The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 29.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Eventually, after so long of walking, Vizon came to a stop at a shaded street a few blocks from the guild.


    The Riolu sighed, walking over and flopping down onto a stone bench sat beside a bubbling Kirlia fountain.


    And he just…


    …rested, head tilted back, eyes closed.


    Avery stepped forward, lifting himself onto the bench with Vizon. The Plusle had the opposite posture, hunched forwards, bending over his knees, elbows resting on his legs.



    For a while, Avery was just silent.


    “… What, uh…” Avery said finally. “… What did they ask you…?”


    Vizon was quite for a while, though his eyes cracked open at his friend’s voice. He lowered his head, frowning.


    Then, Avery finally heard his voice, for the first time that day.


    “They asked about Nivanee. And Rikzyod.” Vizon looked up, at Avery. “…and Jolvia.”


    “… They didn’t ask about me…?” Avery said, a little surprised. “I mean… I know that Jolvia’s the most… Enigma-est of our team. But… Turns out she actually is an accountant. I’d have thought they’d have interest in the person with literally no traceable past, though…”


    Avery gave a little laugh, looking down at his feet.


    “…God I feel stupid.”


    “They already knew all about you.”


    Vizon folded his arms, looking down.


    “Even the human stuff…” He said, shaking his head. “I’m glad Jolvia wasn’t lying about being a loan manager…honestly I was getting kind of getting…worried, there, for a while…”


    Vizon was quiet, staring at the ground, a hard look on his face, brow furrowed. He clenched and unclenched his hand over his arm.


    “But…a mole…? One of us? Feeding information to those Thieves Guild spooks?” Vizon muttered, wiping a paw down his face. “Why…? I…can’t believe it…”


    “…I was the one who suggested the possibility,” Avery said, gripping the sides of the fountain. “It just…came out. During my meeting with…with the Conduit. She told me about the camps being uprooted, that nobody should have known that we knew, and yet- there they were. She asked me what I thought, and I just…”


    Avery put a fist to his forehead, slapping it.


    “…I feel so stupid. It just popped into my head, like…like I was playing some dumb game. Word association. I didn’t think she’d take my opinion so seriously, I…I mean I’ve had weird dreams too…! Maybe they’ve got psychic types on their side…! Maybe they’ve been mining our heads for memories…! It doesn’t…”


    Avery sagged.


    “…This is probably my fault.”




    Vizon looked up at Avery, confused, listening to the Plusle…beat himself up over this. The Riolu squirmed, glancing away as Avery spoke.


    “So that’s what you talked to her about…” Vizon muttered, bringing his legs together. He sighed, deep in thought.


    Then the Riolu jumped up off the bench, slamming a fist into his palm, a determined look in his eye.


    No! It’s not your fault!!” Vizon said suddenly, so loudly his voice practically echoed over the street. “There IS no fault! Because…! I refuse to believe it!”


    The Riolu firmly placed his hands on his hips, taking a heroic pose, puffing out his chest.


    “There’s no mole!!” Vizon said with utmost confidence, or at least the appearance of it. “I refuse to believe it! Not my guild! Not my team! Not my friends! This is all some twisted Thieves Guild chicanery, it has to be! I just know it! Just bad guys doing deceitful…”


    He paused, trying to find the words.


    “…deceitful STUFF to spread distrust!” Vizon leaned over, jabbing a finger into Avery’s shoulder. He was speaking like he was mimicking Lahnae’s confident energy, though his eyes were almost manic. “Well it’s NOT GUNNA WORK because Team Azure NEVER gives up! NEVER gets swayed or broken! And we’ll always come out on top!!”


    Though his voice was powerful, his voice strong, Avery could see a pleading look deep in Vizon’s crimson eyes.


    “Am I right?”




    Avery nodded.


    A smile crossed Vizon’s lips, hearing that. He nodded, looking…relieved, a sigh escaping him.


    “…thanks, buddy.” Vizon said, a hopeful look in his eye. “…I promise I’ll do my best, too, ok? OKAY!!”


    He pumped his fists, hyping himself up. Avery’s small affirmation…it was all the Riolu needed to get his old confidence back. All at once, it was like the first days all over again.


    “So, Avery!” He said at last. “Shall we prepare for our trip to Yahneri? We gotta secure that Pearl, no matter what! We won’t let the Thieves Guild get anymore headway in their nefarious schemes, right, buddy? Yeah!!”


    ‘…Won’t let anyone get further in their schemes.’


    “As long as we get one of the pearls, then nobody can ever use the power of those birds,” Avery said with a nod. “What are we doing there again, so we know what to prepare for? There, uh…was an interrogation between the briefing and now, heh…”


    “Oh yeah…” Vizon said, tapping his chin. “Sounds like we’re just getting the pearl from Yahneri port. It’s been on display at the Museum of Arcean History for, like…ever. My dad used to tell me the story he used to hear when he visited the port. It was about how they got the pearl from Yahneri Cave, atop a mountain of treasure, facing off a grand beast and escaping to the port.”


    Vizon nodded, folding his arms.


    “So I guess they figured that one was safe and secure, since we already kinda had it. But now with the Lightning Pearl gone…I guess Olistia really wants the Water Pearl fully secured. So that’s why Olistia sent a bunch of the army and the elites out to Yahneri, so we’re just going there to help if we can, though I dunno if there’s much we’d be able to do to h-“


    Vizon blinked, perking up…an indignant look on his face.


    “Wait…you don’t think…”


    He jumped, a horrified look on his face.


    “Y-you don’t think we got shunted to a sugar-job ‘cuz we botched getting the Lightning Pearl…do you?!”


    “I’m gonna be honest, bud,” Avery sighed. “I don’t think we’ve had a single easy mission. If this is a sugar job I’d welcome it, considering…y’know. Lasting injuries, and us being down a member. Besides…even recon is important, right?”


    “Whaa…?” Vizon put his hands on his hips. “Man…from River Delta to being bystanding props at Yahneri…what a fall from grace.”


    Vizon huffed, shaking his head.


    “Bah…FINE, OKAY!!” Vizon said. “No complaining! We’ll do what we’re asked, no matter what! Big or small, Azure does it all!”


    He was getting cornier every day. Nivanee would surely be proud. He stepped up, patting Avery on the back.


    “So, what first, Team Leader?”


    Avery sighed, feeling that. It was a different touch…from last night. This was better…things were better now…that was good. Avery felt…a bit of relief that last night seemed to just…blow over.


    Avery was even fine with not getting a proper apology. He could do without if everything was okay…


    This was the Vizon the Avery knew.


    “I think…well, our first step has always been item shopping and banking, right?” Avery said. “…We usually split up for that though.”


    ‘…Should I do this?



    I’d leave it up to him.’


    “Do you want to do it together today?” Avery asked.




    Vizon looked down at the Plusle, eyebrows raised. He put a hand to his chin, thinking.




    Then he smiled.


    “Sure, buddy! We can go together!” Vizon said, giving a thumbs up!


    Avery’s shoulders relaxed. It might be…a bit tougher of a visit. But Avery hoped that Vizon would trust him about Kellixae.


    …And more than that…


    Avery just didn’t want to leave Vizon’s side right now. Not after all that back at the guild. It would probably mean they couldn’t cut through the Illaminian district, but…if Vizon was meeting Avery halfway here, the Avery could meet him halfway too.


    The Plusle hopped off of the fountain.


    “Let’s get going, then.”




    Vizon’s vigor was returning, bit by bit. Avery briefly wondered when he last saw Vizon so…happy. Excited to be doing guild work? When it was just them two alone Vizon seemed like a different Pokémon.


    Things had gotten a little crowded on Team Azure, perhaps…


    Still, with a new spring in his step, the Riolu led the way back to the main street towards the one truth square. Like none of those morning issues had even happened. Like none of what happened last night even mattered.


    Avery sighed to himself. Clean slate. That was okay. It’d be okay…!


    As the afternoon sun kissed their faces once again, Vizon looked back to Avery, pulling out his money bag.


    “Where to first, Team Captain??” The Riolu asked with a smile.


    “…” Avery considered it for a moment. “It’d make sense if we went to the shops first, huh? Then we drop off any excess that we won’t need in the port off at the bank. We should have some float when we go, since… Well, like in Dovve Fo Uddjo, we’re being stationed at a city.”


    Avery gestured for Vizon to lead the way.


    “You’ve been going to them as often as I’ve been going to Kellixae, huh? Have you made friends with those guys?”


    “Kellixae…? OH, the banker lady, right.” Vizon nodded, pulling ahead. “Yeah! We usually talk a whole bunch about the different stuff he gets and his supply chain. He even tells me what’s gunna be in stock tomorrow!”


    As Avery listened it started to dawn on him…how far distant they were in subtle ways…that even the morning routine had become so divorced from one another. Two different worlds…


    At last, they both came to the One Truth Square, staring up at the massive marble pillar that glowed in the bright sun.  Vizon made a beeline across the square, politely side-stepping other Poke’mon that crossed his path, experienced. He’d done this plenty of times, as he excitedly approached the counter of the item shop on the west side of the square.


    Avery still had to follow the Riolu’s footsteps, something that had become hard to do. Vizon didn’t even seem to remember Kellixae.


    ‘…I mean…I don’t remember the names of shopkeepers the Vizon always visits, either. I know the shopkeepers are from…Oh, what was the name of the nation?



    Maybe we have been apart too much.’


    “Eeeey, look who it is! Me favorite customer, huh?”


    The Kecleon’s voice cut through the noisy atmosphere of the square, bringing Avery’s attention squarely on him. Behind him, his purple-colored brother worked tirelessly, getting a bunch of orbs and TMs set up for display.


    “Heya, Zwangai! Super to see you again!!” Vizon spoke excitedly, leaning on the counter. The Kecleon’s eyes fell on Avery, as well.


    “And y’ partner, too! What a rare sight, ey?” the shopkeeper laughed, nudging Vizon who laughed with him. “So what can I getcha boys? We got TMs in!  Shock Wave, Light Screen, ahhh…Protect. Some fancy orbs in, too, if y’ like. ‘Detect Enemies’ is a favorite. And who can forget the Thunder Orb?”


    Vizon lift the item shop listings, letting Avery get a look at it. The list showed what was in stock: Apples, Oran Berrys, even something called Aspear Berry. Further down the list were lists of TMs, some of them catching Avery’s attention like Light Screen and Shock Wave. Further on were Fling, Volt Switch, Endure, all kinds of moves, many of which Avery couldn’t make heads or tails of.


    Avery tilted his head.


    “…Those TMs…some of them might be a little tempting,” Avery said, looking at Vizon. “Our movesets have been kind of static. Or…mine have. What’s, uh…”


    Avery peered at the list.


    “What does Volt Switch do?”


    “That…” Zwangai began, tapping on the little disk. “…is a team move. An electric blast with so much knockback it’ll send ya flyin’ back! Angle it right, ma’friend, and you’ll swap places witcha partner, Vizon. Then you can let the boy go in for the follow-up! One-two, punch! Haha!”


    Zwangai laughed heartily. Vizon looked a little…excited at the idea.


    He did love team moves.


    Avery blinked in surprise.


    “…I mean…it’s a fourth of our funds, but…I’m pretty sure we’re due for some pay soon,” Avery said, looking over at the Riolu. “…You want to go for it? I’ll let you come up with the combo move naaaame…”


    Vizon spun to face Avery. Eyes wide…sparkling. His expression carried such a pleading and hopeful look.


    It was obvious: Vizon really wanted it. Zwangai laughed, already subtly sliiiding it over the counter


    Avery rolled his eyes with a little smile.


    “What’s the move name you got cooking, Viz~?” The Plusle cheekily said, putting 1000 Poké on the counter.


    A wicked wide smile spread over Vizon’s muzzle, his face absolutely glowing from joy as Zwangai handed over the TM.


    “I’m imagining it…” Vizon muttered, looking up into the sky. “The Team Azure signature…Trillion-Volt Lightning Gut-Punch of Arceus…!!


    “I’m sure d’ periodicals ‘gonna eat that up~!” Zwangai nodded, looking back to Avery. “So what else can I getcha, big man?”


    “Well, uh…first I might…” Avery looked at the thing, this ‘TM’, tilting his head.


    It was…it was just a disk. The surface was a smooth white with a strange rainbow and black sheen on it.


    “…I might need to know how to use this. I don’t, uh…do I eat it?”


    That sounded wrong.


    “Oh that’s easy,” Vizon said, stepping up behind Avery to help. “So what you do is you hold it like this…”


    Vizon positioned Avery’s hands on the rim of the shiny disk, 5 and 7 o’clock.


    “Now tilt it so you can see yourself in the reflection…”


    Vizon placed his hands on Avery, tilting the TM until its reflective surface showed the Plusle’s face. A rainbow cascaded across the surface and the reflection seemed ever so slightly warped.


    “Now…focus on the image of yourself.”


    Avery frowned a little bit. He was supposed to use these by looking in it like a mirror? That was kind of weird…but then again a lot of things in this world were. So Avery did what he said. Held at five and seven – kind of awkward positions, his paws were very close together – and…he focused.


    “Keep focusing…”


    Avery stared at himself in the colorful reflection of the disk. He could see the way the afternoon light traced over the subtle, tiny ridges on the disc’s surface, the way that light moved throughout. Circling around hm, infinitely.


    A gap was being filled. As though Avery were re-learning old muscle memory. His lack of memory was replaced with new memories.


    Avery could see it, behind the visage of himself.


    Volt Switch.


    Avery saw himself sending out a powerful explosion of electricity, Vizon throwing the Plusle over his back as Avery flew into him, letting Vizon send out an immediate strike.


    Avery never did it before.


    And he remembered it so clearly. Obviously. Like it just happened yesterday. Avery had known how to do this all his life, didn’t he remember? It’s always been this way. He’d always known Volt Switch.




    Avery’s reflection faded, the rainbow of the disc dulling until the entire TM seemed to turn to stone in his hands.


    What did he even need this thing for if he already knew Volt Switch all along?


    Avery cringed a bit.


    “Well…uh…that’s…that’s a little embarrassing,” Avery said, shifting on his feet. “I…I already know this move.”


    Avery looked up at Zwangai.


    “…I guess there’s no way to get a refund if it’s…uh…stone, though, huh…?”


    Avery sighed.


    ‘Well, that’s 1K wasted.’


    Zwangai snickered, Vizon patting the Plusle on the shoulders.


    “Ya first time usin’ a TM, is it?” Zwangai asked, leaning on the counter. “That’s how it feels t’ use one. Dunno how they work, but they do. Make you forget you never knew it t’ begin with.”


    The Kecleon held out his hand.


    “But, yeah, I can absolutely buy back a spent TM. Castle Arceali buys spent TMs from us to be reused make new new TMs. These all come the military supply surplus, for Guild Only.”


    “Weird, huh, Avery?” Vizon laughed.


    Avery furrowed his brow.


    “…Yeah, that’s…” He shifted. He didn’t like the way that it messed with his memories. It worked, but… hm.


    He handed it back.


    “Sure, uh…here.”


    “And that’s 200p back to you. Eyy, 800p ain’t bad for a new team move is it~?” Zwangai asked, picking up the stone TM and sliding over the coins..


    “No sir, it sure isn’t! Right, Avery?” Vizon looked back at the Plusle merrily, smiling. “Alright, what else? I guess we need a few things considering everything we lost back at Lightning Wastes.”


    Avery nodded.


    “Yeah…we need basically a full restock,” Avery said with a sigh. “Some reviver seeds, some oran berries…maybe a Pecha? Good amount of apples…”


    “Yeah, extra reviver seeds should work.” Vizon suggested. “That way, if we’re blind-sided then it won’t spell the end for us!”


    Well…at the very least a bit of Nivanee managed to rub off on him. Zwangai and his brother were already bagging up their items as Vizon cleared space in his satchel.


    Then, he perked up, looking around.


    “Say, wasn’t Jolvia supposed to meet us in One Truth Square?”


    “Right,” Avery said with a little nod. “Let’s go and get her before we head to the bank then. We should probably make tracks, too, we don’t want to carry too much…!”


    “Alright!!” Vizon cheered, giving Zwangai a parting wave as they made their way back onto the street.


    Avery gave a small smile. It was refreshing, after the past few days, to see Vizon so happy. Maybe it was a bad spell of nerves and humors. Or maybe…Vizon really was sorry…really was trying to do better.


    As the Riolu walked close to Avery…the Plusle felt his hand grasped. Vizon, like all that time ago, held Avery’s hand as they walked through Arceliaze.


    The Riolu looked about the square, eyes squinted, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun.


    “I…don’t see…oh!” Vizon perked up, pointing toward a fancy building on the south end of the square. The building had a wide entrance and a massive stone-carved ‘P’ coin etched above the entryway. There, walking under it, was the Nidorina, sporting a new scarf pulled over her muzzle.


    ‘Funny…it doesn’t feel that chilly.’


    Behind her was Rikzyod, sporting no new gear at all, merrily floating behind her.


    It was only now Avery noticed Jolvia carrying a black folder.


    “There she is!” Vizon said, leading Avery over to her. The Nidorina and Geodude both saw the pair at once the moment they began their approach.


    ‘…I guess she’s worried there might be a bit of a stink raised over what happened. Wanting to lay low after something like that made sense.’


    Jolvia…tensed up as Avery and Vizon got close. She lifted her hand, pulling her scarf down a little. Her eyes carried a look of…suspicion.


    Avery winced, seeing that.


    …Her look of suspicion made sense, considering the subject matter of their…previous conversation. Avery was honestly a little worried about how well he’d be able to work with her given…what he knew now.


    But…Avery couldn’t cut her loose. She was one of the people he had to save, after all. And if he couldn’t keep an eye on her…he didn’t know if something would happen where she couldn’t defend herself.


    Of course that was insinuating he’d be able to do something.


    Avery gave her a little nod once they made eye contact before going into his more…normal mode.


    “Hey, guys…! Uh…I heard you had a rough morning, Jolvia, hah…”


    Carefully, Jolvia tucked the black folder under her arm.


    “Oh hardly rough, Avery.” Jolvia said in her…normal voice. The warmth from Avery’s hang out with her last night had all but vanished. “In my line of work you’re pounced often by nobles and their goons. That includes Conduits.”


    “What fun! I racked up a fine of over 3,000 poke’ for fighting my arrestors!” Rikzyod laughed, twirling about to show a plethora of new scars. “Some elites! One of them was even crying by the end!”


    “Never fear, Avery. My associates will have all of Rikzyod’s fees waived. After all, Rikzyod has the case that, for all he knew, he was being attacked by random Poke’mon, unmarked and out of uniform.” Jolvia said with a sigh. “I apologize for the inconvenience.”


    “Huh? Why are you sorry…?” Vizon asked, tilting his head. Jolvia closed her eyes.


    “Why else? Loan managers often are the target of convenient charges that could put them behind bars and delay audits and collections on nobles.” Jolvia replied simply. “No doubt one of my clients simply felt like saving money this month on their repayment, and thusly wasted everyone’s time. Ah well, that’s what the bank’s BoA Advisory officers are for.”


    ‘What a good excuse’, Avery thought to himself, a little impressed.


    “We were just about to go to the bank to drop off some excess,” Avery said. “Then it’s off to Yahneri Port to support the elites. Is that okay with everyone…?”


    “Aha, more elites, uh?!” Rikzyod laughed, slamming his fists together.


    Support. Avery said support.” Vizon said quickly. Jolvia nodded, folding her arms.


    “That’s fine. From what Olistia said I figured that’s where we were going next.” The Nidorina said. Her crimson eyes moved from Avery to his partner. “Vizon, if you would? Lead the way to the bank? I’m unfamiliar with the route.”


    “Huh? Oh, yeah, sure! I remember the way!” Vizon said with a fist pump, bounding around. Jolvia patted Rikzyod on the shoulder, prompting the Geodude to take off after Vizon as she lagged behind…with Avery.


    With other two rushing ahead just out of earshot…Jolvia’s gaze returned to Avery. The Plusle felt Jolvia’s eyes on him.


    He…deflated a little. He was yanked out of that bubble of time with Vizon, and back into the reality where he was…harboring a spy. Avery didn’t like it.


    ‘Oh, Jolvia…why did you tell me? Things could have been so much simpler…’


    “…Everything okay?” Avery mumbled, eyes forward.


    “Just be honest, Avery.” Jolvia sighed. Her eyes burrowed into the Plusle. “What did you say?”


    She asked it so plainly, so forwardly. Her voice was hushed as she walked forward, motioning for Avery to follow beside her.


    Her expression wasn’t…angry. It just seemed…almost disappointed.


    Avery shook his head.


    “…This came from before,” Avery said quietly. “…Olistia knew about the camps. She asked me what I thought, and I just…said without thinking. ‘A mole’. It wasn’t the only possibility now that I think about it. Maybe psychics mined our minds, or….other psy-ops like that. But I didn’t have those things where I’m from. So I just thought ‘spy’. I didn’t expect her to actually…act on it.”


    Jolvia was quiet, letting Avery continue.


    “That was before our whole thing anyway. The interrogators asked me more about Rik than they did you. I just…”


    Cringing a bit, Avery raked his paw through his hair.


    “I don’t…like this…”


    Jolvia stared at him, eyes tracing over him, drinking in Avery’s every subtle motion, every hitch in his words, every tonal inflection.


    Then she sighed.


    “Just bear with me.” Jolvia said, putting a hand on Avery’s shoulder. “I promise I’ll do everything I can to get Olistia her Water Pearl. Then at least we can rest easy knowing that nobody will be able to summon the birds. Danger averted, day saved.”


    Her words were carefully picked, perfect for if someone was eavesdropping.  But Avery knew what every word meant.


    “So that’s been your goal?” Avery asked. “From that start…?”


    “I’m against Xamao, same as you. It’s what I’ve been asked to do.” Jolvia replied, continuing her careful phrasing. “Better to have a stalemate than any rogue Poke’mon getting all three pearls. That’s what we think.”


    She looked down at Avery with a sigh.


    “Then, once all this business has finally concluded and the entire threat is neutralized…I’ll leave the team straightaway after that.” She said. “If you’re intent on sticking with this, despite what we said…better I not make it any harder on you.”


    Avery shook his head almost right after her offer.


    “I meant what I said. I’m not letting anyone get hurt. I’m the… The you-know-what. I talked to the guy last night for heaven’s sake. And if everything that I’m going through means I can change the status quo for the better, then it was worth every moment. “


    Jolvia frowned, leaning in.


    “Avery…you realize I can take care of myself…right?”


    Her voice had a tinge to it…as though reminding Avery of something. Perhaps what she said those nights ago. Before she could say more, Vizon’s voice cut the conversation short.


    “Heeey! Come on, you guys! We can’t delay forever!! AZURE IS NEVER LATE!!


    Jolvia sighed with a smile, though it was impossible to tell if it was fake or not. She waved Avery to follow as she quickened her pace to catch up.


    She didn’t even question the fact Avery admitted to talking to Arceus. Perhaps she just thought it some delusion…


    “…you just…it sounded differently before,” Avery mumbled, quieter.


    ‘I don’t want you to die, Jolvia.’


    Avery quickly picked up the pace to catch up with Vizon.


    As they walked, Avery could see Vizon was going down his usual route, one that the Plusle hadn’t been down a while. To the west, the high white marble wall of the Illaminian district sat in the distance, towering over the rooftops, all while Vizon took the long route to the farming district. Jolvia, meanwhile, did not comment on this, opting to just follow in silence.


    After some time, the four finally reached the edge of the lower market district, the rolling hills of the farming district spread before them. Vizon stood on the dirt path, pointing up the road towards the banker’s stand.


    Avery could see her, Kellixae sitting with a book spread across her desk, not yet looking their way.


    “There we are!” Vizon said, taking a deep breath. But…his smile didn’t falter…or wobble. No, now he seemed…




    He looked back at Avery, holding his hand out.


    “C’mon, let’s bank our money and get out there, buddy!”


    Avery nodded.


    “Just a short catch-up with Kellixae then,” Avery said with a little laugh. The Plusle stepped forward, and approached the bank. Maybe she was expecting him to come from the other direction, but… Vizon was following today.


    “Morning, Kellixae,” Avery said, standing up straight. The counter was still a little tall for him.


    The moment Avery spoke up, Kellixae’s head perked. Her gaze moved from her book straight to Avery, her expression brightening warmly.


    “Oh, Averry! I had begun to think you would not come by today, eitherr!” The Flaaffy said, shutting her book at once. “Though I hearrd you paid Sekurrae a visit yesterday evening. She was so pleased to see you, and-“


    Her gaze lifted, seeing Jolvia, Rikzyod and then…




    Her face fell. Immediately going neutral, she folded her hands the counter.


    “-well, I can perrhaps save it for anotherr time.” She said, leaning on the counter. “How may the bank serrvice you today, Team Azurre?”


    Vizon frowned…but stepped up, himself, leaning on the counter, trying to put on a smile again.


    “We’d like to deposit our leftover funds…Kellixae.” Vizon said, raising his eyebrows. “I hear you’re good friends with Avery! He’s told me a lot about you.”


    “Mm. What specifically, I do wonderr.”


    Avery softly squeezed Vizon’s paw as he stood at the counter. Rikzyod looked as though he were about to blurt something but Jolvia stopped him, leaving it between the banker and the guild pair.


    ‘I see you…I see you trying…’


    “Good things,” Avery assured. “I kind of want to bring back some cuisine for him to try next time I go out with you. Arcean stuff is good, but… I’ve never had anything like the stuff you showed me…!”


    “Yes of courrse.” She said, backing off to place the money in the safe before her. “Though I am unsurre what you mean, Averry. I harrdly showed you anything special.”


    “Well, for something brand new it was special to me…!” Avery said, looking back at Vizon. The Riolu was keeping a confident, friendly grin, a far cry from his first and thus far only meeting with the banker;


    Avery appreciated the effort…or, at least, Avery assumed that Vizon was putting forth the effort for him.


    The Plusle banished the thoughts away and looked at the bag of money.


    “We’ll have to keep things short since we’re in a bit of a rush, but… I think we’ll keep fifteen hundred from this bag and deposit the rest.” Avery said, handing over the money with a smile. “Oh, and Im glad Sekura’s doing okay…! Vizon actually helped get the guys who…well.”


    The Plusle shifted. He figured that he should try and talk Vizon up, too.


    Kellixae’s eyes silently traced over to the Riolu. Vizon squirmed, his smile wobbly but surviving. Slowly, the Flaaffy took the bag of money from the counter, not taking her eyes off Vizon.


    She seemed to shoot Avery a…peculiar look before standing back up.


    “Well, if you arre prressed for time I shall not keep you.” Kellixae leaned on the counter. Vizon squeezed Avery’s hand as she looked at him again. “And you…”


    “…me?” Vizon asked, his brow furrowing. Kellixae was quiet a moment, sizing him up.


    “…you have my thanks for doing something about those men.” Kellixae said at last. “Sekurrae, my friend, looks up to the guild so. I am glad she could see them saving the day.


    “…as opposed to…?”


    Kellixae smiled politely, saying no more, only turning back to Avery.


    “Please do have a good day, Azurre. And, Averry, I do hope we can talk again. Perrhaps we two can have another outing togetherr soon”


    Vizon squeezed Avery’s hand harder. She said that in front of the Riolu on purpose.


    Avery’s smile faltered a little. She…was being kind of scathing. He understood it. She didn’t know he’d had talks with Vizon about this. She didn’t know how hard he was trying…and maybe she didn’t have to honour that. It was up to her.


    …But he was trying. And if she wasn’t going to praise him for it, Avery sure as hell was as soon as they were out of here.


    “I’d like that,” Avery said, trying to bring his smile back – even if it was a little lesser than before. She…knew that Avery still cared about Vizon, at least. The Plusle kind of hoped Kellixae would be a little more forgiving for his sake. “I’ll see you later, Kellixae…!”


    “And you as well, Avery, I will make verry sure to see you.”


    Avery turned, holding Vizon’s hand as they walked away, back towards the Market District. Vizon said nothing, only coming with Avery as they put the banker’s stand behind themselves at once, Vizon looking back. Kellixae met his gaze unflinchingly as they all left.


    “…Vizon…?” Avery asked.


    Vizon looked away, eyes ahead, a deep frown on his face. Under his breath he muttered something. Something gutteral. Something aggravated, but something too quiet for Avery to make out.


    But Avery could only guess.


    He didn’t reply to the Plusle at first, waiting until they all were back in the Lower Market district, coin purses lighter and item bags full. Jolvia (and by extension, per Jolvia’s quiet suggestions, Rikzyod) had said nothing the whole time, politely letting the events unfold. Simply watching.


    At least, when their paws met Cobblestone, Vizon let out a breath as though he’d been holding it for the whole time.


    “Feh…alright…alrighty, team…!” the Riolu said, trying to bring his mood back. “We’re all going to do our best for the guild. For our family, right?”


    Avery frowned. He wanted to talk about it. He wanted to apologize for Kellixae, tell him that there’s a lot of history there, that it took a while for her to trust Avery, too. That things got worse before they got better. And that was for someone who…as always…wasn’t from here.


    But for the moment, none of the words came. Maybe that was for the better. Even if it was hard, even if it might have confirmed some things he had been thinking for the time being…Avery was so happy that Vizon had tried. No poisonous looks. No scathing words with separate meanings. Just…earnest Vizon. The one that he’d met.


    “Yessir,” Avery said, quickly mirroring his energy. “Anything else we need to do?”


    He looked back at Jolvia and Rikzyod.


    “We’re going to be down one Nivanee today since she’s still recovering.” Avery reminded everyone. “I’m not sure if there’s going to be a lot of combat over there, but I hope that if you guys want to come that the mission goes well.”


    “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Jolvia replied. Rikzyod nodded.


    “The last time you told me it would be easy you FACED AN EMPIRE OF NIDOS.” Rikzyod said forcefully, SLAMMING a pat on Avery’s back. The Plusle slammed onto the ground by the force. Still as good a slap as ever. “So forgive me if I do not believe you!”


    “Hah, that’s a fair point, Rik,” Avery said, rubbing his spine as he got himself up.


    Vizon smiled, seeing them still up to go with them.


    “Truth be told, us being down Nivanee is probably another reason we’re just out helping some elites in Yahneri Port, huh?” Vizon sighed with a laugh. “Oh well…! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a million times! No work is beneath the guild, and Team Azure does it all and never gives up!”


    He squeezed Avery’s hand in determination, the bad experience with Kellixae…if not banished from his mind then at least, for the moment, pushed down to let him refocus on the task at hand.


    One could only hope…maybe…


    …maybe things would go okay. Maybe Team Azure was ok.


    He lifted a hand, pointing off to the Eastern Horizon.


    “To Yahneri Port!” Vizon cheered. “Lead the way, Team Leader!”


    There on the map, the way to Yahneri was clear: southeast of Arceliaze at the point marked ‘AJ’ on a hook-shaped pennisula.


    Avery sighed with a smile. He had an almost…nostalgic feeling in his heart.


    ‘Things will be okay. If Vizon is going to try…then I am, too. We still have things to sort out. Everything that happened yesterday…it wasn’t going to disappear overnight. We’ll have to talk about it. But for now…for now this is okay. For now, we’re okay.’


    Avery followed Vizon’s point, and set out of the eastern gates.


    Onwards, to Team Azure’s next mission: Securing the Water Pearl at the crossroads of Tulaan, Yahneri Port.

    Chapter 29.2





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