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    Chapter 29.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    “Avery…? Where are you…?”




    “…Avery, my child, I hope you’re unhurt. Olistia has yet to commune with me upon the high rise of the moon.”




    “…There is so much work to be done, so much to do, my hero. So many Poke’mon to save. Olistia needs you. I, Arceus, need you to protect these lands I hold so dear…”




    “…Avery, answer me. You must.”








    “I can’t lose another…tell me that I’ve not lost another.”






    “…I don’t want to lose another friend…”




    ‘…A friend?’


    Even in the dream. Avery didn’t want to leave someone like that. Maybe he could speak.






    “…! …Avery?! Avery…there you are…”




    “I…I apologize I was…I was…”




    The voice was silent a moment.




    “I…apologize, my child. I was simply worried. You have been unavailable for your check-in…”




    “Are you at least safe?”


    “I’m okay. I’m spending the night with Lahnae. We told stories.”


    Avery paused.


    “It was nice.”









    “And not with your chosen co-hero, Vizon?”




    “Vizon and I…haven’t been getting along very well lately.”


    Avery paused.


    “I don’t want to drift away from him. He’s my partner. But…”



    “Arceus, why do so many people here hate each other?”


    Arceus…was silent.




    Very silent, but for the voice.


    [[ RETRIEV


    It cut off in the silence. And Arceus said nothing.


    The silence was long. Uncomfortable.


    Until at last his voice returned. Deep. Rolling like thunder.


    Quavering like a child.


    “I don’t know…”


    He was silent again before continuing.


    “I cannot tell you…why Poke’mon feel hate…borne from greed and jealousy and spite. I have pondered for millions of cycles. Millions. I have wondered ever since they first took…”


    You felt something. A deep discomfort. A creeping fear of death, like watching a grand deity near to planting his finger upon the planet to snuff it out like a candle.


    “…since they first took him from me, so long ago…”


    He was silent again.


    “…do you think I should have burned it all, Avery? Before it festered into what it is today? Turned into this Over-ripened world slowly killing itself? Was it better when the fields burned and the sky turned red?”


    Avery shivered. He didn’t like that feeling. But…he tried to keep his head.


    “I think whatever I say will be a biased answer. But…if you made this place, Arceus, if you love this place…destroying it would be giving up on it, and everyone here. Calling them hopeless, saying nothing can ever change that. And…if you believe that…then why am I here?”


    Avery didn’t know where Arceus was. He couldn’t reach out and comfort him. Maybe that was what the retrieval thing meant. Maybe it was presumptuous of Avery to think he even could comfort the God of Creation…or whatever Arceus was.


    “When you see everything all at once, the big picture…when I see the city of Arceliaze, I see…a city at war with itself. I see angry groups, vigilantes, and people in power that let both run free without regulation. I see houses burned for no other reason than the nationality of who lives in them, and a culture sour and distrustful of those who house them. But…”


    ‘Deep breath.’


    “When I look closer…I see Kellixae. I see a farmer who when her home dried up, she moved to a new country to provide for her child. Who works two jobs, and despite her per-concieved notions, befriended a guild member and let him into her life. I see Lahnae, a Torchic who has been immersed in this culture of war her whole life and yet doesn’t care about who is what. Everyone is worthy of love to her. I see Sekura, who took stock of her life, a life that many like her find detestable, and strove to be a model citizen, someone everyone loves. I…I see Vizon. Someone who grew up on the border, watching refugees come in day by day, reading periodicals about heroes who save the world, and…and despite his misguided beliefs, despite his prejudice, truly does want to help people. He kept me safe as best he knew how. He helped a delirious stranger in the middle of the night. He fought to save a population under tyrannical rule, and-“


    …Avery’s eyes were starting to sting.


    “I have to believe that he and I will be okay. I have to believe that he can point his ambition towards helping everyone someday. He’s not made to hate people, he’s not SUPPOSED to hate people, and he DOESN’T, I’m…”


    The stinging grew.


    “I have to believe that everyone will turn out okay.”


    Arceus was silent again.


    But the dread had subsided. The warm feeling returned.


    “…maybe that’s why Olistia chose you of all…you’re so much like Mew.”


    [[ EJECT ]]


    It was over.


    It felt so quick. In no time at all…it was over. Avery could feel the plush bed under him, the slight grogginess of sleep leaving him, the shine of morning’s light through the window obvious through his closed eyes…no gong…


    …but the feeling of warmth still wrapped around him.


    …He wasn’t on the floor.




    Avery rubbed at his eyes, rising from bed. Back in the guild. In the real world.


    …he hadn’t really given Arceus too much thought beofre. Avery had just lumped him in with Olistia as a sort of package deal.


    But…had he really talked to the creator of the world? Was he with Avery on the idea of prejudice? His tools for fixing it were a little coarse, sure, but at the very least, it was comforting to the Plusle to know that the god of the world didn’t damn Illaminians like many Arceans seemed to.


    Opening his eyes…Avery was greeted with bright orange, the tuft of feathers pressed right into him.


    Strong wings still held him tight, just as they both had fallen asleep last night. A soft breathing could be heard, light and clearly not fully sleeping. Just resting.


    Avery heard the Torchic sniff, a tiny noise coming from her chest as she softly shifted.


    “…you ‘wake…?” Lahnae muttered quietly.


    “…Mmhmm,” Avery mumbled. He wondered if he didn’t fall on the floor because Lahnae was hugging him so tightly. Or maybe Vizon knocked him off in the night. Either would work. “…How, um…did you sleep?”


    She stretched a little…and squeezed Avery softly with a smile.


    “Yannow? Pre’ey goood.”


    Her speech was a little slurred as she shook off her sleepiness. A hint of an X-Eye District accent tinged her voice. She took another deep breath, looking at Avery with a smile.


    “Howbout you, Aves? Sleep good?”


    “…Yeah. Best sleep I had in a while,” Avery said. “…Had a weird dream, but…it wasn’t bad.”


    He stretched a bit, but…didn’t let go. Avery didn’t really want to do that quite yet. He was worried about Vizon, of course…maybe he could check on him. But for now, he didn’t want to leave this moment.


    Lahnae, herself, wasn’t in any special hurry either, simply opting to snuggle Avery up under her chin a little more.


    She was quiet for a while, just stroking Avery’s head. It was very warm here with her, very cozy.


    When she spoke, it was a subdued whisper.


    “…Hey…” She said, after a while of holding the Plusle. “…sorry if it’s awkward but…did you mean it last night? I know you were sleepy…and it’s okay if not. I know it’d been a really rough night…”


    She sounded like she was…genuinely checking to make sure. She clearly tried to banish all hopefulness from her voice, not wanting to push him in a given direction.


    All her question asked for…was honesty.


    Avery sat up, looking at her. He separated from her grip so he could look her in the eye better.


    ‘Deep breath. Everything would be okay.’


    “…Things are complex with me and Vizon right now,” Avery said slowly, looking back at the door. “…And…last night was…really good. Every time I’ve spent time with you…has been really good.”


    He smiled softly at her.


    “…I don’t want to do this behind Vizon’s back. That isn’t fair to him. So…for now, we’ll…we’ll put a pin in…anything official, okay? Maybe things will work out with Vizon and I, maybe they won’t. But…you’re going to be a very special person to me either way. I…”


    Avery sighed and leaned into her a little more.


    “I feel really safe around you, Lahnae. I don’t want to let that go, at least.”


    Lahnae smiled, hearing that.


    “Works for me!” She said, her energy returning to her. Not a trace of disappointment in her voice. “If you’re doing well and happy then I’m all for it.”


    She took a deep breath, sitting up.


    “But, yeah, you’re right. This wouldn’t be fair to Vizon…” She shook her head, repeating Avery’s words for her own sake. “I seriously hope you can smooth things over with him, Aves. If there’s anything I can do to help make that happen you just say the word, alright, Rival?”


    She beamed up at him, shifting off the bed, gathering her scattered effects from the floor and scooping them back into her satchel.


    “If you ask me, everything’s gunna be ok. There’s rough patches always but we hardy types ALWAYS pull it out in the end, right?” Lahnae said, slinging the satchel over her shoulder. “After gods, giants and 100-mile drops, what’s a little relationship drama in comparison, am I right!?”


    Lahnae paused a moment…then followed up.



    “All that said…I feel the same way about you, Avery. Safe, you know? It’s just nice having met someone like you I can just mesh with, even right out the gate.” Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. “You’ll always be special to me, too…let’s hang out again sometime after work again, one of these days! Maybe we really could do that Souljraan thing we talked about.”


    She snickered, clearly excited by the idea. Behind the wall there were faint voices and shuffling as the rest of the guild rose from sleep.


    “…Camping out in Souljraan sounds like a great idea,” Avery said, nudging her a little as he walked over to the door. “We should totally do it sometime. See the city as a city and not a mission…!”


    “Alright! Day off part two! Let’s get it-“








    Lahnae looked confused, listening as the loud gong sounded, signaling a work day. She…deflated a little.


    “Dang it…”


    Behind the wall, toward Aquashock’s room, Avery could hear a deep, guttural voice give the longest, most aggravated grunting moan. Sounds like Ganisus wasn’t too happy, either.


    ‘…Jolvia was right.’


    Avery let out a resigned sigh.


    “…Guess we’re going out without Nivanee today…” the Plusle nodded towards the door and opened it, stepping out to the hallway.


    “Aw, Aves…I’m sorry, dude.” Lahnae said behind him, following after. Out in the hall, Avery could already see Kipuuna and Ganisus coming out, the Piplup practically dragging Ganisus by the tail. Loshjno stood at the end of the hall, waving to both Avery and Lahnae as they approached.


    “Good morning, to the both of you.” He said, smirking with his eyebrows raised. “I hope you slept well?”


    “Yeah, totally!” Lahnae said, with a bounce in her step. Loshjno chuckled. Avery knew what that meant.


    Ahead, Kipuuna and Ganisus filed into the line. As Avery and Lahnae entered the guild hall, they noticed…several Poke’mon here. Along with Sarfallinus, who still rang the gong, Olistia was there, as usual. But two other teams of Poke’mon stood, wearing familiar white cloaks with red insides, at perfect attention at the front of the hall. One team consisted of a Machamp, an Ivysaur and a Swoobat. The other team consisted of a Cacturne, an Armaldo and finally a Greninja.


    Elites. Graduates of the guide.


    Loshjno and Lahnae took their place by Kipuuna and Ganisus. The Piplup was eying the elites curiously while Ganisus paid them no mind.


    And there, at the end of the line…stood Vizon.


    The Riolu stood up straight, brow furrowed. His crimson eyes fell toward Avery…he looked…surprised for a moment…and he sagged almost immediately, averting his gaze…shamefully.


    Avery looked towards Lahnae one last time, and gave her a little bump to the side with his hand. He’d have to face this sooner or later. He and Vizon were going to go on a mission today, and Avery couldn’t afford to be awkward around him. Or, that awkward, at least.


    ‘Deep breath…’


    Avery began walking forwards to fall in line next to Vizon.


    “…Hey, buddy.”


    Buddy. The same word he used. Avery knew things were wrong between them. And they wouldn’t be fixed easily. But he had to hope that they could do something about it. Because…Avery had to believe in Vizon. Avery had to believe in the both of them, together, as Team Azure.


    If they were going to live, they had to.


    Vizon glanced down at Avery again, a sad look in his eye. He clenched his fist…then relaxed it, looking back towards the front.


    “…good morning, buddy…” The Riolu said weakly as Avery stepped beside him. Lahnae cast the Plusle one final worried look before falling in herself.


    No more words were said for now as Sarfallinus put aside the ringer, stepping up with his arms behind his back. Olistia held the same pose, a serious look on both of their faces. Sarfallinus held out a hand for Estaloni to buzz over and hand a set of documents in a folder over, the Infernape taking it in hand to leaf through it.


    “Good morning, guild.” He said.


    There was a pause. Neither they nor the elites seemed to move. Sarfallinus extracted a sheet of paper from the folder, handing the rest back to Estaloni.


    “I do apologize for the interruption to your days off but we’re going to have to cut the break short.” Sarfallinus drawled. “There’s been new developments in our current Pearls crisis and we need all the help we can get. The elites are over-taxed in searching for Thieves Guild bases and securing the Water Pearl in Yahneri Port Museum…”


    He paused impressively.


    “As you all may have gathered, Team Aquashock confirmed Thieves Guild presence at Squirtle Lake two days ago. We’re having active hunting teams converge now. Aquashock, I’m assigning you to accompany them as you have had first-encounter experience.”


    Kipuuna and Ganisus nodded.


    “Team Spade, your duty is…back to recon.”


    Lahnae sighed but nodded.


    “We need to ask permission to search Steeljag village before we make a coordinated push to that area to get at Ember Summit. Your team is the best suited for the environment. Look for the Steeljag Money Market Trading company and get their approval. If they deny we’ll then need to take steps to get a village warrant.”


    “Yes sir!” Loshjno and Lahnae said in unison. It was then Sarfallinus turned to Avery and Vizon.


    “Team Azure, you’re going to Yahneri Port. We have no less than 15 elite teams securing the town, with army engineers making a super highway. Soldiers and iron battle carriages have been stationed and a full blockade is in effect. Your job is just to go down there and help however you can.”


    He eyed the two over.


    “And don’t push too hard. You both still look a bit injured.”


    Vizon winced.


    “Aye, sir.”


    “We’ll do our best, sir,” Avery said with a nod. Sarfallinus was right; Avery still had some soreness in his leg and chest, but…he’d survive. They would just have to take it easy.


    ‘…Who am I kidding? This is going to go off the rails so fast.’


    Sarfallinus nodded, staring the both of them down for a while…before turning to Olistia.


    “There’s something else…” He said, frowning. Olistia glanced at him…then back to the line of guildmates. Her expression wasn’t her normal, kindly one. No, today…she looked like a leader of a country. Her expression was icy, neutral.


    She stood tall, gazing down at them all.


    “The Elites Commission Board and Bureau of Arcean Law will be running a security audit and background checks on all guildmembers and subordinates.” Olistia said, her tone professional. “They’ll be searching all rooms and collecting contacts. Your consent is implied and a legal warrant has been provided from the BoA courts.”


    She was silent a moment.


    “We’ve had a leak.” She said at last. “In the days since receiving our tracking map of Xamao we’ve found nothing. There’s been no camps, no bases, nothing but evidence of establishments uprooted and relocated.”


    Her eyes traced over the teams. They all squirmed uncomfortably.


    “Please surrender to all questioning if prompted and report any suspicious activity or persons. If there’s a mole for the Thieves Guild, they must be found and apprehended at once.”


    Vizon glanced at Avery briefly.


    The Plusle frowned deeply.


    ‘I guess Olistia took my theory and ran with it. Though I can’t imagine I was the only person consulted.’


    He gave Vizon a quick look. Avery would talk to him about it if he needed, but…Avery wouldn’t say anything about Jolvia.


    …But if Avery was questioned…he wasn’t sure what he’d do. Could he lie and say that he had no idea? He wasn’t sure. Maybe he could say what he was supposed to know – that he didn’t know what she did before working for us.


    But Avery didn’t know what these Pokemon could do.


    ‘It’ll be fine. It’ll all be fine. I have to believe in us.’


    Olistia gazed across the gathered for a moment before nodding to the two elite teams, all the Poke’mon coming to attention.


    “We’ll begin immediately.” Olistia said. “Team Aquashock, please follow Elite Team Tulstone to Sarfallinus’s office. Team Azure, please follow Elite Team Iron Axe to the rooms above. Team Spade, Elite Team Dust is waiting for you outside.”


    “Dismissed.” Sarfallinus said, the two elite teams breaking their lines first. The Cacturne beckoned Kipuuna and Ganisus follow with a smile, the Piplup nodded in understanding. Meanwhile, the Machamp, followed by the Venasaur and Swoobat, approached you and Vizon.


    The Riolu looked worried already.


    “Alright, guys, mind coming upstairs with me?” The Machamp asked. His voice was fairly gruff but didn’t have much a harsh edge to it at all. Behind him, Sarfallinus and Olistia kept off to the side, watching the teams go their separate ways.


    Avery nodded, looking up to Vizon. “Alright.”


    Nothing for it but to head upstairs. They were the newest recruits. But they were recommended by Olistia herself. So that’d give them some points, right?


    ‘That’s a bad way to be thinking about this…’


    The pair followed behind the three Poke’mon, going up the stairs into the entry hall without delay. Crossing in front of the reception desk, they brought the two to the other door, opening it to reveal a small, plain hall with a few other doors lining the sides.


    There wasn’t much prestigious about this area. It seemed to be where Estaloni worked, where the little-used kitchen was, and a supply closet.


    However, the elites, Team Iron Axe, opened a door at the far end of the hall where a small windowless office was. The plaque on the door read ‘Zandani’, appearing to be the office of one of the guild faculty.


    “Go ahead and take a seat, alright?” The Machamp said with a small smile, nodding to Avery. “Vizon, we’ll get you all set up in the other office and be with you boys in a second. Don’t worry, we’ll be in and out and you can get on with your day. Sorry about all the inconvenience.”


    “See you in a bit, buddy,” Avery said, giving Vizon a little wave as he went to the chair, and took another breath.


    ‘Just an interview. It’ll be fine…!’


    Vizon hadn’t said anything the whole time, only nodding uncomfortably as he was shuffled into another office, out of sight. The Machamp began to close the door behind Avery as he took a seat.


    “Alright, buddy, mind giving us one second?” The Machamp said. “We’ll be right with you.”


    The elite retreated, closing the door. The atmosphere changed at once, the sounds outside the room muffling as Avery was left alone.


    The room was plain. A glass lantern hung above, giving light to the marble walls and tile floor. The desk was pushed up against the wall, both chairs against opposite walls beside the desk. It was low enough that Avery could lean on the surface.


    There were no shelves nor any effects on the desk. Though Avery could see some dust where some furniture clearly had been sitting. It was obvious the room had been searched and prepared beforehand.


    And still…things were just…


    …silent. He was left alone.


    Avery kicked his legs a little, gripping the sides of the chair with his hands. It was…a little freaky, sure, being interrogated, but…it’d be fine. It’d all be fine. He had to believe that.


    ‘…This is for the best, right?



    I suppose the ‘off the rails’ part of the Team Azure mission has started before we even left town this time.’


    It was a little cold in the room, besides the faint heat coming from the lantern above. The chair’s leather padding and metal legs felt cold as well.


    Avery knew who the mole was. Who it had to be.


    The room remained silent. Avery couldn’t even hear any shifts…or shuffles…or voices outside. All he could hear was deafening silence in the room.


    Avery began humming to himself to fill the silence. And then letting his mind wander elsewhere. Distract. Distract, don’t think. It’s fine.


    “…Luke I wonder if he was…a nice guy,” Avery rambled quietly, looking up at the ceiling. “I bet he didn’t really like being outside that much, which would be funny if he camped with Addy and I all the time. Might have just liked being around us, hah…I bet he was a bit of a scaredy cat…but maybe anyone is compared to Addison.”


    It was only blind musings. He only had names and a simple vague memory he’d dreamed about. Everything else was just…made up speculation. Wondering what might be.


    But there were no real memories here. Only imagination.


    Avery looked towards the door. Anyone coming?


    “There might’ve been…something weird about his family…something…maybe he only had one parent? No. No, wait, maybe he didn’t have any. Just a sister, a lot older than he was. But…he probably turned out okay. I hope he’s alright.”


    Anyone coming…?


    The silence dragged on…and on. Every so often he would hear something and swear it was someone coming at last, only for the door not to open. Maybe just auditory hallucinations.


    Nobody came. Avery was just…left there…the time seemed to drag on…






    …like he was just abandoned.


    Until at last, there was a shuffle. A real one. The door handle turned, the Machamp stepping inside with a folder in hand.


    “Heya, Avery.” the Machamp said with a resigned sigh, stepping inside and closing the door. “Sorry for taking so long, bud. I know the chairs in here ain’t the comfiest.”


    ‘Don’t think don’t think.’


    “Oh!” Avery sat up, looking over at him. “Hi, it’s no problem. I, uh…I’m sorry, I never really got the opportunity to follow up on guild past. I’m Avery. What’s your name…?”


    “Ah, that’s fine, we all start somewhere. I’m Elite Renikan but you can go ahead and just call me Reni, s’what my teammates called me back when I was in the Arceliaze guild.”


    He sat down in the chair across from Avery, lazily dropping the folder on the desk and opening it up, leaning over to look at it.


    “You been havin’ fun at the guild, man?” the Machamp asked, taking out a piece of paper and sliding it across the desk. “Mind signing this for me? Just letting everyone know we got this done. Just something we always gotta do with these things while we investigate, you know.”


    The paper had several paragraphs of jargon on them, in small text. Hard to even decipher what it was specifically saying, but Avery could make out the line for his signature. The Machoke, Reni, leaned forward, hands clasped in front of him as he set his satchel down beside his chair.


    “…fun’s a word for it,” Avery said, looking over the contract for a moment. He didn’t…really know what this was about, but…he signed it. “I like the guildmates. But…hah, I haven’t really had a relaxing day since-“


    Avery blinked, and looked up at the Machoke.


    “Actually, uh, how much do you know about me, Reni…? There’s…kind of an important thing. If you talked to Vizon about me he might have said, but…you know about my amnesia, right…?”


    “Yeah, no worries, bud. I know you got a whole condition, that’s probably why this won’t take long. Just going through the motions, alright?” Reni said, taking the paper. “I understand about the guild though, man, it’s some stressful stuff.”


    He shifted some papers in the folder.


    “Can we talk?” He asked, scooting in a bit, leaning toward the desk a little bit. “Let’s just get through the whole map business since, you know…I understand you only been in the guild for…about a week? Week and a half or so? So there’s not a lot you got under your belt so why don’t you just give me, you know…give me a run down of what’s gone on since you joined up ’til now?”


    Avery nodded, furrowing his brow to figure things out.


    “Um…okay. Well, since I joined up…I mean there was that whole thing with the letter of recommendation with Sarfallinus, he was really mad at me about all that. But…we had our first mission up to Windscorch Mountain to dispatch the Pickpocket Gang and retrieve the map and the hostage. Which…was weird, since it seemed like an important mission, but I guess the Pickpocket guys weren’t that big profile. But…Xamao dropped in, gave Vizon a concussion, and took the map.


    “After that, uh…that was…Tall Woods and Rocky…Rocky Cliffs? I think it’s called? The border to Illaminamo, in Souljraan. We picked up our first teammate there, Rik. He used to be part of…ah, I can’t remember if the schism and the Thieves’ Guild are the same thing. I think he was a mercenary? But he joined us. Nivanee came with us then, too, but she wasn’t part of the team yet.


    “Then…” Avery tapped his feet on the ground, looking up. “…Was…that…River Delta? Yeah, we were just supposed to go to Taeriana to get vouchers – had to go through the bog, fought off the Mud Boys with intel from Team Spade – and that ended up being…a whole thing. Apparently the bandits had gone unattended for like a year and set up a kingdom there. We teamed up with a resistance group, and overthrew the kingdom…one of them joined us there, too. That’s Jolvia. She’s our only other subordinate.


    “Then there was Breezy Plains, where we took down…the Old Wanderer.” Avery pulled a face, looking off to the side. “Nivanee joined us for that, too. Which…she didn’t take it very well. I…things haven’t been easy on her for a while. I hope she’s okay…b-but, uh, moving on-


    “Dove Fo Uddjo was next, that was with Aquashock. That was…probably…the most terrifying mission I’ve ever been on and…that’s saying a lot because I haven’t had a single gimme mission since we started, hah…we got the map there. That was the first mission with Nivanee officially on the team, and…the first mission that the entirety of Team Azure came. That’s…me, Vizon, Nivanee, Rik, and Jolvia.”


    “After that…well, that was the ruins. And, uh…” His ears sank. “…That was with Team Spade. And we…that was our first failure.”


    “Yeah, I heard about Lightning Wastes. No trouble, we’ll bounce back…” Reni said, scribbling on a piece of scratch paper. “Alright, so that’s…5 people on your team, correct? Vizon, Nivanee…Rik, was it? And Jolvia.”


    He made a few more marks.


    “Okay. So Rik and Jolvia, these are subordinates of yours, right? And you say Rik was a mercenary? Working with the Thieves Guild? Mind giving a little more detail there?”


    “Um…Okay,” Avery said with a little nod. “Just more about Rikzyod? He’s…he values strength. That’s…putting it generously, heh…”


    Avery scratched the back of his head, laughing awkwardly.


    “To put it another way, he’s…a masochist, I think. I haven’t seen him happier than when he’s in extreme pain. Like, extreme pain. He took the worst fall out of anybody back in Lightning Wastes. Exposed…diamond? Bone? I don’t know what’s normal for Geodudes, but he was hurt. And he had the biggest grin on his face. He’s always been like that. Only wanted to join us because I gave him a show of strength, heh…”


    The Plusle sighed.


    “He doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to be a mole, if that’s what you’re wondering. Too, uh…well, simple is mean. I just…I don’t think he has it in him to be duplicitous, you know? He’s a very ‘what you see is what you get’ sort of guy.”


    “Oh no, I get it, no problem, man.” Reni said with a little laugh. “I know guys like Rik. Respect most of ’em, too. I’m more asking about, I guess, his mercenary group. No idea?”


    Avery shook his head.


    “Just that he didn’t like them much. Called them cowards. Or something like that. I dunno,” he sighed, leaning on the desk with his elbows, head in hands. “…This has been, and I realize the irony in this, the longest week of my life.”


    “That’s fine, let’s go ahead and just get the rest of this over with. Okay, so…” The Machamp sighed, clicking his tongue and looking over a few of the paper. “So when you say Nivanee ‘didn’t take it well’ when ya’ll bagged the Old Wanderer, what do you mean? Like she’s been…how, exactly?”


    Avery made a face, tilting his head.


    “…Do you not know? The Old Wanderer was her sister. Janus.”


    “Just covering all the bases, you know how it is. If I don’t ask then someone’s gunna jump down my throat.” Reni laughed again. “So, does Nivanee…you know, visit Janus often? What’s Nivanee like?”


    Avery nodded a little, relaxing.


    “…I think she’s only visited her twice, as far as I know. It might have been more than that, but I don’t know. Nivanee…she was really desperate to have her sister back, but…Janus…she’s stubborn. I don’t know what’s going on, really,  just…She’s Thieves Guild now, I guess.”


    “Uh-huh?” The kindly Machamp said, nodding with a thoughtful look on his face. “So would you say she’s still, like, particularly attached to her sister?”


    “…I don’t know,” Avery said, looking down. “…She’s hurt. I know that. Both times I’ve been there with her she’s been begging Janus to come back to her and rejoin the guild. Janus seems really stubborn about not doing that though. It’s…”


    He sighed.


    “It’s kind of sad.”


    “Okay…okay.” Reni nodded, leaning back and folding his hands over his chest. “So it was you, then Vizon…Rikzyod the mercenary…Nivanee…who am I forgetting, there was another. What about them, again?”


    “Jolvia,” Avery reminded him. “The Nidorina. I don’t know much about her, though, just that she’s an accountant somewhere, and was part of a resistance group in the Delta. She joined before Nivanee, though. Helped out a lot in the investigation around the Old Wanderer.”


    “That’s it about her? She still work as an accountant?” Reni asked, leaning over to glance at the folder, looking like he made a mark or two. He made a friendly chuckle. “She…doing resistance group work on the side over at River Delta?”


    “I don’t think she does the accountant work anymore, no,” Avery said. “Or if she does she does it during off hours. I’ve spent some time off with her – she spends a lot of time with Rikzyod, since…I think they share a room in the Lower Market District?”


    Avery shrugged.


    “I don’t think there’s much need for a resistance group down there now that the farmers have the land back though.”


    “Well, she certainly did good with nabbing the Old Wanderer, that’s for sure.” Reni said with a smile, sighing and gathering up the document.


    He was quiet a moment, making a few last notes before closing the folder and leaning back again.


    “Alright Avery, so…” He began, unfolding his hands. “Here’s the deal. I’ve talked to Vizon, talked to the others who chatted with Lahnae and Kipuuna and Ganisus, right? They’ve all been 100% honest with us and I really appreciate it from everyone.”


    He folded his hands over his chest casually again.


    “Is there anything else you need to mention before I leave you alone for a second? Anything you need to be telling me?”


    Avery furrowed his brow.


    “…I spoke with Olistia, a few days ago. I think it was before the Lightning Wastes…? She told me about the camps being uprooted and everything. She asked me what I thought…and I told her that there must be a mole, if I had to guess. Since…there was just, Malzena, Aquashock, and us in the room. That’s all I could think of. I don’t know…if there is another possibility, but…I hope there is. I don’t like the idea of anyone being a traitor.”


    Nothing he said was false.


    “Yeah, I wouldn’t want that, either, but you got to understand, Avery, there’s real lives at risk here. You know? Because those Pearls could be very dangerous in the wrong hands and somebody helping those guys get them is putting everyone at risk, you know? Citizens, you, me, Vizon, Lahnae, everyone.”


    He clasped his hands together, leaning forward in the chair.


    “So you gotta be honest, okay? There’s too much at stake and I don’t want someone coming and getting you in trouble because you weren’t honest.”


    …Avery squirmed in his seat, trying to think of anything else. Anything else he could say.


    “…In the Lightning Wastes, there was some time I spent alone, with some Thieves Guild members. A Snivy and a Starly.” Avery looked off to the side…and then at him. “I don’t know if this is that, since…it happened afterwards, but…Quayslaan used to be a team member here, right? With…a Tepig, I think. That’s…that’s two people from the guild who used to work here, but ran away for the Thieves’ Guild.”


    Avery gripped his own arms. Self-soothing.


    “…Is there…something I should be watching out for with the Thieves’ Guild? I don’t know much about…I think it was Team Infinity’s past, except that the Tepig…ran away.”


    “Ohhh yeah, they’re bad dudes. Bad, bad dudes, Avery. Black market, dangerous crimes, thievery, you name it, they do it, man. It’s why we need your help catching these guys.” The Machoke said nodding. “Is that it? Just Quayslaan and that Starly from the Thieve’s guild? You talk about anything in particular?”


    “…We were on a truce, while we were there. We had to have been, otherwise we would have never made it out alive. They’re…” Avery looked down. “…Quayslaan is the reason Nivanee isn’t dead. But…he, the Starly and I got separated for a bit. And we just…talked a bit. He didn’t say much about his life at the Thieves’ Guild because he didn’t trust me that much, which makes sense, but…he told me that he didn’t like his life at the guild. Something happened with his partner. The, uh…the Tepig. The Starly just talked about how he wanted to be a poet, and read me one of his poems.”


    Avery shifted, paws swinging in the air.


    “It was a good poem.”


    “Okay…” The Machamp nodded. “Alright…if you’re sure that’s it, I’m going to leave you for a second, alright? I need you to remember what all’s at stake right now, Avery. Don’t let this happen to you, alright?”


    He began to stand up.


    “Gunna let you think on it for a bit. This is important. Everyone’s been honest with me and I need you to be, too, man. I wanna help you and I wanna keep you safe from higher ups but you gotta work with me. Okay?”


    He picked the folder up,


    Avery nodded.


    ‘Deep breath. Keep in a good state of mind. Don’t imagine the gallows. Everything will be fine.


    Arceus, please help me-‘


    “Alright. I’ll…I’ll try to remember if there’s anything else.”


    “Alright, just keep that in mind.”


    The Machoke stood, walking towards the door.


    “You hungry, by the way? I know we grabbed ya’ll before you got food. Want anything?”


    Avery shook his head.


    “…I usually get shuffled out the door on a mission before I get to have breakfast, so…I’ve kind of gotten used to not eating until partway through a mission, hah…b-but, uh…thanks.”


    The Plusle paused.


    “That probably isn’t healthy.”


    “Alright, man, cool. I’ll be back in a sec.”


    At last, Reni opened the door, stepping out into the hall. The door closed, the air thickening the moment Avery was alone.


    The room deathly silent.


    ‘Arceus help me….please please please I’m scared-


    Deep breath. One. Two. Three.’


    “…Addison…Addison…she’d…” Avery swallowed. His throat felt tight as he tried to block out his own thoughts. “She’s probably…a tomboy- looking at…l-looking at Luke you’d think…s-she stole his personality, b-but…b-but she’s…nice, supportive, good…good….good friend.”


    ‘Help me…help me…’


    There were no sounds in the room except for Avery’s own breathing.


    No droning. No creaks. No shuffles. No voices.


    Just his breathing.


    His heartbeat.


    His scattering thoughts.


    He knew what he was supposed to tell him.


    Avery’s head was a cloud of thoughts. Flooded. He couldn’t think past them, he could barely think at all.


    ‘Just…focus. Focus on one thing. Deep breaths won’t cut it – focus on one thing. Ground yourself.’


    “…What does she look like…? Good question. She’d always wear a lot of clothes. Even in the middle of summer…even in…the middle of summer…clothes that…humans wear. Long head fur…somehow unkempt but never tangled. Hated feeling it tangled.”


    ‘Deep breaths. Ground yourself. Focus on one thing. Focus on-‘




    ‘Don’t forget you’re human.’


    “She was a…Vulpix? What else could she be? My best friend. Put up with camping for me, bless her heart, heh…never liked it at the beginning. She did it for me. She’s…she’s so good to me. I…”


    A pain tugged at his heart. One that hurt…but it was a different kind. A warm, nostalgic pain.


    “…I hope she’s okay.”


    ‘Deep breaths. Everything will be okay.’


    The silence dragged on…and on.


    Didn’t Reni say he’d be only gone a second? Where was he?


    The anxiety only welled in the long, grueling moments of solitude.


    A solitude that lashed longer than previous…on…and on…


    …and on…


    …and on…




    Avery heard a shuffle…voices outside the door. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, but there was a new voice he hadn’t heard before.


    They seemed to be…arguing.


    Then, the door opened suddenly.


    In walked a Meinshao. She stood tall and dignified, wearing an armband and scarf, glasses on her pointed snout as she walked in with a black folder. Avery could see Reni outside, standing just beyond the open door but not entering.


    “Avery, yes?” The Meinshao spoke, her voice immediately grabbing his attention.


    Avery’s scattering thoughts silenced and he looked up at the door as it opened.


    “Oh, uh. Hey.”


    “My name is Posha. I’m with the Western Lower Market District branch of the Bank of Arceliaze, from their BoA Legal Advisory Team.” The Meinshao explained. She paused, casting a look back at the Machamp who…glared.


    Avery looked between the two of them…confused.


    ‘Legal…advisory team?’


    The Meinshao waved a hand as though to shoo the Machoke away, to which Reni only grumbled…and promptly shut the door.


    Now alone, the Meinshao returned her gaze to Avery.


    “How much did you tell him?”


     “Um…as…much as I know,” Avery said, his brow furrowing. “What’s, uh…did I do something wrong?”


    “No, and that’s exactly why you’re free to go.” She said, sitting down in the chair across from Avery and crossing her legs. “But let me say my piece before you run off. One of the WLM Branch’s loan divisions just had an manager and auditor jumped by elites and arrested for questioning and we thankfully have a witness.”


    She peered at Avery over her glasses.


    “You’re Jolvia’s friend, correct?”


    “…Jol…” Avery’s eyes went wide. “W-wait, she was jumped?”


    His heart stopped.


    “She’s part of Team Azure, we’re friends, she…I knew she was going to be questioned, but…w-what do you mean jumped?”




    She was actually a loan manager?????’


    “Jumped for suspected treason and collusion with anti-Conduicy forces is the charge, with the sentence being maximum time in the dungeon, followed by capital punishment if she refuses questioning.”


    The Meinshao smirked, despite the horrific news she just delivered.


    “Although guild and elite arrests carry an extra-judicial implied sentencing, neither they nor the Conduit are the end-all-be-all of Arcea, despite what they may think.” She said, slipping a sheet of paper from her black folder. “Last night we contested the sentence and presented our verified evidence that she was there auditing and repossessing assets from ‘Emperor’ and ‘Empress’ at the Nido Kingdom with her ‘Antidotes’ collections team, and given her alibis with us and with you prove that she could not possibly have colluded with any criminal organizations…”


    She clicked her tongue, her steely gaze looking toward Avery.


    “…Banking and Finance Guild Councilmember Volshadeni should be seeing her out of the dungeon as we speak. BoA won’t let the Conduicy touch her unless she wants every noble with a loan account with Western Lower Market to be at her throat.”


    She slid the paper towards Avery, with another line to sign.


    “I just need you to sign this, saying that you can corroborate everything that I’ve said and verify her alibis. With that, the rest of the suspicion against your other teammates and guildmates, Vizon, Nivanee, Rikzyod, et al will also be falling apart. And maybe then the elites will think twice before trying that again without a solid case. Don’t even need a court for this one, BoA will toss it right out with no submitted evidence to refute contestment.”


    ‘…It makes sense that the Elites would suspect us. It was either us or Team Aquashock, and we were the ones with an ex-Thieves’ Guild mercenary, an amnesiac, and the sister of a Thieves Guild member currently in the dungeon.


    But it’s still a bit of a shock to hear.’


    “…She told us she was an auditor, yeah.” Avery took a breath. “…They…arrested her only on suspicion? I thought they were just…asking questions, were…were they going to arrest us about all this??”


    ‘But Reni had seemed so nice, he was just…he was just talking to me-‘


    Avery looked down at the document. His throat was tight. Was that what was happening? Did Sarfallinus know they were going to…going to lock them all up?


    “So long as you didn’t yak about anything stupid then this document basically ensures that any further questioning on Loan Manager Jolvia from you is coerced  and to be thrown out as evidence.” Posha said, putting a pen in front of the Plusle. “The Elites regularly overstep with full legal permission, it’s just that usually they do it with Poke’mon that can’t fight back. Then they try the same thing on people like ours and get served some humble pie.”


    The Meinshao leaned back, looking almost…smug.


    Avery furrowed his brow…but signed the document, confused about everything. Confused about…


    ‘…was this what they were going to do? Coerce me? Squeeze a confession from me?’


    Avery finished the signature, quiet. Contemplative. Concerned.


    Posha smiled, taking the sheet of paper and dumping it into her black folder, closing it up.


    “Alright, there we go. Everything’s better now.” She said, standing up. “Let’s get you out of here, you’ve nothing more to say to these blowhards, alright?”


    She walked towards the door, opening it and letting Avery step into the hallway.


    “…Blowhards…?” Avery mumbled, following her out.


    Outside, he saw Vizon standing next to a Hatterene who also held a black folder. The Machamp, Swootbat and Venisaur stood off to the side, looking either aggravated or sheepish, though the Hatterene didn’t look all that pleased, herself.


    Vizon had his shoulders bunched up, looking up at Avery in worry. Avery turned to Vizon, the same look on his face.


    Then to Team Iron Axe.


    ‘What…is going on? Why are they doing this…? They were going to arrest me?’


    Then….back to Vizon. Avery gave the Riolu a small, worried smile


    Posha softly patted Avery on the back, leading him forward as the Hatterene did the same with Vizon, leading them both out into the main hall. Avery hugged Vizon when he got to him. Avery was…nervous. Scared, almost. But-


    The Plusle separated, just…holding onto Vizon’s hand. Like before. Vizon pressed close to Avery right back, squeezing the Plusle’s hand tight, not saying a word.


    There was still…a safety Avery felt with him. It wasn’t like Lahnae’s. But…it was there. He let that carry him as they moved out to the entance hall.


    There, Avery could see other Poke’mon gathered. A Lilligant, a Lopunny and several others among them, each with black folders and leading Kipuuna, Ganisus, Lahnae and Loshjno out the guild hall whilst the elite teams from this morning only stood by and watched.


    Avery swore he could hear a woman’s shouts coming from downstairs. Was that Olistia…?


    There was a stomping coming from up the stairs, the elites making way as someone came up into the main hall. The Poke’mon with black folders all looked back as Sarfallinus marched up the stairs, looking furious. A woman’s voice continued to shout…at him? As he approached, the Guild Master throwing his head back and ROARING back down.


    “Why don’t YOU think again before you EVER do that to MY GUILD again! Casting suspicion, sewing doubt!” The Infernape shouted, the walls rattling with his voice as he stormed into the guild halls, looking around at all the scared guild members, casting incredulous looks at the elites who seemed to…shrink back at their former guildmaster.


    With a grunt he moved over to Aquashock, waving Avery and Vizon over as Lahnae and Loshjno bounded toward him, the Infernape making tracks for the opened exit doors, held open by the black folder poke’mon.


    Avery’s grip on Vizon’s paw tightened. His other one found the Riolu’s arm. It squeezed. Avery was scared. He was confused.


    …But he wasn’t alone. Not in any sense.


    Sarfallinus grunted, leading thje guild all out the door, into the warm afternoon air of the city. It was already so late in the day, nobody had been given a chance to begin. The black folder Poke’mon followed behind, closing the doors.


    “The warrant is still valid for a room search, so-“


    “That’s fine. They won’t find a thing.” Sarfallinus grunted, his hands resting heavy on Avery and Kipuuna’s shoulders. “I just ain’t having my family badgered with suspicions like that. Not my guild. I ain’t going to have them treated like that.”


    One of the Poke’mon nodded, looking back.


    “Looks like we have everything we need, everyone’s signature?” Posha said, stepping up to the front.


    The black folder Poke’mon nodded and murmured agreement, while one of them, the Hatterene, only silently leafed through her documents with a stern look on her face.


    “Everyone. Sarfallinus.” Posha continued, smiling and looking over the guild members. “Thank you for working with us and we apologize for all the stress this morning. And thank you, esteemed guildmaster, for the tip of the interrogations. We’ll keep it confidential from authorities, of course.”


    Sarfallinus huffed, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck. The black folder Poke’mon all looked to one another, nodding and began to disperse.


    “Remember, if anybody has questions or concerns, come by the West Lower Market Branch and we’ll set a meeting with the Legal Advisory.” Posha said as she turned to leave. “As for you, Avery, Vizon, you’ll find Jolvia waiting at One Truth Square where the guard have dropped her off.”


    “Have a good rest of the day, everyone.” Another of the legal Poke’mon said, the team leaving the guildmates to their work for the day.


    Everyone seemed to relax at once…including Sarfalinus, the practically sagging with his knuckles against the ground.


    “Arceus’s sake…” he muttered, exhausted.


    “…” Avery took a deep breath, clinging to Vizon like a life preserver. “What…what just happened?”


    Vizon only stared, looking toward the vanishing Poke’mon. Everyone looked just as lost as Avery, muttering to one another.


    But Avery could hear it. A seed of doubt planted.


    Whispers of who the mole could possibly be. Sarfallinus straightened, looking over toward the open doors of the guild, his brow furrowed as he saw Olistia approaching. The Gardevoir had a…measured look on her face, but Avery could see in her eyes she was not happy.


    “Sarfallinus.” Her voice was very chilled as she approached, the Infernape stepping around to put himself between the guildmates and her.


    “Conduit.” He replied, staring down the Gardevoir even as she towered over him.


    “I know that was your doing.” She said, eyes narrowed. “Sarfallinus…I needed testimony to build a case.”


    “…and you won’t get it from my guild.” Sarfallinus huffed. “Not with those elite goons.”


    “They’re your ‘goons’, really, ‘Guildmaster’.” Olistia replied. “Actually, more to the point, it isn’t really your guild. You may run the guild but it is my training operation.”


    Sarfallinus said nothing, glancing back at all of the guild members.


    A sharp hush fell between the two, Olistia’s gaze piercing Sarfallinus…until she broke.


    “…but fine.” Olistia said at last, making the Guild Master perk up and look back at her. “If it upsets you so then I’ll look to other methods. I have no reason to distrust the guild, of course, but they’re the first to talk to…but now that isn’t an option.”


    Avery couldn’t be sure…but he could swear Olistia’s gaze briefly turned to him, giving him a brief, hard glance before returning to Sarfallinus. Avery flinched at that look. What was that? Just because he told her what he’d thought? This wasn’t his fault…! Avery wasn’t a major tactician, he was…he was..


    The wandering thoughts were sliced by Olistia’s voice.


    “But perhaps it’s unnecessary now, the questioning. I have what I need already.” Olistia finished. “My apologies, Guild Master.”


    Sarfallinus offered no reply at first. He only looked back at the guild members, waving his hand as though to dismiss them.


    “Go on, everybody.” The Infernape said, nodding. “Tend your tasks. I’ll take care of everything here.”


    Everyone looked to one another uncomfortably. Vizon, meanwhile, took Avery’s hand at once, turning as though ready to leave immediately. Avery was trivially easy to tug, brought along with Vizon as he walked.




    Seeing Avery and Vizon break first, the rest of the guild looked at one another, at once shuffling away from the guild hall, whispering to one another as Sarfallinus and Olistia talked to one another.


    Even now, Avery could hear Sarfallinus begin to apologize for his actions.


    But he couldn’t hear much past that, Vizon tugging the Plusle down the narrow street, the guild hall vanishing from sight.


    They walked a while, Vizon’s footsteps heavy on the stone pathways, holding Avery’s hand tight and secure…turning a corner…then another…then another.


    It wasn’t their normal route. It was like he was just going…




    …anywhere but the guild.


    Chapter 29.1





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