivanee nodded.


    “Oh hey! So you can get more done this way!” Nivanee said excitedly.


    “Rikzyod, meanwhile…-ah, there.” Jolvia nodded her head down the street, where a familiar geodude floated near with a swagger and song, holding a box in hand.


    “Yah, dah do dah dah-AVERY! VIZON! NIVANEE!” Rikzyod roared merrily, echoing over the buildings and drawing attention. “I am sorry for leaving so soon, Jolvia. I had an engagement to attend to!”




    “Yes, look!” Rikyzod opened the wood box in his hands, showing off a load of x-eye seeds. “I went to see a dealer! Strong Quayoffi seeds, uh? The kind that stagger any Pokémon light on their feet…or lets a Pokémon like me ignore pain altogether!”


    “Twenty Quayoffi X-Eye seeds?” Jolvia raised her eyebrows. “With what money?!”


    “It was over 200 thousand, but the dealer, he was very busy scalping these…extorting bars, very very busy…so I negotiated a discount! A 100% discount! When do we leave by the way, time is a factor.”


    “…Uh.” Avery frowned a bit.


    ‘He didn’t… steal those, did he…?’


    Avery sighed a bit.


    “I still need to turn in money to the bank, but I can be quick about it. I’m a pretty fast runner. So… I can do that quickly and meet everyone at the gates?”


    “Sure, Avery!” Nivanee said, nuzzling him, Vizon following after her.


    “We’ll see you soon, alright? This is gunna go great!” Vizon assured. Rikzyod closed his box, hiding it under his arm. Jolvia looked back at Avery.


    “Give my warmest to that woman at the bank, alright?” Jolvia said, running off after the group, leaving the Plusle by himself in one truth square.


    Avery nodded.


    Jolvia and Rikzyod. Two more Poke’mon who were alright with Illaminians.


    “I’ll be quick.”


    And with that…Avery jogged off towards the bank, cutting through the Illaminian District.


    The route was becoming more and more familiar to Avery every day he traversed it. In such short time, he moved through the crowds of Arceliaze like a native, as though he’d lived here his whole life.


    For the second day in a row Avery entered the Illaminian district. This district was much quieter, the bustle of the street muted behind the surrounding ivory wall. Naught but silent murmurs and the pounding of nails into wood as a group of Poke’mon repair a wall on a log home Avery passed by.


    Avery saw old Poke’mon sat by their houses, children at play in the front lawn, a few kids passing the Plusle by as he made his way past homes and even small local convenience stores, treats and cheap toys proudly displayed at the front.



    It’s both so sparse yet so…dense. Like a whole other world in such limited square footage.


    Avery gave a little wave to anyone who made eye contact. He knew that tensions were high between himself and them – he wasn’t one of them, and he’d seen firsthand what that can mean. But…


    ‘…if I can be in their corner in the public eye, I will be. Even if it means I get smeared in the process.’


    ‘…Hopefully it won’t come to that.’


    And it passed him by.


    Through another ivory archway Every re-entered the lower market district, straight on into the farming district. And there, once the paths around him opened up he saw the bank in the distance.


    But instead of being behind the counter, Kellixae looked like she was talking to someone…



    Avery frowned, walking forward quickly and speaking up.


    “… Kellixae? Is everything alright?”


    Kellixae perked up, hearing her name. In front of her the guard looked Avery’s way, furrowing his brow at the sight of his approach.


    “Avery…!” Kellixae breathed out in relief.


    “Avery? That Plusle from the guild?” The guard grumbled.


    “Yes…a friend.”


    “Ohhh sure, if that’s yer friend then Olistia’s me mother. Quit stallin’ and out with it.”


    “…What’s… Going on?” Avery asked, approaching the two of them. “Did something happen? Kellixae, are you okay?”


    “No, nothing happened herre, I-“


    “Oi, eyes on me, blighter.”


    Kellixae bristled at the last word the guard spat. She turned to face the guard, straightening her back.


    “I passed by those boys once or twice on my way to worrk, I do not know a thing about them otherr than that.”


    “Are you getting-“


    “I am not, no, not. I know nothing else.” Kellixae was firm, even as her accent became thicker. Was that…fear? “Now, please-“


    “Alright, alright, but who should I be talking to, then? Because those guys took a couple thousand worth of Poke.”


    “I underrstand, yes.”


    “Now we can’t just let that slide”


    “I underrstand”


    “And all we got is they were some Illaminians, so who am I supposed to talk to?”



    Kellixae said nothing a while, her brow furrowing. But Avery could see it, the slight tremble. And tellingly…she didn’t even bother to glance at the Plusle for help.


    “… What’s going on?” Avery looked up at the guard. It was…tough for him to effectively put himself between the two of them due to his size. “Did someone get robbed…?”


    “Aye, we had a fruit seller in the lower market district broke into at night and robbed of food and money, I’m investigating.” The guard replied, voice softer as he talked to Avery. “The shopkeeper knows for a fact it was two men from the blighter district.”


    Kellixae furrowed her brow, looking away from Avery, standing as straight aa she could.


    “Now wouldn’t ya know it, both of em have vanished and I wanna know where to.”


    “The Illaminian District?” Avery said, rephrasing his words.


    He didn’t know what ‘blighter’ meant but… It sounded offensive.


    “I have some business I need to do with Kellixae before I go out this morning,” Avery said, trying to keep his voice level and gentle. “If you’d like, you could give me a physical description of what you know the suspects to look like and I can ask around as well. Kellixae, you don’t know the boys past passing them by, right?”


    “Ugh…fine, Avery, sir…” The guard huffed, turning his attention to Kellixae again. “Just the description, then.”


    Kellixae seemed to…cast Avery a glare before taking a deep breath.


    “They were…rattatas…both of them. Neither of them lived in the district itself, just visiting from Souljraan.”


    …The glare was noted by Avery.


    The guard rolled his eyes, shaking his head, looking as though he wanted to prod further.


    “I’ll look into this,” Avery said, giving the guard a little smile. “I’ll report what I find back to your guard as soon as I find anything. Is that alright?”


    “Awh, now, no need t’trouble yourself too much, Avery, sir.” The guard replied. “What with you guild folk busy saving Arcea n’ everything. All that business at the River Delta’s the talk of the town lately, ey?”


    Kellixae said nothing, only relaxing her shoulders as pressure was taken off of her.


    “But, nevermind, I’m to trade out with day shift anyway.” He continued with a huff, making a note in his book. “If the Flaaffy dunno nothing then that’s that.”


    He looked up, eyes trained on Kellixae sharply.


    “Behave y’self, now, Miss Kellixae.


    He turned to leave, Kellixae heaving a deep sigh and shaking her head, watching the guard saunter casually up the road, back into the city. With a grunt, she returned behind the stand, slumping on her chair, head cradled in her hands.


    After the guard left, Avery approached the stand with his money. But he paused, waiting to be sure that the guard wasn’t around to interfere further.


    “Are you okay…?” Avery muttered softly. “He seemed to really be drilling into you.”


    Avery’s frown deepened just at the thought of it. This whole Illaminian prejudice situation seemed to be getting worse by the day.


    “It is not like it is the firrst time.” Kellixae muttered behind her hands, looking up at Avery with exhausted and sad eyes. “Something happens and of courrse it is always this Illamini that did it and that Illamini that did it. To the guarrd, it is better that the thief get off frreely than it is to let ever one blighterr escape jail time…and more serrvice debt, naturrally.”


    She huffed angrily amd straightened her posture.


    “Back to business as everr.” She said at last. “What is therre to be done…arre you here to deposit, Avery?”


    The Plusle sighed a little.


    “…I don’t…I don’t like it,” Avery mumbled, his grip on his money satchel a little tighter than he would have liked.


    ‘Blighter. That word again.’


    Avery shook his head. He wasn’t going to solve a possibly decades-old social conflict on his own.


    “Just…twenty eight thousand five hundred for deposit, please. I’m…” He looked back where the guard went…then gave her a small smile. “Is it still alright if I come for dinner…tomorrow, I think? If I’m back in town by then.”


    Kellixae sighed…then smiled back, nodding softly as she took the money.


    “Yes…something like that would be verry nice after all this bad airr…my friend has also said she will be frree that evening.” Kellixae’s voice softened with every word, recovering quickly…very quickly. The altercation he’d seen was clearly one she had experience in.


    The Flaaffy laughed, half bitterly half mirthfully.


    “…nasty city, is it not?” Kellixae asked, shaking her head. Avery perked up. “To the core. I am shocked you have not been more poisoned from it all. A shame if your memory were to return, and with it old and ugly sentiments…”


    “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that at least,” Avery said gently, almost laughing with her. “… I don’t know much about my old life… But from what I do know, I don’t think ‘being Arcean’ was very important to me. I’ll have your back, Kellixae. I just…I hope I can convince some of my friends to think like Lahnae and I do.”


    “Mh…” Kellixae sounded unsure. “Much of what has made us who we are and where we are was put in place long before any of us were born…”


    She gave another bitter chuckle, closing the safe behind her at last, brightening her expression.


    “But I do thank you, Averry. I am hoping that you and yourr team rremain safe on your mission today…” Her words were encouraging, no doubt welcome after Kipuuna’s badgering.


    Avery’s smile got a little more strained at remembering the mission and its…properties. But he nodded.


    “I think I’m going to need the luck.” He said to Kellixae. “There’s…there’s some factors at play that might make it a little hard. So I appreciate the support!”


    He stepped back from the counter.


    “Have a good day and stay safe, alright, Kellixae…?”


    And with that, Avery moved back to meet the teams. Kellixae waved as he left, his path taking him back the short way to the city gate. With wide farms on either side of him, the gate came into view, six figures standing under the archway leading out of the city.


    Immediately, Avery spotted his team. Nivanee was already excitedly waving to the Plusle alongside Vizon. Jolvia and Rikzyod stood at their side. Across from them stood Kipuuna and Ganisus, the Piplup with his arms behind his back. He glanced back at Avery as the Plusle approached.


    Avery flinched a bit upon seeing Kipunna at the gates…but he wasn’t the only one there.


    ‘Maybe…Maybe things will be okay. Maybe I’ll get closer to him.’


    Once Avery finally reached the other guildmates, Kipuuna stepped up at once.


    “Ready now?” The Piplup’s words were the first spoken. Vizon shot him a glare before stepping up.


    “All set, buddy?” The Riolu asked the same question but emphasized his kinder tone.


    “All set,” Avery said, mirroring Vizon’s words. “Let’s get going.”


    Vizon patted the Plusle on the shoulder, positioning himself as though wanting to shield Avery from the Piplup’s gaze. Nivanee smiled encouragingly as Aquashock set out ahead, Ganisus lagging behind Kipuuna absentmindedly.


    “Dovve Fo Uddjo…never been there, myself.” Jolvia mused, walking beside Avery. “I can only imagine what odd sort of place a city of psychics is…”


    “I hope it’s not…creepy…” Vizon muttered, Rikyzod perking up.


    “Oh well! Now I hope it is!” The Geodude laughed.


    The large group moved together up the valley and down pathways going south in the direction of Taeriana. However this time they pulled more towards the southeast, crossing the breezy plains and entering the treeline.


    The pathways seemed well-maintained, even while they were still dirt. Still, at no point do they notice any signs of habitation. Even as they circled around the borders of the Marsh and the ground became wetter they saw no other buildings.


    The trees receded and in front of the group was a stretch of open fields as though no foliage but grass dared to enter these lands. A warm gust of air billowed across the flat lands.


    On an otherwise featureless Horizon Avery saw it: A massive glowing purple dome of pulsating energy. It was completely opaque, nothing inside could be seen. It was monolithic and all-encompassing, spread over several miles without question.


    And the group approached the edge.



    “Alright, you got the vouchers?” Vizon asked Avery.


    “…Holy crap,” Avery whispered, looking up at the shimmering dome with wide eyes. It took a moment for him to fumble the vouchers out of his bag to let them into the city. “…The defense systems are haywire, right? So we’ll have to be ready to fight once we get in there, just in case…”


    “According to Lahnae, yes. Expect hard psychic projected Abras, Espeons and Chimechos.” Kipuuna informed, rummaging through his bag, pulling put a set of six scarves, tossing one to each member of the group. “Here, special defense scarves. I have special defense booster potions and plenty of berries to cure confusion. Stun seeds, too.”


    “Ever prepared. They won’t even get a single attack in.” Nivanee giggled as everyone slipped on the scarves.


    In Avery’s hand, the vouchers glowed eerily, humming and thrumming in rhythm with the thrum of the sheer dome wall. The ripples of the enormous purple dome broke and shuddered, forming an archway of spiraling purple energy, inviting the group, beckoning them to eneter.


    “Everyone ready?” Kipuuna called out over the loud thrum.


    Avery put on his own scarf, thankful at least for this part of Kipunna’s preparedness.


    “Alright. Let’s do this.”


    Clenching his fists, Avery walked towards the swirling archway and the psychic city beyond.


    All of them walked alongside the Plusle, stoic looks on their faces.


    One at a time, slipping through the swirling energy. It was warm to the touch, sliding over Avery’s body like water that did not leave him wet.


    Avery’s mind felt hazy,








    Everything went white.


    Chapter 14





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