The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 39





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Today was a very busy day.


    As Avery got further from the Farming District and entered into the Market District, the streets became more and more crowded, even moreso than when he’d passed through this morning. Bodies packed the walking space, making it hard to see very far amid the legs and small bodies.


    Yet…he swam through the bodies like water. He was getting used to city life; this wasn’t nearly as hard as when he first walked these streets, even if there were more Poke’mon now.


    Colorful flags hung above. Avery could even see a group of children swiftly cross the street betwixt alleyways. There must not have been any school today.


    Once at the one truth square itself, the streets were absolutely filled with Poke’mon. Shoulder to shoulder. A loud roar of voices echoed over the buildings, thrummed in his skull.


    Avery didn’t spot his friends in the middle, goodness no. In a crowd like this…he figured they would likely be found on the sidelines.


    Avery stood on his toes, scanning the crowd for any signs of his friends.


    At last he saw them: an Eevee, a Piplup and a Shinx, off at the edge of the square, people-watching from the shade of a large building, standing beside a bench that was already occupied.


    Upon seeing them Avery lifted his hand in greeting and jogged over to them. He wasn’t expecting to see Ganisus, but… Pleasantly surprised.


    “Hey, Niv!!” The Plusle shouted over the roaring crowd. “How’s the day been so far!?”


    Nivanee looked over, being the only one to hear (or be paying attention) to Avery as he approached. His voice was absorbed by the huge crowd somewhat, but the Eevee’s ears picked him out all the same.



    “Oh there you are, Avery!” She said, quickly waving. “I was just beginning to wonder where you’d gotten off to!”


    As he came closer, Avery could see the three had picked up some items. Kipuuna and Nivanee had little sweetbread treats in cups (Nivanee’s was set on the ground) that they were lightly munching on while Ganisus had a paper cup of juice.


    All three of them seemed to be wearing jewels. Shiny gold chains with colored stones and tight gold hoops around their wrists or ankles. All three of them had a little makeup work around their eyes, Kipuuna fluttering his eyelashes which seemed complete with a sparkly mascara, like ice.


    It looked like they’d had a lot of fun so far.


    The Piplup glanced at Avery, smiling.


    “Heya, Avery. You’re just in time. They were probably about to block the road off.” Kipuuna said. “Parade’s about to come in today.”


    “Kinda sucks.” Ganisus grunted, getting a side-eye from Kipuuna. “This is like…a major road getting cut off. Kinda dumb.”


    “Parade? For what?” Avery asked, approaching. He gave little compliments to their makeup – he wasn’t entirely sure he could pull something like that off himself, but it looked good on them! “I’m guessing it’s a Conduicy thing?”


    “Yeah, I forgot that it’s Quarniti Dio today.” Kipuuna said, reaching over and handing a cup with a sweet breaded treat inside. “Here, want it? Ganisus didn’t want his.”


    Avery took the cup, looking down at it. Not really sure how to eat it, he just raised it to his lips like a drink and tilted it back to crunch on the sweet.


    “I don’t really remember what Quarniti Dio is all about.” The Piplup continued. “Just that there’s a parade involved that cuts through Arceliaze.”


    “…I just know we get a day off.” Ganisus drawled with a very small…laugh? Nivanee giggled, looking at Avery with a swishing tail.


    “It’s the day the 2nd War of Arcea ended!” She helpfully informed. “The Parade goes along the same route the army did when they re-entered liberated Arceliaze!”


    “Second war?” Avery mused on that, bringing the cup back down.


    “Ohhh, right.” Kipuuna nodded, looking around. Already, Avery could see that the Graffiti and mess had already been scrubbed away and tarps covered any cracks or potholes. “…No wonder the cleanup was so quick.”


    “Can’t have the big fancy parade in a dirty square.” Ganisus sighed, craning his neck to look toward the east side of the Square.


    “Hey, c’mon. We used to go see the parade all the time as kids!” Kipuuna said, nudging the Shinx. “Heck, we’d only see it down in the farming district where it ends. I’ve only seen it in the Market District a few times!”


    “I used to come here every year with Janus!” Nivanee piped up. “We’d heard so much about Quarniti Dio back in Yahneri that we couldn’t wait to see it in person!!”


    “Best part is the cheap Totter.” Ganisus huffed with a tiny smile, sipping his red juice…his spiked juice, apparently.


    As he listened Avery remembered…he was going to tell the guild the truth about himself soon, that he was a human. Kipuuna and Ganisus were the only people left that didn’t know…besides Sarfallinus.


    ‘Maybe the Guildmaster should know, too. Perhaps I’ll have time to tell them today.’


    “What’s Quarniti Dio like, then?” Avery asked, putting off the thought for now. “What…happens? Is it just, a big parade?”


    “Pretty much.” Kipuuna said with a shrug. “I mean, there used to be a lot more to it who-knows-how-many years ago but these days it’s just a parade and lots of totter.”


    “And lots of noise.” Ganisus drawled. “…and blocked streets.”


    The Shinx sniffed.


    “…and odors.”


    Nivanee glanced over to Avery, watching him eat the sweet before biting into hers.


    “Do you know about the Second War of Arcea, Avery?” She asked.


    “We’re here to get tottered, not get a history lesson.” Ganisus drawled as the crowd picked up its loud applause. A rhythmic THUMPING could be heard echoing over the rooftops.


    Avery shook his head, turning to Nivanee.


    “Come on, you know the answer to that already,” Avery said, sticking his tongue out. “Unless you’re just trying to embarrass me in front of my other friends. In which case…cold, Nivanee, so so cold…”


    Nivanee looked horrified at the idea!


    “Wh-what? No no!” She assured, ears flattening! “I didn’t want to be condescending if you’d already learned so I was just-!!”


    “I think it was a joke, Nivanee!” Kipuuna jumped in quickly. The Eevee let out a long and shaky sigh of relief. “We all know Avery’s amnesia thing.”


    “Phew…okay, right! Yes! I mean, the 2nd War isn’t anything big.” Nivanee said. “Illaminamo invaded Arcea out of nowhere, led by a conquering warlord named Jyiniarno. Lots of Poke’mon died, Arceliaze was burned, then we beat them back at Yahneri Port and got our country back!”


    “Wow…” Ganisus sniffed, still looking for the parade. “…real condensed history.”


    “Well…like you said, we’re here for fun, not for history!”


    “…I mean we are kind of literally here for history I guess.” Ganisus admitted.


    “Oh, that was the one with…oh, shoot, which one was it…?” Avery squinted his eyes, trying to remember the name of the human.


    ‘It was the guy from…China, right?’


    “There was some guy in that war that was like me, right?” Avery asked. “Didn’t have a past, weird name? Kind of a firebrand?”


    “Oh my gosh, Jianguo!” Nivanee squealed with a little bounce! “So you do know your history!”


    “Oh huh, Jianguo…that’s an obscure one.” Kipuuna hummed, taking a bite of his roll as the parade approached.


    “It was something that Olistia shared with me,” Avery said, a little more quietly than normal. “…One more before them, Quetza…Quetzal-something, or…something like that. That one’s got a name that’s hard for me to remember- Those two and Adelaide I learned about.”


    “Yyyeeahh…I know of them. Adelaide and Quetzalxochitl…” Nivanee rattled off perfectly. “You know…I wondered why your situation sounded so familiar…I guess that means those three are all…?”


    “What’re you guys even talking about.” Ganisus huffed, glancing over blankly.


    Nivanee sucked in her lips quickly, looking back out to the roaring noise that approached. Avery backed off but leaned in to whisper:


    “I’m, uh, planning on telling them soon,” He said to Nivanee. “Probably…today, when we’re not…super out in public, hah-“


    He could say no more before the thumping got louder. A ROAR of Poke’mon cheers came about as many Poke’mon chugged colorful juice, jingled beautiful jewelry (both expensive and cheap replicas) and stomped. Many children rode on the shoulders of their parents to get a look at the parade that began to enter the One Truth Square from the east.


    Already, horns and powerful music thrummed over the cheer of the crowd. A marching tempo carried the horns and strings as the players marched along, pulling a float by ropes that held an ensemble of string players.


    A voice bellowed over the crowd.


    “Oooo-kay all ye merry Poke’mon! Please give it up for the six-hundred and sixty-second MARCH OF THE SAVIORS.”


    The crowd erupted into ecstatic cheers, which even Nivanee and Kipuuna joined in on!


    Avery looked up at the parade as it went by, even somewhat caught up in the celebration. From what he remembered, Jyiniarno was a very bad person. So Avery didn’t feel too bad about celebrating this victory.


    A contingent of soldiers were marching proudly to the roar of applause, followed by a line of what looked like carriages of solid iron, cannons affixed to the top.


    “Let’s hear a round of applause for the 44th Iron Battalion, back from north base just for you!”


    The crowd gave a roar of cheers. Far above, Flying-Type Poke’mon in armor glistened in the sun as they swooped in coordinated patterns.


    “Let’s hear it for the Souljreini 1st Class Aerial Squad!”


    The crowds roared once more, the armored birds far above making the shape of a star, then a shape like the Arcean Double-Ring Cross Sigil. Behind the line of armored carriages came another group of soldiers. Their armor was different, looking bulkier. Their armor was covered in dents and dirt as they carried Poke’mon dressed in bandages and casts, fake blood painted onto the white wrappings.


    “Here’s to the first soldiers to sweep Occupied Arceliaze, narrowly escaping as the city burned. As the then-leaders of the Army Medical Triage said: ‘Though buildings may be lost, they’re nothing to the life of even a single fellow countryman’!”


    The crowd ROARED louder than ever! Drinks went up into the air as the surrounding Poke’mon became a thunderous quake of applause.


    ‘Boy, they’re going all out with this one…seems a bit macabre, but…I suppose this is fair, too.’


    As the costumed soldiers moved on the crowd began to quiet down. Nivanee and Kipuuna both perked up as thing got more and more quiet.


    “The Architecture Guild would like to take this moment to unveil a new project from their artist’s chapter” The voice called over the quieting crowd. “To commemorate the hero of a battle most important…”


    There, at the back of the parade, several Poke’mon wheeled a cart by ropes. It carried something very large, covered by a massive white sheet. One of the Poke’mon broke from the front, untying and removing the white sheet, revealing…



    “Not just the great hero of Yahneri…Jianguo is a soldier long respected but never immortalized as he deserved. Jianguo was dearly remembered by comrades, but not only as a fierce soldier…but also as a kind soul, a loving brother, talking always of his wife and child. He was a comforter, a teller of stories. These are the accounts we see of the Legendary Hero of Yahneri Port, far more than any account of battle prowess.”


    The crowd’s noise began again, respectful cheering and clapping, many Poke’mon taking a long drink of their cups.


    “Well…look who it is, and just as we were talking about him…” Nivanee giggled quietly.


    “Constructed from rubble of a torn down Arceliaze building, let this statue always symbolize love and protection for fellow Arceans…no matter what may come.”


    Avery paused when he saw the statue. An immortalization of the human-turned-Sneasel.


    “That’s funny,” The Plusle mused, looking at the statue with a tilt of his head. “The history book I read talked a lot about how battle-hungry and headstrong he was. There was like…a saying about him, I think. It’s nice that the other side of him’s being remembered, though.”


    “Oh, ‘Ancient Heroes’?” Nivanee whispered, her tail swishing a little. “That’s…yeah, that’s kind of more of a book for teens or kids, it’s not all that comprehensive on any of them! See, I remember looking them up individually. Jianguo was a really sweet guy from the sounds of it. Quetzalxochitl was, like, other-worldly brave, and Adelaide-“


    “Oh hey, parade’s over.” Kipuuna nudged the Eevee, breaking her out of her infodump.


    “Huh?” Nivanee perked, watching the crowd follow along after the parade as the barricades were taken up by parade workers trailing in the back. The Architect Guild Poke’mon replaced the sheet over the statue, getting it ready for another reveal further down the line. “Oh, so it is!”


    Kipuuna chuckled, finishing off his treat along with Nivanee. Ganisus kicked a discarded cup away, side-stepping the cleanup crew that came by to immediately sweep and clean the square in the wake of the large crowd.


    “Oh so they’re just revealing it over and over, huh?” Avery said with a little laugh, staring at the statue that was now covered again. He took a few final bites of his own snack. “That’s kinda funny. Do they even know where they’re going to place it?”


    “Probably the Arceali Central Park…or the public works square if there’s any room between all the fountains.” Nivanee hummed, watching all the Poke’mon clear out.


    “Hey, Avery, didja get anything to drink?” Kipuuna asked, sniffing as he dropped his paper cup in a public trash bin.


    “I haven’t yet, no,” Avery said, shaking his head. “I’m not usually much for drinking, but…a cup or two can’t hurt, right?”


    “Totter Punch is free at Benjus’s on Quarniti Dio.” Kipuuna said, gesturing down a road on the east end of the One Truth Square.


    “What a proud sixty year tradition…” Ganisus mused, finishing off his cup and tossing it in the bin. “…I could use another hit.”


    “You…should probably let that last one settle…” Kipuuna sighed, taking a napkin and dabbing Ganisus’s cheek. The Shinx didn’t bother to struggle against it, and Kipuuna was careful around Ganisus’s make-up.


    “I remember my limit. I’m a 3 cup max.”


    “That…was your third.”


    “3 cups at one time.” Ganisus clarified. “…Max.”


    Nivanee giggled, stepping closer to Avery. The sunny Eevee looked especially radiant with sunset mascara and eye shadow.


    “You know, we should take you for some make-up, Avery.” Nivanee hummed, looking the Plusle over. “You’d look really nice with some oranges or purples.”


    “Huh…?” Kipuuna looked over his shoulder, humming lightly. “Oh…yeah he kinda would, huh?”


    As they approached, Avery’s grin got a little more nervous.


    “H-huh? What d’you mean?” The Plusle stammered. “Makeup? I mean…hah, I’m not sure! I don’t think I could pull off something like that, aheh-“


    They both chuckled, Ganisus only looking over briefly.


    “Wait, huh? I thought we were gunna wander out to the Farming District…”


    “Awh, Avery, I think you’d look really pretty!!” Nivanee cooed, doing little tippy-taps and fluttering her eyelashes. Kipuuna rolled his eyes, patting her shoulder.


    “Give him space, Ms.Makeover.” Kipuuna jokingly chided. “Nevermind Nivanee. She has a lot of fun with the make-up artist.”


    “It’s just that I hardly ever get to go!” Nivanee protested. “Either no time or…well, no point considering I’m always gunna go out and get it smudged in the field. It’s a healthy little indulgence.”


    Ignoring them, Ganisus padded over, his own yellow mascara clearer to see.


    “It’s whatev.” The Shinx drawled. “We’ll pass by Benjus’s back toward the Farming District.”


    “Farming District? What’s there?” Kipuuna asked, nonchalantly looking in his satchel.


    “Court of Fiction…and the Gorging Market.” Ganisus informed. “I mean, unless you guys are thinking of something else.”


    “Is there anything playing at Stage of Wind?” Nivanee asked. “Or maybe some…special exhibit at the Art Museum?”


    “Nah, I think they just got some Physics presentation at the Ivory Auditorium. Everything else is probably closed on Quarniti Dio.” Kipuuna said. “…well except the Penny Theater I guess but that’s in the X-Eye District.”


    “Pfff, Lahnae’d love that…” Ganisus drawled with a small grin. “I mean…after dragging us to a Gamble Parlor to lose every coin to our name.”


    “Oh Arceus don’t remind me that she still goes to those…and those raffle houses, ugh.” Kipuuna shook his head with a roll of his eyes. “For as good of a head he has on his shoulders Loshjno really lets her run wild as she pleases.”


    “Maybe that’s what makes him the perfect partner.” Nivanee giggled. The group was already moving. Kipuuna put an arm around Avery’s shoulder as they simply wandered about without a stated goal for now, still figuring out what to do. It was a little tough to follow along with everything they were saying, but Avery was happy to just go where they would.


    “Hey, say what you want about the gambling parlor, buuuut…” Avery walked with a little skip in his step. “The only reason Viz and I had as much income as we did for the first like four weeks of not getting paid because I won jackpot there!”


    “Uh, gambling…” Kipuuna lectured. “…is inherently addictive. I once went to an Ivory Auditorium seminar on the dangers of moral erosion from gambling, because the rush of winning releases a brain chemical that is more potent than most smoking three Yaja seeds at once. Then, once you’re doing nothing but craving your next fix, it’s all over. That money you got was nice but think of the risk!”


    “Gambling…” Ganisus added on. “…is also a pointless waste of time cuz like…you put in money and you lose it so fast that you’re…in and out the door in a second. Like what’s the point?”


    “I wonder what you’d be saying if you’d won that time we went with Lahnae.” Nivanee hummed, bumping Avery’s side jokingly.


    Avery gave Kipuuna a little smirk.


    “Addictiveness, huh?” Avery countered with a smile. “See, that’s why you’re supposed to set aside money that you’re willing to lose. Y’look at gambling like…you’re paying money for a fun night out, taking chances. Same way you’d pay money for seeing a comedy club, or a good dinner. But you’re paying for a fun time wiiiith a liiiiittle chance of getting it back twenty-fold. Easy!”


    “Gah! That’s the addiction talking!” Kipuuna chided, “We gotta wean you off of it!”


    “Oh…Oh no…Oh no it’s taking hold! The addiction…Kipuuna heeelp-” Avery gasped, bringing his hands forwards like a zombie. “Must…bet…life savings…on…blaaahahhggckkkk-“


    “Oh let him have his fun, Kipuuna.” Nivanee huffed with a smile as they continued eastward. “Avery’s got a point, doesn’t he? A Comedy Club is a gamble! Higher Stakes, too! Imagine paying 200 coins to see a bomb of a show!”


    “LOOK…” Kipuuna blushed, rolling his eyes. “…I thought Freezey Pete would be funnier…everyone said he was hilarious.”


    “Two hours of puns.” Ganisus huffed.


    Avery burst into a fit of snickers after that, elbowing the Piplup good-naturedly as they went.


    “…Is there any good sightseeing here?” Avery asked. “I really like seeing cool views and stuff – like at the top of the mountain, up there-“


    He nodded up at Windscorch mountain in the distance.


    “Sightseeing, hmmm…” Kipuuna thought on the Plusle’s inquiry. “Well…there’s the park, I guess, if you wanna look at statues. Wait…does the Public Astrology Center count as sightseeing?”


    “Nooo, that’s just looking at stars. Besides,  you can’t see anything in daytime…” Nivanee smirked, and side-eyed the Plusle. “And Avery’s gunna do plenty of sight-seeing with Lahnae tonight, right?”


    “Huh? Oooohh, right.” Kipuuna huffed with a small laugh. “Anyway, sight-seeing…well, if we wanted to we could always try some tiny shops out in the village district. One of those with a real nice view over Arceliaze.”


    “Oooooh…” Nivanee cooed softly.


    “That sounds good…!” Avery said with an enthusiastic nod. “Looking at the smaller shops seems like something fun, you can always find some cool bits and bobs in there. Besides, there’s…something I should probably tell you two so that you’re, uh…all caught up to speed. And being out of the main area of the city would prooobably be the best place to do that.”


    “Well, let’s keep going, then…!” Nivanee said, urging everyone along. Kipuuna and Ganisus both gave slightly confused looks but pressed on alongside them regardless.


    The group walked down the streets of Arceliaze, lightly chattering. Avery had not been on this side of the Market District often. The streets were a little more narrow and brightly painted, trimmed with gold. It was more like a series of gorgeously decorated, well-lit and cleaned alleyways with shops and foot traffic aplenty, Poke’mon walking down narrow pathways.


    Eventually, they all came across a large stand, double the size of other stands set inside of buildings and manned by two bartenders who were filling up lines of paper cups, with a sign proudly proclaiming ‘Tottered Punch – ON THE HOUSE FOR QUARNITI DIO’.


    Kipuuna grabbed two cups as he passed, handing one to Ganisus and the other to Avery, taking a third for himself.


    “Ai, ai! Happy Quarniti, ey?!” One of the bartenders shouted as the group passed. “Drink merry, ya lot!!”


    “Aye, thanks!” Nivanee called back happily. Avery cheered back to the vendor and raised his cup before taking a sip, walking along.


    They were quiet for a moment, just drinking and taking in the jubilant atmosphere. Kipuuna was the first to break into the topic:


    “Anyway…” Kipuuna said, sipping his drink, looking over at Avery. “What as that about ‘something to tell us’, Avery?”


    “Oh, secrets. Kipuuna’s favorite.” Ganisus snickered, getting a bat on the shoulder from the Piplup.


    The Plusle smiled, though his heart skipped a beat as the topic of his ‘secret’ was brought up again. Some part of him almost hoped he could have put it off just a bit longer but…


    ‘I can trust them. I know I can.’


    “Alright, well…I guess now’s as good a time as any.” Avery said, taking a deep breath to try and prepare himself for this. “I, uh…Vizon found out first. Then Olistia – though…I guess she knew from the beginning. Nivanee, then Lahnae…Then I guess technically Jolvia and Loshjno figured it out, but…”


    He stopped to look at Kipuuna and Ganisus, the only two left to tell.


    “I’ve told you guys over and over that I’m not from here. I say it a lot. I’m an outsider, that sort of thing. And…” Avery looked down at the drink in his hand. “…I’m not kidding when I say this. On Nivanee’s honor as a guild member-“


    The Plusle paused.


    “…Mine too. Both our honours. I just…think if we’re going to be turning a new page as a guild, we all should be on the same page, so…”


    Avery gripped his drink a little harder.


    He’d done this so much before.


    Why was it always so hard?


    “…I was a human.”


    Avery heard an exasperated sigh, like someone had been holding their breath.


    “Avery…” Kipuuna frowned. “C’mon, man, I thought you were being serious, don’t scare me like that. You keep saying you’re a lot of things. Hero of Arceus this, special case that. Who went and put that idea in your head now?”




    Kipuuna perked up, glancing at Nivanee. The Eevee stared back at Kipuuna with a stone-cold serious expression.




    “It’s true. All of it.” Nivanee said with a sigh, glancing over at the Plusle. “And frankly…I’m proud of Avery for coming clean with all of us that…he’s not just a normal Poke’mon…he’s not a Poke’mon at all.


    Kipuuna glanced at Avery…watched the Plusle walk-waddling next to him, his sweet little chubby face and gently swaying ears.


    “Avery???” Kipuuna asked, looking back at Nivanee and gesturing towards the Plusle. “Really?? He doesn’t look like-“


    “-doesn’t look like a harbinger of war, yes, I know.” Nivanee huffed with a smile. “As it turns out, old folklore by ancient Poke’mon isn’t the most reliable source of information.”


    “But that’s just it, it’s folklore. You know…not real? Fake? A fabrication???” Kipuuna said, looking back at Avery. “Last time I checked Avery exists so…clearly not human.”


    “Man…if he says he’s human then he’s human.” Ganisus said slowly, without even a hint of hesitation. “…but ‘meek, sweet and nice’ don’t make for good horror stories.”


    “But it doesn’t make sense! Like, from the historical perspective! What is a human, then?” Kipuuna grilled. “Where do they come from? Why is one here and looking like a Plusle? If they’re not folklore then why don’t we see them? And, if we can’t see humans, how do we know they exist enough to make folklore about them?? It doesn’t make sense.”


    “Oops. We don’t know everything.” Ganisus drawled. “What a shock.”


    Kipuuna blew a raspberry, taking a sip of his juice.


    Avery shifted a bit, looking into his drink. His brow creased as he tried to think of how to handle this.


    “…Talking Pokemon didn’t exist where I’m from, either,” He said, finally. “We had no proof that they could. So if a human walked up to me and said ‘I used to be a talking Pokemon’ I wouldn’t believe them either, even if they were telling the truth. But…humans are just…kind of like Pokemon, I think. They can be good. They can be bad. They can be harbingers of war, or people who like baking brownies. I was a human who liked camping with his friends Luke, Addison, and Amber. And…now I’m here.”


    Avery looked up to Kipuuna, smiling sadly.


    “…I’m pretty sure I didn’t know anything about Arcea before being brought here. I don’t know…if I’m from another world, or…from the distant past, or future, or something. But, uh…I…do know that…I’m…not the only human that’s been…brought here.”


    “Another planet? The future? C’mon, listen to yourself! I mean…I guess not to say you’re not telling the truth…or at least what you think is the truth…but you realize how…” Kipuuna gestured vaguely. “…just…weird it sounds??”


    Kipuuna crossed his eyes, making a goofy gesture.


    “Like…oh, hello, Avery! I’m actually the ghost of Yulina of Souljraan! I don’t really drown Poke’mon under the old Stone Bridge in Tall Woods I’m really just a nice girl that likes hanging out with friends!!”


    “Kipuuna, don’t be a jerk.” Nivanee roughly nudged the Piplup.


    “Give me a break…! This is a lot dumped on me at once.”


    “I find it pretty simple.” Ganisus sniffed, casting a glance at Avery. “It’s not like I’ve ever met any humans before to compare, so…yeah.”


    “Yeah because they’re not reeeeeaaaaalll.” Kipuuna emphasized again, not really getting it.


    “Kipuuna, we haven’t even gotten to the really weird part.” Said Nivanee.


    “There’s more???”


    “Well yeah. Because remember what Avery said? He’s not even the first.” Nivanee smirked.


    “…We have…countries, too, where I’m from,” Avery said. “…I didn’t really remember them until…I saw similarities in certain names. They just kind of popped into my head.”


    The Plusle bit his lip.


    ‘Kipuuna’s…incredulousness is understandable, but it still kind of hurts that he doesn’t believe me. Not that I blame him…’


    “…Quetzal…something. They were Aztec, I think. Ancient. Thousands of years ago. Jianguo was a human from China. Adelaide was Italian nobility.”


    “Yeah, Quetzalxochitl, Jianguo and Adelaide, the ancient heroes.” Nivanee nodded. “All of them with no memories and no past and appearing in times of great strife. Does that sound familiar?”


    Avery nearly crushed his cup in hand.


    Nivanee didn’t know about this next part.


    “And…Rikaerd. Or, uh…Richard. Richard was human, too.” Avery took a somewhat shuddering breath, gripping his cup tighter. “I…I have an inkling I was…I was brought here to replace him.”


    Nivanee stopped, whipping her head around to look at Avery.


    “Wait…wait, wait, what??” Nivanee furrowed her brow, cocking her head. “No…wait, Rikaerd? Like…Team Infinity Rikaerd? Avery, I knew him and Quayslaan, they never said anything about Rikaerd being human!”


    “Team Infinity?” Kipuuna asked, cocking an eyebrow. “You mean the guys that bailed right before Ganisus and I joined? Them, too?? Ancient heroes, random guild members, my own friend, are there any other secret ‘humans’ I need to know about?”


    “Woah, no, slow down, Rikaerd wasn’t…or well…was he? I didn’t get to know him very well…” Nivanee shrugged thoughtfully. “I mean…but…all this time?”


    ‘…Hooo boy. I need to sit down.’


    Still gripping his drink, Avery migrated to a bench nearby and plopped himself onto it. The other three stood by and stared at him curiously as he sat and rested.


    This was…getting harder.


    Avery took a breath and…tried to explain.


    “Nivanee…Do you…after you were lifted out of the ruins, I got trapped with Snivy and Starly after the floor caved in. We had…about half an hour while we waited for everyone else to come and get us out. And he told me about his old teammate. What really happened to him. He…told me how to get something from his old room, and…what the elites did. What Richard was.”


    “What the elites did…?” Nivanee mouthed to herself silently.


    Avery looked down at his reflection in the glass.


    “I wonder if he knew about me, too. I wonder if he knew what I am, too.”


    Finally lifting his head up to Kipuuna, the Plusle’s previous mirth was gone.


    Avery suddenly appeared as if he hadn’t slept in days. His mouth was scrunched into a messy wavering line across his face.


    “…I don’t know. I don’t know how many there are. If it was just Adelaide and maybe Jianguo and I, I’d be at peace, but…but I don’t know how many of us the Conduicy is just yanking away from our homes and…and…”


    ‘And ripping apart piece by piece, to reconstruct as a Pokemon.’


    “…There wasn’t any magic in me coming here.” Avery told them. “It was all…painfully real. And because of that, I can’t go back. This is…this is who I am now. I don’t know why I can read. I don’t-“


    He paused.


    “…here. I can…kind of prove myself, at least. Look.”


    Scooting forwards on the bench, Avery brought his foot down and began to scrawl in the dirt.


    “…There. That’s your name in my language. The one I remember. English. Kipuuna. And…” Avery scrubbed it out, and wrote again. “…This is mine.”


    There it was. Written in the dirt. Glyphs that nobody here would be able to read. Nobody would even recognize them. Not unless they were human themselves.




    “…That’s my name. That’s my name in English.”


    Kipuuna stared at at the scrawl on the ground, the look of confusion clear on his face.


    “That…that’s just a b-bunch of markings…” Kipuuna stammered…clearly starting to lose faith in his own words.


    “…so there’s more humans than just you right now…?” Ganisus clicked his tongue, staring down at the scrawl. The Shinx lifted his head, then swiped his paw over the writing, clearing it away as another Poke’mon walked by.


    Once the pedestrian passed, Nivanee shook her head, looking up at Avery on the bench. Kipuuna, meanwhile, raked his flipper through his headfluff, looking increasingly distraught.


    “I’m…” Kipuuna scratched his head…and looked over his shoulder, looking paranoid. “…I’m kind of…weirded out by all this. Can we stop talking about the possibility of more weird mythical creatures disguised as Poke’mon in secret?”


    “Do you still not believe him? Seriously?” Ganisus huffed.


    “No I…I think I’m starting to.” Kipuuna muttered. “That’s why it’s freaking me out.”




    “It’s spooky…! Humans as Poke’mon, wandering around…yanked from their home…by the who-knows-how-many numbers…!”


    “Well…humans seem ok, if Avery’s anything to go by.” Ganisus put in. Nivanee nodded.


    “And, hey…if that’s all true…that’s not bad news. If you can find Rikaerd then you’d have someone in the same boat as you.” The Eevee offered. “You know…! A fellow human to talk to! We’d just have to find where he’s gone with Kannah.”


    “…Richard isn’t here anymore,” Avery said quietly, his voice shaking just a bit. “B-but…we don’t…we don’t have to talk about that right now. It’s…it’s supposed to be a good day out, hah-“


    ‘It wasn’t supposed to go like this. It was supposed to go better. I can feel the crushing weight of the things I know all over again.’


    The Piplup looked confused by Avery’s wording.


    “A good…-?”


    “Sure, Avery! Thanks for telling us, it means a lot.”


    Kipuuna was interrupted by Nivanee. The Eevee read the room quickly…and she spoke up not to deny the truth, but to just stave it off for Avery’s sake.


    She knew nothing.


    Yet the glint in her eye…she suspected the worst now. Avery swore he could even see a part of her thankful that it didn’t have to be said now of all times.


    “Uh…yyyeah.” Kipuuna said with a hum, continuing to sip his drink.


    A silence followed them all as Avery slipped off the bench and followed the group as they made their way through the small slice of the lower market district leading into the Farming District.


    “For what it’s worth…” Ganisus chimed in as they crossed onto the dirt roads, passing a few small buildings. “…you’re a good human, Avery.”


    Kipuuna and Nivanee softly nodded in agreement.


    “…Thanks, Ganisus.” Avery gave the Shinx a tired smile. “And…for what it’s worth…I think all of this would be easier if I were crazy, heh-“


    “Ah, the safety of madness.” Kipuuna said with a soft laugh, trying to bring the mood back up. “If only it were all sooo easy!”


    Nivanee giggled whilst Ganisus only stared at the sights they passed, including a large open market with several Poke’mon walking between colorful stands and eating the food right off the tables…and further on was a beautifully painted stage play where children were gathered at the base, watching, of all things, a Riolu actor play out a journey with a Pikachu companion.


    “Oh look at that, the Court of Fiction is open today~!” Nivanee excitedly cheered, pointing to the Riolu who swung a stick at another Poke’mon playing a villain. “Janus and I loved the stories of Rokkoi the Riolu…we even missed the gong once staying out too long…!”


    “I always found it odd that the performance goes well beyond any normal kid’s bedtime…” Kipuuna said aloud, finishing off his juice.


    “…Who’s Rokkoi?” Avery asked, watching the stage, grateful for the distraction. Sure, it was yet another thing he didn’t know, but…it all seemed jovial enough.


    “He’s a fictional folk hero!” Nivanee explained excitedly, capitalizing on the distraction. “The great wandering hero, Rokkoi! He’s a Riolu that travels the land, helping the needy, defeating the cruel.”


    “It’s also got a history of controversy.” Kipuuna added with a snicker. “It’s landed in hot water before for pretty naked and scathingly critical stories of nobles and even Conduits.”


    “It’s been going on for generations!” Nivanee continued on, slowing down a little to watch the Riolu on stage perform a ‘finishing blow’ on the enemy Poke’mon. “And Rokkoi himself had been played by…gosh…dozens of Riolus? Maybe more? All over the course of many centuries! Always coming up with new stories, even if it repeats itself a lot.”


    “It’s always some kid’s first time…” Ganisus yawned.


    “Really?” Avery tagged back, looking at the story as it played out. He figured that in a world like this, there’d be stories for and against any kind of organization anywhere you went. “…Huh. I…guess that makes sense, if Rokkoi’s a Riolu, you could only have a Riolu play it…”


    “It’s honestly amazing they’ve not missed a show in over 70 years.” Nivanee said wistfully. The group picked up the pace, making their way towards the east gate of Arceliaze, the path leading up into the towering hills of the Arceali Valley. “They always manage to find someone eager to play Rokkoi.”


    “…heh…I wonder if Vizon would wanna play Rokkoi.” Ganisus chuckled lightly. “All that good guy, bad guy stuff seems real up his alley.”


    “You kidding? It’s got Vizon written all over it!” Kipuuna quipped with a laugh.


    “Oh, did you see Vizon, Avery?” Nivanee asked, looking over at the Plusle.


    “Not since this morning,” He answered. “Though I heard from Kellixae that he’d gone to our bank at the farming district to withdraw our funds, since we transferred to a different one with the rank up.”


    “We actually passed by him a while before you found us.” Kipuuna  said. “He was hanging out with Vinae and Equiros.”


    The Piplup shook his head with a chuckle.


    “Man…it’s been a while since we’ve last seen Team Ganusi.” The Piplup finished.


    “I asked if Vinae wanted to join us but she said they were going to do their own thing for the day!” Nivanee sighed. “Mmmph…I really wanted to hang out with Team Ganusi. I really miss them…!”


    “Maybe tomorrow?” Kipuuna suggested, pulling ahead to trudge up the steep hill the path went up.




    It was mid afternoon. The sun was at the group’s backs as they exited the farming district and all began the long climb up the Arceali Valley.


    Already, in the far distance upwards, Avery could see a few collections of buildings situated by forks and crossroads in the path up the towering hills. The upward climb was already pretty steep as they made their way into the Arceliaze village district.


    Every so often during their trudge up the steep hill the group would have to side-step a carriage of goods or passengers pulled by powerful Tauros or Mudsdale, the carriage pullers struggling to not let the carts go out of control down the hill.


    “Oof, watch out here…” Kipuuna muttered, the path becoming so steep he had to lean forward, putting his flippers on the dirt and methodically crawl up, Ganisus and Nivanee following, crouched low to the ground.


    A strong gust swirled the valley this far up, especially with little to no trees to block the wind. Nothing but swishing, swaying tall grass and wild flowers upon the hill.


    Eventually, as they all talked, they came to a few wood and brick buildings built into the side of the steep valley. The buildings were built upon massively tall platforms along the hill to keep them level, with others simply applying the hill’s gradient into their architecture.


    The grass was more trim here, and the buildings had a different character to them than in Arceliaze, with more floral arrangements mixing with painted murals upon the brick and wood buildings, roof tiles painted several different colors. Each of the buildings looked sturdy and even cleaner than ones down in the farming district. Despite the distance from the Market District, it was clear this was wealthy and private living.


    The other three stopped to rest, hopping up onto the nearest platform of a restaurant, their backs pressed against the wood fence around the patio. They could hear the shading umbrellas that the tables had flap quietly in the wind.



    It almost gave Avery vertigo, sitting on the flat, light wood platform. Just to his left, a massive drop where the hill went down, and hundreds and hundreds of feet below, the entire city of Arceliaze spread out at the bottom of the valley, puffs of smoke trailing up from several points, a distant, faint rumble of noise. The whipping, cool wind coiling around them all.


    Avery could even see the different districts, the way buildings morphed into different styles as they crossed specific thresholds. The squares upon squares of farmland surrounding on all sides. The specks of carriages and traffic flowing in and out, up and down the multiple snaking pathways from the city and up the valley that surrounded it.


    He could even make out more micro villages, far, far away on the other end of the valley across the city.


    Looking at all of Arceliaze from such a vantage point…it was so…




    “…This is the Village District, huh?” Avery said, leaning over the wooden platform to look at the others. “I would have thought from the name it’d be more akin to the farming district, but…this seems pretty high-life…!”


    He paused, and looked to the others with an awkward grin.


    “No joke intended.”


    “Yeah, these were…” Kipuuna gestured vaguely. “…a whole bunch of independent villages. Like, a lot of them were started up just last century.”


    “Mhm! And then others are even older, liiike…” Nivanee hummed, craning her neck to look across the valley. She lifted a paw toward a larger collection of buildings far in the distance, on the opposite end of the valley. “Over there, that’s Kura M’Zan. That one pre-dates Arcea unification. The name’s even based on old Arcean, which was like…mmm…Kuroch…Muhzann?”


    “Ohh, I didn’t know you could speak old Arcean.” Kipuuna said.


    “Oh I can’t, I just remember facts about Kura M’Zan specifically since Janus and I went there all the time because of the big stuffed toy store they had.”


    “Stuffed toys?”


    Nivanee nodded.


    “Janus liked sleeping with a bunch of stuffed toys when she was younger. The Fluff Crew!” Nivanee said with a smile. “Though…she donated a lot of them a few months before…you know.”


    “Did she keep any?” Kipuuna asked curiously. Nivanee nodded again.


    “Yeah…just three. And I…kept them in a box under the bed if she ever wanted to…” Nivanee sighed. “…come back.”


    “…Maybe she will, sometime soon,” Avery said, a little softer. “In the meantime, d’you think…she’d mind you keeping them company for her while she waits? Maybe you could use the company, too.”


    Nivanee smiled softly, looking over at Avery and gently nuzzling him as a carriage rumbled by on its way down the valley.


    “Yeah…you know…that’s not a bad idea.” She sighed, leaning back into the patio fence. “We might have to make a little room for them if they’re gunna join us on the bed, though.”


    “…Kura M’Zan stuffed toys are massive.” Ganisus said with a small smile. “…it’s why Kipuuna never let me have one.”


    “The thing was bigger than our bed!” Kipuuna protested.


    “I know. I wanted to sleep on it.” The Shinx dully drawled.


    Nivanee giggled softly, scanning around the little micro village they sat in.


    From here they could make out about six nearby shops plus eleven houses, scattered haphazardly around the wide dirt path. A few smaller paths split off to allow access to the different homes while the shops stayed close to the main path. One particularly strange building was shaped like a large brick cheese wedge, situated neatly at the fork in the large pathway.


    They looked like knick-knack shops, snack shops, restaurants, book stores…smaller, very specialized shops with flyers advertising other services within like carriage repairs within a snack shop, glass mending at the back of a restaurant, and others.


    None of it seemed like a hustle or grind, more like the shops were just…for fun. The Poke’mon that lived here were clearly wealthy enough to not need to survive on any of these establishments.


    “So…what should we do?” Kipuuna asked, swinging his feet a little over the edge of the wood platform they all sat on.


    “I’m okay with window-shopping,” Avery said. “Though… I should probably get some camping supplies to prepare for tonight. So if there’s an outdoors store near here that could be a good stop.”


    “Oh, that’s true…!” Nivanee perked up, hopping down from the platform. “We have to prepare you for your date!”


    “His what?” Kipuuna asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I thought he and Lahnae were just going to go up together in the mountains tonight.”








    “Where nobody can see them.”


    “What do you think a date is, goofball?” Nivanee huffed. “Come ooon, don’t you see it?”


    “See what?”




    “How am I supposed to know it if you won’t tell me what it is?!”


    “The spark! The chemistry! I know you went out with Janus for a bit…! You know what I mean!!”


    “Yeah, and all we did was go out to eat and stuff.” The Piplup shrugged. “Thinking back…it wasn’t much different from when we were friends.”


    “Kippyyyy!!!” The Eevee whined, stamping her paws lightly. “Come ooon! Don’t you have a sense for this kind of thing?”


    Kipuuna and Ganisus glanced at one another, sharing a look of confusion and shrugging.


    “I-!” Avery huffed, bringing my ears down a little. “C-come on, we don’t know if it’s…really anything yet! I just broke up with Vizon, I don’t want this to be…y’know! I don’t want to rebound on Lahnae, that wouldn’t be fair to her…! This…it really is just a camping triiiip-“


    The Plusle huffed a little.


    “…We’re probably going to need a tent and supplies at least…”


    “Uh. Is rebounding really that bad?” Ganisus bluntly drawled. “It still really sucks you and Vizon broke up. Wish it could of worked out, man, but-“


    “That relationship was hurting both of you…” Kipuuna sighed. “Arceus, I’m still kind of processing it…though, to be honest…I don’t think I ever saw you and Vizon go on a date date…I don’t think?? Really I just heard you were dating through Nivanee.”


    “With how much Lahnae likes you I thought you two were dating…” Ganisus sighed. “She kept talking about you last time we played War so like…I kinda figured-“


    “Guys, guys!!” Nivanee stopped them both at once. “If Avery says it’s not official then it’s not!”


    “Yeah. Not yet.” Ganisus bluntly finished making the Eevee huff.


    “I just…I don’t want to hurt Vizon by moving on too fast, or hurt Lahnae in case I’m just…y’know…! I dunno.” Avery gripped his arm. “I just don’t want to hurt anyone. That’s…that’s what happened with me and Vizon. I rushed into it, we had all these expectations that we couldn’t fill for each other, and then we tried too hard and it blew up in our faces. Vizon deserved better than that, and…Lahnae deserves better than that too, you know?”


    The three of them quieted down at that. Even Ganisus silently looked away in thought.


    Kipuuna and Nivanee both slowly nodded.


    “Yeah…I understand, Avery.” The Eevee said, softer this time, her teasing edge gone. “…you’re a good Poke’mon. No matter what…it’s still good to have a friend like that, yeah?”


    Kipuuna sighed, hopping down onto the steep path.


    “I hope everything goes alright…” The Piplup said. “…now I’m hoping she doesn’t get her hopes up.”


    “Lahnae? I dunno…!” Nivanee put on an encouraging voice. “I think…she’d just be happy with whatever! She wouldn’t need it any specific way, right?”


    “I hope so…she just tends to be kinda…you know. Thick-headed? Determined?” Kipuuna suggested. Ganisus finally chimed back in as he joined everyone on the path.


    “Who cares. Let’s just help out.” The Shinx said at last, looking back at Nivanee. “We helping with camping shopping or not?”


    “Ah! Right!!” Nivanee nodded and got the conversation back on track. “So! These villages usually have a surplus store if you want to grab some food, a sleeping mat, maybe a shovel and camping satchel…oh, and thick canteens! This all could help on missions anyway!”


    “Wasn’t Lahnae shopping for this stuff, too?” Kipuuna asked. “Where is she? I haven’t seen her all day.”


    “Dunno. So let’s do shopping of our own.” Ganisus said nodding to a building down the path with a sign saying ‘WOODSMON SURPLUS’. “That should work.”


    “Woodsmon sounds like as good as any a place to get stuff for camping,” Avery said, crossing his arms as he looked the shop over. “Though I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for here. I’m hoping that my intuition is going to give me a bit of a guiding light.”


    The Plusle looked to the others as he started towards the store.


    “…I still don’t know a lot about where I came from before here, but…the one thing that I know is that I liked camping and did it a lot with my old friends. So…hopefully that means that I’ll sort of know what I need from a place like this.”


    Kipuuna clicked his tongue, fluttering his eyes in Avery’s direction.


    “Weeell…if you want my advice-“


    “Oh boy…” Ganisus sighed, already stepping forward toward the shop. Kipuuna only shot him a glance before returning to the Plusle.


    “If you’re going camping, you have to prepare for any eventuality, any pitfall.” Kipuuna began. “I’m assuming you’re going in the woods, correct? Maybe even, say, up the mountains? Well, you’re going to need a first aid kid with juiced Oran, splints and suture kit, for any falls you might take.”


    Nivanee cringed but said nothing.


    “Next, cold medicine.” The Piplup carried on. “You don’t wanna catch something and be hundreds of miles from civilization without any remedy.”


    “I…” Nivanee smiled politely. “Isn’t it just for one night? And probably not even that far from Souljraan…”


    “And that’s not even counting the food and water you need to bring…!” Kipuuna stroked his chin, flicking his eyes down…he was looking like he was fretting over this a lot more than Avery was. “Foraging is hardly reliable and you might end up poisoning yourself. Oh! I guess you also need a book on Herbology. I actually have one if-“


    “Yo, are we like…gunna enter any time soon?” Ganisus called from the shop, already holding open the door. “The guy at the front desk’s giving me nasty looks.”


    Avery sighed and patted Kipuuna on the back, gently guiding him into the building.


    “We’ve gotta keep in mind that even together Lahnae and I only have so much back space for packing stuff…!” The Plusle laughed. “But…”


    As they entered the store, Avery looked around carefully, squinting at everything around him.




    “Well, we’ll need a tent, for sure.” Avery said. “Blanket for sleeping on if the weather’s nice, but a sleeping bag or two might be needed if it’s going to be nasty. Niv, do you know what the forecast for Souljraan is tonight?”


    Without skipping a beat, Nivanee shoved her paw into her mouth, wetting it, then lifted it into the air. Her ears swiveled to and fro, back and forth, eyes looking up as she scanned the sky.


    “Rocky Mountains…dry but very cold. Harsh winds blowing eastward. Dust may be an issue…and…” She paused…and took a deep sniff of the air. “…misting early in the morning, warming up by early afternoon.”


    Kipuuna nodded…though Avery could see the flicker of amazement in his eyes. It was clear this wasn’t the Senior Guild Member’s first time giving an incredibly accurate weather report.


    “And that matches what I read in the Slowpoke’s forecast in the newsletter this morning!” Nivanee finished with a cheery smile, padding into the store after the group.


    And the impressed flicker vanished.


    Inside the shop it was…certainly different. Of all the shops in Arceliaze proper, there’d never been one with such strong theming.


    Shelves lined the store, each one made of what looked to be raw trees. The floor was a polished wood as well with dirt patches and even grass growing in controlled and neatly trimmed (but still arranged to ‘look’ wild) tufts. Vines and fake leaves hung above in a false canopy, with the ceiling painted a dark blue with what looked to be glowing paint for stars above. Camping lanterns hung to light the area.


    It was, certainly, very cute.


    As Ganisus closed the door and stepped in behind Avery, he was looking towards the clerk, a Sudowoodo who indeed was casting him a slight stink-eye. Thankfully, he went back to his paper book once the door was shut and the breeze being let in ceased.


    “Yeah, so, it’s gunna be cold tonight.” Nivanee said. “So what’s cold and misty weather call for, Avery? You seem to have some experience to draw from…even if it’s distant.”


    “Oh, do remember Lahnae is a fire type, so that last part’ll be important.” Kipuuna added. “Likely she’s not thinking of that.”


    “Yeah, and you don’t want any more ‘bad luck’ with her…” Ganisus drawled, his attention already draw elsewhere.


    “True, with bad luck we might want to prepare for rain…” Avery contemplated. “Considering all that, I think we should be okay with a waterproof tent and a thermal blanket, considering she’s a fire-type.”


    Avery browsed an aisle, looking for the tents as he said this, trying to think of one that’d work well. He and Lahnae weren’t particularly big Pokemon, so they wouldn’t have to go for one of the bigger ones.


    Besides…something told Avery having a smaller tent might be better.


    “With a blanket, we could use it to cover ourselves if it came down to it.” Avery continued. “Otherwise, we can lie on top of it, and it should keep Lahnae’s heat pretty well. Other than that…we won’t need a lighter, but we will need some kindling and possibly a way to get wood…so maybe a hatchet? Hatchets are useful for a lot of different things on the trail.”


    At last, near the back corner of the store, Avery found the tents. The tent section had three assembled tents of different sizes on display on fake grass mounds.


    For an out-of-the-way shop this place was actually kind of ritzy, what with all the thematic displays and the fake rock wall on the far end of the shop where the rock climbing stuff was.


    And those prices confirmed it.


    1,000 P for a small 1 Poke’mon tent. They came in colors such as green, red, blue and…pink. Thankfully, even this lowest one had a marking confirming it was water and weather-proof, for winds up to and including 64 mph.


    3,000 P for a medium 2 Poke’mon tent. It actually looked like a solid build, coming in black, white and…purple, for some reason. This also was waterproof.


    4,000 P for a large 3 Poke’mon tent though it looked like Avery could actually fit 4 in there with a little squeezing in. This one came in in Yellow, Brown and…Rainbow?


    Finally, off to the side, there was another tent whose price wasn’t even printed, only calling it ‘Me Dete Mupvepu Fe Dete’ with price: ‘Ask Clerk’. This beast had no physical display, only a picture showing what looked like a pitchable mansion with cooking, heating fixtures, a deployable deck and bedrooms for a family of up to eight.


    So probably not that one.


    Here also were rolls of blankets. A normal blanket ran about 300 P while a thermal blanket ran 500 P. There was also a heated blanket, using charged Fire Duusch Jyaguud, rechargeable by any Fire Type. This ran 800 P.


    Kindling was off in the other direction, looking to be bundles from different trees and even some pinecones for an ‘extra boost’.




    “…I’m thinking maybe…” Avery reached up to get the 2 Pokemon tent. He was a little disappointed this one didn’t have a red colouring, but everything had compromises.


    Instead, he went for the ‘close enough’ purple option.


    “This seems like a good size for lugging around and working with,” He said, looking it over and turning it around in his hands. It was decently heavy, which gave him faith that it actually was waterproof. “Now we can only hope that it’s easy enough to set up. I seem to remember nightmares of hours getting the tents set up on previous camping trips…”


    The thermal blanket was easy enough to choose – there was only one variety there. Though before he headed to the kindling Avery stopped at the ritzy mansion-tent, squinting at the words.


    “That’s…Illaminian, isn’t it…?” The Plusle mumbled, looking it over. “…’Dete’ is repeated, maybe…’my something is your something’, if I had to guess…”


    ‘Wish I’d brought a dictionary.’


    “Huh…dunno.” Kipuuna muttered, looking at the name of the mansion tent. “I usually just ask Lahnae about Illaminian. She’s the only one I know that’s studied it.”


    Nivanee looked over the tent Avery chose, nodding thoughtfully to herself.


    “Ooo…that looks really good!” She said, prodding the thick material. “Though, yes, you’re right about them being hard to manage. I always had to rely on Janus to set up these kinds of tents because…”


    The Eevee held up a paw with a sheepish grin.


    “But these days I can make due with a sleeping bag.” She finished.


    “Any contingencies you wanna plan for, Avery?” Kipuuna asked worriedly, following along as they all moved towards the kindling and hatchets. “Like what if the tent rips? Or one of the poles snaps?”


    “Or the hatchet’s head flies off the handle.” Ganisus said, saying it almost like it were a joke…though it was always hard to tell, naturally. “Or a lantern explodes because it was a thieves guild trap.”


    “Yeah…! What if?!” Kipuuna gasped.


    “Relax, man…I’m not being serious.”


    “Well, I’m already planning for contingencies by bringing a waterproof tent despite Niv’s weather report,” Avery said, giving the Piplup a little smile. “But…if the pole snaps or the tent rips, the thermal blanket is big enough for us to wrap around ourselves. It’s not as waterproof, but…it’s made of cotton. And even when wet, cotton keeps you warm.”


    He paused.


    “Plus I’m going to have a living hot water bottle with me, too, so we’ll keep warm that way, too.”


    “Oh man but what if she breaks her leg? Or her wing? Gets an infected wound out there?” Kipuuna prattled on. “What if-“


    “Kip.” Ganisus broke through the Piplup’s rambling, making the boy stop and swallow the rest of his words. “She’s gunna be with Aves. She’ll be fine.”


    Kipuuna let that final word hang in the air for a little while. He took a long, deep breath through his nostrils and pushed it out his mouth.


    Slowly, he closed his eyes.




    “You’re just worried for her. That’s okay.” Nivanee assured, patting the Piplup on the back.


    “I can’t help but still worry after her, you know?” The Piplup sighed with a small and sad smile of his own. “Trying to be better about it and all, sure, but…it’s still hard not to worry about Lahnae of all Poke’mon. So you gotta keep her safe from all the trouble that…converges on her, okay, Avery?”


    “I mean…we don’t know that it’s going to happen off mission,” Avery said, tilting his head. “But in case it does…we’ve already been through a lot already. And this camping trip is way lower stakes than anything we did before! So…I’m sure we’ll be fine. Don’t worry, Kip. And…we’ll get help if we need it.”


    The Plusle lifted a few bundles of sticks, weighing them in his hands to figure out how many they’d be able to carry. He and Lahnae would probably only need one, but…better safe than sorry.


    Kipuuna nodded in response, his eyes showing the trust he had in in the Plusle…even if his face was still laced with worry, like the Torchic was going to get into all kinds of danger the moment she left the city.


    “Good. I really hope you two have fun.” Nivanee said with another warm smile. “Now then, what else will you be needing? And when do you want to catch up with Lahnae?”


    “Oh yeah. It should be about an evening’s trip to Souljraan.” Kipuuna added. “A little quicker by carriage, of course. At this time of day they’d have all carriages deployed so there should always be at least one at the station.”


    “Well,” Avery said, putting two bundles into the basket. “I’m planning on getting a message from Vizon to pass on to his parents in Souljraan, since we’ll be stopping there before coming back tomorrow. So I was going to meet up with Lahnae for dinner, and then head out after that…? I thiiiiink…was the plan?”


    “Oooo, Dinner, now, too?” Nivanee teased, stepping up next to Avery and lightly pressing to his side with a cheeky grin. Avery’s ears folded back, flustered. Kipuuna snorted at that, trying to not look so amused.


    “Where at? Did she say?” Kipuuna asked as the four approached the counter.


    “I think we’re just, hah, m-meeting at the guild-” the Plusle gave an embarrassed smile at the ribbing, placing the products on the counter. “Nothing huge, I just thought we might grab a bite before we go-!”


    “Awww just lemme tease you!” Nivanee pleaded, the Sudowoodo at the counter doing his best to ignore the four as he tended to the items on the counter, weighing a few stones with a scale to measure the price.


    “Niv, he said he wanted to take it slow…”


    “Well I know but…come on, it’s Lahnae we’re talking!” Nivanee squealed. “I was honestly unsure if she would fancy anyone considering she never seemed too into, say…Loshjno.”


    “…aren’t they, like…siblings?” Ganisus asked.


    “What?” Nivanee cocked an eyebrow. “No, of course they aren’t.”


    “As in how they feel about each other.” Ganisus finished. “That’s like asking why you were never into Janus.”


    “Wh-!!” Nivanee puffed her cheeks, batting the Shinx’s shoulder. “Don’t be vulgar, ick!!”


    The Sudowoodo sighed, setting the scale up onto the counter. Avery set 3,200 gold on the counter to pay for the items then turned to the others.


    “I mean I don’t know Lahnae that well, but…I mean…I know myself pretty well!” The Plusle said. “At least, I think I do. Maybe not. But…the most of what I know is that I like spending time with her. I just want to make sure that it’s for the right reasons, heh…!”


    “Well, I do know her.” Nivanee said, backing off and giving a more genuine smile, easing off the teasing. “She’s extremely excited to be hanging out with her best friend.”


    “She really only got that way with Loshjno, since…well…” Kipuuna laughed nervously.


    “Loshjno was her only friend in the guild.” Ganisus finished without sugar-coating it. “…until her rival showed up.”


    A look of guilt crossed Kipuuna’s face, one that Nivanee noticed immediately. The Eevee swooped in at once to hold a paw to the Piplup’s shoulder.


    “But hey…she’s more and more happy to see you, too, Kip.” The Eevee said. “We’ve all come out better for each other, huh?”


    Kipuuna’s guilty look vanished back into a small smile at once, even as his eyes still kept to the ground in contemplation.


    “Yeah…we did.”


    Finally, with the coins taken, the Sudowoodo handed over the camping items. Nivanee stepped over to help carry the large tent roll. Ganisus came to Avery’s other side to help as well (after a prod from Kipuuna).


    “We should be able to get this all into a pack once we get to the guild.” Nivanee huffed, helping to carry the tent while Kipuuna held onto the blanket and hatchet. “Then you guys’ll be all set. Shall we get back to the guild?”


    “I think so,” Avery said, looking back down the hill. “Let’s just hope we don’t trip on the way down. With a load like this we’re going to be no better than a boulder if that happens…!”


    As they left the store, however, Avery thought a bit about what the other three had said back there.


    He knew that the guild had gotten better since he came along. And while he tried not to stroke his own ego too much, Avery knew that he was a part to do with that.


    ‘But…having everything rely on me isn’t great, either.’


    The four Poke’mon stepped out, walking down the dirt path toward the steep slope down the Arceali valley. Indeed, it was ironically harder going down the valley side than it was going up, as Avery, Nivanee and Ganisus tried to keep the tent from falling which would no doubt be a heck of a tumble.


    “Yeah, watch it…” Nivanee huffed, taking careful, measured steps down the dirt path, sucking in her lips every time the loose dirt made her paw slip a little. “Stuff tumbling down the hills is a pretty common hazard and we sure don’t want to end up fined.”


    “Man…this was probably easier back when this was all cobblestone roads…” Kipuuna sighed as he walked ahead of the three, to catch the tent if it fell.


    They continued their slow, measured walking down the road. As they did so, Avery’s mind still swam with thoughts about the guild…how much they’d changed.


    And how much he and Vizon hadn’t


    He shook his head, needing to focus, deciding to talk and distract himself, even if it was hard while focusing on not dropping the rolled-up tent.


    “I’m – hah – glad you guys are doing more things as a guild though. Like that war game that I saw in the bar, before Yahneri Port.” Avery tilted his head, trying to remember it. He’d been…drunk-ish and distracted when seeing it, so his memory was a little fuzzy. “Is it a lot to get into? How easy is it to learn?”


    Kipuuna perked up, though he didn’t look back; walking backwards on this kind of gradient would be dangerous.


    “Oh yeah, there’s entire books written on just the basics of the game.” Kipuuna huffed…though Avery could almost see a prideful look on the Piplup’s face. “That’s before you even factor in the cost of getting your own game pieces and build your resource decks. Starter packs can run you maybe 30 P a piece while a complete full campaign set of game pieces goes well into 4000 P!”


    Ganisus audibly yawned.


    “So most Poke’mon getting into ‘War’ start with a skirmish sized army which usually goes like…1500 on the high end and 700 on the low end?” Kipuuna continued.


    “You see why Lahnae has to buy cheap knock-off pieces…” Ganisus sighed, lugging his end of the tent down carefully.


    “No kidding.” Avery whistled, watching his footing carefully as he made his way down the hill. Funny that this terrain seemed almost more treacherous with a load than many of the places he’d been on guildwork. “Isn’t that sort of thing prohibitive to some people? I mean, if you aren’t working a job that gives you disposable income, how could you play? Like…writing down piece names on slips of paper or something?”


    Avery looked up at the sky.


    “But I guess collecting the miniatures has to be part of the appeal, too, huh?” The Plusle mused. “‘Specially if you paint them – I think I remember some of you guys having painted figures.”


    “Sure did! It’s half game, half art project!” Nivanee chimed in merrily, swishing her tail. “I run the ‘United Cities of Fluffy Friends’!”


    “With all the pieces pianted Blue, Cyan, Cerulean, Red, Brown…” Ganisus clicked his tongue. “…and yellow.”


    “Oh! I need to do cream and red colored pieces…and Azure and black ones!” Nivanee said, clearly trying not to bounce at the idea as she eased the tent downward. “I guess I need to swing by the game shop soon!”


    “As for people who don’t have pieces…welll…” Kipuuna grimmaced, shrugging. “I guess if you don’t have pieces and cards you just…uh…don’t play. I mean unless you want to just draw pieces on paper but…”


    “I was gunna do that…” Ganisus hummed. “…but Kipuuna nagged me to get real game pieces because ‘that’s what you’re supposed to do’, apparently.”


    “It’s just in the spirit of the game…!”


    “…Boy, lot of blue in the guild, huh?” Avery said with a little laugh. “It makes me a little upset, though, thinking about it, because…there were probably games where I came from, too. I’m sure I played a few, I would have loved to teach them, I’m sure, but…the only thing I retained was camping which…well.”


    Avery nodded to the tent.


    “Seems you guys already have that down pat!”


    “Well, not recreationally! We always camp when on business!” Nivanee said, putting more spring in her step as they all finally reached the bottom of the hill and the ground evened out. “It’s always kind of a means to an end sort of thing, you know? Whatcha plan on doing on this camping trip?”


    “Exploring, maybe…?” Ganisus offered with a shrug as they approached the east gate.


    “Exploring, talking, enjoying the outdoors,” Avery answered. “I don’t want to anger the ‘bad luck’ gods, so to speak, so we aren’t going to be doing anything too high key. I think it’s just going to be a fun night out, you know?”


    “Hah, I get plenty of the outdoors from work.” Kipuuna snorted. “Think I’ll take tonight to myself. Maybe get to a book I’ve been meaning to knock out.”


    “Well it sounds like fun to me!” Nivanee bounced now that she was on even ground, making Ganisus grunt as his side of the tent wobbled. “Stopping and appreciating the outdoors is a rare treat. I think I’d love to come on one of these camping trips!”


    “Pass.” Ganisus put in plainly.


    Avery snorted and laughed at the Shinx.


    “I mean I’d still like to do something with you sometime, Ganisus,” Avery said with a smile, turning to him. “The theme park in Dove Fo Uddjo was fun…! You think Kipuuna would be able to handle the…oh, what was it called…the Blatant Safety Violation? That was one of the tamer ones.”


    “Heh…yeah, that’d be fun.” A rare smile decorated Ganisus’s face as he lazily eyed the Piplup, who looked like he was already gearing up to unleash a flurry of ‘no’s. “I’d love to see if Kip loses his lunch on one of those.”


    Just as Kipuuna opened his beak, he stopped himself, huffing. Avery admired the restraint.


    As the three walked westward, the east gate led straight into the edges of the Market District. The streets were beginning to fill with Poke’mon getting off of work, making the walk a little tight, especially with a large tent between the three of them.


    But in due time, the castle came into view. With it, just across the canal, was the Arceali Guildhall. Nivanee and Ganisus picked up the pace across the bridge, approaching the entrance.


    As they walked however, Avery could see the front door of the Guild was open, held by a familiar Whimsicott, an Archiops and Chandelure just behind her. Standing in the guild entrance was Vizon, looking to the three of them with rapt interest.


    Avery tilted his head.


    ‘Is that…’


    “Oh, that’s…Team Ganusi, isn’t it?” Avery said, waving a bit to try and catch Vizon’s eye. He still had to get the Riolu’s message.


    Avery could see Vinae lift her head, gesturing towards the four of them which made Vizon perk up. The Riolu looked over and smiled warmly, waving his hand at the approaching group while the three elites watched from the sidelines.



    “Heya, partner!” The Riolu called out, glancing back at the Whimsicott who nodded back with a smile of her own.


    “Howdy, Avery!” Vinae called after Vizon, gently floating in the group’s direction. “How’s the day off treating you all?”


    “What’s all that stuff you got?” Vizon asked, stepping up and eying the big tent. “Didja see the parade?”


    “I did, yeah!” Avery said with a little nod. “These three got all gussied up for it, too. I missed that part of the meetup, but the parade was cool…! I liked the new statue. As for this stuff…”


    Avery helped off the tent from Ganisus and Nivanee’s backs, the both of them stepping back to let the Plusle take it.


    This is for the camping trip tonight.” Avery said, proudly presenting the purple tent.


    “Oh yeaah, the camping thing with Lahnae, right, right.” Vizon said with a nod, stepping up to pat Avery lightly on the shoulder.


    The Riolu seemed a little…subdued.


    Not upset, just…something seemed lacking, like his pep and excitement had dulled a little.


    But his smile seemed genuine, his crimson eyes looking to Avery thankfully, a smile the Plusle emulated.


    “The offer to deliver a message to your folk’s still open,” Avery offered. “Since we’re going to be headed to Souljraan, if you want it…!”


    At the mention of his parents, the elites’ heads perked and Vizon opened his mouth to speak…


    But Vinae’s voice came first.


    “Oh? A message to his parents?” The Whimsicott elite asked, cocking her head to the side. “Vizon’s a Souljraan native? Aw, buddy, you never told me you lived in Souljraan!”


    Vizon snorted, batting Vinae’s fist away as she playfully punched his shoulder.


    “Well, duh, I’m an Arceliaze Poke’mon first and foremost.” The Riolu joked, smiling at Vinae. “Though I guess now mostly just a guild Poke’mon, huh?”


    The Whimsicott’s teammates chuckled behind her.


    “Gee, I hardly remember Souljraan. I’m almost never out that way.” Vinae sighed, clasping her hands together. “But the hills are so pretty and the air is always on the cooler side up in the north end of the montains. What a place to go camping!”


    “Hah, yeah! I think Lahnae’ll love it!” Vizon added, looking back to Avery with a nod. “And hey, if you ever need anything, my parents should be over at North Road, like, building number 22-“


    “Oh please, Avery and Lahnae got through Lightning Wastes.” Vinae laughed, looking back at the Chandelure. “I think he’ll handle a night in the Rocky Hills just fine. He’s sure proven he’s a tough cookie!”


    “Sure enough!” Shantai the Chandelure Elite spoke up. “That Plusle runt runs circles around most elites, I’ll tell you that!”


    Nivanee perked her ears as she listened to the banter, glancing over at Avery with a smile.


    It was an…encouraging smile.


    Though there was something else in the Eevee’s eyes.


    “Aw man, do you know the whole Lightning Wastes story?” Vizon chimed in excitedly, looking back at Team Ganusi.


    “Naw, we only saw the report but that’s so cut down!” Shantai said, swaying. “We gotta hear it from the source some day!”


    Nivanee’s brow…furrowed a little.


    Vinae seemed…Very eager to talk.


    Very eager to talk over Vizon, Avery was noting, but…


    Maybe that was a bit too paranoid. Avery was glad Vizon was taking the trip as well as he could, but-


    “You guys are too kind, hah,” The Plusle said, shuffling in place. “I just do what I can to help people around Arcea, you know…? Though Lightning Wastes was, uh… Yeah, that was a lot.”


    “And see, that’s what I like about you newbies!” Shantai said to Avery once he spoke. “We got some elites that are in cuz…well I don’t even know! Money or something? But all the current guild members are in it for the right reasons! Helping people! Ain’t that right, Niv?”


    The Eevee smiled politely, nodding her head.


    “That’s exactly why Janus and I joined.” Nivanee said, her voice…strong.


    Vizon’s eyes sparkled, that spark of inspiration erupting in him at the blanketed praise from the elite Team Ganusi.


    “That’s why I always looked up to the guild! It’s what I’m striving to do, too!” The Riolu spoke with a fist into the air, which Vinae excitedly bumped.


    “That’s the spirit! Yay!” The Whimsicott elite cheered. “And we’re not gunna let anything get us down!”


    “Nope!” Vizon concurred!


    “Nothing holding us back!”


    “Nuh-uh!” Vizon cheered again.


    “Going forward bravely, the Arceali Guild way!!!”


    “YEAH!” Vizon and Vinae SHOUTED like a war cry, complete with a little dance, their voices thrumming off the stones of the market district.


    The Plusle smiled, watching them. Yet the display also made him…squirm for some reason. A reason he couldn’t really put to words yet.


    There was something…deeper in the words Team Ganusi was feeding him.


    Nivanee had to see it too, from the way she was speaking. Being in Arceliaze as long as he had, being able to pick up on subtext was a necessity. And…aura notwithstanding Avery wasn’t sure if Vizon was the best at that.


    …But he’d trust Vizon. He’d be okay. Hopefully.


    Avery turned to Vizon, voice a little lower.


    “How’s your day with Team Ganusi going? You seem pretty friendly with them already…!”


    Still all pumped up, Vizon turned to Avery as the Plusle spoke softly. Vinae was turned to her team, giving an impromptu pep talk as Vizon responded.


    “It’s been great!!” Vizon gushed quietly, a little bounce in his motion. “I always read about Team Ganusi in the periodicals but…you know, it’s just like meeting the other guild members! They’re just regular Poke’mon! We went out for drinks, traded stories, they’ve been super interested in our adventures!”




    “Yup!” Vizon grinned. “Vinae says that Team Azure’s the talk of the Elites right now! Isn’t that cool? Team Ganusi interested in us! Man, this shouldn’t jazz me up anymore after going on adventures with Nivanee and Kipuuna and everyone but…”


    “Well…” Avery chuckled lightly, patting Vizon on the shoulder. “You should be used to being star-struck by now, huh?”


    “Heee, yeah, I guess so…!!”


    “Oh, hey…” The Plusle whispered softly. “Offer for sending a message to your parents is still open. You can tell me a bit later if now’s a bad time.”


    “Huh? Oh sure, I guess. Honestly, it’s no big deal.” Vizon waved his hands dismissively. “Even after all you and I’ve accomplished my parents would probably still scoff at me being in the guild.”


    Vinae’s head perked up.


    “I guess if you happen to catch up with them, you can just tell ’em I’m fine and I ain’t coming back for nothing! I’m a full-fledged Arceali Guild now! And loving it!”


    Vinae’s head lowered again as she spoke to her team.


    “And…I guess I’d have to tell them ‘sorry the house is gone’…but, eh.” Vizon shrugged.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus glanced at one another at that last statement. After a moment the two of them picking up the tent to take into the Guild hall for Avery.


    “The, uh…house?” Avery said, tilting his head. “…Oh, right-“


    Avery looked back towards the city, from his view at the mouth of the guild.


    His house.


    “That was…that was the one you let me stay in that first night. With the window right above the couch with a really nice view of the sky, the apple barrels…I know I only spent one night in there, but…it was a nice house.” Avery gave his partner a sad smile. “Maybe we could buy it back someday.”


    “Yeah…was a nice house…” Vizon sighed with a shrug. “…but you know? It was weird…I wasn’t too broken up about it when I saw it.”


    “Hm…?” Nivanee cocked her head to the side as she listened. “You mean…like…it got taken by the bank, right? You didn’t make your payments on it?”


    “No, I mean, it’s gone.” Vizon said with an…eyeroll?


    Nivanee mouthed those words silently, her eyebrows furrowing, trying to still comprehend what the Riolu was saying. Vizon folded his arms nonchalantly and spoke just as casually.


    “It burnt down.”


    A hush fell between the three of them. Even Team Ganusi was silent, though none of the elites faced any of them, seemingly out of…respect.


    Yet despite the news, despite how horrible it was…


    …Vizon didn’t seem the least bit phased.


    He wasn’t angry or upset nor had any kind of…reaction at all.


    His face had nothing but…




    Avery’s brow knitted.


    “It burnt-“


    ‘…In the riots. But…his house wasn’t even that close to the One Truth Square, was it…? Why did…why had his house been-‘


    …No. No, Avery couldn’t think about it. He could feel the weeds start to claw at his mind, begging him to dive deep into why this happened, the ramifications, everything that was tied to everything that was tied to everything-


    But not now. Not right now. Avery would have time later.


    “…I’m really sorry, Vizon.” Avery’s voice was the first to break the long silence. “I…for what it’s worth, I liked that house. We’re lucky we have the guild to stay at, but…if you ever need help getting a home built in the future, I’ll be the first to volunteer to help you out with that. Promise.”


    “Oh yeah, I know!” Vizon said, his voice…peppy, of all things. “Like I said, I wasn’t all that broken up about it.”


    Nivanee shared Avery’s look of shock, almost like she was offended at what she was hearing.


    “But…what do you mean you weren’t broken up about it?” Nivanee prodded, taking a step forward. Vizon didn’t flinch. “If I saw my Dad’s home up in smoke…I’d be…I’d…”


    She shook her head, her brow knitting tighter and tighter with every word.


    “…I…don’t get it.” The Eevee said slowly. “I’m…glad, I guess, that you aren’t upset but…how can you not be upset? This-“


    She paused again, her head lowering, like she was scrutinizing Vizon who only returned her look with an indifferent frown.


    “…the house that burnt down in the Lower Market district during the riots” She said quietly. “…that was…”


    Vizon said nothing, only…shrugging.


    “It was the weirdest thing.” Vizon said, closing his eyes. “When I saw that pile of black and charred rubble that used to be my house, some part of me felt like I was supposed to be angry. I was supposed to be ranting and raving and wanting revenge against whoever burnt it down, NAM or Illaminian or whoever.”


    Nivanee leaned back, her expression…some mix of shock and…fear.


    Vizon’s crimson eyes opened.


    “…but instead? All I thought was ‘that’s a shame’.” The Riolu said. “When I thought of home…all I thought about was our Guild Dorm room, with you and Avery at my side.”


    The Riolu gave a warm and encouraging smile, pumping his fists.


    “There with my family.” Vizon said, the pep returning to his voice. “That’s where home is!”


    Nivanee looked sick.


    The Riolu turned his attention back to Avery, his aura-feelers and hair swaying in the cold gust of wind that rolled over the street. There was a gap in the conversation, one that Vizon looked to fill immediately.


    “So yeah, don’t sweat my parents too much. Just a hello and letting them know I’m well if you bump into them!” He finished with a smile.


    Avery and Nivanee, for a moment, could only stare.


    ….This conversation was a crossroads.


    Avery could hear two directions existing simultaneously within Vizon. Something about that house specifically being burned felt…targeted. Like it was on purpose. Like whoever did it knew whose house it was, one way or the other. Illaminian or NAM.


    But he didn’t care. Whatever tactic they’d tried, whoever they were, didn’t work. Because he was happy at the guild. And…while that might be dangerous down the road, for now, it was better than the alternative.


    “For sure, bud,” Avery said, his smile returning. “Like I said. Whenever you want to make a new house, I’ll be right there with you to help with the barn raising. But until then…we’re Team Azure all the way.”


    Avery looked to Nivanee, hoping to reassure her a bit with his gaze.


    “…Everything’ll be okay.” The Plusle said. “We’re a team together…!”


    Nivanee stared silently at Vizon, that disgusted and fearful look not budging. Vizon followed Avery up, lifting his fist.


    “Together!” The Riolu said, bumping Avery’s shoulder with a smile.


    Nivanee shook her head, as though breaking herself from a trance. That light left her eyes, the glint of recognition, as she recomposed herself.


    “Right….right.” The Eevee huffed, lifting a paw, looking between Avery and Vizon. “…together.”


    Vizon’s chuckle was the only sound between the three for a moment. Avery could hear Nivanee take a long…long breath through her nose…exhaling slowly, as though it were the first breath she’d taken the entire conversation.


    She turned and entered the guild without a word or a smile. Vizon didn’t seem to notice, turning back to Avery.


    “Now, partner!” The Riolu said, patting Avery’s shoulder. “I think you got a camping trip to get to, yeah? Lahnae should be inside, she just passed by not a few minutes ago!”


    “Right, yes-” Avery said, quickly hiking his pack up on his back. “Alright…! I’ll see you tomorrow, then, Viz…! When I get back. See you…!”


    The Plusle turned and hurried into the guild, after Nivanee – and kept going until they were out of earshot.


    Vizon didn’t follow after Avery as he ran in, lagging behind with Team Ganusi, either to talk more with the elites or do more with Vinae or give the day’s goodbyes.


    Kipuuna and Ganisus were already out of sight. Only Nivanee slowly padded by herself along the long carpet leading towards the stairs down to the guild hall. Her tail was lowered, ears folded back…her breaths deep, as though trying to calm herself.


    Deep breaths.


    Avery slowed his steps as he approached.


    “…Okay,” Avery said quietly, stopping behind the Eevee. “I know the look of someone with thoughts below the surface when I see one. What’s up…?”


    A single ear lifted at the sound of the Plusle’s voice, the patter of his footsteps as he approached. As Avery came up beside her, Nivanee did not look at him.


    Her face held only a deep contemplative frown.


    For a long moment the Eevee didn’t answer him, just seeming to…think on how to respond.


    “You know the look well, yeah?” Nivanee said, a small laugh in her voice even as her frown remained. “I won’t insult you by lying and saying that it’s nothing, as if you couldn’t see right through me.”


    She closed her eyes, taking another deep breath…then continuing forward, keeping her gait strong and steady…refusing to falter.


    “But…Avery, if you would? Just…allow me to not burden you right before your trip to Souljraan with ramblings and thoughts I’m still trying to collect, myself.” Nivanee said, looking to Avery almost pleadingly. “I’d feel horrible leaving you to rush to Souljraan filled with worry instead of excitement.”


    Nivanee paused…and let a small smile creep across her face. Not to assure Avery, more like…it was to assure herself.


    “We’ve got all day to talk tomorrow about sad stuff, you know? And I think you’ve done enough shouldering other people’s sadness.” Nivanee stepped closer to the Plusle, nuzzling his cheek. “Don’t worry too much about me, you know I’m strong. I just need to collect myself a little.”


    She pulled back, her eyes returning forward, towards the stairs.


    “And…well….more than ever I know I need to visit Janus again.” Nivanee said, quietly, almost to herself. “I need to speak with her.”




    Avery was pretty obviously taken aback by her words. Nivanee wasn’t lying to him. She wasn’t telling him not to worry about it, that it was fine, that it was nothing. She knew that he could see through that. And yet…


    …She still wouldn’t tell him. Not because she was keeping a secret. Not because she didn’t want to, or never intended to.


    But just…because he was about to go on a trip. And she was concerned for his well-being.


    Avery almost wanted to protest, and there was a part of him ready to, but he swallowed the instinct.


    Whatever Nivanee was feeling, there wouldn’t be much he’d be able to do about it when he’s a day’s trip away from Arceliaze anyway. The only way he could would be if he cancelled it, and…Avery didn’t want to do that.


    “Okay,” The Plusle said, patting Nivanee’s back gently. “You’re right. You’re strong, too. I’ll trust you can handle…whatever’s going on for at least a single day without me. Or…try to. I’m kind of bad about that sometimes, heh…”


    He looked back to the entrance.


    “But I hope you’ll give me the lowdown once I get back.” Avery said. “I meant what I said – we’re in this together. Team Azure. I haven’t given up on Vizon yet.”


    …A thought flashed in his mind – a memory of his talk with Janus and Jolvia.


    The words she’d said about being doomed to hang.




    ‘That should be something for Janus to share. Not me. Not unless I have to.’


    Nivanee sighed again, lowering her head to nuzzle into Avery’s hand, as though just enjoying her friend being there before he left.


    “Admittedly, it’s a little hard to part with you after a whole week of you being missing. But at least this time I’ll know where you are.” She laughed softly, pulling back as they both began to descend the stairs.


    The Eevee took a breath, the dark aura surrounding her disappating.


    “I haven’t either lost faith in Vizon, either.” She said, letting her pep return to her. “I trust you both with all my heart.”


    She looked towards Avery, that small flash of determination matching the Plusle’s own in that moment.


    “We’re…all going to be okay.” Nivanee said. “So long as I live and breathe.”


    Chapter 39





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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