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    Chapter 16.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Nivanee pulled ahead of the group, approaching the Inn of the Farsight, the forcefield door opening. She stood by, smiling as the rest of them passed, shooting Avery a look…one that seemed almost pleading.


    They entered the familiar, ornate entry hall, the beautiful waterfalls inside splashing merrily, the music echoing a quiet tune as night approached.


    Inside, Avery could see Rikzyod and Jolvia, the latter looking toward the room hallway with her arms folded.


    Ganisus cringed, and Avery could hear why. Down the hall, they could hear a knocking…a nasally voice incessantly calling for…Ganisus. Avery’s ears twitched. Even if Ganisus heard it before him, there was no mistaking that sound.


    Avery’s guess had been right – Ganisus, as far as Kipuuna was concerned, had skipped town.


    Nivanee audibly sighed, but kept her composure, a friendly smile on her face.


    “Heya Rikzyod! Jolvia! Didja have fun~?” She asked, the Nidorrina looking at her, nodding.


    “We did…truth be told I really needed a little relaxation in a place like this.” Jolvia looked quite pleased, perhaps even a mite buzzed. “The only places I’ve been able to enjoy are much more dingy…this pace feels well above my pay grade.”


    The group continued talking amongst themselves. Off to the other side of the entry hall, Avery could see a long table being telekinetically set with food and silverware. Nivanee began directing the others towards the table.


    “I requested a big banquet for everyone. I thought it’d be a healthy and fun and warm experience for everyone, since we’re all friends and a guildfamily.” Nivanee said, side-eying the Plusle. “Avery, if you would…? Get Kipuuna?”


    Vizon perked up, looking at Nivanee.


    “What? Why Avery?” The Riolu asked. “Can’t Ganisus or…heck, I can-“


    “No no no…” Nivanee insisted. “There’d be no problem with Avery going, surely?”


    Vizon squinted, but Nivanee only forced a smile. A…desperate, pleading, sad smile.


    Ganisus looked down, pawing the ground. Avery was already getting up to fetch the Piplup, giving Nivanee a resigned nod…but paused when Ganisus spoke up suddenly.


    “…I can go with him…”


    “Huh…?” Nivanee asked.


    “I…can go with him.” Ganisus insisted, looking up. Avery stared a moment before jolting and replying.


    “Oh, um…yeah, sure, we can go together, I don’t mind.” Avery’s gaze was questioning, but he didn’t want to call Ganisus on it.


    ‘…Even though it might end with me being scolded. Again.’


    Ganisus nodded, keeping close to Avery as they both moved to the hallway, Nivanee watching them closely before moving to join the others at the table…putting her faith in Avery.


    The two moved slowly through the quiet halls of the inn, padding up the stairs. Ganisus looked worried, frowning. The knocking got louder, louder.


    “Ganisus? Buddy?” Kipuuna’s voice echoed down the hall…sounding worried. “Hey, buddy? Where’ya at?”


    The pair crested the stairs, reaching the third floor hall. There, knocking on room 302, was Kipuuna, looking haggard and worried.




    The Piplup perked up, surprised, looking toward the both of them at Ganisus’s voice.


    “O-oh…” Kipuuna stammered, straightening, his eyes glancing toward them. “…Ganisus…”


    He was quiet, staring…staring at how close Ganisus and Avery stood by one another. The Shinx sighed.


    “…you wanted me again…” Ganisus furrowed his brow as he spoke, Kipuuna nodding softly, approaching.


    “Yeah…I’ve been thinking…” Kipuuna sighed, folding his flippers. “…about the mission.”


    “…Is this something the entire team should hear, Kipuuna?” Avery asked. “We’re…we’re going to have dinner in the hotel’s restaurant. Nivanee wanted everyone to be there. If…you have information about the mission, I think it’d be best if everyone hears it…right?”


    “Uh, excuse me, it’s something I’ll discuss with my team, first.” Kipuuna cut in. “Ganisus, mind if we go over it in your room-“


    “…oh no, why not say it right here…” Ganisus said coldly, making Kipuuna pause…almost freeze.




    “I already…know what you’re going to say.” Ganisus spoke again, Kipuuna squirming. “…go ahead. Say it out here, in the open…show the kind of guildmember you are.”


    “I-I…I just think…” Kipuuna’s demeanor seemed to deflate talking to Ganisus. “…it’s too dangerous…we need to back out-“


    “Of course you’d say that. You always say that. Every time something gets a little too hard you always say that and pull us out.” Ganisus rumbled, eyes squinting. Kipuuna frowned…sweating. “…when’s the last time I’ve thrown out an attack? That thunderbolt I shot back at Obscurity Fields feels like the first I’ve done in forever. When’s the last time I’ve even taken a hit? Months? Years?”


    Kipuuna was speechless…despite how he spoke to Avery, he offered no speeches or lectures to Ganisus.


    The Shinx’s voice was flat yet so…icy.


    “…you don’t trust me, do you…?”


    “Ganisus, every time you ask that I always tell you the truth, I just…” Kipuuna hesitated. “…buddy, I just try to look out for you. Is it wrong trying to keep my friend safe?”


    “…maybe I don’t want to be.” Ganisus said, standing tall. “…guess where I’ve been?”


    Kipuuna perked up, watching as Ganisus stepped closer to Avery.


    “What’s going on…?” Kipuuna growled. Now it was his turn to squint. “Where…have you been all day…?”


    Avery shifted on his feet.


    He knew it wasn’t…the only reason Ganisus hung out today, but…at the moment Avery almost felt like he was leverage in their feud.


    Once again, the Plusle felt the tugging urge to be a neutral party. But…he couldn’t do that. Kipuuna wasn’t being a good leader. And he had to know that. If this was what it took to give the guy a wake-up call, then Avery would do it.


    “After Nivanee, Vizon and I went for lunch, Ganisus found us. We spent the day at the Fun Park. Playing games, going on the thrill rides, eating junk food…it was a really nice break after the Obscurity Fields.” Avery looked at Ganisus, then back to the Piplup. “Ganisus encouraged us all to go on the…uh…’You Will Actually Die For Real’, it’s called. I was considering the Safety Policy Violation, but…we went all out…!”


    Kipuuna looked at Avery…hard. Fiery…but he said nothing.


    “…yeah. We had fun.” Ganisus growled. “…you know what Avery said to me? Huh, Kipuuna…?”


    Kipuuna’s breathing was getting heavier.




    “…they said they’d take a chance with me.” Ganisus said. Kipuuna sucked in a breath. “…remember when you’d say that to me? When I wanted to go in the guild…you said you’d take that chance with me. When I was unsure about going on that first mission you said you’d take the chance…then when morning came…it was all gone.”


    Kipuuna clenched his flipper.


    “…you lied to me. You said you’d take a chance, but the next day right after we joined you just took some stupid mission moving boxes. And that’s all we ever did.” Ganisus’s voice raised, a shock from the otherwise flat shinx.


    More and more Avery was starting to feel like a bystander. At first it was…just how Ganisus spoke about Avery. Taking a chance with him. As if Avery was a key to unlock this argument with Kipuuna.


    Kipuuna shook. Shook…and stared hatefully at Avery…before pleadingly at Ganisus.


    “Ganisus you…look I understand how you feel but-“


    “No…you don’t-“


    “I can’t take any more chances! I can’t…! I just can’t, please, I-“


    “You can’t trust me!”


    Ganisus’s voice ROARED across the hall! Kipuuna flinched.


    A hush fell between the three…and Ganisus continued.


    “…a few days ago…” Ganisus said, heaving. “…I thought you were right. Hard missions were for Nivanee only…Lahnae was the living proof that it was for naught…but Avery…Vizon…Team Azure changes everything. You thought they’d fail at Windscorch and they came back with the cartographer. You thought something like River Delta would be impossible but you read the report and now you’ve seen the impossible happen.”


    Avery’s eyes flashed with…hurt and betrayal hearing what Kipuuna thought of him. Of Vizon, too.




    “They even brought back Janus when you couldn’t.”


    “GANISUS!” Kipuuna yelled, but Ganisus only stamped his foot.


    “You’ve been wrong! Your wheedling and nannying are…they’re lies! You’re just…holding me back!” Ganisus yelled. Kipuuna’s eyes FLARED more and MORE.


    ‘…This is getting worse. N…Nivanee had to have heard this, right? Is anyone else coming? I don’t…’


    Avery’s heart was hurting. Everything was hurting. He’d never heard Ganisus say so much, and all of it was so…vitriolic. Like Avery was almost giving him strength to say what he’d wanted to say to Kipuuna for a long time. The…problem with that was that it seemed Kipuuna was blaming Avery for this, from the look in his eye.


    “D…did…did you really think that Vizon and I would…fail every mission we tried…?” Avery said, in almost a whisper compared to Ganisus’s raised voice – a reversal that might have been seen as funny in different circumstances. “Th…that’s not true, right? You haven’t been…you haven’t just been waiting for us to fail…right?”


    “No I have not been WAITING for you to ‘fail’!” Kipuuna roared. “The fact is you shouldn’t have been succeeding at missions so far out of your depth! It’s just common sense, Avery! Your exploits are MESSY and LUCK DEPENDENT and always so BORDERLINE-“


    “But they still manage to do it!” Ganisus yelled. “They trust each other! They try, even if they might fail-“


    “I won’t do that to you, Ganisus!” Kipuuna yelled, stepping up.


    “Why not?!”


    “I just won’t let you get hurt anymore!”


    “Why can’t you trust me? Huh!? Like Avery trusts me! Avery treats me like a…competent member. Like a-“


    “Avery, Avery, Avery, Avery this and Avery that,” Kipuuna turned his burning gaze on the Plusle. “You, you’ve been lucky, you realize?”


    “Look, I have worked hard at what I’m doing!” Avery said, a twinge of anger in his own voice from Kipuuna’s assertions. “Don’t insult me by saying that all the work Vizon and I have put into this guild is luck. Getting help is not luck. I wasn’t carried, Vizon and I are not useless, and Nivanee, the one you seem to think can handle this stuff, actually believes that we can too, so-“


    “You have been at the guild barely a week! WHAT hard work, huh?!” Kipuuna shouted back. “You…you…! Do have ANY idea how many are watching you and following in your dangerous stead?!”


    “Like me?” Ganisus cut in.


    “Yes, like you, Ganisus!”


    “Well maybe..!” Ganisus snapped. “I like being around Avery better, huh? Ever think of that?!”


    Time seemed to jolt to a stop for a moment when Avery heard those words.


    ‘He likes…being around me better?’


    “W…wait, what…what are you saying…?” Avery stammered, looking at Ganisus cautiously.


    ‘…He doesn’t mean what I think he means, right?’


    Ganisus sneered, stepping forward, eyes burrowing harshly into the Piplup.


    “You’re a jerk.” Ganisus rumbled, Kipuuna hyperventilating hearing those words. The Piplup clutched his head, tears forming in his eyes, unmatched fury on his face. “…I though you were my friend.”


    “I am…everything I’ve ever done was for my friend…”


    “Whatever.” Ganisus cut Kipuuna off. “You know what? If Nivanee can join Team Azure…”


    A silence stabbed through the three.


    “…maybe I can too.” Ganisus finished.


    Kipuuna was shaking. But was silent. Silent for a long time.


    ‘…oh no.


    Oh no.’


    Avery was speechless. His mouth hung open, helplessly, trying to find words, find something.


    ‘I…I can’t do that, right? This is different from Nivanee, so different…! Janus had no intention of continuing her work with Duskwalker- Nivanee joined us because of that! But…but Ganisus would be abandoning his team for ours. And…


    And what would happen to Kipuuna? Teams have to be at least teams of two, Sarfallinus had said as much to Nivanee way back when. At least then she’d claimed that Janus was still a part of it. But if Ganisus joined us…Kipuuna would be solo. And that’d mean…


    Kipuuna is a jerk. Ever since we got back from the River Delta, he’s been absolutely vile to me. I don’t want to work with him, and I don’t want to room with him.


    But…can I really…go that far?’


    “…T…the others are waiting-” Avery offered weakly. “…W…we should…go to dinner-“


    “…yeah…yeah…” Ganisus said, his face blank yet a glint of cruelty in his eye. “…we should go eat with our friends…new buddy.”


    “New…” Kipuuna’s eyebrows knitted. “…new…”


    Tears were streaming down his face.


    “I just…I just…” Kipuuna stammered, trying to hold his composure.


    “Hey Avery…” Ganisus said, turning away from the Piplup. “…think I can take point down in the Deep Dimension? I’m real strong, I can take it…excited to see what missions we go on next.”


    Avery felt sick.


    “…Ganisus, I…Can I…can I catch up with you down there, with the others?” Avery kept his voice kind of low. The things Ganisus was saying…they were made to hurt Kipuuna. And jerk or not, Avery didn’t want that. “I’ll…um…I’ll be right down.”


    Even as Avery tried to play it off…his eyes kept darting back to Kipuuna. Avery’s gears were grinding against each other in his head, trying to think of something to say. Avery wanted to scold the Piplup, to tell him off for not trusting Ganisus, for not believing in his guildmates, for…


    ‘But…Kipuuna is guild.’


    Ganisus snorted, nodding, turning away to step down the stairs.


    “…alright. I’ll trust I’ll see you down there…buddy.” The Shinx said, flatly, padding away from Avery and Kipuuna. The Piplup had staggered away, leaning against the wall, running a flipper through the hair on his head as Ganisus disappeared.


    The footsteps faded. The hall was silent.


    Kipuuna…said nothing.


    Avery stood there, trying to stave off the shock. Figure out something to say.


    His feet took him a little closer to the Piplup, standing in front of him as he leaned against the wall.


    “…Kipuuna, I…”


    Words failed.


    Kipuuna lifted his head, his body shaking. He sniffled.


    His voice was filled…with hate.


    “You’re going to kill him.”


    Avery didn’t understand.


    “..W…what? I…I wouldn’t…I’m not going to kill anyone-“




    Kipuuna’s body shuddered. He let out a sobbing breath.


    “…you’re going to kill my buddy…you’re going to kill Vizon. You’re going to kill Nivanee.” Kipuuna shuddered. “…I don’t…I don’t want to lose anyone. Anyone. Anyone!”


    Kipuuna pushed from the wall. Heaving deep breaths. His chest puffing. He turned, body shuddering, eyes feral and wild.


    Puffs of impossibly cold air fell from his beak as he slowly turned toward Avery. The ground around his feet began to turn to ice.


    Avery’s heart sunk like a stone.


    “W…what?” Avery stammered. “K…Kipuuna, what are you talking about…? I…I don’t know what you’re talking about-“


    Avery brought his hands up, backing away from Kipuuna slowly.


    ‘What…is he doing…?’


    Avery couldn’t retaliate in time.


    Kipuuna SHOT FORWARD, grabbing Avery by the scruff of his chest! He SCREAMED in Avery’s face, arctic wind billowing across every word.


    His composure broken. His status as senior evaporated. All he was now was a single Poke’mon, whose every fiber was filled with defensive anger.




    Kipuuna spun! THREW Avery behind himself! Avery was thrown up against the wall, crashing against it, slumping against the ground.


    Avery desperately tried to pull himself up. An ice beam SLAMMED into him, square in the chest! The Plusle to let out a short cry of pain – arrested, freezing air sucking the energy from him.


    “You having fun yet?! We having fun at the guild NOW, Avery?!” Kipuuna screamed.


    Avery’s body was wracked with trembling shivers. He hadn’t expected any sort of attack from Kipuuna.


    ‘He…he’s my guildmate, he isn’t supposed to-‘


    Despite the cold in his chest…a heat radiated out of Avery.


    An anger.


    Kipuuna hurt Ganisus. He’d hurt Nivanee. He’d hurt Avery. And the Plusle wasn’t going to stand it anymore.


    Avery stood up, bracing himself against the wall.


    “You…You never believed in me. You never believed in me. You never even believed in Ganisus!”


    Bolts materialized in Avery’s hands, unsteady and crackling.


    “Let’s see how far nine years of moving boxes has gotten you.”


    “Let’s see how far one week of lucky streaks has gotten you!” Kipuuna shrieked, making a mad dash! His feet THUMPED against the floor, beak GLOWING with ice energy! “Come on! Show me all that ‘hard work’, yeah?! COME ON!”


    Another ice beam SHOT from his mouth, down at the ground. The beam rocketed across the floor toward Avery, ice spike SHOOTING up!


    The Plusle jumped away, sidestepping the bursting spikes.


    “Wow, Kipuuna, leader of Aquashock, whiffing an attack on a newbie of a week. I must be real lucky, huh??”


    One. Two! Bolts flew from Avery’s hands, headed directly for the Piplup!


    One. Two! Bolts STRUCK Kipuuna, ARCs and SMOKE billowing from him as he took a step back.


    The type advantage was clear, electricity on water. Any other Poke’mon would have fainted on the spot.


    But Kipuuna was guild.


    “Wow, Avery, leader of Azure, having a type advantage and still only tickling me. I thought you were supposed to be the hotshot that freed River Delta. Or was that just the antidote group you HAPPENED to find, ey??”


    Kipuuna SHOT an ice beam at his feet, freezing the ground, ROCKETING into the air! Right towards Avery! Kipuuna SPUN rapidly, aiming a drill peck, careening downward!


    Avery narrowed his eyes, darting out of the way. The attack SHUDDERED the wall. Avery could feel shrapnel peppering at his back.


    “Man, a lot of good that decade of training you have on me is doing, huh?” Avery spat. “I should expect as much from Kipuuna, the one who…who…huh. I can’t think of a single remarkable thing you’ve done!”


    Avery backpedaled, putting distance between them.


    “Unless you’re somehow liberating countrysides by being the best package pusher the world’s ever seen.”


    “Better a package pusher than DEAD ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.” Kipuuna impudently shrieked as he pulled himself from the wall. The light fixtures SHUDDERED and SWAYED.


    He grunted, slowly strafing, fists clenched.


    “Whatcha gunna do when your boyfriend takes his last fall? When he’s shacked up in a hospital ‘cuz you chased fame and tabloid clout? We’ll see if you don’t end up like me then!” Kipuuna shot back, his mouth already steaming with more cold air, waiting for your move.


    They circled one another in the hallway, paws crunching on ice and debris.


    “Face it Avery, I don’t trust you because you’re a second-rate leader with a third-rate team throwing yourself at first-rate jobs! Who could trust you?!” His words shot like spears of ice. “It’s not a matter of waiting for if you fail, it’s waiting for WHEN you fail!!”


    “You know who can trust me?” Avery taunted. “Nivanee. Nivanee trusts me. The one you seem to idolize as the only competent member of this guild trusts me so much that she joined my team.


    Avery sneered, taking a step closer.


    Adrenaline pumped through the Plusle’s veins like fire, sweat and heat burning away the ice.


    “Funny that Ganisus trusts me too, huh? Seems like you’re the odd one out, Kippy. Who. Trusts. You?”


    Kipuuna’s eyes flared!


    He SNORTED, air BILLOWING from his nostrils.


    “You keep away FROM MY BUDDY!” Kipuuna roared, LUNGING for Avery, flippers OUTSTRETCHED to GRAPPLE him.


    Avery squared his feet.


    “Buddy!?” Avery scoffed. “Buddy!? You’re treating him like your precious little pet-“


    Kipuuna SLAMMED into Avery, the Plusle desperately holding his arms. They skidded down the hallway, grimacing, tumblign.


    “He can hate me! They can all hate me!” Kipuuna yelled! He was PANTING. STRUGGLING. ROARING. “But YOU will NOT drag Ganisus down with you! I’LL FIGHT YOU TO MY LAST BREATH IF I HAVE TO, AVERYYYYY!”


    Avery’s hands sparked against his flippers. The two wrestled and struggled against each other, trying to push the other over. The ice was slick, the both of them skidding across the floor!


    “Poor little Ganisus, precious, fragile little Ganisus gets hit one time and all your faith in him dies.” Avery spat in Kipuuna’s face, pushed against it with a free hand. “Why are you even a team!? Why are you even at the guild, Kipuuna!? You don’t believe in me, you don’t believe in Nivanee, you don’t believe in Sarfallinus or Olistia or Lahnae – you don’t even believe in your own teammate! What do you believe?! Why are you even here?!”


    Kipuuna UNLATCHED his arm, PUNCHED at Avery’s head! Avery SWUNG and SLAMMED his fist into Kipuuna’s cheek. The Piplup POUNDED Avery in the nose!


    With a shout, Avery HEAVED Kipuuna away. They both SLIPPED on the iced floor, SLAMMING into walls, ping-ponging around the hall!


    Kipuuna snorted, SMOKING from the electricity COURSING through him. By one flipper he held fast to Avery as they skated and slid uncontrollably!


    “It was HIS dream before he died!” Kipuuna spat on Avery’s face right back, awkwardly jabbing at the Plusle as they wrestled awkwardly. No more moves or trained attacks, just frenzied and wild struggling.


    “What do YOU believe in, huh!? Poor Avery, the stupid amnesiac plusle, come in to ruin lives and coast on letters from the conduit!” Kipuuna spluttered, SLAMMING his head into Avery. “You’ve not earned a THING in your life! CALL YOURSELF KING OF THE GUILD? EVERYONE FOLLOW YOU INTO THE FIRE?! THEN GO ON! SHOW ME HOW AMAZING YOU ARE, THEN? WHERE’S MR.HERO? WHERE’S MISTER CHOSEN?! YOU GOT NO RIGHT ENDANGERING MY FRIENDS!”


    He STRUCK at Avery’s cheek.


    “COME ON!!!”


    Kipuuna SLAMMED his head into Avery’s again.




    Avery PARRIED another fist, gripping the Piplup’s chest, SLAMMING him into a wall! They rebounded backwards, sliding back, Avery hitting the opposite wall! They rocketed towards each other again, grappling and struggling, unable to even stand.


    “Your friends? Your friends?” Avery laughed, his voice filled with venom that he hoped he was pumping into his bloodstream more than the watts of electricity. “What friends? You’ve pushed everyone away! Ganisus can hate you? They can all hate you? News flash, asshole, they DO! And it’s not changing a DAMN TH-“


    Kipuuna yelped! The both of them slid right towards the stairs, FLEW towards them, unable to stop!


    Avery felt it first. No ground below him. He was starting to fall backwards.


    And so, with more instinct than thought, Avery yanked Kipuuna down with him.


    The two of them, clawing, biting, slashing at each other, tipped over. Avery’s shoulder screamed in pain when he hit the stairs, but he pulled the Piplup down, slamming him into the surface. The force carried them both, tumbling down! Slamming upon the steps! Twisting, contorting, screaming until-!




    Out cold.








    Avery’s ears were ringing but…he could hear voices.






    “Avery. Wake up.” A voice spoke. Firmly.


    Behind his closed eyes…lights were on. The haze of the last few moments swirled.


    And so he did. His eyes were still closed…but he responded, even non-verbally, to the voice. His eyes squinted.


    He could hear…shuffling. Multiple people.


    Everything hurt…


    “Rikzyod.” Avery heard Nivanee’s voice. “Would you please pass the mashed potatoes?”


    Avery heard the clink of plates. But no verbal response.


    ‘…That’s not good.’


    Avery tried to open his eyes. Everything hurt.


    He supposed they were at the table.


    The lights were blinding, though that may have just been because of his recent awakening…how long had it been?


    “Ah, you’re awake.” Avery heard Nivanee again.


    Through bleary eyes Avery could see her. Ganisus sat by him, Vizon by Nivanee, Rikyzod and Jolvia at the table as well. Each of them had plates before them with food.


    And beside Avery sat…Kipuuna. He was also coming to, bleary-eyed.


    Avery squinted and noticed…ropes around Kipuuna’s body. Avery tried to move his arms…and found he couldn’t. Looking down, Avery saw his bound tied and bound with ropes as well.


    As the scene became clearer, Avery could see they were still in the Inn of the Farsight, sitting at the table of the restaurant in the entry hall. Everyone sat at the table, looking awkward. Nivanee sat across from Avery…with a firm, flat look on her face…almost angry.


    “Glad you could join us.” She said, her voice almost kind…mostly cold.


    …Avery felt…sober.


    He tried to move his arms again, just…out of instinct. But upon feeling the rope there, he just…stopped, and sighed in defeat.


    Everything hurt. He felt sober. Disappointed.


    ‘How could I have snapped like that…? How could I have attacked a guildmate? And the things I’d said…Even if nobody but Kipuuna had heard them…’


    Avery just hung his head. He didn’t say anything in response. Everything hurt.


    “Vizon, could you pass Avery some veggies?” Nivanee side-eyed Vizon, the Riolu averting his gaze and shuffling for a plate of vegetables, leaning over the table to deposit some of the food on the plate in front of Avery that the Plusle had no hope of actually eating anything off of, bound as he was.


    “Avery, what do we say?” Nivanee asked, firmly, Vizon shuffling back into his spot. Even Rikzyod was quiet, Jolvia silently poking at her food with a smile.


    “Whuh…?” Kipuuna slowly came to, blinking. Avery looked to him and saw the fruit of their battle: a closed eye, bruises and scratches all over his face…Avery noted similar damage on his own face, scars from the scuffle.


    “Kipuuna, hello.” Nivanee said.


    “What…time is it…?” Kipuuna muttered, sounding out of breath.


    “It’s midnight.” the Eevee replied, the smile on her face extremely forced. “But…better late than never for us to eat…as a guild, right?”


    Her harsh gaze slowly moved in Avery’s direction.




    Avery didn’t look up. Avery didn’t say anything. Not for a while. He didn’t look at Nivanee. Or Vizon. Or even Kipuuna.


    He didn’t like this charade they were doing. He didn’t like this game Nivanee was making everyone play.


    ‘But…turnabout is fair play, I suppose.’



    The more Avery thought about this, the worse he felt.


    He’d hurt Kipuuna. He’d tried to inflict pain on Kipuuna. He’d done the exact same thing he felt Ganisus shouldn’t have done – Avery said things to hurt the Piplup. Maybe there were some real concerns in what Avery had said, too. But…that wasn’t why he’d said them.


    Avery’s eyes started to sting. His throat bunched up. And still, he said nothing.


    Kipuuna, likewise, said nothing. Nivanee squinted at Avery’s silence as well as Kipuuna’s, clearly displeased, but at least not pressing for now.


    She looked down, frowning, poking at her food. None of it steamed. Avery’s drink had no froth. Everything was room temperature and dull.


    “We had a lovely time at the park today.” Nivanee made conversation to herself, her voice echoing dully off walls of the large room.


    The music wasn’t even playing.


    It was just deathly silent.


    “Do you remember the photo we had taken? That was nice, wasn’t it? A nice affirmation of what good friends we all are.”


    Kipuuna struggled, looking away from Avery, furrowing his brow.


    ‘Why is she doing this? Why is she saying these things?’



    ‘She was the only one of us who’d really been trying.


    Vizon had been against Kipuuna from the beginning.


    Ganisus, possibly even before that.


    And Kipuuna and I…’


    Tears formed at the corners of Avery’s eyes. His face screwed up.




    He felt alone.


    “…I-I’m sorry.” Avery’s voice shook. “I s…I should have kept…I should have kept control, and…and I didn’t. I…I let all the stress get to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t…I don’t…”


    He wanted to rip his badge off. He wanted to rip his badge off and run. He didn’t want to face these Poke’mon.


    And the tears started falling.


    “Hm? What’s that, Avery?” Nivanee asked, flicking her head. The sight of the Plusle sad did not disarm her this time as it did back in the restaurant. “What do you have to apologize to me for? All I wanted was one dinner where I could pretend my family wasn’t utterly broken. And though it took some doing, I’m getting it. But it’s not me you should apologize to…is it?”


    Kipuuna blinked, glancing over at Avery, a frown crossing his face. Nivanee looked over at him.


    “What about you, Kipuuna? Anything you’d like to say?”


    Kipuuna squirmed, looking miserable.




    Kipuuna sighed deeply, lowering his head. Avery could see it, tears forming in the Piplup’s own eyes. Even Ganisus leaned over to look at Kipuuna, a sad look in the Shinx’s eyes.


    “…I’m…I’m…” Kipuuna began.




    “I was wrong, Avery.” He forced out. “I shouldn’t…have hit you.”


    Ganisus sighed, sounding defeated. Nivanee nodded, satisfied…even as it was obvious absolutely nothing about the situation was actually resolved.


    “About time you apologize for something…” Ganisus muttered.


    “Hm? Something to share with everyone, Ganisus?” Nivanee said, clamming the Shinx up quick.


    …Even here. Even now, Avery felt a little bubble of rage form in his gut.


    ‘Hitting me? That’s what you apologize for? Nothing else?’


    But it died just as quickly. All the things Kipuuna had done. Everything he’d done, Avery couldn’t take responsibility for any of it. The Plusle could only take accountability for his own actions..




    Avery did look up. His eyes felt red, stinging…but he looked to Ganisus. Through the sorrow, the grief…there was…an expectation. Almost pleading.


    Ganisus furrowed his brow.


    “…is that all, though?”


    Nivanee’s ear twitched, her gaze stony.


    “What do you mean?”


    “…Kipuuna has plenty to apologize for.” Ganisus growled. Vizon and Rikzyod looked to one another uncomfortably. Kipuuna shut his eyes, screwed them shut, looking fit to cry again. “…he’s been a jerk this whole trip.”


    “He’s still your captain.”


    “Tch…not anymore.” Ganisus sneered, looking away. Nivanee squinted her eyes, frustrated. “…I quit Team Aquashock. I want a team captain that will actually trust me.”


    “You have not quit Aquashock.” Nivanee said firmly, as though it were a fact. “Stop this. Stop all of this, for once in this miserable trip, stop fighting.


    “…psh…you’re not the boss of me….” Ganisus huffed.


    Nivanee SLAMMED a paw on the table. The plates and silverware RATTLED and fell off the table.


    “Stop. Destroying. This. Family.” Her voice cracked. “Haven’t we all suffered enough, huh? Can we not just get along? Why?”


    She took a deep breath.


    Ganisus took one, too.


    “…when this is all over…Aquashock is done.” Ganisus grumbles.


    “Just one night. One stupid, stupid night…” Nivanee growled. Ganisus paid her no mind, pushing away from the table. “Ganisus!”


    The Shinx plopped down on the floor, stepping away, walking towards the rooms. Nivanee looked furious…but her face twisted…contorted, her mouth wobbling, tears forming in her eyes.


    “Not even a night…not one…single…night.” Nivanee sniffed, her body shuddering, rubbing her paw down her face. “Why…why are you all doing this to me? To us? Aren’t…we supposed to be family?”


    Kipuuna beside Avery, sobbed silently, watching as Ganisus disappeared into the hall.


    Avery’s lip quivered as he looked to Kipuuna.


    “…You…did you mean what he said…?” Avery asked, voice cracking. “…Did Ganisus…did he mean that? D…did you really…really think…that…that we were going to fail everything we tried…? D…did you really think…that S-Sarfallinus would give us missions that…that we’d fail?”


    Even tied up, Avery looked at him.


    “…Is that why you hate me…? Is…is that why you think I’m…I-I’m…going to…”


    Avery wilted.


    “…Did…you really mean…everything…you said…?”


    Kipuuna looked as though he’d flare again…but instead he just deflated, sagging.


    “…yes. I did.” Kipuuna said, looking deeply at the Plusle. “I didn’t want you to fail, only that I thought you would…and the more dangerous missions you take where you don’t fail…I’m so…I’m so scared that you’re going to run up against something you’re not ready for and something awful is going to happen…like it did to…us.”


    Nivanee grit her teeth, lifting her head, sniffling.


    “When? What could have possibly happened?” Nivanee asked, forcefully. Kipuuna sighed, miserable.


    “It’s…it’s just hard to talk about our first mission…” Kipuuna stammered. “…Ganisus says I promised to trust him…that the next day I just turned into a coward overnight? Morning came and I was a coward?”


    Kipuuna shook his head, Nivanee looking confused.


    “That’s not it. That’s not it at all. It’s an entire day wiped from his memory…” Kipuuna choked. “Our first mission wasn’t moving boxes. It was at Steeljag Bluff, to take down an outlaw, the leader of the pickpocket gang.”


    Avery continued to look, silent and listening.


    Kipuuna paused, as though gathering himself, finding the words.


    “Do you know what Ganisus was like when we joined? When we were kids?” Kipuuna asked.


    Nivanee shook her head.


    “I…figured he was the same as he’s always been.”


    “Always been…always been…” Kipuuna chuckled quietly, the other Poke’mon listening close. “…we were the same. We were excited. Bubbly. Adventurous. Ganisus matched my brashness in equal measure, prancing around, the life of our team.”


    Ganisus was…?” Vizon asked, quietly. “Ganisus?”


    “Yes…Ganisus. Loud, proud, boisterous…he was my inspiration to be as brave as I was as a kid. It was his dream to be in the guild and I went for it because he was so…powerfully amazing.”


    Kipuuna’s eyes sparkled with nostalgia, sad nostalgia. He closed his eyes, looking away.


    “That…was a very long time ago. When we went on that first mission we were so full of…hope…and heroism…we were going to be heroes, Avery. We were going to be the big saviors of Arcea that would save the world…” Kipuuna paused, trying to hold himself together. “…and when I next woke up, there was Ganisus. On the stone of Steeljag bluff, bleeding, pickpocket gang gone. None of our reviver seeds had helped, no oran berry healed him.”


    He opened his eyes, looking at Avery.


    “I don’t know how long it took to bring him back…to get him to the hospital…how he was out for days…how I sat by him feeling like my buddy was just…gone. After one mission just gone…”


    Kipuuna’s gaze was intense on Avery.


    “…but he did wake up. Somehow, he came back…but was dead. Just…dead. He regained his cognition a few days later, waking up in the guild as though only a night had passed. But now…all that energy was gone. All that fun and bounciness was absent. Nothing was there but…”


    Kipuuna looked to the hall.


    “…when I talked to my buddy…I didn’t recognize him. Do you get it, Avery? I looked at my childhood friend and couldn’t tell who he was. A stranger in my friend’s skin.” Kipuuna’s brow furrowed. “But it didn’t matter. I didn’t care who this person was. I’d still keep them safe, they’d still be my buddy, whoever they were…and I would never lose them…never lose anyone again.”


    He leaned in.


    “That…includes you, Avery.” He said. “Hate me if you want…but I will not lose you, too.”


    ‘…His whole personality changed? Just like that…? I don’t want to believe it, but…I have to. If anything would make Kipuuna so dogged about all this…that’d have to be it. But…’


    Avery looked at Nivanee.


    “…Is…that true…?” The Plusle asked. “Do you…do you remember what they were like on their first day? Did you…did you know about this…?”


    “No…no I though…Ganisus was always like that, I…they didn’t let Janus and I in the hospital, wouldn’t tell us what happened, I-“


    “It’s alright…” Kipuuna sighed, shaking his head. “You hadn’t gotten to know us before it all happened…I think those nights you and Janus comforted me in our room was the most we talked…ever up to that point.”


    “I swear I didn’t…think it was that bad.” Nivanee said, horrified, paws over her mouth. “He got back and we thought…everything was ok.”


    Avery tugged at his arms. Still bound.


    “And you didn’t tell Ganisus…?” Avery asked, looking to the Piplup. Kipuuna hissed, looking away.


    “I…couldn’t.” He admitted. That shocked Avery even more.


    “Kipuuna…Ganisus still thinks your first mission was moving boxes. He really doesn’t know anything about this mission at Steeljag?”


    “I just can’t tell him…! I…he…” Kipuuna shook his head. “Avery…he wanted to be in the guild so bad. To tell him all that, to tell him our first mission so utterly wrecked him that he was hospitalized…I was scared, myself, I couldn’t imagine how much that’d scare him, too.”


    “So what…? You kept him in the dark instead.”


    “Yes. Despite how badly I wanted to quit, to run away and never look at the guild again, to take Ganisus far away from this dangerous work…when he woke up he still wanted to be in the guild so badly. The dream was alive in him as ever.” Kipuuna huffed, shuddering. “But I couldn’t…ever…ever do any mission like that at Steeljag. Never. And I could never tell him…I…”


    “That’s kind of a big lie, Kipuuna…” Avery muttered, squirming. “…he thinks something happened to you overnight, out of nowhere.”


    “Maybe, but…I have to keep this secret. And now that I’ve kept it…I worry more what it’d do to him if he found out after all this time.”


    Everyone at the table looked to one another, fear in their eyes at the idea.


    “…I…I’m really sorry that happened to you and Ganisus, Kipuuna.” Avery looked back down at himself. He wasn’t sure…how something like this could happen. And a twinge of fear entered his mind.


    ‘Could…this happen to Vizon too? To me?’


    ‘…maybe it already has. Everyone seems convinced that humans are horrible warmongering monsters. When Olistia and Arceus had… reconstructed me, maybe…maybe they changed who I am, too.’


    “I think… On some level I can…relate to Ganisus.” Avery chose his words carefully. “…I…I don’t know what I did before I ended up in that field. I don’t have much to cling to but being here. Knowing that I can fight for people who need it, try to make a difference…this guild is the one bit of stability I have.”


    Avery tore his gaze away from the floor. Back to Kipuuna’s eyes.


    “…maybe Ganisus doesn’t feel…the exact same way. But changed personality or not…he still remembers you. He still wants you back. And…and I think he still wants to be a hero. That’s…that’s what he’s clinging to. His… His stability is his friend Kipuuna…and why you joined the guild in the first place.”


    Kipuuna stared at Avery…and listened.


    This time he listened to Avery.


    Nivanee looked between them both, Vizon squirming as Avery finished. It was as though everyone braced for another fight.


    But Kipuuna only sighed, speaking softly.


    “I don’t want to lose my buddy…didn’t want to see him hurt…” Kipuuna began. “Avery…when you would go off with Vizon doing amazing adventures it would inspire Ganisus. I saw that old glint he had back when we first joined and nothing scared me more. That I might wake up one day and he’d just be gone. That I wouldn’t be there to drag my buddy to a hospital this time…that this time he would just bleed and die on those cold stones of Steeljag bluff…that I couldn’t be there to save you…or Vizon…or Nivanee…”


    He let out a shuddering sigh.


    “…but after everything it’s obvious that this all just made me lose him faster. It’s no wonder he wants to ditch Aquashock.” Kipuuna closed his eyes. “…this was his dream…now it must be like a nightmare…but I just…I just…I can’t do that again, Avery.”


    “…I understand that,” Avery said. “…I can’t imagine how scary that was for you. How…scary it must have been to see the rest of us go out like that. To…”


    His expression darkened.


    “…To hear that our first mission was to take down the Pickpocket Gang, too.”


    Avery was silent for a few moments, deep in thought. But he spoke up again.


    “…But you’re right. This…this isn’t sustainable for you two. Being…scared isn’t going to work long-term. You’ve been scared for a decade, Kipuuna. It’s…that’s got to be draining on both of you.” Avery gave him a little, sad smile. “…I’m not saying you have to go back into dangerous missions. But…I think it’d be a worthwhile idea to…listen to Ganisus and figure things out with him.”


    Kipuuna looked unsure, squirming in his chair. Just as he opened his beak to talk a chime echoed through the inn, a voice speaking in a merry tone.


    “Guests, it is now lights out! Sanshiyad is high in the sky and…”


    “Oh…” Nivanee perked up as the announcement continued. “I guess I should, um…untie you both…”


    Kipuuna silently nodded, his gaze towards the hall where Ganisus disappeared.


    “I guess…” Kipuuna muttered. “…there’s no way Ganisus is backing out of the deep dimension now…”


    Vizon raised his eyebrows.


    “…I got to go with him. If only to be sure he’s ok…”


    Tomorrow would be the big day.


    It was a silent walk back to the room. Avery had said his goodnights to Nivanee and Vizon, Rikzyod and Jolvia.


    He still…felt a lot of shame from the way he’d acted. Even if Kipuuna had been pushing him closer and closer to the edge this whole trip…Avery was the one who jumped off with Kipuuna. That wasn’t the way the leader of a team was supposed to act.


    ‘…Given, tying others to chairs while they’re unconscious and playing dollhouse isn’t really a way to act either.’


    But soon Kipuuna and Avery were back in their room. Neither of them had said anything since they had left the table. But Avery held the door open for Kipuuna.


    “…I’m sorry for the things I said, Kipuuna,” Avery said after the door was shut. “…I was trying to be cruel. I…I snapped. I should have held myself better.”


    Kipuuna was quiet, stepping into the room, watching the lights as they dimmed.


    Then he looked to Avery.


    “….I’m sorry, too…for everything. For the whole trip…even before then.” The Piplup said, his voice quiet. “Maybe what you said is partly right…maybe I am jealous…jealous how easily you can put your trust in those around you…the strength that gives you.”


    He paused, stepping forward…and hugging Avery.


    “Please be careful. Please, please be careful, Avery…” he sighed, squeezing.


    Avery laughed wryly at his words as he embraced him.


    “…It’s…surprisingly easy to put your trust in people when you don’t have any other options. But…Kipuuna, you’re…you’re strong. You’re really strong. I saw what you could do in the Obscurity Fields, even if it was just one attack. You’ve…you’ve been preparing, and preparing and preparing for years.”


    Avery separated, holding the Piplup at arms’ length.


    “…I know I’m nine years your junior. But…I think Team Aquashock…after all that preparation…I think you’re ready.”


    Kipuuna took a deep, long breath, holding Avery, his guildmate. He squeezed tight.


    “I may be…” Kipuuna said, pulling away sadly. “…but solo teams aren’t allowed, huh?”


    He let out a sigh, turning towards the bed, clambering onto it, the lights dimming more and more.


    “I don’t even care about the missions or the fighting right now, I…I just want my buddy back.”


    “…Hm.” Avery thought a moment…and climbed up onto the bed with the Piplup, onto the other side. “…Tensions are high between you and him. I think they have been for a long time. He’s…hit a breaking point. So have you, I think. There’s…no way that the status quo won’t change one way or the other.”


    Avery pulled the blankets up around himself. It…was a really comfy bed.


    “…The way I see it, Kipuuna, you’ve been balancing on the tip of a fence for a decade. But you’re losing your grip. And…all that you can do now is decide where you’re going to fall.”


    Avery looked over at him on the other side of the bed, and smiled softly.


    “…But…I’m not going to take Ganisus away from you. I think…if tomorrow goes well…Team Aquashock’s best days are going to be ahead of them.”


    Kipuuna was silent, nestling under the covers. He didn’t reply as Avery spoke, instead only letting the lights dim fully until the room was dark.


    Everything was still. Everything was silent.


    Everything save for nigh silent sobs coming from beside Avery.


    He had a lot to think about before tomorrow…


    Avery hoped he’d be okay. He hoped Ganisus…Aquashock would be okay.


    ….And he hoped his own team would all be okay, too.


    With that…Avery closed his eyes…and drifted  off.


    He didn’t dream that night.

    Chapter 16.3





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