The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 17





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    The morning was a hazy blur. Kipuuna was out of bed before Avery was, joining the others in assembling in the main hall. Nivanee checked everyone out…and Kipuuna made clear his intentions to proceed with the mission in the Deep Dimension.


    Avery wanted to talk to Nivanee and Vizon before they left, alone. He was very, very surprised that he hadn’t had a dream. Maybe the hotel had measures against them.


    Vizon saw Avery first as the Plusle entered the hall, waving him over, Nivanee sorting through the items in her bag.


    Avery also gave a quick check in with Ganisus. Last night had been…kind of tense. The Plusle wanted to make sure that he was ready to go too. Ganisus was standing noticably closer to Avery than he was Kipuuna. After last night, Vizon regarded the Shinx rather awkwardly but still made conversation with him and Avery.


    ‘Please, Arceus, please let this go well…’


    “Heya Avery…!” Vizon said. “Sleep well?”


    “…No dreams,” the Plusle said with a little shrug. “Which…is a first. No gong either.”


    Avery looked at Nivanee for a moment, then back to Vizon.


    “…I apologized to Kipuuna last night after we went to bed. And…I’m sorry to you guys, too.” Avery began, wringing his hands together. “I’m…I’m supposed to be a team leader, and what I did last night…that’s no way for me to act. I’m…I’m sorry to you too, Nivanee. If…if you guys are okay with me sticking around as the leader after this mission, I’ll promise to do better. But if you want me to step down after this, I’d understand that too.”


    ‘…Maybe stepping down is a little extreme. But I don’t really…know what the precedent for all this was. But I do know that I’d made Nivanee upset. I want to rectify that…I know that much.’


    “No…no, no stepping down.” Nivanee said firmly, looking up at Avery. “A leader takes their mistakes in stride and learns from them.”


    She smiled encouragingly, nuzzling him.


    “Just like you did last night apologizing to him.” She said, nodding. “Look…I’m sorry, too. I just wanted to hold everyone together…whatever is left.”


    Vizon gave Avery a pat on the shoulder, a merry look on his face.


    “…cool…” Ganisus said, staring at the three in blank admiration. Kipuuna stood off to the side, getting ready.


    “…I understand that, Nivanee.” Avery said with a little smile. ” But…um…for future reference, I think…y’know, there’s better ways to go about it than tying emotionally vulnerable people in argument fallout to chairs.”


    Nivanee looked off to the side, chuckling nervously and pawing the ground. Avery glanced over his shoulder to the Shinx who was practically huddled up with them.


    “How about you, Ganisus…? Are you ready for this…?” Avery asked, making Ganisus perk up. “I don’t know what’s going to be down there, but…I guess being as prepared for anything as we can be is going to be our best bet.”


    “…yeah…sure am, buddy…” Ganisus said, looking at Avery with a sparkly (if featureless) expression.


    Kipuuna said nothing, though he looked like his heart was breaking with every word. Still, he stoically looked ahead as the rest of the guild got ready.


    “Alright, that everyone?” Nivanee asked, padding about, taking mental roll call. “Jolvia…Rikzyod…alright, that’s everyone!”


    She nodded, Kipuuna stepping up to take his place at the front of the teams, beckoning Avery over. Nivanee set up the light trail to the Office of Outer Affairs helpfully.


    Avery hung back just a little, to give Kipuuna a small, if nervous smile. The things the Piplup had said to him all those times still…lingered in Avery’s head. But he couldn’t afford to let those haunt him now.


    ‘I believe you can do this.’


    “Alright, I think we’re ready.”


    “Let’s get going, then.”


    With that, the group set out, following the line out the door and into the crisp morning air under Dovve Fo Uddjo’s false sky. Even so early in the day the city was alight with movement, goods moving overhead and large glowing psychic pylons warming up for the day.


    As the group walked down the smooth stone roads, Avery could see Kipuuna subtly trying to walk closer to Ganisus…and Ganisus subtly keeping away from the Piplup, a deep and annoyed frown on his face.


    “…do you mind…?” Ganisus muttered to the Piplup, Kipuuna averting his eyes and mumbling an apology. Avery frowned, heaving a deep sigh. Things between Ganisus and Kipuuna were going to be…rough for a while, no doubt. The Plusle gave Kipuuna a sympathetic look – but Avery couldn’t say he didn’t expect this. It was going to take more than just what happened last night to bring them back together.


    ‘Hopefully that’ll be what the Deep Dimension does…’


    The group continued, the streets looking familiar to the first time they entered. At last, that familiar rounded structure came into view, the front force field of the Office of Outer Affairs opening for the group.


    Already, they all could see the Chancellor in the main atrium, the Spoink conversing with a Jynx. Xonitus glanced over, bouncing at their arrival and dismissing the Jynx woman.


    “Arceliaze Guild, good!” The Spoink squeaked. “Zala was just letting me know how things downstairs are progressing. We should be ready now…are you?”


    “Yes, sir,” Avery said with a nod. “I don’t know what to expect in the Deep Dimension, but I think we’ve done as much preparation as we can.”


    “Weeeeell…” Xonitus hissed softly, looking worried. “That’s kiiiind of the issue. See, I’ve had teleportation psychics and telecomms psychics working hard on getting this portal to the Deep Dimension University open and try to…you know, contact someone inside and ask if anyone’s available…”


    The Spoink coughed.


    “…and nobody’s responding. We don’t really know what’s going on down there at all. But it seems to make the psychics working on it…uncomfortable.”


    Everyone looked at one another, worried looks crossing their faces.


    “All we know is that nobody’s really exited the university in years. I don’t know if they’re all training super hard or what, but it’s silent in there. Just a lot…a lot of energy radiating in the University.”


    Vizon rubbed his arm, looking back at Avery with a determined face.


    “Well, I mean…it’s a college, right? Surely that won’t be dangerous?” Vizon asked. “Like…it’s a place of learning, isn’t it?”


    “Regulated and audited colleges aren’t dangerous, young Arceliaze Guild member.” Xonitus replied, sweating. “Nobody knows what goes on down there and it’s not like any of us have the power…or really inclination…to go down there and find out. It’s always been…whatever they do down there is their business. I hope it’s not dangerous, but…”


    “…whatever…” Ganisus cut in, stepping a little closer to Avery. “…we’re not scared of anything. We’ll, like…take a chance on it…”


    Kipuuna took a sharp breath, looking away…averting his eyes from Ganisus’s sharp stare.


    “Anybody in there we need to know of in particular?” Jolvia asked her own question. “Have you ever kept track of poke’mon that have entered?”


    “Yes…there’s about 23 Psychic Poke’mon that are known to have entered the deep dimension, either by opening their own portal or paying to have one opened for them.” Xonitus explained. “Five of them aren’t even Dovve Fo Uddjo natives. Among them, the one that’s been there the longest was a…uhm, what was it…a Hypno named Malzena. His family was rather worried about him but most Poke’mon are too…”


    “Scared?” Nivanee finished, Xonitus nodding. The Eevee sighed, looking back at Avery. “Any thoughts, captain?”


    Avery’s brow furrowed.


    “Do you still have some of those Special Defense drinks, Kipuuna…?” Avery asked, turning to the Piplup. “If we’re all going in there together, I think those could be really useful for keeping us safe. I’ve got some pocket change to get some in the city itself if you’re running low. Stocking our defenses in our favor is going to stack our chances of getting in and out successfully.”


    …Past his verbal question was a non-verbal one –


    ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’


    Kipuuna glanced at Avery, taking a deep breath as he answered, as though his words were sealing his own fate.


    “No need. I spent yesterday stocking up…for everyone.”


    ‘I’m sure…I have to be’ – came Kipuuna’s nonverbal reply. Ganisus took no notice, only listening to Xonitus as he spoke.


    “Well…there’s not much else to say…” Xonitus shuddered. “…I’m sorry you’re flying blind, but you know about as much as we do now…”


    “…then what are we waiting for…?” Ganisus drawled, glancing at Kipuuna. “…let’s charge in already…”


    “W-well, wait…” Kipuuna said, taking out some special defense potion. “…maybe first we can all get rea-“


    “Man…enough with your plodding around.” Ganisus growled, hooking a paw around Avery. The Plusle jolted a bit at the hooked paw around him. “…some of us have a mission to get to without being, like…a total fraidy-cat that jumps at their shadow.”


    “Ganisus, I…” Kipuuna huffed a sigh, conceding. No more shouting matches. Kipuuna only walked among the group, handing out defense potions to the other members who each nodded in thanks.


    Avery…still felt like Ganisus was sort of using him as leverage to hurt Kipuuna.


    ‘Maybe I can…’


    “There’s a difference between being a ‘fraidy-cat and going in naked and headstrong,” Avery said, taking the potion a the Piplup gingerly approached. “Thanks, Kipuuna.”


    Kipuuna was quiet, offering one to Ganisus. The Shinx refused it silently, only walked along, leading Avery away from Kipuuna.


    “Oh, well! If everyone’s ready…!” Xonitus said, leading Ganisus, and by extension the team, ahead.


    Avery looked back at the Piplup, smiling softly.


    ‘You can do this.’


    Kipuuna nodded, trying to give his own unsure smile as Ganisus made something of a show, much as he could muster, of ignoring Kipuuna.


    With no other words, the group was led to a staircase. Unlike the clean and pristine marble of the rest off the Office Building, this stone was much more dusty and unkempt. And down below was a deep darkness only pierced by torches. Regular, burning torches.


    A cold wind below from the bottom of the dark stairs. Xonitus sighed…and began to descend.


    The group slowly made their way down the steps, a creeping horror crawling up their backs as they sunk lower and lower and lower. Unable to see the bottom. Now unable to see the top, they simply descended






    Deep down into the abyss.


    Nothing was said.


    Nothing. For a long time.


    Only footsteps and quiet crackling fire…


    Until finally a voice spoke.


    “We’re here.”


    It was Xonitus.


    At last, the bottom of the stairs were reached. Kipuuna’s breath caught, seeing a group of psychic type Poke’mon in robes, their hands outstretched and glowing with faint energy. In a semicircle, they surrounded an archway on the stone wall.


    Xonitus nodded towards the archway, the psychics parting to make way for the guild members, letting them see what they had created…the entrance to the Deep Dimension.



    Inside they could see what must have been the…hollowed out bottoms of land-slices far above, and a horizon that seemed to simply infinitely extend to a vanishing point forever. It was almost sickening to even look at.


    A cold wind billowed from within.


    All the psychic types around the guild members squirmed, Xonitus approaching.


    “There, they got it open…” the Spoink said. looking up at the group. Rikzyod cracked his knuckles, Vizon nervously adjusted his pack but kept a stoic face whilst Nivanee kept an undaunted air about her. Kipuuna was taking deep breaths. Deep breathes, staring into the unknown. Jolvia examined the inside closely, trying to see if she could make anything out.


    And Ganisus…absentmindedly stared about the room, as though totally aloof to the scary visage in front of him.


    “We all wish you luck, of course, but…” Xonitus huffed. “…they have a bad feeling about-“


    “…we’ll be fine.” Ganisus cut him off, looking at Avery. “…ready when you are, buddy.”


    “Wh-…” Vizon frowned, as though his line were stolen by the shinx.


    “…Ganisus,” Avery said slowly. “…I know you’re eager. And we are going to do this. But…knowing what’s happening going in is…really important. We can’t be flippant about this. Even if our badges and reviver seeds help us out…there’s more at stake here than a mission success.”


    He turned to Xonitus.


    “…A bad feeling…? ” Avery urged, wanting the Spoink to continue. “If there’s any insight on what this place is like, it’d be really helpful. I don’t think any of us have…seen anything like this before.”


    “That’s all it is, unfortunately. A bad feeling. But when a psychic has a bad feeling…you know it’s no lie.” Xontius’s tone was serious as he stood by the archway. “We’re going to keep the archway open for three days. If you’re not out by then, we’ll have to close it and send word to the guild and elites at Arceliaze to stage a rescue…”


    The other psychics were sweating. Losing the guild members must have spelled trouble if anything happened.


    Ganisus seemed to pay no mind, only flicking his head to the side as Kipuuna stepped up, taking his place beside Avery as Aquashock team leader, drinking his Special Defense potion. Everyone else did the same, save for Ganisus, of course.


    “Thank you, Xontius.” Kipuuna sighed. “We appreciate all the trouble…”


    Even here at the threshold, Kipuuna’s trepidation was clear. But it was equally clear he’d not abandon Ganisus any time soon.


    ‘Three days. Will we even be down there that long…? I…I have a dinner to get to back at Arceliaze. I can’t afford to be down there for three days. I can’t afford to be down there for one.’


    It was clear that what Xonitas said was shaking Avery, too. The Plusle stepped a little closer to Vizon, taking his arm.


    ‘This…this is scary. Can we really do this…?’


    Avery looked at Kipuuna.


    ‘What a mission for him to have to show his mettle…’


    “…This is a two-team job,” Avery said, taking a drink of his potion. It…didn’t taste the best, but he hoped it’d help. “So when we’re in there, co-operation between Team Azure and Team Aquashock is tantamount. Frequent headcounts to make sure everyone’s present, mental check-ins to make sure everyone’s…present, and nobody goes too far forward or too far behind. Everyone okay with that?”


    Ganisus looked at Avery intently as he spoke, drinking in every single word, nodding. Along with him, everyone agreed with The Plusle. Avery looked to the Aquashock leader.


    “Anything to add, Kipuuna?”


    Under other circumstances this would have been almost sarcastic. A final chance for him to turn tail and bolt.


    …Under other circumstances this might have been Avery trying to include Kipuuna, show Ganisus through some subtle method that his friend really is trying.


    …But under these circumstances…Avery was scared. He was hoping that somehow, Kipuuna’s nine years of moving boxes would give him some insight to help protect them all in there.


    Yet the moment Avery addressed Kipuuna, Ganisus’s attention immediately wandered. Kipuuna was quiet a moment, a look on his face as though he was deep in thought…then he spoke.


    “I agree on all points. Remember: Ghost, Dark and Bug type attacks. No fighting moves nor psychic moves. Everything else should be okay, but focus on physical attacks.” Kipuuna, fetched some Attk Up Potions, passing them out, the Poke’mon around Avery sipping at them. “Vizon, take two Special Defense potions and hang in the back behind us. You too, Jolvia. Even if it’s weak, provide covering fire from afar, please.”


    Ganisus sighed, almost yawned, looking away. Kipuuna briefly lost his cadence before continuing.


    “…Up front is Rikzyod and Nivanee…Avery, Ganisus-“




    “..uh…w-we can combo our moves. Water and electricity.”


    Vizon and Jolvia nodded, moving back to let Nivanee and Rikzyod step forward, Kipuuna adjusting his position by Avery and Ganisus. Ganisus said nothing but his body language was clear – ‘Don’t get in my way.’


    Avery nodded. Even if Ganisus wasn’t paying attention, the Plusle was, and Kipuuna’s plan…it sounded good. It gave Avery a little more confidence. His shoulders relaxed.


    “Everyone good with that…? Alright.”


    Deep breaths. In…and out.


    “Alright, team. Let’s go.”


    Everyone nodded…even Kipuuna. A hush had fallen over everyone…and the first steps were taken. Toward that chilly void they all walked, the psychics around the room sucking in horrified breaths as they watched.


    Their feet crossed the threshold. Cold stone immediately turned to a strange tingling surface, almost like glass.


    The visage ahead seemed to sickeningly compress, the archway behind them sliding away all at once. Waves of energy flowed past them, hyperbolic space around them making vague objects in the distance seemingly grow as they approached. Perspective, vanishing points, all of it was chaos in a moment.


    The void shifted.






    Avery gasped, trying to keep close as his perspective warped. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t see anything at all!


    “STICK TOGETHER!” Avery heard Kipuuna’s voice warble as the shimmering morphing, rolling,

    spherical flat contradicting void SWALLOWED them in an icy chill.


    And ALL AT ONCE.


    Everything was black.


    Knocked out? No.


    The light simply did not work the same here in the abyss of the Deep Dimension.


    Not only that…everything was…quiet.


    “Is anyone there?!” Avery called. “R-Roll call…!!”


    Everything was black, everything was silent.


    “H-here!” Avery could hear Vizon’s voice call out.


    “Present! Avery, that you?” Kipuuna’s voice came next.


    “I’m here!” Nivanee shouted. There was a shuffle in the pure dark.


    “…yeah…” Ganisus’s voice sounded off.


    “I am here!” Rikzyod, nearby.


    “Still here.” Jolvia spoke at last. That was everyone.


    The voices sounded close, at least. Nobody was separated. There was a shuffling nearby…that didn’t sound like footsteps…more like a world shifting all around him until…


    An EXPLOSION of light.


    Like hundreds of stars converging on them at once from the voice, the world around the group LIT BRILLIANTLY. All around the guild members, the stars floated and orbited as though they were celestial bodies.


    Here they stood upon…tile.


    A long, ornate entryway stretched before them in the light of the stars, doors and glass cases lining the walls as it led to a massive circular atrium.


    And there…a trail of lights appeared at Avery’s feet, leading down further into the strange hall.


    His jaw dropped. The Plusle stood…close to everyone, his vision tracing around the vista surrounding him. It was like space, it was like they were walking around in space.


    “It’s…it’s beautiful,” Avery whispered, fighting the urge to step closer. The Plusle was on the front lines as per Kipuuna’s plan, but that didn’t mean Avery could just walk ahead. He had to keep with the team.


    Kipuuna huffed, letting off some tension as the group moved forward.


    “I’d say the same, were the circumstances different…”


    Out of curiosity, Avery flicked his wrist, trying to bring up the psychic screen they had used in the city proper. He didn’t think it would work, but…the light beneath their feet seemed familiar. The screen appeared at his hand…and the image was completely scrambled. Nothing but noise and nonsense, static shaped to say:




    Avery sighed, dismissing the screen and eying their surroundings. In the glass cases lining this strange entry hall he could see something odd…trophies. Gold and sparkly, all depicting a Hypno with rounded black sunshades doing various sports and activities, none of which Avery recognized.


    Carefully, the group continued down the hall. They could see doors lining the walls, each one with a glass pane. Passing by them…they could see the inside…they were classrooms.


    Dark figures sitting at the desks inside, silently, glowing eyes staring blankly ahead.


    Vizon squirmed. Nobody said a word but an atmosphere of fear was beginning to descend on the group.


    Keeping steady pace, they came upon the atrium, their paws echoing on the tile. The walls seemed to pulse…breathing.


    “So…who are we supposed to be looking for in here?” Vizon asked quietly, his voice echoing. All the Poke’mon kept much closer together now.


    “Someone sufficiently ‘powerful’ enough…?” Jolvia mused.


    “That’s the idea,” Avery said slowly, keeping his eyes peeled. “…but if people have had trouble exiting this place…does that mean all the Poke’mon in those classrooms are…trapped there?”


    Avery huffed, a shiver going down his spine.


    “…I know it’s way above my pay grade but jeez…that’s too chilling a fate to be left alone…” He huffed.


    There was a thunderous CLAP! Everyone JUMPED.


    One of the dark corners of the atrium LIT UP, like a spotlight being shined from nowhere.


    There, a blue Meowstic stood. His eyes glowed an eerie purple color, completely blank, head cocked to the left, mouth agape and drooling.


    Vizon yelped quietly, Nivanee holding a paw on his shoulder.


    “Good morning, Freshmen!” The Mewostic spoke in a cheery voice despite his mouth not moving. He slid across the floor like a phantom towards them, clipboard in hand, making the others in the group back up, some of them getting ready.


    But the Meowstic made no aggressive moves.


    “My name is #!%$&# and I will be your guidance counselor here at DDU.” The voice from the Meowstic spoke. “How can I help you on your [[journey of learning]] with us?”


    Kipuuna looked at Avery, clearly already freaked out. Ganisus, meanwhile, looked unfazed.


    “Good lord-” Avery squeaked, backing up as the Meowstic approached. At least he didn’t seem…aggressive yet. The Plusle stood on his guard, but…cordially answered.


    “Erm…yes, hello,” Avery said with a little bow of his head. “We’re…Team Azure and Team Aquashock of the Arceliaze Guild, and…we’re looking for an expert psychic who can…pinpoint the location of a person outside of Dove Fo Uddjo. Would you be able to help with that?”


    “Ah yes!” The Meowstic spoke, his head flopping to the other side. “You must want [[THE DEAN’S PERSONAL THREE STEP COURSE]]


    “The…what?” Kipuuna asked nervously.


    “Please follow me.” The voice from the Meowstic spoke, sliding around the group, circling back toward the way they came. Avery jolted again, getting out of the Meowstic’s way as he moved past them. He could see a couple spots of drool on the ground. Mental note to avoid those. Everyone followed the Meowstic with their eyes as it positioned itself toward the entrance.


    Only when they looked back, half the Atrium was gone, now instead only a wall with a single door.



    — MALZENA —


    Avery’s heart sunk…a little more. The entrance was gone.


    “The entrance is gone,” Avery whispered, wringing his hands. Everyone was shocked at the change, looking around the rest of the atrium.


    No more atrium, they all were in a long hall, endless at both ends.


    ‘Well…if the Meowstic sticks around…we should be able to get him to lead us back no problem, right?’


    Avery looked back, as did everyone else. The Meowstic had vanished the moment everyone’s eyes were taken off of him.


    ‘…And he’s gone.’


    Everyone looked back at the door. A sign hanging off the doorknob, that wasn’t there before.


    [please knock first]


    Avery swallowed.


    “Well…should we…?” The Plusle looked back at the others cautiously, extended a fist…and rapped three times on the door.


    A voice BOOMED across the hall, making everyone recoil.


    “Dearie me oh my, whoever could that be, puttin’ their knuckles on me door, ey? Come iiiiin~!”


    The door opened by itself, fading to ash as it swung open, the dean’s office spreading before them as even the rest of the hall melted away.




    Throne room.


    Walls lined with plaques with gibberish written. All leading up to a massive gold throne sat behind a mahogany desk.


    A red carpet unfurled from the desk all the way to their feet.


    And there, upon the throne, sat lazily in its plushy cushions and drinking from a mug was a figure.



    A Hypno, black circular glasses sat upon his nose.




    “No need to be shy now.” The Hypno spoke, his voice light and booming all at once as he smirked. “I don’t bite. Do I?”


    Avery froze up, yet again, looking…up. The walls were just gone. He blinked and they were freaking gone. Everyone huddled close, even as Kipuuna and Nivanee did their best to keep a stoic demeanor, but Avery could tell they both felt just as much out of their element as he did.


    But…so far, this place looked…put together. Other than the…guidance counsellor and the people staring forward in the classes, this place looked pretty put together. Maybe things would be okay.


    “Um…Hello, Dean Malzena.” Avery began, Kipuuna letting him speak. “We’re…looking for someone who can locate a wanted criminal outside of Dove Fo Uddjo.”


    ‘This…this could be easy. Right? He didn’t bite.’


    “Weeell, now…ain’t that an interesting request?” Malzena said, the Hypno snapping his fingers. “Take a seat, let’s talk, love.”


    Everyone YELPED. Wood chairs SPRUNG up under each of them, PULLING them up toward his desk with ALARMING speed. Malzena took a sip of his ‘I HATE PIEYRSHVES’ mug, slowly floating up from the throne, looking at the group over his glasses.


    “A-ack-” Avery gripped the chair, eyes wide with shock from the sudden movement. It was like a roller coaster…but markedly less fun.


    “Guh!” Nivanee jolted, the Meowstic standing beside her again.


    “That’s a lot of lot of knowledge fer a group of lil’ dropouts.” Malzena spoke with a grin. “You know what they say ’bout fellas that increaseth their knowledge, don’tcha?”


    “But it’s a bad guy…!” Vizon put in. “We gotta find this guy before he does something bad!”


    “Ohh, now, bad? Betcha he thinks you’d be pretty bad, too.” Malzena retorted, lazily floating around the group. “What if he got here first? Think I should tell him where you lot are knocking about?”


    ‘…This wouldn’t be easy.’


    Avery tried to keep an eye on the Hypno, but it was tough with both staying seated and his…circular motion.


    “We…have briefed Xonitas on the matter,” Avery said, trying to keep his voice level. “He agreed that this was a worthy cause for seeking help, and told us that we would be able to find a cooperator here.


    ‘Maybe…telling him who sent us would help-‘


    “Oh ho ho, don’t you worry your pretty little head there, Avery.” Malzena said, knowing the Plusle’s name right off the bat. “I saw and heard it all. Why’dya think I gussied up for my guests, ey?”


    He snickered, a hollow laugh coming from the Meowstic as well.


    “Don’t worry, though, your secrets are safe with me, little. aha, ‘Plusle’, yeah?” Malzena said, floating his mug over to take another sip. “But so’s Xamao’s, unfortunately. I mean, come on! Imagine if I was giving insider information to every gov’ment lad n’ lass that popped by my university. I’d never keep the pencil pushers out. Always some emergency to tend to, always some good of the common folk, etcetera. I’m not runnin’ a service here!”


    Vizon furrowed his brow as Malzena continued to be difficult.


    “Now, hold yer tongue, there, Vizon, I’ll save you the speech.” Malzena said just as Vizon opened his mouth, the Riolu promptly slamming his jaws shut. “My only question to you, kids, is how badly you’re wanting this knowledge. I mean after all…”


    The displays and the walls of the office slowly began to fall away, the room replaced by a swirling void as the Hypno seemed to loom more and more and more.


    “When it comes to knowledge, the journey’s more important than the destination, innit?”


    The tile underneath their chairs began to fall away, putting them all in free fall!


    “And from what I’ve been seeing of you guild lot, you’ve got a lot of journeying to do if you wanna face someone like Xamao!”


    Everyone screamed! Kipuuna was panicking, his badge falling away from his chest, whipping away into the void.


    “NO!” the Piplup screamed, fruitlessly reaching for it. The same happened to ALL their badges, their one means of escape stolen from them as they all PLUMMETED into the dark.


    “I mean look at you lot. You’d fall apart a’fore you get anywhere near Xammy, ey?” Malzena’s cruel laugh thrummed in the voice. “Now just sit back, relax, and let’s have OURSELVES A LOVELY LIL SEMESTER!


    The chairs SLAMMED onto the ground, everyone jolting with a grunt.


    “What’s going on?! Where are we?!” Kipuuna shouted, whipping his head around.


    The room brightened, a huge auditorium surrounding them on all sides, spotlights shining down upon the group…as the guild members sat amid 22 other Poke’mon also in chairs.


    Every one of them had empty glowing purple eyes, mouth agape, drooling.


    Everyone’s head turned to the stage, a cough echoing across the auditorium.


    There, on a stage, the Dean stood at a podium, a pair of reading glasses sat on his nose in front of the black spectacles.


    “Ah, good mornin’ everyone. And welcome to Freshman orientation.” Malzena spoke, doing a voice, as though he were someone new. “I will be giving the address to our new student body~!”


    “The what-?!” Vizon shouted before a piece of rope MATERIALIZED in his mouth.


    “And please, no talkin’ durin it. I get distracted easy, y’see, aha.” Malzena said meekly, shuffling his papers.


    ‘…This would not be easy.’


    Avery was so terrified that his heart would stop. Multiple times. The badges…were gone. He was terrified of the idea of being trapped here a whole semester, trapped, and everyone trapped with him.


    The dean cleared his throat, a cloth floating by to wipe his forehead as though he were nervous.


    “Ah, jeez, is it hot in here or what?” Malzena asked nervously, sweating. Avery could notice it getting hotter, too. “Now let’s see, I just have a few words from the, ah, the, uh, er, the dean.”


    He shuffled the papers into place, evening the stack, before letting go, the papers not falling as he gesticulated.


    “Welcome to our four-step program for the, ah, the enhancement and furtherment of your educational endeavors. A wise Poke’mon once said: ‘Ahhh, help, I am on fire and am going to die, please Arceus make it stop’…or something along those lines.”


    The hypnotized Poke’mon all around the group lifted their arms like puppets on strings, clapping rhythmically in total unison before stopping all at once.


    “For one to be truly knowledgeable…” Malzena continued. “They must be bereft of weakness of heart. They must expunge and reconcile the worst of themselves to come to a truth.”


    Avery glanced at the other guildmembers. Nivanee, Vizon…everyone was terrified. Shaking.


    The dean took off his reading specs, leaning on the podium with a smirk.


    “So here’s how this is gonna work, you lil dropouts.” He began with a wide smirk. “You’re stuck in my world and you ain’t getting out, not unless you play my game.”


    His eyebrow raised. Kipuuna opened his beak, only to be interrupted with a gag in his mouth as well.


    “All you’s need to do is pass my three classes with flying colors.” Malzena explained, tapping his glasses on the podium. “You get through this and you get your precious information on Xamao, sure, but you’ll be coming out with something even better than that.”


    He laughed, the ‘students’ all around the guild giving forced laughs as well.


    “If you fail, well, you’re gunna be in for ‘extra credit’ like these lot are!”


    The students all jerked their heads toward the group, staring at them all with blank, hypnotized expressions.




    He waved a finger, Vizon and Kipuuna’s gags disappearing.


    “Are there any questions from the student body~?”


    Avery opened his mouth to speak, to talk about how ridiculous this all was…But he thought better of it. Instead of blurting something out, he took a deep breath…and raised his hand.


    “Ah, yes, we’ve a question from the once-ape now-mouse?” Malzena spoke, pointing to Avery. The Plusle’s chair LIFTED upwards, floating over the others. A large microphone floated in front of Avery, too large, the foam alone was bigger than Avery’s head. “We’re all dying to hear your question.”




    The Plusle looked below. The hardwood floor was now quicksand, the chairs sinking in the muck, his friends bound to their chairs.


    “Better belt it out quick~!”


    Avery’s eyes flashed with fear, being yanked upwards by psychic…and then again when he saw them sinking into the ground.


    Avery’s question fled from his mind.


    ‘He knew I’m a human. What was it? What was my question, I have to-‘


    “W…what…do the classes cover…?” Avery said, fighting his nerves to keep his voice level. His eyes were locked on his friends sinking into the ground.


    ‘Like those psychics before…I have a bad feeling about this. Beyond the obvious, beyond us being trapped in a terrifying university…


    …I have a bad feeling that there won’t be any more secrets.’


    “Aw, now, wouldn’t that be telling~?” Malzena said, taking a sip of water, the quicksand turning back to hardwood, the chairs all turning to dust as everyone was released. The hypnotized students all stood. “Let’s just say they’re all group projects and I don’t give points for participation, love~!”


    He laughed, the podium vanishing in a cloud of dust. The Hypno put his hands behind his back, adjusting his specs.


    “But hey, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, won’tcha? Why don’t we have ourselves a little ungraded practice quiz, just to see where you lot stand right now, huh?”


    The dean snapped his fingers.


    The students all turned to face the group, Avery’s chair vanishing as he dropped between his group.


    At once, the students’ eyes changed from purple to a terrifying red color, arms outstretched like zombies.


    “Go on, then~!” Malzena cooed, lounging in the air above. “Let’s see what you guild kids are made of!”


    He snapped his fingers again.


    And immediately, the students began to slowly shuffle towards the group, SURROUNDING them.


    Kipuuna backed up, pressing into Avery. Ganisus doing the same. The Piplup was breathing heavy. Vizon clenched his fists.


    “Ok…ok ok ok, guys!” Kipuuna shouted. “Remember! Rikzyod and Nivanee, t-take front! We can take them if-“


    Ganisus SHOT forward.




    The Shinx electrified his body, CUTTING through a group of students, sending them into the air, arcs CASCADING through them.


    “What was the formation?! I forgot!” Vizon yelled. Kipuuna snorted.


    “Ganisus, will you QUIT DOING THAT! You’re acting like a JERK!” Kipuuna shouted, throwing an icebeam in the hoard.


    “Kipuuna?!” Nivanee yelled. “We need a refresher!”


    “Uh-?! Wait, wait I-“


    A psybeam SHOT out, striking Kipuuna in the face! He recoiled with a yelp. Nivanee and Vizon shot out energy blasts to the attackers, trying to thin the hoard.


    “-Wait, Vizon, no Aura Spheres!”


    “What, why?!”


    “Or, no, wait, you’re right, I-“


    Another Psybeam.


    “I DON’T KNOW.”


    From the stage, the dean chuckled, tsking.


    This was bad. This was really really bad. Avery had to try to unify everyone, but…


    ‘What was the plan!?’


    In the heat of the moment, with everything going on, Avery couldn’t remember the plan. There was no back of the line, or front! These guys were all around them!


    “V…Vizon, Jolvia, in the middle! Ranged support, like Kipuuna said-! T-the rest of us…”


    What was it?! Avery remembered that, but…


    “T-the rest of us, we…Ganisus!! Are you still there?!”


    Avery readied his bolts, tossing them into the crowd around them, trying to thin it out. His heart raced, unable to recall what they were supposed to do. Something…something with Kipuuna, Ganisus and he…but where was Ganisus!?




    “Last I checked you’re not the boss of me.” Ganisus said, flatly but boomingly, cutting through a separated group.


    Kipuuna flared, firing an icebeam at the ground around the huddled group as the hoard approached. Nivanee yelped at the sudden attack, stumbling back into Jolvia.




    “GRAAAH, nevermind! I’ll do it MYSELF.” Kipuuna’s voice was fed up. “Ganisus you get back here right now!”


    “It’s divide and conquer.”


    “That wasn’t our plan-!”


    “Your plan was for frontal attacks!” Ganisus said, firing a thunderbolt. Jolvia pushed Nivanee off, Rikzyod making a CHARGE into the hoard, grabbing one and HEAVING them into a wall.


    ‘Kipuuna had to-‘


    Vizon panicked, delivering a double-kick to a freshman. The Poke’mon barely flinched. Fighting on Psychic. Unwise. The freshman telekinetically grabbed Vizon, flinging him aside, the Riolu SCREAMING.


    ‘Wait. No, I had to help Nivanee, she and Jolvia were-‘


    Meanwhile, Kipuuna was practically frozen as Ganisus refused to mind him.


    ‘Wait. Ganisus was-‘


    “We didn’t have a plan for being surrounded!”


    “Then improvise, stupid.”


    “What like you know what you’re doing?!” Kipuuna yelled angrily, firing out a bolt of ice at a psychic poke’mon.


    “It’s not like you can run like usual.” Ganisus taunted. Avery could see more freshmen TOSSED in the air by the Shinx. Kipuuna was utterly STEAMED, focus broken as the team struggled to recover.


    The bolts fizzled into Avery’s arms.


    ‘Rikzyod charged?! I tried to-‘


    ‘Vizon was supposed to stay back and deliver range! He can’t endanger himself-‘


    The arcs danced around Avery’s ears.


    The fighting-


    The screaming-


    The horde-




    With a guttural yell of overwhelmed, overstimulated panic, electric energy erupted out of Avery’s body in a blinding Flash, enveloping the room in a searingly white energy that, even with eyes closed, flooded everyone’s vision with light!






    “WHAT THE-?!”


    Everyone went blind at once! Stumbling, tripping over one another!




    “Who was THAT?!” Kipuuna’s voice shrieked. Avery felt the Piplup bump into him, tumbling over, rolling. Everyone was screaming and panicked.


    And above it all, Avery could hear the dean laughing hysterically, floating in a fold-out chair, a bucket of popcorn in his arm, massive sunshades on his face to block the flash.


    “Now THAT’S better than a day at the theatre! Or the comedy club, ey?” Malzena laughed as everyone scrambled to their feet.


    “Oof.” Ganisus’s voice rang.


    “Huh? Ganisus?! Where are you?” Kipuuna yelled out.


    “Shut up. It’s just-“


    “More than you can chew?”


    “I’m fine.”


    “I told you. I knew it I knew it, I knew this would happen!” Kipuuna couldn’t see a thing, only yelling into the white void.


    All around the group, the hypnotized Poke’mon began grabbing at everyone.


    Avery couldn’t see either. His vision was coming back, but it was blurry. Avery blindly kicked at the Poke’mon grabbing at him, paws sparking with leftover energy.


    “Stop stop stop stop-” Avery whimpered, pulling his ears over his head. “I-I can’t…I can’t…”


    ‘This wasn’t going to be easy.


    This…this might be impossible.


    What happened to us?


    Why did we fall apart so quickly?’


    The hands grabbed on their bodies. Avery could hear everyone struggling, yelling. ALL around him, fiery red eyes stared them down as they all were pulled. Pulled, pulled










    Avery closed his eyes-




    “Aw now that was just a sad display, you lil’ dropouts!”


    The dean’s voice echoed through the halls the guild members now lied in. No more hypnotized Poke’mon. Everyone scrambled to their feet.


    “What was that?!” Vizon blurted angrily. Nivanee lifted a paw to his chest as though to stifle him.


    “What indeed, Ganisus what were you THINKING?!” Kipuuna demanded as the Shinx got up.


    “What else? You froze up and refused to take a leap with me.” Ganisus sneered.


    “You broke away from the plan.”


    “You plan didn’t apply. Did you notice we were surrounded?”


    “Ganisus,  if you’d just listen to me-“


    “No, how about, Kipuuna, if you’d listen to me for once. It’s not all about you making the plans and having all the control.” Ganisus fired back.


    “And it’s not all about you gallivanting off like you know everything!” Kipuuna Shot back.


    “G-guys, c’mon!” Nivanee shouted. “Is this seriously the time?!”


    Avery still wasn’t fully…there.


    ‘They aren’t on my side. They aren’t on anyone’s side. There’s no side. We aren’t unified, everyone is disorganized and bickering and fighting and I can’t deal with it. I can’t deal with any of it.’


    The words around Avery were muffled – his ears were tugged up against his head, eyes squinted shut.


    ‘I feel sick. I feel so sick.’


    A cruel laugh echoed over the hall, making everyone flinch. Something moved. At the darkened end of the hall, they saw the nose first, then Malzena’s face…his ENORMOUS face taking up the WHOLE of the Hallway. His smirk was wide.


    “Well, flunkies, as much fun as it is to watch you lot bicker, it’s clear we got a lot of work to do. And mind you improve quick or you won’t be leaving any time soon.”


    A cackling laugh echoed through the hallway, a door dropping from above into the middle of the hall, swinging open to a swirling portal.


    A force seemed to GRAB Avery, then Vizon, Nivanee, Everyone, PULLING them toward the door!




    ‘What can I do? What could I do…? What could-‘


    First period.


    Everyone yelped, SUCKED into the void, the door SHUTTING at once.


    Behind the darkness of Avery’s closed eyes, he could see a bright light shining on him.


    “Welcome to History Class, ladies and gents, and what a crowd we got here tonight!”


    Avery could feel wood under his paws. He was…standing. He could hear…clapping.


    But no more sounds of bickering.


    ‘…Has…everyone stopped fighting? Or…’


    Avery opened his eyes, ears still pulled down over his head.


    ‘Where am I…?’


    Avery’s eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights, letting him see…blinking colorful lights. In front of him, a podium with a glowing red button.


    To Avery’s right, he could see Kipuuna in front of a similar podium. To Avery’s left, Ganisus, also at a podium, the both of them coming to.


    “H-hey! Help!” Avery heard Nivanee cry out.


    There, on the far end of the…stage? Nivanee, Rikzyod, Vizon and Jolvia were tied up, suspended over a gaping black void. They struggled, looking down the void in fear.


    Spotlights shone brightly on Avery, Ganisus and Kipuuna. In the darkness ahead Avery could just barely see the purple glowing eyes of a crowd of Poke’mon in stands.


    At last, Malzena stepped into view, a thin microphone in hand and polka-dot bow tie in his chest fluff.


    “Now then, my lovelies, I think you know what time it is.” The Hypno said into the mic, addressing the crowd. “Time we play another rousin’ game of…”






    The crowd robotically shouted from the stands.


    Avery looked up at them, his eyes lighting up in that fear again.


    ‘Wh…what’s up with this?! Why are…why are the others being used as pawns-?!’


    Avery immediately began setting off to try and help, but-


    He stopped.


    ‘…I wouldn’t be able to save them. Not by brute force. Malzena could drop them into that…pit before I even got close.


    …They’re pawns. They’re pawns in this game.’


    Avery felt sick.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus looked in fear at their dangling friends, Malzena coming by the podiums with a smile on his face.


    “Now why don’t we get to know the lovely contestants.” The Hypno said, leaning on Ganisus’s podium, leaning the mic towards him. “What’s your name, son?”


    “G-Ganisus…” He said, meekly. It was clear his earlier bravery had evaporated at the absolute power of Malzena.


    “Ahh, I see. You got anyone you wanna dedicate this game to?” Malzena said into the mic. “Any, say, friends~?”


    Ganisus side-eyed Avery and Kipuuna, his brow furrowing.


    “Yeah…my best buddy…Avery.” He said firmly. Kipuuna frowned. Malzena only snickered, moving away from the podium.


    “Well speak of him and he will come, won’t he? The man himself, innit?” Malzena leaned on Avery’s podium, flashing an award-winning smile. “Why don’t you tell the dear folk out there your name and a little bit about yourself~?”


    “…I…” Avery couldn’t stop looking up at his friends.


    ‘Team Azure…they’re the ones at stake. Why aren’t they at the stage? Why aren’t I the one up there…?! Why isn’t Ganisus or Kipuuna there? Why did he choose us?’


    “…My name is Avery,” the Plusle said, voice wavering. He couldn’t stop looking at them, past Malzena. “…I…I-I am the leader of Team Azure of…of the Arceliaze Guild. And…and I want…I want to return them home safely.”


    “Aww, you hear that folks? He wants to return his friends home!” Malzena pinched Avery’s cheek, tugging at it. “And for a leader he’s cute as a button, innye?”


    With a chuckle, he moved on to Kipuuna, leaning on the podium.


    “What about you, ex-buddy?” Malzena asked, Kipuuna looking furious. “Got a name for us?”




    “Odd duck of a name, but hey, that’s your Mum’s fault not yours!”


    The name on Kipuuna’s podium changed to ‘Urisayne’ as Malzena walked to the front of the game.


    “Alright alright, here’s how this is going to go down. I’m going to ask you some questions, and somebody has to buzz in and, most crucially, tell the truth!” Malzena said, waggling his eyebrows. “Take too long or get a question wrong and the four over here lower a liiitle bit more into the inky black void.”


    The Hypno smirked, looking back at the crowd.


    “And let me tell you folks, getting sucked in THERE is a DOOZY of a bad time!”


    The crowd robotically clapped their hands, Malzena laughing, spinning his bowtie.


    “Alright, alright, we’ll start with a softball, why don’t we?” Malzena spoke into the mic, looking at Avery, Ganisus and Kipuuna.


    The three of them frowned, trying to get ready.


    “Alright, so, question 1 is this…” Malzena began. “Who of the main team members of upstart Team Azure is not originally from Team Azure? Hm? Anyone?”


    Nivanee yelped as she began to be lowered. The clock was ticking. Avery quickly hammered down on the button.


    “N-Nivanee! S-she used…she used to be part of T-Team Duskwalker.” Avery’s eyes had been trained on Nivanee, lowering into the pit. A cold sweat erupted from his back.


    ‘…It…it’s just my team there.


    …It’s only my team.


    Kipuuna…Ganisus…they’d help…right?’


    Nivanee sighed in relief as her descent stopped.


    “Ding ding, that’s right! Telling the truth, good boy!” Malzena congratulated, with a clap. “Our other contestants are gunna wanna be on their A-Game if they wanna make sure everyone gets out of this okay!”


    Ganisus and Kipuuna squirmed.


    “Alriiight, question two!” Malzena said. “Who are the original two members of Team Aquashock?”


    Kipuuna immediately hit the buzzer before anyone could even be lowered.


    “Kipuuna, Piplup. Ganisus, Shinx.”


    Ganisus huffed but said nothing.


    “Another a point to the annoying one! Eyyy, quick to the draw, huh?” Malzena laughed, Kipuuna looking more and more angry.


    “Alright, let’s just get right on to question 3…” Malzena flipped through cards. “For whom or what does the subordinate, Jolvia, work for? Should be an easy-peasy one!”


    Jolvia grunted, lowering toward the void. Ganisus and Kipuuna were sweating, looking to Avery.


    Avery quickly hit the button again.


    “She works with Team Azure,” The Plusle said, eyes trained on Jolvia. “She was our second recruit, we met her at the River Delta.”


    BZZT, that ain’t it!” Malzena laughed!


    Jolvia YELPED as the roped dropped lower, bringing her halfway towards the pit. Malzena lowered his black specs, smirking wildly.


    “Wanna try that one again and risk her lowering further? Or leave that one for now?”


    Jolvia grit her teeth, staring down at the void.


    “J…Jolvia-!?” Avery yelped, once again fighting the urge to jump off the stage. “Wh-what do…I…”


    ‘God he’s…seriously going to kill them?! What does…’


    “I-I’ll leave it, I-I…I don’t…I don’t know the answer…!” Avery stammered.


    Malzena gave a malicious smile, fake-wincing at that.


    “Oooo!” The Hypno said, pointing to the crowd. “It looks like someone didn’t…”






    The crowd yelled from the audience, Jolvia screwing her eyes shut.


    “Well hey, no harm no foul. Not yet anyway.” Malzena said, telekinetically shuffling his note cards. “Let’s say we make up for it with another easy one, huh?”


    He cleared his throat.


    “So, Janus of Team Duskwalker, huh?” The Hypno began, already smirking wide. “Though I suppose the team is no more. Tell me, for question 3, what kindly words did she have about the guild that show how oh-so-ready she is to return?”


    Nivanee perked up, her eyes shimmering as she began to slowly lower.


    “Surely…one of you has to know?”


    Kipuuna’s brow furrowed, looking at Avery. Ganisus as well.


    Avery grimaced, hitting the button.


    “…She…she’s…she’s disgusted by the guild,” The Plusle said, lowly. “…She’s…she felt…they were e-exploiting children.”


    He didn’t stop looking at Nivanee. He couldn’t. She was in danger. She’d already been lowered a good deal – even from right answers, she was…


    “…She…she missed her sister, and Kipuuna, but…she has no plans to return to the guild, as far as I know.” Avery finished.


    “NO!” Nivanee screamed. “She’d-!”


    She grunted pitifully as her descent stopped.


    Ding ding, right again!” Malzena cheered, the crowd letting off a dull applause. “Boy that Janus is some piece of work, isn’t she? Always doing what she thinks is right, ey, love?”


    “Sh-shut up…” Nivanee kept her head low, shuddering.


    “Right then, a fourth question. And what the hey, I’ll give you this one…for the win!” Malzena grinned.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus perked up. Avery got ready, feeling sweat on his forehead.


    “For question 4…what was Team Aquashock’s veeery first mission…and how did it go?”


    There was a buzz immediately.


    “Moving boxes.” Ganisus grumbled. “Right after Kipuuna promised we’d be going on adventure and be heroes, the next day we’re doing some nothing package-pusher job. It went totally uneventful.”


    Vizon YELPED, dropping halfway down toward the void!


    Ooooo, so close, yet so far off!” Malzena tsked, Ganisus looking shocked.


    “What? But…that’s what happened…right?” Ganisus stammered, looking to Kipuuna.


    The Piplup was staring down at the podium, eyes wide, sweating. Shaking.


    “Let’s see…” Malzena cooed cruelly, twirling his microphone in hand. “Anyone else want a crack at it?”


    Vizon began lowering again, struggling desperately as the void creeped closer and closer.


    Aaaaanyone at all~?” Malzena smirked, the light reflecting threateningly off his shades.


    V-VIZON-” Avery yelped, gripping the sides of the podium. He turned his eyes to Kipuuna, eyes wide. “K…Kipuuna come on- Kipuuna-!!


    Kipuuna shook, flipper hovering indecisively over the button. Hyperventilating.


    Vizon grunted, panciking.


    Back to Vizon. Back to Kipuuna. Back to Vizon.


    ‘He was…He was…’


    Agh-!!” Avery slammed his hand down on the button again. “It was a mission to Steeljag Bluff to apprehend the Pickpocket Gang…! It…it didn’t…it didn’t go well f-for Ganisus. F…for either of them.”


    His anger, halfway through the sentence, had dissipated into trepidation, then shame. Kipuuna should have been the one to say it.


    “I…I’m sorry, Kipuuna,” Avery muttered, looking over at the Piplup. “I…I can’t…I can’t let my team get hurt.”


    Kipuuna gripped his head in his flippers. Ganisus was staring down, brow furrowed, a terrified look crossing his yellow eyes.


    “…steeljag…didn’t go well…? It…it wasn’t just…moving boxes…?” Ganisus stammered, looking to Kipuuna. The Piplup looked fit to crying as the members of Avery’s team were slowly lifted up.


    “Uh oooohhh~! Looks like somebody didn’t…”






    The crowd roared one last time.


    Well, folks, that’s all the time we have for today.” Malzena said, clapping his hands with the crowd. “I think our lil’ flunkies did pretty well for their history class…”


    Malzena looked back at the guild Poke’mon, a wicked smile on his face.


    “Of course…now we can see how they’ll do in…SECOND PERIOD, HOME EC.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus yelped, the floor falling away. The void Avery’s team was suspended over opened up under everybody, the ropes holding the others cut as they all PLUNGED into the cloying darkness, everything falling away at once!


    “N-no- Wait wait wait wait-” Avery screamed.


    The game was over. Avery immediately began to try to charge towards his team, to help them as they fell…


    But when his paws left the stage, there was nothing there.


    Everyone’s screams were silent.


    Avery’s words were stolen out of his mouth, and then his breath. With a SLAM he hit the ground with a sickening thud, darkness all around him once more.


    Avery was…alone.


    He couldn’t see again. Everything was black.




    In the absolute darkness…something felt wrong…he could feel something on his body, on his head.


    Avery heard it…something shuffling…the world shifting and twisting in the dark around him.


    He blinked once and looked…


    …was that sliver of light always there?


    The light pouring through the crack of a slightly ajar door, right in front of Avery.


    Avery didn’t have time to question it. This…was all part of some sick and twisted game. With nothing else to do he stumbled towards the light. He’d figure out what was on his head later – if he knew anything about this then his friends were already in danger.


    The door flew open. The color drained from Avery’s face. Literally.


    In front of Avery was a living room. Greys and Whites and Blacks dominated the color scheme, as though all the colors had melted away.


    Then a voice range out.








    Ahead, Avery could see the front door swing open, Kipuuna stumbling through with a trilby hat and briefcase.






    To the left, Avery saw Ganisus lift himself up with a gasp, a flowing polka dress on his body.




    He heard a yelp, Vizon stumbling through the front door in a thick jacket, Nivanee in a miniskirt and a flowing ponytail behind her.




    “Aaaaaverryyyyy???” Vizon whined, looking himself over.




    Off to the side, Avery could see the Geodude half-buried in a massive flowering pot.


    “WATER ME.” He shouted, laughing.


    All around, thunderous clapping erupted as they each entered.


    This broadcast’s been brought to you by: WHATEVER’S UNDER THE KITCHEN SINK! Spice up YOUR Highball today!


    Avery didn’t like this. He tried to see what was on top of his head, but…didn’t like the look of it. It was a propeller beanie, complete with overalls on his body. Where had all this come from?


    ‘This has to be some kind of farce…am I supposed to be Kipuuna’s and Ganisus’s kid??’


    “…Kipuuna…” Ganisus began, flatly. His words were…strained. As though what he wanted to say was through a filter. “…you’re finally home from…work…”


    Kipuuna sighed, though he looked like he was sweating.


    “Home sweet home…” Kipuuna said, waddling quickly over to Avery, a worried look in his eye as he bent down to ruffle the Plusle’s hair. “Heya…sport…how was…school today?”


    ‘What the hell is going on-‘


    “Aw gee, I hated it,” Avery said, through gritted teeth. “Ms. JOoohhnnson gave me a D on my test. Who needs….math…anyway…?”


    ‘This is hell.’


    “What! Oh, now, son…” Kipuuna said through clenched beak. “Were you…bluuuurting out answers you weren’t supposed to? Out of turn?”


    “…oh now…Kipuuna…don’t be so hard on the poor boy…” Ganisus cooed through his teeth. “…don’t you remember back at the…school…you weren’t the brightest bulb either, were you? Not nearly as much as you thought.”


    Kipuuna’s brow furrowed. But before he could say anything, Nivanee and Vizon stepped up to interrupt.


    “Heya howdy, neighbors~!” Nivanee said cheerily.


    “Why its our neighbors the Duskers…!” Kipuuna said, turning to face them. “What brings you around these parts?”


    “Oh, golly, nothing much. Mr.Azure.” Vizon said, seemingly acclimating the best of everyone. “Just here to see how the boy’s turning out. You know we’ve a girl of our own, I was hoping maybe your son could tutor her a bit on the finer points of…family life.”


    ‘…How…how are they…


    I’m lost. What am I supposed to say?? Am I just supposed to go on autopilot!? What’s the point of this-!?’


    All the guild Poke’mon looked strained, as though they were trying to say something else.


    “Oh that reminds me, Kipuuna.” Ganisus said, putting a bowl of…something in the oven. “Do you remember that…talk we were going to have?”


    Kipuuna huffed worriedly.


    “Yes yes, the mountain climbing trip I remember.”


    Aaaand we were worried about those…rowdy teenagers making a ruckus up there and spoiling our…vacation.


    “Ohh the state of things these days, the state I tell you.” Kipuuna shook his head, shooting Avery a look. “I wish you wouldn’t worry yourself over some…teenagers…I had only mentioned to Avery but that boy has a mouth bigger than his appetite.”


    The crowd laughed politely, softly clapping. Where was that coming from…?


    Avery squirmed uncomfortably.


    “Ugh, come on, dad,” The Plusle said, turning away from Kipuuna and crossing his arms. “You and…m…mom…never talk to each other anyways. It’s not even a big deal. Besides, if I didn’t say then we’d have…been too late.”


    Avery shuddered.


    “For the school bus.”


    “Avery’s right, you know. We don’t talk to each other anymore.” Ganisus said, walking over from the kitchen.


    “Oh gee, Ms.Azure, you should do like me and the Missus do and talk lots during the movies!” Vizon said.


    The crowd laughed louder at that one. Nivanee took a breath.


    “Ohhh alright, fine.” Kipuuna said in a relenting voice. “You wanna talk? Leeet’s talk.”


    “Oh gosh, Niv, maybe we’d better skedaddle…” Vizon muttered.


    “Oh, but honey-poo, I thought you liked fireworks?” Nivanee responded, eliciting another laugh from the crowd.


    “Now first of all, Kipper, what’s all this I hear about a mountain trip?” Ganisus asked, cocking his head. “I had thought we were gunna have our moving day then.”


    “Ok, ok, you caught me, I may have…” Kipuuna paused. “…not told the whole truth about my plans that day.”


    Ganisus opened his mouth, indignant.


    “And when were you planning to tell me?”


    Kipuuna squirmed under Ganisus’s hardening gaze.


    “Oh now, now, sweetie-“


    “Dooon’t you ‘sweetie’ me!” Ganisus flicked his head away. “What this story but something else I’m not trusted with?”


    “I trust you with plenty.”


    “Oh? Name one thing.”


    Kipuuna began to sweat more.




    Ganisus sneered.


    “And what was so special about this mountain trip that I had to be kept in the dark? What exactly was so bad about these rabble-rousing teens?” Ganisus asked, stopping Kipuuna before he spoke. “Oh no no, why ask my bumbling husband? I’m sure our son can tell me all about it. So go on…son…what’s the big secret?”


    ‘…I’m starting to see the point of it.


    But the lens…the lens about this is awful.’


    “Dad hid the pictures. But he was aaaaall excited about this trip. And then when you guys went, the teens came and…and…”


    Avery looked down.


    “…They took you away. For days. And then when you came back you weren’t excited about anything anymore.”


    Ganisus squinted…then his eyes widened.


    A furious look crossed his mostly blank face as he turned to face Kipuuna.


    “Well…I…never.” Ganisus spoke, shuddering. “Is that…so?”


    Kipuuna took a deep breath. He could tell Ganisus wanted to scream, say ugly words. But the wholesome filter forced nicer language.


    “It’s true…all of it I’m afraid.” Kipuuna said. “But surely this…makes you understand…why I prefer your place be…here, at home. Not out working like me.”


    “Oh, so I can’t go out with my girlfriends because some teenagers caused a little trouble?”


    “Aw, sweetie…you heard Avery, it was days. And besides, you…always wanted to be in a family. I wasn’t about to leave you because of some…bad news at the mountain.”


    “Well you hardly act like the same man I married!” Ganisus huffed, his filtered language just rolling off his tongue. “When someone asks if you’re a man or a mouse you just reply with a hearty ‘squeak’!”


    The crowd laughed.


    “Sweetie, I’d be a mouse for the rest of my life if it meant you were ok and here with me.” Kipuuna said, stepping up. “You know I could never leave you.”


    “Well that at least makes on of us.”


    “Ohhh, sweetie, you’re being hard on my poor heart.” Kipuuna said, desperately. “I had the jeepers scared out of me from that mountain trip. Whatever goofs I’ve done it’s been for you.


    “I didn’t get into this marriage to be cooped up in a kitchen all day…” Ganisus huffed, squinting his eyes.


    “Aw geez, Avery, your folks gunna be alright?” Vizon whispered to the Plusle, approaching.


    “Yeah, Ganisus might be alright. An all-right hook.” Nivanee said, worried. The crowd laughed again.


    ‘The laughs… This… This isn’t funny.’


    “Gee whiz, I dunno,” Avery huffed, clenching his fists. “There’s a buncha big tests at school, and everyone’s expecting a whole lot from me. But my dad made a bunch of borks, and it feels like mom is just using our study sessions together to hurt dad! These quizzes are life-and-death, it’s gunna be a bite if I don’t pass!”


    “Ganisus, sweetie, what’s it gunna take for you to forgive me?” Kipuuna pleaded. “You know I love you and I always have. I’d do anything.”


    “It’s been a long 9 years we’ve been married.” Ganisus said, stepping closer. “How am I supposed to? Was not telling me about the mountain supposed to be for my benefit, too?”


    “Well, sure! Or at least I thought it was at time.” Kipuuna wrung his flippers together. “There was never a good time. And it’s not like I’d want to discourage you from this…marriage…you’d always want to be in.”


    “Discourage me? I’m feeling pretty discouraged already.”


    “Well what about me? Using our son to get back at me, break my heart! Me! The one who’s done so much for his wife! And this is how I’m thanked for all my work!”


    “You’re a box-pusher, not a worker!”


    The crowd started boo.


    “I put 9 years into this marriage, terrified of something like the mountain happening you again! I wanted to cut out so many times just so you’d be ok but I stayed in because it’s what you wanted!”


    “I never wanted to be in a marriage like this! This isn’t why I joined!”


    The crowd booed more. And more.


    “I see no good deed goes unpunished in this life!” Kipuuna’s voice was raising. Vizon and Nivanee and Jolvia looked uncomfortably at one another. “No! We didn’t do any more mountains! I didn’t want to risk it!”


    “Because you’d rather me cooped up in a kitchen! I came back from that incident at the mountain didn’t I? Didn’t I?! DIDN’T I?!”


    The booing INTENSIFIED.


    ‘Is the filter breaking? It sounds like it’s breaking. And the crowd…Wherever they are…They don’t like that.’


    Avery once again began to feel panic swelling up in his chest as the yelling, the booing, the fighting, it all became too much-


    He felt that crackle of uncontrollable energy surging through his paws again. Building up through his body.


    ‘I-I can’t do that in here…! Not again!’


    Avery’s paws, still sparking, found his ears and tugged them down over the sides of his head to try and at least mute the sounds, even a little.


    He didn’t know what to do anymore.


    ‘I don’t… I don’t want to think anymore-


    This is all so screwed up…’


    A loud buzzer sounded off, silencing the wholesome bickering at once.


    “Cut, cut, cut!” Malzena’s voice called out.


    The wall on the far end of the room lifted away to reveal a live audience of hypnotized Poke’mon. From above, the dean floated down in his director’s chair, beret on his head and megaphone in hand.


    “Oooo, you two are a feisty couple, huh?” Malzena drummed his fingers on his knee, waving around a rolled up bunch of paper. “But you’ve gone well off my beautiful script! The crowd wants to see the lovely couple together in the end!”


    “At this rate they might be sorely disappointed…” Kipuuna muttered, folding his flippers, the filter seemingly disabled.


    Malzena grinned as the crowd continued to give loud booing.


    “Hear that? Your audience isn’t too happy with how the story is going. Oh, they might just start throwing things…”


    In the crowd Avery could see the Pokémon lift projectiles.


    “Admittedly, there’s been a shortage of rotten tomatoes abouts so we had to make do…” Malzena said with a shrug.


    In the crowd’s hands…the Poke’mon in the crowd clutched blast seeds!


    “Whup, that’s my cue!” Malzena said hurriedly. “Take five, everyone! If you can make it that long!”


    With a laugh, Malzena SHOT into the air just as a bunch of seeds were CHUCKED the guild’s way! Everyone YELPED.


    Avery let out a choked scream, scrambling behind one of the couches nearby. He pressed his back up against it, eyes squeezed shut. He could hear the blasts as the seeds connected with the stage! The corners of his eyes stung from stress.


    He was breaking down. He could feel it, he knew it was happening, but he couldn’t control it.


    Vizon DOVE out of the way, joining the Plusle behind the couch. Nivanee SWATTED blast seeds back into the crowd.


    He could feel his grip on himself slipping already. Whether it was hypnotism or just the fighting getting to be too much…it didn’t really matter.


    Explosions ROCKED the stage. Lamps fell from tables.


    ‘This isn’t about me. This isn’t about Team Azure. This is about Team Aquashock. The rest of us are bait. Bargaining chips.’


    Furniture KNOCKED over. Plaster crumbling and BILLOWING amid dust and smoke!


    ‘They’re the reason we’re going to be trapped here forever.’


    Avery’s teeth were starting to ache from how hard his jaw was clenched.


    “GANISUS” Kipuuna yelled, firing an icebeam at a seed, neutralizing it before it hit the ground. “LOOK OUT.


    “Or what?! I’ll end up broken like on steel-“


    “TIME AND PLACE!!” Kipuuna TACKLED Ganisus as another blast seed FLEW over them. It BLEW near Jolvia, staggering the Nidorina. She kicked over a table, bowls and plates clattering!


    “OOOH HERE! TOSS ME ONE!” Avery heard Rikzyod scream from the plant pot. “OI! OVER HERE!”


    Vizon pressed close to the Plusle. Fluff and cloth BLASTED from the edges of the couch.


    “I got you, Avery, I got you!” Vizon said, hugging the Plusle. “Arceus alive, these Aquashock morons will not just get over it…!”


    Each blast shunted Avery in his hiding place. He could feel each shockwave, hear each explosion. Even Vizon, even his presence.




    A twinge of anger jerked Avery’s head to the side for a moment. The energy, the crackling, the blinding light, it was building up again. I tried to take deep breaths, tried to subdue it. He couldn’t blind everyone again, that…that didn’t help. It didn’t help.


    ‘Nothing would help.’


    “N… Nine years… Th-they’ve been doing this for nine years, nine years of this…I couldn’t take a couple of days they’ve had nine years, I’m-“


    Avery was slipping.


    “…we’re…we’re going to DIE here if you two can’t figure something out!!” Avery screamed. “You can’t go on adventures or hold grudges if you’re DEAD!!”






    The Aquashock Poke’mons’ voices caught in their throats, looking at one angrily.


    “F-fine!” Kipuuna shouted. “We’re fine now! We’re friends! See? No more fighting!”


    “Yeah…” Ganisus seethed. “…everything is ok. We’ll be…best friends from now on…”


    Another explosion ROCKED the stage, throwing Kipuuna off Ganisus, the Piplup rolling.


    “You’ll have ta do better than just acting, my Lil’ Dropouts!” Malzena’s voice echoed over the stage.


    “What do you want from us?!” Kipuuna shouted. “I’ve done everything I could already and I couldn’t hold it together!”


    “Everything, huh?” Ganisus retorted.


    “Will you STOP? Do yoy have any idea how much I care for you?!” Kipuuna shouted.


    “Do you know how much I wish my buddy would TREAT me like his buddy?!”


    The two were interrupted by another rock of explosions. The wood breaking up under everyone. Vizon grit his teeth, pulling Avery close.


    Nivanee yelped, an explosion at her feet BLASTING the ground out from under her, making the Eevee fall.


    “Nivanee!” Jolvia shouted, diving to grab her paw before she fell, only to be swallowed up herself by the growing hole in the floor.


    More explosions SHUDDERED the stage! Sparks and smoke SWIRLED.


    “N… Niv?? Jolvia?!” Avery quickly stood up, looking past the couch.


    He didn’t see them. Just a hole.


    “No! NO!!” Avery broke from Vizon, racing to the edge of the hole, eyes wild with panic as he scanned the abyss, looking for his teammates.


    He choked.


    “… I… I get it…” A terrified laugh bubbled up uncontrollably from Avery’s throat. “…This is a nightmare, right? Th…This is just… I didn’t… I didn’t have a dream last night, this…This is the dream. I’ve had…I’ve…This can’t be real, I’m…I-I’m just being punished for last night. It’s okay, everything’s fine, I’m…”


    Part of him couldn’t believe it.


    Part of him had to.


    “Aww, what’s that? A slip into madness and denial, love?” Malzena’s voice cooed.


    Right. In. Avery’s. Ear.


    “You don’t get off that easy, I’m ‘fraid.”


    A shove.


    Plummeting forward after Jolvia and Nivanee. Vizon and Rikzyod behind him.


    ‘No no no no no no no no no no no-‘


    And far above, Kipuuna and Ganisus.


    ‘Please just let this end… Please just let this end.’


    Avery’s scream both echoed around him…and was caught in his throat.




    He landed on something, sitting in it.


    It was…made of wood.


    Around him was an aroma…a delicious aroma.


    “Lunch break, flunkies.” Malzena’s voice chimed, the sound of a triangle tingling filling the air.


    In front of Avery was a long wood table with a white cloth, with food of all kinds spread across it. At the table to his left sat Nivanee and Vizon and Rikzyod. To his right was…Malzena himself, Kipuuna, Ganisus and Jolvia.


    The room around them was stone with walls adorned with tapestry…it all seemed very…





    “I thought this’d be a good time to see how my students are holdin’ up. You know I’s like a personal touch.” Malzena explained, telekinetically manipulating a fork and knife to his cut of meat plant. “How’s everyone enjoying themselves~?”


    Everyone groaned, exhausted.


    Avery just… Stared at the food in front of him.


    Halfway through.


    ‘How does he know this painting? How do I know this painting?’


    “Is… Is everyone still alive…?” Avery offered weakly.


    “Y-yeah…we’re fine…” he heard Nivanee sigh.


    “Oh have a lil faith, Love. Trap you here for all time, maybe, but I never said a thing about killing nobody.” Malzena tsked, taking a bite of his food. “And surely you see the bigger picture to my lil games, dontcha, Avery? How d’ya like my set ups? Been pulling a lot of quirky things from that part of your brain that even you seem locked out of right now…”


    Some of Avery’s team looked back at the Plusle questioningly for a moment before looking back at Malzena. Avery shifted uncomfortably.


    “… I noticed,” Avery said, his hands gripping the utensils in front of himself. “… Are you going to tell me…why they’re familiar…? Is this going… Going to be another thing that’s going to put my friends’ sanity at stake?”


    “Tell you? And spoil all the fun?” Malzena smirked, sipping from a massive sparkly goblet.


    Avery looked up at him, face screwed up with emotion.


    “… L… Look, I know what you’re trying to do. B… But… Vizon, Nivanee… Jolvia and Rikzyod… T-they don’t have anything to do with any of this. Keep me here if you have to but… Please… Don’t drag them into this.”


    “Well now! I’ll say, I appreciate your nobility I do. I’m no monster, just a bleeding heart seeing a couple o’ kids hurting. So I’ll let ’em go, scott free, nooo strings attached.”


    Vizon, Nivanee, Jolvia, Rikzyod perked up.


    “That is, obviously, if they want to go and leave their family to sort this out by themselves.” Malzena said, smiling up at the ceiling.


    “No! Never!” Nivanee blurted at once. “I’d never abandon Avery or Kipuuna or Ganisus.”


    “No way I’m ditching you, Avery, you know that…and Kipuuna is guild, whatever I feel about the guy.” Vizon said firmly. Jolvia and Rikzyod looked to one another, the geodude smirking…the Nidorina squirmed and sighed.


    “Well…looks like we’re here with you to the end, too, Avery…” Jolvia conceded.


    None. Not one abandoned Avery. He nor Aquashock. Kipuuna stared at the others, his eyes shimmering with tears.


    “You guys…” he choked. “…you…”


    ‘…They’re still on my side. Through all of this…Through all of this they’re on my side. And I’m on theirs.


    ..Let this be a turning point.’


    “Oh how very twee~” Malzena snickered, swirling his drink. “Now what’s say you to a little lunch conversation. Really air out any feelings you got.”


    He glanced over at Kipuuna and Ganisus, both of whom looked fit to cry from what everyone said. They looked up at Malzena…then to each other. The Drowzee glanced over at Avery.


    “Of course, what’s a hard talk without a…mediator?”


    Avery sagged against his chair, picking at the food in front of him.


    “… Kipuuna, I… I think… If you want to make up with Ganisus… He needs to hear everything from you. No…No weird filters, no quiz shows, no…forcing me to say it.”


    Avery turned to the Piplup, an exhausted sadness in the Plusle’s eyes.


    “…It needs to be from you. “


    Malzena smiled, looking to Kipuuna and Ganisus. Nivanee and Vizon nodded as well, playing along and picking at the food in front of them.


    Kipuuna’s eyes flicked from Malzena, to Avery, then finally…to Ganisus, the shinx only giving him a stony look.






    Kipuuna sucked in a breath, nodding to himself.


    “No more lies-” Kipuuna began.


    “At last.” Ganisus put in.


    “It’s true, what Avery said…our first mission…I had tried to keep my promise to you, I did. The hardest mission we were allowed to do.” Kipuuna stalled briefly, Nivanee grimacing. “Sarfallinus, I remember this, Sarfallinus tried to talk us out of it and I refused. Guild never backs down, heroes always give it their all, that’s what I told him.”


    Ganisus was silent…then sighed.


    “…that sounds a lot more like my buddy…”


    “But that’s not how it turned out.” Kipuuna continued, Ganisus perking up. “When we got there it was…bad almost immediately. Like…Arceus, how did it even go? We were…surrounded immediately, their Lucario leader was on us like a Poke’mon possessed…”


    Ganisus looked away.


    “I remember how you screamed.” Kipuuna muttered.


    “…spare me…”


    Kipuuna let out a shaky breath.


    “You don’t notice how…different you are? You were hospitalized for days, Ganisus. Days.”


    “I don’t…feel different…” The Shinx’s lip quivered.


    “And now…every time we talk it’s a reminder what happened to you, how-“


    “-how broken I am…?”


    Kipuuna was quiet. Ganisus’s eyebrows furrowed.


    “I…I was young. It was like I had lost my buddy…”


    Ganisus’s eyes flared. Flared more than Avery had ever seen before. If ever there was a time to step in now would be it!


    “You’re not broken,” Avery said quickly. “You…You aren’t broken, Ganisus, but…there was a change.”


    The Plusle had put down his fork and knife, and was just…staring at the two of them, tense with apprehension.


    “I can’t imagine what it was like but…imagine if it was Kipuuna. Imagine that he got… really badly injured here. We managed to get back to the guild, but he was out. For days. You had to wonder if he’d make it. And… When he woke up, he acted differently than you were used to.”


    Avery looked over at the other side of the table to check himself… Then returned his gaze to Ganisus.


    “I don’t think… It’s just that he was scared about you acting differently. Maybe it was that he was scared that…Something, anything, could make whatever happened worse.” Avery said, worry in his voice. “There’s… There’s a lot of unknowns there, I think. He still has you, but…neither of you know how much more you can take after something big like that.”


    Ganisus’s eyes slowly trailed downward.


    “… From what Kipuuna told me…He loved adventuring just as much as you. Those… Those first few years of moving boxes…they must have been killer for him. He wanted to be a hero. He wanted to be a hero with Ganisus, but…you were more important to him. You being safe, you still being with him…that was more important than his dream of adventure…right?”


    Avery’s look turned to Kipuuna.


    “I’m… I’m still making guesses from what I know. I’m sorry if anything is off, but…I know that you care about Ganisus. Then, and now.”


    The Shinx frowned, grit his teeth. His body was quivering, listening to the Plusle, trying to blink away tears.


    “And why not…tell me any of this…huh?” Ganisus choked. Nivanee and Vizon squirmed. “Who else here knew, huh? Nobody thought to tell Ganisus the truth? Not once?”


    “We…it didn’t seem like a good time…” Kipuuna stammered, trying to fight back his own tears.


    Avery wanted to say he’d only found out now. He wanted to tell him. But…Avery wasn’t the focus here. He knew he wasn’t the important one. This was between Ganisus and Kipuuna. This whole Deep Dimension dive…it was for them.


    “The only reason you’re down here is because I refused to follow you anymore. Now you’re following me but you were still treating me like a big…shmuck!”


    A shout. The plates and silverware rattled.


    “No…no no no, you heard Avery. I was…I didn’t want it to get worse.” Kipuuna stammered out. “I didn’t want to see you hurt but I just…I never felt ready. It never felt time.”


    Kipuuna sniffed.


    “I admit it, ok? I was scared. I’ve always been scared.”


    “Kipuuna, you-!” Ganisus sobbed, clenching his teeth, looking furious. “If you were scared why…why…couldn’t you just…”


    He paused, hunched, shivering.


    “TRUST ME!?”


    “I’ve…I’ve been wrong…” Kipuuna shrank back. “For nine years I’ve done you wrong. I though if I said something you’d…want to quit. I didn’t want to take this away from you, I-“


    “You thought I’d quit! You assumed! Decided for me!”


    “Yes! Yes I did, okay?! I…I…!”


    Kipuuna was stopped by a scream!




    The loudest Avery had ever heard his voice. A pained, sobbing, wail that shook the walls until they cracked.


    Years of anguish and waste and anger and pent up emotions spilling out like a great inferno.


    “And now…! Here I sit…all of it falling apart, all my good intentions for nothing, having Avery used to hurt me!” Kipuuna retaliated, getting defensive. “I-“


    His defensive rambling was interrupted by another scream. The force seemed to BLOW the table away. The cloth BILLOWED in the air. PLATES and SILVERWARE scattering in a grand explosion of debris!


    The stone ripped away at the force of the scream! The room was disintegrating.


    On instinct Avery’s ears folded back down over his head from the scream. He had to brace himself against the chair, once again feeling the cold wind pulling him towards a void. Deeper. Deeper, ever deeper into this place.


    Malzena dabbed his mouth with a cloth.


    “Well, my lil’ dropouts…sounds like this is the home stretch. You been great so far, Avery.” The dean said with a laugh, their chairs floating over a void, rising up with his, circling around, orbiting him. “What’s say we end today’s lesson with my favorite lesson…SCIENCE.


    ‘Science…what’ll happen with science? What twisted way will he warp that subject…?’


    Their chairs titled forward, dropping the entire group onto a hard ground. It was cold, like stone. A pungent chemical scent wafted into their nostrils.


    Above, Malzena lifted higher and higher into the air, his own chair disappearing.


    Then…he grew.


    Lounging, a content look on his face, pink clouds swirled under the Hypno as he grew larger and larger, a colossal size, as though he were a landmass unto himself, a god laying in a bed of clouds, looking down upon all of them.


    And that’s not all that towered.


    All around them, massive spires of glass loomed, their reflections clear in the glass. Nivanee and Jolvia backed into one another, staring up at the massive towers.


    The beakers. The tubes. Filled with multicolor chemicals.


    From far above, the MASSIVE hypno laughed, his guffaw rumbling the large science table they all found themselves shrunk on.


    “Howsabout a lesson in…chemistry~?”


    Avery stared up, his face going…a pale white.


    “V…Viiiiizon…?” The Plusle whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from the giant. “….V…Vizon what’s…what is he talking about-“


    ‘Everything’s huge- what are we even supposed to do down here?! What does this have to do with Aquashock?!’


    The hypno leaned over from his cloud seat far, far up above, smirking at the guild members’ diminutive forms.


    “Chemistry?!” Vizon hissed back, sweating. “I don’t have the foggiest, what…oh…oh you’ve got to be kidding me. Chemistry.”


    The dean laughed, shaking his head.


    “Here’s how our final game’s gunna work, Flunkies.” Malzena smirked. “All you need to do is reach me. Get up here on my level, using nothing but a little bit of chemistry. Lift yourself up with something a little…warm….”


    One of the beakers BELTED a cloud of blue smoke. It loomed overhead, thundering, a drizzle…then a DOWNPOUR of rain falling from it.


    “…watch out, of course…these chemicals are quite…” Malzena motioned a hand toward Aquashock. “…volatile~”


    There, in the billowing rain, Ganisus was crying. Sobbing, curled on the table. Kipuuna stood near him, unsure what to even do as they all got soaked.


    “Sooo…what’s it gunna be, Freshmen? Think you can clear one last bit of trickery from your favorite dean?”


    Avery looked back at the rest of his team.


    The rest of our team. Nivanee. Vizon. Jolvia. Rikzyod. For once, they weren’t tied up. They weren’t pawns. They were able to speak freely.


    This was the last period.


    “…Okay…okay. We’ve…we’ve spent a lot of time…on Aquashock,” Avery said slowly, looking at the rest of Team Azure. His eyes landed on Nivanee.


    Someone who’d valued the ‘family’ she had come to know. Someone who, forced to roleplay, or strung from the ceiling, or playing into a sickened denial, has had to watch the entire thing crumble brick by brick in front of her since they got back from the Breezy Plains.


    “…Are we all okay? Ganisus and Kipuuna, they…they need our help. But…are you all okay…?”


    He kept casting glances back to Ganisus and Kipuuna.


    And the glasses and beakers around them.


    ‘We’ll have to work together for this. That’s…surely what he meant by chemistry. So we all need to be ready. I don’t want to leave anyone behind.’


    Nivanee took a deep breath through her nose, brow knitted in deep determination.


    “I’m okay. I’ll be strong.” Nivanee said firmly. “We’ve come too far. No matter what…even if it’s got to be done the hard way…through tears and confessions, family will work it out.”


    “And this time the right way, not through binding people up and forcing them to get along?” Vizon snickered, nudging the Eevee who only blushed sheepishly…but nodded.


    Jolvia looked back at Aquashock.


    “Mm…quite a broken pair. Lots of baggage.” She said. “I have to say, I’m not much one to play therapist, but if it’s the only way out of here, I’m here with you, Avery.”


    “Uhh…this all goes over my head.” Rikzyod admitted, chuckling. “But, ah, do I look as though I am about to back down from something simply because it is hard?”


    Here they stood. In the pouring rain of the strange blue cloud above, they stood by Avery. With him to the end.


    “C’mon, Avery.” Nivanee said, smiling warmly. “You’ve done so much for this guild…all of us…who better than you to fix this? I know you can.”


    Vizon stepped up, taking the Plusle’s hand into his, squeezing it.


    “I got you, buddy.” Vizon said. “We’re going to make Aquashock better.”


    “Ha…” Avery grinned weakly, seeing the encouraging smiles from his team. “Alright…let’s go support our friends.”


    He turned, walking towards the two of them. They’d all get out of this. This…would not be easy. Maybe it’s better that it won’t be. But they were going to do it.


    “Avery…” Kipuuna let out a breath, watching the Plusle’s group approach. Ganisus was trying to collect himself, eyes afire with fury as he sobbed.


    The lightening in the cloud intensified.


    “This…this is why you started acting all different…why you started treating me different…” Ganisus huffed, tears mixing with the rain. “You…”


    “And for all I’ve done I’ve been resented and pushed away and hurt and talked about behind my back…” Kipuuna muttered, his own face screwing up as he got more defensive, shaking, tears flowing down his own cheeks.


    Lightning STRUCK the ground a ways away, a small flame left in its wake. Avery yelped, jumping backwards from the lightning.


    He…probably shouldn’t have been as scared of that as he was, considering his typing, but…something about its symbolic nature seemed more dire than just plain lightning.


    “Kipuuna…Ganisus-” Avery put his hands out. “…I know there’s a lot of hurt between you both. There’s no ‘but’ to this, it’s…it’s important that you both…recognize that…and that we do, too.”


    He looked to Ganisus.


    “…You feel betrayed that Kipuuna kept this from you for so long, and that he seemingly broke his promise to you as soon as you started. Even if you know why that promise was broken…whether you think that’s okay or not, it still hurts. And it’s going to hurt for a while.”


    Then, to Kipuuna.


    “…And Ganisus…he’s started avoiding you. You’ve tried your best to keep him safe, and you feel like he’s just pushed you away. And your attitude towards Lahnae, towards me and Vizon…you’ve been pushed away by nearly everyone. And whether or not that’s something that we were right to do doesn’t matter. What matters…is it hurts. And it’s going to for a while.”


    Avery moved closer, kneeling on the ground beside them, in the pouring rain.


    The cloud above slowly turned greyer, greyer, rumbling with thunder.


    “…But there’s no more secrets between you two. You know everything now. And now…”


    ‘Deep breaths…deep breaths…’


    “We need to figure out what to do from here. But we need to be…calm, and honest. No more keeping secrets and lying to protect people,” Avery said, looking up at Kipuuna, “…and no more saying things to hurt people.” To Ganisus.


    Ganisus and Kipuuna listened to Avery, both of them staring deeply at one another, listening. Ganisus grit his teeth, slowly standing on his paws.


    ‘They need the space to air themselves out. But they need a clear head to do that. Being clouded with emotions…it keeps you from thinking straight. I know that well enough from the panicking I’d been doing earlier.’


    ‘I just hope…I just hope this will help.’


    “I know you guys can do this.”


    Kipuuna wrung his flippers in worry as Avery finished.


    There was a silence between them all. Malzena leaned over his cloud, watching with interest.


    “I…” Kipuuna tried to begin, Ganisus looked in no condition to start…but Kipuuna stopped himself. He took a deep breath…and took a leap of faith. “…Ganisus…why don’t you start…?”


    Ganisus blinked, squinting suspiciously. His eyes flared, a million angry thoughts flashing in his eyes. The Shinx sneered, opening his mouth, looking as though it were dripping with venom.


    But he stopped…and took a deep breath through his mouth.


    “I…” Ganisus grumbled, closing his eyes. “…there’s…been this, like…emptiness. Deep in my heart, like something was so wrong about what was happening.”


    Kipuuna nodded softly as Ganisus spoke.


    “…and I never said a word, did I? Not to you.” Ganisus opened his eyes. “I said it…to others. Behind your back. I didn’t get it…and I just vented. And others were driven from you.”


    Kipuuna took a deep sigh, listening to Ganisus finish.


    “And that mission…shook me.” Kipuuna began his turn. “To my core. After dragging you to the hospital myself…I felt like I could only trust myself, only I could be strong. I was the only guarantee that you or anyone could be safe…”


    Ganisus nodded softly as Kipuuna spoke.


    “…but that’s just not true. You’re not weak. You’re…not incompetent like I’ve been treating you. You’re able…you’re strong. When a plan fails you see it and improvise. You’re wise in ways I’m not…You need no shield nor lies…and scare me though it might…I need you more than you need me.”


    “Kipuuna…” Ganisus sniffed, droplets of rain falling from the cloud above. “…I need you plenty.”


    Kipuuna perked up, eyes watering. The rain was picking up. A small drizzle…but no thunder.


    Avery didn’t say a word. He backed off.


    Things were…they were still emotional. There was still sadness. But…they were in control. Both of them were in control.


    Avery couldn’t finish this race for them. It…it had to be those two that crossed the finish line.


    But he gave both of them an encouraging nod. Vizon squeezed Avery’s hand softly, taking a deep breath in anticipation. Nivanee bit her lip but held her tongue.


    “I just…” Ganisus hiccupped. “…I needed you. I needed my buddy. All these years I needed my buddy.”


    The rain was a downpour as the both of them cried.


    “I’m…I’m…” Kipuuna sniffed, eyes squinted, barely able to see through his tears. “I’ve hurt you so much and I’m…I’m…”


    He sobbed, holding his flippers to his chest.


    “I’m sorry.” He choked out. “I’m so sorry, Ganisus. I don’t know what other words to say I’m…I’m sorry.”


    Ganisus blinked, a small, almost invisible smile spreading across his face hearing that.


    “…you’re sorry…?” Ganisus asked, Kipuuna nodding miserably. “…no…no buddy, I…Arceus, what have I done to you.”


    Kipuuna lifted his head.


    “…you did so much for me…whatever I feel…I…it was all from a place of love wasn’t it?”


    Kipuuna nodded.


    “It doesn’t matter if it was from a place of love if it hurt you…” Kipuuna said, stepping closer.


    The rain clouds billowed, rain hammering the ground…but slowly…




    …Avery could see the cloud turning red. Then from red…to pink.


    ‘Okay. Okay, okay, this is…this is good. This is good…!’


    He looked up. And…blinked.


    “Uh…that’s…is…that a good thing-?” Avery whispered, squeezing Vizon a little more as he watched the cloud change color.


    “Oh Arceus above I hope so…” Vizon said nervously, looking back down at Kipuuna and Ganisus. The two stared at one another for a moment longer…and even the Riolu cracked a smile.


    Nivanee held a paw to her chest, trying to not cry herself. Jolvia was already looking away, respectfully, of course.


    Kipuuna softly held a flipper to Ganisus’s shoulder. The Shinx sniffled, looking up at his partner, his captain…his friend.


    “Torture, huh…?” Ganisus said. “Did you even like moving those boxes?”


    “Not a one…” Kipuuna admitted, smiling through his tears. “…what I’d give to go on an adventure again. To run off for the horizon into the unknown, like we did when we were kids. To brave and battle like we…always wanted.”


    The pink clouds began to lower. Lower down closer and closer towards their group. Nivanee backed up, everyone in the team looking confused as the pink clouds completely overtook their vision. Avery backed up too. He…wasn’t sure what all this was about, but…


    Maybe that was chemistry. Good chemistry.


    The pink haze swirled around them…Avery could feel as it swished and rocked under him, like standing in the boat of a lake in the middle of a gust of wind…slowly evening out.


    There, in the center of the swirling clouds, staring at one another, lovingly, was Kipuuna and Ganisus.


    “I was so stupid, Ganisus…here I thought I lost my buddy but…”


    Ganisus sniffed.


    “…but I’m right here.”


    The pink clouds swirled faster. Faster. Faster.


    And lifted them.


    Avery heard Nivanee yelp. Vizon, too. Slowly, he saw Jolvia and Rikzyod rise over the haze. Nivanee and Vizon followed on clouds of their own.


    And Avery was there with them, floating upon a warm cloud, lifted higher…and higher into the sky.


    Below, the haze of pink parted, a hole forming in the center.


    Nivanee smiled.


    Vizon cheered, pumping his fist.


    There, on the biggest cloud of all, Kipuuna and Ganisus hugged each other tightly, cheeks pressed, spinning in each other’s arms as you all lifted beyond the table.



    Avery shakily got to a stand, never having stood on a… cloud before… But he looked up.


    And he saw them, embracing, laughing, crying…together again.


    Avery found himself whooping and hollering, waving up at them as they all soared higher and higher…


    They did it. They did it…! Aquashock was back together!!


    There Malzena lounged in his cloud, watching the group float upon those clouds of love, a smile on his face.


    Not a malicious smile.


    Simply a warm smile. He chuckled, adjusting his glasses as they all lifted up to eye level with the dean.


    “Well now, wouldja look at that.” Malzena said, his voice no longer laced with mischief, only softness. “That’s much better.”


    Kipuuna and Ganisus paid him no mind, only holding one another in a blissful moment. Malzena laughed, waving his hand, the science classroom dismissed in a cloud of dust.


    He let himself shrink smaller and smaller, back to his normal size, floating there before them all, hands behind his back.


    “Why I’d say that’s deserving of a passing grade…don’t you?”


    He flashed the Plusle a grin.


    Avery landed back on the floor, dazed…drained.


    But happy. For the most part.


    “I’m… Going to be honest…” Avery said, catching his breath. “Of all the things that we could have encountered in the Deep Dimension… couples therapy was… I mean it was surprisingly high on our list but I thought it’d happen by way of proxy rather than… literally couples therapy.”


    Everyone else dropped down to the floor, back in the auditorium they had all started in. Malzena stepped down from the air back behind the podium they had seen what felt like such a long time ago. Avery quickly clung back to Vizon and Nivanee – almost nervous that it was a trick and they might be whisked away again. A few seconds passed…. Nothing.


    Avery sighed a little, the tension gone from his body. They’d done it.


    “So… So we’re… We’re able to get the information on Xamao…?”


    Malzena cleared his throat.


    “After what you’ve shown? Baby, you can ask any question you like.” The Hypno replied, smirking. “Call it a graduation ceremony.”


    Avery nodded, pulling himself from Vizon and Nivanee, the both of them patting the Plusle on the shoulder.


    “Um… Are… A-are the other students here… S… Should we be… worried? About them…?” Avery asked.


    Malzena chuckled, leaning on the podium.


    “Who, them?” He asked, pointing.


    Nivanee perked up. Everyone in the group looked behind. Instead of the rest of the auditorium, they now stood in front of a wall with window. The mass of 22 Poke’mon sat in what looked to be a courtyard area.


    None of their eyes were glowing and they all appeared to be having lunch.


    “Break’s up in fifteen, lads!” Malzena called from the podium, the students looking up and nodding. The Hypno laughed, looking down at Avery. “Oh whaaat, we all were having a spot of fun with the bickering guildies. Figured we’d lend a hand if we could, as test of wills. If the guild was ‘worthy’ of having tracking done on a criminal.”


    Malzena laughed, the students laughing with him.


    “Mind you keep your stories about this place well frightening. I’d rather not be accosted by every noble and governor looking to hunt down some undesirable. If you please.”


    Avery looked at the students and put a hand to his chest, letting out a wheezing sigh.


    “Oooookay good I was terrified we had another river delta on our hands-“


    ‘…So were we never in any danger…? Other than…Y’know. Trauma.’


    “I… Understand that. This place having a lot of power means…well, you don’t want any old person to come looking for something.” Avery laughed a bit.


    Though…with that, Avery’s face grew thoughtful.


    “… Can…Can you really see…Into my past? Those things you had us do, that’s…That’s from the world I used…I used to be in?”


    Vizon raised his eyebrows, hearing that question, along with Nivanee. Malzena tapped his chin.


    “Of course I can, rather easily. You’re something of an open book.” He replied. “And, yes, I can easily see  into the past you’re referring to.”


    “What…?” Vizon looked surprised. “But…wasn’t Olistia totally blocked out?”


    Malzena hummed.


    “Odd thing she’d say that. True it’s not a simple lock that any ol’ psychic Poke’mon can crack…but it’d surely be no trouble for a Poke’mon like the Conduit Arceali of all things.”


    “I’m lost, what is he talking about…?” Kipuuna asked, Jolvia and Rikzyod and Ganisus looking equally confused. Nivanee and Vizon flashed Avery nervous looks.


    “Ah, what a shame, mixed company.” Malzena laughed. “Well, unfortunately, I can’t just go breaking the lock. I mean, unless you want conflicting personalities to clash and you be left chewing on your tongue…I assume you don’t want that?”


    He chuckled.


    “But I can give you this: You were just as kindly then as you are now, a friend to animals one and all. The company you kept, however…well, they were more a mixed bag, shall we say?” Malzena said wit ha laugh. “Ahhh, Luke and Addison…cute kids, where do the years go before you’re all adults carving your own path?”


    “… And…And Ember,” Avery said, quietly. “Ember, who’s Ember? Is… Is Ember okay?”


    Avery heard their name in a dream. The only one he could make out.


    “Oh yer pet? Of course. Or, well, I’d imagine she’s rather lonely now given how clingy she was to you.” Malzena drummed his fingers on the podium. “Is there anything else?”


    “…Oh!” Kipuuna perked up. “What about our guild badges? We still don’t have them…!”


    “What, these?” Malzena said, clicking his tongue. “Lot a baggage in these badges. 9 years of reaching two-prongs by doing menial work. Don’tcha think you’d be better off with a fresh start?”


    Kipuuna blinked, him and Ganisus looking at one another. Together, they smiled, eyes sparkling.


    “…yeah, a do-over might be nice.” Ganisus said.


    “We’ll get two-prong again in no time…the right way.” Kipuuna affirmed, looking up at Malzena with a determined look. “Just the way we wanted.”


    Avery’s smile twinged a little.


    “Uh! I mean…! The sentiment is good and all but-!” Avery stepped up, smile wobbling as he spoke. “We… We are gonna need those back, uh… E-especially ours? Sarfallinus wouldn’t be happy with us losing them and, uh… I’m sure he can remove a prong once we get back…?”


    Malzena flashed Avery another cheeky smirk. One last prank from the dean.


    “Oh fine, fine. Here you go~” He snickered flicking the badges toward the Guildmembers, the golden pieces landing neatly onto each of their chests. “I mean, how else are you supposed to get home?”


    Vizon laughed nervously.


    “Now then, your info on Xamao, yeah?” The Dean began. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a piece of parchment. “I can track his exact location, sure, but that changes all the time, doesn’t it? So let me give you a little something extra:”


    The map unfurled, showing all of Arcea for them:



    “This is what I like to call a movement aggregate map.” Malzena explained. “It shows where Xamao goes most often, in purple. The thicker the cloud, the longer and more frequently he’s there. Funny, isn’t it? Most people have one bright dot right in one city. Xamao has a very large cloud across Arcea.”


    Vizon leaned, looking close at the map…his eyes widening.


    “Does this…?!”


    “Show the location of the pearls?” The Dean asked, raising his eyebrows. “Yes. I seem to recall something about losing your old one? This shows where the pearls are, some information about where they’re hidden…and a line with dot to their associated bird.”


    “My goodness…that easy…?” Nivanee asked breathily.


    “Was anything about this easy~?” Malzena asked with a laugh.


    “…Does this update?” Avery asked, eyes wide. “Or is it like…up to this moment, and it won’t update after this?


    “Ultimately, no, this doesn’t update. It’s the most up to date as of a few seconds ago, but act on it quickly!” Malzena said, pushing up his shades with a smirk.


    Avery nodded thankfully, overlooking the map.


    “It’s odd, isn’t it…? He’s had this map that details where the orbs are…for a week and a half. But he hasn’t even tried to go for…any of them, it seems…”


    “Well, admittedly, my information on the pearls is a little more shaky.” Malzena admitted with a shrug. “I know the Thunder Pearl is buried underground…but Xamao might have more in-depth info that’s making him cautious, hm?”


    Vizon took a breath, looking worried at that thought.


    “Thank you very much…dean.”


    Avery nodded.


    “Thank you, Dean,” The Plusle said with a nod. “…We don’t have any time to waste, then. Mission complete, team…?”


    Everyone looked at one another, Nivanee and Vizon smiling ear-to-ear, glancing over at Aquashock.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus held their badges in hand. Mission over…and they were still together. Still a team.


    They looked each other in the eye. Still Aquashock. But it wasn’t the same team that Avery had came to this place with.


    They proudly slammed their badges onto their chests, paw-in-flipper, facing everyone as…





    “Alright team!” Kipuuna said…cheerily, amazingly, a determined glint in his eye. “Let’s get home!”


    “On the double, buddy!” Ganisus cheered.



    Chapter 17





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