The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 16.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    Here in the hall Avery could hear the muffled sound of laughing and chatter from his teammates in the other rooms.


    301, Avery could especially hear Vizon and Nivanee talking together.


    The music of the hotel quietly played across the hall.


    Avery pulled his knees to his chest.


    That spike of loneliness was starting to drive itself into his gut again.


    ‘…Don’t want to disturb any of them. I’ll just…wait until they get settled. Then Vizon and I can go out.





    …well…maybe I should go out by myself.’


    However, a door ahead clicked, softly swinging open. Out came Vizon and Nivanee, both with screens pulled up.


    “So, should we get Avery now?” Nivanee asked, swiping her screen with a paw.


    “Yeah, what room was that again?” Vizon asked, perking up.


    “Last room, 304, with-” she glanced over, seeing the Plusle huddled by the door. Vizon glanced over, smiling wide and running over, seeming to not notice anything amiss, though Nivanee’s worried look was unmistakable.


    “Hey, buddy! Was just about to grab you!” Vizon said, looking at his screen before turning it to face Avery. The Plusle jumped a bit from Vizon’s sudden appearance. Avery…felt sour, seeing Vizon’s good mood.


    Avery didn’t like that he felt like that…but he couldn’t help it. Vizon was having a great time with Nivanee, meanwhile Kipuuna…


    “Niv and I found a real nice place for lunch!” Vizon continued, breaking Avery out of his thoughts again. “Thought we could see around town! Whaddya say?”


    “Vizon…I…” Nivanee began, but was cut off by Avery speaking up.


    “Um…Yeah, sure. Lunch sounds good,” Avery said quietly. The Plusle knew they didn’t deserve the vitriol. So he held it inside. It was just the way the rooms were divided up. That’s all.


    ‘…Luck of the draw.’


    “Awesome!” Vizon was clearly giddy, not minding much as he spoke, even as Nivanee bit her lip, clearly seeing something wrong. “This place has everything from potato stuff to Rozhleena Mesa…”


    Softly, Vizon took Avery’s hand, still staring at his screen, scrolling through it with the other hand. Nivanee quietly stepped up to Avery’s other side, as though she were assisting Vizon in carrying the Plusle away from that room.


    “Well, whatever they got it’s sure to make this the BEST Super Guild Force LUNCH!!” Vizon cheered. “Man…I still can’t believe we’re really here in a place like this…”


    Nivanee laughed softly, wrapping her tail around Avery subtly, saying nothing


    “Oh hey, they were saying they even have chuckle bars and a festival area…” Vizon kept scrolling in wonder. “Avery, buddy, we’re absolutely going to that. The place has games and RIDES for goodness sake! Year-round snow sledding??? Somehow???”


    “Psychic energy does a lot, huh?” Nivanee said in a soft voice.


    “So what, it’s like we just THINK we’re sledding on ice?” Vizon asked, Nivanee giggling.


    “For all we know, we could be alongside millions of pokemon wandering an empty field having a mass hallucination. You never know with psychics!” Nivanee replied.


    “Huhh…what do you think, Avery?” Vizon asked.


    “Huh?” Avery jolted a bit upon hearing his name at the end of a question. Avery…hadn’t really been paying much attention, just sort of…drifting along. “Sorry, um… Think of what?”


    Vizon turned his screen to Avery, the Plusle looking up at him.


    “Oh. The… The psychic stuff.” Avery mumbled. “It’s…it’s really impressive, I think. There’s…there’s a lot.”


    ‘…Would Vizon be okay down there? Would Jolvia? Could Reviver Seeds fail? That’s not a thing, right? And… Even if it is…aren’t our badges supposed to help in those cases…Was Ganisus going to go home too?’


    “Oh, yeah…!” Vizon nodded. “I guess you’d have no frame of reference-“


    Nivanee’s tail whipped Vizon slightly at his prod.


    “-Ow! Niv, what..??”


    “I can say there’s certainly nothing like this anywhere in Arceliaze…maybe even Quayoff.” Nivanee took over, smiling. “Just totally unrestricted psychic energy manipulation, mhm!”


    “I wonder if humans could do psychic stuff like this…” Vizon muttered.


    “Well, no need to prod!” Nivanee pivoted the conversation again, Vizon giving a confused look as the three of them exited the inn. The warm false sunlight shined on the trio, the squarish sun hanging immediately overhead.


    At their feet was a trail of lights leading to the restaurant Vizon mentioned.


    “Boy these treks out to the mission are getting way long…” Vizon sighed. “I get hungry just reaching the mission location.. “


    Avery was trying to pay more attention at least. But it was…hard. He didn’t feel present. He didn’t feel good. He was just…sort of staring off into the middle distance, almost being herded along by Vizon and Nivanee. The lights under his feet helped, but…




    ‘What am I thinking about? What am I supposed to be thinking about? Is Vizon even here? Is Nivanee? Am I?’


    Mentally…Avery was still back in that room. Still yelling at Kipuuna, still being yelled at. Still thinking about the race, how easily Kipuuna would pass up this mission and further sully the name of the guild. Still thinking about Kipuuna’s warning.


    ‘Threat? Something.’


    Nivanee and Vizon were quiet a moment. Nivanee’s worried look had deepened and even Vizon was beginning to notice something was off.


    Slowly, the march came to a halt, the both of them looking at Avery as they all stood in the middle of a massive smooth stone square. No sounds uttered between them for a long time, only the rumble of the crowd and the clatter of floating containers high above.


    “…Avery…?” The Plusle heard Vizon’s voice. “…you ok?”


    “… Huh…?” Avery blinked, snapped out of his thoughts again. “Oh. Um…yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking, is all. We…”


    Avery looked down at the line at his feet, leading them to a restaurant. Vizon had mentioned that, right?


    “…We should go eat, right…?” Avery sighed softly. “It’s…been a long day.”



    Vizon eyed Avery carefully. Nivanee cast the Riolu a glance but he ignored it…or outright rebuffed it with what he said next.


    “Yeaaah, it has been, huh?” Vizon said, stretching as he continued on, Nivanee gently guiding Avery along. “Especially with that jerk sandbagging us, huh?”


    “Vizon-…” Nivanee hissed. Vizon paid her no mind, only smiling, casting Avery a cheeky look. Nivanee puffed her cheeks. “Look I know he’s a hand-full sometimes but…”


    “Hand-full, hah! He’s gunna hurt his legs climbing every dirt pile like it’s a mountain, huh?” Vizon joked, Nivanee huffing.


    Avery shifted sadly.


    “…Kipuuna is, um…not coming to the Deep Dimension with us,” The Plusle said quietly. “He said he’s planning on going home.”


    Avery looked up at the building the dotted line had brought them to. Pretty big for a restaurant…


    ‘What am I thinking about? What am I supposed to be thinking about? Everything is all muddled in my head…’


    Avery found himself slowly wandering to the restaurant. That, at least, was something he remembered they were doing right now. Avery could focus on that instead of just…everything in his head. Everything Kipuuna had said.


    “He’s…?” Nivanee folded her ears back.


    “Hah. Good riddance!” Vizon snorted.


    “No, not good news! Sarfallinus determined this to be a two team mission. If Kipuuna’s assessment is different then we’d have to pull out, too!” Nivanee explained with a groan. “Ugh, I thought if I maybe just…pushed a bit more he’d…”


    Vizob blew a raspberry, clearly annoyed.


    “Assessment nothing. What about my assessment? I assess it’s perfectly ok!”


    “You’re also 9 or 10 years his junior in the guild.” Nivanee added, cocking an eyebrow. “And Kipuuna’s still my friend. Just to remind.”


    Avery didn’t respond for a little while, just going towards the restaurant again. He wasn’t really paying too much attention to what the other two were saying…though it seemed like they were pulling out anyway.


    That…wasn’t good.


    “…Are…we going to eat?” Avery said quietly.


    ‘…There were those numbers again. Those…weird numbers. They sounded too big. 9 to 10 years…’


    Nivanee blinked worriedly. Vizon sighed, dropping it immediately, patting Avery on the back gently as they all entered the restaurant.


    The restaurant sat in a dome building, windows lining the length. Even from here Avery could see multiple Poke’mon sitting inside, basking in the sunlight as it shone in from a skylight above. A gentle rumble of voices surrounded.


    “Yeah, it’s ok…! We can eat.” Vizon assured, Nivanee warmly nodding.


    The dotted line continued, bringing them straight to an empty table, already prepared and set with menus. Looks like searching for directions meant they were expecting them.


    Cheerily, Nivanee stepped up into a chair, facing the door, Vizon holding Avery’s hand as they both stepped up.


    Above, metal containers floated along their psychic rails even here, coming in through a massive circular entryway up above, either depositing contents in the kitchen or continuing along the rail back out the building. There was something awing about seeing them clatter and clunk above.


    The menus were no mere paper. These too were psychic projections, showing the trio the food and drinks on offer. Totter juice included.


    The menu had several highlights. Meat Plant roasts. Fried Cheese. Drizzled bread and meat plant pies. A savory aroma permeated the air.


    “Well, this looks good, huh?” Nivanee asked encouragingly. “The place is really cozy…I love these sort-of open air restaurants, don’t you, Avery?”


    “Like stand restaurants in Arceliaze?” Vizon asked, nudging the Plusle. Avery looked at the menu. He hoped they could afford this stuff.


    “…I…might have a totter juice and and…some Meat Plant roast,” Avery said quietly.


    Avery’s eyes looked up to his team.


    ‘Right, we were…at a restaurant. I was supposed to be out with them.’


    Avery put on a little smile.


    “Yeah, it’s…it’s a nice atmosphere.”


    Nivanee saw the Plusle’s smile, smiling back. Vizon sighed, perhaps out of relief, scooching closer.


    “Oh man…should I…? Shouldn’t I…?” The Riolu mused, running a finger down the list of totter drinks. “I mean if we’re going to the fair I doubt they’ll have totter stuff.”


    “Oh now, don’t get too dizzy before we get there.” Nivanee giggled. “I’ve seen what totter does to a Poke’mon in public spaces.”


    “You have? I mean I haven’t, really, most of my friends were from work. That’s the only time I’d see them.” VIzon admitted. Nivanee grinned, letting her eyes wander as she idly keyed in her order on the menu.


    “Weeeell…you weren’t there for our guild nights out, back when Janus was still around. When Keshiano would hang out with Janus, Kippy, Gani and I…this one night, Equiros and Shantai of Team Ganusi joined us as ‘supervisors’…”


    “Supervisors?” Vizon blinked, Nivanee nodding with a giggle.


    “Well yeah! Bunch of kids like us, they wanted to set the example, like their captain, Vinae, always told them to…guess how that turned out?” Nivanee asked, a nostalgic look in her eye. “Us, the kids, having to supervise two utterly tottered adults. Sarfallinus and Vinae were so disappointed, I thought they were going to lose a whole prong for it!”


    Vizon spluttered, laughing in disbelief.


    “Team Ganusi!?” Vizon was dumbstruck. “No way…they’re, like..hardcore elites! Uptight, professional!”


    “Well yeah, they are now~!”


    Avery tilted his head.


    “I…um…I don’t know who any of these names are,” The Plusle said quietly as he tapped his menu. He recognized…some of the names. He knew that there were…Ganusi…and Dust or something…


    “You’ve, uh…been with this guild for a while, huh?” Avery continued. There was another thing at play here. Another thing he could focus on. “T…there is…something I was wondering. Was, uh…Was Kipuuna…did he have any partners before Ganisus? Or…alongside him? He…just said something weird, when we were setting up.”


    Avery paused. Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. It sounded like a sore spot for the Piplup.


    Nivanee frowned, Vizon answering before she did.


    “Other members? Not that I know of.” Vizon said, drawing on his guild knowledge. “Aquashock joined back in 6T53 as a two-member team, just barely getting in, apparently. The periodicals used to talk about how cute they were as a best-friends sort of team. They’d apparently known each other practically from the cradle.”


    “Yeah…I remember that…” Nivanee sighed, folding her ears back. “If I remember, their first mission didn’t go all that great. Ganisus got hurt pretty bad, I remember Kipuuna being really upset about it.”


    “Was it that bad?” Avery asked.


    “No, not really. A trip to the hospital and he was back on his feet. Janus and I had to comfort Kipuuna all night…he cried a lot back in those days, even when we first met him.” Nivanee gave a soft, nostalgic laugh. “Still, they seemed like such close friends. Bouncy and excitable when they first joined.”


    “Yeah…I noticed that, the periodicals kept saying how they changed their demeanor to a more professional one, particularly Ganisus being more stony.” Vizon put in. “Though…now I know he’s really just spacey.”


    Nivanee sighed, shaking her head.


    “I just don’t know what else could have happened to them…they’ve been very careful with their missions ever since but it’s not doing any good…” Nivanee’s voice was somewhat defeated. “…I always wished I could help…and ever since Janus…well…I guess left…it’s been worse. Kipuuna’s only grown more distant and I can’t help him like Janus could.”


    Avery’s mind was wandering again, and another thought struck him.


    “…Can reviver seeds fail?” Avery asked, looking over at Nivanee with a serious, thoughtful look. “Kipuuna…he said they could fail. In so many words. He was…he was talking to me, and…”


    “Well, yes, they can’t revive after a one-hit knockout, you need a…” Nivanee trailed off her teaching, looking at Avery’s expression. “…full recover seed…”


    The Plusle deflated.


    “…Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about this. This is supposed to be…good, you know…?” Avery muttered. “We’re supposed to be enjoying a night out.”


    Vizon shook his head, pulling Avery into a one-armed hug, smiling warmly.


    “Yeah, no worries about any of that anymore, yeah?” Vizon insisted, Nivanee sighing. “We’re all together, we’re a team and we’re here to have fun, Azure style!”


    Nivanee conceded, backing off.


    “…bwuh…I guess it can’t be helped. Just so long as it’s not driving us apart…” She huffed, putting on another smile of her own. “Ok, let’s put that aside for a bit…just be warm for now, ok?”


    Avery frowned a little.


    ‘Let’s just be warm. Let’s just…


    Was what Nivanee said true? Would we have to pull out if Kipuuna didn’t come?’


    Avery dismissed the thought for now. He didn’t want to bring the atmosphere down. He figured should at least change the subject.


    “So… Here’s something I, uh… Obviously don’t know.” Avery began, pivoting. “Who were the teams that came before me? Ganusi, Dust… I… heard Dust was dismissed. But… What’s the guild history?”


    Vizon almost immediately brightened up at the question, a near manic glint in his eye as he pressed into Avery.


    “Oh oh oh oh! Avery! Avery!” The Riolu stammered out excitedly. “I’ve been dying to dump about the guild! Can I? Can I!?”


    Nivanee snickered, leaning back, letting the nerd of the group take over. Avery smiled, nodding to let him go ahead.


    “Okay, okay, so! Guild history.  That goes back hundreds of years!” Vizon explained. “Over…500 years ago…0T92, near 100 years after the big Second War of Arcea. Back then so much was broken and the world was so full of wandering outlaws. It was the elite guild’s duty to help rebuild Arcea after all the wanton destruction wrought by Jyiniarno.”


    “Ooo, an exact date. That’s impressive~!” Nivanee complimented, Vizon beaming proudly.


    “And the guild has done just that for years and years! Going around, helping Poke’mon in Arcea. Back then the guild and its members were a shining and proud example to the hurt and downtrodden in the aftermath of something that would have been otherwise…spirit-breaking.” Vizon sighed wistfully, propping his head on his hands. “The guild is so cool…”


    “And now today we do much the same, don’t we~?” Nivanee put in with a smile. “Almost 600 years later and we’re still a shining beacon to the Arcean people…or…well, I suppose-“


    “You always were to me.” Vizon interrupted. Nivanee smiled warmly at that.


    Avery tilted his head, taking all that in. He wasn’t surprised that there were wars in this nation’s past – of course there were. There were in every country. And considering the tensions between Arcea and Illaminamo he’d seen, he was surprised it seemed there were only two.


    Avery didn’t recognize the name ‘Jyiniarno’, but…this all helped put into context why the guild was even here.


    ‘So it had always been a police force, of sorts. But wow… Six hundred years.’


    “What about modern history?” Avery asked, sitting back in the chair. “I know when we pulled up to the guild on the first day you were talking about all these teams…I thought we were going to have to fight one of them.”


    “Well, I got into it at a young age.” Vizon clarified. “I mean, like, I was four when I read my first periodical…with my dad’s help, obviously.”


    “Oh wow, so young? What year?” Nivanee asked.


    “6T46! The guild was in a temporary downsizing, Sarfallinus had been guild master for only, like, seven years since his dad was KIA, so even back then it was only three teams.” Vizon explained. “That first periodical, man, what nostalgia! It was all about Team Dust and Team Ganusi and Team Infinity…this was also when people were starting to complain the guild was too hard to get in to but it quickly died down when a team joined that year, Team Tall Tale.”


    “Ah, Ganusi…I remember them, they were still in the guild when I joined…” Nivanee mused, closing her eyes and merrily swaying.


    “I remember, even back then, with Team Tall Tale, Fandisnou, the Crawdaunt, he was such a romantic.” Vizon continued. “Trying to woo the girls of the guild, one or two of the guys. The periodical even said that in his time at the guild he’d been on more dates than missions, much to the annoyance of his teammates, Zinixus and Eundeirno.”


    “Blech, yeah, ‘romantic’. So romantic he just abandoned the guild to elope with a girl. Just left Zinixus and Eundeirno behind!” Nivanee shook her head. “I wasn’t there when it happened, nor was I there when Team Tall Tale disbanded. But I heard everyone was kind of upset to see them so discouraged and leave. I hear Team Dust still keeps up with Eundeirno, I hear he was a good guy.”


    Vizon laughed, looking to Avery.


    “Truth be told, Avery? There’s tons of teams that came before us, even in Sarfallinus’s relatively short 23 year run as guild master. It all seemed so busy and cool from a distance…though, all the dropouts weren’t fun to read about…”


    “Like Team Slime…” Nivanee sighed sadly. “I really hated seeing them go…hated seeing Team Infinity fall apart, too, when Rikaerd and Kanah eloped and abandoned Quayslaan…then when Ganusi graduated Janus was already gone…the only ones left were just me, Kippy and Ganisus for a while…”


    Nivanee frowned, folding her ears.


    “That was kinda…lonely…”


    “Yeah, that’s… Something I’ve been wondering for a while,” Avery said, putting his elbows on the table. “It sounded like there was a really long stretch between Spade and us…there’s twelve or so rooms in the guild. But nine of the rooms were empty for years. And… I mean Vizon and I only got in because of Olistia. If it’s been that long since people have been saying its impossible to get in…why? What changed?”


    “Well, Team Spade joined about three years ago, yeah…and that was kind of it for a while. The guild had garnered a reputation for being so impossible to get into that applications came to a halt.” Nivanee sighed. “Back when Janus and I joined there was usually a team trying out every other week…by the time Lahnae was in it was now only every month or so anyone even bothered.”


    “And honestly, as far as I know?” Nivanee replied. “Nothing about the guild’s changed except the leadership. Once Sarfallinus took over…this is just how it was from then on.”


    “…So what made Team Spade different? ” Avery asked. Vizon only shrugged while Nivanee let out a sigh.


    “I…don’t know.” Nivanee said. The Eevee sounded as though she was unsure she should even be saying this. “Though I love them dearly, nothing about Team Spade performance-wise was exceptional…I’d seen teams pass all the ‘tests’ with flying colors and still get rejected. Frankly…between you and me…I don’t know how Sarfallinus decides whether or not to allow a team in…but…”


    Vizon perked.


    “But what?” He asked. Nivanee squirmed a little, biting her lip.


    “His methods don’t seem to help…Vizon, you know a lot about the guild, surely you know what I’m getting at?” Nivanee asked, Vizon rubbing the back of his head.


    “…ugh…yeah, as if tabloids don’t bring it up all the time.” Vizon muttered. “…the only teams that have graduated under Sarfallinus were all holdovers from Guild Master Karniqus…none of the ones Sarfallinus himself accepted ever graduated, all either dropped out, disbanded…”


    Nivanee smiled sadly.


    “…and Duskwalker is the closest he’s ever gotten…” She sighed, shaking her head. “…I wonder if that’s the only reason he kept pushing to having my team stay intact despite operating solo for seven years…”


    Avery’s frown deepened at that. No graduates from Sarfallinus?


    ‘Jeez, that…does not reflect well on the guy. And…’


    Avery’s face darkened at a memory coming to mind. Janus’s words, in jail. About age, about…family.


    ‘Was that something Karniqus did, too? Refer to the guild as family? Was he ‘friends’ with Olistia too?’


    Avery wasn’t sure if all that was on purpose, still, but…




    “When you graduate. What happens? Do you…Leave the guild? Become one of those elites?” Avery asked. “Like, when a team graduates, they stop…Interacting with the guild as often, right? Because they’re busy doing bigger missions, working with…is it the Conduicy? Something. Do they drop by often, or do they just…kind of drop off, once they go?”


    “They visit…sometimes…but yeah, they do end up being so utterly busy, sometimes even being deployed internationally.” Nivane explained. “…like, last I heard, Team Ganusi was all the way down in Quayoff to help the local guild there with some mountain bandits. We basically never see them again outside of occasional visits.”


    “That’s kinda why the training guild is more fun to read about.” Vizon said, scratching his head. “The Arceliaze guild only operates in Arcea, closer to home, more wild adventures of the young and up-and-coming. Elites are all so much more efficient and professional, so much more…you know…dry.”


    Nivanee blew a raspberry.


    “None of it’s done specifically for entertainment.” Nivanee snickered, looking back to Avery. None of them had yet noticed that their orders had arrived on floating psychic discs. The clang of metal containers overhead snapped Vizon out of the conversation long enough to dig in, taking a drink of juice to wet his throat.


    “But yeah, you got it.” Nivanee continued, sipping her own juice. “Graduate the guild and you become an elite, working directly under the Conduit, Olistia. Basically like a change of ‘Guild Masters’ with a higher cut of the reward money for you…and elites have the expectation to do the really hard jobs the guild members can’t do.”


    Avery took a sip of the trotter juice, digesting the words she was saying.


    “… And… Sarfallinus and Olistia both…” Avery began. “To me, they’re both really valuing this guild as a family. So like…what if, on some level…people feel that graduating means…”


    Avery made a popping sound with his lips.


    “Leaving the family?” The Plusle posited. “Going to be an efficient, boring drone? You have to wonder if Olistia is as huggy and affectionate and… Recipe-sharing with the elites as she is with us.


    Avery took another drink.


    “But then… I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Dust, Infinite, or Ganusi.” Avery sighed. “If they didn’t graduate because they didn’t want to be family, you’d think I’d see them hanging around the guild to be around you all. Maybe I’m wrong. I just…”


    He shook his head.


    “Tabloids be as they may… I think there is something that feels… off. About the guild. And that’s about as much of an outsider’s perspective as you’re ever gonna get, heh…”


    Vizon and Nivanee blinked at Avery in silence, looking at the Plusle like he had suddenly grown a second head.


    “What’s that supposed to mean…?” Nivanee asked, cocking an eyebrow. She didn’t sound upset more just…confused. “What do you mean ‘off’…? I mean, I know everyone has their issues but we work through them…or do our best to.”


    Vizon said nothing, quietly humming to himself in thought. Nivanee continued.


    “Besides, why wouldn’t Olistia be affectionate with her elites…?” Nivanee’s brow furrowed. “I mean, yeah…elites enter a new stage in their life…we’re always excited to see them when they visit they’ve just…not, for some time. But I have no reason to believe being an elite is all that different.”


    “Oh really…?” Vizon asked, poking at his food. “I don’t read much about the elites, outside of one or two reports of teams I really liked back in the guild.”


    “That’s what I believe with my heart.” Nivanee said. “I’d do anything for any one of you, Sarfallinus…Olistia. Because they’d do the same for me. Because we share a bond. It means everything to me.”


    She frowned slightly.


    “I mean, right? You’d do the same for me? You feel it too, don’t you? The bonds that make us close?”


    Avery nodded emphatically.


    “Of course I do. We’re guild.” The Plusle assured. “I’m just trying to think about… About why the guild is the way it is, you know…?”


    He paused, thinking for a while and taking another drink.


    “I like Sarfallinus. But…his really sudden heel-face turn… It bothers me.” Avery said. “You saw how he treated Vizon and I before we got ambushed by Xamao. He was downright hostile. I was sure he wanted us to quit. And like… after the mission, after Vizon got hurt he changed his tune, sure, but…why put on the act?”


    Vizon and Nivanee only stared.


    “And then there’s the separate issue that no teams have graduated, and very few have been accepted. Part of me wonders if…if maybe, on a subliminal level, graduating means… Losing your family.” Avery took another drink, trying to get all his thoughts out. “I-I dunno. I just…”


    He thought of how he wanted to word it.


    “…when Vizon talked about the guild and all of you guys it was…he sounded so inspired. And that inspired me too. But…Team Spade is having bad luck streak after bad luck streak. You’d been suffering because Janus…had a problem with the guild so great that she left. And Kipuuna… “


    The Plusle grunted.


    “I get the distinct impression that Ganisus doesn’t like his own team captain. That’s…that’s all…it’s not just me, right? I don’t…” Avery put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what’s normal.”


    “Heel-turn? Losing your family…?” Nivanee repeated what she had heard.


    She squinted…and was sounding more and more…indignant.


    I’ve been fine.” Nivanee retorted with a frown. “There’s no problem with Janus, she’ll be back before you know it. Things are fine at the guild, Avery. Sarfallinus was just unsure having you in the guild because of the public perception of having someone just forced in by Olistia, that’s all. He’s just doing his best, even with everything stacked against him. I might not know much about his recruitment methods but…!”


    Vizon recoiled a little as she raised her voice.


    “You…really should have a little more faith in him, in us.” Nivanee said, a tinge of frustration in her voice. “We’re going to make things better, it’s just a rough patch and we’ll work through it. The way you talk it’s like you think the whole thing is rotten to the core…!”


    She bristled, eyebrows furrowed hard.


    “You sound up there with those journalists!!”


    Avery winced liked he’d just been gut punched, shrinking back in his seat. He cradled the totter juice, but didn’t take a drink. He just looked down at it, into his own reflection.


    ‘Up there with those journalists…? The ones calling Spade a sham? The ones calling Aquashock cowards? Am I really like them?’


    “Woah, hey, Niv…” Vizon cut in.


    Nivanee cut herself off, letting off a breath. Slowly, she rubbed her face with her paw.


    “Sorry…” She apologized, taking a bite from her own food. “All this bad air between you and Kipuuna is putting me on edge…can’t you two just…make up?”


    “…Sorry,” Avery murmured, backing down.


    ‘This isn’t worth it. I’m an outsider. Maybe she’s right, maybe there isn’t anything wrong with the guild. Maybe I’m just being unreasonable.


    Have a little more faith in him, she says. In you, Nivanee.


    But…I barely know you. I barely know any of you…’


    “…sorry,” Avery said again, quieter, into his drink.


    “Aw, Avery…” Vizon sighed, hugging the Plusle close, frowning at Nivanee who immediately looked guilty at her outburst, holding her paws up to her mouth.


    “Oh…oh no no, Avery, I…” Nivanee grunted, worry all over her face. “No no no, I’m sorry. I know you care…you’ve shown it plenty. Look, it’s just me it’s just…you know, in all this time I’ve been in the guild I’ve have so many friends, my family, ditch the guild…ditch us so I guess I just get…defensive?”


    “Yeah, no kidding…” Vizon huffed, protectively holding Avery. Nivanee looked miserable, seeing the Plusle so sad.


    “Oh Avery, nevemind, I shouldn’t have said anything, that was out of line.” Nivanee kept backtracking. “You’re always one of us. I promise I always have your back…ok?”


    ‘…I felt like a child.’


    “…Vizon and the guild are the only things I’ve ever known.” Avery’s voice was quiet. He took another sip of the juice…then reconsidered, placing it back on the table. “I don’t have a family. I don’t have a home to go back to. I don’t have siblings or parents or hometown friends. Even Arceus, the one who…who sent me here…he only talks to me in the dreams. And those are getting worse. I just have Vizon…and the guild.”


    Avery looked up at Nivanee, seeing her pain, seeing her worry. Maybe she could see his own.


    “Sarfallinus is trying. I know he is.” He said, his voice sad and quiet. “A-and it’s not that I don’t think he’s trying hard enough, or he’s trying to poison us. If he’s doing something wrong it’s…I-I don’t think it’s on purpose. He loves you guys, I know that. I’ve…seen that.”


    He squirmed. After such a reaction last time, running his mouth felt more dangerous.


    “But as an outsider looking in…I saw a team that, despite an indomitable spirit, and a drive to succeed, they just…keep failing in ways they never could have predicted; I see a team with a captain scarred by some past experience so badly that his own teammate resents him; I saw a team that…”


    Avery wilted.


    “…I saw a Poke’mon that was so convinced something was wrong with the guild she left and joined the antithesis. And…and all of this, all of this, you’re all weathering, while being mercilessly attacked by people obsessed with the shadow of a past guild you used to be. I don’t…”


    Avery squinted his eyes shut. They were starting to sting. His voice was cracking.


    “I hate seeing you all hurting…!” Avery spoke softer, trying to hold himself together. “I hate seeing the p-pain and the resentment and… I just… don’t want the guild to go. I don’t want the guild to die, I don’t…I-I don’t want it to hurt me too…”


    ‘It’s all I have. The guild is all I have.’


    “And…! And…!” Nivanee stammered back, putting a smile on her face. “We’re gunna fix it! We’re going to make it all better and we’ll all be together again.”


    Vizon sighed, giving his own smile, squeezing the Plusle.


    “Don’t worry about Janus…she’s just confused…maybe brainwashed or…something. I don’t know…” Nivanee grunted. “I hope she didn’t put any bad thoughts in your head…everything’s going to be ok. We’ll help Lahnae and Loshjno…we’ll…figure something out with Kipuuna and Ganisus. And the tabloids…we’ve ignored them for years. We’ll be ok. Everything will be ok.”


    Vizon looked unsure but said nothing.


    Soon, after so much poking  and talking, the food was now reduced to empty plates and depleted glasses, a floating window with a coin slot asking for 30 p each, which Nivanee and Vizon deposited. Avery paid for his food as well – though he hadn’t touched as much of it as he had wanted to.


    “C’mon…” Vizon said, hopping down from his chair. “Why don’t we try to have fun…?”


    “Yeah, yeah! You seem stressed out, Avery….this should be a warm time, shouldn’t it?”


    As Nivanee hopped off her chair, Avery noticed something, like a glow coming from underneath him. He looked at the ground and noticed a trail of lights at his feet…but it wasn’t summoned by Nivanee or Vizon, it led to himself. The light trail followed Avery as he moved around the table, leading to him.


    “Um…” Avery looked down at them, brow furrowing. “What is…What’s this…? Is this like… Directions somewhere else? Did one of you guys do this…?”


    Nivanee and Vizon looked down at the lights at Avery’s feet. Both of them shook their heads, confused. Curious, the group followed the trail outside, passing through the archway and back onto the street. A soft ringing cascaded over the city as they all exited the restaurant, signaling that it was noon.


    Their eyes traced the light trail. It led down the road, under an archway surrounded by tall glowing structures and devices. There, under the archway, a figure walked. Approached.


    “Someone looking for you, Avery…?” Vizon asked.


    They all squinted, looking close at the approaching figure, until Nivanee perked up, excitedly waving.


    “Oh hey Ganisus!”


    Indeed, there was the Shinx, coming into view. His eyes were half lidded as he slowly approached…


    …and he waved back.


    ‘……….. What?




    “Uh…Hey there, Ganisus…!” Avery said, wiping at his eyes quickly to clean himself up. Avery didn’t want the Shinx to see him like this. “What’s… What’s up? What brings you here?”


    “Uhh…” Ganisus stared at Avery as he finally reached the group, yellow eyes burrowing into his.


    There was a long pause.


    “…I dunno.” Ganisus said at last, despite the fact the trail of lights flashed between him…and Avery.


    “You don’t know?” Vizon prodded, tilting his head.


    “…I mean…” Ganisus’s voice drawled, like he was searching hard for the right words, even as his voice remained unchanged. Slowly, a smile…meek? smile crossed his lips. “…Avery…do you guys want to…”


    He paused for a long time. Awkwardly. But he regained his verbal footing.


    “…hang out? Or something?”


    ‘……… What???’


    “U-uh… Yeah, sure…!” Avery said, obviously taken aback. The Plusle gave Nivanee a quick look, checking to see if this was… normal. but…he knew better than to bring up Kipuuna with Ganisus. “We just finished eating, so… I’m down to do something else.”


    Nivanee, meanwhile, look excited. Extremely excited, eyes sparkling, a wide smile on her face…bouncing.


    “Yes! Oh my gosh, it’s been so long, Gani! We’d love to hang out!” Her mood was immediately brightened, Vizon smiling as well. Ganisus’s own smile gave off a…strangely warm vibe.


    “…cool…” He said, tone entirely flat. Yet Avery could still…hear something in that voice. Something happy.


    “We were going to search around and see what the city has!” Vizon offered, stepping up beside the Shinx. “They got a games area…like it looked like a road with stands by an artificial canal.”


    “…that sounds neat…” Ganisus drawled, perking up. “…do you like…games…and stuff?”


    “Yeah, I do! Looked like they had targets and canal rides…uhhh…a psycho-rail coaster!” Vizon brought up a screen, showing Ganisus. The Shinx’s dull eyes glimmered, even as his face didn’t change even a little.




    Nivanee stood beside Avery, tippy-tapping her paws excitedly.


    “… Games? A roller coaster?” Avery tilted his head. Even if he’d never really seen one before…the concepts sounded familiar to him. “You mean like an amusement park? That could be fun to go to while we wait for tomorrow.”


    ‘…and to be honest I might need the distraction. Being able to spend time with Ganisus, away from Kipuuna, would be good too…!’


    Nivanee stepped up, holding Avery and Ganisus close into the group, once of three now a group of four, bouncing with glee.


    “Then come on, come on! Let’s go see it! Oh my gosh, I’m excited!” Nivanee cheered. Vizon smiled back, tapping at the window to bring up the trail of lights again.


    “…yeah…me too…” Ganisus said, almost quietly, pressing into Avery.


    With a cheer (or a silent nod in Ganisus’s case), the group bounded forward, following the line, chattering lightly as they all made their way to the amusement park on the far end of a grand gold and purple archway.


    Their vouchers flashed, confirming their identity as they crossed, seeing the wide array of rides and games spread around a large square. The sights were as awe-ing as the rest of Dovve Fo Uddjo. Purple rails of energy now ferried carts of squealing poke’mon at high speed instead of cargo. Stands for snacks and carnival games surrounded a large open-air stone building with a stage where they could hear music and a speaker’s voice echoing across the park.


    “Wow, this doesn’t even feel like a mission anymore.” Nivanee sighed wistfully. “It’s like a long-needed vacation…”


    “You guys ready to have fun?” Vizon nudged Avery and Ganisus, the Shinx lighting up.


    “…yeah…” Ganisus said, slowly.


    “Maybe I was a savant at these games and I just can’t remember,” Avery said with a little laugh. “Okay…Okay. Yeah!”


    He had to psyche himself up a little more. He wanted this to be good. Fun. A vacation.


    ‘Maybe things are broken. But…We can fix them.


    And we can’t fix them if morale is low. So…’


    Despite his previous turmoil, Avery laughed a bit. It was his duty, as captain of Team Azure, to have a good time.


    The energy was palpable between the four of them, an excitement and joy filled the air and banished all the bad feelings that had poisoned Avery naught moments before.


    “So, whatcha wanna do first?” Vizon asked Ganisus. “I wanna see what you’d be into.”


    Ganisus looked surprised.






    Ganisus looked deep in thought, eyes wandering upward. Slowly, he pulled up a screen, looking down at it.


    Without hesitation he tapped on ‘roller coasters’. At once, multiple different rides showed upon his screen.


    ‘The G-Force’.


    ‘The Lunch Loser’.


    ‘The Unregulated’.


    ‘The Engineering Miscalculation’.


    ‘The Condemned By 47 International Safety Audit Boards’.


    “….” There was a sort of fluttering in Avery’s chest as the Shinx pressed through the roller coasters.


    ‘Did…I like these too?’


    Finally, Ganisus pointed at the last coaster on the list.


    Quadruple Platinum Star thrill rating. A rollercoaster called ‘The You Will Actually Die For Real’, aka ‘THE YWADFR’.


    Vizon gulped.


    “That one…” Ganisus said, peering up at Vizon. Nivanee padded over, looking it over, her smile not even faltering.


    “Y-You think you can handle it?” Vizon stammered.


    Ganisus perked up at that and immediately sagged his shoulders, looking defeated.


    “…I don’t know…” Ganisus said immediately, as though backing down. Vizon, surprised and looking  sorry, wrung his hands together, deep in thought..but soon the Riolu straightened.


    “…because I think you can…” Vizon said, looking toward Avery.


    “I mean I’ll try it. The… Yuh-wad-fer.” Avery said. “If Ganisus wants to go on it…I’ll go with him. Try everything once… Right?”


    Ganisus lifted his head hearing Avery say that.


    Though his expression was totally neutral, his eyes…


    …adoringly sparkled, staring at the Plusle.


    “…cool…” he muttered, stepping forward, standing close…very close to Avery, his tail swishing gently behind him. Nivanee beamed widely.


    “I’m iiin~!” Nivanee cheered, bounding beside Avery and Ganisus, beckoning Vizon.


    “Come on,” Avery chuckled a little, trying to channel some of himself back. He elbowed Vizon jokingly. “What, you scared of some kid’s ride or something? I’m sure the ‘You Will Actually Die For Real’ is tame as can be…!”


    Avery knew what was coming out of his mouth was sarcasm. But looking at the thing soaring above…he had his doubts that he was going to be able to withstand it.


    But, if anything…he’d stand in solidarity with Ganisus. When in Dove Fo Uddjo…do as the mass hallucinations do…!


    “I uh…I…!” Vizon sucked in a breath, puffing out his chest. “WELL…T-TEAM AZURE NEVER GIVES UP!!


    With that, he pressed really tight against Nivanee who laughed heartily. Ganisus nestled in with the group comfortably. Avery could feel the joy radiating off of the Shinx, even as he didn’t emote a bit of it. Quietly, Ganisus lifted a paw, tapping the roller coaster, a light trail forming under all of them, leading straight to the tallest, twistiest, fastest, lurchiest coaster in the park.


    It towered over all the buildings, the other coasters. Like a beacon, practically the grandest landmark of the park.


    And dauntlessly, the group moved straight for it.


    Vizon gulped, scrunching his face, keeping brave as they moved to the coaster.


    It loomed above, the cashier at the front of it smirking at their group. Nivanee was as excited as could be. Vizon pressed into Avery in terror, trying to look brave. Ganisus only stared up at the coaster, face blank…but something about him told Avery that he was excited.


    They were let on the coaster, luckily a four seater. The anticipation in Ganisus’s eyes radiated more and more as they all were seated. There was a loud buzz, psychic straps snaking around their bodies to hold them in place.


    “Oh Arceus…” Vizon whined.


    Music blared, the coaster FIRING OFF LIKE A ROCKET into the air!! The G-Force HIT Avery like a sucker punch. Vizon let out a high-pitched SCREAM. Nivanee cheered and laughed!


    Ganisus made no expression.


    The coaster WHIPPED and TURNED and SPUN and LOOPED. Vizon screamed he was going to hurl multiple times, only for a sudden shot upward to make him swallow with a “NEVERMIND”.


    The last stretch gave the group a grand view of Dovve Fo Uddjo, towering high above, a vast landscape of strange towers and buildings stretching amid a field of land slices. Strange. Exciting. Adventurous.


    “Cool…” Ganisus muttered next to Avery, a twinkle in his eye.


    At last, the coaster plummeted.


    At the end of it all, the group stumbled out the cart, back onto solid ground. Nivanee was laughing, loopy. Vizon was equally dizzy but just felt nauseous. Ganisus calmly stepped out of the coaster, looking to a device that printed something off for the four of them:



    A photo, taken mid-ride during one of the drops. There was shown Nivanee laughing merrily, Avery waving to the camera, Ganisus with a neutral expression and the none too flattering sight of Vizon in the middle of a shriek.


    “…heh…” Ganisus’s voice was completely unchanged. “…that was…fun. Really fun.”


    “Bwaugh…” Vizon huffed, holding against a wall. “I need a second…”


    “C’mon, c’mon, what’s next?” Nivanee asked, bouncing. Ganisus looked to the three of them, particularly at Vizon.


    “…targets…” Ganisus suggested kindly, Vizon breathing a sigh of deep relief.


    The walk to the target gallery was short. This was something Vizon was clearly more comfortable with, seeing the spooky, evil looking targets pop out amid sweet looking cute targets to avoid. Poke’mon young and old took pop-shots at the targets.


    “Alright, guys, let’s see if I’m still good at this.” Vizon said, rolling his shoulder to get ready. Nivanee stepped up beside him, both of them setting some coins on the counter, the operator telling them to get ready.


    Ganisus and Avery stood by, watching Nivanee and Vizon fire aura spheres and shadow balls at the targets. Vizon was quicker but Nivanee was far more accurate…though Nivanee would twitch-fire the targets she wasn’t supposed to which lost her points, the both of them laughing and grunting at the game.


    “…hey…” Avery heard Ganisus’s voice. The Shinx’s attention was taken from the game the other two played, now looking at the Plusle with a hard to read expression.


    Avery had been watching Nivanee and Vizon closely, but his ears pricked when he heard Ganisus’s soft voice. The Plusle turned to look at him, prying his own eyes away from Nivanee hitting another negative target.


    “Hm? What’s up, Ganisus…?”


    “…thanks for…hanging out with me, man…” Ganisus said softly, pawing at the ground. “…and…I don’t know…it means a lot to me…I guess.”


    He was quiet for a moment, averting his eyes.


    “…it’s nice to…just…be with some friends that…” Ganisus said, blinking. His face was totally neutral. “…just…have fun…friends that’re happy…just…do stuff…”


    Avery’s smile softened a little.


    “Of course, dude. You’re guild.” The Plusle said. “I’m just… Glad to see you around, you know? I’m glad to see you smiling. It’s a good smile!”


    “I…like being with you guys…” the Shinx said softly.


    A small ghost of a smile crossed Ganisus’s face as Vizon started cheering.


    YES! I can’t believe I pulled that off!” Vizon shouted, pumping his fists. Nivanee giggled, stepping away from the game.


    “I’m too twitchy…” She laughed. Ganisus sighed quietly, looking more comfortable amongst them all that Avery had ever seen him.


    “No way you beat her!” Avery laughed. “Niv, you gotta avoid the cute looking targets!”


    “I’m tryiiiiiing!” Nivanee fake-whined. Vizon lifted a massive stuffed miltank prize in a tight hug. Meanwhile, Nivanee sported a cone-shaped hat on her head by now, her own prize. Ganisus has a fake wooden eyepatch. Avery had an oversized drink container. It just had water in it at the moment but he’d gotten is from a giant spinning wheel game.


    They were all the spitting image of a group of friends just…enjoying the day, enjoying each other. Avery laughed to himself, looking back over to Ganisus as Nivanee and Vizon rushed ahead to look at something.


    “Yknow…” The Plusle began with a wide smile. “If you want to hang out more when we get back to Arceliaze, I’d be down for that too.”


    “Yeah…yeah I’d like to hang out in Arceliaze more…with you…all you guys…” Ganisus’s smile grew more…and more… “…maybe go on missions together some more?”


    He was quiet a moment, watching Vizon and Nivanee as they took turns acting silly by a Mr.Mime statue.


    “…I just wish…” Ganisus began, stopping himself. Avery glanced at him. “…I just…wish…that K-…”


    He stopped again, his brow furrowing.


    “…you know what? Nevermind…”


    “… No, I… I think I wish that too,” Avery said, a sad smile on his face. “…I know that you guys…used to go out and enjoy yourselves a lot. I… I don’t know what’s happening right now, but… I hope that can come back.”


    Avery smiled encouragingly.


    “I think…going on more missions with you would be really good, Ganisus…!” Avery gave Ganisus a pat on the back, making the Shinx look up at him. “You’re cool. And…I’d love to see more of what you can do.”


    Ganisus was quiet, silently brooding as he stared down at the ground.


    “You know what…I kind of…” Ganisus let out a breath. “…don’t care if it comes back…I feel…good here.”


    He averted his eyes, quiet as Nivanee approached with packs of roasted caramel popcorn for everyone, Vizon with a tall wood thermos of berry smoothie with a silly straw.


    “Anyone hungry?” Nivanee asked, passing the treats out. Vizon nodded, taking a bag, Ganisus doing the same.


    A chime sounded across Dovve Fo Uddjo, the bright blue fake sky above taking an orange hue as the day became evening.


    “Oh that’s good, I was worried it’d just stay noon forever…” Vizon admitted with a laugh, holding armfulls of stuff. “Man, though…I wonder what we’ll be having for dinner.”


    “Oh, well!” Nivanee began, with a smile. “I think it’d be nice to have a big dinner in the hotel. All of us together…as a team, you know?”


    Ganisus grimaced. Nivanee either didn’t notice or didn’t care.


    “Oh, that reminds me,” Avery said, quickly changing the subject, trying to avoid making Ganisus feel awkward. The Plusle knew what Nivanee was trying to do…


    But…right now, Kipuuna was…very possibly a liability to this relationship. And Ganisus wasn’t in any mood to spend time with the guy.


    “You’re staying with Rik, right?” Avery turned to the Shinx. “How’s that? He’s, uh…I mean I have no idea what it’s like living with the guy, but I have a few guesses based on working with him…!”


    Nivanee pouted, picking up on Avery’s topic swerve, but said nothing as Ganisus went along with it. Seemed as though the Shinx picked up on it as well.


    “…he’s quiet…” Ganisus replied with a small smile. “…really nice…wasn’t…forceful.”


    “Quiet??” Avery repeated the word.


    Vizon blinked, totally missing the fact the topic was so deliberately changed.


    “Rikzyod…?” Vizon asked. “That-“


    A window popped, frightening Vizon and Avery both.


    “You CALLED?!” Rikzyod’s voice roared from the window, a video feed of the geodude shown on the screen. Vizon yelled, taking a step back, Rikzyod laughing heartily.


    “Rikzyod-?! Where’d you come from?!”


    “Where else! Right here! I got a call on this window!” Rikzyod chuckled. “Is it not amazing, these windows and magic? To talk from so far away? What are you doing now? I am here with the Nidorina woman!”


    The video panned to the side, showing Jolvia at a bar, sipping at the straw of a fancy looking drink. She perked up, glancing over, surprised, waving with a soft smile. Avery tilted his head, seeing Jolvia there. Seemed like they were having their own…more low key relaxation time. Interesting for Rikzyod, but Avery supposed even juggernauts needed R&R.


    From behind, the Plusle could hear Ganisus sigh with relief at the distraction. Nivanee, however, puffed her cheeks. Avery smiled, deciding to keep the distraction going.


    “Hey, Rik! I’m just here with, uh…With Viz, Niv, and Ganisus. We went on a thrill ride!” Avery said, hooking an arm around Vizon. “The, uh, You Will Actually Die For Real! I think you’d like it!”


    Rikzyod lit up.


    “Do you hear that, Jolvia?” Rikzyod asked, the Nidorina scooting closer. “A ride! That promises to kill us for real!”


    “I can’t say I’m much interested.” Jolvia snickered, stirring her drink with the straw.


    “Do not be so afraid of the dying part!” Rikzyod protested with a laugh. “Look at Avery and Vizon and Nivanee. They have gotten better from dying so quickly!”


    “Come on, Rikzyod, you’re not being serious are you?” Jolvia asked. Rikzyod only smiled cheekily and Avery couldn’t help but laugh.


    “We’re about to go for dinner, I think.” The Plusle continued. “But if you get the chance, come and try some of those roller coasters! They’re… Definitely exhilarating, huh, Viz~? *


    Ganisus leaned in closer with Vizon to peek at the screen. Jolvia’s eyebrows raised.


    “Is that Ganisus there? Is he with you?” She asked.


    “…mhm…” Ganisus nodded quietly, Vizon putting an arm around the Shinx.


    “Yeah, he came with us to hang out at the amusement park!” Vizon exclaimed, squeezing Ganisus, Rikzyod’s eyes lighting up.


    “Haugh! Look at all of you! I am glad you are having fun.” Rikzyod pointed to the ‘camera’, a determined glint in his eye “But do not let the rest soften you up! We still have much fighting on the way! So we must be sure to eat PLENTY tonight! The hearty meal shall carry us to the darkest depths and farthest horizons, uh?”


    Jolvia cocked an eyebrow at Rikzyod’s speech, idly sipping her drink.


    “So, yes, we’ll see you at dinner, Avery.” The Nidorina confirmed with a smirk. “Where is it at?”


    “I think there’s a restaurant in the hotel?” Avery said, tilting his head. “We can meet there, if you’d like…! I kind of filled up on popcorn, but…I think having a heartier meal than that is probably important if…if we’re going to the Deep Dimension tomorrow.”


    Avery gave Nivanee a quick look, as if to ask if they were still doing that.


    ‘…And should we invite Kipuuna? It’d shut Ganisus down again, and Vizon and I wouldn’t really benefit from him being there. But…I know ousting him like we’ve been doing is upsetting Nivanee. If I’m going to try to get along with Kipuuna for anyone, it’ll be for her.’


    Nivanee nodded firmly, a serious look on her face.


    “We’re all going to be there and we’ll eat like a guild…” Nivanee eyed Avery with a hard stare, a firm smile on her face. “…everyone…~”


    Ganisus frowned, seeming to deflate.


    “Ah! Good! Then we will head back, too!” Rikzyod promised, closing the video at once. Nivanee turned to the group, giving her strongest sunny smile.


    “Shall we~?” She urged, gesturing toward the direction of the inn.


    Vizon nodded, not picking up on the issue yet, Ganisus following him silently. The group set out to return to the Inn of the Farsight just as the orange hue of the fake sky began to deepen.


    …Nobody else noticed the deflated Shinx…but Avery noticed.


    The Plusle moved next to Ganisus as they began to walk, lagging back just a little bit.


    “Hey, uh…If you want…I can sit next to you at dinner.” Avery offered. “I don’t know if that’d make things better but…”


    The Plusle looked up at the blocky sky.


    “… I dunno. Just thought I’d make the offer.”


    “…yeah…” Ganisus replied after a while, trodding down the road with the Plusle. “…I like being around you, Avery…hanging with you is…like…you know, the old days…before you-know-who started…acting all different out of nowhere.”


    “Yeah…” Avery said with a little sigh. “He, uh… I mean from what he was…”


    He shot a quick look at Nivanee. She could probably hear what they were saying.


    “From what he was…talking to me about in our room…He just seems really scared. I mean…” Avery huffed, crossing his arms. “Back in the Obscurity Fields he spent fifteen minutes pumping you full of drugs and then threw himself in front of you when you were about to be attacked. I didn’t see him drink any of that stuff….”


    “…everyone says he’s ‘just scared’…” Ganisus grumbled flatly, blankly staring ahead. “…what’s he even scared of…the kipuuna I know…my friend was like…nothing like this. Kipuuna is supposed to be hardy…and brave…and bouncy and stuff…”


    Ganisus frowned.


    “…then we join this guild and…all of a sudden, overnight he’s…this…” Ganisus grit his teeth. “…my Kipuuna is long gone…I dunno, like…who this guy is but…”


    His words died off, his stony face unchanging…but his gaze slowly turned to Avery, a sad glint in his eye.


    “…I dunno what I did wrong, man…” Ganisus muttered.


    “…Hey, hey, I don’t think you did anything wrong,” Avery said, bumping the Shinx with an arm. “I don’t know what’s…weird about him, but…I dunno. If he’s your team leader, it’s his responsibility to listen to you, you know?”


    Up ahead, the Inn of the Farsight was coming up, the group approaching the doors.


    All the while, Nivanee seemed to say nothing…paying their conversation no mind


    The hotel rose up in front of them. Avery knew…he was in there. And Nivanee wouldn’t let neither him nor they get away from avoiding each other.


    ‘…Chances were Ganisus snuck away from him and Kipuuna’s worried sick.’


    “I really wish that I could have seen Kipuuna back in those old days though,” Avery said at last. “…Maybe someday he’ll come back to visit.”


    Ganisus looked…unsure, vaguely, but said nothing in reply.


    Avery put a hand on Ganisus’s back, giving the Shinx a few encouraging pats.


    ‘We’d…we’d get through this.’


    Chapter 16.2





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