The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 16.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    Team Aquashock and Team Azure crossed the bridge of light together, paws at last hitting the ground of Dovve Fo Uddjo proper.


    Before them was a concrete path leading toward a high archway. Spreading before the two teams, towering high above, dominating the horizon, was grand metropolis unlike anything Avery had seen in Arcea.



    Massive square panels dominated the sky, displaying information. False blue fire adorned angular torches. Water gently lapped all around the pathway lined with small lights. The city ahead was a grand cacophony of floating islands, fantastical architecture, spires and arches unthinkable. Structures and statues whose only purpose could only be known by the psychics themselves dotted every street corner.


    It was, without a doubt, a fitting paradise for the wisest minds in all of Tulaan. And it was here they’d find a psychic powerful enough to track down Xamao.


    The teams stood in awe, taking the visage in, stepping forward. The moment they crossed the threshold, more screens appeared in front of each of them. Avery squinted, reading his own.




    to Dovve Fo Uddjo! We hope you enjoy your stay! Please feel free to make use of all the city’s automated functions including but not limited to: information services, telecommunications, remote shopping, activity searching, and so on! At any time, you can access your panel with a flick of your wrist and dismissing it with the same gesture! Thank you very much for your visit!]


    Avery could see each of his teammate had a similar screen, personally addressing them. Flick of the flipper, flick of the paw, each message was personalized to them.


    “Wow…what…is this…?” Vizon mutterd, waving his hand through the projection.


    “Psycho-holograms. You can do all kinds of amazing things with psychic energy, including mass-illusions like this one.” Nivanee explained…though looked no less amazed by the screen in front of her. “Still…no wonder this place is so exclusive. I feel so…blueblood even being here. This place is incredible!”


    Jolvia hummed, flicking through the screens with a claw.


    “No kidding…I’ve seen psychic applications similar to this but nothing at this scale…the amount of psychic energy needed to maintain all this must be…” Jolvia clicked her tongue. “…astronomical.”


    “…Almost makes me wonder if there’s better applications for this kind of power,” Avery mumbled to himself. “Like these guys are shut away in here…imagine how Arceliaze would look if this sort of technology was used to make that city better…!”


    He dismissed the window for now, looking around at the city proper.


    “But, uh… We’re on business, ha…” Avery recovered from his amazement, facing his team again. “So I don’t think we have the time to sightsee. Do we know who we’re supposed to go to for help with the Thieves’ Guild issue? Is there a mayor, or commissioner or something?”


    ‘How is anyone supposed to find anything in this place? It’s almost as if everything is trying to force itself into my eyes at once. I’ve never felt so…invaded. But everyone else seems so enraptured with it, as far as I can tell. Maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way.


    …Maybe I’m still a bit upset about that Mr. Mime.’


    “You’ve got me.” Nivanee admitted. “I don’t know the first thing about Dovve Fo Uddjo, but I bet it’s like any mission or town.”


    Jolvia side-eyed Nivanee in thought then looked back to her own screen.


    “Search: Is there a mayor or commissioner?” Jolvia said aloud. Her screen lit up.




    “So that’s how this works…” Jolvia mused as options appears on her screen. Vizon and Nivanee leaned in.



    1) Psycho Regent | 2) Chancellor of Outer Affairs | 3) Office of Internal Inquiries | 4) Fat Daddy’s Big Pot Roasts?]


    “Hmm…a psycho Reagent? Is the Poke’mon who’s actually in charge out right now?” Vizon asked. Nivanee huffed.


    “I dunno…” the Eevee reiterated, seemingly frustrated. It seemed not being the knowing mentor got to her when in unfamiliar territory.


    “Why not just search for a psychic that can track a Poke’mon? That’ll get us out quicker.” Kipuuna suggested, turning to his own screen. “Uh…search: psychic that can track pokemon…”


    [SEARCHING…0 results. Tourists please see our information kiosk at the External Affairs Office for further questions]


    “Guh…c’mon…” Kipuuna grunted. Ganisus didn’t pay attention, looking over at Jolvia’s screen instead as the Nidorina flipped through options.


    “…the tourist kiosk wouldn’t have information about this specifically, right?” Avery said, turning to the others to see if they disagreed. Different viewpoints were important, after all. “Like…they wouldn’t just tell any rich aristocrat who rolls up with a question like ‘give me a Pokemon that can track Xamao and also the location of the best chili place’ where to find both those things, right?”


    Avery huffed, crossing his arms.


    “I don’t exactly know what a Psycho Regent is, but it sounds like they’d be in charge of…powerful psychics, right? And then the Chancellor of Outer Affairs sounds promising too, considering… Xamao probably isn’t in here.”


    Part of him did want to sightsee this city a little. Part of its concept almost rung…familiar, somehow.


    “Considering what we’ve seen so far I wouldn’t be surprised if you can get free criminal tracking with a bowl of chili…” Vizon grumbled, Nivanee snickering at the thought.


    “Mmm…looks like the Regent is just an upper crust lawmaker.” Jolvia informed, swiping at her screen. “Internal Inquiries…I can’t even decipher what this is even for, something about the upstanding of psychic fortitude and wellbeing of citizens? Sounds useless…”


    “So…uh…” Ganisus began, surprisingly getting involved in the conversation. “…external affairs, then?”


    Kipuuna perked up, looking over, seeing Ganisus standing by Jolvia at her screen.


    “I think so…the kiosk and the Chancellor are there…” Nivanee agreed. “But I dunno how someone knowing about things on the outside will help…”


    “Uh…well…” Ganisus continued. “…I guess, like…since we’re guild he’d uhhhh…”


    “Yeah?” Vizon urged.


    “…get us acquainted with things on the inside…” Ganisus’s voice drawled, as though he struggled to force out the words. Yet they spilled out, the most Avery had heard from him. “…so, like…the others might not take to us as well if this…place is Isolated…and stuff…”


    Kipuuna only stared, idly dismissing his screen. His face remained unchanged.


    But he looked very intently at the group around Jolvia.


    “That might be our best bet,” Avery said with a nod to Ganisus, giving him a little smile. “I don’t know if you guys heard what I was dealing with with that Mr. Mime and Smoochum, but… I get the feeling that if we aren’t careful who we talk to here we’re…Not exactly going to be welcomed with open arms.”


    “Yeah, I caught wind of that, what was that guy’s damage?” Vizon huffed, shaking his head. “The people are here are kinda…”


    “Eccentric, maybe. Let’s use that word.” Nivanee kindly suggested. “So we can expect them to be a little hard to reach.”


    Unless Nivanee just, on a whim, wants to evolve into an Espeon….?” Avery gave her a little grin. “Set your future in stone to give us a leg up on a single mission? Ehh?? Ehh??”


    “I was thinking more Glaceon, honestly, but I’m keeping my options open.” Nivanee giggled, nudging the Plusle with a laugh. Jolvia sighed, dismissing the screen.


    “Well, let’s make tracks. Look, there.” Jolvia pointed to the smooth stone ground, a line of gently strobing dots marking a path leading deep into the city. “It’s providing us directions to the Office of External Affairs.”


    “Holy cow…” Nivanee said in awe. Rikzyod scratched his head, clearly thankful Jolvia was here to work the complicated screens.


    Watching all this was Kipuuna, standing a ways from the group, silently staring. Avery glanced back at the silent Piplup, perking up.


    “…What’s up, Kipuuna…?” The Plusle asked with a little more caution. “What are you thinking?”


    Kipuuna only glanced at Avery…and sneered briefly, turning away as the group began to move, Vizon taking the Plusle’s hand.


    Avery flinched. For a moment he felt that tug of fear and uncertainty. But…Vizon’s hand helped ground him. Vizon was here. Everyone was here. Even…Even Ganisus was here.


    Kipuuna was the odd one out.


    Kipuuna was the weird one.


    Kipuuna was-



    ‘No. I won’t be like him. I don’t understand what’s going on with him, why he hates me, why he has tensions with Ganisus…Why someone so smart would do something as stupid as throwing his unprotected body in front of an attack directed at his incredibly protected teammate.


    As always, there’s something going on that I don’t understand. But I’m not going to be like him.


    …I’m going to act like an adult, and resolve this before it gets worse…all I need to do is hold my composure. All I have to do is keep my cool, and not melt down.’


    For now…Avery followed the line.


    “You were a great help in the security battle, Rik,” Avery said with a little laugh, turning to the Geodude. “You held your own against… What, ten of those things? It was really impressive…!”


    AAUUUGH what a career choice this has been!” Rikzyod roared, slamming Avery on the back. “I still have a splitting headache from all those mind attacks! How REVITALIZING. I would have never faced foes like this doing mercenary work.”


    He gave Avery a sideways glance, smirking.


    “I hope you do not mind if I hog a few of these battles, boss. After all, I feel I am owed after being left out of your fun at River Delta, uh?”


    “Yeah…’fun’…” Vizon muttered good-naturedly. Nivanee smiled, pressing against him and Avery.


    “Sounds like quite an adventure.” Nivanee said merrily. “And to think you’d meet someone like Jolvia there~!”


    Jolvia gave a wry smile as the group followed the lit path.


    And Ganisus walked among them, between Vizon and Jolvia. Kipuuna, however, hung behind the group, silent.


    The streets of the city were brilliant. The same holographic screens they had seen elsewhere dotted the street corners and the front of shops. Arcs of purple psychic energy flowed between buildings. Massive iron containers floated on glowing purple rails high above between monolithic towers that loomed overhead. Eye shaped statues glowed bright.


    All around were ponds and streams and water, crisp and clear, lining the pathways and adding to the brilliant aura of the gorgeous city.


    They could see hotels and restaurants, they could see brick stands with items and technical machines and orbs and scrolls and books. Very few statues or other such decorations were present, unless they glowed…for some purpose perhaps?


    Avery’s coin purse, with only 2000p in it felt… heavy. He wanted to spend it, he wanted to buy things that he might never get the chance to buy anywhere else…after all, would he ever be able to come back here? Probably not!


    …A small voice in the back of his head was yelling at him that this was how the tourist trap city wanted him to feel.


    Soon the path took them under a large gold and purple archway leading to a rather large building with a pointed Dome. The front entryway was a simple Arch with a purple force field.


    The group approached, the force field splitting, a disembodied voice greeting them in a peppy tone.


    “Good morning! And welcome, travelers, to the office of external affairs! Please find our information kiosk to learn more about historic Dovve Fo Uddjo or schedule an appointment with a professional guide or the external affairs counselor!”


    The entry hall inside was absolutely bustling, with Poke’mon of all kinds of sizes and shapes walking to and fro, screens pulled up in front of them and making them look very busy.


    Avery looked at the hustle of the large crowd of Poke’mon here. With Kipuuna hanging behind them like he was the Plusle was almost worried they’d lose the Piplup in the crowd.


    ‘Bah, maybe he wants that. He doesn’t need us anyways, right, Kipuuna?’


    There, in the center of the massive atrium, sitting upon reflective tile flooring, was a small little stand with a screen floating above that said [INFORMATION].


    “This place reminds me of-” Avery’s voice stopped. Or, his train of thought did. There was…some location in the back of his mind. “…Information seems promising.”


    Vizon nodded, following Jolvia and Nivanee’s lead as they moved up to the kiosk. Ganisus walked close beside, lifting his forepaws on the console to look at the screen with the both of them.


    “Appointment…Appointment…” Jolvia muttered.


    “There…” Ganisus said quietly.


    “Ah, thank you.” Jolvia said, tapping the screen. It was faint…but Avery almost saw Ganisus smile.


    The trio tapped a few more screens, a line of lights appearing from the kiosk and leading deeper into the building.


    “Aha, nobody’s ahead of us it looks like! We can just go straight in!” Nivanee cheered, bounding from the kiosk. The group’s footsteps tapped on the cool tile, the air feeling very crisp in general. Vizon sighed in relief, leading Avery with the group, Rikzyod floating by the Plusle, taking in the sights.


    “Haugh…pencil pushers, it looks…” Rikyzod huffed, staring through the glass windows of the offices, the desk Poke’mon inside awkwardly averting their gaze. “Dull, dull. Need me more of that Psyshock.”


    “I beg you don’t waste reviver seeds, Rik…” Vizon huffed. “They’re kind of…expensive.”


    “No reviver seeds needed if you take the pain like a FIGHTER.”


    “Shhshh, hang on, this is the one.” Nivanee shushed, stepping up to a set of double doors, oval shaped and massive, towering over them in a hallway several times the size of any of them. This part of the hall, it seemed, was rather empty.


    “Avery, Kipuuna.” Jolvia spoke up, stepping aside. “Maybe best if the team captains take point here?”


    “We’ll back you up, of course!” Nivanee assured.


    Kipuuna said nothing, pausing only a moment before stepping forward nearer the group, standing before the door, sharply glancing back at Avery.


    Yet this time Avery felt…better about this. Better about how…everyone was. Save for the deadweight, everyone here…everyone was on the same page. This was good.


    Avery stepped up to the door, giving Kipuuna a…similar look.


    ‘I’ll solve that problem later.’


    Avery reached forward…and knocked.


    “I hear you.” A muffled, deep and powerful voice came from the other side of the door. “I have the appointment, who am I speaking to?”


    The sparks between Avery and Kipuuna flew for a moment longer before the Piplup cleared his throat and spoke.


    “Guild of Arceliaze, Team Azure and Team Aquashock, reporting.” Kipuuna said in an official voice. “We come on business on behalf of Olstia, Conduit Arceali.”


    There was a pause, Kipuuna’s voice echoing in the hall.


    Then, the massive ornate doors opened on their own, as though by magic…or psychic energy, heavily creaking to reveal a massive circular office, a window overlooking the city.


    There was a desk…behind it, a chair, turned away from the group.


    “Arceali Guild.” The Poke’mon in the chair spoke, still obscured. His voice was guttural, thrumming, reverberating as it carried. “I admit I had a premonition you would come. There was a fortune that told me the Arceali Conduit would need us here at Dovve Fo Uddjo…”


    ‘…Okay. He’s speaking to us, that’s good. Sure there’s…a bit of self-aggrandizing, but I can deal with that, that isn’t the end of the world. As long as he doesn’t just dismiss us.’


    “Yes, sir,” Avery said with a little nod. “Your premonition was correct, sir.”


    ‘I don’t know whether he actually did have a premonition or not…if he did, that’s impressive though! Maybe that’s why we were able to get through so quickly.


    …If not it doesn’t hurt to stroke his ego a little.’


    “We’re currently undergoing a crisis that has the possibility of threatening Arcea and perhaps all of…” Avery paused. He was having trouble remembering the continent’s name. “…All of Tulaan. We need Dove Fo Uddjo’s help in locating Xamao of the Thieves’ Guild.”




    The Poke’mon behind the desk…his hum was long, almost scary.


    “…locating Poke’mon…where they are in the world…tracking them.” The voice mused, booming. “A power always sought after in times of crisis…and dangerous. You want our help in doing this for you? Against such a prominent figure in the infamous Thieves’ Guild?”


    Kipuuna furrowed his brow.


    “So you already know him. And you know how dangerous he is.” Kipuuna put in. “He’s going after artifacts that threaten the safety of the world.”


    The Pokémon in the chair was silent. Unnervingly silent.




    Slowly, the chair began to turn, creaking.


    At last, the Chancellor faced them.


    A lil’ Spoink looked at them with beady eyes.


    “Ok!” He squeaked. “We’ll help you!”


    Everyone seemed to sigh with relief…for more than one reason. The Spoink jumped up onto the table cheerily, bouncing rhythmically as he spoke.


    “I’m Xonitus! Nice to meetcha!” His voice sounded normal now. Was his booming voice from before just…psychic tricks?


    “Psychic types…” Vizon muttered quietly.


    “Sooo you just need to know where Xamao is off to?” the Spoink asked.


    “Maybe what it is he plans.” Kipuuna added.


    Avery nodded in agreement, trying to keep his composure up. He didn’t want to seem unprofessional!


    “Yes, Xonitus, sir. We really appreciate any assistance you can give us…!” Avery said.


    “Well, you see…that’s kiiinda tricky!” The Spoink explained, hopping off the desk.


    “Howso…?” Kipuuna asked.


    “Well, searching around here in Dovve Fo Uddjo is easy-squeezy! Look, even I can do it!” Xonitus pulled put a screen to demonstrate, the screen showing [NO PERSON FOUND: XAMAO (THIEVES’ GUILD)]. “So you at least know he’s not here!”


    The Spoink dismissed the screen, tsking.


    “But we have SE-towers all over the place, the psychic network is teeming with enough energy to search for anyone on or off our network…but only here.” Xonitus looked out the window, bouncing towards it. “Since he’s a high profile criminal I doubt he’s on Arceliaze’s psychic network soooo…it’d be a blind search across the entire continent! He could be anywhere! And that would make any normal psychic Poke’mon’s brain have…more than just a severe headache.”


    Nivanee sighed, thinking hard, Kipuuna folding his arms. Everyone seemed stumped.


    But without missing a beat, Ganisus piped up.


    “So…uh…what about, like…abnormal psychic Pokémon?” The Shinx asked. The Spoink hopped up, looking at Ganisus.


    “Aha! Good question!” Xonitus exclaimed. “You’d be right, it is here psychic Pokémon from all over come to hone their powers! Some beyond that of a normal Poke’mon!”


    Avery blinked in surprise, hearing Ganisus speak up like that. He looked back at the Shinx, with a shocked, but impressed look on his face.


    “Hey, nice catch, Ganisus…!” Avery said, giving him a smile. He turned back to Xonitus. “I’d have to assume there’s some really powerful Psychic Poke’mon here…I’ve never seen a city close to this before, there’s got to be a lot of adept psychics at work around the clock to keep a place like this running.”


    Avery thought to himself for a moment.


    “Though that does make me wonder what it’d take to enlist the help of one of those abnormal Psychic Types…”


    “Well…I can certainly tell you that a psychic that powerful wouldn’t be doing menial work around here to keep up the city’s psychic grid.” The Spoink explained. “Psychics powerful enough to scan Tulaan would be masters of the psychic arts, the kind to dedicate their life to the study…and for that they go someplace…”


    Xonitus paused, leaning in.




    Kipuuna blinked, the rest of the group looking at one another.


    “What do you mean ‘special’?” Nivanee asked. Xonitus turned away, a thoughtful look on his face.


    “There’s colleges in Dovve Fo Uddjo, places of learning, places of study and experimentation. But none of these compare to the one true university of Dovve Fo Uddjo…” The Spoink explained. “…it’s a realm of thought and strangeness, a realm of non-linear logic and impossible geometry. A place where the foundations of the world crumple and are laid bare…and it is a place our strongest psychics have turned into the finest institution of research…”


    Xonitus’s face grew serious.


    “…we only call it The Deep Dimension.” The Spoink said at last.


    “The deep dimension…a university you say?” Kipuuna sounded intrigued.


    “That’s what the Poke’mon that inhabit the Deep Dimension call it…but it’s a confusing place of madness, one fit to break the mind. It’s a place few would dare to go…” The Spoink perked up, smiling. “Though, ones not as psychically inclined as yourselves might be able to go through it and not go mad…though you might be confused going through it. Make no mistake, it’s the domain of powerful psychics, an esoteric space built for themselves…and nobody else.”


    Kipuuna shuddered, his confidence clearly wavering bit by bit.


    “I see…” The Piplup muttered. “Sounds…dangerous.”


    “It does sound dangerous!” Rikzyod cheerfully called out. The Spoink nodded.


    “Very dangerous. Who knows what experiments and holograms and thralls gone made you’ll find down there…”


    “And who exactly would we be looking for?” Nivanee asked, stepping up to the desk.


    “There’s a few candidates…perhaps you’ll learn more in The Deep Dimension itself? Some information on who to search for in there and where to find them. Rest assured, if anyone is going to track down your Xamao, they’re guaranteed to be in the deep dimension.” Xonitus said at last.


    Avery thought about it, stroking his chin. None in their group was a psychic type, so it sounded like it might be confusing, but not…insanity-inducing. That was good.


    “So like a funhouse, maybe,” Avery mumbled. “A…dangerous funhouse. Well…”


    Avery turned to the rest of his team, and Ganisus.


    “What does everyone think…?” Avery asked. “If it isn’t us, then someone has to go down there. And if it isn’t us, then someone will need to get more vouchers and fight through that…security system again. I think our best and most time-efficient shot at getting closer to stopping Xamao is to strike while the iron’s hot. But…how does everyone else feel?”


    “Dangerous, sure, but nobody said this would be easy!” Nivanee’s voice was cheery and confident. “We’re the best qualified here to take care of this. It’s been asked of you know what I say…we have to try!”


    “Yeah! Of course I’ll do down there! Team Azure NEVER gives up!” Vizon cheered, Nivanee cheering with him excitedly. Jolvia smiled, amused, giving a more composed answer.


    “After all we went through with the security system it’d be foolish to give up at this point.” Jolvia added. “Navigating a confusing University may prove easier than hoards of aggressive holo-Poke’mon.”


    “Do I even have to answer?” Rikyzod asked. “I have already told you, Avery, I would follow you into any abyss…even this one!”


    Kipuuna was quiet, thinking hard, staring intently at the Spoink.


    “I don’t know…I feel like-“


    “I’ll do it.” Ganisus interrupted, making Kipuuna jump. The Piplup looked over, a shocked look on his face. His eyes fell on Ganisus, the Shinx standing amongst Avery’s group, his yellow eyes staring back blankly.


    We…?” Kipuuna began.


    I’m in.” Ganisus interrupted again. A deep frown was on the Shinx’s otherwise blank look. Kipuuna’s face hardened…stony…yet not angry.




    The Piplup said nothing, only looking away.


    “So?” Xonitus asked. “Will you be heading out to the deep dimension?”


    There was a little seed of worry planted in the back of Avery’s head. Something telling him…that going forward, he had to be careful with Kipuuna. The worry told Avery to be gentle. There was something going on that Avery didn’t understand.


    ‘Don’t burn any bridges.’


    But it was a small voice. And, even ever present, its voice was filtered through a couple of thorns.


    “…Well, Kipuuna?” Avery said, turning to the Piplup. “…Are you going to be joining us?”


    His tone was expectant. Chiding. Maybe even a hint of smugness to it.


    Someone who had been talking down to Avery all morning, today and yesterday, was outnumbered. The entire guild seemed to be against Kipuuna and his viewpoint. The entire guild disagreed with him. The entire guild thought he was wrong.


    And with that realization…that quiet seed of worry rooted itself in Avery’s chest. A soft, distant wail of sympathetic terror, swirling in a dark pit…that the Plusle disregarded for now.


    “I have no definitive assessment at this time.” Kipuuna said at last, not even looking at Avery. Nivanee’s brow furrowed, glancing at Avery, that tone in the Plusle’s voice making her uncomfortable, though Vizon snickered…and Ganisus gave a small smile.


    “Well, it sounds like democracy wins out here!” The Spoink cheered, hopping back around the desk, into his chair. “Though we have no official connection to Arcea and Arceliaze, I figure there’s no harm assisting you! No reason to not keep friendly with the Conduit!”


    He pulled up a screen, Kipuuna grunting quietly as the others in their group leaned to see what the Spoink was doing.


    “The Deep Dimension is a hard place to get into…it’s not some place one can just walk into, it’s a realm beyond the veil, one the other side of the thin fabric of-“


    “So…what does that mean?” Nivanee cut in, the spoink perking up.


    “Oh! Basically it’s going to take a team of psychics to open a doorway to the Deep Dimension for you!” Xonitus explained. “It should be ready by morning! Until then, I’ll book you some rooms in one of the finest hotels Dovve Fo Uddjo has to offer!”


    “Oh wow…for free?” Nivanee asked.


    “For free!”


    “Wow…thanks, Chancellor! I could seriously use some rest after what happened on the way here…” Vizon muttered.


    “Oh I bet. The security works have been trying to fix that problem all day.” Xonitus sighed, dismissing the screen. “There we go! 4 rooms at the Inn of the Farsight! Just give them my name, Xonitus, and they’ll get you your keys. Need directions?”


    A set of glowing lights appeared under the group’s feet, leading out of the office, Xonitus smiling warmly.


    “Wow,” Avery’s eyes went wide.


    ‘We’re going to be living it large in one of the best hotels in an exclusive city!? This is amazing-! And then tomorrow, when we come back from the job, I’ll be able to go and see Kellixae and her friend for dinner…this is going to be a good few days. I can’t believe my luck on how this is going!


    I have to wonder what kind of place the Inn of the Farsight will be like…I ‘m excited. And four rooms? That was…hm…between 7 guild mates wouldn’t…that mean someone is gunna be alone in a bedroom?


    Hm. Wonder who that’s gonna end up being.’


    “We really appreciate your generosity, Xonitus.” Avery said, giving a respectful bow, the spiteful schadenfreude delicious. “Thank you so much. Is there anything we can do for you in the meantime…?”


    “Nothing but staying out of trouble and having fun!” Xonitus said, bouncing merrily. He was a rather jubilant fellow. If this was just to make a good impression with Arceliaze officials then it sure was a good impression.


    That was that. No more to be said.


    With parting words and much thanks, Xonitus dismissed them. The group left the office, a palpable excitement in the air as they left.


    The Chancellor’s office doors closed behind them, leaving the group to their devices.


    “Mm…I think I’m starting to love this job.” Jolvia chuckled, following the trail on the ground out of the massive atrium. Nivanee giggled excitedly, VIzon almost doing the same.


    “Hey, Avery…since we’re getting some downtime, you know what that means?” Vizon asked, eyebrows raised. “We might get some time to ourselves in scenic Dovve Fo Uddjo~!”


    “Just the two of youuu~?” Nivanee cooed, reading the room quite clearly as Vizon flushed, the Eevee laughing. “It’s ok, but we’re totally getting team time sometime tonight, alright?”


    The group followed the softly lit roads, massive advertising windows looming in the sky above, Poke’mon passing to and fro in all directions. In the distance, they could see a massive squarish building, a large marble eye festooning the front. No doubt that was the inn, the glowing dotted path leading straight towards it.


    “I mean we are a team,” Avery said, looking at Nivanee with a little smile. “If you want to come, I’d love to have you! And I’m sure Vizon might want to get some alone time with you too, at some point.”


    “H-hey!” Vizon exclaimed, pulling his ears over his face, Nivanee belting out a hearty laugh. Jolvia snickered quietly with Avery.


    The Plusle looked up at the buildings around them, now able to take them in as the group walked around.


    “…Boy, though…am I glad I kept some pocket change…” Avery said wistfully. “Hopefully things aren’t exorbitantly expensive here…!”


    “Mind, Avery, this isn’t just a tourist trap…it’s a noble’s tourist trap, mm?” Jolvia put in, Rikzyod rolling his eyes.


    “…finding cheap places for locals should be easy…” Ganisus drawled, Nivanee nodding.


    “Maybe in a back alley. Away from big streets?” Nivanee asked.


    “Yeah…smaller the stand the better…”


    The group idly chattered, walking along the massive smooth stone road. The atmosphere was chipper and warm, the world colorful and bright and hopeful.


    Avery looked over at Ganisus as he spoke, a little smile on his face. He was about to ask if the Shinx had any sort of experience in looking for bargains, but…trailed off, looking ahead as they all came upon the inn. Square windows lined the front, massive marble eye sigil far above. And there in the center, the group stood before a massive archway with a glowing purple forcefield that slowly parted to let the group in.


    “Oh wow…”




    “This is…”


    Avery’s team was dumbstruck, looking inside, slowly stepping into the building, paws tapping on smooth tile once again. Even from here Avery could hear the ripple and splash of water, see the soft blue glowing lights, until at last he stepped inside with his team and saw.



    A beautiful purple-colored entryway greeted the guildmembers. A spotless walkway of tile spread before them, with streams of water running beside the shining path. Lights under the water gave it a brilliant blue glow. Up ahead, a desk stood before a mural of a psychic symbol with a flowing waterfall cascading over beautifully displayed rocks. And all of it lit in fake blue flames in angular torches.


    Avery could see an Alakazaam standing at the desk at the far end of the entryway. Nivanee was amazed.




    “What luxury…” Jolvia mused. “…being in the guild has perks.”


    This was the most opulent place Avery had ever seen in his life. And despite not having any memory of his life previous, he had the distinct feeling that he’d never seen a place more opulent even then.


    “…I’m…I’m speechless,” Avery whispered, squeezing Vizon’s wrist a little as his eyes took in the view.


    The group walked down the entryway. The air in here was cool, almost chilled. The water on either side of the walkway gently lapped and sloshed as soft and calm music echoed on the marble walls. The atmosphere was serene and almost magical.


    “Good morning.” The Alakazaam spoke professionally, trying his best to look kindly. “Party of seven is it?”


    “Yes please!” Nivanee said, stepping up to the desk, beckoning Avery over. “We had bookings made by Xonitus, the Chancellor of Outer Affairs? Rooms for the Guild of Arceliaze?”


    She nodded toward Avery, Kipuuna stepping up to the counter, the team captains taking point.


    The Alakazaam pulled up a screen, clearly checking the reservation list, nodding.


    “Aha, here it is! Guild of Arceliaze, 4 rooms, one night paid for in full.” He said, lifting another hand to another screen. “The rooms should be all prepared now….”


    He displayed the screen at his right hand, showing room assignments, as dictated by Xontius:


    Nivanee and Vizon in room 301

    Ganisus and Rikzyod in room 302

    Jolvia in room 303


    and there…at the bottom of the list….


    Avery and Kipuuna in room 304.


    Kipuuna grimaced.




    Avery’s face fell.


    ‘I…suppose it’s too late to switch rooms, then…? I was hoping…’


    Well, it was two to a room anyway. Avery gave Vizon a worried look, unsure if he should speak up himself.


    Vizon, unfortunately…was no longer looking at the assignments. The moment he saw he was paired with Nivanee he covered his face in a flurry of embarrassment. Clearly that tease Avery gave him earlier broke the Riolu. Nivanee was laughing again, just reassuring the silly Riolu. Likewise, Ganisus and Rikzyod only stared at one another, sizing one another up. Jolvia had no reaction, accepting the ‘room key’ that floated towards her and into her floating screen. The key fused with the screen to give her access to her room.


    “Please do enjoy your stay at the inn!” The Alakazaam spoke merrily. “And please, no switches.”


    “Understood!” Nivanee said, patting Vizon on the back, the Riolu heaving a sigh. “C’mon, everyone! We have the whole day to ourselves in this city! Let’s get settled and make the most of it!”


    “Yeah…I hear that.” Vizon chuckled, Jolvia nodding with him.


    “Come, let us hurry. I feel famished. Every battle must be followed up with a hearty meal, uh?” Rikzyod SLAMMED a hand onto his stomach. Ganisus said nothing in reply…but nodded.


    “Good. I might browse around what they have around here…might join up with some of you if I find you.” Jolvia said.


    “Yeah…hey Avery, wanna get lunch once we settle in?” Vizon asked, pulling up a screen in front of himself. “Niv and I are going to look for what’s around.”


    The Riolu and Eevee walked by, padding along toward the hall leading to the rooms. Jolvia followed after, Rikzyod patting Ganisus on the back to lead him along, the Shinx following…looking pretty happy of it.


    The group slowly but surely cleared toward the rooms. All but one.




    The piplup looked over his shoulder to Avery. He heaved a sigh, wiping a flipping down his face, plodding along after the group towards his…their room.


    Avery only stood.


    ‘…No switches. No switches?! What kind of policy is that!? Everyone else is going to have a great time with Dove Fo Uddjo and everything it has to offer, and I’m going to be stuck with Team Wet Blanket’s one and only representative who happens to hate my guts!


    Avery didn’t even have the heart to reply to Vizon. Though the Plusle wasn’t even sure Vizon noticed – the Riolu already seemed pretty distracted. Avery just…went to his room.


    ‘Please. Please for the love of Arceus let there be two beds. And a partition. Actually maybe a soundproof wall.’


    ‘Did Xonitus do this because we had come in together? Maybe he thought Kipuuna and I were teammates.’


    Avery felt a bad taste in his mouth at that as he walked into the room.


    The groups filed into the hall, up the stairs to floor 3. All the while, Kipuuna didn’t look at Avery. The two of them passed the others, passing advertising windows lining the wall of the hall.


    At last, Kipuuna stepped up to door 304, bringing up a window to let the door unlock and open. The tall, square door swung open with a whir, a gust of cool air rushing out from the room.


    “Alright…” Kipuuna huffed, stepping inside. “…let’s do this…”


    Inside, just behind Kipuuna, Avery saw the room.



    A blue torch lit the room. One double bed sat in the room, floating above stone spheres. A notice screen sat at the headboard displaying news and shop prices. The room was pretty, furnished, the false light of the virtual sky shining in the window, a window dimmer slider set beside.


    Kipuuna groaned as though he had the same hopes as Avery…the same hopes crushed seeing the room.


    He stepped further in, setting his satchel beside the end table, shaking his head.


    Behind…the door closed. The atmosphere felt as though it immediately got heavier. The sounds of Avery’s friends were muffled.


    The room…was very quiet.


    Avery’s bag dropped at the door, involuntarily slumping off his shoulders in disbelief.


    “… Ritzy hotel in Dove Fo Uddjo, and there’s only one-” Avery sighed. “… Fine. Got the shittiest mattress this side of anywhere still, back at the guild but I guess I’ll sleep on the floor.”


    Realizing his bag had hit the ground Avery picked it up and went as far to the opposite side of the room from Kipuuna’s bag as he could.


    No switching, they said. Only one bed.


    ‘If this was a fucking clerical error and Jolvia is chilling in a room alone with two beds I’m going to lose my shit.’


    Kipuuna stared at Avery over his shoulder, the both of them sitting at opposite ends of the room.



    “Floor?” Kipuuna muttered audibly. “Don’t catch a cold sleeping on a dirty floor.”


    Avery was about to shoot back a reply about not wanting to argue with someone with a head harder, thicker, and denser than spiked molasses, but bit his tongue. It wasn’t worth it to bother with him. Avery just began quietly setting up on the floor.


    ‘I’d rather ‘catch cold on the dirty floor’ than have some snooty bird whine at me about injustice all night.’


    Kipuuna’s stare was intensive, one that Avery mirrored. The Piplup was clearly considering his next words. The silence was heavy and oppressive.


    Slowly, Kipuuna stood, turning to face Avery, his brow knitted.


    “Avery.” The Piplup addressed Avery at last.


    Kipuuna’s statement caught Avery off guard. The Plusle had it in his mind that they’d both just be in a silent pact not to acknowledge that the other was even here.


    “…What…?” Avery growled.


    “Whatever my misgivings I’ll at least not make having to room with me miserable for you.” Kipuuna said, folding his flippers. “At the end of the day, we’re under orders to work together, and while I hoped we’d be in and out and that would be that…if that’s not the case then I’ll at least agree to stay out of your wheelhouse while we’re having to share a space.”


    Kipuuna shook his head, sighing.


    “And neither of us will sleep on the floor. We’ll share the bed like guild.”


    He paused for a moment, his expression unchanging all the while.


    “It’s clear we both just want this to be over with. So let’s just get it over with.”


    Averu stared him down, unmoving from his place by the door.


    Seconds passed in long, slow silence.


    “… That’s…mature of you,” Avery said, crossing his arms.


    ‘I’m surprised you didn’t just want to go home at the first sign of unexpected conflict…’ Avery thought to himself.


    The Plusle let out a short huff, picking his bag back up and walking to the foot of the bed, moving it there.


    Avery’s eyes wandered to the window, and the odd panel beside it. Part of him wanted to hop on the bed and see what it did, but…he felt like he couldn’t really do anything until he was alone in the room.


    Avery pulled his money satchel out of his bag, and took a step back towards the door.


    “I’m still weighing the options of whether to proceed or not, however.”


    Kipuuna’s voice broke the lapse in conversation.


    “The situation in the obscurity fields was a disaster. The Poke’mon out here are strong, which is surely to say nothing of those down in this ‘Deep Dimension’ university…”


    It was like nagging was in his blood.


    “You and your team clearly think it’s possible. Mind telling me why?’




    Avery let out a deep, beleaguered sigh. He had thought that he’d be able to get out of here without a lecture from Professor Kipuuna, but far be it from Avery to expect to get out of here unscathed. He could feel his blood boiling.


    That small voice was back.


    ‘It’s not a bad question,’ it said.


    ‘What a dumb thought. Of course it was. Of course it was bad faith. He was saying it because he doubts me. He always doubted me. He thinks that I’m charging into this with no thought whatsoever because he thinks I’m a child.


    “… Instead of talking about what’s possible and impossible… Let’s run through the alternate scenario, yeah?” Avery said, staring him down.


    Kipuuna shrugged, waving a flipper as though to let Avery proceed, which the Plusle did.


    “Let’s say we give up. We decide it’s too hard, we leave Dove Fo Uddjo, and go back to Arceliaze. That’s a one hundred percent chance of failing the mission. Not only that…but someone is going to have to come back here. Someone is going to have to get the vouchers, someone’s going to have to go through the ‘disastrous’ obscurity fields, someone’s going to have to see Xonitus, get his favour, and be granted access to the deep dimension. And do you think he’ll be more willing to help after the teams he gave five star lodgings decided to dip?”


    Avery was taking steps forward now.


    “Not to mention, there’s a dangerous criminal out there that we are currently racing against, Kipuuna. If we don’t find him before he gets all those orbs, orbs he knows the locations of, by the way, it’s all over. For everyone. And if we turn tail now that is days lost while we get more vouchers, more people, more favours.”


    Avery took a sharp breath. Kipuuna’s expression hadn’t changed. So Avery continued.


    “I don’t know what’s down there, Kipuuna. I don’t know what the Deep Dimension is. But now is the best time we find out. If we go in there, and get defeated, and warp back to the guild, at least we know what’s down there. At least we can tell the next group to go. At least we can say we tried if we go in and warp out.”


    If…” Kipuuna snorted. “If, hm? If…”


    Kipuuna began taking steps forward of his own.


    “We had stacks of vouchers. We know the code now to call security to disable the holo-Poke’mon. I have plenty of money to foot the bill to smooth over a pull-out with Xonitus.” Kipuuna parried, voice quick. “If this is an elite danger level mission then going out of our depth would be an equal waste of time and resources…and other things.”


    Kipuuna stared at Avery, clearly seeing the broiling antagonism. His eyes responded in kind.


    “Everyone watches what we do. Everyone likes to mimic daring feats of romantic heroism…” Kipuuna’s eyes flicked toward the window. “…even fellow guild members can be struck with that inclination. I’ve tried to wean Lahnae off of it, but now she’s committed to it more than ever. And now…even my…”


    Kipuuna trailed off, glare shooting back at Avery.


    “It’d be easy for me to say that you can run your team however you like. It’d be easy to just wash my flippers and let you do whatever, plunge into any abyss and fire you please…” The Piplup huffed. “But…you’re still my guildmate. So is Vizon. So is Nivanee…whatever the reason she’s gone abandoning Duskwalker…”


    The last part was muttered, but Avery caught it still.


    “Romantic-” Avery repeated, his face wrinkling in disgust. “Is this a game to you? Is this all a game that you just think you’re too good for? Do you think I’m doing this for the fame? So that the…tabloids, the guildmates, everyone will love me? For…Bringing the light back to the Arceliaze Guild or whatever?”


    Averu balled his fists up. Kipuuna responded in kind as the Plusle continued.


    “I’m doing this because there is a dangerous criminal out there having the time of his life, following a jolly little scavenger hunt that ends in him controlling living weapons of destruction! I’m doing this because we are all we have! I’m doing this because I was assigned this mission, and I know, for certain, that Vizon, Nivanee, Rikzyod, Jolvia, and Ganisus are all ready and willing to go down there-“


    That made Avery stop. His eyes squinted. Though his frowned deepened…some part of him…some cruel part deep inside himself…felt triumphant.


    “…Please don’t tell me you’re…jealous.”


    Kipuuna’s eyes flared.


    “Please tell me that you didn’t start being such a jerk to me because the tabloids started praising….me as some saviour figure to the guild they’ve been ragging on for years…”


    Kipuuna’s flippers clenched harder with every word. His composure broke more with every sentence. Avery’s frown curled up ever so…slightly. 


    “…that Nivanee joined me after seven years of waiting…”


    ‘That Ganisus seems to like me more than you’ Avery thought cruelly to himself. He didn’t need to say it.


    That last sentence cracked Kipuuna at last.


    “You want to know why I’m doing this?! You can think I wheedle and nag for fun?! That I’m not taking this seriously?! You think I’m doing it out of, what…jealousy!?” Kipuuna shook his head, up so close his words spat on Avery’s face. “That I’d give ONE iota of a care what TABLOIDS thought of my guild performance?! Or what they thought of you for that matter!? You think I believe this is all some big contest?!”


    He flared harder, straightening up, eyes afire.


    No! You wanna know why?! It’s because one of these days VIZON is going to go down and when that reviver seed goes off HE WON’T OPEN HIS EYES. THEN SEE WHERE ALL THAT TRYING AND ‘IFS’  AND ALL THAT NEVER-SAY-DIE STUFF GET YOU!”


    His voice caught, immediately pushing away from Avery, facing the wall, running a flipper over his head.


    “Leave. I’ve got to consider my options.” Kipuuna said at last. “If we pull out I’ll accept full responsibility for the call. I’m heavily leaning towards abandoning mission…I’ll have to think. Plan.”


    “… Fine.” Avery’s voice shook as he said it. He didn’t speak another word.


    In the silence of the room, Avery just…picked up his money pouch, turned and walked out the door, into the hallway.


    And only then, when the door closed, did Avery slump against the wall, putting his head in his hands.


    “So what,” Avery mumbled silently to myself, so quiet he couldn’t even hear himself. Almost rehearsing. “You’re afraid Ganisus is going to die? That nearly happened the first mission I was on, Kipunna. But I’m still going.”


    ‘Why are you even a guild member?’ Avery thought to himself.


    He was still angry. He was still…so angry.


    …But he was starting to feel drained.

    Chapter 16.1





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